KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly report 2012 the Land. and the PeoPLe. Consolidated Figures Consolidated Figures KTG Agrar AG 01.01. – 30.06.2012 01.01. – 30.06.2011 01.01. – 30.06.2010 31.3 27.1 10.2 Organic agriculture 0.7 2.3 0.5 Conventional agriculture 4.1 7.4 1.5 Energy production, biogas 13.6 8.9 6.5 Complementary agricultural activities 4.5 4.4 1.7 Food 7.3 2.5 – Consolidated Figures (HGB) In EUR millions Earnings situation Turnover 1.1 1.6 – Total output Animal production 56.6 46.1 27.3 EBITDA 11.0 8.7 – 8.2 6.3 4.6 EBIT Result from ordinary activities 3.2 3.5 3.7 Net profit/loss for the period 0.1 –0.7 2.1 Asset situation Equity Liabilities 80.0 63.6 62.1 247.0 207.3 97.3 Fixed assets 136.8 104.4 69.3 Current assets 190.8 166.2 89.2 Total assets 331.1 274.6 162.2 GERMANY LITHUANIA Total Leased Owned 24.700 3.800 2.900 4.300 27.600 8.100 Total 28.500 7.200 35.700 Area under cultivation as of 30.06.2012 Hectares KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 Contents Contents 1 · COMPANY 03 · Foreword by the Management Board 05 · KTG Agrar AG on the capital market 06 · Company Locations 2 · BUSINESS PERFORMANCE 09 · Business activities 09 · Economic circumstances 10 · Business operations 11 · Outlook 3 · FINANCIAL DATA 14 · Consolidated balance Sheet 18 · Profit and loss account 19 · Consolidated cash flow statement 20 · Statement of changes in equity 22 · Statement of changes in consolidated fixed assets 4 · COMMENTS 26 · Comments concerning the first half of 2012 28 · Legal notice 1 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 CoMPAnY 1 ∙ CoMPAnY 2 ∙ KtG KTG AGrAr AGRARAG AGHAlf-yeArly HALF-YeARLY reporT RePoRt 2012 2012 Company ∙ Foreword by the Management Board FOREWORD BY THE MANAGEMENT BOARD 29 June 2012 represented a milestone in the progress of the KTG Group, being the day on which KTG Energie AG became the first German company of the year to take to the trading floor of Frankfurt Stock Exchange. This was a testament to the fact that we have been investing in substance over recent years and have created genuine value: the flotation generated proceeds of EUR 10.7 million, and we retain a 70 per cent holding in KTG Energie AG, a company with a market capitalisation of EUR 87 million. This figure is just as hard to find on our balance sheet as our hidden reserves of arable land: out of an overall area of 35,700 hectares, just 8,100 are under our ownership. As a result, actual market value exceeds the acquisition costs recognised on the balance sheet by over EUR 30 million. Another valuable asset which we are currently expanding successfully is FZ Foods AG. In 2011, we took advantage of the opportunity to extend our value chain in a strategic direction. Since taking over Frenzel Tiefkühlkost, based in the small East German town of Ringleben, KTG now offers everything from the primary production of organic and conventional food crops to the manufacture of frozen products for the classical retail and wholesale trades - all from a single source. FZ Foods AG, with its brands Frenzel, NaturKing and biofarmers, is Germany's third-largest retailer of frozen food. Apart from vegetables, FZ also offers fruit products, potato specialities and convenience food. The company currently sells some 80 products to the retail trade and around 200 to the wholesale trade and industry. INTEGRATED SYSTEM FROM THE FIELD TO THE COUNTER PAYS OFF The integrated 'from the field to the counter' system represents a genuine USP which proved its worth within a few short months. After successful appearances at the Biofach and Fruit Logistica trade fairs, we were able to arrange several new nationwide deals with leading retailers at Intercool Düsseldorf. Thanks to its flexible working practices, special offers and ranges as well as innovative own-brand quality products unique to the company, FZ Foods AG is steadily opening up new markets and target groups. On top of this the company has also made giant leaps in the wholesale sector, trebling its turnover during the first half of 2012 alone, and plans are afoot to further boost FZ's European market shares for its potato, vegetable, fruit, mushroom and herb specialities during the coming half year. We shall of course remain committed to our high quality standards, using fresh, regionally-sourced products as a matter of course. Wherever possible we choose supplies from either our Group-internal value chain or regional partners in order to ensure a rapid route to the FZ Foods plant in Ringleben. Alongside the strategic steps in the form of the KTG Energie AG IPO and the expansion of KTG Energie AG, the first half of 2012 has also seen dynamic operational developments, with turnover 15.7 per cent up at EUR 31.3 million and total output rising by 22.7 per cent to EUR 56.6 million. Furthermore, our operational profits increased disproportionately to turnover and total output, as EBIT soared by 30.6 per cent to EUR 8.2 million. Naturally the first half of the year is a weak one for the agricultural sector, and here the Food and Energy segments were the growth drivers. 3 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 Company ∙ Foreword by the Management Board The Management Board: Siegfried Hofreiter, Dr. Thomas R.G. Berger, Ulf Hammerich, Bert Wigger In the organic and conventional food crop segments KTG Agrar AG adopted a deliberate policy of selling fewer products in the first half of the year in order to drive up prices during the second half. In light of price trends for wheat, maize and so forth, this strategy has proven absolutely correct and will pay off steadily as the year unfolds. During the second half the sale of good harvests at very good prices will ensure a further boost in profits. More than ever before, KTG Agrar AG is operating with great dynamism in a number of attractive markets, and we welcome all those who choose to accompany us down this path in future. Siegfried Hofreiter Dr. Thomas R. G. Berger Ulf Hammerich Bert Wigger 4 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 COMPANY ∙ KTG AGRAR AG ON THE CAPITAL MARKET KTG AGRAR AG ON THE CAPITAL MARKET DURING THE FIRST HALF OF 2012 During the reporting period the DAX rose by six per cent to 6,416. The Entry Standard index fared far worse, falling five per cent and ending the half year at 370. During the reporting period the overall effect of the European debt crisis on the financial markets was to exacerbate their volatility. At the start of the year rating agency Standard & Poor's downgraded the credit ratings of nine eurozone countries. Then in June rating agencies Moody’s and Fitch both reduced Spain's credit rating, to Baa3 and BBB respectively. Germany remains the sole eurozone country to be given an AAA rating by all three major rating agencies. PERFORMANCE OF THE KTG SHARE OVER THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR KTG shares began the year at EUR 14.34, and their price initially remained very stable within a window of between EUR 14.20 to EUR 14.80. However, during the second quarter KTG shares succumbed to market trends, briefly slipping below the EUR 14 mark. Since July, though, they have profited from news of KTG Energie AG's successful IPO, stabilising at prices ranging from EUR 14.30 to EUR 15.20. They reached their year's high of EUR 15.20 on 19 June, while the half-year closing price came in at EUR 14.09, 1.7 per cent lower than at the start of the year. KTG Agrar AG's shares thus performed significantly better than the Entry Standard index as a whole. KTG AGRAR AG SHARE DETAILS ISIN DE000A0DN1J4 Stock market symbol 7KT Segment Entry Standard Designated sponsors DZ Bank, Equinet Bank Half-yearly high EUR 15.00 Half-yearly low EUR 13.46 Closing price on 30.06.2012 EUR 14.09 Number of shares as of 30.06.2012 5,676,000 Market capitalisation as of 30.06.2012 EUR 79,974,840 SUCCESSFUL IPO FOR SUBSIDIARY KTG Energie AG In its IPO during June this year KTG Energie AG successfully placed 1,000,000 shares, which had been created via a capital increase, at a fixed price of EUR 13.80. Alongside the capital increase, 775,000 shares previously owned by KTG Agrar AG were also placed with new investors. At the issue price KTG Energie AG's market capitalisation came to EUR 82.80 million. With a 70 per cent holding, KTG Agrar AG remains the company's majority shareholder. The share was admitted for trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Entry Standard index on 29 June 2012. 5 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 COMPANY ∙ COMPANY LOCATIONS COMPANY LOCATIONS OF KTG Agrar AG Mazeikiai LITHUANIA Raseiniai Pauliai Vilnius SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN Hamburg Schmilau Hamburg Görke Dersewitz Brenkenhof MECKLENBURG-WEST POMERANIA Schwerin Grabowhöfe Karft Putlitz Marienfließ Herzsprung Putlitz PAL Papenbruch Seebeck Wuthenow Schwedt (Oder) Breydin Oranienburg Vehlefanz Schönfließ Berlin Wegenstedt Flechtingen Potsdam Nonnendorf Körbelitz SAXONY-ANHALT THURINGIA Halle Ringleben Altdöbern Schöllnitz Hornow Leipzig Quesitz Starsiedel Erfurt Podelzig Brandenburg Magdeburg Altjeßnitz Seelow Waldsieversdorf Marxdorf Linthe Lübs Letschin Dresden SAXONY Trusetal Cultivated land and biogas production Cultivated land Food production Company Headquarters 6 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 COMPANY ∙ COMPANY LOCATIONS · CULTIVATED LAND AND BIOGAS PRODUCTION · CULTIVATED LAND 11 · Starsiedel Plants in operation 12 · Quesitz 01 · Putlitz 13 · Altjeßnitz 02 · Flechtingen 14 · Körbelitz 03 · Schöllnitz 15 · Lübs 04 · Seelow 16 · Wegenstedt 05 · Hornow 17 · Nonnendorf 06 · Wuthenow 18 · Podelzig 07 · Dersewitz 19 · Marxdorf 08 · Putlitz PAL 20 · Waldsieversdorf 09 · Lübs 21 · Schönfließ 10 · Vehlefanz 22 · Oranienburg 23 · Letschin 24 · Breydin 25 · Marienfließ 26 · Karft 27 · Grabowhöfe 28 · Brenkenhof 29 · Görke 30 · Putlitz 31 · Wuthenow 32 · Seebeck 33 · Altdöbern 34 · Herzsprung 35 · Linthe 36 · Schmilau 37 · Papenbruch 38 · Pauliai 39 · Raseiniai 40 · Mazeikiai 41 · Trusetal · COMPANY HEADQUARTERS 42 · Hamburg 7 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE 2 · BUSINESS Performance 8 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly report 2012 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE ∙ 1ST HALF YEAR 2012 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE DURING THE FIRST HALF OF 2012 1 ∙ Business Activity With cultivated land totalling 35,700 hectares, KTG Agrar AG is one of Europe's leading producers of agricultural commodities. We specialise in the cultivation of food crops such as cereals, maize and rape seed. Our cultivated land is located in Germany and Lithuania. KTG Agrar AG's core areas of expertise are clear: organic food crop cultivation, conventional food crop cultivation, energy production from biogas under the aegis of KTG Energie AG plus the production of frozen food by our subsidiary FZ Foods AG. KTG Agrar AG operates on the basis of an integrated philosophy whereby all our segments are closely intermeshed with each other. This enables us to exploit synergies, boost our efficiency and generate clear added value. 2 ∙ Economic Circumstances 2.1 ∙ Macroeconomic Situation Economic growth in Asia and Latin America is currently cooling off markedly, and the Eurozone's economic performance remains extremely weak. The severe budget deficit in the United States, the chronic eurozone debt crisis, the marked cooling of Chinese economic growth and high commodity prices are the principle factors exerting a drag on the economy during 2012. In light of the high level of uncertainty, in their latest forecast for the world economy the economic experts at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are now predicting 2012 global growth of just 3.5 per cent, a 0.1 per cent drop on previous forecasts for the year. For Germany, the IMF has reaffirmed the 1.0 per cent growth forecast contained in the earlier country-by-country report. 2.2 ∙ Sectoral Environment Agriculture Harvests in Germany during the agricultural year 2011/2012 were average. However, due to severe droughts in major agricultural regions such as the USA and Eastern Europe, agricultural commodity prices have risen sharply during 2012. At the end of June the price of elite wheat on the German spot market stood at some 295 euros per tonne, significantly above last year's level. According to a study by the consumer research company Nielsen sales of bioproducts are up. Organic produce enjoys the highest levels of trust among consumers. During the first quarter of 2012 grocery retailers and pharmacists sold organic produce worth EUR 656, up three per cent on the figure for the same quarter the year before. In 2012 KTG Agrar AG is farming roughly half its cultivated area organically, making it a leading producer of organic grain. Energy The amendment of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) was adopted in the summer of 2011, and the new legal framework came into force on 1 January 2012. On-site power generation plants are still subsidised relative to their size. On top of that there is an input material subsidy which is divided into two subsidy classes. Input material subsidy class 1 comprises plants cultivated specifically for the production of biogas, like maize, sugar beet and whole crop silage, while input material class II comprises liquid manure and catch crops. Furthermore, additional compensation for biogas feed-in comes in the form of a gas treatment premium. Meanwhile, thermal power stations drawing biogas from the grid and converting 9 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE ∙ 1ST HALF YEAR 2012 it into electricity receive additional support of EUR 0.01 to 0.03 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), depending on the size of the processing plant. KTG Energie AG focused right from the start on the extensive utilisation of catch crops and residual matter, as well as the sustainable use of heat. The amended EEG has vindicated this philosophy, as well as increasing the flexibility with which biogas plants can be operated. Accordingly the new legal framework has not had a significant impact on our business activities. 3 ∙ BUSINESS OPERATIONS During the first half of 2012 KTG Agrar AG continued growing vigorously. We currently farm around 35,700 hectares of agricultural land. Over recent months we have massively expanded our capacity in the Energy segment, a fact reflected by a sharp growth in the Energy segment's turnover and operating result. KTG Energie AG's IPO took place in June 2012. The aim of the flotation was to allow the Energy segment to achieve financial independence while simultaneously allowing KTG Agrar AG to tap into part of our considerable hidden reserves. The food segment operated by FZ Foods has been further integrated into the Group, and new products have been developed. Agriculture For seasonal reasons KTG Agrar AG's results for the two halves of the year are very different, with the bulk of the agriculture segment's revenues coming in after the harvest during the second half of the year. To date the harvest season has unfolded satisfactorily, and as a result we shall profit during the second half from both high agricultural commodity prices and the massive ongoing expansion of biogas production. Because of this KTG Agrar AG is expecting significant growth in both total output and operating profit. Farmland is a significant success factor for any agricultural company. At the end of June the company had some 35,700 hectares of land available for cultivation. 28,500 hectares of our farmland is in Germany, and we also farm some 7,200 hectares in Lithuania. Of a total area of 35,700 hectares, just 8,100 are under our ownership (Germany 3.800 hectares & Lithuania 4,300), a ratio of 23 per cent. The remaining land is leased on a long-term basis. Energy The biogas segment run by KTG Energie AG represents a growth driver for KTG Agrar AG. The company has vigorously pursued the expansion of its biogas operations, increasing production capacity by 84 per cent, from 16.5 to 30.6 megawatts (MW). Of the plants connected to the grid, on 30 June 22.4 MW were running at full capacity, and additional plants are either under construction or at the planning and approval stages. During the first half of 2012 we produced 70.2 million kilowatt hours of environmentally friendly energy. Through the production of renewable energy we generate solid margins and steady cash flow. Thanks to a capital increase in connection with the IPO, KTG Energie AG generated gross proceeds from the flotation totalling EUR 13.8 million, and on top of this KTG Agrar AG sold 775,000 shares at a fixed price of EUR 13.80, thus raising EUR 10.7 million. KTG Agrar AG continues to hold a 70 per cent stake in KTG Energie AG. Food FZ Foods AG is being further integrated into KTG Agrar AG. Alongside synergy effects in warehousing, logistics and sales, this opens up major opportunities for the expansion of FZ Foods' organic range. Total output and earnings During the first half of 2012 we boosted our total output by 22.7 per cent, to EUR 56.6 million from EUR 46.1 million the year before. For seasonal reasons, in the agricultural industry a major portion of total output up to 30 June takes the form of changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress. These chiefly comprise growing crops which will be harvested during the second half of the year, at which point they are recognised as income. On the balance sheet date our inventories of finished goods and work in progress were valued at EUR 8.5 million. During the first half of 2011 KTG Agrar AG boosted its total output by 15.7 per cent, to EUR 31.3 million from EUR 27.1 million the year before, a result to which the Food and Energy segments made a significant contribution. Revenues from the sale of electricity and heat rose by 52.8 pert cent, from EUR 8.9 million to EUR 13.6 million. After the takeover of Frenzel Tiefkühlkost by the KTG subsidiary FZ Foods during the first half of 2011, we generated major growth in this segment during the first half of 2012 as turnover soared by 191.1 per cent, from EUR 2.5 million to EUR 7.3 million. In the organic and conventional food crop segments KTG Agrar AG adopted a deliberate policy of selling fewer products during the first half of the year in order to await higher prices later on in the year. In the organic segment we registered turnover of EUR 700,000 during the first half (H1 2011: EUR 2.3 million) and in the conventional segment EUR 4.1 million (H1 2011: EUR 7.4 million). Turnover in the Complementary Agricultural Activities segment rose to 10 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE ∙ 1ST HALF YEAR 2012 EUR 4.5 million (H1 2011: EUR 4.4 million). Other operating income stood at EUR 16.7 million. The expansion of our land holdings and biogas activities, coupled with company acquisitions, mean that our costs have also increased. Material costs chiefly involve expenditure on raw materials and supplies such as silage for biogas production, fertiliser, seeds and fuel. During the first half of 2012 these came to EUR 21.6 million (H1 2011: EUR 19.9 million). Personnel costs increased from EUR 5.2 million to EUR 7.1 million. Due to the new biogas plants depreciation and amortisation during the reporting period rose from EUR 2.5 million to EUR 2.8 million, while other operating income was up from EUR 12.4 million to EUR 16.9 million. EBITDA was 25.5 per cent up at EUR 11 million, while EBIT increased by 30.6 per cent, from EUR 6.3 million to EUR 8.2 million. Due to the bond issue to finance growth, interest expenditure rose as expected. Because of this the financial result was EUR -5.0 million (H1 2011: EUR −2.7 million). We thus achieved a result from ordinary activities of EUR 3.1 million (H1 2011: EUR 3.5 million). The extraordinary expenditure of EUR 2.4 million is chiefly due to the costs of the bond issue concluded during the first few weeks of 2012. At EUR 600,000, tax expenditure remained at the same level as in H1 2011. After the elimination of these one-off extraordinary cost items, KTG Agrar AG registered a result for the first half of 2012 of EUR 100,000 (H1 2011: EUR −0.6 million). Here it should be noted that the bulk of the agriculture segment's revenues are generated after the harvest during the second half of the year. Financial and assets position At the end of the first half of 2012 KTG Agrar AG finds itself in a solid financial and assets position. As of the balance sheet date company equity had increased from EUR 15.7 million on 31 December 2011 to EUR 80.0 million, whereas the EUR 5.6 million increase in liabilities, to a total of EUR 247.0 million, was disproportionately slight. The equity ratio thus stood at 24.2 per cent, a sound figure for a medium-sized company. In the wake of the increase in our land holdings and the expansion of biogas and food production, KTG Agrar AG's fixed assets have further increased, rising from EUR 127.5 million at the start of the year to EUR 136.8 million by the end of June. Due to the above-mentioned seasonal nature of the agricultural industry, inventories rose during the first six months of 2012 from EUR 34.1 million to EUR 45.9 million. On 30 June 2012 KTG Agrar AG held liquid assets totalling EUR 16.5 million. 4 ∙ OUTLOOK In its August 2012 forecast the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts global growth for 2012 as a whole of some 3.5 per cent. However, economists now take a significantly more optimistic view of the German economy, and have even revised growth forecasts upwards. They now expect 2012 German growth to come in at 1 per cent, 0.4 percentage points higher than predicted back in the spring. Current economic circumstances give grounds for confidence. After two successive below-average harvests worldwide reserves have declined, and the severe drought in the US Midwest, coupled with poor harvests this summer in other key producer countries, has put further pressure on grain supplies. This scarcity of supply entails very stable demand, which has an inevitable impact on world trade. Consequently, prices of agricultural commodities have risen sharply. Furthermore, the long-term megatrends of population growth, increasing prosperity in the emerging economies, urbanisation and healthier nutrition will continue to apply, and as a result demand for agricultural commodities will keep on rising. Due to the amended EEG, the German biogas sector is currently undergoing a transformation, with the German Biogas Association (Fachverband Biogas e.V.) anticipating the construction of 300 new plants in Germany during 2012, considerably fewer than the year before. The amended EEG has not had any significant impact on KTG Energie AG's growth strategy. Since 2006 we have pursued a policy of using second crops and residual matter, as well as incorporating systems for the use of the heat generated when planning our facilities. Accordingly, the EEG and the German Gas Grid Access Ordinance (Gasnetzzugangsverordnung - GasNZV) between them provide us with a stable and attractive legal framework. The German Frozen Food Institute (Deutsches Tiefkühlinstitut - dti) is optimistic about the future of the German frozen food industry, and expects the market to remain stable. KTG Agrar AG is similarly optimistic about the future. Our goals for 2012 are to optimise processes in all business segments, to achieve profitable growth and to significantly improve our cash flow. At Group level we are endeavouring to maintain EBIT at the previous year's level through the measures we have initiated thus far. 11 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE ∙ 1ST HALF YEAR 2012 By the end of 2012 KTG Energie AG is scheduled to be feeding over 35 MW into the grid, and by 2015 the output from our biogas plants should have hit the 60 megawatt mark. Hamburg, 28 September 2012 KTG Agrar AG Siegfried Hofreiter Management Board Chairman Dr. Thomas R.G. Berger Executive Director Ulf Hammerich Executive Director Bert Wigger Executive Director 12 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 FINANCIAL DATA 3 · FINANCIAL DATA 13 ∙ KTG Agrar AG Half-yearly Report 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET ASSETS (HGB – German Commercial Code) 30.06.2012 IN EUR 31.12.2011 IN EUR 2,438,954.46 2,474,298.09 4,758,986.58 7,197,941.04 4,762,986.59 7,237,284.68 40,751,393.00 39,375,155.16 36,471,787.55 38,716,600.98 5,169,163.75 4,879,541.50 A ∙ Fixed Assets I. Intangible assets 1. Concessions and software 2. Goodwill II. Tangible assets 1. Land and buildings 2. Technical plant and machinery 3. Other equipment, factory and office equipment 4. Permanent crops 527,526.72 227,337.01 44,596,963.60 35,124,052.88 127,516,834.62 118,322,687.53 1,099,943.30 1,044,543.30 182,438.94 182,438.94 41,864.54 41,864.54 4. Securities held as fixed assets 211,181.54 211,181.54 5. Other loans 457,361.92 458,665.65 5. Assets under construction III. Financial assets 1. Interests in non-consolidated affiliated companies 2. Interests in affiliated companies 3. Participating interests 6. Shares in cooperatives B ∙ Livestock assets 51,174.84 51,174.84 2,043,965.08 1,989,868.81 136,758,740.74 127,549,841.02 820,404.60 653,498.40 14 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET C ∙ Current assets I. Inventories 1. Raw materials and supplies 2. Work in progress 3. Finished goods 4. Payments on account II. Accounts receivable and other assets 1. Trade receivables 2. Receivables from non-consolidated affiliated companies 3. Receivables from companies in which a participating interest is held 4. Other assets III. Shares in affiliated companies IV. Cash in hand and bank balances D ∙ Prepayments and accrued income E ∙ Deferred item for prospective tax relief in subsequent financial years pursuant to Section 274 paragraph 2 of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch - HGB) F ∙ Excess of plan assets over pension liabilities Total assets 7,961,331.42 7,189,186.17 32,042,318.61 21,432,324.18 3,320,144.70 4,567,048.26 2,573,848.97 887,490.95 45,897,643.70 34,076,049.56 52,745,137.09 5,126,749.26 51,241,047.13 7,878,158.08 2,247,318.57 9,770,486.51 64,323,809.86 61,509,367.09 124,443,014.78 130,399,058.81 3,958,836.45 3,882,964.70 16,519,459.21 10,706,522.94 190,818,954.14 179,064,596.01 2,388,688.29 1,555,312.10 312,145.00 312,145.00 31,709.84 30,492.23 331,130,642.61 309,165,884.76 15 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (HGB) 30.06.2012 IN EUR 31.12.2011 IN EUR 5,676,000.00 5,676,000.00 A ∙ EQUITY I. Subscribed capital II. Par value of own shares −5,000.00 −5,000.00 III. Capital reserves 55,117,817.97 40,241,000.00 IV. Revenue reserve 1,368,454.97 1,292,537.17 V. Goodwill arising from acquisition 5,330,697.09 5,302,353.05 VI. Net income 7,499,260.70 7,985,086.82 VII. Balancing item for minority interests 5,054,280.23 3,835,954.11 80,041,510.96 64,327,931.15 95,707.85 60,807.62 4,290.54 3,414.00 2. Provisions for taxes 1,366,223.93 1,888,900.66 3. Other provisions 2,296,199.26 1,344,758.98 3,666,713.73 3,237,073.64 B ∙ Special item for investment subsidies C ∙ Provisions 1. Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 16 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET D ∙ Liabilities 1. Loans 2. Liabilities to banks 3. Payments received on account of orders 4. Trade payables 5. Liabilities on bills accepted and drawn 6. Liabilities to affiliated companies 158,869,000.00 129,058,000.00 75,289,288.10 80,848,100.76 249,751.82 103,803.23 6,377,371.62 13,105,033.37 0 600,000.00 0 113,040.57 135,852.16 166,989.90 6,096,328.33 17,443,997.71 247,017,592.03 241,438,965.54 E ∙ Deferred income 160,319.04 101,106.81 F ∙ Deferred tax liabilities 148,799.00 0 331,130,642.61 309,165,884.76 7. Liabilities to companies in which a participating interest is held 8. Other liabilities Total liabilities 17 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT (HGB) 1. Sales revenue 2. Increase in inventories of finished goods, work in progress and livestock 3. Other own work capitalised 01.01. – 30.06.2012 IN EUR 01.01. – 30.06.2011 IN EUR 31,349,197.13 8,512,490.18 27,102,763.75 13,434,245.28 60,282.82 429,528.75 4. Other operating income 16,698,605.55 5,167,319.67 5. Total output 56,620,575.68 46,133,857.45 −21,168,795.49 −449,433.51 −19,036,815.53 −840,182.65 −21,618,229.00 −19,876,998.18 −5,997,449.65 −1.141.321.73 −4,335,023.53 −828,474.17 −7,138,771.38 −5,163,497.70 −2,804,875.59 −16,891,894.16 −2,489,334.98 −12,352,616.20 8,166,805.55 6,251,410.39 5,496.62 133.62 6. Material costs a) Costs of raw materials and supplies and of purchased goods b) Costs of purchased services 7. Personnel costs a) Wages and salaries b) Social security, pension and benefit expenses 8. Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of intangible fixed assets and property, plant and equipment 9. Other operating costs 10. Operating result (EBIT) 11. Income from participating interests 12. Other interest and similar income 1,868,694.40 551,670.18 −6,884,904.10 −3,261,643.88 3,156,092.47 3,541,570.31 −2,439,496.56 −3,556,625.66 16. Taxes on income −479,521.94 −515,796.81 17. Other taxes −127,812.13 −116,732.57 109,261.84 −647,584.73 19. Retained profit 7,985,086.82 8,191,374.05 20. Portion of earnings attributable to minority shareholders −485,826.12 −610,082.12 7,499,260.70 6,933,707.20 13. Interest and similar expenditure 14. Result from ordinary activities 15. Extraordinary costs 18. Net profit for the period 21. Net income 18 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 01.01. – 30.06.2012 IN THOUSANDS OF EUROS 01.01. – 30.06.2011 IN THOUSANDS OF EUROS Consolidated net profit before extraordinary items 2,549 2,909 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 2,805 2,489 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (HGB) Income from disposals of assets Increase (+) / decrease (−) in deferred tax liabilities Increase (+) / decrease (−) in deferred tax assets Changes in long-term provisions Increase (+) / decrease (−) in other liabilities Increase (+) / decrease (−) in other assets Non-cash costs and income Gross cash flow from operating activities 0 411 149 −4 −2 0 1 −224 0 −3,330 −1,077 −301 −20 68 4,181 2,241 NWC −23,512 −31,434 Cash flow from operating activities (NOCF) −19,331 −29,193 Payments for investments in fixed assets −12,373 −15,213 23 67 0 −12,350 −201 −15,347 Payments for extraordinary items −2,439 −3,557 Equity injections 14,982 5 Proceeds from disposals of assets Proceeds/payments from the sale of consolidated companies Cash flow from investment activities Changes in medium- and long-term loans Loans (including repayments) 24,252 89,499 Cash flow from financing activities 36,795 85,947 5,114 41,407 Changes in liquid assets 0 184 Liquid assets at start of period Consolidation-related changes in cash funds 10,707 9,235 Liquid assets at end of period 15,820 50,826 Rounding differences possible 19 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY PARENT COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (HGB) iN THOUSANDS OF EUROS SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL ORDINARY SHARES PAR VALUE OWN SHARES CAPITAL RESERVE STATUTORY RESERVE 5,676 0 40,241 5 Allocation to statutory reserves 0 −5 0 0 Allocation par value own shares 0 0 0 0 01 January 2011 Allocation to retained earnings 0 0 0 0 Other adjustments 0 0 0 0 Changes in the entities included in consolidation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 December 2011 5,676 −5 40,241 5 01 January 2012 5,676 −5 40,241 5 0 0 0 Allocation to statutory reserves Allocation to capital reserves 0 0 14,877 −5 Allocation par value own shares 0 0 0 0 Allocation to retained earnings 0 0 0 0 Other adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,676 −5 55,118 0 Allocation to balancing item for minority interests Consolidated net profit 30 June 2012 20 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY MINORITY SHAREHOLDERS OTHER RESERVES GOODWILL ARISING FROM ACQUISITION CONSOLIDATED EQUITY EQUITY MINORITY CAPITAL CONSOLIDATED EQUITY 1,288 5,332 8,855 60,733 3,538 64,271 0 0 0 −5 0 −5 0 0 −66 −66 0 −66 0 0 −851 −851 0 −851 0 −30 0 −30 200 −230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,209 711 498 1,209 1,288 5,302 9,147 60,492 3,836 64,328 1,288 5,302 9,147 60,492 3,836 64,328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,872 0 14,872 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 0 −376 733 485 732 109 1,368 5,331 9,256 74,988 5,054 80,041 21 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS ACQUISITION OR MANUFACTURING COSTS iN THOUSANDS OF EUROS 01.01.2012 CHANGES inTHE ENTITIES INCLUDED IN ADDITIONS EUR RECLASSIFICATIONS TRANSFERS DISPOSALS 30.06.2012 42 3 0 3,252 CONSOLIDATION Fixed assets I. Intangible assets 1. Concessions, industrial property rights and similar rights and assets as well as licences to such rights and assets 2. Goodwill 3,207 0 7,149 0 5 −3 0 7,151 10,356 0 47 0 0 10,403 1. Land, rights equivalent to real property and buildings, including buildings on third-party land 46,692 0 1,837 0 21 48,508 2. Technical plant and machinery 51,976 0 622 −280 529 51,789 7,716 0 526 0 25 8,217 675 0 310 0 0 985 35,124 0 9,193 280 0 44,597 142,183 0 12,488 0 575 154,096 1,045 0 55 0 0 1,100 2. Interests in affiliated companies 182 0 0 0 0 182 3. Participating interests 219 0 0 0 0 219 4. Securities held as fixed assets 211 0 0 0 0 211 5. Other loans 476 0 0 0 2 474 51 0 0 0 0 51 2,184 0 55 0 2 2,237 154,723 0 12,590 0 577 166,736 II. Property, plant & equipment 3. Other equipment, factory and office equipment 4. Permanent crops 5. Payments on account and assets under construction III. Financial assets 1. Interests in non-consolidated affiliated companies 6. Shares in cooperatives 22 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 FINANCIAL DATA ∙ CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS CUMULATIVE DEPRECIATION, AMORTISATION and IMPAIRMENT iN THOUSANDS OF EUROS 01.01.2012 733 CHANGES IN ENTITIES INCLUDED IN SCHEDULED DEPRECIATION and CONSOLIDATION AMORTISATION 0 80 BOOK VALUES iN THOUSANDS OF EUROS WRITE-UPS DISPOSALS 30.06.2012 31.12.2011 30.06.2012 0 0 813 2,474 2,439 2,386 0 6 0 0 2,392 4,763 4,759 3,119 0 86 0 0 3,205 7,237 7,198 7,317 0 440 0 0 7,757 39,375 40,751 13,259 0 2,283 0 225 15,317 38,717 36,472 2,836 0 246 0 34 3,048 4,880 5,169 448 0 9 0 0 457 227 528 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,124 44,597 23,860 0 2,978 0 259 26,579 118,323 127,517 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,045 1,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 182 182 177 0 0 0 0 177 42 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 211 17 0 0 0 0 17 459 457 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 51 194 0 0 0 0 194 1,990 2,043 27,173 0 3,064 0 259 29,978 127,550 136,758 23 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 COMMENTS 4 · COMMENTS 24 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 COMMENTS 25 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 COMMENTS ∙ Concerning the first half of 2012 COMMENTS CONCERNING THE FIRST HALF OF 2012 1 ∙ GENERAL INFORMATION The details given here should not be regarded as Notes in the sense of annual financial statements. The following comments relate to items which have changed since the audited annual financial statements to 31 December 2011. 2 ∙ ENTITIES IN CONSOLIDATION No changes since the previous year. 3 ∙ VALUATION OF GROWING CROPS In conformity with the procedure adopted as of 30 June 2011, growing crops are valued at the costs actually incurred per crop and hectare. 4 ∙ FIXED ASSETS Movements in individual fixed asset items are set out in the consolidated statement of changes in fixed assets on pages 22 and 23. 5 ∙ SALES REVENUES Sales revenues are generated in three divisions. They break down as follows: SALES REVENUES 01.01. – 30.06.2012 IN THOUSANDS OF EUROs 01.01. – 30.06.2011 IN THOUSANDS OF EUROs 735 2,260 Conventional crop cultivation 4,148 7,365 Complementary agricultural activities 4,519 4,479 Animal production 1,093 1,620 13,580 8,880 7,274 2,499 31,349 27,103 Organic crop cultivation Energy Biogas & energy production Food Food production Total 26 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 COMMENTS ∙ Concerning the first half of 2012 Other operating income Other operating income breaks down as follows: Other operating income 01.01. – 30.06.2012 IN THOUSANDS OF EUROs 01.01. – 30.06.2011 IN THOUSANDS OF EUROs Subsidies and grants 4,301 4,045 Other income 4,147 1,122 Income from financial assets 8,251 0 16,699 5,167 01.01. – 30.06.2012 IN THOUSANDS OF EUROs 01.01. – 30.06.2011 IN THOUSANDS OF EUROs Expenditure on machinery, repairs and maintenance 1,841 1,531 Rent, leases and costs of premises 2,908 2,178 Administration, legal and consulting costs 1,821 1,636 Leasing and motor vehicle costs 3,470 2,802 Other marketing expenditure 1,668 468 Insurance policies, contributions and levies 1,269 800 Total Other operating costs Other operating costs break down as follows: Other operating costs Other expenditure Total 3,915 2,937 16,892 12,353 Hamburg, 28 September 2012 KTG Agrar AG Siegfried Hofreiter Dr. Thomas R.G. Berger Ulf Hammerich Bert Wigger 27 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 Legal Notice LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHER PRINTING AND PRODUCTION KTG Agrar AG Ferdinandstraße 12 20095 Hamburg Germany MSDD Medienservice Digitaldruck GmbH Telefon +49 (0)40 303764 - 7 Telefax +49 (0)40 303764 - 99 Email info@ktg.ag Website www.ktg-agrar.de An den Eichen 1 16515 Oranienburg Germany Telefon +49 (0)3301 575 - 0 Telefax +49 (0)3301 575 - 200 CONCEPT AND DESIGN KTG Agrar AG Camao AG TEXT KTG Agrar AG IR.on AG Image credits KTG Agrar AG Gettyimages 28 ∙ KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 KTG AGRAR AG HALF-YEARLY REPORT 2012 Ktg agrar ag Ferdinandstraße 12 20095 Hamburg Germany