10.10,10.4 Received21 February1966 Absorption of Sound in Air versus Humidity and Temperature CYRIL •[. HARRIS Department of ElectricalEngineering, CohtmbiaUniversity,.VewI;ork,.Ve'zo York 10027 Measurementshave beenmadeof the absorptionof soundin air at «-octavefrequencyintervals from 2000 to 12 500 Hz, as a functionof humidity,at six temperaturesin the rangefrom --0.5 ø to 25.1øCat normal atmosphericpressure.The resultsof the new study are presentedand comparedwith thoseof past investigations.Then a "best fit" is obtainedto existingdata. The resultinginformationis presentedin both tabular and graphicalform, usefulfor the solutionsto problemsof the calculationof attenuation of soundpropagated in the atmosphereand the computationof the effectsof air absorptionin problemsof roomacoustics. These resultshave been extrapolateddownwardin frequencyto 125 Hz and extrapolated to cover the temperaturerangefrom --10 ø to 30øCat normalatmosphericpressure. INTRODUCTION study and are describedin detail in that paper.• There- fore, they are outlinedonly briefly here. Sufficeit to Nofathe paper bythe author •inin1963, values of soundin air wats absorption of sonnd air measured were given as a say that the attenuationcoefficient function of humidity in the frequencyrange between evaluated from measurements of the decay rate of dif2000and 12 500Hz (cps),at normalatmospheric pres- fuse soundin a sphericalchamber1.68 m in diameter. sureand at a temperatureof 20øC.The data presented During measurements,the temperatureof the chamber heregreatlyextendthe previouswork over a wide tem- was held constant to within 0.1øC. Precautions were peraturerangeand providemeasuredvalueshaving taken to rid the chamberof contaminationby evacuatgreateraccuracythroughimprovedmethodsof data ing it by meansof vacuumpumps; then the spherical reduction. A total of 2800 measurements were made at chamberwasfilled with dry air havinga carbondioxide i-octavefrequencyintervalsfrom 2000to 12 500 Hz at contentof 300 parts per million, whichis a usualvalue. eachof six temperatures in the rangefrom --0.5ø to Randomnoisefrom a sourcein the chamberwaspicked 25.1øC at nmTnalatmosphericpressure.The nexvdata up by a microphone,amplified,and fed through «-oct are comparedwith thoseof past investigations.Then a filter to a high-speedlevel recorder.When the random "best fit" is obtained to existing data. These results noise source was turned off, a curve of the decay of make it possibleto evaluatethe effectsof air absorption sound in the chamber was obtained. The slope of the overa rangeof environmentalconditionsencountered in curve determinedthe decay rate in decibelsper second practical problemsin acousticalengineering,for ex- at the frequencyof the centerof the band to which the ample:(1) theca. lculationof theattennationof soundin «-oct analvzer is set. For a singletest condition,three air owingto air absorption;(2) the calculationof the decay curveswere superposed;then the averageslope curveswasobtainedto contributionof air absorptionto the total absorptionin of three suchsetsof snperposed a large room; (3) the correctionfor air absorptionin determine the decay rate for this condition.This decay reverberation-timemeasurementsin large auditoriun•s; rate, when correctedfor lossesat the boundariesof the and (4) the correctionfor air absorptionin the measure- chamber,is a measureof the total absorptionof sound ment of the sound-absorption coefficientsof materials in the chamber. tested in a reverberation chamber. These results have In determining the magnitude of the absorptionof been extrapolateddownwardin freqnencyto 125 Hz soundin air from measurementsof the rate of decay of and extrapolatedto coverthe temperaturerangefrom soundin a chamber,it is necessaryto evaluate the contribution --10 ø to 30øC. to decay rate that may be attributed to losses The experimental setupandmeasnrement techniques in acousticenergy at the botmdariesof the chamber. usedhere are the sameas thoseemployedin the earlier The techniqueusedhere is to evaluate thesewall losses • C. M. Harris, J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 35, 11-17 (1963). directly, by meansof decay-ratedata obtainedwhen 148 Volume40 Number I 1966 ABSORPTION OF SOUNI) IN the chamberis filled with prepurified dry nitrogen (whichexhibitsno anomalous absorption in the freqnencyrangeof measurement).The differencebetween AIR •max =0.00214 0.002 20øC hmax = 11.7% themeasured valueof therateof decayof soundin the nitrogen-filled chamber and thewduecomputed from 64 kHz absorption data on nitrogen(the nitrogendata of Par- brookandTempest =areusedin thiscalcuhttion) repre- I sents the contribution to the decay rate dne to wall losses.This can be shown as follows. The decay rate of soundin the chamberthat onemeasures, R,,,,. whenit is filledwith nitrogenis givenby R..........d(x-=) = Rx=+ R,,.•ndB/sec, (1) whereR•H is thedecayratedue to absorption at the boundaries of thechamber, andwhereRx=is thedecay ratedueonlyto thenitrogengas.Similarly,whenthe 0.001 chamberis tilled •vith air, the measnreddecay rate R.............. t(=i, = R•,i•+Rw•udB/sec, (2) whereR•.,,ois the decay rate contributedby the wall lossesand R•i• is the calculated decay rate dne only air absorption. The wall-lossterm in theseequations is approximatelythe same becauseboth gasesare closelysimilar in molecularweight and characteristic acousticimpedance. By combiningEqs. 1 and 2, the rate of decayof soundin the chamberowingonly to the absorption of soundin air is givenby R:•i•=R............ •(•i•-- •R ...........l(x-o--Rx:• dB/see, (3) 400 600 800 I000 333 LOG•o(IOR.H.) F•o. 1. Example of a plot of experimentaldata of the molecular attenuation coefficient per wavelength in air as a function of humidity. These data are for a temperatureof 20øC and a frequency of 6400 Hz. wherethe quantityxvithinthe bracketsrepresents the contribution to therateof decayof soundin a ch•tmber that is dueto walllosses. Consideration hasbeengiven to problemsin the propagationof soundin air and room topossible wtriationin theboundary losses withchanges acoustics in Sec. IV. in the humiditywithinthe sphere.As pointedout by I. DATA REDUCTION Ewtns and Bazlev:• in discussing this possibility,the work of Knudsen,Wilson,and An(lerson• indicatesthat For a givenconditionof temperatureand humidity, suchan effectis not significant;their data shmvthat the decay rate of soundin air wits measuredfor the thereis no appreciable changein wall absorption even variousfrequencies. The resultof eachdecay-ratemeaswhen moisture condenses on the wall surface. The valueof R,irin decibels persecond givenby Eq. 3, urementwas punchedon an IBM card along with the followinginformation:(1) temperature;(2) fi'equency; (3) valueof classical absorption m•for theseconditions; of soundin a chamberor roomcausedby air absorp- (4) humidity; (5) wavelength}, of soundfor thesecontion, may be convertedto the attenuation coe•cient ditions, computedfrom sound-velocitydata given in m per meteras expressed in the equation/= Ioe-'"' by Tables compiledby the National Bureau of Standardsa; which representsthe contribution to the rate of decay the relation m= R•i•/(4.343c)meters -t, (4) and (6) the value of wall lossesfor theseconditions. From the above input data, a computer program wherec is thevelocityof soundin metersper second. providedfor the printout of the followingresults:(1) total attenuation coefficientm= m,,+m• (i.e., the sum The methodsof dam reductionthat wereemployed of the attenuation toeflrelents due to molecular and to determine the values of m for wtrious conditions in this study itre described in detail in the next Section. A classicalattenuation) corrected for wall losses; (2) molecular attenuationcoefficient, m,,,;and (3) molecular comparisonof the new data for air with earlier studies attenuation coefficient per wavelength u=m,,,X. The is given in Sec. II. Then a best fit is obtained.The new resultsare presented in Sec.III. Then lhev are applied results provided by thbscomputer program were a•.a- lvzed asindicated i;•thisSection. Thena computational • H. D. Parbrookand W. Tempest,Acustica8,345-350 (1958). a E. J. Evansand E. N. Bazley, Acustica6, 238 245 (1956). • V. O. Knudsen,V. Wilso,, and N. S. A,derson,J. Acoust.Soc. Am. 20, 849-857 (1948). procednrewas clevelopedfor evaluating the total ataj. Hillsenrathet al., "Table of Thermal Propertiesof Gases," Natl. Bur. Std. (U.S.) Cite. No. 564 (1 Nov. 1955). The Jeurnal of the AcousticalSocietyof America 149 C . M H A P. R I S DELSASSO + LEONARD 22'C • 2 HARRIS 963 Fl. 2. P,elaxation frequency asa functionof theconcentration of watervaporin air expressed in gm/m:'.The relationship usedin the resultspresentedin this paperis shownas the solidcurve. tenuation coefficientfor auv temperatore, frequency, wheref .... is the frequencyin kilohertz corresponding peak at h (expressed in gramsper cubic or hnmidity xvithinthe range over which the experi- to absorption centimeter).The valuesof h given by this solid curve mentaldata may be extrapolatedwith confidence. wereusedin calculatingthe absorptioncurvespresented A. Values of h ...... in Sec. III. There is a marked disagreementbetween For a giventemperatureandfrequency,themolecular this curve and the theoreticalrelationshipof Kneser,7 absorptionm,• varieswith the moisturecontentof the air. For a given frequency,the value of humidity at whichthe molecularabsorptionis maximumis defined ash...... The measuredvalueof h......may be determined from plotsof the molecularattenuationper wavelength whichpredictsthat f ..... variesas hø-,as indicatedby the dashedcurve. In contrast,there is reasonablygood agreement with themorerecenttheoreticalrelationship given by Hendersonand Herzfelds for a temperature of 20øC. In consideringthe relationship between f, .... and h, the water-vapor content h is usually expressedeither in terms of tool fractions (or percent molar concentrau against333logO0R.H.) ratherthanagainstlog(R.H.) tion) of water or in terms of the weight of the water in directly.• For example,the original data points for gramsper cubicmeter (as in Fig. 2). The temperature soundhavinga freqnencyof 6400Hz in air havinga tem- dependencyof the relationshipbetweenf ......and h deperatureof 20øCareplottedin Fig. 1. Heretheresulting pendson the units in which h is expressed.According value of h...... is 11.7•. A total of 54 such plots was to the experimentaldata of Knotzel,• the relationship made, i.e., one for eachof six differentvaluesof tem- betweenf ..... and h is relatively independentof temversnsthe logarithm of the relative humidity, such as the one shownin Fig. 1. [Here, becausean automatic plotting devicewas employed,it was convenientto plot in gramsper perature(--0.5ø,5.6ø, 10.2ø, 14.8ø,20.0ø,and25.1øC) peratureif the water vaporis expressed at nine differentfrequencies (2.0, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0, 5.0, 6.4, cubicmeter.If wemake thisassumptionandnowobtain 8.0, 10.0, and 12.5 kHz). From theseplots, an experi- an equivalentrelationshipin whichthe water vapor is mentally determinedvalue of h......for eachfrequency, expressedin tool fractions,then f ..... increasesas the and at each temperature,was obtained.These data are temperaturedecreases!Such an "inverse" relationship shownin Fig. 2, where the wdues of h...... are expressed has been observedexperimentallyfor other gasesconin gramsper cubicmeter, alongwith similardata from taining water vapor? Accordingto data of Ref. 9, the other studies.The solid curve representsa best fit to relationship,where h is expressedin grams per cubic the data at 20øCfrom this and previousdata obtained meter, is not actually constant;instead,at high conwith the same experimentalsetup,•.• as well as data centrationsof water vapor, as the temperaturedecreases obtained by other experimentersas weightedby the the value of f ...... increases,thereby accentuatingthe author. This solidcnrve,in the frequencyrangebetween 125 and 12 500 Hz, may be expressed bv the equation f ......= 0.79h2+1.47h--0.15, (5) • C. M. Harris and W. Tempest,J. Acoust.Soc. Am. 36, 2390- Volume 40 (1949). s M. C. Hendersonand K. F. Herzfeld, J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 37. 986-988 (1965). • H. Knotzet, Akust. Z. $, 245-256 (1940). 2394 (1964). 150 7 H. O. Kneser, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. $, 122-126 (1933); also, Akust. Z. $, 256 257 (1940); Ergeb. Exakt. Naturwiss. 22, 121-185 Number 1 1966 :\ BS;O R PTIO N O1: SO UN 1• I N .\I 1.0 1.'•6. 3. Plot of exl)erimental data of the molecular attenuation coefficient in air versus humidity. These data are presented in the uorma]ized form, m/m .... vs h/h..... for comparison with the theoretical relationship of Kneser shown by the dashed line. 0.4 0.2 0 O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 12 13 NORMALIZED HUMIOITY h/hind x "invcrsi(m" effect. The data obtained in this stu(lv at for it frcqncncyf was obtainedby dividing the value of differenttemperaturesshowan even morepronounced • ......for the temperatureby the w•tvelengthcorrespondtrend in this direction, which would accentuate the ing to that frequencyat temperatureT. For example, inversioneffect. However, it shouldt)c noted that the for a temperature of 31)ø(•,themaximumabsorption at accuracyof determira\\ion of f ......is greatestat 20øC 10000 Hz wasdctcrmilmdby dividingthe wtlueof • ...... and that it is progressively lessat lowertemperatures. for 30øC (0.00258)by ,5 for this freqnencyand temperThis pointbearsfnrtherinvcstig•ttionand may resultin ature, obhtining a wdue of m...... equal to 0.0740 m-L a modificationof the aboveEq. 5 at lowertemperatures. The correspondingvalue at 101)0 Hz is equal to I).0074 m •, etc. B. Maximum Value of Molecular Absorption versus Frequency l:or at given temperatureand frequency,the maxi C. Normalized Curves of Molecular Absorption versus Humidity ]'he data pointsfor catchcurveof molecnlarabsorprepresentedby m....... Accordingto theory, the maxi- tion versushumidity at constantfrequencywere normum valuesof molecularabsorptionincreaselinearly realizedin the followingway. At a given temperature, with frequency. TMSincem......=• ......;/X,xvemay obtain the value of the molccnlarcoefficient(m,,,)for eachdata wdues of both u...... and m...... from plots of • versus point xvasdividedby themaxhmlmwdueof the molecuhumidity, suchas the oneshownin l:ig. 1. For example, lar attenuation coefficientfor that temperatnre; this in this illustration, • ......=0.00214; dividing by the ratio is deiined here as m/m ....... Shqfilarly, the correwavelengthfor at frequencyof 6400 Hz at 2{)ø(', we pondingvalue of relativehnmiditv h for the data point obtain the maximrim wdue of molecuhtrabsorptionat wasdividedby h.......Accordingto the theor),of Kneser, data for variousfrequencies this freqncncy and temperature, i.e., (t.(1399m •. The absorptiol•-versus-humi(lity wducsof • .......measuredat the variousfrc({ucncics were that are so nomutlized should all fall along a single averaged, obtaining the following wtlues of /•..... at cnrvc, which is shownby dashedlines in Fig. 3. This procedure rest\Its the temperaturesindicated:-0.5øC, 0.(X)152;5.6øC, studyshowsthat sncha nom•alization 0.00170; 10.2øC, 0.(X)187; 14.gøC, 0.00205; 20.0C, in a singlecurve.l:or example,thedatapointsfor 20øC 0.00214; 25.1øC, 0.00247. These values, which are are shownin Fig..3 and the best lit thronghthesedata, , is represented by the higher than similar data obtainedin past studieswith obtZned at differentfre(lnencies this experimentalsetup,were averagedwith the earlier solidcnrvc.This solidcurve indicatesthat theor)' does clara.t.• A smooth curve drawn throngh the res\firing not fit the measnrcdvalues of absorptionbelow and wtluesof • ......yieldswduesthat are clo>,cto thosepre- abovethe maximumwtlue of absorption a result that has beenobservedin the past when the data of earlie• dicted by theory. investigators werepresentedin normalizedform.n This The follo•vingwtlnes of/• ...... were employed,at the temperatnresindicated, in the computerprogram for is becausethe above theory assumedthat the angular determining the wftues of m......: -10øC, 0.(}0114; relaxationfreqnencywtrieswith h'",as indicatedby the iHtln/ wtlue of molecular attenuation coefficient m,, is --.5øC, 0.00128; 0øC, 0.00143; .5ø(7, 0.001.59; 1()ø(•, 0.00176; 15øC, 0.00194; 20øC, 0.00214; 21øC, 0.00218; 22øC, 0.(X)223; 23øC, 0.00227; 24øC, 0.00231; 25ø(7, 0.00235; 30øC, 0.00258.Thns, at a given temperature T, the maximum wdnc of the molecularabsol'ptiol•m,,, dashed curve of Fig. 2, xvhercasthe experimental data l"K. l"JHerzfeld an(lT. :\. Litovitz, _Ibsorplion andDispersion of I;ltrasonicIf'aves(.\cademicPressInc., New York, 1959). n W. I,. Nyborg and l). Mintzer, x3,'rightAir Development Center, Wright-Patterson :\["B, WADC Tech. Rcpt. No. 54-602 (May 1955), Sec. 1.2.4. The Journalof the AcousticalSocietyof America 151 C. M. HARRIS A. Evaluation showthat the relationshipis morecomplex.The present study indicatesthat the value of m/m..... is slightly below•).2 at highvaluesof humidity.Knudsen'sdatap' showmuchgreaterdiscrepancies betweenmeasuredand theoreticalvaluesof m/m......at highvaluesof humidity. In contrast,the studyof Delsasso andLeonard•ashows muchcloseragreementwith the presentdata shownin Fig. 2. Althoughthe above theory doesnot fit the experimental data, it is important to note that a singlecurve is obtainedby rationalizingabsorptiondata at all frequencies and tenrperatures asindicatedabove,and that this solidcurve representsa bestfit throughthe experimental data, and that the data collapseto a singlecurve within the limits of experimentalmeasurement.Thus one may concludethat it is possibleto measurethe value of h..... and m......for variousfrequenciesand for various conditionsof temperature.Then one can use the solid curve shownin Fig. 3, in combinationwith thesemeasuredvalues,to computecurvesof molecular absorption versushumidityfor variousfrequencies and temperatures. This procedure wasfollowed,employing a high-speeddigital computer that had been programreedto calculatethe curvesof molecularabsorption versushumidity,usingthe data from exper/mental measurements as inpnt information.In the computer, the classicalabsorptionwits added to the molecular absorptionto yield the total value of the attenuation coefficient.The advantageof this evaluationprocedure is that it providesa convenientmeansof determining soundabsorptionat frequenciesand temperaturesother of Wall Losses In order to achievehigheraccuracyin the measurementof the absorptionof soundin air by the reverberationmethod(or the"intensity"method),it isnecessary to evaluatewall losseswith precision.The greater the wall losses,the more important is this sourceof error. Becausethe decay rate that is measureddependsupon the sum of the absorptionsby the walls and the air, the wall lossesshouldbe small comparedwith the air losses.Therefore, the lossesof acousticenergyat the walls of the test chamber minimum. should be reduced to a bare For the above reasons,a sphericalchamber was employed in this stud)', becauseit presentsthe smallest wall surfacearea for a given volume and becauseits shapemakesit possibleto achievea very highvalue of acousticalimpedanceat the boundaries. By usingvery heavy walls in the presentexperimentalsetup, it was possibleto achievea reverberationtime in dry air of 43 secat 1000 Hz. This is very many timeslongerthan the comparablevaluesin earlierstudies,and the associated boundary lossesare significantlylower. In determining the attenuation coefficients for air, the effects of wall lossesweresubtractedout, asindicatedby Eq. 3. In the "two-chamber"method employedby Knudsen,•= it was assumedthat the absorptioncoefficients of both chamberswere the same.Althoughhis chamber wallswereof steeland werereinforcedwith spot-welded angleirons,it is nnlikely that the boundary conditions in the chambers were identical because the walls were only 4.8 mm thick. Intercomparisonsbetween three or than the exact values at which the measurements were more similarly fabricatedmodel chambershave shown made,by interpolationor extrapolation. This procednre that it is difficult to achieveidentical boundary condiwas followedto obtain the resultspresentedin Sec. III. tionsin chambersof different sizes.In contrast, the steel II. DISCUSSION AND OTHER COMPARISON WITH STUDIES In this Section,a comparisonis made betweenthe presentresnltsand thoseobtainedin otherinvestiga- walls of the sphereusedin the presentstudy were 16 nnn thick, and the boundarylosseswere evaluatedin the same chamber in which the measurements were carried out. tions. In most of thesestudies,the reverberation-chamIn the study by Evans and Baztey, a singlechamber ber method has been employed,in which the rate of was employed,but becauseof physicallimitations it decayof soundin air has beenmeasuredfor various wasimpracticalto sealthe chamberand fill it with a gas, humidityconditions at a constantvalueof frequency. such as nitrogen, for the purposeof calibrating wall Laboratorymeasurements of the absorptionof sound losses.Hence, the)' used the followingindirect evaluain air are subject to severalmajor sourcesof error tion procedure,which affordedgreateropportunityfor (systematic or random)resultingfrom (1) an inability error. They computedtheir wall lossesand curves of to evaluatewith precisionlossesin acousticenergyin- absorptionversushumidity from the followingequation troduced bv the walls of the test chamber; (2) the lack andonly a singlesetof experimental measurements (i.e., of adequatecontrolof the test-chamberenvironment, measurementsof the reverberationtime of an empty reincludingtemperatureand gas composition;and (3) verberationchamberfor varioushumidity conditions): the lack of precisionin humidity measurement,either as a result of instrumentation error or as a result of 137.2fX 10-4 1-4.6(/)IX 10-= absorption of moistureby the wallsof the testchamber. Thesesourcesof errorare considered belowin comparing the results of the various studies. 1=V. O. Knudsen,J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 5, 112-121 (1933). n L. P. Delsassoand R. W. Leonard, "The Atteuuation of Sound in the Atmosphere," Univ. Calif., Los Angeles, Rept. USAF contract W-28-099-AC-228 (25 l:eb. 1953). 152 Volume40 Number1 1966 molecular ideal surface (6) classical ABSORPTi'ON OF SOUND where.! is the total absorptionof soundin the chamber in squaremeters,./' is the frequencyin Hertz, k is the angularrelaxationfrequency(2rf,,,,•), • represents the IN AIR CIRCULATION PUMP• GATEVALVE• •----LOUDSPEAKER difference between the actual wall losses and the values predictedby theory, and the numericalconstantsare dependenton the physicalcharacteristicsof the room. The firsttermhada nmximumvalueof 68.6fX 10-L The singlesetof data,obtainedovera periodof two years, wascorrected to a temperature of 20øCand the above eqnationwas usedto (I) evaluatetheir wall losses;(2) determinethe angularrelaxationfrequencyk; (3) deter mine the magnitudeof the molecuhtrabsorption; (4) computethe total absorption,i.e., molccnlarplus clas- SATURATOR ELEMENTS I"m. 4. Simplifiedschematicdiagramof the air-circulationsystem. Air is recirculatedcontinuouslythrough the sphericalchamber. The saturator either takes away moisture from the air or addsmoistureto it, dependingon the relative temperaturesof the sphericalchamber and the saturator. sicalabsorption; and (5) checktheirresults.Sincephysicallimitationsof themeasurement setupmadeit imposMble to provide any independentmeansof measuring ment that had been employedby earlier investigators. the aboveparameters,includingthe effectsof wall losses, One method was to weight the amount of water that the check was one of self-consistcncv.•Since present theory is not adequate for predicting the value of molecularabsorptionaccuratelyfor wtrioustemperaluresand humidities,the first term iu Eq. 6, whichindudesthe term "k" (k=2•f ......), is opento question. wasevaporatedin the test chamberprior to the establishmentof a givenhumidity condition.It wasdemonstrated that this technktuecan lead to seriouserror plus a constantin the form shown in Eq. 6. thepltst),themeasurement valuedoesnot representthe humidity within the chamberbecauseof absorptionor sincea significantfraction of the water that enters the chambermay be absorbedby the wltllsof the chamber. Further, it has not been establishedthat the room ab- Similarly,if the humidity of tlneair that entersor leaves sorption,in a nonidealsituationsuchas their reverbera- the test chamberis measured(which is another techtion chamber,can be representedby the secundterm niquethat has beenemployedby someinvestigatorsin B. Control of Environment of Test Chamber emission of moisture by the walls of the test chalnber-- tinlessa steady-statehumidity conditionis achieved.To In the presentstudy, the test chamberwascompletely avoid these errors, the humidity control and measuresurroundedby 1 2 ft of fiberglassto provide thermal ment systemshownin Fig. 4 was constructed.Air •vas insulation.A refrigerationsystemmaintainedthe tem- recirculated until a steadv-state condition of humidity peratureof the chamberto within0.1øC.In contrast was achieved;often, this requiredits muchas « hour of to this anti the controls employed in other studies, no recirculation. Then the humidity was determined by temperatnrecontrolwasemployedin the chamberused electric h.vgromelersensingelements as describedin by Ewtns and Bazlev. As at result, the standard devia- Ref. 1. tion of the room temperature at which measurements A determinationof the relationshipbetweenrelaxawere made was 2.1øC. tt was necessaryfor them to rely tion frequencyand humidity requireshighly accurate on tlneorv to correcttheirrestilLs to 20øCandtinademeasurementof humidity, particuhirly at low concenquate theoreticaltreatmentof how absorptionwtries trationsof water wipor ,vherethe accuracyof measure- with temperaturehalsyet to be established. The measurements fiescribedin this paper weremade usinga closedair circulationsystem,shownin Fig. 4 and describedin Ref. 1. To lowerthe humidity, moisture was taken from the test chamberand depositedin the mentisrelatively poor. Although a humidlily measure- %aturator"; to raise the humidity, the processwatsre- in determiningthe value of h....... For this reason,there hits been considerablediscrepancybetween such data versed. Thus all measurements were made on the same air, of known chemicalcontent.This systemavoidsthe ment error may have a s•nalleffecton the peak value of the absorptioncurve, a small error in measuring humidity can have a significanteffect in shifting the positionof thepeak alongthe humidityscaleand, hence, measuredby various investigators.Comparisonsare shownin Fig. 2 of the resultsof severalair-absorption studiesin termsof the relaxationfrequencyf ..... versus concentration of watervapor (h, expressed in gramsper cubic centimeter) at which the maximnm absorption the addition of acousticabsorptioninto the measure- ix achievedfor the frequency. ment system,whichsucha drying techniqueintroduces. Knudsen's data, represented by the three experi- possibilityof contamination of the air undertest,either by smogor by chemicaldrying agentssuch as those employedby Evans and Bazlev to redneethe wdue of humidity in their test chamber.Furthermore,it avoids mental pointsat 20øC,do not providesufficientdata for an explicit relationshipbetweenthe relaxationfreUsing the present experimentalsettip, the author quencyand concentrationof water vapor. Ewms and tried several different methodsof hnmidity measure- Bazleyreportedthat the relaxationfrequencyvariesas C. Humidity Measurements;f ...... versus h...... The Journalof the AcousticalSocietyof America 15:t C. M. HARRIS TanrE I. Values of the product 4m at a frequencyof 2000 Hz for various temperaturesand values of relative humidity. The TABLEIV. Valuesof the product 4m at a frequencyof 4000 Hz for various temperaturesand values of relative humidity. The attenuation coefficientm is expressedin ft-L attenuation coefficientm is expressedin meters-L R.H. TEMPERATURE 20øC 25 øC (5'•:) (59.0ø[:) (68.0øI:) (77.0øF) (86.0ø1:) 30 40 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 70 80 0.00436 0.00338 0.00317 0.00312 0.00308 0.00305 0.00302 0.00300 0.00298 0.00296 0.00294 0.00292 0.00291 0.00282 0.00267 0.00255 0.00362 0.00316 0.00303 0.00301 0.00299 0.00297 0.00294 0.00292 0.00290 0.00289 0.00287 0.00285 0.00283 0.00274 0.00259 0.00246 0.00346 0.00313 0.00300 0.00298 0.00296 0.00294 0.00291 0.00289 0.00287 0.00285 0.00283 0.00281 0.00279 0.00269 0.00255 0.00244 0.00339 0.00305 0.00291 0.00288 0.00286 0.00285 0.00283 0.00281 0.00279 0.00277 0.00275 0.00274 0.00272 0.00264 0.00250 0.00239 15 øC 20øC 25øC ((•) (59.0ø1:) (68.0øF) (77.0øI,') (86.0øF) 30 40 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 70 80 0.04861 0.03577 0.03178 0.03107 0.03040 0.02974 0.02914 0.02861 0.02809 0.02759 0.02714 0.02670 0.02632 0.02444 0.02227 0.02086 0.03794 0.02870 0.02603 0.02564 0.02527 0.02499 0.02472 0.02444 0.02419 0.02397 0.02371 0.02343 0.02321 0.02243 0.02131 0.02042 0.03130 0.02570 0.02435 0.02417 0.02401 0.02385 0.02369 0.02353 0.02337 0.02321 0.02306 0.02293 0.02280 0.02216 0.02107 0.02014 0.02814 0.02506 0.02413 0.02395 0.02377 0.02362 0.02347 0.02332 0.02317 0.02301 0.02286 0.02271 0.02257 0.02192 0.02072 0.01979 30øC TABLEII. Valuesof the product 4m at a frequencyof 2000 Hz for various temperatures and values of relative humidity. The attenuation coefficientm is expressedin meters L R.H. TEMPERATURE R.tI. 15 øC TABLEV. Valuesof the product 4m at a frequencyof 6300 Hz for various temperaturesand values of relative humidity. q'he attenuation coefficientm is expressedin ft •. R.H. TEMPERATURE 15 øC 20øC 25øC 30øC (%) (59.0øI:) (68.0ø[:) (77.0ø1: ') (86.0øI?) 30 40 45 0.01432 0.01110 0.01040 0.01187 0.01037 0.00996 0.01136 0.01029 0.00986 46 47 48 49 50 51 0.01026 0.01013 0.01003 0.00993 0.00986 0.00979 0.00989 0.00982 0.00974 0.00967 0.00960 0.00954 52 53 54 55 60 70 80 0.00972 0.00966 0.00960 0.00954 0.00925 0.00878 0.00838 0.00948 0.00942 0.00936 0.00930 0.00901 0.00851 0.00807 30øC TEMPEnATURE 15øC 20øC 25øC 30øC (Sk) (59.0øF) (68.0øI:) (77.0øF) (86.0øF) 0.01113 0.01002 0.00955 30 0.03217 0.02559 0.02088 0.01718 40 45 0.02412 0.02131 0.01901 0.01695 0.01589 0.01444 0.01416 0.01340 0.00979 0.00972 0.00964 0.00957 0.00950 0.00943 0.00947 0.00941 0.00935 0.00928 0.00922 0.00916 46 47 48 49 50 51 0.02078 0.02033 0.01991 0.01948 0.01908 0.01871 0.01659 0.01623 0.01591 0.01561 0.01534 0.01507 0.01421 0.01401 0.01382 0.01368 0.01354 0.01340 0.01330 0.01322 0.01313 0.01305 0.01297 0.01289 0.00936 0.00929 0.00922 0.00916 (}.00884 0.00839 0.00803 0.00910 0.00904 0.00899 0.00893 0.00868 0.00823 0.00784 52 0.01836 0.01483 0.01327 0.01280 53 54 55 6(} 70 80 0.01802 0.01770 0.01739 0.01599 0.01384 0.01242 0.01459 0.01438 0.01419 0.01322 0.01215 0.01145 0.01316 0.01302 0.01288 0.01242 0.01183 0.01136 0.01272 0.01265 0.01258 0.01225 0.01168 0.01119 TABLE III. Values of the product 4m at a frequency of 4000 Hz '/'A•LE VI. Values of the product 4m at a frequencyof 6300 Hz for various temperaturesand values of relative humidity. The attenuation coefficientm is expressedin ft-L for various temperaturesand valuesof relative humidity. The R.H. TEMPERATURE 15øc 20øc 25oc R.H. 30oc 15oc 20oc (• i ) (59.0øF) (68.0øF) 0.00954 0.00857 30 0.10556 0.00783 0.00742 0.00736 0.00732 0.00763 0.00735 0.00730 0.00724 40 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 0.07914 0.06993 0.06819 0.06672 0.06532 0.06392 0.06261 0.06139 52 53 54 0.06024 0.05912 0.05807 55 60 70 80 0.05707 0.05247 0.04542 0.04075 (59.0ø1:) (68.0øF) 30 0.01481 0.01156 40 45 46 47 0.01090 0.00968 0.00947 0.00926 0.00874 0.00793 0.00781 0.00770 48 49 50 5i 52 53 54 55 60 70 80 0.00906 0.00888 0.00872 0.00856 0.00841 0.00827 0.00813 0.00802 0.00744 0.00678 0.00635 0.00761 0.00753 0.00745 0.00737 0.00730 0.00722 0.00714 0.00707 0.00683 0.00649 0.00622 0.00727 0.00722 0.00717 0.00712 0.00707 0.00703 0.00699 0.00695 0.00675 0.00642 0.00613 0.00720 0.00715 0.00710 0.00706 0.00701 0.00696 0.00692 0.00687 0.00668 0.00631 0.00603 Volume40 Number1 TEMPERATURE (86.0ø[:) (5•) 154 attenuation coefficieutm is expressedin meters'L (77.0øF) 1966 25oc 30oc (77.0øF) (86.0øF) 0.08398 0.06852 0.05637 0,06238 0.05561 0.05444 0.05327 0.05220 0.05124 0.05033 0.04945 0.05215 0.04738 0.04664 0.04599 0.04537 0.04490 0.04443 0.04397 0.04648 0.04397 0.04366 0.04337 0.04310 0.04283 0.04256 0.04229 0.04867 0.04789 0.04721 0.04656 0.04340 0.03988 0.03757 0.04355 0.04317 0.04274 0.04202 0.04175 0.04150 0.04129 0.04021 0.03833 0.03672 0.04228 0.04075 0.03883 0.03729 ABSO RI'TIt) N I N O1,' .\ I l( 0.09 0.08 0.07 006 0,05 FIG. 5. Values of the total attcnuati(m coelficientm versuspercentP,.H. for air at 20øC and normal atmosphericpressurefor 004 frequencies between2.0 and 12.5 kHz at l-oct intervals. 0.03 12.5 KHz 0.02 I0,0 8,0 o 0 IO 20 ;50 40 RELATIVE 50 60 70 80 90 I00 HUMIDITY , PERCENT shownin iFig.2 of Ref. 14 h•.a.Thisisshownasa dashedcurvein Fig. 2. The 20øC indicatedby the comparison data of the presentstudyare •vithin the measurement (alsosee Fig. 3 o• Ref. 16). In contrast,the resultsof accuracy of the earlierdataof Refs.1 and6. I/kewise, Knudsen and ()bert '" for oxygenare in substantialdisthe data of Knotzel also could be represenledb3' the solid curve of Eq..5. D. Comparisonof Data for Oxygen Containing Water Vapor agreementwith thesemore recentdata. A comparison of this type couldnot be made by Evans and Bazleva since their experimentalsetnp did not permit them to make sound-absorptionmeasurementsin gasesother than air. Iii, RESULTS Onemeansof providingan independent checkon the over-allmeasurement system fortheabsorption ofsound Employingthe abovedata-reduction procedures, the in air is to usethe systemto measurethe absorption attenuationcoefficients of sotrodin air at normalpresofsound in oxygen andthento compare thesedatawith surehave beenevaluatedfor the followingconditions: resultsobtainedby a differentmeasurementtechnique (1) at the temperatures of --10 ø, --5 ø,0ø,5ø,10ø,15ø, that is not subjectto thesametypesof errors.Suchan 20ø, 21ø, 22ø, 23ø, 24ø, 25ø, and 30øC; (2) at relative independent check hasbeenmadeat 20øC.Theexperi- humidities of 5cy• 100% in incrementsof 5• R.H. mentalsetupusedfor sound-absorption datapresented Eexceptin the r;mgcfrom45• to ,55%R.H., wherethe here was used to measurethe absorptionof soundin increments are 1%•; and (3) for frequencies of 12,5, oxygenasa functionof water-vapor content. '4The re- 250, ,500,1000, 2(}00,2,500,320(I, 4000, 5000, `5940,6300, suitssoobtainedagreeveryclosely with recentdatafor 8000, 10 000, and 12 `500Hz. Values in the frequency oxygenobtained by Henderson, •:"•c' whoemployed it range from 12,5to 1000 Hz were detemxinedby extraresonant pressure-chamber measurement system, •7using polarion from the data at higher frequenciesby the a measurement techniquethat avoidsthe useof a hy- procedureindicatedin Sec.1. Data for the full tempera- grometer, whichma5' introduce oneof the principle ture and humidity rangeslisted aboveare tabulated, in sourcesof error. Also, theserestiltsare in closeagree- both the metric and English systemsof tinits, in a Namentwith theoxygendataof KnotzelandKnotzelfisas tional Aeronauticsand Space Administration report=ø •4C. M. Harrisand W. Tempest,J. Acoust.•qoc.Am..•6, 24162417 (1964). now in publication.Excerptsof someof thesedata, over restrictedtemperatureand humidity ranges,are given in Tables [ and I[ for 2000 Hz, Tables Iii and tV for is M. C. Henderson, J. Acoust.Soc.:\m. 34,349 350 (1962). •r,,I. C. Henderson,A. V. Clark, and P. 14.15ntz,J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 37, 456 463 (1965). 17.•I. C. Hendersonand J. O. l)onnelly,J. :\coust.Soc.Am. 34, 779-784 (1962). l• H. Knotzeland L. Knotzel,Ann. Phys.2,393 403 (1948). 19•/, (). Knudsenand 1.. Obert, J, Acoust.Soc.Am. 7, 249-253 (1936). •('(?. M. Harris, "AI)sorl)tion of Sound in Air versus Humidity and Temperature," X.\SA Contractor Rel)t. (to tie I)ublished). The Journalof the AcousticalSocietyof America 155 C. M. HARRIS value of relative humidity as the temperatureincreases. l"igure8 showscurvesof absorptionversustemperature for constant values of frequency--all for a relative above temperatures(20ø('). This informalion is pre~ l]nmidity of 50%. sentedin anotherform for other valuesof temperature IV. APPLICATION OF RESULTS TO ROOM ACOUSTICS and humidity in Fig. 6. AND PROPAGATION PROBLEMS The effectof temperatureon curvesof soundabsorpLionversushumidityat constantfrequencyis illustrated A. Propagation of Sound in Air in Fig. 7, which presentsabsorptiondata for a freFor problemsconcernedwith the propagationof quencyof 4000 Hz. Here the total attenuationcoefficient m is plotted as a function of humidity for differ- soundin air, it is convenientto expressattenuationof 4000 Hz, and Tables V and VI for 6300 Hz. Figure 5 shoxvs the result• of this study of total attenuation coellicient versu.• humidity for •ound in air at one of the ent valuesof temperature.Note that (1) the maximum soundin terln• of decibelsper unit distance.Valuesof value of absorptionincreaseswith increasingtemperature, and (2) the peak in the curvesshifts to a lower 0.20 0.18 0.6 0.16 0.14 • 0.12 •E 0 _0 0.10 (c) Z.Z 0.08 2.0 0.06 1.8 0.04 1.6 0.02 1.4 0 -I0 -5 0 5 TEMPERATURE, IO 15 20 25 30 OEGREES CENTIGRADE (a) 0.5 0.4 0.6 I 0.4 0.2 OJ 0 0 -io -5 0 5 i0 15 20 25 TEMPERATURE , DEGREESCENTIGRADE (b) 30 -i0 -5 0 5 [0 15 20 25 50 TEMPERATURE, DEGREESCENTIGRADE (d) FIG. 6. Attenuation of soundin air versu* temperaturefor various values of relative humidity. The attenuation is given in dB/100 meters. 156 Volume 40 Number 1 1966 ABSORPTION OF SOUND IN AIR attenuation in decibels permeterareobtainedby multi- the source,so that it is sometimesreferredto as "excess plying the total attenuationcoefficientby 4.343. This attenuation." It does not include losses due to other information has been tabulated in full in Ref. 20, both factorssucha.• scattering. in themetricand Englishsystemsof units.Someof these B. Calculation of Reverberation Time data are plotted in Fig. 6, which givesthe attenuation in decibelsper 100 metersas a functionof temperature In calculating the reverberationtime of a room, the for variousvaluesof relative humidity. This represents the attenuationof a planewavein a homogeneous me dium owingonly to air absorption.This ix the attenuation in excessof the lossdue to sphericaldivergence, xvhichis 6 dB for each doublingof the distancefrom total absorptionin the roomis required.This total is the sum of the absorptionsdue to the lossesat the boundaries,to the furnishingsin the room, and to air absorption.The absorptiondue to lossesin air usually is importantonly in large roomsand/or at high frequencies, andis givenby 4reV.This termrepresents the areaof a perfectlyabsorptivesurfacethat is equivalent to the absorptionof soundin air in a room of volume V. The product4m is givenin Tables I throughVI in the metric and Englishsystemsof units for 2000, 4000, and 6300 Hz. Thesevaluesneedonly be multipliedby the vohtme of the r(tom to determine the values of air absorption. Example. Snppose that a room has a volume of 1 000000 ft :• (28 320 ma) and is at a temperatnreof 20ø(3anda relativehumidityof 47%. Find the absorp-I0 -5 0 5 I0 Iõ 20 25 30 TEMPERATURE , DEGREE CENTIGRADE tion in the roomowingto air at a frequencyof 4000 Hz. From Table l II, the product 4m for these conditions e(luals0.(/077ft • L Multiplying by the volume1 000 000 ft ;*, xveobtain a total absorptionof 7700 sabins.An equiwtlentrestLitix obtainedin the metricsystemfrom (e) 12 Table IV if we usea valueof 4m eqna}to 0.0253n1-1 and lnultiply by a volume of 28 320 m• to obtain the total absorptionin metric sabins. l0 C. Corrections to Reverberation-Time Measurements As indicated by the data of Tables 1 VI, the contri- bution to the rate of decay of soundin a large room owingto air absorptionis significantat higherfrequenciesand it varieswith humidity and temperature.One sourceof discrepancyin the measuredvaluesof rever- •? beration time of the same auditorium by different in- vestigators maytie attril)utedto differences, duringthe measurements, of temperature andhumidityconditions. The following procedureis suggestedto correct this possiblesourceof discrepancy,and to provide an improved basisfor the comparisonof reverberation-time data for various large halls at higher frequencies. presenli•zg reverberalio,-lime dalafor largeaudiloriums, irrespective of lhe humidily a•td lemperahtreat which measuremeldsare made, carreel lhe reverbera!io•tlime so lha! il represcnls lhe reverberalio,. lime lha! •c, ouldhave bee, oblai,ed if lhemeasureme•zIs hadbee• madeal a rela- tivehumidilyof50%anda lemperahtre of20øC,i.e.,sla•zdard conditions.This correctionmay be made as follows. 0 -I0 -5 0 5 TEMPERATURE I0 , DEGREES 15 20 CENTIGRADE 25 30 Subtractthe decayrate due to :/it' absorptionfor the actualmeasurement conditions from the ,'ateof decay at 20øCand 50% R.H. This difference is to be addedto the measuredwtlue of the rate of decayof soundin the The Journal of the AcousticalSocietyof America 157 C. M. HARRIS 0.03 0.02 /\ ø I ' ' ooo Hz Fro. 7. Values of total attenuation coefficient m vcrushumidity for a frequencyof 4000 Hz at temperaturesof -10 ø, 0 ø, 10ø, 20ø, and 30øC. IO 20 I i 50 40 50 RELATIVE • , I I 60 70 80 90 room. From this correcteddecay rate, compute the corrected reverberation I00 HUMIDITY , PERCENT time. Example. Supposethat reverberation-timemeasurementsare made in an auditoriumat a temperatureof Step3: Add the valueof R• obtainedin Step2 to the measuredrate of decay.This representsthe decay rate correctedto normal conditions. = R.........a+R•= 28.57dB/sec--1.54dB/sec 25øCand a relativehumidityof 800•o.At 4000Hz, the R....'eeted = 27.03 dB/sec (s) condition"(20øC,50•0 R.H.)? measured value of the reverberation time is 2.10 sec. What wound the reverberation time be under "standard Therefore, the reverberationtime under standard conditions is Step1: Calculatethe measureddecayrate: R......... d=60 dB/2.10 sec=28.57dB/sec. (7) t•o=60 dB/27.03dB/'secm2.2 sec. (9) Slep 2: Subtract the decayrate due to air absorpto Measurementsof Sound-Absorption tion at a relative humdity of 50% and a tempera- D. Corrections Coefficients ture of 20øC(obtainedfi'omTablesVII, VIii, and IX) from the decay rate due to air absorption According to Eq. 2, therateof decayof soundin a test under measurementconditions.For a frequencyof chamber(or a room)may be represented as thesumof 4000 Hz, the rate of decaydue to air absorptionat two terms:(1) therate of decayof soundowingto air 25øCand 80% R.H. is 7.57 dB/sec; at "standard absorption, and(2) therateof decayof soundresulting conditions" of 20øC,50% R.H., the correspondingfromabsorption at the boundaries. Thns,if measurevalue is 9.11 dB/sec. Subtracting,the difference ments of the absorptioncoefficients of an acoustical R• is --1.54 dB/sec. materialaremadein •[rew'.rberation chamber, at higher 0.07 [ _. .... C 0.06 50%R.H. 0.05 •- 0.04 l,'lo. 8. Values of total attenuation coelticient m versus temperaturefor constantvaluesof frequency.All data are for a relative humidity of 50%. LL •- 0.03 •3 0,02 L• 0.01 0 I0 15 20 TEMPERATURE 158 Volume 40 25 , DEGREES Number I 1966 CENTIGRADE 3O ABSORPTION OF SOUND IN AIR 'I'AurEVII. Valuesof the decayrate of soundin a roomowing TABLEIX. Valuesof the decayrate of soundin a roomowing to the contributionof air absorption,at variousvaluesof tem- to the contrilmtionof air absorption,at variousvaluesof temperatureand relativehumidity.Thesedata, expressed in dB/sec, peratureand relativehumklity.Thesedata, expressed in dB/sec, are for a frequencyof 2000 Hz. are for a frequencyof 6300 llz. R.H. TEMVEItA TUIIE B.H. 15øC 20øC 25oc 3oø(2 (',.•) (59.0ø1 .') (68.0ø1 ;' (77.0ø1 ,') (86.0ø1: ) 30 40 45 46 47 48 5.29 4.10 3.85 3.79 3.75 3.71 3.67 3.64 3.62 3.59 3.57 3.55 3.53 3.42 3.25 3.10 4.43 3.87 3.71 3.69 3.66 3.63 4.27 3.87 3.71 3.68 3.65 3.63 3.60 3.57 3.55 3.52 3.49 3.47 3.44 3.33 3.16 3.02 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 7(I 80 3.61 3.58 3.56 3.53 3.51 3.49 3.47 3.36 3.17 3.01 4.22 3.80 3.62 3.59 3.57 3.54 3.52 3.50 3.47 3.45 3.43 3.41 3.39 3.29 3.12 2.97 frcqueilcies where air absorptmn is significant an errorin evaluatingthe absorptioncoefficients will result unlessthc contributionto the total decay causedby air absorptionis subtractedout. If this correctionis made,thenoneshouldobtain the samevalueof absorption coefiqcient for the material under test even if TABLEVIII. Valuesof the decay rate of soundin a room owing to the contributionof air absorption,at various values of temlmrature and relative humidity. These data, expressedin dB/sec, are for a frequencyof 4000 Hz. TEMPERATURE (5/•) 15øC 20øC 25øC (59.0ø1: ) (68.0øF) (77.0øI:) 30oc (186.0ø1: ) 30 40 45 46 47 48 49 50 5l 52 53 54 55 611 39.01 29.24 25.84 25.20 24.65 24.14 23.62 23.14 22.68 22.26 21.85 21.46 21.09 19.39 31.30 23.25 20.73 20.29 19.85 19.46 19.10 18.76 18.43 18.14 17.85 17.59 17.35 16.18 25.76 19.60 17.81 17.53 17.29 17. (15 16.88 16.70 16.53 16.37 16.23 16.(}7 15.89 15.32 21.37 17.62 16.67 16.55 16.44 16.34 16.23 16.13 16.03 15.93 15.82 15.73 15.65 15.24 70 811 16.78 15.06 14.87 14.00 14.60 14.02 14.53 13.92 measureduuder differcut conditionsof humidity and temperature. Such a correction can be made conven- iently by the useof TablesVII IX. For example,suppose that measurementsat 4000 Hz are made in a re- verberationchamberat a tetnperatureof 25øC and a relativehumidityof 80%. Accordingto Table VHI, the rate of decaydue to soundabsorptionin air R,•, is 7.57 dB/sec.Accordingto Eq. 2, the measured decay rate is equal to the sum of the decayrate due to absorptionat the boundariesof the room and due to air absorption.Thus, if the measuredvalue of the rate of R.H. TEMPERATURE 15 øC 20øC 25 øC 311ø(2 ((•&) (59.0øF) (68.0øF) (77.0øF) (86.0øF) 30 40 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 60 70 80 17.96 13.22 i 1.74 11.48 11.24 10.99 10.77 10.57 111.38 10.20 10.03 9.87 9.73 9.03 8.23 7.71 14.14 10.70 9.70 9.56 9.42 9.32 9.21 9.11 9.02 8.94 8.84 8.73 8.65 8.36 7.94 7.61 11.77 9.66 9.15 9.07 9.03 8.97 8.91 8.85 8.79 8.73 8.67 8.62 8.57 8.33 7.92 7.57 10.67 9.50 9.15 9.08 9.01 8.95 8.90 8.84 8.78 8.72 8.67 8.61 8.55 8.31 7.85 7.50 decayis 22.10dB/sec, the actualdecayrate corrected for air absorptionis (22.10-7.571•13.5 dB/sec. Thus it is possibleto correctfor air absorptionin measuring the absorptioncoefficientof a material in a reverberation chamber.Such tt procedurehas been proposedin CommitteeC-20 of the AmericanSocietyfor Testing Materials. 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported by the George C. Marshal[ Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Sp;tceAdministration.The author •tppreciatesthe assistanceof H;trry Gong, in the measurements, and Beth Alberty, in the cktta reduction. o.•R. Huntley, personalcommunication. The Journalof the AcousticalSocietyof America ]59