Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2299–2306 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy Conversion and Management journal homepage: Tuning of damping controller for UPFC using quantum particle swarm optimizer H. Shayeghi a,*, H.A. Shayanfar b, S. Jalilzadeh c, A. Safari c a Technical Engineering Department, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran Center of Excellence for Power System Automation and Operation, Electrical Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran c Technical Engineering Department, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 23 December 2008 Received in revised form 8 August 2009 Accepted 25 April 2010 Keywords: UPFC Quantum particle swarm optimization Damping controller Low frequency oscillations Power system dynamics a b s t r a c t On the basis of the linearized Phillips–Herffron model of a single machine power system, we design optimally the unified power flow controller (UPFC) based damping controller in order to enhance power system low frequency oscillations. The problem of robustly UPFC based damping controller is formulated as an optimization problem according to the time domain-based objective function which is solved using quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) technique that has fewer parameters and stronger search capability than the particle swarm optimization (PSO), as well as is easy to implement. To ensure the robustness of the proposed damping controller, the design process takes into account a wide range of operating conditions and system configurations. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated through non-linear time-domain simulation and some performance indices studies under various disturbance conditions of over a wide range of loading conditions. The results analysis reveals that the designed QPSO based UPFC controller has an excellent capability in damping power system low frequency oscillations in comparison with the designed classical PSO (CPSO) based UPFC controller and enhance greatly the dynamic stability of the power systems. Moreover, the system performance analysis under different operating conditions show that the dE based damping controller is superior to the mB based damping controller. Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction As power demand grows rapidly and expansion in transmission and generation is restricted with the limited availability of resources and the strict environmental constraints, power systems are today much more loaded than before. This causes the power systems to be operated near their stability limits. In addition, interconnection between remotely located power systems gives rise to low frequency oscillations in the range of 0.2–3.0 Hz. If not well damped, these oscillations may keep growing in magnitude until loss of synchronism results [1,2]. In order to damp these power system oscillations and increase system oscillations stability, the installation of power system stabilizer is both economical and effective. PSSs have been used for many years to add damping to electromechanical oscillations. However, PSSs suffer a drawback of being liable to cause great variations in the voltage profile and they may even result in leading power factor operation and losing system stability under severe disturbances, especially those threephase faults which may occur at the generator terminals [3]. * Corresponding author. Address: Technical Engineering Department, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Daneshgah Street, P.O. Box: 179, Ardabil, Iran. Tel.: +98 451 5517374; fax: +98 451 5512904. E-mail address: (H. Shayeghi). 0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2010.04.002 In recent years, the fast progress in the field of power electronics had opened new opportunities for the application of the FACTS devices as one of the most effective ways to improve power system operation controllability and power transfer limits [1–4]. Through the modulation of bus voltage, phase shift between buses, and transmission line reactance, FACTS devices can cause a substantial increase in power transfer limits during steady-state. Because of the extremely fast control action associated with FACTS device operations, they have been very promising candidates for utilization in power system damping enhancement. It has been observed that utilizing a feedback supplementary control, in addition to the FACTS device primary control, can considerably improve system damping and can also improve system voltage profile, which is advantageous over PSSs. The unified power flow controller is regarded as one of the most versatile devices in the FACTS device family [5,6] which has the ability to control of the power flow in the transmission line, improve the transient stability, mitigate system oscillation and provide voltage support. It performs this through the control of the in-phase voltage, quadrate voltage and shunts compensation due to its mains control strategy [1,4]. The application of the UPFC to the modern power system can therefore lead to the more flexible, secure and economic operation [7]. When the UPFC is applied to the interconnected power systems, it can also provide significant 2300 H. Shayeghi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2299–2306 Nomenclature BT D DC E0q Efd ET FACTS FD GA GTO ITAE K KA M mE mB OS Pe PI Pm PSO PSS QPSO boosting transformer machine damping coefficient direct current internal voltage behind transient reactance equivalent excitation voltage excitation transformer flexible alternating current transmission systems figure of demerit genetic algorithm gate turn off thyristor integral of the time multiplied absolute value of the error proportional gain of the controller regulator gain machine inertia coefficient excitation amplitude modulation ration boosting amplitude modulation ration overshoot of speed deviation electrical output power proportional integral mechanical input power particle swarm optimization power system stabilizer quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization damping effect on tie line power oscillation through its supplementary control. An industrial process, such as a power system, contains different kinds of uncertainties due to continuous load changes or parameters drift due to power systems highly non-linear and stochastic operating nature. Consequently, a fixed parameter controller based on the classical control theory is not certainly suitable for the UPFC damping control design. Thus, it is required that a flexible controller be developed. Several trials have been reported in the literature to dynamic models of UPFC in order to design suitable controllers for power flow, voltage and damping controls [8]. Dash et al. [9], Vilathgamuwa et al. [7] and Pal [10] suggested neural networks based method and robust control methodologies, respectively to cope with system uncertainties to enhance the system damping performance using the UPFC. However, the parameters adjustments of these controllers need some trial and error. Also, although using the robust control methods, the uncertainties are directly introduced to the synthesis, but due to the large model order of power systems the order resulting controller will be very large in general, which is not feasible because of the computational economical difficulties in implementing. Also, Kazemi and Vakili Sohrforouzani [11], Dash et al. [12] and Limyingcharone et al. [13] used fuzzy logic based damping control strategy for TCSC, UPFC and SVC in a multimachine power system. The damping control strategy employs non-optimal fuzzy logic controllers that is why the system’s response settling time is unbearable. Moreover, the initial parameters adjustment of this type of controller needs some trial and error. Khon and Lo [14] used a fuzzy damping controller designed by micro genetic algorithm for TCSC and UPFC to improve powers system low frequency oscillations. The proposed method may have not enough robustness due to its simplicity against the different kinds of uncertainties and disturbances. Mok et al. [15] applied a GA based PI type fuzzy controller for UPFC to enhance power system damping. Although, the fuzzy PI controller is simpler and more applicable to remove the steady-state error, it is known to give poor performance in the system transient response. Recently, the PSO technique is used for optimal tuning of UPFC based damping controller [1]. PSO is a novel population based SMIB SVC T1 T2 T3 T4 TA TCSC T 0do Te Ts Tw UPFC US V vref VSC x d dB dE DPe DVdc single machine infinite bus static var compensator lead time constant of controller lag time constant of controller lead time constant of controller lag time constant of controller regulator time constant thyristor controlled series compensator time constant of excitation circuit electric torque settling time of speed deviation washout time constant unified power flow controller undershoot of speed deviation terminal voltage reference voltage voltage source converter rotor speed rotor angle boosting phase angle excitation phase angle electrical power deviation DC voltage deviation metaheuristic, which utilize the swarm intelligence generated by the cooperation and competition between the particle in a swarm and has emerged as a useful tool for engineering optimization [16]. Unlike the other heuristic techniques, it has a flexible and well-balanced mechanism to enhance the global and local exploration abilities. Also, it suffices to specify the objective function and to place finite bounds on the optimized parameters. However, the main disadvantage is that the PSO algorithm is not guaranteed to be global convergent. In order to overcome this drawback and improve optimization synthesis, in this paper, a quantum-behaved PSO technique is proposed for optimal tuning of UPFC based damping controller for enhancing of power systems low frequency oscillations damping. QPSO algorithm is depicted only with the position vector without velocity vector, which is a simpler algorithm and the results show that QPSO performs better than standard PSO and is a promising algorithm due to its global convergence guaranteed characteristic [17]. In this study, the problem of robust UPFC based damping controller design is formulated as an optimization problem. The controller is automatically tuned with optimization a time domain-based objective function by QPSO such that the relative stability is guaranteed and the time-domain specifications concurrently secured. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated through non-linear time simulation studies and some performance indices to damp low frequency oscillations under different operating conditions. Results evaluation show that the QPSO based tuned damping controller achieves good robust performance for a wide range of operating conditions and is superior to the designed controller using CPSO technique. 2. PSO and QPSO 2.1. Particle swarm optimization Particle swarm optimization algorithm, which is tailored for optimizing difficult numerical functions and based on metaphor of human social interaction, is capable of mimicking the ability of human societies to process knowledge [18]. It has roots in two 2301 H. Shayeghi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2299–2306 main component methodologies: artificial life (such as bird flocking, fish schooling and swarming); and evolutionary computation. As it is reported in [19–21], this optimization technique can be used to solve many of the same kinds of problems as GA, and does not suffer from some of GAs difficulties. It has also been found to be robust in solving problem featuring non-linearity, non-differentiability and high-dimensionality. PSO starts with a population of random solutions ‘‘particles” in a D-dimension space. The ith particle is represented by Xi = (xi1, xi2,. . ., xid). Each particle keeps track of its coordinates in hyperspace, which are associated with the fittest solution it has achieved so far. The value of the fitness for particle i (pbest) is also stored as Pi = (pi1, pi2, . . ., pid). The global version of the PSO keeps track of the overall best value (gbest), and its location, obtained thus far by any particle in the population. PSO consists of, at each step, changing the velocity of each particle toward its pbest and gbest according to Eq. (1). The velocity of particle i is represented as Vi = (vi1, vi2, . . ., vid). Acceleration is weighted by a random term, with separate random numbers being generated for acceleration toward pbest and gbest. The position of the ith particle is then updated according to Eq. (2) [1,18]. v id ðt þ 1Þ ¼ w v id ðtÞ þ c1 r1 ðPid xid ðtÞÞ þ c2 r2 ðPgd xid ðtÞÞ xid ðt þ 1Þ ¼ xid ðtÞ þ cv id ðt þ 1Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ where Pid and Pgd are pbest and gbest. Several modifications have been proposed in the literature to improve the PSO algorithm speed and convergence toward the global minimum. One modification is to introduce a local-oriented paradigm (lbest) with different neighborhoods. It is concluded that gbest version performs best in terms of median number of iterations to converge. However, pbest version with neighborhoods of two is most resistant to local minima. PSO algorithm is further improved via using a time decreasing inertia weight, which leads to a reduction in the number of iterations [22]. 2.2. Quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization The main disadvantage is that the PSO algorithm is not guaranteed to be global convergent. In classical PSO technique, a particle is depicted by its position vector xi and velocity vector vi, which determine the trajectory of the particle. The dynamic behavior of the particle is widely divergent form that of that the particle in the CPSO systems in that the exact values of xi and vi cannot be determined simultaneously. In quantum world, the term trajectory is meaningless, because xi and vi of a particle cannot be determined simultaneously according to uncertainty principle. Therefore, if individual particles in a PSO system have quantum behavior, the PSO algorithm is bound to work in a different fashion [17]. In the quantum model of a PSO called here QPSO, the state of a particle is depicted by wave function W(x, t) instead of position and velocity. Employing the Monte Carlo method, the particles move according to the following iterative equation: xi ðt þ 1Þ ¼ p þ b jMbesti xi ðtÞj lnð1=uÞ if k 6 0:5 xi ðt þ 1Þ ¼ p b jMbesti xi ðtÞj lnð1=uÞ if k > 0:5 show that the QPSO described by the following procedure has better performance than the PSO [17]. Where Mbest called mean best position is defined as the mean of the pbest positions of all particles. i.e.: Mbest ¼ N 1 X p ðtÞ N d¼1 id ð4Þ Trajectory analyses in [24] demonstrated the fact that convergence of the PSO algorithm may be achieved if each particle converges to its local attractor, p defined at the coordinates: p ¼ ðc1 pid þ c2 Pgd Þ=ðc1 þ c2 Þ ð5Þ The procedure for implementing the QPSO is given by the following steps: Step 1. Initialization of swarm positions: Initialize a population (array) of particles with random positions in the n-dimensional problem space using a uniform probability distribution function. Step 2. Evaluation of particle’s fitness: Evaluate the fitness value of each particle. Step 3. Comparison to pbest (personal best): Compare each particle’s fitness with the particle’s pbest. If the current value is better than pbest, then set the pbest value equal to the current value and the pbest location equal to the current location in ndimensional space. Step 4. Comparison to gbest (global best): Compare the fitness with the population’s overall previous best. If the current value is better than gbest, then reset gbest to the current particle’s array index and value. Step 5. Updating of global point: Calculate the Mbest using Eq. (4). Step 6. Updating of particles’ position: Change the position of the particles according to Eq. (3), where c1 and c2 are two random numbers generated using a uniform probability distribution in the range [0, 1]. Step 7. Repeating the evolutionary cycle: Loop to step 2 until a stop criterion is met, usually a sufficiently good fitness or a maximum number of iterations (generations). 3. Description of case study system Fig. 1 shows a SMIB power system equipped with a UPFC. The synchronous generator is delivering power to the infinite bus through a double circuit transmission line and a UPFC. The UPFC consists of an excitation transformer, a boosting transformer, two three-phase GTO based voltage source converters, and a DC link capacitors. The four input control signals to the UPFC are mE, mB, dE, and dB, where mE is the excitation amplitude modulation ratio, mB is the boosting amplitude modulation ratio, dE is the excitation phase angle and dB is the boosting phase angle [1,8]. ð3Þ where u and k are values generated according to a uniform probability distribution in range [1], the parameter b is called contraction–expansion coefficient, which can be tuned to control the convergence speed of the particle. In the QPSO, the parameter b must be set as b < 1.782 to guarantee convergence of the particle [23]. Thus, the Eq. (3) is the fundamental iterative equation of the particle’s position for the QPSO. Moreover, unlike the PSO, the QPSO needs no velocity vectors for particles at all, and also has fewer parameters to control (only one parameter b except population size and maximum iteration number), making it easier to implement. The experiment results on some well-known benchmark functions Vt Tr. Line VEt iB XB iE VSC-E VSC-B XE Vdc mE dE mB dB Fig. 1. SMIB power system equipped with UPFC. Vb 2302 H. Shayeghi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2299–2306 3.1. Power system non-linear model with UPFC The dynamic model of the UPFC is required in order to study the effect of the UPFC for enhancing the small signal stability of the power system. The system data is given in the Appendix. By applying Park’s transformation and neglecting the resistance and transients of the ET and BT transformers, the UPFC can be modeled as [4,25]: v Etd v Etq ¼ 0 xE xE 0 v Btd 0 ¼ v Btq xB xB 0 3mE ½ cos dE 4C dc v_ dc ¼ iEd iBd cos dE v dc 2 mE sin dE v dc 2 þ iEq "m "m iBq cos dB v dc 2 mB sin dB v dc 2 þ sin dE E iEd B iEq þ # ð6Þ # ð7Þ 3mB ½ cos dB 4C dc xBB 0 mE sin dE v dc xBd xdE mB sin dB v dc v cos d þ E þ b xd P q 2xd P xd P 2 mE cos dE v dc xBq xqE mB cos dB v dc P v b sin d þ iEq ¼ 2xq P xq 2 xE 0 mE sin dE v dc xdE xdt mB sin dB v dc P v b cos d þ iBd ¼ P Eq þ P xd 2xd xd 2 mE cos dE v dc xqE xqt mB cos dB v dc þ P v b sin d þ iBq ¼ 2xq P xq 2 iEd ¼ sin dB iBd ð8Þ iBq where vEt, iE, vBt, and iB are the excitation voltage, excitation current, boosting voltage, and boosting current, respectively; Cdc and vdc are the DC link capacitance and voltage. The non-linear model of the SMIB system as shown in Fig. 1 is described by [1,25]: ð16Þ ð17Þ ð18Þ ð19Þ Where xL xq P ¼ ðxq þ xT þ xE Þ xB þ þ xE ðxq þ xT Þ 2 xL xBq ¼ xq þ xT þ xB þ 2 xL xqt ¼ xq þ xT þ xE ; xqE ¼ xq þ xT ; xd P ¼ ðx0d þ xT þ xE Þ xB þ 2 þ xE ðx0d þ xT Þ xL xBd ¼ x0d þ xT þ xB þ ; xBd ¼ x0d þ xT þ xE ; xdE ¼ x0d þ xT ; 2 xL xBB ¼ xB þ 2 xE, xB, xd, x0d and xq are the ET, BT reactance’s, d-axis reactance, d-axis transient reactance, and q-axis reactance, respectively. 3.2. Power system linearized model d_ ¼ x0 ðx 1Þ x_ ¼ ðP m Pe DDxÞ=M ð9Þ ð10Þ E_ 0q ¼ ðEq þ E_ fd ¼ ðEfd þ K a ðV ref V t ÞÞ=T a ð11Þ Efd Þ=T 0do ð12Þ where Dd_ ¼ x0 Dx _ ¼ ðDPe DDxÞ=M Dx DE_ 0 ¼ ðDEq þ DEfd Þ=T 0 ð22Þ DE_ fd ¼ ðK A ðDv ref Dv Þ DEfd Þ=T A Dv_ dc ¼ K 7 Dd þ K 8 DE0q K 9 Dv dc þ K ce DmE þ K cde DdE ¼ X q Itq ; V tq ¼ E0q X 0d Itd ; Itd ¼ Itld þ IEd þ IBd ; Itq ¼ Itlq þ IEq þ IBq ð23Þ ð24Þ From Fig. 2 we can have: þ K cb DmB þ K cdb DdB DPe ¼ K 1 Dd þ K 2 DE0q þ K pd Dv dc þ K pe DmE þ K pde DdE ð25Þ ð13Þ þ K pb DmB þ K pdb DdB DE0q ¼ K 4 Dd þ K 3 DE0q þ K qd Dv dc þ K qe DmE þ K qde DdE ð14Þ ð26Þ þ K qb DmB þ K qdb DdB DV t ¼ K 5 Dd þ K 6 DE0q þ K v d Dv dc þ K v e DmE þ K v de DdE ð15Þ ð27Þ where it and vb, are the armature current and infinite bus voltage, respectively. From the above equations, we can obtain: ð20Þ ð21Þ do q Pe ¼ V td Itd þ V tq Itq ; Eq ¼ E0qe þ ðX d X 0d ÞItd ; V t ¼ V td þ jV tq ; V td v t ¼ jxtE ðiB þ iE Þ þ v Et v Et ¼ v Bt þ jxBViB þ v b v td þ jv tq ¼ xq ðiEq þ iBq Þ þ jðE0q x0d ðiEd þ iBd ÞÞ ¼ jxtE ðiEd þ iBd þ jðiEq þ iBq ÞÞ þ v Etd þ jv Etq A linear dynamic model is obtained by linearizing the non-linear model round an operating condition. The linearized model of power system as shown in Fig. 1 is given as follows: þ K v b DmB þ K v db DdB K1, K2, . . ., K9, Kpu, Kqu and Kvu are linearization constants. The statespace model of power system is given by: x_ ¼ Ax þ Bu ð28Þ where the state vector x, control vector u, A and B are: ΔP + + ΔP + m 1 −e MS +D + + K pu K1 0 x ¼ ½ Dd Dx DEq w0 S 2 K2 K pd K5 K4 K6 ΔEq/ K qu K8 U K cu + + + − − 1 K3 + STdo/ 1 S +K9 + − K qd ka 1+ST a − ΔVref + − − − K vu K vd ΔVdc K7 Fig. 2. Modified Herffron–Phillips transfer function model. DEfd Dv dc ; 0 0 6 K1 6 M 6 6 K A ¼ 6 T 04 do 6 6 KA K5 4 T w0 0 0 KM2 0 0 TK03 1 T 0do 0 K TA KA 6 T1A K7 2 0 6 K pe 6 M 6 6 K0qe B¼6 T do 6 6 K A K vc 4 TA 0 K8 0 A K ce do 0 K pde M K Tqde 0 do 0 K Mpb K T 0qb do K ATKAv de K ATKAv b K cde K cb u ¼ ½ DmE 3 0 7 7 7 7 7; 7 KA Kvd 7 T 5 K Mpd K T 0qd do A K 9 3 0 K pdb 7 M 7 7 K 7 Tqdb 0 7 do 7 K A K v db 7 TA 5 K cdb Dd E DmB DdB T 2303 H. Shayeghi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2299–2306 U ref KS 1 + STS Δω ?? STW K 1 + STW ⎛ 1 + ST1 ⎜⎜ ⎝ 1 + ST2 ⎞⎛ 1 + ST3 ⎟⎟⎜⎜ ⎠⎝ 1 + ST4 U ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ Table 1 The optimal parameter settings of the proposed controllers. Controller parameters QPSO based dE controller PSO based dE controller QPSO based mB controller PSO based mB controller K T1 T2 T3 T4 97.75 0.7111 0.6206 0.5776 0.6412 74.35 0.0665 0.0177 0.2565 0.1908 96.70 0.0105 0.1112 0.4667 0.1230 89.12 0.3227 0.1408 0.9457 0.5011 Fig. 3. UPFC with lead–lag controller. The block diagram of the linearized dynamic model of the SMIB power system with UPFC is shown in Fig. 2. 3.3. UPFC based damping controller the objective function as given in Eq. (30), which considers a multiple of operating conditions. The operating conditions are considered as: Base case: P = 0.80 pu, Q = 0.114 pu and XL = 0.3 pu. (Nominal loading.) Case 1: P = 0.2 pu, Q = 0.01 and XL = 0.3 pu. (Light loading.) Case 2: P = 1.20 pu, Q = 0.4 and XL = 0.3 pu. (Heavy loading.) Case 3: The 30% increase of line reactance XL at nominal loading condition. Case 4: The 30% increase of line reactance XL at heavy loading condition. The damping controller is designed to produce an electrical torque in-phase with the speed deviation according to phase compensation method. The four control parameters of the UPFC (mB, mE, dB and dE) can be modulated in order to produce the damping torque. In this paper, dE and mB are modulated in order to damping controller design. The speed deviation Dx is considered as the input to the damping controller. The structure of UPFC based damping controller is shown in Fig. 3. This controller may be considered as a lead– lag compensator [1]. However, an electrical torque in-phase with the speed deviation is to be produced in order to improve damping of the system oscillations. It comprises gain block, signal-washout block and lead–lag compensator. The parameters of the damping controller are obtained using QPSO algorithm. In this work, in order to acquire better performance, number of particle, particle size, number of iteration and b is chosen as 30, 5, 50 and 1.5, respectively. It should be noted that QPSO algorithm is run several times and then optimal set of UPFC controller parameters is selected. The final values of the optimized parameters with objective function, J, are given in Table 1. 3.4. UPFC controller design using QPSO 4. Non-linear time-domain simulation To acquire an optimal combination, this paper employs QPSO [17] to improve optimization synthesis and find the global optimum value of fitness function. For our optimization problem, an integral of time multiplied absolute value of the error is taken as the objective function. The objective function is defined as follows [22]: To assess the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controllers, simulation studies are carried out for various fault disturbances and fault clearing sequences for two scenarios. J¼ Np Z X i¼1 tsim tjDxi jdt ð29Þ 0 In the above equations, tsim is the time range of simulation and Np is the total number of operating points for which the optimization is carried out. For objective function calculation, the time-domain simulation of the power system model is carried out for the simulation period. It is aimed to minimize this objective function in order to improve the system response in terms of the settling time and overshoots. The design problem can be formulated as the following constrained optimization problem, where the constraints are the controller parameters bounds [1,25]: Minimize J Subject to : T min 2 T max 2 T2 T min 3 T min 4 T 3 T max 3 In this scenario, the performance of the proposed controller under transient conditions is verified by applying a 6-cycle threephase fault at t = 1 s, at the middle of the one transmission line. The fault is cleared by permanent tripping of the faulted line. The performance of the controllers when the quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization is used in the design is compared to that of the controllers designed using the classical particle swarm optimization. The speed deviation of generator at nominal, light and heavy loading conditions due to designed controller based on the dE and mB are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. It can be seen that the QPSO based UPFC controller achieves good robust performance, provides superior damping in comparison with the CPSO based UPFC controller and enhance greatly the dynamic stability of power system. 4.2. Scenario 2 K min K K max T min T 1 T max 1 1 4.1. Scenario 1 ð30Þ T 4 T max 4 Typical ranges of the optimized parameters are [0.01–100] for K and [0.01–1] for T1, T2, T3 and T4. The proposed approach employs QPSO algorithm to solve this optimization problem and search for an optimal or near optimal set of controller parameters. The optimization of UPFC controller parameters is carried out by evaluating In this scenario, another severe disturbance is considered for different loading conditions; that is, a 6-cycle, three-phase fault is applied at the same above mentioned location in scenario 1. The fault is cleared without line tripping and the original system is restored upon the clearance of the fault. The system response to this disturbance is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. It can be seen that the proposed QPSO based optimized UPFC controller has good performance in damping low frequency oscillations and stabilizes the system quickly. From the above conducted tests, it can be concluded that the dE based controller is superior to the mB based controller. 2304 H. Shayeghi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2299–2306 -3 x 10 -3 0 x 10 3 Speed deviation Speed deviation 2.5 Speed deviation x 10 3 -3 0 0 -1 (a) 0 2.5 5 -0.5 (b) 0 Time (sec) 2.5 -1 5 0 (c) Time (sec) 2.5 5 Time (sec) Fig. 4. Dynamic responses for Dx in scenario 1 at (a) nominal (b) light (c) heavy loading conditions; solid (QPSO based dE controller) and dashed (PSO based dE controller). -3 x 10 -3 0 0 -2 (a) 0 2.5 5 -2 x 10 5 Speed deviation Speed deviation 5 -3 Speed deviation x 10 5 0 (b) 0 Time (sec) 2.5 5 -2 (c) 0 Time (sec) 2.5 5 Time (sec) Fig. 5. Dynamic responses for Dx in scenario 1 at (a) nominal (b) light (c) heavy loading conditions; solid (QPSO based mB controller) and dashed (PSO based mB controller). -3 2.5 x 10 -3 Speed deviation Speed deviation x 10 Speed deviation 3 0 x 10 3 -3 0 0 -1 0 (a) 2.5 5 -0.5 (b) 0 Time (sec) 2.5 5 -2 (c) 0 Time (sec) 2.5 5 Time (sec) Fig. 6. Dynamic responses for Dx in scenario 2 at (a) nominal (b) light (c) heavy loading conditions; solid (QPSO based dE controller) and dashed (PSO based dE controller). x 10 -3 4 x 10 -3 4 0 -1 (a) 2.5 Time (sec) 5 -3 0 0 0 x 10 Speed deviation Speed deviation Speed deviation 4 -1 0 (b) 2.5 Time (sec) 5 -1 0 (c) 2.5 5 Time (sec) Fig. 7. Dynamic responses for Dx in scenario 2 at (a) nominal (b) light (c) heavy loading conditions; solid (QPSO based mB controller) and dashed (PSO based mB controller). 2305 H. Shayeghi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2299–2306 Table 2 Values of performance index ITAE. Fault case Type of algorithm Scenario 1 CPSO QPSO CPSO QPSO Scenario 2 Base case Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 dE mB dE mB dE mB dE mB dE mB 1.2711 1.1769 1.3422 1.2225 1.542 1.4376 1.3656 1.2446 1.0913 1.0605 1.2007 1.1645 1.3187 1.2671 1.2602 1.2028 1.172 1.0691 1.2229 1.081 1.4607 1.3507 1.2421 1.1151 1.0718 1.0446 1.0542 0.9875 1.8583 1.8582 1.3293 1.2222 1.0194 0.9889 0.9675 0.8868 1.876 1.8696 1.282 1.1657 Table 3 Values of performance index FD. Fault case Type of algorithm Scenario 1 CPSO QPSO CPSO QPSO Scenario 2 Base case Case 1 ITAE ¼ 100 Case 3 Case 4 mB dE mB dE mB dE mB dE mB 24.87 15.62 27.60 17.12 29.26 29.08 22.78 15.51 16.87 7.21 13.49 7.659 32.12 31.51 21.84 15.16 25.88 16.07 28.78 24.22 29.74 30.56 23.17 16.48 22.75 16.38 22.84 14.82 55.22 43.46 26.24 26.11 25.05 17.05 24.88 15.88 58.82 46.11 27.92 27.72 To demonstrate performance robustness of the proposed method, two performance indices: the ITAE and FD based on the system performance characteristics are defined as [22]: Z Case 2 dE Table 4 System parameters. Generator 5 ð0:01 jDPe j þ 0:025 jDV dc j þ jDxjÞ tdt 0 ð31Þ FD ¼ ðOS 1000Þ2 þ ðUS 3000Þ2 þ T 2s where speed deviation (Dx), electrical power deviation (DPe), DC voltage deviation (DVdc), overshoot (OS), undershoot (US) and settling time of speed deviation of the machine is considered for evaluation of the ITAE and FD indices. It is worth mentioning that the lower the value of these indices is, the better the system response in terms of time-domain characteristics. Numerical results of performance robustness for all system loading cases are listed in Tables 2 and 3. It can be seen that the values of these system performance characteristics with the QPSO based tuned controller are much smaller compared to PSO based tuned stabilizers. This demonstrates that the overshoot, undershoot, settling time and speed deviations of the machine are greatly reduced by applying the proposed QPSO based tuned controller. Moreover, it can be concluded that the dE based controller is the most robust controller. 5. Conclusions The quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization algorithm has been successfully applied to the robust design of UPFC based damping controllers. The design problem of the robustly selecting controller parameters is converted into an optimization problem according to time domain-based objective function which is solved by a QPSO technique which is a novel population based search technique using a diversity control method. It has stronger global search ability and more robust than PSO and other methods. The effectiveness of the proposed UPFC controllers for improving transient stability performance of a power system are demonstrated by a weakly connected example power system subjected to different severe disturbances. The non-linear time-domain simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed controller and their ability to provide good damping of low frequency oscillations. The system performance characteristics in terms of ‘ITAE’ and ‘FD’ indices reveal that the proposed QPSO based tuned stabilizers demonstrates its superiority than PSO based tuned stabilizers at various fault disturbances and fault clearing sequences. M ¼ 8 MJ=MVA X q ¼ 0:6 pu Excitation system Transformers Transmission line Operating condition DC link parameter UPFC parameter T 0do ¼ 5:044 s X 0d ¼ 0:3 pu X d ¼ 1 pu D¼0 K a ¼ 10 X T ¼ 0:1 pu X B ¼ 0:1 pu X L ¼ 1 pu P ¼ 0:8 pu V t ¼ 1:0 pu V DC ¼ 2pu mB ¼ 0:08 dE ¼ 85:35 Ks = 1 T a ¼ 0:05 s X E ¼ 0:1 pu V b ¼ 1:0 pu C DC ¼ 1 pu dB ¼ 78:21 mE ¼ 0:4 Ts = 0.05 Appendix A The nominal parameters and operating condition of the system are listed in Table 4. References [1] Al-Awami AT, Abdel-Magid YL, Abido MA. A particle-swarm-based approach of power system stability enhancement with unified power flow controller. Electr Power Energy Syst 2007;29:251–9. [2] Anderson PM, Fouad AA. Power system control and stability. Ames (IA): Iowa State Univ. 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