ISO 9001 - 2008 a tt W rman ce m Product s yo hen perfo n o y l e r n a ! c u er S E L E C T I O N G U I D E ISOLA MSP High Range, Water-Reducing, Superplasticizing Admixture. for concrete and cementitious systems. Melamine-based. Conforms with ASTM C 494 Type F. Recommended Dose: 0.6 - 2 liters / 100 kg cement. Packing: 210 liter drum or bulk. ISOPLAS PSG High Range, Water-Reducing, Superplasticizing Admixture. for concrete and cementitious systems. Naphthalene-based. Conforms with ASTM C 494 Type G. Recommended Dose: 0.6 - 2 liters/100 kg cement. Packing: 210 liter drum or bulk. ISOLA AEA INDEX PAGES Concrete & Mortar Admixture 1 Surface Treatments 1&2 Grouts 2 Concrete Repair 2&3 Flooring 3&4 Waterproofing/Dampproofing 4&5 Sealants 5 Bonding Agent/Adhesives 6 Miscellaneous 6 Concrete & Mortar Admixtures ISOPLAS BT Water-Reducing, Plasticizing, Retarding Admixture. for concrete and cementitious systems. Lignosulphonate-based. Conforms with ASTM C 494 Types A, B and D. Recommended Dose: 0.6 - 1 liter/100 kg cement. Packing: 210 liter drum or bulk. ISOLA BVT Water-Reducing, Plasticizing, Retarding Admixture. for concrete and cementitious systems. Lignosulphonate-based. Conforms with ASTM C 494 Types A, B and D. Recommended Dose: 0.5 - 0.8 liter/100 kg cement. Packing: 210 liter drum or bulk. ISOLA PSM High Range, Water-Reducing, Superplasticizing Admixture. for concrete and cementitious systems. Naphthalene-based. Conforms with ASTM C 494 Type F. Recommended Dose: 0.6 - 2 liters/100 kg cement. Packing: 210 liter drum or bulk. 1 Air-Entraining Admixture. for concrete and cementitious systems. Conforms with ASTM C 260. Recommended Dose: 0.05 - 0.4 liters/100 kg cement. Packing: 20 and 210 liter pack. ISOLA MP Plasticizer and Workability Enhancer. for cement-sand mixes, normal set. Recommended Dose: 0.15 - 0.35 liters/50kg cement. Packing: 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. ISOLITH IW Integral Waterproofing Liquid Admixture. for concrete and cementitious systems. Recommended dose: 6 to 10 liters/cu.m. Packing 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. CELFOAM Foaming Agent. for cellular, lightweight concrete. Recommended Dose 1:30 to 1:40 parts by volume (Celfoam: Water). Packing: 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. ISOPLAS PC 300 High-Range, Water - Reducing Superplasticizer. for concrete & cementitious system. Polycarboxylate base. Conforms with ASTM C 494 Type G recommended dose: 0.4 - 2 liter/100 kg. cement. ISOPLAS DM Plasticizer. for semi-dry cement mixes. Dose: 1-2 liter/100 kg dement. Packing: 20 and 210 liter. Surface Treatments ISOCURE WB (STANDARD & WHITE PIGMENTED) Curing, Sealing Compound. Liquid white curing and sealing compound based on acrylic resin emulsion and wetting agent. It is used to prevent rapid evaporation of water from fresh concrete ensuring uniform hydration. Coverage: 5 sq.m/liter, 1 coat for curing and 2 coats for sealing. Packing: 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. ISOCRYL 100 Curing, Sealing Compound. One component, liquid, high efficiency curing and sealing compound for concrete. It consists of hard yet flexible acrylic resin, solvent and pigments. Available in clear, white pigmented and aluminized grade. Coverage: Generally 5 sq.m/liter, 1 - 2 coats (curing, sealing respectively). Packing 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. ISOCURE Wax-Based Curing Compound. Low viscosity membrane forming liquid based on wax emulsion. It is specially formulated for curing fresh concrete immediately after finishing operations. Coverage: 5 sq.m/liter, 1 coat. Packing: 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. RITARGEL Concrete Surface Retarder. Used to create exposed aggregate finishes on precast panels, to roughen concrete walls, for subsequent plastering and keying construction joints. Coverage: 6 12 sq.m/liter, 2-10 mm etch. Packing: 16 liter pail. FORM - KOTE Concrete Form Release Agent. Blend of synthetic and natural chemicals that employs a quick release mechanism based on chemical reaction. It is non-staining and contains rust inhibitor to protect metal from corrosion. Coverage: 30 sq.m/liter/coat for timber or wood, 50 - 60 sq.m/liter for steel and plastic. Packing: 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. ISOREX - E Water-based Form Release Agent. Special blend of emulsified mineral oil and chemicals and is designed for use on formworks to provide easy release of concrete. Its release mechanism is based on chemical reaction. Coverage: 50 - 70 sq.m/liter. Packing: 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. ISOREX UMO Universal Mold Oil. Special blend of mineral oils and chemical additives and designed for use for quick easy stripping of concrete formworks. Coverage: 20 - 60 sq.m/liter. Packing: 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. ISOLANE Penetrating Silicone Sealer/Water-Repeller. Silane-siloxane based penetrating/impregnating sealer especially formulated for the treatment of exterior concrete and masonry surfaces against water, alkali, and chloride penetration. Coverage: 5 sq.m/liter/coat. (2 coats recommended). Packing: 5, 20 and 200 liter pack. UREKOTE Polyurethane Shutter Paint. Liquid resin which reacts with moisture in the air to form a tough waterproof and flexible coating that allows forms especially wood, maximum re-usability, Coverage: 16 sq.m/liter. (2 coats recommended). Packing: 4.75 liter can. ISOCRETE 110 Cementitious Wall Putty. Special blend of cement, micronized fillers, and polymer additives that only require the addition of water at the site to produce a high strength, water-resistant and smooth finishing, levelling compound for concrete walls, bricks and masonry surfaces. Built-in polymer additives ensures excellent adhesion and long-term crack resistance even at high ambient temperature. Coverage: Approx 1.6 sq.m/kg at 500 microns thickness. Packing: 5 and 25 kg pack. ISOMOULD Release Agent. Promotes a water repellent interface between concrete and formwork resulting in a smooth, flat, unstained surface. Its air release property minimize formation of air voids and blemishes. Coverage: 20 - 60 sq.m/liter. Packing: 20 liter pail and 200 liter drum. Grouts ISOLA - NSA Expansive Grout Additive. Additive for producing expansive cementitious grout. Typical applications include cable duct grouting in precastprestressed concrete, cavities/hole filling and other applications where a pumpable, medium strength, non-shrink grouting are required. Dosage: Approx. 225 grams/50kg bag cement. Packing: 225 gram pack. ISOLA N-S GROUT Non-Shrink, Non-Metallic Grout. Used for grouting heavy support beneath bed plates, rails, anchor bolts, stanchion bases, structural building members such as columns, post tensioned girders, panels, beam, precast wall panels and other applications other than those subject to high impact and intense dynamic loading. Coverage: 13.6 liters/bag. Packing: 25 kg. ISOGROUT 55 General Purpose Non-Shrink Grout. Used for grouting heavy support beneath bed plates, rails, partitions, anchor bolts, stanchion bases, structural building members such as columns, post-tensioned girders, panels, beams, precast wall panels and other applications; other than those subject to high impact and intense dynamic loading. Coverage: 13.6 liters/bag. Packing: 25 kg. ISOPOX GROUT High Strength, Free Flowing Grout. Used for grouting beneath heavy duty equipment requiring exceptional stability against dynamic load and intense impact and vibration and those requiring excellent resistance to chemical spills. Coverage/Packing: 2.5 liters (STANDARD), 7 liter ( LE)/kit (A+B+C). ISOPOX GR 95 Thixotropic Anchoring Grout. Especially formulated for anchoring or embedding bolts, dowels or steel bars on overhead or horizontal holes in concrete, masonry or brickworks. When grouting on vertical holes, use ISOPOX GROUT. Packing: 2 liter kit (A+B+C). ISOPOX GROUT LE - M Low Exotherm Epoxy Grout. Used for super heavy duty grouting of equipment such as those requiring exceptional stability against dynamic load and intense impact and vibration. It is also suitable for encapsulating pile caps to prevent water ingress. Typical applications in: Compressors, pumps, pulverizers, press, crane & transport rails, turbines, rolling mills hoist, welding joints/shear keys in precast, pre-stressed box girders for bridges etc. Coverage/Packing: 14 liters (A+B+C). ISOPOX TGS Epoxy Tile Grout. Water Cleanable, Sanded. Used for grouting joints in ceramic tiles, Quarry, Porcelain, Granite, Pavers & Stone. Conforms with ANSI A118.3-1999 specification. Packing : 1 U.S. Gallon Concrete Repair ISOPATCH High Build Patching Mortar. Recommended for vertical and overhead patching of deteriorated concrete structures such as cast-in-place walls, columns, beam, soffits, bridges and others. Coverage: 16.4 liters. Packing: 25 kg. DURAPATCH Polymer-Modified Repair Mortar. Used as a permanent repair mortar for reinstatement of concrete structures such as columns, walls, beams, ceilings, tunnels, sea walls and other application requiring high early mechanical strength, abrasion resistance and reduced permeability to liquids. Coverage: 14 liters. Packing: 25 kg. 2 DURCRETE EAT - RUST Non-Shrink, Micro-Concrete. Specially formulated for permanent and durable repair of large structural sections of concrete using form and pour technique. It is also used wherever a self leveling repair concrete is desired specially on heavily, reinforced sections or difficult to access areas. Typical applications are for repairing concrete columns, beams, walls, foundations, sea-wall and structures requiring rapid strength gain. For horizontal concrete repair, use ISOCRETE 100. coverage: 14.7 liters. Packing: 30 kg. One-component Zinc-Rich Epoxy Primer. Used as an anti-corrosion protection primer for steel reinforcements and steel structures. Coverage: Approx. 10 sq.m/liter/coat at 45 microns DFT. Packing: 1 liter. ISOPATCH - M Acrylic-Modified Fairing Coat Mortar. As a pore sealer to cover concrete surface defects such as blowholes, mild honeycombings, sand runs, grout loss, bulging (due to shutter movement). As a thin render 0.5-3mm, thick on horizontal and vertical concrete surfaces. As a thin repair mortar for leveling joint edges and sides and to form finish joints and covings. Coverage: 17 liters. Packing: 25 kg. ISOPOX OH High Build Epoxy, Repair Mortar. Used wherever high mechanical/ chemical resistance and permanent repair to spalled or deteriorated concrete are required-soffits, columns, lintels, underside of beams and roof slabs, tanks and pipe linings etc. Coverage/Packing: 8 liters (A+B+C). ISOPOX IH3010 Two-Component Epoxy System. Application LV MV GEL • Sealing Porous concrete • Priming • Universal glue/adhesive • Priming (e.g. bonding wood-wood, • Universal • Binder for epoxy mortars glue/adhesive wood-steel, steel - concrete, ceramics etc.) and epoxy concrete • Sealing horizontal cracks Packing: 0.45 kg and 0.8 kg kit (A+B). Coverage: Refer to separate catalogue. ISOPOX EC MORTAR 100% Solids Epoxy System. Used for floor resurfacing, spalled or cracked concrete repair in acid tanks and sea walls, sewage lining, chemical plants, machinery service areas, warehouse, service stations and other areas where a high degree of abrasion/chemical resistance and high strength is required Coverage/Packing: Approx. .84 sq.m/16 kg kit (A+B+C) at 10mm thick. ISOPOX 100 High Strength Epoxy Mortar. For durable repair of horizontal concrete surfaces such as: industrial floors, bridge decks, concrete runways and pavement. Used also as a bedding/gap filling dry pack mortar and expansion joint repair. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 7.4 - 7.6 liters/16 kg kit (A+B+C). ISOPOX WP Epoxy Putty. Specially designed to level and smoothen surface imperfection, voids and rough spots in concrete and other cementbound substrates. It is also used to seal small holes and pitting on corroded steel. Coverage: Approx. 1.5 sq.m/2.5 kg at 1mm thick. Packing: 2.5 kg kit (A+B). ISOPOX IR Epoxy resin Crack-Injection System. Injection resin to restore and seal cracks in concrete structures such as: wall, floors, columns, beams, waterways, pavements and other mineral/cement-bound substrates. It is also used for filling underneath floating tiles, mortar and stones in walls, ceilings and floors. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 2.4 liters/2.5 kg kit (A+B). 3 ISOCRETE 100 Structural Micro-Concrete. Specially formulated for permanent repairing of horizontal concrete structures requiring exceptional mechanical properties, low water impermeability and rapid strength gain. It can be applied at thickness ranging from 30 - 50 mm in one layer. ISOCRETE 100 can also be used as a leveling mortar for concrete pile caps. Coverage/Packing: 14.3 liter/30 kg pack. DURAZINC Zinc-Rich Epoxy Primer. Two component. Anti-corrosion primer for new, uncoated steel and as a maintenance primer for old, zinc-coated steel substrates such as columns, girder, trusses, manhole, covers etc. Coverage: Approx. 20.8 sq.m/2 liter kit at 50 microns DFT. Packing: 2 liter kit (A+B). PLEXIGROUT Flexible Cementitious Grout. Used to repair narrow cracks in masonry, plaster and concrete structure with little or no movement. It is also suitable for use in filling joints in hollow-core precast concrete slab element. Coverage/Packing: 6.25 liters/10 kg pack, 12.5 liters/20 kg pack. Flooring HARDTOP Emery Based Concrete Floor Hardener. Dry powder shake, floor hardener consisting of cement, hard wearing emery aggregates and chemical additives. HARDTOP is designed to be an integral part of fresh concrete slabs or screed to provide a dense, tough surface capable of withstanding severe abrasion from constant wheel traffic. Coverage/Packing: 5 sq.m/25 kg bag. ISOFLO Self-Levelling Cementitious Compound (Underlayment). Used mainly for leveling uneven concrete floors whether in situ or precast. It is also used as a repair or leveling course over interior, sound concrete surface at thickness from featheredge to 10mm. Coverage/Packing: 9.8 sq.m at 2mm thick (neat), 2.66 sq.m at 10mm thick (extended)/25 kg bag. ISOPOX 327-S Heavy Duty Epoxy Floor Topping. Specially formulated for use on industrial floors where a high degree of abrasion, chemical resistance and excellent mechanical properties are required. Typical floors suited for application with ISOPOX 327-S are: chemical plants, machinery service areas, warehouse, dairies, garages, loading ramps, food processing plants etc. Coverage/Packing: 1.3 sq.m/27 kg kit at 10mm thick (A+B+C). ISOFLO EP Heavy Duty. Self-Levelling Epoxy Floor Topping. Used as topping for concrete floors subject to abrasion impact and occasional spillage of chemicals. Such floors include but not necessarily limited to: warehouses, pharmaceutical, hospital, aisleways, factory, assembly lines etc. Coverage: Approx. 7.5 sq.m at 2mm thick/27 kg kit (A+B+C). ISODUR URESIL Quartz Based Concrete Floor Hardener. Applied monolithically on fresh concrete slab such as warehouse floors, processing plants, loading docks, high volume foot traffic aisleways, machine shops, freight terminals. Coverage/packing: 5 sq.m/25 kg bag. Polyurethane Coating and Sealer. Used to seal, dustproof and harden surface of concrete floors such as: warehouse maintenance shops, manufacturing plants, garages, auto/truck repair bays, indoor parking areas. Coverage: Approx. 5 - 8 sq.m/liter/coat. Packing: 5 and 20 liter pail. ISOTHANE 55 Polyurethane Coating. Specially formulated for coating of concrete floors in freezer, cold rooms where operating temperature reach -35° C. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 10.6 sq.m at 375 microns DFT/4 liter kit (A+B). ISOCRYL Colored Acrylic Sealer. Used exterior and interior on horizontal surfaces to seal, harden and dustproof new or existing concrete. Typical applications include: Offices, commercial buildings, industrial plants, warehouses, schools, hospitals. Also used as a curing compound for ‘HARDTOP’ treated floors. Coverage: 10 sq.m/liter/coat at 50 microns DFT. Packing: 5 and 20 liter pack. POXILON - S Chemical, Abrasion Resistant Epoxy Coating. Used as a functional and decorative coating for protection of steel and concrete and wherever abrasion and chemical resistant properties are required. POXILON - S is especially suited for coating concrete floors such as found in: dairies, assembly areas, workshops, aisleways and docks, chemical plant, warehouse, food processing plants. Coverage: Approx. 20 sq.m/2.5 kg kit/coat (minimum 2 coats) Packing: 2.5 kg kit (A+B). POXILON High Build Epoxy Coating. Used for coating concrete floor surfaces subject to abrasion and chemical attack. Typical floor surfaces suitable for coating with POXILON are dairies, food processing plants, chemical plants, auto repair bays, manufacturing plants, aisleways and docks. Coverage: Approx. 5 sq.m/kit at 300 microns DFT. Packing: 2.5 kg kit (A+B). SIL - KOTE Epoxy Penetrating Clear Sealer. Designed to penetrate concrete substrates, ideal for protection of parking decks, bridge decks, old industrial floors from chemical or salt attack, walkways, garages, warehouse etc. Coverage: Approx. 12 - 16 sq.m/liter/coat. Packing: 2 and 4 liter kit (A+B). ISOLITH MF Chemical Hardener and Dustproofer. Used on virtually any concrete or cement-bound surface particularly those subject to abrasion from foot and wheel traffic and chemical spills. It is used on industrial floors such as warehouse, food processing, loading bays, car parks, drive ways, abattoirs, showroom, basements. It is also used to treat walls, tanks, dams, silos etc. Coverage: Approx. 6.5 sq.m /liter/coat (2 coats required). Packing 20 liter pail and 200 liter drum. Waterproofing/Dampproofing WATER-SHIELD One component, Liquid applied polyurethane Waterproofing. Suitable for kitchens, bathrooms, basement, split slab. Packing : 20 kg pail. AQUATEK Trowel-Applied Waterproof Membrane. Specially designed for water proofing of structurally sound concrete and masonry surface, both interior and exterior application. Heavy duty/industrial use directly under ceramic tiles, marbles conventional mortar beds or where subjected to point loading. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 4.25 sq.m/25 kg kit at 3 mm thick. POXILON - 100 AQUAPRUF Moisture-Insensitive Epoxy Coating. Marine-maintenance, coating in or near salt water including bilges, pump intakes, ballast tanks, structural steel, steel pilings, splash zones, concrete foundation etc. Industrial-steel culverts, water works and sewage, steel pipes and tanks subject to alternate or constant water immersion Coating of concrete tanks for potable water (PW grade). Coverage: Approx. 9.4 sq.m/kit (200 microns DFT) or 7.5 sq.m/kit (250 microns DFT). Packing 2.5 kg kit (A+B). Highly Flexible Cementitious Waterproofing. Used to provide a waterproof, chloride and carbon dioxide resistant flexible coating for concrete and masonry and as anti corrosion coating for steel decks. AQUAPRUF is also used as a waterproof undercoat for stain-sensitive marble and granite flooring. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 11 sq.m/18 kg pack at 1 mm thick (total 2 coats, 2 mm recommended). PROTECTAR Two Component Epoxy Coating. Used for protection of sluices and docks, corrosion control in ship building Coating of sewage treatment plants, sewage disposal steel and concrete pipes., digestion towers or smoke stacks and manholes. Exterior sealing of concrete surface. Coverage: Approx. 5.2 - 7.5 sq.m/kit (250 - 350 microns DFT). Packing: 2.5 kg kit (A+B). POXILON DECK Traffic Deck Coating System. Used to protect traffic bearing concrete decks or floors against abrasion & chemicals, suitable for car parks, walkways, storage, maintenance areas. Used in conjunction with ISOFLEX PU polyurethane top coat. Packing: 4.5 and 18 liter kit. BITUPAINT SB Bituminous Protective Paint. Used as a waterproofing and dampproofing protective coating for below grade concrete structures such as retaining walls, foundation walls, ramps, copings, footings, tie-beams, 2-course floor slabs, vaults etc. It is also used for above grade structures such as copings, parapets, wall flashings etc. BITUPAINT SB can also be used as a concrete curing compound and an anti-corrosion protection for metal surface. Coverage: Approx. 6.4 sq.m/liter/coat. Packing: 20 liter pail and 210 liter drum. ISOMASTIC - SB Water proofing Mastic, Trowel-Applied. Used for waterproofing of below grade concrete structures such as structural/foundation walls, floor, slabs, blinding, footings and other concrete in contact with the ground. ISOMASTIC - SB can also be used for repairing worn felt/asphalt roofs, parapets, flashings. Coverage: Approx: 1 liter/sq.m/coat at 750 microns DFT. Packing: 20 liter pail and 200 liter drum. 4 BITUPAINT - FR ISOTHANE 6040 High Build Bituminous Coating. Fibre-Reinforced. Used for waterproofing of below grade concrete structures such as structural/foundation walls, floor slabs, blinding, footings and other concrete in contact with the ground. BITUPAINT FR can also be used for repairing worn felt/asphalt roofs, parapets, flashings, Coverage: Approx: 1 - 1.5 sq.m/liter/coat (500 - 750 microns DFT). Packing: 18 liter pail. Two-part Tar-Urethane Joint Sealant. Used to seal and protect moving joints of all types. It will adhere to concrete, asphalt pavement and steel surfaces. It is designed for use in expansion, construction and control joints in concrete (Note: NOT TO BE USED IN CONTACT WITH DRINKING WATER). Coverage/Packing: 4 liter kit (A+B). ROOF MASTIC Trowel-applied Waterproofing Mastic. Used for waterproofing of below grade concrete structures such as structural/foundation walls, floor slabs, blinding, footings and other concrete in contact with the ground. ROOF MASTIC can also be used for repairing worn felt/asphalt roofs, parapets, flashings. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 3.8 sq.m/coat/gallon, 20 sq.m/coat/20 liter pail (750 micron DFT). BITULASTIC Rubberized Asphalt Emulsion. For below grade waterproofing of structural walls, foundation walls, floor slabs, copings, footings, tie-beams, ramps, retaining walls etc. For above grade waterproofing of copings, parapets, roof coating and repairs. Dampproof membrane for sandwich construction. As an adhesive for wood mosaics, wood blocks, insulation board, expanded polystyrene. Coverage: Approx. 1 sq.m/liter/coat at 500 microns DFT (1 to 2 coats recommended). Packing: 20 liter pail and 200 liter drum. BITUPAINT - IS High Build Emulsified Asphalt. Used for dampproofing of below grade concrete structures such as retaining walls, blinding, footings tie-beams etc. For above grade waterproofing of built-up concrete roofs, parapets, flashings on boundary walls etc. Coverage: Approx: 2 sq.m/liter/coat at 250 microns DFT (2 coats recommended). Packing: 5, 20, and 210 liter pack. ISOFLEX Liquid Applied Waterproofing Membrane, Acrylic-Based. Specially formulated for waterproofing of flat/pitched concrete roof and other cement-bonded substrate. It can also be applied over corrugated asbestos cement sheet or similar asbestos-free boards and bituminous felts. Coverage: Approx: 1 sq.m/kg/coat (2 - 3 coats recommended for a total of 1 - 1.5 mm DFT). Packing: 5 and 20 kg pack. BITUPRIMER - S High Penetration Asphalt Primer. Low viscosity asphalt blended with solvent designed as a penetrating sealer/prime coat over cast concrete and masonry. coverage/Packing: Approx: 100 - 110 sq.m/20 liter pail. POXITHANE 6000 Heavy Duty Epoxy-Urethane Joint Sealant. Used to seal control, contraction or construction joints for interior or exterior floor slabs or pavements subject to moderate movement. It can also be used as a floating layer in crack-spanning coatings. Packing/Coverage: 4 liter kit (A+B). ISOLASTIC 100 Flexibilized Epoxy Loop detector and Lighting Sealant. Used to encapsulate and seal horizontal loop detector cable slots in asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete pavements associated with traffic signal controllers, lighting and automatic gates or barricades. Coverage/Packing: 4 liter kit (A+B). BRIMO KOL GUN GRADE 1659 A Solvent-Fee, Two Component, Polysulphide-Based Sealant. which forms a highly elastic, non-shrinking, seal that has excellent resistance to weathering, extremes of temperature, UV light, mechanical abrasion, and a wide variety of chemicals. Excellent sag resistance allows extensive use in vertical joints. Brimo-Kol resists dust and dirt, maintaining its colour throughout its life. (STANDARDS: EUROPEAN STANDARD ISO 11600, BRITISH STANDARD, B5 4254, FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS. T T - S - 0027 E type 1. BRIMO KOL POURING GRADE 1660 A Solvent-Free, Two component, Polysulphide-Based Sealant. which forms a highly elastic, non-shrinking, seal that has excellent resistance to weathering, extremes of temperature, UV light, mechanical abrasion, and a wide variety of chemicals, particularly: gasoline, jet fuel, oils and solvents. It is easy to apply (no sealant guns needed), self leveling and requires very little tooling. Brimo-Kol resists dust and dirt, maintaining its colour throughout its life. (STANDARDS EUROPEAN STANDARD ISO 11600 - 1993, BRITISH STANDARDS BS 5212 - 1990 FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS. T T - S - 0027 E type I SS - S 200D - 1984. Sealant Quantity Estimator Linear Metres/Litres BITUPAINT AL Sealants ISOTHANE 100 Polyurethane Joint Sealant, Two Component. Designed for use in expansion, construction and control joints in concrete (pre-cast or cast-in-situ), masonry, window perimeter and suitable for use both interior and exterior exposure. Coverage/Packing: 4 liter kit (A+B). 5 Width of Sealant Depth of Sealant Aluminum-Coloured Roof Coating. Used for waterproofing of exposed, above grade concrete and masonry such as roof, parapet walls, flashings, boundary walls etc. It can also be applied over corrugated metal roofs and worn asphalt felt or bituminous sheet membranes. BITUPAINT AL is ideal as final solar-reflective top coat over conventional black bitumen coating (e.g. BITUPAINT FR, ISOMASTIC SB, ROOFMASTIC) and tar-modified polyurethane coating (ISOLASTIC - T) Coverage: Approx: 1 - 1.5 sq.m/liter/coat. Packing: 1.8 liter pail. mm 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 6 27.8 20.8 16.7 - - - - - 8 - 15.6 12.5 10.4 - - - - 10 - - 10 8.3 6.7 5 - - 12 - - - 6.9 5.6 4.2 3.3 - 15 - - - - 4.4 3.3 2.7 2.2 20 - - - - - 2.5 2 1.7 25 - - - - - - 1.6 1.3 30 - - - - - - - 11 Bonding Agent/Adhesives ISOFIX Acrylic Bonding Admixture. Used to prepare polymer-modified mortars for patching and topping, polymer bonding slurries for bonding fresh concrete floor screeds to old concrete, patching mortars to old concrete. Packing: 5, 20 and 210 liter pack. ISOBOND SBR bonding Admixture. Used in preparing polymer-modified floor screeds, leveling courses patching/repair mortars, bonding slurries, toppings, waterproof screeds, thick bed mortar for setting tiles, bricks marble, stones and ceramics. Polymer concrete overlays for highways and bridges and other general concrete reconstruction work. Packing: 5, 20 and 210 liter (kg) pack. ISOBOND Xtra Mortar Admixture. Used to prepare patching/repair mortars bonding slurries, thick/thin bed mortars for setting tiles, bricks, marbles, cement grouts, floor screed, waterproof slurries, and other cementitious mixes. Packing: 5, 20 and 210 liter pack. ISOPOX EPL Epoxy Resin Bonding Agent. Used to bond fresh to old concrete such as found in building extensions, concrete repair, fresh concrete toppings to hardened floor slabs, granolithic floor toppings etc. Coverage: Approx. 2 - 3 sq.m/kg. Packing: 2.5 kg kit (A+B). ISOLITH Water-Resistant Tile Adhesive. Used to fix ceramic, mosaic and quarry tiles over concrete, masonry and bricks. It can also be used for fixing insulation board based on expanded polystyrene Coverage/Packing: Approx. 10 sq.m/25 kg at 1.5 mm solid bed thickness. ISOLITH 100 Ceramic Tile Adhesive. Used to fix ceramic tiles over concrete, masonry and bricks both internal and external applications. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 10 sq.m/25 kg at 1.5 mm solid bed thickness. GRIPWOOD High Strength, Waterproof Wood Adhesive. One component, solvent-free liquid adhesive for bonding wood of all types: parquet, solid wood, planks, plywood, laminate floorings, multi-ply engineered etc. Conforms with BS EN 204, Durability Class D4, Conditioning Sequence Number 6. Packing: 5 Kg. Coverage: Approx. 31 - 47 sq.m/5 kg ay 150 and 100 microns respectively. ISOLITH EPA ISOJOINT Polymer-Enhanced Tile Grout. Used to fill joints in ceramic and mosaic tiles and marbles. It is suitable for use in frequently wet areas like bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools and similar applications. It can also be used for residential/ commercial wall and floor ties. Packing; 10 kg and 25 kg pack. Coverage: Dependent on joint size. GRIPBOND Road Marker Adhesive. Used to bond road markers and reflector stud over Portland cement and asphaltic concrete. Packing: 10 and 35 liter kit (A+B). ISOLITH - M Waterproof Marble and Tile Adhesive. Used wherever a permanent, waterproof, chemical and impact-resistant tile installation is required. ISOLITH - M is used to fix tiles such as ceramic, mosaic, quarry, pavers, brick, marble and natural/artificial stone claddings over concrete, bricks and masonry. It is also used to fix ceramic and mosaic tiles over gypsum wallboard, gypsum plaster, existing ceramic tile, existing terrazo. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 10, 5, 3 sq.m/25 kg kit (A+B) at 1.5 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm solid bed thickness respectively. Miscellaneous ISOKLEEN Cleaning Solvent. For cleaning wet, uncured coating based on epoxy, polyurethanes, acrylics, for cleaning tools such as paint rollers, paint brushes, airless spray equipment used in applying the above coatings. Packing: 5 and 20 liter. DISSOLVENT IS Acid Cleaner. Used for removing concrete and cement runs and stains from ready-mix trucks, mixers. Etching agent, (Note: TO BE DILUTED WITH WATER. CAUTION! Will cause burn to skin and fatal if swallowed. Always use protective clothing, rubber hand gloves and eye goggles when using. Refer to separate catalogue for more information). Packing: 5, 20 and 200 liter pack. WOODGARD Copper Naphthenate-Based Wood Preservative protects wood against wood boring insects and fungi. Contains water repellent non-leaching. Coverage: Approx. 5 sq.m/liter. Packing: 5 and 20 liter pack. OUR TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO GIVE ANY FURTHER ASSISTANCE. Flexible Epoxy Tile Adhesive. Heat & Chemical resistant. Conforms with EN 12004 R2T, Packing : 4 liter kit ISOLITH EP Epoxy-Based Tile Adhesive and Grout. Used for fixing and joint grouting of ceramic tiles, quarry, pavers, marble and natural/artificial stone claddings over concrete, bricks, masonry, existing tiles, existing terrazzo floors, resilient substrate such as wood and steel. Coverage/Packing: Approx. 7 sq.m/11 kg kit (A+B) at 1 mm thick (adhesive), 228 lineal meters/4 kg kit (A+B), 2 x 5 mm joint size (grout). ISOLITH BAS Base Coat and Adhesive for Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS). Available in two grades ‘D’ grade requires only the addition of water while ‘W’ grade two components liquid latex and powder, fiber mesh supplied separately. 6 äÉjhÉ`ª«µdG á``YÉæ°üd á`«Hô©dG á``cô°ûdG ARABIAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (+973) 17785753 :¢ù`cÉa - (+973) 17551111 / 17784777 :∞JÉg - øjôëÑdG á`µ∏‡ - á`eÉæŸG ,530 :Ü.¢U P.O. Box: 530 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain - Tel.: (+973) 17784777 / 17551111 Fax: (+973)17785753 Email:ÊhεdE’G ó`jÈdG Website:Êhô`àµdE’G ™bƒŸG