Life is beautiful “HELLO! exists to entertain and inform its readers… it does not sit in judgement on those it writes about. Its readers are quite capable of forming their own opinions.” Eduardo Sanchez Junco, Honorary President HOLA3222MpPOR 25/4/06 10:34 O890p O Página 3 5/ 0/05 0 : ág a 3 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW AND PICTURES NUM. 3.222 • 3 MAYO 2006 • 1,80 € Canarias: 1,90 € (IVA incluido) Portugal (cont.): 1,90 €/Portugal (ilhas): 2,50 € NUMBER 890 • 27 OCTOBER 2005 • £1.90 SEAL AND HEIDI KLUM INTRODUCE THEIR SON HENRY SPAIN & CANARY ISLANDS: 2,85 €. PORTUGAL (CONT.): 3 €. ITALY: 6002 LITS = 3,10 €. GREECE: 4,90 €. GERMANY: 5,20 €. FRANCE: 3,20 €. AUSTRALIA: $6.95 incl. gst. CANADA: $6.50. USA: $6.95. SOUTH AFRICA: SAR29.95 ‘Henry will soon be saying Papa to me just like our daughter Leni’ LA PAREJA MAS BUSCADA POSA EN EXCLUSIVA BRAD PITT Y ANGELINA JOLIE EN NAMIBIA DANIEL CRAIG ON BEING THE NEW BOND Unas parejas inesperadas y otras conocidas FAMOSOS ENAMORADOS EN PRIMAVERA JUDE AND SIENNA’S DRAMATIC SHOWDOWN CARMEN MARTINEZ-BORDIU, JUNTO AL TRAJE DE NOVIA DE SU PRIMER MATRIMONIO Y FELIZ CON JOSE CAMPOS EN LA FERIA DE SEVILLA LA REINA ISABEL II DE INGLATERRA CUMPLE OCHENTA AÑOS TOM CRUISE Y KATIE HOLMES, PADRES DE UNA NIÑA SUMARIO EN PAG. 64 MEXICO 30 $/USA $ 3.99 NUM. 3.030 • 5 SEPTIEMBRE 2002 • 1,70 € Canarias: 1,85 € (IVA incluido) And we’ve been chronicling it for over 6 decades GRACIA DE MONACO Y DIANA DE GALES En el aniversario de sus trágicas muertes SRF: 7.50/£: 2.5/SK: 40/DHS: 44/PRINTED IN SPAIN Acompañada por su hermana, Tracy, con la que ha grabado una canción para el disco «Sabera por la paz» MELANIE GRIFFITH, EN CALCUTA ENTREVISTA EXCLUSIVA CON ANA BOTELLA ANTE LA INMINENTE BODA DE SU HIJA SUMARIO EN PAG. 32 MEXICO 25 $/PUERTO RICO $ 5.25/USA $ 3,99 HOLA3252p001 ENM 21/11/06 13:38 Página 3 SRF: 7.50/£: 2.75/SK: 40/DHS: 44/ITALIA: 3,10 €/BELGICA: 3,75 €/FRANCIA: 3,80 €/ALEMANIA: 5,30 €/ HOLANDA: 4,55 €/AUSTRIA: 5,20 €/LUXEMBURGO: 2,65 €/BS 5000/E. I.: 3 €/PRINTED IN SPAIN NUM. 3.252 • 29 NOVIEMBRE 2006 • 1,80 € Canarias: 1,90 € (IVA incluido) Portugal (cont.): 1,90 €/Portugal (ilhas): 2,50 € En una deslumbrante noche de gala LA INFANTA DOÑA ELENA ENTREGO EN NUEVA YORK LAS MEDALLAS DE ORO DEL INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL REINA SOFIA, QUE PRESIDE OSCAR DE LA RENTA FOTOGRAFIAS EXCLUSIVAS TODO SOBRE LA ROMANTICA BODA DE TOM CRUISE Y KATIE HOLMES ISABEL PANTOJA SE DISTANCIA DE JULIAN MUNOZ It’s more than just beauty It’s glamour It’s more than just photos It’s a window into personal moments It’s more than just exclusives It’s a demonstration of trust It’s more than sophistication It’s a magical lifestyle It’s more than just awards It’s unquestionable prestige It’s more than just a leading magazine It’s a part of people’s lives Bridget Jones Diary Carrie Bradshaw in “Sex and the City” “HELLO! magazine… the celebrity photo album and social bible.” Evening Standard oyster perpetual datejust en rolesor rosa mm la colección datejust también está disponible en 34 mm, 36 mm y 41 mm. 31 The Network Tel: 020 7291 4700 Fax: 020 7291 4722 Job No: 39505_4 Publication: Hello Size: 330x240 Ins date: 18.09.07 HOLA3296pP SAINTLAUREN_001.PDF 1 Proof No: 1 13/9/07 06:09:39 HOLA3453pUV_CLARINS.indd 3 21/9/10 17:03:48 It’s more than just advertising space, It takes your product to our readers’ hearts HOLA! 240x330 251N 5/9/07 10:47 P�gina 1 C Composici�n M Y CM MY CY CMY K “We knew when HELLO! came to the UK it would be a success because of our success with ¡HOLA! in Spain” Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board, Estée Lauder Companies La pareja, tras serle entregado el bebé en enero, prefirió no presentarlo al menos hasta que pasaran los Oscar, cuando nada hacía presagiar que se acabarían separando —¡¿“…≥å摇»… ·´π¥√â“ ∫ÿ≈≈ÁÕ° SANDRA BULLOCK NOS DESCUBRE SU SECRETO MAS QUERIDO Y MEJOR GUARDADO, SU HIJO ADOPTIVO, LOUIS, Y NOS ANUNCIA QUE SE DIVORCIA DE JESSE JAMES ‡ªî¥µ—«À≈ÿ¬ å ùºŸâ™“¬µ—«πâÕ¬∑’Ë ¡∫Ÿ√≥å·∫∫û ≈Ÿ°™“¬∑’ˇ∏Õ‡°Á∫‡ªì𧫓¡≈—∫ µ≈Õ¥™à«ß‡«≈“·Ààß ™—¬™π–·≈–§«“¡ª«¥√â“«∑’˺à“π¡“ ù∂ⓧÿ≥∫Õ°©—π°àÕπÀπâ“π’È«à“®–‡°‘¥ ‘Ëßπ’È¢÷Èπ ©—π§ß§‘¥«à“§ÿ≥‡ ’¬ µ‘ ©—π‰¡à‡§¬§‘¥‡≈¬«à“®–‰¥â‡Õଧ̓«à“ ç≈Ÿ°™“¬¢Õß©—πé «Ahora estoy adoptando a Louis como madre soltera» ™à «ß∑’ºË “à π¡“·´π¥√â“ ∫ÿ≈≈ÁÕ°µ°‡ªìπ¢à“«æ“¥À—«¡“π—∫ §√—È߉¡à∂â«π ·µà«—ππ’È¢à“«‡¥’¬«∑’ˇ∏Õ π„®µ‘¥µ“¡§◊Õ çÀ≈ÿ¬ åæ≈‘°µ—«¥â«¬ µ—ßÈ Õߧ√—ßÈ ·πà–!é ‡∏Õ‡≈à“Õ¬à“ßµ◊πË ‡µâπ ç™à“ß¡À—»®√√¬å∑’ˉ¥â‡ÀÁπ¡πÿ…¬å§πÀπ÷Ë߇µ‘∫‚µ¢÷ÈπµàÕÀπâ“ µàÕµ“‡√“é ¡πÿ…¬å§π∑’«Ë “à §◊ÕÀ≈ÿ¬ å ∫“√å‚¥ ∫ÿ≈≈ÁÕ° ≈Ÿ°™“¬«—¬ “¡ ‡¥◊Õπ§√÷ßË ∑’¥Ë “√“ “«„À≠૬— 45 √—∫¡“‡≈’¬È ßÕ¬à“߇ߒ¬∫Ê ¡“ µ—ßÈ ·µà‡¥◊Õπ¡°√“§¡ ·¡â«“à ™à«ß 2-3 ‡¥◊ÕπÀ≈—ßπ’®È –¡’‡√◊ÕË ß√“« ¡“°¡“¬‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ°—∫‡∏Õ ∑—Èß™—¬™π–∫π‡«∑’ÕÕ °“√å·≈–™’«‘µ ¡√ ∑’ËÕ—∫ª“ß≈ß ·µà§«“¡‡ª≈’ˬπ·ª≈ߧ√—Èß„À≠à∑’Ë ÿ¥„π ™’«µ‘ ‡∏Õ‡ªìπ°“√‡ª≈’¬Ë π·ª≈ß∑’‡Ë ªï¬ò ¡ ÿ¢ ¥â«¬«à“‡∏Õ°≈“¬‡ªìπ §ÿ≥·¡à¡Õ◊ „À¡à·≈â«„π«—ππ’È §«“¡≈—∫§√—Èßπ’ȵâÕ߇√’¬°«à“ ÿ¥¬Õ¥®√‘ßÊ π—∫µ—Èß·µà‡∏Õ ·¬°°—πÕ¬Ÿà°—∫ “¡’«—¬ 41 ·´π¥√â“°Á¡’§«“¡ ÿ¢°—∫°“√‡≈’È¬ß ≈Ÿ° ‚¥¬‰¥â√—∫°Ì“≈—ß„®®“°§π∑’ˇ∏Õ√—° √«¡∑—Èß≈Ÿ°µ‘¥ “¡’∑—Èß “¡ §◊Õ ´—ππ’«Ë ¬— 6 ¢«∫ ‡® ´’Ë ®Ÿ‡π’¬√å «—¬ 12 ·≈–·™π¥å‡≈Õ√å «—¬ 15 çµ◊πË ¢÷πÈ ¡“°Á„Àâπ¡≈Ÿ° Õÿ¡â ‡√Õ ‡≈àπ°—∫≈Ÿ° ´—°ºâ“é ‡∏Õ ‡≈à“ ç©—π¬—ßÕ¬Ÿ„à π¿“«–∑÷ßË ‰¡àÀ“¬°—∫≈Ÿ°·≈–°—∫™’«µ‘ é ‡¡◊ÕË ’ªË °ï Õà π‡∏Õ°—∫‡® ´’‡Ë √‘¡Ë °√–∫«π°“√¢Õ√—∫‡¥Á°¡“‡ªìπ «La primera vez que vi a mi hijo fue como si todo el mundo exterior se quedara en silencio» ∫ÿµ√∫ÿ≠∏√√¡ ‡¥◊Õπ¡°√“§¡∑’˺à“π¡“∑—Èß Õ߉¥â√—∫·®âß«à“ ∑“ßÕߧå°√∑’˵‘¥µàÕ‰ª‰¥â®—∫§Ÿàæ«°‡¢“°—∫∑“√°·√°‡°‘¥®“° ‡¡◊Õßπ‘«ÕÕ√å≈π’ å Õß “¡’¿√√¬“æ“À≈ÿ¬ å¡“‡≈’¬È ß∑’∫Ë “â π·µà µ—¥ ‘π„®‡°Á∫¢à“«π’ȇªì𧫓¡≈—∫®π°«à“®–æâπß“πª√–°“» º≈√“ß«—≈ÕÕ °“√å 牡à√‡âŸ À¡◊Õπ°—π«à“∑Ì“‰¥â¬ß— ‰ßé ·´π¥√â“√Ì“ æ÷ß ‡∏Õ‰¡à¬Õ¡‡º¬√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥°“√√—∫∫ÿµ√∫ÿ≠∏√√¡‡æ◊ËÕ ª°ªÑÕߧ«“¡‡ªìπ à«πµ—«¢Õß≈Ÿ°™“¬ ÿ¥∑’√Ë °— ‡¥◊Õπ¡’π“§¡∑’Ë ºà“π¡“‡∏Õ∑√“∫«à“ “¡’πÕ°„®®÷ßµ—¥ ‘π„®·¬°∫â“π°—πÕ¬Ÿà ·≈–æ“À≈ÿ¬ 剪¥â«¬ ≈à“ ÿ¥‡∏Õ¬◊π¬—π«à“¬◊Ëπ¢ÕÀ¬à“‰ª·≈â« ·≈–®–√—∫À≈ÿ¬ 凪ìπ∫ÿµ√∫ÿ≠∏√√¡µ“¡≈Ì“æ—ß„π∞“π–§ÿ≥·¡à ‡≈’¬È ߇¥’¬Ë « „π°“√ —¡¿“…≥å摇»…°—∫‡√“ ‡∏Õ查∂÷ß°“√ªî¥©“° §«“¡√—°∑’¡Ë “æ√âÕ¡°—∫°“√‡√‘¡Ë µâπ¢Õß™’«µ‘ „À¡à ·≈– 纟™â “¬ µ—«πâÕ¬é ∑’ˇª≈’ˬπ·ª≈ß∑ÿ°Õ¬à“ß„π™’«‘µ‡∏Õ ç‡¢“™à“ß ¡∫Ÿ√≥å·∫∫®√‘ßÊé ·´π¥√â“查∂÷ß≈Ÿ°™“¬ ÿ¥∑’√Ë °— ·´π¥√â“ §ÿ≥µ—¥ ‘π„®®–√—∫∫ÿµ√∫ÿ≠∏√√¡µ—Èß·µà‡¡◊ËÕ ‰À√à ç©—π®Ì“‰¡à‰¥â«“à µ—¥ ‘π„®µÕπ‰Àπ ™à«ßÀ≈—ß擬ÿ‡ŒÕ√‘ «Quiero que Louis aprenda a ver que las penas no borran las grandes alegrías. También que era un niño muy deseado por dos personas que se amaban» «Esa es su mirada de “date prisa y hazlo”, dice riendo». «El es guapo, pero lo más bello es su espíritu. Hay sabiduría en él», añade Sandra Bullock, de cuarenta y cinco años, que presenta en estas páginas a su hijo, Louis, de tres meses y medio, cuya adopción comenzó junto a su marido, Jesse James, hace cuatro años, y que les fue entregado el pasado enero, aunque decidieron mantenerlo en secreto hasta después de los Oscar. Los últimos acontecimentos en la vida de la actriz —el pasado marzo descubrió que James la había engañado y se marchó de la casa familiar, llevándose a Louis— han hecho que adopte como madre soltera, mientras confirma que ha solicitado el divorcio 6 ¥ “ √ “ ¡ “ ° Ωï ¡◊ Õ · Àà ß Œ Õ ≈ ≈’ «Ÿâ ¥ ‡ º ¬ ‚©¡À≈ÿ¬ å ≈Ÿ°™“¬«—¬ “¡‡¥◊Õπ§√÷Ëß∑’ˇ∏Õ ‡§¬µ—È ß „®«à “ ®–™à « ¬°— π ‡≈’È ¬ ß°— ∫ ‡® ´’Ë ‡®¡ å “¡’ ªí®®ÿ∫—π‡∏Õµ—¥ ‘π„®√—∫À≈ÿ¬ å ‡ªìπ∫ÿµ√∫ÿ≠∏√√¡µ“¡≈Ì“æ—ß ‡∏Õ∫Õ°«à“ ’Àπâ“≈Ÿ°πâÕ¬„π¿“æπ’È·ª≈«à“ ç√’∫Ê ∑Ì“ „Àâ ‡ √Á ® Êé 燢“√Ÿ ª À≈à Õ π– ·µà ‘Ë ß ∑’Ë «¬ß“¡§◊Õ®‘µ«‘≠≠“≥¢Õ߇¢“é ·´π¥ √â“∫Õ° 燢“‡ªìπ§π¡’ªí≠≠“é 7 44 sandra bullock44-53.indd 44-45 45 5/12/10 1:00:22 PM «ЕСЛИ БЫ КТО-ТО ЕЩЕ НЕДАВНО СКАЗАЛ, ЧТО ЭТО СЛУЧИТСЯ СО МНОЙ, Я БЫ РЕШИЛА, ЧТО ОН СУМАСШЕДШИЙ. НИКОГДА НЕ ДУМАЛА, ЧТО ПРОИЗНЕСУ СЛОВА «МОЙ СЫН» It is more than just magazines, it is a global brand САНДРА БАЛЛОК В эксклюзивной съемке Сандра Баллок наконец-то показала своего «совершенного человечка» — Луи. Появление сына актриса долго хранила в секрете — за это время она получила «Оскара» и пережила личную драму 15 YEARS OF LOVE 1:32 PM Page 3 SANDRA BULLOCK ONLY RM7.9 0 MIDDLE EAST BAHRAIN: BD1.50 ISSN 1985-0441 PRESENTS BABY LOUIS, HER BEST-KEPT SECRET, AS SHE ANNOUNCES HER DIVORCE ’I will be adopting as a single parent. Maybe I needed this to happen so that I could be the very best mother to Louis’ 5/4/10 JORDAN: JD3 • No 262 • 15 May 2010 • Dhs 10 KUWAIT: KD1.20 OMAN: RO1.50 QATAR: QR15.00 SAUDI ARABIA: SR15 © HELLO! UK, № 1122, May, 10, 2010 W E E K LY s N o 1 7 3 s 1 7 M A Y 2 0 1 0 ‘I will be adopting as a single parent. Maybe I needed this to happen so that I could be the very best mother to Louis’ SANDRA BULLOCK HE262 Cover_new*.qxd PP14448/11/2010 (025720) C A N A D A ASEAN • MALAYSIA • No 51 • JUNE 2010 • RM7.90 ANTONIO BANDERAS AND HIS HAPPY FAMILY PRESENTS BABY LOUIS, HER BEST-KEPT SECRET, AS SHE ANNOUNCES HER DIVORCE ‘I will be adopting as a single parent. Maybe I needed this to happen so that I could be the very best mother to Louis’ ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΕΣ ΣΑΝΤΡΑ ΜΠΟΥΛΟΚ Ο ΑΣΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΤΕΝΙΣ ΚΑΙ Η ΣΥΖΥΓΟΣ ΤΟΥ, ΛΙΛΙ, ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΖΟΥΝ ΜΕ ΠΕΡΗΦΑΝΙΑ ΤΟ ΝΕΟΓΕΝΝΗΤΟ ΑΓΟΡΑΚΙ ΤΟΥΣ, ΑΜΑΝΤΕΟΥΣ, ΣΤΟ ΣΠΙΤΙ ΤΟΥΣ, ΣΤΟ ΓΟΥΙΜΠΛΕΤΟΝ SPECIAL PHOTOS EXCLUSIVE SANDRA BULLOCK PRESENTS BABY LOUIS , HER BEST-KEPT SECRET, AS SHE ANNOUNCES HER DIVORCE PM40070230 Hello 51 Cover_MY.indd 1 HELO173_001.indd 2 49 «Κάθε άνδρας θέλει να αποκτήσει τουλάχιστον ένα γιο. Εγώ, όµως, µάλλον είµαι περισσότερο ευλογηµένος από τους άλλους. Αυτό, βέβαια, δεν σηµαίνει πως δεν ασχολούµαι και µε την κόρη µου» Π THE NEW SEX AND THE CITY IN SARAH JESSICA PARKER’S OWN WORDS 5/13/10 11:47:57 AM 5/4/10 4:42:27 PM Голливудская звезда с гордостью представляет своего четырехмесячного сына Луи. Еще недавно Сандра собиралась растить его вместе со своим мужем Джесси, но теперь будет это делать одна 48 Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority 36 Ο µικρός Αµαντέους στην αγκαλιά της µητέρας του, Λίλι. Από το πλευρό τους δεν έχει λείψει ούτε για ένα λεπτό ο Μπόρις Μπέκερ. ñéí áðü ðåñßðïõ ôñåéò åâäïìÜäåò, ï Ìðüñéò ÌðÝêåñ Þôáí óôï Âåñïëßíï, ðñïêåéìÝíïõ íá ðÜñåé ìÝñïò ó’ Ýíá äéåèíÝò ôïõñíïõÜ ôÝíéò. ¼ôáí, ôåëåéþíïíôáò, Üíïéîå ôï êéíçôü ôïõ, âñÞêå ìåôáîý êÜðïéùí êëÞóåùí êáé ôç öùôïãñáößá ôïõ íåïãÝííçôïõ ðáéäéïý ôïõ. Ï èñýëïò ôïõ ôÝíéò, Ìðüñéò ÌðÝêåñ, Ýãéíå ìðáìðÜò ãéá ôÝôáñôç öïñÜ. Óôçí ïéêïãÝíåéá ðïõ Ý÷åé äçìéïõñãÞóåé ôïõò ôåëåõôáßïõò 10 ìÞíåò ìå ôï ìïíôÝëï Ëßëé ÊÝñóåíìðåñãê ðñïóôÝèçêå êáé ï ÁìáíôÝïõò ÌðÝíåíôéêô ¸íôëåú Ëïýéò ÌðÝêåñ. Óýìöùíá ìå ôç ìçôÝñá ôïõ, ôï ìùñü äåí åßíáé ðáñÜ ï ìðáìðÜò ôïõ óå ìéêñïãñáößá. Ãéá ôçí áêñßâåéá, ôïíßæåé: «Å÷åé ôá ìÜôéá ôïõ, ôç ìýôç ôïõ, ôï ðéãïýíé ôïõ. Åßíáé ôñïìáêôéêü ôï ðüóï ìïéÜæïõí! 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Ôá äýï ðñþôá ðáéäéÜ Ýóðåõóáí óôï óðßôé ôïõ ðáôÝñá ôïõò, ãéá íá äïõí ôï íåïãÝííçôï ÁìáíôÝïõò, ç ¢ííá, üìùò, äåí Ý÷åé êáôáöÝñåé áêüìá íá ôïí åðéóêåöèåß. ¼óï ï Ìðüñéò ÌðÝêåñ êáé ç Ëßëé ÊÝñóåíìðåñãê ðñïåôïßìáæáí ôï íåïãÝííçôï ãéï ôïõò ãéá ôï ðñþôï ôïõ ôáîßäé óôï Áìðïý ÍôÜìðé, ãéá ôá Ðáãêüóìéá ÁèëçôéêÜ Âñáâåßá, ìßëçóáí óôï HELLO! ãéá ôçí ïéêï- 37 ¡HOLA! & HELLO! in the world 19 editions Argentina India Russia Brazil Indonesia Serbia 100 countries Bulgaria Malaysia Spain Canada Mexico Thailand Ecuador Middle East Turkey Greece Morocco United Kingdom 15 million readers 11 languages Peru The history of a publishing phenomenon S pain’s premiere magazine, ¡HOLA!, was created in 1944 and has enjoyed a reputation for prestigious and historic coverage of celebrities and royals for over 60 years. As the first magazine of its kind, it is often credited with creating the celebrity sector in the magazine industry. and the United Kingdom, editions of the magazine are produced in Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Ecuador, Greece, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, the Middle East, Morocco, Peru, Russia, Serbia, Thailand and Turkey. In total there are 19 editions of the magazine and 9 websites. HELLO!’s high standards for editorial content and photos set it apart from the many sensationalist celebrity magazines on the market today. It has grown to be a respected household name and a magazine that readers can truly trust. The quality of our respected brand is reflected in the prestige of the celebrities, the photos and the timeliness of our reporting. ¡HOLA! launched HELLO! in the U.K. in 1988 and it quickly became known for its excellent photos and respectful treatment of celebrities. In the U.K., HELLO! magazine is an award-winning weekly celebrity news magazine and a household name. The success of both magazines led to the expansion of the brand across the world, after exports to over 70 countries bolstered the company’s international presence. Today, in addition to Spain ¡HOLA! - First cover Artist: Emilio Ferrer 20 pages, 14,000 copies Spain 1944 United Kingdom 1988 ¡HOLA!, as it is called in Spanish, was launched in Spain in 1944 and has been a pioneer in publishing for over 60 years. Founded during a tumultuous time in Europe, the magazine’s objective was to report on the lighter side of life, from glamorous events to interviews with stars. It is often credited with creating the celebrity sector in the magazine industry and has become synonymous with celebrity, glamour, aspiration and indulgence. Its long history of publishing the most beautiful photos and intimate stories has won it iconic status in Europe and countless publishing awards. HELLO! launched in the UK in 1988, creating a brand new sub-sector of weekly publishing, The Celebrity Marketplace, which is still the fastest growing sector in the UK magazine industry. It is a well respected household name which attracts an extremely loyal and upmarket readership. Russia 2004 Turkey 2004 HELLO! RUSSIA is the most widely read Russian celebrity title. Launched in March 2004, it immediately obtained a solid readership. By 2006, the readership had quadrupled, despite the emergence of strong competition from other publishing houses. Says Olga Solovieva, Editor-in-Chief of HELLO! Russia: “We still remain very much the trendsetter in the market and have set the standard for our rivals to aspire to”. HELLO! Russia has been awarded the Brand of the Year/EFFIE 2006 award in the Mass Media category. HELLO! TURKEY launched later in 2004, setting its sights on a niche high-end market with enormous success. Success brought competition but, Hello! has fought off tough competition to maintain an exclusive level of its audience. As its position in terms of readership grew stronger, the unquestionable support from advertisers increased the interest of other publishers in the region to take Hello! to their countries. Middle East 2005 HELLO! MIDDLE EAST hit the newsstands in April 2005. It caters to the large English-speaking community in the Middle East region who were hungry for a magazine like HELLO! UK. The Group Senior Editor says: “HELLO! has had a huge impact on the local publishing market here by offering both readers and advertisers a globally recognised brand which celebrates the fusion of international celebrity news with a rich local culture of royalty and A-list entertainers. Greece 2005 HELLO! GREECE launched in October 2005 in a market already catered for by similar publications, but the highly-motivated editorial team, headed up by two TV celebrity stars, has really made its mark as a highly professional publication and outperforms most of the competition. Thailand 2006 Canada 2006 HELLO! THAILAND launched in March 2006 and was greeted with spectacular success as soon as it hit the newsstands. Seven months after it first went on sale, the twice-monthly glossy became the number one women’s title in Thailand, selling more than any of its competitors. HELLO! CANADA, launched in August 2006, is the first Canadian-based magazine to blend coverage of national and international celebrity news. HELLO! Canada’s debut issue met with overwhelming reader approval from coast to coast, and the magazine has continued to gain in popularity ever since. Mexico 2006 Malaysia 2007 ¡HOLA! MEXICO launched in November 2006, came about as the result of the extraordinary success of the original ¡HOLA! Magazine, which for years was exported on a regular basis to Mexico from Spain. Cosmetic changes to the language - Mexican Spanish is slightly different - and important modifications to the editorial content were identified as the factors that made ¡HOLA! Mexico overnight one of the biggest selling magazines in the group. HELLO! MALAYSIA launched in March 2007 and published in English, was warmly welcomed by the Malaysian public, many of whom had been loyal readers of Hello! UK for years. Managing Director & Publisher Dr. Philip Ng notes that the Malaysian edition “was eagerly awaited with its unique combination of exclusive international celebrities and local stars and dignitaries.” India 2007 Serbia 2007 HELLO! INDIA launched in April 2007 and has already become wildly popular after obtaining two huge exclusives. Its first issue, which contained the world exclusive on Elizabeth Hurley’s Indian wedding, sold out rapidly and a second printing had to be ordered. Following suit, its second issue boasted exclusive coverage of top Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai’s wedding and also sold out quickly. HELLO! SERBIA launched in July 2007 and the first issue sold out within days, proving that the Serbian public was ready for a magazine that brought them coverage of local celebrities mixed with A-list international celebrity news. This highly successful formula has set HELLO! Serbia apart from the competition, attracting readers and advertisers alike, with ad sales increasing by 20% and expanding to include the top international brands since its launch. Morocco 2009 ¡HOLA! MAROC is our first launch in Africa and arrived to the newsstands in December 2009. This monthly magazine combines royalty, celebrities and the most influential personalities not only form Morocco but also from the entire Arabic world together with the most relevant international news. ¡Hola! Maroc offers its readers the most exclusive and prestigious stories with the glamour and elegance that distinguish ¡Hola! Indonesia 2010 Hello! Indonesia was launched in September 2010 to satisfy the readers’ demand for information about international celebrities and local socialites. The unquestionable prestige of the brand led immediately to readers and advertisers bidding a formidable welcome to the magazine, evidencing that it was the right moment to receive the tittle with enormous success. Brazil 2010 Argentina 2010 Since its first issue in June 2010, ¡Hola! Brasil brings sophisticated productions and a loyal portofolio of high-end advertisers, thanks to which, the magazine puts itself on a par with the rest of the international editions. Because of the continuous growth of the market, we anticipate higher evolution and growth for this magazine of high prestige and recognition. In November 2010 ¡HOLA! ARGENTINA was launched, setting itself apart from the competitors through exclusive contents and a priority access to celebrities who chose ¡Hola! to share their personal moments with the audience for the first time. The success was immediate, in terms of both readership and advertisers, and it has become the leader in Argentina since its first issue. Peru 2010 Bulgaria 2010 The publication of ¡HOLA! PERU in December 2010 was backed up by the success of the brand in other Latin American countries. The excellent job of the team brings a high quality product to the newsstands every week, with features that take the readers to a world of enchantment. The recognition of the readers has permitted ¡Hola! Peru to position itself a reference in the market. The arrival of HELLO! BULGARIA in December 2010 meant the strengthening of the brand in a market that combines the importance of local celebrities with the international style of the magazine. Despite the fierce competition, the magazine has gained a space in the readers’ lives thanks to the editorial rigor, the exclusive positioning and the solid experience of the brand. Ecuador 2011 The successful expansion of the brand throughout South America created great expectations for ¡HOLA! ECUADOR. The first issue, with an exceptional Printrun of 40.000 copies, surprised the readers with an exclusive feature about the wedding of Nicolás Lapentti, Ecuador’s top tennis player. The balanced mix of contents from Quito and Guayaquil makes ¡Hola! Ecuador a magazine with an unprecedented success. Licensing Opportunities Exclusive content WEDDINGS ROYALS BABIES HOME-STORIES THE MAN WHO PLAYED HOST TO THE ‘SEX AND THE CITY’ GIRLS DURING THEIR MOROCCAN SHOOT The historic northern Italian residence was lying abandoned when it was bought and lovingly restored by the Technogym chairman BILLIONAIRE PROPERTY MOGUL JAOUAD KADIRI INVITES US INTO HIS ENCHANTING PALACE IN MARRAKECH 8 Left: Tangier-born Jaouad at home in Maison Kadiri, a 3,400 square metre mansion built in Bab Atlas, in the Palm Grove of Marrakech, on the edge of the desert. The Moroccan property mogul and father-of-two – with a third baby on the way – is married to Indian businesswoman Priti Paul, and designed his home as a gorgeous blend of cultures. The result is so stunning that even Hollywood has come calling – the cast of Sex and the City filmed scenes from the upcoming sequel at the palace, and even briefly stayed there during the shoot. Above: the palace’s rear facade as night falls. In the foreground, two of the home’s many pools – some of them were created for the sole purpose of being adorned with lotus flowers ‘When I met my Indian wife Priti it was love at first sight’ ‘The Indians say this is a spectacular Moroccan house — and the Moroccans see it as a magnificent Indian one… Our home in London is traditional, and the decor is totally white’ 9 8 Situated in Cesena, near the coastal resort of Rimini, the extraordinary Palazzo Romagnoli is the pride and joy of Italian entrepreneur Nerio, founder and chairman of Technogym, a fitness empire which stretches around the globe. According to Nerio, more than 20 million people use his gym equipment, from Chelsea players through to the F1 McLaren and Ferrari teams. Although his firm is based in Italy, this businessman also keeps a home in London, where his daughter lives, and from where he’ll be able to supervise the supply of fitness equipment for the capital’s Olympics. “Our social responsibility as a business is to try and make this world a better place. We want to educate people to live healthy lifestyles thanks to regular physical exercise, healthy eating – which doesn’t mean dieting – and a positive focus on life” THE FITNESS KING WHO’LL EQUIP THE LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS NERIO ALESSANDRI INVITES US HOME TO HIS 18TH-CENTURY PALAZZO 9 Extranet - Technical platform that makes the content available to our licensees with the swiftness that a news magazine requires. - Automatic copyright manager and data bank. - Global network for features production - International editor dedicated exclusively to our International editions - Content deals with major international agencies Advertising effectiveness HELLO! Worldwide allows international brands, such as from the worlds of fashion, beauty and luxury goods to reach an exclusive and highly upmarket global audience in a unique and appropriate environment consistent with their premium brand values. EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS AND INTERVIEW ON TOP OF THE WORLD IN HONG KONG NICOLE KIDmAN TALKS ABOUT LOVING KEITH AND CUTTING LOOSE Nicole is a study in elegance in a charcoal grey Nina Ricci dress teamed with killer Pierre Hardy heels, savouring the Hong Kong skyline on her first visit to the city. “I’ve been a bit of a tourist,” she admits during her brief trip to open a new Omega boutique and attend a fundraising gala. “I had the best dim sum I have ever had in my life. I drove to The Peak last night and took photos…” ‘I’ve slowed down a lot. my priority is keeping my family together’ 4 5 REFLEcTING ON HER LOVE OF FASHION ScARLETT jOHANSSON THE HOLLYWOOD GOLDEN GIRL RELISHES SOME OLD-ScHOOL GLAMOuR ‘I don’t have the busiest agenda. There’s always time for shopping’ t just 25 years old, Scarlett Johansson already A has a string of hit films under her belt, has appeared on Broadway in Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge, for which she won a coveted Tony award earlier this year, and even released an album called Break Up. But the multi-talented star says that still leaves her plenty of time to indulge her passion for fashion. “I don’t have the busiest agenda,” she says. “I’m just an actress for hire. So I have months and months where I just sit around and wait for jobs. There’s always time for shopping.” And a spot of modelling, as well. With her hourglass figure and perfect pout, Scarlett – who is also the face of Dolce & Gabbana’s latest makeup collection – oozes star style as she poses seductively for Mango’s autumn/winter 2010/2011 campaign. It is the Hollywood actress’s fourth season with the Spanish fashion label, and, as this photoshoot with renowned Italian photographer Mario Sorrenti shows, her dangerous curves are perfect for the new collection, which harks back to the old-school glamour of the 1940s and ’50s. Wearing a sultry expression, Scarlett, who lives in Manhattan with her husband, Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds, 34, shows off her enviable shape in a range inspired by British country style. A belted, body-skimming grey dress is ▲ The HELLO! reader follows the latest trends and loves to shop, and prefers luxurious, international brands. The editions of HELLO! around the world have a combined circulation of over two million copies. They offer international brands a unique platform to speak to consumers hugely interested in the international celebrity lifestyle. With the support of celebrities and readers alike, advertising space in HELLO! is coveted by many of the top brands in the world. As an upmarket magazine that attracts heavily sought-after ABC1 readers, advertisers have learned that placing their ads in these magazines helps them reach their sales objectives. ▲ HELLO! attracts a largely upmarket female audience worldwide. 92 Scarlett’s enviable figure and love of fashion make her a natural to model the latest collection from high street brand Mango. The autumn/winter 2010/2011 range is inspired by British country style and evokes the golden era of the 1940s and 1950s Special editions The international editions of the magazine join the extensive special editions of HOLA and HELLO. Special Editions of the magazines cover Haute Couture and Readyto-Wear fashion, Interior Design, Travel, Cooking, Jewellery, Brides, Men’s Fashion, Children’s Fashion, and Royalty. The most anticipated special editions are our fashion specials. Four editions are published every year in Spain and the UK, with many of the international editions also publishing their own versions of the fashion specials. An Haute Couture edition and a separate Ready-to-Wear edition are made for spring/summer and fall/winter. The fashion specials include in depth coverage of the most important collections from all over the world, exclusive fashion shoots and exclusive interviews with the top designers. HOXHO509p001PORTADA.qxp:portadaazul.qxd 02/12/10 11:13 Página 1 ESPECIAL HOMBRES Primavera-verano 2009 MODA Todas las tendencias de la temporada: desde la pasarela más vanguardista hasta el clasicismo eterno de los trajes a medida PROTAGONISTAS Jeremy Hackett nos abre las puertas de su casa londinense y nos habla del éxito de su firma Rafa Nadal, los rostros de un campeón COCINA Cuatro generaciones de cocineros reunidas en un excepcional reportaje JUDE LAW Elegido el hombre con más estilo de 2009 24-HOUR NEWS Websites The leading women’s website Over time, many of our international editions have added websites, creating an international network of sites that boasts readers all over the world. Local websites in the countries where the magazine is published, together with the Spanish and British sites, create a strong online presence for the brand. There are a total of six websites for HELLO! magazine around the world. Seven years ago, and were launched to provide HELLO! news stories and photos on a web platform. Two teams of journalists update the Spanish and British sites daily with immediate coverage of celebrity news and events. Our target reader is a professional, university-graduate, financiallyindependent woman with high purchasing power. Beautiful photos, trends, news, travel, beauty and cookery – all at your finger tips… Contact CONTACT INFORMATION MARÍA PALACIOS International Editions Business Operations c/ Miguel Angel 1-1 28010 Madrid Spain +34 91 353 49 02 AITOR SANTIAGO International Editions Business Coordinator c/ Miguel Angel 1-1 28010 Madrid Spain +34 91 353 49 03