ENGINEERING ACCREDITATION Self-Study Report for B.S. in Chemical Engineering (Program) EAC VISIT 2006 Submitted by University of Rhode Island, College of Engineering June 16, 2006 to the Engineering Accreditation Commission Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. 111 Market Place, Suite 1050 Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012 Phone 410-347-7700 FAX 410-625-2238 email: 1 2 Table of Contents Background Information 5 1. Degree Title _____________________________________________________________ 5 2. Program Mode ___________________________________________________________ 5 3. Action to Correct Previous Deficiencies. ______________________________________ 5 4. Contact Information ______________________________________________________ 6 Changes in the department___________________________________________________ 6 Accreditation Summary 9 1. Students _______________________________________________________________ 9 2. Program Educational Objectives__________________________________________ 11 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment _______________________________________ 13 4. Professional Component_________________________________________________ 39 5. Faculty _______________________________________________________________ 41 6. Facilities ______________________________________________________________ 43 7. Institutional Support and Financial Resources ______________________________ 47 8. Program Criteria ______________________________________________________ 57 Appendix I - Additional Program Information 59 APPENDIX I A. Tabular Data for Program ___________________________________ Table I-1. Basic-Level Curriculum (Chemical Engineering track) Table I-1. Basic-Level Curriculum (Biology track) Table I-2. Course and Section Size Summary Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary Table I-4. Faculty Analysis Table I-5. Support Expenditures 59 60 64 67 68 71 72 APPENDIX I B. Course Syllabi ______________________________________________ 67 APPENDIX I C. Faculty Curriculum Vitae 2005-2006 __________________________ 117 APPENDIX I D. – Additional data __________________________________________ Table 1. General Education, College of Engineering Table 2. Approved Engineering Elective Courses For Chemical Engineering Students Table 3. Approved Mathematics Electives 3 151 151 154 155 4 Program Self-Study Report for Chemical Engineering Background Information 1. Degree Title BS in Chemical Engineering 2. Program Mode On campus, full time, day program. 3. Action to Correct Previous Deficiencies. The Program Evaluator listed criteria 3 a “weakness” and provided the following information: “A good start on the EC 2000 has been made, but additional steps/procedures need to be identified. The process to measure and show the quality of the outcomes is being assessed and that the results are being used to improve the outcome, appears to be in the very early stages, e.g., about 6 months. Further development, formalization and implementation and better organization of the plan and process are needed, as well as more specific and clearer documentation”. Our assessment plan has been strengthened to include • Assessment of outcomes in each class • Surveys of our alumni to document effectiveness of education • Surveys of current sophomore, junior and senior students. • Surveys with the Chemical Engineering department Advisory Council. An extensive reply was made to this weakness documenting the many steps and procedures of our assessment plan. That reply is given in Appendix III. Below are the responses to concerns that were expressed by the Chemical Engineering program evaluator. Faculty. Concern “An endowed chair search has been approved, but has not yet been filled. There apparently has been a misunderstanding on previous offers to candidates for this position regarding diversity and this aspect has to be cleared up”. Response Since the last ABET visit, the endowed Victor J. Baxt Chair of Polymer Engineering was filled by Prof. Michael Greenfield in January 2002. Concern “A few faculty are approaching retirement, and there should be a plan, administrative support, and effort to fill these positions, preferably before the retirement occurs.” 5 Response Prof. Vincent Rose retired in May, 2003 and a search for his replacement was initiated in the summer of 2003. The Search committee identified its first choice candidate from a very strong applicant pool in March, 2004, but the University administration was unable to conclude a timely employment agreement with the candidate. Approval was then obtained for another faculty search, for a Spring 2006 appointment. A final candidate was selected by the search committee and the candidate, Dr. Geoffrey Bothun, will arrive on campus in Summer 2006. Dr. Bothun research area in Bioprocessing and Bionanotechnology will provide a very significant boost to the department’s bio effort. There is still considerable faculty unease about faculty replacements either because of retirements or because of administrative appointments. Our department has two faculty past normal retirement age. We are unaware of any plans for replacements. 4. Contact Information Primary pre-visit contact person: Arijit Bose Crawford Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 401-874-2804 Changes in the department Personnel Professor Brown stepped down in summer 2003 after five years as Chair, in order to return to full-time teaching, research and service. Professor Barnett served as the acting Chair for the 2003-2004 academic year. Professor Bose took over as department chair in July, 2004, after returning from two years leave from URI. Professor Gregory spent two years as Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and returned full-time to the Chemical Engineering department in Fall 2005. Professor Rivero will be returning to the department in Fall 2006 after two years as Associate Dean for Students and Diversity. Dr. Bothun will be joining the department in Fall 2006. Mr. Raymond McLaughlin, ½ time Laboratory Technician, retired in January 2005. Mr. Robert D’Ambrosca joined the department in January, 2006 as a ½ time Laboratory Technician (shared between Chemical and Mechanical Engineering). Advisory Council In Fall 2004, the department established an Advisory Council consisting of Dr. John Nystrom (Chair), VP of Pharmaceutical Operations at Millennium Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, Dr. John Andries, Senior VP of Technology at Teknor Apex Company, Dr. Robert Andren, Senior VP (retired) at Amgen, Dr. Elizabeth Dussan, Corporate Advisor, Schlumberger and Dr. Lisa Pruitt, Chancellor’s Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley. In Spring 2006, four new members have been added, Dr. Sourav Kundu, Director of Process Development at Amgen, Dr. Yakov Kutsovsky, VP and Global Director of Research and Development at Cabot Corporation, Dr. Jeff Wilson, Manager Intermediates, Dupont and Dr. David am Ende, Director of Process Development at Pfizer. The Advisory Council has met three times so far (Fall 2004, Fall 2005, 6 Spring 2006), and has been instrumental in advising us on several different areas, including the addition of a new biology track to our undergraduate program, and helping with undergraduate enrollments. The Advisory Council will meet twice a year to review department progress and provide input on all aspects of the department. Biology track The new Biology track was introduced to the department from Fall 2005. This was done in response to (a)the maturation of biology into a hard science, and the recognition that it is on par with physics, chemistry and mathematics as an important science underpinning for the chemical engineering degree (b) the need for the growing biopharmaceutical industry to have chemical engineers who are familiar with basics concepts in biology. Amongst our entering freshman class nearly half have chosen this option. Although it is too early to tell with certainty, the expectation is that this will help boost interest and enrollments in the Chemical Engineering program. An informal survey indicates that nearly 50% of the current freshman class will opt for the Biology track. This is vital since funds allocated to the department are tied to enrollments. Pharmaceutical Engineering The department is also planning to introduce a B.S. degree in Pharmaceutical Engineering in collaboration with the URI College of Pharmacy beginning in Fall 2007. Biopharmaceuticals is one of the fastest growing industrial sectors both in the United States and worldwide, with a projected growth rate of 10% per year for the foreseeable future. Driving this rapid growth is the worldwide increase in average life span, major developments in our understanding of key factors behind the development of disease as well as important innovations in the area of drug formulations and delivery. This growth has created a need for graduates who are well-versed in the basic sciences as well as all technological aspects related to the development process for therapeutic agents – production, scale-up and processing, formulation and delivery and regulatory constraints. At present, there are no universities that are offering an undergraduate program that will specifically serve this burgeoning sector. The University of Rhode Island has a unique opportunity to take advantage of this unmet need by offering a B.S. degree in Pharmaceutical Engineering. The core idea is to combine the well-known strengths of the College of Pharmacy along with the Department of Chemical Engineering and develop a curriculum that produces future leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. Students graduating from this program will not only be in demand in the rapidly growing biopharmaceutical industry in the state, but also nationally and internationally. A draft curriculum for this program is included in the Appendix. Job market and internships During this current academic year (2005-2006), the demand for interns and full-time employees in local industries has reached an unprecedented level. Many of our rising seniors have summer internship positions at Amgen, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, ISP, Toray Plastics, Teknor Apex and others. The job market for the graduating seniors is also good. We expect this demand to have a very positive impact on our students. Research support The department of Chemical Engineering continues to outperform all other Engineering departments in new research grants. So far, the total for the 2005-2006 academic year is 7 $1.54M. This support has a direct, strong positive impact on the undergraduate program by providing research opportunities for our students during the academic year and summers. Nearly half of our current students take advantage of this opportunity during their stay at URI. Outreach A new program where high school students in between their junior and senior years will spend a summer doing research with a faculty member has been initiated, and will begin in Summer 2006. The pilot program is supported by private donations. 8 Accreditation Summary 1. Students Evaluation: A traditional grading system is used for students, with grades range from A to F. The Chemical Engineering program at URI does not use pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Individual instructors for the courses set their own levels for the A through F grades for each course. Courses can range in credits from one credit up to three credits. The University rules for credit allocation are one credit for each hour of lecture, one credit for each hour of recitation and one credit for each three hours of laboratory experience. The Chemical Engineering Department follows these rules. Advising: Upon entering the University of Rhode Island all students are required to be members of University College (UC - based in Roosevelt Hall, a short walking distance from the Chemical Engineering Department in Crawford Hall). Freshmen students enter University College either with a declared major or as undeclared. The Chemical Engineering Department provides an advisor to University College for freshmen students who are declared Chemical Engineering. It should be noted that the College of Engineering has a mostly common freshman year for all Engineering majors or undecided students leaning toward Engineering. Prof. Stanley Barnett is presently the University College Chemical Engineering advisor. Beginning in Fall 2006, Prof. Bothun will work alongside Prof. Barnett, with the eventual goal of Prof. Bothun taking over UC advising in Fall 2007. After completing a minimum of one year of engineering courses and at least 24 credits with a 2.0 GPA or better, students can transfer into their major, in this case Chemical Engineering. After completing between 24 and 54 credits a letter is sent from UC advising students they should investigate transferring from UC into a major. A transfer form must be signed on the University College advisor, the Chair of the Department and the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering. The College of Engineering sends a letter to the student giving the name of the Departmental advisor and information regarding the exit interview process. A student file is also opened and maintained by the Associate Dean’s Office, as well as the Department into which the student is transferring. Once a student enters the Chemical Engineering Department, an advisor is assigned. An advising form is available by which students can check their progress (Appendix ID, Table 1). The College of Engineering follows the University rules regarding General Education requirements identified as General education on the advising form. The requirements for General Education courses are attached. Engineering Science or Design electives are available to students. The department maintains a list for students of the Engineering electives to ensure they only complete allowable courses, Appendix ID, table 2. Allowable mathematics electives are also outlined in a list, Appendix ID, table 3. A list of acceptable substitutes for CVE 220 is also provided by the Chemical Engineering department, Appendix ID, table 3. 9 The semester before intended graduation, an exit interview is held with the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering to ensure that all the listed requirements for graduation will have been met. This is a final check that all curriculum requirements were met by the student Monitoring: During UC advising, prescribed hours are set aside by the Department advisor to meet with students and monitor progress. Currently, the University has a web based registration system which permits students who have been transferred from UC to Engineering to register without meeting an advisor. However students are advised to discuss their program with the advisor to make sure they will be meeting the requirements. Transfer: Transfer students are handled by the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and are not seen by the Department until after evaluation of transcripts. A transfer student is then assigned to the appropriate advisor in the Chemical Engineering Department. Courses that will be taken elsewhere are validated by the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering by completion of a ‘Prior Approved’ form. This allows a student to choose the correct courses to ensure that the requirements of the program at URI are met. 10 2. Program Educational Objectives The University of Rhode Island and College of Engineering Mission Statements are given below. University of Rhode Island Mission (2006) The University of Rhode Island is the State’s public learner-centered research university. We are a community joined in a common quest for knowledge. The University is committed to enriching the lives of its students through its land, sea, and urban grant traditions. URI is the only public institution in Rhode Island offering undergraduate, graduate, and professional students the distinctive educational opportunities of a major research university. Our undergraduate, graduate, and professional education, research, and outreach serve Rhode Island and beyond. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are united in one common purpose: to learn and lead together. Embracing Rhode Island’s heritage of independent thought, we value: Creativity and Scholarship Diversity, Fairness, and Respect Engaged Learning and Civic Involvement Intellectual and Ethical Leadership College of Engineering (COE) MISSION STATEMENT (2006) The College of Engineering is a diverse community of scholars, learners, and professional staff, working together and dedicated to the development and application of advanced technologies, for the betterment of the quality of life. We are creative problem-solvers, innovators, inventors, and entrepreneurs, applying our skills for the advancement of knowledge, service to our community, and the economic development of the State of Rhode Island and beyond. We prepare our graduates to be global leaders in a wide-range of engineering disciplines and to create new knowledge, products, and services. Department Mission Statement Consistent with the mission of the University of Rhode Island, the College of Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Bachelor of Science program in Chemical Engineering will prepare graduates for a successful career in Chemical Engineering based upon a foundation of technical ability, ethical standards and communications skills. The program educational objectives are consistent with the above mission statements of the University and the College of Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering. A committee within the College of Engineering developed initial program objectives which were then discussed extensively by the Chemical Engineering faculty and accepted by them. Junior and Senior students in our program were given the opportunity to give their comments. The Advisory Council of the chemical engineering program also provided input. An alumni survey was used to guide the development of these objectives. Overall, the alumni are satisfied with the program, however a constant theme was the upgrading of the laboratories. These new objectives will be the basis of future surveys. The Department revised our educational objectives in 2005 to more clearly state what we expect of our students after graduation. These new objectives have been placed on the Department web site will be included in the next publication of the University catalog. The Chemical Engineering Program Objectives are given below along with their preamble: 11 Program Educational Objectives Statement We consider the Department of Chemical Engineering Program to be more than just a collection of courses and credit hours whose content reflects the required program criteria. The program has also been carefully designed to prepare students for the profession of chemical engineering through study, experience and practice, with these objectives: 1. Produce graduates who are able to successfully practice chemical engineering to serve state, local, state, national, and international industries and government agencies. 2. Produce graduates with the necessary background and technical skills to work professionally as individuals or in teams in chemical engineering practice or in graduate schools. 3. Prepare graduates for personal and professional success with an understanding and appreciation of ethical behavior, social responsibility, and diversity, both as individuals and in team environments. 4. Prepare graduates to be interested, motivated, and capable of pursuing continued life-long learning through further graduate education, short courses, or other training programs in engineering and related fields. We consider our students, the faculty and the alumni to be the primary constituents of our program. The constituencies all provide major input to the program by direct feedback. The feedback is both verbal and written. Process Used to Establish and Review The faculty reviews the program objectives each year to suggest updating. The ABET Committee is involved in assuring the program objectives are consistent with the University and College Missions. Alumni are surveyed every other year by the College administration. Students are informed of these objectives every year and asked for input. In addition the College administration provides feedback to the program by extensive interviews with the graduating seniors. Achievement of the Objectives The major way the program objectives are achieved is by relating the outcomes to the objectives. This is presented in table form in Section B.3. Level of Achievement of these Objectives The alumni survey is a major tool in determining that we are meeting the program objectives. Success is also indicated by the hiring of our graduates. Survey data is collected from recent engineering graduates to provide information to ensure we are meeting these objectives. 12 3. Program Outcomes and Assessment Department Assessment Committee A Department faculty assessment team is functioning which include the undergraduate committee the chair and one other faculty member. This team includes the following faculty members: Gregory, Gray, Barnett, Knickle and Bose. They continuously analyze the data collected and presented the data at Department Meetings for consideration of feedback action. Outcomes The Chemical Engineering Department has adopted the ABET program outcomes. They are regularly examined by the Department of Chemical Engineering to determine if any modifications are needed. These were originally adopted in 1999. If our program is successful in educating competent chemical engineers it does so by achieving these stated outcomes by student graduation and producing measurable objectives in our courses that map into the abilities of our graduates. The Department of Chemical Engineering has found the outcomes listed in Criterion 3, (a-k) to be very consistent with our desire to produce excellent chemical engineering graduates. These program outcomes are: a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams e. an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility g. an ability to communicate effectively h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic and societal context i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning j. a knowledge of contemporary issues k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Program Objectives In 2005 the department adopted the four program objectives stated in Section 2 of this self study report. The faculty discussed these objectives at faculty meetings and reviewed them with junior and senior students and also the Department advisory committee. Relation of Program Outcomes to Program Educational Objectives The program has also been carefully designed to prepare students for the profession of chemical engineering through study, experience and practice, with these objectives. We successfully obtain these outcomes by carefully requiring that some of the outcomes are met in every course in our curriculum. We developed a matrix to insure every student is meeting these outcomes and provide review for this procedure in faculty meeting each semester. The program objectives 13 align with the program outcomes and learning culminates in our capstone senior design courses and laboratory courses. The capstone courses are used to guarantee each of the objectives are met. In the capstone course students are able to successfully practice chemical engineering and be able to take that success to serve state, local, state, national, and international industries and government agencies. The graduates obtain the necessary background and technical skills to work professionally as individuals or in teams in chemical engineering practice or in graduate schools through both our individual courses and in our capstone courses. Also in these capstone courses the students are prepared for personal and professional success with an understanding and appreciation of ethical behavior, social responsibility, and diversity, both as individuals and in team environments. In addition the Department has overall goals tied to each of the outcomes. The goals are noted below. Each goal is followed by the specific outcomes related to these goals. The correlations of these goals to the program outcomes help insure the success of the program and the guarantee that individual students are meeting these outcomes. Program Goals The Department of Chemical Engineering also has program goals that tie into the program outcomes. The following eight program goals have the related outcomes listed at the end of each goal. At URI we seek to: 1) provide the necessary background in science, particularly in chemistry and in physics and advanced mathematics so that students will be able to continue their education in the engineering sciences, with depth of understanding, and learn to apply these subjects to the formulation and solution of engineering problems (a); 2) provide a broad cross section of fundamental engineering science courses, including some from other engineering disciplines so that our students will acquire an understanding of the way in which chemistry, physics and mathematics have been and continue to be, used to solve important engineering 3) problems relevant to the general practice of chemical engineering and engineering design (a,e);provide students experience in conducting and in planning experiments in the modern engineering laboratory including interfacing experiments with computers as well as interpreting the significance of resulting data and properly reporting results in well written technical reports (a,b,e,g); 4) provide experience in the process of original chemical engineering design in the three areas of equipment design, process design, and plant design through the process of formulating a design solution to a perceived need and then executing the design and evaluating its performance including economic considerations and societal impacts if any, along with other related constraints, and culminating in both written and oral presentations of results (a,c,d,e,f,g,h,k); 5) provide students experience with the multifaceted aspects of using computers to solve problems and present results with word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and professional level applications software used for design and analysis and to provide for obtaining and the use of information on the world wide web (g,k); 14 6) provide students a familiarity with professional issues in chemical engineering including: ethics, issues related to the global economy and to emerging technologies, and fostering of important job related skills such as improved oral and written communications and experience in working in teams at a number of levels (d,e,f,g,h,j); 7) encourage students to become actively engaged in the student chapter of AIChE and other student organizations, and to continue these associations after graduation with an emphasis on the importance of life-long professional development including the desirability of attending graduate school or otherwise obtaining continuing or advanced education (i): 8) make available continuous individual advising throughout the entire undergraduate educational experience so as to insure that each student makes the most of the educational opportunities provided by the University, particularly those related to general education electives that might enhance an engineering education and special programs such as internships, cooperative experience and especially the International Engineering Programs in German, French, Spanish and Chinese which are a unique opportunity available to globally motivated URI engineering students. (f,g,h,j) Process used to Produce and Assess each of the Program Outcomes The curriculum matrix shows clearly how we insure the students are interested, motivated, and capable of pursuing continued life-long learning through further graduate education, short courses, or other training programs in engineering and related fields. The most important point here is that the individual courses are used to develop the skills and knowledge that lead into the senior capstone design courses and senior laboratory experimental experiences. A cross relationship matrix notes the relationship between each course and the Program Outcomes. The cross relationship ensures that the Program Objectives and Outcomes are met. Faculty includes the program outcomes in their course descriptions to enable the outcomes to be met. Course assessment through one of the many avenues available, such as exams, tests, quizzes, homework problems, reports, oral presentations, etc. enable the instructor to ensure that the outcomes indicated for the particular course are met. In addition the outcomes are linked to the eight goals of the department and the program objectives are evaluated. Metric Goals Each course has a set of major stated objectives. These objectives are then measured with the tools available to each faculty member and correlated to the program outcomes. Meeting the major course objectives and the senior design and laboratory courses ensure that graduates are produced that will ultimately achieve the educational program objectives after graduation. Form 5 and the students work including senior design reports and laboratory reports are the qualitative and quantitative data that are assessment results. When the students complete all their courses in the basic curriculum, they will have then met all the program outcomes and thus the program objectives. There will also be physical evidence of this by student output, for example, CD’s, floppy disks, reports, powerpoint presentations, homework, quizzes, and exams that will assure that graduating students have met all the 15 requirements. Qualitative and quantitative data of this outcomes assessment process is provided in each Course Folders provided to the ABET visitor. In order to further develop and improve the program, department meetings are held as often as necessary in which course development documents for each course are presented by the course instructor. Comments and reviews are provided by the faculty and any changes or action is noted on the course development document. This revised document is then placed in the course file and the necessary actions taken by the instructor or person responsible for feed back action. This form is presented below and filled out for every chemical engineering course taught to the undergraduates. The completed forms are available in course binders in 213 Crawford. 16 FORM USED IN EACH COURSE COURSE OUTCOMES, ASSESSMENT AND ACTION Date of 1st review ___ / ___/ ___ Date of follow-up ___ / ___/ ___ Instructor: __ Course number: Semester/year: First time course taught __ Course quizzes __ A __ Course taught previously Method(s) of assessment: __ Class surveys __ Forms __ Class management team Course exams __ Other (please describe) Chemical Engineering Outcomes addressed in this course (x under all that apply) B C D E F G H I J K L M Please check that these outcomes match the.CURRENT outcomes master list for the Chemical Engineering department . If the outcomes are different please MODIFY the master list and INFORM the Department Chair. List ways in which course outcomes were achieved and assessed: Outcome Addressed Method(s) and Course Learning Objectives used to Assessment tool address outcome used Assessment Results (please summarize the major results of all assessment feedback related to the course input: Response Learning objective changes: Add Other Changes to course from Feedback: 17 Delete Comments: (why changes suggested) Follow-up and results on action taken and Department Review Form 5 Outcomes Achievement Identification The next two tables indicate the mapping of the program outcomes and goals into the course requirements of the department. The first table indicates the department curriculum course by course with the ABET outcomes achieved in those courses. The second table indicates the general education program of the University and the expected contributions to the program outcomes. The actual achievement of the outcomes in the program is the sum of all of the entries in these tables. The cross correlation for outcomes and courses are seen in the Table 1A below. The underlined capital X represents the courses which provide major proof for meeting the program outcomes. The capital X means that the course provides a significant contribution to the outcome and the small x means material is covered that supports the achievement of the outcome but is not one of the most significant contributors to achieving the outcome. 18 TABLE 1A. OUTCOME MAPPING FOR PROGRAM COURSES Course # CHE 212 CHE 272 CHE 332 CHE 313 CHE 347 CHE 314 CHE 322 CHE 348 CHE 425 CHE 328 CHE 345 CHE 349 CHE 351 CHE 464 CHE 346 CHE 352 CHE548 CHE534 CHE576 Course # Outcome Identification Symbols “X” Essential to achieving outcome, significant assessment possible “x” Supports achievement of outcome, no significant assessment possible a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. X X X X X X x X X X X x X x X X X X X X X X X x x X X X X X X X X X a X X X X b X X X X X X X X X c x X X X x x x X X x X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X d X X e X X X f X X h X g X X X i X X j x X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X k Table 1B below indicates contributions by the program support courses given by the College of Engineering, EGR105 and EGR106. It also include the contributions from the math, chemistry and physics departments. Finally it includes support of the program outcome from the Department of Civil Engineering, CVE220 and the Department of Electrical Engineering, ELE220. 19 TABLE 1B. OUTCOME MAPPING FOR SUPPORT COURSES Course # EGR 105 EGR 106 CHM 101 CHM 102 CHM 112 CHM 114 CHM 291 CHM 292 CHM 431 CHM 335 CHM 432 MTH 141 MTH 142 MTH 243 MTH 244 MTH 362 PHY 203 PHY 273 PHY 204 PHY 274 CVE 220 ELE 220 Outcome Identification Symbols “X” Essential to achieving outcome, significant assessment possible “x” Supports achievement of outcome, no significant assessment possible a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Technical Support Courses: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x 20 Demonstration of ABET Outcomes Specific objectives within each course are also tied to our outcomes. Listed below for each of our outcomes are specific course objectives that help us meet each individual outcome. For example to meet outcome a. we have the students perform an energy balance on a process. This is covered in seven different courses. Further we have six different objectives to meet outcome a. in ten different program courses. To meet each of our outcomes we list below for our outcomes a. through e. and k. course objectives and in which courses these are met. For outcomes f., g., h., i., and j. we list other methods that we use to show we are meeting these outcomes. a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. • Do an energy balance on a process CHE 212,347,464,352,313,314,348. • Apply Bernoulli’s equation CHE 347,351. • Perform a material balance around a process unit CHE 212,351,352. • Write basic balance equations CHE 212. • Identify a material w/desirable properties CHE 332,534. • Balance a chemical equation CHE 212, 464,534. b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. • Explain errors in measurement CHE 345,346. • In an experiment determine dependent and independent variables CHE 345,346. • Design experimental strategy CHE 345,346. • Plan an experiment before doing it CHE 345,346. • Indicate safety measures for an experiment CHE 328, 345,346. • Write a good lab report CHE 322,332, 345,346. c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. • Optimize a process design CHE 351,352. • Size equipment CHE 351,352,403,404. • Design a reactor CHE 464. • Choose a separation operation CHE 349, 351,352,403,404. • Design a control system CHE 322,425. d. an ability to function on multi disciplinary teams. • Team projects are assigned and evaluated in: • EGR105 and EGR106 Foundations of Engineering Courses. • CHE322, CHE345, CHE346; the three laboratory courses. . • CHE351 AND CHE352; the plant Design Courses. In addition five major surveys are used to test the effectiveness of teaming in engineering including: department students, COE graduate employers, COE alumni, COE student exit interviews and COE IBE national norming. Department focus groups of students also are used to determine the effectiveness of teaming assignments. e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. • Set up and solve a system of steady-state component mass balances for a process CHE 21 • • • • 212, 351,352. Setup and solve an energy balance CHE 212,313, 314, 347, 348, 351, 352. Set up and solve a material balance with reaction CHE 212, 351, 352, 464. Solve a combination material balance and energy balance problem CHE 212, 351, 352, 464. Develop a feedback process for a control problem CHE 425. f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. Engineering Ethics is covered in the Department Plant Design Courses, CHE351 and CHE352 and the Plant Trips course, CHE328. Surveys include COE employer results, COE alumni results, COE Student Exit Interviews, and COE IBE national norming results. g. an ability to communicate effectively. Students write major project reports in EGR105 and EGR106. In addition the students must meet University General Education requirements of six credits in English Communication (Usually WRT101). Many courses in the Department require major written reports. Those courses include the laboratory courses, the Plant Design and Plant Trips courses. Some of these courses require verbal presentations. Surveys include COE Alumni, EGR105 AND 106 students, COE employer results, COE Student Exit Interviews and COE IBE national norming results. h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. Surveys for this outcome include COE student employers, COE alumni results, COE Student Exit Interviews, COE IBE national norming results and IEP Students. Our Plant Design Course cover additional issues. i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. Surveys include COE employer results, COE alumni results, COE Student Exit Interviews, COE IBE national norming and IEP students. All undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in the AIChE student chapter activities and are encouraged to attend the annual joint meeting between the RI Chapter of AIChE and the student chapter. Discussions on the benefits of membership in AIChE take place in many of our courses and membership is promoted by the Department. Also CHE352 introduces real design problems and CHE328 our plant trips course discusses this issue at most of the plant visits. j. a knowledge of contemporary issues. Surveys include; COE employer results, COE alumni results, COE Student Exit Interviews, COE IBE national norming, IEP Students letters back on contemporary issues. Most upper division courses including our plant design courses introduce contemporary engineering issues. These include safety, environmental impact, and technical issues. k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. • Prepare a multimedia presentation as a final report CHE 332, 345,346,349, 352,403,404. • Write a laboratory report CHE 322,CHE 332, CHE 345,CHE346. 22 • • • • • Ability to use computer simulation methods CHE 272, 322, 352. Ability to control experiment by computer CHE 322. Develop P & ID diagram for a double effect evaporator CHE 345,346, 425. Work in a team to design a chemical reactor CHE 351, CHE 352. Design and do a cost estimate of a whole plant CHE 351,352, 403,404. Assessment As mentioned above our review form and department meetings and discussion are the major methods used for analysis. These meetings are then used to improve the program. These forms (Form 5) provide the documentation needed to support changes in both the course and our curriculum. Student input is reviewed by each faculty member and focus groups of our students are documented and discussed and analyzed to promote improvements to our curriculum Specific Changes to the program from this process Discussion with students about the second semester Junior Year curriculum, resulted in moving CHE 313 to second semester sophomore year and moving CHE 332 to second semester junior year, switching CHE 425 Process Controls with CHE 464, Reactor Kinetics. This provides students with a better base for these courses. A presentation has been added to CHE 332 lab. No team taught courses in Chemical Engineering will be scheduled as a result of a senior student focus group input. In addition, surveys were provided to seniors, juniors and sophomores relating to outcomes. The results of the surveys were totaled and averages are reported below. The results of the survey were discussed at Department meetings. In addition, a focus group was held with junior and senior students. The minutes from the last meeting are given below. One of the results of the focus meeting was to drop ELE220 as a requirement. Other examples are indicated in the Course Folders where appropriate. The materials available for review will be in the Course Binders in Room 213. Binders include a course development document with review dates, examples of the assessment process, and how this process is used. MODELS FOR ASSESSMENT The Department faculty has discussed closing the loop on evaluations and utilizes the following model to help understand this role. 23 This process includes two loops. Our Assessment plan consists of the elements in this model. The Department also uses the following model to guide the assessment of the Chemical Engineering Program. 24 Chemical Engineering Department Assessment/Enhancement Procedures Educational Objectives Chemical Engineering Program Input From Constituents: Faculty Staff Students Alumni Industry Program Outcomes Assessment Process . 25 Improvement Feedback Loop PROVIDING INPUT FROM CONSTITUENTS Our constituents include students, faculty alumni and employers: Outcomes Assessment Indicators Constituency Indicator Annual survey of senior students. Students Discussion of survey results in CHE352 Exit interviews of senior students by the College every year. Broad surveys of all Department students. Focus groups. Faculty input. Faculty Course objectives related to outcomes. Indicators for each outcome. Survey mailing to Engineering graduates by the College Alumni of Engineering every three years. College of Engineering Survey every three years. Employers Local AIChE member survey and discussion. The individual courses use a rich variety of indicators to ensure that outcomes are being achieved. Individual course assessment can include the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • Tests Lab reports Homework problems Homework questions Design projects Oral reports Written reports Classroom participation Computer programs Course completion Grades Surveys The Chemical Engineering Program also uses all or most of the following indicators to measure the success of the program: • • • • • • Transcripts Student surveys (freshman to senior; determine satisfaction and assess learning) Focus Groups Exit interviews Internships Resumes (graduation and career) 26 • • • • Number of job offers Average Starting Salary Alumni surveys (different times) Company surveys Each program and course will develop a matrix to demonstrate the activities of applying the indicators. Special attention will be paid to the capstone courses CHE351, CHE352, CHE345, and CHE346. Particular attention will be paid to ensure that these courses have significant indicators for evaluation and will provide major feedback to the Department on whether the outcomes are being achieved. Course Specific Indicators. • • • • • • • • • • Tests and exams Project reports Laboratory experiments and reports Homework assignments Written and oral reports Class participation Grades Passing the course SET responses Other surveys The general procedure for assessment includes the following steps: DETERMINE HOW OUTCOMES WILL BE ASSESSED Outcomes will be assessed by developing a list of General Specifications for each program outcome. (See Appendix B). ESTABLISH INDICATORS THAT SHOW OUTCOMES ARE BEING ACHIEVED Indicators to be used to ensure compliance with General Specifications (e.g. quizzes). FORMAL INSTRUCTION – STUDENT ACTIVITIES The Department Curriculum Committee will provide input on the effectiveness of the entire program (overview) of the program and its formal instruction. Individual faculty will use the feedback to modify and improve their courses. The Chemical Engineering Program will have a list of all undergraduate courses with their outline, objectives and assessment in a separate notebook. EVALUATE/ASSESS Evaluation and assessment will take place at Department Faculty and Curriculum Meetings. Assessment will include both summative and formative components. Each semester the department faculty will review the courses taught during that semester. FEEDBACK PROCESS 27 The evaluation and assessment meetings will produce recommendations for feedback into the curriculum to refine the processes required to meet the department objectives and the prescribed outcomes. DOCUMENTED RESULTS These documented results indicate the program curriculum and processes ensure achievement of the Program Educational Objectives. The data sheets are included in a separate Room 213 of Crawford Hall and will be made available to the visitor. The steps taken to ensure that the results of the data are being used to improve the effectiveness of the program are determined at the end of the semester department faculty meeting. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR OUTCOMES BASE LINE: ABET 2000 Engineering programs must demonstrate that their graduates have an ability to communicate effectively. Effective oral communication: Performance Specifications Speak to your audience Organize your presentation Speaks loudly and clearly Establish an interaction with your audience Vary your tone and pattern of speech Respond effectively to questions Effective writing communication: Performance Specifications Write an Engineering Report given a standard engineering format Write a description of a plot of data Write a description of a chart or sketch Create a plot of data using correct notation Create a chart of a time line Create a sketch using a CAD software program Collect evidence and assess on a continuing basis (entering Freshman to graduation for this performance). BASE LINE: ABET 2000 Engineering programs must demonstrate that their graduates have an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams. 28 Goal: Students who graduate from URI COE will be prepared to be effective team members. Function on Multidisciplinary Teams: Performance Specifications When assigned to work in a team, a student will: initiate and maintain task-oriented dialog initiate and participate in group maintenance strive for meaningful group consensus work for constructive conflict resolution support other team members understand team roles Standards for our assessment methods are indicated below. This table indicates the possible assessment methods, indicators and standards. Assessment Method Assessment Indicator Assessment Standard Undergraduate surveys for Scale of 1 for poor to 5 for Score of 3 is acceptable sophomores, juniors and good seniors Exams in class Grades Acceptable number of students pass Written reports Grades Acceptable number of students pass Presentations Grades Acceptable number of students pass Alumni survey Scale of 1 for poor to 5 for Score of 3 is acceptable good Exit Interview of Scale of 1 for good to 5 for Score of 3 is acceptable Graduating Students poor Employers survey Scale of 1 for good to 5 for Score of 3 is acceptable poor Student evaluation of Scale of 1 for poor to 5 for Score of 3 is acceptable Teachers good (SET) survey Focus Group of senior class Issues raised by students Discuss with department EBI Survey Comparison with Favorable or unfavorable in comparative institutions on a comparison to other 1 to 6 scale. institutions. A schedule to evaluate our indicators and the ideal assessment schedule is given in the table below. 29 Outcomes and Assessment Schedule: Constituency Students Faculty Alumni Employers Indicator Annual Survey of Seniors Annual Survey of Juniors Annual survey of Sophomores Exit Interviews EBI Survey Exams Written Reports Presentations ABET Assessment Meetings Department Survey College Survey College Survey Frequency Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly Yearly Per Course Per Course Per Course Twice per semester Two years Two years Three years Alumni Survey During 2005 the Dean’s office surveyed the alumni of the previous five years and graduating Senior surveys as constituent input for developing our objectives and assessment plan. In February of 2006 the national norming EBI survey was given to senior students. A number of meetings with students, including focus groups, were also held. The department faculty held two focus meetings providing input to the program objectives. The alumni survey results were reviewed by the faculty. Very positive results were recorded. Most graduates felt well prepared with ratings of 4 or 5 from each graduate on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being the best. On a number of skills, abilities and attributes the alumni ratings are reported in the following table for being well prepared: Skills, Attributes, Abilities Numerics average Range Oral Communication 3.23 2-4 Written Communication 4.00 3-5 Interpersonal Skills 3.77 1-5 Lifelong Learning 4.33 3-5 Teamwork 4.83 3-5 Ethics and Professional 4.42 2-5 Registration as PE 3.08 1-5 Technical Engineering Knowledge 4.00 2-5 Problem Solving Ability 4.46 3-5 In a separate question most alumni felt they were well prepared for the work place. Senior Exit Survey In the 2006 senior exit interviews held by the Dean’s office the students rated their learning experience as a 3.91 out of an assessment from 1 to 5 with 5 being the best. EBI Survey 30 A College wide survey was given to seniors during the Spring 2006 semester. This was the third survey since 2000. The EBI survey is analyzed by a professional outside organization and many engineering schools participate. This allows benchmarking of these many colleges and relates our efforts to other engineering schools and our peer schools. The full report is available for the 2000, 2003 and 2006 surveys are available in Room 213 to our ABET visitor. The results of the surveys are broken down by factor analysis and then the questions are grouped. The individual questions are also available for evaluation. There was a 61% college wide response to the EBI survey. Fourteen responses were received from chemical engineering seniors. The results are presented for the college as a whole and specifically for the chemical engineering program. The results are scaled from 1 to 7 with 7 being the highest. The results were also compared to the 2003 survey. The college results between 2003 and 2006 were relatively consistent with slightly better results in 2006. Thirteen of the factors showed improvement while two showed a slight decline. These College Factors are listed in the following table: EBI SURVEY RESULTS FROM 2006 COMPARED TO 2003 for COE STUDENTS Number Factor 2003 2006 Change 1 Instruction & Interaction in Major Courses 4.55 4.78 Increase 2 Aspects of Major Courses 5.23 5.36 Increase 3 Breadth of Curriculum 4.68 4.65 decrease 4 Team & Extracurricular Activities 4.67 4.76 Increase 5 Computing Resources 4.98 5.14 Increase 6 Fellow Students 5.00 5.44 Increase 7 Career Services and Job Placement 3.66 4.13 Increase 8 System Design & Problem Solving 5.32 5.21 decrease 9 Impact of Engineering Solutions 5.15 5.24 Increase 10 Use of Tools and Text 5.04 4.87 Increase 11 Apply Knowledge and Identify Problems 5.45 5.51 Increase 12 Design Experience Built On Coursework 5.24 5.33 Increase 13 Design Experience Issues 4.22 4.45 Increase 14 Laboratory Facilities 4.67 4.75 Increase 15 Overall Program Effectiveness 4.75 4.95 Increase Note in the following table for our chemical engineering students all factors showed improvement. In the 2003 EBI results we compared well with the sixty or so other Engineering schools. The notebooks for 2003 are located in Room 213 Crawford Hall. The following table indicates the responses in 2003 and 2006 for just chemical engineering students. All factors showed an increase. Many showed significant improvements. EBI SURVEY RESULTS FROM 2006 COMPARED TO 2003 31 for CHE STUDENTS Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Factor Instruction & Interaction in Major Courses Aspects of Major Courses Breadth of Curriculum Team & Extracurricular Activities Computing Resources Fellow Students Career Services and Job Placement System Design & Problem Solving Impact of Engineering Solutions Use of Tools and Text Apply Knowledge and Identify Problems Design Experience Built On Coursework Design Experience Issues Laboratory Facilities Overall Program Effectiveness 2003 4.22 5.33 4.75 4.02 2.92 3.64 2.90 5.29 5.23 4.95 5.46 5.26 5.04 3.87 4.48 2006 5.44 5.84 5.28 5.21 4.74 6.11 3.69 5.73 5.77 5.28 6.06 5.78 5.45 5.04 5.73 Change Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Program Student Survey The following form was used to survey the sophomores, juniors and seniors. Chemical Engineering Department February 2006 Student Survey In order to improve our curriculum and establish accreditation metrics, we need to gather information about our student body. We therefore would like to have all ChE students fill out this survey form. Please submit only one form for yourself. No student names are to be collected. Check only one box in the poor, satisfactory, or strong category that describes how this skill or ability applies. Thank you. Skill or Ability Poor Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering Ability to design experiments and analyze and interpret data 32 Satisfactory Strong Ability to design a chemical process Ability to function on multi disciplinary teams Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility An ability to communicate effectively Broad education necessary to understand Eng. Solution in global/societal context A recognition of the need and ability to engage in life-long learning A knowledge of contemporary issues Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice The survey has been summarized by giving poor a weight of 1, satisfactory a weight of 3 and strong a weight of 5. In order to improve our curriculum and establish accreditation metrics, we collect this information about our student body. The students are asked to check only one box for each outcome. That describes their perspective of their skill or ability. The surveys were discussed extensively in department meeting. The faculty were happy with the results especially the increase from the sophomore year to the senior year. Summarized results of the survey given to sophomores are in the following table: Outcome 2006 2005 2000 a 4.2 4.00 3.90 b 3.2 3.07 3.54 c 2.4 2.93 2.63 d 4.2 3.21 3.81 e 3.2 3.21 4.18 33 f g h i j k 4.2 4.4 3.2 4.2 3.0 2.6 3.07 3.07 2.36 3.50 2.79 3.21 3.00 3.09 3.00 3.36 3.09 3.00 Summarized results of the survey given to juniors are in the following table Outcome 2006 2005 2000 a 3.77 5.00 3.33 b 3.62 3.33 2.66 c 2.77 2.67 2.66 d 3.62 4.67 3.66 e 3.77 4.33 3.25 f 3.60 3.67 2.33 g 4.23 4.33 3.33 h 3.15 3.67 2.00 i 3.77 4.67 2.50 j 2.54 3.67 2.00 k 3.15 3.67 2.66 Summary of the results of the survey given to seniors are in the following table: Outcome 2006 2005 2000 a 4.75 4.33 4.43 b 3.75 4.11 4.43 c 3.50 4.11 3.57 d 4.25 3.89 3.86 e 4.50 4.56 3.57 f 4.00 4.78 3.86 g 4.25 4.11 3.28 h 3.75 4.56 3.00 i 4.75 5.00 4.43 j 3.25 4.56 3.86 k 4.25 4.11 3.57 34 FOCUS GROUPS The department ABET evaluation committee also gave a focus survey by interacting directly with the students about the department objectives and outcomes. The minutes of the meeting are presented below. This survey was discussed extensively at a Department meeting. Action was taken on some of this discussion as indicated above. Focus Group Minutes Open Discussion with Students in CHE352 and CHE322 - ABET 2000 Thursday, April 28, 2005 Present: Dr. Knickle and Dr. Gray. Number of Seniors: 10 Number of Juniors: 6 How Do You Feel the Courses Fit In? The sequencing of courses./Other discussion Process Control should be taught before or simultaneous with micro lab. Reason students are expected to know P&ID, terms etc. (Most students didn’t think this was true). P Chem before Thermo 1 would be a big help. After thermo, P Chem very simple. 4 or 5 students took P Chem first and said this was a big help. Dropping P Chem wouldn’t hurt especially if thermo already taken. P Chem 2 not applicable to ChEs. Low level kinetics. Everyone gets good grades (ChEs get 90’s and Chem students get 20’s. ELE 220 Useless. Only prerequisite is Process control lab and ELE is not needed. Vote 11 say drop course, 1 says take a different ELE course, 0 suggested keeping. EGR 105 too basic. Most agreed however 1 student had never had spreadsheets and found it beneficial. It was felt that for 1 credit it is OK. About half the group felt that Matlab and Maple were not taught in ChE 272. Half the group said they learned a lot in ChE 212 about Matlab. Math was considered OK. Economics was said to be like high school. Most took microeconomics. Thought it was a good idea to tailor econ course to engineering students. Covering communication in courses. • Written/Oral 35 Everyone felt that group and individual oral and written reports were covered OK. Special Problems: Participation/Number of Students participating 2 seniors and 1 junior took special problems. Only 1 student suggested that she was turned down when seeking a special project. General Education Requirements: Positive Courses Engineering ethics was a good course to take (3 students) Honors department has good general education courses. (2 students) 4 or 5 students felt that 100 level courses were aggravating. Said they came to URI to get job skills not gen ed. Communications 101 said to be good. Writing 101 not suggested. Writing 333 was better and a good course. CHE Courses: • Senior General comment was that everything came together in senior year. All ChE courses were good and they seemed glad to have chosen to be a Chemical Engineer. • Junior ChE 347, ChE 314 and ChE 464 all great. ChE 348 was a problem and students felt they didn’t learn much. (Instructor taught as opposed to professor) • Sophomore ChE 332 is a good course. ChE 313 viewed as a testing ground to weed out weaker students. It was brought up that more design was introduced earlier that ChE courses would be better understood even ChE 212. It was thought that introducing Aspen in the sophomore year was not a good idea. • Freshman Courses EGR 105 was said to be useless. Problem stated was that they did not know what different engineers do. Taking ChE 212 in freshman year was suggested but also said that even after sophomore year they questioned whether to be a ChE. No one wanted a zero credit seminar course to give examples of what engineers do. 36 Additional Courses: Most students wanted more computer knowledge and possibly one course devoted to computer skills. Matlab, Maple, Autocad, Aspen, Excel with visual basic were all mentioned as important tools they like to learn. It was felt that more exposure to automated systems in senior lab would help. Only one new piece of equipment would be sufficient. Students learn ChE 322 but don’t seem to use it in lab. Other Comments Junior and senior year are good. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Drop ELE 220 (Done) 2. Work on the Sophomore Year 3. Buy one new piece of equipment for CHE345/346 4. Review the need for PCHEM I and II. CHE313 covers similar material as PCEM I and CHE464 covers similar and advanced material as PCHEM II 5. Make sure CHE313 is not a course that is used to reduce the number of students 6. Allow time for the students to learn ASPEN and AutoCAD 7. Include MATLAB programming in the sophomore year (Done) 8. Review the General education courses - Possibly develop a list of recommended courses. COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL GOALS College Overview The College of Engineering formed a faculty team to review and develop a new vision and mission for the College. A second committee was formed to review college wide accreditation decisions and directions. Both committees have been meeting for more than a year. Members of these committees are also members of the department accreditation committee. The College administration performs exit interviews for every student graduating from the College. These are provided to the departments for evaluation. In addition the College also surveyed the alumni and have provided feedback from these evaluations to the Department. The College also administers the EBI survey to all seniors for benchmarking with other schools. These surveys are provided to the Department. The goals of the College of Engineering include implementing the mission by providing high-quality undergraduate and graduate professional engineering education programs, maintaining and developing strong nationally recognized research efforts, and providing professional services that contribute to the development and well being of the State of Rhode Island. High quality undergraduate programs will prepare graduates to accept employment in their chosen disciplines in industry or government or to continue their education in graduate school. Preparation includes being able to demonstrate that graduates have met their program outcomes 37 Direct and personal contact with students will be stressed and a commitment will be made to provide ample opportunities for students to work directly with professors on projects and research. Every effort will be made to provide continued development of sound articulation agreements with the engineering programs at the Community College of Rhode Island to ensure the smooth transfer of students interested in an engineering career. The College is dedicated to advancing the state of the art in each of the engineering disciplines through the support of strong and nationally recognized research efforts. The College recognizes that technical leadership is developed through faculty efforts. The faculty is encouraged to provide both leadership and vision in their research efforts. The College of Engineering also recognizes that economic development in Rhode Island needs to be supported by the strong engineering education and research efforts of its faculty. The College will provide service to the State of Rhode Island by supporting faculty efforts to collaborate with business, industrial, and government organizations and by providing technical information and professional advice for these organizations. The College is committed to prepare its students to work in the global marketplace through the continued development of the International Engineering Program. The College of Engineering places the highest priority on a continued effort to recruit under-represented students, faculty, and staff from a world of cultural, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. Our efforts parallel the University’s mission in striving to build and nurture an intellectual community based on mutual respect with an enhanced appreciation of diversity. COE Mission Statement The College of Engineering is a diverse community of scholars, learners, and professional staff, working together and dedicated to the development and application of advanced technologies, for the betterment of the quality of life. We are creative problem-solvers, innovators, inventors, and entrepreneurs, applying our skills for the advancement of knowledge, service to our community, and the economic development of the State of Rhode Island and beyond. We prepare our graduates to be global leaders in a wide-range of engineering disciplines and to create new knowledge, products, and services. 38 4. Professional Component How Students are prepared for Engineering In the CHE track the requirement for one year of college level mathematics and basic sciences (some with experimental experience) appropriate to chemical engineering includes the following courses: MTH141(4), MTH142(4), MTH243(3), MTH244(3), Approved Math Elective (3) and CHM101(3) and LAB CHM102(1), CHM112(3) and LAB CHM114(1) and PHY203(3) and LAB PHY273(1), PHY204(3) and LAB PHY274(1) for a total of 33 credits. In the BIO track the requirement for one year of college level mathematics and basic sciences (some with experimental experience) appropriate to chemical engineering includes the following courses: MTH141(4), MTH142(4), MTH243(3), MTH244(3), Approved Math Elective (3) and CHM101(3) and LAB CHM102(1), CHM112(3) and LAB CHM114(1) and PHY203(3) and LAB PHY273(1), PHY204(3) and LAB PHY274(1).and BIO101(3), BIO102(3) or BIO121(4), MIC211(4) for a total of 43 or 44 credits. In the CHE track the requirement for one and one-half years of engineering topics consisting of engineering sciences and engineering design appropriate for the chemical engineering program includes the following courses: EGR105(1), EGR106(2), CHE212(3), CHE(272)(3), CHE313(3), CHE332(3), CHE314(3), CHE347(3), CHE322(2), CHE348(3), CHE464(3), CHE328(1), CHE345(3), CHE349(2), CHE351(3), CHE425(3), CHE346(2), CHE352(3), and 9 credits of approved professional electives for a total of 55 credits.. In the BIO track the requirement for one and one-half years of engineering topics consisting of engineering sciences and engineering design appropriate for the chemical engineering program includes the following courses: EGR105(1), EGR106(2), CHE212(3), CHE272(3), CHE313(3), CHE332(3), CHE314(3), CHE347(3), CHE348(3), CHE464(3), CHE328(1), CHE345(3), CHE349(2), CHE351(3), CHE425(3), CHE346(2), CHE352(3), and 6 credits of approved professional electives for a total of 55 credits.. The General Education Committee of the University insures that the CHE curriculum meets the general education requirements of the University. Incorporating Engineering Standards and Realistic Constraint in the Engineering Experiences Adequate Time in the Curriculum to the Professional Component The capstone design courses CHE351(3) and CHE352(3) are used to prepare our CHE students for engineering practice through our curriculum culminating in a major design experience based on the knowledge and skill acquired in earlier course work and incorporating the engineering standards and using multiple realistic constraints. This information is summarized in the following table. 39 Math & Basic Sciences Engineering Topics General Education Major Design Experience ABET 32 48 University CHE Track 33 55 Yes CHE351, CHE352 40 Bio Track 43 or 44 50 Yes CHE351, CHE352 5. Faculty Adequacy of the Size of the faculty Currently there are eight faculty in the department (Prof. Rivero, Assoc Dean is a full-time administrator and is not required to contribute towards the teaching efforts in the department; she is not included in this count – note that as of July 1, 2006, Prof Rivero will be returning to Chemical Engineering as a full-time faculty). A new faculty hire (Assistant Professor) will be arriving in September 2006. In September, 2006 there will be six full professors, three associate professors and one assistant professor. This will bring us to a faculty strength of 10 which will be adequate to deliver an excellent ChE program. There are also two Research Professors in the department (this number varies in any given year). Research faculty do not generally teach courses. While all the faculty are involved in research projects, the faculty can teach the courses required in both the CHE track and the BIO track. These numbers are reduced by service to the University. Dr. V. Rose is retired but teaching CHE328 Plant Trips and is the Senior University Ombudsperson. Quality of the Faculty Involvement: Students, Advising, Service, Professional Development and Industry Different department faculty members are appointed to advise each class: freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. The number of students is small enough that every student is known to the faculty and can informally advise them during class, during office hours or in casual settings. Every faculty member serves on a College or Department Committee. Some faculty members serve on University committees and some on professional society committees. Most faculty members attend at least one Professional Society meeting each year. Most faculty members are members of AIChE. Many faculty either consult with industry partners or obtain grants for projects. The Department also has an Advisory Board. The competency of the faculty is such that all the basic Chemical Engineering courses can be taught without difficulty. The experience of the faculty is such that most have been teaching for at least ten years. The level of scholarship is good as shown by the awarding of grants and publications of the Department. All faculty participate in relevant professional societies. Dr. Donald Gray is the AICHE Student Chapter advisor. Faculty Competence to Cover Curricular Areas The faculty of the Department of Chemical Engineering is well qualified. Appendix IA, Table 3, indicates faculty workload and Appendix 1A, Table 4 provides faculty analysis. Resumes are provided in appendix 1C. All of the faculties hold Ph.D. degrees from well recognized institutions. All the courses within the Department are generally taught by full-time tenure track faculty which reflects the commitment of the faculty to teaching. The exceptions arise when department faculty go on leave, and funds for replacements are not provided. In those situations, senior graduate students have taught classes. This has had a mixed review from students. There are two endowed chairs in the Department including: • Victor J. Baxt Chair in Polymer Engineering filled by Michael Greenfield and • Chester H. Kirk Chair in chemical Engineering filled by Angelo Lucia. These positions provide a basic strength to the Department. 41 All faculty participate in research programs. This is especially important as many undergraduate students gain their first experience in research by working with faculty in their research groups. This work can be as a member of a research program involving a graduate student or with the undergraduate student responsible for individual research projects. Examples include the Computational efforts in the groups of Lucia and Greenfield, Corrosion laboratory (Brown), Laboratory for Colloids and Interfaces (Bose), Surfaces and Sensors Center (Gregory). The Pollution Prevention Center run by Stanley Barnett has teams of undergraduate students under the supervision of a research professor conduct surveys at manufacturing plants and provide solutions to pollution problems by writing assessments of plant operations and then designing a facility to decrease pollution from the plant. Professor Knickle has been active in outreach to 69th grade minority students through the LSAMP program. The faculty are well prepared to meet future research challenges in Chemical Engineering. Their specializations are listed below: Dr. Barnett – separations and biotechnology. Dr. Bose – interfacial and colloidal phenomena Dr. Brown – materials properties and degradation Dr. Gray – fluids, mixing Dr. Greenfield – Molecular modeling Dr. Gregory – thermodynamics, materials Dr. Knickle – heat transfer Dr. Lucia – process control, modeling Dr. Rivero – Bioprocessing, Environment Dr. Bothun – Bioprocessing in extreme environments, bionanotechnology. 42 6. Facilities A summary of the laboratories in Crawford Hall used by the chemical engineering program are listed in the table below: Table of Laboratory Facilities Physical Facility Building and Room Number Purpose of Laboratory, Including Courses Taught Labs and demonstrations for: ChE 332 and ChE 333 Labs for senior courses, ChE 345 and ChE 346 Condition of Laboratory Adequacy for Instruction Good – some equipment needs to be replaced Some good, some poor 12 24 x 24 576 ft2 Old, some equipment needs to be replaced Satisfactory 9 36 x 30 1080 ft2 Microprocessor Lab, Room 224 Crawford Hall Lab for: ChE 322 Good Good – Excellent 4 22 x 29 638 ft2 Computer Lab, Room 207 Crawford Hall Computer Facility Good for: ChE 272, ChE 345, ChE 346, ChE 347, ChE 348, ChE 349, ChE 351 and ChE 352 Good 10 23 x 22 506 ft2 Materials Lab, Room 120 Crawford Hall Unit Operations, Room 101 Crawford Hall Number Area Student (sq.ft.) Sections Total Area: 2800 ft2 Individual laboratories and facilities of the chemical engineering program are described below: Computer Room - Room 207, Crawford Hall: 43 This room gets heavy use by the undergraduate students. The room was painted in the winter of 2005. The computers are adequate at the present time but will need to be upgraded in the next three years. The Hewlett Packard printer is networked into the computers. This is the main computer facility for the Department students. There is an adequate college-wide computer lab which can be used for any overflow or convenience. Data Acquisition and Control Laboratory – Room 225, Crawford Hall: A major refurbishing of the room took place, which included adequate lighting, painting and installation of a white board. The room has six Pentium III Gateway computers with DAC boards for data acquisition and control experiments. A Hewlett Packard networked printer is also in the lab. Four new Pentium 4 computers were purchased four years ago and two new data acquisition boards have been purchased. The lab is transitioning to LABVIEW software from LABTECH software and from PCI boards to USB boards. Experiments from this course will be incorporated into the Senior Laboratory beginning in Spring 2007. Senior Laboratory – Room 101, Crawford Hall: The senior laboratory is located in room 101 in Crawford Hall. A clean up of the laboratory over the last two years has significantly improved the appearance and safety within the laboratory. For laboratory maintenance, the Chair of Chemical Engineering committed engineering fees of at least $1000 per year. Over the past years this was spent on the cooling tower experiment which required some electrical rewiring, new relays and heating elements. Funds were also spent on new plastic piping for the heated reactor and copper piping to install a compressor to bring a column on line for a new experiment. Experiments in the Senior Laboratory include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10. Double Effect Evaporator. Distillation Column. Cooling Tower. Blower/Fin Tube Heat Exchanger. Orifice Experiment. Double Pipe Heat Exchanger. Film and Drop Condensation Experiment. Friction Factor . Stirred Tank Reactor. Membrane Separation. A reaction calorimeter being donated by Pfizer, will be added into the Senior laboratory beginning in Fall 2006. Additional proposals have been written to upgrade this laboratory (NSF – CCLI, Champlin Foundation) The facilities of the Chemical Engineering program are housed in Crawford Hall, which was built in 1965. The table below lists the general laboratory areas and conditions. The building has a new roof and most hoods have been upgraded in the last 10 years. 44 Senior Lab Planning Meeting 3-07-06 Attending: R. Brown, A. Bose, O. Gregory, D. Gray, B. Ansay. Experiments Working and Summer Maintenance Schedule. 1.Double Effect Evaporator – needs insulation 2. Distillation Column – needs insulation. 3. Cooling Tower 6 Double pipe heat exchanger 7 Film and Drop Condensation 8 Friction Factor . pressure sensors needed. New experiment? 9 Stirred Tank Reactor. Thermocouple upgrades New experiments to initiate. 11. Process control – pneumatic valve summer ‘06. 13. Mixer – electrical, glass tanks, summer ‘06. 14. Move experiments from ChE 322 into Senior Laboratory, Spring 2007 15. Make some experiments in CHE 345 controllable with PC’s and LABVIEW software. Materials Laboratory – Room 121, Crawford Hall: This laboratory is the teaching laboratory for the materials course taught in the Chemical Engineering curriculum. It is also the first laboratory experience within Chemical Engineering. The aim of this lab is to provide a good hands on experience for the students as well as provide report writing and presentation experience. Two experiments have been put in place in this laboratory. These include examination of a pump and mechanical properties of plastics and metals. Three written laboratory reports are required. At the end of the lab course, students in groups presented power point presentations on one of their lab reports. Other modifications were changing materials from a copper beryllium alloy to an aluminum alloy in age hardening experiments. The laboratory is functional at present. New experiments can be introduced reasonably simply. However new equipment will be required over the next few years. This includes a new tensile test machine, new hardness measuring machines and new optical microscopes. A scanning electron microscope was donated which will from the basis of a new analytical laboratory in the Material Laboratory. Laboratory Experiments Spring 2006: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Crystallography, Structure, interstitial positions. FCC, BCC and HCP Structures for Metals and Ceramics. Solidification pure metals and alloys, phase diagrams Cold working and annealing Mechanical Properties of Metals and Plastics. Metallography. Spark Testing Age Hardening of Aluminum Alloys. Heat Treatment of Steel Plastic Tensile Testing Ceramic Processing. 45 12. Powerpoint Presentations. Classrooms in Crawford Hall are rooms 221,222 and 223. These are controlled by the Registrar of the University. They were upgraded in the summer of 1999 with new screens and new overhead projectors. Any problems with these rooms are communicated to Instructional Technology Services at URI if it involves the overhead projector or the screen. All other problems are sent to the Registrar. Engineering facilities in addition to Crawford Hall for Chemical Engineering: Kirk Technology Center: Freshmen engineers must take EGR 105 and 106. This is taught in the Kirk Technology Center at URI, a building opened in 1998. It has one classroom, several research laboratories spread between the engineering departments, the Engineering Computer Center and the Cherry Auditorium. There are also bio and control labs used in research in this building and sometimes for undergraduate student projects. Engineering Computer Center: The Engineering Computer Center (ECC) is used by undergraduate students not only for EGR 105 and 106 but at any time during their career at URI. It houses three classrooms housing computers as well as an area for general use of the facilities. The three classrooms can be reserved for courses and teaching. The computer equipment has been kept up to date in this lab. Many of our modern tools are loaded onto computers in this center. 46 7. Institutional Support and Financial Resources The annual budget for the Chemical Engineering Department is allocated by the Dean from the funding provided to the College from the Provost of the University. The support expenditures for Chemical Engineering is shown in Appendix 1A, table 5. The personnel budget covers the tenure track faculty, secretarial - 1 position, and technical staff positions – 1.5 positions. The capital allocation is for new purchases, while the operating budget is to cover expenses such as phones, copying, office and laboratory supplies, 1-month summer support for Chair etc. A category called Faculty Development Fund is a contractual agreement that the Provost must distribute to the Department for Faculty Development. In Chemical Engineering these funds were distributed equally between faculty and used for travel, purchase books, or pooled to buy a projector and a printer for the department. The faculty development funds for 2005-2006 were $168 for each faculty member. A portion of overhead funds generated from research grants are returned to the Department. The Dean of the College receives about 35% of the overall overhead from research grants. The other 65% is kept by the University. 60% of the overhead the Dean receives is returned to the Department where it is split 50% to the Department Chair and 50% to the investigator who generated the overhead. It is the policy in Chemical Engineering that the returned overhead be used to promote the research effort that generated the money. The investigators share is their own to use to promote their research efforts. I 2005-2006 the University has specifically allocated laboratory fees from junior and senior students to the program. The amount is based on enrollments. If that process will continue it will provide a reasonable base for improving the laboratory equipment. Program expenditures for the previous two years are given in the following table: Expenses Laboratory Fees Operating Personnel Capital Faculty Development FY05 0 44,416 777,008 7,000 912 FY06 13,592 45,104 850,228 10,500 1,307 In the above table Operating Funds includes the Chair’s summer salary, part time instructors, phone service, postage, copier rental, and supplies and equipment. After these encumbrances, the available operating funds are ~$10,000 annually. Prior to FY06 the University was keeping the Laboratory fees and in FY06 they returned them to the College of Engineering. Faculty development expenses are required in the union contract. About $150 is allocated to each faculty member. The annual expenditures in the Department during 2000-2006 are listed in the following tables. 47 Expenditures 2000-2001 Purchased on Department Funds: Vendor Aspen Borden & Remington Dalbani Damons Hardware Data Comm Warehouse DOME Construction Company Inc. Focused Resolutions First Student Gateway Item(s) Ordered Cost Date Professor Lucia/Gray Use Polymers Plus for NON-PC 55 gallon 99% IPA Drum deposit Digital multimeter and temp probes Misc. Supplies 1,000.00 9/20/00 350.00 1/22/01 Gray 192.60 12/28/00 Knickle/ McLaughlin ChE 322 75.00 5/1/01 Ansay Machine Shop Plumbing supplies TVR 10/100 Tester DTS 1650 54.11 10/12/00 Ansay 229.99 4/12/01 Knickle/ McLaughlin Network tone generator and probe DTS 1653 Saw, cut, and demolish wall btw. Rooms 108A and 108B and install heavy-duty door Saw, cut, and demolish wall btw. Rooms 101 and 101A and install heavyduty door Repair SEM equipment 119.99 4/13/01 Knickle/ McLaughlin 1,000.00 4/19/01 Brown ChE 333 Trips to Bradford Soap, Toray, Arkwright, Dow Chemical, Osram Sylvania Intel Pentium III Processor 939.00 10/3/0011/14/00 Rose CHE 328 1,353.00 3/7/01 McLaughlin Computer Lab 5,422.00 2/20/01 48 CHE 351/352/425 CHE 345/346 ChE 322 Brown/ McLaughlin Infotech Group, Inc. HP Designjet 500 42” printer 2,853.00 3/28/01 Brown/McLaughlin Jabbour Electronics Egg component Egg component Safety glasses, gray floor trak cord ducting Items are parts for computer boards Universal library for lab view ¾” x 3 feet 240.72 12/28/00 McLaughlin 240.72 2/20/01 McLaughlin 355.65 4/27/01 Brown 717.30 2/20/01 McLaughlin 49.00 12/4/00 McLaughlin 29.29 12/4/00 Ansay CHE 313 Lab Lab Safety Measuremen t Computing MSC Industrial Supply National Instruments Quaker Tools, Inc. Reardon Supply South County Steel, Inc. Staples Business Advantage W. B. Mason W.B. Mason Poster printer for Dep.. ChE 322 Dep. ChE 345/346 Comp. Lab Labview 10 user teaching license Labview 10 user teaching license Hand drill 1,495.00 9/11/00 McLaughlin Software 1,495.00 10/6/00 McLaughlin Software 193.60 6/7/01 Ansay Misc. Supplies 50.00 1/11/01 Ansay Machine shop CHE 345/346 Plumbing supplies Fabricated metal table for Instron Unit Enclosed glass bulletin boards 250.00 7/25/00 Ansay 535.00 6/7/01 Brown Dept. 1,145.00 1/24/01 Brown Dept Various office $2100.00 supplies assorted chairs 750.00 Over the M. Leach Dept year Dept. Comp. Lab/Lounge Expenditures 2000-2001 Purchased on Overhead Funds for Dept. Use: Vendor Dell Item(s) Ordered Inspiron 5000e laptop Cost Date Professor Use 2,949.00 2/6/01 Brown Dept. laptop computer 49 Expenditures 2001-2002 Purchased on Department Funds: Vendor Aspen Damons Hardware Broadway Appliance Dell Eastern Butcher Block E&J Masonry Gateway Item(s) ordered Polymers Plus for NON-PC Misc. Supplies Cost Professor Use 1,000.00 9/20/00 Lucia 52.98 5/1/01 Ansay 8000 BTU 115V window AC 4100 computer 8200 series computer 36”x72”x1.25” thick ash trestle tables (4) Tile removal, tile installation, hole patching 248.00 7/10/01 Bose A.C for faculty office 2,137.06 3,198.00 2/15/01 11/13/01 Brown Brown Dept. Laptop 1,196.00 11/15/01 Brown 1,690.00 8/23/01 Knickle Labor and materials 4,154.00 4/16/01 Brown/ McLaughlin 6/4/02 Brown Tables for Computer lab in room 207 Furnish and install all labor/materials in room 227 Saw, cut & demolish wall btw room 108A/108B and install new heavy-duty door Computer Lab JD Construction Intel Pentium 4 848.00 processor, E3600 special Hewlett Packard 1,394.00 OfficeJet G85XI all-inone printer/HP laser jet 2200d Furnish and 3,000.00 installation RyderStudent Bus rentals Northeast Balance Service Balances to be recalibrated in rooms 109, 214, 215 Infotech Group Date 5/2/02 Color Printer in main dept. office 10/12/01 Bose 625.00 10/1/01 Rose 216.00 9/21/01 Brown 50 ChE 313,425, 351/352 Machine Shop Remove block wall , tile, ceiling, lights in rooms 217/218 Various trips to companies for ChE 328 Balances in Dept. labs Vendor Cache Corp. Central Receiving Central Stores Chemical Engineering Education CompuCenter Cole Parmer Damon’s Hardware Focused Resolutions, Inc Ikon Office Instron Corp. Key Shop LabTech Measurment Computing MSC Industrial Supply Postage Expenditures 2002-2003 Purchased on Department Funds Item(s) Cost Date Professor Ordered Subscription 200.00 7/19/02 Dept. Dept. Xerox paper, 858.00 11/15/02 uri forms, etc. Various Bob Ansay supplies 332.20 7/15/02 Subscription Dept. 390.00 7/1/02 Computer supplies, repairs Various supplies Various plumbing, electrical Repair equipment Copy machine lease, supplies Repair equipment Keys for building Computer software Computer supplies Supplies South C. Trails Bulk mail of alumni letter Buses for trips Viking Office Products Office products 399.60 269.70 8/27/02 12/9/02 Ray 371.71 11/12/02 Brown 75.00 9/23/02 Use Dept. Dept. Machine Shop Dept. 322 lab and 207 computer lab ChE 333 Bob Ansay Machine Shop Brown/Gregory ChE 333/332 Chair Dept. Brown ChE 333/332 labs Dept 485.00 8/27/02 3,356.00 485.50 7/1/02 7/15/02 520.00 50.00 9/4/02 8/27/02 Chair 2,115.00 7/26/02 Chair 175.72 7/26/02 Ray ChE 345/346/425 ChE Labs Bob Machine Shop 123.94 8/27/02 700.00 6/30/02 Chair Dept. 250.00 500.00 250.00 10/1/02 10/9/02 11/20/02 Rose ChE 328 Chair Dept. 89.00 8/6/02 51 Expenditures 2003-2004 Purchased on Department Funds: Vendor 4- Cor Inc. Aspen Allied Electronics Comp-uCenter Central Stores Core Business Core Business Dell Computers Gamry Instruments Gamry Instruments Jameco Electronics Key Shop MA Olsen Newwark Electronics Printing Services Tranter PHE Wavefunction inc. W.B. Mason Item(s) ordered LI-250 Light Meter Aspen software, polymers PCV input power controller Hard drive, Wheel mice, surge protectors Xerox Paper Purchase of copy machine Maintenance Agreement OptiPlex GX720 (5) PC4/300 mA Potentiostat DC!05 Corrosion Software Solderless Breadboards Keys for building Biomixer PCV Relays, solid state relays, faro Letterhead, envelopes, Tranter max changer Spartan 02 for Linux Various office supplies, chairs for offices Cost Date Professor Use 575.00 4/12/04 Barnett 1800.00 2/21/03 Gray/Lucia 149.44 2/1/03 Knickle ChE 351/352/425 ChE 322 349.95 11/18/03 Ray Computer lab 2000.00 4226.99 9/10/03 7/1/03 Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. 731..50 1/9/04 Dept. Dept. 7117.85 6/9/04 Dept. Computer Lab 6085.00 4/26/04 Brown Brown 2385.00 4/26/04 Brown Brown 149.50 12/23/03 Ray ChE 322 200.00 3/28/03 Dept. Dept. 1730.00 1316.59 4/27/04 7/12/04 Rose Knickle Rose ChE 322 850.00 9/18/03 Dept. Dept. 683.00 5/18/04 Rose Rose 1250.00 6/2/04 Lucia Lucia Dept. Dept. 1485.00 52 Expenditures 2004-2005 Purchased on Department Funds: Vendor Alfa Aeser Aspen Tech Borden & Remington Central Stores Core Business Cranston Welding Fisher Gateway Computers HewlettPackard Lahey Computer Measurement Computing MSC Q-Panel Ryder Transportation Savin Corp W.B. Mason Wilem Scientific Item(s) ordered Potassium Aspen Plus software Isopropyl Alcohol Cost 131.00 1200.00 Date 8/3/05 9/17/04 Professor Brown Lucia/Gray 402.05 5/5/05 Gray Use ChE 333 ChE 351/352/425 ChE 345/346 Xerox Paper 2nd year for copy machina Soldering hose 1800.00 4004.00 8/31/04 7/1/03 Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. 100.00 10/28/04 Bob ChE 345/346 Thermolyne Furnances (2) Computer System 1638.00 3/1/05 Brown ChE 333 1513.00 2/24/05 Dept. Dept. Digital projector 1299.00 5/12/05 Dept. Dept.. Seats (6) 1141.98 8/10/04 Lucia Lucia Lab Notebook 500.00 8/3/05 Ray Computer Lab Power band saw blades Aluminum Bus rental for various trips Transparencies, toner for copy machines Various office supplies Analytical balances, digital density meter, thermoanemometer 138.28 10/4/04 Bob Machine Shop 187.50 800.00 9/13/05 9/13/05 Brown Rose ChE 333 ChE 328 305.00 9/2//04 Leach Dept. Leach Dept. Gray ChE 345/346 1485.00 4085.00 4/4/05 53 Vendor Aspen Cole Parmer Core Business Central Stores Dell Fisher Focused Resolutions Instron Corp Qpanel South County Trails South County Trails South County Trails Dell McDonalds Extec Corp Grainger W. B Mason Supply New England Expenditures 2005-2006 Purchased on Department Funds: Item(s) Cost Date Professor Use Ordered Aspen Plus 1,200.00 9/ 30/06 Lucia/Bose CHE Software 351/352/425 Flat bed 1,130.50 10/28/05 Brown CHE 333 recorders 4004.00 9/30/05 Dept . Dept. Use Copy Machine (last year for paying) Xerox paper 1400.00 9/6/06 Dept. Dept. and URI forms OptiPlex 1354.67 12/20/05 Meredith Dept. Office Inspiron 700m 500g lead shot 300.00 9/13/05 Brown ChE 333 500g granular tin SEM Repair 1,425.00 11/14/05 Brown Labs 1/16” round indentor 0.032x3x10 aluminum Clarient and Bradford Soap Sylvania and Pfizer Inc. Trips Chem. Expo in NYC Dimension 3100 W1 water harden tool steel (2) Epoxy kit, polishing cloth, grit Screws, octagon box, etc Various office supplies Various plumbing supplies, fittings 104.00 1/31/06 Bob ChE 198.60 9/13/05 Brown ChE 333 600.00 10/110/05 Rose CHE 328 600.00 9/26/05 Rose CHE 328 825.00 10/6/05 Rose CHE 328 1,028.52 2/3/06 Lucia Lucia 110.60 1/31/06 Gregory ChE 332 $1424.00 1/10/06 Gregory ChE 332 Knickle ChE 322 45.00 $1300.00 $500.00 2/18/06 During the academic year 3/2/06 54 Leach Gray/Ansay Office ChE 345/346 Adequacy of the Budget Constraints on university dollars continue to be a major concern. Funds are needed to upgrade the laboratories, for capital improvements, faculty development and travel. A laboratory fee charged to the students was delivered to the College and distributed to the departments in 20052006. The Department’s share is $13,592. In Fall 2005, $10,500 of ABET funds were made available to the department. However, a typical new laboratory experiment costs ~$25,000 (excluding cost associated with utilities, plumbing etc.). At the current level of investment, our department will continue to just be able to maintain current experiments, and not be able to add any new ones. In addition, the department is concerned about financial support for a laboratory course in Materials, taken overwhelmingly by students outside of Chemical Engineering (in Fall 2005, there were 85 students in the class, and 1 chemical engineer). Support for this class puts an inordinate burden on the department budget. The department is pursuing other federal (NSF – through proposals to the CCLI program) and private (Champlin Foundation, donation from Pfizer) sources of funding for the undergraduate laboratories. The laboratory experience is barely adequate. Most of the equipment is old and in constant need of repair. Few University and College funds have been spent over the past six years to upgrade the laboratories. No new experiments have been purchased for the senior laboratories since the last ABET visit primarily because of lack of funds. Some revamping of older experiments has been completed. Engineering fees have only been given to the department in 2005-2006. Computers available for general student use have new software but range from 2 to 8 years old, with most in the 4-5 year range. Department operating funds have been used to purchase approximately 1-2 desktop computers each year for the students. The department has a competent full-time secretary but still needs help with the graduate program. In Chemical Engineering, there are approximately 30 grants being administered concurrently. This has placed a very large burden on the one secretary, who is responsible for the needs of eight faculty (to become 10 from Fall 2006 when Dr. Bothun arrives, and Prof. Rivero returns to the department after her administrative stint as Associate Dean), nearly 80 students and 2 staff, which is too much. A half-time secretary should be added to take responsibility for all graduate tasks, potentially split between various departments. This is particularly important because the department will have 10 faculty from Fall 2006, and already has the highest research expenditures and income amongst all departments in the College. There is little support for research administration. The Peoplesoft software has added to the burden of the faculty and staff significantly. More careful fiscal reporting, including the reinstitution of monthly research reports would be a great help. The department has only 1.5 technical staff persons. When the CHE 322 course is running (each Spring semester)the half-time person is needed full time in the laboratory, which is all day Tuesday and Thursday when repair and preparation time are taken into account. This is the 80% of his time allocated to the Department. Other laboratories that need help such as the CHE 332 laboratory are not getting enough technical help. Incorporation of several experiments from ChE 322 into the Senior Laboratory will shift a part of the burden into the Senior Laboratory from the Spring semester. Another half time technical position is necessary to aid in the undergraduate program. 55 56 8. Program Criteria The ABET Program Criteria from AICHE states: The program must demonstrate that graduates have: thorough grounding in chemistry and a working knowledge of advanced chemistry such as organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, materials chemistry, or biochemistry, selected as appropriate to the goals of the program; working knowledge, including safety and environmental aspects, of material and energy balances applied to chemical processes; thermodynamics of physical and chemical equilibria; heat, mass, and momentum transfer; chemical reaction engineering; continuous and stage-wise separation operations; process dynamics and control; process design; and appropriate modern experimental and computing techniques. The courses that are used to meet the specific AIChE program criteria are listed below. The bold headings indicate the specific criteria. These bold headings are followed by the courses used to meet the stated requirements. Thorough grounding in chemistry and a working knowledge of advanced chemistry such as organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, materials chemistry, or biochemistry, CHM101, CHM102, CHM112, CHM114 and advanced chemistry Working knowledge, including safety and environmental aspects, of Material and energy balances applied to chemical processes; CHE212, CHE313 Thermodynamics of physical and chemical equilibria; CHE314 Heat, mass, and momentum transfer; CHE347, CHE348 Chemical reaction engineering; CHE464 Continuous and stage-wise separation operations; CHE348, CHE349 Process dynamics and control; CHE425 Process design; CHE351, CHE352 Appropriate modern experimental and computing techniques. CHE322, CHE345, CH346, CHE 349, CHE351,CHE352 57 58 Appendix I - Additional Program Information Tables in the Appendix In Appendix 1A, Table 1-1a and Table 1-2b are the appropriate designation of mathematics and basic science, engineering science and design and general education components for the basic curriculum in Chemical Engineering for the CHE track and Bio track respectively. The curriculum meets the requirements of ABET Advisors have forms which provide for the basic curriculum to be met as indicated in section Appendix ID, table 1. Appendix 1A, Table 1-2a and Table 1-2b indicates the course and section size for the CHE and BIO tracks respectively and appendix 1B lists all the course syllabi. APPENDIX I A. Tabular Data for Program Table I-1. Basic level Curriculum Table I-2. Course and Section Size Summary Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary Table I-4. Faculty Analysis Table I-5. Support Expenditures B. Course Syllabii C. Faculty Curriculum Vitae 59 Table I-1. Basic-Level Curriculum (Chemical Engineering track) Chemical Engineering Category (Credit Hours) Engineering Topics Check if Year; Contains Semester or General Math & Basic Significant Course Quarter Sciences (Department, Number, Title) Design (9) Education Other Freshman EGR 105, Fund. of Eng. 1 ( ) CHM 101, Gen. Chem. Lec. 1 3 ( ) 1st Semester CHM 102, Chemistry Lab 1 ( ) MTH 141, Intro. Calculus 4 ( ) PHY 203, Elem. Physics I 3 ( ) PHY 273, Elem. Phys. Lab. I 1 General Education Requirement ( )3 Freshmen 2nd Semester EGR 106, Fund. of Engineering II 2 CHM 112, Gen. Chemistry CHM 114, Chemistry Lab MTH142,Interemediate Calculus PHY 204, Elementary Physics PHY 274, Elementary Physics Lab ECN 201, Economics Principles Sophomore ChE 212, 1st Chem. Proc. Calculations Semester CHM 291 or 227 Organic Chemistry MTH 243, Calc. & Anal. Geometry General Education Requirement ( ) 3 1 4 ( ) ( ) ( ) 3 1 ( ) ( ) ( )3 ( ) (9 ) 3 4/3 ( ) 3 Sophomore ChE 272, Intro. To Chemical Eng. nd 2 ChE 313, ChE Thermo I Semester ChE 332, Physical Metallurgy 1 ) ( )6 (9 ) 2 3 3 60 ( (9 ) CHM 292, Organic Chemistry or 4/3 Approved Adv. CHM Course MTH 244, Diff. Equations or 3 MTH 362 Adv. Engineering Math I (continued on next page) 61 ( ) Year; Semester or Quarter Table 1. Basic-Level Curriculum (continued) Chemical Engineering Category (Credit Hours) Engineering Topics Check if Contains Course Math & Basic Significant General (Department, Number, Title) Science Design (9) Education Other Junior ChE 314, ChE Thermodynamics II st 1 Semester ChE 347, Transfer Operations I CHM 431, Physical Chem. CHM 335 Phys. Chem. Lab Approved Math Elective Gen. Ed. Requirement (2) (9 ) 3 (9 ) ( 9) 3 3 2 3 3 ChE 322, ChE Micro Laboratory ChE 348, Transfer Operations II 2 (9 ) ChE 464, Indus. React. Kinetics CHM 432, Phys. Chem. or approved dept. elective (3) Gen. Ed. Requirements (2) 3 (9 ) Senior ChE 328, Industrial Plants st 1 Semester ChE 345, ChE Laboratory ChE 349, Transfer Operations III ChE 351, Plant Design & Economics ChE 425, Proc. Dynamics & Control ELE 220, Passive/Active Circuits Approved Professional Elective 1 (9 ) 2 2 Junior 2nd Semester Senior 2nd Semester 3 (9 ) 3 6 3 (9 ) 3 (9 ) 3 (9 ) 3 (9 ) ChE 346, ChE Laboratory ChE 352, Plant Design & Economics CVE 220, Mech. Materials or 2 3 3 62 (9) (9 ) (9 ) Approved Professional Elective (3) Approved Professional Elective (3) General Education Requirements (2) 3 (9 ) 3 (9 ) 6 (9 ) TOTALS-ABET BASIC-LEVEL 48 59 26 REQUIREMENTS OVERALL TOTAL 131/133 PERCENT OF TOTAL 37% 43% 21% Totals must Minimum semester credit hours 32 hrs 48 hrs satisfy one Minimum percentage 25% 37.5 % set Note that instructional material and student work verifying course compliance with ABET criteria for the categories indicated above will be required during the campus visit. 63 Table I-1. Basic-Level Curriculum (Biology track) Biology track in Chemical Engineering Category (Credit Hours) Engineering Topics Check if Year; Contains Semester or General Math & Basic Significant Course Quarter Sciences (Department, Number, Title) Design (9) Education Other Freshman CHM 101, Gen. Chem Lec. I 3 CHM 102, Chem. Lab 3 ( ) 1st Semester EGR 105, Fundam. Of Engr. 1 ( ) MTH 141, Intro. Calc. 4 ( ) PHY 203, Elem. Physics I 3 ( ) PHY 272, Elem. Phys. Lab. I 1 ( ) Gen. Ed. Requirement (1,2) 3 Freshmen 2nd Semester CHM 112, Gen. Chem 3 CHM 114, Chem. Lab EGR 106, Fundam. Of Engr. II MTH 142, Interm. Calc. BIO 101, Principles Bio I ECN 201, Econ. Prin. Or Gen. Ed. Requirement 1 ( 2 4 4 3 Sophomore ChE 212, Chem. Proc. Calc 1st Semester CHM 291 or 227 Organic Chem. MTH 243, Multivariable Calc. Gen. Ed. Requirement (2) 3 4/3 3 Sophomore ChE 272, Intro. ChE Calcs. 3 nd 2 ChE 313, ChE Thermo I 3 Semester ChE 332,Physical Metallurgy 3 BCH 311, Biochem. or CHM 4/3 228 opr 292 Organic Chem. MTH 244, Diff. Eq or 3 MTH 362 Adv. Eng. Math I 3 (continued on next page) 64 ) ( ) (9) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )6 ( ) Year; Semester or Quarter Table 1. Basic-Level Curriculum (continued) Biology track in Chemical Engineering Category (Credit Hours) Engineering Topics Check if Contains Course Math & Basic Significant General (Department, Number, Title) Science Design (9) Education Other Junior ChE 314, ChE Thermo. II st 1 Semester ChE 347, Transfer Operations I MIC 211, Intro. Microbiology PHY 204, Elem. Physics PHY 274, Elem. Phys. Lab. II Gen. Ed. Requirement (2) 3 3 4 3 1 Junior 2nd Semester ChE 348, Trans. Oper. II ChE 464, Indus. React. Kinetics 3 3 BCH 312, Biochem Lab or CHM 226, Organic Lab (3) 2 BIO 341, Cell Biology Approved Math elective Gen. Ed. Requirement (2) 3 3 3 3 Senior ChE 328, Industrial Plants 1st Semester ChE 345, Chem. Eng. Lab. ChE 349, Trans. Oper. III ChE 351, Plant Design & Econ. ChE 425, Process Dynamics & Control Approved Prof. Elective Gen. Ed. Requirement (2) 1 2 2 3 3 Senior 2nd Semester ChE 346, Chem. Eng. Lab ChE 352, Plant Design & Econ. 2 3 BIO 352, Genetics or 437 Fundam. Molec. Bio CVE 220, Mech. Mat’ls or 3 (9) (9 ) 3 3 3 65 (9) (9) approved ELE 220, Passive/Active Circuits Gen. Ed. Requirements (2) 3 ( ) 6 TOTALS-ABET BASIC-LEVEL REQUIREMENTS OVERALL TOTAL 136/139 PERCENT OF TOTAL 37% 43% 21% Totals must Minimum semester credit hours 32 hrs 48 hrs satisfy one Minimum percentage 25% 37.5 % set Note that instructional material and student work verifying course compliance with ABET criteria for the categories indicated above will be required during the campus visit. 66 Table I-2. Course and Section Size Summary Chemical Engineering No. of Sections Avg. Section offered in Course No. Title Enrollment Current Year Lecture EGR 105 Foundations of Engineering I 1 32 100% EGR 106 Foundations of Engineering II 1 35 100% ChE 212 Chemical Process Calculations 1 13 100% ChE 272 Intro. To ChE Calculations 1 12 100% ChE 313 ChE Thermodynamics 1 12 67% ChE 314 ChE Thermodynamics 1 13 67% ChE 322 Micro Laboratory 1 9 ChE 328 Industrial Plants 1 10 50% ChE 332 Physical Metallurgy 1 22 67% ChE 345 ChE Laboratory 1 10 ChE 346 ChE Laboratory 1 9 ChE 347 Transfer Operations I 1 16 100% ChE 348 Transfer Operations II 1 17 100% ChE 349 Transfer Operations III 1 9 100% ChE 351 Plant Design and Economics 1 9 50% ChE 352 Plant Design and Economics 1 9 50% ChE 425 Process Dynamics and Control 1 9 100% ChE 464 Industrial Reaction Kinetics 1 13 100% ChE 534 Corrosion and Corrosion Control 1 17 100% ChE 548 Separations for Biotechnology 1 5 100% Type of Class1 Laboratory 33% 33% 50% 33% 100% 100% Enter the appropriate percent for each type of class for each course (e.g., 75% lecture, 25% recitation). 67 Recitation 50% 50% Other Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary Chemical Engineering Faculty Member (Name) Barnett, Stanley M FT or PT Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Term and Year1 (%) FT ChE 347/3, Fall 2005 Total Activity Distribution2 Teaching 40% Other3 Research 40% EGR 105/1, Fall 2005 ChE 348/3, Spring 2006 ChE 548/3, Spring 2006 20% UG Committee UC Advisor Bose, Arijit FT ChE 349/2, Fall 2005 ChE 272/3, Spring 2006 20% 40% 40% Dept. Chair Brown, Richard FT ChE 333/3, Fall 2005 ChE 537/3, Fall 2005 EGR 106/1, Spring 2006 ChE 534/3, Spring 2006 40% 20% 20% Graduate committee Gray, Donald J. FT ChE 345/3, Fall 2005 ChE 351/3, Fall 2005 ChE 346/3, Spring 2006 ChE 352/3, Spring 2006 70% 20% 10% UG Committee AIChE advisor 68 Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary Chemical Engineering Faculty Member (Name) FT or PT Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Term and Year1 (%) Total Activity Distribution2 Teaching Other3 Research Greenfield, Michael FT ChE 212/3, Fall 2005 ChE 313/3, Spring 2006 ChE531/3,Spring2006 40% 40% 20% Grad. committee Web master Gregory, Otto J. FT ChE 539/3, Fall 2005 ChE 332/3, Spring 2006 ChE 513/3, Spring 2006 40% 40% 20% UG Committee Knickle, Harold FT ChE 314/3, Fall 2005 ChE 544X/3, Fall 2005 ChE 322/3, Spring 2006 ChE 464/3, Spring 2006 40% 40% 20% ABET Committee Lucia, Angelo FT 40% 40% 20% Grad. committee Rivero-Hudec, Mercedes FT ChE 425/3, Fall 2005 ChE 501/1, Fall 2005 ChE 502/1, Spring 2006 ChE 614/3, Spring 2006 None in academic year 2005-2006 (Associate Dean) 0% 5% 95% Assoc. Dean 69 Table I-3. Faculty Workload Summary Chemical Engineering Faculty Member (Name) Rose, Vincent C. FT or PT Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Term and Year1 (%) PT ChE 328/1, Fall 2005 Total Activity Distribution2 Teaching 45% 70 Research 5% Other3 50% Ombudsperson F F F Bose, Arijit F T Brown, Richard F F Gray, Donald J. Assoc. F F Greenfield, Michael L. Assoc T Gregory, Otto J. F F Knickle. Harold F F Lucia, Angelo F F Rivero-Hudec, Mercedes Assoc. F Rose, Vincent C. F P Ph.D. U. Penn, 1963 7 37 37 Ph.D U. Rochester, 1981 3 24 24 Ph.D Cambridge U, Ph.D URI, 1980 U. Calif.,Berkley, Ph.D 1996 Ph.D Brown U, 1984 Ph.D R.P.I., 1969 Ph.D U. Connecticut, Ph.D. U. Penn, 1986 Ph.D U. Missouri, 1965 2 2 25 26 25 26 5 4 4 1 4 7 4 4 23 36 25 15 41 23 36 11 15 41 RI H (AIChE) M (AIChE, ACS, MRS) M (AIChE) H (AIChE) H (AIChE, ACS) M (AIChE) M (AIChE) M(AIChE) M (AICHE) H(AIChE) Research Consulting /Summer Work in Industry Level of Activity (high, med, low, none) Profession al Society (Indicate Society) State in which Registered This Institution Total Faculty Years of Experience Govt./ Industry Practice Institution from which Highest Degree Earned & Year Highest Degree FT or PT Name Barnett, Stanley M. Rank Table I-4. Faculty Analysis Chemical Engineering H L H L H M L H H M H H L M L L L L Bothun, Geoffrey (Fall F 2 (post0 0 M (AICHE) H L Asst. Ph.D. U. Kentucky, 2004 2006) T doc) Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty of the program. Use additional sheets if necessary. Updated information is to be provided at the time of the visit. The level of activity should reflect an average over the current year (year prior to visit) plus the two previous years. 71 Fiscal Year Expenditure Category Operations1 (not including staff) Travel2 Equipment3 Institutional Funds Grants and Gifts4 Graduate Teaching Assistants Part-time Assistance5 (other than teaching) Table I-5. Support Expenditures Chemical Engineering 1 2 3 (prior to (previous year) (current year) previous year) 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 35,593 44,416 45,104 4 (year of visit) 2006-07 45.500 489.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 41,337 0.0 7,000 0.0 0.0 45,152 0.0 10,500 0.0 0.0 42,452 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 43,500 0/0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Instructions: Report data for the engineering program being evaluated. Updated tables are to be provided at the time of the visit. Column 1: Provide the statistics from the audited account for the fiscal year completed 2 years prior to the current fiscal year. Column 2: Provide the statistics from the audited account for the fiscal year completed prior to your current fiscal year. Column 3: This is your current fiscal year (when you will be preparing these statistics). Provide your preliminary estimate of annual expenditures, since your current fiscal year presumably is not over at this point. Column 4: Provide the budgeted amounts for your next fiscal year to cover the fall term when the ABET team will arrive on campus. Notes: 1. General operating expenses to be included here. 2. Institutionally sponsored, excluding special program grants. 3. Major equipment, excluding equipment primarily used for research. Note that the expenditures under “Equipment” should total the expenditures for Equipment. If they don’t, please explain. 4. Including special (not part of institution’s annual appropriation) non-recurring equipment purchase programs. 5. Do not include graduate teaching and research assistant or permanent part-time personnel. . APPENDIX I B. Course Syllabi 67 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: CHE 212: Chemical Process Calculations (I, 3) 2. Course (catalog) description: Orientation to chemical engineering, material-balance computations on chemical processes, use of gas laws, vapor pressure, humidity, solubility and crystallization. 3. Prerequisite(s): CHM112, EGR106 and MTH142 concurrent should be added. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Felder and Rousseau, Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 3rd edition, 1999, Wiley. 5. Course objectives: At the end of the course the student should be able to: a. Calculate a material balance. b. Carry out an energy balance. c. Perform engineering calculations, construct graphs by hand and computer, interpret phase equilibrium data. 6. Topics covered: a. Review of units and dimensions, curve fitting, density, composition, temperature and pressure. b. Material balances. c. Material balances with recycle. d. Ideal gases and partial pressure. e. Vapor pressure. f. Vapor liquid equilibria/ steam tables. g. Solubility. h. Energy balances. i. Combustion processes. j. MATLAB and spreadsheet use. 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: 3 hour lecture. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: This course provides a foundation for all other chemical engineering courses and contributes to the engineering science component. Engineering Science – 2.5 credits, Engineering Design – 0.5 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: This course provides an introduction to fundamental chemical engineering calculations and problem solving skills work. 68 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Michael Greenfield May 15, 2006. 69 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of courses: CHE 272: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Calculations. 2. Course (catalog) description: Introduction to the use of computers and numerical methods, including numerical solution of differential equations as applied to chemical engineering. 3. Prerequisite(s): Pre: ChE 212 and MTH 243. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Chapra, S.C. and R.P. Canale. Numerical Methods for Engineers, 3rd ed. WCB/McGraw-Hill, Inc. USA, 1998. 5. Course objectives: This course introduces students to mathematical modeling and problem solving in chemical engineering. Various physical processes relevant to chemical engineering will be mathematically modeled. The solution to the models will be found by means of the mathematical and computational techniques known as numerical methods. Numerical methods are widely applied in the solution of common types of problems, such as systems of algebraic equations, integrals, ordinary and partial differential equations, etc. Examples of applications of the methods will come from material and energy balances, transport phenomena (momentum, heat, and/or mass transfer), thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and process control. Computer code development will be an essential part of this course. At the end of this course students will be able to: Identify the appropriate model that describes a problem (algebraic equations, differential equations, etc.). Choose the numerical technique that will lead to the solution of the problem. Implement the numerical solution, i.e., develop and execute a computer program. 6. Topics covered: Programming. Root solving methods. Systems of equations. Interpolation. Regression. Integration. Differentiation. Ordinary differential equations. Partial differential equations. 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: Class meets twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for 1:15 each class, and a total of 2:30 hr. per week (equivalent to three 50-min. class periods per week). 70 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Engineering Design – 0.5 credit, Engineering Science – 1.5 credits, Mathematics – 1.0 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: A. ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering B. ability to analyze and interpret data and write and run a program C. ability to design a system to meet desired needs D. ability to function in teams E. ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems G. ability to communicate effectively K. ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for engineering practice 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Michael Greenfield May 1, 2006. 71 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 313: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 2. Course (catalog) description: Applications of the first, second and third laws of thermodynamics involving thermophysics, thermochemistry, energy balances, combustion and properties of fluids. (Lec. 2, Lab 3) 3. Prerequisite(s): ChE 212 or ChE 431 and MTH 243. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 5th Ed., Elliott and Lira, Prentice-Hall. 5. Course objectives: Develop an understanding of first and second law of thermodynamics, pVT behavior of pure fluids, entropy, thermodynamic diagrams, and power and refrigeration cycles. 6. Topics covered: First Law and Related Topics, Volumetric Properties of Pure Fluids, Heat Effects, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Properties of Fluids, Flow Processes. 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: Class on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-10:50 and Laboratory on Wednesdays from 2-4:45. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Engineering Science – 3.0 credits. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: a,e,f,g,j,k 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Angelo Lucia, September 1, 2005. 72 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 314: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II. 2. Course (catalog) description: Continuation of CHE 313 with applications to thermodynamics of mixtures, phase and chemical equilibria. (Lec. 2 Lab 3). 3. Prerequisite(s): ChE 313. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials:Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by J. Richard Elliott, University of Akron & Carl T. Lira, Michigan State Univ. Prentice Hall PTR Copyright: 1999 5. Course objectives: 1. To apply the laws of thermodynamics to solve problems in chemical engineering practice as they relate to fluid mixtures, mixing processes vapor-liquid equilibria and chemical reaction equilibria. This includes the application of appropriate equations of state and thermodynamic models to predict the behavior of mixtures, solutions and systems undergoing phase change in a wide variety of engineering systems. 2. To develop an understanding of the fundamental thermodynamic relationships that can be used to describe the behavior of liquids and gases including ideal and non-ideal mixtures, vapor-liquid equilibria, liquid-liquid equilibria and chemical reaction equilibria 3. To apply thermodynamic principles to physical and chemical processes which involve separation, phase change and/or chemical reaction. Specifically, those processes which involve the transformation of energy from one form to another are of particular interest. 6. Topics covered: Review of Thermo I: Properties, variables, Definitions Energy balances on the human body, Review of Thermo I: First Law and other Second Law Introduction to Multicomponent Systems Multicomponent Systems Flash vaporization MATLAB program for flash vaporization Phase Equilibria in Mixtures by an EOS Mixtures by Equation of State Binary VLE equilibria for ideal solutions and ideal gas. Peng Robinson Equation of State applied to multiphase mixtures. Excess Functions and Activity Coefficients Using 1 and 2 parameter Margules Equations Txy and Azeotropes Determine theoretical curves for GE and Txy. Wilson Equation determine GE and Txy The importance of shape in UNIQUAC and in UNIFAC The combinatorial term and the residual term in UNIQUAC and in UNIFAC Using departure functions to compute thermodynamic variables and mixtures 73 Multicomponent VLE Liquid-Liquid Equilibria and Liquid-Liquid-Vapor Equilibria Identify tie lines and the plait point Reacting systems Reaction coordinate Equilibrium Reactions Energy Balances in Reactive systems 7. 8. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: Each lecture – 50 minutes. Each lab – 2hr and 45 min. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Almost all labs required the students to work in teams. Engineering Science – 2.0 credits Engineering Design 1.0 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: The course contributes to program outcomes a,c,d,e,k. These outcomes then map directly into the program objectives. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Harold Knickle, Feb 1, 2006 74 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 322: Microprocessor Laboratory, (II,2). 2. Course (catalog) description: Use of Microprocessors, A/D and D/A converters, sensors, and control; hardware to analyze and control laboratory-scale processes (Lec. 1, Lab 3.) . 3. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent enrollment in ChE 348. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Instructor notes and handouts. LABTECH and computer board manuals placed in laboratories. Software LABTECH and EXCEL placed on computers in laboratory. 5. Course objectives: 1. to develop the laboratory skills needed for data acquisition and control. (b) 2. to integrate data acquisition and control with the use of the microcomputer. (b), (k) 3. to reinforce the concepts in the chemical engineering control course. (e) 4. to be able to report experimental results in an engineering format. (g) 5. to be able to work in teams. (d) 6. Topics covered: SKILL METHODOLOGY-TASKS: 1. Connect a piece of equipment to a microcomputer. 2. Connect the devices needed for control of the equipment. 3. Use a commercial software program for data acquisition and control. 4. Collect data from an experiment or system. 5. Prepare graphs and tables of the data. 6. Analyze the data collected by the microcomputer. LECTURE OUTLINE: 1. Introduction-About this course microcomputer DAC, PC. Data acquisition: digital input, analog input, D/A, A/D. 2. Tools for signal acquisition trouble shooting: the multimeter and the oscilliscope- simple circuits and measurements. Alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) safety. 3. Signals and Signal Processing: Sensing and signal conditioning; Flow, Level, Pressure, delta P, pH, Composition (direct and indirect), Temperature, Fundamentals of Measurements: Repeatability, Resolution and Accuracy, Calabiration curves, Data Acquisition and Control Adapter, DAS1600. 4. LABTECH Notebook Software. 5. SSR'S, Relays, Switches, Function and Description, Transducers: Temperature/Pressure/Other, Proportional Control, On-Off Control. AC Control, DC Control, Solenoid Valves, Binary Number System. 6. AD HOC Presentations, Lights, Fans, Heaters, Temperature Cooling Curves, Filling Curves, Draining Curves, Gain, Transfer Functions, Troubleshooting, other. 7. Design, Build, and Test Ideas and Methodology. LABORATORY ASSIGNMENTS: LAB 1: Cooling Curves: Data Acquisition and Analysis. LAB 2: Basic Tools: Using the Multimeter and the Oscilloscope. LAB 3: LABTECH Software Introduction. 75 LAB 4: LABTECH Software, Analog Input/Analog Output (the Notebook product line). LAB 5: Modelling On/Off Control. LAB 6: Timed On and Off Control: Solenoid Valve and Light. LAB 7: Cooling Curves Revisited: Data Acquisition and Analysis. LAB 8: Controlling the Height of a Liquid in a Tank with On/Off Control. LAB 9: Controlling the Temperature in a Box. LAB 10: Feedback Control – Simulation and Analysis. LAB 11: Design and Build your own Experiment (2). LAB 12: Design and Build your own Experiment (4). 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: First half semester: 1 lecture and 1 lab each week. Second half semester: 2 labs each week. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: This course provides a major laboratory experience for juniors and contributes to the one and one half years of required engineering topics especially related to engineering design. Engineering Design – 0.5 credit, Engineering Science – 1.5 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: This course is a strong component of program objective 3 related to conducting and planning experiments. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Harold Knickle, May 1, 2006. 76 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 328: Industrial Plants (I,I). 2. Course (catalog) description: Field trips to nearby plants demonstrating various phase of Chemical Engineering. Written reports are required. (Lab.3). 3. Prerequisite(s): ChE 348. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Austin Shrieves, Chemical Process Industries, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill. 5. Course objectives: To familiarize students with a variety of industrial processes and practices in a range of industries, and with reporting on their findings. 6. Topics covered: Trips are taken on alternate weeks. On other alternate weeks information is provided on the process to be seen as well as a recap of the previous plant. Information is provided on safety, waste treatment, power production, role of chemical engineers, ethics, etc. during both the lectures and the trips. Current issues are discussed and students keep a scrapbook (with comments) on items in the news pertaining to the chemical industry. Plants visited: URI Library: lecture on use of research library by librarian. Report on an assigned company. Original Bradford Soapworks: Bar soap production and packaging. Arkwright: Coating of thin films (eg transparencies). Pfizer: Intermediate organics production, cogeneration plant, waste treatment. Chemical Exposition: Assigned process on piece of equipment. Osram Sylvania: Glass envelope production and treatment. Follow-up voluntary tours have been scheduled during the Spring 2000 semester to the RI Nuclear Science Center (swimming pool rector in operation) and Toray Plastics American (polyester and polypropylene film productions and aluminizing). 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: Lecture/lab alternates every other week. Class meets on Tuesdays from 1-2/1-5:50 p.m. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Criteria (A,B). This course provides information on the practical applications of engineering sciences and engineering design. Engineering Science – 0.5 credit, Engineering Design – 0.5 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: This course helps to meet outcomes f, g i and j. The course also provides students with a familiarity with professional issues and with emphasis on importance of life long professional development contributing to the program objectives. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Vincent C. Rose, Feb 2, 2006. 77 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 332: Physical Metallurgy, (I and II, three credits). 2. Course (catalog) description: Fundamentals of physical metallurgy as they apply particularly to the engineering materials and alloys. Properties, characteristics and structure of metals, ceramics and polymers; theory of alloys, thermal processing and studies in corrosion (Lec 2, Lab 3). 3. Prerequisite(s): CHM 101, 103 or 191. Not open to students who have received credit for ChE 333 or ChE 437. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: “Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction”, 6th Edition, William D. Callister Jr., John Wiley and Sons (2003) 5. Course objectives: 1. To develop a general understanding of the chemical and physical principles which govern the properties of metals, ceramics and polymers. This will enable a component to be designed and fabricated in such a way that the response of that component in an engineering system can be predicted. 6. 2. To develop an understanding of the fundamental structure-property relationships that govern the behavior of all engineering materials including ceramics, polymers, metals and composites. The underlying theme here is that alloy properties depend on both chemistry and structure. 3. To provide the tools necessary for materials selection in engineering design and introduce basic metallurgical processes to show how processing can affect materials properties and to introduce those commonly used engineering materials and their applications. Topics covered: 1. Introduction to materials and the materials spectrum, examples of materials used in the design of an engineering system. Review of the Periodic Table and important engineering elements. Structure-property relationship in materials (2 lectures) 2. Review of the Periodic Table, atomic structure, listing of the useful elements in terms of engineering applications. Review chemical bonding; i.e. metallic, covalent and ionic bonding; Lattice + Basis = crystal structure, coordination theory and near neighbor positions (2 lectures) 3. Pauling’s rules of crystal chemistry, ionic bonding, ceramic compound formation, stoichiometry, symmetry, unit cells, atomic density, lattice sites Bravais space lattices, symmetry, unit cells, atomic density, lattice sites (2 lectures) 4. Solidification, solid solutions, Hume Rothery’s Rules for complete solid solution formation, point defects in solids, vacancies, interstitials, dislocations, grain boundaries, twins (2 lectures) 78 5. Mechanical properties of materials, strength of materials, stress strain diagrams elasticity, yielding, yield point and strengthening, toughness, stress concentrators, fracture toughness (4 lectures) 6. Fracture – brittle and ductile fractures, fatigue and fatigue fractures, creep, brittle–ductile transition temperature, impact toughness (2 lectures) 7. Solid State Diffusion: Fick’s first law of diffusion, solutions to Fick’s second law of diffusion, the diffusion coefficient, effect of temperature on diffusion, steady state and unsteady state diffusion (2 lectures) 8. Polymers, monomers, polymeric structures, polymerization and polymerization mechanisms, polymer terminology, crystalline vs amorphous polymers, cross linking, polymer properties, photoresists, forming operations, strengthening mechanisms in polymers (2 lectures) 9. Silicates and glasses, amorphous solids, glass structure, glass properties, glass transition temperature, glass forming operations, glass fibers, ceramic forming operations (2 lecture) 10. Phase equilibria, Gibb’s phase rule, one component phase diagrams, 2 component phase diagrams, solid solutions, invariant reactions, liquid-solid reactions and solid state reactions, 2 component phase diagrams, solid state transformations, tie lines and the lever rule, phase equilibria, solubility limits, compound formation (3 lectures) 11. Steels and steel making, steel metallurgy, properties of steels including hardenability, toughness; classification of steels, pearlite, martensite, case hardening, heat treating of steels (2 lectures) 12. Steel alloys, effects of alloying elements on properties, cast irons, case hardening of steels, TTT diagrams, tempered steels, stainless steels ( 2 lectures) 13. Corrosion and oxidation of metals, Pilling Bedworth ratio, electrochemical cells, corrosion protection methods, galvanic series, standard emf series, stainless steels ( 2 lectures) 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: Classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10-10:50 a.m. Fridays from 10-10:50 a.m. are reserved for recitation; review of homework problems and class material as well as examinations. Labs on Mondays and Thursdays from 2-4:45 p.m. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Engineering Science – 2.5 credits, Engineering Design – 0.5 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: a,e,g,h,j,k. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Otto J. Gregory, May 19, 2005. 79 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 345/346: Chemical Engineering Laboratory. 2. Course (catalog) description: Chemical Engineering Laboratory (I and II, 2 each) Quantitative studies illustrating chemical engineering principles. Emphasis on report writing and the interpretation of experimental data (Lab. 6). 3. Prerequisite(s): ChE 348. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Suggested: Chemical Engineering Handbook, Perry & Chilton. 5. Course objectives: To provide experience in designing, conducting, analyzing, and reporting the results of experiments involving ChE principles (eg. Momentum, heat and mass transfer). The experiments will depend on equipment and other services available. The group leader is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the members of the group in developing and analyzing the experiment and reporting the results. The report needs to follow the format on the attached directions and address the issues mentioned in the directions for a particular experiment. 6. Topics covered: Fall Semester: 1. Compressible flow – orifice coefficient determinations. 2. Friction factor – determination of friction factor for pipes and fittings. 3. Blower – head & work determination, measure blower efficiency. 4. Double Effect Evaporator – start-up, bring to steady state, material/energy balances. 5. Film & Drop Heat Transfer – determine experimental and empirical values of U for both films and condensation dropwise. Spring Semester: 1. Double pipe heat exchanger – calibrate rotameter. Run in cocurrent and countercurrent modes. Determine experimental and empirical values of the heat transfer coefficient, U, at different Reynolds numbers. 2. Stirred tank reactor – calculate experimental and empirical values of U for coiling coil, tank wall, and loss to the atmosphere at different steam pressures, cooling water flows and stirrer speeds. 3. Membrane separation – use ultrafilter or nanofilter to concentrate dye. Estimate efficiency and mass transfer coefficient using spectrophotometer to measure dye concentrations. 4. Finned tube heat exchanger – determine the effect of stream pressure and air flow rate on the heat transfer coefficient for finned tube heat exchangers. 5. Cooling tower – determine the effect of L/V on the effectiveness of a mesh tray cooling tower. 6. Distillation tower – start up and operate the distillation column at total reflux with an IPA/water mixture. 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: First two sessions each semester are lecture format regarding reports, teamwork, safety, and brief review of experiments to be conducted. Labs meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2-4:45 p.m. 80 8. Contribution of courses to meeting the professional component: Engineering Science – 2.0 credit, Engineering Design – 2.0 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: a,b,c,g,k. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Donald Gray, May 25, 2006. 81 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 347: Transfer Operations I (I,3). 2. Course (catalog) description: Dimensional analysis; fluid statics; mass, energy, and momentum balances for fluid systems, boundary layers, turbulence, incompressible flow; flow through fixed beds of solids and fluidized beds; filtration. 3. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent enrollment in ChE 313 or MCE 341. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Bennett, C.Q. and J.E. Meyers, Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer. 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, 1982. 5. Course objectives: Students are to learn the fundamentals of conservation of mass, energy and momentum as it applies to internal and external fluid flow. Both differential and integral techniques from a transport approach and macroscopic empirical approaches are to be learned. 6. Topics covered: Introduction to Fluid Behavior: viscosity; Newtonian, non-Newtonian fluids; concept of momentum flux; (3 classes). Overall Mass Balance: steady and unsteady state; local and average velocity (3 classes). Overall Energy Balance: steady and unsteady applications; kinetic energy and enthalpy from velocity and temperature distributions; Bernoulli equation (5 classes). Overall Momentum Balance: evaluation in terms of velocity distribution; applications to conveying nozzles, expansions, curved pipes and ejections (3 classes). Flow Measurements: Heat meters (pilot tube, venturi, orifice); area meters (rotameter) (3 classes). Differential Balances: mass, energy and momentum (3 classes). Applications of Equation of Motion: laminar flow in circular pipes, between flat plates and in annuli; stream lines and stream functions; potential flow (4 classes). Boundary layer Flow: laminar and turbulent flow; separation; drag coefficients (2 classes). Turbulence: fluctuating velocity; turbulence intensity; turbulent shear stress; eddy viscosity; Prandtl mixing length; velocity distribution in pipes; friction factors; momentum balance and turbulent boundary layer (4 classes) Incompressible flow; rough pipes, fittings, networks non-circular pipes, outside cylinders and banks of tubes (5 classes). Dimensional Analysis: applications to pumping, drag coefficients and mixing (2 classes). Flow Through Beds of Solids: Fixed beds, filtration, fluidized beds (3 classes). 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: 3 hours lecture/week. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Engineering Science – 2.0 credits, Engineering Design– 1.0 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: a,c and e. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Donald J. Gray, May 19, 2006. 82 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 348: Transfer Operations II, 3. 2. Course (catalog) description: Heat Transfer: conduction, convection, radiation. Mass transfer: distillation, liquid extraction, gas absorption; staged and differential contact. 3. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent enrollment in ChE 313 or MCE 341. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Bennett, C.O. and J.E. Myers. Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, Inc. USA, 1982. Chapters 16–27 (heat transfer). Treybal, R.E. Mass-Transfer Operations, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, Inc. USA, 1980. Chapters 1–3, 5 (mass transfer). Reference Books: Bird, R.B., W.E. Stewart and E.N. Lightfoot. Transport Phenomena. John Wiley & Sons. USA, 1960. Welty, J.R., C.E. Wicks and R.E. Wilson. Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons. USA, 1984. Both books are in the Reserve Section of the library. Bennett, C.Q. and J.E. Meyers, Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer. 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, 1982. 5. Course objectives: This course introduces students to the areas of heat and mass transfer. These topics, along with momentum transfer (previously covered in Transfer Operations I, CHE 347), are basic for the processes known as unit operations (e.g. distillation, evaporation, extraction, etc.) to be covered in the last course of the series (Transport Operations III, CHE 349). At the end of this course students will be able to: Identify heat transfer mechanisms (conduction, convection and radiation). Explain and mathematically describe heat and mass fluxes. Determine temperature and concentration profiles. 6. 7. Topics covered: Review of ordinary differential equations. Steady-state heat conduction. Unsteady-state heat conduction. Convective heat transfer. Heat radiation. Heat exchangers. Diffusion. Continuity equation. Mass transfer coefficient. Interphase mass transfer. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: 83 Class meets twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for 1:15 each class, and a total of 2:30 hr. per week (equivalent to three 50-min. class periods per week). 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Engineering Science – 2.0 credits, Engineering Design – 1.0 credit. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: A. ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering B. ability to analyze and interpret data and write and run a program C. ability to design numerical system to meet desired needs D. ability to function in teams E. ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems G. ability to communicate effectively K. ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for engineering practice 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Stanley Barnett May 1, 2006. 84 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 349: Transfer Operations III. 2. Course (catalog) description: Diffusion and mass transfer, humidification and dehumidification, water cooling, absorption and ion exchange, drying, leaching. 3. Prerequisite(s): ChE 348. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Mass Transfer Operations, 3rd Edition,- R.E. Treybal 5. Course objectives: Several chemical engineering unit operations and processes involve mass transfer. In this course, we will choose some important mass transfer unit operations and study them thoroughly. The emphasis will be on how equilibrium data can be used to understand the principles behind the separations. Examples will be provided from both traditional chemical engineering operations, as well as some of the more commonly used operations in biotechnology and materials processing. During the course you will have to apply several mathematics, science and engineering skills, formulate, identify and solve somewhat open-ended problems and use some modern software like Aspen+. 6. Topics covered: (i) Binary phase diagrams (ii) Enthalpy-concentration diagrams (iii) Flash vaporization (iv) Ponchon-Savarit method (v) McCabe Thiele method (vi) Multicomponent distillation (vii) ASPEN Plus simulator- application to multi-component distillation (viii) Humidification, cooling tower design (ix) Drying (x) Liquid-liquid extraction (xi) Adsorption, Ion exchange (xii) Project research and presentations Please choose a project topic for a 10min. Power Point presentation that you will make to the class during one of two class periods at the end of the semester. Please let me know your choice by Monday, 11/7. In the presentation, please focus on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the essential principle behind the separation method? Where is it being applied? What are the critical advantages and limitations of this technique? What are the new developments taking place in the specific separation technique that should become available in the next few years? Remember, a 10min. presentation means 10 slides (8min) + 2min for questions. 85 Potential project topics for ChE 349 (if you have another topic you would like to work on, that is fine, but please make sure you run that by me by Friday, 10/28) • • • • • • • • Magnetic colloidal separations Micellar enhanced ultrafiltration Freeze drying and lyophilization Capillary electrophoresis Extractive/Reactive distillation High performance liquid chromatography Liquid chromatography Gas chromatography/Mass spectroscopy 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: 2 lectures/wk; 50min each; Homework assignments 1/week. Students given a list of project topics to research and do oral presentations. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Engineering Science – 2.0 credits. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: (a) - X, (e) - X, (g) - x and (k) - X. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Arijit Bose, February 15, 2006. 86 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 425: Process Dynamics and Control. 2. Course (catalog) description: Principles involved in automatic control of processing plants. Modeling and responses of dynamic systems, feedback control. 3. Prerequisite(s): MTH 243, ELE 220, CHE 464 and credit or concurrent enrollment in CHE 347 or MCE 354. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Process Control: Modeling, Design and Simulation by B. Wayne Bequette, Prentice-Hall. 5. Course objectives: Develop an understanding of dynamic modeling of chemical processes, block diagrams, feedback control and control system response. 6. Topics covered: Modeling physical processes, solving ordinary and partial differential equations, linear and nonlinear first-order systems, linear and nonlinear second-order systems, P, PI, PID and feedforward control systems, stability and control system responses. 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-12:15. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: Engineering Design – 3.0 credits. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: a,c,e,g,h,j,k. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Angelo Lucia, September 1, 2005. 87 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 464: Industrial Reaction Kinetics. 2. Course (catalog) description: Modeling of simple chemical-reacting systems; computation of design parameters to satisfy system constraints and typical restraints (e.g., product rate and distribution) and conditions of optimality. 3. Prerequisite(s): ChE 314 and CHM 432. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Edition, Scott Fogler, Prentice Hall, 1999 5. Course objectives: At the end of the course you should be able to 1. WRITE the design equations for the CSTR and the PFR. 2. IDENTIFY the temperature effects in reactor design. 3. SELECT the most appropriate chemical reactor to perform a given chemical reaction. 4. PREDICT rate constants from experimental data. 5. CONSTRUCT the material and energy balances for a chemical reactor. 6. LIST the advantages of the batch reactor, the CSTR and the PFR. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS/INDICATORS OUTCOME: Objective 1 on Exam 1 a., c. Objective 2 on Exam 2 a., c. Objective 3 on Exam 2 c. Objective 4 on Exam 1 b. Objective 5 on Final Exam Objective 6 on Final Exam 6. a., c. c., e. Topics covered: Lectures One and Two Chemical Identity - Chapter 1 Reaction Rate - Chapter 1 The General Mole Balance Equation - Chapter 1 Design Equations - Chapter 2 Reactor Sizing - Chapter 2 Reactors in Series - Chapter 2 Lectures Three and Four Rate Laws - Chapter 3 Concentration - Chapter 3 Stoichiometry of Batch and Flow Systems - Chapter 3 Algorithm for Reactor Design - Chapter 4 Lectures Five and Six Using the Algorithm - Chapter 4 Reversible Reactions - Chapter 3 Arrhenius Equation - Chapter 3 Guidelines for Solving PE Problems - Chapter 4 Lectures Seven and Eight 88 Pressure Drop in Reactor - Chapter 4 Ergun Equation for Pressure Drop - Chapter 4 Spherical Reactors - Chapter 4 Membrane Reactors - Chapter 4 Lectures Nine and Ten Semi-batch Reactors - Chapter 4 Equilibrium Conversion in Reversible Reactions - Chapter 4 Finding the Rate Law - Chapter 5 Lectures Eleven and Twelve Multiple Reactions - Chapter 6 Types of Multiple Reactions - Chapter 6 Mole Balances - Chapter 6 Liquid Phase Examples - Chapter 6 Lectures Thirteen and Fourteen Multiple Reactions in Gas Phase - Chapter 6 Energy Balances - Chapter 8 Lectures Fifteen and Sixteen Heat Exchange in Non-Adiabatic Reactions - Chapter 8 Reversible Non-Adiabatic Reactions - Chapter 8 Non-Adiabatic PFR P - Chapter 8 Lectures Seventeen and Eighteen Multiple Steady States - Chapter 8 Batch Systems - Chapter 9 Multiple Reactions - Chapter 8 Control of Chemical Reactors - Chapter 9 Chem Show: Find Reactors on Display Every other Year Lectures Nineteen and Twenty Wednesday Octane Rating - Chapter 10 Catalytic Reactions - Chapter 10 Lectures Twenty-One and Twenty-Two Molecular Adsorption - Chapter 10 Langmuir Isotherms - Chapter 10 Chemical Vapor Deposition - Chapter 10 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: Three one hour session for 13 weeks. Grading: Attendance is required at all classroom sessions. Final exam is scheduled by the Registrar at the end of the semester. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: This course includes mostly engineering design with some engineering science. The engineering design component includes use of the computer and its tools such as EXCEL and Polymath. Engineering Design – 1.0 credit, Engineering Science – 2.0 credits. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: The course helps to meet program outcomes a,b,c,e, and k and contributes to the objectives of the program. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Harold Knickle, Feb 1, 2006. 10. 89 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 351/352: Plant Design and Economics 2. Course (catalog) description: Plant Design and Economics (I and II, 3 each) Elements of plant design integrating the principles learned in previous courses. Emphasis is on optimum economic design and the writing of reports. (Lec. 1, Lab.6) 3. Prerequisite(s): ChE 314 and ChE 348. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers Peters and Timmerhaus, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill. 5. Course objectives: To develop the student’s confidence and attitude to become a contributor in industry as an individual and a team member. To provide the general knowledge of the tools required such as computer skills (ie. Aspen, spreadsheets, visual basic, Cad), handbooks, vendors literature, professional journals and diagrams. To teach the student the importance of engineering integrity and environmental awareness and to provide them with the means to continue their education through peer and supervisor interaction in industrial atmospheres. 6. Topics covered: Varies from year to year. Example: ChE 351 Fall 1999 designed an environmentally safe metal cleaning piece of equipment ; ChE 352 Spring 2000 designed an ethanol fermentation process. Topics ChE 351: The nature of design and tools used in design. The role of engineering science and design. Design solution methods. Economics and optimum design. Project engineering problem and report. Topics in ChE 352: Safety, ethics and environmental responsibilities. Cost estimations. Process engineering design and report. Process plant design. Product cost estimation and report. 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: ChE 351: (Lec. I, Lab. 6) 1 hour lecture, 6 hour lab, 2 credits engineering design, 1 credit engineering science. ChE 352: (Lec. I, Lab. 6) 1 hour lecture, 6 hour lab, 3 credits each for engineering design. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: In ChE 351, students examine the engineering tasks associated with project engineering. Initially a single operation is examined by a detailed engineering science calculation approach. The analysis is then repeated using a design approach. The results are compared and the benefits of both approaches are examined. The optimum design based on operation and costs are determined. Additional equipment is added to build on the project development. The equipment size, safety, environmental impact, capital costs, operating costs, flexibility, energy requirements and profitability are examined. . Engineering Design – 2.0 credits, Engineering 90 Design – 1.0 credit. In ChE 352 the project engineering is expanded to incorporate a number of operations into a complete process. Engineering Design – 3.0 credits. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: a, c, d, e, f, g, k a. an ability to apply knowledge to mathematics, sciences and engineering c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams e. an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility g. an ability to communicate effectively k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Donald J. Gray, May 19, 2006. 91 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 534: Corrosion and Corrosion Control 2. Course (catalog) description: Corrosion and also Corrosion Control (II,3) Chemical nature of metals, electrochemical nature of corrosion. Types of corrosion, influence of environment, methods of corrosion control. Behavior of engineering materials in corrosion with emphasis on industrial and ocean environments. 3. Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: An Introduction to Corrosion by Richard Brown 5. Course objectives: To provide engineers with an understanding of the processes by which corrosion degrades materials so that correct measures can be taken to reduce its detrimental effects in an engineering environment. Topics covered: Introduction Corrosion Fundamentals Tafels’ Law and Exceptions Uniform and Galvanic Corrosion Crevice and Pitting Corrosion. Intergranular Corrosion Selective Leaching, Erosion Corrosion Stress Involved Corrosion , Stress Corrosion Cracking, , Corrosion Fatigue, Fretting Corrosion. Cathodically Driven Corrosion Processes, Hydrogen Damage and Embrittlement Galvanically Driven Cathodic Blistering of Composites Corrosion Prevention by Electrochemical Means Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Microbial Corrosion Coatings for Corrosion Resistance and Environmental Effects Degradation of Adhesive Joints. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: One class of 2.5 hours per week. 6. 7. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: This course to the engineering sciences and design components of the curriculum. Engineering Science - 2.5 credits, Engineering Design - 0.5 credits. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: The outcomes for the course are included in several of the program objectives. 1. Students will learn to balance electrochemical equations – A outcome. 2. Students will calculate materials losses due to corrosion - C outcome. 3. Students will design a corrosion resistant component for the human body – D outcome. 4. Students will be able to identify different corrosion types and provide solutions- J outcome. 5. Students will be able to describe why chromium plating is environmentally unfriendly – K 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Richard Brown, June 30, 2005 92 ABET Course Syllabi Summary 1. Department, number, and title of course: ChE 548: Separations for Biotechnology 2. Course (catalog) description: A study of methods of concentration used in the biotechnology industries for production and isolation of products. (Lec. 3). 3. Prerequisite(s): CHM 112, ChE 348 or ChE (FSN) 447. 4. Textbook(s) and/or other required materials: Harrison et al, Bioseparation Science and Engineering, Oxford, 2003 5. Course objectives: At the end of the course the student should be able to a. Choose separation technologies. b. Evaluate separation technologies. c. Evaluate current literature. d. Create and optimize a separation sequence for a process. 6. Topics covered: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Review of key concepts. Unified separation theory of sedimentation, centrifugation and magnetic separations. Centrifugation. Filtration. Membrane separations – UF,RO. Chromatographic separations and scale-up. Extraction incl. bi-aqueous separations. Electrokinetic separations. Hybrid separations. Cell disruption. Miscellaneous and newer separation procedures. 7. Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session: 3 hour lecture. 8. Contribution of course to meeting the professional component: The course, as a professional elective for seniors, contributes to the 1.5 years of engineering sciences and design. Engineering Design – 3.0 credits. 9. Relationship of course to program objectives: The course provides an opportunity for students to pull together and use what they have learned in their other courses- science, math and engineering. 10. Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation: Dr. Stanley M. Barnett, June 29, 2005 93 CHM 101 General Chemistry Lecture I Required Course Course Catalog Description Fundamental chemical concepts and principles. Prerequisite(s) Not open to students in 103 or 191. Textbook/other required materials: Course Objectives To develop an understanding of the fundamental principles of chemistry and the relationships between these principles, and to develop a systematic approach to problem solving. Topics Covered States of matter, stoichiometry, reactivity, atomic structure, thermochemistry, bonding, molecular structure and solutions. Schedule 3 lecture hours per week. Professional Component Basic science 100% Program Outcomes A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science. CHM 102 Laboratory for Chemistry 101 Required Course Course Catalog Description Experimental applications of chemical concepts and reactivity emphasizing safety and technique. Experiments follow the content of 101. 94 Prerequisite(s) Credit or concurrent registration in 101. Textbook/other required materials URI CHM 102 laboratory manual and lab book (available at URI’s bookstore). Course Objectives This lab is primarily designed to help students recognize and remember the important information, concepts, principles, theories or procedures to interpret and explain experimental phenomena. The laboratory is also intended to provide opportunities for students to practice and develop general skills in scientific investigation. Topics covered Safety, MSDS forms; measurements, errors and uncertainties; density; separation of mixtures by chromatography; formulas of hydrates and stoichiometry; acid-base titrations; behavior of gases; molarity and molality; oxidation-reduction reactions; colligative properties; molecular models and chemical bonding; measurement of enthalpy change. Schedule 3 laboratory hours per week. Professional Component Basic science 100% Program Outcomes A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science. 95 Course Title: EGR 105 Foundations of Engineering I Designation: Required Catalog Description: Introduction to engineering. Problem solving. (Lec. 1) Prerequisite: none Textbook: none; all materials provided via handouts and a course website Course Objectives: • To Understand how mathematics and science are useful toward engineering problem solving; to learn about the various disciplines of engineering • To Question the relationship between experimental data and computation based on science/engineering models • To Design solutions to engineering problems using common software tools • To Lead by participating in a team-based design project • To Communicate design and analysis results through an oral presentation and written report Topics Covered: • Seminars: An overview of engineering and how URI fits in (seminar series – 9 speakers): o Dean of engineering – overview and future of the profession o Assoc Dean of Engineering – student survival skills o Library faculty member – overview of library services o 6 seminars, one by each department, on their programs and state of the discipline • Lecture/in-class: o Spreadsheets for engineering:  How a spreadsheet works, formatting, basic math, computing functions  Plots and graphs  Regression and function discovery o Statistics, economics, optimization o Giving presentations and the use of presentation software o Engineering use of the library o Team project Class Schedule: • Lecture/Laboratory: 1 hour/week; seminar 1 hour/week Program Outcomes A-L Covered in this Course A. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering 96 B. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data C. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability D. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams E. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems G. an ability to communicate effectively. K. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes A-L: • As part of the course project, students participate in a team-based project (D) • As part of the project, students collect experimental data, using spreadsheet tools to describe and analyze the data (B,K) • Fitting their observations to classical science models, students design a solution to fit a set of defined constraints (A,C,E) • Students present their design results orally and in writing (G) Data Provided for Assessed Program Outcomes A-L: • B – copies of part of the teams’ project notebooks on bungee jumping (e-notebooks, since they are electronic) showing data collection and analysis • D – excerpts from teams’ project reports describing the role/work done by each member • G – copies of PowerPoint slides from teams’ project presentations Assessment Methods: • Weekly homework assignments • Class discussions • Project oral presentation • Project written report Contribution of Course to Professional Component: • Engineering science – 0.5 credit • Engineering design – 0.5 credit Revised by: Peter F. Swaszek, May 11, 2006 Course Title: EGR 106 Foundations of Engineering II Designation: Required Catalog Description: Engineering problem solving. (Lec. 1, Lab 2) Prerequisite: 97 MTH 141 or concurrent registration in MTH 141. Textbook: MatLab: An Introduction with Applications by A. Gilat, Wiley, 2005. Course Objectives: • To Question procedures and results from computational solutions to problems • To Design software to perform specific tasks • To Lead by participating in a team-based software design project • To Communicate project results in both oral and written forms Topics Covered: • Introduction to computing; basics of MatLab • Array creation and manipulation; math on arrays • Scripts and the MatLab editor • Plotting tools • File types: scripts, writing and reading data, functions • Programming: if and for • Programming: loop nesting and control • Other programming ideas including complex examples • Application specific MatLab tools • Project time, status meetings, project presentations Class Schedule: • 2 or 3 sessions (depending upon section), 3 hrs/week; typically one hour of lecture, 2 of lab; approx 1/4 of semester working on project Program Outcomes A-L Covered in this Course B. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data C. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability D. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams E. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems G. an ability to communicate effectively. K. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes A-L: • As part of the course project for 2006, student teams wrote software programs to direct a machine to cut a set of arbitrary polygonal parts on a plane (C,D) • As part of the project, teams wrote software to analyze the input data set, computing characteristics of the polygons such as perimeter, area, and centroid (B,K) 98 • • Student teams designed and implemented algorithms to direct the cutter to outline each polygonal shape; since many methods for planning the cutter path could be implemented (e.g. in order, nearest neighbor, etc), students compared and contrasted approaches (E) Students present their design results orally and in writing (G) Data Provided for Assessed Program Outcomes A-L: • D – copies of teams’ project status reports describing the division of work on the project • G – copies of teams’ project status reports describing the tasks necessary, their status, and any problems encountered • K – copies of software programs that solves several portions of the design project Assessment Methods: • Four quizzes 40% • Project 30% • Homework 15% • Attendance 15% (includes project status meetings) Contribution of Course to Professional Component: • Engineering science – 1.0 credit • Engineering design – 1.0 credit Revised by: Peter F. Swaszek, May 11, 2006 MTH 141 Introductory Calculus with Analytic Geometry Required Course Course Catalog Description Topics in analytic geometry, functions and their graphs, limits, the derivative, applications to finding rates of change and extrema and to graphing, the integral, and applications. (Lec. 3, Rec. 1). Prerequisite(s) Completion of four units of high school mathematics, including trigonometry, recommended. Passing a placement test. Textbook/other required materials James Stewart, Single Variable Calculus, Concepts and Contexts, 2e. Brooks/Cole (2001) Barrow, Belmonte, et al., CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart’s Single Variable Calculus, Concepts and Contexts, 2e. Brooks/Cole (2001) 99 Course Objectives To develop an understanding of calculus: functions, limits, derivatives and integrals, and their applications to problems in physics, geometry, chemistry, and biology. Topics covered Representing functions, mathematical models, new functions from old; exponential functions, inverse functions and logarithms; parametric curves; limits and their calculations, continuity; rates of change, derivatives and curve shapes; derivative as a function, linear approximation, what f’ says about f; derivatives of polynomials and exponential functions; product and quotient rules; rates of change applications; derivatives of trigonometric functions; chain rule, implicit differentiation; derivatives of logarithmic functions; maximum and minimum values; graphing, indeterminate forms, optimization, Newton’s method; antiderivatives, area and distance, integrals and their evaluation, fundamental theorem of calculus. Schedule 3 lecture hours, 1 recitation hour per week. Professional Component Basic mathematics, 100% Program Outcomes A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. MTH 142 Intermediate Calculus with Analytic Geometry Required Course Course Catalog Description Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable. Topics include the technique of integration, improper integrals, indeterminate forms, and calculus using polar coordinates. Prerequisite(s) MTH 141 or permission of chairperson. Not open to students with credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 132. Textbook/other required materials: James Stewart, Single Variable Calculus, Concepts and Contexts, 2e. Brooks/Cole (2001) Calculator: A graphing calculator is required. Course Objectives To develop an understanding of methods of integration, improper integrals, applications of integration, and approximation and series. 100 Topics Methods of integration; improper integrals; applications of integration to physical and geometrical problems and probability; approximations and series: infinite series, Taylor polynomials and series; introduction to differential equations. Schedule 3 lecture hours, 1 recitation hour per week. Professional Component Basic mathematics 100% Program Outcomes: A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. MTH 243 Calculus for Functions of Several Variables Required Course Course Catalog Description Topics include coordinates for space, vector geometry, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, extrema, Lagrange multipliers, and multiple integrals. Prerequisite(s) MTH 142 Textbook/other required materials Stewart, James: Multivariable Calculus, Concepts, and Contexts, 3rd ed., Brooks Cole, 2005 Graphing calculator Course Objectives The course is a third calculus course with focus on functions of two or three more variables and the extension of concepts in elementary calculus (e.g., derivatives, integrals) to higher dimensions. Topics Functions of several variables and graphing; vectors, inner product, cross product; partial derivatives; optimization: local and global extrema; integrating functions of many variables; parameterized curves and surfaces; calculus of vector fields; line integrals, flux integrals. Schedule 3 lecture hours per week. 101 Professional Component Basic mathematics 100% Program Outcomes A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. MTH 244 Differential Equations Required Course Course Catalog Description Classification and solution of differential equations involving one independent variable. Applications to the physical sciences. Basic for further study in applied mathematics and for advanced work in physics and engineering. Prerequisite(s) MTH 243 Textbook/other required materials Ordinary Differential Equations by N. Finizio and G. Ladas, 3rd ed., 1999, Simon and Schuster. Course Objectives Skills useful in solving differential equations will be developed. In addition, students will be exposed to techniques which use differential equations to model complex physical phenomena. Topics covered First order separable and linear differential equations, applications to circuits and math biology; existence and uniqueness of solution of first order nonlinear differential equations; numerical solutions of differential equations by various methods and computer programs; linear differential equations with constant coefficients; existence and uniqueness of solution of linear differential equations; method of undetermined coefficients and reduction of order; applications to vibrating spring, electric circuits, and biology; Laplace transforms; systems of linear differential equations; power series solution; boundary-value problem. Schedule 3 lecture hours per week. Professional Component Basic mathematics, 100% 102 Program Outcomes: A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. MTH 362 Advanced Engineering Mathematics I Required Course Course Catalog Description Algebra of complex numbers, matrices, determinants, quadratic forms. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Partial differential equations. Prerequisite(s) MTH 142, not for major credit in mathematics. Textbook/other required materials Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, (eighth edition) 1999, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Course Objectives To develop an understanding of complex numbers, linear algebra, first and second order differential equations, and Laplace transforms. Topics covered Data analysis probability theory; complex numbers; linear algebra: matrices, vectors, determinants, linear systems of equations; first order differential equations; linear differential equations of second and higher order. Schedule 3 lecture hours per week. Professional Component Basic mathematics, 100% Program Outcomes A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. PHY 203 Elementary Physics I Required Course Catalog Data Introduction to Newtonian mechanics. Kinematics and dynamics of particles and systems of particles. Motion of rigid bodies and oscillatory motion. Conservation principles. 103 Prerequisites Credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 141 and concurrent enrollment in 273. Intended for science or engineering majors. Textbook Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 5th Edition, by Paul A. Tipler & Gene Mosca (W. H. Freeman and Company 2003) Course Objectives This course is designed to give freshmen a fundamental understanding of Newton’s laws, energy and momentum conservation. The students are expected to learn physical principles and corresponding problem-solving skills. Topics Systems of measurement; motion in one, two, and three dimensions; Newton’s laws and their applications; work and energy; systems of particles and conservation of linear momentum; rotation; conservation of angular momentum; gravity, static equilibrium and elasticity; oscillations. Schedule 3 lecture hours per week. Professional Component Basic science 100% Program Outcomes A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science and its calculus-based derivations. PHY 204 Elementary Physics II Required Course Catalog Data Introduction to electricity and magnetism, leading to Maxwell’s equations. Electric fields and Gauss’ law; magnetic fields, and Ampere’s law. Capacitance and inductance, CD and AC circuits. Electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites PHY 203, credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 142, and concurrent enrollment in MTH 243 or 362; concurrent enrollment in PHY 275. Intended for science or engineering majors. Textbook Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 5th Edition, by Paul A. Tipler & 104 Gene Mosca (W. H. Freeman and Company 2003) Course Objectives To give students a solid foundation in electromagnetic theory with an emphasis on the application of calculus to the formulation of physics. Topics Electric field: discrete and continuous charge distributions; electric potential, electrostatic energy and capacitance; electric current and direct-current circuits; magnetic field; magnetic induction, alternatingcurrent circuits; Maxwell’s equations, and electromagnetic waves. Schedule 3 lecture hours per week. Professional Component Basic science 100% Program Outcomes: A. This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science and its calculus-based derivations. CVE 220 Mechanics of Materials I. Course description: Mechanics of Materials (3) Theory of stresses and strains, thin-walled cylinders, beam deflections, columns, combined bending and direct stresses, joints, and indeterminate beams. II. Prerequisites: Credit or concurrent enrollment in MCE 262 Statics. III. Textbook(s) and other required material: Gere, J.M., Mechanics of Materials, 6th edition, Brooks/Cole, 2004. IV. Course objectives: Students who successfully complete CVE 220 will have: 105 1. 2. 3. 4. An understanding of the stress-strain behavior of materials. An understanding of the behavior of members under axial loading, torsion and bending. An ability to calculate stresses, strains, and deformations of members under axial forces, torsion, and bending. The ability to solve simple indeterminate problems. V. Topics covered: • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction to tension, compression and shear. Stress-strain relations. Axially loaded members. Torsion. Shear and bending moment diagrams. Bending and shear stresses in beams. Members under combined loading. Analysis of stress and strain. Principal stresses. Mohr’s circle. Deflections in beams. Indeterminate problems. Column buckling. VI. Class/laboratory Schedule: Two sessions each week for 75 minutes each. This course is also offered during the summer session which is 5 weeks long. During the summer session the course has two sessions per week at 4 hrs each or 4 sessions per week at 2 hours each. VII. Contribution to Meeting the Professional Component: This is a required sophomore level course. It builds upon the principles learned in statics and makes a foundation for many other engineering courses. Engineering science 100%. VIII. Relationship to Program Objectives: Course Objectives 1 2 3 4 a x x x x b c d ABET Outcome Links e f g x h i j k x x x x The course is primarily assessed via exams and homework assignments. During the Summer 2006 session there are 3 term exams (60%), one final exam (35%) and homework (5%). All exams are closed 106 book except the formula handout on mechanics of materials that students can bring in during the EIT examination. Prepared by: George Tsiatas Date: May 20, 2006 107 CHM 112 GENERAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE II Spring Semester Catalog Data: General Chemistry Lecture II. (I or II, 3) Elementary thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium in aqueous solutions, properties and reactions of inorganic species, practical applications of chemical principles. Prerequisites: CHM 101, 102 Textbook: J.W. Hill and R.H. Petrucci, General Chemistry: An Integrated Approach, Prentice Hall, 1999 Course Objectives: To develop an understanding of the concepts of chemical reactivity with special emphasis on reaction rates, equilibria, thermodynamics and electrochemistry. Topics: a.Chemical Kinetics: Rates and Mechanisms Chemical Equilibrium Acids, Bases, and Acid-Base Equilibria More equilibria in Aqueous Solutions Thermodynamics: Spontaneity, Entropy and Free Energy Electrochemistry Schedule: 3 Lecture hours per week Professional Component: Basic Science 100% This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science. CHM 114 LABORATORY FOR CHM112 Spring Semester Catalog Data: Laboratory for CHM 112. (I or II, 1) Semimicroqualitative analysis and its applications. Prerequisites: CHM 101, CHM 102, and concurrent registration in CHM 112 Textbooks: A series of “Separates” published by Chemical Education Resources, Inc. Two internally written experiments. 108 Course Objectives: To illustrate the principles and descriptive chemistry introduced in the CHM 112 lecture course while developing good laboratory techniques and practices. Topics: a. Reaction of Potassium Permanganate and Oxalic Acid Reaction between Permanganate and Mandelate Ions Equilibrium Constant for the Reaction of Iron (III) Ion with Thiocyanate Ion A Study of pH, Dissociation, Hydrolysis, and Buffers Dissociation Constant of a Weak Acid Using pH Measurements Nonsulfide Qualitative Analysis of Cations: Separating and Identifying Group A Cations Separating and Identifying Representative Cations from Groups A-E Solubility Product Constant of Strontium Iodate Solubility and Determination of )G, )H, and )S of Ca(OH)2 Studying Electrochemical Cells and Reduction Potentials Schedule: 3 Laboratory hours per week Professional Component: Basis Science 100% This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science. Prepared by: Dr. L. Kirschenbaum 109 CHM 227 & CHM 228 Catalog Data: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LECTURE I & II Spring Semester CHM 227 Organic Chemistry Lecture I. (I or II, 3) General principles and theories with emphasis on classification, nomenclature, methods of preparation, and characteristic reactions of organic compounds in aliphatic series. CHM 228 Organic Chemistry Lecture II. (I or II, 3) Continuation of 227 with emphasis on the aromatic series. Prerequisites: for CHM 227; CHM 112 and 114 or 192 for CHM 228; CHM 227 Textbook: L.C. Wade, Organic Chemistry, 4th edition, Prentice Hall (Study guide by J.W. Simek) Course Objectives: To instruct students in the basic theory, language, and synthesis of organic molecules. The sequence is designed for students with science majors including chemical engineering. Topics: CHM 227 a.Structure and Bonding Alkanes Alkane Conformations Organic Reactivity Alkenes Alkynes Stereochemistry Alkyl Halides Alkyl Halide Reactions Spectroscopy CHM 228 a.Conjugation and U.V. Aromaticity Oxygen Functionality Ethers The Carbonyl Group Carboxylic Acids Carboxylic Derivatives Alpha Carbonyl Carbon Carbonyl Condensation Amines Biomolecules Schedule: 3 lecture hours per week Professional Component: Basic Science 100% This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science. Prepared By: Dr. Brett L. Lucht 110 PHY203 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS I PHY273 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS LABORATORY I Spring Semester Catalog Data: PHY203 Elementary Physics I (I and II, 3) Introduction to Newtonian mechanics, Kinematics and dynamics of particles. Motion of rigid bodies and oscillatory motion. Conservation principles. (Lec. 3) PHY273 Elementary Physics Laboratory (I and II, 1 each) Laboratory exercises and recitation sessions related to topics in PHY203. Prerequisites: Credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH141 and concurrent enrollment in PHY273. Intended for science or engineering majors. Not open to students with credit in PHY213. Textbook: Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Paul A Tipler, Freeman/Worth, 1999. Course Objectives: This course is designed to give freshmen a fundamental understanding of Newton’s laws, energy and momentum conservation. The students are expected to learn the physical principles and corresponding problem solving skills. a. Kinematics in one and two dimensions (8 lectures) Newton’s laws (6 lectures) Work, Energy, and conservation of Energy (8 lectures) Multibody systems, Conservation of Momentum and Rotation (11 lectures) Gravity and orbital dynamics (3 lectures) Fluids (3 lectures) Harmonic Oscillators (3 lectures) EXAMS (5 outside normal class time) Topics: Lab Projects: a. Measurement and Uncertainty Motion in one dimension (free fall) Motion in two dimensions (projectiles) Newton’s laws of motion (experiment) Newton’s laws of motion (computer simulation) Conservation of energy Conservation of momentum (collision-2D) Conservation of momentum (analysis) Rotational dynamics of a flywheel Simple Pendulum EXAMS (2 classes) Schedule: 3 lecture hours, 1 recitation per week, 2 laboratory hours per week Professional Component: Basic Science 100% This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science and its calculus based derivations. Prepared by: A.C. Nunes 111 PHY204 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS II PHY274 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS LABORATORY II Spring Semester Catalog Data: PHY204 Elementary Physics. (I and II, 3 cr.) Introduction to electricity and magnetism, leading to Maxwell’s equations. Electric fields and Gauss’ law; magnetic fields and Ampere’s law. Capacitance and inductance, DC and AC circuits. Electromagnetic waves. Pre: PHY203 or MCE263, credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH142. Concurrent enrollment in PHY274. PHY274 Elementary Physics Laboratory II. (I and II, 1 cr.) Laboratory exercises and problem solving workshop related to topics in PHY204. (Lab. 2, Rec. 1) Prerequisites: 1. Differential and integral calculus Textbook: Paul A. Tipler, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th edition, Freeman, 1999 Course Objectives: To give students a solid foundation in electromagnetic theory with an emphasis on the application of calculus to the formulation of physics. Topics: a. Coulomb’s law Electric fields and Gauss’ law Electrostatic potential and potential energy Capacitance, dielectric materials DC circuits Magnetic field, Ampere’s law, law of Biot and Savart Faraday’s law and electromagnetic induction AC circuits; relaxation and resonance Electromagnetic waves Laboratory Experiments: a. Measurement with electrical devices Electric field mapping Capacitors and charge DC circuits Earth’s magnetic field Electron beam in a magnetic field Measurement of AC signals Induction Impedance in RL and RC circuits Resonant LC circuit 2. Newtonian mechanics Computer usage: 1.Laboratory use of available programs for taking averages, standard deviations, linear regressions, etc. Computer modeling of RC, RL, RLC circuits Schedule: 3 lecture hours, 1 recitation per week, 2 laboratory hours per week 112 Professional Component: Basic Science 100% This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of science and its calculus based derivations. Preparer: Dr. Gerhard Muller 113 MTH 451 INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS Spring Semester Catalog Data: Introduction to Probability and Statistics. (3 credits) Theoretical basis and fundamental tools and probability and statistics. Probability spaces, properties of probability, distributions, expectations, some common distributions and elementary limit theorems. Prerequisites: MTH243 or equivalent Textbook: Freund, Mathematical Statistics, 6th edition, Prentice Hall Course Objectives: To develop an understanding of probability, its distributions, random variables, and applicable laws and theorems. Topics a.Combinatorial methods Sample spaces Probability and conditional probability, Bayes theorem Discrete and continuous probability distributions Joint, marginal and conditional distributions Random variables Expectation and moments, conditional expectations Discrete families: e.g. binomial, Poisson, multinomial Continuous families: e.g. uniform, gamma, normal Functions of random variables Chebyshev inequality, law of large numbers, central limit theorem Schedule: 3 lecture hours per week Professional Component: Basic Mathematics 100% This course develops an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. Preparer: Dr. L. Pakula 114 ECN 201 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS: MICROECONOMICS Spring Semester Catalog Data: Principles of Economics: Microeconomics. (I and II, 3) Principles underlying resource allocation, production, and income distribution in a market economy. Topics include demand and supply, consumer behavior, firm behavior, market structure, and elementary welfare analysis. Institutional foundations explored. (Lec. 3) Prerequisites: None Textbook: John Taylor, Principles of Microeconomics, 2nd edition, 1998 Course Objectives: To provide an elementary treatment of microeconomic questions such as how households, firms, and public agencies allocate scarce resources and how their interactions influence relative prices, rents, and wages. Topics: Scarcity and Production Possibilities Supply and Demand Analysis Cost and Production Theory Perfect Competition Monopoly Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Taxes and Transfer Payments Public Goods and Externalities Schedule: 3 lecture hours per week Professional Component: Social Science 100% This course provides broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. It also develops a knowledge of contemporary economic issues. Preparer: Dr. Leonard Lardaro 115 ECN 202 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS: MACROECONOMICS Spring Semester Catalog Data: Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics. (I and II, 3) Principles underlying aggregate demand and aggregate supply in a market economy. Topics include national income determination, inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and international trade. Institutional foundations explored. (Lec. 3) Prerequisites: ECN 201, Microeconomics Textbook: David Colander, Macroeconomics, Boston: Irwin, 1998, 3rd edition Course Objectives: To introduce students to the major schools of thought concerning the overall performance of capitalist economies. The focus is on economic growth, Business cycles, unemployment, and inflation. Topics: a.Economic Growth and Instability National Income and Economic Well Being Money The Modern Macroeconomic Debate Keynesian and Classical Models of the Macroeconomy Fiscal Policy The Fed and Monetary Policy Inflation, Unemployment and Growth The World Economy International Macroeconomics Exchange Rate and Trade Policy Macroeconomics of Development and Transition Schedule: 3 Lecture hours per week Professional Component: Social Science 100% This course provides broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context. It also develops a knowledge of contemporary economic issues. Preparer: Dr. Richard McIntyre 116 APPENDIX I C. Faculty Curriculum Vitae 2005-2006 117 1. Name and Academic Rank: Stanley M. Barnett, Professor 2. Degrees with fields, institutions and dates: Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1963 M.S., Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1959 B.S., Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, 1958 B.A., Chemistry, Columbia University, 1957 3. Number of years of service on this faculty, including date or original appointment and ates of advancement in rank: Original appointment, 1969 years in rank - six Advancement, 1975 years in rank - six Advancement, 1980 years in rank – twenty-five Chair, 1987 thru 1994 and 2003 -4 4. Other related experience—teaching, industrial, etc: Engineer, Shell Chemical Company, 1964-69 Engineer, Esso Research, Engineering Co., 1963-64 Engineer, General Dynamics Corp., 1959-61 5. Consulting, patents, etc.: Amtrol RI Solid Waste Management Corp. Ionics >300 Companies via RI Center for Pollution Prevention Barnett, S.M.,, US Patent # 4,999,198, Polyaphrons as a Drug Delivery System, March 12, 1991 Barnett, S.M. and Bradley, K.A., U S Patent # 4654305, Multiphase Reactor Systems, March 31, 1987 6. State(s) in which registered: None 7. Principal publications of last five years: Balamuru,V, O.I.Ibrahim, and S.M.Barnett, Simulation of Ternary, Ammonia-Water-Salt Absorption Refrigeration Cycles, International Journal of Refrigeration, 23,31-42, 2000 Li, E., S.M. Barnett and B. Ray, Pollution Prevention Guidelines for Academic Laboratories, J. Chem. Education, 80(1), 45-49, 2003 Lee, H. and S. M. Barnett, A Predictive Model for the Allowable Operating Liquid Velocities and the Biomass Concentration in a Three Phase Fluidized Bed Biofilm Reactor, Ind. Eng. Chem. (Korea), 9, 202-212, 2003 118 Park, E, R. Enander, S.M. Barnett, and C. Lee, Pollution Prevention and Biochemical Oxygen Demand Reduction in a Squid Processing Facility, J. of Cleaner Production, 9 (4), 341-349, 2001 Park, E, R. Enander and S.M. Barnett, Pollution Prevention in a Zinc Die Casting Company, J. of Cleaner Production, 10 (1), 93-99, 2002 You, T. and S.M. Barnett, Effect of Light Quality on Production of Extracellular Polysaccharides and Growth Rate of Porphyridium Cruentum, Biochem. Eng. J., 19, 251-258, 2004 8. Scientific and Professional Societies of which a member: American Institute of Chemical Engineers: elected Fellow, 1986 Chairman, Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division, 1983 Membership Committee, President 1978 and 1979 Prof. Development Committee Environmental Division, AID-LIFE Committee Chairman, 1976-79 RI Section, AIChE, all local offices, currently Treasurer. American Chemical Society Society of Industrial Microbiology Society of the Sigma Xi, URI Chapter, past President. North American Membrane Society American Water Works Association 9. Honors and Awards: Senator John H. Chafee Conservation Award, to the URI Center for Pollution Prevention, Environment Council of RI, May 20, 2005 Fellow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1986. Research Excellence Award, URI College of Engineering, 1986. Hassenfeld Award for Community Service and Leadership, 1986. Honors Faculty Fellow, URI, 1987-88. 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years: Director, RI Center for Pollution Prevention Associate Director, Energy Collaborative University College Advisor Engineering Freshman Advisor Class Advisor Treasurer, RI Section of AIChE Industrial risk management and pollution prevention audits 11. Professional development activities in the last five years: None 119 1. Name and Academic Rank: Arijit Bose, Professor 2. Degrees with fields, institutions, and dates: B.Tech., Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 1976 Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Rochester, 1981 3. Number of years service on this faculty, including date of original appointment and dates of advancement in rank: 24 years; Date of original appointment – July 1, 1982 Asst. Professor:7/82– 6/87; Assoc. Professor:7/87– 6/92 (tenure 7/87); Professor :7/92 – 4. Other related experience—teaching, industrial, etc: 1/05 Co-Founder, Vitrimark, Inc., Providence, RI. 7/02 – 6/04 Visiting Senior Scientist, Cabot Corporation, Billerica, MA 8/95 - 9/96 Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Chem. Engng, MIT. 7/96 - 9/96 Station Director, MIT Practice School, MMT Station. 1/89 - 9/89 Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Chem. Engng, MIT. 2/81 - 8/82 Research Engineer, E.I.du Pont de Nemours & Co. 5. Consulting, patents, etc: Stepan Company, Cabot Corporation, Vitrimark, Inc. Patents: 1."Separation of cells and biological macromolecules by antibody targeted magnetic vesicles and ferritin conjugates", US Patent 5,248,589, 1991. 2."Flow Through, Hybrid Magnetic Field Gradient Rotating Wall Device for Colloidal Magnetic Affinity Separations", US Patent 6,346,196; February, 2002. 3.“Continuous Hybrid Magnetic Field Gradient Rotating Wall Device for Colloidal Magnetic Affinity Separations”, US Patent 6,635,181; October 2003. 4.“A New Lightweight Concrete Using Cenospheres”, S. McBride, A. Bose, A. Shukla, patent application filed, January 2001. 5. Kyrlidis, A.; Bose, A.; Gu, F. Compositions and Chromatography Materials for Bioseparations, In PCT Int. Appl.; (Cabot Corporation, USA; University of Rhode Island). Wo, 2005, p 56 pp. 6. Bose, The Modified Freeze Direct Imaging Technique, Provisional patent application filed through URI, January 2005 6. States(s) in which registered: None 7. Principal publications of last five years: “Structured Materials Synthesis in a Self-assembled Surfactant Mesophase”, S. Li, G. Irwin, B. Simmons, V. John, G. McPherson, A. Bose, Colloids and Surfaces A, 174, 275 (2000) 2. “The Use of Surfactant Self-assembly in the Enzymatic Synthesis of Novel Polymers”, S. Li, G. Irwin, B. Simmons, V. John, G. McPherson, A. Bose, in Reactions in Surfactant Systems, Ed. J. Texter, Marcel Dekker, NY (2000). 1. 120 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. “Amphiphilic Templates in the Synthesis of Nanostructured Composites – From Particles to Extended Structures, in Functional Gradient Materials”, S. Li, G. Irvin, B. Simmons, V. John, G. McPherson, A. Bose, P. Johnson, NATO Science Series II, 16, 61 (2001). “A Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) Study of Microstructural Transitions in a Surfactant Based Rigid Mesophase”, B. Simmons, G. C. Irvin, S. Li, V. T. John, G.L. McPherson, N. Balsara, V. Agarwal, A. Bose, Langmuir, 18, 624 (2002). “Morphology of CdS Nanoparticles Synthesized in a Mixed Surfactant System”, B. Simmons, S. Li, V. John, G. McPherson, A. Bose, Nanoletters, 2, 263 (2002). A Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Mixed AOT + Lecithin Reverse Micelles, B. Simmons, V. Agarwal, G. McPherson, V. John, Arijit Bose, Langmuir, 18, 8345, (2002) "Nanostructured Materials Synthesis in a Mixed Surfactant Mesophase", L. Liu, S. Li, V. John, G. McPherson, A. Bose, P. Johnson, J. Dispersion Sci and Tech. 23, 441 (2002). "Recent Developments in Materials Synthesis in Surfactant Systems", John, V., Simmons, B., McPherson, G., Bose, A., Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 7, 288 (2002). “The Role of Size on the Mechanical Properties of Cenosphere/Polyester Composites”, R. Carduso, A. Bose, A. Shukla, J. Material Science, 37, 603 (2002). “Processing and Characterization of a Lightweight Concrete Using Cenospheres”, S. McBride, A. Bose, A. Shukla, J. Material Science, 37, 4217 (2002). Microstructure Evolution in the SOS/CTAB and HDBS/CTAB Mixed Surfactant Systems, Y. Xia, P.W. Johnson, I. Goldmints, T.A. Hatton, A. Bose, Langmuir, 18, 3822 (2002). The Kinetics and Mechanism of Vesicle Self-assembly in Aqueous SDS/DTAB Mixtures, M. Wan, A. O’Connor, A. Bose, F. Grieser, in Self-Assembly – the Future, Ed. B. Robinson, IOS Press, 454 (2003). "Templating Nanostructure through the Self-Assembly of Lipids", B. Simmons, L. Liu, G. McPherson, V. John, A. Bose, V. Agarwal, D. Schwartz, C. Taylor. in "Synthesis, Functionalization and Surface Treatment of Nanoparticles", M.I. Baraton (Ed.), American Scientific Publishers, 51 (2003). “A Biomolecular Approach to Polymer Encapsulation in Mesoporous Materials”, C. Ford, L. Liu, J. He, V. John, G. McPherson, A. Bose, Polymer Mat. Sci. Engin, 88, 255 (2003). “Organogels as Templates for Materials Synthesis”, G. Tan, N. Sahinir, V. John, G. McPherson, A. Bose, Polymer Mat. Sci. Engin, 88, 370 (2003). “Enzymatic Polymerization in Spontaneously Formed CTAB-HDBS Vesicle Bilayers”, M. Singh, V.Agarwal, C. Ford, L. Liu, G. McPherson, P. Johnson, V. John, A. Bose, Polymer Mat. Sci. Engin, 88, 112 (2003). “Microstructure Evolution in a Mixed Surfatant Mesophase Using Time-dependent Small-angle Neutron Scattering”, B. Simmons, M. Singh, V. Agarwal, G. McPherson, V. John, A. Bose, Langmuir, 19, 6329 (2003). “Self-Assembly of Surfactants to Organogels”, V. John, G. McPherson, A. Bose, in Self Assembly, Ed. B. Robinson, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 311 (2003). “Microstructure Evolution in an AOT/Lecithin/D2O/Isooctane Mesophase”, A. Bose, V. John, G. McPherson, in Self Assembly, Ed. B. Robinson, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 152 (2003). “The Kinetics and Mechanism of Vesicle Self-assembly in Aqueous SDS/DTAB Mixtures”, M. Wan, A.J. O’Connor, F. Greiser, A. Bose, in Self Assembly, Ed. B. Robinson, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 454 (2003). "Processing and Mechanical Characterization of Lightweight Polyurethane composites", V. Chalivendra, A. Shukla, V. Parameswaran, A. Bose, Journal of Material Science, 38, 1631 (2003). “Uptake and Loss of Water in a Cenosphere - Concrete Composite Material”, N. Barbare, A. Shukla, A. Bose, Cement and Concrete Research, 33, 1681 (2003). “Acoustic Properties of Cenosphere Reinforced Cement and Asphalt Concrete”, V. Tiwary, A. Shukla, A. Bose, Applied Acoustics, 65, 263 (2004). 121 24. “Freeze Fracture Direct Imaging of a Viscous Surfactant Mesophase”, V. Agarwal, M. Singh, G. McPherson, V. John, A. Bose, Langmuir, 20, 11 (2004). 25. “Alignment and Materials Synthesis in a Crystalline Surfactant Mesophase”, L. Liu, M. Singh, G. McPherson, A. Bose, V. John, J. American Chemical Soc., 126, 2276 (2004). 26. “Shear-induced Orientation in a Rigid Surfactant Mesophase”, M. Singh, V. Agarwal, G. McPherson, V. John, A. Bose, Langmuir, 20, 5693 (2004). 27. Structural Evolution of a Two-component Organogel, M. Singh, G. Tan, V. Agarwal, G. Fritz, K. Masko, A. Bose, V. John, G. McPherson, Langmuir, 20, 7392 (2004). 28. “Structural Evolution In Cationic Micelles Upon Incorporation of An Organic Dopant”, M. Singh, V. 29. 30. 31. 32. Agarwal, G. McPherson, V. John, A. Bose,, Langmuir, 20, 9931 (2004). ”Biocatalysis in the Development of Functional Polymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites”, C. Ford, M. Singh, K. Papadapoulos, G. McPherson, Y. Lu, V. John, A. Bose, Colloids and Surfaces, 39, 143 (2004). “Shear-induced Microstructure Alignment In a Surfactant Based Mesophase”, V. Agarwal, M. Singh, G. McPherson, V. John, A. Bose, in review, Langmuir, (2004). 31P and 1H NMR as Probes of Domain Alignment in a Rigid Crystalline Surfactant Mesophase”, Liu, Limin, John, Vijay T., McPherson, Gary, Maskos, Karol, Bose, Arijit Langmuir, 21, 3795 (2005). “Nanostructured Silica Synthesis in a Mixed Surfactant System”, N. Barbare, L. Liu, V. John, A. Bose, to be submitted to Langmuir, (2005). Invited presentations 1. “Hard and Soft Nanocolloids – Synthesis, Characterization and Evolution of Aggregate Microstructures”, Tufts University, Medford (2000). 2. A New Hybrid Magnetic Field Gradient Device for Enhanced Colloidal Magnetic Affinity Separations, Handy and Harman, Providence (2000). 3. Nanostructured Materials – Synthesis and Characterization, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (2001). 4. Nanostructured Materials – Synthesis and Characterization, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport (2001). 5. Microstructure Evolution in Self-Assembled Mixed Surfactant Systems, Self-Assembly – the Future, Massa Marritima, Italy (2002). 6. Microstructure Evolution and Materials Synthesis in a Mixed-surfactant Mesophase, Cabot Corporation, (2002). 7. Microstructure Evolution and Materials Synthesis in a Mixed-surfactant Mesophase, Squishy Physics Seminar, Harvard University, (2002). 8. Reciprocal Space and Direct Imaging of Soft Nanocolloids, US-Japan Symposium on Nanotechnology, Cornell University, Ithaca (2003). 9. Microstructure Evolution and Materials Synthesis in a Mixed-surfactant Mesophase, Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology, March (2003). 10. Self-assembly for Nanomanufacturing, Indo-US Forum on Advanced Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, March 2004. 11. Microstructure Evolution and Materials Synthesis in a Mixed-surfactant Mesophase, Department of Materials Science, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, April (2004) 12. Microstructure Evolution and Materials Synthesis in a Mixed-surfactant Mesophase, Division of Engineering, Brown University, April (2004) 13. Microstructure Evolution and Materials Synthesis in a Mixed-surfactant Mesophase, FrenchGerman Network Meeting on Complex Fluids, Toulouse, May (2004). 14. Nanostructured Materials, Brown University Enterprise Forum, September (2004). 122 15. 16. 17. 18. Imaging of Soft Matter, International Conference on Soft Matter, Kolkata, November (2004). Imaging of Soft Colloids, Joint AIChE-IIChE Conference, Mumbai, December 2004. Nanostructured Materials, MRS Meeting, December (2004). Nanostructured Materials, Purdue University/Indiana University, April (2005). 8. Scientific and professional societies of which a member: AIChE, MRS, ACS 9. Honors and awards: 1992, 2000 Vincent and Estelle Murphy Award for Faculty Excellence, College of Engineering, University of Rhode Island 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years: 2003 - Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions in Nanotechnology 2003 - Editorial Board, Journal of Surface Science and Technology 2000 Panel Member, SBIR Phase I, National Science Foundation 2001 Panel member, AUI-ISSI Review of International Space Station activities 2001 Session Chairman, 75th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Carnegie Mellon University. 2003 Session Co-Chairman, Thermodynamics, AIChE Meeting, New Orleans. 2003 Invited Speaker, US-Japan Workshop in Nanotechnology, Cornell University, Ithaca. 2003 Panel Member, Sensors and Sensor Networks, National Science Foundation 2003 Team Leader, US-Japan Exchange Program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2004 Team Member, US-India Symposium on Nanomanufacturing and Nanotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. 2004 Advisory Committee, International Conference on Soft Matter, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 2004 Panel Member, NIRT, National Science Foundation 2004 Session Chairman, 78th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Yale University. 2005 Advisor, International Center for Young Scientista, National Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan 2004 Organized conference on Polymer-Nanoparticle Composite Materials, Cabot Corporation 123 University activities 2004 - Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering, URI. 2001 Chair, Dean of Engineering Evaluation Committee, URI 2002 - Faculty mentor for Victor J. Baxt Professor of Chemical Engineering. 2001- 02 Chairman, Graduate Committee, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island. 2000 Member, Victor J. Baxt Professor Search Committee, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island. 11. Professional development activities in the last five years: None 124 1. Name and Academic Rank: Richard Brown, Professor. 2. Degrees with fields, institution and date B.Sc. Metallurgy, Nottingham University, United Kingdom, 1974 PhD. Metallurgy, Cambridge University, United Kingdom, 1979. 3. Number of years service on this faculty, including date of original appointment and dates of advancement in rank. 24 years of service at URI. Appointed Assistant Professor September 1, 1981. Promoted to Associate Professor, September 1, 1986. Promoted to Professor, September 1, 1991. Appointed Chair, October 12, 1998. Resigned Chair August 2003 4. Other related experience - teaching, industrial, etc. Higher Scientific Officer, National Gas Turbine Establishment, Pyestock, Farnborough, Hants, England Research Associate, Materials Durability Division, University of Delaware, 1979-81 5. Consulting, patents etc. US Army, Two patents filed on conductive polymers for corrosion resistance. Two patents applied for in alternates to chromates area. 6. States in which registered. None 7. Principal publications of last five years. Robert J. Racicot, Sze C. Yangand Richard Brown, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Studies of a Double Strand Polyaniline Coating on Aluminum Alloys in Acidic Environments, Research Topical Symposium, Corrosion 2000, 113-128, NACE International, April 2000. S. C. Yang, R. Brown, R. Racicot, Y. Lin, F. McClarnon, "Electroactive polymers for corrosion inhibition", Chapter 13, p. 196-206, "Electroactive Polymers for Corrosion Control,"American Chemical Society Symposium Series 843, (2003), Editors P. Zarras, J. D. Stenger-Smith, Y. Wei. 8. Scientific and professional societies of which a member. National Association of Corrosion Engineers. 9. Honors and awards. US Army Commendation for outstanding contributions to the M55 rocket assessment program, 1986. URI Performance Award, 1990. US Army Commendation for outstanding performance, 1991. US Army Commendation for outstanding performance, 1994. Vincent and Estelle Murphy Faculty Excellence Award from the College of Engineering, URI 1997. 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years. University Graduate committee. Associate Dean for Research Search Committee Chemical Engineering Faculty Search Committee 125 Donald J Gray Degrees B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 1970 Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 1978 Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 1980 Professional Experience 1987 – Pres Associate Prof essor of Chemical Engineering University of Rhode Island 1980 – 1987 Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering University of Rhode Island 1979-1980 Instructor in Chemical Engineering University of Rhode Island 1993-1997 Principle in startup company Serec Corp. specializing in environmentally safe cleaning equipment 1971-1973 US Army, Chemical Engineer at Walter Reed Hospital Publications, Patents & Presentations Related to Cleaning “Vacuum Cavitational Streaming”, D. Gray and C. Fredrick, US Patent Pending. “Particle Removal Using Cavitation Bubbles”, C. Fredrick and D. Gray , Clean Tech, Chicago, Illonois, June 8-10, 2005. “Solvent Drying Method”, D. Gray, US Patent Number 6,802,137, Oct. 12, 2004. “Sub Micron Cleaning Using Vacuum Cavitational Streaming (VCS)”, C. Fredrick and D. Gray , Ninth International Symposium on Particle Removal from Surfaces, June 1618, 2004, Philadelphia, PA. “Method and System for Removing Particles and Non-Volatile Residue from Internal Surfaces”, D. Gray and C. Fredrick, patent appl. 10/701,761, 11/04/2003. 126 “Removal of Entrained Moisture from P/M Parts Using High Temperature Solvent and Vacuum”, D. Gray and J. Schuttert, 2003 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particle Materials, June 8-12 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada. “Enclosed Cleaning Machines”, D. Gray & J. Durkee, Handbook for Critical Cleaning, Chapter 2.11, p 297-308, ed. B. Kanegsberg & E. Kanegsberg, CRCPress LLC, 2001. “Solvent and Aqueous Decompression Processing System”, D. Gray and C. Fredrick, US Patent Number 6,418,942, July 16, 2002. “Method and System for Removing Particles and Non-Volatile Residue from Surfaces”, D. Gray and C. Fredrick, patent appl. 10/164,792, 06/06/2002. “Controlling Both Your Emissions and Process Using Vacuum”, D .J. Gray, Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Workshop on Solvent Substitution, Dec 10-13,2001, Scottsdale, Arizona. “Investment Costs and Value Added Related to Enclosed Solvent Cleaning Machines”, D .J. Gray, Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International Workshop on Solvent Substitution, Dec 11-14, 2000, Scottsdale, Arizona “Closed Circuit Solvent Cleaning System”, D.J. Gray & P. T. E. Gebhard, U.S. Patent Number 6,004,403, Dec 21, 1999. “IS CO2 the Perfect Cleaning Solvent?” J. Durkee & D .J. Gray, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Workshop on Solvent Substitution, Dec 9-12 1998, Scottsdale, Arizona. “Dry Cleaning and Degreasing System”, D.J. Gray & P. T. E. Gebhard, U.S. Patent Number 5,702,535, Dec 30, 1997. “Filter Regeneration System”, D.J. Gray & P. T. E. Gebhard, U.S. Patent Number 5,630,434, May 20, 1997. “Improving for Tubing”, E. Gonet & D. Gray, Parts Cleaning, Whittier Publishing Co., NJ, p 14-17, Sept 1997. “Solvent Cleaning System”, D.J. Gray & P. T. E. Gebhard, U.S. Patent Number 5,538025, July 23,1996. “Cleaning Method and System”, D.J. Gray & P. T. E. Gebhard, U.S. Patent Number 5,469,876, Nov 28, 1995. Awards 127 Environmental Innovator Award, US Environmental Protection Agency, March 1998. Citation for Innovative Environmental Technology, State of Rhode Island, 1996. Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Excellance Award, June, 1990. Professional Member Member American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE Student counselor for last 15 years Teaching Teach both senior design capstone courses for the department Teach both senior capstone unit operations lab courses for the department Teach the first junior level transport course Teach junior level thermodynamics course Teach senior and junior level transfer operation courses 128 1. Name and Academic Rank: Michael L. Greenfield, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Victor J. Baxt Chair of Polymer Engineering 2. Degrees with fields, institutions and dates: B.S., Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1990 Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, 1996 3. Number of years of service on this faculty, including date of original appointment and dates of advancement in rank: Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, 2002–present 4. Other related experience, teaching, industrial, etc.: Xerox Corporation, 1989, 1990, Engineering Summer Intern Ford Motor Company, Ford Research Lab, 1996–2001, Technical Specialist (Research Scientist) 5. Consulting, patents, etc.: Refrigerant selection with CO2, while at Ford (US Patent no. 6,415,614, issued July 9, 2002) Windshield washer fluid system design, while at Ford (US Patent nos. 6,561,209, issued May 13, 2003, and 6,732,953, issued May 11, 2004) 6. States in which registered: None. 7. Principal publications of last five years: Greenfield, M. L.; Ohtani, H. "Packing of Simulated Friction Modifier Additives under Confinement," Langmuir 2005, 21, 7568-7578. Greenfield, M. L. "Sorption and Diffusion of Small Molecules using Transition State Theory," in Simulation Methods for Modeling Polymers, Michael J. Kotelyanskii and Doros N. Theodorou, editors; New York: Marcel Dekker, 2004, 425-490. Greenfield, M. L. "Simulation of Small Molecule Diffusion using Continuous Space Disordered Networks," Mol. Phys. 2004, 102, 421-430. Zhu, Y; Ohtani, H; Ruths, M; Greenfield, M. L.; Granick, S. "Modification of Boundary Lubrication by Oil Soluble Friction Modifying Additives," Tribo. Lett. 2003, 15, 127-134. Mozurkewich, G.; Greenfield, M. L.; Schneider, W. F.; Zietlow, D. C.; Meyer, J. M. "Simulated performance and cofluid dependence of a CO2-cofluid refrigeration cycle with wet compression," Int. J. Refrig. 2002, 25, 1123-1136. Greenfield, M. L.; Theodorou, D. N. "Coarse-grained molecular simulation of penetrant diffusion in a glassy polymer using reverse and kinetic Monte Carlo," Macromolecules 2001, 34, 8541-8553. 129 Presentations at AIChE Annual Meeting (every year), ACS National Meetings (2002, 2005), Gordon Conference on Tribology (2004), Petersen Asphalt Conference (2005) 8. Scientific and Professional Societies of which a member: American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), American Chemical Society (ACS) 9. Honors and Awards: AIChE Award for Scholastic Achievement, 1989 Consulting Engineers Council of Maryland Scholarship, 1989 Paul A.C. Cook Award, 1989 Tau Beta Pi (Maryland Alpha chapter), 1989 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 1990 Dow Excellence in Teaching Award (of UC Berkeley ChE), 1992 Sherwin-Williams Student Award in Applied Polymer Science (ACS Poly Division), 1994 Arch T. Colwell Merit Award (SAE, paper 1999-01-0377), 1999 Arch T. Colwell Merit Award (SAE, paper 1999-01-0869), 1999 Operational Excellence Award (Ford Research Lab, in recognition of the Ford High School Science and Technology Program), 2001 Victor J. Baxt Chair of Polymer Engineering, 2002–present Non-tenured Faculty Award (3M Company), 2003 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years: Chair of AIChE Area 1a, Thermodynamics and Transport Properties Program Chair, Area 1a sessions at the 2003 AIChE Spring Meeting University Committees Chair, URI ChE Graduate Committee Information Resource Council, COE Representative URI Transportation Center Advisory Committee, COE Representative Other Activities Session Chair and Co-Chair, 11 sessions at national AIChE and ACS meetings New Faculty Search Committee, URI ChE dept., 2003–2004 Webmaster, URI ChE dept., 2003–present 11. Professional development activities in the last five years: Recent Grants: Predicting Additive Migration in Polymers using Molecular Simulation, Ford Motor Company University Research Program, $120,000, May 1, 2003 to April 30, 2006 Designing Model Asphalts using Molecular Simulation, Rhode Island Department of Transportation $35,307.38 and URI Transportation Center $33,138.46, January 1, 2004 to July 31, 2005 Molecular-Level Effects of Additives in Polymers by Molecular Simulation, 3M Company, $15,000, July 2003 (one-time grant). 130 Testing Models of Asphalt System Modification using Molecular Simulation, Rhode Island Department of Transportation $27,559.72 and URI Transportation Center $25,397.86 July 1, 2005 to January 31, 2006 131 1. Name and Academic Rank: Otto J. Gregory, Professor 2. Degrees with fields, institutions and dates: Ph.D., Engineering, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, June 1984 M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, December 1977 B.S., Chemical and Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, June 1975 3. Number of years of service, including date or original appointment: Twenty three years, original appointment September 1982 (Assistant Professor) July 1, 1988 (Associate Professor) July 1, 1993 (Full Professor) 4. Other related experience, teaching, industrial, etc: 2003-2005 Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, College of Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 2002-present Director, Environmental Electron Microscopy Center, College of Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 1998-present Distinguished Engineering Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 1996 Co-Director, University of Rhode Island Sensors and Surface Technology Partnership for Research and Education, Kingston, RI 02881 1993 Director, Rhode Island Center for Thin Film and Interface Research 1993 Director, Thin Film Surface Analyzer Cost Center 1993 Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 1991-92 Visiting Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 1988 -1993 Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, 02881 1982-1987 Assistant Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, 02881 1979-1981 Instructor - Metallurgical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, 02881 5. Consulting, patents, etc.: 132 1. "Ceramic Coatings for Temperature Measurement", O.J. Gregory and J.J. McCauley, August 2, 1992, U.S. Patent No. 5,135,795 2. "A Thin-Film Quadrant Temperature Sensor For Use in a System to Control the Alignment of a CO2 Laser Beam", O.J. Gregory and K. Burbank, August 23, 1992, U.S. Patent No. 5,141,330 3. "A Method of Enhancing the Electrical Conductivity of Transparent Electrode Stripes in Thin Film Electroluminescent Displays", O.J. Gregory and R. Zeto, Nov 17, 1992, U.S. Patent No. 5,163,220. 4. "Doped-Germanium Sensor for Use in a System to Control the Alignment of a CO2 Laser Beam", O.J. Gregory and K. Burbank, December 1, 1992, U.S. Patent No. 5,168,321. 5. "Monolithic Hollow Waveguide and Method and Apparatus For Making The Same", June 28, 1994, O.J. Gregory, C. Morrow, P. Bhardwaj, G. Gu and B. Bauman, U.S. Patent No. 5,325,458. 6. "Method of Preparing Ceramic Coatings for Temperature Measurement", O.J. Gregory and J.J. McCauley, August, 1994, U.S. Patent No. 5,338,566. 7. “Method for Making Monolithic Hollow Waveguide”, O.J. Gregory, C. Morrow, P. Bhardwaj March 7, 1995, US Patent No 5,395,480 8. "Monolithic Hollow Waveguide Method", January 2, 1996, O.J. Gregory, C. Morrow, P. Bhardwaj, U.S. Patent No. 5,480,050. 9. “Thermochromic Polymers for Rapid Visual Assessment of Temperature”, March 16, 2004, W. Euler, O.J. Gregory and B. Lucht, US Patent No. 6,706,218. 10. “Self-Compensated Ceramic Strain Gage for Use at High Temperature”, May 4, 2004, O.J. Gregory, US Patent No. 6,729,187. 11. “Intensity Based Optical Waveguide Sensor”, Feb. 1, 2005, O.J. Gregory, W. Euler and G. Huston, US Patent No.6,850,315. 12. “High Temperature Strain Gages”, June 2, 2005, O.J. Gregory and T. You, US Patent Publication No. US 2005/0115329A1. 6. States in which registered: None 7. Principal Publications of last five years: S. Turner, H. Sun, M. Faghri and O.J. Gregory, ASME Publications Heat Transfer Division, “Effect of Surface Roughness on Gaseous Flow Through Microchannels”, Vol. 366, No. 2; pp.291-298 (2000). 133 A. Constant, H. Niska and O. Gregory, “Chemical Vapor Deposition of Alpha Aluminum Oxide for High Temperature Aerospace Sensors”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 18, No. 4, p. 1653-1659 (2000). K.A. Thomas, W.B. Euler, E.E. Crisman and O.J. Gregory, “A Temperature Insensitive Smart Optical Strain Sensors” Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering; Smart Structures and Materials-Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures and Highways, S.C. Liu, editor, SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, vol. 3988, p.429-439, (2000). O. J. Gregory and Q. Luo, “Ceramic Strain Sensors for Propulsion Health Monitoring”, IEEE Proceedings of the 19th DASC-Digital Avionics Conference, (2000). M. Benz, W.B. Euler and O.J. Gregory, “The Influence of Preparation Conditions on the Surface Morphology of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Films”, Langmuir, 17, p.239-243 (2001). O. J. Gregory and Q. Luo, “A Self-Compensated Ceramic Strain Gage for Use at Elevated Temperatures”, Sensors and Actuators A; Physical Sensors, 88, p.234-240 (2001). S. Turner, H. Sun, M. Faghri and O.J. Gregory, “Compressible Gas Flow Through Smooth and Rough Microchannels”, Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition – Heat Transfer Division -24145 (2001). M. Benz, W.B. Euler and O.J. Gregory, “The Role of Solution Phase Water on the Deposition of Thin Films of Poly (vinylidene fluoride)”, Macromolecules, 35 (7), p. 2682-2688 (2002). O.J. Gregory, Q. Luo, J. Bienkiewicz, B.M. Erwin and E.E. Crisman, "An Apparent “n” to “p” Transition in Sputtered ITO High Temperature Strain Gages", Thin Solid Films, 405, p.263-269 (2002). O.J. Gregory, Q. Luo, and E.E. Crisman, "High Temperature Stability of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films", Thin Solid Films, 406, p.286-293 (2002). Prism, American Society of Engineering Education Journal -Weapons of War, “25 Ways to Fight Terrorism” p. 27, February 2002. B.L. Lucht, W.B. Euler and O.J. Gregory, “Investigation of the Thermochromic Properties of Polythiophenes Dispersed in Host Polymers”, Polymer Preprints, 43(1), p.59-60 (2002). O.J. Gregory, T. You, E.E. Crisman, M.J. Platek, “Stabilization of Indium Tin Oxide Films at Very High Temperatures”, The Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 751, Z3.33.1-Z3.33.6 (2003). O.J. Gregory, T. You, M. Platek and E.E. Crisman, “Stabilization of Ceramic Strain Gages to Temperatures Beyond 1500°C”, 49th International Instrumentation Symposium Proceedings -The 134 Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society - ISA Aerospace Industries Div. and Test Measurement Div. (2003). O.J. Gregory, M. Downey, T. Starr, S. Wnuk and V. Wnuk, “Improved Bond Coats for Thermal Spray Instrumentation”, 49th International Instrumentation Symposium Proceedings -The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society - ISA Aerospace Industries Div. and Test Measurement Div. (2003). O.J. Gregory, M.A. Downey, T.H. Starr, S. Wnuk and V. Wnuk, “Improved Thermal Barrier Coatings using Intermediate TCE Nanocomposites” MPIF Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Nanotechnology and PM2, p 150-157 (2003) O.J. Gregory and T. You, “Stability and Piezoresistive Properties of Indium-Tin-Oxide Ceramic Strain Gages”, Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2003 Conference, Vol.2, p. 801-806 (2003). . O.J. Gregory and T. You, “Preparation and Piezoresistive Properties of ITO Strain Sensors Prepared with Controlled Nano-Porosity”, Materials and Devices for Smart Systems, The Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 785, D14.1, p. 489-494, (2004). O.J. Gregory, M. Downey, T. Starr, S. Wnuk and V. Wnuk, “An Intermediate TCE Nanocomposite Coating for Thermal Barrier Coatings”, Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials and Composites, The Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 791, Q 4.7, p.99-104, (2003) O.J. Gregory and T. You, “Stability and Piezoresistive Properties of ITO Ceramic Strain Gages”, Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2003 Conference, Vol.2, p. 801-806 (2003). O. J. Gregory and T. You, “Piezoresistive Properties of ITO Strain Sensors Prepared with Controlled Nano-Porosity”, J. Electrochemical Society, Vol. 151, No.8, p.H198-H203 (2004). S.E. Turner, L.C.Lam, M. Faghri and O.J. Gregory, “Experimental Investigation of Gas Flow In Microchannels”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 126 (5), p. 753-763, (2004). O.J. Gregory and T. You "Ceramic Temperature Sensors For Gas Turbine Engine Applications", Proceedings of the 50th Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society ISA, 451, 81-91, (2004). O.J. Gregory, T.H.; Starr, V. Wnuk, M.A. Downey, S. Wnuk, ”Improved Thermal Spray Instrumentation Using Intermediate TCE Nanocomposites”, Proceedings of the 50th International Instrumentation Systems and Automation Society ISA, 451, p.223-233, (2004). E. E. Crisman, J. S. Derov, A. Drehman, O. J. Gregory, “Large Pyroelectric Resposne from Reactively Sputtered Aluminum Nitride Thin Films”, J. Electrochemical Society, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp A141-L1, (2005). 135 O.J. Gregory, T.You and E. E. Crisman, “Effect of Aluminum doping on the High Temperature Stability and Piezoresistive Response of Indium-Tin-Oxide Strain Sensors”, Thin Solid Films, 476, p.344-351 (2005). O.J. Gregory and T. You, "Ceramic Temperature Sensors For Gas Turbine Engine Applications", IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.5, No. 5, p.833-838 (2005). E. E. Crisman, J. S. Derov, G. J. Barchard, O. J. Gregory, and W. B. Euler, “An Optical Device for Measuring Bending Strain to 5,000 Micro-Strain and Compatible With Optical Fiber Installations” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.5, No. 6, p. 1321-1326 (2005). O.J. Gregory, M. Downey, C. Cummiskey, M.J. Platek, J. Oxley and J. Smith, “Microstructural Characterization of Pipe Bomb Fragments”, Materials Characterization, in press O.J. Gregory and E. Busch, "Preparation and Characterization of Ceramic Thin Film Thermocouples”, Thin Solid Films, in press 8. Scientific and Professional Societies: (105 total) Presentations and Papers at Scientific Meetings Professional Societies (Offices Held): American Institute of Chemical Engineers (RI Chapter) Secretary………………………………………………………………(1984-1986) Vice Chairman/Program Director…………………………………………...(1987) Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (URI Chapter) Vice President/Program Director……………………………………..(1984-1985) President………………………………………………………………(1985-1990) American Society for Metals (Rhode Island Chapter) Lecturer ASM Short Course in Metallurgy…………………………………(1983) Lecturer ASM Elements of Metallurgy Course ……………………………(1988) Judge ASM Metallography Contest ………………………………………..(1989) The Electrochemical Society – Education Committee (National)…………….(1992-1996) Technical Reviewer: NASA, NSF, NSF-MURI, NSF-SBIR, DOE, DOD, ACS-Petroleum Research Fund, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Connecticut Innovations (State of Connecticut), RI Economic Policy Council-Samuel Slater Partnership Program (State of Rhode Island), Southern Technology Council-Innovation Alabama (State of Alabama) Journal Reviewer Thin Solid Films, The Materials Research Society Proceedings, Macromolecules, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Surface and Coatings Technology, 136 Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Society of Manufacturing Engineers – Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, AIAA/SAE/ASME Proceedings, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Nanotechnology Journal, Journal of the Electrochemical Society-Electrochemical and Solid State Letters Technical Advisory Board Caterpillar Corporation SHIELD and NIST Session Chair The Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting, Orlando, FL (Oct. 2003) Technical Program Committee IEEE Sensors 2005 Conference (Nov. 2005) 9 Honors and Awards: Major Charles Bassett Outstanding Paper Award - 49th ISA International Instrumentation Symposium- Aerospace Industries Division and Test/Measurement Division (The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society 2004) University of Rhode Island - Albert Carlotti Faculty Excellence Award (2003) University of Rhode Island - Outstanding Research Award (2001) University of Rhode Island - Outstanding Intellectual Property Award with W. Euler and A. Mengel (2001) University of Rhode Island - Outstanding Intellectual Property Award with W. Euler and B. Lucht (2001) Best Paper 19th DASC Conference (Digital Avionics Conference), Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 2000, “A Ceramic Strain Gage for Propulsion Health Monitoring”, with Q. Luo. University of Rhode Island, College of Engineering – Distinguished Engineering Professor (1997-present) University of Rhode Island, College of Engineering - Vincent E. and Estelle Murphy Faculty Excellence Award in Engineering (1996) University of Rhode Island, College of Engineering - Vincent E. and Estelle Murphy Faculty Excellence Award (1990) U.S. Army Fellowship - Summer Faculty Research and Engineering Program (1988) U.S. Army Fellowship - Summer Faculty Research and Engineering Program (1987) University of Rhode Island, College of Engineering - Research Excellence Award (1987) University of Rhode Island Teaching Fellow (1986) 137 University of Rhode Island Summer Faculty Fellowship (1984) 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years: Chemical Engineering Graduate Committee 11. Professional development activities in the last five years: None. 138 1. Name and Academic Rank: Harold N. Knickle, Professor of Chemical Engineering 2. Degrees with fields, institutions and dates: B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, 1962 M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1965 Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1969 3. Number of years of service on this faculty, including date of original appointment and dates of advancement in rank: Associate Dean of engineering, 1992-2004 Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1982 Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1975 Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1969 4. Other related experience, teaching, industrial, etc.: General Electric, Engineer, 1962-1966 Dupont, 1976 Summer, Engineer Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center, 1979-1981, Summer, Research Engineer 5. Consulting, patents, etc.: Mass Transfer, Exxon Heat Transfer and Design, Many Companies Oil Enhancement, Filtration, Phoenix Environmental Asset Corporation 6. States in which registered: None 7. Principal publications of last five years: 1. S. Yang, H. Knickle, Journal of Power Sources, “Design and Analysis of Aluminum/Air Battery System for Electric Vehicles”, 112 (1) (2002) 162-173 2. Shao Hua Yang, H. Knickle, Journal of Power Sources, “Modeling The Performance of an Aluminum/Air Cell” 124, (2003), 572-585 3. S. Yang, H. Knickle, Journal of Power Sources, “Transport Analysis of an Aluminum Cell”, submitted. 4. Xin Zhang, Shao Hua Yang and Harold Knickle, Journal of Power Sources, “A Novel Operation and Control Method for Aluminum/Air Battery System,” 128 (2004) 331-342 5. S. Yang, H. Knickle, Aluminum/Air Electric Vehicle Life Cycle Analysis, 202d Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. Salt Lake City, November 2002. 6. S. Yang, H. Knickle, 203d Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 203rd meeting, August 2003, Paris, Two Dimensional Transport Modeling of an Aluminum/Air Cell 7. S. Yang, H. Knickle, , 204th meeting of the Electrochemical Society, October 2004, Orlando, “Effect of Cell Gap on Current Density Distribution in An Aluminum/Air Cell”. 8. Xin Zhang, Harold Knickle, 204th meeting of the Electrochemical Society, October 2004, Orlando, “Analysis and Design of A Novel Control Method for Aluminum/Air Battery System ” 9. H. Knickle, NE ASEE Meeting, April 2003, Bangor, Maine, “A Fuel Cells and Batteries Course– Chemical Engineering Approach” 139 10. H. Knickle, NE ASEE Meeting, April 2003, Bangor Maine, “Recruiting Minority Students for the College of Engineering”7. H. Knickle, St. Lawrence ASEE, October 2003, Kingston, Ontario, ”Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Programs New England LSAMP: Recruiting” 11. H. Knickle, NE ASEE Meeting, Spring 2004, “Programs to Recruit Minority Students for Engineering” 12. H. Knickle, American Society of Engineering Education, June 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah, “ Recruiting Minority Students at URI “ 13. Shao Hua Yang, Harold Knickle, 206th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, October 2004, Hawaii, “Transport Analysis of an Aluminum/Air Battery Cellī ”. 8. Scientific and Professional Societies of which a member: Member: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Engineering Education, presently Campus Representative and former, Chairman of Computers in Education Committee, Secretary Treasurer of NE Chapter (twice). 9. Honors and Awards: ASEE Outstanding Chapter Representative Award, 1998. Sigma Xi, Member, Elected Associate Member in undergraduate school, member of Executive Committee URI. Tau Beta Pi Member Chester H. Kirk Distinguished Engineer Award, 1998. 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years: State of Rhode Island – Nuclear Science Center, Chair of Radiation Safety and Operations Chair of Reactor Utilization Committee, chair 1995 Warwick Public School: Computer Technology Advisory Committee, Warwick School Committee 1977-1992, Chairman Vice Chairman University Committees Radiation Safety Committee, Chair 198x to, Radiation Safety Subcommittee on Licenses, Chair 198xInformation Resource Council, Outreach Committee Other Activities Many Sessions Chaired at NE ASEE Meeting and National ASEE Many College of Engineering Committees Major activity in the Academy Coalition URI Coordinator American Society of Engineering, Campus Coordinator, New England Program Committee, Zone I Chair, New England Section Chair 11. Professional development activities in the last five years: Recent Grants: URI Assessment Grants, $8,000, 1998, 1999 Advanced Battery Technology, $50,000, 1999 Passive Filtration, $10,000, 2000 NSF NE LSAMP grant, $320,000, 2001-2005 140 Engineering Faculty as Mentors to HS Science Teachers, $5000, RI Board of Governors, 2002. Water Quality, USDA, USDA, $150,000, 2003 Co PI NSF ADVANCE Grant, Leadership Team, 2002, NSF LSAMP II Grant, $3305,000, 2005-2009, NATO Infrastructure Grant with Pegordny Institute Ukraine, 20,000 12. Recent Graduate Students: One MS Control of Al Air Battery-graduated One Ph.D. Improving Al Air Battery-graduated One Ph.D. Hydrogen Storage-in progress 141 1. Name and Academic Rank: Angelo Lucia, Chester H. Kirk Professor 2. Degrees with fields, institutions and dates: Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1981 M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1977 B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 1974 3. Number of years of service on this faculty, including date or original appointment and dates of advancement in rank: 5 years 1995 Appointed Chester H. Kirk Professor, December 24, 1995 1990 – 1995 Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 1987 – 1990 Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 1981 – 1987 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 4. Other related experience, teaching, industrial, etc. 1975 – 1981 Consultant for Control Data Corporation in numerical analysis and computer applications in chemical engineering. 1974 – 1975 Process Control Engineer, Union Carbide Corporation, S. Charlestown, WV 5. Consulting, patents, etc. ChemShare Corporation, Eastman Chemical Company, Teknor-Apex, Amtrol, Aspen Technology EG&G Sealol 6 States in which registered: None. 7. Principal publications of last five years: A. Lucia, Successive Quadratic Programming: Introduction, In Encyclopedia of Optimization, C.A. Floudas & P.M. Pardalos, eds., Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, vol. 5, 387-393 (2001). A. Lucia, Successive Quadratic Programming: Application in Distillation Systems, In Encyclopedia of Optimization, C.A. Floudas & P.M. Pardalos, eds., Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, vol. 5, 393-400 (2001). A. Lucia, Successive Quadratic Programming: Decomposition Methods, In Encyclopedia of Optimization, C.A. Floudas & P.M. Pardalos, eds., Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, vol. 5, 413-418 (2001). A. Lucia, Successive Quadratic Programming: Full Space Methods, In Encyclopedia of Optimization, C.A. Floudas & P.M. Pardalos, eds., Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, vol. 5, 418-425 (2001). 142 A. Lucia, Successive Quadratic Programming: Solving the QP by Active Sets and Interior Point Methods, In Encyclopedia of Optimization, C.A. Floudas & P.M. Pardalos, eds., Kluwer Acad. Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, vol. 5, 425-431 (2001). A. Lucia and F. Yang, Global Terrain Methods for Chemical Process Simulation, In ESCAPE-11, R. Gani & S.B. Jorgensen, eds., Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 213 (2001). A. Lucia and F. Yang, Global Terrain Methods for Chemical Process Simulation, World Congress 6 (2001). A. Lucia and Q. Luo, Binary Refrigerant-Oil Phase Equilibrium Using the Simplified SAFT Equation, Adv. Environ. Res., 6, 123 (2002). A. Lucia and F. Yang, Global Terrain Methods, Comput.&Chem. Engng. 26, 529 (2002). A.Lucia &E.J.Finger,Co-Solvent Selection and Recovery,AdvEnviron.Res.8,197 (2003). A. Lucia and F. Yang, Multivariable Terrain Methods, AIChE J. 49, 2553 (2003). A. Lucia, P.A. DiMaggio and P. Depa, A Geometric Terrain Methodology for Global Optimization, J. Global Optim. 29, 297 (2004). A. Lucia and F. Yang, Solving Distillation Problems by Terrain Methods, Comput. Chem. Engng. 28, 2541 (2004). A. Lucia, P.A. DiMaggio and P. Depa, Funneling Algorithms for Multi-Scale Optimization on Rugged Terrains, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 43, 3770 (2004). A. Lucia and P.A. DiMaggio, Multi-Scale Optimization, In ESCAPE-14, A. BarbosaPovoa & H. Matos, Eds. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1085 (2004). A. Lucia and P.A. DiMaggio, Non-Quadratic Methodologies for Process Optimization, In Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, C.A. Floudas & R. Agrawal, eds., CACHE Corp. 561 (2004). 8. Scientific and Professional Societies of which a member: AIChE 9. Honors and Awards: Outstanding Advisor Award (Clarkson), 1986; John W. Graham Faculty Research Award (Clarkson), 1987; Merck, Sharp & Dohme Lecturer, 1993; Outstanding Teacher Award, 1993; Best Paper Award, Comput. Chem. Eng., 1996; ITC Annual Seminar Series Lecturer, 2000; URI Outstanding Researcher, 2002. 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years: Graduate Committee (6 hours per week) CACHE Representative (0.25 hour per week) No extra compensation 11. Professional development activities in the last five years. None 143 144 1. Mercedes A. Rivero–Hudec, Associate Professor 2. Degrees with fields, institutions and dates: Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D.), University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemical Engineering, 1986. Master of Science in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (M.Sc.), University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemical Engineering, 1981. Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (B.Sc.), Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, 1977. 3. Number of years of service on this faculty, including date or original appointment and dates of advancement in rank: Nine (9) years of service Original appointment: Assistant Professor as of July 1, 1991 Tenure and promotion: Associate Professor as of July 1, 1997 4. Other related experience, teaching, industrial, etc. : Visiting Scholar, Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA (one-year sabbatical leave), 1999. Instructor, Department of Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, 1988– 1991 Visiting fellow, Chemical Engineering Section, Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Branch, National Institutes of Health, 1986–1987. Assistant Professor, Department of Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, 1978–1979. Chemical Engineer, INOS (National Institute for Waterworks), Venezuela, 1977–1978. 5. Consulting, patents, etc: None. 6. State(s) in which registered: None. 7. Principal publications of last five years: Rivero-Hudec, M.A. Book review: Basic Biochemical Laboratory Procedures and Computing by R.C. Jack. Mathematical Biosciences (1997) 142:119–122. Li, E., K. Pratt and M.A. Rivero–Hudec. Effects of cadmium on the cytoskeleton of human endothelial cells (submitted for publication). Rivero-Hudec, M.A. "The Role of Bacterial Motility in Tissue Invasion: A Mathematical Approach," Bacterial Locomotion and Signal Transduction Meeting (BLAST III). Austin, Texas, 1995. Swaminathan, M.B., E. Li, S. Mehta and M.A. Rivero-Hudec. "Cadmium Toxicity: Effects on the Cytoskeleton of Human Lymphocytes," American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, 1995. 145 Rivero-Hudec, M.A. "Pre-Engineering Program for Hispanics," NSF/EASNE Workshop, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, 1996. Li, E., K. Pratt and M.A. Rivero-Hudec. "Effects of cadmium on the cytoskeleton of human endothelial cells," American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, 1997. Li, E. and M.A. Rivero-Hudec. "Effects of cadmium on the marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella sp.," American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, 1998. 8. Scientific and Professional Societies of which a member: Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network (WEPAN), 1995–present. Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, 1996–present. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), 1991–1997. 9. Honors and Awards: FONINVES scholarship award for excellence in academics, 1979–1981. Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho scholarship award for excellence in academics, 1975–1977. 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years: a. University: Council for Research, 1993–1999 (Co-Chair, 1995–1996) Curriculum Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Student Writing, 1995–1996 Graduate School Committee on Scholarships and Fellowships, Subcommittee for University Fellowships, 1996, 1998 Thesis and dissertation committees Commencement Marshal 1997, 1998, 2000 b. College of Engineering: Faculty Advisor, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), 2000 Diversity Committee, 1994–1996 Graduate Affairs Committee, 1993–1995 c. Departmental: Chemical Engineering graduate committee, 1991–1995 (Director, 1993–1995), 2000 Advisor, 1995 class Search committees (1994–1995, 1998) Engineering Commencement 1995, 1996, 1997 Professional and extramural communities a. AIChE: chair and co-chair of sessions, 1995–1997 b. Guiding Education in Math & Science Network (GEMS-NET): scientist, 1998– present c. Science and Mathematics Investigative Learning Experience (SMILE): mentor, 1996–present 146 11. d. RI Academic Support Network for African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American High School and College Students: mentor Professional development activities in the last five years: URI Multicultural Faculty Fellow, 1998–1999 URI Teaching Fellow, 1997–1998 Felder Effective Teaching Workshop, 1996 Sabbatical Leave, M.I.T., Spring 1999- Fall 2000. 1. Name and Academic Rank: Vincent C. Rose, Professor Emeritus 2. Degrees with fields, institutions and dates: B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 1952 M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 1958 Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Missouri, 1965 3. Number of years of service, including date or original appointment and dates of advancement in rank: Forty-two years, September 1963, Assistant Professor; 1970, Associate Professor; 1983, Professor, 2004 Professor Emeritus 4 Other related experience, teaching, industrial, etc: 1958-63: Research Fellowship, Teaching Assistant and Jr., Instructor in Chemical Engineering & Nuclear Engineering, University of Missouri. 1956-58: Teaching Assistant in Chemical Engineering, URI. 1954-56: Director, Pilot Plant, Lindsay Chemical Co., West Orange, Illinois. 1952-54: Chemical Engineer, Pilot Plant Division, Camp Detrick, Frederick, MD 5 Consulting, patents, etc. Rockett, T.J., V.C. Rose, & R. Marino, “Method of Preventing Gel Coat Blistering in Fiber Glass Reinforced Polymers”, U.S. Patent Number 4,724,173. (February 9, 1988). 6. States in which registered: Registered Professional Engineer – State of Rhode Island Licensed ISDS Installer – State of Rhode Island. 7. Principal publications of last five years: “Ways of Engineering: Students and Engineering“ Proceedings of 2005 NE Section ASEE Conference – April 8-9, 2005 “Role of Plant Visitations in CHE Curriculum” Proceedings of 2004 NE Section ASEE Conference, April 2-3, 2004 Cochaired NE ASEE Session on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering in CHE Curriculum, 2004 Cochaired NE ASEE Session on Industrial and University Relations 2003 147 8. 9. ASEE Zone Conference Student Paper Judging 2002 Scientific and Professional Societies: Member: American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Society for Engineering Education Tau Beta Pi Honors and Awards: None. 148 10. Institutional and professional service in the last five years: Adviser, Rhode Island Beta Chapter, Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society Secretary Treasure NE Section ASEE 2001-2002 Assistant Treasurer, R.I. Section, A.I.C.h.E. Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission: Commissioner, 1987-2005 Chair, 1994-2005 Kingston Fire District: Warden, 1989 – present Vice President, 1998-present Kingston Water District: Commissioner, 1990-present Secretary, 2004 President, 1999-present Vice President, 1997-2003. University Ombudsperson: 1998-present Faculty Senator: 1999-2002 RI Greenhouse Gas Stakeholders Group 2001-present RI Renewable Energy Advisory Committee 2002-present 11. Professional development activities in the last five years: ASEE Presentations 149 150 APPENDIX I D. – Additional data Table 1. General Education, College of Engineering All students in Engineering must satisfy the University General Education requirements as follows: Mathematics (M) - 3 credits. This is satisfied with required courses. Natural Science (N) - 6 credits. This is satisfied with required courses. SELECT COURSES FROM THE LIST BELOW: English Communications (C, CW) - 6 credits. A minimum of 3 credits must be a course designed specifically to improve written communication skills. Fine Arts & Literature (A) - 6 credits. Letters (L) - 6 credits. Social Sciences (S) - 6 credits. 3 credits of this are satisfied by ECN 201. Foreign Language or Culture (F) - 3 credits. ENGLISH COMMUNICATIONS (6 CREDITS) CW: = BGS 100 WRT 101, 123, 201, 227, 301, 333, ELS 112, 122 C: = PHL 101, COM 101, 103, LIB 120 FINE ARTS & LITERATURE (6 CREDITS) AAF 247, 248 ARH 120, 184, 251, 252, 284, 285, 359, 364, 374 CLA 391, 395, 396, 397 CLS 160, 250, 335 ENG 110, 160, 241, 242, 243, 247, 248, 251, 252, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 280,338, 355,356,357,358,366,367,368,373,381,382 FRN 391, 392, 393 GER 327, 328, 392, 441, 442 ITL 325, 326, 391, 392, 395 MUS 101, 106, 111 RUS 325, 326, 391, 392 SPA 303, 306, 391, 392 THE 100, 181, 381, 382, 383 COM 231 LETTERS (6 CREDITS) AAF 150, 388 EGR 316 151 HIS 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 123, 130, 132, 141, 142, 145, 146, 150, 171, 172, 176, 177, 180, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309, 310, 311, 321, 322, 323, 324, 327, 328, 332, 333, 340, 341, 346, 353, 354, 360, 376, 377, 381, 382, 383, 384, 398 JOR 110 LAR 202 LET 151, 351 NES 200 PHL 103, 204, 210, 212, 215, 217, 235, 314, 316, 318, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 328, 331, 346, 355 PSC 240, 341, 342 PSY 310 RLS 111, 125, 126, 131 COM 200, 205, 210 WMS 333 SOCIAL SCIENCES (6 CREDITS, 3 CREDITS ARE SATISFIED BY ECN 201) APG 200, 202, 203, 220, 319 COM 220 ECN 201, 202, 381 EDC 312 ENG 330, 332 GEG 101, 104, 200 LIN 200, 202, 220 PSC 113, 116, 201, 221, 288 PSY 103, 113, 232, 235, 254 SOC 100, 204, 210, 212, 214, 216, 224, 230, 238, 240, 241, 242, 306, 336 WMS 150 FOREIGN CULTURE (F) (3 CREDITS) AAF 250 APG 250, 311, 313, 315, 325, 303 ARH 265, 354, 356, 359, 363, 365 CLA 391, 395, 396, 397 ENG 252, 338, 366, 373, 397 FRN 392, 393 GER 392 GRK 109, 110 HIS 111, 112, 113, 114, 123, 132, 171, 172, 176, 177, 180, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 310, 311, 314, 326, 327, 330, 332, 333, 344, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 381, 382, 384, 385, 388, 397 IRE 391, 392 ITL 391, 395 PHL 321, 322, 323, 331 PSC 321, 401, 407, 408 RLS 131 RUS 391, 392 SPA 391, 393 152 WMS 333 Note: For courses not on the list, please consult your advisor or the Dean's Office. HPR (Honor's Program) courses which are cross-listed with the above courses may be substituted. 153 Table 2. Approved Engineering Elective Courses For Chemical Engineering Students Type 1* (Analysis) CHE 491 Special Problems*** CHE 533 Engineering Metallurgy CHE 534,535 Corrosion CHE 540 Phase Equilibria CHE 560 Int. Circuit Fab CHE 572 X-ray CHE 574 Biochemical Engineering CHE 530 Polymer Chemistry CHE 542 Interfacial Phenomena ELE 331 Solid-State Devices IME 432, 433 Operations Rsh MCE 372,373 Engineering Analysis MCE 426 Materials MCE 455 Fluid Mech. MCE 466 Finite Elements Type 2** (Design) CHE 492 Special Problems*** CHE 532 Ceramic Engineering CHE 537 Materials Engineering CHE 539 Microscopy CHE 548 Biotech Separations CHE 549 Biochemical Eng. CHE 573 Metallurgy CHE 541 Transport Phenomena CHE 531 Polymer Engineering CHE 576 Pollution Prevention CHE 340 Materials MCE 366 Systems Engineering MCE 401,402 Ocean Engr. Systems MCE 428,431 Control MCE 434 Thermal Engr. MCE 439 Energy Conversion CVE 374 CVE 470,471 CVE 472 CVE 478 Additional Environmental Engr. Water & Waste Air Pollution Solid Waste *A substitute for CVE 220 must be of Type 1. ** The “Approved Professional Elective” (second semester, Senior) must be of Type 2. ***Requires permission of Dept. Chair 154 Table 3. Approved Mathematics Electives For the “Approved Mathematics Elective” shown in Semester 5 of the list of courses required for CHE and for CHE/OE, the Chemical Engineering Faculty has approved the following courses: MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 362 418 441 444 451 461 462 471 472 215 Advanced Engineering Math I Matrix Analysis Intro. to Partial Differential Equations Ordinary Differential Equations Intro. to Probability and Statistics Methods of Applied Math Functions of Complex Variables Intro. to Numerical Analysis I Intro. to Numerical Analysis II Linear Algebra 155