Minimization of Switching Losses in Cascaded Multilevel Inverters

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
! P. Satish Kumar, K. Ramakrishna, Ch. Lokeshwar Reddy, G. Sridhar
International Science Index, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
Abstract—This paper presents two different sequential switching
hybrid-modulation strategies and implemented for cascaded
multilevel inverters. Hybrid modulation strategies represent the
combinations of Fundamental-frequency pulse width modulation
(FFPWM) and Multilevel sinusoidal-modulation (MSPWM)
strategies, and are designed for performance of the well-known
Alternative Phase opposition disposition (APOD), Phase shifted
carrier (PSC). The main characteristics of these modulations are the
reduction of switching losses with good harmonic performance,
balanced power loss dissipation among the devices with in a cell, and
among the series-connected cells. The feasibility of these
modulations is verified through spectral analysis, power loss analysis
and simulation.
Keywords—Cascaded multilevel inverters, hybrid modulation,
power loss analysis, pulse width modulation.
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HE multilevel inverters are finding increased attention in
industries as a choice of electronic power conversion for
medium voltage and high-power applications, because
improving the output waveform of the inverter reduces its
respective harmonic content and, hence the size of the filter
used and the level of electromagnetic interference (EMI)
generated by switching operation [1]. Various multilevel
inverter (MLI) structures are reported in the literature, and the
cascaded MLI (CMLI) appears to be superior to other inverter
topologies in application at high power rating due to its
modular nature of modulation, control and protection
requirements of each full bridge inverter (FBI) [2]. The CMLI
synthesizes a medium voltage output based on a series
connection of power cells that use standard low-voltage
component configurations [3].
:>? :1 ?30 8:/@7,?4:9 80?3:/> /0A07:;0/ 1:= 4>
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P. Satish Kumar and K. Ramakrishna are with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania
Ch. Lokeshwar Reddy is with the Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India.
G. Sridhar is with the Department of EEE, Jyothishmathi Institute of
Technology & Science, Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, India.
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(3) 2014
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the inverter topology used to verify the
proposed hybrid modulations.
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
%%# ,9/ #) ;@7>0> ,=0 >,80 1:= ,77 49A0=?0= .077>
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#%B,A01:=81:=0A0=D.07749, International Science Index, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
Fig. 2 Sinusoidal reference and carriers of MSPWM operation
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A. Basic Principle of Modulation
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Fig. 3 Scheme of proposed sequential switching hybrid modulation
B. Base Modulation Design
9 ?34> 8:/@7,?4:9 >?=,?02D ?3=00 -,>08:/@7,?4:9 ;@7>0>
,=0 900/0/ 1:= 0,.3 .077 :;0=,?4:9 49 , >0<@09?4,7
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International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(3) 2014
Fig. 4 Block diagram of five-level base modulator for: (a) HAPOD
and (b) HPSC Scheme
International Science Index, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
C.Base PWM Circulation
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Fig. 5 Scheme of base PWM circulation for five-level
A. Hybrid Modulation Controller
&30 .:8-490> %%# #) ,9/ %#) ?3,?
;=:/@.0> %% ;@7>0> ? 4> /0>4290/ -D @>492 , >48;70
s2 ABC' A B and
s3 A BC' A B
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s2' ABD' A B
s3' A BD' A B
s4' ABD' AB
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.077,9/ 4>,9 %#) 1:=.077 9424?4>>3:B9
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% % ,9/ % -0.:80> ?30 >0.:9/ 8:/@70 %
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(3) 2014
Fig. 6 Five-level sequential switching HAPOD pulses and its output
voltage wave form
B. Power loss Analysis
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.3,=,.?0=4>?4. .@=A0> B34.3 ,=0 ;=0>09?0/ 49 ?30 /,?,>300?>:1
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
/0A4.0 4> :-?,490/ -D 4/09?41D492 0A0=D ?@=9"! ,9/ ?@=9
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International Science Index, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
Psw=1/T (EON + EOFF + Erec)
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.,>0 4> ;=:/@.0/ 1:= , @94?D ;:B0= 1,.?:= ,9/ 8:/@7,?4:9 49/0C
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>4847,= ;:B0=7:>> >,A492 B4?3 =0>;0.? 4?> :B9 8:/@7,?4:9
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>B4?.3492 7:>>0> -0.:80> 48;:=?,9? ?: 48;=:A0 ?30 0114.409.D
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" ! !
C.Spectrum Analysis of Output Voltage Waveform
)& ,=0 .,7.@7,?0/ @; ?: ?3 :=/0= :1 3,=8:94.> ,>
THD n 2
Vn n 2 n WTHD V1
where V1 is the rms value of the fundamental component
voltage, n is the order of harmonics, and Vn is rms value of the
nth harmonic. It is found that the proposed modulations offer
lower THD compared to the conventional one, thus the
superiority. Furthermore, it is noted that higher the value of
modulation index (M), lower the value of THD. Also, WTHD
values are lower when the modulation index is closer to unity
and when the carrier frequency increases. Throughout its linear
modulation range, hybrid phase shifted carrier (HPSC) has the
least harmonic distortion among SSHM schemes. In order to
show the feasibility of the proposed modulations, the spectral
analysis was performed by using MATLAB/Simulink is shown
in Fig. 8.
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(3) 2014
Fig. 8 Harmonic spectrum of the output voltage waveform
International Science Index, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
The load resistance and inductance are 10 Ω and 15mH
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.077 ,9/ 1:= >0=40> .:990.?0/ .077> :8-49,?4:9,77:24.-,>0/
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8:/@7,?4:9> .,9 -0 0,>47D 0C?09/0/ ?: 34230= A:7?,20 70A07
?3=:@23 ?30 2090=,74E,?4:9 ;=:.0>> ,9/ 48;70809?,?4:9
;:>>4-70 B4?3 0C4>?492 %?=@.?@=0> &30 ;@-74>30/
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P. Satish Kumar was born in Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh,
INDIA in 1974. He obtained the B.Tech. degree in Electrical
and Electronics Engineering from JNTU College of
Engineering, Kakinada, INDIA in 1996. He obtained
M.Tech degree in Power Electronics in 2003 and Ph.D. in
2011 from JNTUH, Hyderabad. He has more than 17 years
of teaching experience and at present he is an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering,
Osmania University, Hyderabad, INDIA. His research interests include Power
Electronics, Special Machines, Drives and Multilevel inverters and guiding
seven research scholars. He presented many research papers in various
national and international conferences and published many papers in various
international journals. He is the Editorial Board member of many
international journals. At present he is actively engaging in two Research
Projects in the area of multilevel inverters funded by University Grants
Commission (UGC), New Delhi, and Science and Engineering Research
Board (SERB), New Delhi. India.
K. Ramakrishna obtained the B.Tech. degree in electrical
engineering from JITS Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA in
2012 and at present he is pursing M.E. degree in Power
Electronics Systems in the department of Electrical
Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania
University, Hyderabad. He presented one paper in National
Conference at IIT Kanpur and attended many workshops. His area of research
is on Power Electronics and Multilevel inverters.
Ch. Lokeshwar Reddy was born in Khammam, Andhra
Pradesh, INDIA in 1977. He obtained the B.Tech. degree in
electrical engineering from KITS Warangal in 1999 and
M.Tech. degree in High Voltage Engineering in 2001 from
JNTU College of engineering, Kakinada. He is pursing Ph.D.
degree in the area of multilevel inverters. He is working as Associate
Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, CVR
College of Engineering, Hyderabad. He presented many research papers in
various national and international conferences and journals. His research
interests include Power Electronics Drives and Multilevel inverters.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
International Science Index, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:8, No:3, 2014
G. Sridhar obtained the B.Tech. degree in electrical
engineering from University of Madras, INDIA in 2000 and
M.Tech. degree in power systems with Emphasis on High
Voltage Engineering in 2005. He is pursing Ph.D. degree in the
area of multilevel inverters. At present he is working as
Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Jyothishmathi Institute of Science and Technology, Karimnagar.
His research interests include Power Electronics and Multilevel inverters.
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(3) 2014