Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 Railway Group Standard The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines Synopsis This document mandates the design requirements for the avoidance of direct contact between persons and live parts of electrification equipment and of electrical equipment on trains. Submitted by Signatures removed from electronic version Anne Blakeney Senior Standards Project Manager Authorised by Signatures removed from electronic version Brian Alston Controller, Railway Group Standards This document is the property of Railway Safety. It shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the Controller, Railway Group Standards, Railway Safety. Published by Railway Safety, Evergreen House 160 Euston Road London NW1 2DX © Copyright 2001 Railway Safety Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. This page has been left blank intentionally Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 1 of 19 Contents Section Page Part A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 Issue Record Implementation of this document Scope of Railway Group Standards Responsibilities Health and safety responsibilities Technical content Supply Part B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Purpose Application of this document Definitions Overhead electrified lines Third rail electrified lines 4 4 6 8 12 Flowchart for determination of electrical clearance category – 25kV electrification Conductor rail layout at level crossings 15 16 Appendices A B References RAILWAY SAFETY Description 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 19 1 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 2 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines Part A A1 Issue Record This document will be updated when necessary by distribution of a complete replacement. Issue One Date October 2001 Comments Original document. A2 Implementation of this document The publication date of this document is 6 October 2001. This document comes into force on 1 December 2001. The dates by which compliance with the requirements of this document is to be achieved are set out in Part B2. Where those dates are later than the date on which this document comes into force, this is to give Railway Group members additional time to plan and commence implementation so as to achieve full compliance by the dates set out in Part B2. This document supersedes the following Railway Group Standards, either in whole or in part as indicated: Railway Group Standard Iss. No. Title RGS sections superseded by this document Date(s) as of which sections are superseded GM/TT0101 1 Clearance requirements for electrified lines and T&RS All clauses relating to infrastructure and stations 3 August 2002 All clauses relating to trains 4 October 2003 GC/RT5161 1 Station platform design requirements 9.4 3 August 2002 (already withdrawn) GC/RT5203 2 Infrastructure requirements for personal safety in respect of clearances and access 10 3 August 2002 (already withdrawn) GM/TT0101 issue 1 is withdrawn with effect from 4 October 2003 A3 Scope of Railway Group Standards The overall scope of Railway Group Standards is as specified in Appendix A of GA/RT6001. The specific scope of this document is set out in Part B2. 2 RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 3 of 19 A4 Responsibilities Railway Group Standards are mandatory on all members of the Railway Group * and apply to all relevant activities that fall into the scope of each individual’s Railway Safety Case. If any of those activities are performed by a contractor, the contractor’s obligation in respect of Railway Group Standards is determined by the terms of the contract between the respective parties. Where a contractor is a duty holder of a Railway Safety Case then Railway Group Standards apply directly to the activities described in the Safety Case. * The Railway Group comprises Railtrack PLC, Railway Safety, and the train and station operators who hold railway safety cases for operation on or related to infrastructure controlled by Railtrack PLC. Railtrack PLC is known as Railtrack. A5 Health and safety responsibilities In issuing this document, Railway Safety makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with all or any documents published by Railway Safety is sufficient on its own to ensure safe systems of work or operation. Each user is reminded of its own responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and its individual duties under health and safety legislation. A6 Technical content The technical content of this document has been approved by: Peter Williment, Principal Electrification Engineer, Railway Safety Derek Wolfendale, Principal Track & Structures Engineer, Railway Safety Keith Rose, Principal Vehicles Engineer, Railway Safety Enquiries to be directed to the Railway Safety – Tel: 020 7904 7518 A7 Supply Controlled and uncontrolled copies of this document may be obtained from the Industry Safety Liaison Dept, Railway Safety, Evergreen House, 160 Euston Road, London NW1 2DX. RAILWAY SAFETY 3 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 4 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines Part B B1 Purpose This standard mandates the electrical protective provisions to prevent injury to persons from direct contact with live parts of electrification equipment and of electrical equipment on trains. B2 Application of this document B2.1 To whom the requirements apply This document contains requirements that are applicable to the duty holders of the following categories of Railway Safety Case: a) infrastructure controller b) station operator c) train operator Under the Railways (Safety Case) Regulations 2000, the duty holder at a station (as defined in those Regulations) is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of Railway Group Standards are complied with. At a station, contractual arrangements (including a lease) do not of themselves relieve the duty holder of his obligations under those Regulations. B2.2 Compliance requirements B2.2.1 Infrastructure This document applies to all electrified lines on Railtrack controlled infrastructure, using Railtrack standard systems of electrification, namely 25kV AC or 1500V DC overhead line electrification, or 750V DC top contact third rail electrification (which includes systems where a ‘fourth rail’ is electrically connected to the running rails). The requirements of this document are mandatory for new Railtrack controlled infrastructure and for alterations to existing Railtrack controlled infrastructure for which approval in principle is given on or after 3 August 2002. When approval in principle is given before 3 August 2002, but the infrastructure has not yet been brought into service, the design shall be reviewed and, where reasonably practicable, brought into line with the requirements of this document. Where it is not reasonably practicable to do so, the situation shall be regularised by means of a non-compliance or derogation (see section B2.2.4). Action to bring existing infrastructure into compliance with the requirements of this document is not required provided that the infrastructure was compliant with the previously applicable standards. B2.2.2 Stations This document applies to all stations on Railtrack controlled infrastructure, using Railtrack standard systems of electrification, namely 25kV AC or 1500V DC overhead line electrification, or 750V DC top contact third rail electrification (which includes systems where a ‘fourth rail’ is electrically connected to the running rails). The requirements of this document are mandatory for new stations and for alterations to existing stations for which design commences on or after 3 August 2002. 4 When design commences before 3 August 2002, but the station (or station modification) has not yet been brought into service, the design shall be reviewed and, where reasonably practicable, brought into line with the requirements of this document. Where it is not reasonably practicable to do so, the situation shall be regularised by means of a non-compliance or derogation (see section B2.2.4). RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 5 of 19 Action to bring existing stations into compliance with the requirements of this document is not required provided that they were compliant with the previously applicable standards. B2.2.3 Trains This document applies to all electric trains which will operate on Railtrack controlled infrastructure, using Railtrack standard systems of electrification, namely 25kV AC or 1500V DC overhead line electrification, or 750V DC top contact third rail electrification (which includes systems where a ‘fourth rail’ is electrically connected to the running rails). The vehicle design requirements mandated in this document are to be complied with by all vehicles of previously uncertificated designs with a Certificate of Conformance for Vehicle Design signed on or after 4 October 2003. In addition to this the design requirements shall be complied with by any future vehicles, built to the same design as a vehicle already having Engineering Acceptance, which enter service on Railtrack controlled infrastructure on or after 7 October 2006. The requirements of sections B4.8 and B5.6 of this document are within the scope of Vehicle Acceptance Body approval. Action to bring existing trains into compliance with the requirements of this document is not required provided that they were compliant with the previously applicable standards. Where trains are being modified in the area covered by the scope of this document, the design shall be reviewed and where practicable brought into line with the requirements of this document. B2.2.4 General compliance requirements Until the compliance dates, or the date by which compliance is achieved (if earlier), the applicable requirements of the predecessor documents shall continue to be met (see Part A for details). After the compliance dates, or after the date by which compliance is achieved (if earlier), Railway Group members shall not deviate from the requirements set out in this document. Where it is considered not practicable, or not reasonably practicable, to comply with the requirements set out in this document, authorisation not to comply shall be sought in accordance with GA/RT6001, GA/RT6004 or GA/RT6006. B2.3 Exclusions from the application of this document Electrical equipment in a secured area, building or compound under the control of one Railway Group member is outside the scope of this document, eg overhead line equipment in a train maintenance depot, or a track sectioning location within a fenced compound. B2.4 Related requirements in other documents These are set out in a number of documents as detailed below: RAILWAY SAFETY a) The requirements for electrified lines traction bonding are set out in GL/RT1254. b) Instructions for the protection of persons working on or near to 25kV AC overhead electrified lines are set out in GE/RT8024, and Rule Book Section Z Part (i) (GO/RT4100/1). c) Instructions for the protection of persons working on or near to 1500V DC overhead electrified lines are set out in Railtrack local instructions. d) Instructions for the protection of persons working on or near to 750V DC third rail electrified lines are set out in GO/RT3091, except for the Liverpool area and the Northern City Lines where Railtrack local instructions apply. 5 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 6 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines e) Instructions for the protection of persons working on or near to electrified lines owned by others, but adjacent to Railtrack controlled infrastructure, are set out in Railtrack local instructions. f) Requirements for the protection of all lines including electrified lines against inadvertent access and trespass are set out in GC/RT5201. Specific requirements for parapets on bridges over electrified lines are set out in GC/RT5110. g) Requirements for the provision of warning signs and notices on electrified lines are set out in GM/RT1041, GM/RT2181 and GM/RT2300. B3 Definitions B3.1 General Barrier A part providing protection against direct contact from any usual direction of access. (Definition taken from BS EN 50122-1). Direct contact Contact between persons and live parts. (Definition based on BS EN 50122-1). Indirect contact Contact between persons and exposed conductive parts which have become live under fault conditions. (Definition based on BS EN 50122-1). Live Being at a voltage by being connected to a source of electricity or by induction. Screen A part preventing unintentional direct contact but not preventing direct contact by deliberate action. (Definition based on ‘Obstacle’ in BS EN 50122-1). B3.2 Overhead Electrified Lines Free access areas Free access areas are to be considered as those areas to which the public has unrestricted access outwith the control of a Railway Group member, such as a lineside public footpath outside the boundary fence. Live parts The normally exposed live parts of overhead line equipment, including the whole length of any insulator, or of pantographs and other roof-mounted electrical equipment on trains. Overhead line equipment Overhead line equipment (OLE) is an arrangement of wires suspended over the railway line for supplying electricity to trains, together with associated fittings, insulators and other attachments including feeders, switches, jumpers and, where fitted, return conductors or auto-transformer feeders. For the purposes of this standard, the definition of ‘overhead line equipment’ includes all feeder wires and bare aerial busbars of unfenced trackside electrification equipment locations. Passing electrical clearance The distance, being created by a momentary reduction of the static electrical clearance, caused by the dynamic movement of the overhead line equipment and the passage of trains. Public areas Public areas shall be considered as those areas of Railtrack controlled infrastructure, and other infrastructure under the control of a Railway Group member and falling within the scope of this standard, to which the public is allowed access. 6 RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 7 of 19 Restricted areas Restricted areas shall be considered as those areas of Railtrack controlled infrastructure, and other infrastructure under the control of a Railway Group member and falling within the scope of this standard, to which the Railway Group member controls access only to authorised persons. Safety clearance The distance in a straight line between a standing surface and live parts necessary to prevent direct contact between persons and the live parts. Static electrical clearance The distance forming insulation in air between: a) live parts of OLE and the earthed parts of trains b) live parts of OLE and other parts of OLE which may become earthed c) live parts of OLE and structures d) live parts of OLE and other parts of OLE live at a different phase e) live parts of electric trains and earthed parts of OLE f) live parts of electric trains and structures g) live parts of electric trains and other parts of OLE live at a different phase, and which exists when all the parts are at rest, and not subject to dynamic movements. Taut string distance The dimension of an imaginary taut string running between a standing surface and a live part around the periphery of a screen. Uplift The amount by which the overhead line equipment is raised during the passage of a pantograph. B3.3 Third rail electrified lines Conductor rail equipment Conductor rail equipment (CRE) is the conductor rail, together with items connected to it. Guard boarding Protective boarding, of a non-conductive material, placed alongside one or both sides of the conductor rail at certain locations, in order to protect persons from contact with the conductor rail. Live parts The normally exposed live parts of the conductor rail equipment, including the whole length of any insulator, or of shoegear and other electrical equipment on trains. Passing electrical clearance The distance, being created by a momentary reduction of the static electrical clearance caused by movement of the conductor rail equipment and the passage of trains. It is characterised by being a non-permanent clearance. In this context the clearance between the live parts of electric trains and the running rail or any other rail may be considered a ‘passing’ clearance, even if the train is stationary. Static electrical clearance The distance forming insulation in air between: a) RAILWAY SAFETY live parts of CRE and the parts of trains at running rail potential 7 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 8 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines b) live parts of CRE and fixed metalwork c) live parts of CRE and other parts of CRE which may become connected to running rail potential d) live parts of electric trains and the running rail or any other rail or equipment at earth potential or at running rail potential. B4 Overhead electrified lines B4.1 Principle The protective provisions afforded by the infrastructure against direct contact between persons and live parts are to be provided by safety clearances, achieved by the appropriate positioning of the OLE, or where the safety clearances are not achievable, by the provision of screens. B4.2 Protection by safety clearances All access routes on the lineside or on or near to the line (excluding station platforms) shall where reasonably practicable be at rail level or below. Where this is not reasonably practicable other control measures shall be applied to reduce the risks associated with electrical hazards. OLE shall be designed, constructed and maintained such that the live parts of the OLE are positioned so as to minimise the risk of injury to persons. Live parts of the OLE shall only extend over the tracks for which they are required for the provision of traction electricity to electric trains, and such adjacent areas as are necessary for their support, tensioning and positioning. Outside the area of ‘on or near the line’ live parts of the OLE shall be positioned no lower than 5.2 m above any standing surface, under the worst conditions of temperature and loading. Except for insulators, live parts of the OLE shall not extend over non-electrified lines, beyond the end of sidings or over platforms or raised walkways. Insulators associated with live parts of the OLE shall not be located over any platform or raised walkway except in cases of special difficulty where it is permissible for up to half the length of any insulator to be positioned over the platform or raised walkway. The positioning of live parts of the OLE over wide intervals between tracks, and above positions of safety and cess walkways shall be avoided where reasonably practicable. The minimum safety clearance to live parts from a standing surface shall be as shown in figure 2 (for 1500V DC electrified lines) and figure 14 (for 25kV AC electrified lines) of BS EN 50122-1 as modified by Annex G of that document. ‘Public Areas’ and ‘Restricted Areas’ shall be interpreted in accordance with the definitions in this document. The minimum safety clearance to live parts from a standing surface in free access areas shall be 5.2 m. The above minimum safety clearances shall apply under the worst conditions of temperature and loading. B4.3 Protection by screens Where the safety clearances given in B4.2 cannot be achieved, a screen shall be placed between the live parts and the standing surface. Except where specified otherwise below, screens shall be in accordance with the requirements for ‘Obstacles’ as set out in ‘General’ sections or of BS EN 50122-1, as appropriate to the voltage. Screens shall be dimensioned 8 RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 9 of 19 and positioned such that the taut string distance from the exposed live parts to the standing surface shall be at least 2.75 m. Screens shall be robustly constructed, secured to prevent unauthorised removal and designed so as not to facilitate climbing. Screens in public areas shall be of solid wall construction which is permitted to be conductive or non-conductive. Screens of conductive material shall be bonded in accordance with the requirements of GL/RT1254. Screens on 25kV AC electrified lines shall be dimensioned and positioned in accordance with the requirements for ‘Obstacles’ in section and figure 18 of BS EN 50122-1. Screens on 1500V DC electrified lines shall be dimensioned and positioned in accordance with the requirements for ‘Obstacles’ in section and figure 12 of BS EN 50122-1. Screens in restricted areas shall be either of solid wall construction, or of a suitably sized mesh, to at least IP2X as described in BS EN 60529, of a conductive material. Screens of conductive material shall be bonded in accordance with the requirements of GL/RT1254. Screens on 25kV AC electrified lines shall be dimensioned and positioned in accordance with the requirements for ‘Obstacles’ in section and figures 16 and 17 of BS EN 50122-1. Screens on 1500V DC electrified lines shall be dimensioned and positioned in accordance with the requirements for ‘Obstacles’ in section and figures 5 and 6 of BS EN 50122-1. The electrical clearance between the screen and the live parts shall be determined in accordance with B4.6 below, corresponding to normal clearances, with an additional allowance of 100 mm for screens of mesh construction. B4.4 Anti-climbing protection Where OLE structures and any associated attachments, or buildings or other structures supporting live parts of the OLE, are of a design that is easy to climb, and there is public access or trespass is likely, anti-climbing protection shall be provided. Access to fixed ladders shall be denied in areas prone to trespass. The means of access to any roof, or other place which could allow people to approach live parts, shall be secured or otherwise protected. B4.5 Level crossings B4.5.1 Public road level crossings Without the provision of height gauges restricting the maximum height of road vehicles using the crossing, the minimum height of the lowest live part of the OLE above the road surface of a public road level crossing, under the worst conditions of temperature and loading (the ‘minimum height’), shall be as shown in Table 1. The clearances shown are referenced above the maximum road vehicle height of 16' 6'' (5000 mm). ‘Minimum height’ (mm) Clearance to road vehicle (mm) 25kV AC 5600 600 1500V DC 5500 500 Table 1 Clearances at public road level crossings Special consideration shall be given to the effect of height infringements by road vehicles at level crossings which are on a sloping road gradient or are part of a designated ‘high loads route’. In these cases the ‘minimum height’ shown in Table 1 shall be increased accordingly so as to maintain the clearance between live parts of the OLE and road vehicles at the value in Table 1. Lower values of the ‘minimum height’ than those shown in Table 1 shall require the provision of height gauges. These gauges shall restrict the maximum height RAILWAY SAFETY 9 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 10 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines of road vehicles using the crossing, and shall be set to a height which maintains the appropriate clearance (from the table) below the ‘minimum height’. Special warnings to road users shall also be provided at such crossings. B4.5.2 Private level crossings The minimum height of live parts of the OLE at private level crossings shall be agreed between the infrastructure controller and the occupier and shall provide a clearance between the lowest live parts of the OLE and road vehicles in accordance with Table 1. Height gauges restricting the maximum height of road vehicles using the crossing shall be provided where there is a risk of a road vehicle infringing the clearance to live parts. B4.5.3 Footpath and bridleway crossings At footpath and bridleway crossings, the minimum height of live parts of the OLE shall be 5.2 m above the crossing surface under the worst conditions of temperature and loading. Notices shall be provided in accordance with GM/RT1041. B4.6 Electrical clearances to infrastructure B4.6.1 Categorisation and application of electrical clearances Electrical clearances are categorised as enhanced, normal, reduced or special reduced. The maximum value of electrical clearance within any category shall be provided where reasonably practicable. In areas of exceptional circumstances, such as the likely incidence of birds, icicles or vandalism, or for particularly vulnerable infrastructure, enhanced clearances or other protective measures shall be provided where reasonably practicable, otherwise the category of clearances to be adopted for new and altered infrastructure, other than new or altered overhead line equipment on existing infrastructure, shall be normal clearances. The category of clearances to be adopted for the passage of new and transferred rail vehicles on existing electrified routes shall be normal clearances, unless it can be demonstrated that it is not reasonably practicable. For new electrification infrastructure and electrification infrastructure subject to alteration on existing routes, where it can be demonstrated that it is not reasonably practicable to provide normal clearances, the adoption of reduced clearances shall be permissible where justification can be made on the basis of: a) a risk assessment of the reduced clearances being breached, and b) the application of appropriate control measures. The infrastructure controller shall maintain a record of all such assessments where reduced clearances have been adopted in this manner. For 25kV AC systems only, where it can be demonstrated that it is not reasonably practicable to provide reduced clearances, the adoption of special reduced clearances shall be permissible where justification can be made on the basis of: a) a risk assessment of the reduced clearances being breached, and b) the application of appropriate control measures. The infrastructure controller shall put in place a system for the competent evaluation of all such assessments, and shall maintain records of such assessments. When carrying out the risk assessments referred to above, the assessment of likelihood and consequences shall include, but not be limited to the: a) 10 control measures used to regulate those factors contributing to the build up of the clearances RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 11 of 19 a) electrical characteristics of the electrification system b) fault current resulting from a breakdown of the electrical clearance c) application and maintenance of tolerances of the OLE and infrastructure positions d) vulnerability of the OLE and infrastructure to damage, should breakdown of the electrical clearance occur e) consequences for the safety of persons should breakdown of the electrical clearance occur f) economic and technical considerations. Where the use of special engineering solutions is considered appropriate, they shall only be employed after an evaluation has been undertaken by the infrastructure controller, and the special engineering solution has been regularised in accordance with the compliance section in Part B of this document. The above process in respect of 25kV AC clearances is shown in flowchart format in Appendix A. B4.6.2 Electrical clearances The values for the electrical clearances for the categories given in section 4.6.1 shall be as shown in Table 2 25kV AC electrified lines 1500V DC electrified lines Enhanced Normal Reduced Special Reduced Static electrical clearance 600 mm or greater 599 – 270 mm 269 – 200 mm 199 – 150 mm Passing electrical clearance 600 mm or greater 200 mm or greater 199 – 150 mm 149 – 125 mm Static electrical clearance 500 mm or greater 499 – 150 mm 100 mm N/A Passing electrical clearance 500 mm or greater 100 mm or greater 99 – 80 mm N/A Table 2 Electrical clearances between live parts and structures or earth Values for the electrical clearance between parts of the OLE which are live at 25kV at different phases shall be as shown in Table 3. 25kV - 25kV (120º) 25kV - 25kV (180º) Static electrical clearance 400 mm or greater 540 mm or greater Passing electrical clearance 230 mm or greater 300 mm or greater Table 3 Electrical clearances between live parts at different phases In calculating the values of electrical clearances above the following shall be taken into account: a) RAILWAY SAFETY The size of trains in accordance with GM/RT2149, taking into account swept envelopes, track position and tolerances, including rail sidewear (in 11 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 12 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines accordance with GE/RT8029), the effects of vertical and horizontal curvature (overthrow). b) The position and size of live parts of OLE allowing for installation and maintenance tolerances, uplift and other dynamic movements, movements due to wind, temperature and loading conditions. c) The position of live parts on trains, including pantographs, allowing for the swept envelope of the pantograph gauge, track position and tolerances, including rail sidewear (in accordance with GE/RT8029), vehicle construction and maintenance tolerances, the effects of vertical and horizontal curvature (overthrow), pantograph carbon wear and dynamic movements and deflections of the pantograph frame. B4.7 Clearances to vegetation Lineside vegetation shall be managed such that a minimum clearance of 2.75 m is maintained between the vegetation and live parts of the OLE and the vertical space above them. Requirements for the management of vegetation in order to achieve these clearances are documented in GC/RT5202. B4.8 Engineering acceptance requirements for vehicles Live parts on the outside of vehicles shall be kept to a minimum. Roof-mounted live parts shall be positioned as close as is reasonably practicable to the longitudinal centre line of the vehicle. B5 Third rail electrified lines B5.1 Principle The protective provisions afforded by the infrastructure against direct contact between persons and live parts are to be provided by safety clearances, achieved by the appropriate positioning of the CRE, or where the safety clearances are not achievable, by the provision of screens. B5.2 Protection by positioning of live parts of CRE The layout of the CRE shall be designed, constructed and maintained such that live parts are positioned so as to minimise the risk of injury to persons, taking account of maintenance and operating requirements such as clipping and scotching of points. Except where it is not practicable to do so, in which case the requirements of section B5.4 shall be provided, the conductor rail shall be located: a) 2 m or more from an authorised walking route b) on the opposite side of the track from a ground level walkway c) between tracks on the opposite side to the cess d) on the opposite side to the ‘ten foot’ e) on the opposite side to all station platforms, raised walkways and staging f) on the opposite side to signal post telephone locations. B5.3 Crossings Cattle-cum-trespass guards constructed of non-conductive material shall be installed with the members parallel to the track for a minimum distance of 2.6 m when measured along the line of the railway, in accordance with the diagram in Appendix B.2, at the following locations: a) 12 Road crossings with lifting barriers, or with gates, which do not prevent access to the railway when the road is open. RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 13 of 19 b) Occupation, accommodation, bridleway and footpath crossings. c) Footpaths associated with road crossings. d) Barrow and private crossings used by the public and by persons who are not trained to appreciate the hazards of the electrified railway. e) All other crossings which are accessible by the public and allow open access to the railway when in use. At level crossings without cattle-cum-trespass guards, but provided with gates which prevent public access to the railway when the road is open, then provided that the gates are close screened to at least IP2X as described in BS EN 60529, the conductor rail shall be terminated from the edge of the crossing surface so as not to infringe a minimum of 300 mm when measured along the line of the railway under all conditions, in accordance with the diagram in Appendix B.1. At other level crossings without cattle-cum-trespass guards the conductor rail shall be terminated from the edge of the crossing surface so as not to infringe a minimum of 2000 mm when measured along the line of the railway under all conditions, in accordance with the diagram in Appendix B.3. B5.4 Protection by screens B5.4.1 General Where the requirements for conductor rail location in B5.2 cannot be achieved, guard boarding or fencing fulfilling the function of a screen shall be placed between the live parts of the CRE and the standing surface. B5.4.2 Guard boarding Notwithstanding the specific requirements of the remainder of this section, guard boarding, on either or both sides of the conductor rail, shall be provided where a risk assessment indicates the risk of a person making direct contact with live parts of the conductor rail. This evaluation shall balance the risks of direct contact with the consequences of the inability to use short circuiting bars together with the technical and economic criteria. Such risk assessments shall be undertaken on new infrastructure and on infrastructure that is subject to modification. Special consideration shall be given to the provision of guard boarding where conductor rails are in close proximity to the operating position of a hook switch or a track isolating switch. Guard boarding shall be provided in the following situations: RAILWAY SAFETY a) On both sides of the conductor rail, where the conductor rail is located on the same side as a signal post telephone, for a sufficient distance to cover the positions of cab doors of trains stopping at the signal post telephone, but in any case not less than 9 m, commencing 8 m on the approach side of the signal post, and at other locations where train crews regularly need to go on or near the line, having alighted from trains. b) On both sides of the conductor rail at locations where regular coupling, uncoupling or servicing takes place which requires work to be undertaken below sole bar level and there is a risk of persons coming into accidental contact with the live parts of the conductor rail. c) On both sides of the conductor rail where the egress from buildings or an equipment location facing towards the track is within 1 m of the conductor rail and no barrier is provided. d) On the outside of the conductor rail at locations which are not defined as an authorised walking route but over which persons regularly walk and approach within 1 m of the conductor rail. 13 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 14 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines e) On both sides of the conductor rail at level crossings where no cattle-cumtrespass guards are provided, for a length of 2 m, as shown in the diagram in Appendix B.3. Where signal wires or point rods are less than 1 m from the conductor rail or pass beneath the conductor rail, the signal wires or point rods shall be screened to prevent contact with the conductor rail. B5.4.3 Fencing Except in public areas (for example stations and level crossings, etc) all third rail electrified lines shall be fenced to deter persons from gaining access to the conductor rails. In the areas described above where fencing is not possible, warning notices shall be provided. In those areas where it is neither practicable to locate the conductor rail as required by section B5.2, nor to provide guard boarding as required by B5.4.2, then a protective fence (not being the boundary fence) shall be provided. Except where it is not practicable to do so, all walkways used to enter railway installations by the public and persons who have not been trained to appreciate the hazards of third rail electrified lines shall be adequately fenced. Where fencing is not possible warning notices shall be provided. B5.5 Electrical clearances The minimum electrical clearance between conductor rails, whether or not they are connected to the same power source, shall be 200 mm. The minimum static electrical clearance shall not be less than 75 mm. The minimum passing electrical clearance shall not be less than 25 mm. B5.6 Engineering acceptance requirements for vehicles Live parts on the outside of vehicles shall be kept to a minimum. 14 RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 15 of 19 Appendix A Flowchart for determination of electrical clearance category – 25kV electrification IS AREA OF EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE? YES ADOPT ENHANCED CLEARANCES STATIC ELEC. CL. PASSING ELEC. CL. > 600mm > 600mm ADOPT NORMAL CLEARANCES STATIC ELEC. CL. PASSING ELEC. CL. 270mm - 599mm > 200mm NO IS IT REASONABLY PRACTICABLE TO ADOPT NORMAL CLEARANCES? YES NO IS IT REASONABLY PRACTICABLE TO ADOPT REDUCED CLEARANCES? YES RISK ASSESSMENT INFRASTRUCTURE CONTROLLER: -MAINTAIN RECORD OF ASSESSMENT CONTROL MEASURES NO ADOPT REDUCED CLEARANCES SPECIAL REDUCED CLEARANCES RISK ASSESSMENT STATIC ELEC. CL. PASSING ELEC. CL. 200 mm - 269 mm 150 - 199 mm INFRASTRUCTURE CONTROLLER: -EVALUATION OF ASSESSMENT -MAINTAIN RECORD OF ASSESSMENT CONTROL MEASURES ADOPT SPECIAL REDUCED CLEARANCES RAILWAY SAFETY STATIC ELEC. CL. PASSING ELEC. CL. 150 mm - 199 mm 125 mm - 149 mm 15 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 16 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines Appendix B Conductor rail layout at level crossings B.1 Level crossing without cattle-cumtrespass guards but with gates that prevent access to the railway 300mm 16 300mm RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 17 of 19 B.2 Level crossing with cattle-cum-trespass guards CATTLE GRID 300mm RAILWAY SAFETY 2600mm 2600mm 300mm 17 Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 18 of 19 Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines B.3 Level crossing without cattle-cumtrespass guards 2000mm guard boarding 18 2000mm 2000mm 2000mm guard boarding RAILWAY SAFETY Uncontrolled When Printed The following parts are to be superseded by GLRT1210 Iss 1 as of 07/03/2015: B4.1, and parts of B4.2, B4.3, B4.5.1, B4.5.2, B4.5.3 and B4.6 The following parts are superseded by GLRT1212 Iss 1 (part of B5.5) and GMRT2113 Iss 1 (parts of B5.5 and B5.6) on 05/12/2015 The following parts are to be superseded by GMRT2111 Iss 1 as of 03/06/2017: B4.8. Railway Group Standard Electrical Protective Provisions for Electrified Lines GE/RT8025 Issue One Date October 2001 Page 19 of 19 References GA/RT6001 Railway Group Standards Railway Group Standards Change Procedures GA/RT6004 Temporary Non-Compliance with Railway Group Standards GA/RT6006 Derogations from Railway Group Standards GCRT5101 Technical Approval Requirements for Changes to the Infrastructure GC/RT5110 Design Requirements for Structures GC/RT5201 Lineside Security GC/RT5202 Vegetation - Managing the Risks GE/RT8024 Persons Working On or Near to AC Electrified Lines GE/RT8029 Management of Clearances and Gauging GL/RT1254 Electrified Lines Traction Bonding GM/RT1041 Warning Signs and Notices for Electrified Lines GM/RT2149 Requirements for Defining and Maintaining the Size of Railway Vehicles GM/RT2181 Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) Warning Line on Traction & Rolling Stock GM/RT2300 Warnings Signs & Labels Fitted to Electrical Equipment on Rail-Mounted Vehicles GO/RT3091 DC Electrified Lines Instructions GO/RT4100/1 BS EN 50122-1 BS EN 60529 Rule Book Section Z Part (i) AC Electrified Lines Other References Railway Aplications – Fixed Installations Part one Protective provisions relating to electrical safety and earthing Specification for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards and the Railway Group Standards CD-ROM give the current issue number and status of documents published by Railway Safety. RAILWAY SAFETY 19