
Re: Electrical Switch Boxes, Conduit Outlet Boxes or Outlet Box Covers, steel, not exceeding 12
united inches—Item 61057
Staff Contact: Allison L. Austin
Telephone — (703) 838-8864
Proponent: Commodity Classification Standards Board
Present Classification Provisions
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT GROUP: subject to item 60500
Boxes, switch or conduit outlet or Outlet Box Covers, other than outlet box
plates, steel, plain, primed or galvanized, outside measurement of
boxes not exceeding 12 united inches (length, width and depth
added), with or without fittings or covers, see Note, item 62682, in
packages....................................................................................................... 55
NOTE—Applies only on articles named when without electrical equipment such
as switches or receptacles.
©2012 National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc.
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Present Classification Provisions — Concluded
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT GROUP: subject to item 60500
Switch Boxes, Electrical Enclosures or Electrical Wiring Equipment, viz.:
Electric Meter Sockets;
Electrical Enclosures, NOI;
Junction Boxes or Cabinets;
Outlet Box Covers, other than outlet box plates;
Outlet Boxes;
Switch Boxes, NOI;
Terminal Boxes or Housings;
Terminal or Junction Blocks;
Terminals, electrical cable or wiring, NOI, including Connectors or
Butt Splices, see Note, item 63163;
With or without fittings, see Note, item 63162, in boxes, see Note,
item 63161, subject to Items 170 and 171 and having a density
in pounds per cubic foot of:
Sub 1
Less than 1 ............................................................................................. 400
Sub 2
1 but less than 2 .................................................................................... 300
Sub 3
2 but less than 4 .................................................................................... 250
Sub 4
4 but less than 6 .................................................................................... 150
Sub 5
6 but less than 8 .................................................................................... 125
Sub 6
8 but less than 10 .................................................................................. 100
Sub 7
10 but less than 12 .................................................................................. 92.5
Sub 8
12 but less than 15 .................................................................................. 85
Sub 9
15 but less than 22.5 ............................................................................... 70
Sub 10
22.5 but less than 30 ............................................................................... 65
Sub 11
30 or greater ............................................................................................ 60
NOTE—Not Involved.
NOTE—Not involved.
NOTE—Not Involved.
*Published in Supplement 4 to NMF 100-AL, issued on November 1, 2012 with an effective date
of December 1, 2012.
Proposed Classification Provisions
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT GROUP: subject to item 60500
Boxes, switch or conduit outlet or Outlet Box Covers, other than outlet box
plates, steel, plain, primed or galvanized, outside measurement of
boxes not exceeding 12 united inches (length, width and depth
added), etc .................................................................................. Cancel; see
item 63160
NOTE—No Change.
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©2012 National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc.
Proposed Classification Provisions — Concluded
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT GROUP: subject to item 60500
Switch Boxes, Electrical Enclosures or Electrical Wiring Equipment, viz.:
Electric Meter Sockets;
Electrical Enclosures, NOI;
Junction Boxes or Cabinets;
Outlet Box Covers, other than outlet box plates;
Outlet Boxes;
Switch Boxes, NOI;
Terminal Boxes or Housings;
Terminal or Junction Blocks;
Terminals, electrical cable or wiring, NOI, including Connectors or
Butt Splices, see Note, item 63163;
With or without fittings, see Note, item 63162, in boxes, see Note,
item 63161, subject to Items 170 and 171 and having a density
in pounds per cubic foot of:
Sub 1
Less than 1 ............................................................................................. 400
Sub 2
1 but less than 2 .................................................................................... 300
Sub 3
2 but less than 4 .................................................................................... 250
Sub 4
4 but less than 6 .................................................................................... 150
Sub 5
6 but less than 8 .................................................................................... 125
Sub 6
8 but less than 10 .................................................................................. 100
Sub 7
10 but less than 12 .................................................................................. 92.5
Sub 8
12 but less than 15 .................................................................................. 85
Sub 9
15 but less than 22.5 ............................................................................... 70
Sub 10
22.5 but less than 30 ............................................................................... 65
Sub 11
30 or greater ............................................................................................ 60
NOTE—No Change.
NOTE—No Change.
NOTE—No Change.
As a result of action taken on Docket 2012-2, Subject 2 (May 2012), the provisions of
former item 63170, for steel switch boxes or electrical enclosures, conduit outlet boxes or
junction boxes or cabinets, or outlet box covers, were canceled with reference to item 63160,
which applied on the same products constructed of other materials. (The restriction on
material construction was concurrently removed from item 63160.) These changes were first
published in Supplement 2 to NMF 100-AL, effective July 21, 2012. The intent of that proposal—
in addition to assigning classes reflective of the products’ transportation characteristics—was
to combine the provisions for these similar commodities in the interest of clarification and
simplification. Subsequent to the docketing of that proposal, the CCSB became aware of an
additional item (61057), applying on steel switch boxes, conduit outlet boxes or outlet box
covers, not exceeding 12 united inches.
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The provisions of item 61057 were established as a result of action taken on Docket 99,
Subject 34 (June 1961), and first appeared in Supplement 15 to NMFC A-5, effective
November 16, 1961. The current class 55 was established as a result of action taken on Docket
811, Subject 2 (January 1981). Information on that record revealed a density range of 26.80 to
288.10 pcf, with an average density of 64.50 pcf. There was no indication of handling or
stowability problems, and value per pound ranged from $0.24 to $1.02, with an average of
$0.46 (in 1981 dollars). That proposal was approved as modified, and the change first
appeared in Supplement 12 to NMF 100-H, effective January 4, 1982.
While item 61057 was not directly involved in Subject 2 of Docket 2012-2, all steel switch
boxes, conduit outlet boxes or outlet box covers, regardless of size, were included in Research
Project 1135, on which that proposal was based. Moreover, a review of item 61057, using the
CCSB Density Study1, finds densities ranging from 4.40 to 33.82 pcf, with an average density of
11.25 pcf. This is inconsistent with the density data considered when the current class 55 was
assigned, and it is inconsistent with CCSB guidelines for the current class 55, which call for a
minimum average density of 35 pcf. The average density of 11.25 pcf is, however, comparable
to the average density of 11.60 pcf on the record of Docket 2012-2, Subject 2, and the density
range of 4.40 to 33.82 pcf is both wide and within the range of 0.08 to 140.62 pcf identified on
the record of Docket 2012-2, Subject 2.
Relationship to CCSB Policies and Guidelines
CCSB policy calls for combining descriptions embracing related commodities in the
interest of clarification and simplification. The intent of Docket 2012-2, Subject 2, was to cancel
the provisions for steel switch boxes or electrical enclosures, conduit outlet boxes or junction
boxes or cabinets, or outlet box covers, and classify such articles under the same provisions as
those of all other materials, with classes reflective of their transportation characteristics.
Despite considering all steel products during the research project, the provisions of item 61057,
applying on steel switch boxes, conduit outlet boxes or outlet box covers, contingent on size,
were overlooked in that proposal. Based on the information of record, canceling item 61057
with reference to item 63160, as proposed, would be in keeping with CCSB policy and the
intent of Docket 2012-2, Subject 2.
This proposal, as docketed, is in keeping with CCSB policy and precedent.
The Density Study is part of an ongoing effort by the CCSB to collect information on actual shipments; it
is not tied to any particular research project, nor does it target any particular product category. Carriers
that choose to participate in the study periodically submit shipment data captured through their
respective freight auditing programs. The data is identified by NMFC™ item, and only verifiable data
points, which include the weight and the dimensions and/or cube of the shipping unit involved, are
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©2012 National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc.