Studies into the effectiveness of the electromagnetic stator core test D R Bertenshaw*, ENELEC LTD, UK A C Smith, University of Manchester, UK Abstract Stator interlamination insulation in large electrical machines relies on routine testing for integrity. Thermal testing originally using a high flux test (HFT) has to a large extent now been replaced by a low flux electromagnetic test (EMT) where the fault current in any interlamination insulation failure is detected. A number of alternate approaches have been developed with differing metrics and acceptance criteria. This research analyses how the differing EMT techniques correlate to each other and to the HFT, plus how lamination segmentation can affect HFT test levels. It further draws together both recently published work and new insights from research into EMT effectiveness (particularly of the dominant EL CID system) to improve the reliability of its result interpretation. The impact of core loss, fault inductance, artefacts from non-uniform loss and permeability, plus multiple aligned faults are considered. Figure 1: Eddy currents induced in a damaged core Testing for interlamination insulation damage became routine since c1950 [4, 5], beginning with the traditional HFT method (aka ‘Loop Test’ and ‘Ring Flux Test’) for which five alternate public standards exist [6-10]. The most current standard IEEE Std 62.2 [10] requires a high induced toroidal flux at or near 100% of the operating flux level, with infra-red (IR) thermography used to detect those areas where some insulation breakdown has occurred. This test remains the most trusted and thus reference test [11]. 1. Introduction In large electrical machines such as utility generators, if the insulation on a number of laminations becomes shorted together, the consequent induced (eddy) currents shown in Figure 1 cause local ‘hotspots’ to occur at the damage. Such local heating, even if modest, can affect the life expectancy of nearby winding insulation [1], and if left unattended, can propagate and lead in extreme cases to the catastrophic failure of the generator [2]. However stator interlamination insulation cannot be reliably monitored online [3]. In consequence, with stator testing only possible at major service intervals, users must rely on the ability of tests to detect nascent developing faults such that they can be corrected before becoming dangerous. Post WW2, turbo-generator power ratings grew rapidly, at a rate of 32% pa between 1950 to 1975 for hydrogen and water-cooled units [12], leading to a spate of stator core failure rate in the UK [13] and increased testing need. The high energy, safety hazards and lengthy test time of the HFT motivated the development of the low flux electromagnetic stator core test in 1979 [14]. The * KEYWORDS Stator core, interlaminar insulation, electromagnetic test, EL CID, high flux test. Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 37 resultant EL CID (ELectromagnetic Core Imperfection Detector) system, operating at typically 4% of service flux, is now in use worldwide [15]. have already been published and are summarized here for reference, together with several new phenomena that have been researched and are more fully detailed. Due to its dominance the EL CID system is used in the majority of the studies, but most of the discussed issues can be expected to impact the other EMT systems. In this test, fault currents induced in damaged areas are measured by sensing their ac magnetic potential difference (mpd) across slot teeth edges using an narrow air-cored coil known as a Chattock potentiometer [16], as shown in Figure 2. Any fault current is detected as that mpd in quadrature to the excitation flux at test flux level, indicated as a ‘Quad’ current [17]. The normal recommendation [18] is that signals above 100 mA are ‘a level at which faults should be investigated further.’ 2. The growth of EMT systems 2.1. EMT systems in use EL CID was the first and is now the dominant EMT. While it has undergone two revisions to improve ease of use [15], the basic principle of operation has remained unchanged. However it has not remained the only EMT system, the ease and speed of the test compared to the HFT stimulated the development of several competing low flux EMT products for in-house use or sale [12]. The principal alternate system in use is the Alstom/ ABB DIRIS (Diagnostic Investigation with Rotor in Situ) system, patented in 1991 and 2004 [22, 23]. It uses an air-cored coil to detect the fault current by mpd phase angle change, computing the total fault power at service flux level. The threshold of damage is set at 15 W in a 4–10 mm fault for turbo-generators and 10–20 mm in hydro-generators to avoid the risk of ‘core melting’ [24]. Siemens in the USA also developed an EMT for inhouse use, claimed to ‘provide standard ELCID core data’[25] with additional features. This was patented in 2004 [26] and launched in 2007 [27] as SMCAS (Siemens Multi-frequency Core Analysis System). The system can energise the core at low flux levels simultaneously at 50/60Hz and higher frequencies (500–1000 Hz) to improve diagnostic capability. The system detects core faults with a normal Chattock and records Phase and Quad values equivalent to EL CID, with the same fault thresholds. Figure 2. Chattock positioned across stator fault Both tests have difficulties. While the HFT directly detects the heating phenomena of concern, the required power level can be very high and hazardous (>1 MVA), and the test take several days to conduct. In addition stator windings obstruct and thus attenuate slot and core yoke thermal defect signals. The EMT is not attenuated by stator windings, but is more sensitive to fault length. Further, since the EMT is sensing the magnetic field from a fault current that is within a similarly magnetised stator core, misleading results can occur in some circumstances, giving both false positives and negatives. Two Russian EMT systems (EMK ЭлектроМагнитный Контроль) were devised. The first in 1995–2000 [28, 29] from the Russian Electric Power Research Institute used eventually a 10 mm dia. air-cored coil. The detected mpd phase change at a fault is used to compute an apparent full flux fault power, assessed in Table 2 with the Russian Turbo-generator Life-expired Guidelines [30]. From 2003 Gorodov et al. [31, 32] researched iron-cored sensors, establishing a relative loss metric Ka from the fault phase angle. The product was commercialised in The EMT has achieved a wide degree of confidence from published studies [11, 19, 20] and many test reports (some listed in [21]). This research study is not pejorative to that confidence, but seeks to better ensure that users appreciate the issues that can affect the test results, and how to accommodate them. A number of these topics Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 38 2003 as the Introskan-IS200 core tester [33]. Gorodov et al.’s recommendations are also found to be comparable to typical EL CID practice for a one packet fault (~50mm long) [34], also shown in Table 2. use of severe sensitivity to varying tooth/yoke contact, and research appears to have ceased. Replacing it, GE described the RACER (Rapid Analysis Core Evaluation Report) test system between 2003–8 in a series of papers [42-45] and patents [46-49]. This uses an in-slot, ironcored probe shown in Figure 4 to notionally reduce noise and improve reliability in fault detection. Other systems in use are all similar to the EL CID. The CDA system [35] from KES International Ltd in Canada uses a higher induction of 5–15% of full flux, with fault currents scaled to equivalent full flux current for recording. A system called PROFIM was developed by D. and R. Zlatanovici [36] for use by the Romanian ICEMENERG Institute. It operates at a low ~4% flux and any fault current is detected by analysing the Chattock sensor signal’s phase angle. Finally another product called EL CID used by INDUCOR in Argentina was disclosed in 2013 [37], also operating at 4% flux and providing Phase and Quad signals. 2.2. EMT systems not commercialised Figure 4. GE iron-cored probe (© IEEE 2003 [42]) Whilst this elegantly solves the problem of obtaining constant net magnetic air gap, the sensitivity to slot width means the system still needs calibration to the machine. Other problems also result, particularly of very poor sensitivity to tooth tip faults and the problem of sensing flush-wedged machines. Service using the product was advertised up to 2011 [50] but does not now appear to be in use. Several researchers have investigated stator core testing using local injection of excitation flux rather than bulk toroidal induction. The benefits seen are reduced test power, absence of excitation windings, and the ability to test cores which might not be complete. A 1999 invention by Bourgeois and Lalonde from Hydro Quebec [38] induced a local flux from a C-shaped probe across 2 teeth, shown in Figure 3. The drive field and flux density are measured to determine the core loss locally, with any local loss increase ascribed to a core fault. Some researchers have investigated resonant systems, where a pulse of flux is locally induced in the core through a wound, iron-cored probe across 2 teeth (comparable to Figure 3), with the severity of any local fault determined by the damping of the response. ELIN first proposed this in 1984 [51], after which Ramırez-Nino and Pascacio in 2003 [52] described their similar MLM system. However all such systems are very sensitive to probe-core spacing, and require custom probes for each machine geometry. They have not been adopted. 3. Correlation between test methods 3.1. Correlation between EL CID and HFT Figure 3. Hydro Quebec test flux injection probe Later work by Kliman et al. for GE [39-41] similarly used local flux injection with an improved differential probe to attempt to overcome poor fault sensitivity. This system still had the expected major drawback in The main threat of a stator core fault is the local heating effect, and the EMT is undertaken on the basis that the results reflect the expected service overheating. While there is considerable confidence in this assumption, Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 39 Figure 5. Corrected correlation – all results Figure 6. Test data and normal distributions The identified correction factors were applied to the test results and plotted as shown in Figure 5. The Mean Least Squares (MLS) trend line slope mean was chosen over the statistical mean, since it allows enforcing a logical 0 °C/0 mA origin on the trend. The corrected data, binned at 2 °C/100 mA increments, is plotted in Figure 6 with Normal distributions overlaid for comparison. It can be seen that the test correlation distribution has a clear Normal tendency, with a modest skew to the right tail. The red solid line shows the Normal distribution for all values. The green dashed line shows the Normal distribution if only test points of <20 °C/100 mA are considered, and displays a close match. The effect of enabling each of the correction factors described above was tested and all except the core size correction caused some reduction in the variance of the data, albeit small. there is no known proof of this. All stator core faults are considered problematic and a risk to winding insulation life well before they pose any threat to lamination insulation. Consequently both tests independently set thresholds sufficiently above normal background variation that a fault is evident, which could benefit from attention. Subsequently the two test threshold values became synonymous, giving the commonplace expectation that the Quad signal detected by EL CID is correlated to the HFT, at the rate of 5–10 °C/100mA [18]. Occasional evidence has been supportive but inconclusive, with a 2004 EPRI study [53] failing to demonstrate a correlation. To obtain more reliable results, the published data on 106 reported core fault test results from the field on turbo- and hydro-generators was collated, where both tests were conducted on the same fault. This analysed the correlation actually occurring on electrical machines in service in the field, and also the test variables that can affect them. The data was corrected where possible for a number of issues. HFT tests were thermally normalized to an assumed average field test flux level of 90%, scaling by flux squared, with a further small correction also for particularly short test times. The EL CID Chattock signal was also compensated for particularly short faults <15 mm due to its decreasing sensitivity as shown later in Figure 8. In some tests (esp. the EPRI study) inaccuracies had occurred due to fault interactions (Quad Recovery as described in section 6) between severe faults [54]. Discrepancies found in recording HFT temperature differentials in the EPRI study were also reestimated. It is known that the signal from buried faults (under windings and in core yoke) is more severe for the HFT than EMT, and compensation was made for these where declared. It was further expected that the stator core size and resulting excitation field would affect EMT results, and smaller cores tested at <3 V/m were scaled up. However, contrary to expectation, the correlation was generally already higher in smaller cores than larger before scaling, indicating that this correction was probably unsound. (* °C/100 mA) All Tests Turbo’s Hydro’s Qty. faults/tests 106 73 33 95% confidence mean* 8.5–10.7 8.0–10.9 9.8–12.9 Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.84 0.85 0.79 Lower-upper quartiles* 6.4–12.2 6.7–12.5 6.1–12.9 95% confidence upper limit* 18.1 18.6 18.1 Table 1. HFT-EL CID correlation analysis results The analysis in Table 1 shows that the mean field population correlation between the two tests is between 8.5–10.7 °C/100 mA to a 95% confidence level. It was found that 64% of the sample tests lie between 5–11 °C/100 mA, supporting the industry expectation of 5–10 °C/100 mA. There is an indication that hydrogenerators have a 19% higher mean correlation than turbo-generators. However their population variances are sufficiently large that one would not perceive the difference from individual tests. Full details of the correlation analysis is given in [21]. 3.2. Correlation between EL CID and DIRIS Of the main EMT systems in use, EL CID and SMCAS Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 40 Figure 7. DIRIS measurement coil on stator core (© IEEE 2001 [24]) Figure 8. Modelled and experimental Chattock sensitivity with length for surface faults (Fault_1 = tooth tip centre, Fault_2 = tooth tip edge, Fault_3 = slot base) at 15 mm fault length (shown in section 3.1), the fault temperature variation with length is shown in Figure 9. For the same nominal 10 mm dia. fault region, fault temperatures from 5 °C to >50 °C may occur for both tests at 100 mA and 15 W, as fault length reduces. This also demonstrates the reason for the occasional user complaint that an EMT appears to not detect very small faults that still appear as a distinct pinprick of heat in the IR images from an HFT. (at 50/60 Hz) produce essentially identical signals, so result interpretation remains the same. However DIRIS reports a full flux, total fault power signal, contrasted to EL CID’s test flux, fault current signal. While it appears there is no correlation between the two measures, it can be shown that this is not the case. DIRIS uses a wide air-cored coil shown in Figure 7, whose sensitivity to surface fault currents is calibrated as a response per A-mm, and is almost linear with fault length for shorter faults (<50 mm). Since the fault length is unknown, the fault signal is perforce computed as the total fault power in watts scaled to full service flux [24]. This power appears to be both a very different measure and the 15 W threshold a substantially higher threshold than EL CID’s 100 mA Quad current, which yields an apparent ~3 W power in a 10 mm fault at rated flux in a typical larger turbo-generator (tested at 5 V/m). However when allowance is made for the rapidly reducing Chattock sensitivity to short faults as analysed by Ho et al. [55] (shown in Figure 8), the power rises substantially. Figure 9 shows the total fault service power for an EL CID Quad signal of 100 mA remains within ±20% of the DIRIS’s 15 W for a 2–35 mm fault length. Thus the DIRIS and EL CID thresholds for fault warning are very comparable for modest fault lengths. Figure 9: Total fault powers and temperature rise for EL CID and DIRIS detected threshold faults The above analyses allow a combined table to be completed in Table 2 approximately comparing the metrics and thresholds for the various stator core test methods. The variation in internal fault temperatures at the test thresholds can also be estimated for a nominal 10 mm dia. fault region where the laminated axial thermal conductivity is assumed to be 10% of the radial [56]. To avoid the need to develop an analytic full 3D model, it is assumed the net radial thermal conductivity is proportional to fault length, the axial net thermal conductivity constant, and their effective dissipative capacities are in proportion to their axial/radial surface areas and thermal conductivity. 4. Problems from lamination joint reluctance Stator cores of large electrical machines most commonly use half-overlap lamination joints. The flanking laminations thus locally carry double normal flux density and saturate at service flux, developing a large local mmf. While this phenomenon is well known, its quantification is rarely advised. By flux levels of 1.2 T the Since the reported power is that in the total fault, the heat dissipation capacity of the fault will differ substantially with length. If the total effective thermal conductivity is set such that the EL CID 100 mA results in 10 °C rise Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 41 HFT EL CID et al. DIRIS Gorodov / Introscan & EMK Hotspot <10 °C <100 mA Normal Power <15 W Ka <1.3 (< 3–4°) Power <20 W, No fault 100–260 mA Investigation region Power 15–40 W Operational safety endangered Ka = 1.3–1.8 (4–10°) Power 20–40 W Exceeds the HFT acceptance (>15 °C) >260 mA Power >40 W Ka >1.8 (>10°) Power >40 W May exceed the generator capability Hotspot 10–25 °C Hotspot >25 °C Power >120 W Risk of ‘iron fire’ Table 2. Correlation between HFT, EL CID, DIRIS, Ka , and EMK fault power of the test core joints, using a new approach to extrapolate the susceptibility of electrical steel into deep saturation. Counterbalancing this, notionally isotropic (non-oriented) electrical steel still retains considerable magnetic anisotropy, such that the rolling direction permeability can exceed 200% of the transverse direction. Since toroidal flux in laminations mostly flows in the rolling direction, this can reduce effective toroidal reluctance by 18–30% from published data. The FE results show the impact of the joints and directional permeability by the close match of the model to tests in Figure 12. toroidal reluctance of such a core can increase by 200% over that expected without core joints and can make a large difference to the stator HFT excitation requirement. The impact is shown in Figure 10 for both a FE model and test results of an actual 100 MVA test stator, with 60° lamination segments. The problem has in fact been long researched with Bohle [57] identifying the issue as early as 1908, but remains ignored in modern design texts. Further IEEE Std 62.2 [10] just instructs ‘use the manufacturer’s B/H curves’ to compute the HFT excitation needed, as does published test advice [58]. Additional disparity occurs where both above sources also give a ‘typical’ B/H curve that the excitation may follow. The flux density B field is peak but the magnetising H field is clearly assumed rms and must be converted to peak using an appropriate crest factor. These are compared to published data for Cogent M310-50A steel [59] (B and H values are conventionally specified as ac peak) and the measured B/H curve of a test core built with M310-50A steel. They are all remarkably different as shown in Figure 11, though the two ‘typical’ curves converge at the same level as the test result for a typical HFT 100% flux level of 1.4 T. A final problem emerges from the changing crest factor of the excitation current. For a sinusoidal flux excitation, the saturating steel causes the crest factors to rise from 1.4 to >2.1 at flux levels from 0.6 T to 1.4 T as shown in Figure 13. This tends to reduce the rms current required compared to sinusoidal assumptions. The use of slightly under full flux density in the HFT is common. Thus when estimating the required excitation curent from electrical steel B/H data (and correctly interpreting H as peak magnetic field strength), the rms excitation at worst case of ~1.2 T may be ~200% greater than expected due to joint reluctance, but over To study the full situation, an FE model was completed Figure 10. Core mmf increase due to half-overlap lamination joints. Figure 11. Typical and actual B/H (ac peak) curves for HFT. Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 42 Figure 12. Modelled and actual test B/H results for stator Figure 13. Flux and excitation current at ~1.2 T flux density with halfoverlap lamination joints estimated by typically 25% in the unsaturated core due to anisotropy, and by 1.4 due to a current crest factor of 2 vs 1.4. Thus the total rms excitation percentage increase compared to assuming basic B/H values may be typically computed from the net impact on the core’s reluctance giving here a 93% increase. 15–20° is typical from tests on assembled cores of two sources of M310-50A electrical steel, at the usual EMT flux level (4% of full flux density) In EL CID, the Reference is normally aligned to the rms excitation current Ie of rotational frequency ω, and adjusted such that a zero Quad signal (mpd across the fault region) is developed without a fault, thus the Quad signal is solely the induced fault current resolved to the quadrature axis [17]. Without allowance for lamination joint saturation, permeability anisotropy, and magnetic field crest factors, inadequate HFT stator core excitation may be provided, leading to under-testing if thermal scaling for reduced flux density is not applied. Further, since the concern is induced voltage heating a resistive fault, to compensate for any flux wave distortion the flux sense coil signal should always be measured with an rms-indicating instrument. Full details of the study are given in [60]. In the fault modelled in Figure 15, peak flux density B is induced by excitation current Ie around mean magnetic path radius r. For a fault of length F, conducting area A in steel resistivity ρ, the fault’s resistance Rf and selfinductance Lf are computed conventionally, assuming the flux induced by the fault current remains planar in the core circumference. 5. The impact of core loss on severe faults Assuming the lamination and rear keybar resistance are negligible compared to the fault, allows the fault power Pf to be computed as In a stator core, the flux significantly lags the excitation mmf due to hysteresis and eddy current losses in the core. This varies with type of the steel and especially the excitation level. Figure 14 shows a loss angle (θ) of Figure 14. Core loss angle variation with excitation Figure 15. Stator core excitation and fault circuit abcda Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 43 Figure 16. Normalised quad signal and service fault power Figure 17. Excitation and Chattock relationship shows that for the ideal loss free core, the Quad signal reaches a peak at the maximum test flux density power point of Rf = ωLf, though at service flux density fault power peak is at Rf = 0.3ωLf. . If the resistance dominates (Rf >>ωLf) as is normal for a modest fault, This shows the presence of core loss substantially affects the maximum detected Quad signal at high fault powers, both due to the core loss and the increased reactance at test flux levels. During early fault development with Rf >10ωLf, the error caused by a typical 20° core loss remains <10%. However for more severe faults, the errors become substantial, such that the Quad signal can even suffer a polarity inversion as Rf<ωLf, shown in Figure 16. while if the inductance dominates as may occur for a very severe fault (Rf>>ωLf), Equations (3) and (4) show that the power in a fault dominated by fault resistance is proportional to the fault length and area, and as expected, to the square of the factors that control the fault voltage. However in a fault dominated by inductance, the power is still proportional to the fault length but now inversely proportional to area, a key reason why molten core faults tend to reach a limiting diameter but not length. It also interestingly reduces to the equivalent of a 1:1 current transformer from excitation current into fault resistance. While the assumption that the lamination and keybar resistances are insignificant may fail in severe faults, fault inductance has been shown to limit fault currents and powers for quite small area faults [61]. The impact of this effect is still minimal at clearly dangerous fault levels of <1 A Quad signal. However in the case of very severe faults, such as those caused by core melts, the effect of core loss and fault inductance can act to reduce the apparent fault intensity. This phenomenon particularly needs to be considered when interpreting signals from severe, perhaps melted, faults buried in the core yoke. The flux lags the excitation current by an angle θ due to the core loss, however the Quad signal IQ is detected as that current in quadrature to the excitation current and, assuming 100% Chattock detection sensitivity, is given by 6. The interaction of multiple faults In the majority of cases of electromagnetic stator core testing, the stator has either no significant faults, a few of modest amplitude (i.e. 100–300 mA Quad), or one serious fault. In these situations interpretation of the fault signals is conventional. However if multiple faults occur that are circumferentially aligned, and especially if any are severe faults, the fault fluxes can interact and cause reduction of their detected Quad values. This effect is termed ‘Quad Recovery’ and has led to under-recording of the severity of faults in field examples. The detected Quad signal in (5) is explored for a range of core loss angles as fault resistance reduces (i.e. intensifies) as a proportion of the test flux reactance (Rf /ωLf). This assumes a typical relative permeability of 3000 at test flux density and 1000 at service flux density levels. Figure 16 Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 44 The cause of the effect is due to the method of measurement of the magnetic potentials. This is shown in Figure 17 for a homogeneous core with long faults, where the mpd measured by the Chattock has contributions from the excitation current phasor Ie. and fault current phasor If. The flux from the fault induced in the core will establish a magnetic field around the core, and this field will be detected by the Chattock away from the fault. Since the majority of the magnetic field strength from the fault mmf occurs in the air, the Chattock signal will be the sum of the fault mmf and the section proportions of the fault and excitation magnetic field strengths developed within the core [17]. 48 slots and a fault of 800mA imposed on a tooth tip. It can be seen that the fault gives a small 17 mA Quad Recovery signal on all other slots. Thus the mpd detected by the Chattock at the span angle α is Figure 18. Plot of Quad Recovery mpd obtained from 2D FE Since for single slot Chattock spans, this shows that the Chattock detects nearly all the fault current mmf and the inverse of the circumferential proportion of the excitation current mmf. This 2D analysis only valid for long faults, a rare situation. To investigate the effect on shorter faults, a 2D FE turbogenerator model with 40 mm packets was developed considering the laminations viewed on their edges (red arrow) as shown in Figure 19. The core is modelled as essentially ‘unrolled’ along the yoke magnetic mean line, with laminations having low axial (z direction) permeability to simulate the core stacking factor (0.97). Fault currents are set in the y direction with the Chattock signal derived from integration of H.dx between its endpoints on the x/z plane. The sum total of all the mpds detected by the Chattock across each slot around the bore in the air should sum in phase and amplitude to the enclosed current from Ampère’s law. Since the fault current is outside this summation this can only be the excitation current. The EL CID is set up normally so that its Phase resolution is in phase with the excitation current Ie. thus The measurement interpretation of (7) is that the Quad values around the core surface must sum to zero, regardless of the presence or absence of faults. From (6) the detected mpd away from the fault will be the sum of the excitation current and fault current, proportioned by the slot and Chattock span angle. Figure 19. Model orientation and axes The initial results showed that the fault flux Quad Recovery was very strongly biased towards the fault region if eddy currents were not permitted to flow in the laminations. This is caused by the fault flux circulating back to the fault region over a considerable distance, despite the low axial permeability. However if eddy fault signal element The Quad component of the is the Quad Recovery signal and is the opposite polarity to the usual detected fault current signal. It can act to reduce another local fault signal. The effect can be simply modelled in 2D FE with the result shown in Figure 18 for Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 45 Figure 20. Flux density flow down laminations from 30 mm fault Secondly in the earlier EPRI study [53], multiple severe faults were experimentally applied to a stator and the EL CID results found to be difficult to correlate to the thermal results. When the Quad Recovery effect is accomodated the results correlate much closer to the expected values [21]. currents are permitted by setting a rational lamination resistivity, then these strongly oppose the axial divergence of fault flux, and fault flux density around the core becomes very uniform as shown in Figure 20. The results plotted in Figure 21 for four lengths of fault, show that for a very short fault length of 10 mm the Quad recovery is still modestly biased towards the source, however once the fault reaches 20 mm the recovery is virtually uniform. In a third situation, a stator bore had been bead blasted and the surface damaged causing substantial areas of stator core surface to become faulty, such that the cummulative Quad Recovery was exceeding local fault signals. This was resolved by development of a global compensation algorithm for the results. The Quad values around the core surface must sum to zero, and the Phase values sum to the excitation current (as usually expected). In reality since the Chattock is normally set to span the opposite sides of the teeth across a slot, there is double-counting of the potentials across each tooth surface. For the Quad Recovery potential deriving from the circulating flux this is a small potential referred to the tooth surface and may be ignored (or a notional -10% allowed). However any fault on a tooth tip may be counted twice, and must be allowed for in the summation. If Qin and Qn are the indicated Quad signal and actual fault Quad value for slot n at each core axial position/ packet, and ε a global error value from any error in the EL CID phase reference, each slot signal at an axial position/ packet on a core of N slots will thus be Figure 21. Quad Recovery 100 mm mpd around x-axis The attenuation of fault signals due to Quad Recovery is fortunately rare since it requires a very substantial fault to develop a Recovery signal significant enough to impact measurements of other faults. However several instances have occurred where accommodation of its effect was required to understand test results. In one case a major fault caused by a local core melt developed enough Quad Recovery to mask another fault in the same axial region [54]. This is illustrated in Figure 22 where a significant -180 mA Quad signal had been depressed to just -80 mA and ignored. Summing round the bore gives Hence around each packet the Quad values should only accumulate the standing error values. However in order to determine the actual fault values, it must be assumed or known that at least one or more slots at each axial position/packet are unfaulted, thus their positive value (assuming negative Quad signals are indicative of a fault, as is conventional) represents only the Quad Recovery potential. Further, in a normal stator core, natural core loss variations lead to natural Quad fluctuations around Figure 22. Before and after correction for Quad Recovery Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 46 the bore, not representative of fault or measurement error. A further variance value Cq of up to -50 mA may be added to ε to reflect the age and dilapidation of the machine to avoid overstating any fault. variations are not uniform in the core this conclusion is not true. The study recognises that due to low axial permeability from the stacking plus eddy currents, the flux around the core in each lamination plane will remain mostly constrained to that plane, and thus approximately circumferentially constant in amplitude and phase angle to the excitation current. Unfaulted slots will carry a positive Quad signal averaged as Q+max which, assuming uniform Quad Recovery around the core, is given from (9) as By integrating over an ac cycle it can be shown that for a sinusoidal flux density phasor B of rotational frequency ω, with lagging phase angle θ, induced by coaxial magnetic field strength phasor H, the net absorbed power density PL (core loss spatial density) is given by (13). Here B and H represent the fundamental rms values of B and H. Thus for each slot in the packet, the true Quad signal can be estimated from (10) and (11) as A Quad signal is developed when the magnetic potential across a slot is not in phase with the excitation mmf Ie. To determine how both a variation in core loss and permeability can develop Quad signals, the locally developed rms magnetic field strength phasor H is resolved into components Hinductive in phase and Hreal­ in quadrature to the flux density phasor B. The resultant phasor diagram around a simple 4 slot core is shown in Figure 23. Since for slot n Hreal=Hnsinθn, it can be seen that the core loss power is wholly transferred in the Hreal component, the component Hinductive in phase with the flux density carries no net power. This is amenable to a spreadsheet analysis. A set of the maximum Quad +ve values for each packet or axial region are ranked to check that there are no odd-looking values which might derive from human input error, and that the maximum +ve values seem to be trending to a stable value. This indicates that the hypothesis that at least one or two slots in each packet are unfaulted is true. The mean of these maximum +ve values is then computed and true fault values determined from (12). The values of Cq and ε are seen to be automatically accomodated by this approach. The phenomena of Quad Recovery is discussed further in [54]. 7. The impact of local variation in core loss and permeability The standard model for the EMT assumes that the stator core is composed of electrical steel with uniform magnetic properties. However variances in core loss and permeability caused by non-uniform steel have been shown to occasionally give rise to substantial fault signal artefacts not due to actual interlamination insulation defects, in particular due to the use of circumferentially differing steels in robotic assembly. Figure 23. Varying core loss phasor diagram around core The local and aggregate core loss angles θn and θaggregate are given for slot n with N slots In the EL CID test, overall variations in core loss or permeability will only affect the magnetic field strength (hence excitation current) required to induce the flux, thus only vary the Phase signal. However when these Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 47 Figure 26. False colour map of Quad signals The total magnetic field strength equating to the excitation mmf I­e will be Thus from (16) the Quad magnetic field strength Q (A/m) in the variance region is given by Thus from (14) and (15) the local Quad field Qn developed for slot n shown in is given by Expanding (18) only produces a complex expression which does not provide any better insight into the effects of the variance. A numeric example provides a case specific illustration of the scale of the effect, using a 110 mm slot pitch with M310/50A electrical steel (relative permeability 3800 and core loss 0.006 W/kg at 0.056 T, 50 Hz). The curves in Figure 25 illustrate the Quad signals that are developed in the variance region a of the core, modelled at 10% and 50% of the core, for up to +/-50% variation in core loss and permeability. To study the practical scale of these phenomena, a model in Figure 24 is considered of a stator core yoke of density ρ and unit depth illustrated in Figure 24 with a material variance region a. In the two regions the specific mass core loss (W/kg) are W and Wa and permeability are µ and µa. The constant induced rms flux density B develops rms magnetic field strengths H and Ha. The phase angle (core loss angle) between flux density and magnetic field strength is θ and θa. Factors XW and Xμ proportion the variances such that Figure 25. Quad signal from local 10 or 50% circumferential variation in core loss or permeability This shows that Quad signal artefacts above the -100 mA warning threshold can be developed in stator cores with significant magnetic non-uniformity. The Quad signals from the two parameter variances may accumulate or offset each other, but the combination is not linear. These artefacts have been seen to occur on a robotically stacked core constructed with opposing 180° segments of Figure 24. Stator core loss and permeability in normal and variance region a Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 48 Figure 27. Spread of core loss and permeability at 0.05 T Figure 28. Modelled and measured M310-50A Rayleigh hysteresis loops. (maximum ) and induced flux density (maximum low flux levels, given by differing lamination materials [62]. Despite satisfactory high flux tests, when an EL CID test was conducted on the core, high Quad signal readings occurred as shown in Figure 26, which significantly exceeded -100 mA and thus a serious concern. When measured, the M270-50A lamination steel properties at low flux density were found to have large variations of relative permeability and core loss at the test flux level of 0.05 T, with little correlation between them as shown in Figure 27 ) at Assuming no residual magnetisation, where µi is the residual permeability at zero flux and γ the “Rayleigh constant” for each material, where K = +1/-1 for descending/ascending H with sinusoidal flux, and where constants D1 – D3 are expressions of µi, γ, and , gives a periodic function for H of Using the analytical approach above, a numerical model showed that the maximum local variance in core loss in one 180° segment could cause up to 368 mA Quad signal artefacts to appear, with up to 111 mA from the same maximum spread in permeability. These were quite sufficient to produce the discovered worst case values of ~200 mA. In conjunction with other analysis and tests, it was concluded that there was no actual interlamination insulation damage. A novel regression technique was developed to interpolate µi and γ from published B/H specification 0 for a variety of electrical steels (M270– data as B M600), showing relative µi varying from 452–1057 in line with measurements. Since γ governs the hysteresis, hysteresis loss proportion was found to vary from 51– 82%, allowing D1 – D3 to be evaluated. Study of the EMT vector diagram shows that any actual fault Quad signals are linearly superimposed on the non-fault Quad signal artefacts. This still allows the measurement of any genuine Quad fault level by simple variance from a no-fault template test level rather than zero. An earlier analysis without the above analytic extension is given in [62]. Fourier analysis of equation (20) however yields insoluble elliptic integrals, consequently numeric integration was used to compute the resultant harmonics, giving up to 6% 3rd harmonic. The impact of these on the EL CID test was analysed and shown to be dependent on the method of phase analysis (demodulation) of the fault signal. However even with the worst case method, the impact on the EMT was found to be very minor even for major variations in the core, with typical Quad signal change <12 mA. The full analysis is given in [63]. 8. Impact of Rayleigh hysteresis A further phenomenon that could affect EMT readings is the non-linear permeability and hysteresis of electrical steel, illustrated by the hysteresis loop at 0.05 T in Figure 28. For sinusoidal flux, this causes the development of harmonics in the magnetic field. Depending on the sensitivity of the EMT to harmonics, this can affect fault interpretation if the hysteresis varies around the stator core in the same manner as in Figure 24. 9. Conclusions The electromagnetic stator core test has reached a substantial maturity in large stator core testing, with its ease and safety of application assisting its acceptance. While many designs have been tried, the principal systems in use have settled on just two metrics, apparent At low EMT flux levels, induction follows the Rayleigh parabolic hysteretic relationship between magnetising field Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 49 test fault current or apparent service fault power. Despite their difference, it is found that they are closely correlated for normal lengths of developing fault. give this effect. Fortunately these artefacts have a distinct pattern and are linearly superimposed on any actual core fault signals, allowing simple accommodation of their presence. It is also shown that the EMT has a clear correlation to the thermal HFT and can thus provide the same indication of threat from a developing stator core fault. However the apparent simplicity of the reference HFT belies a number of problems relating to its practice, with little consideration paid to the square-law effect that reducing test flux density has on recorded fault temperature. This is compounded by conflicting advice on core excitation requirements and the littlerecognised impact of lamination segment joints at high flux levels. Consequently, even though offset by anisotropic permeability and high current crest factors, much greater excitation may be required compared to that assumed from catalogue steel magnetic data, risking undertesting. The magnetising harmonics from low flux Rayleigh hysteresis raise a similar possibility that non-uniformity of hysteresis loss could also cause signal artefacts. This is analysed and shown not to be a concern. This paper describes and resolves a number of issues that should be recognised in stator core testing. It is hoped that with these further understandings the electromagnetic test can continue to be used with improved confidence to monitor the stator core condition of large electrical machines. 10. Acknowledgements This work was completed as part of a PhD research programme at the University of Manchester, UK, supported by ENELEC LTD, UK. The EL CID test (and similar EMTs) derive their fault current signal from that mmf in quadrature to the excitation field, rather than flux. In consequence the core loss and difference in permeability of the core between test and operation, coupled with the fault’s selfinductance, cause the detected Quad signal to limit and even invert for very severe faults. While not an issue for normal faults, it may impact the interpretation of very severe buried faults, such as those caused by core melts. 11. References [1] G. C. Stone, I. Culbert, E. A. 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David Bertenshaw obtained a BSc(Eng) degree at Imperial College London in 1970, is a Fellow of the IET (formerly IEE) and was Director of R&D for lighting and control system manufacturers for many years. He moved to large electrical machine test systems in 1998 with ADWEL International, now part of Iris Power, managing their EMEA business and development of stator core test systems. Having completed a PhD at University of Manchester in 2015 researching electromagnetic stator core testing, he now provides consultancy services through ENELEC LTD. [50] "Generator test and inspection fact sheet," GEA13004B, GE Energy, 2011. [51] ELIN-UNION, "Arrangement for measuring magnetic characteristics," Patent AT390522B, 1984. [52]J. Ramirez-Nino, S. A. Pascacio. "Novel method for detecting interlamination short-circuits in a stator core based on measurement of eddy-current losses in power generators," Institute of Physics Publishing Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 14, pp. 2104-10, 2003. [53] "Generator core overheating risk assessment - core model studies," EPRI, USA., Report No. 1009855, 2004. Sandy Smith was previously at Imperial College, Cambridge University and Brook Crompton as Head of Research. He joined UMIST (Manchester) in 2000 as a Senior Lecturer, becoming Professor of Electrical Machines in 2007 and also Director of the Roll-Royce University Technology Centre on Power Conversion Systems. He is a Fellow of the IET (formerly IEE), SMIEEE, and currently Editor of the IET Journal – Electrical Systems in Transportation. Research interests are in design and modelling of motors, generators and drives. [54] D. R. Bertenshaw, B. Chapman, "EL CID results interpretation in the presence of substantial core faults," presented at: EPRI European Turbine Generator User Group Workshop, June Madrid, Spain, 2009. [55] C. W. Ho, D. R. Bertenshaw, A. C. Smith, T. Chan, M. Sasic. "Threedimensional finite element analysis of large electrical machine stator core faults," Electric Power Applications, IET, vol. 8(2), pp. 60-7, 2014. [56] T. J. Roberts. "Determination of the thermal constants of the heat flow equations of electrical machines," Proceedings of the Institution Cigre Science & Engineering • N°4 February 2016 52