TA • • • • Air handling unit with 4 row cooling coil from 4.5 up to 32 kW 5.5 a 40 kW 6 row coil heating efficiency with 4 row coil from 14.0 up to 78.0 kW 15.5 a 87.5 kW 6 row coil HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL CONFIGURATION VERSION WITH 4-6 ROWS WATER COIL VERSION WITH 4 ROW EXPANSION COIL USING R410A VERSION WITH EXTRACTOR Features The air conditioning units in the TA range are destined to civil, commercial and hotel systems, for applications in small to medium sized environments. The units in the TA range are characterised for their compactness (indispensable requisite for typical suspended-ceiling applications), the low noise and high useful static pressure. The great availability of accessories (e.g. bag filters and the mixing chambers with 3 dampers) allows to satisfy the most varied plant requirements • Structure realised with sandwich panels with thickness of 15 mm with polyurethane (density 40 kg/m3). The intake panel is equipped with a flange for fitting to any air channels. • • • • Horizontal or vertical fixing to a wall is made sleeves are supplied for the hydraulic attacheasy by the brackets. ments and the air vent valve. Filtration of the air entrusted to class G4 filThe possibility to rotate the coils on site is ters in compliance with EN779 (thickness envisioned. 50mm) as per standard positioned at intake. • Also available are coils with 4 rows with Fans double intake centrifugal with forward direct expansion operating with R410A fluid blades and directly coupled motor. and post-heating coils with 1 and 2 rows reaThe 230V-50Hz single-phase motor has many lised in copper piping with aluminium louspeeds, of which three can be selected via the vers blocked via mechanical expansion of the control panel. pipes. Condensate drip tray interior isolated in aluminium alloy. Coils with 4, 6 rows that can be fed with hot or cooled water realised in coil in copper piping with aluminium louvers blocked via mechanical expansion of the pipes. Threaded Choosing the unit By appropriately combining the variety of options available, it is possible to configure every model in a manner that satisfies all specific implant requirements. Fields configurator: 12 | Code 34 | | | Size 5 | Configuration Code: TA Size: 09, 11, 15, 19, 24, 33, 40, 50 Configuration: H - Horizontal V - Vertical X - Extractor Example of a sale code: TA09H4 This is a TA unit, size 09 horizontal with 4 row coil. 6 | | | Version Version: 4 - Coil with 4 rows 6 - Coil with 6 rows E - R410A coil with direct expansion 4 left rows Accessories • M2S 2 damper mixing chamber Louver pitch 50 mm; regulation pin in galva- • WMT 05 Electro-mechanical thermostat Galvanised sheet steel section complete with nised steel with diameter 8 mm mechanisaFor fan coils installed in 2 pipe systems The two air calibration dampers with galvanised tion. panel must be installed on the wall and prosheet steel louvers. tected electrically by an internal fuse. Louver pitch 50 mm; regulation pin in galva- • VRF Recovery fan section with G4 filter Has the following functions: on/off switch; nised steel with diameter 8 mm mechanisaFan unit, equipped with electronic varistor of cursor for the selection of heating/cooling tion. the number of revs. contained in a section in modes (manual season change); cursor for the galvanised sheet steel equipped with flat filselection of fan speed (high, medium and • M3S 3 damper mixing chamber ters with G4 efficiency (EN779). low); temperature selector switch Galvanised sheet steel section complete with (+5°C÷30°C) three air calibration dampers and galvanised • PMM Plenum with multiple circular flows sheet steel louvers. Plenum equipped with sandwich panelling • WMT10 Control panel Louver pitch 50 mm; regulation pins in galvawith thickness of 15 mm in galvanised steel For can coils with wall installation. nised steel with diameter 8 mm mechanisawith polyurethane insulation. The plenum is Control functioning of the fan coil depending tion. supplied with multi-diameter circular attachon the mode set. Va must be coupled with the VRF accessory ments (200 mm, 180 mm and 150 mm) in The panel must be mounted on the wall, it is plastic to allow the connection of circular used on 4 pipe and 2 pipe and 2 pipe with • FTF Soft bag filters section conduits. resistance systems, with the possibility of Galvanised sheet steel section complete with connecting two On - Off type valves for the soft bag filters with F6 filtration level. • PMC Closed flow plenum cut-off of the coil supply water. The panel is For different filtrations, contact the AERMEC Plenum closed equipped with sandwich protected electrically by an internal fuse. technical-sales dept. panelling with thickness of 15 mm in galvaniThe control has the following functions: cursed steel with polyurethane insulation. sor for the selection of the cooling or heating • B1R 1 row water coil The plenum allows to turn the flow by 90°. functioning mode; For 4 pipe systems, positioned internally, The opening of the flow hole is the installer's manual season change; downstream from the main coil. responsibility. manual selection of the fan speed Threaded sleeves are supplied for the hydrauselection of the desired environment tempelic attachments and the air vent valve. • SAS Intake damper rature (+10°CA÷30°CA); Air calibration damper with galvanised sheet 2 pipe systems management; • B2R 2 row water coil steel louvers. 4 pipe systems management; For 4 pipe systems, positioned internally, Louver pitch 50 mm; regulation pin in galva2 pipe systems management (cooling) + downstream from the main coil. nised steel with diameter 8 mm mechanisaelectrical resistance (heating); Threaded sleeves are supplied for the hydraution. thermostat ventilation; lic attachments and the air vent valve. continuous ventilation; • GMD Flow grid with moveable louvers continuous ventilation in cooling mode and • PBE Section with post-heating coil Grid with double order of moveable louvers thermostat ventilation in heating mode. The electric coil is made up from armoured for the introduction of air into the room to be resistances equipped with double safety therconditioned. mostat. It can be installed directly onto the appliance by removing the flanges or on the wall. • SSL Module with seven silencers Galvanised sheet steel section complete with • GAP Intake grid seven silencers in mineral wool covered with With fixed louvers inclined by 45°; can be a polyethylene film to prevent exfoliation. installed directly onto the appliance by removing the flanges or on the wall. • S2Z Damper with 2 areas (70-30%) Galvanised sheet steel damper with opposite • FPI G4 flange filters louvers for the mixture of the external air flow • PX Switch-over only control panel and the flow of recirculation air. M2S M3S FTF B1R B2R PBE SSL S2Z VRF PMM PMC SAS GMD GAP FPI PX WMT 05 WMT 10 TA 09 M2S1 M3S1 FTF1 B1R1 B2R1 PBE1 SSL1 S2Z1 VRF1 PMM1 PMC1 SAS1 GMD1 GAP1 FPI1 • • • TA 11 M2S1 M3S1 FTF1 B1R1 B2R1 PBE2 SSL1 S2Z1 VRF2 PMM1 PMC1 SAS1 GMD1 GAP1 FPI1 • •(1) •(1) Accessories compatibility TA 15 TA 19 TA 24 M2S2 M2S3 M2S4 M3S2 M3S3 M3S4 FTF2 FTF3 FTF4 B1R2 B1R3 B1R4 B2R2 B2R3 B2R4 PBE3 PBE4 PBE5 SSL2 SSL3 SSL4 S2Z2 S2Z3 S2Z4 VRF3 VRF4 VRF5 PMM2 PMM3 PMM4 PMC2 PMC3 PMC4 SAS2 SAS3 SAS4 GMD2 GMD3 GMD4 GAP2 GAP3 GAP4 FPI2 FPI3 FPI4 • • • •(1) •(1) •(1) •(1) •(1) •(1) (1) Envision the use of SIT and the replacement of the 2A fuse with one 4A fuse (2) Envisions return relay, one per speed TA 33 M2S4 M3S4 FTF4 B1R4 B2R4 PBE6 SSL4 S2Z4 VRF6 PMM4 PMC4 SAS4 GMD4 GAP4 FPI4 •(2) •(2) •(2) TA 40 M2S5 M3S5 FTF5 B1R5 B2R5 PBE7 SSL5 S2Z5 VRF7 PMM5 PMC5 SAS5 GMD5 GAP5 FPI5 •(2) •(2) •(2) TA 50 M2S5 M3S5 FTF5 B1R5 B2R5 PBE8 SSL5 S2Z5 VRF8 PMM5 PMC5 SAS5 GMD5 GAP5 FPI5 •(2) •(2) •(2) Technical data Mod. TA Nominal air flow rate Useful static pressure (1) Cooling capacity with 4 row coil (2) Cooling capacity with 6 row coil (2) Cooling capacity with 4 row coil with direct exp.R-410A (3) total sensible total sensible total sensible Heating capacity with 4 row coil (4) Heating capacity with 6 row coil (4) 1 row water coil heating capacity for 4 row pipes (8) 2 row water coil heating capacity for 4 row pipes (8) Heating capacity with 4 row coil (5) Heating capacity with 6 row coili (5) 1 row water coil heating capacity for 4 row pipes (5) 2 row water coil heating capacity for 4 row pipes (5) Electric coil capacity Number of electric coil stages Electric coil power supply Fans Motors Fans total input power Fans input current Fans power supply Poles Flat filters capacity (6) Soft bag filters efficiency (6) Sound power level (7) Connections Coils collectors Direct expansion coil pipes Condensate Drain (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) IN OUT m3/h l/s Pa kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW KW KW KW KW KW KW n° 9 900 250 110 4.7 3.5 5.4 3.9 6.6 4.2 14.2 15.7 5.2 8.4 5.5 6.1 2.2 3.6 4 2 11 1100 306 277 5.7 4.2 6.7 4.7 7.3 4.7 16.6 18.5 5.7 9.5 6.4 7.2 2.4 4.1 6 2 15 1500 417 249 8.7 6.2 11.7 7.5 11.0 7.0 23.9 26.6 9.2 14.2 9.3 10.5 4.0 6.2 8 2 n° n° W A 1 1 357 1,6 2 2 713 3,1 2 2 713 3,1 n° dB(A) 2 G4 F6 63 2 G4 F6 66 2 G4 F6 67 Ø inc. Ø mm. Ø mm. Ø inc. 1" 16 22 ¾ 1" 16 22 ¾ 1" 16 22 ¾ At nominal capacity with 4 row coil Entry air temperature 27°C d.b. 19°C w.b.; water temperature (Ent-Ex) 7°C - 12°C Entry air temperature 27°C d.b. 19°C w.b.; medium evap. temperature 2°C Entry air temperature 10°C; Water temperature (Ent-Ex) 70°C - 60°C Entry air temperature 20°C; Water temperature (Ent-Ex) 45°C - 40°C Inc with the EN 779 Standard Sound power in compliance with UNIX EN ISO 9614-2 Standards Entry air temperature 15°C; Water temperature (Sent-Ex) 70°C - 60°C 19 24 1900 2400 528 667 223 165 12.4 17.3 8.3 11.2 15.5 20.6 9.8 12.8 14.2 19.2 9.1 12.1 30.8 40.6 34.2 44.3 11.4 15.9 17.9 24.3 12.1 16.0 13.6 17.6 4.9 6.9 7.8 10.6 10 12 2 2 400V-3-50Hz 1 1 1 1 886 874 3,9 3,8 230V-1-50Hz 4 4 G4 G4 F6 F6 72 74 1" 16 22 ¾ 1" 16 22 ¾ 33 3300 917 215 21.7 14.3 26.3 16.6 23.0 14.8 52.2 58.0 18.3 29.9 20.6 23.0 7.9 13.0 16 2 40 4000 1111 220 27.2 18.0 33.5 20.9 30.5 19.4 65.8 72.6 25.2 38.9 25.9 28.9 10.9 16.9 20 2 50 5000 1389 163 31.8 21.3 39.6 25.0 34.5 22.3 78.3 87.5 27.7 44.9 30.8 34.8 12.0 19.5 24 2 2 2 1771 7,7 2 2 1771 7,7 2 2 2852 12,4 4 G4 F6 75 4 G4 F6 76 4 G4 F6 79 1" 16 22 ¾ 1" 22 28 ¾ 1" 22 28 ¾ Dimensional data (mm) B C A D TA HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION AND WITH EXTRACTOR Mod. TA 9 11 HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION DIMENSIONS AND "EXTRACTOR" CONFIGURATION Height (B) mm 300 300 Width (C) mm 700 700 Lenght (A) mm 700 700 Connections projection (D) mm 82 82 Number of fans n° 1 2 15 19 24 33 40 50 300 1050 700 82 2 390 1050 850 82 1 390 1475 850 82 1 390 1475 850 82 2 390 2100 1000 82 2 390 2100 1000 82 2 11 15 19 24 33 40 50 840 300 700 840 300 700 840 300 1050 1090 390 1050 1090 390 1475 1090 390 1475 1090 390 2099 1090 390 2099 732 655 70 1 732 655 70 2 1082 655 70 2 1082 905 70 1 1507 905 70 1 1507 905 70 2 2131 905 70 2 2131 905 70 2 9 28 30 11 33 35 15 45 47 19 60 62 24 78 81 33 86 89 40 135 139 50 140 144 D C F 36,5° E B F A Mod. TA VERTICAL CONFIGURATION DIMENSIONS Height (B) Width (C) Lenght (A) Fixing points (D) (E) (F) Number of fans mm mm mm mm mm mm mm n° UNIT NET WEIGHTS 4 row coil 6 row coil Extractor mm kg kg The technical data given on this documentation is not binding. Aermec S.p.A. reserves the right to apply at any time all the modifications deemed necessary for improving the product. 9 Aermec S.p.A. Via Roma, 996 - 37040 Bevilacqua (VR) - Italy Tel. 0442633111 - Telefax 044293730 www .aermec. com Cod.: STAUY.00 / 0910 TA VERTICAL INSTALLATION