FPCM 13 July 6-9, 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, JAPAN Wednesday, July 6, 2016 7:30 Registration 8:40 Opening 9:00 Plenary Speech I Process Development Methods for Managing Volatile-Induced Defects in a Blended Infusion Resin Steven R. Nutt 10:00 10:20 Session I Numerical Methods I Chair: M. Danzi (University of Southern California, United States) PAPER 42: Thermal pressure control for managing resin volatility during RTM. M. Anders, J. Lo, T. Centea, S. R. Nutt (University of Southern California, United States) PAPER 30: Modelling filtration mechanics for oblate and prolate particles during impregnation of dual–scale fabrics. E. Holmstedt, H. O. Åkerstedt, T. S. Lundström (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden) 10:40 PAPER 20: Constitutive models for transversely isotropic fiber preform in composite manufacturing. M. Wysocki, M. S. Rouhi, G. Vyas, S. Toll (Swerea SICOMP, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) 11:00 PAPER 16: Modelling VARTM process induced variations on bending performance of composite Omega beams. X. Zeng, P. Schubel, J. Lorrillard (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom: SAFRAN Aircelle, United Kingdom) 11:20 PAPER 8: Simulation of 3D RTM process using solid shell elements. M. S. Rouhi, M. Wysocki, R. Larsson (Swerea SICOMP, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) 11:40 PAPER 26: Model based process optimization and control for resin infusion. A. Koorevaar (Polyworx BV, Netherlands) 12:00 PAPER 25: Confined suspensions of rigid fibres: complex flow kinematics and rheology. A. Scheuer, M. Perez, E. Abisset-Chavanne, F. Chinesta, R. Keunings (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium: Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France) 12:20 Lunch Break 13:20 Session II Innovative Chair: S. Lundström 13:40 PAPER 38: Cost reduction in autoclave processing II: Curing resin infused composites. G. Lewin, R. Cullen, J. Summerscales (University of Plymouth, United Kingdom) 14:00 PAPER 44: Analysis of mechanical property in the difference of worker’s skill and curing process. Y. Kuratani, K. Hase, T. Kawazu, A. Miki, T. Uozumi, A. Goto, H. Hamada (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan: KADO Corporation, Japan: Gifu University, Japan: Osaka Sangyo University, Japan) 14:20 PAPER 33: Capillary wicking in fabrics; orthotropic issues, modeling of swelling and effect of resin. M. F. Pucci, P.-J. Liotier, S. Drapier (Mines de Saint-Etienne, France) 14:40 PAPER 46: Adhesive shear strength improvements of Metal/CFRP laminated ply joints irradiated by EB with low dose prior to assembly and hot-pressing. N. Tsuyuki, A. Minegishi, T. Okada, M. Kanda, M. Faudree, Y. Matumura, Y. Nishi (Tokai University, Japan) 15:00 PAPER 47: Universal joints of Ti/Polymers connected by activated carbon fibers. H. Hasegawa, M. Faudree, Y. Matsumuara, I. Jimbo, Y. Nishi (Tokai University, Japan) 15:20 15:40 PAPER 37: Cost reduction in autoclave processing I: Heated tooling and cool air pressurisation. G. Prudham, J. Summerscales (Prodrive Composites, United Kingdom: University of Plymouth, United Kingdom) PAPER 48: Recent improvements of strengthening FRP. Y. Nishi, M. Faudree, R. Nomura, K. Iwata, M. Kanda, A. Mizutani, M. Hirano, K. Kutaragi, M. Salvia (Tokai University, Japan) Refreshment Break -1- FPCM 13 July 6-9, 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, JAPAN Wednesday, July 6, 2016 15:50 Session III Textile Chair: A. Nakai 16:10 PAPER 14: Effect of yarn cross-sectional shape on resin flow through inter-yarn gaps in textile reinforcements. A. Endruweit, X. Zeng, A. Long (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) 16:30 PAPER 7: Numerical 3D permeability prediction using computational fluid dynamics. J. Dittmann, S. Hügle, P. Middendorf (University of Stuttgart, Germany) 16:50 Refreshment Break 17:00 Session IV Thermoplastic Chair: N. Nanami 17:20 17:40 18:00 18:20 PAPER 41: Towards a complete simulation process chain for the manufacturing of braided composite parts. E. Swery, T. Hans, P. Kelly, R. Hinterhölzl, S. Bickerton (Centre for Advanced Composite Materials, New Zealand: Lehrstuhl für Carbon Composites, Germany) PAPER 66: Development of an in-situ prepreg forming technique with a diode laser. S. Asai, Y. Fujii, A. Yokosu, T. Sakai, T. Ikeda, T. Ishikawa. (Nagoya University, Japan) PAPER 64: Multifunctional composite with reinforcement fibers and functional fibers optimally placed. M. Ishigami, N. Torii, K. Oka, T. Ikeda.(Nagoya University, Japan) PAPER 45: Effects of homogeneous electron beam irradiation prior to hot-press on adhesion force of PTFE/PE. A. Yagi, S. Takase, M. Kanda, I. Jinbo, Y. Nishi (Tokai University, Japan) PAPER 34: Numerical analysis of multi-layered anisotropic high viscous fluid using a particle method for press molding of CFRTP. R. Shino, T. Tamai, S. Koshizuka, A. Maki, T. Ishikawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan: Mitsubishi Rayon, Japan) PAPER 28: Ultrasonic welding of thermoplastic composites: Investigating the flow of energy directing strips. G. Palardy, I. Fernandez Villegas (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) 18:40 PAPER 27: Inter-ply slip characterisation in thermoplastic laminates for the development of FE thermoforming simulations. A. Margossian, A. Reger, B. Singh Pardeshi, S. Bel, R. Hinterhoelzl (Technical University of Munich, Germany: Université Lyon 1, France) 19:00 PAPER 18: Capillary effects in LCM with high-viscosity matrices and highly anisotropic noncrimp fabrics. D. Salvatori, V. Michaud (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) 19:20 Poster Session and Reception 20:30 -2- FPCM 13 July 6-9, 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, JAPAN Thursday, July 7, 2016 8:00 Registration 8:40 Plenary Speech II Advanced Computational Approaches of Composites Forming Processes Francisco Chinesta 9:40 10:00 (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France) Session V PAPER 61: Using simulation to account for process variability in liquid composite moulding. C. Lira, M. Stojkovic, J. Markey, A. Visrolia, J. Waldock (The National Composites Centre, United Numerical Kingdom: GE-Dowty, United Kingdom) Methods II Chair: J. Summerscales PAPER 49: Multi-scale and multi-physic approach of LCM processes for flow prediction and preforms showing very low permeability. N. Moulin, J. Bruchon, P.-J. Liotier, S. Drapier. (Mines de Saint-Etienne, France) 10:20 PAPER 35: Numerical analysis of post-filling flow in hybrid OOA prepreg/LCM processes. M. Danzi, D. Filipovic, C. Schneeberger, P. Ermanni. (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) 10:40 PAPER 21: Numerical simulation of filling process in resin transfer molding. N. Wegh, M. Wagner, D. Gaudlitz, H. Finckh, M. Klein. (Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany: Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Germany: FluiDyna GmbH, Germany: und Verfahrenstechnik Denkendorf, Germany) 11:00 Refreshment Break 11:10 Session VI Natural Fiber Chair: A. Ohtani 11:30 PAPER 67: Mold filling simulation in RTM processing of natural fiber composite materials. Experimental validation. J. Moran, C. Rodriguez Lali, G. Francucci. (INTEMA-CONICET, Argentina: National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina) PAPER 32: Geometrical design of cellulose nanofibre network composites for enhanced impregnation during vacuum infusion. S. Lundström, H. Åkerstedt, Y. Aitomäki, K. Oksman (Lule å University of Technology, Sweden) 11:50 PAPER 29: Performance of jute-glass/epoxy bi-tubular cone-tube under axial compression loading. A. Khalid, M. Morsidi (Institut Teknologi Brunei, Brunei) 12:10 Lunch Break 13:10 Session VII PAPER 39: A radial infusion model for transverse and in-plane permeability measurements of Permeability I fiber reinforcement in composite materials. I. Akhatov, A. Ushakov (Skolkovo Institute of Chair:Comas Cardona Science and Technology, Russia) 13:30 PAPER 22: Single test determination of the in-plane permeability as a function of fiber content using digital image correlation during vacuum infusion. A. George, D. Hoagland, M. Morgan (Brigham Young University, United States) 13:50 PAPER 17: A tool for minimization of race-tracking effects in permeability measurements. B. Caglar, D. Salvatori, E. M. Sozer, V. Michaud (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland: Koc University, Turkey) 14:10 PAPER 15: Computation of permeability of a non-crimp carbon textile reinforcement based on X-ray computed tomography images. I. Straumit, C. Hahn, E. Winterstein, B. Plank, M. Wevers, S. Lomov (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria) 14:30 Refreshment Break -3- FPCM 13 July 6-9, 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, JAPAN Thursday, July 7, 2016 14:40 Session VIII Permeability II Chair: R. Matsuzaki PAPER 13: Calculation of permeability of preforms with channels. S. Lomov, N. Q. Nguyen, A. Safonov, A. Ushakov (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia) 15:00 PAPER 31: The influence of fabrics’ design parameters on the 3D permeability tensor of quasiunidirectional non-crimp fabrics. B. Martin, S. Comas Cardona, C. Binetruy, N. Billon, J. L. Bouvard, P. Lucas (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France: Mines ParisTech, France: Owens Corning, France) 15:20 PAPER 51: Flow and filtration behaviour of boehmite nanoparticle-filled matrix systems in RTM process. D. Abliz, B. Finke, D. C. Berg, C. Schilde, D. Meiners, G. Ziegmann (Clausthal University of Technology, Germany: Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany) 15:40 PAPER 76: Evaluation of the Klinkenberg effect in prepreg processing. T. Cender, P. Simacek, S. Advani. (University of Delaware, United States) 16:00 Refreshment Break 16:10 Session IX Standardization & Benchmark Benchmarking and standardisation of permeability measurement: review of past activities and update on new initiatives. 16:30 16:50 17:10 17:30 17:50 18:10 Bus Departure for the Conference Dinner 19:00 Conference Dinner at the SODOH Higashiyama Kyoto 22:00 -4- FPCM 13 July 6-9, 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, JAPAN Friday, July 8, 2016 8:00 Registration 8:40 Plenary Speech III Stochastic Computational Methods - Applications to Textile FRP Naoki Takano 9:40 10:00 Session X Process Monitoring I Chair: H. Nakatani 10:20 (Keio University, Japan) PAPER 55: Visualization of flow of viscous fluid and suspended particle depositions in impregnation process in one-directional fibers in VARTM. T. Arai, S. Nagai, N. B. Sheikh Omar, H. Shindo, H. Sugioka, T. Kaneko, I. Ueno (Tokyo University of Science, Japan) PAPER 4: Darcy-based viscosity measurement for fast curing resin systems. D. Becker, P. Mitschang (Institut fuer Verbundwerkstoffe, Germany) PAPER 23: Capillary pressure characterization and modeling for flow processing of composites. A. George, M. Morgan (Brigham Young University, United States) 10:40 PAPER 63: Fundamental composites processing issues and challenges – an industrial view from a returning academic. C. Ó. Brádaigh (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) 11:00 Refreshment Break 11:10 Session XI Process Monitoring II Chair: D. Becker PAPER 50: On the influence mechanical and processing characterization on the vibroacoustic response of LCM and preimpregnated composite laminates. M. Ibañez, E. Muñoz, L. Domenech, E. Cortés, F. Sánchez, J. A. García (University CEU Cardenal Herrera, Spain: Universidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain: Aerox Advanced Polymers, Spain) 11:30 PAPER 11: Ultrasound based monitoring of flow front and laminate thickness without contact to part. N. Liebers, M. Kleineberg, M. Wiedemann (German Aerospace Center, Germany) 11:50 PAPER 43: Experimental investigation of capillary flow porometry for characterization of fibrous reinforcements in composite materials. B. Bonnard, P. Causse, F. Trochu (École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada) 12:10 PAPER 60: Spatial distribution of permeability of a 2×2 twill woven fabric composite with hierarchical architecture. M. Bodaghi, A. Vanaerschot, S. Lomov, N. Correia (University of Porto, Portugal: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium: INEGI, Portugal) 12:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Session XII Numerical Methods III Chair: C. Kracke 13:50 14:10 PAPER 19: Visualization and simulation of resin flow behavior of VARTM parts. A. Okuda, Y. Yui, N. Takeda (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan: Churyo Engineering, Japan) PAPER 2: Through-thickness resin flow and heat transfer modelling of partially impregnated composite materials for thick-section parts. J. Maguire, C. Ó. Brádaigh, P. Simacek, S. Advani (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom: University of Delaware, United States) 14:30 14:50 PAPER 52: Computational fluid dynamics applied to composites manufacturing. S. Lundströ m. (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden) PAPER 24: Flow analysis of an injection molded highly filled short glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bulk molding compound (BMC). M.C. Faudree, Y. Nishi (Tokai University, Japan) Refreshment Break -5- FPCM 13 July 6-9, 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, JAPAN Friday, July 8, 2016 15:00 Session XIII RTM Chair: V. Michaud 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 PAPER 57: Shortening in process time of VaRTM and impact damage suppression for fibremetal laminates by inserting polyamide mesh. Y. Handa, Y. Matsui, H. Nakatani, K. Osaka (Osaka City University, Japan) PAPER 56: Resin impregnation behavior in thick carbon fibre composite with a corner during VaRTM process. H. Nakatani, K. Adachi, K. Osaka (Osaka City University, Japan) PAPER 53: Manufacturing carbon fibre composites with high pressure resin transfer moulding. F. Martin, N. Warrior, S. Advani, P. Simacek (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom: University of Delaware, United States: University of Warwick, United Kingdom) PAPER 9: An experimental study on the influence of flow channel geometry on the flow front progression in resin transfer moulding. C. Kracke, B. Staudt, S. Bickerton, P. Mitschang (BMW AG, Germany: University of Auckland, New Zealand: Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH, Germany) Closing Ceremony GOODBYE AND HOPE TO SEE YOU AT FPCM 14 IN SWEDEN -6- FPCM 13 July 6-9, 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, JAPAN Poster Session PAPER 3 Investigation of the fluid in a VACNF on the nanolevel scale using a molecular dynamics simulation. T. Tajiri, R. Matsuzaki, Y. Shimamura (Tokyo University of Science, Japan: Shizuoka University, Japan) PAPER 6 Meso-structure optimization of non-crimp fabric for resin transfer molding. T. Ishikawa, R. Matsuzaki, T. Okabe, S. Yashiro (Tokyo University of Science, Japan: Tohoku Unviersity, Japan: Shizuoka University, Japan) PAPER 10 Characterisation of a natural fibre reinforcement system using thermoset resins and model fluids. A. Aktas, H. Hunt, G. Sims, S. Gnaniah, A. Dawson, T. Maxwell, N. Pantelelis (National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom: Synthesites UK, United Kingdom) PAPER 54 Impact of process temperature on thermoplastic composites processed by deep drawing. N. Nanami, Y. Matsuno, K. Kitabayashi, M. Hoshino (Nihon University, Japan) PAPER 58 3D printing for continuous carbon fiber composites. T. Nakamura, T. Akira, M. Ueda, Y. Hirano, R. Matsuzaki (Tokyo university of science, Japan: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan: Nihon University, Japan: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan) PAPER 59 Three-dimensional reconstruction of resin flow using data assimilation during a liquid composite molding process. R. Matsuzaki, M. Shiota (Tokyo University of Science, Japan) PAPER 65 Fused deposition modeling of a continuous carbon fiber reinforced composite using fiber/matrix individual supply system. H. Asahara, M. Ueda, R. Matsuzaki, A. Todoroki, Y. Hirano (Nihon University, Japan: Tokyo University of Science, Japan: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan) PAPER 68 Effect of different configuration of intermediate materials for c-FRTP on impregnation properties. K. Morie, M. Funahashi, A. Ohtani, A. Nakai (Gifu University, Japan: Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan) PAPER 69 Effect of molding condition on mechanical properties of FRP by RTM. R. Hirai, K. Okayasu, A. Otani, A. Nakai (Gifu University, Japan) PAPER 70 High cycle method for pultrusion molding of FRTP pipe. K. Morino, T. Banno, M. Yagi, M. Ohishi, A. Nakai (Gifu University, Japan: Satoh ironworks, Japan) PAPER 71 Monitoring and simulation of distribution of degree-of-cure of CFRP by refractive index measurement. T. Kosaka, G. Ueyama, K. Kusukawa (Kochi University of Technology, Japan) PAPER 72 Bicomponent fibers for thermoplastic composites: Concept and manufacture. C. Schneeberger, J. C. H. Wong, P. Ermanni (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) PAPER 74 Study of manufacturing defects and surface preparation of coated composite laminates in wind turbine blades. A vibro-acoustic approach. E. Cortés, F. Sanchez, J. A. Garcia, M. Ibañez, L. Domenech, F. Chinesta. (Aerox Advanced Polymers, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain: CEU Cardenal Herrera University, Spain: Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France) PAPER 77 Openmold for CFRTP pipe by braiding and heating process. T. Iwata, R. Hori, S. Yasuda, T. Uozumi. (Gifu University, Japan: Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan: Murata Machinery, Japan) -7-