Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135 – 145 A focusing image probe for assessing neural activity in vivo David M. Rector a, Robert F. Rogers b, John S. George a,* a Biophysics Group, P-21, MS-D454, Los Alamos National Laboratory, PO Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA b Central R&D, E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, DE 19880 -0328, USA Received 8 October 1998; received in revised form 7 June 1999; accepted 13 June 1999 Abstract We describe a compact, focusing image probe to record rapid optical changes from neural tissue. A gradient index (GRIN) lens served as a relay lens from tissue to a microscope objective which projected an image onto a CCD camera. The microscope objective and camera assembly was adjusted independently from the GRIN lens, allowing focus changes without disturbing the probe/tissue interface; firm contact minimized movement and specular reflectance. Fiber optics around the probe perimeter provided diffuse illumination from a 780 nm laser, or 660 and 560 nm light emitting diodes. To characterize depth-of-field, we imaged a black suture through increasing tissue thicknesses. Light modulation by the suture remained detectable down to 900 mm using 780 nm illumination. We acquired images from cardiorespiratory areas of the rat dorsal medulla, at different depths and illumination wavelengths. Images illuminated at 560 nm were dominated by vasculature flow patterns, while 660 nm illumination revealed different spatial patterns which preceded vascular flow by 40 ms and may represent cardiac-related neural activity. Using 780 nm light, image sequences triggered by the cardiac R-wave showed vascular perfusion changes with delayed and broader responses at deeper levels. Electrical stimulation within the vagal bundle caused fast optical changes which track the electrical response, with a different spatial distribution from hemodynamic signals. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Blood flow; Depth viewing; Optical imaging; Light scattering 1. Introduction Reflected light images from neural structures disclose several correlates of neural activity (Cohen, 1973; Grinvald et al., 1988; Rector et al., 1993, 1997a). Depending on the illumination wavelength used, indications of hemodynamic changes (e.g. 560 nm), metabolic protein conformational changes (B 400 nm), or neuronal swelling (\ 600 nm) can serve as measures of local neural activity. Light reflectance techniques typically illuminate the brain surface with monochromatic light, then detect back-scattered light from the tissue using a charged-coupled device (CCD) camera. Changes in the amount of back-scattered light are calculated as differences or ratios across time on a pixel-by-pixel basis, thereby forming a parametric map of light scattering or absorption changes from the tissue of interest. Such procedures for recording from large neural populations * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-505-665-2550; fax: + 1-505-6654507. E-mail address: (J.S. George) provide insight into neural interactions and neural network properties. The need to study many neurons simultaneously has driven significant advances in optical measurements of neural activation. Most imaging studies using intrinsic optical signals have employed slow scan imaging technologies and steady-state stimulation to visualize hemodynamic changes associated with neural activation. Although some components of the hemodynamic signals are comparatively fast (B 1 s), long integrated signal acquisition is used to average over fluctuations associated with the cardiac cycle. Subtraction techniques isolate those signals associated specifically with neural activity, and tend to eliminate vessel artifacts. Attempts to image dynamic processes require more sophisticated characterization of optical changes associated with the cardiac cycle. In addition, a number of in vitro studies have identified fast light scattering changes associated with neural swelling during activation that parallel electrical events (Salzberg et al., 1985; Tasaki and Byrne, 1992). In order to image such changes in vivo, it is necessary to achieve high sensitivity, high time resolution, and to 0165-0270/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 0 2 7 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 8 8 - 6 136 D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 adequately account for the dynamics of other ongoing physiological processes that affect the overall optical signal these movement and spectral changes associated with the cardiac cycle. Contact of the image probe with the tissue surface can serve as a mechanism for minimizing movement artifacts associated with the cardiac and respiratory cycles. Such contact stabilizes the tissue relative to the probe surface, and reduces pulsations typically seen in these preparations. For chronic studies, the bone is subsequently sealed around the probe using bone wax and dental acrylic allowing restoration of CSF pressure and further stabilizing the brain tissue through hydrostatic forces. Another mechanism for minimizing movement artifact involves an opening in the skull which is then sealed with a glass window and filled with oil. Such methods minimize brain movement through the establishment of CSF pressure related hydrostatic forces; however, movements in neighbouring brain regions (or a nearby vessel) may introduce movements through hydraulic effects. Additionally, use of an oil filled chamber precludes dark field techniques, and specular reflectance becomes a major issue in the scattered light signals. Previous in vivo optical techniques using coherent fiber optic image conduit have a focal plane limited to the tissue surface in contact with the probe (Rector and Harper, 1991; Rector et al., 1991, 1993, 1997b). Such procedures generally form good images of the tissue surface. Also, since illumination surrounds the imaged area, dark-field methods eliminated specular reflectance from the tissue surface, and provide scattering information from deeper tissue (Rector et al., 1997b). Unfortunately, light from deeper structures is out of focus and the image is blurred. Because cells of interest are frequently located several hundred microns below the surface, it is desirable to focus below the surface to accurately measure deep structures. Optical techniques with deep focus capabilities would be especially useful for brain structures which are otherwise difficult to access. We describe an imaging system with the ability to detect light scattering events at least 900 mm below the tissue surface. The device can record from a large neural area and acquire long temporal image sequences. Tissue stabilization is achieved through contact of the tissue surface with a gradient index (GRIN) lens. The design allows changing focal depth without disturbing the tissue/probe interface. The device is compact in size, allowing stereotaxic mounting and a minimal skull opening. The device has the potential for miniaturization to be chronically implanted in freely behaving animals. Related prototype devices we developed can also generate confocal and spectral images. We tested the depth-of-field of the image probe by imaging a 200 mm black suture through successive tissue depths, and measured light modulation by the suture as a function of depth. We characterized scattered light changes within the exposed dorsal medulla of acute rat preparations using three wavelengths to visualize dynamic patterns correlated with perfusion during the cardiac cycle. In addition to characteristic patterns of perfusion, we observed light scattering changes consistent with neurophysiological activation. In order to image optical signatures of neural activation, nerves within the vagal bundle were stimulated to produce electrical and optical evoked potentials in the tissue under the probe. 2. Materials and methods A diagram of the probe and camera is illustrated in Fig. 1. A gradient index lens (GRIN, Fig. 1a) (Gradient Index, Rochester, NY) is affixed to a lens holder (Fig. 1b) with positioning screws to center the gradient index lens relative to an objective lens (Fig. 1c). The objective lens moves within a telescoping tube (Fig. 1d) and are Fig. 1. Three-dimensional rendering of the endoscope shows the major components and internal views. The existing device is constructed from telescoping aluminum tubing. Backscattered light from the tissue enters the gradient index lens (a) mounted in a centering C-mount adapter (b). The image from the tissue is formed in front of a microscope objective (c) mounted in a housing which can be moved through telescoping tubing (d) to adjust the depth of focus through the gradient index lens. A linear translation stage (e) supports the microscope objective and CCD assembly and is positioned by an oil-filled hydraulic piston (f). The microscope objective projects onto a CCD camera (g) mounted in a 0.5-inch brass tube (h), nine wires lead to a connector (i) for camera control and signal output to a 12-bit digitizer. Illumination is provided by flexible plastic fiber optics (j) mounted around the perimeter of the gradient index lens as illustrated in the enlarged view in the upper left hand corner. Illumination fibers were split into two bundles for separate and alternating illumination with 560 and 660 nm light. The telescoping tubing for the microscope objective and brass holder for the camera have been cut away to show internal parts. D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 137 mounted on a linear translation stage (Fig. 1e) driven by a hydraulic piston (Fig. 1f) for focusing the image at different depths beyond the surface of the GRIN lens. A miniature CCD video camera (Fig. 1g) (TC211, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX) is mounted in a brass tube (Fig. 1h) behind the objective lens, also with centering screws. Details for camera construction are given elsewhere (Rector et al., 1997b). Camera output leads are connected via a nine-pin connector (Fig. 1i), to a computer-based digitizer which simultaneously collected physiological signals (1 kHz each) and produced an interleaved file format. Physiological channels included the electrocardiogram (ECG), tracheal pressure, blood pressure, and end tidal CO2. Flexible optic fibers (Fig. 1j) affixed around the perimeter of the gradient index lens provide illumination from several different light sources including a 780 nm laser diode array, and 660 and 560 nm light-emitting diodes (LED), halogen, flash and arc lamps. 2.1. Gradient index lens The GRIN lens consisted of a 100 mm long glass cylinder, 3 mm in diameter (also available in other lengths and diameters), formed with a radially varying index of refraction (Moore, 1993) (Fig. 2A). The index of refraction is a continuous parabolic gradient which is higher in the center and lower at the edge. The result of this index variation is that a ray incident on the surface follows a sinusoidal path through the rod every half period (P/2), a distance which is determined by the gradient properties during manufacture (Fig. 2B) which is determined by the gradient properties during manufacture Fig. 2B. The cylinder has very similar properties to a relay lens system, which conjugate image planes within the cylinder. In this application, the GRIN lens effectively extends the image plane of detection optics through the length of the cylinder. This property allows the GRIN lens to remain in a fixed position while moving the detection optics to change the plane of focus (Fig. 2C). GRIN lenses are manufactured in integral P/2 lengths (P/2, P, 3P/2, 2P, etc.), thus light entering the GRIN lens at a particular angle exits the cylinder at the same angle for whole period lengths (P, 2P), resulting a non-inverted image, or at opposite angles for half period lengths (P/2, 3P/2) resulting an inverted image. 2.2. Depth-of-field measurement To test the depth-of-field of the device, we placed a 200 mm black suture across a homogeneous sample of rat cortical tissue, and imaged the suture through various tissue thicknesses. As many as thirty tissue slices, increasing in thickness by 60 mm increments, were placed between the GRIN lens and the suture. At each Fig. 2. The gradient index (GRIN) lens is a cylinderical glass rod with a radially varying index of refraction (A). Light entering the lens bends and forms an image within the cylinder every half period (P/2), a property determined by the manufacturing process (B). A block diagram of the major components for the image probe (C) shows the GRIN lens and the camera assembly with the microscope objective and CCD camera. Moving the camera assembly closer to the GRIN lens moves the effective focal plane of the microscope objective beyond the GRIN lens without disturbing the probe/tissue interface. tissue thickness, we focused the objective lens and camera assembly onto the suture center and collected an average image of 100 frames. We do not expect cortex slices prepared in this way to have exactly the same optical properties as brain tissue in vivo, primarily due to the lack of hemoglobin which would absorb a significant portion of the shorter wavelengths. Thus, these data may overestimate the depth to which scattered signals can be detected. The suture image in the first average was not obscured by tissue, and appeared the sharpest. We assessed blurring of the suture image through increasing tissue thickness by plotting the image intensity profile as a function of depth, and characterized the family of intensity profiles by convolving the first intensity profile (no obscuring tissue), with a Gaussian curve to model the consequence of optical blurring by tissue. Using IDL (Interactive Data Language, IDL, Research Systems, Boulder, CO), we fit the model to profiles at each depth by optimizing the amplitude and width parameters of the Gaussian, and plotted each parameter as a function of tissue thickness. These data were also compared to data collected with an earlier imaging device 138 D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 which utilized coherent image conduit, and did not have focusing ability (Rector et al., 1997b). To characterize how the shadow of the suture affected the image at various depths, the suture was kept at a constant 360 mm depth while changing the objective/camera focus. 2.3. Cardiac cycle experiments To explore the application of the system for functional neural imaging, we undertook a series of experiments to image physiologically correlated optical changes within the rat dorsal medulla. Rats were anesthetized with urethane (1.3 g/kg i.p.), and one femoral vein and artery were cannulated with 10 cm long catheters. Rats were paralyzed with veceronium bromide in some experiments, artificially ventilated, and a pneumothorax was performed to minimize ventilationrelated movement. Tracheal pressure, arterial blood pressure, and the electrocardiogram (ECG) were written onto polygraph paper and digitized during the experiment. Dorsal brainstem exposure was achieved by flexing the head ventrally 60°, and removing the dural sheet between the skull and the first vertebrae. The imaging device was placed above the cardiorespiratory areas of the nucleus tractus solitarious (NTS), and illuminated with 780 nm light from a laser diode array, a high intensity 660 nm LED, or a high intensity 560 nm LED. Back-scattered light was imaged with the CCD camera, digitized at 100 frames per second (f.p.s.), along with the physiological record. Although acquisition rates of 1000 fps or higher are possible with the current system, we chose an optimal rate to maximize light capture and minimize the size of the data set. Image sequences from the recording were triggered from the cardiac R-wave and average sequences divided by the first frame in the sequence to normalize varying illumination intensity across the image. Images were pseudocolored such that cool colors (blue to purple) represent an increase in reflectance, warm colors (yellow to red) represent a decrease in reflectance, and green represents no significant change from the first frame of the sequence (a =0.05). Cross-correlations were also calculated for each pixel against the blood pressure signal. Resulting images are displayed with the average ECG traces. Image sequences were generated during alternating 660 and 560 nm illumination (50 f.p.s. per color), or single wavelength 780 nm illumination (100 f.p.s.). 2.4. Stimulation experiments To assess scattered light changes associated with stimulation of tissue under the image probe, we dissected the vagal bundle within the neck of the animal, and placed stimulating hooks on nerves that project to the regions under the probe. Single-shock, 40 mA stim- uli were delivered to the nerves (0.2 ms in duration, 1–2 s random intervals). Images were acquired continuously at 100 Hz with a field potential made from a macrowire placed under the image probe. Average image sequences consisted of 200–400 trials triggered by a 100 ms pre-trigger input. To illustrate changes across time, the average of ten baseline images (100 ms) were averaged, and divided into the remaining images in the sequence. Images were pseudocolored and displayed in the same manner as cardiac-triggered data. 3. Results 3.1. Depth of field measurements Fig. 3 illustrates average suture images, and intensity profiles across tissue thicknesses for 660 nm (Fig. 3A) and 780 nm (Fig. 3B) illumination. Intensity profiles (Fig. 3C) show a change in shape as the suture image becomes blurred through increasing tissue thickness. Fig. 4 illustrates two parameters of the model used to characterize the suture blurring. The amplitude and width parameters estimated from fits to the Gaussian used to model the blurring, are plotted as a function of tissue depth. The suture becomes undetectable as determined by the amplitude parameter B0.1 and steepness of the width parameter curve, after 720 mm using 660 nm illumination and after 900 mm using 780 nm illumination. Fig. 4 also compares data from an earlier version of the probe using image conduit (Rector et al., 1997b) analyzed in the same manner. Using 660 nm reflectance mode illumination and a macro lens, the suture is obscured after 300 mm tissue thickness. Surround illumination (darkfield) and image conduit increased detectability to 600 mm. Fig. 5 reveals the extent of the shadow which the black wire produces at a fixed tissue depth while changing the focal plane through 1620 mm. The width parameter of the Gaussian fit shows a minimal width (sharpest edge) at 360 mm focus depth, corresponding to the actual suture depth (Fig. 5C). 3.2. Cardiac- and stimulus-triggered e6ents Time-triggered averages of 560 nm illuminated images with the cardiac cycle show patterns that resemble hemodynamic changes, along with other components. Fig. 6A illustrates a single depth measurement across the cardiac cycle using alternating 560 and 660 nm wavelengths, and shows a dramatic difference in image pattern. A sketch of the anatomy under the probe shows several structures, including that NTS and hypoglossal nucleus, which control aspects of the cardiac rhythm. D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 Specific regions within the image were plotted to reveal three basic relationships between 560 and 660 nm scattering changes. Fig. 7A shows a region over a vessel where 560 and 660 nm changes are out of phase, and 660 nm changes precede the 560 nm changes by 40 ms. Fig. 7B illustrates a region were the two colors are 180° out of phase, and Fig. 7C, D show positions where they are almost in phase. Differing rise times are also apparent for the 560 nm image regions between areas immediately over a vessel, and those areas away from vessels. Correlations between blood pressure and image intensity on a pixel by pixel basis reveal specific regions which are correlated with various phases of the blood pressure signal (Fig. 6C). In particular, 560 nm correlation images show well-defined vessels with zero lag, and 139 660 nm correlation images show a patch of activity which is spatially distinct from 560 nm images, and has a − 40 ms lag. Fig. 8 shows correlation plots from the same regions defined in Fig. 7. Image sequences using 780 nm illumination through several tissue depths (Fig. 9A) show vessel perfusion. This wavelength represents a point of maximum difference between the absorption spectra of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin, and vessel outlines are apparent in the surface images. Images acquired at deeper levels are more diffuse, and have a longer time to peak intensity (Fig. 9A, B). A blood pressure correlation image at zero lag (Fig. 9C) shows the vessel patterns seen in the image sequences. The same data set included stimulation of the aortic nerve which is illustrated as an image se- Fig. 3. A black suture, 200 mm in diameter was placed on a block of rat cortical tissue. Images were gathered though successive tissue thicknesses placed over the suture. For each depth measurement, the focus of the microscope lens was adjusted to bring the plane of focus onto the suture. Panel A shows a series of images using 660 nm illumination, and images in panel B were acquired with 780 nm illumination. For each image, an average line representing the suture intensity profile was plotted as is demonstrated in panel C for the 780 nm series. Vertical bars represent the SEM for each data point. 140 D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 In comparison to earlier studies using 660 nm light and image conduit (Rector et al., 1997b), the GRIN lens increased detection of an object within brain tissue from 600 mm to 720 mm. The 780 nm wavelength increased that depth to 900 mm since neural tissue is more transparent to longer wavelengths. Dark-field illumination improved our ability to image below the surface through decreased specular reflectance (Holthoff et al., 1994; Holthoff and Witte, 1996; Rector et al., 1997b); however, our ability to obtain a sharp image is limited by a high degree of tissue scattering. Interference from shadows of shallow objects in Fig. 5 shows that an object at 360 mm can still be clearly seen current device with higher numerical aperture optics as at focus depths well beyond 1700 mm. For sharper focusing, we are developing adaptations of the current device with higher numerical aperture optics as well as capabilities for confocal and multi-photon microscopy. Fig. 4. Intensity profiles (representing the black suture cross-section at each tissue thicknesses) were modeled by convolving the first profile with a Gaussian curve, fitting amplitude and width parameters. The top panel plots Gaussian amplitude as a function of tissue thickness for four illumination types. The lower panel plots the Gaussian width. The ‘2’ data were collected from tissue imaged with surround illumination (dark-field) using 780 nm light through the gradient index (GRIN) lens. The ‘’ data were collected using 660 nm light. The ‘’ data were collected with surround illumination using 660 nm light and coherent image fiber optics (F.O.), and the ‘× ’ data were collected from tissue illuminated directly (bright-field) using 660 nm light and a macro lens (M.L.). Vertical lines represent the SEM. quence (Fig. 9D) and a plot of average intensity change across time (Fig. 9E). Stimulus sequences show rapid optical changes that are spatially distinct from vascular patterns, and track the electrical evoked response, as measured by a macrowire placed under the probe. 4. Discussion These results demonstrate the use of GRIN technology to achieve focusing capability below tissue surfaces in contact with the probe. A black suture remained detectable through layers of brain tissue down to 900 mm, although the image was blurred due to increased light scattering of deeper tissue. The chief advantage of the GRIN lens is an ability to shift the relative focal plane, without moving the probe and disturbing the tissue–probe interface. Fig. 5. Five representative images of a 200 mm diameter black suture placed at a fixed depth of 360 mm with increasing focus settings show the extent of the shadow cast by the suture (A). Intensity profiles (B) illustrate blurring evidenced by decreasing slope at the suture edge. An analysis of the width parameter in the Gaussian fitting routine (C) shows the width parameter is lowest (sharpest) around the actual depth (360 mm). D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 Fig. 6. Panel A contains images collected with alternating 560 nm (G) and 660 nm (R) light. The 560 nm images show the perfusion of two vessels, and the 660 nm images exhibit a different temporal and spatial pattern. Panel B illustrates the anatomical features of the tissue under the image probe (GRIN). Major structures include the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), dorsal motor nucleus (DMV), hypoglossal nucleus (XII), area postrema (AP), and the tract of the solitary nucleus (TS). Panel C is a plot of the blood pressure and EKG waveforms collected and averaged along with the images in panel A. The last panel (D) shows images representing the correlations of blood pressure with 560 nm images (BPvsG) and with 660 nm images (BPvsR) on a pixel by pixel basis. Lag times from − 180 to +180 ms are represented. The color scale indicates the magnitude for each colour image. For correlations, green represents no correlation, white represents a correlation of 1.0, and black represents a correlation of − 1.0. For the time averaged images, the colour scale represents relative scattered light intensity from the first frame in the sequence. Green represents no change, white represents a − 0.2% change (less back scattered light or increased absorbance), and black represents + 0.2% change (more back scattered light or less absorbance). 141 142 D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 Fig. 7. Representative regions within the images of Fig. 6, Panel B show different relationships between the 560 nm and 660 nm illuminated images. Regions of interest are illustrated at the bottom of the figure. For region A, representing signals obtained immediately over a vessel, 560 nm images are out of phase with the 660 nm images, and have a low amplitude. Region B is located over the brightest 660 nm region. Sixty hundred and sixty nm signals have a large amplitude and are out of phase with 560 nm signals. Region C is also immediately over a vessel, and though the 560 nm images behave similarly to region A, 660 nm images are closer in phase in this region. Region D also shows a close phase relationship between 560 and 660 nm images; however, there is no evidence of a vessel in this region. Regions A and C, which are immediately over a vessel, also demonstrate a rapid rise time in the 560 nm images, where as regions B and D show slow rise times, possibly corresponding with slow perfusion of the capillary bed. Abscissa for each plot represents absolute percent change from initial conditions. Cardiac-triggered sequences show a number of notable features. Correlation images show a dramatic dif- Fig. 8. Correlations between the 560 nm (G) and 660 nm (R) images with blood pressure illustrate different relationships between the spectral components of the light scattering changes across the cardiac cycle. Panel A is a correlation plot of region A (regions defined in Fig. 8) with blood pressure for 560 and 660 nm images, showing the two colors are out of phase, with the 660 nm images leading the 560 nm images by 40 ms. In Panel B (Region B), the spectral components are 180° out of phase, and in Panel C (Region C) and Panel D (Region D), the phase relationships are close, however, 560 nm leads the 660 nm images by 20 ms in Panel C and 660 nm leads the 560 nm images by 20 ms in panel D. Abscissa for each plot represents the Pearson correlation coefficient ‘r’ for each lag time. ference in spatial structure between 560 nm and 660 nm illumination. Light at 780 nm and 560 nm show vessel perfusion in superficial layers and at least two kinds of perfusion were observed. A direct measurement of blood oxygen level (560 nm absorbance) in Fig. 9. Panel A illustrates a sequence of dorsal medulla images (780 nm illumination) which were time averaged with the cardiac cycle (left to right), at five depths from 200 to 1800 mm (top to bottom). Perfusion becomes more diffuse, and develops later in time in the deeper image sequences as seen in the image sequences and plots of intensity across time (Panel B). The shallow image sequence (200 mm) begins early in the cycle with an early peak which is well defined at 1000 mm depth, where as deeper image sequences have an initial dip and show a smaller, delayed peak. Panel C shows a blood pressure correlation image with zero lag, also outlining the region selected for the sequence in Panel A. Panel D shows a sequence of images averaged after a single shock stimuli to the aortic nerve. A plot of average intensity change in Panel E shows that the time course of the early optical response follows the evoked electrical response. The colour scale indicates the magnitude for each colour image. For correlations, green represents no correlation, white represents a correlation of 1.0, and black represents a correlation of − 1.0. For the cardiac triggered averaged images in Panel A, the colour scale represents relative scattered light intensity from the first frame in the sequence. Green represents no change, white represents a − 0.1% change (less back scattered light or increased absorbance), and black represents +0.1% change (more back scattered light or less absorbance). The vertical axis in Panel B also has maximum and minimum values of − 0.1% and +0.1% respectively. For the stimulus triggered averaged images in Panel D, white represents −0.2% change, and black represents +0.2% change. D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 143 Fig. 9. 144 D.M. Rector et al. / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 91 (1999) 135–145 the vessel was correlated directly with blood pressure (Fig. 6A, D). Secondly, perfusion within the capillary bed had a delayed latency with respect to the blood pressure, and was evident across a more diffuse and deeper tissue area (Fig. 9A, B). Two vessels are visible within the imaged area (Fig. 6B) at the top and left edges of the image. Pixels representing these vessels exhibit a high correlation with zero lag using 560 nm illumination. Blood pressure correlations with 660 nm light show optical changes that lead the blood pressure by 40 ms (Fig. 7A, 8A). Other areas show a negative correlation with 560 nm light and positive correlation with 660 nm light (Fig. 7B, 8B). Fig. 7D and 8D show a region of positive correlation with 660 nm light which has no apparent structure within the 560 nm images, and may represent neural groups which are active in phase with the cardiac cycle. Evidence of vessel and capillary bed perfusion differences also appear, since the 560 nm plots of each area shows a sharp rising slope for areas immediately over a vessel, and a slow, gradual slope for areas not immediately over a vessel. Time-triggered averages of stimulus sequences with 780 nm illumination show rapid optical changes that parallel the evoked electrical response. The spatial pattern is distinct from vessels imaged in the EKG triggered averages from the same data set, and correspnds to anatomical regions to which the stimulated nerve projects. There is some evidence that the fastest component of the optical response is a negative deflection that may precede the arrival of the population spike; an observation made by Salzberg et al., 1985. We speculate that a compression wave set up at the stimulus point will travel through the axon at the speed of sound, arriving before the propagating action potential volley. A number of studies have investigated the relationship between light scattering changes and neural activity (Cohen, 1973; Grinvald et al., 1988). Many physical processes are mobilized concurrently with cell activity. Predominant mechanisms include: direct cellular structural changes associated with ion and water influx, cellular swelling and membrane unfolding occurring with a sub-millisecond time-course (Salzberg et al., 1985; Tasaki and Byrne, 1992; Rector et al., 1997a); rapid vascular coupling observed in response to stimulation (Lindauer et al., 1993; Villringer and Dirnagl, 1995; Ruben et al., 1997); and a slower (1 – 10 s) hemodynamic change in oxygen level and blood volume associated with energy demand (Malonek and Grinvald, 1996, 1997; Malonek et al., 1997). There is evidence that glial cells or large dendritic fiber beds contribute to light scattering changes in vitro (Andrew and MacVicar, 1994), but it is unclear how significant these changes are in vivo. Physical mechanisms which contribute to light scattering changes may be present across all illumination wavelengths. However, the rela- tive contribution of hemoglobin absorbance changes is significantly higher for 560 nm light than for 660 or 780 nm light. Similarly, the relative contribution of light scattering changes from cellular processes such as swelling and membrane unfolding appears greater with 660 and 780 nm light. The ability to focus deep below the surface allows more sensitive and less invasive approaches for recording cellular activation. Images of a test object placed within neural tissue show improved imaging capability over previous techniques for such imaging. Since different cellular and tissue processes modulate the amount of back-scattered light with varying efficiencies as a function of wavelength, we can characterize the contributing processes based on illumination at different selected wavelengths. Time-triggered averaged image sequences associated with physiological activity as well as electrical stimulation shoe spatio–temporal patterns corresponding to fast neurally related changes, as well as slower hemodynamic processes. Such signals might be used to map activation patterns and study dynamic network behaviour within large neural populations. Acknowledgements This study was funded by the US Department of Energy, Technology Transfer Initiative; D.R. is a Director’s Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory; R.R. is a scientist with the Du Pont De Nemours Company and supported by 1-R01-HL-54194.. References Andrew RD, MacVicar BA. Imaging cell volume changes and neuronal excitation in the hippocampal slice. Neuroscience 1994;62(2):371– 83. Cohen LB. Changes in neuron structure during action potential propagation and synaptic transmission. Physiol Rev 1973;53(2):373– 413. Grinvald A, Frostig RD, Lieke E, Hildesheim R. Optical imaging of neuronal activity. 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