SCSC Constitution

Sixth College Student Council Constitution
Ratified 1/28/03
Amended 1/23/14
Article I. Sixth College Student Body (SCSB)
Section A. Name
1. The Name of this organization shall be the Sixth College Student Body, henceforth
Section B. Membership
1. All registered students of the Sixth College Student Body, having either full or part-time
status, shall be considered members of the SCSB.
Section C. Legislative Body
1. The central governing body of the SCSB shall be the Sixth College Student Council,
henceforth SCSC.
Section D. Judicial Body
1. The central arbitration body of the SCSB shall be the Sixth College Judicial Board,
henceforth SCJB.
Article II. Sixth College Student Council (SCSC)
Section A. Purpose
1. To establish and foster an environment that is conductive to the needs of the SCSB in all
areas of its educational experience.
Section B. Policies and Procedures
1. All actions taken by the SCSC will be exercised according to Sixth College policies and
procedures and will be consistent with university policies.
Section C. Policies and Procedures
1. The general powers and responsibilities of the SCSC and its bodies shall include but are
not limited to the following:
a) Represent the interests of the SCSB to the administration, faculty, and other
bodies on college and university issues.
b) Appoint SCSB representatives to campus-wide committees.
c) Serve as a liaison between SCSB and the administration at the college and
university levels.
d) Sponsor, support, and aid Sixth College Student Organizations.
e) Allocate funds for Sixth College boards and committees.
f) Create new boards or committees to address issues as needed.
g) Actively and substantially promote diversity, both at Sixth College and at UCSD
as a whole.
h) Provide and support programming by and/or for the SCSB.
Promote the Sixth College’s philosophy of Culture, Art, and Technology
Section D. Operations
1. The operation of the SCSC shall be governed by its bylaws
Section E. Membership of the SCSC
1. The SCSC shall consist of both elected and appointed members of the Sixth College
Student Body.
2. There shall also be non-elected non-appointed members.
3. Elected members of the SCSC shall consist of the following positions:
a) President
b) Vice President Internal
c) Vice President Finance
d) Vice President Programming
e) Vice President External
f) Secretary
g) Associated Students Sixth College Senator (2)
h) Second Year Senator
Third Year Senator
Fourth Year Senator
k) Transfer Senator
Commuter Student Senator
4. Appointed members of the SCSC shall consist of the following positions:
a) First Year Senator
b) Culture Director
c) Arts Director
d) Technology Director
e) Special Events Director
f) Spirit Director
g) Festival Director
h) Webmaster
Graphic Artist
k) SCJB Chair
SCJB Member (8)
m) Housing, Dining, and Hospitality Representative
n) Registration Fee Advisory committee Representative
o) Sports Facilities Advisory Board Representative
p) Student Health Representative
q) Student Regulations and Review Committee Representative
r) University Centers Advisory Board and Bookstore Advisory Committee
s) Diversity Advocate
Sustainability Advocate
5. Other members of the SCSC shall consist of the following positions:
a) SCSC Advisor
b) Resident Advisor Liaisons
6. All members shall have all the privileges extended to SCSC members except that of
7. The SCSC may at any time establish additional non-elected permanent and temporary
SCSC members
Section F. Voting
1. Voting members of the SCSC shall consist of the following positions:
a) President
b) Vice President Internal
c) Vice President Finance
d) Vice President Programming
e) Vice President External
f) Second Year Senator
g) Third Year Senator
h) Fourth Year Senator
Transfer Senator
Commuter Student Senator
k) Associated Students Sixth College Senator (2)
First Year Senator
m) Secretary
n) Culture Director
o) Arts Director
p) Technology Director
q) Special Events Director
r) Spirit Director
s) Festival Director
2. Neither attendance by proxy nor vote by proxy shall be recognized.
3. Each voting member shall have only one vote.
4. The President may vote only when his/her vote would change the outcome of that vote.
Section G. Term of Office
1. The terms of office for all SCSC positions shall be one year, unless otherwise specified.
Article III. Sixth College Judicial Board (SCJB)
Section A. Purpose
1. The Sixth College Judicial Board (SCJB) shall hold hearings on student
misconduct in accordance with the UCSD Student Conduct Code.
2. The SCJB shall protect the interests of the Sixth College Student Body (SCSB) by
safeguarding the integrity of the Sixth College Student Council (SCSC)
Constitution, the SCSC Standing Rules, as well as the bylaws of Sixth College
3. Judicial Board shall be governed by the Judicial Board Bylaws, SCSC Constitution and
UCSD polices.
Section B. Appointment
1. Members shall be appointed only upon vacancy, and in accordance with Article V,
Section A, Item 3 of the SCSC Constitution.
Article IV. Elections
Section A. Sixth College Election Bylaws
1. The Sixth College Election Bylaws shall govern the elections for Sixth College.
2. Election Bylaws may not be suspended or modified within two weeks of any Sixth
College Election period.
Section B. Special Elections
1. If the first set of election has not filled a majority of the open elected positions, Special
Elections shall be run on the remaining open positions.
Article V. Council Committee and Boards
Section A. Appointments Committee
1. Members
a) SCSC Vice President Internal, who serves as chair
b) SCSC President
c) SCSC Vice President Programming
d) SCSC Senator (1)
e) A member of the SCSB who does not hold a SCSC position.
2. Responsibilities
a) Shall provide appointment information one week before appointments following
elections third week of Spring Quarter, two weeks before appointments Fall
Quarter, and on all other necessary occasions.
b) Shall advertise all vacant positions to the SCSB.
c) Shall assist in answering questions regarding SCSC positions.
3. Protocol
a) All applicants shall be reviewed by the Appointments Committee.
b) Upon conclusion of these interviews, the Committee shall make
recommendations to SCSC regarding the applicants best suited for the available
c) If feedback is requested, it is the responsibility of the Appointments Committee
to write a short letter or explanation for the individual requesting the feedback.
d) All appointments shall be approved by the SCSC with a majority vote.
Section B. Rules Committee
1. Purpose
a) Shall serve to advise the SCSC on operative and legislative matters regarding the
b) Shall ensure that all legislation submitted to the SCSC is in accordance with the
SCSC constitution and bylaws.
c) Shall review the SCSC constitution and bylaws throughout the academic year.
2. Appointment
a) Members shall be appointed in accordance with Article IV, Section K of the
SCSC Standing Rules.
3. Members
a) Voting Members
i. SCSC Vice President Internal, who serves as chair
ii. SCSC Vice President Finance
iii. At least two (2) voting members of the SCSC
iv. At least two (2) non-voting members of the SCSC
4. Quorum
a) Quorum shall require a simple voting majority of voting members.
b) All recommendations made with without quorum shall be informal.
c) All items with an informal recommendation must be voted on by the SCSC.
5. Roles of the Rules Committee
a) Shall review all legislation pertaining to the amendment of the SCSC
Constitution or bylaws.
i. Rules Committee may pass the legislation as is, and present it to the
SCSC at the next scheduled Council Meeting.
ii. Rules Committee may amend the legislation before passing it and
presenting it to the SCSC at the next scheduled Council Meeting. In such
a case, the SCSC has the right to review the original legislation and the
amended legislation.
iii. Rules Committee may fail the legislation.
iv. Once the Rules Committee has come to a decision, the Vice President
Internal must notify the originators of the legislation within twenty-four
(24) hours.
v. This written communication must summarize the decision of the
Committee, as well as the reasoning for said decision.
b) Shall review all legislation pertaining to the amendment of the ASUCSD
c) All decisions made by the Committee are recommended to the SCSC.
d) All legislation submitted to the SCSC by the Committee shall be entered on the
Agenda under Old Business.
6. Voting
a) Recommendations require a simple majority vote.
b) The Vice President Internal shall only vote on recommendations in case of a tie.
Section C. Finance Committee
1. Purpose
a) Shall serve to advise the SCSC on operative and financial matters regarding the
b) Shall review all funding requests submitted to the SCSC, in accordance with the
SCSC constitution and bylaws.
c) Shall review the SCSC Finance bylaws throughout the academic year.
2. Members
a) Voting Members
i. SCSC Vice President Finance, who serves as chair
ii. At least two (2) voting members of the SCSC
iii. At least two (2) non-voting members of the SCSC
Section D. Senate
1. Purpose
a) Shall serve to assist the Senators in the planning and execution of their projects.
b) Shall convene biweekly, at a time set by the President.
2. Members
a) Voting Members
i. SCSC President, who serves as chair
ii. First Year Senator
iii. Second Year Senator
iv. Third Year Senator
v. Fourth Year Senator
vi. Transfer Senator
vii.Commuter Senator
Section E. SCSC Programming Board
1. Purpose
a) Shall serve to assist the SCSC in its endeavor to promote student happiness.
b) Shall build community and enrich the college experience to the SCSC through
event programming.
c) Shall act in accordance with Article I of the SCSC Programming Bylaws.
2. Members
a) Voting Members
i. SCSC Vice President Programming, who serves as chair
ii. Culture Director
iii. Arts Director
iv. Technology Director
v. Special Events Director
vi. Spirit Director
b) Non-Voting Members
i. All members of the programming committees
ii. All members of the SCSB
3. Roles of the Programming Board
a) Shall provide and support programming for the SCSB.
b) Support and aid Sixth College student organizations.
c) Promote Sixth College’s philosophy of Culture, Art, and Technology.
Article VI. Impeachment and Removal
Section A. Filing a Complaint
1. Any registered UCSD student may file a complaint requesting a hearing of impeachment.
2. Complaints regarding misconduct shall be referred to the SCJB Chair. Complaints
regarding attendance shall be referred to the President of SCSC in accordance with
Article IV of the SCSC Standing Rules.
3. The SCBJ Chair in consultation with the SCSC Advisor has the right to accept or dismiss
the allegations. The alleged SCSC member may be scheduled for a hearing with SCJB.
4. Misconduct is defined as, but not limited to, one or more of the following:
a) Misuse of funds
b) Misrepresentation of constituents
c) Failure to comply with the UCSD Student Conduct Code or the Constitution of
the Sixth College Student Council
d) Dereliction of Duty
5. Upon the SCJB’s decision to convene an impeachment hearing, the alleged SCSC
member shall have all duties of their office suspended until a decision has been reached
by SCJB.
Section B. Impeachment Hearing Process
1. Within seven (7) academic days of the request, the SCJB Chair shall notify the President
of SCSC, the SCJB, the respondent and the complainant of the date, time, and place of
the hearing
2. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures defined in the Sixth
College Judicial Board Bylaws.
3. A majority vote of the SCJB is required for the impeachment of a SCSC member. In case
of a tie, the SCJB Chair shall vote.
Section C: Decision
1. If insufficient evidence exists to support the impeachment of a member of the SCSC, the
alleged member shall be reinstated with all previous duties of their office
2. If a member of the SCSC is impeached by the SCJB, a majority opinion in favor of one
of the following actions must occur:
a) The SCJB may determine that the impeached member of the SCSC will be
removed from office, effective immediately.
b) The SCJB may determine that the actions of the impeached member of the SCSC
do not merit removal from office, the SCJB Chair shall submit their findings to
the SCSC Advisor and President of the SCSC for review into repercussions for
the actions of the impeached.
Article VII. Bylaws
Section A. Purpose
1. SCSC Bylaws shall supplement this constitution
Section B. Amendments
1. Any member of the SCSC may submit legislation to the Vice President Internal. All
legislation must be put in writing.
2. Any member of the SCSB may propose an amendment to the bylaws, provided that they
are either:
a) Sponsored by a member of the SCSC, or
b) Have a signed petition totaling not fewer than ten percent of the SCSB. Any such
petition must be presented to the Vice President Internal.
3. Rules Committee shall review the legislation no more than ten (10) school days after the
legislation was submitted, in accordance with Article V, Section B of the SCSC
4. An amendment to these bylaws shall become a working part of the document by a twothirds (2/3) of quorum, present or otherwise.
Section C. Documentation
1. The SCSC Bylaws are as listed:
a) The Finance Bylaws of the Sixth College Student Council
b) The Election Bylaws of the Sixth College Student Council
c) The Standing Rules of the Sixth College Student Council
d) The Judicial Board Bylaws of the Sixth College Student Council
e) The Programming Bylaws of the Sixth College Student Council
Article VIII. Constitutional Amendments
Section A. Process
1. Any member of the SCSC may submit proposed changes in writing to the Vice President
2. Any member of the SCSB may propose an amendment to this Constitution, provided that
they are either:
a) Sponsored by a member of the SCSC, or
b) Have a signed petition totaling not fewer that ten percent of the SCSB. Any such
petition must be presented to the Vice President Internal.
3. Rules Committee shall review the legislation no more than ten (10) school days after the
legislation was submitted, in accordance with Article V, Section of the SCSC
Section B. Approval
1. An amendment to this Constitution shall become a working part of the document by a
three-fourths (3/4) vote of quorum, present.
2. A referendum, in which no fewer than twenty percent of the SCSB votes, may also
approve amendments to this Constitution with a simple majority of votes cast.