Harmony Road (Regional Road 33) Class Environmental Assessment From Rossland Road (Regional Road 28) To Conlin Road PIC #2 Summary Report PREPARED FOR: Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby L1N 6A3 PREPARED BY: Stantec Consulting Ltd. 300-675 Cochrane Drive Markham, Ontario L3R 0B8 Date: March 2011 Project Number: 160210516 HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................1.1 2.0 NOTIFICATION ................................................................................................................2.1 3.0 PIC PRESENTATION MATERIAL ....................................................................................3.1 4.0 SUMMARY OF QUESTIONS / COMMENTS AND THE RESPONSES.............................4.1 5.0 NEXT STEPS....................................................................................................................5.1 Appendix A – PIC Notice and Letter Appendix B – PIC Displays Appendix C – PIC Questionnaire/Comment sheet amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx i HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT 1.0 Introduction As part of the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) of the proposed modifications to Harmony Road from Rossland Road to Conlin Road (Study), the Region is required to consult with the review agencies and public regarding the Study problems and opportunities and potential alternative solutions identified in this Study. This consultation is achieved through a Public Information Centre (PIC); which provides an opportunity for members of the public to learn more about the subject Study, to interact with the Region and Consultant staff, and to provide their input. The need and justification for the proposed modifications, and alternative solutions were presented at the first PIC for the study, held on June 23, 2010. Subsequently, the preferred alternative solution was selected: a widening of Harmony Road to four or five lanes from Rossland Road to Conlin Road, plus operational improvements and intersection modifications along the corridor. Following the first PIC, alternative design concepts were developed and a recommended alternative design was identified. To present the concepts and recommended design to the public, the Region held a formal PIC on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at the Maxwell Heights Secondary School, 1100 Coldstream Drive in Oshawa. The purpose of the PIC was to provide the public with an opportunity to review the analysis and evaluation of the design alternatives, the recommended design alternative, and the next steps in the study; and to solicit feedback. Representatives from the Region and Consultant (Stantec) were present at the PIC to respond to questions from the public and to discuss the next steps. The PIC was a drop-in format, from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, where information panels were set up for public review. The following representatives from the Region of Durham and Stantec Consulting were in attendance at the PIC. Region of Durham: Paul Gee, Manager, Transportation Design Janet Mosher, Project Manager, Glyn Reedman, Project Coordinator Stantec Consulting Inc: Gordon Murray, Consultant Project Manager Shawn Ellsworth, Consultant Project Engineer amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx 1.1 HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT 2.0 Notification Advertisements informing the public of the PIC were placed in Oshawa This Week newspaper on Wednesday, November 17th, and Thursday November 25th, 2010. The PIC notice was posted on the Region’s website and copies were mailed to residents and businesses in the area on Wednesday, November 17, 2010. The PIC letter was also mailed to the City of Oshawa, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, other Federal and Provincial agencies, First Nations representatives, businesses and utility companies. In total, 73 notices were mailed to the agencies. Copies of the newspaper notice, public notice and letter to the agencies are included in Appendix A. amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx 2.1 HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT 3.0 PIC Presentation Material Upon arrival at the PIC, attendees were asked to sign a visitor registration sheet. Comment sheets were provided for residents to complete and leave at the PIC or take away to complete and return to the project team. 20 display boards and 2 roll plans were presented at the PIC. The information display boards and roll plans in Appendix B included the following: Display Boards 1. 2. Welcome Purpose of the Environmental Assessment (EA) Study / Purpose of the Public Information Centre 3. Class Environmental Assessment Process 4. Study Area and Key Features 5. Summary of PIC #1: Summary of Background Studies and Key Influence 6. Summary of PIC #1: City of Oshawa Land Use 7. Summary of PIC #1: Summary of Needs and Opportunities Identified, Problem/Opportunity Statement, Preferred Alternative Solution 8. Alternative Designs Considered 9. Noise Analysis 10. Stormwater Management Analysis 11. Hoskin Bridge 12/13. Evaluation of Alternative Design Concepts – Rossland Road to Grand Ridge Avenue 14/15. Evaluation of Alternative Design Concepts – Grand Ridge Avenue to Coldstream Drive 16/17. Evaluation of Alternative Design Concepts – Coldstream Drive to Conlin Road 18. Recommended Alternative Design 19. Summary of Potential Environmental Impacts and Proposed Mitigation 20. Next Steps Roll Plans 1. 2. Plan and Profile of the Recommended Alternative Existing Features and Constraints Map of the Study Area amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx 3.1 HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT 4.0 Summary of Questions / Comments and the Responses The PIC was attended by 26 members of the public. As of March 1st, 2011, a total of 9 responses have been received from the public via comment sheets. The questions asked and comments received at, and after, the PIC, are summarized in the following table. Copies of the comment sheets are provided in Appendix C. Summary of Comments Public Comments 1. • The widening of Rossland (Harmony – sic) is long overdue. The use demands on this route are not being met by its present condition. • My one concern is the exiting situation at Storie and Corbett’s Road. Both these locations are one of a very minimal number of exits from these well populated communities. At present it is virtually impossible to go north on Harmony from Storie and south on Harmony from Corbett’s Road. • There are elevations that result in limited lines of vision because of hills on either side of the access roads. • There is no apparent coordination of lights at Rossland and Beatrice to allow movement out onto Harmony. • I do hope that there will be some thought given to making these access points safe for community members leaving and coming into their neighbourhoods so that they are not required to drive through the entire neighbourhood to find a safe way to follow. Region Response • The Region understands the concerns that you have raised, that relate to the difficulty of making left turns at Storie Avenue and Corbett’s Road, due to reduced visibility and the timing of the signals at Beatrice Street and Rossland Road. Presently neither Storie Avenue or Corbett’s Road intersection meets the requirement for signalization or are predicted to in the forecasted future. Signal timings at Beatrice Street and Rossland Road are coordinated primarily to optimize traffic flows on Harmony Road and Rossland Road and not necessarily for exiting traffic on side streets, where alternative signalized access is available. Alternate routes are available in these neighbourhoods for motorists who would prefer to make their left turns onto Harmony Road at controlled intersections. Instead of making an eastbound left turn from Storie Avenue, motorists can use Attersley Drive, Elderberry Drive and Beatrice Street to make a left turn at the traffic signal at Harmony Road. Instead of making a westbound left turn from Corbett’s Road, motorists can use Grandview Street and Rossland Road to make a left turn at the traffic signal at Harmony Road. From a traffic perspective, these alternate routes off acceptable levels of convenience. Visibility at Corbett’s Road meets current amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx 4.1 HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT Public Comments 2. • We operate a dairy farm on the NE corner of Harmony & Conlin Road. We travel north on Harmony to other farms with large equipment. During construction, for ease of construction and us moving equipment, we wonder if we could have an entrance on Harmony at the north edge of your construction. We would travel across our field and out the entrance to avoid corner. Another option would be to widen the gate at region water reservoir and allow us access there. 3. • I noticed the sidewalk will be moved towards the fence that is presently in place on the west boundary of my property (between the road and my property). Will the fence be moved or replaced? • Also, I would like to ensure a sanitary pipe is continued from Beatrice across Harmony Road to the boundary on the north part of my property. To ensure 4.2 Region Response • • design standards, however as part of this project the Region will be looking to secure, reasonable further improvements to visibility by way of additional daylighting for the intersection, where there is opportunity to do so. At Storie Street, we recognize that the west boulevard does create minor sight impairment towards the north. The proposed widening of the road from two to four lanes will require a minimum of 170m sight visibility at the intersection, which will be achieved within the proposed design. The Region fully understands your need to maintain access to your business during construction of the intersection modifications at Harmony Road and Conlin Road. We will work with you, as detailed design is moved forward with construction staging options to maintain access, either at the existing driveway or consider the alternatives you have suggested. The intersection modifications are currently scheduled for construction in 2012. In the meantime, the Region will need to start progress discussions on the acquisition of part of the frontage at your property to facilitate the widening of Harmony Road and Conlin Road at the intersection. The Region’s Property Division will be in contact with you, to begin these discussions, once further information is available as to the extent of property necessary. In terms of the moving of the sidewalk towards your property, at this stage of the preliminary design, the majority of the widening is expected to occur to the west, and we do not anticipate any need to alter the grading within your property. We should be able to accommodate the new sidewalk and any associated grading, within existing right-of-way, therefore there should be no need to move or replace the existing fence at your property amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT Public Comments Region Response Harmony Road does not have to be torn up when I decide to sub-divide my property into lots. 4. • Hand dug well – what if impacts/effects during house removal/demolition • Near property on north side (~35 ft deep) • Good well to date line. This will be confirmed once we move into the detailed design phase. If this changes within detailed design, typically the Region would be responsible for the costs of reinstating or replacing the fence as necessary. • • Timing of house removal/demolition? • 5. • Explained well by Mr. Murray • Pleased it is planned as it is • We would like to be kept informed • We hope the sewer system in Maxwell Village will be installed when the roads are being worked on amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx • The Region can extend the existing sanitary sewer to the east side of Harmony at Beatrice Street, provided that budget funds are available at the time of the project. You would be required to pay for the frontage and connection charges as a minimum, and possibly 100% of the cost of extending the sanitary sewer, as it will only serve your property, once subdivided. Please contact the Region for direct discussions regarding the extension of the sanitary sewer. If the Region determines that there is a likelihood of your well being affected by the proposed construction, they will undertake a pre-construction and postconstruction well survey to quantify the impacts, if any. However, given the shallow nature of the proposed Harmony Road improvements, it is unlikely that the construction will materially affect the supply of water from the well. Timing of the demolition of the existing house is unknown by the Region at this time. We suggest contacting the City of Oshawa in this regard. Sanitary servicing for part of the future development land on Harmony Road, north of Coldstream Drive is planned to be accommodated by extending an existing 250mm sanitary sewer southwards on Harmony Road from Conlin Road to Coldstream Drive. We have shown a proposed 250mm diameter sanitary sewer in principle on our drawings on Harmony Road, running between Conlin Road and Coldstream Drive. If required, the sewer would be constructed either at the time that the road construction takes place, or 4.3 HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT Public Comments Region Response in advance if the development comes forward sooner. Alternative sanitary sewer servicing can be provided through the site. 6. • I live on Grand Ridge Avenue – there are only three (3) exists from this location and all 3 are onto Harmony Road: Grand Ridge Avenue, Swiss Heights and Pinecrest Road. There are at least 7 of us in that area that own Corvettes. There are others that own classic cars. The point in telling you this is that we all attend several car shows in the late spring, summer and early fall seasons. It is critical that when entering shows, our vehicles must be very clean. If we have to go through a construction zone on Harmony Road to get out of this area to attend shows, our vehicles will get dusty and dirty! This is simply unacceptable. • • Request: During the construction, schedule the work so that we have a “clean exit” to Harmony Road from at least one of the three streets recorded above. May I please have your comments. If you are not going to cooperate, we will form a group to address our concerns through legal action. The property taxes in this area are brutal/excessively high. Surely you can make construction scheduling changes to accommodate this minor request. May I please have an early reply. • I wish to address my concerns regarding • 7. the proposed widening of Harmony Road (Regional Road 33) in the City of Oshawa. I am the owner of a property located on the corner lot of Harmony Road and Beatrice Street. During the Public Information Meeting on November 30th I became aware of City plans to build 4.4 There are no existing plans to provide additional sanitary sewers south of Coldstream Drive to service Maxwell Village and therefore not been identified as part of this Study. We fully understand your concerns and will try to accommodate your request when we get to the detailed design and the construction phasing stage of planning the project. Currently in the Region’s 2010 capital budget the section of Harmony Road from Rossland to Taunton is projected for construction in 2014, so consideration of construction phasing is still some time away. At this stage it is difficult to give you specific reassurances, as we have to consider a number of issues when we determine construction phasing, including length of time construction will take, the cost implications of phasing construction as well as the impact of construction on local residents. However, we can assure you that we have documented your concerns, and will do all we can reasonably do to meet your request. We will document in the Environmental Study Report (ESR) our commitment to meet and discuss the construction staging with you at the appropriate time. We understand your concerns relating to the proposed median island on Harmony Road, immediately north of Beatrice Street East and how this would restrict access to your residential property. Having looked at the preliminary design and discussed with our traffic division, we amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT Public Comments a traffic median (island) directly in front of my property, including my driveway. This proposed median presents the following problems in relation to property access: • the median will completely block entry and exit from the driveway • the median will prevent left-hand turns entering and exiting the property • It will also present the following traffic concerns for the general public as well as for the local community: • Increased likelihood of traffic accidents, in addition to the already unsafe intersection due to the steepness of Harmony Road directly before the traffic lights; thus resulting in the • Increased likelihood of seriousness of injury to passengers. Region Response are able to shorten the island to approximately 10 metres in length so that the driveway to your property on the north-west corner is not blocked. The 5 metre wide painted median could also extend northerly to provide informal refuge for motorists turning to and from your property. The next phase of the EA process will be to select the preferred design and complete the Environmental Study Report (ESR). The changes notified above will be incorporated into the preferred design and you will have been able to review these changes when the ESR is filed. We will notify you when the ESR is being filed and where you will be able to review the ESR and the preferred design. • Please consider other alternatives, such as creating a centre turning lane which will allow for safe left-hand turns. I would like to thank you in advance for reviewing and considering my concerns. I would like to ask that they are incorporated into the next phase of the study of the proposed plan, and I would like to request an update of the next phase of the project. amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx 4.5 HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT 5.0 Next Steps Some of the major tasks that follow the PIC are listed below: • • • • Review the materials presented, along with comments and suggestions received from the public, agencies, utilities, etc. Respond to written questions and comments. Based on input, confirm and complete the Recommended Alternative Design Complete the Environmental Study Report and file for 30 day Public Review. amr x:\active\160210516\public\pic #2 summary report ar.docx 5.1 HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT APPENDIX A PIC Notice and Letter HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT APPENDIX B PIC Display Boards HARMONY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 33) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FROM ROSSLAND ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 28) TO CONLIN ROAD PIC #2 SUMMARY REPORT APPENDIX C PIC Questionnaire/Comment Sheet