UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE Award of Doctorates during the year 2013-2014 (Please make separate lists for Ph.D., D.Litt., D.Sc., etc.) in the following Proforma. Sl. No Name of the Candidate Faculty of Arts: Ancient History & Archaeology Sri. M.Vincent 1. Name of the Subject Name of the Guide Title of the Thesis Date of Award A Cultural History of Mysore (A Study Based on Inscriptions) Gramadevatas: A Study of the Feminine Divine in Bangalore Rural District” (from 16th to 19th A.D) ®PÀÄÌArAiÀÄ zÉêÁ®AiÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 04-06-2013 Ancient History & Archaeology Ancient History & Archaeology Dr. M.V.Krishnappa Ancient History & Archaeology Ancient History & Archaeology Dr. M.P.Mahadevaiah Dr. G. Kariyappa A Study of Temples in Ernakulam and Trssur Districts of Kerala up to 1700 AD 30-12-2013 Ambedkar Studies Sri.K.C.Raju 5. Ambedkar Studies Dr.S.Narendra Kumar PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ JgÀªÀgÀÄ: MAzÀÄ ¸ÀªÀiÁd±Á¹ÛçÃAiÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 20-02-2014 Anthropology Smt. Dakshayani B 6. Anthropology Dr. M.R.Gangadhar 21-08-2013 Smt. Cheluvamba P Anthropology Dr. H.M.Maralusiddaiah An Anthropological Study of Child Development among the Scheduled Tribes of Mysore District Karnataka State The Soliga of Karnataka in the Context of Globalization Communication & Journalism Communication & Journalism Communication & Journalism Dr. B.P.Mahesh Chandra Smt. Gomathi Manohar 2. 3. Sri. Siddhana Goudar H.M Mrs. Remya V.P 4. 7. Communication & Journalism Sri. Rajeev Mohan R 8. 9. 10. Mr. Seyed Mehdi Nourani Sri. Hiremath Veerabasayya Rudrayya Dr. G. Kariyappa Prof. K.J.Joseph Dr. Pramila B Kunnur, Cinematic Contributions of Adoor Gopalakrishnan – A Study Motion Graphics in Advertisements – A Study Uses and Gratification of Internet among College Students: A Study in Karnataka State 07-09-2013 27-09-2013 30-09-2013 05-06-2013 06-11-2013 30-11-2013 1 Ms. Fatemeh Ghanbari Communication & Journalism Prof.B.P.Mahesh Chandra Guru Sri. R.Raghavendra Communication & Journalism Prof. B.P.Mahesh Chandra Guru 11. 12. Application of New Media in Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A Comparative Study of Corporate Houses in Iran and India The Study of Corporate Communication System, Process and Practices of Public and Private Undertakings in Karnataka State 03-12-2013 31-12-2013 Co-operation 13. Ms. Mamatha M.S Co-operation Dr. S.Mahendrakumar Christianity Dr.Joy Thomas SVD Humour In Religion: A Critical Study of the Role of Humour in Religion of Contemporary India with Special Reference to Christianity and Sanatan Dharma 18-03-2014 Development Studies Dr. G.K.Karanth, 30-05-2013 Smt. Sancheeta Ghosh Development Studies Dr. K.S.James Ms. Sandhya Rani Mahapatro Sri. Ashok Kumar H Development Studies Development Studies Dr. K.S.James Smt. Komala K Development Studies Dr. K.V.Aiyanna Sri.K.Rajesh Development Studies Dr. Anand Inbanathan Gender Relations in Forest Resourde Use and Management: A Study in Karnataka Western Ghats Medicalisation of Maternal Health Care: An Anlysis of Caesarean Section Delivery in West Bengal Migration as a Risk Aversion Behaviour: A Gender Perspective The Role of Zilla Panchayat in Rural Development: A Case Study of Mysore District Impact of Self Help Groups on Women Empowerment – A Case Study of Mysore District Institutions and Practices: A Study of the People’s Planning Campaign and the Kerala Development Programme Christianity Ms. Suchitra Kaul Misra 14. Development Studies Smt. Sri Vidya G.D 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Role of Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee in the Marketing of Agricultural Produce – A Case Study of Mysore Dr.T.M.Mahesh 12-03-2014 05-06-2013 15-10-2013 15-10-2013 16-11-2013 03-12-2013 2 21. Ms.Meera M Development Studies Prof. Krishne Gowda 22. Ms. Aruna Chala Ramesh Development Studies Prof. D.Shrijay Devaraj Urs English Dr.C. Naganna English Prof. C.P.Ravichandra Ms. Masoumeh Yasae English Dr.T.Nageswara Rao Mr. Ratan Tilak Mohunta English Dr.B.Hariharan 27. Mr. Mohammad Hassan Gholampour English Dr.K.Yeshoda Nanjappa 28. Ms. Zeinab Yazdani English Dr.Devikarani L English Dr.Venkatesh P Economics Dr. B.C.Neelakanta Sri. Kiran S.P Economics Dr. D.V.Gopalappa Smt. Shashikala Economics Dr.H.R.Uma English Ms. Shima Sadat 23. Mirmousa Smt. Sushma V. Murthy 24. 25. 26. Mr. Mohamed Hamoud Kassim Al-Mahfedi Economics Mrs. Nila A Chotai 29. 30. 31. 32. Pathways to Progress: Women Empowerment through Dairy Cooperatives of Mysore District A Systems Approach for Integration of Community Emergency Health Care 11-03-2014 11-03-2014 Magical Realism in the Novels of Angela Carter The Burnished Phoenix: Lesbian Aesthetics in the Works of Nicole Brossard Margaret Drabble’s fiction: A Study of Moral Vision The Theory of the Postmodern: A Dialectical Study of the Notion of the Death of Society Interrogating the Notion of the self and Identity: Women in the Novels of Paule Marshall and Gloria Naylor The Discourse of Survival in the Novels of Margaret Atwood Edward Said’s Concept of OccidentOrient Dichotomy: An Arab Perspective 06-05-2013 A Study of Welfare and Empowerment of Women Employees in Garment Indusstries – With Special Reference to Bangalore District Special Economic Zones and India’s Experience in International Trade An Evaluation Study of National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development’s Linkage Programmes for Women Empowerment – A case study of Mysore District 27-05-2013 11-11-2013 03-02-2014 04-02-2014 12-03-2014 12-03-2014 15-03-2014 03-06-2013 06-06-2013 3 Sri. K. Ranga Swamy Economics Dr. D.V.Gopalappa Ms. Lhakpa Choden Economics Dr. M.Indira Sri. Meetya Naik Chandra Naik Economics Dr.K. Sivachithappa Sri. Puttaraja Economics Dr.O.D.Heggade Ms. Sadhana H.V Economics Dr. Manjappa D. Hosamane Ms.Devika Madappa Economics Dr. Manjappa D. Hosamane Mr. Prashobhan Palakkeel Economics Dr. Meenakshi Rajeev Mr. Architesh Panda Economics Dr. K.N.Ninan Mr. Sabyasachi Tripathi Economics Dr. M.R.Narayana Sri. Lokesha B.K Economics Dr.D.S.Leelavathi Sri. Nagesha Economics Dr.K.E.Sriramappa 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Agricultural Credit and its Impact on the Crop Productivity of the Farmers – A Study of Kisan Credit Cards in Karnataka An Empirical Study of the Role of Social Capital in the Development of Tibetan Community Upliftment of Depressed Classes through Government Sponsored Programmes – A Case Study of Bellary District Non Governmental Organisations and Tribal Development: A Comparative Study of Mysore and Chamarajanagara Districts in Karnataka State Impact of FDI on growth pattern of corporate manufacturing sector in India during post reforms – An Empirical Study Regional Development and Sustainability Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services in Kodagu District Monetary Policy Transmission: Significance and Sectoral Impact of Channels in Indian Economy Climate Induced Vulnerability and Adaptation by Rural Households: A Study of Some Drought Prone Districts in Orissa Urban Agglomeration and Urban Economic Growth in India: An Empirical Study Foreign Direct Investment Policy in Indian Industrial Sector: An Analysis of the Pre and Post Liberalization Period Linkage between Effectiveness of Financial Inclusion Drive and Performance of Rural Development Programs-A Study in Chamarajanagar District of Karnataka 26-06-2013 26-06-2013 26-06-2013 07-09-2013 03-10-2013 03-10-2013 25-10-2013 25-10-2013 25-10-2013 17-12-2013 30-12-2013 4 Smt. R.Manu Economics Dr.K.S.Rajashekara, Mr.Jalil Badamfirooz Economics Dr. Mahesha M Mr.Hooman Bagherpouer Najafabad Economics Dr. Mahesha M Mr. Ayanendu sanyal Economics Dr.S.Erappa 48. Sri. Avinandan Taron Economics Dr. K.V.Raju 49. Sri. K.C.Basavaraju Economics Dr.M.G.Basavaraja 50. Smt. Prabhavathi M.C Economics Dr. D.S.Leelavathi Smt. Usharani N.D Economics Dr.Premakumara G.S Sri. Chikkamada Economics Dr. Shivanand Nari Sri. Sathyanarayana Economics Dr. Navitha Thimmaiah Co-operation Dr.A.R.Vishwanatha A Critical Analysis of Co-operative Legal Frame Work in Karnataka Fine Arts Dr.R.N.Sreelatha ®°vÀ PÀ¯ÉUÀ¼ÀÄ MAzÀÄ vË®¤PÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Folklore Dr. M.Nanjaiah Honganur ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ f¯ÉèAiÀÄ ºÀQ̦QÌUÀ¼ÀÄ: eÁ£À¥À¢ÃAiÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 44. 45. 46. 47. 51. 52. 53. Co-operation Sri. Nagaraju N 54. Fine Arts 55. Sri. D.A.Upadya Folklore Sri. Naganaika 56. Impact of Global Recession on IndianBanking Sector – A Case study of State Bank of India An Economic Analysis on the Effect of Removal of Petroleum Subsidy on Industries in Iran An Analysis of Comparative Advantage in Production and Export of Selected Horticultural Crops in Iran Civil Service Pension Reforms in Inida Economic Valuation and Efficiency of Canal Water Use for Boro Cultivation: A Case Study of West Bengal An Economic Analysis of Farmers Movement – A Case Study of Karnataka Rajya Ryota Sangha (KRRS) An Analysis of Labour Downsizing in Karnataka: A Study of Public Sector Industries in Mysore District Role of Information in Agricultural Production and Marketing in Karnataka: An Economic Analysis NGOs SHGs and Women Empowerment – A Study of Mysore District Poverty in Karnataka – A Study Using Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) Methodology 31-12-2013 06-01-2014 06-01-2014 23-01-2014 11-03-2014 12-03-2014 12-03-2014 14-03-2014 18-03-2014 18-03-2014 26-06-2013 12-03-2014 06-06-2013 5 Sri. Anthony Swamy A Folklore Smt. A.C.Lalitha Folklore 59. M.R.Shashikala 60. Smt. K.P.Lalitha History Ms. Masrat Shafi 61. Folklore Folklore A Folkloristic Study of Mother Cult in Christianity in Karnataka: A Cross Cultural Perspetive zÀQët PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ d£À¥ÀzÀ PÀxÉUÀ¼ÀÄ Dr.Vijayakumari S ¸ÁA¸ÀÌøwPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Karikal Dr.M.Nanjaiah Honganur £ÀgÀ¹Ã¥ÀÄgÀ vÁ®ÆèQ£À ºÀ§â ªÀÄvÀÄÛ eÁvÉæUÀ¼ÀÄ Prof. Ambalikehiriyanna «gÁd¥ÉÃmÉ vÁ®ÆQ£À ¸ÀܼÀ£ÁªÀÄUÀ¼À CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À History Dr. N.Saraswathi Mr. Amir Rahimy History Dr. Sebastian Joseph Mr. Abdolrahim Ghazi History Dr. R. Rajanna Sri. H.Sreedhara History Dr. Puttaiah Sri.Ashok K History Dr. N.Saraswathi Sri.S.J.Manjunatha History Dr. Sugitha Suvarna Sri. Vishwanatha V.M History Dr. R. Rajanna Sri. Somashekara H.B History Dr. K.Sadashiva 57. 58. Prof. Ambalike Hiriyanna 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. Kashmir – A Study of Socio-economic and Cultural Change from 1846-1947 The Commercial and Cultural Relations Between Iran and India in Safawi Era (A D 1528 to A D 1756) The Relationships Between Iran, Rome and India During the Sassanian Dynasty with Reference to the Cultural, Scientific, Economic, Religious and Political Relationships ºÉÆAiÀÄì¼ÀgÀ PÁ®zÀ°è UÁæ«ÄÃt ªÀjµÀ×gÀÄ – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À (Qæ.±À.10£Éà ±ÀvÀªÀiÁ£À¢AzÀ Qæ.±À.14£Éà ±ÀvÀªÀiÁ£ÀzÀªÀgÉUÉ ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ EwºÁ¸ÀzÀ°è UÁA¢üêÁ¢UÀ¼ÁV ¥ÉÆæ.©.Dgï.¥ÁæuÉñïgÁªï ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ²æà PÉ.J¸ï.¹ÃvÁgÁªÀiï CAiÀÄåAUÁgï – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ CgÀªÀÄ£É CqÀ½vÀzÀ°è ¥ÉÆ°Ã¸ï ªÀåªÀ¸ÉÜ: MAzÀÄ ¸ÁA¸ÀÌøwPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À (Qæ.±À.1868 jAzÀ Qæ.±À. 1940) Dandanayakas of Hoysala King Narasimha III and their Contribution ¸ÁévÀAvÀæöå ºÉÆÃgÁl ºÁUÀÆ gÀZÀ£ÁvÀäPÀ PÁAiÀÄðPÀæªÀÄUÀ¼À°è vÀUÀqÀÆgÀÄ gÁªÀÄZÀAzÀægÁAiÀÄgÀ ¥ÁvÀæ – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 21-06-2013 03-09-2013 04-02-2014 18-03-2014 08-04-2013 12-04-2013 02-05-2013 05-06-2013 18-06-2013 24-06-2013 26-06-2013 17-07-2013 6 Ms. Maria Emilian Pinto History Dr. K.Sadashiva Sri. Santhosh Kumar T.S History Dr. N.Saraswathi Sri. Manjunath P History Dr. Puttaiah Sri. Sanjay K History Dr. N.Saraswathi Mr. Anto Richard History Dr. G.T. Somashekar Sri. Ramanjaneya P History Dr. Sugitha Suvarna Sri. Pradeep H.P History Dr. Sugitha Suvarna Smt. Shyla Nagaraj History Dr. G.T. Somashekar Sri. Mahesh G History Dr. Puttaiah Sri. C.B.Devaraju History Dr. Y.H.Nayakwadi Sri. Nethrananda C History Dr. Aswathanarayana Sri. R.Chandrashekar Hindi Dr. Shashidhar L.G Smt. Pushpa K Hindi Dr. Vidyashree 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. A History of Bethany Congregation Mangalore and its Contribution to the Field of Education and Social Change in Karnataka ¸ÀªÀiÁd ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀA¸ÀÌøw: PÀzÀA§gÀ MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Qæ.±À.4£Éà ±ÀvÀªÀiÁ£À¢AzÀ 12£Éà ±ÀvÀªÀiÁ£ÀzÀªÀgÉUÉ Forts of Gulbarga District: A Historical Study ¦.J£ï.dªÀgÀ¥ÀàUËqÀ –fêÀ£À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÁzsÀ£É 1916-2003 The Economic Development and Social Change, A Study of Mandya District 1939-1960 Tax System in Princely Mysore 18811947 Agricultural Development in Mysore District after Independence: A Study 1947-2000 ªÀÄAqÀå f¯ÉèAiÀÄ ¥ÀwæPÉÆÃzÀåªÀÄ – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 1881-1990 «dAiÀÄ£ÀUÀgÀ PÁ®zÀ ªÀÈwÛ DzsÁjvÀ eÁwUÀ¼ÀÄ: MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À (Qæ.±À. 1336-1565) ºÉÊzÀgÁ¨Ázï gÁdåzÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ-DyðPÀ ¹ÜwUÀwUÀ¼ÀÄ: ©ÃzÀgï f¯ÉèAiÀÄ MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À (1905-1956) ¸ÀªÀÄPÁ°Ã£À PÀ£ÁðlPÀ - ¥Àæ¨sÀÄvÀé, gÁdPÁgÀt, ¸ÀA¸ÀÌøw, (1972-1988) 22-07-2013 Premachand Ka Godan Aur Shivaram Karanth Ka Chomanadudi-Ek Tulanatmak Adhyayan Sarveshwardayal Saxena Ke Kavya Mein Samajik Chetana 18-12-2013 08-08-2013 20-08-2013 03-09-2013 07-09-2013 21-09-2013 10-10-2013 22-10-2013 16-11-2013 24-01-2014 15-03-2014 Hindi 80. 81. 17-12-2013 7 Jainology & Prakrits Sri. Doreswamy 82. 83. 84. Jainology & Prakrits Jainology & Prakrits Jainology & Prakrits Dr.P.Padmavathi PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ ±ÁæªÀPÁZÁgÀ PÀÈwUÀ¼ÀÄ: MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 24-01-2014 Dr. Prem Suman Jain, «vÀÛ¸ÁgÀ : MAzÀÄ ¸À«ÄÃPÁëvÀäPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 19-02-2014 Dr. Padmashekar PÀ£ÀßqÀ eÉÊ£ÀPÀxÁ ¥ÀgÀA¥ÀgÉ: D±ÀAiÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ DPÀÈw – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 12-03-2014 Kannada Dr.Lakshminarayana Arora Sri. S.C.Yatheeshwara Sri. P.J.Krishna Kannada Kannada Dr. Vishwanath Prof. Padmashekar Sri. M.N.Nandeesha Kannada Dr. H.T.Krishnegowda Sri. Shivalinga Murthy Kannada Dr. K. Thimmaiah Smt. B.K.Manjula Kannada Dr. Vishwanath Sri. Mahendramurthy D.M Kannada Dr. C.P.Siddashrama Sri. Chandrashekara G Kannada Dr. M.G.Manjunatha Smt. Bagya S Kannada Dr. B.M.Shylaja Linguistics Dr. B.K.Ravindranath Linguistics Dr. R.Subbakrishna Sri. Shanti Sagar Shirahatti Smt. S.C.Vijaya Kannada Smt. Vinodha 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. Linguistics Mr. Seyed Hossein Fazeli 94. 95. Mr. Shahab Ahmad Almaaytah PÀĪÉA¥ÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀÄ.w.£À. PÁªÀåzÀ°è ¥ÀæPÀÈw – MAzÀÄ vË®¤PÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À” ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ ¨sÀQÛ ZÀ¼ÀªÀ½UÀ¼ÀÄ: MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À PÀ£ÀßqÀ d£À¥ÀzÀ ªÀĺÁPÁªÀåUÀ¼À°è ¥Àæw¨sÀl£ÉAiÀÄ £É¯ÉUÀ¼ÀÄ ²ªÀgÁªÀÄ PÁgÀAvÀgÀ PÁzÀA§jUÀ¼À°è ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ ¥ÀæeÉÕ aPÀÌ£ÁAiÀÄPÀ£ÀºÀ½î vÁ®ÆèPÀÄ: MAzÀÄ ¸ÁA¸ÀÌøwPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À CzsÀĤPÀ ªÀÄ»¼Á PÀxÁ¸Á»vÀåzÀ°è ¹Ûçà ¸ÀAªÉÃzÀ£É: MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À (1999-2000) AiÀÄÄ.Dgï.C£ÀAvÀªÀÄÆwð ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¦.®APÉñï CªÀgÀ PÀxÁ¸Á»vÀåzÀ vË®¤PÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À ªÀÄzsÀåPÁ°Ã£À PÀ£ÀßqÀ ±Á¸À£ÀUÀ¼À ¸Á»vÀåPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À (Qæ.±À.1200 jAzÀ 1600 gÀªÀgÉUÉ) “¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ UÁæªÀiÁAvÀgÀ f¯ÉèAiÀÄ d£À¥ÀzÀ PÀ¯Á«zÀgÀÄ The Use of Different English Language Learning Strategies by Iranian Female University Level Learners of English Language as a University Major Based on Personality Traits A study of problems of rendering advertisement text from English into Arabic 05-06-2013 26-06-2013 07-09-2013 07-09-2013 11-11-2013 11-11-2013 16-12-2013 12-03-2014 14-03-2014 08-04-2013 12-04-2013 8 96. Mr. Mohammad Golshan Tafti Linguistics Dr. C.S.Ramachandra Political Science Sri. Diwakar C 97. Political Science Dr. H.M.Rajashekara Sri. C.N.Manu Political Science Sri. K.Prasannakumar Political Science Mr. Zacaria T.V Political Science Ms. Reetika Syal Political Science Sri. Nagaraju N Political Science Smt. Sushma A.R Political Science Ms. Indira T Political Science Smt. M.Sharadha Political Science Smt. Shashikala S Political Science 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. Focus on Form in Communicative Tasks: Corrective Feedback and EFL Learners’ Second Language Acquisition The Christian Political Elites in Karnataka State – A Case Study of Dakshina Kannada District (DK) Dr. G.T.Ramachandrappa PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ°è ªÀÄvÁAvÀgÀ ¥ÀæQæAiÉÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ gÁdQÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀPÀëUÀ¼À ¥ÀæwQæAiÉÄ – zÀQët PÀ£ÀßqÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ZÁªÀÄgÁd£ÀUÀgÀ f¯ÉèUÀ¼À MAzÀÄ vË®¤PÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Dr. Dayanand Mane “²æà ©.J¸ï.AiÀÄrAiÀÄÆgÀ¥Àà£ÀªÀgÀ gÁdQÃAiÀÄ £ÁAiÀÄPÀvÀézÀ MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Dr. Muzaffar H Assadi Interface Between Environmental and Trade Union Movements in Kerala: A Study of Mavoor and Plachimada Movements Dr. N.Sivanna Civil Society and Inclusive Governance: Delivery of Elementary Education in Madhya Pradesh qÁ.©.Dgï.CA¨ÉÃqÀÌgïgÀªÀgÀ £ÁAiÀÄPÀvÀé ªÀÄvÀÄÛ Prof. Dayananda Mane gÁdQÃAiÀÄ aAvÀ£É – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À UÁæªÀiÁ©üªÀÈ¢ÞAiÀÄ°è ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ f¯Áè¥ÀAZÁAiÀÄvï Dr. H.M.Rajashekara ¥ÁvÀæ – MAzÀÄ «ªÀıÁðvÀäPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À §ÈºÀvï ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ ªÀĺÁ£ÀUÀgÀ ¥Á°PÉAiÀÄ Prof. PÁAiÀÄð¤ªÀðºÀuÉAiÀÄ°è gÁdQÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀPÀëUÀ¼À ¥ÁvÀæ: G.T.Ramachandrappa 2000-2010 gÀªÀgÉV£À MAzÀÄ «ªÀıÁðvÀäPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdPÁgÀtzÀ°è ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ d£ÀvÁ Prof. G.T.Ramachandrappa ¥ÁnðAiÀÄ ¥ÁvÀæ – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Dr.Midatala Rani Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups: A Case Study of Mandya District in Karnataka from 2000 to 2010 13-03-2014 12-04-2013 12-04-2013 26-06-2013 08-08-2013 27-08-2013 03-09-2013 30-10-2013 25-11-2013 03-02-2014 03-02-2014 9 Smt. Manohari P Political Science Prof. Dayananda Mane Sri. Prasanna S.B.M Political Science Prof. Dayananda Mane Sri. Purushothama Kumara 109. L.E Political Science Dr.Midatala Rani Mr.V.S.Sholounii Pou Political Science Dr.Midatala Rani Mr.Mehdi Mallahi Political Science Sri. Govindaraju K.S Political Science Prof. G.T.Ramachandrappa Dr. Muzaffar H Assadi Philosophy Dr. M.Ramachandra Philosophy Philosophy Prof. V.N.Sheshagiri Rao Dr. V.N.Sheshagiri Rao Mr. Phra Wisit Wongsai Philosophy Dr. V.N.Sheshagiri Rao Sri. Kiran Kumar M.S Philosophy Dr.H.L.Chandrashekara Sri. H.M.Malikarjuna 118. Swamy Sanskrit Sri. Ramapriya K.V 119. Philosophy Dr.S.Venkatesh Sanskrit Dr. C.N.Basavaraju 107. 108. 110. 111. 112. Philosophy Sri. H.E.Harisha 113. 114. Sri. Naveena Mr. Narin Sudhamma 115. 116. 117. PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ°è ªÀÄ»¼Á PÀ¯Áåt AiÉÆÃd£ÉUÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸À§°ÃPÀgÀt: ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ PÉÆqÀUÀÄ f¯ÉèUÀ¼À MAzÀÄ vË®¤PÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À (1990jAzÀ) “¸ÀªÀiÁd ¸ÀÄzsÁgÀuÁ ZÀ¼ÀĪÀ½AiÀÄ°è §¸ÀªÀtÚ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CA¨ÉÃqÀÌgïgÀªÀgÀ ¥ÁvÀæ”: MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ f¯ÉèUÉ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀAvÉ ªÀĺÁvÀä UÁA¢ü gÁ¶ÖçÃAiÀÄ UÁæ«ÄÃt GzÉÆåÃUÀ SÁvÀj AiÉÆÃd£É – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Role of Village Authority Council in Administration and Development of Poumai, Mao and Maram Naga Tribes in Senapati District of Manipur State Environmental Security in the Persian Gulf Since 1980-A Critical Study Political Ideas of Noam Chomsky: A Critique “¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ ¸ÀÄzsÁgÀuÉAiÀÄ §UÉÎ gÁeÁgÁªÀiï ªÉÆúÀ£ïgÁAiÀiï CªÀgÀ vÁwéPÀ aAvÀ£É-MAzÀÄ «±ÉèõÀuÁvÀäPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À ªÀgÀzÀºÀ½î ²æà ²æÃzsÀgÀ zÀ±Àð£À – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À A Critical Study of the Concept of Peace in Buddhist Philosophy with Special Reference to thich Nhat Hanh The Concept of Evil in the Tripitaka – An Analytical Study Swami Vivekananda’s Concept of Man – An Analytical Study” submitted by Sri. Kiran Kumar M.S under the guidance of Dr.H.L.Chandrashekara for the award zÁ±Àð¤PÀgÁV qÁ.©.Dgï.CA¨ÉÃqÀÌgï – MAzÀÄ «±ÉèõÀuÁvÀäPÀ CzÀåAiÀÄ£À ¨sÁgÀwÃAiÀÄ ¸ÀA¸ÀÌøw ºÁUÀÆ ªÉÊzÀåPÉëÃvÀæPÉÌ ªÁUÀãl£À PÉÆqÀÄUÉ 03-02-2014 03-02-2014 17-02-2014 17-02-2014 07-03-2014 15-03-2014 05-06-2013 05-06-2013 22-10-2013 30-10-2013 03-12-2013 10-01-2014 24-04-2013 10 Sri. Sharath Chandra 120. Swamy Sanskrit Dr. M.R.Veerabhadra Swamy Smt. Ambuja Sanskrit Dr.H.P.Devaki Smt. Yashavanthi K Sanskrit Dr. K.Narayana Bhatta Smt. N.Nagalakshmi Sanskrit Dr. Y.C.Nanjundaiah Sri. Jayarevanna M.V Sanskrit Sri. Govinda B Sanskrit Dr. Anantha Nagendra Bhat Dr.B.A.Dodamani Sri. Ramachandra Purohit Sanskrit Dr.B.A.Dodamani South Indian Studies Sri. B.K.Puttananjaiah 127. South Indian Studies Dr.S.Venkatesh «ÃgÀ±ÀåªÀzsÀªÀÄðzÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ vÀvÀéaAvÀ£É – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À (§¸ÀªÀ aAvÀ£ÉUÉ MvÀÄÛPÉÆlÖAvÉ) Sociology Ms. Asha Sougaijam Sociology Dr.B.Gururaja Ms. Priya Gupta Sociology Dr. Anand Inbanathan Mr. Bakhtyar Karami Sociology Dr.B.Gururaj The Role of Government Organisations in Respect to Prevention and Protection of AIDS in Manipur and Karnataka: A Comparative Sociological Study Disasters and Communities: A Sociological Study of Lifestyle and Adaptation in coastal Orissa A Comparative Study on the value Priorities among Iranian and Indian Students Social Work Dr. C.Usha Rao 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 128. 129. 130. Social Work Sri. Mohan A.K 131. Sivajnanabodhabhasyam of Sri Sivagrayogindrajnana Sivacarya – A Critical Study ¨Át¨sÀlÖ «gÀavÀ ºÀµÀðZÀjvÀªÀiï – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À “¨sÀnÖPÁªÀåzÀ°è ¸Á»vÀå vÀvÀÛ÷éUÀ¼À ¸ÀA±ÉÆÃzsÀ£ÁvÀäPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Sandesa Kavya in Sanskrit Literature – A Study ºÀoÀAiÉÆÃUÀ ¥Àæ¢Ã¦PÉAiÀÄ°è DgÉÆÃUÀå fêÀ£ÀPÉÌ AiÉÆÃUÀ –MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À PÁ½zÁ¸À£À £ÁlPÀUÀ¼À°è fêÀ£À ªÀiË®åUÀ¼ÀÄ – MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À Upanishatsu Vishwasathya Thva Vicharaha A Study on Elected Women Representatives in Grama Panchayats of Karnataka ( A Comparative Study undertaken in Udupi and Chamarajanagara Districts of Karnataka) 24-04-2013 14-05-2013 25-09-2013 19-02-2014 19-02-2014 19-02-2014 19-02-2014 18-03-2014 18-06-2013 31-07-2013 30-12-2013 01-04-2013 11 132. Smt. S.Prathima Social Work Dr. C.Usha Rao Sri. Jagadish B Social Work Dr.Y.S.Siddegowda Sri. Madegowda C Social Work Dr.C.Usha Rao Ms. Mary M.J Social Work Dr.Shivappa R Mr.Shaik Wahid Ansari Urdu Dr.Rafathunnisa Begum Taraqqi Pasand Tehrek-Aur-Urdu AfsaneKa Tanqeedi-O-Tahqiqi Jayeza 04-02-2014 Agri Business Dr. S. Mokshapathy The Role of Entrepreneurship in Export of Fruits and Vegetables: A Study of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Tehran Province 27-09-2013 Business Administration Dr. Aisha M Sheriff Business Administration Business Administration Dr. S.J.Manjunath Business Administration Dr. H.N.Ramesh Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case Study of Selected it Companies Customer Expectation and Experience – A Study of Star Hotels in Bangalore Technology Transfer-A Study of Select Information Technology and Biotechnology Companies in India Evaluation of Corporate Governance in Nationalised Banks in India Commerce Dr. M.R.Suryanarayana Murthy 133. 134. 135. Caregivers Burden and Perception of HIV infected children’s behavior A Study on the Knowledge and Attitude of Parents, Teachers and students on Sex Education in Secondary Schools in Karnataka A Study on Life Style of Soliga Tribes at Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary – A Social Work perspective A Study of the Judicial Dissolution of Marriage with Special Reference to Dakshina Kannada District 10-05-2013 07-11-2013 03-02-2014 03-03-2014 Urdu 136. Faculty of Commerce: Agri Business Ms. Fatemeh Kabiri 137. Business Administration Sri. Anjan Babu K 138. 139. Mr.Sheri Kurian Sri. Ajay Kumar T.R 140. 141. Smt. M.Preethi Commerce Sri. A.M.Sudhakara 142. Dr. H.N.Ramesh An Evaluation of Security Standards for online Banking adopted by Indian Banks offering Credit/Debit card facility 17-01-2014 23-01-2014 15-03-2014 15-03-2014 06-062013 12 143. Sri. Govindaraju M.S Commerce Dr. S.Venkatesh Smt. Shruthi V.K Commerce Dr. T.S.Devaraja Mr. Davood Khodadady Commerce Dr. M.Kumaraswamy Smt. Snigda Sukumar Commerce Dr. S.Venkatesh Mr. Ali Reza Modanlo Joibary Commerce Dr. N.Nagaraja Sri. Srinivas M Commerce Dr. B.H.Suresh Smt.Veeralakshmi B Commerce Dr. R.Thimmarayappa Mr. Ali Chagharvand Commerce Dr.K.Nagendra Babu Sri.K.T.Srinivas Commerce Dr. N.Nagaraja Mr. Amir Mehdi Mashayekhi Commerce Dr. N.Nagaraja Ms.Chaitra Bocheer K.S Commerce H.Nanje Gowda Sri. Keshavamurthy K.P Commerce Dr. H.Nanje Gowda 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. A Study of effectiveness of micro credit in 26-06mandya district 2013 Customer Relationship Management 17-07-2013 Practices in Information Technology Industry: A Study of Selected Firms in Bangalore Cluster Qualitative Characteristics of Financial 10-09-2013 Reporting Information System in Indian Banking Industry – A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks Effectiveness of Advertisements Focusing 16-09-2013 on Woman Factor: A Study with Special Reference to the Bangalore City Financial performance evaluation based 30-09-2013 on economic value added (EVA): (A study of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange) An Evaluation of Working of Karnataka 25-11-2013 Land Army Corporation Limited Asset Management in Indian Mutual Fund 17-12-2013 Investment Companies – A study of selected schemes A Study of E-Commerce Practices in 20-01-2014 Iranian Automobile Companies Performance of Venture Capital in 07-03-2014 Karnataka A Study of Accounting Conservatism and Auditor Tenure in the Companies Listed 12-03-2014 in T.S.E Effectiveness of Covert Advertising in 14-03-2014 Bollywood Movies A Comparative study of Emotional 14-03-2014 Intelligence Level of Business Professional Groups in Karnataka 13 Management Science Sri. Deepak K.V Management Science Dr. Aisha M Sheriff Smt. Geetha R Management Science Dr. Aisha M Sheriff Mr. Yogesh Pai P Management Science Dr. Satyanarayana Chary T Faculty of Education: Education Ms.Dorothy Bernadette Felix 158. Education Prof. M S Lalithamma Mr. Chackko C.J Education Dr.Manjula P. Rao Smt. Sowmya H.S Education Dr.Ningamma C Betsur Mr. Moslem Cherabin Education Dr. K.B. Praveena Smt. Vishalakshi K.K Education Dr. K.Yeshodara 155. 156. 157. 159. 160. 161. 162. Management Development Programmes – A Study of the Context, Approaches & Outcomes in Selected Software Companies in India E-HRM Practices and its Effectiveness on Organizational Performance: A Study of Select Automobile Component Manufacturers Measuring the Service Quality through Patients Perception on Health Care Operations among Corporate, Teaching and Public Hospitals Effects of Inductive thinking model of teaching on the development of competencies in the learning of Geography among secondary students in Seychelles Effectiveness of Constructivist Approach in Teaching of Social Studies at Upper Primary Level Mental Health of Secondary School Female Teachers in Relation to their Emotional Intelligence and Women Empowerment Job Satisfaction, Self Esteem and Organizational Commitment among Faculty Members of Secondary Level Teacher Training Programme in India (Mysore) And Iran (Tehran) Teacher Effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem of Secondary School Teachers – A correlational study 12-04-2013 07-09-2013 03-03-2014 04-05-2013 10-05-2013 26-06-2013 20-08-2013 28-08-2013 14 Ms. Mahnaz Hedari Nia Education Dr. N.N.Prahallada Mr. Abdullah Hasan Mohammed Abdulrab Education Dr. Y.N.Sridhar Sri. Chidananda N.K Education Dr. M.S.Lalithamma Smt. Seeja K.R Education Dr. C.Jangaiah Mr. Hamid Mohammad Azimi Education Dr. K.B. Praveena Smt. Mangala B Ram Education Dr. Anwar G Ms. Maboud Omidi Education Dr. Y.N.Sridhar Smt. Sujata B Hanchinalkar Education Dr. Vasant D Bhat 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. Physical Education & Sports Sciences Mr. Morteza Naghibi Physical Education 171. & Sports Science Dr.S.Madialagan Parental Perspectives and their expectations with Respect to Play and Creativity Level of Preschool Children Impact of Marzano’s Dimensions of Learning Model on Achievement in Science, Creative Thinking and Attitude Towards Science Among Eighth Standard Students A Study of Educational Status and Related Factors among Students Studying in High Schools Whose Parent/s are Inflicted by Handigodu Syndrome in Karnataka A Study of Influence of Active Learning Strategies on Critical Thinking, Thinking Styles and Achievement in Physics among Secondary School Students Readiness for Implementation of Elearning in Colleges of Education and Assessment of E-learning Needs Among its Faculty Members and Students An Investigation into the Self-Concept, Emotional Intelligence, Personality Adjustment and Attitude Towards Teaching Profession of D.Ed Teacher Trainees in Mysore District Effect of Assessment Patterns on MetaCognitive Skills among Pre University Science Students A Survey of Multiple Intelligence and it’s Relation with Selected Learner Variables among Secondary School Leavers of Karnataka Contribution of Selected Anthropometric and Motor Fitness Variables to Soccer Performance among Adolescent Boys 28-08-2013 10-09-2013 25-09-2013 29-11-2013 17-12-2013 03-02-2014 03-02-2014 04-02-2014 26-06-2013 15 Mr. Bijan Goodarzi Physical Education & Sports Sciences Dr. M.Chandrakumar Effect of Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and Resistance Training on Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) in Over Weight People Law Dr. Ramesh Sri. Halashetti Jagadish 174. Sidramappa Law Dr. Ramesh Smt. Nirmala Kumari K Law Dr. M.D.Krishna Law Prof. C.Basavaraju A Critical Study of Working and Functioning of Lokayukta in Prevention of Corruption in Karnataka Domestic Application of International Human Rights Law in India – A Critical Study Legal Regime Relating to Advertisements: A Critical study Bio-Medical Waste Management and Legal Regime-with Special Reference to Mysore District Applied Botany Dr.S.Umesha Molecular studies on Bacterial leaf blight of rice and its management 31-12-2013 Biochemistry Dr.V.Baskaran 17-06-2013 Biochemistry Dr.Cletus J M D’Souza Biochemistry Dr.K.Akhilender Naidu Biochemistry Prof. Cletus JMD’Souza Studies on the bioavailability and biological activity of lutein and its metabolites Studies on non enzymatic glycation of HDL and its implication on the function of HDL – associated paraoxonase Studies on modulatory effect of spices and omega-3 fatty acids on eicosanoid metabolism HDL and Paraoxonase (PON) activity in relation to cardiovascular diseases: Role of diet and life style on lipoprotein modification among Iranians 172. Faculty of Law: Law Sri. D.Rangaswamy 173. 175. Smt. Shiilpaa 176. Mahaddevaswamy Faculty of Science: Applied Botany Sri. Shivalingaiah 177. Biochemistry Ms.Aruna Gorusupudi 178. Smt. Shubha M.C 179. Sri. Hegdekatte 180. Raghavendra Rama Ms. Shokoufeh Pourmolaei 181. 18-12-2013 07-09-2013 10-09-2013 17-01-2014 14-03-2014 07-06-2013 26-06-2013 03-08-2013 16 Sri. Vijayakumar K.R Biochemistry 182. Mr.Mohammad Imtiyaj 183. Khan 184. Sri. S.N.Harsha Biochemistry Biochemistry 185. Sri. Thammanna Gowda S.S 186. Smt. Jamuna J Bhaskar Biochemistry 187. Sri. Dinesha R Biochemistry 188. Mr. Amin Esmaelnia Kooshk Ghazi Biochemistry 189. Sri. Suresha B.S Biochemistry 190. Ms.Smitha J Biochemistry 191. Mr. Sebastin Santhosh M Biochemistry 192. Ms. Thushara R. Mohan Biochemistry Biochemistry 193. 194. Ms. Zahra Ashkavand Biochemistry Ms. Mamatha A.M Biochemistry Dr. Lalitha R Gowda Functional expression and characterization of a lipase from Oryza sativa Dr. P.Giridhar Studies on pigments from fruits of Rivina humilis L.: Characterisation, elicitation, stability and safet Dr. K.R.Anilakumar Studies on anxiolytic and neuroprotective properties of plant foods Dr. Leela Srinivas Characterization of bioactive Lutein from plants Dr. P.V.Salimath Effect of banana flower and pseudostem on advanced glycation end products and glucose transporters in kidney during diabetes Dr. Leela Srinivas BGS-Haridrin – A new antioxidant protein from Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Prof. Cletus J M D’ Mechanism of diesel engine exhaust Souza emission – induced cardiovascular disease: role of paraoxanase enzyme Dr. K.Srinivasan Studies on the antidiabetic influence of an aldose reductase inhibitor obtained from fungal fermentation Dr. Shylaja M Dharmesh Isolation, Characterization and Mechanism of Action of Anticancer Compounds from Selected Plant Sources Dr.K.S.Girish Vipera Russelli Venom Induced Oxidative Damage on Blood Components: Amelioration by Crocin a Dietary Colorant Dr.K.S.Girish Comparative Evaluation of Sesamol and Crocin on Platelet Functions Histopathological and Biochemical Dr.B.S.Vishwanath Evaluation of the Effect of Silymarin on Chemically Induced Osteoarthritis in Rats Role of Paraoxonase on the inflammatory Prof. Cletus J.M.D’Souza nature of HDL 28-10-2013 30-10-2013 04-12-2013 31-12-2013 01-01-2014 31-12-2013 06-01-2014 03-02-2014 03-02-2014 22-02-2014 22-02-2014 11-03-2014 11-03-2014 17 195. Biochemistry Studies on the mechanism of action of Prof. Cletus J.M.D’Souza lipid lowering phytochemicals from medicinal plants Biotechnology Dr.Prakash M Halami 197. Smt.Manjulata Devi Sundru Biotechnology Dr.Prakash M Halami 198. Sri. Venkata Ramana Mudili Biotechnology Dr.H.S.Murali 199. Sri. Harshavardhan Reddy A Biotechnology Dr. S.M.Aradhya 200. Sri. Santosh P Biotechnology Dr.H.L.Sreenath, & 201. Mr. Chougule Rohit Annasaheb Biotechnology Dr. H.S.Aparna 202. Sri. Sunil Kumar Biotechnology Dr.H.S.Prakash 203. Sri. A.N.Madhu Biotechnology Dr.S.G.Prapulla 204. Smt. Latha R Biotechnology Dr. H.K.Manonmani 205. Sri. Vinayaka A.C Biotechnology Dr. M.S.Thakur 206. Ms. Kanchan Singh Biotechnology Dr. B.E. Amitha Rani Ms. Shirin Tarbiat Biotechnology 196. Smt. Nithya V Antibacterial peptides of Bacillus species active against food-borne pathogens Molecular genetic studies of pediocin-like bacteriocin in Pediococcus, Lactobacillus and Enterococcus sp Molecular characterization of toxigenic Fusarium species from food and environmental sources Functional Properties of elephant-foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) Understanding the molecular mechanism of resistance to coffee white stem Borer (Xylotrechus quadripes) in Coffea canephora cv CXR Proteomic characterization and functional analysis of B-lactoglobulin from buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) colostrum RNA Interference-Mediated Resistance and Molecular Diagnostics for Tobamovirus Synergistic effects of selected Lactic acid bacteria and Fructooligosaccharides in the maintenance of gastrointestinal health Bio-chemical and molecular characterization of DDT degrading dehalogenase from Pseudomonas spp., Studies on bioconjugation of CdTequantum dot for monitoring “Enterotoxin B Development and comparison of ELISA for environmental contaminants based on natural and synthetic antibodies 12-03-2014 08-04-2013 08-04-2013 12-04-2013 03-05-2013 10-05-2013 17-06-2013 07-06-2013 26-06-2013 17-07-2013 26-07-2013 08-08-2013 18 207. Smt. Roopashri A.N Biotechnology Dr. M.C.Varadaraj 208. Sri. Ashok Prabhu S Biotechnology Dr.K.Ramachandra Kini 209. Sri. Sachin Raj M.N Biotechnology Dr. Bharathi P Salimath 210. Sri. Padmanabha Rao A Biotechnology Dr. Kaiser Jamil 211. Ms. Sowmya N Biotechnology Dr. H.K.Manonmani 212. Ms. Srividya Y Biotechnology Dr. H.S.Murali 213. Sri. Sagaya Selvakumar L Biotechnology Dr. M.S.Thakur 214. Ms. Mahsa Zarei Biotechnology Dr.T.Shivanandappa 215. Sri. Rajashekara Murthy H.M 216. Ms.Sudeshna Das Biotechnology Dr. H.K.Manonmani Biotechnology Prof.K.Vijay Raghavan 217. Sri. Ballari Rajashekhar Veerabhadrappa Biotechnology Dr. Asha Martin 218. Mr. Amit Kumar Rai Biotechnology Dr.V.Baskaran 219. Sri. Gururaj H.B Biotechnology Dr.G.A.Ravishankar Prebiotics-probiotics interaction in selected cereal and Legume-based foods Polygalacturonase-inhibitor proteins and their genes from pearl millet-Role in resistance against downy mildew Role of Metastasis Associated Protein in Angiogenesis, Metastasis and Invasion of Breast Cancer Pharmacological Evaluation of Polyherbal Preparations for its Antidiabetic Profile Studies on the detection of enterotoxigenic Staphylococci in food samples by molecular techniques Molecular detection of Listeria monocytogenes Studies on the biosensing techniques for the analysis of vitamin B12 in selected foods Chemoprevention potential of natural antioxidants of Decalepis hamiltonii against anti-cancer drug induced oxidative stress and toxicity Microbial degradation of hexachlorocyclohexane Mechanism of olfactory Long term habituation in Drosophila melanogaster Construction of Plasmid Based Molecules for Quantification of Biotechnological Applications Biotechnological approaches for recovering lipids from fish processing byproducts and biological activity of recovered lipids Studies and enzymatic regulation and identification of gene leading to vanillylamine biosynthesis in Capsicum sp. 03-09-2013 26-09-2013 03-10-2013 29-10-2013 30-10-2013 06-11-2013 01-01-2014 31-12-2013 06-01-2014 03-02-2014 06-02-2014 23-02-2014 29-01-2014 19 220. Sri. Madhusudhan M.C Biotechnology Dr.KSMS Raghavarao 221. Ms. Padma Mallaya N Biotechnology Dr.G.A.Ravishankar Mr. N.Shibin Mohanan Biotechnology Dr. Arun Chandrashekar Mr. S. Sasi Bhushan Biotechnology Dr. K.M.Ponnuvel Sri. Nishanth B.N Biotechnology Dr. Bharathi P Salimath Botany Dr. Rajkumar H. Garampalli 226. Sri. Veerabhadraswamy A.L Botany Dr. Rajkumar H. Garampalli 227. Smt. Malathi M Botany Dr.M.S.Sudarshana 228. Smt. Thriveni M.C Botany Dr. G.R.Shivamurthy 229. Mr. Mohammadreza Radfar 230. Ms.Alakananda B Botany Dr.M.S.Sudarshana Botany Dr.M.K.Mahesh 231. Sri. Murali M Botany Dr. K.N.Amruthesh 222. 223. 224. Botany 225. Sri. Sunil Kumar C.P Extraction and Purification of Selected Enzymes Using Bioprocess Integration In vitro regeneration of Solamum melongena L. and genetic transformation towards reduction of enzymatic browning Molecular characterization of transformants of Coffea canephora Pierre. for lowered caffeine Differential level of gene expression in diapause induced eggs of multivoltine silkworm races of Bombyx mori Production of Monoclonal Antibodies and Construction of Single Chain Variable Fragment (ScFv) for a Novel ProAngiogenic Protein (PAP) Diversity of AM fungi of Mysore region in Karnataka and its effects on growth and yield enhancement of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Evaluation of Bio-agents Against Black Bundle Disease of Maize Caused by Cephalosporium acremonium Corda In vitro and in vivo biosynthetic potentialities in Flaveria trinervia (Sprengel) C. Mohr Studies on Loranthaceae and Viscaceae of Karnataka Micropropagation of Trianthema decandra L. and its phytochemical analysis Diatom community structure in Bangalore urban lakes and its relevance in biomonitoring Elicitors from plant growth promoting fungi (PGPF) for the induction of resistance in pearl millet against downy mildew disease 18-01-2014 31-01-2014 11-03-2014 11-03-2014 12-03-2014 24-04-2013 24-04-2013 07-06-2013 11-06-2013 26-06-2013 25-09-2013 05-12-2013 20 232. Smt. B.Jayalakshmi Botany Dr. K.N.Amruthesh Characterization and Evaluation of Bioactive Principles in Selected Medicinal Plants Evaluation of Different Genotypes of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) for their Suitability in Hassan Region of Karnataka Evaluation of bio-Active principles against rheumatism from a few medicinal plants 21-02-2014 233. Sri. Siddagangaiah Botany Dr.K.A.Raveesha 234. Mr. Ismail Shareef Botany Dr.S.Leelavathi Bioscience 235. Mrs. Chithra Shree Bioscience Dr. C.Srinivas Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on bacterial leaf blight of rice 07-09-2013 Chemistry 236. Sri. Srinivasa Murthy V Chemistry Dr.S.Shashikanth 06-06-2013 237. Sri. Avinash K Chemistry Dr.P.Nagaraja 238. Sri. Sunil Kumar P Chemistry Dr. K.M.Lokanatha Rai 239. Smt. B.Shyla Chemistry Dr.G.Nagendrappa 240. Sri.Ravishankara D.K Chemistry Dr.P.G.Chandrashekara 241. Sri.Siddaraju B.P Chemistry Dr. H.S.Yathirajan 242. Sri. M.S.Raghu Chemistry Prof. K.Basavaiah 243. Sri. Hareesh Kumar P Chemistry Dr. G.Chandrasekara Reddy Synthesis and biological activity of 4hydroxy-3, 5-dichlorobenzophenone linked heterocyclic analogues Development of new reagents for the assay of some important biomolecules of clinical importance Synthesis of podophyllotoxin derivatives via [4+2] cycloaddition reactions Preparation and characterization and applications of ion-pair complexes Synthesis and characterization of novel benzimidazole derivatives of biological interest Crystal and Molecular Structure studies of 4-(4-chlorophenyl) piperidin-4-ol and its salts, picrates of bioactive compounds, chalcones and allied compounds Analytical Studies on Some Anti-Allergic Drugs Synthesis of Analogues of Anthraquinone, Anacardic acid and their biological activity and new methods for the preparation of Baclofen 10-01-2014 07-03-2014 07-06-2013 18-06-2013 22-06-2013 24-06-2013 24-06-2013 27-08-2013 27-08-2013 21 244. Sri. Prashanth K.N Chemistry 245. Sri. Chandrashekar Chemistry 246. Sri. Swaroop T.R Chemistry 247. Sri. Dayananda A.S Chemistry 248. Mr. Sajjad Khezrianjoo Chemistry 249. Sri. Mallesha N Chemistry 250. Sri. S.M.Mallegowda Chemistry 251. Sri. M.Madaiah Chemistry 252. Sri.Honnur Krishna Chemistry 253. Sri. Ramesh P.J Chemistry 254. Sri. Harish K.P Chemistry 255. Sri. Shivaprasad C.M Chemistry 256. Sri. Shivakumar S.S Chemistry Prof. K.Basavaiah Analytical studies on some anti-migraine drugs Dr. B.M.Venkatesha Kinetic and mechanistic studies of oxidation of some biologically active compounds with haloamines as oxidants Prof.K.S.Rangappa Regiospecific approach for the synthesis of thiophene, isoxazle, thiazole and quinoline derivatives Dr.H.S.Yathirajan Crystal and molecular structure studies of some nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds Dr.H.D.Revanasiddappa Photocatalytic and Electrochemical Degradation of Some Dyes Prof. D.Channe Gowda Development of Novel Reagents and Methodologies in Organic Synthesis Dr.H.D.Revannasiddappa Spectrophotometric and Chromatographic Methods for the Determination of some Drugs Dr.H.D.Revannasiddappa Synthesis, Characterization and Biological studies of Hydantoin, Imidazopyridine and Difluoropiperidine derivatives Dr.P.Nagaraja Development of Novel Reagents for the Assay of Some Enzymes for Biological Importance Dr.K.Basavaiah Analytical Studies on some drugs used in the treatment of infections and infestations Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Screening of New Heterocycles Dr. K.N.Mohana Containing Oxadiazole, Thiadiazole, Indazole, Pyrazine and Pyridine Groups Prof.K.S.Rangappa Synthesis, Characterization and Pharmacological Studies of Pyridine Conjugated Benzimidazole and Piperidine Conjugated Benzisoxazole Derivatives Dr. K.N.Mohana Corrosion Inhibitors Behaviour Studies on Mild Steel in Industrial Water and Acid Medium 29-10-2013 28-11-2013 31-12-2013 06-01-2014 23-01-2014 04-02-2014 11-02-2014 11-02-2014 20-02-2014 18-01-2014 11-03-2014 15-03-2014 15-03-2014 22 Computer Science 257. Smt. V.Asha 258. Sri. Umesh K.K Computer Science Dr. Nagappa U Bhajanthri Dr. Suresha 259. Sri. Vinay K Computer Science Dr. G.Hemantha Kumar 260. Sri. Nagasundara K.B 261. Ms. Elham Dallalzadeh Computer Science Computer Science Dr.D.S.Guru Dr. D.S.Guru 262. Smt. T.D.Roopamala Computer Science Dr.S.K.Katti 263. Smt. Anusuya M.A Computer Science Dr.S.K.Katti 264. Mr. Seyedsaeid Mirkamali 265. Sri. Mallikarjuna P.B Computer Science Computer Science Dr. P.Nagabhushan Dr. D.S.Guru 266. Smt. Minavathi Computer Science Dr.S.Murali Criminology Dr. Ashoka 268. Mr. T.P.Vipin Criminology Dr. B.Nagaraja Murthy 269. Mr. Arsalan Khanmohammadi Otaghsara Criminology Dr. Ashoka Electronics Dr. M.N.Shanmukha Swamy Criminology 267. Mr. Seyyed Morteza Eshaghi Electronics 270. Sri. Mahesh P.K Computer Science Texture Defect Detection through Periodicity Extraction A General Model for Image Search Engine Machine Learning Approach Via an Ensemble of Classifiers for computer – Aided Lung Nodule Diagnosis Biometric Indexing CARTV:Classification, Archival and Retrieval of Traffic Videos System Analysis Based on Gerschgorin Circles Modeling field theory application to speech recognition Multi-Layered 3D Modeling Computer Vision in Precision Agriculture: A Case Study on Tobacco Crop Techniques to analyze Suspicious Tissue Patterns for early detection of Breast Tumors Proneness to Various Psycho-Somatic Disorders and Quality of Life among Delinquents and Normal Juveniles – A Comparative Study Need for Legalization of Private Detective Agencies in Karnataka The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and General Health among Delinquents and Normal Juveniles – A Comparative Study An Efficient and Secured Multimodal Biometric System Using Speech Signal and Palmprint 25-04-2013 06-05-2013 16-05-2013 10-06-2013 27-07-2013 16-09-2013 20-08-2013 03-10-2013 11-11-2013 07-03-2014 03-12-2013 13-12-2013 30-12-2013 25-04-2013 23 271. Smt. Veena M.G Electronics Dr. N.M.Renukappa 272. Smt. Uma Ullas Pradhan Electronics Dr. Naveen Kumar S.K 273. Sri. Mahadevaswamy U.B Electronics Dr. M.N.Shanmukha Swamy 274. Smt. Usha Surendra Electronics Dr.S.S.Parthasarathy 275. Mr. Harbi Mohammad Ahamad Almahafzah 276. Sri. Arun Kumar M.N Electronics Dr.H.S.Sheshadri Electronics Dr.H.S.Sheshadri 277. Sri. M.N.Jayaram Electronics Dr.C.R.Venugopal 278. Dr. Surekha Manoj Electronics Dr. P.S.Puttaswamy 279. Sri. Panduranga H.T Electronics Dr. Naveen Kumar S.K, 280. Sri. Anil Kumar M.N Electronics Dr.V.Sridhar Environmental Science Dr.S.Srikantaswamy Environmental Science 281. Sri. Shiva Kumar D Effect of the type and content of filler on electrical, mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy nanocomposites for electrical insulation Design and development of a Microcontroller based ECG system with a Dry Disposable Sensor An Energy Efficient Reliabel Multipath Routing (EERMR) protocol for data gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks Robust Optimization Techniques for Location of FACTS Controllers to Improve Power System Stability Person Verification Based on Multibiometric Systems Techniques towards the detection and classification of clustered microcalcifications in Digital mammograms Modelling of Underground communication channel for mobile Application and its use in improving the quality of Mobile Signal reception Power Quality Improvement of Grid Integrated Hybrid Wind-Solar Distributed Generation Using Facts Controllers Development of Image Encryption and Partial Image Encryption Algorithms: Some Hybrid Approaches Area Efficient Arithmetic Unit Elloptic Curve Cryptography Professor with High Throughput 25-04-2013 26-06-2013 20-07-2013 06-09-2013 26-09-2013 19-10-2013 30-12-2013 13-01-2013 14-03-2014 14-03-2014 Geochemistry of Heavymetals and their 26-06-2013 Speciation Study in Soil of Industrial Area of Mysore City, India 24 282. Sri. Komal Kumar J Environmental Science Dr. A.G.Deviprasad 283. Smt. Geetha K.S Environmental Science Dr.S.L.Belagali 284. Smt. Shakunthala Bai Environmental Science Dr. S.Srikantaswamy 285. Ms. Shyma T Benny Environmental Science Environmental Science Dr. A.G.Deviprasad 286. Sri. Rajanna A.H 287. Dr.S.L.Belagali Studies on Medicinal Properties and Phytochemical Screening of Bioactive Compounds from Selected Legumes and their Conservation for Sustainable Utilization Studies on Chemical Structure Identification and Removal Kinetics of Selected Dyes and Toxic Metals Using Natural Adsorbents Speciation of Heavy Metals and their Geochemical Behaviour in Urban Waste Water – A Case Study of Mysore City Ethno-Botanical Studies among the Tribes of Wayanad District, Kerala Investigation of Water and Soil Characteristics Due to Industrialization: A Case study of Nanjangud Industrial Area Environmental Impact Assessment Studies of Major Industries in Bidadi and Doddaballapur Area Karnataka 29-07-2013 18-03-2014 Sri. R.Madhukar Environmental Science Dr. S.Srikantaswamy Earth Science 288. Mr. Mohammad Subhan Lone Earth Science Dr. D.Nagaraju Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS for Selecting Artificial Recharge Zones in H.D.Kote Taluk, Mysore District, Karnataka, India Food Science & Nutrition Dr.Jamuna Prakash Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Nutrition Dr. Khyrunnisa Begum Nutritional Status and Scholastic Performance of School Children with Reference to Micronutrients Studies on dysmenorrhea: Assessment and nutritional management Membrane processing of black tea extracts Studies on Nutritional Need Assessment, Food Formulations and Clinical Outcome in Subjects with Renal Failure Food Science & Nutrition 289. Sri. Shekhara Naik R 290. Ms. Shabnam Omidvar 291. Smt. Chandini S Kumar 292. Ms. Linda Grace Roy Dr.R.Subramanian Dr. Asna Urooj 20-08-2013 21-08-2013 06-09-2013 30-12-2013 11-03-2014 08-04-2013 18-06-2013 26-06-2013 26-06-2013 25 293. Ms. Taraneh Esteki Food Science & Nutrition Dr. Asna Urooj 294. Smt. Shyamala B.N Food Science & Nutrition Dr.Jamuna Prakash 295. Smt. Archana Prabhat Food Science & Nutrition Dr. Khyrunnisa Begum 296. Smt. Deepa Prakash Food Science & Nutrition Dr.Jamuna Prakash 297. Ms. Yashi Srivastava Food Science Dr. Anil Dutt Semwal 298. Ms. V.Saritha Food Science Dr.K.R.Anilakumar 299. Mr. Sunooj K.V Food Science Dr.K.Radhakrishna Geology Dr.D.Nagaraju 301. Mr. Mohit Rezaei Kalantari Geology Prof. C.Srikantappa 302. Mr. Arash Zargar Shoushtari Geology Prof. C.Srikantappa 303. Ms.Namratha K Geology Prof. K.Byrappa Geology 300. Sri. G.Mahadevaswamy Nutritional and Biochemical Studies on Ziziphus Jujuba Mill. with Reference to It’s Lipid Lowering Ability Formulation and Nutritional Evaluation of Dietary Supplements Utilizing Fruit and Vegetable Bio-Waste Household Food Distribution and Family Food and Nutrition Security-A Gender Based Study in the Urban Regions of South Canara Determinants of Food Behaviour in Children with Reference to Physical Endurance, Cognitive Performance and Nutrition Education Studies on shelf stability and utilization of virgin coconut oil (VCO) and virgin coconut meal (VCM) in different traditional Indian sweets and bakery products Studies on ant -ulcerative properties of Aloe barbadensis in rats and their application in development of nutraceuticals-rich products Physico-Chemical Changes of Frozen Mutton and Chicken during Storage Hydrological Investigations of Nanjangud Taluk, Mysore District, Karnataka, India Petrological and fluid inclusion studies of Mesozoic Mashhad Granitoids and Contact Metamorphic Rocks, Ne of Iran Deep Crustal Fluids in the Precambrian Closepet Granitoids and Granulites Around Satnuru Dharwar Craton, India Hydrothermal Synthesis, Characterization and Application of ZnO Nanoparticles 26-06-2013 20-08-2013 24-10-2013 26-02-2014 30-07-2013 03-02-2014 04-02-2014 06-05-2013 24-06-2013 03-09-2013 16-09-2013 26 304. Mr. Houshang Khairy Geology Dr.M.R.Janardhana 305. Ms. Narges Gohari Rad Geology Dr.P.Madesh Geography 306. Sri. B.S. Shriharsha Geography Dr.Arun Das S 307. Sri.Shabeer A.M Geography Dr. Asima Nusurath 308. Smt. Jayamani M Geography Dr. Asima Nusrath 309. Sri. Mahesha N Geography Dr. Asima Nusrath 310. Mr. Javaid Ahmad Tali Geography Dr. Krishna Murthy 311. Sri.Hugar Mallikarjun Alias Babu Ramachandra 312. Smt. Annapurna Sharanappa Kalyani 313. Smt. Pawar Kalyani Narayanrao Geography Dr.H.Nagaraj Geography Dr.H.Nagaraj Geography Dr.H.Nagaraj Geographical Information Science 314. Sri. G. Krishnamoorthy Geographical Information Science Dr.Ramu Simulation of the Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers of Mazandaran Province, North Iran Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Origin of Paleosols around Mysore, Dharwar Craton, India Application of High Resolution Satellite Image Analysis for Tracing the Trend of Counter Urbanization Process in Mysore City Fringe Environmental Degradation and Natural Restoration of the Chaliyar Riverine Region - A Case Study of Mavoor Rayon Industry in Kerala Urban Land Policy and spatial implications on land use change – A case study of Mysore Urban Area A Geogarphical Appraisal of the Closure of Iron Ore Mine and it’s Impact on Socio-Economic Scenario-A Case study of Kuduremukh, Mining Region Dynamics of Rural Urban Fringe: A Case Study of Srinagar City A Study on Soil and Land Use of Bijapur District – A Geographical Analysis Spatial Pattern and Morphological Study of Rural Settlements in Gadag District Exploring Possibilities and Strategies for Development of Tourism with Special Referance to Dharwad, Gadag and Haveri Districts – A Geographical Study Goastal Dynamics and Shorelne Mapping: Multi Sources Spatial Data Analysis Using GIS/Remote Sensing, along LeMorne Brabant Coast (Mauritius Island) 15-10-2013 18-12-2013 21-05-2013 26-06-2013 25-09-2013 25-11-2013 25-11-2013 30-12-2013 04-02-2014 30-12-2013 17-03-2014 27 Genetics 315. Sri. Avinash M.V Genetics Dr. N.B.Ramachandra Genetics Dr.N.B.Ramachandra Genetics Dr. N.B.Ramachandra Microbiology Dr.G.R.Janardhana 319. Sri. Kiran Kumar G Library & Information Science Dr. Mallinath Kumbar 320. Ms. Shahnaz Khademizadeh Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Dr. Khaiser Nikam Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Dr. Khaiser Nikam 316. Smt. Shyamala K.V 317. Mr. Davoodi Parisa E Library & Information Science 318. Ms.Midhila Padman 321. Sri. Vinod Kumar B.L 322. Sri. Devendra 323. Sri. Bhojaraju G 324. Sri. Jaya Kumara Dr. Khaiser Nikam Dr.Shalini R. Urs Dr.Khaiser Nikam Genome-wide Detection of Human Copy Number Variations in Dyslexic Families from South India using Microarray based SNP and CNV Array 6.0 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis of candidate genes of Developmental Dyslexia in India Molecular analysis of asthma candidate genes in an Indian population from Mysore, India Microbiological Studies on the Leaf Spot Disease of Murraya koenigii L Use of Electronic Information Resources and search Patterns by the Faculty of Autonomous Engineering Colleges in Karnataka: A Study Collection Development in Scientific and Research Institute Lib raries in Iran: A Study Design and development of an information support system for yogic sciences with emphasis on knowledge organization tools Attitudes of Law Library Users towards the use of Opac and Web Opac in South India: A study Knowledge Organisation Systems in Digital Libraries: A Case of ETDs Attitudes of Young Adults Towards Public Library Services in Karnataka: A Study 30-09-2013 23-10-2013 06-01-2014 03-05-2013 25-09-2013 18-01-2014 09-12-2013 09-12-2013 09-12-2013 18-12-2013 28 325. Sri. Umesha Library & Information Science Dr.Chandrashekara M Information Seeking and Search Behaviour in the Web Environment: A Study of Dental Science Professionals in Karnataka 03-03-2014 Microbiology Dr.S.Satish 07-03-2014 Smt. Kavitha H.U Microbiology Dr.S.Satish Smt. K.S.Divya Microbiology Dr.S.Mahadeva Murthy Antimicrobial Activity of Fungal Endophytes from Some Plants Isolation and Identification of Antimicrobial Agents of Medicinal Plants Ecological Studies on Microbial Diversity of Surface Water in Coorg and Wynad Districts Mathematics Mathematics Dr. Prabhakar G Vaidya Dr. Chandrashekar Adiga 331. Sri. N.Nanjundaswamy Mathematics Dr. R.Rangarajan 332. Sri. Ravikumar N Mathematics Dr. S.Latha 333. Smt. Veena C.R Mathematics Dr. D.D.Somashekara 334. Sri. Kishor Bhat 335. Mr. Khaled Alloush Mathematics Mathematics Dr.Prabhakar G Vaidya Dr. K.R.Vasuki 336. Sri. Srinivasa A.H Mathematics Dr. A.T.Eswara 337. Ms. Zahra Tahmasbzadehbaee 338. Smt. Shilpa N Mathematics Dr. D.Soner Nandappa Mathematics Dr. S.Latha 339. Smt. H.N.Kanthalakshmi Mathematics Dr. S.Latha 340. Sri. Narasimha Murthy K Mathematics Dr. D.D.Somashekara Microbiology 326. Sri.D.Rakshith 327. 328. Mathematics 329. Sri. Kishor Bhat 330. Sri. Shrikanth A.S In the garden of numbers, I will Play Some Studies on Graph Labelings and Spectra of Graphs Numerical-analytical method for solving certain integro-differential equations Some Contributions to Geometric Function Theory Some Contributions to Graph Labelings and Spectral Graph Theory In the garden of numbers, I will Play A Study on q-Series, Continued Fractions and Modular Equations Motivated by the Works of S.Ramanujan Numerical Studies of Incompressible Boundary Layer Flow Problems Some Contributions to Graph Theory Recent Interests in Complex Function Theory Some Studies in Complex Function Theory A Study of the Theory of Basic Hypergeometric Series and Allied Topics 12-03-2014 23-02-2014 06-05-2013 21-05-2013 01-06-2013 30-09-2013 19-10-2013 21-11-2013 17-12-2013 17-12-2013 30-12-2013 24-01-2014 23-01-2014 03-03-2014 29 341. Sri. Ananth Kumar S.R Mathematics Dr. R.Rangarajan Mathematics Dr. Ruby Salestina M Physics Dr.H.C Devarajegowda 344. Sri. Siddaraju G.N Physics Dr. H.Somashekarappa 345. Sri. Praveen K.C Physics Dr. A.P.Gnanaprakash 346. Ms. Ahlam Motea Abdo Ali Physics Dr. A.P.Gnanaprakash 347. Mr. Arun Kashi H.K Physics Dr. H.C.Devarajegowda Physics Dr. C.Ranganathaiah Polymer Science Dr. M.Krishna 350. Sri. Sreejith M Polymer Science Dr. H.N. Narasimha Murthy 351. Sri. Iliger Sudhir Ramaswamy 352. Mrs.S.Rohini Thimmaiah Polymer Science Dr. T.Demappa Polymer Science Dr.Siddaramaiah 342. Sri. Prashanth B Physics 343. Mr. Waleed Fadl Ali Aleryani 348. Ms. Ramya P Polymer Science 349. Sri. Satheesh Chandran M Some Studies on Differential Equations Applicable to Differential-Difference Equations Some Contributions to the Study of Signed Graphs Crystal and molecular structure analysis of two liquid crystals and few organic molecules of medicinal interest Studies on Broadening of X-Ray Bragg Reflection in Polymer Samples Using Mutual correlation Function An investigation of high dose gamma and ion irradiation effects on the electrical characteristics of Silicon Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors Studies on the Growth and Characterization of Technologically Important Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Single Crystals Crystal and molecular structure studies of organic salt and few organic small molecules of biological interest Studies on the Interface Characteristics of Immiscible Binary Polymer blends by Positron Lifetime Spectroscopy Preparation and Characterization of Modified Bismaleimide Resin/Carbon Composites Preparation and Characterization of PMCs for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Structural Applications Polymeric Mucoadhesive Microspheres for Intranasal Delivery Investigation on Mineral/Natural Fillers Incorporated Rubber Composites 11-03-2014 15-03-2014 18-05-2013 21-08-2013 09-10-2013 24-01-2014 26-02-2014 11-03-2014 08-04-2013 08-04-2013 10-09-2013 19-02-2014 30 Psychology 353. Sri. Chandrashekara D Psychology Dr. Lancy D’Souza 354. Ms. Maryam Mousavi Nik Psychology Dr. Basavarajappa 355. Mr. Ali Khaneh Keshi Psychology Dr. Basavarajappa 356. Sri.Ravikumar M.B Psychology Dr. Sampathkumar Sericulture 357. Sri. Lakshmanan V Sericulture Dr. N. Suresh Kumar 358. Sri. Veeranna Gowda Sericulture Dr. S.K.Ashwath 359. Mr. Farshid Ghasemi Kasmaei Sericulture Dr. H.B.Mahesha 360. Smt. D.Jamuna Sericulture Dr. G.Subramanya Sugar Technology Dr. Chandraju Sugar Technology Dr. Chandraju Speech Language Pathology Dr. K.S.Prema Speech Language Pathology Dr. S.R.Savithri Sugar Technology 361. Smt. R.Mythily 362. Smt. Girija Nagendraswamy Speech & Hearing 363. Smt. Sarika Khurana 364. Smt. Anjana B Ram vÁgÀÄuÁåªÀ¸ÉÜAiÀÄ°è £ÁaPÉ, ºÉÆAzÁtÂPÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ªÀiÁ»w vÀAvÀæeÁÕ£À ¸ÉêÉUÀ¼À §¼ÀPÉ Effect of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) on Depression and Irrational beliefs among Infertile Women Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Academic Stress among High School Students Psycho-social Problems of Children with HIV/AIDS Evolution of bivoltine silkworm hybrids of Bombyx mori L. under hill conditions Studies on the hybrid evaluation of bivoltine breeds of silkworm Bombyx mori L. by adopting single, three-way and four-way crossing patterns Biotechnological approach to understand the relationship between biomolecules and commercial traits in Bombyx mori L. Genetic approach for the identification and evaluation of potential multi x bi hybrids of mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori L 21-11-2013 22-01-2014 24-01-2014 07-03-2014 20-07-2013 16-11-2013 17-10-2013 03-03-2014 Studies on the Extraction of Reducing Sugars from Solid Based Food Garbage The Impact of Distillery Spentwash Irrigation on Mulberry Plants and Growth of Silkworms 27-07-2013 Development of Emergent Literacy in Kannada-speaking English Language Learners Disfluencies in 2.1 to 6 year old Kannada speaking children 19-06-2013 22-10-2013 19-12-2013 31 365. Ms. Hema N Speech Language Pathology Dr. Shyamala K.C 366. Mr. Sujeet Kumar Sinha Speech & Hearing Dr. Animesh Barman 367. Sri. Santosh Kumar Speech & Hearing Dr. S.P.Goswami Audiology 368. Sri. Prawin Kumar Audiology Dr. Asha Yathiraj Efficacy of computer-assisted listening training on individuals with hearing impairment Statistics 369. Mr. Ali Saeb Statistics Dr. S.Ravi 370. Smt. Vidyalaxmi K Statistics Dr. Gooty Divanji 371. Mr. Ahmad Mirza Aghazadeh Attari Urban & Regional Planning 372. Mr. Ashwani Luthra Statistics Dr. S.Ravi On Extreme Value Theory and Information Theory Contributions to Strong and Weak Limit Theorems in Probability and Related Stochastic Processes Contribution to the statistical Theory of Reliability and Survival Analysis Urban & Regional Planning Urban & Regional Planning Urban & Regional Planning Dr.N.Narayana Sastry Urban & Regional Planning Dr.T.M.Mahesh 373. Smt. Vimala Mathad 374. Sri. H.S.Kumara 375. Mr. Ali Assari 376. Ms. Neda Refiee Urban & Regional Planning Dr.T.M.Mahesh Prof.N.Narayana Sastry Dr.T.M.Mahesh, Discourse analysis in Kannada-English Bilingual individuals with traumatic brain injury Effect of aging on brainstem processing of Speech sounds: an Electrophysiologic study Development and Standardization of Comprehension Test in Hindi Language for Persons with Aphasia Impact of Accessibility on Urban Structure of Amritsar City Planning for Eco Friendly Cities: A case study of Gulbarga City Metropolitan Governance: Issues and Choices – A study in Interrelationship between Bangalore Metropolitan Center and Metropolitan Region Planning for Conservation of Heritage Area of Isfahan City in Iran Urban Renewal of the Central Area of Shiraz City, A Case Study of Bala Kaf District 06-01-2014 19-02-2014 22-02-2014 06-06-2013 04-12-2013 04-12-2013 30-12-2013 20-08-2013 17-12-2013 15-10-2013 30-12-2013 15-03-2014 32 Zoology 377. Smt. R.Nirupama Zoology Dr. H.N.Yajurvedi 378. Sri. Sreenivasa G Zoology Dr. S.S.Malini 379. Smt. Savitha N Zoology Prof. Sadananda M Yamakanamardi 380. Smt. Guna P Zoology Dr. S.N.Hegde 381. Smt. Sarita M Zoology Dr. S M.Bhagya 382. Ms. Shereen Kouser Zoology Dr. V.Shakunthala 383. Ms. Devaki M Zoology Dr. H.N.Yajurvedi 384. Smt. Shruthi B Zoology Dr. S.R.Ramesh 385. Sri. Madhusudan S Zoology Dr. Sushil Kumar Jalali Mrs. Ramyashree M Zoology Dr. Shivabasavaiah Dr.C.Sharath Kumar Zoology Dr. S.S.Malini 386. 387. Studies on the Impact of Stress on Carbohydrate Metabolism and Efficacy of the Herb, Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) in Preventing Stress-Induced Alterations in Rat An Analysis of Male Infertility in Mysore: A Cytogenetical, Biochemical and Immunological Approach Studies on Abundance, Diversity, Biomass and Size of a Few Groups of Zooplankton in Three Lentic Ecosystem of Mysore District, Karnataka State, Inida Effects of a few Antidepressants on Toxicity and Sexual Behavior of Drosophila Melanogaster Antifertility Activity of Eugenia Jambolana Lam Seed Extract in Female Albino Rat Studies on Evolutionary Significance of Circadian Rhythms in A Few Species of Drosophila Influence of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifere) On Stress Induced Alterations in Lipid Metabolism and Antioxidant Status in Rat Biochemical genetics of male derived proteins and reproduction: A study among closely related species of Drosophila nasuta subgroup Influence of the gut microflora on the susceptibility of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and its Parasitoids to Insecticides Efficacy of the Opuntia elatior fruit extract in regulating the fertility of male Swiss albino mice Analysis of Male Infertility in Humans in Relation to Anatomical and Pathological Changes in the Reproductive Organs 25-04-2013 16-07-2013 07-09-2013 21-09-2013 03-10-2013 29-10-2013 21-11-2013 17-12-2013 24-01-2014 11-03-2014 12-03-2014 33