ISSN 2319-8885 Vol.04,Issue.13, May-2015, Pages:2394-2400 A Novel Unique 5-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement R. PRAMOTH KUMAR1, T. SRINIVASA RAO2 1 PG Scholar, Dept of EEE, Avanthi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Narasipatnam, AP, India, E-mail: 2 Assoc Prof, Dept of EEE, Avanthi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Narasipatnam, AP, India, E-mail: Abstract: Implementation of intelligence controller by using voltage as feedback for significantly improving the dynamic performance of advanced compensator, the comparative analysis of several control strategies fed APF for power quality improvement features is presented. Fuzzy control has emerged as one of the most active and fruitful areas for research in the applications of fuzzy set theory, especially in the realm of industrial process, which do not lend of quantities data regarding the input-output relations. Due to nonlinear loads, current harmonics, unbalanced voltages and current and reactive power problems will be created in the network. The Instantaneous real power theory (IRPT) provides the real power calculation with PI controller will not provide accurate result and good performance under both steady state and transient state. The APF system is validated through extensive simulation under steady state and transient condition with different non-linear loads. The cascaded multilevel inverter switching signals are derivates from triangular-sampling current controller; it gives a good dynamic performance under steady state and transient operations. The cascaded active filter system is validated through extensive simulation under steady state and transient conditions with PI/Fuzzy control schemes. The simulation results are obtained using MATLAB/SIMULTION software. Keywords: Shunt Active Filter, Instantaneous Power Theory (IRP), Power Quality, Triangular-Sampling Current Modulator. I. INTRODUCTION Fuzzy control is based on fuzzy logic; it is much closer in spirit to human thinking and natural language than traditional logical systems application to many industries and residential usages. The increased use of nonlinear devices in industry has resulted in direct increase of harmonic distortion in the industrial power system in recent years. Conventionally, this problem can be solved by using passive filters whose main components are inductors and capacitors. Although this kind of filter has the advantage of low hardware cost, the performance of this configuration is often significantly affected by system impedance and load characteristics. With the emergence of power electronics, an active power filter that helps to suppress the harmonics and improves the power quality. This proposal was mainly based on the theory of harmonic current injection. In the circuit operation. The current-controlled power converter generates the harmonic current that is opposite to the load harmonic current injecting into the power feeders. Hence, the current harmonics can be effectively suppressed and only the fundamental component of load current is extracted. In other words, the active power filter can also be regarded as a harmonic current source that is allocated in parallel with the power system. Therefore the notorious resonance problems can be easily avoided. However, because the switching frequency of the power ratings, the design of active power filters power converter is inversely proportional to for high-power applications should be made carefully. Recently Active Power Line Conditioners (APLC) or Active Power Filters (APF) overcome these problems and are designed for compensating the harmonics and suppressing the reactive power simultaneously [4]. Since basic principles of active filter compensation were proposed by Gyugyi and Strycula in 1976[5]. In 1984, Hirofumi Akagi introduced a new concept of instantaneous reactive power (p-q theory) compensators [6],[7]. The generalized instantaneous reactive power theory which is valid for sinusoidal or nonsinusoidal and balanced or unbalanced three-phase power systems with or without zero-sequence currents was later proposed [8]. The active filter can be connected in series or in parallel with the supply network. The series active power filter is suitable for voltage harmonic compensation. Most of the industrial applications need current harmonic compensation, so the shunt active filter is popular than series active filter [9]. Currently, remarkable progress in the capacity and switching speed of power semiconductor devices such as insulated -gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) has spurred interest in APF [10]. Due to these reasons, multilevel inverter based active power filters, which have the ability to synthesize high voltage with low voltage components, have been designed to compensate harmonics Copyright @ 2015 IJSETR. All rights reserved. R. PRAMOTH KUMAR, T. SRINIVASA RAO and suppress reactive power simultaneously and numerous Similarly, the instantaneous source current isa, isb, isc also control techniques have been proposed by many researchers transformed into the α− β coordinate‟s current iα, iβ by Clarke transformation that is given as [1-8]. According to the current reference‟s generation methods, these control methods of multilevel inverter based APFs can be categorized into ABC frame current reference generation [1], [6], DQ-frame current reference generation [2], [4], [7] and prediction based current reference generation [8]. While these control techniques can compensate harmonics and reactive power to some extent, they suffer from several drawbacks. The first one is they can only reduce overall harmonics and reactive power, but have no control on specific order of harmonics. The second one is only at high switching frequency, can the performance of these control methods be ensured. However, a high switching frequency will increase switching loss and complicate thermal management of the system, especially in high voltage and high power density applications. Additionally, while most of these techniques can compensate harmonics and reactive power simultaneously, few of them can also balance unbalanced loads at the same time. II. PROPOSED INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORY The proposed instantaneous real-power (p) theory derives from the conventional p-q theory or instantaneous power theory concept and uses simple algebraic calculations. It operates in steady-state or transient as well as for generic voltage and current power systems that allowing to control the active power filters in real-time. The active filter should supply the oscillating portion of the instantaneous active current of the load and hence makes source current sinusoidal. Fig.1. α-β coordinates transformation. The p-q theory performs a Clarke transformation of a stationary system of coordinates a-b-c to an orthogonal reference system of coordinates α− β . In a-b-c coordinates axes are fixed on the same plane, apart from each other by 120o that as shown in Fig 1. The instantaneous space vectors voltage and current Va,ia are set on the a-axis Vb,ib are on the b axis, and Vc,ic are on the c-axis. These space vectors are easily transformed into α− β coordinates. The instantaneous source voltages vsa , vsb, vsc are transformed into the α− β coordinate‟s voltage vα, vβ by Clarke transformation as follows: (2) Where α and β axes are the orthogonal coordinates. They V α, iα are on the α-axis, and Vβ, iβ are on the β-axis. Real-Power (p) calculation: The orthogonal coordinates of voltage and current vα , iα are on the α-axis and vβ , iβ are on the β-axis. Let the instantaneous real-power calculated from the α-axis and β-axis of the current and voltage respectively. These are given by the conventional definition of real-power as (3) This instantaneous real-power (pac) is passed to first order Butterworth design based 50 Hz low pass filter (LPF) for eliminating the higher order components; it allows the fundamental component only. These LPF indicates ac components of the real-power losses and it‟s denoted as . The DC power loss is calculated from the comparison of the dc-bus capacitor voltage of the cascaded inverter and desired reference voltage. The proportional and integral gains (PI Controller) are determining the dynamic response and settling time of the dc-bus capacitor voltage. The DC component power losses can be written as (4) The instantaneous real-power (p) is calculated from the AC component of the real-power loss and the DC power loss ; it can be defined as follows (5) The instantaneous current on the α− β coordinates of i cα and icβ are divided into two kinds of instantaneous current components; first is real-power losses and second is reactive power losses, but this proposed controller computes only the real-power losses. So the α− β coordinate currents icα, icβ are calculated from the Vα, vβ voltages with instantaneous real power p only and the reactive power q is assumed to be zero. This approach reduces the calculations and shows better performance than the conventional methods. The α− β coordinate currents can be calculated as (6) From this equation, we can calculate the orthogonal coordinate‟s active-power current. The α-axis of the instantaneous active current is written as (7) Similarly, the β-axis of the instantaneous active current is written as (1) International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.13, May-2015, Pages: 2394-2400 (8) A Novel Unique 5-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement Let the instantaneous powers p(t) in the α-axis and the β-axis phase consists of two-H-bridges in cascaded method for 5is represented as pα and pβ respectively. They are given by level output voltage, shown in Fig 3. Each H-bridge is the definition of real-power as follows connected a separate dc-bus capacitor and it serves as an energy storage elements to supply a real-power difference (9) between load and source during the transient period. The From this equation (9), substitute the orthogonal coordinates capacitor voltage is maintained constant using PI-controller. α-axis active power (7) and β-axis active power (8); we can The 24-power transistors switching operations are performed calculate the real-power ( pt) as follows using triangular-sampling current controller and harmonics is achieved by injecting equal but opposite current harmonic components at Point of Common Coupling (PCC). (10) The AC and DC component of the instantaneous power (pt) is related to the harmonics currents. The instantaneous real power generates the reference currents required to compensate the distorted line current harmonics and reactive power. III. SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER SYSTEM Instantaneous real-power theory based cascaded active filter for power line conditioning system is connected in the distribution network at the PCC through filter inductances and operates in a closed loop. The shunt active filter system contains a cascaded inverter, RL-filters, a compensation controller (instantaneous real-power theory) and switching signal generator (proposed triangular-sampling current modulator) as shown in the Fig 2. The three-phase supply source connected with non-linear load and these nonlinear loads currents contains fundamental and harmonic components. If the active power filter provides the total reactive and harmonic power, will be in phase with the utility voltage and would be sinusoidal. At this time, the active filter must provide the compensation current; therefore, active power filter estimates the fundamental components and compensating the harmonic current and reactive power. Fig.3. Design of cascaded multilevel active power filter. B. Reference Current Control Strategy The control scheme of the shunt active power filter must calculate the current reference signals from each phase of the inverter using instantaneous real-power compensator. The block diagram as shown in Fig.4, that control scheme generates the reference current required to compensate the load current harmonics and reactive power. The PI-controller is tried to maintain the dc-bus voltage across the capacitor constant of the cascaded inverter. This instantaneous real power compensator with PI-controller is used to extracts reference value of current to be compensated. Fig.2. Shunt active power line conditioners system. Fig.4. Reference current generator using instantaneous real-power theory. A. Power Converter A cascaded multilevel active power inverter is constructed by the conventional of H-bridges. The three-phase active filter comprises of 24-power transistors with diodes and each These reference currents , are calculated instantaneously without any time delay by using the instantaneous α−β coordinate currents. The required International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.13, May-2015, Pages: 2394-2400 R. PRAMOTH KUMAR, T. SRINIVASA RAO references current derivate from the inverse Clarke the suppression of the harmonics, average switching transformation and it can be written as frequency of each inverter is equality and unconditioned stability. The reference currents , (extracted by instantaneous real-power compensator) compared with actual source current to generate cascaded inverter switching signals using the triangular-sampling current modulator. The five-level voltage source inverter systems of the current controller are utilized independently for each (11) phase. Each current controller directly generates the The reference currents ( , are compared with switching signal of the three A, B and C phases. The A-phase actual source current ) that facilitates generating actual source current represented as isa and reference current cascaded multilevel inverter switching signals using the represent as as shown in Fig 5, similarly represented the B proposed triangular-sampling current modulator. The small and C phase currents. amount of real-power is adjusted by changing the amplitude of fundamental component of reference currents and the To determine the switching frequency by means the error objective of this algorithm is to compensate all undesirable current [desired reference current compare with the actual components. When the power system voltages are balanced source current] multiplied with proportional gain (Kp) and and sinusoidal, it leads to constant power at the dc bus compared with triangular-carrier signals. The four triangular capacitor and balanced sinusoidal currents at AC mains signals are generated; that is same frequency with different simultaneously. amplitude for cascaded multilevel inverter. Thus the switching frequency of the power transistor is equal to the C. Control Loop Design using PI Controller frequency of the triangular-carrier signals. Then, the output Voltage control of the dc-bus capacitor is performed by signal of the comparator is sampled and held D-Latch at a adjusting the small power flowing in to DC components, thus regular interval Ts synchronized with the clock of frequency compensating conduction losses and switching losses. equal to Ts / 1. Note that 4-external clock applied to each Proportional Integral controller is used in order to eliminate converter and Ts is set as 30 ns, because each phase in one the steady state error and reduce the ripple voltage of the converter does not overlap other phase. Therefore the cascaded inverter. The transfer function is defined as harmonic currents are reduced as if the switching frequency were increased. The interface inductor between cascaded voltage source inverter and PCC suppresses the harmonics caused by the switching operation of the inverter. (12) The proportional and integral gains [ are set such way that actual Vdc across capacitor is equal to the reference value of Vdc voltage. Fig.5. Proposed triangular-sampling current controller. D. Proposed Triangular-Sampling Current Modulator The proposed triangular-sampling current modulator for active power filter line currents can be executed to generate the switching pattern of the cascaded multilevel voltage source inverter. There are various current control methods proposed; but the triangular-sampling current control method has the highest rate for cascaded active power filter applications. These current controller based inverter features are quick current controllability, switching operation induced III. INTRODUCTION TO FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER Fig.6 shows the internal structure of the control circuit. The control scheme consists of Fuzzy controller, limiter, and three phase sine wave generator for reference current generation and generation of switching signals. The peak value of reference currents is estimated by regulating the DC link voltage. The actual capacitor voltage is compared with a set reference value. The error signal is then processed through a Fuzzy controller, which contributes to zero steady error in tracking the reference current signal. A fuzzy controller converts a linguistic control strategy into an automatic control strategy, and fuzzy rules are constructed by expert experience or knowledge database. Firstly, input voltage Vdc and the input reference voltage Vdc-ref have been placed of the angular velocity to be the input variables of the fuzzy logic controller. Then the output variable of the fuzzy logic controller is presented by the control Current Imax. To convert these numerical variables into linguistic variables, the following seven fuzzy levels or sets are chosen as: NB (negative big), NM (negative medium), NS (negative small), ZE (zero), PS (positive small), PM (positive medium), and PB (positive big) as shown in Fig.7. The fuzzy controller is characterized as follows: Seven fuzzy sets for each input and output; Fuzzification using continuous universe of discourse; Implication using Mamdani's „min‟ operator; De-fuzzification using the „centroid‟ method. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.13, May-2015, Pages: 2394-2400 A Novel Unique 5-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement IV. MATLAB MODELING AND SIMULATION RESULTS The APF model is established based on Matlab/Simulink Platform. Here simulation is carried out in different cases such as 1) Implementation of 5-Level APF using IRP Based Controller. 2) Implementation of 5-Level APF using Fuzzy Controller. Case 1: Implementation of 5-Level APF using IRP Based Controller Fig.6.Conventional fuzzy controller. Fig.7. Membership functions for Input, Change in input, Output. Fuzzification: the process of converting a numerical variable (real number) convert to a linguistic variable (fuzzy number) is called fuzzification. De-fuzzification: the rules of FLC generate required output in a linguistic variable (Fuzzy Number), according to real world requirements, linguistic variables have to be transformed to crisp output (Real number). Fig.8. Matlab/Simulink Model of proposed 5-Level APF using IRP Based Controller. Fig.8 shows the Matlab/Simulink Model of proposed 5Level APF using IRP Based Controller using Matlab/ Simulink Platform. Database: the Database stores the definition of the membership Function required by fuzzifier and defuzzifier. Rule Base: the elements of this rule base table are determined based on the theory that in the transient state, large errors need coarse control, which requires coarse in-put/ output variables; in the steady state, small errors need fine control, which requires fine input/output variables. Based on this the elements of the rule table are obtained as shown in Table 1, with „Vdc‟ and „Vdc-ref‟ as inputs. TABLE I: Fuzzy Rules Fig.9.Source Voltage, Source Current, Load Current with 5-Level APF. Fig.9 shows the Source Voltage, Source Current, Load Current with 5-Level Compensator, due to non-linear diode rectifier pollutes source side current, with Conventional Controller based compensator we get source current is sinusoidal. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.13, May-2015, Pages: 2394-2400 R. PRAMOTH KUMAR, T. SRINIVASA RAO Case 2: Implementation of 5-Level APF using Fuzzy Controller. Fig.10. Source Side Power Factor with IRP Controller based APF. Fig.10 shows the Source side Power Factor, both voltage & current are maintained sinusoidal and in phase condition. Fig. 13. Source Voltage, Source Current, Load Current with Intelligence Controller based Compensator. Fig.13 shows the Source Voltage, Source Current, Load Current with 5-Level Compensator, due to non-linear diode rectifier pollutes source side current, with compensator we get source current is sinusoidal. Fig.11. FFT Analysis of source current with compensator using IRP Controller with 5-Level APF. Fig.11 shows the FFT Analysis of source current with compensator using IRP Controller with 5-Level APF, here we get 4.83%. Fig.14. Five Level Output Voltage. Fig.15.Source Side Power Factor with Intelligence Controller. Fig.12. Five Level Output Voltage. 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