C.P. Trips Inc. Newsletter October 2015 Edition

C.P. Trips Inc. Newsletter
October 2015 Edition
Greetings from C.P. Trips! We hope you are enjoying the start
of Autumn, school is back in session and the weather is cooling
down! In the following pages you will find the latest and
greatest C.P. Trips news, travel ideas and information for
exciting vacations. We hope you enjoy the articles and tips,
and would love to hear from you soon!
We can be reached by phone at 503-658-5646 or
email: cptrips@aol.com, as well as online in a variety of ways:
Website: www.cptrips.com
Google +
: C.P. Trips, Inc.
: CP Trips Travel Snapshots
: CP Trips
Thank you for your time and interest in C.P. Trips.
Cindy Passannante
Owner C.P. Trips, Inc.
CP Trips In The Community
Calling all Lake Oswego Adventurers &
C.P. Trips and Lake Oswego Neighbors Magazine are forming
a new Village Travelers Club! If you love to travel, you will
want to join the club to share your adventures and memories,
and learn about exciting
travel opportunities,
including special packages exclusively for Village Traveler
members. We are meeting on October 20, 2015 from
6:00pm to 7:30 pm at the tables of the Lake Grove Zupan’s
Market located at 16380 Boones Ferry Rd, Lake Oswego, OR
97035. Contact Cindy Passannante at 503-658-5646
or cptrips@aol.com OR Kari Paulson at 503-720-0116
or KariPdx@aol.com with any questions.
Do you live elsewhere in the Portland Metro area and want to be a part of a travelers club?
Contact Cindy today and she will work with you to get your own Travel Club ready to take
We Were There at the Travel Fest!
We had a wonderful time at the inaugural Here & There Travel Fest which took place at the
Convention Center October 10-11th. This was a wonderful event with great speakers, travel and
tourism vendors and incredible live entertainment! We enjoyed the weekend as a chance to meet
new people who love travel as much as we do, and we even saw of you, our clients there! If you
missed it this year, you will want to attend the next one, we are planning to be there as well and
will do our best to keep you informed as to when it will be held in 2016!
Make the Gift of Travel and Adventure a Memory to Last a Lifetime
Now is a great time to get started on your
holiday gift shopping, especially when it to
giving the gift of travel. There are a lot of great
deals from cruise and tour companies, as well as
incredible packages for destinations across the
country and around the world. A gift of travel
provides much more beyond a splendid
vacation. Memories to last a lifetime are
created, and add even more meaning to the
holidays. By planning a special trip for your
family or a loved one, you are also giving a
unique opportunity for some quality time spent
One great idea for a family vacation with the
kids and grandchildren is to rent a house at the
destination of your choice. A vacation rental home can give you plenty of room for the entire family and
a lot of freedom with what to do once you are there. Compared to hotels, a rental home can offer more for
less. You get more space, the average vacation home is 2,000 square feet and is designed to sleep at least
6 people. Hotel rooms on the other hand, average around 400 square feet, and you are limited to the
number of guests that can stay in one room. There are also amenities that make traveling with the family
easier, such as a washer and dryer and kitchen so you can dine in when you want to. Staying at a hotel
means more fees to pay such as for laundry
services, or the ever tempting mini bar. Many
vacation homes provide extras such as a private
pool or hot tub, games, and media entertainment, at
no extra cost. By saving money on where you stay,
you have more options on what you do while on
vacation, this is especially helpful when there is a
larger group traveling together.
If you want to take the family on a once in a life
time journey, there are some great new options
being offered by Adventures by Disney, and Tauk
Tours, two of our preferred vendors. Each of these
companies cares about you, the client. They seek to provide unique travel experiences for every
generation. Adventures by Disney is now partnering with Ama Waterways to provide a Disney family
experience while river cruising along the Danube through 4 countries. The adventures Disney provides
beyond its resorts are in depth and full of excitement and fun. Families explore the destinations they visit
through the eyes of a storyteller, their own guide, to give special history and insight into every location.
Disney’s Auluani Hawaiian resort lets your kids experience island life based off the popular Lilo & Stich
movie, from Lilo’s point of view.
Tauk Tours offers their Tauk Bridges Family
Destination tours, where all the details are taken
care of so you and your family can relax. The
tours focus on local color and cultural
experiences, enriching the lives of every
generation. Each tour has family friendly
interactive activities to participate in, bringing out
the natural curiosity in everyone. For example,
kids can learn to make pizza while parents enjoy
wine tastings. The tours are also all inclusive and
include experiences you can’t get anywhere else,
like going on a scavenger hunt in the Louvre
Museum, walking hand-in-trunk with an elephant, or riding a trail with a cowboy in one of our National
Parks. Tauk offers family travel tours in Europe, the Americas and Africa with each itinerary designed to
enrich and inspire. Tauk is leading the way along with other companies such as Windstar Cruises, in a
wonderful new trend, that of providing exclusive experiences for tour and cruise guests. Special events
such as private dinners at historical locations are included in the latest itineraries around the world.
Instead of being just part of a larger crowd of tourists, tour and cruise companies are lining up events
where the only guests are those on a tour or ship. This brings a more in depth, intimate experience to your
vacation, and adds so much more to the memories made.
If you are ready to pop the question to your
sweetheart and want to do so over the holiday
season, why not top it off with a romantic
weekend getaway? Are wedding plans in full
swing but you are not sure what to do about
your honeymoon? A holiday gift to a resort
could be just the answer. Romance is always a
welcome gift at the holidays whether there is a
proposal pending or not. There are resorts for
every budget and destination desired, and
these make for an ideally sequestered vacation
away from it all. Getting away to a tropical
destination during the cold winter months will
help keep the spirit of romance alive and well.
Sandals Resorts are worth looking into for an
adult only, top of the line pampered vacation.
Each Sandals resorts has incredible cuisine and amenities such as spa services, pools and hot tubs. There
are plenty of activities also from yoga sessions to parasailing, hiking to kayaking, or you can simply
dance the night away at the resort lounge. Their pristine beaches and elegant rooms will have you feeling
like you are on your own private island, just where romance can reign supreme and make your hearts
Whatever you decide to do, when you choose to give the gift of travel, you are giving a lifelong memory
that will be treasured. Spend some quality time with your loved ones and enjoy an adventure together,
you’ll be glad you did.
Eat Well, Be Happy On Your Vacation
The world is a grand place.
There are endless opportunities
to explore and experience
different cultures, histories and
landscapes. There are endless
options available for traveling,
from local or national, to around
the world, and there is something
to cater to for any budget. But
there is one thing that no matter
how or where you go, that always unites people and makes any vacation that
much more special. That one thing is food. Did you know you can make
food your focus for a vacation?
Tourism and travel in general have many facets from the big picture to the
finer details which cater to the varied palates of
travelers. One aspect includes vacations based
on culinary experiences. A culinary tour,
whether you travel with a guide or independent,
brings you up close and personal to a regions
foods. You go beyond eating national dishes
and regional favorites, there is more to explore
than specific foods known in different
destinations. You can learn how to cook in a
specific style. You can take the opportunity to
bring home the know how to recreate a dish
taught to you by experts in their field. And with
these opportunities, you can truly get to know
the spirit of a place, the heart of the people.
France and Italy have become known as European food meccas where you
can receive cooking lessons from renowned chefs in a many locations.
Culinary tours go beyond Europe though, you can journey through culinary
tours across Asia, the United States, and the Middles East as well. Anyone
who has a love of food can take a vacation to enjoy all that a particular
region or style of food offers.
Beyond cooking lessons, when
you take a culinary tour you get in
depth, behind the scenes
experiences such as taking a trip
to local markets with a personal
chef where you can see firsthand
where they get the best of their
local ingredients. The spice bazaar
in Istanbul, Turkey is a feast not
only for the eyes but full of exotic
aromas as well. There are opportunities to tour vineyards that are hundreds
of years old, and take a course in winemaking. In Portugal you can even get
a pampered spa day with wine therapy which uses grapes and other parts of
the plant for skin care.
Take a step back in time in Greece and join in the annual olive harvesting,
partaking in long standing traditions from harvesting of the trees to pressing
the fragrant olive oil by stone. Croatia, home of incredible truffles offers you
a chance to go truffle hunting at night with a local farmer and his dog.
Imagine the quiet calm of the
dark forest and the treasure to
be found. Back here in the
states, take a trip to Louisiana
for a top rated cook vacation
all about creole and Cajun
food. These extraordinary
comfort foods will be
beckoning you to learn and
taste all day long.
Do you love tea? You can fully
immerse yourself in the history and
culture of tea in China. There is an
international tea festival and tours
which give you hands on teach to
pick the right tea leaves for a
fragrant and tasty blend. See for
yourself the bustling fish market
and taste the fruits of your labor as
you learn to roll your own sushi
from a master in Japan.
Whatever you love about food, if you want to go deeper in understanding
that which you love and create a lifelong memory, a culinary tour could be
just for you. When it comes to leisure travel, you are the focus, what you
want to experience is what we at C.P. Trips will help you plan.
Walking On Glaciers by Judy Arndt
Have you found your Alaska? I found mine on
my recent unforgettable trip to Anchorage.
Hosted by the Visit Anchorage Convention and
Visitors Bureau, six other travel agents from
across the United States, and I were treated to
genuine kindness and hospitality. During our
three full days in Alaska we toured the beautiful
modern Anchorage museum in Anchorage, where
more than 600 Alaska Native artifacts are on
display. We rode the Alaska Railroad, took a boat
tour to Fox Island in the heart of Resurrection
Bay, where we enjoyed an Alaskan salmon and
prime rib buffet, and visited the Alaska Wildlife
Conservation Center, as well as the Alaska
SeaLife Center to view wildlife and sea life up
close and personal. A scenic aerial tram ride
2,300 ft in elevation took us to the top of Mt.
Alyeska where we could see glaciers and
mountains in all directions and the beautiful
Alyeska Ski Resort below.
Vegetables at the Alaska State Fair, home to recordsetting vegetables, were larger than any vegetables I
have ever seen. They grow things big in Alaska! The
Alaska Native Heritage Center shared with us Alaska
Native culture and heritage and we experienced a dog
sled ride where even the dogs seemed to want to
please us. We enjoyed delicious and well-presented
food. Some of the best I have ever tasted. Our hotels
and cabins were modern, clean and large by most lodging standards. We even
got to sharpen our photography skills with a walking photo tour in downtown
The highlight of my trip, however, was our
helicopter sightseeing tour to the top of the Knik
Glacier where we flew over miles of icebergs and
landed for our walk on the glacier. It was an
unforgettable experience! One that I would
definitely do again. And yes, we can make this
happen for you! You just need to contact us.
There seems to be an unhurried life in Alaska.
No honking car horns with impatient drivers. No
bumper to bumper traffic. The residents are
friendly and accommodating. Our tour bus driver, Mandy, from Salmon Berry
Travel and Tours, was probably the most informative tour guide I have even
encountered. Our hosts from Visit Anchorage, Ashley and Tia, went above and
beyond to share their love of their beautiful city and state. I cannot thank them
enough for making this trip possible. It certainly opened my eyes to a different
Alaska than I had imaged. We at C.P. Trips, and Visit Anchorage are available
to help you plan your visit to Alaska. We can add on the land package before or
after a cruise, or just help you plan a customized land package, fishing trip,
family getaway and even a destination wedding on top of a glacier! Alaska
offers something for everyone in your family.
Judy can be contacted at journeysbyjudy.oregon@yahoo.com or by calling 503
C.P. Trips & Sojourn Ventures Partner with Non-Profits for Fundraising
Anyone who has worked with non-profit organizations knows that it takes the generosity of donations and
community support to make a program successful. Fund raising is an integral part of all non-profits. There
are a variety of ways groups raise funds, including fun and exciting events put together to draw supporters
in and give them an opportunity to see up close what their valued support helps to provide. Gala events
with fine dining and entertainment have been a successful standard in the world of non-profits. These
often include an Auction as a wonderful way to cultivate support and provide something special in return
to the winning bidders. Auctions for non-profit events rely on intriguing and unique items and experiences
to peak the interests of philanthropic supporters who are ready for action. We are excited to announce that
C.P. Trips has joined forces with Sojourn Ventures to bring one of the most exciting bidding opportunities
to auction events, one which is sure to be a crowd pleaser and will aid in fund raising efforts.
Sojourn Ventures has several villa properties in Tuscany
and on the island of Bali, which are available through
auctions in support of non-profit, foundation or school
organizations. Working together, we provide travel
packages with seven adventurous days in exotic and
historical locations. All the finer details are planned with
the winners of these auctions to ensure they experience a
journey of a lifetime, all while helping a good cause and
supporting their community. You may stop and think this
is an unattainable venture for many programs or groups, but
that is not so. Sojourn Ventures knows what it takes to provide a holiday to one of their villas, and they
have used their knowledge in working with C.P. Trips to provide their auction opportunities with no
upfront costs.
Many of the costs of any chosen villa are covered in the
Auction pricing, though air fare is not. Each vacation villa
has a starting point, or reserve. This reserve is the minimum
needed to provide the travel package to the highest bidder.
Those that attend auctions at philanthropic events
understand there is a reserve baseline to begin with many
offerings. Supporters are there to provide financial backing
for causes they see as beneficial, and in an Auction setting
these community members are ready to go the distance with
their provision. With Sojourn Ventures, once the reserve
price is met during the bidding process, any proceeds
beyond that price are earned for the program being
supported. A low beginning reserve will help get your
organization started, call either Sojourn Ventures or C.P.
Trips to learn more about this. Each Sojourn Venture travel
package is good for two years so the winning bidder has
plenty of time to plan for their vacation of a lifetime.
As Sojourn Ventures likes to say, there is more to their
packages than just a set of keys to a beautiful home.
Transportation options once at a destination are included as well as concierge services to ensure guests
are comfortable and catered to. For a reasonable fee there are also special experience packages which can
also be included in a villa stay as part of the auction, or which can be provided as options for a winner to
add onto their vacation. A journey to the Tuscany region of Italy wouldn’t be the same without a special
tour and visit of an award winning winery.
Including a Culinary tour is another popular
choice, where travelers can learn firsthand the
secrets to great Italian cooking. The tropical
beauty of Bali would be an ideal place to
experience peaceful yoga practices with a
personal teacher. The island is also a paradise
for snorkeling and scuba diving, two more
adventures made available for the winners of a
Bali Villa vacation.
Sojourn Ventures and C.P. Trips work together
to help promote Auction Villas, to ensure the supporters of an organization know they will have an exciting
and intriguing experience to bid on when it comes time for the big event. The opportunity to enjoy a
vacation like none other is a surefire way to increase interest and support when it comes to fund raising
for a non-profit organization. If you know of a group which is planning a fund raising event, contact Cindy
at C.P. Trips for more information about our partnership with Sojourn Ventures. We can help you create
a wonderful travel package that supporters will love.
Travel the World Tips and Bits
With over 30 years as a travel
professional and a vast range of travel
experiences under her belt, C.P. Trips
owner Cindy Passannante knows what
it takes to make the best of travel.
Following are some of her favorite
tips to remember.
1. Passports and Visa - Passports are
required for all travel outside the
United States and most countries
require that your passport is valid for six (6) months after your scheduled return. Some
countries require a "Visa" to enter and this can take up to 120 days to acquire, also may
require a letter of invitation. Check with your Travel Professional for the updated
information and requirements.
2. Credit cards are the common form of payment when traveling, be sure to give your
local bank a "heads up" that you will be traveling and where. This will help prevent
the possibility of your card being frozen due to unusual spending patterns. Some banks
automatically block U.S. debit card use in certain countries (including the United
Kingdom) to protect against fraud. Be sure to keep all your receipts and scrutinize
your statement when you come home to be sure there are no unscrupulous charges (an
added 0 can result in a huge difference in the bill.
3. What kind of currency should you carry and how much? As a travel
professional this is a common question. A small amount of cash in the local currency
before your leave is always a good idea. When you arrive it is nice to be able to tip the
driver, bellman or purchase something to eat in local currency. ATM's and Exchange
kiosks may be difficult to find late at night.
**Bring small and clean/new bills. Some countries and merchants will not accept
older, wrinkled, stained bills (especially in China and Burma). Dollars should be crisp
and new.
4. Travel professionals suggest you take two credit cards and no more. Bring one
card from a major credit card company and another as a backup in case your main card
gets lost or stolen. You do not need more than this (make a copy of both sides of the
cards and keep the copy in a safe or different place than the card). This will make
tracking your purchases easier and tracking the charges.
5. Packing rule of thumb - TAKE ONE FOR THREE - that is take one outfit for
every three days of travel. If you are not going to wear something this many times,
you should consider leaving it home.
6. Keep things fresh with fabric softener sheets: They will keep your suitcase and
clothes fresh and clean, reduce static cling, and get rid of musty smells if anything gets
damp. Upon arrival, I will place one in the closet of my hotel room, and in the drawers
of my bureau. When I get home, I put dryer sheets in my empty luggage before
storing in the closet down stairs.
Stay tuned for the next list of great ideas to help with your travel adventure .....
Remember, Travel is the one thing you can buy that makes you richer!. Let's get richer
Cindy Passannante, Your Travel Professional, here to help make your dreams come