Mr *>^ Appendix B The University of West Florida Division of Academic Affairs Request to Explore and Plan a New Academic Program Template Name of the proposed program: B.S. Mechanical Engineering Level and degree name: Undergraduate, BS Mechanical Engineering Proposed CIP code: 14.1901 Offering department: Contact person: Electrical and Computer Engineering Mohamed Khabou Telephone: E-mail: (850) 857-6031 Offering college: Science, Engineering and Health Proposed implementation date: Fall 2016 Description of the proposed program including principal student learning outcomes: The creation of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) at UWF is in direct response to the increased workforce demand for mechanical engineers in northwest Florida and consistent requests to start such a program by the local community. For example, during the 2011-2012 Academic Visioning process, BSME was one of the top-priority programs requested by the internal and external stakeholders at UWF. The proposed program is envisioned to: 1) Respond directly to the regional and state workforce needs. To this end, the Engineering Advisory Council (EAC) membership has been revised to include representatives of local businesses, research labs, and the military community who typically hire mechanical engineers. A survey is being developed/conducted to determine the area(s) of specialization that are most relevant to the region's needs. The survey results will provide important information to consider as the program curriculum is developed in detail. 2) Be a hands-on, high-quality program that will seek ABET accreditation as soon as it graduates its first bachelor's students or shortly thereafter. The program will include an engineering design sequence that begins in the freshman yearand culminates in a capstone experience in the senior year. The success of Electrical and Computer Engineering's (ECE) Unmanned Systems Lab, the student satisfaction with the capstone project experience, and the Vision 2030 report of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) emphasize the importance of integrating the design experience/component as early as possible in the curriculum. Because of the ABET accreditation goal, the program will be designed to satisfy student