International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014) Design and Implementation of 16-bit Ripple Carry Adder for Low Power in 45nm CMOS Technology Dhara D. Joshi1, Prof. Jai Karan Singh2 1,2 Department of electronics & Communication, Sri Satya Sai Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal, MP, India, Is withdrawn from supply. Only half of this energy is temporarily stored in capacitor CL. The remaining Abstract— This paper will represent the design and implementation of 16 bit ripple carry adder(RCA), using three different CMOS topology as static or conventional CMOS, Gate diffusion input(GDI) and Adiabatic technology. Adder is the basic building for all arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction. we have implemented the 16 bit ripple carry adder in BPTM 45nm CMOS technology in LT spice IV. ………………………………(2) Is dissipated as heat in the on resistance of PMOS. When input becomes logic high, the NMOS turns on and energy stored on capacitor CL is discharged to the ground and dissipated as heat. Hence during a complete chargedischarge cycle, the energy Keywords—CMOS, GDI, RCA, BPTM, Adiabatic. …………………………….(3) I. INTRODUCTION Power consumption and it’s minimization is one of the primary concerns in today VLSI design methodologies because of two main reasons one is the long battery operating life requirement of mobile and portable devices and second is due to increasing number of transistors on a single chip leads to high power dissipation and it can lead to reliability and IC packaging problems. Adiabatic logic reduces the energy dissipation by reducing the dissipation across resistances of conducting MOSFETs and recovering the part of energy given to the output back to the source, which extends the battery life. Several adiabatic logic styles are available but here we implemented 1n-1p Quasi adiabatic logic. As we know Full adders are important components in applications such as digital signal processors (DSP) architectures and microprocessors. Apart from the basic addition adders also used in performing useful operations such as subtraction, multiplication, division, address calculation, etc. Is withdrawn from power supply and is dissipated as heat. Half of this energy is dissipated during charging and half is dissipated during discharging. B. Adiabatic Logic In static CMOS logic, the abrupt application of supply voltage gives rise to high potential across the switching device. The energy dissipation during charging and discharging can be minimized to a great effect by ensuring that the potential across switching device is kept sufficiently small. Adiabatic charging may be achieved by charging the capacitor from a time varying source that starts at 0V. This time varying source rises towards V at a slow rate that ensures that potential across switching device is kept arbitrarily small. The adiabatic charging is shown in figure 1. In fact the energy dissipated across the resistance, R is …………..(4) II. CONVENTIONAL CMOS LOGIC, ADIABATIC LOGIC AND GDI LOGIC From the above equation (4), we can see that if T >> RC, the energy dissipation during charging Ediss ≈ 0. Same is applicable during discharge process. In addition to this, in some adiabatic logics, the energy dissipation also occurs due to threshold voltage of MOSFET and diode cut-in voltage. The energy dissipation due to threshold voltage Vt is A. Conventional CMOS Logic The dominant factor of power dissipation in a conventional CMOS device is the dynamic power required to charge and discharge the capacitive nodes within the circuit itself. To charge the node capacitance CL from a dc supply of potential VDD, an energy …………………..(5) …………………………….(1) The energy dissipation due to diode cut-in voltage Vd is ……………………(6) 216 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014) Where, Vs is the voltage swing. The GDI cell contains three inputs: G(common gate input of nMOS and pMOS), P (input to the source/drain of pMOS), and N (input to the source/drain of nMOS), and Bulks of both nMOS and pMOS are connected to N or P (respectively), so it can be arbitrarily biased at contrast with a CMOS inverter. III. IMPLEMENTATION OF ADDER All the adders are implemented first with 1bit full adder than 16 bit with help of block of 1 bit full adder. A conventional or static CMOS adder is shown in figure 3 and Simulation result of it shown in figure 4 for 1bit, while 16 bit adder shown in figure 5 and simulation result for all sum output from S0 to S15 and Cout shown in figure 6. As the static or conventional CMOS style is the basic style used in VLSI implementation and basic logic for the development in power reduction technology. Figure 1 Adiabatic charging C. GDI Logic A new low power design technique that solves most of the problems known as Gate-Diffusion-Input (GDI) is proposed. This technique allows reducing power consumption, propagation delay, and area of digital circuits. A basic GDI cell contains four terminals – G (common gate input of nMOS and pMOS transistors), P (the outer diffusion node of pMOS transistor), N (the outer diffusion node of nMOS transistor), and D (common diffusion node of both transistors). A GDI cell is a lowest power design technique found in literature. This design can implement a wide variety of logic functions using only two transistors. This method is suitable for design of fast, low-power circuits, using a reduced number of transistors ,while improving logic level swing and static power characteristics and allowing simple top-down design by using small cell library. Figure 3 Schematic of CMOS 1 bit adder Figure 2 Basic GDI Cell The GDI method is based on the use of a simple cell as shown in Figure 2.2. At first glance, the basic cell reminds one of the standard CMOS inverter, but there are some important differences. Figure 4 Simulation result of 1 bit CMOS adder 217 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014) Figure 5 Schematic of 16 bit CMOS adder Figure 7 Schematic of 1n 1p Quasi 1bit adder Figure 6 Simulation result of 16 bit CMOS adder Figure 8 Simulation result of 1n 1p quasi 1 bit adder Adiabatic logic, there are various style in Adiabatic technology but we are using 1n 1p Quasi logic which is somewhat similar to the static CMOS logic. The 1n1p quasi adiabatic logic basically, it is similar to conventional CMOS except, it includes a sinusoidal power clock instead of dc power supply. By implementing 1n1p quasi adiabatic logic, it is possible to achieve quasi adiabatic operations with conventional static CMOS gates under one phase driving. If driver is varied sufficiently slowly, dissipation occurs only during charging and discharging of load capacitor [7]. The sources of power dissipation in 1N1P quasi adiabatic logic are threshold voltage of MOSFET and energy dissipated in NMOS and PMOS resistance while charging and discharging of load capacitance. The use of slowly varying power clocks ensures the small energy dissipation across the ON resistance of MOS devices. Figure 9 Schematic of 16 bit 1n 1p adder 218 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014) Figure 10 Simulation result of 16 bit 1n 1p Quasi adder Figure 13 Schematic of 16 bit GDI adder As shown in figure 7 1 bit adiabatic 1n 1p quasi adder implemented and simulation result shown in figure 8, while figure 9 shows 16 bit adder with help of the block diagram of 1 bit adder and it's simulation result in figure 10. Similarly the implementation of Gate Diffusion Input logic shown in figure 11, figure 12, figure 13 and figure 14 respectively. Figure 14 Simulation result of 16 bit GDI adder IV. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ADDERS TABLE I POWER DISSIPATION OF 1 BIT ADDERS Load Capa. (fF) Figure 11 Schematic of GDI 1 bit adder 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 12 Simulation result of GDI 1bit adder 219 Average Power Dissipation (in uW) Static CMOS 5.771 6.1796 6.2233 6.3251 6.9587 7.0784 7.3718 7.6602 8.166 8.2647 1n-1p Quasi 3.2006 3.3343 3.512 3.7406 3.9514 4.132 4.3791 4.626 4.8833 5.1235 GDI 3.8739 4.3688 4.7982 5.1967 5.6084 5.9816 6.3424 6.6842 70533 7.4018 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014) [2] TABLE II POWER DELAY PRODUCT OF 1 BIT ADDERS Load Capa. (fF) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Average Power Dissipation (in pJ) [3] Static CMOS 1.1542 1.2359 1.2447 1.265 1.3917 1.4157 1.4744 1.532 1.6332 1.6529 1n-1p Quasi 0.5761 0.6001 0.6321 0.6733 0.7112 0.7437 0.7882 0.8326 0.8789 0.9222 GDI 0.7749 0.8737 0.9596 1.0393 1.1217 1.1963 1.2685 1.3368 1.4107 1.4804 [4] [5] [6] As shown in the table 1 and table 2 will demonstrate the power consumption and integral power delay product of all three adder for 1 bit full adder. we found that an adiabatic logic 1n 1p Quasi has the least power dissipation compared to the GDI and static CMOS logic adder. [7] [8] REFERENCES [1] Sauvagya Ranjan Sahoo, Kamala Kanta Mahapatra, "Design of Low Power and High Speed Ripple Carry Adder Using Modified Feedthrough Logic " in 2012 International Conference on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems (CODIS) , 978-14673-4700-6/12/$3l.00 ©2012 IEEE. 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