Syafruddin Hasan Syafruddin HS 1 At any point along the transmission line, we can find the ratio of the total voltage to the total current. current This ratio is known as input impedance. Syafruddin HS 2 Input Impedance (Cont’d) Looking into the line at z = - ℓ, the input impedance : Z L + Z 0 tanh (γl ) Z in = Z 0 Z 0 + Z L tanh (γl ) For a special lossless case, it becomes: Z L + jZ 0 tan (β l ) Z in = Z 0 Z 0 + jZ L tan (β l ) with β = 2π λ See Drill 6.7 and 6.8 and 6.9 Syafruddin HS 3 EXAMPLE 1 A source with 50 Ω source impedance drives a 50 Ω transmission line that is 1/8 of wavelength long, long terminated in a load ZL = 50 – j25 Ω. Calculate: (i) The reflection coefficient, coefficient ГL (ii) VSWR (iii) The Th input i t impedance i d seen by b the th source. 4 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 1 It can be shown as: 5 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 1 (Cont’d) ((i)) The reflection coefficient, Z L − Z0 ΓL = Z L + Z0 ( 50 − j 25) − 50 = 0.242e− j 76 = (50 − j 25) + 50 0 (ii) VSWR 1 + ΓL VSWR = = 1.64 1 − ΓL 6 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 1 (Cont’d) (iii) The input impedance seen by the source, Zin Need to calculate Therefore, 2π λ π βl = = λ 8 4 ∴ tan π 4 =1 Z L + jZ 0 tan βl Z in = Z 0 Z 0 + jZ L tan βl 50 − j 25 + j 50 = 50 50 + j 50 + 25 Zin = 30.8 − j 3.8Ω 7 5-6 Input Impedance of the Lossless Line • • Voltage to current ratio is called input impedance Zin i . The input impedance at z = −l is given as ⎛ Z L + jZ 0 tan βl ⎞ ⎛ Z L cos βl + jZ 0 sin βl ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ = Z 0 ⎜⎜ Z in (− l ) = Z 0 ⎜⎜ ⎝ Z 0 + jZ L tan βl ⎠ ⎝ Z 0 cos βl + jZ L sin βl ⎠ and d ~ ⎛ V g Z in + ⎜ V0 = ⎜ Z g + Z in ⎝ ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎝ e jβl + Γe − jβl ⎠ ⎠ Syafruddin HS 8 Example 5.6 Complete Solution for v(z, t) and i(z, t) A 1.05-GHz generator circuit with series impedance Zg = 10Ω and voltage g source given g byy vg (t ) = 10 sin (ωt + 30°) (V ) is connected to a load ZL = (100 + j50) through a 50 Ω 67-cm-long 50-Ω, 67 cm long lossless transmission line line. The phase velocity of the line is 0.7c, where c is the velocity of light in a vacuum. Find v(z, t) and i(z, t) on the line. Syafruddin HS 9 Solution 5.6 Complete Solution for v(z, t) and i(z, t) We find the wavelength from 0.7 × 3 × 108 λ= = = 0 .2 m 9 f 1.05 × 10 up and ⎛ 2πl ⎞ ⎛ 2π 0.67 ⎞ tan (βl ) = tan ⎜ ⎟ = tan ⎜ ⎟ = tan 126° ⎝ λ ⎠ ⎝ 0. 2 ⎠ The voltage reflection coefficient at the load is Γ= Z L − Z 0 (100 + j 50 ) − 50 = 0.45e j 26.6° = Z L + Z 0 (100 + j 50 ) + 50 The input impedance of the line ⎡ Z + jjZ 0 tan β l ⎤ Z in = Z 0 ⎢ L ⎥ = (21.9 + j17.4 )Ω ⎣ Z 0 + jZ 0 tan β l ⎦ Syafruddin HS 10 Solution 5.6 Complete Solution for v(z, t) and i(z, t) Rewriting the expression for the generator voltage, vg (t ) = 10 sin (ωt + 30°) [ = 10 cos(ωt − 60°) = ℜe 10e −60° e jwt Thus the phasor voltage is ] (V ) ~ Vg = 10e − j 60° = 10∠ − 60° (V ) The voltage on the line is ~ ⎛ V g Z in V0+ = ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ Z g + Z in ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞ j159° ⎟⎜ = 10 . 2 e = 10.2∠159° (V ) ⎟ ⎟⎝ e jβl + Γe − jβl ⎠ ⎠ and phasor voltage on the line is ( ) ( ~ V ( z ) = V0+ e − jβz + Γe jβz = 10.2e j159° e − jβz + 0.45e j 26.6° e jβz Syafruddin HS ) 11 Solution 5.6 Complete Solution for v(z, t) and i(z, t) The instantaneous voltage and current is [ ] ~ v(z , t ) = ℜe V (z )e jωt = 10.2 cos(ωt − β z + 159°) + 4.55 cos(ωt + β z + 185.6°) (V ) i ( z , t ) = 0.20 cos(ωt − β z + 159°) + 0.091 cos(ωt + β z + 5.6°) Syafruddin HS (A ) 12 5-7 Special Cases of the Lossless Line • Special cases has useful properties. properties 5-7 .1 ShortShort-Circuited Line • For short-circuited line at z = − l, ~ V sc sc (− l ) Z in = ~ = jZ j 0 tan βl I sc (− l ) Syafruddin HS 13 Example 5.7 Equivalent Reactive Elements Choose the length of a shorted 50- lossless transmission line ((Fig. g 5-16)) such that its input p impedance p at 2.25 GHz is equivalent to the reactance of a capacitor with capacitance Ceqq = 4 pF. The wave velocity on the line is 0.75c. Syafruddin HS 14 Solution 5.7 Equivalent Reactive Elements We are given u p = 0.75c = 2.25 × 108 m/s Z 0 = 50Ω f = 2.25 × 10 9 Hz Ceq = 4 × 10 −12 F The phase constant is 2nd quadrant is β= 2π λ = β l1 = 2.8 rad or l1 = 4th quadrant is βl2 = 5.94 rad 2πf 1 = 62.8 (rad/m ), tan β l = − = −0.354 up Z 0ωCeq 2 .8 β or l2 = = 2 .8 = 4.46 cm 62.8 5.94 = 9.46 cm 62.8 Any length l = 4.46 cm + nλ/2, where n is a positive integer, is also a solution. Syafruddin HS 15 5-7.2 OpenOpen-Circuited Line • With ZL = ∞, it forms an open-circuited open circuited line. line V (− l ) Z inoc = ~oc = − jZ 0 cot βl I oc (− l ) Syafruddin HS 16 5-7.3 Application of Short Short--Circuit and OpenOpen-Circuit Measurements • Product and ratio of SC and OC equations give the following results: − Z insc t βl = tan Z inoc Z o = + Z insc Z inoc • Radio-frequency (RF) instruments measure the impedance of any load. Syafruddin HS 17 Example 5.8 Measuring Z0 and β Find Z0 and β of a 57-cm-long lossless transmission line whose input p impedance p was measured as Zscin = j40.42Ω when terminated in a short circuit and as Zocin = −j121.24Ω when terminated in an open circuit. From other measurements, we know that the line is between 3 and 3.25 wavelengths long. Syafruddin HS 18 Solution 5.8 Measuring Z0 and β We have, Z 0 = + Z insc Z inoc = ( j 40.42)(− j121.24) = 70Ω − Z insc 1 tan βl = = oc 3 Z in True value of βl is βl = 6π + π 6 = 19.4 (rad ) and 19.4 β= = 34 (rad/m ) 0.57 Syafruddin HS 19 Example 5.9 QuarterQuarter-Wave Transformer A 50-Ω lossless transmission line is to be matched to a resistive load impedance p with ZL = 100Ω via a q quarterwave section as shown, thereby eliminating reflections along the feedline. Find the characteristic impedance of the quarter-wave transformer. Syafruddin HS 20 Solution 5.9 QuarterQuarter-Wave Transformer To eliminate reflections at terminal AA’, the input impedance p Zin looking g into the quarter-wave q line should be equal to Z01, the characteristic impedance of the feedline. Thus, Zin = 50 . 2 Z 02 Z in = ZL Z 02 = 50 × 100 = 70.7Ω Since the lines are lossless, all the incident power will end up getting transferred into the load ZL. Syafruddin HS 21 5-8 Power Flow on a Lossless Transmission Line • We shall examine the flow of power carried by incident and reflected waves. waves 5-8.1 Instantaneous Power • Instantaneous power is the product of instantaneous voltage and current current. 5-8.2 TimeTime-Average Power • More interested in time-averaged power flow. Syafruddin HS 22 5-8.2 TimeTime-Average Power • There are 2 types of approach: 1) Time-Domain Time Domain Approach • Incident power and reflected wave power are Pavi = • + 2 V0 2Z 0 (W) Pavr = − Γ 2 V0+ 2 2Z 0 2 = − Γ Pavi For net average power delivered d li d to the h lload, d Pav = Pavi + Pavr = + 2 V0 2Z 0 [1 − Γ ] 2 (W) Syafruddin HS 23 5-8.2 TimeTime-Average Power 2) Phasor-Domain Approach • Time-average Time average power for any propagating wave is [ 1 ~ ~* Pav = R e V ⋅ I 2 ] 5-9 Smith Chart • The Smith Chart is used for analyzing and d i i transmission-line designing t i i li circuits. i it Syafruddin HS 24 5.9 SMITH CHART Syafruddin HS 25 SMITH CHART (Cont’d) • Graphical tool for use with transmission line circuits and microwave circuit elements. • Only lossless transmission line will be considered. • Can be thought as two graphs in one ; ¾ It plots the normalized impedance at any point along a T-line. ¾ It plots the reflection coefficient at any point along the line. Syafruddin HS 26 SMITH CHART (Cont’d) The transmission line calculator, commonly referred as the Smith Chart Syafruddin HS 27 Smith Chart • • Impedances represented by normalized values, Z0. Reflection coefficient is zL = • 1+ Γ 1− Γ Normalized load admittance is 1 1− Γ yL = = (dimensionless) zL 1 + Γ Syafruddin HS 28 Example 5.11 Determining ZL using the Smith Chart Given that the voltage standing-wave ratio is S = 3 on a 50-Ω line,, that the first voltage g minimum occurs at 5 cm from the load, and that the distance between successive minima is 20 cm, find the load impedance. Solution The first voltage g minimum is at 5 l min = = 0.125λ 40 Syafruddin HS 29 Solution 5.11 Determining ZL using the Smith Chart From Smith Chart, rL = S = 3 The normalized load impedance at point C is z L = 0 .6 − j 0 .8 Multiplying by Z0 = 50Ω , we obtain Z L = 50(0.6 − j 0.8) = (30 − j 40 )Ω Syafruddin HS 30 USING THE SMITH CHART The Smith Chart is a plot of normalized impedance. For example, if a Z0 = 50 Ω transmission line is terminated in a load ZL = 50 + j100 Ω as below: Syafruddin HS 31 SMITH CHART (Cont’d) To locate this p point on Smith Chart,, you y would first normalize the load impedance, zNL = ZL/ZN or zNL = ZL/Zo to obtain zNL = 1 + j2 Ω Syafruddin HS 32 SMITH CHART (Cont’d) Th normalized The li d load l d impedance is located att the th intersection i t ti off the r =1 circle and the x =+2 +2 circle. circle zNL = 1 + j2 Ω Fig. 6 6-16 16 (c) Syafruddin HS 33 To see how Smith Chart is also a plot of the reflection coefficient The reflection coefficient at any point z along line h a magnitude has it d ΓL and d an angle l θ Γ that th t equall tto its angle at the load plus 2βz Γ = ΓRe + jTIm = ΓL e j 2 βz Γ = ΓL e jθ Γ The actual value of ΓL is found by taking the distance from the center of the chart to the p point divided by the distance from the center of the chart to the periphery ( ΓL = 1 ). Syafruddin HS 34 To avoid this calculation, the magnitude ΓL can be measured d using i a scale l for f magnitude it d off reflection fl ti coefficient provided below the Smith Chart. θ Γ is indicated The h angle l off the h reflection fl coefficient ff d d on the angle of reflection coefficient scale shown outside the ΓL = 1 circle on chart. Syafruddin HS 35 SMITH CHART (Cont’d) Scale for magnitude g off reflection f coefficient ff Scale for angle g off reflection coefficient Syafruddin HS 36 SMITH CHART (Cont’d) The normalized load zL=1+j2 1 j2 corresponds d to t ΓL = 0.7 andθ Γ = o. 45 For this example, example Γ = ΓL e jθ Γ = 0 . 7 e j 45 Verify: Z −Z ΓL = L o ZL + Z0 ΓL = 0 50+ j100− 50 50+ j100+ 50 ΓL = 0.5 + j0.5 = 0.707e j 45 o Syafruddin HS 37 ΓL as Function of Position along the T-line The value of normalized impedance ZNL and reflection coefficient ΓL are function of position along the T T-line line (Fig.6.17) Fig.6. 17 After locating the normalized impedance point, draw the jθ constant ΓL circle. Since Γ = ΓL e , we let θΓ change and as we ΓL hold constant, constant and this traces out a circle of constant ΓL on the chart. For example, the line is 0.3λ length (Figure 6.17). Γ Syafruddin HS 38 SMITH CHART (Cont’d) • Move along the constant ΓL e jθ transmission line line. Γ circle is akin to moving along the Moving away from the load (towards generator)) corresponds d to moving i i in the h clockwise direction on the Smith Chart. ¾ Moving towards the load corresponds to moving in the anti-clockwise direction on the Smith Chart. ¾ Syafruddin HS 39 • Move towards the generator by: ¾Drawing a line from the center of chart to outside Wavelengths Toward Generator (WTG) scale, to get starting point “a” at 0.188λ 0 3λ moves along the constant ΓL e jθ 0.3λ circle to 0.488λ on the WTG scale. ¾Adding ¾Read Γ the corresponding normalized input impedance point “c”, zNIN = 0.175 - j0.08Ω Syafruddin HS 40 SMITH CHART (Cont’d) Denormalizing, to find an input impedance, impedance Z IN = z NIN xZ 0 ZIN = 8.75 – j4 Ω voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) can be determined by reading the value r at the θr = 0o crossing the constant circle (p (point “b” in Figure g 6.17). VSWR = 5.9 Figure 6 6.17 17 Syafruddin HS 41 Locating the load impedances terminating a 50 Ω T-line a Æ ZL = 0 (short cct) b Æ ZL = ∞ (open cct) c Æ ZL = 100 + j100 Ω d Æ ZL = 100 - j100 Ω e Æ ZL = 50 Ω Syafruddin HS 42 Take out your Smith Chart, pencil and compass! LETS TRY!! Syafruddin HS 43 EXAMPLE 2 Repeat Example 1 using the Smith Chart. ZO = 50 Ω ZL = 50 – j25 Ω Syafruddin HS 44 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 2 (i) Locate the normalized load, and label it as point a, where h it corresponds d to t zNL = 1 – j0.5 Ω (ii) Draw constant ΓL e jθ Γ circle. (iii) It can be b seen that th t ΓL = 0.245e j − 76 0 and VSWR = 1.66 Syafruddin HS 45 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 2 (Cont’d) (iv) Move from point a (at 0.356 λ) on the WTG scale, clockwise toward generator a distance λ/8 or 0.125 λ to point b, which is at 0.481 λ. We could find that at this point, it corresponds to z NIN = 0.62 − j 0.07 Denormalizing it ZIN = 50 (0.62 – j0 07) j0.07) Z IN = 31 − j 3.5Ω Syafruddin HS 46 Syafruddin HS 47 EXAMPLE 3 The input impedance for a 100 Ω lossless transmission line of length 1.162 λ is measured as 12 + j42Ω. j42Ω Determine the load impedance. Syafruddin HS 48 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 3 (i) Normalize the input impedance: Z in 12 + j 42 zin = = = 0.12 + j 0.42 100 Z0 (ii) Locate the normalized input impedance and label it as point a Syafruddin HS 49 Syafruddin HS 50 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 3 (Cont’d) (iii) Take note the value of wavelength Wavelengths Toward Load (WTL) scale, for point a at WTL scale. At point a, WTL = 0.436λ (iv) Move a distance 1.162λ towards the load to point b WTL = 0.436λ + 1.162λ = 1.598λ But, to plot point b, 1.598λ – 1.500λ = 0.098λ Note: One complete rotation of WTL/WTG = 0.5λ Syafruddin HS 51 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 3 (Cont’d) (v) Read the point “b” as normalized load i impedance d z NL = 0.15 − j 0.7 Denormalized it: ZL = zNL Zo = 100 (0.15 – j0.7) ZL = 15 – j70 Ω Syafruddin HS 52 EXAMPLE 4 On a 50 Ω lossless transmission line, the VSWR is measured as 3.4. 3 4 A voltage maximum is located 0.079λ away from th load the l d (towards (t d generator). t ) D Determine t i the load. Syafruddin HS 53 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 4 jθ (i) Use the given VSWR to draw a constant ΓL e Γ circle. (ii) Then move from maximum voltage at WTG = 0.250λ (towards the load) to point a at WTG = 0.250λ - 0.079λ = 0.171λ. (iii) At this point we have ZNL = 1 + j1.3 Ω, or ZL = 50 + j65 Ω. Syafruddin HS 54 Syafruddin HS 55 EXAMPLE 5 (TRY THIS!) Use Smith Chart to determine the input impedance Zin of the two line configuration shown as below: Syafruddin HS 56 ANSWER FOR EXAMPLE 5 ZIN = 65.7 – j 124.7Ω Syafruddin HS 57 We often desired that all of the power propagating along a T-line be dropped across the terminating load impedance. impedance An impedance mismatch can result in the reflection of much of this power • The transmission line is said to be matched when Z0 = ZL which no reflection occurs. • The purpose of matching network is to transform the load impedance ZL such that the input impedance Zin looking into the network is equal to Z0 of the transmission line. Syafruddin HS 58 5-10 Impedance Matching • • Transmission line is matched to the load when Z0 = ZL. Alternatively, place an impedance-matching network between load and transmission line. Syafruddin HS 59 IMPEDANCE MATCHING (Cont’d) Adding an impedance matching networks ensures that all power make it or delivered to the load. Syafruddin HS 60 IMPEDANCE MATCHING (Cont’d) z Techniques of impedance matching : ¾ Quarter wave transformer Quarter-wave ¾ Single / double stub tuner ¾ Lumped element tuner ¾ Multi section transformer Multi-section Syafruddin HS 61 QUARTER WAVE TRANSFORMER The quarter q wave transformer matching g network only can be constructed if the load impedance p is all real ((no reactive component) p ) Syafruddin HS 62 QUARTER WAVE TRANSF. (Cont’d) To find the impedance looking into the quarter wave long section of lossless ZS impedance line terminated in a resistive load RL: RL + jZ S tan βl Zin = Z S Z S + jRL tan βl 2π λ π = , But, for quarter wavelength, β l = λ 4 2 ∴ tan β l = ∞ Syafruddin HS 63 QUARTER WAVE TRANSF. (Cont’d) So, 2 ZS Z in = = Z0 RL Rearrange to get impedance matched line, Z S = Z 0 RL See Drill 6.14 Suppose a 50 Ω T-line is terminated in a 100 load. Determine the required impedance of a quarter-wave matching hi section i off T-line. T li Syafruddin HS 64 Admittance of Shunt Stubs • It much more convenient to add shunt elements rather than series elements Æ Easier to work in terms of admittances. • Admittance Ad itt iis th the iinverse off impedance: i d Fig. 6-25a shows those relationship Y= 1 Z Fig. 6 6-25a 25a The characteristic admittance Yo = 1/Zo and the load admittance YL = 1/Z / L. Syafruddin HS 65 Admittance of Shunt Stubs (cont’d) The convenient of admittances is the shunt values may be b added: dd d YTOT = YL1 + YL2 The Smith Chart is also a chart of normalized admittance. YL 1 yL = = The normalized load admittance is Y0 Z L Drill 6.16 6 16 Syafruddin HS 66 Consider the normalized impedance zL = 2 + j1. We can calculate the normalized admittance as yL = 1/zL = 0.040 – j0.20 With Smith chart, it is easy to find normalized admittance – move to a p point on the opposite pp side of the constant ΓL e jθ circle. Γ Syafruddin HS 67 Syafruddin HS 68 Example 5.12 SingleSingle-Stub Matching 50-Ω transmission line is connected to an antenna with load impedance p ZL = ((25 − j50). j ) Find the position p and length of the short-circuited stub required to match the line. Solution The normalized load impedance is Z L 25 − j 50 zL = = = 0.5 − j Z0 50 Located at point A. Syafruddin HS 69 Solution 5.12 Single Single--Stub Matching Value of yL at B is yL = 0.4 + 0.115λ on the WTG scale. At C, yd = 1 + j1.58 j 0.8 which locates at position located at 0.178λ on the WTG scale. Distant B and C is d = (0.178 − 0.155)λ = 0.063λ Normalized input admittance at the juncture is yin = ys + y d 1 + j 0 = ys + 1 + j1.58 ys = − j1.58 Syafruddin HS 70 Solution 5.12 Single Single--Stub Matching Normalized admittance of −j 1.58 at F and position 0.34λ on the WTG scale g gives l1 = (0.34 − 0.25)λ = 0.09λ At point D, yd = 1 − j1.58 Distant B and C is d 2 = (0.322 − 0.115)λ = 0.207λ Normalized input admittance ys = + j1.58 at G. Rotating from point E to point G, we get l2 = (0.25 + 0.16 )λ = 0.41λ Syafruddin HS 71 Solution 5.12 Single Single--Stub Matching Syafruddin HS 72 SHUNT STUB MATCHING NETWORK In Smith Chart term, the objective of SSM network as shown in Figure 6.28a 6 28a is to move to the center of the chart. Fig.6-28a The generic layout of the shorter SSM network Since a shunt stub will be added, we will work in admittance chart. Syafruddin HS 73 SHUNT STUB MATCHING NETWORK The matching network has to transform the real part off load l d impedance, i d RL to t Z0 and d reactive ti part, t XL to t zero Æ Use two adjustable parameters – e.g. shuntstub. Syafruddin HS 74 SHUNT STUB MATCHING NET. (Cont’d) Thus, the main idea of shunt stub matching network is to: (i) Find the stub length d and the line length l in order to get yd and yl . (ii) Ensure total admittance ytot = yd + yl = 1 for complete matching network. Syafruddin HS 75 Procedure for Constructing a SSM Network • Locate the normalized load impedance zNL. • Draw constant SWR ΓL circle and use it to locate yNL. • Move clockwise (WTG) along ΓL e jθ circle to intersect with 1 ± jb Æ value of yd. Γ • The length moved from yNL towards yd is the through line length, g d. • Locate yl at the point m jb. • Depends p on the shorted/open / p stub,, move along g the periphery of the chart towards yl (WTG). • The distance traveled is the length of stub, l . Syafruddin HS 76 SHORTED SHUNT STUB MATCHING Generic layout of the shorted shunt stub matching network: Syafruddin HS 77 EXAMPLE 6 (TRY THIS!) = Ex. 6-8 Construct the shorted shunt stub matching network for a 50Ω line terminated in a load ZL = 20 – j55Ω Syafruddin HS 78 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 6 1. Locate the normalized load impedance, ZNL = ZL/Z0 = 0.4 – j1.1Ω 2. Draw constant ΓL e jθ circle. 3. Locate YNL. (0.112λ at WTG) 4. Moving to the first intersection with the Γ 1 ± jb circle, which is at 1 + j2.0 Æ yd 5 Get the value of through line length 5. length, d Æ from 0.112λ to 0.187λ on the WTG scale, so d = 0.075λ Syafruddin HS 79 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 6 (Cont’d) 6. Locate the location of short on the Smith Chart (note: when short circuit, ZL = 0, hence YL = ∞) Æ Æon the h right i h side id off the h chart h with i h WTG=0.25λ T 5λ 7. Move clockwise (WTG) until point m jb, which is at 0 - j2.0, located at WTG= 0.324λ Æ yl 8. Determine the stub length, l Æ 0.324λ – 0.25λ = 0.074 λ Syafruddin HS 80 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 6 (Cont’d) Thus, the values are: d = 0.075 λ l = 0.074 λ yd = 1 + j2.0 Ω yl = -j2.0 Ω Where YTOT = yd + yl = (1 + j2.0) + (-j2.0) = 1 Syafruddin HS 81 Syafruddin HS 82 OPEN END SHUNT STUB MATCHING Generic layout of the open ended shunt stub matching network: Syafruddin HS 83 EXAMPLE 7 (TRY THIS!) = Ex. 6-9 Construct an open ended shunt stub matching network for a 50Ω line terminated in a load ZL = 150 + j100 Ω Syafruddin HS 84 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 7 1. Locate the normalized load impedance, ZNL = ZL/Z0 = 3.0 + j2.0Ω 2. Draw constant ΓL e jθ 3. Locate YNL. (0.474λ at WTG) 4. Moving to the first intersection with the Γ circle. 1 ± jb circle, which is at 1 + j1.6 Æ yd 5 Get the value of through line length 5. length, d Æ from 0.474λ to 0.178λ on the WTG scale, so d = 0.204λ Syafruddin HS 85 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 7 (Cont’d) 6. Locate the location of open end on the Smith Chart (note: when short circuit, ZL = ∞, hence YL = 0) Æon the left side with WTG = 0.00λ 7. Move clockwise (WTG) until point m jB, which is at 0 – j1.6, located at WTG= 0.339λ Æ yl 8. Determine the stub length, l Æ 0.339λ – 0.00λ = 0.339 λ Syafruddin HS 86 SOLUTION TO EXAMPLE 7 (Cont’d) Thus, the values are: d = 0.204 λ l = 0.339 λ yd = 1 + j1.6 Ω yl = -j1.6 Ω Where YTOT = yd + yl = (1 + j1.6) + (-j1.6) = 1 Syafruddin HS 87 04) Syafruddin HS 88 IMPORTANT!! I both In b th previous i example, l we chose h the th first fi t intersection with the1 ± jB circle in designing our matching t hi network. t k We W could ld also l have h continued ti d on to the second intersection. Thus, try both intersection to determine which solution p produces max/min / length g of through g line, d or length of stub, l. Syafruddin HS 89 EXERCISE (TRY THIS!) Determine the through line length and stub length for both example above by using second intersection. F shorted For h t d shunt h t stub t b (example ( l 6): 6) d = 0.2 λ and l = 0.426 λ For open ended shunt stub (example 7): d = 0.348 λ and l = 0.161 λ Syafruddin HS 90 5-11 Transients on Transmission Lines • • Transient response is a time record of voltage pulse. pulse An example of step function is shown below. Syafruddin HS 91 5-11.1 Transient Response • Steady-state voltage V∞ for d-c analysis of the circuit is V∞ = Vg Z L Rg + Z L where Vg = DC voltage source • St d t t currentt iis Steady-state Vg V∞ I∞ = = Z L Rg + Z L Syafruddin HS 92 CHAPTER 5 END Syafruddin HS 93