Five Keys to Co-Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms

Five Keys to
Co-Teaching in
Inclusive Classrooms
ne of the primary ways schools are
addressing the need for accountability and individualization is through
a technique known as co-teaching.
Co-teaching is considered a viable option
for ensuring students have a “highly qualified”
content teacher in the room, while also ensuring
that all students’ individualized educational needs
are met by an instructor who is highly qualified
in differentiation strategies. Provided here are
the five keys any administrator should know to
create and maintain effective co-teaching in the
inclusive classroom.
“Co-teaching is often referred
to as a ‘professional marriage.’ ”
KK Know what co-teaching is and
when it is needed. Co-teaching exists
when two professionals co-plan, coinstruct and co-assess a diverse group of
students. Both teachers provide substantive instruction to all students on a daily,
consistent basis. Neither is considered the
main teacher of the class; they are equals.
In most schools, however, there are not
enough special education teachers to enable all
classes to be co-taught. Special educators often
are spread thin and cannot afford to be in one
class daily for a committed period of time. In
that case, in-class support may be warranted.
In-class support varies from co-teaching in
that the co-planning and co-assessing components are absent, or at least are not as prevalent as they are during co-teaching. During
in-class support, the role of the special education teacher is to provide on-the-spot accommodations, behavioral supports and proximity
control. Naturally, these techniques do not
carry as much impact as co-teaching because
teachers are reactive, rather than pro-active.
KK Recognize that co-teaching is a
marriage and you are the matchmaker. Co-teaching is often referred to as
a “professional marriage.” As such, adminis-
trators who do not want their teachers to
get divorced quickly need to recognize the
importance of encouraging self-selection
of partners.
Although obtaining volunteers for
co-teaching is not always feasible, there are
strategies that can increase the chances educators will step forward to participate. These
include: (a) sending out a survey of teacher
preferences (grade, subject, people with whom
they wish to collaborate); (b) allowing teachers
to choose their partners; (c) providing professional development; (d) assuring common planning times; and (e) allowing new co-teaching
partners to be recused from other responsibilities (e.g., lunch duty). Being a good matchmaker
now will ensure you don’t have to spend excessive time later as a marriage counselor.
KK Make scheduling a priority. Allowing computers to randomly populate
classes for the master schedule is not the
best approach to take when first establishing co-teaching at a school. In fact, students with disabilities should be put into
the master schedule first (in some cases,
this means hand-scheduling). One administrator in Alabama reported she simply had
to get rid of everyone’s “sacred cows” and
start fresh. They ended up recreating the
schedule from six periods to eight in order
to keep subjects, offer electives and ensure
teachers had both team planning as well as
individual planning times.
Another aspect of scheduling relates to the
proportion of students with special needs to
the typical learners in the class. While no magic
number exists, experts recommend having
natural proportions of students with disabilities
in classes. The key: Avoid having more than 30
percent of the class with special needs. Though
it may be convenient to cluster more students
with disabilities into one class, the desired
benefits can be negated by this action, leading
to lower academics, decreased behaviors and
increased teacher frustration.
KK Planning is critical. For the scheduling of common planning times to be
accomplished, administrators and teachers must decide early on who will be
co-teaching with whom. While this should
be ideally determined based on individual
student need, schools are usually able to
detect a trend in which classes typically
have the most students with significant
needs (e.g., English or math classes). Insightful administrators will find a way to give
prospective co-teachers time before the
Wendy Murawski
end of the school year and during the summer to meet and begin to pro-actively plan
their instruction.
While common planning times are the most
immediate way to ensure co-teachers plan
consistently, other options include: (a) hiring
a substitute, (b) using times when students are
engaged elsewhere, (c) administrative or teacher
coverage, (d) providing stipends and (e) banking
instructional minutes so teachers can have additional planning time. Administrators also can
purchase products that save time in co-planning,
such as Lisa Dieker’s Co-Teaching Lesson Plan
(available from or Co-teaching
Solutions System: Teacher’s Toolbox (available
KK Monitor success, give feedback
and ensure evidence-based practice.
In order to effectively assess the impact of
co-teaching, administrators need to monitor
co-instruction and provide feedback. Not
all observations of co-teachers should be
evaluative in nature. Identifying mentors,
peer observers and co-teaching coordinators
is helpful. Administrators need to reinforce
that both teachers are equally responsible
for the co-taught class and must therefore
be present and consistently engaged.
An excellent reference is a 2005 article “This
Doesn’t Look Familiar: An Administrator’s Guide
to Supervising Co-teaching” by Gloria Lodato
Wilson in Intervention in School and Clinic (Vol.
40, No. 5). An excellent software program for
observing co-teachers, collecting data on their
progress and generating numerous comparative
reports is the Co-Teaching Solutions System
Observation System.
Wendy Murawski is an associate professor of
special education at California State University,
Northridge. E-mail:
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