IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 20, NO. 4, JULY 2005 901 Analysis of Power Losses for Instantaneous Compensation of Three-Phase Four-Wire Systems Juan-Carlos Montaño, Senior Member, IEEE, Patricio Salmerón, and Jaime Prieto Thomas Abstract—This paper deals with the effect that the instantaneous compensation in three-phase four-wire systems, including or not the compensation of the neutral current, has on the supply line power losses. Thus, for three-phase circuits, the instantaneous compensation criterion has been established based on the instantaneous power theory. According to the instantaneous value concept the noninstantaneous power current is reduced, without altering the instantaneous active power. Two approaches are marked in this paper for instantaneous compensation: the first one is for eliminating the total noninstantaneous power current but the neutral current can still flow. The second one for eliminating the modified noninstantaneous power current, thus the neutral current component is compensated. It demonstrates that, in common situations of medium and low relative-values of the zero-sequence voltage, the total losses (line and neutral losses) obtained with the second approach are lower than those obtained with the first approach. The same results are obtained when a criterion based on the average value concept is used. Simulated and experimental results are obtained to confirm the theoretical properties and to show the compensator performance. Index Terms—Neutral current, three-phase four-wire systems, zero-sequence voltage. I. INTRODUCTION L OAD compensation in power engineering is an important topic to be considered nowadays. It is the procedure used to obtain the supply currents sinusoidal and balanced or with the same waveforms as the respective source voltages. That is, source currents without harmonic distortion and balanced components. At present, active power line conditioners (APLC) make possible harmonic elimination, but no single and universally accepted electric power theory exists to obtain the control algorithm for balanced or unbalanced-load compensation in nonsinusoidal situations. In general, from the compensation point of view, for three-phase systems in distorted and/or unbalanced condition the analysis of the line current is based on the assumption that any current may be divided into two or more components: active current and all other nonactive components. There are Manuscript received July 28, 2004; revised November 8, 2004. This work was supported by the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT), Spanish Minister of Science and Technology. Recommended by Associate Editor V. Staudt. J.-C. Montaño is with the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Sevilla 41080, Spain (e-mail: P. Salmerón and J. P. Thomas are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Huelva, Spain (e-mail:; Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2005.850956 two main branches of power theories. The first was introduced by Fryze [1], and is based on the average value concept. The active current components (which are calculated using time-average measurements) are in phase with the source voltages, and the nonactive current components are in out of phase with the source voltages. This theory permits to speak of a time-average compensation type to eliminate the nonactive current. The concept presented by Fryze has resulted in the development of much more sophisticated theories, some based on Fourier’s analysis of voltage and current waveforms such as the Czarnecki’s theory [2], and others developed directly in the time domain such as the theories by Depenbrock and co-authors [3], Kuster and Moore [4], Page [5], Filipski [6], etc. The second main branch of power theories belongs to the so-called “ – theory,” by Akagi et al. [7], who analyzed the source current according to the instantaneous value concept. The value of the instantaneous non active current is determined at any single time instant, and hence the corresponding compensating current. This enables instantaneous compensation, using switching devices, which theoretically requires no energy storage elements. Later, several power theories, which are derived of the – theory, emerged thereby that have aided to make up the art state on electric power [8]–[16]. A detailed analysis of the – based work in comparison to the Fryze based work, specially for four-conductor systems, is found in [17]. Also, the subject of minimal line losses for multiwire systems at arbitrary resistances of the feeding conductors has already been trated [18], [19]. But the present work studies the case of the neutral current elimination as a derived process of the nonactive current compensation according to – based theories. The study is further extended to stationary and periodic conditions, where Fryze based theories are applicable. In fact, for three-phase four-wire systems, the instantaneous power theories present a serious drawback from the view of point of neutral current control when the voltage applied to the load is unbalanced and a zero sequence component appears. In fact, when the zero-sequence phase voltage on the load side exists, neither of the compensation types can guarantee the elimination of the neutral current in three-phase four-wire systems. So, the authors proposed [20] a strategy for compensating the neutral current at the expenses of eliminating a modified non instantaneous power current,1 which in general has no maximum 1The notation instantaneous power current and noninstantaneous power current have been adopted instead of the respective instantaneous active current and instantaneous reactive current used in [20]. This is according to the technically correct terminology used today [21]. 0885-8993/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE 902 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 20, NO. 4, JULY 2005 instantaneous norm. Only when the zero sequence component of the source voltage is zero, the instantaneous norm reach its maximum value. Two approaches are marked in this paper. The first one is for eliminating the noninstantaneous power current, thus neutral current can still flow. The second one proposes the modified noninstantaneous power current elimination, and then the neutral current component is compensated. Now, the question is which current compensation is most economical, in particular which non instantaneous-active current elimination implies minimal transmission losses. A practical case has been developed to confirm the theoretical properties and show the performance of the control strategies in an active compensator. In Section II, the principle of instantaneous compensation in nonsinusoidal three-phase four-wire systems, according the two strategies discussed in [20] is introduced. In Section III, a comparative study of power losses resulting of instantaneous compensation using the two strategies is obtained. In Section IV, the comparative study is extended to stationary and periodic conditions. Simulation results of a practical situation, showing the losses reduction for the two approaches of paragraphs Section III and Section IV, are given in Section V. Principal results of an experimental prototype designed for testing these concepts are shown at the end of Section V. II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND According to proposed theories [8]–[13], the three-phase generator and resulting line currents can be described in vector form (1) where is the voltage vector, which contains as elements the instantaneous phase voltages,2 and is the current vector, which contains as elements the instantaneous line currents. Let and be the instantaneous norm of the above vectors and (2) the instantaneous active power of the three-phase circuit Fig. 1. System configuration of nonactive current compensator. A. First Approach The instantaneous power current, , is defined [8]–[13] as the vector component obtained by projecting the current vector on the voltage vector (6) The vector of noninstantaneous power currents is the complement (7) 1) Control Strategy: An active filter, in parallel with the load, is used [7] for instantaneous compensation. It generates . Then, a load current vector the compensation current is defined (Fig. 1), which contains the line current components circulating through the load. In this case, the supply current vector verifies (8) As shown in [13], under imbalance supply-voltage the voltage vector, , contains a zero-sequence voltage component. It implies the existence in of a zero-sequence current component after compensation. So, a neutral current can still flow into the source side, producing power losses. 2) Power Losses: After compensation of the noninstantaneous power current vector (9) (3) and considering (6) For three-phase four-wire systems, the power loss in the line and neutral conductors can be expressed as (10) (4) B. Second Approach where denotes the resistance (assumed constant) of the line the resistance of neutral conductor and conductor, the neutral current. If the line conductors have the same resistance, , the above expression becomes A theory of instantaneous power, which permits compensation of both the zero-sequence current and the noninstantaneous power current vectors, exists [14]–[16]. The following analysis of the voltage vector was defined: (5) (11) (12) 2For simplicity, f will be used instead of f (t) for denoting instantaneous quantities. (13) MONTAÑO et al.: ANALYSIS OF POWER LOSSES 903 where the zero-sequence voltage (14) and (15) The modified instantaneous power current is defined as a current vector [14] (16) which is free of the zero-sequence voltage . It implies the definition of the vector of modified noninstantaneous power currents as the complement (17) 1) Control Strategy: In this second approach, the modified noninstantaneous power current was compensated using for the control the current vector (18) Fig. 2. Power loss ratio versus the zero sequence voltage magnitude (u =1). Fig. 2 shows (24) for several values of ranging between extreme values 1/3 and 2. For neutral conductor with zero resistance (24) simplifies to (25) resulting in (19) which is less than one if tance (24) simplifies to , and for equal conductor resis- (20) (26) i.e., the supply current after compensation is free of the zerosequence current component, and the instantaneous active power generated by the compensator is zero. Thus, the neutral current can be eliminated after instantaneous compensation. 2) Power Losses: After compensating , the power loss in the line and neutral conductors can be expressed as which is higher than one if . Fig. 2 shows the power loss ratio dependence of the instantaneous norm of voltage component with the related condition: 1. For 0, then 1, which implies the coincidence of formulation in the two approaches and equal power losses. For 1, and , equal conductor resistance, 1, i.e., the total power losses (considering the line and then neutral conductors) compensating according the first approach are higher than compensating according the second approach. 1/3, then If (21) (27) III. POWER LOSS COMPARISON A comparative study of power losses after instantaneous compensation using the approaches of the above paragraph is performed. So, considering (15) expression (10) can be transformed as (22) for comparing with the expression of the second approach indicating that for any instantaneous value of , less losses will be delivered with the first approach. But note that condition 1/3, means that the neutral-wire section is three times the phase-wire section. This is a limit case (hypothetical case) in the distribution of electrical power, where the conductor volume of the three-phase circuit is equal to three single-phase independent circuits. Note also that in actual power systems, conditions of instan1 are taneous norm values outside the shown margin of unrealistic. (23) Then, the ratio of the above power loss expressions can be considered after some manipulations (24) where , i.e., the instantaneous norm is taken as reference for obtaining the power loss ratio as a function of . IV. QUANTITIES DEFINED IN STATIONARY AND PERIODIC CONDITIONS The average value concept for three-phase systems, in contrast to that of the instantaneous value, has been based on timeaveraged quantities developed in both the frequency domain and the time domain. Under stationary and periodic conditions, the average value of the instantaneous active power and the rms 904 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 20, NO. 4, JULY 2005 value of voltage and current vectors, corresponding to the fundamental period , have been defined [8]. The instantaneous power (3) averaged over the observation interval or period defines the active power where (37) (28) is the modified equivalent conductance of the load. 1) Control Strategy: The compensating current is given by The rms of the voltages and of the currents are, respectively (38) and the source current after compensation (39) (29) 2) Power Losses: After compensation the power loss in the line and neutral conductors can be expressed as As in Section II, two approaches are considered in this situation. A. First Approach The active current vector, average value concept as , was defined [8] according to the (30) which is an extended definition of the Fryze’s active current [1]. Equation (30) defines those line currents that would be absorbed by an equivalent symmetric resistive load having the same average power consumption as the actual load at voltage . So, the load presents an equivalent conductance defined by (31) 1) Control Strategy: The compensating current (32) is the current vector which must be supplied by the compensator. It implies that the source current after compensation is (33) Although no power dissipation exists in the compensator [20] , can not be controlled to zero the source side neutral current, if the voltage zero-sequence exists, i.e., (34) 2) Power Losses: As in (10), after compensation of the nonactive current vector (35) B. Second Approach The modified active current vector, , was defined [14] according to the average value concept as (36) (40) The same considerations of Section III can be applied to the power loss expressions (35) and (40) for obtaining the power loss ratio (24) as a function of , the correspondent rms value of . V. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF PRACTICAL CASES The three-phase four-wire system of Fig. 1 was simulated using Mathcad. First, a sinusoidal three-phase voltage source with balanced resistive impedance but with 5% voltage unbalance (negative sequence) and preexisting fifth harmonic voltage of 2.5% was considered [Fig. 3(a)]. The load consists of a typical six-pulse converter with inductor-input filter. For the first situation, instantaneous compensation following approach 1 and 2 are considered as Cases 1 and 2, respectively. Waveforms corresponding to the practical results included in [22], in particular the phase-A voltage and phase-A load current circulating through the converter, are shown in Fig. 3(a). The zero sequence voltage resulting of the voltage unbalance is shown in Fig. 3(b). In this situation, the simulation conditions were chosen to compare the two criteria of the above paragraph for equal conductor resistance. Under compensation, the source side neutral current of Case 2, shown in Fig. 3(c), is perfectly controlled at zero using the second approach. As shown in Fig. 3(d), the defined power losses rating changes between maximum and minimum peak . Thus equal values in coincidence with the peak points of 1) of both approaches is only verified losses condition ( before compensation and when the zero sequence voltage, , , indicating higher power reaches zero value. Otherwise losses using the first-approach compensation method. Comparison of the two criteria for equal conductor resistance, Cases 1 and 2, is shown in Table I where the simulation results . As expected, line losses are measured at the peak point of are the lowest using the first approach, which implies maximum noninstantaneous power current compensation. On the contrary, MONTAÑO et al.: ANALYSIS OF POWER LOSSES 905 Fig. 3. Simulation results in Case 1 and Case 2: (a) voltage and load current of phase-A, Y axis units correspond to both 500 V/div and 500 A/div, (b) zero-sequence voltage, (c) neutral currents on the source side Case 1 and Case 2 (thick line), and (d) power loss rating of the uncompensated and compensated system. total losses adding line and neutral losses are the lowest using the second approach. Note that at the considered time instant, the neutral losses after compensating with the algorithm of the first approach are higher than the existing neutral losses without compensation. A second situation was considered, the simulation includes now a voltage source with preexisting third and fifth harmonic voltages of 5% and 2.5%, respectively, applied to the same arrangement of the first situation. Instantaneous compensation following approach 1 and 2 are now considered as Cases 3 and 4, respectively. Waveforms corresponding to the practical results are shown in Fig. 4. The influence of the third harmonic (3.78%) is evidenced in both the zero sequence voltage and the neutral currents [Fig. 4(b) and (c), respectively]. Under compensation, the source side neutral current of Case 4, shown in Fig. 4(c), is perfectly controlled at zero. As shown in Fig. 4(d), the defined power losses rating changes between maximum and minimum peak values in coincidence with the peak . As in the first situation, equal losses condition points of of both approaches is only verified before compensation and when the zero sequence voltage reaches zero value. Comparison of the two criteria for equal conductor resistance, Cases 3 and 4, is shown in Table II where the simulation results . Results are similar to those measured at the peak point of of Cases 1 and 2 (Table I): line losses are the lowest using the first approach but total losses adding line and neutral losses are the lowest using the second approach. As above, neutral losses compensating with the algorithm of the first approach are higher than neutral losses without compensation. Finally, an experimental model power system has been developed in the laboratory. It consists of a voltage set with 10% , ) of voltage unbalance ( applied throughout a short line, implemented with equivalent circuits [23], to a four-wire three-phase unbalanced nonac regulinear load. The load consists of three single-phase lators in star-connection with accessible neutral wire. The asymmetry of the load has been made using different values of TABLE I SIMULATION RESULTS FOR EQUAL CONDUCTOR RESISTANCES loads and switching angles. Table III shows the main parameter values of the experimental case, for the load and line impedances. Note that the results shown in Table I (Simulation Results) and Table III (Experimental Results) are different, they correspond to two different cases showing the generality of the theoretical properties. Simulation results are due to a realistic load of high power consumption. Experimental results show an extreme case of unbalanced voltages and asymmetric load, which can be measured clearly with conventional meters. The control system of the active conditioner was realized through the dSPACE data acquisition and control board ds1103, and the monitoring program ControlDesk. The line losses have been measured using two power quality analyzers. The three line losses were measured by the T//Teamware three-phase Electrical QUality Analyzer (EQUA); and the neutral line losses by the single-phase FLUKE 43 Power Quality Analyzer. Line losses measurements, in this situation, are summarized in Table IV, where equal line losses for the first and the second approach are shown. However, total losses are lowered using the second approach for compensation. Figs. 5–8 show results of the tests captured from the screen of the ControlDesk program. Applied voltages before compensation are shown in Fig. 5. Figs. 6–8 show the calculated line losses in the considered situations of Table IV. Fig. 6 shows the instantaneous and average values of the total power losses before compensation. Figs. 7 and 8 show the instantaneous and average values of the total power losses during compensation using the first and second approaches respectively. With the second approach 906 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 20, NO. 4, JULY 2005 Fig. 4. Simulation results in Case 3 and Case 4: (a) voltage of phase-A with preexisting third and fifth harmonic voltages of 5% and 2.5%, respectively, and load current of phase-A, (b) zero-sequence voltage, (c) neutral currents on the source side Case 3 and Case 4 (thick line), and (d) power loss rating of the compensated system. TABLE II SIMULATION RESULTS FOR EQUAL CONDUCTOR RESISTANCES TABLE III PARAMETERS OF THE TEST SYSTEM Fig. 6. Instantaneous and average values of the total power losses, before compensation. TABLE IV EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF LINE LOSSES Fig. 7. Instantaneous and average values of the total power losses, during compensation with the first approach. Fig. 5. Supply voltages used in the experimental model power system, showing 10% of voltage unbalance. Fig. 8. Instantaneous and average values of the total power losses, during compensation with the second approach. lower average value (Table IV) and spikes of instantaneous total power losses are obtained. In these figures, the effect of the high frequency switching, and power ratio values always higher than one, can be appreciated. MONTAÑO et al.: ANALYSIS OF POWER LOSSES VI. CONCLUSION The present discussion is focused on instantaneous compensation of three-phase four-wire systems when the zero-sequence component of the source voltage or load current exists. Power losses corresponding to two compensation criteria, based on the instantaneous value concept, are shown for. 1) Losses resulting of the elimination of the noninstanta. Neutral losses due neous power current component to the existence of the zero-sequence current may still exist. 2) Losses resulting of the elimination of the instantaneous modified noninstantaneous power current component and the zero-sequence current . Neutral losses do not exist due to the compensation of the zero-sequence current. The power loss resulted of the compensation is in general different with the two approaches. We can conclude saying that the instantaneous power loss, summing power losses in the four conductors, for the actual values of the zero-sequence voltage and equal conductor resistance, is lower using the compensating current defined in the second approach than using that defined in the first approach. The same conclusions are obtained for stationary and periodic conditions where theories based on the average value concept are applicable. REFERENCES [1] S. Fryze, “Wirk-, Blind, and Scheinleistung inElektrischen Stromkreisen mit Nichtsinusoidalem Verlauf von Strom und Spannung,” Elekt. Zeitschrift, vol. 53, no. 25, pp. 596–599, 1932. [2] L. S. Czarnecki, “Orthogonal decomposition of the currents in a 3-phase nonlinear asymmetrical circuit with a nonsinusoidal voltage source,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 30–34, Mar. 1988. [3] M. Depenbrock, D. A. Marshall, and J. D. van Wyk, “Formulating requirements for a universally applicable power theory as control algorithm in power compensators,” Eur. Trans. Elect. Power Eng., vol. 4, pp. 445–455, Nov./Dec. 1994. [4] N. I. Kusters and W. J. M. Moore, “On the definition of reactive power under nonsinusoidal conditions,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparat. Syst., vol. PAS-99, pp. 1845–1854, Sept./Oct. 1980. [5] C. H. 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From 1973 to 1978, he was a Researcher at the Instituto de Automática Industrial (CSIC-Spanish Research Council), Madrid, Spain, working on analog signal processing, electrical measurements, and control of industrial processes. Since 1978, he has been responsible for various projects in connection with research in power theory of nonsinusoidal systems, reactive power control, and power quality at the IRNAS (CSIC). Patricio Salmerón was born in Huelva, Spain. He received the Ph.D. in physics from the University of Seville, Seville, Spain, in 1993. From 1983 to 1993, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Seville, and since 1993 as Professor of electric circuits and power electronics with the Escuela Politécnica Superior, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain, where he is currently the head of the department. He has joined various projects in connection with research in power theory of nonsinusoidal systems and power control in electrical systems. At present, He is the head of the Escuela Politécnica Superior, University of Huelva. His research includes electrical power theory, active power filters, and artificial neural networks. Jaime Prieto Thomas was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1969. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Seville, Seville, Spain, in 1994 and is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain. After three years of engineering practice, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Huelva, in 1997 as Assistant Professor. His main research interests are active power conditioning, power quality, and power converter analysis, design, and control.