INTEGRATIVE NOTE ed. 02 / 2014 pag.1 SELAC POWDER COATINGS APPLICATIVE COATING YIELD CALCULATION OF THEORETICAL COATING YIELD Theoretical coating yield of powder coatings depends basically from two factors : _ Product density ( PD in g/cc ) _ Application thickness ( µm ) PD x µm = grams of powder coating to coat 1 sqm of surface By a simple mathematical formula is possible to calculate the surface which can be coated with 1 kg of powder coating having known density : 1000 Product Density x film thickness = Theoretical yield ( m² / kg ) In the draft are mentioned some theoretical yield values expressed in sqm/kg , according with product density and applied thickness . Theoretical coating yield 22 20,8 sqm / kg coatred 19,2 17,8 17 16,6 13,8 12,8 12 10,4 9,6 8,3 6,9 7 11,9 10,4 8,3 6,6 5,5 7,1 5,9 40µm 14,7 13,8 13,2 60µm 80µm 11,1 8,9 7,7 6,4 15,6 9,8 7,8 6,2 5,2 7,3 5,9 4,9 100µm 9,2 8,7 6,9 5,5 4,6 6,6 5,2 4,4 120µm 2 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 Density ( g/cc ) NOTE : mentioned values only represent the theoretical yield . Actual application yield on line is influenced by factors external to product , as : Technical performances of spraying line Type and efficiency of recycling system Losses due to cleaning for colour changes Thickness disuniformity on the same coated item Shape of the good to be painted RECOMMENDATIONS These informations are given on the base of our best experience as well as the one of specialized laboratories and they are continuously updated , nevertheless the user has the complete responsibility to apply and to experiment the products according its own specific necessities . This document has the intention to describe and summarize the main properties of arsonsisi products , but in no case it can be considered as a warranty for them . Further informations about application of metallic effects , maintenance of goods coated with homologated polyesters or availability of special versions are mentioned in specific technical integrative notes . arsonsisi s.p.a. SOCIETA’ A SOCIO UNICO SOGGETTA A DIREZIONE , COORDINAMENTO E CONTROLLO DI JUNIONFIN S.p.A. Sede Legale , Dir. Generale , Dir. Amm&Finanza , Dir. Acquisti : Via Settembrin i, 39 – 20020 Lainate (MI) – Italy Tel. +39 02 93754.1 – Fax +39 02 93754114 Capitale Sociale € 10.320.000,00 Registro Imprese Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA 01766770158 - P.IVA CEE IT 01766770158 – R.E.A. MI - 375382