CSU Breadth Chart 11_11_10

Overview of CSU Transferable Courses Subject Areas
CCA's Humanities and Science Requirements
AREA A: Communication in the English Language and Critical Thinking
CCA Course Name
Course #
CSU Transfer Equivalent Subsets
CCA Units
English 1
A2: Written Communication
3 units
English 2
A3: Critical Thinking
3 units
AREA B: Physical Universe and Its Life Forms*
CCA Course Name
Course #
CSU Transfer Equivalent Subsets
B1: Physical Science
B2: Life Science
CCA Units
3 units
B4: Mathematics/Quantative Reasoning 3 units
* Transfer students majoring in Architecture at CCA cannot use ASSIST to determine the
transferability of CCA's Science-204: Mathematical Physics or MATHS-308: Advanced
Geometry. These requirements have been developed specifically for CCA's Architecture
AREA C: Literature, Philosophy, and Languages Other Than English
CCA Course Name
Intro to the Arts
Course #
CSU Transfer Equivalent Subsets
C1: Arts *
CCA Units
3 units
Intro to the Modern Arts
C1: Arts**
3 units
Visual Studies Elective
C1: Arts***
3-6 units
Social Science/Philosophy
C2: Humanities
3 units
*The course selection must cover prehistoric through renaissance.
** The course selection must cover from 1800 to the present.
***The number of Visual Studies Electives required depends on your intended Major at CCA.
Architecture Majors Only
History of Architecture 1
Course #
CSU Transfer Equivalent Subsets
C1: Arts*
CCA Units
3 units
History of Architecture 2
C1: Arts *
3 units
*The course selection must be a survey of architectural history.
Interior Design Majors Only
History of Interiors 1
Course #
CSU Transfer Equivalent Subsets
C1: Arts*
CCA Units
3 units
History of Interiors 2
C1: Arts*
3 units
*The course selection must be a survey of interior history.
AREA D: Social, Political, and Economic Institutions
CCA Course Name
Social Science/Philosophy
Cultural History*
Course #
CSU Transfer Equivalent Subsets
CCA Units
D0: Sociology and Criminology
D1: Anthropology and Archaeology
D3: Ethnic Studies
D6: History
D8: Political Science, Government, and
Legal Institutions
3 units
D0: Sociology and Criminology
D1: Anthropology and Archaeology
D2: Economics
D4: Gender Studies
D6: History
D7: Interdisciplinary, Social, or
Behavioral Science
D9: Psychology
3 units
*The course selection must be a survey of non-western cultures.
CCA Upper Division Seminar Courses*
*Three (3) courses are required to transfer these Upper Division Requirements.
CCA Course Name
Writing and Literature Seminar
Course #
Diversity Studies Seminar
Methods of Knowledge Seminar
CSU Transfer Equivalent Subsets
C2: Humanities
D0: Sociology & Criminology
D1: Anthropology & Archeology
D2: Economics
D3: Ethnic Studies
D4: Gender Studies
D5: Geography
D6: History
D7: Interdisciplinary Social or
Behavioral Science
D8: Political Science, Government &
Legal Institutions
D9: Psychology
D1: Anthropology & Archeology
D2: Economics
D3: Ethnic Studies
D4: Gender Studies
D5: Geography
D6: History
D7: Interdisciplinary Social Behavioral
D8: Political Science, Government &
Legal Institutions
D9: Psychology
CCA Units
3 units
3 units
3 units
Humanities and Science Electives*
CCA Course Name
Humanities and Science Elective
CSU Transfer Equivalent Subsets
Any additional course(s) from the A-D
subsets listed above.
CCA Units
0-6 units
*The number of Humanites and Science Electives required depends on your intended Major at CCA.