Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning State Planning Policy—state interest guideline Energy and water supply April 2016 Great state. Great opportunity. Preface Using this state interest guideline The Queensland Government established the State Planning Policy (SPP) to define the specific matters of state interest in land use planning and development. To support the implementation of the SPP, each state interest in the SPP is supported by a state interest guideline such as this one. This state interest guideline must be read in conjunction with the SPP. The SPP does not prioritise one state interest over another and thus provides flexibility for local governments to respond to specific regional and local contexts. This allows for the state interests to be considered as an entirety rather than as individual competing or conflicting priorities. The SPP guiding principles carry equal weight with the state interests and must be considered by local government as part of the integration of state interests as an entirety rather than as individual policies. This supports decision making which integrates and balances the economic, environmental and social needs of current and future generations, promotes innovative approaches to design and development where consistent with the strategic intent of a planning scheme and enables flexible and performance-based decisions as part of the assessment process. Where text in this guideline is in a coloured text box, it is an excerpt from the SPP and is the state’s policy about a matter of state interest. In relation to making or amending a planning scheme, the SPP quoted text defines what a local government should do in preparing or amending a planning scheme (ie. the state prefers this policy but will consider alternative approaches based on specific local context or issues). Content within this state interest guideline that is not an excerpt from the SPP provides further context and explains how the SPP policies can be applied. It does not introduce or define any new policies which do not exist in the SPP itself. The use of such guidance material is optional—it does not form a statutory component of the SPP and hence is not a mandatory requirement of the state. Liveable communities ta bl se cu Ou tc e Producing a liveable, sustainable and prosperous Queensland Safety and resilience Efficient •Emissions and hazardous activities •Natural hazards, risk and resilience Economic growth •Agriculture •Development and construction •Mining and extractive resources •Tourism I n te grat ed Environment and heritage to hazards State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 fo un itive e co • Energy and water supply • State transport infrastructure • Strategic airports and aviation facilities • Strategic ports Pos •Housing supply and diversity •Liveable communities om Ac Infrastructure d and housing •Biodiversity • Coastal environment • Cultural heritage • Water quality 2 Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Contents PART A Background and core concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 PART B Integrating the state interest into planning schemes. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PART C Application of interim development assessment requirements. . . . . . 9 PART D Model code provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1. Strategic framework—model provisions for energy and water supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2. Model code provisions for reconfiguring a lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3. Model code provisions for regional infrastructure overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4. Model code provisions for operational works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 PART E Supporting material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1. Mapping information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2. Guideline and technical resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 3 PART A PART A: Background and core concepts State interest—energy and water supply Planning supports the timely, safe, affordable and reliable provision and operation of electricity and water supply infrastructure. Background Core concepts A strong and resilient network of electricity and water supply underpins the standard of living and economic development in Queensland. The reliability and operational integrity of major electricity and bulk water supply infrastructure must be maintained. It is also important that electricity and water services are able to be supplied to consumers when needed and at an affordable price. This means that infrastructure must be planned, constructed and maintained in a timely and cost efficient way. Major electricity infrastructure Depending on the type and function of major electricity and bulk water supply infrastructure, the issues that may be of concern include: visual amenity, noise, public safety, routine and emergency maintenance and access and easement-related restrictions (such as temporary traffic interruptions). Effective integration of these infrastructure networks in planning schemes is required to avoid or mitigate these issues. Corridors may traverse a wide variety of land holdings and landscapes. Major electricity infrastructure generally consists of overhead lines and some underground lines with voltages over 66 kiloVolts (kV). Due to the very high construction cost of underground cabling, overhead lines are preferred by the electricity providers. Structures for overhead lines vary and include steel towers, steel poles, timber poles and concrete poles; some of which have stays. Transmission lines take electricity from power generation sources to main grid and bulk supply substations or switchyards. Then major distribution lines take electricity to zone substations for supply to the low voltage network. Powerlink is the main transmission entity in Queensland, while Energex and Ergon Energy are the main distribution entities. Examples of electricity transmission infrastructure. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 4 PART A Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Substations Substations provide many functions within the electricity grid, including transforming electricity from a higher to lower voltage (referred to as stepping down the voltage). Substations may be established in a wide range of forms and sizes, including: • high voltage yard, including switchyards which involve a switching function rather than transformation, and transition yards which involve a transition from overhead to underground or vise versa; • bulk supply substations—generally transforming 275 kV to 132 kV, and 110 kV to 66 kV or 33kV; • direct transformation substations—which might transform bulk supply (e.g. 110 kV) to distribution level (e.g. 11 kV); Most substations in suburban and rural areas have a combination of outdoor and indoor components. Transmission substations are generally provided outdoors. Some substations may be enclosed within the large buildings they directly serve (for example in major centres). Under the Sustainable Planning Regulations 2009, pole mounted substations, transformers or voltage regulators, or pad mounted substations are excluded from the definition of a substation site (thereby avoiding triggering referral of development near small-scale facilities)1. Editor's note: Minor electricity infrastructure is not dealt with in the SPP and is exempt from regulation by a planning scheme under Schedule 4 of the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009. Minor electrcity infrastructure is generally concerned with supply directly to customers. • zone substations—transforming either 132kV, 110kV, 66 kV or 33 kV to 22kV or 11kV. Examples of substations. 1. The definition of substation sites is contained in schedule 26 of the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009. In addition, schedule 4 makes pole or pad mounted substations exempt from regulation under a planning scheme (provided they are less than 66 kilovolts). State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 5 Bulk water supply infrastructure Bulk water supply infrastructure is defined within the State Planning Policy (SPP) as infrastructure identified in the SPP Interactive Mapping System. Features include pipelines, pump station facilities, reservoir facilities, water quality facilities and property containing bulk water facilities. At this time bulk water supply infrastructure is applicable to South East Queensland. The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning is continuing to update the SPP to include additional matters involving water supply infrastructure. While not mandated by the SPP, it is advised that local governments throughout Queensland consider provisions to protect the supply of water for their communities. Examples of bulk water supply infrastructure. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 6 PART A Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning PART B PART B: Integrating the state interest into planning schemes Policy 1 Considering the location of major electricity infrastructure and bulk water supply infrastructure. Policy 2 Protecting existing and approved future major electricity infrastructure locations and corridors (including easements), electricity substations and bulk water supply infrastructure locations and corridors (including easements) from development that would compromise the corridor integrity and the efficient delivery and functioning of the identified infrastructure. Policy 3 Recognising the industrial nature of some bulk water infrastructure and electricity infrastructure such as pump stations, water-quality facilities and electricity substations, and protecting this infrastructure from encroachment by sensitive land uses where practicable. This section outlines how a local government may reflect the state interest when making or amending a planning scheme. It is not intended to mandate the only solution in which a local government may appropriately reflect the State's interest. It is important to identify and protect the existing and future major electricity and bulk water supply infrastructure to ensure these services continue to provide communities with necessary electricity and water provisions well into the future. In some cases, electricity and bulk water infrastructure may have operational features that conflict with sensitive land uses. Some examples include visual amenity, noise, odour and public safety concerns. These concerns can give rise to 'reverse amenity' issues where operational impediments are placed on the infrastructure in order to avoid or minimise potential impacts on sensitive land uses. It is therefore important to minimise encroachment by sensitive land uses through appropriate planning measures. This ensures the continued supply of services, acceptable standards of living for these communities, and minimises expensive retrofitting of infrastructure. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 How to appropriately integrate the policy 1/2/3.1 Identify major electricity infrastructure (both transmission and major distribution corridors), substations, bulk water supply infrastructure and future infrastructure corridors on strategic framework maps. 1/2/3.2Identify major electricity infrastructure (both transmission and major distribution corridors), substations, bulk water supply infrastructure and future infrastructure corridors on zoning or overlay maps (if used) such as a regional infrastructure corridors and substations overlay. In the mapping, differentiation should be made between infrastructure providers. 1/2/3.3 Ensure the strategic intent and relevant themes within the strategic framework of a planning scheme recognise, and are consistent with, the importance of protecting and recognising major electricity infrastructure and bulk water supply infrastructure. 7 1/2/3.4In determining the zoning of land, it is desirable to include existing and planned electricity infrastructure in a specific zone which reflects the nature of the infrastructure (for example within community facilities or special purpose zones). The zoning of this land can be used to reinforce community expectations that the land is committed to this purpose. Alternatively, infrastructure (especially corridors) may remain in another zoning designation (for example, rural) provided overlay or zone provisions adequately deal with their protection. 1/2/3.6Depending on the zoning and the ability to satisfactorily deal with interface issues, higher levels of assessment may be applied to incompatible or sensitive land uses where they encroach on major electricity or bulk water supply infrastructure through the use of overlays. 1/2/3.5 Ensure that land close to major electricity infrastructure, substations and bulk water supply infrastructure is zoned for compatible forms of development. Ideally, the zoning would avoid the potential for intensification of sensitive uses. However, where new development is to occur, an effective approach to managing the interface should be set out in the relevant code(s). For example, a Major Infrastructure overlay code. 1/2/3.8It is desirable to deal with any special circumstances or particular risks that are specific to the local government area or region. For example, there may be new facilities planned where particular objectives for addressing nearby development could be expressed. Consultation at an early stage with service providers and the Department of Energy and Water Supply can assist in identifying regionally and locally specific issues. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 1/2/3.7 Major electricity infrastructure, substations and bulk water supply infrastructure are all highly regulated by other statutes. Consider assessment under a planning scheme only where necessary and at the lowest level of assessment. 8 PART B Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning PART C PART C: Application of interim development assessment requirements There are no interim development assessment requirements for this state interest. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 9 PART D PART D: Model code provisions Example model code provisions for the energy and water supply guidance material have been prepared below that may be adapted by a local government when making or amending a planning scheme. Where a local government seeks to adopt model code provisions, it should ensure the provisions are suitable to local circumstances prior to adoption. 1. Strategic framework - model provisions The following sections provide guidance on provisions that a local government may adapt for inclusion in its local planning scheme to integrate the state interest for energy and water supply. It is not intended that a local government would use these model provisions verbatim, as local context and tailoring is an essential part of integrating the SPP. Strategic outcome • Infrastructure corridors and sites need to be identified and protected from encroaching sensitive or conflicting uses which may affect their ongoing safe and efficient operation. 2. Model code provisions This following content could appear in one code or may be spread across two or more relevant codes (for example, the provisions may be spread between strategic framework, zone code and reconfiguring a lot code, or strategic framework, zone and use or overlay code). Operational works aspects should be applied to works associated with a material change of use or reconfiguration, as well as works in their own right. Model code provisions reconfiguring a lot code Include the following within the purpose and assessment criteria of the reconfiguring a lot code. Purpose The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: 1. Infrastructure requirements are integrated in master planning and subdivision of new development areas; Specific outcomes 2. Effective separation and interface treatment is provided to major infrastructure sites and corridors to avoid risk to people and property and to minimise noise, odour and visual impacts; 1. The community has access to a reliable and safe energy and water supply. 4. Development does not compromise the safe and efficient operation, maintenance or expansion of major infrastructure; and 2. Infrastructure corridors and sites for energy and bulk water supply are protected from development that would undermine their safe, efficient and unencumbered operation or expansion. 5. Development over or near major electricity infrastructure, substations and bulk water supply infrastructure does not compromise or interfere with the integrity of the infrastructure. Note: the following specific outcomes may relate to elements such as design and sequencing, infrastructure networks and key site corridors. 3. Easy access is provided to and along major infrastructure sites and corridors; 3. Development near major electricity infrastructure, substations and bulk water supply infrastructure is compatible with the nature and potential impacts of the infrastructure. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 10 Assessment criteria Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO1 Lot reconfiguration integrates major electrical infrastructure, substations and bulk water supply infrastructure within the overall neighbourhood layout. In particular, the neighbourhood design: No acceptable outcome is nominated. Editor's note: Applicants should consult with the electricity provider early in the master planning process to determine electricity infrastructure requirements. (a) ensures land of sufficient size and suitability is located to accommodate the existing and future major infrastructure network; (b) minimises the likely visual prominence of major infrastructure; and (c) provides for an interface or relationship with surrounding land uses that minimises the potential for nuisance (including noise and odour), health and safety concerns. PO2 Landscaping is provided which substantively assists in screening and softening poles, towers or other structures and equipment associated with major electricity infrastructure. AO2.1 A minimum 5 metre wide densely planted landscaped buffer is provided, including provision for advanced trees and shrubs that will grow to a minimum height of 10 metres. Editor's note: Applicants may find further guidance in Powerlink's 'Screening your home from powerlines - A guide for planting trees and shrubs outside of easements to screen powerlines. PO3 Major electricity or bulk water supply infrastructure within private land is protected by easements in favour of the service provider. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 AO3.1 Existing easements are maintained and where none currently exist, new easements are created which are sufficient for the provider's requirements. 11 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO4 Reconfiguration does not intensify development within an easement for major electricity or bulk water supply infrastructure in a way that would impede access to the infrastructure by a responsible entity. AO4.1 The number of lots within an easement is not increased. PO5 Development within a bulk water supply pipeline and buffer identified on a Regional Infrastructure Overlay Map: AO5.1 Buildings and structures (other than those associated with electricity infrastructure) are setback a minimum of 20 metres from a bulk water supply pipeline as identified on a Regional Infrastructure Overlay Map. (a) is located designed and constructed to protect the integrity of the water supply pipeline; and Editor's note: The images below provide examples of subdivision design near an easement. (b) maintains adequate access for any required maintenance or upgrading work to the water supply pipeline. PO6 Where the reconfiguration involves a major electricity infrastructure corridor, the corridor is incorporated within a useable public open space network wherever possible. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 No acceptable outcome is nominated. 12 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO7 Where major electricity infrastructure is located within public open space, the dimensions and characteristics of the open space area are sufficient to accommodate the electricity easement on site, in combination with compatible recreational facilities and landscaping, which ensure: No acceptable outcome is nominated. Editor's note: The figures below provide examples of a wellintegrated transmission corridor. (a) it has an open and expansive character, with landscaping design which assists in breaking up the linear and vertical dominance of the infrastructure; (b) landscaping is located outside the easement area and substantively screens and softens the appearance of poles, towers or other structures; (c) recreational facilities and landscaping are compatible with the electricity infrastructure, having regard to safety, height, the conductivity of materials and access to the electricity infrastructure by the electricity provider; and (d) the design is such that the function of the open space for recreation purposes is maintained. PO8 Where the reconfiguration involves additional lots encroaching bulk water supply infrastructure, development ensures there are no adverse impacts on bulk water supply infrastructure. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 AO8.1 Development does not limit access to bulk water supply infrastructure and maintains legal access from a public place for the purpose of maintenance AO8.2 Stormwater management does not cause an adverse impact on drinking water quality. 13 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Model code provisions - Regional infrastructure overlay code Include the following within the purpose and assessment criteria of the regional infrastructure overlay code. Purpose The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: 1. Existing and planned infrastructure facilities and corridors are protected from encroachment by sensitive land uses or incompatible development. 2. Development does not create any threat to the provision of a safe and reliable supply of services to all users, and avoids any potential interference with the ongoing operation, maintenance and augmentation of the infrastructure; 3. Development does not increase the potential for safety concerns and minimises the need for measures to be introduced in the operation of the infrastructure to reduce potential impacts on surrounding areas; 4. Development minimises overlooking of and visual exposure to the infrastructure sites and corridors; and 5. Development over or near major electricity infrastructure, substations and bulk water supply infrastructure does not compromise or interfere with the integrity of the infrastructure. Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO1 Development does not increase: Development involving a sensitive land use2 is separated as follows: (a) risk to community health or safety; or For electricity infrastructure: AO1.1 Buildings (other than Class 10 buildings) maintain a setback of at least: (b) risk to the operation and reliability of major electrical infrastructure, substations or bulk water supply infrastructure. (a) 50 metres from a transmission substation; (b) 10 metres from any other substation; and (c) 30 metres from a transmission line easement. For bulk water supply infrastructure: AO1.2 Sensitive land uses are not established or intensified within the buffer of a water treatment plant identified on the Regional Infrastructure Overlay Map. Development not involving a sensitive land use is separated as follows: For electricity infrastructure: AO1.3 Buildings are not located within a transmission line easement. AO1.4 Buildings (other than Class 10 buildings) are not located within an easement for a distribution line. 2. Sensitive land uses is defined in the SPP. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 14 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning AO1.5 Buildings (other than Class 10 buildings) maintain a setback of at least 10 metres from any distribution substation. AO1.6 Class 10 buildings and structures are only located within an easement for a distribution line where: (a) development is not a swimming pool; (b) development maintains a safe clearance from the power lines in accordance with Electrical Safety Regulation 2013; or (c) development is not located in a vacant easement for a future powerline or in a vacant section of a double width easement. Editor's Note: Applicants should contact the relevant electrical provider for further information on whether an easement is either a vacant easement for a future powerline or a double width easement with a vacant section. AO1.7 Class 10a buildings or structures and Class 10b structures (excluding swimming pools) maintain a setback from the fencing of any substation of at least 4 metres. AO1.8 Class 10b structures that are swimming pools maintain a setback from any substation of a distance of at least 10 metres. PO2 AO2.1 Residential buildings, other than where they are separated Windows and balconies of residential buildings do not face from the infrastructure by a road, are oriented to avoid direct easements and infrastructure sites. overlooking of major electricity infrastructure or substations. AO2.2 Side views from residential buildings to infrastructure are screened by devices attached to the building. Editor's note: The figure below provides an illustration of buildings oriented away from infrastructure State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 15 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning PO3 Development allows for sufficient space within the site to establish landscaping which substantively assists in screening and softening poles, towers or other structures and equipment associated with major electricity infrastructure and substations. For electricity infrastructure AO3.1 A minimum 3 metre wide densely planted landscaped buffer is provided along the boundary adjoining the major electricity infrastructure, including provisions for advanced trees and shrubs that will grow to a minimum height of 10 metres. AO3.2 A minimum 2 metre wide densely planted landscaping buffer is provided along the boundary adjoining a substation, including provision for advanced trees and shrubs, that will grow to a height which blocks direct views from habitable rooms to a substation. Editor’s note: The figures below provide an example but are not drawn to scale. Applicants may find guidance in Powerlink's 'Screening your home from powerlines - A guide to planing trees and shrubs outside easements to screen powerlines.' Applicants should also note that vegetation will need to maintain statutory clearances (for further guidance, refer to Ergon's Standard for Vegetation Management and Standard for Vegetation Clearance Profile) State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 16 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning PO4 Major electricity or bulk water supply infrastructure within private land is protected by an easement in favour of the service provider. AO4.1 Existing easements are maintained and where none currently exist, new easements are created which are sufficient for the provider’s requirements. PO5 Development does not compromise or adversely impact upon the efficiency and integrity of major electricity infrastructure, substations and bulk water supply infrastructure. For bulk water supply infrastructure: AO5.1 For pipeline infrastructure, a development free buffer distance of 20 metres is maintained. OR AO5.2 For pipeline infrastructure, development involving an extractive industry or explosive blasting, major hazard facility or an Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) is setback 50 metres. Editor's note: Where an easement exists, the distance should be measured from the Seqwater easement boundary. In cases where there is no easement, the buffer distance should be measured from the pipeline. No acceptable outcome is nominated for major electricity infrastructure or substations. PO6 Development is located and designed to maintain access to major electricity infrastructure, substations or bulk water supply infrastructure. AO6.1 Development does not limit access to major electricity infrastructure, substations or bulk water supply infrastructure with: (a) landscaping along boundaries of, or traversing existing or proposed infrastructure easements; (b) fences constructed along the boundaries of, or traversing existing or proposed infrastructure easements; (c) storage of equipment or materials within or along the boundaries of existing or proposed infrastructure easements; (d) construction of buildings within or along the boundaries of existing or proposed infrastructure easements; or (e) earthworks which alter levels along the boundaries of or within easements by more than 100 mm and do not cause any worsening of inundation to existing infrastructure. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 17 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning 4. M odel code provisions operational works Purpose Include the following within the purpose and assessment criteria of the operational works code. 1. Development over or near major electricity and bulk water supply infrastructure does not compromise or interfere with the integrity of the infrastructure. The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcome: Assessment criteria Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO1 Development does not compromise or adversely impact upon the efficiency and integrity of bulk water supply infrastructure and is located, designed and constructed to: For bulk water supply infrastructure: AO1.1 For pipeline infrastructure, a development free buffer distance of 20 metres should be maintained. (a) protect the integrity of the bulk water supply infrastructure; and OR AO1.2 (b) m aintain adequate access for any required maintenance For pipeline infrastructure, development involving an or upgrading work to the bulk water supply infrastructure. extractive industry or explosive blasting, major hazard facility or an Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) is setback 50 metres. Editor's note: Where an easement exists, the distance should be measured from the bulk water supply infrastructure easement boundary. In cases where there is no easement, the buffer distance should be measured from the pipeline. PO2 Earthworks do not restrict access to major electricity infrastructure corridors or substations. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 AO2.1 Earthworks do not alter levels along the boundaries of or within existing or proposed easements by more than 100 mm and do not cause the worsening of inundation to electricity infrastructure. 18 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO3 There is no worsening of flooding, drainage or erosion conditions affecting the major electricity infrastructure, substations or bulk water supply infrastructure. No acceptable outcome is nominated. Editor's note: The figures below illustrate the concept. PO4 Development maintains a safe clearance from all powerlines. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 AO4.1 Development maintains the clearances required under Schedules 4 and 5 of the Electrical Safety Regulations 2013 or the current relevant standards. 19 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO5 Any earthworks are undertaken in a way which: AO5.1 No earthworks are undertaken within: (a) ensures stability of the land on or adjoining major electricity infrastructure or substations; (a) 20 metres of a transmission tower, pole or stay for overhead transmission infrastructure; (b) does not otherwise impact on the safety and reliability of the major electricity infrastructure or substations; and (b) 10 metres of a tower, pole or stay for overhead distribution infrastructure; (c) does not restrict the placement or use of the electricity provider’s equipment. (c) 50 metres of a property boundary shared with a substation site for transmission substations; or (d) 10 metres of a property boundary shared with a substation site for distribution substations. Editor’s note: The figures below illustrate the concept. AO5.2 No earthworks are undertaken, or other loading or displacement of earth caused, within the easement of an underground powerline. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 20 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO6 Any earthworks undertaken adjoining bulk water supply infrastructure ensures no adverse impacts on bulk water supply infrastructure. AO6.1 Excavation and filling activities are undertaken in a manner to minimise erosion and sediment movement. AO6.2 There is no worsening of flooding drainage or erosion conditions affecting the bulk water supply infrastructure. AO6.3 No permanent barrier is to be constructed that limits access to bulk water supply infrastructure and maintains legal access from a public place for the purpose of maintenance. PO7 Other services and infrastructure works (which may include stormwater, sewerage or water) do not impact on the safety and reliability of major electricity infrastructure or substations. AO7.1 Underground services are not located within: (a) 20 metres of a tower, pole or stay for transmission infrastructure; (b) 10 metres of a tower, pole or stay for distribution infrastructure; (c) a vacant major electricity infrastructure easement; or (d) 10 metres of a substation property boundary. AO7.2 No valve pits occur within: (a) 60 metres of a tower, pole or stay for transmission infrastructure; or (b) 10 metres of a tower, pole or stay for distribution infrastructure. AO7.3 Pipelines with cathodic protection systems, comply with part 13 of Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 or the current relevant standard. AO7.4 Underground services traversing an easement, cross at angles between 60 and 90 degrees to the overhead or underground lines. AO7.5 Trenches for services are backfilled to be compacted in 150 mm layers to at least 95% modified dry density compaction ratio. AO7.6 Trenches under construction are not left open overnight. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 21 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Performance outcomes Acceptable outcomes PO8 Vegetation does not pose a risk to the safety or reliability of electrical infrastructure. AO8.1 Where vegetation is planted within an easement of an overhead power line or, where there is no easement, it should be planted: (a) not within 5 metres either side of the area directly below the conductors where not within the area of influence of a power line; (b) within 20 metres of a power line structure, pole or stay; and (c) has a mature height of no more than 3.5 metres. AO8.2 Vegetation planted within an underground powerline easement does not have a mature root system greater than 150 mm in depth and is not located within 1 metre of the area directly above the powerline. AO8.3 Vegetation adjoining easements complies with the clearance dimensions illustrated in the figures below. AO8.4 Planting complies with (as relevant to the infrastructure concerned) either: (a) Energex's Safe Tree Guidelines; (b) Ergon's Plant Smart brochures; or (c) Powerlink's Screening Your Home from Powerlines information sheet. State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 22 PART D Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning PART E PART E: Supporting material 1. Mapping information SPP Interactive Mapping System provides the plan making maps in relation to bulk water supply infrastructure and major electricity infrastructure as referred to within this guideline spp-interactive-mapping-system.html 2. Guidelines and technical resources Energy Industry Guideline on Electricity infrastructure: planning scheme making and development approval process - contact Energex, Ergon or Powerlink. Energex's Safe Tree Guidelines file/0017/148121/0525.pdf Ergon's Plant Smart brochures trees-and-powerlines/plant-smart Powerlink's Screening Your Home From Powerlines information sheet Property_and_Easements/Screening_your_home.aspx Photo credit: Images (pages 4 and 5) sourced from Urban Context Analysis Report—Corridors, GHD Pty Ltd for Energex (September 2012). State interest guideline - Energy and water supply - April 2016 23 © The State of Queensland, April 2016. Published by the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, 100 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000, Australia. Licence: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit Attribution: The State of Queensland, Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning. The Queensland Government supports and encourages the dissemination and exchange of information. However, copyright protects this publication. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced, made available online or electronically but only if it is recognised as the owner of the copyright and this material remains unaltered. The Queensland Government is committed to providing accessible services to Queenslanders of all cultural and linguistic backgrounds. If you have difficulty understanding this publication and need a translator, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask them to telephone the Queensland Department of Infrastructure, Local Government, and Planning on 13 QGOV (13 74 68). Disclaimer: While every care has been taken in preparing this publication, the State of Queensland accepts no responsibility for decisions or actions taken as a result of any data, information, statement or advice, expressed or implied, contained within. To the best of our knowledge, the content was correct at the time of publishing. Any references to legislation are not an interpretation of the law. They are to be used as a guide only. The information in this publication is general and does not account for individual circumstances or situations. Where appropriate, independent legal advice should be sought.’ For the most up to date version of the State Planning Policy, please refer to the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning website To obtain a printed copy of this guideline, please contact us via the contact details provided at the end of this guideline. State Planning Policy Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning PO Box 15009, City East, Queensland 4002 tel: 13 QGOV email: