Learn to Tell Time with the Jeff Clock

Learn to Tell Time
the Jeff Clock
EME6930 Final Paper
Table of Contents
Learn to Tell Time with the Jeff Clock .......................................................................................................................... 3
Client ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Problem ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Target Audience........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Goals or Outcomes of Target Audience ....................................................................................................................... 3
Description of What the Application Will Do ................................................................................................................. 4
Task Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Sub-Goal 1: Understand Time Terms.................................................................................................................... 4
Sub-Goal 2: Identify Parts of Jeff Clock................................................................................................................. 4
Sub-Goal 3: Tell Time on the Hour ........................................................................................................................ 4
Sub-Goal 4: Tell Time on the Half-Hour ................................................................................................................ 4
Sub-Goal 5: Tell Time on the Quarter Hour........................................................................................................... 4
Sub-Goal 6: Tell Time to the 5-Minute Increment.................................................................................................. 5
Sub-Goal 7: Tell Time to the Minute ...................................................................................................................... 5
Technical Requirements to Create the Application ...................................................................................................... 5
Technical Requirements for the Learner to Use the Application .................................................................................. 5
Instructional Objectives ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Identify and Describe Instructional Strategies .............................................................................................................. 6
Assessment Methods and Feedback ........................................................................................................................... 7
Media Application......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Learner Control and Navigation ................................................................................................................................... 7
Limitations / Constraints............................................................................................................................................... 7
Scope of the Project..................................................................................................................................................... 7
List of Deliverables....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Timeline for Development ............................................................................................................................................ 8
High-Level Flow (outline) ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Style Guide and Conventions ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Style Guide .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Flow Chart (Site Map of Branching) ........................................................................................................................... 10
Storyboards (Major Screens) ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Paper Based Materials............................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Maria Montessori ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix B ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Low Level Outline for Every Screen ........................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix C..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
File Reference for Application Buttons ....................................................................................................................... 22
Alphabetical Listing of Files ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Audio Files............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Image Files ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
.SWF Files ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
References ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
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Learn to Tell Time with the Jeff Clock
The client for this project is my husband, Jeff, and me. Several years ago when our middle daughter, Tara, was in first
grade she was struggling to tell time (quarter hour; 5 minute increments). We were a bit surprised because prior to this
she had easily learned the incremental time telling objectives (by the hour and half hour). Jeff thought of a new concept
for how a teaching clock should look and Jill created it in Microsoft Publisher. We tested the clock and learned that
Tara wanted to express single digit numbers without the zero placeholder (i.e. if the time was 12:05, she wrote ‘12:5’).
With this in mind, we revised the paper clock so all numbers were double digits. Success! Three years later, our
youngest daughter was also learning to tell time. We learned she had similar issues to Tara and that “Jeff’s Clock”
helped her, particularly with the ‘late in the hour’ times when the hour hand is so close to the next hour.
Fast forward a couple months and Jill is back in graduate school. Both Jeff and Jill have wanted to produce an
electronic version of this clock because it has been so effective for our children. This class project is the perfect
opportunity to create the application.
The following problems are based on those we encountered when teaching our children how to tell time.
• It is difficult for children to distinguish between the hour hand and the minute hand on an analog clock.
• It is difficult for children to determine the hour, particularly late in the hour. For example, if the time is 7:45, many
children think it is 8:45 because the hour hand is closer to the 8 than the 7.
• It is difficult for children to determine the number of minutes, especially if the child is not yet familiar with counting
by fives. Additionally, for the minutes 0-9, it is confusing for the child to remember that the tens place must be
occupied by a zero.
Target Audience
Learn to Tell Time with the Jeff Clock is intended for elementary aged children (grades K-4) who do not know how to
tell time using an analog clock.
Even at the younger end of the age spectrum, this group of children is comfortable with various forms of technology
(.mp3 players, video games, DVD players, etc.). Because of the familiarity with a variety of technological devices,
these students are quite likely familiar with the look of a digital clock, but the concept of time is still abstract. The
audience may not be familiar with an analog clock, therefore may not value its relevance in this ‘age of technology’.
Reading and number recognition abilities will vary greatly for this audience. These students are still early in their
educational journey; therefore all interactions need to be positive. With the appropriate level of encouragement, both
for correct and incorrect responses, the child will gain self confidence.
Goals or Outcomes of Target Audience
Digital clocks and watches have been available to the general public since the 1970s; however, analog clocks are still
very much a part of our daily lives. Because of the presence of analog clocks in their daily lives, children need to learn
how to tell time using this method in addition to the digital clock method. Knowing how to tell time and understanding
how to apply it to his/her daily life, empowers a child and builds self-confidence.
The child will learn how to read an analog clock using the Jeff Clock. Because of the linear nature of learning to tell
time subsidiary goals (sub-goals) are required to accomplish this overall goal. These sub-goals include:
• sub-goal 1: Be familiar with time terminology
• sub-goal 2: Identify Parts of the Jeff Clock
• sub-goal 3: Tell Time on the Hour
• sub-goal 4: Tell Time on the Half-Hour (time permitting)
• sub-goal 5: Tell Time on the Quarter Hour (time permitting)
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sub-goal 6: Tell Time to the 5-Minute Increment (time permitting)
sub-goal 7: Tell Time to the Minute (time permitting)
Description of What the Application Will Do
The application will use the Jeff Clock. The Jeff Clock is a tool used to reduce the difficulties many children encounter
when first learning to tell time with an analog clock. The hour and minute hands of the Jeff Clock are color coded. The
hour hand is yellow to correlate with the concept that the hours on the clock are various colors. The section for each
hour is color coded to match the hour number. The minute hand is white with a black boarder (to point to the black
minute numbers). The Jeff Clock has all the minutes (00–59) on the outside perimeter of the clock. The minutes 0-9
are represented with a 0 in the tens place (00, 01, 02, etc.).
Although learning to tell time can be a daunting challenge for some, the application will be self-paced so the learner
can move forward when s/he feels the sub-goal has been mastered. This application will use a variety of techniques to
develop the student’s understanding of telling time, including alternative ways to say the time. Students will apply
telling time to the subsequent skill of determining the elapsed time. Finally, students will apply telling time to their daily
lives with a variety of ‘real-life’ examples such as “School starts at ___ o’clock”. This ‘real-life’ application will provide
the students with a greater understanding of the importance of telling time. 1
Upon completion of this application, the student will make the transition to telling time with a standard analog clock.
Task Analysis
A Task Analysis is provided for each of the project’s sub-goals below:
• Define a day (24 hours)
• Define an hour (60 minutes); explain how an hour relates to a day
• Define a minute (60 seconds); explain how a minute relates to an hour
• Define a second
• Identify the hour hand (short and colorful)
• Identify the minute hand (long and white)
• Identify the numbers around the clock
1) Identify the hour-hand
2) Identify (read) the hour that the hour-hand is pointing to
3) Say the correct time in formal terms (____ o’clock)
1) Identify the hour-hand
2) Identify (read) the hour indicated by the position of the hour-hand
3) Identify the minute-hand
4) Identify (read) the half-hour that the minute hand is pointing to
5) Say the correct time in formal terms (___ thirty)
6) Say the time in informal terms (half-past _____)
1) Identify the hour-hand
2) Identify (read) the hour indicated by the position of the hour-hand
3) Identify the minute-hand
4) Identify (read) the quarter-hour that the minute hand is pointing to
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5) Say the correct time in formal terms (___fifteen; ___ forty-five)
6) Say the time in informal terms (quarter after_____; quarter ‘til _____)
1) Identify the hour-hand
2) Identify (read) the hour indicated by the position of the hour-hand
3) Identify the minute-hand
4) Identify (read) the 5-minute increment that the minute hand is pointing to
5) Say the correct time in formal terms
6) Say the time in informal terms (five after____; ten ‘til _____)
1) Identify the hour-hand
2) Identify (read) the hour indicated by the position of the hour-hand
3) Identify the minute-hand
4) Identify (read) the minute increment that the minute hand is pointing to
5) Say the correct time in formal terms
Technical Requirements to Create the Application
Adobe FLASH and Dreamweaver**;
Adobe Photoshop (for graphic creation and/or editing);
Audacity (for audio dubbing);
Microphone to record ways of saying the time;
Speakers to verify audio content of application;
FLASH player plug in (see below table from for minimum hardware requirements) for testing
**Adobe CS4 Professional specifications: 1GHz or faster processor; Microsoft® Windows® XP or Windows Vista® Home
Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise; 1GB of RAM; at least 3.5GB of available hard-disk space; 1,024x768 display; DVDROM drive; QuickTime 7.1.2 software required for multimedia features (specifications retrieved from
Technical Requirements for the Learner to Use the Application
Computer with sound card, graphics card, and speaker;
Internet connectivity (The application will be tested using Internet Explorer and Firefox.);
FLASH player plug in (see below table from for minimum hardware requirements)
PowerPC® G3 500MHz or faster processor;
Modern processor (800MHz or
Intel® Pentium® II 450MHz, AMD
Athlon™ 600MHz or faster processor
(or equivalent)
128MB of RAM
128MB of RAM
Intel Core™ Duo 1.33GHz or faster
512MB of RAM, 128MB of graphics
128MB of VRAM*
information retrieved from: http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/systemreqs/
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Instructional Objectives
Instructional objectives for the Jeff Clock application are as follows:
• The student will identify the parts of a clock in terms of hour and minutes.
• The student will estimate units of time in relation to ‘real-life’ scenarios.
• The student will learn to tell time using the Jeff Clock.
• The student will determine start time, end time, and elapsed time.
• The student will apply telling time to ‘real-life’ scenarios.
• The student will recognize alternative ways to say the time.
• The student will make the transition for telling time to a standard analog clock (similar to those found in
In order to meet the instructional objectives, the student will need the following cognitive skills:
• ability to distinguish color differences;
• basic reading skills in English in order to follow simple instructions;
• number recognition through twelve (to tell time on-the-hour);
• number recognition through sixty (to tell time beyond on-the-hour);
• basic computer skills (use mouse; input numbers; click arrow keys)
The target audience will need high-speed internet access and computer hardware that meets the requirements for the
Adobe FLASH player plug in. The user will also need speakers for the audio component of the application.
Identify and Describe Instructional Strategies
This application will follow the instructional path advocated by Maria Montessori (see Appendix A).
Preparing the Environment [Home]: On the “Welcome” screen, the application will introduce the
student to reasons for learning to tell time.
Exploration, Orientation, and Order
Getting Started: The student will be introduced to the telling time terminology. During Manipulation and Repetition
the student will have an opportunity to relate these concepts to ‘real-life’ examples (“Apply the Time Words”).
Jeff Clock: The parts of an analog clock are explained to the student as well as how these parts appear on the
Jeff Clock. An illustration of the Jeff Clock working is included in this section.
Manipulation and Repetition:
Getting Started (Time Words): Familiarizing the student with the length of various events will be an activity the
student does verbally with the teacher.
Getting Started (Jeff Clock): Drag and drop activity placing the hour numbers in the correct location on the face
of the clock.
Telling Time Hour: (Practice): Both practice sections allow the student to view at ‘on-the-hour’ clocks to identify
the correct time. The student will proceed at his/her own pace and can repeat the tutorial as often as needed.
Control of Error Leading to Perfection:
Getting Started (Time Words): After the initial introduction, the student will apply the concepts of telling time to
events in his/her life. Four graphics will be on the screen with a statement. The student will select the event that
relates to the statement. The student will have the opportunity to check the answer. There are three different sets
of statements and graphics for additional practice.
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Telling Time: Hour (Drag & Drop Quiz): This quiz will be designed to limit the possibilities of the learner making
an incorrect choice by limiting the number of on-the-hour clocks in the activity. Four analog clocks showing time on
the hour and four corresponding digital clocks will be on the screen. The student will drag-and-drop the digital
clock under the correct analog clock. Feedback will inform the student if the digital clock is correctly placed. If the
clock is incorrectly placed, the student will receive instruction reminding him/her what to do to determine the
correct time. The activity does not end until all digital clocks are correctly placed. There are three different sets of
clocks to test the student’s on-the-hour time telling skills.
Assessment Methods and Feedback
The user will be assessed by one of the following methods:
• The application will assess user’s understanding of time terminology with an “Apply the Words” assessment. With
multiple choice answers, the user will select the best time word for the scenario.
• The application will feature several Jeff Clocks. The user will match a digital time to an analog time using a dragand-drop activity. The activity will provide feedback so the user can understand whether or not the answer was
• The Jeff Clock will display a time in analog format and the child will select the time in digital format by selecting the
correct answer with the mouse. The activity will provide feedback so the user can understand whether or not the
answer was correct.
• The assessment will use various other time telling questions in a format similar to those in the tutorial. The
questions in the assessment will be different than those used during the tutorial to determine the student’s true
understanding of the concept.
Media Application
The application will include graphics of the Jeff Clock and digital clocks. Animations of the Jeff Clock ‘working’ will
simulate telling time. Finally, the interactive application will engage the user as s/he applies telling time to ‘real-life’
Learner Control and Navigation
The user will navigate and control the application by using a computer mouse. There will be a main menu for the user
to access to the major sections. The main menu will always be available. Within each section will be additional options.
Within the section, the user will also be able to return to the subsection menu.
Limitations / Constraints
This application will be limited due to the very basic knowledge of FLASH by the developer as well as the timeline of
completing the application during a semester course. Because of these constraints, this application will address only
the following sections: Introduction, Glossary, Time Words, Parts of the Jeff Clock, Tell Time on the Hour, Educators,
and Resources.
Scope of the Project
The interactive simulation for “Learn to Tell Time with the Jeff Clock” will be created for inclusion on the Shelby Family
home school website. This simulation will introduce the student to telling time by teaching time terms. The student will
apply time terms to ‘real-life’ examples to strengthen his/her understanding of this concept. The parts of the Jeff Clock
will also be introduced. Once the student has an understanding of these concepts, the tutorial will explain how to tell
time on the hour. The student will have different opportunities to practice telling time on the hour. The user will take a
quiz to evaluate their understanding of telling time on the hour. Due to time constraints, introduction of elapsed time
and its application to ‘real-life’ events was omitted for the class project. It will be included in the future versions.
Ultimately, this project can be incorporated into a complete ‘learn to tell time’ unit.
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List of Deliverables
Paper deliverables:
Initial Proposal;
Implementation Proposal;
Scope & Sequence Proposal;
Final Proposal Paper
Electronic deliverables:
Final prototype*
*The final prototype will be delivered as a FLASH .swf file with an .html page that will be inserted on the Shelby Family
website. In the prototype, the following sections will be functional:
♦ Welcome
♦ Glossary
♦ Time Words
♦ Parts of the Jeff Clock
♦ Tell Time on the Hour
♦ Educators
♦ Resources
The remaining sections will be developed at a later date (Tell Time on the Half Hour, Quarter Hour, 5-Minute
Increment, and to the Minute). The FLASH .fla files will be delivered for instructor feedback.
Timeline for Development
The timeline for development of this project is as follows:
Initial Proposal .................................................................February 2, 2010
Implementation Proposal ............................................... February 23, 2010
Scope & Sequence Proposal ............................................. March 23, 2010
Prototype Presentation ......................................................... April 20, 2010
Final Prototype Project & Paper .............................................. May 2, 2010
High-Level Flow (outline)
The sections below comprise the high level flow chart for Telling Time with the Jeff Clock
1) Welcome (Home)
2) Glossary
3) Time Words
4) Parts of the Jeff Clock
5) Hour
6) Half-Hour
7) Quarter Hour
8) by 5-Minute Increment
9) to the Minute
10) Educators
11) Resources
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Style Guide and Conventions
Text Elements:
Screen Elements:
Graphic Elements:
Heading1: Arial bold, 21 pt;
Heading2: Arial bold, 18 pt;
Normal1: Arial, 18 pt;
Normal2: Arial, 16 pt;
Color: black, dark blue, dark green
background: white
Jeff Clock
Other contrasting colors for emphasis
The working .fla file will be coded using ActionScript 4.0. Code will be inserted in the first frame. Detail comments
will be included in the code for easy transfer and future programming. 2
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Flow Chart (Site Map of Branching)
Home (Welcome)
Time Words
♦ What are a Second, Minute, and an Hour?
♦ What are a Day and a Year?
♦ What are a Week and a Month?
♦ Assessment: Apply The Time Words
Jeff Clock
♦ Define the Parts (numbers, hour hand, and minute hand)
♦ Jeff Clock Picture with parts labeled
♦ Activity: Clock Parts
♦ Animation showing Jeff Clock moving
Tell Time on the Hour
♦ Explain numbers around the clock and how to tell time on the hour
♦ Tell Time on the Hour practice #1
♦ Tell Time on the Hour practice #2
♦ Assessment: Match Clocks
♦ Assessment: Select Clock
Tell Time on the Half-Hour [Screen will indicate this section is “currently under development”.]
Tell Time on the Quarter-Hour [Screen will indicate this section is “currently under development”.]
Tell Time to the 5 Minute Increment [Screen will indicate this section is “currently under development”.]
Tell Time to the Minute [Screen will indicate this section is “currently under development”.]
♦ Online Resources
♦ Quick Links to Application Activities:
 Apply the Time Words
 Clock Parts Activity
 Tell Time on the Hour practice #1
 Tell Time on the Hour practice #2
 Assessments
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Storyboards (Major Screens)
Opening Screen
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Time Words Menu
Jeff Clock
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Half Hour
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Quarter Hour
by 5 minutes
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to the minute
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Paper Based Materials
Due to time constraints, paper based materials will not be supplied for this application by the classroom project
deadline. However, because the look of the Jeff Clock is unique compared to telling time materials currently available
online, paper based materials will accompany the fully functioning version.
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Appendix A
Maria Montessori
The Person
“Maria Montessori was born in 1870 in Chiaravalle (Anconan), Italy. At the age of thirteen she attended an all-boy
technical school in preparation for her dreams of becoming an engineer. Montessori was the first woman to graduate
from the University of Rome La Sapienza Medical School, becoming the first female doctor in Italy. She was a member
of the University's Psychiatric Clinic and became intrigued with trying to educate the "special needs" or "unhappy little
ones" and the "uneducatable" in Roma. In 1896, she gave a lecture at the Educational Congress in Torino about the
training of the disabled. The Italian Minister of Education was in attendance, and was impressed by her arguments
sufficiently to appoint her the same year as director of the Scuola Ortofrenica, an institution devoted to the care and
education of the mentally retarded. She accepted, in order to put her theories to proof. Her first notable success was to
have several of her 8 year old students apply to take the State examinations for reading and writing. The "defective"
children not only passed, but had above-average scores, an achievement described as "the first Montessori miracle."
Montessori's response to their success was "if mentally disabled children could be brought to the level of normal children
then (she) wanted to study the potential of 'normal' children".” 3
Instructional Path / Behavioral Tendencies
“Our behavioral tendencies account for the development of all the varied civilizations throughout the ages from
prehistoric peoples to the modern era of telecommunications. Montessori offered a description of these propensities to
help us understand how children respond to the environment in which they are born. She did not intend for any list of
behaviors to be limited or necessarily definitive. Each of us could no doubt come up with a different list of our own.
Nevertheless, the following ideas can serve as a general guide. For better comprehension and recall, we have combined
them into four groupings.
The first grouping involves answering the question, what is out there? It includes exploration, orientation, and order.
Human beings set out to explore the surrounding environment and discover its possibilities. When we do this, however,
we have to be able to find the way back to our starting place. Hence the human action of orientation and order is
necessary. We need to build a mental map of our surroundings and an internal sense of direction, distance, time, and
sequence. Our expression in language and organization in thought are based on this ability to recognize and use order
in our lives. When these tendencies toward orientation and order are disrupted–as in changing geographic or emotional
environments–we experience disorientation and stress. Similarly, if we are restrained from exploring our world either
physically or intellectually, we tend to become bored, even depressed.
A second grouping helps us deal with the results of our explorations: what might I do with what is there? Our propensity
to abstract thought and our imaginations allow us to make new creations from what we find and see around us.
Everything that we have in our modern lives of comfort and ease, and every vision of nobility, courage, and love, came
from our innate tendency to imagine what is not yet before us. Hence, early humans watched animals use their hooves
to dig and their horns to protect, and they devised tools and weapons of defense for human use. Through the ages, acts
of human bravery and sacrifice were recounted to the young, and new generations dreamed of the heroic deeds and
accomplishments that they in turn would contribute to society.
The third grouping is the largest and involves the crucial transition from dream to reality: how can I carry out my abstract
ideas? To make this leap, human beings are given five key behaviors: manipulation, exactness, repetition, control of
error, and perfection. To make the clothing fit, the house shelter, the boat sail, and the space shuttle soar required every
one of these human tendencies during its development. In the world of ideas, communism and fascism were tried
through these behaviors, and their results found wanting, even as democracies with dreams of liberty and justice for all
became the goal in many parts of the world, and are now continually reevaluated.
The last grouping consists of a single tendency. However, it can fairly be called the key to all the rest, for it involves a
spiritual gift: the gift of ourselves freely given to others. This behavior answers the question, how can I tell others about
what I have done? We call it communication. Without it, each new generation would have to rediscover all knowledge
and wisdom of the past. With it, we stand on the shoulders of giants and can go forward in each decade to new heights
in every field of human endeavor.” 4
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Montessori Classroom Environment
“The Montessori environment contains specially designed, manipulative "materials for development" that invite children
to engage in learning activities of their own individual choice. Under the guidance of a trained teacher, children in a
Montessori classroom learn by making discoveries with the materials, cultivating concentration, motivation, selfdiscipline, and a love of learning.” 5
“The "prepared environment" is Maria Montessori's concept that the environment can be designed to facilitate maximum
independent learning and exploration by the child. In the calm, ordered space of the Montessori prepared environment,
children work on activities of their own choice at their own pace. They experience a blend of freedom and self-discipline
in a place especially designed to meet their developmental needs.” 6
“Each material in a Montessori classroom isolates one quality. In this way, the concept that the child is to discover is
isolated. For example, the material known as the pink tower is made up of ten pink cubes of varying sizes. The
preschool-aged child constructs a tower with the largest cube on the bottom and the smallest on top. This material
isolates the concept of size. The cubes are all the same color and texture; the only difference is their size. Other
materials isolate different concepts: color tablets for color, geometry materials for form, and so on.
Moreover, the materials are self-correcting. When a piece does not fit or is left over, the child easily perceives the error.
There is no need for adult "correction." The child is able to solve problems independently, building self-confidence,
analytical thinking, and the satisfaction that comes from accomplishment.
As the child's exploration continues, the materials interrelate and build upon each other. For example, various
relationships can be explored between the pink tower and the broad stair, which are based on matching precise
dimensions. Later, in the elementary years, new aspects of some of the materials unfold. When studying volume, for
instance, the child may return to the pink tower and discover that its cubes progress incrementally from one cubic
centimeter to one cubic decimeter.” 7
Maria Montessori Quotes 8
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”
“The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not
“One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child.”
“If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge,
there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man's future.”
“The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth. From this almost mystic affirmation there
comes what may seem a strange conclusion: that education must start from birth.”
[In her 1946 book, Education in a New World,] ...“education is a natural process carried out by the human
individual, and is acquired not by listening to words, but by experiences in the environment.”
“We cannot know the consequences of suppressing a child's spontaneity when he is just beginning to be active.
We may even suffocate life itself. That humanity which is revealed in all its intellectual splendor during the sweet
and tender age of childhood should be respected with a kind of religious veneration. It is like the sun which
appears at dawn or a flower just beginning to bloom. Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child to open
up himself to life.”
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Appendix B
Low Level Outline for Every Screen
Welcome (1 screen)
[Main Menu navigation buttons available at all times.]
Glossary (1 screen)
Screen is quick reference guide to time related vocabulary used in the application.
[BUTTONS–navigation: navigation to leave this screen is by using the main menu]
Time Words (6 screens)
♦ Time Words Menu
Screen includes options for Clock Time Words and Calendar Time Words.
[BUTTONS–navigation: Second Minute Hour; Day & Year; Week & Month; How Well Do You Know Your Time Words?]
 Second, Minute, Hour
Screen includes: “What is a Second?”, “What is a Minute?”, and “What is an Hour?”
Animation: 1-minute timer
[BUTTONS–navigation: Time Words Home; activity: Start Minute; Stop Minute]
 Day & Year
Screen includes: “What is a Day?”, and “What is a Year?”
Audio: There are Seven Days” by Barney
[BUTTONS–navigation: See Earth & Sun, Time Words Home; activity: Listen to Song]
 Earth & Sun
Screen supports the “Day & Year” screen
Animation: Earth spinning as it travels around the sun
[BUTTONS–navigation: Day / Year Home, Time Words Home; activity: Start Earth; Earth to Top; Stop
 Week & Month
Screen includes “What is a Week?” and “What is a Month?”
Audio: “There are Seven Days” by Barney
[BUTTONS–navigation: Time Words Home; activity: Listen to Song; Stop Song]
 Apply the Time Words (4 screens)
Explanation of the Apply the Time Words Activity
[BUTTONS–navigation: Time Words Home; Apply Words Set #1;Apply Words Set #2; Apply Words Set #3]
 Apply Words Set #1
Four graphics will be on the screen. Text will be under the graphic to specify the intended event. Above
the set of graphics will be a question or statement referencing a time word (second, minute, hour, day,
week, month, year). For example, “What takes about a second?” Student will choose the graphic takes
that matches this statement by clicking a radio button.
Textual feedback in the Apply Time Words activity will be as follows:
• Correctly identified: “Great! You correctly identified the time it takes for this event.”
• Incorrect match: “That doesn’t take that amount of time. Try again. ”
• At completion: all four correct feedback: “Perfect! You identified 4 out of 4 events correctly!”
• At completion: less than four correct feedback: “Could be better. You identified ___ out of 4 events
[BUTTONS–navigation for activity: Previous, Next, Check Answer, Submit]
[BUTTONS–navigation for screen: Apply Words Home; Time Words Home]
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 Apply Words Set #2
Same activity with a different set of pictures and questions / statements. Navigation is the same.
 Apply Words Set #3
Same activity with a different set of pictures and questions / statements. Navigation is the same.
The Jeff Clock (4 screens)
♦ Jeff Clock Home
Screen defines the parts of the clock (face, hands, numbers) with graphics and text.
[BUTTONS–navigation: Show Me a Picture]
 Show Me A Picture
Screen has a picture of the Jeff Clock with parts of clock labeled
[BUTTONS–navigation: See Jeff Clock Move; Jeff Clock Home]
 See Jeff Clock Move
Animation: Shows a Jeff Clock with the hands moving together
[BUTTONS–navigation: Jeff Clock Picture; Jeff Clock Home; activity: Start Clock; restart clock; Stop Clock]
 Clock Parts Activity
Activity (Drag & Drop): Screen has a picture of the Jeff Clock with hours not on the clock face. The student will
drag the hour to its correct location on the clock face.
[BUTTONS–navigation: Start Over; Jeff Clock Home]
Tell Time on the Hour (9 screens)
♦ Tell Time on the Hour: Home (1 screen)
Screen explains how to tell time on the hour.
[BUTTONS–navigation: Practice #1; Practice #2; Match Clocks]
 Practice #1: Tell Time on the Hour (1 screen)
Screen has twelve different clocks showing the time on the hour.
Activity (Point & Click): The student can click on each clock, feedback tells the time for that clock.
[BUTTONS–navigation: Tell Time: Hour Home]
 Practice #2: Tell Time on the Hour (1 screen)
Screen reiterates the steps to tell time.
Activity: A single clock has a time. The student presses “check” button to verify if s/he recognized the correct
[BUTTONS–navigation: Tell Time: Hour Home; activity: Check; Next Clock]
 Match Clocks Assessment Menu (4 screens)
Explanation of Match Clocks assessment
[BUTTONS–navigation: Tell Time: Hour Home; Clocks Set #1; Clocks Set #2; Clocks Set #3]
 Clocks Set #1
Assessment (Drag & Drop): Screen will show four of the twelve clocks showing the time on the hour.
The student will have four corresponding digital clocks to drag-and-drop under the correct analog clock.
Immediate textual feedback in the Clock Drag & Drop assessment will be as follows:
• Correct match: “Yes, this clock says ___ o’clock”
• Incorrect match: “Try a different time. Be sure to look at the number the hour hand is pointing to.”
• Once all clocks are correctly identified the textual feedback will say, “Yes! This clock says ___
o’clock. Well Done! You correctly matched the time for all of the clocks.”
[BUTTONS–navigation: Assessments Home; Tell Time: Hour Home; activity: Start Over]
 Clocks Set #2
Same activity with a different set of times. Navigation is the same.
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 Clocks Set #3
Same activity with a different set of times. Navigation is the same.
 Select Clock Assessment Menu (4 screens; menu screen is the Match Clocks Assessment Menu
Explanation of Select Clock assessment
[BUTTONS–navigation: Tell Time: Hour Home; Clocks Set #1; Clocks Set #2; Clocks Set #3]
 Select Clock Set #1
Assessment: Screen will show four of the twelve clocks showing the time on the hour. The tutorial will
say, “Select the clock that says ___ o’clock”. The corresponding digital clock will also appear on the
screen. The student will select the radio button next to a Jeff Clock. The user has the option of checking
the answer. Immediate textual feedback will be as follows:
• Correct match: “Great! You correctly located the hour hand and read the time.”
• Incorrect match: “That is not the correct clock. Look at the number the hour hand is pointing to and
try again. (The hour hand is yellow.)”
Once all clocks are identified the textual feedback will be as follows:
• All clocks correctly matched: “Perfect! You identified 4 out of 4 clocks correctly.”
• Not all clocks correctly matched: “Could be better. You identified ____ out of 4 clocks correctly.”
[BUTTONS–navigation: Assessments Home; Tell Time: Hour Home; activity: Previous, Next, Check
Answer, Submit]
 Select Clock Set #2
Same activity with a different set of times. Navigation is the same.
 Select Clock Set #3
Same activity with a different set of times. Navigation is the same.
Tell Time on the Half-Hour (1 screen)
Screen will indicate that this section is under development.
[BUTTONS–navigation: navigation from this screen is by using the main menu]
Tell Time on the Quarter-Hour (1 screen)
Screen will indicate that this section is under development.
[BUTTONS–navigation: navigation from this screen is by using the main menu]
Tell Time to the 5 Minute Increment (1 screen)
Screen will indicate that this section is under development.
[BUTTONS–navigation: navigation from this screen is by using the main menu]
Tell Time to the Minute (1 screen)
Screen will indicate that this section is under development.
[BUTTONS–navigation: navigation from this screen is by using the main menu]
Educator (1 screen)
Screen includes target audience description, objectives, and “About Jeff Clock”
[BUTTONS–navigation: navigation from this screen is by using the main menu]
Resources (1 screen)
Screen will include online resources and quick links to activities in the application..
[BUTTONS–Apply the Time Words, Clock Parts Activity, Tell Time: Hour Practice #1, Tell Time: Hour Practice #2; Match
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Appendix C
File Reference for Application Buttons
This listing includes buttons that pull in a new .swf or audio file.
Home [FP_MainMenu.swf]
Glossary [FP_Glossary.swf]
Time Words [FP_TimeWords.swf; this file is the menu that pulls in the below .swfs]
BTN: Second, Minute, Hour
What is a Second, What is a Minute, What is an Hour? [FP_TimeWords_SecondMinuteHour.swf]
BTN: Day & Year
What is a Day?, What is a Year? [FP_TimeWords_DayYear.swf]
• BTN: Listen [Audio file: EarthSun.mp3]
BTN: Week & Month
What is a Week?, What is a Month? [FP_TimeWords_WeekMonth.swf]
• BTN: Listen [Audio file: Barney_SevenDays_edit.mp3]
BTN: Apply the Time Words [FP_Submenu_ApplyTimeWords.swf; this file is the menu that pulls in the below .swfs]
• BTN: Apply Words, Set #1 [FP_TimeWordsQuestions_Set1.swf]
• BTN: Apply Words, Set #2 [FP_TimeWordsQuestions_Set2.swf]
• BTN: Apply Words, Set #3 [FP_TimeWordsQuestions_Set3.swf]
Jeff Clock [FP_JeffClockPartsMenu.swf; this file is the menu that pulls in the below .swfs]
BTN: Show Me A Picture [FP_JeffClockParts.swf]
BTN: Clock Parts Activity [DragDrop_ClockParts.swf]
Hour [FP_TellTimeHour.swf; this file is the menu that pulls in the below .swfs]
BTN: Practice #1 [FP_TTHr_Practice1.swf]
BTN: Practice #2 [FP_TTHr_Practice2.swf]
BTN: Test Your Knowledge [FP_SubMenu_TTHr_Assessment.swf; this file is the menu that pulls in the below .swfs]
BTN: Match Clocks, Set #1 [FP_DragDrop1.swf]
BTN: Match Clocks, Set #2 [FP_DragDrop2.swf]
BTN: Match Clocks, Set #3 [FP_DragDrop3.swf]
BTN: Select Clocks, Set #1 [FP_SelectClock_Set1.swf]
BTN: Select Clocks, Set #2 [FP_SelectClock_Set2.swf]
BTN: Select Clocks, Set #3 [FP_SelectClock_Set3.swf]
Half Hour [FP_HalfHour.swf]
Quarter Hour [FP_QuarterHour.swf]
by 5 minutes [FP_Minute5.swf]
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to the minute [FP_Minute1.swf]
Educators [FP_Educators.swf]
Resources [FP_Submenu_Resources.swf]
BTN: Apply the Time Words [same .swf as Time Words: Apply the Time Words]
BTN: Clock Parts Activity [same .swf as Jeff Clock: Clock Parts Activity]
BTN: Tell Time: Hour Practice #1 [same .swf as Hour: Practice #1]
BTN: Tell Time: Hour Practice #2 [same .swf as Hour: Practice #2]
BTN: Assessments [same .swf as Hour: Test Your Knowledge]
Alphabetical Listing of Files
♦ Barney_SevenDays_edit.mp3
♦ EarthSun.mp3
♦ dc0100.gif
♦ dc0200.gif
♦ dc0300.gif
♦ dc0400.gif
♦ dc0500.gif
♦ dc0600.gif
♦ dc0700.gif
♦ dc0800.gif
♦ dc0900.gif
♦ dc1000.gif
♦ dc1100.gif
♦ dc1200.gif
♦ DragDrop_ClockParts.swf
♦ FP_DragDrop1.swf
♦ FP_DragDrop2.swf
♦ FP_DragDrop3.swf
♦ FP_Educators.swf
♦ FP_Glossary.swf
EME6930, Final Proposal Paper
♦ FP_HalfHour.swf
♦ FP_JeffClockParts.swf
♦ FP_JeffClockPartsMenu.swf
♦ FP_MainMenu.swf
♦ FP_Minute1.swf
♦ FP_Minute5.swf
♦ FP_QuarterHour.swf
♦ FP_SelectClock_Set1.swf
♦ FP_SelectClock_Set2.swf
♦ FP_SelectClock_Set3.swf
♦ FP_Submenu_ApplyTimeWords.swf
♦ FP_SubMenu_TTHr_Assessment.swf
♦ FP_Submenu_Resources.swf
♦ FP_TellTimeHour.swf
♦ FP_TimeWords.swf
♦ FP_TimeWords_DayYear.swf
♦ FP_TimeWords_SecondMinuteHour.swf
♦ FP_TimeWords_WeekMonth.swf
♦ FP_TimeWordsQuestions_Set1.swf
♦ FP_TimeWordsQuestions_Set2.swf
♦ FP_TimeWordsQuestions_Set3.swf
♦ FP_TTHr_Practice1.swf
♦ FP_TTHr_Practice2.swf
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Nicole Barth and Jaime Gesl, Time After Time, NCTM Content Standard/National Science Education Standards
J. Mohler, “Exploring the Oceans Simulations”, page 4.
Wikipedia.org, Maria Montessori, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Montessori (April 29, 2010)
4 Paula Polk Lillard, Montessori Today: A Comprehensive Approach to Education from Birth to Adulthood, (New York, Schocken
Books, Inc., New York, 1996); also available online: http://www.enotalone.com/article/4389.html
North American Montessori Teachers’ Association, Introduction to Montessori Education, http://www.montessorinamta.org/NAMTA/geninfo/whatismont.html
North American Montessori Teachers’ Association, Introduction to Montessori Education, http://www.montessorinamta.org/NAMTA/geninfo/concepts1.html
North American Montessori Teachers’ Association, Introduction to Montessori Education, http://www.montessorinamta.org/NAMTA/geninfo/concepts2.html
Thinkexist.com, Maria Montessori quotes, http://thinkexist.com/quotes/maria_montessori/
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