Electric sadiron

Jan. 25, 1927.
Filed Sept. 24, 1925
2 >Sì'wets--Shemt 2
> BY
Patented Jan. 25, 1927.
-appiieatam mea september 24, im. seriei ne. sans.
l1`his invention relates to electric sadirons in, approximately on the line 1-1 of Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 is a section approximately on the
i and more particularly to devices of that na
ture having automatic means for regulating line 2-2 of Fig. 1. `
1 Fig. 3 is a section on the line 3-3 of
the temperature of the iron.
Among the objects of this invent-ion lis-to Fig.1I 4 is- an end lview of the interior struc
vprovide an electric sadiron or the like com
prising a‘tliermostat arranged to o erate 1n> ture of the iron and showing a step in the
conjunction with means for contro ling the assemblage thereof.
Fig. 5 is a diagram of the circuit.
-ñow of current to the heating coil whereby
the temperature of the iron is automatically
- regulated.
Anotherobject of this invention‘is to pro
Fig. 6 is a plan view showing the heating
coi .
Fig. 7 is a section on the line 7-7 of Fig. 6.
Referrin' now more specifically to the
vide an electric sadiron or the like compris
ing a shoe arran ed for normal co-operation drawings show my invention as compris
with the iron an in such manner that the ex ing a sadiron having a shoe 10 of relatively
)ansibility of the body of the iron is utilized> thin `material and a mass of heat conducting
material 11 extending alon the iron to
heated up and thus reventing warping of which the shoe is secured 1n any suitable
l’ma-nner. The‘layer of iron 1'1 is provided‘
¿the shoe
and other'i 1l) effects.
20 *Another ob'ect of the invention is to pro with a recess 12 adjacent to the shoe wherein
i ` or retaining the shoe tautl when the iron is
vide an electric sadiron having a body com
is positioned a thermostat 13 secured to said
prising a mass of heat conducting material layer as by meansof a screw 14, the thermo- y v
arranged yto give` weight to the sadiron, a stat being arranged to lie preferably directly _
layer of insulation extending along said body » adjacent to the shoe so as to be readily re
and arranged to contain devices for con sponsive to the temperature thereof.
trollin the ílow of current to the heating . The body 11 is formed with novel engag
coil o the sadiron, a shell being provide ing means extending along the outside there
for the outside of the iron, and novel fast of near the bottom of the iron, the shoe 10 85
eners co-operating to retain the different having engagement with said means in such
parts of the iron in engagement with each mannervas to lie snugly along the iron. To
other and to revent any strain from going provide for simplicity of_ construction said
upon the insu ating material.
engaging means takes preferably the form
Still another object of this invention is to of a projection 15 extending continuously
provide an electric sadiron which comprises around the iron, the shoe 10 being beaded to
85 a heating, coil and automatic means for con
en age over said projection whereby a neat
trolling the flow of current theretofdepend-` an rigid fastening is provided for.Y While
ing upon the predetermined desired .tempera the block 11 may be formed of any suitable
ture of the iron, the v,various parts of the .iron metal -i't is preferably made of cast -iron
being especially arranged to permit of rapid 'while the shoe 10 is composed of a metal of
(0 assembla , of manufacture at low cost, and such a heat conductivity with relation to the
4to - rovi e particularly a sadiron which is «heat conductivity of the member 11 that the
foo -proof in operation and Iis adapted for difference in expansion as between the two
long and continuous use.
members may be utilized to retain the shoe
With the foregoing and other objects in 10 in taut position. More specificall , such
view the invention consists in the arrange shoe is formed of stainless steel an has a
ment and combination of partsy hereinafter lower co-eñìcient of expansion than the mem
described and claimed, and while the inven ber 11. In this way when the iron is heated
tion is not restricted to the exact details of up inany suitable manner and more s eciñ 105
construction’ disclosed \. or suggested herein, cally as will be. indicated hereinafter, t e ex
still for the purpose of illustrating a prac pansion of the member 11 will begreater
tical embodiment thereof reference is had to than that of the shoe and will operate to the accom anying drawings in’which like prevent war in1 thereof and to retain the
lreference c aracters designate the same parts same in er ect y smooth flat condition. A 110
shell 16 1s provided to inclose the sadiron,
in the several views, and in which
n Fi re .1 is a vertical section of the sad
iron s owing the operating mechanism there
said shell being formed of relatively thin
material and of any suitable metal, novel
fastening means being provided operative 30 which extends through the members 11
between the base portion of the iron such and 20 and is arranged slidably therein and
' as the member 11 and the top portion of said for direct abutment as between the spring
shcll so as to secure _said shell in 'fixed re and the thermostat.v Thus it will be seen
lation tcrthe iron and in spaced position'rela from Fig.' 5 that when the iron is heated up
tively thereto to prevent said shell from be and the thermostat operates the pin 80 bc- '
ing subjected to any undue stress, said fas comes effective for breaking the contact.
tening means having preferably engagement The pin 30 is constructed preferably of
dlrectly with a handle 17 whereby the weight square cross section while holes 31 through
of the member 11 is borne directlv by the which it is arranged to pass are of round l75
More specifically. said fastening formation. thus minimizing the frictional «
means includes a bolt 18 which is threaded vcontact between the pin and the surround
into the member 11. said bolt extending con ing. members. The ends of the pin are
tinuously upward through the shell and into beveled to a point as shown at 32 to insure
engagement with said handlel as by means ofA accurate operation. The spring 27 is made
the nuts 18‘1. suitable spacing means being of U-form as shown at 33 to provide for
provided such as the sleeves 19 for the pur
a plurality of points of engagement there
of with the insulating member» 25. An elec
'l‘o provide for'additional heat capacity tric conductor 34 which is formed of ñat
of the iron, l use_a member 20 formed of material of relatively large cross'scction has
metal and extending along the member 11, a contact with the spring at both points and
heating coil 21 being positioned _directly be extends continuously lengthwise of the iron
tween said members. The member 20 is pro and downwardly through the chamber 26 in
pose setfort-h hereinber'ore.
vided with holes 22 through which the bolts to engagement with the heating coil. The
18 pass freely, nuts 23 being screwed down member 20 has a cut out 35 at the rear of' 00
. upon the bolts after the same have been theiron to facilitate the fastening of the
,threaded into the base member 11 so as to re coil to the conductor 34. ’A conductor 36
tain saidmembers in rigid engagement with is provided likewise having contact with the
each other and the heating coil in eiiicient bracket 28 and extending into engagement
heat conducting relation to said members. with a contact bar 37 of the socket connec 95
The spacin sleeve 19 which is mounted up tion 38.
on said bei has abutment against the up
Said socket connection comprises a plu~
per part of the nut 23 and against a re-»en ralitß7 of the contact pins 37 which arepo
forcement or anchor member 24 provided sitioned in spaced relation to each other and
upon the shell 16 and through which the bolt are suitably insulated as by means of plates
is 4arranged to pass into engagement with the of insulation 39 and by means of the insula
handle. fit will ~be seen that this arrange’ tion sleeves 40. A bracket 41 is provided
‘ment provides particularly for a sadiron to support said socket, said bracket being
having suitable mass and weight and ar secured directly to the member 20 as by
ranged to be neatly and rigidly secured to means of screws 42. The socket comprises
getherio prevent undue strain of any part a shell 43 while contact pins 37 are formed
of the iron and thus eliminate the possibil with’the integral nuts 44 so that thesocket
ity of any parts of the interior becoming
loose and causing dissatisfaction.
may be assembled directly by u `
a wrench
upon the nuts 44, the lower ends o said pins
'insulating means 25 is provided within` being threaded to engage into the nuts 44",
‘the shell 16 extending along the layer 20, thus securing the parts of the electrical
-said insulating means being so arranged as socket
in connection with each other and to
to contain a suitable make and break mech
anism which controls the flow of current- to
the heating coil. Thus it will be seenA that
‘the layer is hollowed out to provide a. cham~
ber 26, and receives a make and break contact
mechanism including av spring 27 and a
the electric conducting members and in po
sition upon the bracket 41.
The method of assemblage of the iron as 115
thus far described may be seen by observ
ing Fig. 4 whichY shows the shoe fastened
upon the member 11 while the member 20 is
bracket 28, the spring and „bracket being secured down by means of the~ bolts 23, the
likewiseA fastened in position.
insulation, novel contact vmeans being pro It will nowîe necessary merel to fasten the
v1ded borne by said springend said> bracket, make and break mechanism into the layer
mounted in any suitable manner as upon the ' socket bein
' the contacting face 29 of ‘said contact means of insulation and to position the same upon
being inclined at an angle to the direction the iron, and finally to slip the shell 16 into
of movement of the spring so as to give an l osition and fasten the handle 17 in place
eñ'ective wiping contact and insure a proper y means of the nuts 18".
and effective electrical action. Means 1s pro
The heating coil 21 is constructed in a
vided to render the operation of the thermo novel manner, ther` winding bein’g formed of
stat-¿effective to said make and break con; wire 45-of iiat cross sectionQwound uponra
tact, said' means taking the form of -a. pin 'supporting member 46 which may be com
posed of insulating material such as mica, a the test condition is-met. The pin is readily
down or otherwise shortened for this _
pair of insulating plates 5() being provided tiled
to lie without the coil and disposed at the purpose. The make and break contact de#
vice being positioned in the chamber 26
sides thereof. The heating coil 2l is formed within
the insulation block is. retained un~ 70
ot U-'shape so as to, provide a space for the
passage of the bolts 18. I provide a novel
method of winding the wire 45 upon the
member 46 as liy turning the wire continu
ously upon one a'rin ot the U toward the
crotch thereof and then winding the wire
from side to side ofthe U continuously to
ward the point 47 thereof and then' leading
the wire back by means of a bend as lshown~
der uniform (ìperating conditions and against
disturbance ue -to changes in the ,atmos
phei'e, such as an increase in humidity which
would promote arcing across the contacts,
or an increase in circulation of the air
about the iron which would cool the upper
part thereof more rapidly and change the
expansion and relative position of the parts
the make and break contact device, thus
atflt'l toward the crotch of the U and then ot`
the gap between the contacts and
continuing the winding along the other side consequently
the adjustment ot said device
of the U inembcr »toward the end thereof.
to the thermostat.
An insulating ’plate 4€) is inserted beneath relative
The liet form of the wire used in the heat~
the portion 4b’ to insulate the same from
ing coil possesses numerous advantages in
the rest. ot' the winding.. 'lt willthus be that
increase in heating efficiency of the
seen that the heating coil ,is particularly coil isanobtained
a greater surface for
adapted for compact construction and that the transmission since
heat of the coil to
- extensive wear or cutting action upon the
for. The
mica plates 4o and 5() is prevented inasmuch excessive drop in the temperature
as be
as the wire is disposed with the larger sides
tlie heating coil and the body of Ithe
thereof extending along said platcs'so that tween
thc bearing action of the members l1 and iron is thus eliminated, permitting‘the coil
to be operated at somewhat lower tempera
for .the same predeterminedtemplerapress the mica plates against the wire will
eat '
be eliminated.
coil is thus obtaine
It will be seen that the shoe'l() constitutes ingWhile
any type of connection can be used
what is in effect a veneer for the sadiron cov
I use preferably an an
ering the relatively rough surface of the gle member 53coil,
connected to said coil by
cast iron block 11. Machining or finishing means of a bolt 54
to the socket by the lll()
of any kind is eliminated. Moreover, said nut 44”. Likewise and
,member 55 is
35 shoe is made of rustless, stainless. metal and
with bolts 56 and 57, the former to con
can be highly olished and in general used
worked more satisfactorily than the block nect with the heating coil and the latter with
the conductor 34.
,11 could be.
I claim:
The handle 17 is spaced from the shell 16
In an electriesadiron, the combination
of the sadiron by means of the washers 24 of 1.a body,
an electric heating coil, a thermo
to provide an air space to retain the handle stat, and make
and break contact means in
20 upon the heating coil tending to coni
iii as cool condition as ossible.
The projecting ~ortion 15 provides a sad
the body co-operative with said thermostat
iron which is particularly facilitated for the
ironing of frills, rutlles and the like where
the edge portion of the iron must be'used.
to re ulate the flow of current to said coil„
said gbody comprising insulation serving to
it will be understood that my invention con
contact means including . a- spring contact ll5
enclose said make and break contact means
make the same more uniformly res onsive
ÑVhile the projecting member extends wholly to
the heat .of said coil, the make an break
about the iron to simplify the construction
templates any_ specific arrangement` of this
In an electric sadiron, the combination
member in regard to size'or position as may of 2.a body
having a mass of heat conducting
be desired.
the base oithe iron, and a layer
The insulation member 25 will be under of insulation
«the top of the iron, a
stood as having suitable strengthening mate shell 4enclosingalong
body, fasteners having
ria-l to . atïord the necessar
engagement with said mass of heat conduct
strength thereto. Said block
material, spacing sleeves surrounding
material is provided with cutouts 51 and- ing
fasteners to retain the shell in s aced
holes 52 to receive the »bracket 41 and the predetermined
relation to said mass o heat
heads of the screws 42 res ctively, the lat
conducting material and prevent said layer 25
ter being directly accessi le through said of
insulation from being subjected to stress, '
holes as by mea-nsof a screw driver for en-4
upper end of said fasteners extending
gaging the‘bracket to the block- 20 if desired.l through
secured to
The invention contemplates «preferably a said ends.said shell, and a handle
factoryfadiustment for the switch mecha-v
nism, the p_m 30 being altered length until ¿3. In _a sadiron, the combination of a body
of relatively strong rigid material having an
portion extending along the sides of „
engaging portion extending along the sides flange
the iron near the base thereof, and a shoe 25
.of the iron near the base thereof, and a shoe of relatively thin sheet material of a. lower
of relatively thin sheet material `for the iron
expansibility under heat .than said body and
having engagement with said engaging por having
an inturned flange to' embrace the
tion and whereby the shoe is retained in taut flange of
the body and extend inwardly
condition 'along the body.
thereover in a direction approximately par
4. ’l‘he combination as Set forth in claim allel
to the base ofy the 1ron to ermit of
3 wherein said shoe is composed of a metal relative movement as between Sai shoe and
having a lower expansibility under heat than said body under expansion and contraction
said body.
5. A sadiron comprising a. block of rigid
heat conducting material, and a -sllo'e having
engagement with the block, said shoe being
due to heat, the flange of the shoe having
snu contact with the side edges of the flange
ot' t 1e bod to be retained in taut condition
along the ody when the iron is heated up,
made of stainless metal covering the outside i the engagement of the ñanges as aforesa1d
of said block and constituting a veneer, said serving to retain the shoe in engagement with
shoe having engagement with the block the bodyv as when the iron is cooled and the
around the side surfaces thereof and/having body contracts lmore than the shoe eliminat
a lower co-ellicient of lexpansion -than the ing
engagement along the _ side
block to grip the same snugly when the iron edgesfrietional
of the body flan e. _
is heated up.
6. In a sadiron, the combination of a body
of relatively strong rigid material having a
In testimony whereoë I afiix my signature.