(No Model.) E. GARDARELLI. 2 Sheets-Sheet 1. LOADING 0R U'NLOADING APPARATUS. No. 505,749. ' Patented Sept. 26, 1893. mmmumm: (No Model.) “ A‘ ' E. :GARDAR‘ELLI. _ " 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. LOADING 0R UNLOADIING APPARATUS. Patented Sept. 26. 1893.’ No. 505,749. 0/1/1111 ‘.1 . rllllllll I.“ Z HIM/m ~77 '7 . - Mg , ‘ .. 912291761‘ 7 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ‘ EMILlO CARDARELLI, OF SUMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA, ASSIGNOR OF ONE ’ HALF TO GEORGE W. DICK, OF SAME PLACE. LOADING OR UNLOADING APPARATUS. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 505,749, dated September 26, 1893. Application ?led November 30, 1892. Serial No. 453,674. (No model.) the sliding cog lock plate (Z. The cog lock To all whom it’ may concern. Be it known that I, EMILIO CARDARELLI, a plate d, is secured to the inner end of the citizen of the United States, residing at Sum sliding bar d’, arranged to slide under the ter, in the county of Sumter and State of truck platform and provided on its outer‘ end South Carolina, have invented a new and use with an upturned ‘tongue 61?, projecting up f 111 Loading or Unloading Apparatuspf which through a slot (13, in the platform, and adapted the following is a speci?cation. ‘. This invention relates to loading or unload 55 to be held stationary by the sliding lock bolt ' E, mounted to slide in suitable keepers e, on ing apparatus; and it has for its object to pro top of the truck platform and he slid behind vide a machine of this character, which by the tongue 01?, when the lock plate has been means of its portability and several adj ust drawn into engagement with the teeth of the ' ments, is especially available for use in trans cog ring. This construction provides means ferring goods from point to point, particu for holding the revoluble standard frame larly in loading and unloading railway cars locked in any turned position. Arising from opposite sides of the base plate I5 and vessels. To this end the invention primarily con of the revoluble standard frame are the op IO 65 templates certain improvements in portable posite tubular guide standards F, having the loading or unloading apparatus, whereby the central longitudinal slots f, extending from same shall be better adapted for the work. and their lower to their upper ends so as to ac commodate the sliding movement or the ver be under the ready control of the operator. With these and many other objects in view tical adjustment of certain shafts to be here which will readily appear as the nature of the inafterdescribed. The opposite slotted tubu invention is better understood, the same con~ lar guide standards accommodate the oppo sists in the novel construction, combination site vertically adjustable rack bars G, one 75 and arrangement of parts, hereinafter more face of which is toothed, and the upper and 25 and lower ends of which are connected by the fully described, illustrated and claimed. In the accompanying draWings:—-Figure 1 end cross bars g, g’ which complete arack bar is a perspective view of a conveyer for load frame, so that the adjustment of both rack 20 ing and unloadingapparatus set up in position bars is simultaneous, the upper cross bar form for use. Fig. 2 is a central vertical longitudi nal sectional view of the same. Fig. 3 is a vertical transverse sectional view on the line w—:1: of Fig.2. Fig. 4 is a horizontal sectional View on the line y-—gj of Fig. 2. Fig. 5 is a 35 detail bottom perspective view of the car. ing a pivot rod for the‘ track to be described. ' Mounted in suitable bearings H, at one side of the tubulrr guide standards is the rack‘ bar frame operating shaft h, which shaft carries near opposite ends- thereof the pinions or cog wheels h’, projecting through slots in the sides‘ Referring to the accompanying drawings, of the tubular guide standards and meshing A represents a platform truck mounted on the wheels B, which provide means for car with the opposite rack bars, so that the entire rying the truck from point to point. Mount ed upon the platform truck A, is the revolu ble standard frame 0, having the lower base plate 0, provided with a central pivot bolt a’, passing through and bolted to the platform any position desired. The shaft It, carries suitable hand spokes ha, to provide for the' turning of the shaft, and in order to loot: the shaft stationary after the rack bar frame has been'adj usted, I employ a sliding lock bar I. rack bar frame can be raised and lowered to . ‘ .9° of the truck so as to pivotally support the The lock bar I, is mounted to slide in a suit 95 45 standard frame thereon. The base plate 0, able guide t', secured at one side of the stand of the revoluble standard frame carries the ard frame, and is provided with the opposite anti-friction supporting rollers 02, which travel locking tongue t", which may be simultane upon the ?at truck platform and hold the ously slid in and out of engagement with the standard frame steady when‘turned thereon. Secured to the under side of the base plate 0, teeth of the pinions or cog wheels h’. ' Pivotally mounted at its center on the up is the cog ring D, inside of which is arranged per cross bar or rod g’, of the vertically ad 505,749 j ustable rack bar frame is the pivoted track of the extension sections. The opposite por section J. The pivoted track section J, com tions of the rope or wire O,.are adapted to prises the opposite connected rail j, having be looped or woundon the stay hooks 0, se 70 the inner face grooves or channels j’, said rails of the pivoted track section being pro cured to opposite sides of the standard frame, to provide means for the attachment of the vided atv their opposite ends with bridles ‘72, retaining rope or wire thereto, to hold the on each of which are mounted the oppositely track stationary in its tilted position. In working sliding locking bolts f, the function IO of which will .be presently apparent. Ar ranged to slide over each end of the pivoted case it is not necessary to elevate the rack 75 bar frame, in order to lock the pivoted track in its tilted position, I employ the sliding lock track section J, are the opposite end sliding bar P, arranged on one side of the standard extension sections K, which provide means frame and provided with the locking tongues for lengthening and shortening the track as 19, adapted to be slid in and out of engage ment with the teeth of the toothed segments 15 tension sections K, comprises the opposite as shown in Fig. 2, but said locking bar rails 70, which are duplicate construotionsof may be attached directly to the rack bar the rails of the pivoted sections.v Each of the frame if desired. At this point it may be rails of the end extension sections is provided further observed with respect to the retain 85 with a series of sockets or keepers 70', which ‘ ing rope or wire, that it is only necessary are adapted to receive the locking bolts 3'3, to attach one portion thereof to one of the thus providing means for locking the exten stay hooks 0, when the machine is being used sion sections K, to the main pivoted track sec to load from a low point to a high point, in tion at any extended position. order that the lowest end of the track may Secured centrally to the under side of the be prevented from rising too far when the 90 25 pivoted track section J, are the parallel weighted car is traveling over the higher por toothed segments L, the teeth of which mesh tion of the track and would tend to lower with the track operating pinions or cog wheels such high portion. The rope or wire can be M. The pinions or cog wheels M, are secured used in various ways to hold or bring the 95 on the transverse counterbalanced operating or lowering the same or for adjusting it so shaft N, which shaft isjournaled at each end track into any position, for quickly raising in the opposite verticallyadjustable rack bars that the track is allowed a limited play, which of the rack bar frame, and the ends of said depends entirely upon the use to which the shaft also work in the central slots of the guide apparatus is put. I00 occasion may require, and each of the end ex standards, so that the shafts can be carried Mounted to run over the track from end to ' 35 up and down with the rack frame. At one end thereof is the ?at car Q, on the underside end of the shaft N, is secured a suitable op-. of which are mounted the axles q, carrying erating crank handle a, while the opposite at each end thereof the guide wheels or roll end of the shaft is provided with a threaded ers g’, which work in the inner face grooves nut or block a’, which adjustably receives or channels of the rails, so that the platform I05 the threaded stem W, to one end of which is car is held and guided to its work over the secured the over and eounterbalancin g weight track, and is prevented from becoming dis 77.3. Now it will be readily seen that by placed, and the same is further provided with means of the counterbalanced shaft and the segments of the pivoted track, the said track 45 and its extensions can be tilted to either side of the standard frame or to any position or angle desired, the adjustable Weight at one end of said shaft providing meansto assist in tilting the track in any direction. It will 50 be seen that the pendulum weight at one end of the shaft N, while it assists to raise the lowest end of the tilted track to a higher level, at the same time after the weight has the side retaining ?anges g2, which overlap tion. Journaled in bearing lugs R, project ing from the bottom of the car platform are the adjustable rollers r, to which rollers are secured one end of the car operating wires r’, the other ends of .;wl1ich are attached to the operating mechanism to be described. The rollers 0“, have the opposite journal ends r2, one of which is provided with a right angu larly disposed locking portion r3, which is passed beyond its perpendicular position, it adapted to be held into engagement with any 55 necessarily eases the fall of the other end of the track which is being lowered, inasmuch as the weight tends to fall in an opposite di rection to the fall of the end of the track. The weight can be adjusted as desired. Af 60 ter the track has been tilted to any set posi tion, the same may be held ?rm in such po , tion when the rack bar frame is elevated, by means of the retaining rope or wire 0. The ends of the rope or wire are secured to the pivoted track at each side of its pivotal sup port, it being illustrated that the ends of the rope or wire are connected to the inner ends IIO the sides of the rails and hold the car in posi [20 one of a series of retaining notches 7-4, which are formed in any suitable number on oneside of one of the bearing lugs R. The length of the rollers r, is slightly less than the distance I25 between the bearing lugs, so that the rollers can be moved laterally in order to disengage the locking ends thereof from the notches of the bearing lugs, and thereby allow the rope to be wound up thereon or unwound, accord— ing to the extension of the track sections, said rollers being used to take up the slack of the operating wires. After the wires have been wound or ‘unwound on the rollers r, suf 505,749 ?eiently, the same are moved laterally to ing the same I may employ the opposite’ bring the locking portions of their journals swinging weights W, suitably‘ arranged and into engagement with the notches of one of having connected thereto the weight cords it, 76 the bearings, and the same are held in this locking engagement by means of the screws or pins S. The screws or pins S, are mounted to work at each end of the car and have their which are connected at their other ends to the lower end of the vertically adjustable frame thereby greatly facilitating the raisin and lowering thereof. . inner ends project into and plug the space Having thus described my invention, what 75 between the roller ends and the bearing lugs I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Pat IO with the notches, so that the same are held immovable or stationary until another ad en t, is“ 1. In a portable loading and unloading ap j ustment is necessary. At each end of the ?at paratus, a wheeled platform truck, a verti platform car Q, are pivoted the opposite end cally adjustable support revolubly mounted boards T. Each of the end boards T, is pivoted on said truck, means for holding said support at one end to one end of the Hat car body, stationary in any turned position, an extensi and is provided upon the under side thereof ble track pivotally mounted on said support, with the angularly disposed loop or eye t, ‘and a ?at conveyer car adapted to slide over which is designed to receive the supporting said track back and forth between the ends 85 screw 15', the inner end of which engages the thereof, substantially as set forth. threaded block 29, arranged at each end of the 2. The combination with a wheeled plat flat car on the under side thereof. It is of course understood that one or both of the end form; of a revoluble hollow standard frame bolted to said platform and provided with boards can be held up from the track by the anti-friction rollers moving thereon and a cog means just described in order to hold the ob— ring, a sliding cog lock plate arranged inside 25 jects on the car and prevent the same from of said ring and adapted to engage the same sliding off, but when carrying articles from at any point means for locking said cog plate the lower end of the pivoted-track to the in and out of engagement with said cog ring, higher end thereof, the end board at the then a vertically adjustable frame mounted in the 95 lower end of the car is held up from the track standardv frame, an extensible track pivot-ed so as to form a lower support for the articles to the vertically adjustable frame, and a con on the car, while the opposite end board rests veyer'car adapted to slide on said track, sub ?at on the track. With the end boards thus stantially as set forth. disposed it will be seen that articles may be 3. The combination with the wheeled plat conveyed from one side of the apparatus to form, of a revoluble standard frame bolted 35 the other and the car returned to its position to the platform and havinga lower base plate automatically. After the car has ascended providedwith anti-friction supporting rollers the track up to its point of pivot or fulcrum, and a cog ring, a sliding cog lock plate mount the track can be so adjusted that the loaded ed on the platform and arranged within the [05 car will tilt the high end of the track and cog ring to engage the same at any point and thus drop its load automatically. After the provided with an upturned tongue atone end, a locking bolt for the cog lock plate adapted car has thus relieved itself of its load the weight at one end of the shaft N, will cause to slide in front of said upturned tongue, an the track to assume its original position and adjustable frame mounted within the stand allow the unloaded car to fall back to its start ard frame, the pivoted track and the con—. 45 ing point. [IO veyer car adapted to move over the track From ‘the foregoing it is thought that the back and forth between its- ends, substan construction, operation and many advantages tially as set forth. ‘ of the herein~described apparatus will be read 4:. In an apparatus of the class described, [15 ily understood by those skilled in the art and the combination of a revolublestandardframe I would have it understood that changes in having opposite tubular’ guide standards, the form, proportion, and the minor details means for holding the frame in any set posi of construction may be resorted to without tion, opposite connected rack bars mounted departing from the principle or sacri?cing in said tubular standards, a hand operated I20 any of the advantages of this invention. shaft mounted at one side of the standard It will of course be apparent that in order frame and carrying pinions or cog wheels 55 to move the car in either direction over the adapted to mesh with the teeth of the rack tra'ck, I employ the double winding drum or bars, a lock for said pinions orcog wheels, the Windlass U, journaled in the rack bar frame extensible track pivoted to the upper ends of r25 and carried in its adjustments therewith, said the rack bars, and the conveyer car adapted winding drum or Windlass being operated by to move over the track, substantially as set means of the crank wheel V, which is ar ranged adjacent to a suitable platform '1), 65 forth. ‘ 5. The combination with a wheeled plat which may be at one side of the revoluble form; of a revoluble standard frame mounted frame for convenience in operating the ma for adjustment on the wheeled platform and chineif raised too high to reach from the truck. having the opposite tubular guide standards, In order to assist in overcoming the weight a vertically adjustable rack bar frame mov of the vertically adjustable frame while rais ing in said guide standards, means for ad 4 505,749 j usting said rack bar frame, a track pivoted at its center to the upper end of said vertically sion sections in any adjusted position, means for tilting the pivoted section, and the car, adjustable rack bar frame, counterbalancing substantially as set forth. devices for the track, and a conveyer car adapted to move over the track, substantially as set forth. IO 6. The combination with a wheeled plat~ form; of a vertically adjustable re voluble sup port mounted on the platform, an extensible track pivoted or fulcrumed on said support and provided with toothed adjustment seg ments, a counter-balanced shaft mounted in 12. The combination with a wheeled plat form, of an adjustable support mounted on said platform, a ?xed track section pivoted at its center to said support, and comprising opposite inner rails having inner face grooves 75 or channels, opposite extension sections ar ranged to slide over each end of the pivoted track section and having duplicate rails, and keepers or sockets under each rail, oppositely working locking bolts arranged at each end said support and carrying pinions or cog wheels meshing with said segments, and the , of the pivoted track section and adapted to 15 conveyor car on the track, substantially as set forth. engage the keepers of the extension sections, means for tilting the pivoted track section, 7. The combination of a revoluble standard and the car having opposite guide rollers or wheels working in the face grooves or chan frame, vertically adjustable supports mount ed within said frame, a track pivoted on said nels of the rails and opposite retaining ?anges supports and provided with toothed segments overlapping the sides of the rails, substan secured to the under side of the samebetween the supports, an operating shaft journaled in said supports and carried thereby and pro 85 tially as set forth. 13. The combination with atrack, the rails of which have inner face grooves or chan~ ‘ vided at one end With a threaded nut or block, nels, of a ?at car mounted to run over the pinions or cog wheels mounted on the shaft to mesh with the toothed segments, a counter track and provided with under guide rollers or wheels working in said face grooves or and overbalancing weight having a threaded channels, and opposite retain-in g ?anges over stem engaging said nut or block, and the car ' lapping the sides of the'rails, threaded blocks 95 on the track, substantially as set forth. arranged at each end of the car and on the 8. The combination with asuitable support; under side thereof, end boards hinged or piv of a track pivoted to said support and having oted to the ends of the car body and provided toothed segments, an operating shaft jour on their under sides with’angularly disposed naled on said support and having pinions loops or eyes, and supporting screws adapted meshing with said segments and a threaded to work through said loops or eyes and en‘ 35 end, a counter and overbalancing weight pro gage said threaded blocks to support the end 30 vided with a threaded stem engaging the I00 boards above the track,substantially as set threaded end of the shaft and adapted to forth. counter and overbalance the‘ track, and a con veyer car, adapted to move over the track, substantially as set forth. 14.. The combination with a suitable sup [05 port; of a double drum or Windlass journaled within the support, a track pivoted on the 9. The combination with a‘ wheeled plat form; of a revoluble standard frame mounted at both ends, a flat car arranged to move‘over ' support and having guide pulleys or rollers on the platform,a vertically adjustable frame the track, adjustable rollers-journaled under mounted in the standard frame, a track piv the car, means for holding the rollers sta 45 oted at its center to the upper end of said ver ‘ tionary, and the car operating wires connect tically adjustable frame, counter and over ed at one end to a roller, passing over the end balancing operating devices for tilting the guide pulleys or rollers of the track and con track, means for holding the track in any nected at their other ends to the double wind I15 tilted position, and the car adapted to move lass or drum, substantially as set forth. over the track, substantially as set forth. _ 15. The combination with an adjustable 10. The combination of an adjustable sup support, of a double drum or Windlass jour port, the tilting track pivoted on said support, naled within the support, a tilting track piv means for adjusting the track,stay hooks ar oted on the support and having guide pul ranged at each side of the support,- a retain leys or rollers at both ends, a ?at car arranged 55 ing rope or wire connected at its ends to op to move over the track, bearing lugs project posite portions of the track on each side of ing from the bottom of the car one of said the pivot or fulcrum and adapted to be looped lugs in each pair being provided with a'series on either or both of the stay hooks, and the of retaining notches at one side, winding and I25 car, substantially as set forth. unwinding rollers journaled‘ in said bearing 11. The combination with a wheeled plat lugs and having a lateral play therebetween, form, of an adjustable support mounted on one of the journaled ends of each roller be said platform, a ?xed track section pivoted ing provided with a right-angularly disposed at its center on said support, and comprising locking portion which is adapted to engage opposite connected rails having inner face and disengage said notches, locking screws or 65 grooves or channels, opposite extension sec pins mounted at each end of the car body and tions arranged to slide over each end of the adapted to plug the space between the roller pivoted section, means for holding the exten ends and the bearing lugs with the notches ' 505,749 to hold the rollers stationary, and the operat- my own I have hereto affixed my signature in - ing wires wound at one end on said rollers the presence of two witnesses. under the car passimr over the 0"uide wheels at the ends of, the @521; and wozhnd at their 5 outer ends on separate portions of the double Windlass or drum, substantially as set forth. In testimony that I claim the foregoing as ‘ v EMILIO OARDARELLI" Witnesses: J. H. SIGGERS, H. G. PIERSON.