6/06 Electrical Signal Response ELECTRICAL SIGNAL RESPONSE About this lab The response of passive electric circuits to pulse or sinusoidal excitation is governed by basic physical properties of the circuit elements, and the corresponding forms of magnetic and electric energy storage and of resistive dissipation. Thus, they cannot be circumvented. Understanding the time response of the various element combinations allows design planning. References: Physics: Serway&Beichner, 6th ed v.2; Chapter 33 (Saunders, 2000) Physics: Cutnell & Johnson, 6th ed., Sections 20.13; 23.1-23.4(Wiley, 2001) BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK TO LAB Apparatus > Circuit board with mounted R, L, C components and banana jack sockets. Alligator clip lead for easily disconnecting small resistor from circuit. > Labtec speakers with Mic and earphone sockets, and signal amplitude (volume) control. > Interface board between circuit block and computer sound card (via speaker), carrying circuit drive signal and (two) circuit read signals, and connecting grounds. > PC computer with FFTScope (scope and FFT signal analysis modes). > Digital multimeter for accurate determination of external circuit resistors. Introduction R (resistance), L (inductance) and C (capacitance) are the fundamental passive components of linear electric circuits. They implement the basic electrical phenomena: Dissipative energy loss from electric particle collisions: (Resistance), Electrostatic energy storage in the form of electric field: (Capacitance), Magnetic energy storage in the form of magnetic field: (Inductance). In pairs, their circuit influence can be expressed in terms of certain combinations of values, known as time constants: RC: R*C exponential charging/discharging time constant τ RC LR: L/R exponential current increase/decrease time constant τ LR LC: 1/sqrt(L*C) natural oscillation angular period (in sec/radian) τ LC . These time constants arise directly out of Kirchkoff's circuit (differential) equations, or by differentiation with respect to time of the energy equivalent, which again gives Kirchkoff's equations. Essential physical content of these equations is: a) Energy conservation (loop voltages sum to zero if there is no dissipation, or if an EMF makes up resistive power losses), and b) Charge conservation ('current in' = 'current out' at nodes; the current in a single loop circuit is the same everywhere (with added definition of displacement current in capacitors). The major signals of interest are digital pulses (the basis of low-error communication, made possible by the advent of fast solid-state switching devices) and sine waves (the basis of efficient, narrow band communication, long possible because of the resonant tuning properties of circuit elements combinations such as those we will study). The responses of element combinations to pulse and to sine signals are related, not independent, as we will see. Physical L's and C's may not be pure types; they may also have some dissipative character, expressed as internal resistance R L or R C . Then, four quantities (L and RL, C and R C) would be required to characterize completely a physical inductor or capacitor. Before proceeding , study some examples of response vs. time (Oscilloscope) or vs. frequency (FFT) , using the FFTScope program. Figure 1 RC response to square drive pulse @ 100 Hz. Sampling time interval = 0.1 second. Scope mode (mono). R ext = 2660 ohms. Figure 2 RL response to 1:100 drive pulse @ 10 Hz. Sampling time interval = 0.1 second. Scope mode (mono) Rext = 10 ohms (in parallel w/ 2660 ohms). Ignore initial negative spike; fit positive decay portion. Read current-proportional voltage (CR) across R ext. Figure 3 FFT mode. Series RLC frequency response curve to all-sines (white noise) excitation. R external ~ 51 Ω. The pulse response time curve is conjugate. Figure 4 Series RLC amplitude and phase resonance. White-noise excitation. FFT mode w/averaging: R ext = 10 ohms. Resonance Left/Right ratio about ¼ indicates internal Rint (from L&C) is around 30 ohms. L/R = VR ext/Vdrive . Phase is between drive voltage and response current. Figure 5 Series RLC time response to pulse excitation (1:100 pulse ). R external ~ 51 Ω. Scope mode. The frequency response curve is conjugate. Figure 6 Parallel RLC amplitude and phase resonance. White-noise excitation. FFT mode w/averaging R ext = 2660 ohms. L/R ratio does not become zero at resonance (“tank” impedance does not become infinite) because of R internal of L and C. Resonance ratio indicates tank impedance at resonance is only around 10,000 ohms. Phase is between drive voltage and circuit response current. Read current-proportional voltage V across R ext . i = VR ext / R ext. Experiment Your qualitative and quantitative assignments are: 1. To study all the various responses of your circuit to pulse and sine signal excitation, including the parallel resonance, 2. To determine as accurately as you may the circuit parameters L and C. You may also attempt to determine the lossy equivalent resistances RC and RL , if you wish. (One strategy in finding the lossy internal resistances RC and RL is to attempt a fit with total resistance (Rext+Rinternal), with the numerical value of Rext inserted. Perhaps easier is just to fit with Rtotal and subtract Rext to determine Rinternal.) But, if external resistance Rext is >> internal resistance RC and RL,, the shape of the response curve will not be very sensitive to the internal resistances when fitting the curve, so thought will be necessary as to what data is fit for this purpose. Also, if the uncertainty in value of Rext is comparable to or greater than the internal resistances, their determination will again be quite difficult, so an independent determination of Rext is desirable, rather than relying on the nominal value.) Procedure Setup An intermediate connection block distributes signals between the circuit block and the computer, via mike and line sockets of one of the Labtec speakers, which is connected to the “Line In” port of the PC. Rext G Figure 7 L C 3 2 1 Circuit block Four brass blocks with banana sockets and wing nuts clamp tightly the three circuit elements. You may loosen a wing nut, but do not lift the brass blocks – the original L and C circuit elements will remain undisturbed. Only R ext (initially ~ 10 Ω in parallel with 2600 Ω) may be altered (increased) by disconnecting the alligator clip connected to one end of the small (~ 10 ohm) resistor. There are five wires from the intermediary connection board, in two sections: drive and read. Two ground wires (drive gnd and read gnd) always remain plugged in to block G. The read left wire (rl) always remains plugged into block 3. The remaining two wires move together: they are the drive signal (ds) and the read right (rr). Two read wires are needed to send signals back to the computer for analysis: drive amplitude (the read right lead) and the circuit response amplitude (the read left lead). The read left circuit response signal reads voltage across the the external circuit resistor Rext. It is therefore proportional to the circuit current. The computer FFTScope program can analyze the two signals with respect to time (scope mode), or with respect to frequency (FFT mode). These are complementary. Computer frequency analysis is limited to one half the range of the computer sound card employed, which is about 48 kHz. FFTScope display in scope mode can be either mono (circuit response signal) or stereo (both circuit response and drive signals). In FFT mode, the mono display shows the net amplitudes (sine + cosine) of the various response signal frequency components, and in stereo mode, both the frequency amplitudes and the phase (relative sine and cosine amplitudes of a given frequency response component) (The circuit grounding arrangement produces a 180 degree inversion of the phases, which can easily be corrected in analysis by a program such as Graphical Analysis.) Read signals are between the SR position and G. CR (“Current Read”) is really a voltage signal; because it is across a resistor, it has the phase of the circuit current and the magnitude of the current could be calculated as CR/R ext. > For (R ext L) connection, drive signal and read right go to block 1, and blocks 2 and 3 are shorted with a banana jumper (C removed from circuit). > For (R ext C) connection, drive signal and read right go to block 2, leaving L dangling. Use Large R ext. > For series (R ext LC) connection, drive signal and read right go to block 1. > For parallel (R ext LC) (tank) connection, drive signal and read right go to block 2, and blocks 1 and 3 are shorted with banana jumper. You may measure Rext with a multimeter, for accuracy. It is best to remove momentarily the two G wires, to eliminate any outside connections. It is understood that L and C in the circuit block figure stand for the combinations [ L + any internal lossy resistance of the inductor ] and similarly for the capacitor. Data and analysis Study the response Figures above. Take data for the various cases and verify the theory by fitting theoretical forms (exponential or damped sine for pulse excitation, or phase and amplitude resonant shapes for sine excitation, as appropriate). First check the fit values of R, L and C against nominal values. Then you may try to determine the internal resistive loss parameters RL and RC, if you wish. Your data may copied and pasted (Ctrl-C) into Graphical Analysis for fitting with appropriate theoretical form, in which the circuit parameters are fitting parameters, explicitly or implicitly. You may need to modify a standard form (e.g., damped sine vs. time) or specify a non-standard form (e.g., resonant phase or amplitude vs. f or ω. FFTScope outputs frequency. And before fitting, for scope waveform data, you will need to change from scope time (which may start, say, at 29.2967 milliseconds) to “Good Time”, by defining “Good Time” as (Scope Time – first scope time entry numerical value). Then plot vs. “Good Time”. If you are modifying a sine to incorporate exponential damping, take care that the exponential multiplies only the sine, not the vertical offset parameter. Also, note that the damping time constant for RLC “ringing” after pulse excitation is (2L/R), not (L/R) as for the simple RL circuit (see Serway and Beichner, 5th, Eqs. 32.31, 32.7, 32.10; also Figure 32.21 p 1031-1033). In copying scope mode decay curves from FFTScope, avoid any kinks. Use 1:100 pulse for the RL and RLC circuits, as illustrated – this restricts to frequencies less than 1:100 of the sampling rate, which is no problem. (The 1:100 pulse maintains the set repetition freqeuncy, but replaces equal up and down levels by a much shorter up and a much longer down level - much more of an impulsive drive.) The inductor will generate “backEMF's” (Faraday's law, Lenz' Law), large at times of rapid change. In copying the RL time curve for decay fitting, avoid the negative spike and any overshoot; choose an exponential-looking portion. Use small Rext to observe series RLC circuit, large for parallel. With white noise excitation, TURN FFT AVERAGING ON. Use square pulses for the RC. Use large Rext (c. 3000 ohms) for parallel resonant circuit (because a parallel LC combination has a high impedance at resonance), small R for series (because the converse is true). Measure R external with meter and record. Use Graphical Analysis for data record and curve fit. Add additional (manual) data columns, pages and graphs as desired. Copy your GA fit for later reference: Go up to a Student folder, then to 230 folder. Save As (descriptive, e.g., RC initials). Put enough information into the graph title that you can figure out later what you did. Strategies Pulse excitation. See previous comments. A good fit to an RL time constant τ R L would give you the product [L/(R ext + R L)], one equation for the two unknowns L and R L. (Note that a GA data fit of form exp(-Kt) would give K, inverse to τ, which enters as exp(-t /τ) ). Another equation is needed, which might be obtained by altering R ext to R' ext and obtaining a new τ' = [L/(R' ext + RL)]. Further such would over determine L and R L . τ 's obtained with small R ext are sensitive to internal R's, whereas R ext >> RL determines L immediately, up to order ( RL/ R ext ) (i.e., τ is insensitive to RL for large Rext), with similar considerations for determination of RC . The white noise FFT's show quickly the resonant frequencies f 0 = ( ω 0 /2 π ), in both amplitude and phase. (Which do you think is more sensitive?) But there is also a complementary strategy – use of sine excitation, where theory gives the voltage ratio CR/SR, (read this ratio out in FFTScope), and also the phase between applied voltage Signal Feed (SF) and Current Response (CR). (Remember that current read CR is really a voltage read across R ext.) Changing the function generator frequency is quick – no setup alteration. Spanning the frequency range from mainly resistive impedance to mainly reactive impedance might make some sense. An expression for current amplitude vs. frequency in the series RLC circuit, e.g. Serway 5th, Eq. 33.22, p 1053, would suffice also for the RC and RL cases (setting XL or XC to zero). Eq. 33.25 similarly can give the phase vs. frequency. (The frequency appears implicitly in these expressions, since XL = ω L and XC = 1/ω C). (The Pythagorean expressions reflect the 90o phase relation between reactive and resistive voltages; the relative – sign between XL and XC reflects the 180o relative phase in their voltage variations.) With I max equal to our CR/R ext and ∆V max our SR, rewriting Eq. 33.23 in our nomenclature gives the voltage divider expression for the RL combination CR/VR = R ext /sqrt[(R ext + R L )^2 + (2 π f L)^2] (where the known numerical value of R ext would be used, instead of the symbol), with equivalent expressions for the RC and RLC combinations. Note that the separate amplitudes CR and SR are given on demand by FFTScope (Osc) (View menu), as is the frequency f. Inserting several pairs f vs. the ratio CR/SR (you would have to do your own division, or could input separately to GA the CR and SR amplitudes, with GA filling a calculated ratio column) and fitting to the above form (for RL) should give the two unknown fit parameters L and R L . Thus, taking CR/SR amplitude ratios for several frequencies, inserting by hand into GA and fitting to an expression such as the above (for RL) should yield numerical values and errors for the fit parameters L and RL. Note that only amplitude ratios enter – we don't need to fit an absolute amplitude scale factor. But, be sure not to overdrive – check the drive sine for flat-topping. Adjust, if necessary, with the speaker volume control. The RL fit expression for relative phase of current to signal voltage (i.e., of CR to SR) (Serway, Eq. 33.25, p 1053, with XC set to zero) would be φ = phase = arctan(X L / (R ext + R L ) = arctan[ωL/(R ext + R L )] where, again, the known numerical value of R ext would be entered. To obtain phase in Osc mode, you would view both sines (stereo) and calculate phase from relative shift. This might not be so accurate. Alternatively, in FFT mono mode, read the peak frequency. Then switch to stereo, find the same frequency on the phase curve and read. Report Try various methods of determining the four parameters, using series circuits. (The parallel resonant circuit is more complicated, though straightforward, because it contains two loops, vs. one for the simpler series resonant circuit.) Keep records of methods and results (with fit parameter errors, if given), and with running comments. Finally, start a clean page and prepare a neat and organized report, with your best values for C, RC, L and RL. List the various methods used and other results (mention any approximations). Say why you think one method might be better than another. Submit the final, organized report plus any other material your instructor specifies, such as fit print outs. Appendix Referring to Serway, Physics v2. 6 th ed., Current amplitude vs. sine frequency (e.g..with white noise drive) in a series circuit has the form: i= 1 R ( X 2 2 L 2 2 - XC ) X L = L and XC = with proportionality to drive voltage, where 1 C and the phase variation with frequency is given by arctan ( X L− X C . R The current amplitude variation with frequency for RC or RL circuits can be obtained by setting one or the other reactance to zero. For a parallel resonance ("tank") circuit, XL and XC (including any associated internal resistances) are in parallel. The impedance Z for the parallel circuit can be calculated using the standard form for resistors in parallel.