OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Doc #ZDF 2851372 Rev. 03 - Uncontrolled 10/25/2013 SPECIALTY FLANGED INLINE (SFI) Generation II - with SureHeat® Flow Sensor Technology IMPORTANT! MUST READ TO ENSURE PROPER OPERATION & SAFETY! OSRAM SYLVANIA • 129 Portsmouth Avenue • Exeter, NH 03833 USA 800-258-8290 / 603-772-4331 : 603-772-1072 Website: www.sylvaniaheaters.com E-mail: airheatersalessupport@sylvania.com Table of Contents I. WARNINGS ! ________________________________________ 3 II. System Overview ____________________________________ 4 A.) HEATER TYPES ___________________________________________________ 5 B.) CONTROL CABINET _______________________________________________ 6 ® C.) SUREHEAT FLOW SENSOR SYSTEM ________________________________ III. Installation _________________________________________ A.) SYSTEM WIRING ________________________________________________ B.) PROPER TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER SETUP ____________________ 6 8 9 11 IV. System Operation____________________________________ 12 A.) SET AIRFLOW ____________________________________________________ 12 B.) CHECK TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER _______________________________ 12 C.) CHECK FLOW SENSOR ____________________________________________ 13 D.) START THE HEATER ______________________________________________ 13 E.) SHUT DOWN _____________________________________________________ 14 V. Element Replacement_________________________________ 15 A.) ELEMENT REMOVAL_______________________________________________ 15 B.) ELEMENT INSTALLATION___________________________________________ 15 VI. Limited Warranty_____________________________________ 16 Appendix A: Flow Sensor Field Start-Up Procedure _________ 17 Appendix B: Typical Wiring for Control Panel _______________ 19 2 I. WARNINGS ! OSRAM Sylvania heaters contain high watt-density elements and must be controlled carefully to prevent element failure. IMPORTANT: Be sure to read and understand this operating manual before turning the system ON. Follow all checklists shown in the manual. Failure to do so can cause a heater failure and may void warranty. ONLY qualified individuals should install and service this heater and related controls. Do not hesitate to contact OSRAM SYLVANIA with any questions. ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD! Follow all applicable electrical codes and use proper wiring. BURN/FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARD! For use with Air or Inert Gases Only - Do not use with or near explosive or reactive gases. Avoid contact with the surface of the heater especially the air exit-end during or soon after operation. Depending on the installation location customer may need to install protective screen or guard to prevent injury to personnel and comply with OSHA code. DO NOT USE NEAR VOLATILE OR COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. 3 II. System Overview An OSRAM SYLVANIA Specialty Flanged Inline (SFI) system consists of three (3) major components. See block diagram below. Inline Heater (either HP or LP design) Control Cabinet SureHeat® Flow Sensor System (FSS)* *SureHeat® FSS is not offered for heater sizes below 4” diameter. *SureHeat® FSS is not supplied as standard with the SFI-LP heater type. 4 A) HEATER TYPES For the OSRAM Sylvania Flanged Inline Air Heaters come in two heater configurations: SFI-HP (high pressure) models (LEFT image below) are designed for use with high pressure air sources (greater than 50 psi), and are constructed of heating elements aligned axially with the air-flow. SFI-HP models can produce air/gas temperatures to 1400°F or higher. SFI-LP (low pressure) models (RIGHT image below) are designed for use with low pressure air sources like regenerative blowers and are constructed of low-restriction cross-flow elements. SFI-LP models can produce air/gas temperatures to 1200°F. SFI-HP (High Pressure) SFI-LP Heating elements are axially aligned with the housing creating better heat transfer with an increase in system back pressure. (Low Pressure) Heating elements are aligned perpendicular to the housing creating low back pressure with a slight decrease in overall heat transfer. B) CONTROL CABINET OSRAM Sylvania’s (OSI) Heater Control is a critical component to the heater system. The OSI Control Cabinet contains an SCR power controller, Closed Loop (P.I.D.) temperature controller, at least (1) High Limit controller, SureHeat® Flow Sensor System (FSS) control circuit, and appropriate fusing/disconnects for safe operation. The wiring diagram is supplied with each Control Cabinet (if supplied by OSI). Please refer to that wiring diagram for specific wiring to/from the heater and for additional details on your specific heater system. Referring to Page 4 diagram and the heater control panel wiring diagram, the customer is required to provide interconnect wire between: o o o o o Main Supply (up to 600VAC / 3PH) and Control Cabinet Control Cabinet (up to 600 VAC / 3PH) and Heater Heater KTC probes and Control Cabinet Heater Flow Sensor KTC’s and Control Cabinet Flow Sensor Coil and Control Cabinet (5VDC) 5 per local and national code per local and national code (K type – Chromel/Alumel) (K type – Chromel/Alumel) (#14 AWG copper to 100’) When an OSI’s Control Cabinet is provided it is designed and programmed specifically for use with our SFI heater products. Non-OSI supplied control cabinets are not guaranteed by OSRAM Sylvania and may lead to damage to the heater. IMPORTANT: When an OSI control panel is purchased OSI’s manufacturing defect warranty will be extended to cover heating element failure due to over-temperature. If the customer does not purchase an OSI control panel, the OSI warranty covers only manufacturing defects (See Page 16 for details on Warranty). Heating elements damaged inadequate control is not an OSI manufacturing defect. C) SUREHEAT® FLOW SENSOR SYSTEM OSRAM SYLVANIA’s SureHeat® Flow Sensor System (FSS), uses a FLOW SENSOR PROBE mounted on the heater’s inlet and a CONTROL CIRCUIT Panel mounted inside the system’s control panel. The FSS ensures that the heater is not powered if the minimum flow-rate is not met. The FSS works on the principal of comparing the values of two (2) “K” type thermocouple air temperatures, called RTC (Reference TC) and CTC (Coil TC). Both of these sensors are contained within the FSS Probe. o o o The CTC sensor is mounted inside a small heater coil and energized by a 5VDC power supply. The RTC sensor is mounted directly outside of the heater coil. When there is insufficient air-flow, the CTC will be at least 250ºF greater than the RTC, thus triggering a shut-off. Conversely, when there is sufficient air-flow, the CTC and RTC temperatures converge (less than 250ºF), and that results in a safe condition. The FLOW SENSOR SYSTEM MUST be used in conjunction with a properly adjusted closed loop (P.I.D.) temperature controller with a slow steady ramp rate. Use of the FSS alone DOES NOT guarantee heater safety. 6 SUREHEAT® FLOW SENSOR SYSTEM 7 III. Installation Heater can be mounted in any horizontal and/or vertical orientation. Heater should be mounted as close as possible to desired process point to minimize thermal losses. Unless otherwise specified, heater can be insulated in the area between the power feedthrus and the exit flange. See drawing below. DO NOT insulate around power feedthru area or this will cause overheating of the terminal connections. AIR FLOW Direction Several electrical checks are required during the heater installation process. It is recommended to use a multi-meter that is capable of reading voltage (VAC & VDC), resistance (Ohms) and temperature (°C or °F). 8 A. SYSTEM WIRING ONLY qualified individuals should install, wire and service the heater and related controls. When following the steps below, refer to the Wiring Diagram that comes with the Control Panel. i. HIGH VOLTAGE Connect main power feed to the disconnecting device in the control cabinet (incoming power normally enters through top). Connect control cabinet load terminals to heater power feed-thru terminals A, B, C (or more). (larger heaters will have more than 1 delta group) Verify heater resistances (between feed-thru terminals - L1 to L2 to L3) are equal to within 0.1 Ohms. Verify that heater resistance from each of the power feed-thru terminals to ground is greater than 1M Ohms. ii. FLOW SENSOR Connect Flow Sensor Probe to Control Cabinet (for models with Flow Sensor) o o o KTC-CTC KTC-RTC 5 VDC Coil Thermocouple: Type K Thermocouple Reference Thermocouple: Type K Thermocouple Copper #14 AWG pair for 100’ or less Copper #16 AWG pair for 75’ or less Copper #18 AWG pair for 50’ or less Verify a minimum of 4.8VDC is at FSS Probe Head. Lower voltages may prevent the FSS from working correctly. Contact factory if voltage is below 4.8VDC to determine proper operation. 9 iii. TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE (KTC) SENSORS Install all supplied Air Temperature “K” type Thermocouples (KTCs) into the correctly numbered/identified location on heater. Tip of the probe MUST be located directly in front of a heating element! See diagram below for example of proper KTC placement. Exposed Junction KTC positioned in airstream just outside of the threaded rod Connect heater Air Temperature KTC’s to control cabinet o o KTC-PID: KTC-HL ##: o KTC-IN ##: o KTC-CA ##: PID Temperature Thermocouple (Process Temperature) High Limit Thermocouple (High Limit/Over-Temperature) Heaters have a minimum of one (1) High Limit Thermocouple for over-temperature protection. Inlet Temperature Thermocouple Typically for customer access only and usually not required for system function. (certain models only – not standard) Customer Access Thermocouple Used for customer access and usually not required for system function. (certain models only – not standard) Check Polarity of all “K” type Thermocouples. This can be done using the multimeter (with Temp setting), and providing an external heat source such as a flame, heat gun, or even touching the thermocouple tip with your hand. (+) Yellow lead (-) Red Lead = Chromel (non-magnetic) = Alumel (magnetic) Verify HIGH LIMIT Air Temperature Controller in the Control Cabinet is set to appropriate temperature based on heater type: (if multiple High Limits are offered then all need to be verified). SFI-LP 1225°F (maximum) SFI-HP 1425°F (maximum) For higher temperature models contact factory for proper settings. 10 iv. OTHER Connect Remote communications (if applicable) o o o 4-20mA Remote Set Point (RSP) 4-20mA Retransmit Process Value (PVR) Remote E-Stop(s), Reset Pushbutton, Detect High Limit Contacts, other customer interfaces provided. B. PROPER TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER SETUP Start the heater with a 0º (F or C) Set-Point (SV): This will ensure the output signal to the power control starts off low (0% output) before the contactor is engaged and immediately applying full power. Use proper closed loop control (PID) settings. Sylvania typically uses the following PID; Proportional (P), Integral (I) and Derivative (D); settings as a starting point for stable temperature control. Some manual tuning may be required for more precise control. Description: (P) roportional (I) ntegral (D) erivative Scan/Refresh Rate Range: 90-250 8-20 0-2 < 500mSec Default: 131 8 2 200mSec Incorporate a Ramp Rate for the start-up of the heater. The slower the ramp to the final set-point the less temperature overshoot the system will incur and other related problems the system will have. Typically; Sylvania heaters should be ramped up over a period of several minutes. The following are recommended ramp rates based on final temperature. (For custom ramp rates consult with factory) Set-Point Temperature Up to 600ºF (up to 300ºC) 601-1000ºF (301-500ºC) 1001-1400ºF (501-760ºC) Up to1650ºF (up to 900C) Ramp per Minute 360ºF (150ºC) 240ºF (100ºC) 120ºF (50ºC) 60ºF (25ºC) OPTIONAL: Reduce the output of the temperature controller. Most temperature controllers default to 100% output as its high limit value. This value can be reduced as most air heaters are oversized for the application and don’t need 100% power to achieve the customer’s desired output. 11 IV. System Operation A. SET AIRFLOW 1. Turn on air and set pressure or flow to desired operating level. The table below is the approximate minimum flow rate needed based on pipe diameter size of the heater. During the initial commissioning the heater it is recommended to use at least TWICE this value to ensure optimum control response. Avoid sudden changes in pressure/flow which can damage heating element. The maximum pressure drop across the heater should never exceed 20 psi during steady-state or transient conditions. B. CHECK TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER 2. Turn on the main panel circuit breaker 3. Turn on control circuit power (if applicable) 4. Verify temperature controller Set-Point (SV) is low (recommend 0°) 5. Verify temperature controller Ramp and PID values are correct. (see page 11 for details or contact the factory for assistance) 6. Clear Airflow and High Limit faults using the RESET command. This must be done as a fail-safe to ensure the heater will not start prematurely. The system will reset if both the high exit temperature limiter and the airflow sensor (FSS) meets the following conditions: High Limit: Wired correctly Exit air temperature is below the setting on the potentiometer(s) on the limiter card Device is operating properly Airflow Sensor (FSS): Wired correctly Minimum airflow is achieved and sustained before, during and after heater operation Device components are operating properly 12 C. CHECK FLOW SENSOR 7. Using a multi-meter, with DC Voltage reading, verify that the flow sensor probe has a voltage signal between 4.8 - 5.1 VDC as measured in the FSS Probe head itself (not at the panel). If the voltage at the Flow Sensor Probe head is not within the voltage range see Appendix A – “Flow Sensor Field Start-Up” to adjust the voltage to the head and ensure proper Flow Sensor System operation. 8. Using a multi-meter with “K type” temperature reading measure the temperature on the CTC and RTC in the flow sensor probe. i) When there is enough airflow across the heater the temperature difference between CTC (higher reading) and the RTC (inlet/ambient temperature) will be less than 250ºF (CTC – RTC < 250ºF). ii) If this temperature is higher than 250ºF the airflow sensor will trip and not allowed for a start/powering of the heater. 9. Increase the airflow as necessary to satisfy the Flow Sensor. 10. Hit the RESET command to clear the fault and proceed. D. START THE HEATER 11. Hit the START command. This will pull in the contactor which allows power to flow to the heating elements. i) With the set-point set below the inlet air no power will be sent from the power controller to the heater. 12. Following the ramp rate guidelines on page 11, begin increasing the temperature of the air to the set temperature. i) If the Process Temperature (PV) increases rapidly (more than 20º per second), hit E-STOP and contact the factory for assistance/guidance. ii) If the exit air temperature exceeds the HIGH LIMIT Air Temperature (1225°F/1425°F), the High Limit controller(s) will cause the contactor to shut power OFF to the heater, and the system must be manually reset and a complete restart should be performed. iii) If the airflow drops below the minimum safe level, the SureHeat® Flow Sensor will causethe contactor to shut power OFF to the heater. In this case, the air flow must be increased and the system must be reset and a complete restart should be performed. 13 E. SHUT DOWN THE HEATER 1. Hit the STOP command. This will drop out the contactor and remove power from the power controller to the heater. 2. Reduce the Set-Point (SP) setting on the temperature controller to 0ºF/0ºC (at least below inlet air temperature) to prevent wind-up on next start-up. 3. Turn off / Remove the power to the SCR Power Controller. 4. Turn off / Remove the power to the Temperature Controller (and control circuit if desired). 5. Allow air to flow for minimum 1 minute to help cool and stabilize the heater coils. may be applied longer to cool process piping if desired. 14 Air V. Element Replacement A) ELEMENT REMOVAL 1. Turn off power to the system and lock out all energy sources. 2. Remove heater from piping system to allow access to both ends. Label all wires and terminals for “K” TC sensors and power leads. 3. For convenience place the heater on a bench or cart lying horizontally. 4. Loosen compression fittings and remove thermocouples from the exit end of the heater housing. 5. At the heater entrance, disconnect element power leads (ring terminals) from the feedthru posts. Use two wrenches so that no strain is placed on the ceramic insulator. The insulators are ceramic and are fragile. 6. Remove the nuts from the four (4) threaded rods that hold the element in the housing. These are visible when looking in the housing from the entrance end and are located against the pipe body. 7. Gently slide the element assembly out of the exit end of the housing. B) ELEMENT INSTALLATION 1. Slide the new element into the housing from the exit end. The four threaded rods on the outside diameter of the element fit into four support blocks inside the housing. Be sure to orientate the thermocouple probes towards the feedthrus mounted on the housing. 2. Replace the nuts on the rods to hold the element in place. 3. Place ring terminals onto their appropriate feedthrus according to their letter, A-B-C. Secure ring terminals to feedthru post by hand tightening the nuts. 4. Measure resistance between feed-thrus. 5. Phase to phase readings (A to B, B to C, etc.) should match to within a few tenths of an Ohm. 6. If the resistances do not match check the wiring pattern. 7. Tighten the feed-thru nuts using a pair of wrenches. Be careful to not apply any strain to the ceramic insulators. 8. Reinstall control thermocouples into compression fittings at exit end of housing. 9. Reinstall heater. Make mechanical and electrical connections. 10. Recheck resistance at output of power controller using an Ohmmeter. The resistance between legs should be within a few tenths of an Ohm. 11. Verify heater resistance from each feed-thru terminal to ground is greater than 1M Ohm. 12. The system is now ready to run. Remove lockout locks. 15 VI. Limited Warranty OSRAM SYLVANIA warrants that all products to be delivered hereunder will be free from defects in material and workmanship at the time of delivery. OSRAM SYLVANIA's obligation under this warranty shall be limited to (at its option) repairing, replacing, or granting a credit at the prices invoiced at the time of shipment for any of said products. This warranty shall not apply to any such products which shall have been repaired or altered, except by OSRAM SYLVANIA, or which shall have been subjected. OSRAM SYLVANIA shall be liable under this warranty only if (A) OSRAM SYLVANIA receives notice of the alleged defect within sixty (60) days after the date of shipment; (B) the adjustment procedure hereinafter provided is followed, and (C) such products are, to OSRAM SYLVANIA’s satisfaction, determined to be defective. THE WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THE PRECEDING PARAGRAPH IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF MERCHANTABILITY. The information contained in this manual is based on data considered to be true and accurate. Reasonable precautions for accuracy has been taken in the preparation of this manual, however OSRAM SYLVANIA assumes no responsibility for any omissions or errors, nor assumes any liability for damages that may result from the use of the product in accordance with the information contained in this manual. Please direct all warranty/repair requests or inquiries to the place of purchase, and provide the following information, in writing: (A) (B) (C) Order number under which products were shipped Model/Serial Number of product Reason for rejection PRODUCTS CAN NOT BE RETURNED TO OSRAM SYLVANIA WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION Replacement, repair, or credit for products found to be defective will be made by the place of purchase. All products found to be not defective will be returned to the Buyer; transportation charges collect or stored at Buyers expense. 16 Appendix A: Flow Sensor Field Start-Up Procedure 1) Verify the Flow Senor Probe is wired back to the Flow Sensor Control Panel correctly. VV+ #18 AWG pair (see page 9 for complete details) CTC- CTC+ Type “K” thermocouple extension wire – yellow wire is positive (+) RTC- RTC+ Type “K” thermocouple extension wire – yellow wire is positive (+) 2) Turn on the power to the Flow Sensor Control Panel. 3) Using a Multi-meter with scale set for VDC; measure the voltage across (V-) and (V+) at the Flow Sensor Probe. (see photo above) 4) The voltage should be within the range of 4.8 to 5.1 VDC 5) If the voltage is within range jump to step #11 6) If the voltage is not within range an adjustment to the VDC power supply will need to be done to ensure proper operation. 7) Open the Flow Sensor Control Panel (pictured below) by loosening the (4) captive screws on the cover to expose the inside of the Flow Sensor Control Panel. VDC Power Supply Board 17 8) The adjustment potentiometer (pot) for the VDC Power Board is located in the upper left hand corner of the board (see photos below) 9) While measuring the voltage at the Flow Sensor Probe turn the potentiometer using a small screwdriver slightly clockwise to increase the voltage or counter-clockwise to reduce the voltage. Note that the potentiometer is only a ¼ turn pot and only a small/slight adjustment is needed to change the output voltage to the Flow Sensor Probe. 10) Adjust the potentiometer until the voltage at the Flow Sensor Probe is within the 4.8 to 5.1 VDC range. 11) Using a Multi-meter with scale set for Temperature; read and verify the following temperatures at the Flow Sensor Probe: Reference TC (RTC) Ambient Temperature (~70˚F/20˚C) Coil TC (CTC) 500˚F/260˚C or higher after 5-10 seconds 12) Turn power off to the Flow Sensor Control Panel 13) Replace and screw the cover back on to the Flow Sensor Control Panel 14) Thread the cover back on to the Flow Sensor Probe 15) If this procedure does not fail to yield the results described contact factory for assistance. 18 Appendix B: Typical Wiring for Control Panel 19 The technical data and specifications supplied in this operating manual are subject to change without prior notice. Contact OSRAM SYLVANIA for additional assistance. OSRAM SYLVANIA • 129 Portsmouth Avenue • Exeter, NH 03833 USA 800-258-8290 / 603-772-4331 : 603-772-1072 Website: www.sylvaniaheaters.com E-mail: airheatersalessupport@sylvania.com 20