Intro to Fourier Series • Vector decomposition • Even and Odd functions • Fourier Series definition and examples 6.082 Spring 2007 Copyright © 2007 by M.H. Perrott All rights reserved. Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 1 Review of Vector Decomposition Q y = [0 1] r = [1.3 0.75] I x = [1 0] • Any vector can be decomposed into a set of appropriately weighted orthonormal basis vectors • Example: 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 2 Calculation of Vector Weights Q y = [0 1] r = [1.3 0.75] I x = [1 0] • Perform inner products with basis vectors • Example: 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 3 The Basis Vectors are Not Unique Q x=[ 1 2 y = [ -1 2 1 ] 2 r = [1.3 0.75] 1 ] 2 I • Inner product calculations: 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 4 Observations on Basis Decomposition • We can consider any vector as a sum of weighted orthonormal basis vectors • The weights are determined by an inner product calculations (also known as projections) – Consist of element-by-element multiplications followed by addition of the resulting products Q x=[ 1 2 y = [ -1 2 1 ] 2 r = [1.3 0.75] • Inner product calculations: 1 ] 2 6.082 Spring 2007 I Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 5 Can We Decompose Functions? • Consider a periodic function such as a square wave t • Could we decompose the above waveform into a weighted sum of basis functions? • If so, what would be a good choice for such basis functions? • How would we calculate the weights? 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 6 Consider Sine Wave Basis Functions • Suppose we consider sine waves of progressively increasing frequencies as our basis functions sin(ωot) t sin(2ωot) t sin(3ωot) t • Check out the following Java applet demo: – Available at: 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 7 Issue: Sine Waves Are Limited • A sine wave corresponds to an odd function sin(ωot) t • Odd function definition: • Adding odd functions together can only produce an odd function t 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 8 Consider Cosine Wave Basis Functions • Even function definition: • Cosine waves are even functions cos(ωot) t cos(2ωot) t cos(3ωot) 6.082 Spring 2007 t Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 9 Combine Cosines and Sines • If we use both cosine and sine waveforms as basis functions, we can realize both even and odd functions (and any combination) Odd Even t t sin(ωot) cos(ωot) t t sin(2ωot) cos(2ωot) t t cos(3ωot) 6.082 Spring 2007 sin(3ωot) t t Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 10 The Fourier Series • A periodic waveform, x(t), with period T can be represented as an infinite sum of weighted cosine and sine waveforms x(t) t T 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 11 Intuition for Fourier Series • Compare Fourier Series to vector decomposition: Vector Decomp. Fourier Series • The Fourier Series weight (i.e., an and bn) calculations are analogous to vector inner products! 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 12 Sine Wave Example Ksin(ωot) K T t -K (DC Average is 0) 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 13 Graphical View of Fourier Series (Sine) Ksin(ωot) K T t -K • We can plot Fourier coefficients as a function of index or frequency an af K 0 K 0 1 2 3 n 0 0 bn bf K 0 6.082 Spring 2007 1/T 2/T 3/T f (Hz) K 0 1 2 3 n 0 0 1/T 2/T 3/T f (Hz) Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 14 Fourier Series of Cosine Kcos(ωot) K T t -K an af K 0 K 0 1 2 3 n 0 0 bn bf K 0 6.082 Spring 2007 1/T 2/T 3/T f (Hz) K 0 1 2 3 n 0 0 1/T 2/T 3/T f (Hz) Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 15 Fourier Series of Cosine with DC component K(cos(ωot)+1) 2K T t an af K 0 K 0 1 2 3 n 0 0 bn bf K 0 6.082 Spring 2007 1/T 2/T 3/T f (Hz) K 0 1 2 3 n 0 0 1/T 2/T 3/T f (Hz) Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 16 Fourier Series of Phase-Shifted Cosine K T t -K • Using a well known trigonometric identity: an af Kcosθ 0 Kcosθ 0 1 2 3 n 0 0 bn bf Ksinθ 0 6.082 Spring 2007 1/T 2/T 3/T f (Hz) Ksinθ 0 1 2 3 n 0 0 1/T 2/T 3/T f (Hz) Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 17 Vector View of Phase-Shifted Cosine K T t -K • Using a well known trigonometric identity: Q = sin(ωot) Kcos(ωot - θ) Ksin(θ) θ Kcos(θ) 6.082 Spring 2007 I = cos(ωot) Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 18 Square Wave Example A x(t) T/2 t • By inspection: -A – DC average = 0 ⇒ a0 = 0 – x(t) is odd ⇒ an = 0 (n ≥ 1) 6.082 Spring 2007 T Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 19 Summary • Vector decomposition provides a nice starting point for understanding Fourier Series – Vector decomposition into a sum of weighted basis vectors • Fourier Series decomposes periodic waveforms into an infinite sum of weighted cosine and sine functions – We can look at waveforms either in ‘time’ or ‘frequency’ – Useful tool: even and odd functions • Some issues we will deal with next time – Fourier Series definition covered today is not very compact • We will look at a simpler formulation based on complex exponentials – Fourier Series only deals with periodic waveforms • We will introduce the Fourier Transform to deal with nonperiodic waveforms 6.082 Spring 2007 Intro to Fourier Series, Slide 20