Evaluation Board For AD761x,762x/AD763x AD764x/AD765x/AD766x/AD767x/AD795x Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB utilizing this evaluation board. FEATURES Versatile analog signal conditioning circuitry On-board reference, clock oscillator and buffers Buffered 14, 16 (or 18) bit parallel outputs Buffered serial port interface Ideal for DSP and data acquisition card interfaces Analog and digital prototyping area EVAL-CONTROL-BOARD compatibility PC software for control and data analysis The converter installed is an LQFP however, the LFCSP can also be mounted. The evaluation board is ideal for use with either the Analog Devices EVAL-CONTROL-BRD2 or EVAL-CONTROL-BRD3 (EVAL-CONTROL-BRDX), or as a stand-alone system. The design offers the flexibility of applying external control signals and is capable of generating conversion results on parallel 14bit, 16-bit or 18-bit wide buffered outputs. GENERAL DESCRIPTION On-board components include a high precision band gap reference, (AD780, ADR431, or ADR435), reference buffers, a signal conditioning circuit with two op-amps and digital logic. The EVAL-AD76XXCB is an evaluation board for the 48 lead AD761X, AD762X, AD763X, AD764X, AD765X, AD766X, AD767X and AD795X 14-bit, 16-bit and 18- bit PulSAR® analog to digital converter (ADC) family. These low power, successive approximation register (SAR) architecture ADCs (see ordering guide for product list ) offer very high performance with 100kSPS to 3MSPS throughput rate range with a flexible parallel or serial interface. The evaluation board is designed to demonstrate the ADC's performance and to provide an easy to understand interface for a variety of system applications. A full description of the AD761X, AD762X, AD763X, AD764X, AD765X, AD766X, AD767X and AD795X is available in the Analog Devices data sheets and should be consulted when AVDD VCC VEE The board interfaces to the EVAL-CONTROL-BRDX with a 96pin DIN connector. A 40-pin IDC connector is used for parallel output, and test points are provided for the serial port. SMB connectors are provided for the low noise analog signal source, and for an externally generated CNVST (convert start input. The term AD76XX-48 is used in this document to represent all the 48 lead PulSAR ADCs listed in the ordering guide. DVDD OVDD CNVST PRECISION REFERENCE REF REFBUFIN AIN+ IN+ SIGNAL CONDITIONING AIN- IN- +/-5 VANA +/-12 VANA +5 VDIG CNVST AD761X AD762X AD763X AD764X AD765X AD766X AD767X AD795X DATA/CONTROL BUSY DIGITAL LOGIC 40 PIN CONN 96 PIN CONN DATA MCLK SERIAL PORT DSP CLKOUT CLOCK OSC CONFIGURATION SWITCES Figure 1.Functional Block Diagram Rev. PrW Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com Fax: 781.326.8703 © 2006 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview........................................................................................ 3 Software Installation .....................................................................5 Conversion Control/ Master Clock............................................ 3 Running the Software ...................................................................5 Analog Input ................................................................................. 3 Setup Screen...................................................................................5 Power Supplies and Grounding .................................................. 4 DC Testing - Histogram ...............................................................6 Using the Eval-AD762X/AD765X/AD766X/ AD767XCB as Stand-Alone................................................................................... 4 AC Testing ......................................................................................6 Supplying Power for Stand-Alone use ....................................... 4 Evaluation Board Setting for Bipolar ADC Input Configurations .............................................................................. 5 Schematics/PCB Layout............................................................... 5 Decimated AC Testing (Averaging) ............................................6 Serial Programmabel Port (AD7610, AD7612, AD7631, AD7634, AD7951).........................................................................6 Ordering Information.................................................................... 21 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 21 Running the EVALAD76XXCB Software ................................. 5 Description............................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Hardware Setup ............................................................................ 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.Functional Block Diagram............................................... 1 Figure 9. Bottom Side Layer.......................................................... 14 Figure 2. Schematic, Analog............................................................ 9 Figure 10. Bottom Side Silk-Screen.............................................. 14 Figure 3. Schematic, Digital .......................................................... 10 Figure 11. Setup Screen.................................................................. 15 Figure 4. Schematic, Power ........................................................... 11 Figure 12. Histogram Screen......................................................... 16 Figure 5. Top Side Silk-Screen ...................................................... 12 Figure 13. FFT Screen .................................................................... 17 Figure 6. Top Layer......................................................................... 12 Figure 14. Time-Domain Screen .................................................. 18 Figure 7. Ground Layer.................................................................. 13 Figure 15. Decimated (Averaging) Screen ................................. 19 Figure 8. Shield Layer..................................................................... 13 Figure 16. Serial Programmable Port (SPP) Demo Screen....... 20 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. CNVST Generation, Analog Input Range ...................... 3 Table 5. S35 - Configuration Select Switch Description...............7 Table 2. Software Compatible Products......................................... 5 Table 6.Test Points .............................................................................8 Table 3. Jumper Description............................................................ 7 Table 7. Bill of Materials for the Connectors .................................8 Table 4. S16 - Configuration Select Switch Description.............. 7 Rev. PrW | Page 2 of 22 Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB Table 1. CNVST Generation, Analog Input Range OVERVIEW Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the EVAL-AD76XXCB evaluation board. When used in stand-alone mode or in conjunction with the EVAL-CONTROL BRDX, the gate array, U10, provides the necessary control signals for conversion and buffers the ADC data. The evaluation board is a flexible design that enables the user to choose among many different board configurations, analog signal conditioning, reference, and different modes of conversion data. CONVERSION CONTROL/ MASTER CLOCK Conversion start (CNVST) controls the sample rate of the ADC and is the only input needed for conversion; all SAR timing is generated internally. CNVST is generated either by the gate array or externally via J3 (SMB) and setting JP22 in the external (EXT) position. The evaluation board is factory configured for the CNVST range shown in Table 1. Externally generated CNVST should have very low jitter and sharp edges for the maximum dynamic performance of the part. Since CNVST jitter usually results in poor SNR performance, it is recommended to use the on-board CNVST generation whenever possible. The master clock (MCLK) source for the gate array is generated from the DSP CLKOUT pin (buffered) when using the EVALCONTROL BRDX or form U12, the 40MHz local oscillator slectabel when using the accompanying software. The range for CNVST in Table 1 is a ratio generated from this master clock. In stand-alone mode, other clock frequencies can be used to change the gate array generated CNVST by this ratio. However, other timings will be affected – namely the slave serial clock (SCLK) interface. In serial slave mode, SCLK = MCLK. While the ADC is converting, activity on the BUSY pin turns on the LED, D2. Additionally, the BUSY signal can be monitored test point TP1. Buffered conversion data (BD) is available at U10 on the output bus BD[0:15] on the 40-pin IDC connector P2, and on the 96-pin connector P3. When operating with the EVAL-CONTROL-BRDX, data is transferred using a 16 bit bus and corresponding word and byte modes selectable with the software. For the 18 bit converters two consecutive 16 bit words are read, however, the ADC data is still read into the gate array as 18 bits. Additionally, BD is updated on the falling edge of BBUSY on P3-C17, and on the rising edge of DBUSY on P2-33. When either parallel or serial reading mode of the ADC is used, data is available on this parallel bus. When using Serial Mode, serial data is available at T3, T4, T5, and T6 (SDOUT, SCLK, SYNC and RDERROR) and buffered serial data is output on TP17, TP18, and TP19 (SCLK, SYNC, and SDOUT). When using Slave Serial Mode, the external serial clock SCLK applied to the ADC is the MCLK, U12, frequency (40MHz). Refer to the device specific datasheet for full details of the interface modes. Part Sample Rate Analog Input Range Analog Input Type AD7610 Res (bits) 16 250kSPS SE AD7612 16 750kSPS AD7621 AD7622 AD7623 AD7631 16 16 16 16 3MSPS 2MSPS 1.33MSPS 250kSPS AD7634 16 670kSPS AD7641 AD7643 AD7650 AD7651 AD7652 AD7653 AD7654 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 2MSPS 1.25MSPS 571KSPS 100KSPS 500KSPS 1MSPS 500KSPS 0-5V, 0-10V, +/-5V, +/-10V 0-5V, 0-10V, +/-5V, +/-10V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V 0-5V, 0-10V, +/-5V, +/-10V 0-5V, 0-10V, +/-5V, +/-10V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 5V AD7655 16 500KSPS 0 to 5V AD7660 AD7661 AD7663 AD7664 AD7665 AD7666 AD7667 AD7671 AD7674 AD7675 AD7676 AD7677 AD7678 AD7679 AD7951 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 16 16 16 18 18 14 100KSPS 100KSPS 250KSPS 571KSPS 571KSPS 500KSPS 1MSPS 1MSPS 800KSPS 100KSPS 500KSPS 1MSPS 100KSPS 571KSPS 1MSPS 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V +/-5V 0 to 2.5V +/-5V 0 to 2.5V 0 to 2.5V +/-5V 0 to 5V +/-2.5V +/-2.5V +/-2.5V 0 to 5V 0 to 5V 0-5V, 0-10V, +/-5V, +/-10V SE Diff, Unipolar Diff, Unipolar Diff, Unipolar Diff Diff Diff, Unipolar Diff, Unipolar SE, Unipolar SE, Unipolar SE, Unipolar SE, Unipolar 2-CH, SE Unipolar 4-CH, SE Unipolar SE, Unipolar SE, Unipolar SE, Bipolar SE, Unipolar SE, Bipolar SE, Unipolar SE, Unipolar SE, Bipolar Diff, Unipolar Diff, Unipolar Diff, Unipolar Diff, Unipolar Diff, Unipolar Diff, Unipolar SE ANALOG INPUT The analog input amplifier circuitry U6 and U7 (see schematic Figure 2) allows flexible configuration changes such as positive or negative gain, input range scaling, filtering, addition of a DC component, use of different op-amp and supplies depending on the ADC. The analog input amplifiers are set as unity gain buffers at the factory. The supplies are selectable with solder pads JP8 (VDRV+) and JP3 (VDRV-) and are set for the ±12V range. Table 1 shows the analog input range for the available evaluation boards. The default configuration for the single ended (SE) unipolar ADCs sets U6 at mid-scale from the voltage divider (VCM * Rev. PrW | Page 3 of 22 EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data R6/(R6+R7)) and U7 at mid-scale from the voltage divider (VCM * R29(R29+R60)) for the differential unipolar ADCs. For the bipolar devices, the input is at 0V (mid-scale). This allows a transition noise test (histogram) without any other equipment. In some applications, it is desired to use a bipolar or wider analog input range, for instance, ± 10V, ± 5V, ± 2.5V, or 0 to -5V. For the AD76XX-48 parts which do not use these input ranges directly, simple modifications of the input driver circuitry can be made without any performance degradation. Refer to the datasheet under the Application Hints section for component values or to application note AN594 on the product web page for other input ranges. For dynamic performance, an FFT test can be done by applying a very low distortion AC source. POWER SUPPLIES AND GROUNDING The evaluation board ground plane is separated into two sections: a plane for the digital interface circuitry and an analog plane for the analog input and external reference circuitry. To attain high resolution performance, the board was designed to ensure that all digital ground return paths do not cross the analog ground return paths by connecting the planes together directly under the converter. Power is supplied to the board through P3 when using with the EVAL-CONTROL-BRDX listed in Table 6. Note that the switches in the ON position define a logic HIGH level (pulled up with 10kΩ,) and that the switches are active only in stand-alone mode. For all interface modes, S16 and S35 allows the selection of: Warp, Normal or Impulse mode conversions (where applicable) Binary or 2s complement data output Reading during or after conversion Resetting the ADC ADC power-down Internal Reference and Buffer power-down (where applicable) In parallel reading mode, s16 allows the selection of: Byte swapping for 8 bit interfacing (LSByte with MSByte) 18-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit interfacing (for 18-bit converters) In serial reading mode, the default settings are Master Read during Conversion Mode using the internal ADC serial clock. Serial data is available at T3, T4, T5 and T6 for SDOUT, SCLK, SYNC and RDERROR respectively. Buffered serial data is output on the three test points TP17, TP18 and TP19 for SCLK, SYNC, and SDOUT respectively. For serial reading mode, S16 allows the selection of: Choice of inverting SCLK and SYNC Choice of using internal or external (slave mode) SCLK SUPPLYING POWER FOR STAND-ALONE USE USING THE EVAL-AD762X/AD765X/AD766X/ AD767XCB AS STAND-ALONE Using the evaluation board as stand-alone does not require the EVAL-CONTROL-BRDX nor does it require use of the accompanied software. When the CONTROL input to the gate array is LOW, which is pulled down by default, the gate array provides the necessary signals for conversion and buffers the conversion data. Power needs to be supplied through the two power supply blocks SJ1 and SJ2. Linear supplies are recommended. SJ1 is the analog supply for the ADC (AVDD), front end op amps and reference circuitry. SJ2 is the digital supply for the ADC (DVDD, OVDD) and gate array. The supplies to the device are configurable through the power supply jumpers shown in Figure 4 and In stand-alone mode, the gate arrays flexible logic buffers the ADC data according to the read data mode configuration (word or byte). In parallel reading mode the board is configured for continuous reading since CS and RD are always driven LOW by the gate array. Thus, the digital bus is not tri-stated in this mode of operation and BD[0:15] will continuously be updated after a new conversion. BD[0:15] is available on P2 after BUSY goes HIGH. Note that with the 18 bit devices the full 18 bits of data BD[-2:15] are output directly on P2 since the evaluation board is not limited to 16 bit wide transfers in stand-alone operation. When either parallel or serial reading mode, the data is available on this parallel bus. Refer to Figure 2 to obtain the data output pins on P2. Configuration Switches The evaluation board is configurable for the different operating modes with 16 positions on the configuration select switches, S16 and S35. A description of each switch setting and jumper position is listed in Table 4 and the available test points are Rev. PrW | Page 4 of 22 Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB Table 3. In most applications four supplies are required; ±12V and +5V for analog, and +5V for digital. On board regulators, where applicable, are used to reduce the operating voltages to the correct levels. The analog and digital supplies can be from the same source however, R27 (typically 20Ω) is required from AVDD to DVDD. In this configuration, JP9, DVDD selection, should be left open. Furthermore, the OVDD (ADC digital output supply) may need to be brought up after the analog +5V supply. See datasheet for details. EVALUATION BOARD SETTING FOR BIPOLAR ADC INPUT CONFIGURATIONS The AD7610, AD7612, AD7631, AD7634, AD7663, AD7665, AD7671, and AD7951 can use both unipolar and bipolar ranges. The available options are +/-10V, +/-5V, +/-2.5V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V and 0 to 2.5V (depending on the ADC). For the AD7663, AD7665 and AD7671 the evaluation board is set for the ±5V bipolar input range since these ADCs input ranges are hardware pin strapped. Simple modifications to these evaluation boards can be made to accommodate the different input ranges by changing the INA-IND inputs with the available solder pads. iCMOS ADCs For the AD7610, AD7612, AD7631 AD7634 and AD7951, the evaluation board can use all input ranges since the input range is controlled by software (or S16 DIP switches in stand-alone mode). For operating in unipolar mode for any of the bipolar evaluation boards it is recommended to use the voltage divider consisting of (VCM * R6/(R6+R7)) and (VCM * R29/(R29+R60)). This allows a transition noise test without any additional equipment. SCHEMATICS/PCB LAYOUT The EVAL-AD76XXCB is a 4-layer board carefully laid out and tested to demonstrate the specific high accuracy performance of the AD76XX-48 device. Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4, shows the schematics of the evaluation board. The printed circuit layouts of the board are given in Figure 5 - Figure 10. Note these layouts are not to scale. Top side silk-screen - Figure 5 Top side layer - Figure 6 Ground layer - Figure 7 Shield layer - Figure 8 Bottom side layer - Figure 9 Bottom side silk-screen - Figure 10 software is used to perform the following tests: • Histogram for determining code transition noise (DC) • Fast Fourier transforms (FFT) for signal to noise ratio (SNR), SNR and distortion (SINAD), total harmonic distortion (THD) and spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) • Decimation (digital filtering) The evaluation software described in this document is also compatible with the following previous generation of high resolution ADCs. Table 2. Software Compatible Products EVAL AD676EB EVAL AD677EB EVAL AD974CB EVAL AD976CB EVAL AD976ACB EVAL AD977CB EVAL AD977ACB HARDWARE SETUP System Requirements • Evaluation Board • Evaluation Control Board 3 (or Board 2, not in production any longer) • AC Power Supply (AC 14V/1A source - can be purchased from ADI) • IEEE 1284 Compliant Parallel Port Cable (if not supplied) • DC source (low noise for checking different input ranges) • AC source (low distortion) • Bandpass filter suitable for 16 or 18 bit testing (value based on signal frequency) • PC operating Windows 2000 or XP. Connect the control board supplied mini plug to the 14V AC source. Connect the evaluation board to the controller board and connect the parallel port cable to the evaluation board and to the PC . SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Double-Click on setup.exe from the CD-ROM and follow the installation instructions. If upgrading the software, the previous version will first be removed. Thus setup.exe will need to be run again to install the new version. Reboot the computer. RUNNING THE SOFTWARE RUNNING THE EVAL AD76XXCB SOFTWARE The evaluation board includes software for analyzing the AD761X, AD762X, AD763X, AD764X, AD765X, AD766X, AD767X, AD795X, AD67X and AD97x family. The EVALCONTROL-BRDX is required when using the software. The To run the software, use “Program Files”, “Analog Devices ADC” “ADC.exe”. The software has four screens as shown in Figure 11 through Figure 15. For the AD7610, AD7612, AD7631, AD7634 and AD7951, Figure 16 is a screen showing the Serial Programmable Port demonstration. SETUP SCREEN Rev. PrW | Page 5 of 22 EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data Figure 11 is the setup screen where ADC device selection, test type, input voltage range, sample rate and number of samples are selected. DC TESTING - HISTOGRAM Figure 12 is the histogram screen, which tests the code distribution for DC input and computes the mean and standard deviation or transition noise. To perform a histogram test, select “Histogram” from the test selection window and click on the “Start” radio button. Note: a histogram test can be performed without an external source since the evaluation board has a buffered VREF/2 source at the ADC input for unipolar parts and at 0V for bipolar devices. To test other DC values, apply a source to the J1/J2 inputs. It is advised to filter the signal to make the DC source noise compatible with that of the ADC. C26/C41 provide this filtering. AC TESTING Figure 13 is the FFT screen, which performs an FFT on the captured data and computes the SNR, SINAD, THD and SFDR. Figure 14 is the time domain representation of the output. To perform an AC test, apply a sinusoidal signal to the evaluation board at the SMB inputs J1 for IN+ and J2 for IN-. Low distortion, better than 100dB, is required to allow true evaluation of the part. One possibility is to filter the input signal from the AC source. There is no suggested bandpass filter but consideration should be taken in the choice. Furthermore, if using a low frequency bandpass filter when the full-scale input range is more than a few Vpp, it is recommended to use the on board amplifiers to amplify the signal, thus preventing the filter from distorting the input signal. DECIMATED AC TESTING (AVERAGING) The AC performances can be evaluated after digital filtering with enhanced resolution of up to 32 bits. Figure 15 is the FFT screen when decimation is used. Additional bits of resolution are attained when over sampling by: f OVERSAMPLE = 4 N * f SAMPLE where , N = number of bits and 4N.= the DRATIO. Set the DRATIO to the amount of over sampling desired. When using decimation, the test duration increases with the larger number of samples taken. The decimated test requires the EVALCONTROL-BRD3. SERIAL PROGRAMMABEL PORT (AD7610, AD7612, AD7631, AD7634, AD7951) Figure 16 is a screen showing the flexible serial programmable port (SPP) used on the AD7610, AD7612, AD7631, AD7634 and AD7951 iCMOS ADCs. The SPP can be used in any serial mode and allows the configuration of: unipolar and bipolar input ranges, mode selection, straight binary or 2’s complement output coding, and power down. The software demo allows two different configurations and alternates between these two every ten samples. To use just one range or mode, simply enter the same values into both “A” and “B” configuration windows. Note that when using the unipolar input ranges, a common mode voltage must be provided externally (DC coupled) as the board is configured with the common mode = 0V Rev. PrW | Page 6 of 22 Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB Table 3. Jumper Description 1 Jumper Name JP1, JP2 BUFF Default Position BUFF JP3 VDRV- -12V JP4 REFS REF JP6 OVDD 3.3V JP7 VREF+ +12V JP8 VDRV+ +12V JP9 DVDD VDIG/2.5 1 JP19 JP20 AVDD REFB +5V/2.5 BUF JP21 VIO 3.3V JP22 CNVST INT Function Buffer amplifier: BUFF = use op amps to buffer analog input. NO BUFF = direct input from J1, J2 (SMB). Buffer amplifier negative supply: Selection of -12V, -5V or GND when using EVAL-CONTROLBRDX or voltages on SJ1 in stand alone mode. Reference selection: REF = use on board reference output for ADC reference. VDD = use analog supply (AVDD) for ADC reference. ADC digital output supply voltage: Selction of 2.5V, 3.3V and VDIG. VDIG = +5V when using EVAL-CONTROL-BRDX or voltage on SJ2 in stand-alone mode. Reference circuit positive supply: Selection of +12V, +5V or AVDD when using EVAL-CONTROLBRDX or voltages on SJ1 in stand alone mode. Buffer amplifier positive supply: Selection of +12V, +5V or AVDD when using EVAL-CONTROLBRDX or voltages on SJ1 in stand alone mode. ADC digital supply voltage: Selection of +2.5V or VDIG (+5V) when using EVAL-CONTROL-BRDX or voltage on SJ2 in stand-alone mode. ADC analog supply voltage: Selection of +2.5V, +5V or EXT when using EVAL-CONTROL-BRDX Reference buffer: BUFF = use U2 to buffer or amplify reference source. NO BUFF = use reference directly into ADC. Gate array I/O voltage: Selection of 3.3V or OVDD. Note: gate array will be damaged if >3.3V (ie. when using OVDD = VDIG). CNVST source: INT = use gate array to generate CNVST. EXT = use external source into J3, SMB for CNVST. For AD7621/AD7641 these are set to +2.5V. Note that setting these to +5V will permanently destruct the ADC. Table 4. S16 - Configuration Select Switch Description Note: (OFF = LOW, ON = HIGH) Position Name 1 WARP Default Position LOW 2 IMPULSE LOW 3 4 5 BIP TEN A0/M0 LOW LOW LOW 6 BYTE/M1 LOW 7 8 9 OB/2C SER/PAR EXT/INT HIGH LOW LOW 10 INVSYNC LOW 11 INVSCLK LOW 12 RDC LOW Function Conversion mode selection: Used in conjunction with IMPULSE. When HIGH with IMPULSE= LOW, the fastest (Warp) mode is used for maximum throughput. When LOW and IMPULSE = LOW, Normal mode is used. Conversion mode selection: Used in conjunction with WARP. When HIGH with WARP = LOW, a reduced power mode is used in which the power consumption is proportional to the throughput rate. For future use. For future use. A0, input Mux selection: Used for AD7654/AD7655 (refer to datasheet). M0, data output interface selection: Used along with M1 for 18-bit ADCs. BYTESWAP, used for 8-bit interface mode on 16-bit ADCs: MSByte is swapped with LSByte on 8 data lines. M1, data output interface selection: Used along with M0 for 18-bit ADCs. Data output select: LOW = Use 2’s complement output. HIGH = Straight binary output. Data output interface select: LOW = Parallel interface. HIGH = Serial interface. Serial clock source select: LOW = Use ADC internal serial clock, SCLK is an output. HIGH= Use external clock, which is MCLK (40 MHz) and SCLK is an input. Not used in parallel reading mode. Serial sync (SYNC) active state: LOW = SYNC is active HIGH. HIGH = SYNC is active LOW. Used only for Master mode (internal SCLK). Not used in parallel reading mode. Serial clock (SCLK) active edge: LOW = Use SCLK falling edge. HIGH = Use SCLK rising edge. Active in all serial modes. Not used in parallel reading mode. Read during convert: LOW = Read data after conversion (BUSY = LOW). HIGH = Read data during conversions (BUSY = HIGH). Used in both parallel and serial interface modes. Table 5. S35 - Configuration Select Switch Description Note: (OFF = LOW, ON = HIGH) Rev. PrW | Page 7 of 22 EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data Position Name 1 2 RESET PD Default Position LOW LOW 3 PDBUF LOW 4 PDREF LOW Function Reset ADC: LOW = Enables the converter. HIGH = Abort conversion (if any). Power down: LOW = Enables the converter . HIGH = Powers down the converter. Power consumption is reduced to a minimum after the current conversion. Internal reference buffer power down: LOW = Enable on chip buffer. HIGH = Power down internal buffer. Internal reference power down: LOW = Enable on chip reference. HIGH = Power down internal reference. Note that when using the on chip reference, the buffer also needs to be enabled (PDREF = PDBUF = HIGH). Table 6.Test Points Test Point TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5 TP7 TP8 TP9 TP10 TP11 TP12 TP13 TP14 TP15 TP16 TP17 TP18 TP19 TP20 Available Signal BUSY A0/M0 SIG+ AGND REF DGND CNVST AGND CS RD OVDD DVDD AVDD AGND SIGSCLK SYNC SDOUT TEMP Type Description Output Input Input GND Input/Output GND Input GND Input Input Power Power Power GND Input Input/Output Output Output Output TP22 REFIN Input/Ouput TP23 T3 T4 T5 T6 BVDD SDOUT SCLK SYNC RDERROR Output Output Input/Output Output Output BUSY signal. Same as S16, position 5 Analog +input. Analog ground close to SIG+. Reference input. Output for devices with on-chip reference. Digital ground near SJ2. CNVST signal. Analog ground close to REF. CS, chip select signal. RD, read signal. Digital output supply. Digital core supply. Analog supply. Analog ground close to SIG-. Analog –input for differential parts. Buffered serial clock. Buffered serial sync. Buffered serial data. TEMP, for ADC with internal reference. Outputs temperature dependant voltage (approx. 300mV with TA = 25°C). For ADCs with internal reference, REFBUFIN can be used to connect external reference into the reference buffer input when PDBUF = LOW and PDREF = HIGH. With the internal reference (and buffer) enabled, this pin will produce the intenal bandgap refrence voltage. Internal reference bandgap supply. Connected to AVDD via s19. Direct ADC serial data. Direct ADC serial clock. Direct ADC serial SYNC. Direct ADC serial read error. Table 7. Bill of Materials for the Connectors Ref Des J1 – J3 P2 P3 Connector Type RT Angle SMB Male 0.100 X 0.100 straight IDC header 2X20 32X3 RT PC MOUNT CONNECTOR Manf. Pasternack 3M ERNI Part No. PE4177 2540-6002UB 533402 Rev. PrW | Page 8 of 22 A B C +VA -VS GND VREF+ 1 TP15 AGND S33 GND J2 AIN- AIN- DAC- GND DAC- TP4 GND AIN+ S32 DAC+ J1 AIN+ DAC+ +VA -VS GND VREF+ C52 .1uF 590 R29 590 0.0 GND C41 R61 49.9 R34 R42 49.9 C36 R44 GND R43 C26 GND R59 R35 R6 590 590 VCMT IN 3 2 U6A U7A 2 0.0 R90 10pF-NPO 0.0 R91 10pF-NPO C35 VDRV- .1uF GND C42 5 6 GND VDRV+ C37 .1uF VDRV- C34 GND C6 1uF 1 VDRV- .1uF GND C22 5 6 .1uF C20 GND VDRV+ AD8021 3 2 VDRV+ C64 5 6 GND 2 AD158X OUT C29 .1uF TRIM VOUT 3 AD8021 49.9 VCMT 0.0 0 R31 R3 C19 TEMP U5A R5 R1 R2 GND 3 ADR43X GND R7 R60 AIN- VCM C53 .1uF VCM AIN+ .1uF C28 GND 2 +VIN GND 2.5/3v 4 8 REF BUF JP2 JP1 JP4 REFS NOBUF BUF NOBUF VDD A AVDD REFOUT R4 NOTE: R9 C59 SIG- SIG+ SIG- SIG+ 3 TP16 SIG- R97 0.0 R96 0.0 TP3 SIG+ C38 0.0 R45 0.0 R46 3 2 C9 1uF 10K R37 ANY PASSIVE COMPONENTS WITHOUT VALUE ARE NOT POPULATED 10K GND R10 C60 15 1 BUF C39 C40 GND -VS S17 S1 +VS S3 S21 VCM S2 C25 .1uF VREF+ AGND TP9 AD8032AR GND R47 15 R48 U2A 8 4 4 S5 S4 A S20 BVDD TP23 S15 S8 TP22 VBG 1uF C31B REF GND REF GND S7 S6 C31T NOBUF BUF JP20 REFB S14 S10 TEMP S9 5 C55 C13 S34 46 44 45 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 OVDD DVDD C5B .1uF DVDD C9B .1uF C56 REFIN/INA1 INA2 INAN/TEMP AVDD GND GND AD76XX IN_D/IN+ IN_C IN_B/INB2 IN_A/INBN INGND/IN-/INB1 REFGND REF U1 GND GND IN_D IN_C IN_B IN_A INGND S31 GND VCM S13 C8 10uF TP5 REF S12 7 TP20 TEMP S19 TEMP S18 S11 AVDD S30 U2B REFOUT 47uF C32B 5 6 DVDD TP13 DVDD AVDD TP14 AVDD AVDD 18 OVDD VREF+ 5 19 DVDD C27 .1uF 4 2 AVDD D 3 1 C5T .1uF C9T .1uF AGND 2 OVDD 17 3 A0 31 RD 32 CS 47 36 30 48 8-Feb-2005 A0 RD CS PDRT0 T0PDR T1/EOC PDBT1 6 Rev. : J ANALOG EVAL-AD76XXCB GND D[0..15] 6 35 CNVST CNVST 29 BUSY BUSY D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 TP12 OVDD OB/2C WARP IMPULSE IMPULSE SER/PAR SER/PAR RESET RESET BYTE/M1 PD PD A0 RD CS PDREF/T0 T0/PDREF T1/EOC PDBUF/T1 CNVST BUSY 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 GND C7B .1uF OVDD D0 D1 D2/DIVSCLK(0) D3/DIVSCLK(1) D4/EXT/INT D5/INVSYNC D6/INVSCLK D7/RDC/SDIN D8/SDOUT D9/SCLK D10/SYNC D11/RDERROR D12 D13 D14 D15 DGND U5B 7 4 20 DGND PD BYTESWAP RESET SER/PAR IMPULSE WARP OB/2C A/B NOTE: EITHER U5A OR U5B IS USED AT A TIME 7 Rev. PrW | Page 9 of 22 4 Figure 2. Schematic, Analog 34 4 33 8 7 6 5 1 C7T .1uF M.M D[0..15] A B C D Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB A B C D GND P3C P3B GND GND B25 B24 B23 B22 B21 A29 A26 A25 A24 A23 A32 B32 C32 A31 B31 C31 C30 A8 B8 C8 A30 A4 A12 A16 A20 B4 B12 B16 B20 C4 C12 C16 C20 B26 B27 B28 B29 B30 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C29 A21 A22 J3 CNVSTIN 1 GND PDREF PDBUF PD RESET BYTE/M1 A0/M0 TEN BIP IMPULSE -12V VDIG +12V -VA +VA R28 100 EXT INT WARP A JP22 CNV SEL CNVOUT R77 1K 10K R99 1K R101 10K R98 1K R100 10K R93 1K R89 10K R92 R88 1K 10K 1K R81 10K R76 1K R22 10K R71 1K R21 10K R70 1K R20 10K R69 1K R19 10K R33 R15 -12V VDIG +12V -VA +VA R30 100 R36 1M 3.3V 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 S35D S35C S35B S35A S16F S16E S16D S16C S16B S16A R83 TP8 CNVST 5 6 7 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 PDREF PDBUF PD RESET BYTE/M1 A0/M0 TEN BIPOLAR IMPULSE WARP VIO JP11 R85 10K 3.3V CNVST VIO 2 RDC INVSCLK INVSYNC EXT/ INT SER/PAR OB/ 2C VIO CNVST 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 S16L S16K S16J S16I S16H S16G 12 11 10 9 8 7 1K 10K R79 10K R78 1K R14 1K R16 10K R75 1K R17 10K R74 1K R13 1K R12 10K R73 10K R72 R11 PDRT0 A0 GND C57 BUSY RD CS GND TP2 A0 TP10 CS D7 D6 D5 D4 SER/PAR OB/2C PDBT1 T1/EOC T0PDR GND TP21 GND D[0..15] VIO S29 T1 S28 S23 S22 3 100 R54 10K JP14 S26 TEMP GND R55 10K 61 60 59 TEMP 41 PDBUF 62 TEN BIP PDREF 58 26 25 T1 24 T2 23 22 21 16 15 T3 14 T4 12 T5 11 T6 10 144 143 142 141 13 140 139 138 137 R68 134 49.9 2 BYTE/M1 39 RESET 136 WARP 37 38 OB/2C SER/PAR 35 IMPULSE 36 135 PD A0/M0 57 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D9 10k GND R32 R82 S25 S24 BYTE/M1 RESET WARP OB/2C SER/PAR IMPULSE PD CNVOUT PDRT0 A0 49.9 R86 TP11 TP1 RD BUSY S27 D[0..15] 3 TEMP PDBUF EPF6010ATC144-3 TEST1_OUT EOC TEST0 PDREF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 SCLKIN BUSY RD CS CNVST CNVSTOUTB CNVSTOUT BYTE RESET WARP OB/2C SER/PAR IMPULSE PD A0 U10A 4 DSPCLK MCLK SCLK0 TFS0 RFS0 DT0 DR0 MODE0 AD2 AD1 AD0 MODE1 MODE2 MODE3 BWR BRD RESETD RESETS CONTROL BCS FSYNC BBUSY DBUSY ADCOK BD-1 BD-2 BD0 BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD6 BD7 BD8 BD9 BD10 BD11 BD12 BD13 BD14 BD15 CONF_D STATUS CONFIG CE MSEL DCLK DATA 4 71 69 116 118 119 121 122 47 95 96 93 46 45 44 114 113 86 43 130 111 131 85 40 49 107 108 129 124 123 120 117 115 112 110 109 94 87 84 72 81 82 73 105 56 53 4 33 128 125 GND R51 10K 10K 10K C47 10K 10K 10K 0 R49 TP19 SDOUT TP18 SYNC TP17 SCLK R65 R64 R63 10K R66 10K R58 10K R57 10K R62 GND DSPCLK SCLK TFS0 SYNC SDIN SDOUT M0 AD2 AD1 AD0 M1 M2 M3 BWR BRD 1K U11 1 3 R80 100 6 5 3 4 VDIG U12 GND 3.3V GND SYNC-FFT TP6 GND OE CS CASC OUT EPC1441 3.3V DCLK DATA 3.3V 3.3V R67 10K RESETS R56 RESETD D2 2 1 8 7 R41 CONTROLR52 BCS FSYNC BBUSY DBUSY ADCOK BD-1 BD-2 BD0 BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD6 BD7 BD8 BD9 BD10 BD11 BD12 BD13 BD14 BD15 CONF_D STATUS CONFIG DCLK DATA 3.3V R38 1K VIO BD15 BD14 BD13 BD12 BD11 BD10 BD9 BD8 BD7 BD6 BD5 BD4 BD3 BD2 BD1 BD0 DBUSY BD-1 BD-2 BCS 5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 R40 1K 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 3.3V P2 R39 1K GND VDIG 7 19 32 55 78 91 104 127 6 31 77 103 EPF6010ATC144 C30 .1uF 2 4 5 GND 3.3V GND TP7 GND U10B 126 5 18 30 54 76 90 102 Rev. PrW | Page 10 of 22 C17 .1uF VIO VIO VIO VIO VIO VIO VIO VIO 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Figure 3. Schematic, Digital GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND 1 GND C21 .1uF C16 .1uF .1uF C18 GND 3.3V C5 C7 .1uF C4 C24 .1uF C3 .1uF DIGITAL 6 Rev. : J .1uF C11 GND 3.3V C19 C18 B18 A18 B17 B15 B14 B13 B11 B10 B9 B7 B6 B5 B3 B2 C14 A14 C15 C10 C17 A9 C9 A17 B1 A5 A6 A19 C5 C7 C6 A27 C27 VIO GND .1uF C12 BD15 BD14 BD13 BD12 BD11 BD10 BD9 BD8 BD7 BD6 BD5 BD4 BD3 BD2 BD1 BD0 AD2 AD1 AD0 BCS BBUSY BRD BWR RESETD CONTROL SDIN TFS0 DSPCLK SDOUT SCLK SYNC DAC+ DAC+ DACDAC- .1uF C10 EVAL-AD76XXCB .1uF 8-Feb-2005 .1uF C23 .1uF GND R53 10K 3.3V 6 M.M P3A A B C D EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data A B C 1 GND VDIG VDIG SJ2 C1 10uF VDIG C32 1uF GND GND VDIG C45 1uF 4 7 8 4 7 8 NC IN IN 2 FB OUT FB OUT OUT U4 ADP3334ARM NC IN OUT U5 ADP3334ARM IN 2 GND SD 5 6 GND SD 5 6 Rev. PrW | Page 11 of 22 3 2 1 3 2 1 C46 1uF C33 1uF GND R26 78.7K R23 140K 3.3V GND R24 94.5k R8 106.1k 2.5V VDIG VDIG 3.3V 1 2 1 2 3 JP9 JP6 3 4 C48 10uF 3 GND C49 10uF DVDD GND 3 R27 AVDD 3.3V C43 1uF D1 GND +VA JP21 R84 0 OVDD VIO VIO 4 7 8 GND NC IN IN FB OUT OUT U8 ADP3334ARM C14 10uF GND SD Figure 4. Schematic, Power 5 6 D 1 3 2 1 4 GND EXT +12V +5V -5V -12V 4 +12V EXT 4 5 GND R25 94.5k R18 106.1k +VA 3 GND -VA 2 6 -12V 1 C44 1uF SJ1 3 2 1 2 EXT 1 +12V GND -VA -12V JP10 JP5 5 3 4 5 JP3 C31 10uF 3 2 1 GND +VS GND -VS JP19 JP7 GND JP8 1 2 3 -VS C2 10uF -VS VDIG VIO OVDD DVDD AVDD GND VREF+ 3.3V +12V +VA -VA -12V +VA GND AVDD C51 10uF VDRVC50 10uF C15 10uF 4 4 VDIG VIO OVDD DVDD AVDD GND VREF+ 3.3V +12V +VA -VA -12V +VA GND VREF+ VDRV+ 6 Rev. : J POWER EVAL-AD76XXCB GND VDRV+ 8-Feb-2005 C54 10uF VDRV- 6 M.M A B C D Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data Figure 5. Top Side Silk-Screen Figure 6. Top Layer Rev. PrW | Page 12 of 22 Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB Figure 7. Ground Layer Figure 8. Shield Layer Rev. PrW | Page 13 of 22 EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data Figure 9. Bottom Side Layer Figure 10. Bottom Side Silk-Screen Rev. PrW | Page 14 of 22 Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB 1) The Run button starts the software. This button must be pressed first. 2) The part under evaluation is chosen from this menu. The device must be selected second. 3) Input configurations are chosen here. The available choices are: Mode (conversion), Power, Reset, Coding and Interface Mode (digital). This is the performance window. These controls are for locking and resetting the display axis to the data minimum and maximum values. 6) Documentation (F2) gives direct access to datasheets and evaluation documentation. 4) This window is used to select the test type, number of Ksamples, and conversion mode (continuous or burst). For the test type choose from either: 5) This window allow the samples to be taken once (F3) or continuous (F4). Also selects: Help screen, Save data (F5), Print (F8) and Quit (F10). The Help menu shows a description of the functionality of the chosen command. Histogram test AC Test Decimated AC Test Figure 11. Setup Screen Rev. PrW | Page 15 of 22 EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data The results are displayed in this chart. Also, the cursor (yellow) can be dragged it to a desired location where the X-axis values and the Y-axis value will be displayed. This window shows the ADC range and LSB value in Volts. These control the choice of chart type and X-units. Chart type selection of Histogram or Time and X-units of hexadecimal or Volts. Different measurements are displayed here. The DC value, Transition Noise and other values Figure 12. Histogram Screen Rev. PrW | Page 16 of 22 Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB The results are displayed in this chart. Also, the cursor (yellow) can be dragged it to a desired location where the X-axis values and the Y-axis value will be displayed. These control the chart type choice of Frequency domain or Time domain and X axis units. AC test results are displayed here. Also the choice of viewing the amplitude of a certain FFT component can be selected from the FFT component menu. Choice of either a Kaiser window or a BlackmannHarris window from the is menu. Figure 13. FFT Screen Rev. PrW | Page 17 of 22 EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data The AC test can also be displayed in the Time Domain as shown below. To view the Time domain output, select Time in this menu. Figure 14. Time-Domain Screen Rev. PrW | Page 18 of 22 Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB The results are displayed in this chart. Also, the cursor (yellow) can be dragged it to a desired location where the X-axis values and the Y-axis value will be displayed. The decimation ratio (Dratio) and number of Ksamples are entered here. The Nyquist frequency is displayed here as: AC test results with decimated averaging are shown here. The SNR indicator also represents the dynamic range when no signal is present. FNYQUIST = Figure 15. Decimated (Averaging) Screen Rev. PrW | Page 19 of 22 FSAMPLE 2 * D RATIO EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data This selects the interface mode. Any of the four serial modes can be used to program the ADC through the Serial Programmable Port As per this informative description, the software will collect data every ten samples from the two sets of data entered in the “A” and “B” configurations through the Serial Programmable Serial Port (SPP). This selects the input range configured through the Serial Programmable Port (SPP)or hardware pins. The results are displayed here for the two different configurations. This particular example is showing the bipolar zero error difference between warp and and normal modes. Figure 16. Serial Programmable Port (SPP) Demo Screen Rev. PrW | Page 20 of 22 Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXCB ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING GUIDE Evaluation Board Model EVAL-AD7610CB EVAL-AD7612CB EVAL-AD7621CB EVAL-AD7622CB EVAL-AD7623CB EVAL-AD7631CB EVAL-AD7634CB EVAL-AD7641CB EVAL-AD7643CB EVAL-AD7650CB EVAL-AD7651CB EVAL-AD7652CB EVAL-AD7653CB EVAL-AD7654CB EVAL-AD7655CB EVAL-AD7660CB EVAL-AD7661CB EVAL-AD7663CB EVAL-AD7664CB EVAL-AD7665CB EVAL-AD7666CB EVAL-AD7667CB EVAL-AD7671CB EVAL-AD7674CB EVAL-AD7675CB EVAL-AD7676CB EVAL-AD7677CB EVAL-AD7678CB EVAL-AD7679CB EVAL-AD7951CB EVAL-CONTROL BRD2 2 EVAL-CONTROL BRD3 2 Product AD7610ASTZ/ACPZ AD7612ASTZ/ACPZ AD7621AST/ACP AD7622BSTZ/BCPZ AD7623AST/ACP AD7631ASTZ/ACPZ AD7634ASTZ/ACPZ AD7641BSTZ/BCPZ AD7643BSTZ/BCPZ AD7650AST/ACP AD7651AST/ACP AD7652AST/ACP AD7653AST/ACP AD7654AST/ACP AD7655AST/ACP AD7660AST/ACP AD7661AST/ACP AD7663AST/ACP AD7664AST/ACP AD7665AST/ACP AD7666AST/ACP AD7667AST/ACP AD7671AST/ACP AD7674AST/ACP AD7675AST/ACP AD7676AST/ACP AD7677AST/ACP AD7678AST/ACP AD7679AST/ACP AD7951ASTZ/ACPZ Controller Board Controller Board Not in production any longer. Rev. PrW | Page 21 of 22 EVAL-AD76XXCB Preliminary Technical Data NOTES © 2006 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PR03367-0-10/06(PrW) Rev. PrW | Page 22 of 22