Hypoplasticity for Practical Applications Part 4: Determination of material parameters David Mašín Charles University in Prague Zhejiang University PhD course on hypoplasticity Zhejiang University, June 2015 David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 1 / 71 Outline 7 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 2 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter determination of sand hypoplasticity The model by von Wolffersdorff (1996) is now considered as a reference hypoplastic model for granular materials. It requires 8 material parameters: ϕc is the critical state friction angle hs and n control the shape of limiting void ratio curves (normal compression lines and critical state line) ed0 , ec0 and ei0 are reference void ratios specifying positions of limiting void ratio curves α controls the dependency of peak friction angle on relative density β controls the dependency of soil stiffness on relative density Calibration procedure for the von Wolffersdorff hypoplastic model detailed in Herle and Gudehus (1999). David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 4 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc The critical state is reached during monotonic shearing while both the stress rate and the volumetric deformation rate vanish. However, problem of shear testing is localisation of deformation into shear bands. A suitable way for determination of ϕc is measurement of the angle of repose ϕrep . Not suitable for materials with grain size below 0.1 mm (increase of ϕrep due to capillary water resulting from air humidity). David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 5 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Measurement of the angle of repose corresponds well to the measurement of ϕc in shear tests (Herle and Gudehus, 1999): David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 6 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Principle of the measurement of the angle of repose: simple shear type of deformation occurs under quite low confining pressure within the thin surface layer: Miura et al. (1997) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 7 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Sliding in the thin surface layer may be explained by ordinary stability analysis of infinite slope: Miura et al. (1997) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 8 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc The sand is necessarily in a loose state, because of dilatancy caused by shear deformation within the thin layer. The sand heap is loose. Because ϕrep is a good approximation of the mobilised friction angle, it is then also a good approximation of the critical state friction angle. The most common way of measurement ⇒ the funnel filled with dry sand lifted vertically and slowly to form a sand heap. Funnel is in contact with the heap Miura et al. (2010) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 9 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Herle (2010) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 10 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Miura et al. (1997), however, observed, that the measured angle of repose depends on a number of factors, such as amount of sand, roughness of the base plate and funnel lifting rate. Miura et al. (1997) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 11 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Based on the findings of Miura et al. (1997) The base should be rough to prevent sliding along the base causing non-planar shear planes within the cone The lifting should be slow to ensure quasi-static conditions The amount of sand should be approx. 50 g. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 12 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Measurement of ϕc as the angle of repose is possible also in the case of gravel: Herle (2010) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 13 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Friction angle of gravel is larger than friction angle of sand Herle (2010) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 14 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Measurement of ϕc by means of measurement of the angle of repose is unsuitable for material with grain sizes below 0.1 mm. In the case the amount of fines is low (below cca 20%), they do not have substantial influence on ϕc . They can thus be sievedout and the angle of repose can be mesured on the coarse-grained fraction. Different percentages of Kaolin in sand. From Pitman et al. (1994) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 15 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc In the case of silty soils, ϕc cannot be measured as the angle of repose due to capillary effects. For these soils, however, the von Wolffersdorff hypoplastic model may still be adequate. In this case, shear experiments are required. It is necessary to minimise the effects of localisation of deformation into shear band. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 16 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc If shear banding occurs, the overall stress and strain measured does not correspond to the state within the shear band (critical state is achieved inside the shear band only). (stereofotogrammetric measurements by Desrues and Viggiani 2004) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 17 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc Shear-banding affects the measured stress-strain relationship: (from Desrues and Viggiani 2004) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 18 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Critical state friction angle ϕc To limit the influence of localisation of deformation in triaxial tests The sample should be in the loosest state possible: shear-banding is related to the post-peak softening, which in turn depends on relative density. Frictionless plattens should be used. Shear box test can be used to estimate ϕc . Unsuitable to measure critical state void ratio. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 19 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameters hs and n Limiting void ratios by Gudehus (1996): ei is maximum void ratio (isotropic normal compression) ec is critical state void ratio (CSL) ed is minimal void ratio at the state of maximum density ei − tr σ n ec ed = = = exp − ei0 ec0 ed0 hs hs , n, ei0 , ec0 and ed0 are model parameters (equation by Bauer, 1996) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 20 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameters hs and n In fact, in any proportional compression (constant direction of strain rate), a normal compression line (NCL) n 3p ep = ep0 exp − hs is followed after reaching normally consolidated state. ep0 controls position of the given NCL with ec0 < ep0 < ei0 . Any proportional compression test can thus be used for the determination of hs and n. Oedometric test is the most easy to perform. Oedometric test on loose soil, either dry or fully saturated. It is NOT RECCOMENDED TO CALIBRATE hs AND n BY DIRECT REGRESSION , but rather adopt the physical meaning of the parameters → David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 21 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameters hs and n The slope of the oedometric curve plotted in the ln σa vs. e space described by the compression index Cc : Cc = ∆e ∆ ln σa During proportional loading along NCL, K0 is constant 3 3 ln σa = ln p = ln + ln p 1 + 2K0 1 + 2K0 we thus also have Cc = David Mašín ∆e ∆ ln p Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 22 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameters hs and n Time-differentiation of the Bauer formula yields ne 3p n ṗ ė = − p hs Comparing with the above equation for Cc , we have hs = 3p ne Cc 1/n where Cc is a tangent compression index. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 23 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameters hs and n Considering the value of Cc at two different values of p, the above equation for hs can be rewritten to Cc2 ln ee21 C c1 n= ln (p2 /p1 ) ⇒ direct calculation of n from Cc1 and Cc2 hs can then be calculated from the secant compression index in the range p1 to p2 using equation on the previous slide. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 24 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameters hs and n The influence of the parameters hs and n on the shape of compression curves: hs controls the overall slope and n controls curvature. Herle and Gudehus (1999) . David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 25 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter ec0 The parameter ec0 defines the position of the critical state line in the ln p vs. e space: n 3p ec = ec0 exp − hs The most appropriate way for its determination is thus through evaluation of undrained triaxial shear tests. It is advisable, however, to use the parameters hs and n evaluated from the oedometric compression as explained above. Thus, only ec0 is varied while fitting the CSL data. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 26 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter ec0 As in the case of the ϕc determination, calibration of ec0 using results of shear tests is problematic due to shear banding. ⇒ Sample as loose as possible, frictionless platens. Simpler way of its determination is based on the following idea: soil heap during evaluation of the angle of repose is close to the critical state. Such a soil is close to the loosest state, and stresses are due to small size of the heap small. Soil for the oedometric test performed for the determination of hs and n is also aimed to be in the loosest state: Initial void ratio of the oedometric test on loose soil can be thus considered as appropriate estimate of ec0 ⇒ no additional experiment needed for the determination of ec0 . David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 27 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Calculation of hs , n and ec0 in real calibration Now I explain how to calibrate the parameters hs , n and ec0 for a real oedometric test on loose sample with 6 loading steps. 0.84 0.82 void ratio e [-] 0.8 experiment calibration a b 0.78 c 0.76 d 0.74 e 0.72 0.7 0.68 f 0.66 100 1000 mean stress p [kPa] David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 28 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Calculation of hs , n and ec0 in real calibration The following procedure leads to the best fit: 0.84 0.82 a 0.8 void ratio e [-] eb − ea ln pb − ln pa ef − ee Cc2 = − ln pf − ln pe ed − ec Cc = − ln pd − ln pc Cc1 = − experiment calibration b c 0.78 0.76 d 0.74 0.72 e e1 = (ea + eb )/2 0.7 0.68 e2 = (ee + ef )/2 f 0.66 100 e = (ec + ed )/2 1000 mean stress p [kPa] p1 = exp ln pa + ln pb 2 p2 = exp ln pe + ln pf 2 p = exp ln pc + ln pd 2 ec0 subsequently adjusted so the curve fits vertically. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 29 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter ec0 Comparison of "nominal" end predicted K0 test Unification of ec line with K0 line for calibration purposes is approximation only, but the discrepancy is relatively minor (depends on the other model parameters) 0.95 simulation direct calibration 0.9 void ratio e [-] 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 100 1000 mean stress p [kPa] David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 30 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter ei0 Parameter ei0 controls the position of the isotropic compression line. For the given mean stress, ei represents the theoretical loosest possible state. Difficult to measure experimentally: emax reached while preparing the loose soil sample corresponds to ec0 . During isotropic compression, the compression line converges towards the ideal NCL very slowly. ei in fact represents theoretical emax in gravity-free space. Herle and Gudehus (1999) suggest ei0 = 1.2ec0 , based on a study of idealised loosest packing of spherical particles. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 31 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter ed0 Parameter ed0 controls position of the minimum void ratio line. The best densification can be obtained by means of cyclic shearing with small amplitude at constant pressure. ed0 then obtained by extrapolation using hs and n evaluated from oedometric experiments results. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 32 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter ed0 Alternative empirical approach: Herle and Gudehus (1999) evaluated ed0 and ec0 on 7 different granular soils. The ratio ed0 /ec0 varied within the range 0.52-0.64. ed0 = 0.5ec0 would be a reasonable estimate of ed0 in the case the minimum void ratio test is not available. Lower bound of the range by Herle and Gudehus (1999) to ensure the inallowed state e < ed is not reached. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 33 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter α Parameter α controls the dependency of peak friction angle ϕp on relative void ratio e − ed re = ec − ed David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 34 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter α Calibration by means of single element simulation of triaxial shear test on soil with re < 1. 450 400 350 q [kPa] 300 250 200 150 α=0.05 α=0.10 α=0.13 α=0.15 α=0.20 100 50 0 0 David Mašín 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 εs [-]’ 0.25 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 0.3 0.35 PhD course on hypoplasticity 35 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Parameter β The parameter β enters the expression of fs ⇒ it influences the size of the response envelope (both bulk and shear stiffness). 400 350 300 q [kPa] It is best calibrated by means of fitting shear stiffness in triaxial shear test. 250 200 150 100 β=0.5 β=1.0 β=1.5 β=2.0 50 0 0 David Mašín 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 εs [-]’ Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 0.1 0.12 0.14 PhD course on hypoplasticity 36 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Minimalistic experimental programme "Minimalistic" experimental programme for von Wolffersdorff (1996) hypoplastic model: Angle of repose test: Parameter ϕc . One oedometric test on initially loose sample: hs , n, ec0 ; empirically ei0 and ed0 . One drained triaxial shear test on initially dense sample: α and β. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 37 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Performance of the model using minimalistic (3-test) experimental programme Research project on applicability of hypoplastic model in probabilistic numerical analyses: large number of specimens needed, minimum number of experiments possible. Suchomel and Mašín (2011) David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 38 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Performance of the model using minimalistic (3-test) experimental programme Predictions of oedometric tests [Mašín (2015). The influence of experimental and sampling uncertainties on the probability of unsatisfactory 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 e [-] e [-] performance in geotechnical applications. Géotechnique (in print)]. 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 natural variability - experiments 0.4 0.3 natural variability - simulations 0.3 10 100 1000 10000 10 p [kPa] David Mašín 100 1000 10000 p [kPa] Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 39 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Performance of the model using minimalistic (3-test) experimental programme 1000 1000 800 800 q [kPa] q [kPa] Predictions of drained triaxial tests (Mašín, 2015). 600 400 natural variability - experiments 400 200 natural variability - simulations 200 0 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 εs [-] 0.1 0.12 0.14 0 0.5 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 εs [-] 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.08 εs [-] 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.5 natural variability - experiments 0.45 natural variability - simulations 0.45 0.4 e [-] 0.4 e [-] 600 0.35 0.35 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.25 0 David Mašín 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 εs [-] 0.1 0.12 0.14 0 0.02 0.04 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 0.06 PhD course on hypoplasticity 40 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Range of parameters for different soils Herle and Gudehus (1999) evaluated parameters of von Wolffersdorff hypoplastic model for 7 different granular soils. Hochstetten gravel Hochstetten sand Hostun sand Karlsruhe sand Lausitz sand Toyoura sand Zbraslav sand min. max. David Mašín ϕc [◦ ] 36 33 31 30 33 30 31 30 36 hs [GPa] 32 1.5 1.0 5.8 1.6 2.6 5.7 1.0 32 n [-] 0.18 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.19 0.27 0.25 0.18 0.29 ed0 [-] 0.26 0.55 0.61 0.53 0.44 0.61 0.52 0.26 0.61 ec0 [-] 0.45 0.95 0.96 0.84 0.85 0.98 0.82 0.45 0.98 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters ei0 [-] 0.5 1.05 1.09 1 1 1.1 0.95 0.5 1.1 α [-] 0.1 0.25 0.13 0.13 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.1 0.25 β [-] 1.9 1.5 2 1 1 1.1 1.0 1 2 PhD course on hypoplasticity 41 / 71 Determination of material parameters Sand hypoplastic model (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) Range of parameters for different soils 1.4 0.5 1.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 34 36 φc [°] 38 40 Rel. frequency 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ec0 David Mašín 1 1.2 1.4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ln(hs/1 kPa) 0.6 0.4 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 ln(n) -0.5 0 3 4 1.2 1 Rel. frequency 32 1 0.8 0.2 0 30 Rel. frequency 0.6 Rel. frequency 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Rel. frequency Rel. frequency Variability of parameters in 40 samples (Mašín, 2015): 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -6 -5 -4 -3 ln(α) -2 -1 0 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters -1 0 1 2 β PhD course on hypoplasticity 42 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameter determination of clay hypoplasticity CLAY HYPOPLASTICITY The clay hypoplasticity model requires altogether 5 material parameters. The parameters are equivalent (but not identical) to the parameters of the Modified Cam-clay model. ϕc is the critical state friction angle N and λ∗ control the position and slope of the isotropic normal compression line κ∗ controls the slope of the isotropic unloading line ν controls the shear stiffness Here I describe only calibration of the parameters of the basic model. Important is consideration of the effects of structre (Part 6). David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 44 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Critical state friction angle ϕc Unlike in the case of hypoplasticity for granular materials, ϕc of clays cannot be calibrated using the simple angle of repose test. On the other hand, we may take advantage of the fact that the natural and reconstituted soils have the same ϕc . From the reconstituted soil we easily create "loose" (soft, normally consolidated) sample ⇒ less susceptible to shear banding. ϕc is thus preferably measured on reconstituted, normally consolidated sample using undrained triaxial shear test (undrained just because it is faster than drained). To ensure as much as possible homogeneous deformation, frictionless platens should preferably be used. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 45 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameters controlling NCL (N and λ∗ ) Parameters N and λ∗ straightforward to calibrate using isotropic compression test on reconstituted soil and natural soil with stable structure. Much more complicated in natural soils with the effects of structure – Part 6. 1.05 ln (1+e) experiment κ*=0.005 κ*=0.010 κ*=0.015 1 0.95 Isotr. normal compression line current state Isotr. unloading line κ* ln (1+e) [-] N 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 1 0.65 λ* Critical state line pcr David Mašín p*e 0.6 1 0 1 ln p Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 2 3 4 ln p/pr [-] 5 6 PhD course on hypoplasticity 7 46 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameters controlling NCL (N and λ∗ ) Isotropic vs. oedometric compression The parameter N specifies the position of the isotropic normal compression line. However, it is often useful to calibrate N using results of oedometric compression test – easier and faster to perform. q State Boundary Surface CSL K0 NCL p’ isotropic NCL When projected onto the p vs. e plane, isotropic and oedometric normal compression lines are shifted with respect to each other e David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 47 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameters controlling NCL (N and λ∗ ) Isotropic vs. oedometric compression When plotted in the ln p vs. ln(1 + e) plane, the isotropic and oedometric normal compression lines are parallel. 0.65 0.6 ln (1+e) 0.55 0.5 ∆N 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 isotropic compression oedometric compression 0.25 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 David Mašín 4.5 5 ln p/pr 5.5 6 6.5 7 The simplest way to evaluate ∆N corresponding to the particular soil parameters is simulation of isotropic and oedometric tests. ∆N is the vertical offset of the normal compression lines in the ln p vs. ln(1 + e) plane. Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 48 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameters controlling NCL (N and λ∗ ) Isotropic vs. oedometric compression The oedometric results need to be plotted in terms of ln p, not ln σv . Calculate p from σv 1 + 2K0 3 using Jáky formula K0 = 1 − sin ϕc . p = σv David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 49 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameter κ∗ Within Modified Cam clay model, the parameter κ represents the slope of unloading line in the ln p vs. e plane. The slope of unloading line is constant. In hypoplasticity, there is also parameter κ∗ , but the model predicts non-linear behaviour even inside SBS. This difference between Modified Cam-clay and hypoplasticity must be considered in the model calibration. κ∗ should preferably be calibrated using experiments on undisturbed soil samples (they are performed anyway for the calibration of N). David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 50 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameter κ∗ ln(1+e) [-] Unlike in elasto-plasticity, in hypoplasticity κ∗ represents exactly the slope of unloading line in the ln p vs. ln(1 + e) plane at unloading from normally consolidated state 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 elasto-plasticity hypoplasticity 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 ln(p/pr) [-] David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 51 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameter κ∗ The slope of unloading (loading) line is controlled by the parameters κ∗ , but the model takes over control of the non-linearity 1.05 0.95 ln (1+e) [-] κ∗ thus should be calibrated by parametric study by simulation of the isotropic / oedometric test experiment κ*=0.005 κ*=0.010 κ*=0.015 1 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0 1 David Mašín 2 3 4 ln p/pr [-] 5 6 7 Not as λ∗ by a direct measurement of the slope of the loading/unloading line. Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 52 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameter κ∗ -σa [kPa] The ratio λ∗ /κ∗ controls size of response envelope. It thus, indeed, controls also undrained stress paths. 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 κ*=0.007 κ*=0.010 κ*=0.015 0 David Mašín 50 100 150 200 -σr√2 [kPa] 250 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 300 350 PhD course on hypoplasticity 53 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameter ν The parameter ν controls the shear modulus (increase of ν decreases the shear modulus). Preferable way of calibration of ν are undrained shear tests on undisturbed soil. 500 450 400 q [kPa] 350 300 250 200 150 experiment ν=0.2 ν=0.33 ν=0.4 100 50 0 0 David Mašín 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 εs [-] 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 54 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Parameter ν -σa [kPa] The parameter ν controls shape of response envelope, and thus also undrained stress path (similarly to parameter κ∗ ). 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 ν=0.10 ν=0.27 ν=0.34 0 David Mašín 50 100 150 200 -σr√2 [kPa] 250 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 300 350 PhD course on hypoplasticity 55 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Initial value of e The initial void ratio in the simulation of the shear test must correspond to the adopted position of NCL so that the implied OCR is correct. If e from compression and shear tests (for the same state) is different due to the experimental scatter, use e from the compression test. Alternatively, it is possible to directly initialise OCR. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 56 / 71 Determination of material parameters Clay hypoplastic model (Mašín, 2014) Range of parameters for different soils Parameters of the clay hypoplastic model from different sources Brno clay London clay Kaolin Dortmund clay Weald clay Koper silt Fujinomori clay Pisa clay Beaucaire clay Trmice clay min. max. David Mašín ϕc 22◦ 21.9◦ 27.5◦ 27.9◦ 24◦ 33◦ 34◦ 21.9◦ 33◦ 18.7◦ 18.7◦ 34◦ λ∗ 0.128 0.095 0.065 0.057 0.059 0.103 0.045 0.14 0.06 0.09 0.045 0.14 κ∗ 0.015 0.015 0.01 0.008 0.018 0.015 0.011 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters N 1.51 1.19 0.918 0.749 0.8 1.31 0.887 1.56 0.85 1.09 0.85 1.51 ν 0.33 0.1 0.35 0.38 0.3 0.28 0.36 0.31 0.21 0.09 0.09 0.38 PhD course on hypoplasticity 57 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Intergranular strain concept INTERGRANULAR STRAIN CONCEPT The intergranular strain concept Niemunis and Herle (1997) enables to model small-strain-stiffness effects in hypoplasticity. It requires 5 material parameters: mR : parameter controlling the initial (very-small-strain) shear modulus upon 180◦ strain path reversal and in the initial loading (supplemented by Ag and ng in the clay model). mT : parameter controlling the initial shear modulus upon 90◦ strain path reversal (supplemented by mrat in the clay model) R: The size of the elastic range (in the strain space) βr and χ: control the rate of degradation of the stiffness with strain. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 59 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Intergranular strain concept The intergranular strain concept may be used with both von Wolffersdorff and clay hypoplasticity without any modification. Response of the combined model then, however, depends on the basic model used. When used with clay hypoplasticity, model can be calibrated directly to fit the initial stiffness G0 : ng p G0 = pr Ag pr The parameters Ag and ng supplement the parameter mR of the sand model. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 60 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Parameters Ag and ng (clay model) Representation of the bender element measurements on clay: 160 140 Gvh0 [MPa] 120 100 80 G 0 = pr Ag 60 p pr ng 40 experiment Gvh0=Ag (p/pr)ng linear dependency 20 0 0 100 200 David Mašín 300 400 500 p [kPa] 600 700 800 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 61 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Parameter mR (sand model) Using von Wolffersdorff hypoplasticity, G0 is proportional to p(1−n) G0 ∼ p(1−n) 1200 1000 G0 [MPa] 800 mR is a proportionality constant. Calibrated by a parametric study. 600 400 200 von Wolffersdorff, n=0.25 linear dependency 0 0 1000 David Mašín 2000 3000 p [kPa] 4000 5000 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 62 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Parameter mT (mrat in clay model) Parameter mT (or mrat = mT /mR in the clay model) is difficult to calibrate. The ratio mrat is the ratio G90 /G0 , where G90 is the initial shear stiffness after 90◦ change of strain path direction. G90 cannot be measured by bender element tests. We need accurate strain measurements using local strain transducers. Still, it is hard to estimate G0 /G90 . Experiments with different strain path direction change with local strain measurements allow us to evaluate the ratio of shear moduli at larger strains. They may be used to estimate mrat . David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 63 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Parameter mT (mrat in clay model) Examples are experiments by Richardson (1988). They indicate mrat ≈ 0.7 Richardson, 1988; Atkinson et al., 1990 David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 64 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Parameter R The remaining parameters R, βr and χ need to be calibrated by means of a parametric study by fitting the stiffness degradation curve obtained using accurate local strain measurements The influence of the parameter R (size of elastic range): 140 exp., 226gUC exp., 25gUC exp., 23gUE R=1.e-5 R=5.e-5 R=1.e-4 120 G [MPa] 100 80 60 40 20 0 1e-06 David Mašín 1e-05 0.0001 εs [-] 0.001 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 0.01 PhD course on hypoplasticity 65 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Parameters βr and χ βr and χ control the shape of the stiffness degradation curves 140 80 100 60 80 60 40 40 20 20 0 1e-06 1e-05 0.0001 εs [-] 0.001 exp., 226gUC exp., 25gUC exp., 23gUE χ=1 χ=0.5 χ=2 120 G [MPa] 100 G [MPa] 140 exp., 226gUC exp., 25gUC exp., 23gUE βr=0.1 βr=0.033 βr=0.3 120 0.01 0 1e-07 1e-06 1e-05 0.0001 εs [-] 0.001 0.01 We see that R has similar influence on the stiffness curve as βr . It can then be advised to treat R = 10−4 as material independent constant, and control the stiffness curve by βr and χ. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 66 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Calibration using results of cyclic tests The above calibration procedure is suitable for simulation of geotechnical problems with continuous loading or several strain path reversals. However, the hypoplastic model with intergranular strains also enables us to model the effects of cyclic loading. In the case of simulation of cyclic loading problem, it is preferable to use cyclic loading tests also for the model calibration. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 67 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Calibration using results of cyclic tests Using the results of cyclic tests only, it is difficult to distingush the influence of individual parameters ⇒ Cyclic undrained triaxial test, the influence of mR 100 100 no istr. mR=5 50 q [kPa] q [kPa] 50 mR=8 mR=10 0 -50 0 -50 -100 -100 0 50 David Mašín 100 150 p [kPa] 200 250 0 50 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 100 150 p [kPa] 200 PhD course on hypoplasticity 250 68 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Calibration using results of cyclic tests The parameters βr and χ, however, have similar influence on the cyclic behaviour as mR βr=0.033 βr=0.1 βr=0.3 100 50 q [kPa] 50 q [kPa] χ=2 χ=1 χ=0.5 100 0 -50 0 -50 0 50 David Mašín 100 150 p [kPa] 200 250 0 50 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters 100 150 p [kPa] 200 PhD course on hypoplasticity 250 69 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Calibration using results of cyclic tests A possible simplified way to model calibration could then be Treat R = 10−4 and χ = 1 as material independent constants. Calibrate mR (Ag and ng for the clay model) using bender element measurements (they are relatively easy to perform). Set mT = 0.7mR (mrat = 0.7). Control the cyclic behaviour using the parameter βr only. David Mašín Part 4: Calibration of material parameters PhD course on hypoplasticity 70 / 71 Determination of material parameters Intergranular strain concept (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) Parameters for different soils Not many rigorously calibrated parameters sets for the intergranular strain concept available. Even some parameters in the following tables are estimates only. Hochstetten sand Karlsruhe sand R 1x10−4 5x10−5 London clay (data Gasparre) Brno clay (nat.) David Mašín mR 5 6.7-12 (p dep.) R 5.e-5 1e-4 βr 0.08 0.2 χ 0.9 0.8 Part 4: Calibration of material parameters mT 2 - Ag 270 5300 βr 0.5 0.3 ng 1 0.5 χ 6 1 mrat 0.5 0.5 PhD course on hypoplasticity 71 / 71 Hypoplasticity for Practical Applications Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches David Mašín Charles University in Prague Zhejiang University PhD course on hypoplasticity Zhejiang University, June 2015 David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 1 / 163 Outline 10 Modelling the effects of structure (fabric, bonding, crushing) 11 Stiffness anisotropy 12 Unsaturated soils 13 Expansive soils 14 Thermal effects David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 2 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour To quantify the effects of structure on mechanical behaviour, we first need to define a reference material - material without inter-particle bonds and with sort-of "standard" structure. As an international consensus, so-called reconstituted soil as defined by Burland (1990) is used. By Burland’s definition, it is created by thorough mixing of natural soil at water content 1 to 1.5 times higher then liquid limit wL . Mix in distilled de-aired water. Mixed with water to form slurry without drying prior to mixing. Samples then prepared by consolidation up to stresses high enough so they can be handled (cca 70 kPa) under 1D conditions. Low stress enough so permanent effects of cross-anisotropy are not induced. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 4 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Structure: Fabric – arrangement of particles. Predominantly created during soil sedimentation. Influenced greatly by the chemistry of sedimentation environment. Bonding – cementation bonds between individual particles. Formed by precipitation of bonding chemicals during subsequent diagenetical processes. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 5 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric Clay fabric depends on the sedimentation environment: In neutral environment (pH=7), edges and faces are neutrally charged ⇒ dispersed structure. Feda (1982) In acid environment (pH<7), edge charge is positive and face charge is negative ⇒ edge-to-face flocculated structure. Feda (1982) David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 6 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric In alkaline environment (pH>7), edge charge is negative and face positive. However, repulsive double layer forming around faces is very thin, and attractive van der Waals-London forces prevail ⇒ "salty" flocculation. Feda (1982) Distilled water has pH=7 ⇒ Fabric of reconstituted soil will tend to be dispersed. Sea water has 7.9 < pH < 9 ⇒ tends to create "salty flocculated" fabric. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 7 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric Fabric of a real soil is much more complex. In any case, it turns out that the undisturbed soil has at the same stress more open structure than the reconstituted soil Reconstituted soil Undisturbed soil Sides and Barden (1970) David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 8 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric • The more open structure of undisturbed soil is manifested in different positions of normal compression lines in the ln(1 + e) vs. ln p space: e natural, only fabric reconstituted ln p’ David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 9 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric Let’s interpret this behaviour using the Cam-clay concept. q/pe* standard CC 1 2 p/pe* Natural soil should have higher undrained shear strength than the reconstituted one at the same void ratio. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 10 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric Let’s interpret this behaviour using the Cam-clay concept. q/pe* structured CC, s=2 standard CC 1 2 p/pe* Natural soil should have higher undrained shear strength than the reconstituted one at the same void ratio. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 11 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric This really is the case. Recall the well-known example of quick clay. Sedimented in salty environment, but then uplift caused the quick clay to rise above current water level and the salt was leached out from the pores. Structure broken more easily than by thorough reconstitution. David Mašín Mitchell (1993) course on hypoplasticity Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches 12 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric Typically, soils with fabric-dominated structure have normal compression lines parallel to NCL of reconstituted soil. Structure remains = stable structure: Gullá et al. (2006) David Mašín Takahashi et al. (2006) Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 13 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Dispersed and flocculated fabric It is important to point out that also reconstituted soil has its structure. When the sample is prepared in different way, different response. Reconstitution using Burland’s definition = standard. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 14 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils Behaviour of fine-grained soils Also structure, as observed by scanning electron microphotography, is different: (Fearon and Coop, 2000). minced reconstituted David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 15 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Bonding • Diagenesis (post-sedimentation processes) often causes precipitation of chemical agents between particle contacts = cementation, bonding e natural, only fabric reconstituted ln p’ Bonding increases the resistance of the skeleton, but up to certain stress only. Then, bonds break. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 16 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Bonding • Diagenesis (post-sedimentation processes) often causes precipitation of chemical agents between particle contacts = cementation, bonding e natural, fabric and bonding natural, only fabric reconstituted ln p’ Bonding increases the resistance of the skeleton, but up to certain stress only. Then, bonds break. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 17 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Bonding Typical example is compression behaviour of soft clay. Nash et al. (1992) David Mašín Callisto and Rampello (2004) Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 18 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Sensitivity framework Framework for the behaviour of structured soils – sensitivity framework by Cotecchia and Chandler (2000). Undisturbed soil has larger undrained shear strength (cu ) than the reconstituted soil at the same void ratio. Their ratio = strength sensitivity Su = David Mašín cunat curec Mitchell (1993) course on hypoplasticity Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches 19 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Sensitivity framework • Compression behaviour is used to define stress sensitivity: e natural, fabric and bonding Stress sensitivity: natural, only fabric Sσ = pnat prec reconstituted prec David Mašín pnat ln p’ Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 20 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils The influence of structure on clay behaviour Sensitivity framework Sensitivity framework (Cotecchia and Chandler, 2000): Strength sensitivity is equal to stress sensitivity, i.e. Sσ = Su . David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 21 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils Modelling the effects of clay structure The primary features of structured soil behaviour are modelled by variation of the size of state boundary surface (Rouainia and Muir Wood, 2000; Kavvadas and Amorosi, 2000; Baudet and Stallebrass, 2004). ln (1+ e ) N nat Due to the effects of structure, two different values of N may be distinguished: λ* ln s N rec current state κ* Current SBS, nat. 1 Isot. unl. SBS for s= 1 ln s Clearly, Nnat = Nrec + λ∗ ln s Sensitivity s is additional state variable. λ* 1 0 p*e David Mašín Nrec : Reconstituted soil Nnat : Natural soil s p*e ln p Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 22 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils Modelling the effects of clay structure In models for clays with meta-stable structure, sensitivity decreases with loading. ln (1+ e ) N rec NCL nat. (UCL) ln s ln s NCL rec. λ* 1 0 David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches ln p course on hypoplasticity 23 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils Modelling the effects of clay structure For demonstration purposes, hypoplastic model for structured clays (Mašín, 2007), but the other models similar in principle. Sensitivity additional state variable, such that Nnat = N + λ∗ ln s Evolution equation for sensitivity: ṡ = − k (s − sf )˙d λ∗ where k and sf are additional parameters. ˙d is a "damage strain rate", defined as r A d ˙ = (˙v )2 + (˙s )2 1−A Parameter A specifies the relative influence of volumetric and shear strain rate on the rate of structure degradation. David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 24 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils Modelling the effects of clay structure The parameter k specifies the rate of structure degradation. 1.1 1 ln (1+e) [-] 0.9 0.8 0.7 k=0 0.6 k=0.4 k=0.7 k=1 0.5 4.5 David Mašín 5 5.5 6 6.5 ln (p/pr) [-] 7 Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches 7.5 8 course on hypoplasticity 25 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils Modelling the effects of clay structure A controls the influence of shear strains on structure degradation. Calibration by simulation of the shear test. 60 50 q [kPa] 40 30 20 stable structure A=0.1 A=0.2 A=0.5 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 p [kPa] David Mašín Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 26 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils Modelling the effects of clay structure The parameter sf quantifies stable elements of structure (Baudet and Stallebrass 2004). In many soft clays, sf = 1. ln (1+ e ) N rec NCL nat. final NCL rec. λ* 1 0 David Mašín ln sf ln p Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches course on hypoplasticity 27 / 163 Fabric, bonding, crushing Structure of fine-grained soils Modelling the effects of clay structure Example of predictions: stress paths normalised with respect to pe∗ of experiments of natural and reconstituted Pisa clay (experiments by Callisto and Calabresi, 1998) 2 2 A135 1.5 A90 A30 1 A180 1 A0 R0 0 SOMS rec. R315 -1 A280 0 0.5 David Mašín 1 1.5 2 p/p*e 2.5 R90 R60 R30 R0 0 R315 -0.5 A315 -1 hypo., reconst. hypo., nat. -1.5 A60 A180 0.5 R90 R60 R30 -0.5 A90 A30 SOMS nat. A0 q/p*e q/p*e 0.5 A135 1.5 A60 3.5 A315 experiment, reconst. experiment, nat. -1.5 3 A280 0 0.5 Part 6: Advanced modelling approaches 1 1.5 2 p/p*e 2.5 3 course on hypoplasticity 3.5 28 / 163