University of Macau ELEC111 – Electricity and Life Spring Semester 2012/13 Course Code: ELEC111 Course Title: Electricity and Life Instructors: Class 001: Prof. Welsy Choi, Office: BI-A702, Tel: 8397-8468, Email: Class 002: Mr. T. Lam, Office: BI-B503, Tel: 8397-4580, Email: Course Description: This course is about the study of physical science for non-engineering students with emphasis on basic electricity related topics. The focus of the course is not only the elementary physics of electricity; but also enlightening applications in Energy, Telecommunication and Health of electricity of the human life. Some site visits and experimental demonstrations are also arranged to provide hand-one experiences and insights for the students on the relative topics. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Identify the physical properties and summarize the phenomenon of the electricity 2. Give examples to the applications of the electricity in Energy, Telecommunication and Health 3. Illustrate the linkage between applications of electricity and society 4. Read the popular scientific materials about the topics of electricity 5. Comprehend the scientific principle of various applications in modern society based on the basic properties of electricity 6. Handle and well organized the collecting information Texts and References: Electricty and Electronics Technology, Student Text, 7th ed. By Peter Buban, Marshall L Schmitt and Charies G Carter, McGraw-Hill, 1999, * Schaums’ Outline of Basic Electricity, 2nd ed. (Schaum’s Outline Series), by Milton Gussow, McGraw-Hill, 2007. Electric Universe: How Electricity Switched on the Modern World, by David Bodanis, Three Rivers Press, 2005. Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves, by B. Blake Levitt, iUniverse, Inc. 1995. Course Content: 1. Introduction to Physical Science 2. Discovery of Electricity: History and application reviews; Hand-on experience 3. Relations of Electricity, Electromagnetic Wave and Light: Discovery of electromagnetic wave and its relationship to electromagnetism; Photoelectric effect; Spectrum, frequency, wavelength 4. Basics of Electric Circuits: Power utilization; Power generation, delivery and safety; Energy efficiency and saving in our daily life; Renewable energy and sources 5. Energy in Daily Life: What is communication all about? Introduction to conventional and modern and digital radio and TV broadcasting; Introducation to mobile communication 6. Communications for Modern Society 7. Emerging Technology of Electricity 8. Electromagnetic Wave and Human Health 9. Visit and Experiment Demonstrations 10. Student Presentation on Specific Topic and Exam Marking Scheme: Assignments and exercises Test/Mid-term Projects and class presentation/participation: Class participation Projects and class presentations Total: 30% 30% 10% 30% 100%