Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values Version 1.5-May 08 CLEA SGVs Dutch Intervention Values USEPA PRGs GAC Values Delta-Simons HH-GSVs generated using CLEA UK Software Beta Version 1.0 Inhalation of Indoor and Outdoor Air Split ii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLEA Soil Guideline Values (SGVs) Compound Residential with plant uptake (mg/kg) dry weight soil Residential without plant uptake (mg/kg) dry weight soil Allotments (mg/kg) dry weight soil Commercial/ Industrial (mg/kg) dry weight soil 20 20 20 500 Inorganic compounds Arsenic 200 (pH7) 2 130 450 450 450 750 Mercury 8 15 8 480 Nickel 50 75 50 5,000 Selenium 35 35 35 8,000 # 18 # 48,000 31# 150# Cadmium Chromium Lead (pH6) 1 (pH7) 2 130 (pH8) 8 (pH6) 1 30 (pH8) 8 1,400 5,000 Organic compounds Ethylbenzene 9 # 16 Toluene 3# 3# Phenol # 78 # 21,900 # 80 # # 21,900 Notes: NC Not calculated #Based on 1 % soil organic matter, which is the most conservative scenario of those presented within the appropriate SGV document. Ethylbenzene Residential without Plant Uptake SGV updated April 2005. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 iii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ICRCL Values for Copper and Zinc (use CIEH GACs for Human Health) Compound ICRCL (mg/kg) Copper 130 Zinc 300 Notes: It is noted that at elevated copper and zinc concentrations, phytotoxicity might start to limit vegetable growth and may become a major cause of concern. In these circumstances the ICRCL limit of 130 mg/kg for copper, and the ICRCL Tentative ‘Trigger concentration’ of 300 mg/kg for zinc might need to be considered as suitable generic assessment criterias in order to be protective of plant growth. Dutch Intervention Values Compound Antimony Dutch Intervention Value (mg/kg) dry matter 15 Barium 625 Cobalt 240 Molybdenum 200 Free cyanide Complex cyanide 20 (pH <5) 650 (pH >5) 50 Notes: The soil remediation Intervention Values indicate when the functional properties of the soil for humans, plant and animal life, is seriously impaired or threatened. They are representative of the level of contamination above which there is a serious case of soil contamination (Dutch Circular). Values for soil/sediment have been expressed as the concentration in a standard soil assumed to be 10% organic matter and 25 % clay. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 iv Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ USEPA PRGs 2004 Compound Residential Soil (mg/kg) Industrial Soil (mg/kg) Manganese and compounds 1,800 19,000 Ammonium sulphate 12,000 100,000 Notes: The USEPA Preliminary Remediation Goals are guideline values to be used for Site screening. Ammonium sulphamate has been used by Delta-Simons as a proxy for Ammonium. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 v Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Human Health Generic Screening Values for Soils CIEH/LQM GAC Values Generic Assessment Criteria (GAC) Values for Human Health Risk Assessment were derived by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) and Land Quality Management Ltd. (LQM) during a workshop at the University of Nottingham held in July 2006, and are presented in the following tables. This document is hereafter referred to as the GAC Manual. The GAC are intended to be ‘intervention values’ that ‘mark the concentration of a substance in soil at or below which human exposure can be considered to represent a ‘tolerable’ (where the relevant health criteria value is a tolerable daily intake) or ‘minimal’ (where the health criteria is an index dose) level of risk and that ‘exceedance can indicate to an assessor that further assessment or remedial action may be needed. (At the same time, non-exceedance will indicate that risk is acceptable and that land is suitable for its use, with regard to the contamination in question)’ (DEFRA 2005, within the GAC manual). The GAC values are broadly equivalent to the Soil Guideline Values published by DEFRA and the EA between 2002 and 2004. They do not have the same status of SGVs simply by reason of their origin. They will be redundant as and when DEFRA and the EA publish a SGV for a substance. A local authority may choose to adopt these values for use within their area. Non exceedance of a relevant GAC indicates that the soil contaminant levels are such as not to compromise human health. Exceedance of a relevant GAC value does not constitute evidence of a significant possibility of significant harm. Rather such exceedance should trigger a further detailed quantitative risk assessment where site-specific parameters are used to derive site-specific assessment criteria. Where Delta-Simons has conducted such a site-specific risk assessment, the physical, chemical and toxicological input parameters taken have been the same as those used by the CIEH and LQM, and are detailed in the relevant tables below. The GAC were calculated using the Environment Agency’s CLEA UK Software Beta Version 1.0 (2006), using the generic simulation model of the model. Input parameters were drawn either from Environment Agency documents or from other reliable sources of information in accordance with relevant guidance from the EA. The GAC presented below are those based on a SOM content of 1% by weight, which is considered to be the most conservative scenario of those modelled by LQM/CIEH. The Assessment Sub Criteria (ASC) for the sTPHs were calculated using a SOM of 2.5%, but the Cumulative value is for 1% SOM. N/A indicates that this pathway is not included in the conceptual model for the standard land use. Further information is available in the DEFRA publications CLAN 6/06, CLAN 4/06 and CLAN 2/05. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values vi ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Generic Assessment Criteria for a Commercial/Industrial Land Use Derived by LQM and CIEH using the CLEA UK Beta Model ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 vii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commercial/Industrial (mg/kg) Compound Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Cumulative 2,360 11,300 N/A 8.73 x 106 1,950 N/A 2.04 x 10 8 45,700 1.90 x 10 7 4,250 8 188,000 Metals Beryllium Copper Vanadium Zinc 55,300 264,000 5,140 24,700 N/A 227,000 1.09 x 10 6 N/A 8.40 x 10 2.77 x 106 1.33 x 107 168 1.02 x 1010 6 7 10 242 sTPH Aliphatics EC 5-6 Aliphatics EC > 6-8 2.77 x 10 535 1.02 x 10 Aliphatics EC > 8-10 151,000 723,000 161 5.58 x 10 8 65.9 Aliphatics EC > 10-12 86,000 412,000 53,600 3.18 x 10 8 29,900 29,900 Aliphatics EC > 12-16 41,700 1.33 x 10 95.3 200,000 Aliphatics EC > 16-35 763,000 3.66 x 10 Aliphatics EC > 35-44 763,000 3.66 x 10 6 38,700 185,000 3.61 x 10 9 2.82 x 10 9 617,000 3.61 x 10 9 2.82 x 10 9 617,000 1.43 x 10 8 26.9 30.4 272,000 6 Aromatics EC > 5-7 1.54 x 10 8 62.2 Aromatics EC > 7-8 38,700 185,000 71.3 1.43 x 10 8 Aromatics EC > 8-10 29,500 141,000 265 1.09 x 10 8 107 1.04 x 10 8 625 7 12,200 Aromatics EC > 10-12 28,100 135,000 1,550 Aromatics EC > 12-16 18,700 89,400 64,800 6.90 x 10 Aromatics EC > 16-21 11,500 55,000 1.03 x 106 4.25 x 107 9,190 54,800 2.00 x 10 9 4.24 x 10 7 9,250 9 4.24 x 10 7 9,250 4.24 x 107 9,250 Aromatics EC > 21-35 11,400 Aromatics EC > 35-44 11,400 54,800 2.00 x 10 Aromatic & Aliphatic EC>44-70 11,400 54,800 5.18 x 1010 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 viii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commercial/Industrial (mg/kg) Compound Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Cumulative 2,500 9,200 340 9.20 x 106 290 PAH Naphthalene Fluorene 75,100 277,000 6.38 x 10 7 2.78 x 10 7 8 59,000 Benzo[a]pyrene 37.8 139 1.20 x 10 140,000 29.7 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 37.8 139 9.68 x 108 140,000 29.7 780 3,740 0.0587 1.73 x 107 Chlorinated compounds Vinyl Chloride 0.0587 Trichloroethene (TCE) 13,600 65,000 6.42 3.01 x 10 8 Tetrachloroethanes 15,000 71,700 152 3.32 x 10 8 150 63.1 3.94 x 10 9 63.1 552 3.45 x 10 10 552 6.98 x 10 6 0.536 6 1.98 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Dichloroethanes (as 1,2-) Hexachlorobutadiene Trichloromethane Atrazine Chlorobenzene 177,000 1.55 x 10 314 849,000 6 7.43 x 10 6 1,500 0.537 6.42 103 496 2.03 2.30 x 10 102,000 488,000 79.5 2.27x 109 79.4 6 152 10 140,000 184 513,000 878 2.46x x 10 2.43 x 10 6 209,000 6 4.07 x 10 1.14 x 10 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ix ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Generic Assessment Criteria for a Residential Without Plant Uptake Land Use Derived by LQM and CIEH using the CLEA UK Beta Model ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 x Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential Without Plant Uptake (mg/kg) Compound Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Cumulative 103 482 N/A 548,000 84.9 Metals Beryllium Copper Vanadium Zinc 2,520 11,900 N/A 1.34 x 10 182 852 N/A 968,000 7 2,080 150 7 8,250 10,000 46,700 N/A 5.29 x 10 157,000 735,000 3.72 8.34 x 108 2.11 5.37 sTPH Aliphatics EC 5-6 Aliphatics EC > 6-8 157,000 735,000 11.9 8.34 x 10 8 Aliphatics EC > 8-10 8,550 40,100 3.57 4.56 x 10 7 1.46 4.51 x 10 7 8.60 42.1 Aliphatics EC > 10-12 Aliphatics EC > 12-16 8,460 8,070 39,700 37,900 21.3 102 Aliphatics EC > 16-35 33,900 159,000 2.75 x 10 6 Aliphatics EC > 35-44 33,900 159,000 2.75 x 10 6 Aromatics EC > 5-7 2,190 10,300 1.42 4.30 x 10 7 1.81 x 10 8 27,600 1.81 x 10 8 27,600 1.17 x 10 7 0.613 0.694 Aromatics EC > 7-8 2,190 10,300 1.63 1.17 x 10 7 Aromatics EC > 8-10 1,670 7,860 5.90 8.92 x 10 6 2.39 8.64 x 10 6 14.2 6 72.7 Aromatics EC > 10-12 1,620 7,620 35.0 Aromatics EC > 12-16 1,410 6,610 175 7.51 x 10 Aromatics EC > 16-21 580 2,720 1,140 3.09 x 106 291 2.70 x 10 6 417 2.70 x 10 6 417 2.70 x 106 417 Aromatics EC > 21-35 506 2,380 1.50 x 10 6 6 Aromatics EC > 35-44 506 2,380 1.50 x 10 Aromatic & Aliphatic EC>44-70 506 2,380 6.97 x 108 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xi Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential Without Plant Uptake (mg/kg) Compound Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Cumulative 125 450 7.47 664,000 6.94 PAH Naphthalene Fluorene 3,680 13,300 71,600 1.96 x 10 7 2,770 Benzo[a]pyrene 1.66 5.98 158,000 8,820 1.30 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 1.66 5.98 1.28 x 107 8,820 1.30 44.5 209 0.00129 1.42 x 106 Chlorinated compounds Vinyl Chloride 0.00129 Trichloroethene (TCE) 772 3,610 0.15 2.46 x 10 7 Tetrachloroethanes 848 3,970 3.62 2.70 x 10 7 3.60 1.46 12.9 0.15 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 9,760 45,600 1.46 3.11 x 10 8 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 88,300 412,000 12.9 2.81 x 10 9 17.8 82.8 0.0118 566,000 0.0118 Dichloroethanes (as 1,2-) Hexachlorobutadiene 5.90 27.5 0.0501 187,000 0.0496 Trichloromethane 5,710 26,700 1.72 1.82 x 108 1.72 Atrazine 7.20 336 3,980 229,000 7.04 Chlorobenzene 20,300 95,100 33.0 6.48 x 10 8 32.9 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xii ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Generic Assessment Criteria for a Residential With Plant Uptake Land Use Derived by LQM and CIEH using the CLEA UK Beta Model ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xiii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential With Plant Uptake (mg/kg) Compound Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Consumption of homegrown vegetables 133 13.7 Ingestion of soil attached to vegetables Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Cumulative 1,580 623 N/A 705,000 12.1 Metals Beryllium Copper Vanadium Zinc 2,850 205 117 1,230 33,900 13,400 2,450 957 N/A N/A 1.51 x 10 7 111 1.09 x 10 6 140 7 330 10,400 344 125,000 49,000 N/A 5.56 x 10 158,000 1,450 1.89 x 106 737,000 3.72 8.37 x 108 2.11 6 741,000 11.9 8.41 x 10 8 5.37 40,000 3.56 4.54 x 10 7 1.46 4.44 x 10 7 8.53 40.7 sTPH Aliphatics EC 5-6 Aliphatics EC > 6-8 159,000 1,580 1.90 x 10 Aliphatics EC > 8-10 8,590 3,570 102,000 Aliphatics EC > 10-12 Aliphatics EC > 12-16 8,400 7,710 4,180 4,580 100,000 91,900 39,100 35,900 21.0 96.9 Aliphatics EC > 16-35 39,600 35,900 474,000 186,000 1.90 x 10 6 Aliphatics EC > 35-44 39,600 35,900 474,000 186,000 1.90 x 10 6 Aromatics EC > 5-7 2,300 13.3 27,400 10,700 1.47 4.08 x 10 7 2.11 x 10 8 16,400 2.11 x 10 8 16,400 1.21 x 10 7 0.575 0.624 Aromatics EC > 7-8 2,350 9.43 28,000 10,900 1.73 1.24 x 10 7 Aromatics EC > 8-10 1,150 8.05 13,700 5,350 4.02 6.07 x 10 6 1.09 4.36 x 10 6 1.94 6 2.19 Aromatics EC > 10-12 825 6.59 9,840 3,840 17.6 Aromatics EC > 12-16 711 5.80 8,480 3,310 87.4 3.76 x 10 Aromatics EC > 16-21 622 215 7,420 2,900 1,210 3.29 x 106 115 3.11 x 10 6 157 6 157 174 Aromatics EC > 21-35 588 249 7,010 2,740 667,000 Aromatics EC > 35-44 588 249 7,010 2,740 667,000 3.11 x 10 Aromatic & Aliphatic EC>44-70 593 293 7,070 2,760 8.10 x 108 3.14 x 106 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xiv Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential With Plant Uptake (mg/kg) Compound Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Consumption of homegrown vegetables 947 3.72 Ingestion of soil attached to vegetables Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Cumulative 11,400 3,410 56.8 5.06 x 106 3.47 7 38.4 PAH Naphthalene Fluorene 3,520 39.1 42,100 12,700 18,900 1.87 x 10 Benzo[a]pyrene 1.93 5.34 23.2 6.94 184,000 10,300 1.12 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 1.90 6.19 22.9 6.85 1.47 x 107 9,910 1.14 33.1 0.0932 396 155 0.000963 1.06 x 106 Chlorinated compounds Vinyl Chloride 0.000953 Trichloroethene (TCE) 740 1.88 8,840 3,470 0.144 2.36 x 10 7 Tetrachloroethanes 582 0.727 6,970 2,740 2.49 1.86 x 10 7 0.562 1.01 11.7 33,500 1.07 2.28 x 10 8 396,000 12.4 2.69 x 10 9 72.8 0.0103 496,000 0.00791 43.5 17.0 0.0308 115,000 0.00422 39,400 15,400 0.997 1.05 x 108 0.888 42.1 4,980 287,000 0.0204 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 7,140 18.1 85,400 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 84,200 211 1.00 x 10 15.5 0.0341 184 Hexachlorobutadiene 3.63 0.00489 Trichloromethane 3,300 8.15 Atrazine 8.96 0.0205 107 Dichloroethanes (as 1,2-) Chlorobenzene 11,600 24.6 0.134 139,000 6 54,000 18.7 3.68 x 10 8 10.6 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xv ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ References for Physical and Toxicity Parameters for CoC used by LQM and CIEH to Derive Generic Assessment Criteria in the CLEA UK Beta Model, and used by Delta-Simons to Generate Site-Specific Human Health Screening Values. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xvi Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Physical Parameters for CoC used to Derive Generic Assessment Criteria. Soil-plant concentration factor Compound Leafy (dimensionl ess) Root (dimensio nless) Henrys Law Constant 3 (atm.m .m -1 ol ) (H’) Boiling Point (K) Molecula r weight (g/mole) Log Octanolwater partition coefficien t (Log Kow) Log Organic carbon partition coefficien t (Log Koc) Vapour pressur e at 10ºC (Pa) Diffusion coefficients Air 2 (m /s) Water 2 (m /s) Enthalp y of vapouri sation (cal/mol ) Critical temperatu re (K) Dermal absorpti on factor Water Solubilit y (mg/l) Metals Beryllium GAC GAC - - - - - - - - - - GAC ATSDR1 Copper IAEA 1994 IAEA 1994 - - - - - - - - - - EA 2005 WHOCu Vanadium Baes et al. Baes et al. - - - - - - - - - - EA 2005 WHOV Zinc IAEA 1994 IAEA 1994 - - - - - - - - - - EA 2005 USEPZn Aliphatics EC 5-6 Briggs Briggs TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG Aliphatics EC > 6-8 Briggs Briggs TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG Aliphatics EC > 8-10 Travis Travis TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG Aliphatics EC > 10-12 Travis Travis TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG Aliphatics EC > 12-16 Travis Travis TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG Aliphatics EC > 16-35 Travis Travis TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG Aliphatics EC > 35-44 Travis Travis TPHCWG TPHCWG EA 2005 TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG Aromatics EC > 5-7 Briggs Briggs EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 CLEA B1 EA2003 Aromatics EC > 7-8 Briggs Briggs EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 Aromatics EC > 8-10 Briggs Briggs TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG Aromatics EC > 10-12 Briggs Briggs TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG Aromatics EC > 12-16 Briggs Briggs TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG Aromatics EC > 16-21 Travis Travis TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG Aromatics EC > 21-35 Travis Travis TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG Aromatics EC > 35-44 Travis Travis TPHCWG TPHCWG EA 2005 TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG Aromatics & Aliphatics Travis Travis API 2001 TPHCWG EA 2005 TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG sTPH EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 CLEA B1 EA2003 TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 TPHCWG TPHCWG TPHCWG US US CLEA B1 API ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xvii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Physical Parameters for CoC used to Derive Generic Assessment Criteria. Soil-plant concentration factor Henrys Law Constant 3 (atm.m .m -1 ol ) (H’) Boiling Point (K) Molecula r weight (g/mole) Log Octanolwater partition coefficien t (Log Kow) Log Organic carbon partition coefficien t (Log Koc) Vapour pressur e at 10ºC (Pa) Air 2 (m /s) Water 2 (m /s) EA 2003 EA 2003 Diffusion coefficients Enthalp y of vapouri sation (cal/mol ) Critical temperatu re (K) Dermal absorpti on factor Water Solubilit y (mg/l) EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 Leafy (dimensionl ess) Root (dimensio nless) Naphthalene Briggs Briggs EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 Fluorene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 EA 2003 USEPA EA 2003 US US EA 2003 EA 2003 Benzo[a]pyrene Travis Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene Travis Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Vinyl Chloride Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Trichloroethene (TCE) Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Tetrachloroethanes Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Mackay EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Dichloroethanes (as 1,2-) Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Hexachlorobutadiene Briggs Briggs IPCS156 ATSDR ATSDR ATSDR ATSDR ATSDR EMEP EMEP USEP USEP EA2003 IPC156 Trichloromethane Briggs Briggs WHO WHO IPC163 WHO EA2003 WHO USEP USEP IPC163 IPC163 EA2003 WHO1 Compound EC>44-70 PAH Chlorinated Compounds Atrazine Briggs Briggs ATSDR RAIS IPC47 ATSDR EA2003 WHOAt IUPAC IUPAC US US EA2005 WHOAt Chlorobenzene Briggs Briggs EPI WHO2 WHO2 WHO2 EA2003 WHO2 Super Super USEP USEP EA2003 EA2003 Notes: For the inorganic chemicals such as the metals, soil/water partition coefficient (Kd) is utilised to calculate distribution between different environmental media. For organic chemicals it is estimated in the software from Koc and foc. For Kd values utilised, please refer to the GAC handbook. For several of the parameters the value has been derived by LQM and CIEH from the sources above. For details, please refer to the GAC manual. The Dust Enrichment Factor is ‘Yes’ for the metals and the PAH, in accordance with information from the EA 2003 and CLR10, as provided in the GAC handbook. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xviii ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ References for Toxicity Parameters for CoC used by LQM and CIEH to Derive Generic Assessment Criteria in the CLEA UK Beta Model, and used by Delta-Simons to Generate Site-Specific Human Health Screening Values. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xix Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Toxicity Parameter Compound TDI Oral (µg/kg bw/day) Oral MDI (µg/day) TDSI Oral for Adult (µg/kg bw/day) TDSI Oral for 6 yr Child (µg/kg bw/day) TDI Inhal (µg/kg bw/day) Inhalation MDI (µg/day) TDSI Inhal Adult (µg/kg bw/day) TDSI Inhal for 6 yr Child (µg/kg bw/day) Oral Index Dose ID (µg/kg bw/day) Inhalation Index Dose ID (µg/kg bw/day) USEPBe GAC Calc. Calc. - - - - - Calc. - Metals Beryllium Copper Vanadium EVM EVM Calc. Calc. Calc. Calc. Calc. Calc. - ATSDR EVM Calc. Calc. WHOAir WHOAir Calc. Calc. - - EVM EVM Calc. Calc. - - - - - Aliphatics EC 5-6 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aliphatics EC > 6-8 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aliphatics EC > 8-10 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aliphatics EC > 10-12 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aliphatics EC > 12-16 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aliphatics EC > 16-35 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Zinc sTPH Aliphatics EC > 35-44 API - API API - - - - - - Aromatics EC > 5-7 DEFRA - DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - DEFRA DEFRA - - Aromatics EC > 7-8 DEFRA - DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - DEFRA DEFRA - - Aromatics EC > 8-10 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aromatics EC > 10-12 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aromatics EC > 12-16 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aromatics EC > 16-21 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aromatics EC > 21-35 TPH - TPH TPH TPH - TPH TPH - - Aromatics EC > 35-44 API - API API - - - - - - Aromatic&Aliphatic EC>44-70 API - API API - - - - - - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xx Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Toxicity Parameter Compound TDI Oral (µg/kg bw/day) Oral MDI (µg/day) TDSI Oral for Adult (µg/kg bw/day) TDSI Oral for 6 yr Child (µg/kg bw/day) TDI Inhal (µg/kg bw/day) Inhalation MDI (µg/day) TDSI Inhal Adult (µg/kg bw/day) TDSI Inhal for 6 yr Child (µg/kg bw/day) Oral Index Dose ID (µg/kg bw/day) Inhalation Index Dose ID (µg/kg bw/day) DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - - - PAH Naphthalene - USEPAF FSA Calc. Calc. USEPAF NAQIA Calc. - - Benzo[a]pyrene - - - - - - - - DEFRA DEFRA Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene - - - - - - - - DEFRA DEFRA Vinyl Chloride - - - - - - - - DEFRA DEFRA Trichloroethene (TCE) - - - - - - - - DEFRA DEFRA - Fluorene Chlorinated compounds Tetrachloroethanes DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - Tetrachloroethene (PCE) DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - - DEFRA - - 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Dichloroethanes (as 1,2-) Hexachlorobutadiene DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - - - - - - - - DEFRA DEFRA WHOHex Calc. Calc. Calc. COT Calc. Calc. Calc. - - Calc. - - Trichloromethane WHO93 WHO93 Calc. Atrazine WHOAt Calc. Calc. Chlorobenzene IPC128 Calc. Calc. Calc. WHO93 WHO93 Calc. Calc. IPC47 Calc. Calc. Calc. - - Calc. IPC128 Calc. Calc. Calc. - - Notes Calc. Calculated by CIEH and LQM. For details see the GAC Manual. Toxicity Information for Aromatic EC5-C7 is that for Toluene from the DEFRA TOX report. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xxi ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Delta-Simons HH-GSVs The following tables provide Human Health Generic Screening Values (HH-GSV) for selected contaminants for which no SGV or GAC exists. The aim was to derive a wider data set of generic screening values that could be used in coordination with CLEA GACs, as they were calculated in a similar manner. HH-GSVs are provided for three different generic end uses, these are commercial/industrial, residential with plant uptake and residential without plant uptake. The toxicity data and physical chemical parameters for the contaminants of concern (CoC) are also provided. These HH-GSVs were calculated using the CLEA UK Software Beta Version 1.0., and if exceeded may be indicative of unacceptable risks to human health from chronic exposure to contaminants, and that a Site-Specific Risk Assessment may be necessary. The HH-GSVs are based on a set of conservative parameters to produce values considered appropriate for an initial screening process and below which remediation is not considered to be necessary with respect to human health. The HH-GSVs take into account a cumulative effect of all the potential pathways for the particular generic land use ensuring a conservative approach. The assessment sub criterion (ASC) were calculated using Equation 1-1 from Section 1.7 of the GAC Manual. Delta-Simons considers that these HH-GSVs have been calculated using appropriate toxicological data that is currently available but will be updated as and when any new CLEA Tox Reports are published for the CoC. The HH-GSVs are not regulatory approved but are considered to represent suitably conservative values for an initial screening process which is protective of human health. The Delta-Simons HH-GSVs have been derived in the Generic Assessment mode of the CLEA UK Beta Model, based on a sandy soil with a soil organic matter content of 1 % and pH of 7.0. The solubility values used were generally measured between 10 ºC and 25ºC, for example the solubility given for benzene in EA2003 is quoted at 20 ºC, which is not considered to represent a standard temperature for UK soils. Following the example of the CIEH and LQM in deriving the GAC values, it is assumed that the solubilities will not vary significantly between the two temperatures. The CLEA Beta model requires the vapour pressure at 10 ºC to be entered. Following the example of the CIEH and LQM in deriving the GAC values, the vapour pressure values have been corrected to 10ºC. This has been done using the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation within a spreadsheet written by Delta-Simons. The CLEA Beta model requires the Henry’s Law Constant and the reference temperature to be input, therefore it was not necessary to manually correct the Henry’s Law Constant to 10ºC. The Default value of 0.1 for the dermal absorption fraction is chosen, as given in Table 1 of CLEA Briefing Note 1. When researching the physical and chemical input parameters, Delta-Simons has followed the hierarchy of source documents detailed in Section 1.5 of the GAC Manual. A hierarchy of sources for the TDI data was employed; firstly DEFRA/EA Tox reports, then DUTCH MPR (maximum Permissible Risk) information, then WHO/EHC data, USEPA IRIS information and USEPA PRG Region 9 information. For references, see below. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xxii ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any Third Party using these Human Health Generic Screening Values do so at their own risk. Delta-Simons makes no warranty or representation whatsoever, expressed or implied, with respect to the use by a third party of any information contained herein. Delta-Simons assumes no responsibility for any costs, claims, damages or expenses (including any consequential damages) resulting from the use of the Human Health Screening Values contained herein. Delta-Simons HH-GSVs for a Commercial/Industrial Land Use Derived using the CLEA UK Beta Model ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxiii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commercial/Industrial (mg/kg) Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Benzene 2,369 11,354 1.66 5.26 x 10 7 1.65 Xylene m 160,441 768,643 407 3.56 x 109 406 309 3.56 x 10 9 308 255 Compound Cumulative Remaining BTEX Xylene o Xylene p 160,379 768,347 160,342 767,279 255 3.56 x 10 9 21,218 101,571 145,357 7.86 x 10 7 15,658 7.00 x 10 8 156,141 PAH Acenaphthylene 8 Acenaphthene 189,092 904,941 1.05 x 10 Phenanthrene 15,049 72,099 2.94 x 106 5.57 x 107 12,395 5.56 x 10 7 12,417 7.02 x 10 7 15,673 7.01 x 10 8 156,726 Anthracene 15,025 71,986 1.37 x 10 7 Fluoranthene 18,950 90,786 1.73 x 10 8 Pyrene Benz(a)anthracene Chrysene 189,484 907,784 1,886 9,040 18,854 90,324 1.36 x 10 10 1.96 x 107 6.98 x 106 8.99 x 10 9 6.98 x 10 7 15,595 6.97 x 10 6 1,556 6.96 x 10 6 1,556 6.95 x 10 6 1,552 4.17 x 10 7 9,310 4.26 x 10 7 364 9 Benz(b)fluoranthene 1,881 9,013 1.95 x 10 8 Benz(k)fluoranthene 1,881 9,013 2.45 x 10 9 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Benzo(g,h,I)perylene 1,876 8,981 8.03 x 10 11 11,257 53,885 3.98 x 10 1,919 9,190 472 9 1,560 Other Compounds 2-methylnapthalene Isopropylbenzene (cumene) Methyl-t-butyl ether 64,890 310,644 1.62 1.44 x 10 367,573 1,761,358 5,494 8.16 x 109 1.62 5,397 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxiv Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commercial/Industrial (mg/kg) Compound n-propylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Methylethylketone (MEK) Cis-1,2-dichloroethene Trans-1,2-dichloroethene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 100,014 Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour 22.28 Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust 8 4.64 x 10 4,254 1.13 1.97 x 107 1.13 5.73 7 5.69 10 3,646 Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Indoor and outdoor dermal contact 20,872 889 894 4,280 736,462 3.53 x 10 5,217 24,984 10,440 6 49,997 1.98 x 10 Cumulative 22.25 3,668 1.64 x 10 2.26 1.16 x 108 2.26 1.58 2.32 x 10 8 1.58 9 31,195 75,154 359,558 62,626 1.67 x 10 7,885 37,724 514 1.75 x 108 476 18.45 6.16 x 10-4 16.54 6.16 x 10 Polychlorinated biphenyls 8.31 x 10 -4 Dioxin Compounds 7.45 x 10 -4 -3 3.98 x 10 3.57 x 10 -3 -3 5.94 x 10 10.71 -4 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xxv ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Delta-Simons HH-GSVs for a Residential Without Plant Uptake Land Use Derived using the CLEA UK Beta Model ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxvi Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential Without Plant Uptake (mg/kg) Compound Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Cumulative 134.6 630.1 0.0378 4.29 x 106 0.038 Remaining BTEX Benzene Xylene m Xylene o Xylene p 8,936 8,935 41,779 41,773 9.57 6.92 2.85 x 10 8 9.56 2.84 x 10 8 6.91 8 5.87 8,923 41,766 5.87 2.84 x 10 2,187 10,234 857 1.16 x 107 580.9 4.86 x 10 7 7,045 4.07 x 10 6 563.6 3.72 x 10 6 563.6 691.4 PAH Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 9,148 42,810 1.08 x 10 Phenanthrene 766.9 3,589 5,224 Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benz(a)anthracene Chrysene 700.5 840.54 3,278 3,936 5 24,198 4.33 x 10 5 4.47 x 10 6 4.46 x 10 7 6,914 4.46 x 10 5 69.14 678.5 8,396 39,315 1.30 x 10 7 83.9 393 2.69 x 10 5 5.81 x 10 6 4.38 x 10 6 4.32 x 10 5 66.9 4.32 x 10 5 66.9 4.32 x 10 5 66.9 2.59 x 10 6 401.1 3.47 x 106 10.49 0.040 138.6 823 3,863 Benz(b)fluoranthene 81.12 380.7 7.55 x 10 5 Benz(k)fluoranthene 81.11 380.7 4.99 x 10 6 5.36 x 10 8 6 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Benzo(g,h,I)perylene 81.11 380.7 486.7 2,284 3.22 x 10 108.8 508.9 11.89 Other Compounds 2-methylnapthalene Isopropylbenzene (cumene) Methyl-t-butyl ether 3,686 17,240 0.0395 1.17 x 10 8 22,753 106,451 139.6 7.25 x 10 8 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxvii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential Without Plant Uptake (mg/kg) n-propylbenzene 1,185 5,545 Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour 0.554 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50.41 235.9 0.028 1.61 x 106 0.028 0.142 1.61 x 10 6 0.141 85.54 1.34 x 10 9 85.33 0.054 9.44 x 106 0.054 0.038 1.89 x 10 7 0.038 8 85.50 Compound 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Methylethylketone (MEK) Cis-1,2-dichloroethene Trans-1,2-dichloroethene Ingestion of soil and indoor dust 50.54 Indoor and outdoor dermal contact 236.5 42,024 1.97 x 10 197.8 1,387 395.8 5 2,774 Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust 7 3.78 x 10 Cumulative 0.554 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5,402 25,331 87.18 1.73 x 10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 382.9 1,796 12.73 1.22 x 107 12.23 1.37 2.73 x 10-5 1.06 2.73 x 10 Polychlorinated biphenyls Dioxin Compounds -5 4.3 x 10 3.31 x 10 -5 -4 2.01 x 10 -4 1.55 x 10 -4 1.19 x 10 0.183 -5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xxviii ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Delta-Simons HH-GSVs for a Residential With Plant Uptake Land Use Derived using the CLEA UK Beta Model ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxix Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential With Plant Uptake (mg/kg) Compound Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Consumption of homegrown vegetables 95.48 0.241 Ingestion of soil attached to vegetables Indoor and outdoor dermal contact Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust Cumulative 1,138 446.8 0.027 3.04 x 106 0.024 7.33 Remaining BTEX Benzene Xylene m 10,543 20.93 1.26 x 10 5 Xylene o 10,188 20.03 1.21 x 10 5 5 Xylene p 10,025 19.73 1.19 x 10 873.8 3.97 10,482 49,337 11.30 3.36 x 10 8 47,679 7.90 3.25 x 10 8 5.67 8 4.94 3.90 46,914 6.60 3.20 x 10 4,096 343.2 4.65 x 106 PAH Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Phenanthrene 8,721 684.4 76.70 6.50 1.05 x 10 5 8,209 40,881 3,208 16,691 4,671 4.64 x 10 7 75.50 3.64 x 10 6 6.41 6 116.5 Anthracene 753.2 148.1 9,033 3,530 26,065 4.01 x 10 Fluoranthene 850.9 12.08 10,176 3,977 4.38 x 105 4.51 x 106 11.86 2.26 x 10 7 7.58 x 10 7 6,916 5 4.52 x 10 5 Pyrene 14,286 19,056 1.71 x 10 5 66,781 Benz(a)anthracene 85.15 1.49 1,018 397.9 2.73 x 10 Chrysene 1,189 5,973 14,235 5,575 1.01 x 107 6.33 x 106 791.7 1.46 Benz(b)fluoranthene 87.02 2.30 1,042 407.1 8.07 x 105 4.62 x 105 2.22 4.65 x 10 5 3.45 4.61 x 10 5 57.71 Benz(k)fluoranthene 87.54 3.63 1,048 409.6 5.37 x 10 6 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 86.83 428.4 1,040 406.3 5.05 x 10 8 Benzo(g,h,I)perylene 897.0 5,829 10,739 4,197 1.04 x 107 4.76 x 106 607.8 72.84 0.842 867.3 340.4 7.95 2.32 x 106 0.752 Other Compounds 2-methylnapthalene ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxx Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential With Plant Uptake (mg/kg) Ingestion of soil and indoor dust Consumption of homegrown vegetables Isopropylbenzene (cumene) 3,668 Methyl-t-butyl ether 7,115 Compound n-propylbenzene 1,031 17,189 Indoor and Outdoor Inhalation of vapour 0.039 Indoor and Outdoor inhalation of dust 8 1.17 x 10 33,343 43.71 2.27 x 108 35.84 0.482 3.29 x 10 7 0.378 6 0.027 0.136 Ingestion of soil attached to vegetables Indoor and outdoor dermal contact 14.35 43,726 206.7 85,261 1.74 12,355 4,832 Cumulative 0.039 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 67.73 0.100 813.4 317.0 0.037 2.16 x 10 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 80.78 0.343 970.1 378.0 0.226 2.57 x 106 28.16 4.41 x 10 8 8.93 6 0.040 0.034 Methylethylketone (MEK) 13,829 13.08 1.66 x 10 5 64,779 Cis-1,2-dichloroethene 250.8 0.368 3,003 1,173 0.045 7.99 x 10 Trans-1,2-dichloroethene 563.0 0.556 6,740 2,633 0.036 1.79 x 107 30.46 6.03 x 10 7 4.50 x 10 6 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,894 3.33 141.5 2.25 x 10 0.188 -5 4 1,685 -7 8,851 661 -4 4.69 -4 -5 3.00 0.181 -7 Polychlorinated biphenyls 3.50 x 10 7.41 x 10 4.19 x 10 1.64 x 10 9.7 x 10 1.12 7.16 x 10 Dioxin Compounds 3.47 x 10-5 6.85 x 10-7 4.15 x 10-4 1.63 x 10-4 0.192 1.11 6.68 x 10-7 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xxxi ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Inhalation of Indoor and Outdoor Air Split for Delta-Simons HH-GSVs, LQM/CIEH GAC Values and DEFRA/EA SGVs Derived by Delta-Simons using the CLEA UK Beta Model ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxxii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Compound Commercial/Industrial Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) Residential Without Plant Uptake Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) Residential With Plant Uptake Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) BTEX Benzene 1.67 243 0.0379 12.8 0.0269 9.1 Toluene 3.57 1,220 3.34 1,140 150 22,000 Ethylbenzene 11.7 4,250 16.9 6,150 77,800 1.26 x 107 Xylene m 410 69,600 9.6 3,590 11.3 4,240 Xylene o 311 45,700 6.94 2,360 7.92 2,700 Xylene p 257 41,000 5.89 2,120 6.61 2,380 96.1 12,800 2.12 675 2.12 677 Aliphatics EC > 6-8 244 32,500 5.38 1,710 5.42 1,730 Aliphatics EC > 8-10 66.4 8,860 1.47 467 1.46 467 8.64 2,750 8.58 2,730 14,100 sTPH Aliphatics EC 5-6 Aliphatics EC > 10-12 54,900 7.32 x 10 6 7 Aliphatics EC > 12-16 274,000 3.65 x 10 43.9 14,000 44.3 Aliphatics EC > 16-35 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Aliphatics EC > 35-44 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 217 252 Aromatics EC > 5-7 27.1 3,960 0.615 208 0.641 Aromatics EC > 7-8 30.6 4,500 0.696 237 0.741 Aromatics EC > 8-10 109 14,500 2.4 764 1.64 521 14.4 4,580 7.19 2,290 77 24,500 35.6 11,300 N/A N/A N/A N/A Aromatics EC > 10-12 681 90,800 Aromatics EC > 12-16 65,100 8.67 x 10 Aromatics EC > 16-21 N/A N/A 6 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxxiii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Compound Aromatics EC > 21-35 Commercial/Industrial Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) N/A N/A Residential Without Plant Uptake Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) N/A N/A Residential With Plant Uptake Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) N/A N/A Aromatics EC > 35-44 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Aromatics & Aliphatic EC>44-70 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 474 92,300 11.9 4,860 7.97 3,250 SVOC 2-methylnapthalene Naphthalene Acenaphthylene 339 64,000 146,000 3.24 x 10 8 2.38 x 10 7.46 2,980 56.4 22,500 7 859 379,000 344 152,000 10 108,000 4.83 x 10 16,700 7.46 x 10 5,230 2.49 x 106 4,680 2.23 x 106 24,200 1.15 x 10 7 26,100 1.24 x 10 7 434,000 2.01 x 10 8 439,000 2.03 x 10 8 1.30 x 107 6.07 X 109 Acenaphthene 1.05 x 10 Phenanthrene 2.95 x 106 Anthracene 1.37 x 10 7 Fluoranthene 1.74 x 10 8 Pyrene 1.36 x 1010 3.34 x 1012 1.57 x 10 10 67,600 3.15 x 10 9 7.52 x 108 3.46 x 10 4.20 x 10 9 10 7 6 2.26 X 107 1.06 x 1010 3.14 X 10 7 19,000 8.79 x 10 6 270,000 9.74 X 10 7 274,000 9.86 x 10 7 5.84 X 106 1.21 X 109 Fluorene 6.44 x 10 7 Benz(a)anthracene 1.97 x 10 7 Chrysene 9.11 x 109 6.84 x 1011 3.02 x 10 8 167,000 3.78 x 10 10 757,000 1.01 x 107 2.09 x 109 1.29 X 10 7 186,000 1.44 x 107 3.06 X 10 8 809,000 3.27 x 10 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.24 x 10 7 Benz(b)fluoranthene 1.96 x 10 8 Benz(k)fluoranthene 2.48 x 109 1.97 x 1011 5.02 X 106 1.09 X 109 5.40 x 106 1.17 x 109 11 7.74 x 10 13 5.38 X 10 8 1.34 X 10 11 5.07 x 10 8 1.26 x 1011 11 3.23 X 10 6 1.26 X 10 9 1.04 X 10 7 4.06 X 10 9 9 1.56 X 10 7 8.87 X 10 7 1.69 X 10 7 9.64 X 10 7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8.11 x 10 Benzo(g,h,I)perylene 4.01 x 10 9 7.25 x 10 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.79 x 10 9 2.09 x 10 8 VOC Methyl-t-butyl ether 5,530 864,000 140 49,700 43.8 15,500 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxxiv Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Compound Vinyl Chloride Commercial/Industrial Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) 0.0591 7.56 Residential Without Plant Uptake Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) 1.29 X 10 -3 0.399 Residential With Plant Uptake Indoor Outdoor Inhalation of Inhalation of Vapour (mg/kg) Vapour (mg/kg) -4 9.59 X 10 0.297 Trichloromethane 80.1 10,400 1.73 540 0.987 308 Cis-1,2-dichloroethene 2.27 374 0.0537 19.7 0.0455 16.7 Trans-1,2-dichloroethene 1.59 269 0.038 14.2 0.0361 13.5 Dichloroethanes (as 1,2-) 0.541 70.1 0.0118 3.69 0.0104 3.23 Trichloroethene (TCE) 6.46 1 010 0.15 53.4 0.144 51.2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 556 88,000 12.9 4,610 12.5 4,460 418 0.872 323 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Tetrachloroethanes Chlorobenzene 49 8,180 1.13 153 25,700 3.63 1,350 2.43 903 213,000 3.53 x 107 33.1 12,200 18.3 6,720 0.0396 15.3 0.0395 15.2 Isopropylbenzene (cumene) 1.63 290 n-propylbenzene 22.4 4,190 0.555 221 0.484 193 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.76 1,070 0.142 56.3 0.227 89.9 0.0279 10.9 0.0375 14.6 87.4 32,900 30.5 11,500 1.14 207 63,000 1.08 x 10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 516 138,000 12.8 6,230 4.7 2,290 Hexachlorobutadiene 2.04 374 0.0502 19.7 0.031 12.2 5,530 34,400 5,830 36,300 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7 Other Atrazine Dioxin Compounds Methylethylketone (MEK) Polychlorinated biphenyls 4.47 x 10 6 5.90 x 10 6 10.8 1,370 0.184 56.5 0.193 59.3 3,690 569,000 85.8 30,100 28.2 9,930 0.776 1.19 x 10 0.0372 9.73 X 10 5.99 x 10 -3 -4 -5 0.0304 Note: For Phenol the inhalation pathway could not be split, as health criteria for the inhalation and dermal routes for phenol cannot be derived until reliable animal or human data becomes available (TOX 9, DEFRA/EA). Phenol is within the CLEA UK Beta default library data set but there is no inhalation TDI value. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xxxv ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ References for Physical and Toxicity Parameters for CoC used by Delta-Simons to Generate Site-Specific Human Health Generic Screening Values. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxxvi Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Physical Parameters for CoC used to Derive HH-GSVs Soil-plant concentration factor Henrys Law Constant 3 (atm.m .m -1 ol ) (H’) Boiling Point (K) Molecula r weight (g/mole) Log Octanolwater partition coefficien t (Log Kow) Log Organic carbon partition coefficien t (Log Koc) Vapour pressur e at 10ºC (Pa) Diffusion coefficients Enthalp y of vapouri sation (cal/mol ) Critical temperatu re (K) Dermal absorpti on factor Water Solubilit y (mg/l) Leafy (dimensionl ess) Root (dimensio nless) Benzene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 CLEAB1 EA2003 Xylene m Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 CLEAB1 EA2003 Xylene o Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 CLEAB1 EA2003 Xylene p Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 CLEAB1 EA2003 Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 TPH TPH - - EA2003 EA2003 Compound Air 2 (m /s) Water 2 (m /s) Remaining BTEX PAH Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 US US EA2003 EA2003 Phenanthrene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2006 EA2006 - - EA2003 EA2003 Anthracene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Fluoranthene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Pyrene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Benz(a)anthracene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Chrysene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Benz(b)fluoranthene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Benz(k)fluoranthene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 Benzo(g,h,I)perylene Briggs Briggs EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2003 EA2006 EA2006 - - EA2003 EA2003 Other Compounds 2-methylnapthalene Briggs Briggs SRC Chem. Chem. SRC SRC SRC TPH TPH - - CLEA B1 Chem. Isopropylbenzene (cumene) Briggs Briggs SRC Chem. Chem. SRC SRC SRC TPH TPH - - CLEA B1 Chem. Methyl-t-butyl ether Briggs Briggs EHC 206 Chem. Chem. EHC 206 ATSDR EHC 206 RBCA RBCA - - CLEA B1 Chem. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxxvii Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Physical Parameters for CoC used to Derive HH-GSVs Soil-plant concentration factor Henrys Law Constant 3 (atm.m .m -1 ol ) (H’) Boiling Point (K) Molecula r weight (g/mole) Compound Leafy (dimensionl ess) Root (dimensio nless) n-propylbenzene Briggs Briggs SRC Chem. Chem. Log Octanolwater partition coefficien t (Log Kow) SRC Log Organic carbon partition coefficien t (Log Koc) SRC SRC TPH TPH - - CLEA B1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Briggs Briggs TPH Chem. Chem. TPH SRC Chem. TPH TPH - - CLEA B1 TPH 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Briggs Briggs SRC Chem. Chem. SRC SRC SRC TPH TPH - - CLEA B1 TPH Methylethylketone (MEK) Briggs Briggs SRC Chem. Chem. SRC SRC EHC 143 RBCA RBCA - - CLEA B1 EHC143 Cis-1,2-dichloroethene Briggs Briggs SRC Chem. Chem. SRC SRC SRC USEPA USEPA US Us CLEA B1 Chem. Trans-1,2-dichloroethene Briggs Briggs SRC Chem. Chem. SRC SRC SRC USEPA USEPA US US CLEA B1 Chem. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Briggs Briggs EA2006 Chem. EA2006 EA2006 SRC SRC EA2006 EA2006 US US CLEA B1 EA2006 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Briggs Briggs EA2006 Chem. EA2006 EA2006 SRC SRC EA2006 EA2006 US US CLEA B1 Chem. Polychlorinated biphenyls Briggs Briggs EHC140 EHC140 ATSDR ATSDR USEPA EHC140 RBCA RBCA - - CLEA B1 EHC140 Dioxin Compounds Briggs Briggs ATSDR ATSDR ATSDR ATSDR EST ATSDR RBCA RBCA - - CLEA B1 ATSDR Vapour pressur e at 10ºC (Pa) Diffusion coefficients Air 2 (m /s) Water 2 (m /s) Enthalp y of vapouri sation (cal/mol ) Critical temperatu re (K) Dermal absorpti on factor Water Solubilit y (mg/l) SRC Notes: The Dust Enrichment Factor is ‘Yes’ for the PAH, in accordance with information from the EA 2003 and CLR10, as provided in the GAC handbook. For PCBs, where the data is from EHC140, the congener selected is 1242 Arochlor (Table 6). Molecular weight and Log Kow from ATSDR is also for 1242 Arochlor (Table 43). Log Koc, Air and water Diffusion Coefficients are for all PCBs in general. For dioxin compounds, The ATSDR, EST and RBCA information is for TCDD. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xxxviii ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ References for Toxicity Parameters for CoC used by Delta-Simons to Generate Human Health Generic Screening Values. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xxxix Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Toxicity Parameter TDI Oral (µg/kg bw/day) Oral MDI (µg/day) TDSI Oral for Adult (µg/kg bw/day) TDSI Oral for 6 yr Child (µg/kg bw/day) TDI Inhal (µg/kg bw/day) Inhalation MDI (µg/day) TDSI Inhal Adult (µg/kg bw/day) TDSI Inhal for 6 yr Child (µg/kg bw/day) Oral Index Dose ID (µg/kg bw/day) Inhalation Index Dose ID (µg/kg bw/day) Benzene - - - - - - - - DEFRA DEFRA Xylene m DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - - Xylene o DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - - Xylene p DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - - Acenaphthylene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Acenaphthene DUTCH Calc. - - PRG NAQIA - - - - Phenanthrene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Anthracene DUTCH Calc. - - PRG NAQIA - - - - Fluoranthene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Pyrene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Benz(a)anthracene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Chrysene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Benz(b)fluoranthene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Benz(k)fluoranthene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - Benzo(g,h,I)perylene DUTCH Calc. - - - NAQIA - - - - 2-methylnapthalene IRIS Calc. - - - Calc. - - - - Isopropylbenzene (cumene) IRIS Calc. - - IRIS Calc. - - - - Methyl-t-butyl ether EHC Calc. - - IRIS Calc - - - - Compound Remaining BTEX PAH Other Compounds ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xl Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Toxicity Parameter TDI Oral (µg/kg bw/day) Oral MDI (µg/day) TDSI Oral for Adult (µg/kg bw/day) n-propylbenzene PRG Calc. - TDSI Oral for 6 yr Child (µg/kg bw/day) - 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene PRG Calc. - 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene PRG Calc. Methylethylketone (MEK) IRIS Calc. Cis-1,2-dichloroethene DUTCH Trans-1,2-dichloroethene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene DUTCH Calc. Polychlorinated biphenyls DEFRA DEFRA Dioxin Compounds DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA Compound TDI Inhal (µg/kg bw/day) Inhalation MDI (µg/day) TDSI Inhal Adult (µg/kg bw/day) TDSI Inhal for 6 yr Child (µg/kg bw/day) Oral Index Dose ID (µg/kg bw/day) PRG Calc. - - - Inhalation Index Dose ID (µg/kg bw/day) - - PRG Calc. - - - - - - PRG Calc. - - - - - - IRIS Calc. - - - - Calc. - - PRG Calc. - - - - DUTCH Calc. - - PRG Calc. - - - - DUTCH Calc. - - DUTCH Calc. - - - - - - DUTCH Calc. - - - - DEFRA DEFRA DEFRA - - - - - DEFRA DEFRA - - - - - Notes Calc. In order to be conservative, the MDI has been calculated as 80% of the TDI, assuming an average adult body weight of 68.5 kg. NAQIA – Inhalation MDI calculated from the National UK Air Quality Information Archive data from the highest UK annual mean air concentration for 2005, assuming an adult 3 inhales 20 m per day. For MTBE, the TDI Oral of 0.09 mg/kg bw./day has been calculated by Delta-Simons based on the NOAEL for rats of 90 mg/kg bw./day given by WHO (1998) in the EHC document for MTBE, assuming an uncertainty factor of 1000 (100 for inter-and intra-species variation and 10 for limited data). The TDI inhal of 0.857 mg/kg bw./day has been calculated by Delta-Simons based on the IRIS RfC inhal of 3 mg/m3 , and Equation 1.0 detailed below. For MEK, the TDI Oral is taken from the RfD oral of 0.6 mg/kg bw. Given in EPA Toxicological Review of MEK, Sept 03 (EPA 635/R-03/009). This was calculated from data for rats exposed to 2-butanol (proxy for MEK). The TDI inhal has been calculated by Delta-Simons based on the EPA RfC inhal of 5 mg/m3 using Equation 1.0. Within the DUTCH reference, CRoral and CRinhal refer to health criteria for non-threshold substances for oral and inhalation routes respectively, and have been assumed by Delta-Simons to be the equivalent of the TDI Oral and TDI ihal. Some information on Dutch terminology is given in CLR9 A13. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 xli Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ References API (2001) Risk-based methodologies for evaluating petroleum hydrocarbon impacts at oil and natural gas E&P sites. Washington DC, American Petroleum Institute. ATSDR - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Atlanta, GA:. Various Toxicological profiles including: (1996) Toxicological profile for 1,2-dichloroethene. (2003)Toxicological profile for naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene. (1994) Toxicological Profile for Hexachlorobutadiene. (2002) Toxicological Profile for Beryllium. (1992) Toxicological Profile for Vanadium and Compounds. (2003) Toxicological Profile for Atrazine. (1996) Toxicological Profile for MTBE. (2000) Toxicological Profile for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). (1998) Toxicological Profile for Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs). BS 3882:2007. Specification for topsoil and requirements for use. BSI. Chem- Chemfinder. Cambridge Soft. CLAN 2/05- Soil Guideline Values and the Determination of Land as Contaminated Land under Part IIA. DEFRA. CLAN 4/06 –DEFRA Update on SGVs. DEFRA. CLAN 6/06 – Assessing Risks from Land Contamination –a proportionate approach. Soil Guideline Values: The Way Forward. November 2006. DEFRA. CLEA B1 – CLEA Breiefing Note 1 (Environment Agency 2004a). CLR10 – The Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment (CLEA) Model: Technical Basis and Algorithms. R&D Publication CLR10. (DEFRA/EA 2002). COT- COT (2000) Hexachlorobutadiene, COT Statement 2000/04. Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment. DEFRA -Contaminants in Soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Environment Agency. Environment agency, Rio House, Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4UD. Benzo[a]pyrene published April 2002 R& D; Publication – Tox 2; Benzene published April 2003 and R& D Publication – Tox 11; Dioxins, Furans and dioxin-like PCBs published April 2003 R&D Publication –Tox 12; Phenol published October 2003 and R&D Publication –Tox 9; Naphthalene published December 2003 and R& D Publication – Tox 20; Ethylbenzene published March 2004 and R& D Publication – Tox 17; Toluene published March 2004 and R& D Publication – Tox 14; Vinyl chloride published June 2004 and R&D Publication Tox 18; 1,1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane and 1,1,1,2 Tetrachloroethane published June 2004 and R&D Publication Tox 16; 1,1,1 Trichloroethane published June 2004 and R&D Publication Tox 25; Tetrachloroethene published ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xlii ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ June 2004 and R&D Publication Tox 23; 1,2-Dichloroethane published August 2004 and R&D Publication Tox 22; Trichloroethene published October 2004 and R&D Publication –Tox 24; and Xylene published November 2004 and R&D Publication Tox 19. DUTCH - Dutch indicates Lijzen, J.P.A, Baars, A. J., Otte, P.F., Rikken, M.G.J, Swartjes, F.A, Verbruggen, E. M.J., Van Wezel, A. P (February 2001) RIVM report 711701 023, Technical evaluation of the Intervention Values for soil/sediment and Groundwater. Human and ecotoxicological risk assessment and derivation of risk limits for soil, aquatic sediment and groundwater. RIVM, PO Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven. Dutch Circular – Target values, soil remediation invervention values and indicative levels for serious contamination, February 2000 (Circular) RIVM. EA2003 – Environment Agency (2003) – Review of the Fate and Transport of Selected Contaminants in the Soil Environment – Draft Technical Report P5-079/TR1. EA2006 – Environment Agency (2006) – Evaluation of models for predicting plant uptake of chemicals from soil. Science Report – SC050021/SR. EHC – World Health Organisation Environmental Health Criteria #54 Ammonia, 1986 #140 PCBs and Terphenyls, 1993 #143 Methyl ethyl ketone, 1993 #206 Methyl tertiary-butyl ether, 1998 EMEP- EMEP(2005) EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook. EPA TOOL . USEPA on-line Tools for Site Assessment Calculations. Naphthalene Henry’s Law Constant at 10 °C. EPI- EPI (2005)- Estimation Program Interface. Suite Version 3.12, December 2005. EST – Walters, R.W et al. (1989) Sorption of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin from water by surface soils. Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 23 No. 4, 480-484. EVM – EVM (2003) Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals ‘Safe upper levels for vitamins and minerals’ Food Standards Agency, May 2003. FSA – Food Standards Agency (2002) PAHs in the UK diet: 2000 total diet study samples. FSA Report 31/02. IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer – World Health Organisation ICRCL - Interdepartmental Committee on the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land. Guidance Note 59/83, 2nd edition, July 1987. INCHEM, IPCS (International Program on Chemical Safety) and CEC (Commission of the European Communities) INCHEM for Trimethyl benzene mixed isomers. 2002. IPC156 – IPCS (1994) Environmental Health Criteria 156 Hexachlorobutadiene. International Programme on Chemical Safety, World Health Organisation, Geneva. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xliii ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IPC163 – IPCS(1994) Environmental Health Criteria 163 Chloroform. International Programme on Chemical Safety, World Health Organisation, Geneva. IPC47 – IPCS (1990). Health and Safety Guide No 47 Atrazine. International Programme on Chemical Safety, WHO, Geneva. IPC128- IPCS (1991). Environmental Health Criteria 128. Chlorobenzenes other than Hexachlorobenzene. International Programme on Chemical Safety, WHO, Geneva. IRIS. Toxicological Review of 2-Methylnaphthalene EPA 635/R-03/010. USEPA. December 2003. IUPAC (1987). IUPAC Reports on Pesticides (23). Potential contamination of ground water by pesticides. Pure & Applied Chem. Vol. 59, No 10, 1419-1446. Mackay – Mackay, D., Shiu, W.Y., Ma, K. C. (2000) Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental Fate and Degredation Handbook. CRCnetBASE 2000, Chapman & Hall CRCnetBASE, CRC Press LLC., Boca Raton, FL. (CDD-ROM.) NAQUIA- NAQUIA (2006) The National Air Quality Information Archive website 2007, PRG. USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. PRG Preliminary Remediation Goals Region 9 Table 2004. RAIS- RAIS (2006) The Risk Assessment Information Sustem (RAIS) Database. RBCA, RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases, Version 1.3b Chemical Data for Selected COCs. Super – Superfund SSG (1996). USEPA Superfund Soil Screening Guidance. Attachment C. Chemical Properties for SSL Development. SRC – SRC Syracuse Research Corporation Chemfate database (SRC 2007), TPH, Gustafson, J.B, Griffith Tell, J., Orem, D. (July 1997) Selection of Representative TPH Fractions Based on Fate and Transport Considerations. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Criteria Working Group Series. Amherst Scientific Publishers 150 Fearing Street, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002. ISBN 1-884-940-12-9. TPHCWG, Selection of Representative TPH Fractions Based on Fate and Transport Considerations July 1997. Gustafson, J.B; Griffith Tell, J.; Orem, D; for the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Criteria Working Group Series. Amherst Scientific Publishers 150 Fearing Street Amherst, Massachusetts 01002. ISBN 1-884-940-12-9. Travis – Travis and Arms Regression (1988). US – USEPA (2001) Fact Sheet: Correcting the Henry’s Law Constant for Soil Temperature, published in June 2001. US1999, Risk Assessment Technical Background Document for the Chlorinated Aliphatics Listing Determination. Appendixes. July 30, 1999. Prepared by Centre for Environmental Analysis, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC 227709; and The Office of Solid Waste, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW (5307W) Washington, DC 20460. EPA Contract Number 68-W8-0053. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values xliv ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ USEPA, appendices from USEPA (1996) Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document, EPA/540R-95/128, Office of Soil Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, DC. USEPA94, Chemical Summary for Methyl-Tert-Butyl Ether (August 1994). EPA/749-F-94-017a, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. USEP – User’s Guide for the Johnson and Ettinger (1991) model for Subsurface Vapour Intrusion into Buildings (revised). USEPA Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Washington DC. December 2000. USEPZn – USEPA (2005) Toxicological Review of Zinc and Compounds. In support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). USEPBe –(1998) Toxicological Review of Beryllium and Compounds. USEPA. USEPF - (2006) IRIS online database, Fluorene entry. USEPMEK – (2003) EPA Toxicological Review of MEK, (EPA 635/R-03/009). WHO93 – WHO(1993) Poison Information Monograph 121 – Chloroform. World Health Organisation, Geneva. WHO – WHO(2004) Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 58 – Chloroform. World Health Organisation, Geneva. WHOAT – WHO(2003) Atrazine in Drinking water. Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking water quality. World Health Organisation, Geneva. WHO2 –WHO(2004) CICAD60 – Chlorobenzenes other than Hexachlorobenzene, Environmental Aspects. World Health Organisation, Geneva. WHOHex – WHO(2003) Guidelines for Drinking water Quality. Volume 1, Hexachlorobutadiene. World Health Organisation, Geneva. WHOCu – WHO(2004) Copper in Drinking Water. Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking water quality. World Health Organisation, Geneva. WHOV – WHO(2001) Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 29: Vanadium Pentoxide and Other Inorganic Vanadium Compounds. World Health Organisation, Geneva. WHOAir (2000) Air Quality Guidelines for Europe. World Health Organisation. Copenhagen. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Delta-Simons Environmental Consultants Collation of Human Health SGVs and Soil Screening Values ___________________________________________________________________________________ USEPA Definitions for Reference Dose and Reference Concentration Reference Concentration (RfC): Definition applied prior to July 2005: An estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a continuous inhalation exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime. It can be derived from a NOAEL, LOAEL, or benchmark concentration, with uncertainty factors generally applied to reflect limitations of the data used. Generally used in EPA's noncancer health assessments. Revised definition - effective July 2005: An estimate of a continuous inhalation exposure for a given duration to the human population (including susceptible subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of adverse health effects over a lifetime. It is derived from a BMCL, a NOAEL, a LOAEL, or another suitable point of departure, with uncertainty/variability factors applied to reflect limitations of the data used. [Durations include acute, short-term, subchronic, and chronic and are defined individually in this glossary]. Reference Dose (RfD): Definition applied prior to July 2005: An estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily oral exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime. It can be derived from a NOAEL, LOAEL, or benchmark dose, with uncertainty factors generally applied to reflect limitations of the data used. Generally used in EPA's noncancer health assessments. Revised definition - effective July 2005: An estimate of a daily oral exposure for a given duration to the human population (including susceptible subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of adverse health effects over a lifetime. It is derived from a BMDL, a NOAEL, a LOAEL, or another suitable point of departure, with uncertainty/variability factors applied to reflect limitations of the data used. [Durations include acute, short-term, subchronic, and chronic and are defined individually in this glossary]. To calculate the inhalation reference dose (RfDi) from the inhalation reference concentration (RfC), the following equation has been used; RfDi (mg/kg bw./day) = RfC (mg/m3) x 20 m3/day x 1/70 kg (Equation 1.0) As given in the USEPA Region 9 PRG guidance document. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.5-May 2008 Human Health Generic Screening Values (HH-GSVs) for Groundwater derived using RBCA. Version 4.0 April 2007 2 Human Health Groundwater Generic Screening Values Derived Using RBCA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1a. Human Health Generic Screening values (HH-GSVs) for Groundwater derived using RBCA Compound Carcinogenic Compound (Y or N) Applicable Residential HH-GSV (mg/l) Applicable Commercial/ Industral HH-GSV (mg/l) BTEX Benzene Y 0.27 2.3 Ethylbenzene N 45 >170 Toluene N 20 170 Xylene (-m) N 18 150 Xylene (-o) N 24 >180 Xylene (mixed isomer) N 25 >200 Aliphatics >C5-C6 N 4.4 >36 Aliphatics >C6-C8 N 2.9 >5.4 Aliphatics >C8-C10 N 0.098 >0.43 Aliphatics >C10-C12 N >0.034 >0.034 Aliphatics >C12–C16 N >7.6x10 >7.6x10-4 Aliphatics >C16 – C21 N NC NC Aliphatics >C21 – C35 N NC NC Aromatics >C5-C7 (as benzene) Y 0.26 2.3 Aromatics >C7-C8 (as toluene) N 19 160 Aromatics >C8–C10 N 3.2 27 Aromatics >C10-C12 N 11 >25 Aromatics >C12 – C16 N >5.8 >5.8 Aromatics >C16 – C21 N NC NC Aromatics >C21 – C35 N NC NC sTPH Version 4-Apr/07 -4 3 Human Health Groundwater Generic Screening Values Derived Using RBCA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1a. Human Health Generic Screening Values (HH-GSVs) for Groundwater derived using RBCA, cont’d Compound Carcinogenic Compound (Y or N) Applicable Residential HH-GSV (mg/l) Applicable Commercial/ Industrial HH-GSV (mg/l) PAH Naphthalene N 4.2 >31 Acenaphthylene N NC NC Acenaphthene N NC NC Fluorene N NC NC Phenanthrene N NC NC Anthracene N NC NC Fluoranthene N NC NC Pyrene N NC Benzo[a]anthracene Y NC -3 >5.7x10-3 -3 >5.7x10 Chrysene Y >1.8x10 >1.8x10-3 Benzo[b]fluoranthene Y >0.015 >0.015 -3 >4.3x10-3 -3 Benzo[k]fluoranthene Y >4.3x10 Benzo[a]pyrene Y >1.6x10 >1.6x10-3 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene N >0.062 >0.062 -4 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene Y >5.0x10 >5.0x10-4 Benzo[g,h,I]perylene N NC NC PCBs Y NC NC Dioxin (2,3,7,8-tcdd) Y NC NC PCBs and Dioxins Version 4-Apr/07 4 Human Health Groundwater Generic Screening Values Derived Using RBCA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1a. Human Health Generic Screening Values (HH-GSVs) for Groundwater derived using RBCA, cont’d Compound Carcinogenic Compound (Y or N) Applicable Residential HH-GSV (mg/l) Applicable Commercial/ Industral HH-GSV (mg/l) VOCs Isopropyl benzene (cumene) N 5.8 48 Methyl-t-butyl ether N 1,500 13,000 Methylethylketone MEK N 1,300 11,000 Vinyl Chloride Y 0.013 0.11 Trichloroethene (TCE) Y 0.83 7.1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Y 32 280 Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Y 7.5 63 1,1,1-Trichloroethane N 59 500 cis-1,2-dichloroethene N NC NC trans-1,2-dichloroethene N NC NC 1,1 - Dichloroethane N 0.33 2.8 1,2 – Dichloroethane Y 0.19 1.7 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene N >30 >30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Y 91 780 1,2-Dichlorobenzene N 8.5 72 1,3-Dichlorobenzene N 1.1 9.3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Y >150 >150 Chloroform Y 0.028 0.071 Carbon tetrachloride Y 0.14 1.2 Chlorinated Compounds (tetrachloromethane) Version 4-Apr/07 Human Health Groundwater Generic Screening Values Derived Using RBCA. 5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “>” indicates that the HH-GSV exceeds the constituent solubility value (groundwater). The predicted volatilisation within RBCA model is carried out using the Johnson and Ettinger equation, which is only valid for dissolved phase concentrations of contaminants. Where the HH-GSV is indicated to exceed the constituent solubility value, this means that even if free product were encountered it would not cause adverse effects via that particular exposure pathway, (this is confirmed by the Fact Sheet for the RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical Releases by the Environment Agency, FS-02, February 2003). NC - HH-GSVs for the heavy end aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in the range >C16-C35, for some of the Pah’s, PCBs and dioxins are not calculated by the RBCA method. Given the low volatility, there is also no inhalation reference concentration within the RBCA Toolkit for these compounds and they are not considered to be of concern via the inhalation exposure pathway. HHGSVs for the dichloroethenes are not calculated as no inhalation reference dose has been sourced to date. Carcinogenicity data from RBCA, DEFRA, USEPA and IARC. The HH-GSVs are based upon the indoor inhalation pathway in order to maintain a conservative approach. Constituents of Concern Input Parameters The Constituents of Concern input parameters have been updated from the default values within RBCA, in order to reflect the CLEA methodology. Where possible, toxicological information was taken from the DEFRA TOX reports. For carcinogenic compounds, the Oral Index dose (ID oral) from the DEFRA TOX reports was input into the model as the Oral Reference Dose (RfD oral). The inhalation Index Dose (ID inhal) was also input into the model, as the Inhalation Reference Concentration (RfC inhal). In order to convert the ID inhal to the correct units, it was necessary to perform the following calculation; Inhalation Index Dose (mg/kg/day) x Average Weight (kg) / Average Inhaled Concentration per day (m3/day) = Value input (mg/m3) i.e. Value input = ID inhal x (70/20) The Average Weight of 70 kg was taken from CLR 9 Para. 3.19. The Average inhaled concentration of 20 m3/day was taken from CLR 9 Table 3.1. For non-Carcinogenic compounds for which there is a DEFRA TOX report, the Oral Tolerable Daily Soil Intake (TDSI) and Inhalation TDSI could be input into the model in place of the RfD oral and the RfC inhal, respectively. For non-carcinogenic compounds for which there is no DEFRA TOX report, the Oral and Inhalation TDSIs were calculated from the RBCA RfD oral (TDI equivalent) and RfC inhal (TDI equivalent), with consideration of the Mean Daily Intake (MDI), as detailed in CLR 9 Para. 3.26. Version 4-Apr/07 6 Human Health Groundwater Generic Screening Values Derived Using RBCA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In summary: Where the MDI < 80% TDI, then the TDSI = TDI - MDI Where the MDI ≥ 80% TDI or if the MDI was unknown, then the TDSI = 0.2 x TDI The Henry’s Law Concentration was corrected for an average annual temperature of 10 ºC, on the basis that the ambient soil temperature at UK sites is 283 K from CLEA Briefing Note 2 Version 1.1, Table 3. The correction was performed using the USEPA on-line Tools for Site Assessment Calculations The calculation was performed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (as o-xylene), naphthalene, vinyl chloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-Dichloroethane, aromatic C5-C7 (as benzene), aromatics >C7-C8 (as toluene), chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, trichloroethene, fluorine, fluoranthene, acenaphthene, anthracene, pyrene, indeno(1,2,3,c,d)pyrene, Methyl t-butyl ether, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, 1,1dichloroethane, 1,2-trans-dichloroethene, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, tetrachloroethene, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and carbon tetrachloride. Exposure Parameters Parameter Human receptor EA CLR9 Parameters used within the RBCA Toolkit Residential Commercial / Industrial Female Adult Female Child Female Child Female Adult Source Age 16-70 Age 0-6 Age 0-16 age 16-59 Exposure duration (years) 54 6 16 43 CLR 10, Table 3.2. Exposure frequency 365 365 365 230 CLR 10 Table 4.8, Table 4.9 and (days/yr) Table 4.13 Body weight (kg) 46.4 14.8 39.0 46.4 CLR 10 Table 5.6 Skin surface area, soil 274 - 253 274 CLR 10, Table 5.8 2 contact (cm ). Version 4-Apr/07 7 Human Health Groundwater Generic Screening Values Derived Using RBCA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Soil Parameters Parameter Depth to Water- bearing Unit Soil Parameters used within the RBCA Toolkit Residential Commercial / Industrial 1m 1m 0.46 0.46 Volumetric water content 0.15 0.15 Volumetric air content 0.31 0.31 Dry Bulk Density 1.6 g/cm3 1.6 g/cm3 Vertical Hydraulic conductivity 860 cm/d Vapour permeability Capillary zone thickness 1.0 x 10 Table 3 Sandy Soil CLEA Briefing Note 2 : Version 1.1 Table 3 Sandy Soil CLEA Briefing Note 2 : Version 1.1 Table 3 Sandy Soil CLEA Briefing Note 2 : Version 1.1 Table 3 Sandy Soil 860 cm/d 2 m 1.0 x 10 -12 Assumed CLEA Briefing Note 2 : Version 1.1 Total porosity -12 Source RBCA Default for sand 2 m RBCA Default for sand 0.05 m 0.05 m RBCA Default for sand Fraction of organic carbon 0.01 0.01 Assumed Soil/water pH 6.8 6.8 RBCA default for sand Version 4-Apr/07 8 Human Health Groundwater Generic Screening Values Derived Using RBCA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Groundwater Parameters Parameter Groundwater plume width at Groundwater Parameters used within the RBCA Toolkit Residential Commercial / Industrial 10 m 10 m Source Assumed source Outdoor Air Parameters Parameter Air mixing zone height Ambient air velocity in mixing Outdoor Air Parameters used within the RBCA Toolkit Residential Commercial / Source Industrial 1.623 m 1.623 m Adult body height CLR 10 Table 5.7 3 m/s 3 m/s zone Conservative assumption based on met office data Indoor Air Parameters Parameter Indoor Air Parameters used within the RBCA Toolkit Residential Commercial / Industrial Building Volume/area ratio 2.4 m 9.6 m Foundation area 70 m2 600 m2 Foundation perimeter 33.6 m 98 m Version 4-Apr/07 Source CLEA Briefing Note 3: Version 1.0 (March 2004) CLEA Briefing Note 3: Version 1.0 (March 2004) Calculated from CLEA Briefing Note 3: Version 1.0 (March 2004) 9 Human Health Groundwater Generic Screening Values Derived Using RBCA. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Calculated from CLEA Briefing Note 1.4 x 10-4 /s 2.8 x 10-4 /s 0.15 m 0.15 m Foundation thickness 0.15 m 0.15 m Foundation crack fraction 0.001 0.001 0.12 0.12 RBCA Default 0.26 0.26 RBCA Default 2.5 Pa 4.5 Pa Building air exchange rate Depth to bottom of foundation slab Volumetric water content of cracks Volumetric air content of cracks Indoor/outdoor differential pressure 3: Version 1.0 (March 2004) CLEA Briefing Note 3: Version 1.0 (March 2004) CLEA Briefing Note 3: Version 1.0 (March 2004) CLEA Briefing Note 3: Version 1.0 (March 2004) CLEA Briefing Note 3: Version 1.0 (March 2004) Table 5. The Building parameters were taken for a commercial office building and for a residential bungalow. References CLEA Briefing Note 2: Update on Estimating Vapour Intrusion Into Buildings. Version 1.1 (July 2004) CLEA Briefing Note 3: Update of Supporting Values and Assumptions Describing UK Building Stock Version 1.0 (March 2004) CLR 9 - Contaminants in Soil: Collation of Toxicological Data and Intake Values for Humans. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and The Environment Agency, Various contaminants covered in DEFRA TOX reports (March 2002) CLR10 The Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment (CLEA) Model: Technical Basis and Algorithms. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and The Environment Agency, R&D Publication CLR1 (Jan 2002) Version 4-Apr/07 Appendix VI Appendix VI A different perspective Proforma: B03 Monitoring Record Sheet Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 16/06/08 Site Personnel: PH Site Contact: Warm, Sunny Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH6 BH19 BH11 BH24 BH27 BH25 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 6.0 <0.1 <0.1 0.8 0.1 0.2 2.3 1.0 <0.1 17.4 20.6 20.8 8.1 18.4 21.3 1000 1000 999 998 998 999 Depth To Water (m) 1.045 4.080 0.445 1.953 0.882 11.870 Depth To Base (m) 2.945 7.250 7.800 7.785 9.070 14.600 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Peak Flow Steady Flow Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Author: C Ramsbottom Version: 1.0 Proforma: B03 Page: 1 of 2 Issue Date: June 2006 Authorised by: G Pickles Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 16/06/08 Site Personnel: PH Site Contact: Warm, Sunny Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) BH2 BH4 BH13 BH12 0.0 0.0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA 0.0 0.1 <0.1 NA <0.1 0.1 <0.1 NA <0.1 20.1 19.3 NA 17.8 Peak Flow Steady Flow Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time CAR PARKED OVER MW Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Depth To Water (m) 4.246 0.597 8.791 Depth To Base (m) 8.080 5.965 14.170 Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Proforma: B03 Monitoring Record Sheet Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 20/06/08 Site Personnel: AW Site Contact: Warm, Sunny Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH14 BH15 BH4 BH2 BH12 BH1 GAS KIT BROKEN GAS BROKEN GAS BROKEN GAS BROKEN GAS BROKEN GAS BROKEN Depth To Water (m) 4.535 0.969 1.035 4.32 8.812 1.979 Depth To Base (m) 5.83 6.77 6.33 8.03 14.16 7.65 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Peak Flow Steady Flow Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Author: C Ramsbottom Version: 1.0 Proforma: B03 Page: 1 of 2 Issue Date: June 2006 Authorised by: G Pickles Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 20/06/08 Site Personnel: AW Site Contact: Warm, Sunny Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Peak Flow Steady Flow Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Depth To Water (m) Depth To Base (m) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Proforma: B03 Monitoring Record Sheet Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 24/06/08 Site Personnel: PH Site Contact: Warm, Sunny Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH12 BH6 BH25 BH19 BH27 BH24 Peak Flow 1.97 1.68 1.91 0.93 0.84 1.37 Steady Flow 1.62 1.51 1.76 0.71 0.79 1.01 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 2.1 <0.1 0.9 <0.1 0.3 15.1 16.9 19.8 16.3 20.2 17.4 1004 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Depth To Water (m) Depth To Base (m) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Author: C Ramsbottom Version: 1.0 Proforma: B03 Page: 1 of 2 Issue Date: June 2006 Authorised by: G Pickles Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 24/06/08 Site Personnel: PH Site Contact: Warm, Sunny Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH11 BH15 BH14 BH4 BH2 BH1 Peak Flow 0.64 0.72 2.04 1.87 1.32 1.64 Steady Flow 0.51 0.69 1.62 1.24 1.27 1.27 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.3 2.3 <0.1 <0.1 1.9 16.9 16.1 19.8 20.7 20.1 17.6 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Depth To Water (m) Depth To Base (m) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Proforma: B03 Monitoring Record Sheet Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 09/07/08 Site Personnel: AW Site Contact: Rain Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH1 BH2 BH4 BH6 BH11 BH12 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 -2.7 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 1.7 1.1 0.4 0.6 <0.1 0.4 17.7 7.9 20.4 20.4 20.8 14.1 996 996 996 995 996 995 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Peak Flow Steady Flow Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Depth To Water (m) Depth To Base (m) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Author: C Ramsbottom Version: 1.0 Proforma: B03 Page: 1 of 3 Issue Date: June 2006 Authorised by: G Pickles Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 09/07/08 Site Personnel: AW Site Contact: Rain Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH13 BH14 BH15 BH19 BH24 BH25 2.0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 NA <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.6 NA 0.2 4.6 0.5 0.6 11.1 NA 21.0 3.7 18.8 14.0 996 995 996 995 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Peak Flow Steady Flow Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) 995 Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Depth To Water (m) Depth To Base (m) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m BOREHOLE FLOODED Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: 09/07/08 Site Personnel: AW Site Contact: Rain Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH27 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Peak Flow Steady Flow Highest Value Steady Steady 1.3 Lowest Value Steady 18.8 996 Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) Product Thickness (mm) GROUNDWATER <0.1 Highest Value Mb PID (ppm) 0.1 Depth To Water (m) Depth To Base (m) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Proforma: B03 Monitoring Record Sheet Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: Site Personnel: Site Contact: Warm, Sunny Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH12 BH6 BH25 BH19 BH27 BH24 Peak Flow 1.34 1.47 0.98 1.94 1.79 0.99 Steady Flow 1.11 1.21 0.71 1.67 1.60 0.83 0.1 <0.1 0.2 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.6 3.1 <0.1 1.0 0.1 0.6 14.8 16.1 20.1 17.1 20.7 16.9 999 999 999 999 999 998 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Depth To Water (m) Depth To Base (m) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m Author: C Ramsbottom Version: 1.0 Proforma: B03 Page: 1 of 2 Issue Date: June 2006 Authorised by: G Pickles Job Name: Butcher’s Pet Care, Crick Job Number: 07-3497.01 Date: ?????? Site Personnel: ?? Site Contact: Warm, Sunny Weather Conditions: Monitoring Location BH11 BH15 BH14 BH4 BH2 BH1 Peak Flow 1.03 1.97 0.96 1.64 1.34 0.72 Steady Flow 0.93 1.72 0.81 1.51 1.02 0.65 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 0.4 0.6 3.2 <0.1 <0.1 2.7 17.1 15.7 20.7 20.7 20.2 17.1 999 999 999 999 999 999 Pressure Flow CH4 (% v/v) CO2 (% v/v) O2 (% v/v) Highest Value Steady Highest Value Steady Lowest Value Steady Mb PID (ppm) Highest Value Steady Time Notes Internal Well Diameter (mm) Depth To Product (m) GROUNDWATER Product Thickness (mm) Depth To Water (m) Depth To Base (m) Height of Water Column (m) Volume to Purge (L) Water Colour Odour/Sheen Notes Diameter of Casing (mm) Diameter of Bailer (mm) No. bails per m