Materials 2012, 5, 2151-2175; doi:10.3390/ma5112151 OPEN ACCESS materials ISSN 1996-1944 Article Creep Behavior of a Sn-Ag-Bi Pb-Free Solder Paul Vianco *, Jerome Rejent, Mark Grazier and Alice Kilgo Sandia National Laboratories, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA; E-Mails: (J.R.); (M.G.); (A.K.) * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:; Tel.: +1-505-844-3429; Fax: +1-505-844-4816. Received: 28 July 2012; in revised form: 27 September 2012 / Accepted: 18 October 2012 / Published: 2 November 2012 Abstract: Compression creep tests were performed on the ternary 91.84Sn-3.33Ag-4.83Bi (wt.%, abbreviated Sn-Ag-Bi) Pb-free alloy. The test temperatures were: −25 °C, 25 °C, 75 °C, 125 °C, and 160 °C (± 0.5 °C). Four loads were used at the two lowest temperatures and five at the higher temperatures. The specimens were tested in the as-fabricated condition or after having been subjected to one of two air aging conditions: 24 hours at either 125 °C or 150 °C. The strain-time curves exhibited frequent occurrences of negative creep and small-scale fluctuations, particularly at the slower strain rates, that were indicative of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) activity. The source of tertiary creep behavior at faster strain rates was likely to also be DRX rather than a damage accumulation mechanism. Overall, the strain-time curves did not display a consistent trend that could be directly attributed to the aging condition. The sinh law equation satisfactorily represented the minimum strain rate as a function of stress and temperature so as to investigate the deformation rate kinetics: dε/dtmin = Asinhn (ασ) exp (−ΔH/RT). The values of α, n, and ΔH were in the following ranges (±95% confidence interval): α, 0.010–0.015 (±0.005 1/MPa); n, 2.2–3.1 (±0.5); and ΔH, 54–66 (±8 kJ/mol). The rate kinetics analysis indicated that short-circuit diffusion was a contributing mechanism to dislocation motion during creep. The rate kinetics analysis also determined that a minimum creep rate trend could not be developed between the as-fabricated versus aged conditions. This study showed that the elevated temperature aging treatments introduced multiple changes to the Sn-Ag-Bi microstructure that did not result in a simple loss (“softening”) of its mechanical strength. Materials 2012, 5 2152 Keywords: tin-silver-bismuth (Sn-Ag-Bi) solder; creep deformation; aging 1. Introduction Predicting the reliability of solder interconnections, whether subjected to thermal mechanical fatigue (TMF), mechanical shock, or vibration, is depending to a greater extent upon computation modeling techniques. Interestingly, the capabilities of computer facilities and equipment have grown at such a rapid pace over the last 10–15 years that “CPU time” is not always the bottleneck to obtain timely, high-fidelity predictions. Rather, the limiting factor is now having access to the time-dependent (creep) and time-independent (stress-strain) mechanical properties of the materials that comprise the joint structure and, in particular, the solder. These properties are essential towards developing a unified creep-plasticity (UCP) constitutive equation that predicts deformation in the computational model [1,2]. In the study reported here, the creep behavior was evaluated for a Pb-free solder comprised of tin (Sn), silver (Ag), and bismuth (Bi). Although later variants of this material have included Cu additions, this effort examines the commercially-available, ternary alloy, 91.84Sn-3.33Ag-4.83Bi (wt.%, abbreviated Sn-Ag-Bi) [3]. The Sn-Ag-Bi alloy has a number of benefits. It has a relatively low solidus temperature of 212 °C. The Sn-Ag-Bi alloy exhibits exceptionally high strength values when compared to the other Pb-free compositions or the baseline eutectic Sn-Pb alloy. The Bi addition provides for excellent wetting-and-spreading behavior. A multiyear study examined the physical properties of the Sn-Ag-Bi solder as well as its performance in printed wiring assembly (PWA) interconnections [4–10]. Those studies examined the shear strength of ring-and-plug solder joints as well as the pull and shear strength of actual printed wiring assembly interconnections. Later studies explored the mechanical properties of this Sn-Ag-Bi composition as well as those of similar alloy contents. Kariya and Otsuka examined the isothermal fatigue of this solder [11] Shin and Yu investigated the creep behavior of the Sn-3.5Ag-xBi alloys (×, 2.5 and 7.5 wt.%) at 100 °C [12]. The single lap shear sample (solder joint thickness, 0.39 mm) resulted in shear stresses of 5–9 MPa. Strain rates ranged between approximately 6 × 10−7 s−1 and 5 × 10−6 s−1, resulting in stress exponents of 5.8 (2.5Bi) and 4.4 (7.5 Bi). The objective of the present study was to obtain a more complete compilation of the time-dependent deformation behavior of bulk Sn-Ag-Bi solder in order to support the development of a computational model for predicting the TMF of both electronic and structural solder joints. The effects of isothermal aging were also evaluated in this work. The methodologies used in the present study were similar to those used to evaluate the creep properties of the 95.5Sn-3.9Ag-0.6Cu solder (Sn-Ag-Cu) that is described in [13,14]. References [15–17] are excellent resources for the reader interested in obtaining more detailed information on the mechanical properties of these and other Pb-free solders. Materials 2012, 5 2153 2. Experimental Procedure 2.1. Test Samples The ternary alloy that was examined in this study had the composition, 91.84Sn-3.33Ag-4.83Bi (wt.%, abbreviated Sn-Ag-Bi). The compression test methodology was used for the creep tests. The test samples were created by first casting the material into cylinders. A density determination was made of each specimen to assure that significant voids were not present in the material. Then, the samples were machined to the nominal dimensions of 10 mm diameter and 19 mm length; the machining step also established parallelism between the end faces. These dimensions conformed to the “short length” ratio of 2.0 per the ASTM E9-89A specification [18]. A more detailed description of the sample fabrication equipment and procedures is available in [19]. The specimens were tested in the as-fabricated (as-cast) condition, that is, after casting and the machining operations. Additional samples were exposed to one of two aging temperature for 24 hours in air: 125 °C or 150 °C prior to the creep test. 2.2. Creep Testing Creep tests were performed on a servo-hydraulic frame using constant load control. The test temperatures were: −25 °C, 25 °C, 75 °C, 125 °C, and 160 °C (± 0.5 °C). The load values were chosen to provide nominal stresses in the range of 20%–80% of the estimated yield stress at that temperature (σy, T). Four loads were evaluated at the temperatures of −25 °C and 25 °C while five loads were used at the three higher temperatures. The added loads were of lower values to capture subtle behaviors that could potentially take place under high temperatures and relatively slow strain rates. Duplicate specimens were tested under all stress and temperature combinations. The duration of the creep tests was limited by either maximum strain reached by the sample, or a maximum time duration for the test. The strain limit was approximately 0.12. The resulting strain range is representative of that experienced by solder in joints that are undergoing TMF. In the event that the sample did not reach the strain limit, the test was halted after 1.73 × 105 s (approximately two days). The reader is directed to [11] for additional details regarding the analyses that determined the values of true stress (σ), true strain (ε), and minimum strain rate (dε/dtmin). A visual assessment of the curves was used to determine the presence of one, two, or three stages of creep. This method was determined to be as efficient as attempting to do it with a numerical scheme. Error terms that accompany the stresses and strain rates represent plus-or-minus one standard deviation over the time duration in which those respective data were collected and averaged together. Although standard convention would require the stress and strain rate values to be expressed as negative numbers (compression), they are reported here as positive values. The deformation rate kinetics were determined from the minimum strain rate, dε/dtmin, as a function of stress and temperature and expressed using the “sinh” law Equation (1): dε/dtmin = A sinhp (ασ) exp ΔH/RT). (1) The parameters in Equation (1) are: A, a constant (s−1); p, the sinh term exponent; α, the stress coefficient (MPa−1); σ, the applied stress (MPa); ΔH, the apparent activation energy; R, the universal gas constant (8.314 kJ/mol-K); and T, the temperature (K). The sinh law approach was preferred Materials 2012, 5 2154 because it can represent a wider range of applied stresses and thus, avoid “power-law breakdown” that can occur when dε/dtmin is expressed using a power-law stress dependency. The parameters A, p, and ΔH were determined by a multivariable, linear regression analysis that was performed on the logarithm of Equation (1) that is represented by Equation (2) below: ln(dε/dtmin) = ln(A) + pln[sinh (ασ)] − ΔH/RT (2) The parameter, ln(dε/dtmin), was the dependent variable while ln[sinh (ασ)] and 1/T were the independent variables. The regression analysis was performed for different values of the stress coefficient, α. The optimum value of α was determined to within ±0.005 by maximizing the square of the correlation coefficient, R2. The error terms on the sinh law parameters were expressed as the ± 95% confidence interval. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Strain-Time Curves The strain-time curves were analyzed according to sample condition and test temperature. These curves provide critical insight into microstructure changes that are not always readily visible in metallographic cross section, but nonetheless, have a significant role in the mechanical response of the material. The descriptions will be somewhat more detailed for the as-fabricated condition in order to establish the baseline behavior. That narrative will be followed by an analysis of results obtained from the aged samples. It is noted that the elastic strain was not subtracted from the total strain. Although the absence of this step precluded a quantitative comparison from being made between creep strains, qualitative comparisons could still be developed from the curves. Also, this omission did not interfere with an interpretation of the strain rate behavior. Lastly, the term “stress,” when alone, refers to the true stress. Nominal stress will be explicitly labeled as such in the discussion. Shown in Figure 1a are the duplicate curves for the Sn-Ag-Bi samples tested in the as-fabricated condition; temperature of −25 °C; and stresses of 13.4 MPa. While one of the curves exhibited a small positive strain rate (2.2 × 10−10 s−1), the other curve showed negative creep (open circles). Negative creep could indicate of the simultaneous occurrence of mechano-chemical phenomenon in the material as suggested by Li [20]. The discussion in [20] refers to amorphous metals and specifically, microstructural disorder-to-order processes that occur in such materials leading to negative creep. The occurrence of such a mechano-chemical phenomenon in Sn-Ag-Bi, or similar consequence of DRX due to its associated changes to grain structure and defect density, are certainly possible, but would be only a hypothesis until validated by microstructural analysis.. Negative creep was also observed for both samples tested at −25 °C and the nominal stress of 26.6 MPa. This behavior is shown in Figure 1b and was more distinct in one sample than in the other sample. The stress of 39.8 MPa produced positive strain rates (3.1 × 10−9 s−1 and 5.0 × 10−9 s−1) as did also the stress of 52.8 MPa (4.0 × 10−9 s−1 and 4.2 × 10−9 s−1) as indicated in Figure 1c. The remainder of the strain-time curves representing the as-fabricated condition—regardless of stress or temperature—exhibited positive strain rates. Materials 20012, 5 M 21555 Figuree 1. Dupliccate strain-ttime curves of the Sn-Ag-Bi soldder tested inn the as-fab bricated condittion and at a temperaature of −25 °C. The nominal sttresses werre: (a) 13.4 4 MPa; (b) 26.6 MPa; andd (c) 52.9 MPa. M Each curve c is labeeled with itss correspondding true strress. (a)) (b)) (c)) M Materials 20012, 5 21556 Several creep c tests, when w perfoormed at 25 °C, exhibitted fluctuatiions with am mplitudes th hat exceedeed thhe instrum ment error. The plot in i Figure 2 (11.6 MPa) M is reppresentative of those fluctuationns. F Fluctuations s were also observed onn one of eacch of the cu urves obtained at 25 °C and nomin nal stresses of o 2 23.2 MPa and a 34.4 MP Pa. The fluuctuations were w absent from both 46.4 MPa strain-timee curves. Thhe f fluctuations are also inddicative of DRX D and, moreover, m portray the sub-class s refferred to as cyclic DRX X. T cyclic softening The s annd hardeninng corresponnd to the cy ycles of new w grain initiiation and grain g growthh, respectivelyy, with respeect to a graiin boundaryy diffusion mechanism m m (discussedd later). Lasttly, all of thhe c creep curvess obtained at 25 °C exxhibited priimary creep p; there wass no compoonent of steeady-state (oor s secondary) c creep in the strain-timee data. Figuree 2. Strain-ttime curve of o the Sn-A Ag-Bi solderr tested in thhe as-fabricaated conditiion and at a tem mperature of o 25 °C. Thhe true stresss was 11.5 MPa. The creepp tests perfoormed at 755 °C had, ass the lowestt two nominnal stresses, 4.0 MPa and a 9.0 MPa. T correspponding straain-time cuurves are shhown in Fiigure 3a. Inn both casees, the dupllicate curvees The o overlapped o one-another r. (The true stresses weere identicaal per the duuplicate testts.) Shallow w fluctuationns w observved at 4.0 MPa were M that sugggested a sm mall contrib bution by cyyclic DRX. Those flucttuations werre a absent at 8.99 MPa as weell as from the t strain-tiime curves of o tests perfformed at alll higher strresses. The otherr stresses ussed at 75 °C C had the noominal values of 18.0 MPa, M 27.0 M MPa, and 36 6.0 MPa. Thhe c correspondin ng curves are a shown inn Figure 3bb and have been b labeleed with theirr true stresss values. Thhe c creep rates increased with w stress. All of the creep curv ves exhibiteed primary, secondary,, and tertiarry s stages of creeep. Howevver, these cuurves exhibited by-and--large the teertiary stagee. M Materials 20012, 5 21557 Figuree 3. The strain-time s curves of the Sn-Ag g-Bi solderr tested in the as-fab bricated condittion and at a temperatture of 75 °C. The no ominal streesses were: (a) 4.0 MP Pa and 9.0 MP Pa; and (b) 18.0, 27.0, and 36.0 MPa. M The tru ue stress vallues are shoown on the plot. p (aa) (b b) Traditionnally, the increasing i strain rate of tertiary y creep inndicates a ramp-up of o microvoiid c coalescence and crack damage d mechanisms thhat lead to final f failure of the speccimen. How wever, in lighht o potentiallly having DRX of D presennt during thee creep of this t materiaal, it is propposed that tertiary t creeep m may, in factt, be a conssequence of that mechhanism. Here is the prroposed sceenario: Assu uming that a g grain bounddary diffusioon-based process underrlies the creeep deformaation, the crreep rate wo ould increasse w decreassing grain size. Therefoore, tertiaryy creep would indicate the with t grain innitiation step p in the DRX X p process, whiich when thhe grains aree small and grain bound daries, most numerous. The resultt would be an a a acceleration n of the straiin rate. Thiss mechanism m will be discussed in detail, d later on. The strainn-time behaavior was exxamined forr the 125 °C C test tempeerature. Thee creep curv ves are show wn inn Figure 4aa for the truue stresses of o 2.9 MPaa, 3.0 MPa, 5.1 MPa, and a 5.2 MP Pa. The curv ves exhibiteed laargely the primary p stagge and a sm mall degree of secondarry stage creeep. The strrain rates in ncreased witth s stress and thhere were noo indicationns of significcant fluctuaations. Materials 20012, 5 M 21558 Figuree 4. The strain-time cuurve of the Sn-Ag-Bi S so older tested in the as-faabricated condition and att a temperrature of 125 °C. Thhe nominal stresses were: w (a) 3.0 and 6.0 0 MPa; (b) 12.0 MPa andd 18.0 MPa; and (c) 25..0 MPa. (aa) (b b) (cc) Materials 2012, 5 2159 The curves obtained at true stresses of 10.5 MPa, 10.7 MPa, 15.8 MPa, and 16.2 MPa (125 °C) are shown in Figure 4b. When averaged together, the curves indicated an increase of strain rate with stress; but, individually, that trend was not entirely monotonic. This behavior suggests that there are significant microstructural differences in the starting Sn-Ag-Bi material because their effects persisted through the relatively long duration of the creep tests rather than impact only at the early stages of deformation. Figure 4c shows the plots obtained at 21.8 MPa and 22.4 MPa (125 °C). These tests were of relatively short durations (10,000 s = 2.7 hours) as the samples quickly reached the maximum strain. The curves exhibited a slight degree of tertiary behavior over, what was largely, secondary creep. Again, despite duplicate test conditions, the minimum strain rates were very different between the samples. The strain-time curves were examined that originated from (as-fabricated) samples tested at 160 °C. The duplicate strain-time responses are shown in Figure 5a for the nominal stresses of 0.5 MPa, 2.0 MPa, and 4.0 MPa. The lowest stress resulted in only primary creep. The other samples exhibited both primary and secondary stages except for the sample tested at 3.9 MPa, which also exhibited a small degree of tertiary creep. When averaged together, the curves demonstrated the expected increase of strain rate with increasing stress. But, a monotonic trend was not observed when considering all of the individual samples. The latter behavior was also observed at the higher stresses, the creep curves of which are shown in Figure 5b. Interestingly, those curves exhibited either primary creep, only, or a mixture of primary and a small degree of secondary creep. The absence of tertiary creep in Figure 5b, is further evidence that this behavior does not likely originate from a large-scale damage process. In summary, the strain-time curves were examined for the Sn-Ag-Bi solder when tested in the as-fabricated condition. Tests performed at −25 °C and 25 °C and lower stresses exhibited fluctuations indicative of DRX activity. The overall trend was primary creep. The DRX behavior was not observed at the higher stresses. The DRX fluctuations were recorded in only one other condition at higher temperatures: 75 °C, 4.0 MPa. At 75 °C, primary creep dominated the curves at stresses less than 18 MPa. At the higher stresses, primary, secondary and tertiary stage contributed to the deformation. The creep curves obtained at 125 °C and 160 °C were comprised of largely primary and secondary stages. Only a slight contribution was observed of the tertiary stage, and that occurred at the 125 °C test temperature. The lack of correlation between the presence of the tertiary stage versus strain rate, which determines the extent of strain deformation in the material, suggest that the source of the tertiary behavior is DRX and its related effects rather than microvoid coalescence and crack damage processes. M Materials 20012, 5 21660 Figuree 5. The strain-time s curves of the Sn-Ag g-Bi solderr tested in the as-fab bricated condittion and at a temperatuure of 160 °C C. The nom minal stressees were: (a) 0.5–4.0 MP Pa; and (b) 6.00 MPa and 8.0 8 MPa. (a)) (b)) The strainn-time curvves were also analyzed that resulteed from sam mples tested after aging for 24 hourrs a either 125 °C or 1550 °C. Show at wn in Figuure 6 are th he duplicatee creep currves obtaineed under thhe n nominal streess of 13.4 MPa for thhe aging temperatures of (a): 1255 °C; and ((b): 150 °C. Amidst thhe f fluctuations present in the curves, the long teerm strain raates were positive p for both sample conditionns. T These curvees can be coompared direectly to those of the ass-fabricated condition in Figure 1aa. Aside from m d different totaal strain vallues, all threee sample conditions ex xhibited verry similar sttrain-time behaviors. b M Materials 20012, 5 21661 Figuree 6. The duuplicate strrain-time cuurve of the Sn-Ag-Bi solder testeed at −25 °C ° and nominnal stress of 13.4 MPaa and the two t aging conditions:: (a) 125 °°C, 24 hourrs; and (b) 150 °C, 24 hoours. (a) (b) Negative creep was observed at a only onee stress at −25 − °C perr each of thhe two aged d conditionns: 5 52.8 MPa (aaged at 1255 °C) and 26.6 MPa (aaged at 150 °C). In thee case of thhe as-fabricated samplees teested at −255 °C, recall that negativve creep waas observed at 13.4 MP Pa and 26.7 M MPa (−25 °C). ° The miniimum strainn-rate values are plottedd in Figure 7 for tests performed at −25 °C. The one-haalf e error bars (oone standarrd deviationn) were proovided only y for the as-fabricated condition because b theey w were also representativ r ve of the two aging cases, thu us avoidingg cluttering of the plo ot. Only thhe a as-fabricated d samples exhibited e ann increase of o strain ratee with stress that had a statistical significance. N such trennd was disttinguishablee for the ageed samples,, despite thee very largee stresses. Overall, No O therre w no disttinct trends of minimum were m strain ratee as a functiion of the saample conddition. M Materials 20012, 5 21662 Figuree 7. Minimuum strain raate as a funnction of strress for sam mples testedd at −25 °C and all three sample s condditions. The creepp curves weere examineed that weree obtained at a a test tem mperature of 25 °C. Neegative creeep w observeed in one off the two currves obtaineed at the nominal stresss of 11.6 M was MPa. Otherw wise, the threee s sample condditions exhhibited veryy similar behaviors to o within thhe variationns documen nted betweeen d duplicate teests. Small fluctuationns, which were w indicattive of milld DRX, w were superim mposed oveer g generally poositive straain rates. Those T fluctuuations rapiidly disapppeared withh increasing g stress. Thhe s strain-time c curves were dominateed by primaary creep for f all threee conditionss, except att the higheest n nominal streess (46.4 MP Pa) at whichh secondaryy creep appeeared in thee plots. The minimum strainn rate data have h been pllotted in Fig gure 8 that were w obtainned from tessts performeed a 25 °C. Thhe values were at w similarr at the twoo lowest strresses, 11.66 MPa and 23.2 MPa for all aginng c conditions. Overall, thhe minimum m strain raate did not exhibit a consistent, statistically y significannt d dependency on aging condition c accross the rannge of stresss values. Thhe strain raate increased d with stresss, s slowly at thee lower streesses and theen more rappidly at the higher h stressses. Figuree 8. Minim mum strain rate r as a funnction of sttress for sam mples testedd at 25 °C and all three sample s condditions. M Materials 20012, 5 21663 The 75 °C test tempperature maarked changges to the beehaviors between the tthree sample conditionns. A the lowesst nominal stress of 4.00 MPa, the Sn-Ag-Bi material At m perrformed verry similarly y between thhe thhree aging conditions.. There werre small fluuctuations on o top of a net positivve strain ratte of primarry c creep. Whenn the nominnal stress waas increasedd to 9.0 MPaa, the smalll-scale flucttuations disaappeared annd thhe strain-tim me plots were w comprrised of booth primary and seconndary stages. The mosst noticeable d difference w that the 150 °C agging treatmeent caused a significannt reduction in minimu was um strain ratte a and, as suchh, creep straain. This obsservation is illustrated in Figure 9, which shoows minimu um strain ratte a a functionn of stress for as fo each of the three agiing conditio ons (75 °C).. Figuree 9. Strain rate as a function off stress for samples teested at 75 °C and alll three samplee conditionss. under the 118.0 MPa nominal stresss The effecct of the 1500 °C aging treatment t w further accentuated was a (75 °C). Thee corresponnding strain--time curves are shown n in Figure 10. Lower creep strains and straiin rates (Figuree 9) were obbserved at this t nominaal stress for the samples. Those cuurves experiienced only a s small degreee of tertiary creep as com mpared to thhe other currves that were almost enntirely tertiaary in naturee. At a nom minal stress of 27.0 MPa, M the straain-time currves of the aged sampples all fell between thhe d duplicate, ass-fabricatedd condition curves thaat were shown in Figuure 3b. In aall cases, th he maximum m s strain (0.122) was mett or nearlyy so, and the t curves were largeely of the tertiary sttage. Similaar o observations s pertained to the higheest nominall stress of 36.0 MPa. Referring R to Figure 9, in i the case of o thhese two hiighest stressses, the minnimum straiin rate did not n exhibit a significannt trend as a function of o a aging treatm ment. When thee test temperature wass raised to 125 °C, on nly the nom minal stress of 3.0 MPaa caused anny d distinction b between the three sampple conditionns. Becausee the maxim mum strain hhad not been n achieved in i thhese tests, it i was possiible to obseerve that thee 150 °C ag ging condition resulted in a signifiicantly loweer tootal creep strain s than was observved for the other two conditions. c At the highher stressess, it appeareed thhat the sam mples aged at a 150 °C allso exhibited a slightly y lesser degrree of variabbility betweeen duplicatte teests than did d the otheer sample conditions. The T strain-ttime curvess progresseed from larg gely primarry c creep (3.0 and a 6.0 MP Pa) to a mixxture of all three stagees (12.0 andd 18.0 MPaa) and lastly, secondarry M Materials 20012, 5 21664 ccreep with a small terttiary contribbution (25.0 MPa). An ny small-sccale fluctuaations, whicch have beeen a attributed too DRX, weree absent froom all of thee plots. Figuree 10. The duplicate d sttrain-time curves c of th he Sn-Ag-B Bi solder tessted at 75 °C and nominnal stress off 18.0 MPa and a the threee aging con nditions: ass-fabricated,, 125 °C, 24 4 hours and 1550 °C, 24 hoours. Shown inn Figure 11 are the minnimum straiin rates plottted as a funnction of strress (125 °C C). The straiin rate increaseed significanntly with sttress. Givenn the relativeely small errror bars asssociated witth these datta, c reesulted in sllightly fasteer, minimum m itt appears thhat more offten than not, the as-ffabricated condition s strain rate vaalues while aging at 1550 °C (24 hoours) tended d to cause loower minim mum strain rates. r Figuree 11. Minim mum strain rate as a funnction of sttress for sam mples testedd at 125 °C and all three sample s condditions. M Materials 20012, 5 21665 The finall test tempeerature was 160 °C. Att the lowestt nominal stress s of 0.55 MPa, the creep curvees w were very siimilar between all three sample coonditions to o within the observed vvariations. The T duplicatte c curves weree more alikke to one-annother afterr the 150 °C C aging treeatment. Thhe strain-tim me responsees e exhibited sm mall fluctuattions superimposed on a general trrend of prim mary creep. The effeccts of the agging treatmeent first appeared at thee 2.0 MPa nominal n streess. The straain-time ploots a shown inn Figure 122 for each of are o the sampple aging co onditions. The T curves w were comprrised of botth p primary andd secondary stages; terttiary creep was w absent from all plots. There w was an abseence of smaall f fluctuations beyond thee measurem ment error. The T 150 °C C aging treattment causeed a significcant increasse inn strain ratte (and creeep strain). Also, the duplicate curves c weree nearly onn top of on ne-another as a c compared too the larger variability v o observed foor the other two t samplee conditions. Figuree 12. The duplicate d sttrain-time curve c of thee Sn-Ag-Bi solder testted at 160 °C ° and nominnal stress of 2.0 MPa annd the three aging cond ditions. The nominal stresses of 4.0 MP Pa and 6.0 MPa M (160 °C) resulted in strain-tim me curves that t were noot distinguishable betweeen the threee conditions. The strainns reached thhe maximum p particularly m limit in all a c cases and sm mall fluctuaations remaiined absentt from the plots. p The cuurves, them mselves, werre compriseed o a “shallow of w” primary stage and dominating d secondary stage. Therre was a greeater variabiility betweeen d duplicate cuurves at 6.0 MPa M than was w observed for the plo ots represennting 4.0 MPa. The highhest nominaal stress ussed at 160 °C was 8.0 MPa. Thhose strainn-time curvees appear in i F Figure 13. In I this case, it was thee samples aged at 125 °C that exhhibited the faster strain n rates. (Thhe c creep strainss had reachhed the testt limit.) It is i noted thaat all of thee curves exhhibited a prrimary creeep s stage of moddest slope thhat approached a seconndary stage. Tertiary beehavior wass absent in all a cases. The miniimum strainn rate data are a plotted as a a functio on of stress for the 1600 °C tests teemperature in i F Figure 14. The T strain rate r values exhibited a significantt stress dependence. A After taking into accounnt thhe error bars, it apppeared that the aged samples had h slightlyy faster strrain rates than t did thhe a as-fabricated d samples at a nominal stresses of 4.0 MPa and d less. M Materials 20012, 5 21666 Figuree 13. The duplicate d sttrain-time curve c of thee Sn-Ag-Bi solder testted at 160 °C ° and nominnal stress off 8.0 MPa and a the three aging con nditions: as--fabricated, 125 °C, 24 4 hours and 1550 °C, 24 hoours. Figuree 14. Minim mum strain rate as a funnction of sttress for sam mples testedd at 160 °C and all three sample s condditions. An interiim summarry was madde of the obbservations compiled from f the em mpirical strrain-time annd s strain rate data d of the Sn-Ag-Bi S soolder. Listeed below aree the high-llevel trendss as a functiion of stresss, teemperature, and aging treatment: (a) The small-scalee fluctuationns and isollated occurrrences of negative n creeep indicateed that DRX X proceesses were active. Theese phenom mena were most m obviouus under thhose test co onditions that gavee rise to slow wer strain raates. (b) The tests perforrmed at 75 °C ° exhibitedd a wide ran nge of curvee shapes as a function of increasinng stress. The curvves started out o with larggely primary y creep at loow stresses and then trransitioned to t Materials 2012, 5 (c) (d) (e) (f) 2167 a mixture of primary-plus-secondary stages. At the highest stresses, the strain-time curves exhibited largely the tertiary creep behavior. The tertiary creep stage contributed very little to the strain-time curves at 125 °C and was absent from those obtained at 160 °C, despite the rapid strain rates and large creep strains. The tertiary strain-time behavior was not consistent with a traditional damage accumulation process. Rather, it originated from DRX or was an effect of DRX (e.g., grain size change). However, other mechanisms, such as precipitation hardening/softening, cannot be completely ruled out. Overall, the strain-time curves did not display a consistent trend that could be attributed to the aging condition.. This behavior is not unexpected because the elevated temperatures provide an opportunity for microstructural phenomenon such as DRX or precipitation hardening/softening to take place simultaneously with the deformation. The individual, minimum strain rate data corroborated the above observations. Further use is made of the strain rate data in the following section that discusses deformation rate kinetics. 3.2. Deformation Rate Kinetics The creep deformation rate kinetics were calculated from the minimum strain rate, stress, and temperature as expressed in equation (1). The equations for each of the three aging conditions are shown below: As-fabricated: dε/dtmin = 3.225 × 105 sinh3.1 ± 0.4 (0.015σ) exp (−66 ± 7/RT) (3) Aged: 125 °C, 24 hours: dε/dtmin = 3.150 × 103 sinh2.2 ± 0.5 (0.010σ) exp (−54 ± 7/RT) (4) Aged: 150 °C, 24 hours: dε/dtmin = 4.803 × 103 sinh2.2 ± 0.5 (0.010σ) exp (−56 ± 8/RT) (5) The confidence intervals on the coefficient, A, were ±20, ±20, and ±30, respectively. These values are very small, relative to the mean values in the equations, because the regression analyses delivered the logarithms of the mean and standard errors, which were then converted to their nominal values. Lastly, the respective R2 values are 0.906, 0.865, and 0.840. These values indicate that the sinh law expression provided a satisfactory fit to the respective experimental data sets. Observations are made with respect to the values of stress coefficient, α, (in the sinh argument); the sinh term exponent, n; and the apparent activation energy, ΔH. The value of α is relatively small, which tends to de-amplify the effect of stress on the minimum strain rate. A similar effect can be attributed to n, that is, a smaller value of n causes the minimum strain rate to be less sensitive to stress. Comparing the three equations above, the minimum strain rate was most sensitive to stress when Sn-Ag-Bi was tested in the as-fabricated condition. The reduced stress sensitivities that were observed for the samples of the two aged conditions, were identical to one-another. It is possible to draw a correlation between the value of n and possible deformation mechanisms because the product of ασ is less than 0.8 so that the sinh law representation can be approximated by Materials 2012, 5 2168 the common power law expression, σn. Given this similarity, it is possible to exploit the following established correlations between n and specific deformation mechanisms: n = 1, diffusion mechanisms (Coble or Nabarro-Herring creep); n > 3, dislocation mechanisms (glide, climb, or climb-assisted glide). Besides supporting their own respective deformation processes, diffusion, dislocation or both mechanisms in combination, can be rate-controlling for the grain boundary sliding deformation process. Lee and Stone demonstrated that the value of n can be in the range of 1 < n < 2.5 for grain boundary sliding in Pb-Sn alloy [21]. However, the value is highly dependent on grain size as well as other microstructural features and can significantly exceed this range in other materials [22]. Based on these two limiting mechanisms indicated by n, it appears that Sn-Ag-Bi creep is controlled by dislocation activity (glide or climb) when in the as-fabricated condition. This trend would also corroborate with the higher value of α, which indicates a greater effect by stress that is expected when dislocation activity is present. However, the magnitude of n is near the lower limit considered indicative of dislocation activity, implying that a diffusion-based mechanism may have a contributing role in the creep behavior. After either aging treatment, the still lower value of n implies that a diffusion mechanism has an increased role in creep behavior of Sn-Ag-Bi. A microstructure analysis would be required to confirm the process actually responsible for the creep deformation (e.g., simple dislocation motion or the more complex grain boundary sliding) The third parameter in the sinh law Equations (3–5) is the apparent activation energy, ΔH. Per the 95% confidence interval, ΔH was statistically the same between all three sample conditions. The values are indicative of a short-circuit diffusion process rather than bulk diffusion (which would have ΔH values of 90–110 kJ/mol for these materials). Given that the values of n, above indicated the likelihood that diffusion contributed to the creep of Sn-Ag-Bi, the ΔH values would certainly support that observation. The diffusion-based mechanism would support a Coble creep process, which is based on grain boundaries providing the short-circuit path, as opposed to Nabarro-Herring creep, which is controlled by bulk diffusion. A comparison was made between the experimental creep data and the sinh law predictions. The discussion is categorized according to sample condition. Shown in Figure 15 is a plot of the natural logarithm of the minimum strain rate (dε/dtmin) as a function of the natural logarithm of the applied stress, σ, for the as-fabricated condition. The symbols are the experimental data. The solid lines are the predicted trends generated according to Equation 3. The accompanying dashed lines represent the 95% confidence intervals. The sinh law slightly under-predicted the strain rates at −25 °C. This discrepancy was not unexpected, given the relatively small strains and strain rates experienced by the Sn-Ag-Bi alloy at this temperature. On the other hand, the sinh law model significantly over-predicted the strain rates observed at 25 °C. Although negative creep was not observed in these samples, moderate fluctuations, which are indicative of cyclic DRX, were superimposed on the strain-time curves at all but the highest nominal stress. It was concluded that the grain growth stage of DRX, which increases grain size, was responsible for the lower-than-expected experimental strain rate. M Materials 20012, 5 21669 Figuree 15. Naturaal logarithm m of the straain rate as a function off that of the stress for samples in the as-fabricateed condition. The sym mbols are th he experimeental data. T The solid lin nes are the besst-fit to thosse data preddicted by sinnh law repreesentation. The dashedd lines are th he 95% confiddence intervvals to that prediction. p Reasonabbly good fitts were obseerved betweeen the sinh h law predicctions and eexperimentaal data at thhe o other three test t temperaatures: 75 °C C, 125 °C, and 160 °C C. Although the tertiaryy stage behaavior becam me a significantt contributoor to the oveerall creep response att 75 °C, thee minimum creep rate preceded thhe teertiary stagee. As such, the DRX mechanism, m which was proposed as the sourcee of the tertiiary behavioor, w would not have h yet afffected the creep behavior. At 125 °C and 1660 °C, the eexperimentaal strain ratees o observed at the highest nominal stress s tendeed to be above the sinnh law trendd line. Such h a behavioor w would suggeest the occuurrence of a “power law w breakdow wn-like evennt,” but onee of such a magnitude m a as too exceed thhe ability off even the siinh law to represent r it.. Mechanisttically, the bbreakdown event woulld h have indicatted the losss of the difffusion contrribution to one entirelyy controlledd by dislocation motioon (glide, clim mb, a com mbination of the two mechanism ms, or graain boundaary sliding) under thhe h higher stressses. Shown inn Figure 166 are the exxperimental data and siinh law preedictions maade by Equ uation (4) foor s samples ageed at 125 °C C for 24 houurs. The sinhh law fit slig ghtly underr-predicted tthe −25 °C response annd o over-predict ted the strain rates at 25 °C as wass also the caase for the as-fabricate a ed condition n (Figure 155). C Certainly, some of thee discrepancy can be attributed to t the non--linearity (oor “knee”) between thhe loogarithms of o strain rate and increasing stresss; it is particcularly eviddent in the 225 °C test data. d Becausse s small fluctuaations weree observed on o the strainn-time curvees, the grainn-growth steep in cyclicc DRX woulld b a contribuuting factorr here as waas suggestedd for the as-fabricated samples. be s In generaal, there was very goodd correlationn between the t experim mental data aand sinh law w predictionns f the threee higher tem for mperatures: 75 7 °C, 125 °C, ° and 160 0 °C. The fitt was particcularly good d at 75 °C. At A 1 °C and 160 °C, the empirical sttrain rates were 125 w above the t sinh law w prediction at the higheest respectivve s stress valuess, suggestingg a possible breakdownn event in the rate-controolling creepp mechanism m. M Materials 20012, 5 21770 Figuree 16. Naturaal logarithm m of the straain rate as a function off that of the stress for samples that were w aged att 125 °C foor 24 hours prior to tessting. The symbols s aree the experiimental data. The T solid linnes are the best-fit to thhose data predicted p byy sinh law reepresentatio on. The dashedd lines are thhe 95% connfidence intervals to thaat predictionn. The miniimum strainn rate data and a sinh law w prediction ns of Equattion (5) are plotted in Figure F 17 foor 2 s samples ageed at 150 °C C for 24 houurs. The R value indiccated the pooorest fit, altthough stilll satisfactoryy, b between thee sinh law and a the expeerimental data. d The red duced correelation begaan with −25 5 °C case. At A thhe lowest nominal n streess of 13.4 MPa, M the duuplicate straain rates werre higher thhan was predicted by thhe s sinh law eqquation. Thhe two straain-time cuurves were shown inn Figure 6bb. Given th he moderatte f fluctuations, , it is certaiinly feasible that the faster f strain rate was due d to the ccyclic DRX process, buut thhis time, unnder the grain initiatioon step. Thee initiation of new graains increasses the num mber of graiin b boundaries t that, in turnn, increases the numberr of diffusio on paths suppporting a C Coble creep process. Thhe c correlation i improved att the higher stresses. Figuree 17. Naturaal logarithm m of the straain rate as a function off that of the stress for samples that were w aged att 150 °C foor 24 hours prior to tessting. The symbols s aree the experiimental data. The T solid linnes are the best-fit to thhose data predicted p byy sinh law reepresentatio on. The dashedd lines are thhe 95% connfidence intervals to thaat predictionn. Materials 2012, 5 2171 As was the case in Figures 15 and 16, the sinh law model over-predicted the strain rates at 25 °C compared to the experimental data. The “knee” in the test data is very prominent; the best fit occurred at the highest stresses where the data were within the 95% confidence interval. Unlike the previous two samples conditions, the lack of correlation between the sinh law fit and empirical data persisted through the higher test temperatures. At 75 °C, a “knee” in the empirical data resulted in the latter having a lower-than-predicted minimum strain rate at 9.0 MPa and 18.0 MPa nominal stresses. At 125 °C and 160 °C test temperatures, the best fit between the test results and sinh law predictions occurred at the mid-range stresses. The sinh law slightly over-predicted the strain rate at the lowest stresses. But, more so, the sinh law under-predicted the strain rates at the highest stresses. This trend was similar to the earlier observations that the Sn-Ag-Bi alloy was susceptible to a breakdown event when creep tested under the higher stress values. Although the breakdown was observed under all three sample conditions, it was most pronounced in samples that were aged at 150 °C. Recall that the plots in Figures 7–9, 11, and 14 compared experimental, minimum strain rate values between the three sample conditions according to each of the test temperatures. A similar comparison was made of the predictions provided by the sinh law Equations (3–5) in Figure 18. In this case, the trend lines were combined on a single plot that included test temperature and sample condition dependencies. (The confidence intervals were left off the plots for clarity.) The following observations were made from Figure 18: (a) The slope of the as-fabricated condition is steeper than those of the aging treatments, indicating a greater sensitivity of minimum strain rate to stress. The slopes were nearly identical between the two aging conditions. There are two scenarios to explain this trend. The first scenario is that the aging treatments add obstacles to the motion of existing dislocations. Such a case would prevail if the aging treatments caused solute precipitation. The second scenario would have the aging treatments annihilate dislocations. Thus, the deformation rate would be limited after the aging treatment until there could be an increase in the dislocation density. Certainly, it is possible that both scenarios contributed to the observed trend. (b) It was not possible to develop a consistent trend of minimum strain rates between as-fabricated versus aged sample conditions because the traces crossed over one-another at different stresses, depending upon the temperature. Over the range of stresses used in this study, that inconsistency occurred to the least extent at −25 °C and 160 °C. In those instances, the as-fabricated condition was predicted to have a lower strain rate than are predicted for the two aging conditions. (c) Comparing the two aging conditions, samples annealed at 150 °C (24 hours) caused a lower, minimum strain rate than was observed for samples aged at 125 °C. This result further supports the inference made above with respect to Figures 15–17: The aging treatments cause changes to the Sn-Ag-Bi microstructure other simply decreasing its strength due to recovery and/or static recrystallization mechanisms. Alternative processes include the DRX concept described in this analysis as well as the roles of solute precipitation and changes to the dislocation density (dynamic recovery). M Materials 20012, 5 21772 Figuree 18. Naturral logarithm m of the minimum straain rate as a function of that of thee stress as preddicted by thhe sinh law equations e foor each of th he three sam mple conditions. It is instrructive to suummarize thhe observations compilled from Fiigures 15–17. First of all, a across all a thhree samplee conditions, the sinh law equatioons consisteently under--predicted tthe strain raate at −25 °C a over-preedicted the strain and s rate at a 25 °C. Thhis discrepan ncy further substantiatees the earlieer summatioon thhat other microstructur m ral processees—most likkely DRX mechanisms m s, but certaiinly not exccluding otheer p possibilities such as dynnamic recovvery and soolute precipiitation—weere occurring simultaneeously durinng c creep deform mation. Secondlyy, the correllation betweeen the emppirical dataa and the sinh law equuations was improved at thhe higher teest temperattures of 75 °C, 125 °C, and 160 °C C. The fit was w deemedd to be very good for thhe a as-fabricated d conditionn as well ass for samplles that had d been agedd at 125 °C C for 24 ho ours, perhapps s slightly bettter in the laatter case for f these test temperattures. Howeever, the coorrelation decreased d foor s samples ageed at 150 °C C. In the latter case, the samples tessted at 75 °C C behaved m more like th hose tested at 2 °C, show 25 wing a “kneee” in the datta. The 125 °C and 160 0 °C data were better correlated to o the sinh law w p predictions, but largelyy so at the middle m stressses. Otherw wise, the coorrelation deeteriorated at the loweest a highest stresses.. and Third, thhe data sugggest that a measure of stabilizzation can be introduced into th he Sn-Ag-B Bi m microstructu ure using thhe 125 °C, 24 hour agging treatm ment. Althouugh the 1500 °C aging temperaturre im mproved thhe reproduciibility of sttrain-time cuurves at a given g set off test param meters, it is clear that, in i teerms of seccondary creeep strain raate, this agiing conditio on initiated other microstructural changes that leessened thee predictabillity of the crreep behaviior using thee sinh law representatio r on. 4 Conclusioons 4. 1. Com mpression crreep tests were w perform med on the ternary allloy 91.84Snn-3.33Ag-4.83Bi (wt.% %, abbreeviated Sn--Ag-Bi) Pbb-free soldeer. The testt temperatuures were: − −25 °C, 25 5 °C, 75 °C C, 125 °C, and 160 °C (±0.5 °C). Four loads l were used at thee two lowesst temperatu ures and fivve loadss at the thrree remainiing temperratures. Thee specimenss were testted in the as-fabricateed conddition or after being subbjected to one o of two aging a condiitions: 24 hhours at eith her 125 °C or o 150 °C. ° All aginng treatmennts were perfformed in air. a Materials 2012, 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2173 The strain-time curves provided evidence by means of negative creep and small-scale fluctuations, the latter suggesting that DRX was active during creep. The evidence was most obvious at the slower strain rates. The tertiary strain-time behavior, which was observed usually at faster strain rates, was not the consequence of a traditional damage accumulation process. Rather, it was proposed that it originated from DRX. However, it is recognized that other mechanism such as precipitation hardening/softening have not been completely ruled out in the absence of a microstructural analysis. Overall, the strain-time curves did not display a consistent trend that could be attributed to the aging condition. The sinh law equation, dε/dtmin= Asinhn (ασ) exp (−ΔH/RT), was used to analyze the creep rate kinetics. The values of α, n, and ΔH had these ranges across sample aging conditions: α, (0.010–0.015) ± 0.005 MPa−1; n, (2.2–3.1) ± 0.5; and ΔH, (54–66) ± 8 kJ/mol. The rate kinetics parameters indicated that short-circuit diffusion was a contributing mechanism to that of dislocation motion in the creep of this alloy. The sinh law representations did not show a consistent trend of between minimum creep rate between the as-fabricated versus aged conditions. 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