Allen-Bradley PLC-5 Programmable Controllers Instruction Set Reference Important User Information 6ROLGVWDWHHTXLSPHQWKDVRSHUDWLRQDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVGLIIHULQJIURP WKRVHRIHOHFWURPHFKDQLFDOHTXLSPHQW³6DIHW\*XLGHOLQHVIRUWKH $SSOLFDWLRQ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFHRI6ROLG6WDWH&RQWUROV´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nstruction Set Alphabetical Listing PLC-5 Instruction Set Alphabetical Listing For this Instruction: See Page: For this Instruction: See Page: For this Instruction: For this Instruction: See Page: See Page: ABL 17-51 CMP 3-3 JSR 13-12 RES 2-25 ACB 17-71 COP 9-20 LBL 13-5 RET 13-12 ACI 17-91 COS 4-211 LEQ 3-9 RTO 2-13 ACN 17-101 CPT 4-5 LES 3-10 SBR 13-12 ACS 4-131 CTD 2-20 LFL 11-51 SDS 18-2 ADD 4-14 CTU 2-18 LFU 11-51 SFR 13-231 AEX 17-111 DDT 10-2 LIM 3-11 SIN 4-271 AFI 13-19 DEG 6-51 LN 4-231 SQI 12-2 SQL 12-2 AHL 1 17-12 DFA 18-3 LOG 4-241 AIC 17-141 DIV 4-22 MCR 13-3 SQO 12-2 AND 5-2 DTR 10-8 MEQ 3-13 SQR 4-28 ARD 17-151 EOT 13-24 MOV 7-4 SRT 4-291 ARL 17-181 EQU 3-6 MSG 16-2 STD 4-311 ASC 17-211 FAL 9-2 MUL 4-25 SUB 4-34 ASN 4-151 FBC 10-2 MVM 7-5 TAN 4-351 ASR 17-221 FFL 11-5 NEG 4-26 TND 13-19 ATN 4-161 FFU 11-5 NEQ 3-15 TOD 6-3 AVE 4-171 FLL 9-21 NOT 5-4 TOF 2-9 AWA 17-231 FOR 13-8 NXT 13-8 TON 2-5 AWT 17-261 FRD 6-4 ONS 13-20 UID 13-251 BRK 13-8 FSC 9-15 OR 5-6 UIE 13-261 BSL 11-2 GEQ 3-7 OSF 13-221 XIC 1-3 BSR 11-2 GRT 3-8 OSR 13-211 XIO 1-4 BTD 7-2 IDI 1-102 OTE 1-5 XOR 5-8 2 XPY 4-361 BTR 15-4 IDO 1-11 OTL 1-6 BTW 15-4 IIN 1-8 OTU 1-7 1 CIO 15-252 IOT 1-9 PID NO TAG 2 CLR 4-20 JMP 13-5 RAD 6-61 Enhanced PLC -5 processors only. 6200 programming software with ControlNet PLC-5 processors only 1785-6.1 November 1998 PLC-5 Instruction Set Alphabetical Listing 6HH7DEOH$IRUJXLGHOLQHVRQFKRRVLQJWKHDSSURSULDWHLQVWUXFWLRQIRU WKHRSHUDWLRQ\RXZDQWWRSHUIRUP7DEOH%OLVWVVRPHH[DPSOHV Table A Choosing an Instruction Category If You Want to Perform this Operation: Use this Instruction Category: examine, check or control 2-state device or condition multiple 2-state devices or conditions bit level multi-bit move, copy, change, compute, compare analog values, codes multiple sets of values element level file instructions convert conversion instructions time or delay timer count counter shift or track bit shift sequence sequencer PID PID message sending/receiving message transfer data to/from modules block transfer or ControlNet transfer diagnostics, fault handling diagnostics control the flow of your program program control Table B Example Operations If Your Application Calls for Operations such as: Use: detecting when a limit switch closes bit level changing the temperature preset element level transfer analog data block transfer turn on a motor 10 seconds after a pump is activated timing move 1 of 3 recipes into a work area multi-element keep track of parts as they move from station to station shifting keep track of total parts in a bin 1785-6.1 November 1998 counting Summary of Changes Summary of Changes New Information Added to this Manual 7KHOLVWEHORZVXPPDUL]HVWKHFKDQJHVWKDWKDYHEHHQPDGHWRWKLV PDQXDOVLQFHWKHODVWSULQWLQJ For this Update Information: See Chapter: Converting non-decimal numbers with the FRD instruction 6 How non-existing, indirect addresses affect the COP and FLL instructions 9 How the .POS value operates in sequencer instructions 12 Using a RET instruction 13 Using the PID bias term 14 Using the no zero crossing (.NOZC) and no back calculation (.NOBC) features in the PD control block 14 Clarification to error code 89 for MSG instruction 16 Ethernet PLC-5 processors now support SLC Typed Read and SLC Typed Write MSG instructions 16 Configuring a multihop MSG instruction over Ethernet or over ControlNet 16 Monitoring the status of the .EN bit in a continuous MSG instruction 16 7RKHOS\RXILQGQHZLQIRUPDWLRQDQGXSGDWHGLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLV UHOHDVHRIWKHPDQXDOZHKDYHLQFOXGHGFKDQJHEDUVDVVKRZQWRWKH OHIWRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK 1785-6.1 November 1998 Summary of Changes 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Preface Preface 7KLVPDQXDOXVHVWKHIROORZLQJFRQYHQWLRQV Conventions 8QOHVVRWKHUZLVHVWDWHG References to: Include these Allen-Bradley Processors: Classic PLC-5 processors PLC-5/10™, -5/12™, -5/15™, -5/25™, and -5/VME™ processors. Enhanced PLC-5 processors PLC-5/11™, -5/20™, -5/30™, -5/40™, -5/40L™, -5/60™, -5/60L™, and -5/80™ processors. Note: Unless otherwise specified, Enhanced PLC-5 processors include Ethernet PLC-5, ControlNet PLC-5, Protected PLC-5 and VME PLC-5 processors. Ethernet PLC-5 processors PLC-5/20E™, -5/40E™, and -5/80E™ processors. ControlNet PLC-5 processors PLC-5/20C™, -5/40C™, -5/46C™, and -5/80C™ processors. Protected PLC-5 processors 1 PLC-5/26™, -5/46™, and -5/86™ processors. VME PLC-5 processors PLC-5/V30™, -5/V40™, -5/V40L™, and -5/V80™ processors. See the PLC-5/VME VMEbus Programmable Controllers User Manual for more information. 3URWHFWHG3/&SURFHVVRUVDORQHGRQRWHQVXUH3/&V\VWHPVHFXULW\6\VWHPVHFXULW\LVDFRPELQDWLRQRI WKH3URWHFWHG3/&SURFHVVRUWKHVRIWZDUHDQG\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQH[SHUWLVH :RUGVLQVTXDUHEUDFNHWVUHSUHVHQWDFWXDONH\VWKDW\RXSUHVV )RUH[DPSOH >Enter]; [F1] – Online Programming/Documentation :RUGVWKDWGHVFULEHLQIRUPDWLRQWKDW\RXKDYHWRSURYLGHDUH VKRZQLQLWDOLFV)RUH[DPSOHLI\RXKDYHWRW\SHDILOHQDPHWKLV LVVKRZQDV filename 0HVVDJHVDQGSURPSWVWKDWWKHWHUPLQDOGLVSOD\VDUHVKRZQDV Press a function key 1785-6.1 November 1998 Preface 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Table of Contents Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Chapter 1 Using Relay-Type Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 I/O Image Files in Data Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Rung Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Examine On (XIC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Examine Off (XIO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Energize (OTE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Latch (OTL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Unlatch (OTU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Immediate Input (IIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Immediate Output (IOT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Immediate Data Input (IDI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Immediate Data Output (IDO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Using IDI and IDO Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Chapter 2 Using Timers and Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Using Timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Timer Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Timer On Delay (TON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 Timer Off Delay (TOF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Retentive Timer On (RTO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Using Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Count Up (CTU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 Count Down (CTD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 Timer and Counter Reset (RES). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 1785-6.1 November 1998 toc–2 Table of Contents Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 1785-6.1 November 1998 Chapter 3 Using Compare Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Using Arithmetic Status Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Compare (CMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Entering the CMP Expression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Determining the Length of an Expression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Equal to (EQU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Greater than or Equal to (GEQ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Greater than (GRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 Less than or Equal to (LEQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 Less than (LES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Limit Test (LIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Mask Compare Equal to (MEQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 Not Equal to (NEQ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 Chapter 4 Using Compute Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Using Arithmetic Status Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Data Types and the Compute Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Using Floating Point Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Compute (CPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Entering the CPT Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Determining the Length of an Expression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Determining the Order of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Expression Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Entering the Destination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Using CPT Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Arc Cosine (ACS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Addition (ADD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Arc Sine (ASN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 Arc Tangent (ATN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Average File (AVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 Clear (CLR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 Cosine (COS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Divide (DIV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19 Natural Log (LN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 Log to the Base 10 (LOG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 Multiply (MUL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22 Negate (NEG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23 Sine (SIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24 Square Root (SQR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25 Table of Contents toc–3 Sort File (SRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27 Standard Deviation (STD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Subtract (SUB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31 Tangent (TAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32 X to the Power of Y (XPY). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33 Logical Instructions AND, NOT, OR, XOR Conversion Instructions FRD and TOD, DEG and RAD Bit Modify and Move Instructions BTD, MOV, MVM File Instruction Concepts Chapter 5 Using Logical Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Using Arithmetic Status Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 AND Operation (AND). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 NOT Operation (NOT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 OR Operation (OR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Exclusive OR Operation (XOR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Chapter 6 Using the Conversion Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Using Arithmetic Status Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Convert to BCD (TOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Convert from BCD (FRD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Degree (DEG) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Radian (RAD) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 Chapter 7 Using Bit Modify and Move Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Bit Distribute (BTD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Move (MOV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 Masked Move (MVM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 Chapter 8 Concepts of File Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 Using the Control Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 Manipulating File Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 Choosing Modes of Block Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 All Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 Numerical Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6 Incremental Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Special Case, Numerical Mode with Words Per Scan = 1. . 8-8 1785-6.1 November 1998 toc–4 Table of Contents File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL 1785-6.1 November 1998 Chapter 9 Using File Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 File Arithmetic and Logic (FAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4 FAL Copy Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5 FAL Arithmetic Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 Upper and Lower Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 FAL Logic Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12 FAL Convert Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14 File Search and Compare (FSC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15 FSC Search and Compare Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-17 Data Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-17 File Search Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-17 File Copy (COP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19 File Fill (FLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20 Chapter 10 Using Diagnostic Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 File Bit Comparison (FBC) and Diagnostic Detect (DDT) . . . . 10-2 Selecting the Search Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 One Mismatch at a Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 All Per Scan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Data Transitional (DTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8 Chapter 11 Applying Shift Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 Using Bit Shift Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3 Using FIFO and LIFO Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6 Chapter 12 Applying Sequencers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1 Using Sequencer Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4 Resetting the Position of SQO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-6 Using SQI Without SQO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-7 Table of Contents Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID Process Control Instruction PID toc–5 Chapter 13 Selecting Program Flow Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1 Master Control Reset (MCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2 Jump (JMP) and Label (LBL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-3 Using JMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4 Using LBL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4 For Next Loop (FOR, NXT), Break (BRK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-5 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6 Using FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6 Using BRK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7 Using NXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7 Jump to Subroutine (JSR), Subroutine (SBR), and Return (RET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8 Passing Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10 Nesting Subroutine Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10 Using JSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-11 Using SBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-11 Using RET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12 Temporary End (TND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-13 Always False (AFI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-13 One Shot (ONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14 One Shot Rising (OSR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15 One Shot Falling (OSF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16 Sequential Function Chart Reset (SFR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17 End of Transition (EOT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18 User Interrupt Disable (UID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-19 User Interrupt Enable (UIE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20 Chapter 14 Using PID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1 PID Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2 Using PID Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2 Conversion of Gain Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3 Integral Term Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3 Derivative Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4 Setting Input/Output Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5 Implementing Scaling to Engineering Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5 Setting the Dead Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-6 Using Zero-Crossing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-6 Using No Zero Crossing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7 Selecting the Derivative Term (Acts on PV or Error) . . . . . . . 14-7 1785-6.1 November 1998 toc–6 Table of Contents Setting Output Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7 Using Output Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7 Anti-Reset Windup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-8 Using a Manual Mode Operation (Bumpless Transfer) . . . 14-8 Set Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-8 Feedforward or Output Biasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-9 Resume Last State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-9 PID Instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-10 Using No Back Calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-11 Operational Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-11 Integer Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-11 PD Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-12 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-12 Using an Integer Data File Type for the Control Block. . . . . 14-14 Using Control Block Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-16 Using a PD File Type for the Control Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-18 Using Control Block Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23 Programming Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 Run Time Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 Transferring Data to the PID Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-25 Loop Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Number of PID Loops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Loop Update Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26 Descaling Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-27 PID Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 Integer Block (N) Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 Main Program File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-29 STI Program File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-30 RTS Program File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32 PD Block Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-33 Main Program File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-33 STI Program File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-34 RTS Program File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-36 Ladder Logic Simulation of a Manual Control Station . . . 14-37 Cascading Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-38 Ratio Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-38 Process Variable Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-39 PID Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-40 1785-6.1 November 1998 Table of Contents Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW and ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO toc–7 Chapter 15 Using Block Transfer and ControlNet I/O Transfer Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 Using Block Transfer Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 Block-Transfer Read (BTR) and Block-Transfer Write (BTW). 15-3 Block-Transfer Request Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4 Using Status Bits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-6 Using the Control Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-8 Requested Word Count (.RLEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-8 Transmitted Word Count (.DLEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-8 File Number (.FILE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9 Element Number (.ELEM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9 Selecting Continuous Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-10 Selecting Non-Continuous Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12 Block Transfer Timing – Classic PLC-5 Processors . . . . . . 15-13 Instruction Run Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13 Waiting Time in the Queue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13 Transfer Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13 Block Transfer Timing – Enhanced PLC-5 Processors . . . . 15-14 Instruction Run Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14 Waiting Time in the Holding Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14 Transfer Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14 Programming Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15 Example Bidirectional Alternating Block-Transfer. . . . . . 15-16 Example Bidirectional Alternating Repeating Block-Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 Example Bidirectional Continuous Block-Transfer . . . . . 15-18 Example Directional Non-Continuous Block-Transfer . . . 15-19 Example Directional Repeating Block Transfer . . . . . . . . 15-19 Example Directional Continuous Block-Transfer . . . . . . . 15-20 Example Buffering Block Transfer-Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-21 ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO) Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-22 Control Block Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-22 Using the CIO Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-23 Using Status Bits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-24 Using the CT Control Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-25 1785-6.1 November 1998 toc–8 Table of Contents Message Instruction MSG Chapter 16 Using the Message Instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1 Message (MSG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2 Control Block Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2 MSG Data Entry Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-3 Using the Message Instruction for Ethernet Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-5 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-5 Using the Message Instruction for PLC-5 Ethernet Interface Module Communications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7 Configuring an Ethernet Multihop MSG Instruction. . . . . . . . 16-9 Using the Message Instruction for ControlNet Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-10 Control Block Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-10 Configuring a ControlNet Multihop MSG Instruction . . . . . . 16-11 Using Status Bits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12 Using the Control Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13 Error Code (.ERR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13 Requested Length (.RLEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13 Transmitted Length (.DLEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-14 Communication Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-14 External Data Table Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-15 PLC-2 to PLC-5 Compatibility Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-15 Sending SLC Typed Logical Read and Typed Logical Write Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-16 Monitoring a Message Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Selecting Continuous Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18 Selecting Non-Continuous Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19 MSG Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20 Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-22 1785-6.1 November 1998 Table of Contents ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT Custom Application Routine Instructions SDS, DFA toc–9 Chapter 17 Using ASCII Instructions Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1 Using Status Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2 Using the Control Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-3 Length (.LEN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-3 Position (.POS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-3 Using Strings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-3 Test Buffer for Line (ABL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4 Number of Characters in Buffer (ACB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5 ASCII String to Integer (ACI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-6 ASCII String Concatenate (ACN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-7 ASCII String Extract (AEX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-7 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-7 ASCII Set or Reset Handshake Lines (AHL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-8 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-8 ASCII Integer to String (AIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-9 ASCII Read Characters (ARD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-10 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-10 ASCII Read Line (ARL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-12 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-12 ASCII String Search (ASC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-14 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-14 ASCII String Compare (ASR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-15 ASCII Write with Append (AWA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-15 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-15 ASCII Write (AWT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-17 Entering Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-17 Chapter 18 Chapter Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1 Smart Directed Sequencer (SDS) Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2 Programming the SDS Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2 Diagnostic Fault Annunciator (DFA) Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 18-3 Programming the DFA Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-3 1785-6.1 November 1998 toc–10 Table of Contents Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements SFC Reference Appendix A-1 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Timing for Enhanced PLC-5 Processors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 Bit and Word Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 File Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5 Timing for Classic PLC-5 Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10 Bit and Word Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10 File Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13 Program Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-17 Direct and Indirect Elements: Enhanced PLC-5 Processors . A-17 Direct and Indirect Elements: Classic PLC-5 Processors . . . A-18 Indirect Bit or Elements Addresses: Classic PLC-5 Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-19 Additional Timing Considerations: Classic PLC-5 Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-20 Appendix B-1 Appendix Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 SFC Status Information in the Processor Status File. . . . . . . . B-1 Memory Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3 Dynamic Constraints – Classic PLC-5 Processors Only . . . . . B-5 Scanning Sequences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7 Step and Transition Scanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7 Selected Branch Scanning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8 Simultaneous Branch Scanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9 SFC Example and Scan Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-11 Run Times – Classic PLC-5 Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12 Using Sequence Diagrams to Determine Run Time . . . . . B-13 Using Equations to Determine Run Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-14 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands 1785-6.1 November 1998 Appendix C-1 Appendix Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 Instruction Operands and Valid Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 Chapter 1 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO Using Relay-Type Instructions 8VHUHOD\W\SHLQVWUXFWLRQVWRPRQLWRUDQGFRQWUROWKHVWDWXVRIELWVLQ WKHGDWDWDEOHVXFKDVLQSXWELWVRUWLPHUFRQWUROZRUGELWV7KHUHOD\ LQVWUXFWLRQVOHW\RX If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Examine a bit for an ON condition XIC 1-3 Examine a bit for an OFF condition XIO 1-3 Hold a bit ON or OFF (non-retentive) OTE 1-4 Latch a bit to ON (retentive) OTL 1-4 Unlatch a bit to OFF (retentive) OTU 1-5 Immediately update input image bits IIN 1-6 Immediately update outputs IOT 1-7 Immediately perform an update of the ControlNet™ data input file from the ControlNet memory buffers. IDI 1-8 Immediately perform an update of the ControlNet memory buffers from the source file before the next output-image update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ovember 1998 1-2 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO I/O Image Files in Data Storage 7KHLQSXWLPDJHILOHLQWKHSURFHVVRUVWRUHVWKHVWDWXVRILQSXWVHQVRUV FRQQHFWHGWRLQSXWPRGXOHWHUPLQDOV If the Input Sensor Is: Then Its Corresponding Input Image Bit Is: closed (on) on (1) open (off) off (0) <RXSURJUDPLQVWUXFWLRQVLQODGGHUORJLFWRPRQLWRUELWV8VHD ORJLFDODGGUHVVIRUWKHELW 7KHRXWSXWLPDJHILOHFRQWUROVWKHVWDWXVRIDFWXDWRUVZLUHGWRRXWSXW PRGXOHWHUPLQDOV If the Output Image Bit Is: Then Its Corresponding Output Is: on (1) energized (on) off (0) de-energized (off) <RXSURJUDPLQVWUXFWLRQVLQODGGHUORJLFWRFRQWUROELWV Rung Logic $VHDFKFRQGLWLRQLQJLQVWUXFWLRQLVH[HFXWHGWKHDGGUHVVHGELWLV H[DPLQHGWRVHHLILWPDWFKHVDFHUWDLQFRQGLWLRQRQRURII,ID FRPSOHWHSDWKRIWUXHFRQGLWLRQVH[DPLQHGIRUDUHIRXQGWKHUXQJ LVVHWWRWUXH7KHUXQJPXVWFRQWDLQDFRQWLQXRXVSDWKRIWUXH LQVWUXFWLRQVIURPWKHVWDUWRIWKHUXQJWRWKHRXWSXWIRUWKHRXWSXW WREHHQDEOHG 1785-6.1 November 1998 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO 1-3 Examine On (XIC) Description: Example: I:012 07 If you find an ON condition at bit I:012/07 in the input table, set this instruction true. This bit corresponds to input terminal 7 of a module in I/O group 2 of I/O rack 1. If the input circuit is true, the instruction is true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f the Bit Is: Then the Instruction Is: Bit Logic State: on true 1 off false 0 Examine Off (XIO) Description: Example: I:012 07 If you find an OFF condition at bit I:012/07 in the input table, set this instruction true. This bit corresponds to input terminal 7 of a module in I/O group 2 of I/O rack 1. If the input circuit is false, the instruction is true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f the Bit Is: Then the Instruction Is: Bit Logic State: off true 0 on false 1 1785-6.1 November 1998 1-4 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO Energize (OTE) Description: Example: O:013 01 Turn ON bit O:013/01 of the output image table if the rung is true. Turn it OFF if the rung is false. This bit corresponds to output terminal 01 of a module in /O group 3 of I/O rack 1. 8VHWKH27(LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRQWURODELWLQPHPRU\,IWKHELW FRUUHVSRQGVWRDQRXWSXWPRGXOHWHUPLQDOWKHGHYLFHZLUHGWRWKLV WHUPLQDOLVHQHUJL]HGZKHQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVHQDEOHGDQG GHHQHUJL]HGZKHQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVGLVDEOHG,IWKHLQSXWFRQGLWLRQV WKDWSUHFHGHWKH27(LQVWUXFWLRQDUHWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUHQDEOHVWKH 27(LQVWUXFWLRQ,IWKHLQSXWFRQGLWLRQVWKDWSUHFHGHWKH27( LQVWUXFWLRQDUHIDOVHWKHSURFHVVRUGLVDEOHVWKH27(LQVWUXFWLRQ :KHQUXQJFRQGLWLRQVEHFRPHIDOVHWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJGHYLFH GHHQHUJL]HV $Q27(LQVWUXFWLRQLVVLPLODUWRDUHOD\FRLO7KH27(LQVWUXFWLRQLV FRQWUROOHGE\SUHFHGLQJLQSXWLQVWUXFWLRQVWKHUHOD\FRLOLVFRQWUROOHG E\FRQWDFWVLQLWVKDUGZLUHGUXQJ 7KH27(LQVWUXFWLRQWHOOVWKHSURFHVVRUWRFRQWUROWKHDGGUHVVHGELW EDVHGRQWKHUXQJFRQGLWLRQ If the Rung Is: Then the Processor Turns the Bit: Bit Logic State: true on 1 false off 0 Latch (OTL) Description: L Example: O:013 L 01 Turn ON bit O:013/01 of the output image table if the rung is true. This bit corresponds to output terminal 1 of a module in I/O group 3 of I/O rack 1. 1785-6.1 November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elay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO 1-5 :KHQHQDEOHGWKHODWFKLQVWUXFWLRQWHOOVWKHSURFHVVRUWRWXUQRQWKH DGGUHVVHGELW7KHUHDIWHUWKHELWUHPDLQVRQUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHUXQJ FRQGLWLRQXQWLOWKHELWLVWXUQHGRIIW\SLFDOO\E\DQXQODWFK278 LQVWUXFWLRQLQDQRWKHUUXQJ If the Rung Is: Then the Processor Turns the Bit: true on false no change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nlatch (OTU) Description: U Example: O:013 U 01 Turn OFF bit O:013/01 of the output image table if the rung is true. This bit corresponds to output terminal 1 of a module in I/O group 3 in I/O rack 1. 7KH278LQVWUXFWLRQLVDUHWHQWLYHRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWFDQRQO\ WXUQRIIDELWLWFDQQRWWXUQRQDELW7KLVLQVWUXFWLRQLVXVXDOO\XVHG LQSDLUVZLWKDQ27/RXWSXWODWFKLQVWUXFWLRQZLWKERWKLQVWUXFWLRQV DGGUHVVLQJWKHVDPHELW7KH278LQVWUXFWLRQWXUQV2))WKHELW ZKLFKZDVWXUQHG21ODWFKHGE\WKH27/LQVWUXFWLRQ :KHQWKHSURFHVVRUFKDQJHVIURP5XQWR3URJUDPPRGHRUZKHQWKH SURFHVVRUORVHVSRZHUDQGWKHUHLVEDWWHU\EDFNXSWKHELWLVUHWDLQHG LQWKHVWDWHVHWE\WKHODVWUXQJRIWKHODWFKXQODWFKSDLUWKDWZDVWUXH 7KHXQODWFKLQVWUXFWLRQWHOOVWKHSURFHVVRUWRWXUQRIIWKHDGGUHVVHGELW EDVHGRQWKHUXQJFRQGLWLRQ7KHUHDIWHUWKHELWUHPDLQVRII UHJDUGOHVVRIWKHUXQJFRQGLWLRQXQWLOLWLVWXUQHGRQW\SLFDOO\E\D 27/LQVWUXFWLRQLQDQRWKHUUXQJ If the Rung is: Then the Processor Turns the Bit: true off false no change 1785-6.1 November 1998 1-6 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO Immediate Input (IIN) Description: IIN Example: RRG IIN Where: RR = I/O rack number 00-03 PLC-5/10, -5/11, -5/12, -5/15, -5/20 00-07 PLC-5/25, -5/30 000-177 PLC-5/40, -5/40L 000-277 PLC-5/60, -5/60L, -5/80 G = I/O group number (0 - 7) 001 IIN When the input conditions are true, update the input image word corresponding to I/O rack 0, group 1. 7KH,,1LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWZKHQHQDEOHG XSGDWHVDZRUGRILQSXWLPDJHELWVEHIRUHWKHQH[WUHJXODU LQSXWLPDJHXSGDWH )RULQSXWVLQWKHORFDOFKDVVLVWKHSURJUDPVFDQLVLQWHUUXSWHG ZKLOHWKHLQSXWVRIWKHDGGUHVVHG,2JURXSDUHH[DPLQHG7KLV VHWVWKHLQSXWLPDJHELWVWRWKHFXUUHQWVWDWHVRIWKHLQSXWVEHIRUH WKHSURJUDPVFDQFRQWLQXHV,IWKHSURJUDPUHDFKHVDQHQDEOHG ,,1LQVWUXFWLRQZKLOHDEORFNWUDQVIHUZLWKWKHORFDOFKDVVLVLVLQ SURJUHVVWKHSURFHVVRUFRPSOHWHVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUEHIRUHH[HFXWLQJ WKH,,1LQVWUXFWLRQ )RULQSXWVLQDUHPRWHFKDVVLVWKHSURJUDPVFDQLVLQWHUUXSWHGRQO\ WRXSGDWHWKHLQSXWLPDJHZLWKWKHODWHVWVWDWHVRIWKHLQSXWVDVIRXQG LQWKHUHPRWH,2EXIIHUIURPWKHPRVWUHFHQWUHPRWH,2VFDQ7KH LQSXWVDUHQRWVFDQQHGEHIRUHWKHSURJUDPVFDQFRQWLQXHV 3ODFHWKHUXQJZLWKWKH,,1LQVWUXFWLRQLPPHGLDWHO\EHIRUHUXQJVWKDW H[DPLQHFULWLFDOLQSXWELWVXSGDWHGE\WKH,,1LQVWUXFWLRQ )RUWKH,,1LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXRQO\QHHGWRHQWHUWKH,2UDFNQXPEHU DQGWKH,2JURXSQXPEHU\RXGRQRWHQWHUDILOHQXPEHU $77(17,21 'RQRWHQWHUDQDGGUHVVWKDWLQFOXGHVD ILOHQXPEHUVXFKDV,7KHSURFHVVRULQWHUSUHWVWKH ELWSDWWHUQIRXQGDWWKDWDGGUHVVDVWKH,2UDFNDQG,2 JURXSQXPEHURIWKHLQSXWVWRXSGDWH8QH[SHFWHG RSHUDWLRQZLOOUHVXOWZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQW DQGLQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ,2VFDQQLQJDQGEORFNWUDQVIHUVVHH FKDSWHU 1785-6.1 November 1998 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO 1-7 Immediate Output (IOT) Description: IOT Example: RRG IOT Where: RR = I/O rack number 00-03 PLC-5/10, -5/11, -5/12, -5/15, -5/20 00-07 PLC-5/25, -5/30 000-177 PLC-5/40, -5/40L 000-277 PLC-5/60, -5/60L, -5/80 G = I/O group number (0 - 7) 001 IOT When the input conditions are true, update the output image word corresponding to I/O rack 0, group 1. 7KH,27LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWZKHQHQDEOHG XSGDWHVDQ,2JURXSRIRXWSXWVEHIRUHWKHQH[WQRUPDORXWSXW LPDJHXSGDWH )RURXWSXWVLQWKHORFDOFKDVVLVWKHSURJUDPVFDQLVLQWHUUXSWHGZKLOH WKHRXWSXWVRIWKHDGGUHVVHG,2JURXSDUHH[DPLQHG7KLVVHWVWKH RXWSXWFLUFXLWVWRWKHFXUUHQWVWDWHVRIWKHRXWSXWELWVLQWKHRXWSXW LPDJHWDEOHEHIRUHWKHSURJUDPVFDQFRQWLQXHV,IWKHSURJUDP UHDFKHVDQHQDEOHG,27LQVWUXFWLRQZKLOHDEORFNWUDQVIHULVLQ SURJUHVVWKHSURFHVVRUFRPSOHWHVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUEHIRUHH[HFXWLQJ WKH,27LQVWUXFWLRQ )RURXWSXWVLQDUHPRWHFKDVVLVWKHSURJUDPVFDQLVLQWHUUXSWHGRQO\ WRXSGDWHWKHUHPRWH,2EXIIHUZLWKWKHFXUUHQWVWDWHVRIWKH RXWSXWLPDJHELWV7KLVPDNHVWKHVHVWDWHVLPPHGLDWHO\DYDLODEOHIRU WKHQH[WUHPRWH,2VFDQZKLOHWKHSURJUDPVFDQFRQWLQXHV7KH RXWSXWVDUHQRWVFDQQHGEHIRUHWKHSURJUDPVFDQFRQWLQXHV 3ODFHWKHUXQJZLWKWKH,27RXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQLPPHGLDWHO\DIWHU UXQJVWKDWFRQWUROFULWLFDORXWSXWLPDJHELWVWREHXSGDWHGE\WKH ,27LQVWUXFWLRQ )RUWKH,27LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXRQO\QHHGWRHQWHUWKH,2UDFNQXPEHU DQGWKH,2JURXSQXPEHU\RXGRQRWQHHGWRHQWHUWKHILOHQXPEHU $77(17,21 'RQRWHQWHUDQDGGUHVVWKDWLQFOXGHVD ILOHQXPEHUVXFKDV27KHSURFHVVRULQWHUSUHWVWKH ELWSDWWHUQIRXQGDWWKDWDGGUHVVDVWKH,2UDFNDQG,2 JURXSQXPEHURIWKHRXWSXWVWREHXSGDWHG8QH[SHFWHG RSHUDWLRQZLOOUHVXOWZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQW DQGLQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ,2VFDQQLQJDQGEORFNWUDQVIHUVVHH FKDSWHU 1785-6.1 November 1998 1-8 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO Immediate Data Input (IDI) Description: IDI IMMEDIATE DATA INPUT Data file offset Length Destination 232 10 :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHWKH,',LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVDQLPPHGLDWH XSGDWHRIWKH&RQWURO1HWGDWDLQSXWILOHIURPWKH&RQWURO1HWPHPRU\ EXIIHUVEHIRUHWKHQH[WQRUPDOLQSXWLPDJHXSGDWHZKLFKRFFXUVDW WKHHQGRIWKHSURJUDPVFDQ 7RSURJUDPDQ,',LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQWKDWLWVWRUHVLQLWVFRQWUROEORFN N10:232 'DWDILOHRIIVHWVSHFLILHVWKHRIIVHWLQWRWKH'DWD,QSXW)LOH',) ZKHUHZRUGVDUHUHDG±FDQEHDQLPPHGLDWHYDOXHRUD ORJLFDODGGUHVVWKDWVSHFLILHVWKHGDWDLPDJHILOHRIIVHW /HQJWKVSHFLILHVWKHQXPEHURIZRUGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHG±DQ LPPHGLDWHYDOXHRUDORJLFDODGGUHVVWKDWVSHFLILHVWKH QXPEHURIZRUGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHG 'HVWLQDWLRQVSHFLILHVDGDWDWDEOHDGGUHVVWREHXVHGDVWKH GHVWLQDWLRQRIWKHZRUGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHG ,PSRUWDQW 7KH'HVWLQDWLRQVKRXOGEHWKHPDWFKLQJGDWDWDEOH DGGUHVVLQWKH'DWD,QSXW)LOH',)H[FHSWZKHQ\RX XVHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQWRHQVXUHGDWDEORFNLQWHJULW\LQWKH FDVHRI6HOHFWDEOH7LPHG,QWHUUXSWV67,V)RUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQVHHSDJH Immediate Data Output (IDO) Description: IDO IMMEDIATE DATA OUTPUT Data file offset 232 Length 10 Source N7:232 :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHWKH,'2LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVDQLPPHGLDWH XSGDWHRIWKH&RQWURO1HWPHPRU\EXIIHUVIURPWKHVRXUFHILOHEHIRUH WKHQH[WRXWSXWLPDJHXSGDWHVHQGLQJWKHXSGDWHGGDWDRXWSXWILOH LQIRUPDWLRQDFURVVWKH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNWRWKHDSSURSULDWH &RQWURO1HWGHYLFH 7RSURJUDPDQ,'2LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQWKDWLWVWRUHVLQLWVFRQWUROEORFN 'DWDILOHRIIVHWVSHFLILHVWKHRIIVHWLQWRWKH'DWD2XWSXW)LOH '2)ZKHUHZRUGVDUHZULWWHQ±FDQEHDQLPPHGLDWHYDOXH RUDORJLFDODGGUHVVWKDWVSHFLILHVWKHGDWDLPDJH ILOHRIIVHW /HQJWKVSHFLILHVWKHQXPEHURIZRUGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHG±DQ LPPHGLDWHYDOXHRUDORJLFDODGGUHVVWKDWVSHFLILHVWKH QXPEHURIZRUGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHG 6RXUFHVSHFLILHVDGDWDWDEOHDGGUHVVWREHXVHGDVWKHVRXUFHRI WKHZRUGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHG ,PSRUWDQW 7KH6RXUFHVKRXOGEHWKHPDWFKLQJGDWDWDEOHDGGUHVVLQ WKH'DWD2XWSXW)LOH'2)H[FHSWZKHQ\RXXVHWKH LQVWUXFWLRQWRHQVXUHGDWDEORFNLQWHJULW\LQWKHFDVHRI 6HOHFWDEOH7LPHG,QWHUUXSWV67,V)RUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQVHHSDJH 1785-6.1 November 1998 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO Using IDI and IDO Instructions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ovember 1998 1-10 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Relay-Type Instructions XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, IIN, IOT, IDI, IDO Chapter 2 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Using Timers and Counters 7LPHUVDQGFRXQWHUVOHW\RXFRQWURORSHUDWLRQVEDVHGRQWLPHRU QXPEHURIHYHQWV7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOHWLPHUDQGFRXQWHU LQVWUXFWLRQV Table 2.A Available Timer and Counter Instructions If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Delay turning on an output TON 2-4 Delay turning off an output TOF 2-7 Time an event retentively RTO 2-10 Count up CTU 2-15 Count down CTD 2-17 Reset a counter, timer, or counter instruction RE 2-20 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& Using Timers %HIRUH\RXSURJUDPWLPHULQVWUXFWLRQV\RXQHHGWRXQGHUVWDQGWKH SDUDPHWHUVWKDW\RXHQWHUIRUWLPHULQVWUXFWLRQVDQGKRZWLPHU DFFXUDF\ZRUNV 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-2 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Entering Parameters TON TIMER ON DELAY EN Timer Time base 7RSURJUDPDWLPHULQVWUXFWLRQSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWKWKH IROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ 7LPHULVWKHWLPHUFRQWURODGGUHVVLQWKHWLPHU7DUHDRIGDWD VWRUDJH8VHWKHIROORZLQJDGGUHVVIRUPDW DN Preset f T Accum s : timer structure number (0-999) timer file number (3-999) timer (file type) ,PSRUWDQW <RXFDQXVHDQ\WLPHUILOHQXPEHUIURPWR KRZHYHUWKHGHIDXOWWLPHUILOHQXPEHULV,I\RXZDQW WRVSHFLI\DWLPHUILOHQXPEHUDVDQ\ILOHEHWZHHQDQG RWKHUWKDQWKHGHIDXOW\RXPXVWILUVWGHOHWHWKH HQWLUHGHIDXOWILOHIRUWKDWQXPEHUDQGWKHQFUHDWHWKH WLPHUILOH)RUH[DPSOHLI\RXZDQWDWLPHUILOHQXPEHU DVILOH\RXPXVWILUVWGHOHWHWKHHQWLUHGHIDXOWELQDU\ ILOHDQGWKHQFUHDWHWKHWLPHUILOHDVILOH 7RDFFHVVDWLPHUVWDWXVELWSUHVHWRUDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHVWRUHGDWWKH WLPHUFRQWURODGGUHVVXVHWKHIROORZLQJDGGUHVVIRUPDW Status Bit Preset Accumulated Value Tf:s.PRE Tf:s.ACC 7KHVEVSHFLILHVDVWDWXVELWPQHPRQLFVXFKDV'1 ,PSRUWDQW 7KHSURFHVVRUVWRUHVWLPHUVWDWXVELWVDQGWKHSUHVHWDQG DFFXPXODWHGYDOXHVLQDELWVWRUDJHVWUXFWXUHWKUHH ELWZRUGVLQDWLPHUILOH7 15 14 13 12 T4:0 EN TT 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 DN internal use only preset value (16 bits) Control word for T4:0 accumulated value (16 bits) T4:1 internal use only EN TT DN preset value (16 bits) accumulated value (16 bits) T4:2 1785-6.1 November 1998 . . . Control word for T4:1 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES 2-3 7LPH%DVHGHWHUPLQHVKRZWKHWLPHURSHUDWHV7DEOH%OLVWVWKH SRVVLEOHWLPHEDVHV Table 1.B Available Time Base Values Enter This Time Base: The Accumulated Value Range Is: 1 second to 32,767 time-base intervals (to 9.1hours) 0.01 seconds (10ms) to 32,767 time-base intervals (to 5.5 minutes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imer Accuracy 7LPHUDFFXUDF\UHIHUVWRWKHOHQJWKRIWLPHEHWZHHQWKHPRPHQWWKH SURFHVVRUHQDEOHVDWLPHULQVWUXFWLRQDQGWKHPRPHQWWKHSURFHVVRU FRPSOHWHVWKHWLPHGLQWHUYDO7LPHUDFFXUDF\GHSHQGVRQWKH SURFHVVRUFORFNWROHUDQFHDQGWKHWLPHEDVH7KHFORFNWROHUDQFHLV ±7KLVPHDQVWKDWDWLPHUFRXOGWLPHRXWHDUO\RUODWHE\ VHFRQGVPVIRUDVHFRQGWLPHEDVHRUVHFRQGIRUDVHFRQG WLPHEDVH 7KHVHFRQGWLPHUPDLQWDLQVDFFXUDF\ZLWKDSURJUDPVFDQRIXS WRVHFRQGVWKHVHFRQGWLPHUPDLQWDLQVDFFXUDF\ZLWKDSURJUDP VFDQRIXSWRVHFRQGV,I\RXUSURJUDPVFDQH[FHHGRU VHFRQGVUHSHDWWKHWLPHULQVWUXFWLRQUXQJVRWKDWWKHUXQJLVVFDQQHG ZLWKLQWKHVHOLPLWV 7KHGLVSOD\HGDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHRIDWLPHUVKRZVDFWXDOWLPHEXWLV GHSHQGHQWRQ&57XSGDWHWLPH7KHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHPLJKWDSSHDU WREHOHVVWKDQWKHSUHVHWZKHQWKHGRQHELWLVVHW 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-4 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Timer On Delay (TON) Description: TON TIMER ON DELAY EN Timer Time base DN Preset Accum 8VHWKH721LQVWUXFWLRQWRWXUQDQRXWSXWRQRURIIDIWHUWKHWLPHUKDV EHHQRQIRUDSUHVHWWLPHLQWHUYDO7KH721LQVWUXFWLRQVWDUWV DFFXPXODWLQJWLPHZKHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHDQGFRQWLQXHVXQWLORQH RIWKHIROORZLQJKDSSHQV WKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHHTXDOVLWVSUHVHWYDOXH WKHUXQJJRHVIDOVH DUHVHWLQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWVWKHWLPHU WKH6)&VWHSJRHVLQDFWLYH WKHSURFHVVRUUHVHWVWKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHZKHQWKHUXQJ FRQGLWLRQVJRIDOVHUHJDUGOHVVRIZKHWKHUWKHWLPHUWLPHG RXWRUQRW Using Status Bits ([DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKHODGGHUSURJUDPWRWULJJHUVRPHHYHQW7KH SURFHVVRUFKDQJHVWKHVWDWHVRIVWDWXVELWVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUUXQV WKLVLQVWUXFWLRQ<RXDGGUHVVVWDWXVELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set When: Indicates: And Remains Set Until One of the Following Occurs: Timer Enable.EN (bit 15) the rung goes true that the timer is enabled • the rung goes false • a reset instruction resets the timer • the SFC step goes inactive Timer Timing Bit .TT (bit 14) the rung goes true that a timing operation is in progress • • • • Timer Done Bit .DN (bit 13) the accumulated value is equal to the preset value that a timing operation is complete • the rung goes false • a reset instruction resets the timer • the associated SFC step goes inactive 1785-6.1 November 1998 the rung goes false the .DN bit is set (.ACC = .PRE) a reset instruction resets the timer the associated SFC step goes inactive Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset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ondition: Result: If the rung is true: .EN bit remains set .TT bit remains set .DN bit remains reset .ACC value is reset and starts counting up If the rung is false: .EN bit is reset .TT bit is reset .DN bit is reset .ACC value is reset Figure 2.1 Example TON Ladder Diagram TON I:012 TIMER ON DELAY 10 T4:0 When the input condition is true, the processor increments the accumulated value of T4:0 in 1-second increments. Timer EN T4:0 Time base 1.0 Preset 180 Accum 0 Sets the output while the timer is timing DN O:013 TT 01 T4:0 Sets the output when the timer is done timing O:013 DN 02 When bit I:012/10 is set, the processor starts T4:0. The accumulated value increments in 1-second intervals. T4:0.TT is set and output bit O:013/01 is set (the associated output device is energized) while the timer is timing. When the timer is finished (.ACC = .PRE) T4:0.TT is reset (so O:013/01 and the associated output device is de-energized) and T4:0.DN is set (so O:013/02 is set and the associated output device is energized). When the accumulated value reaches 180, the .DN bit is set. Or if the rung goes false, the timer is reset. 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-6 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Figure 2.2 Example TON Timing Diagram ON Rung Condition OFF ON Timer Enable Bit OFF ON Timer Timing Bit OFF ON Timer Done Bit Output Device (Controlled by Done Bit) OFF ON OFF 3 minutes Timer Accumulated Value (Accumulator) ON Delay 2 minutes 180 120 0 Timer Preset = 180 1785-6.1 November 1998 16649 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES 2-7 Timer Off Delay (TOF) Description: TOF TIMER OFF DELAY EN Timer Time base DN Preset Accum 8VHWKH72)LQVWUXFWLRQWRWXUQDQRXWSXWRQRURIIDIWHULWVUXQJKDV EHHQRIIIRUDSUHVHWWLPHLQWHUYDO7KH72)LQVWUXFWLRQVWDUWV DFFXPXODWLQJWLPHZKHQWKHUXQJJRHVIDOVHDQGFRQWLQXHVWLPLQJ XQWLORQHRIWKHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVRFFXU WKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHHTXDOVLWVSUHVHWYDOXH WKHUXQJJRHVWUXH DUHVHWLQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWVWKHWLPHU WKH6)&VWHSJRHVLQDFWLYH 7KHSURFHVVRUUHVHWVWKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHZKHQWKHUXQJFRQGLWLRQV JRWUXHUHJDUGOHVVRIZKHWKHUWKHWLPHUWLPHGRXWRUQRW Using Status Bits ([DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKHODGGHUSURJUDPWRWULJJHUVRPHHYHQW7KH SURFHVVRUFKDQJHVWKHVWDWHVRIVWDWXVELWVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUUXQV WKLVLQVWUXFWLRQ<RXDGGUHVVWKHVWDWXVELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set When: And Remains Set Until One of the Following Occurs: Timer Enable .EN (bit 15) the rung goes true • the rung goes false • a reset instruction resets the timer • the SFC step goes inactive Timer Timing Bit .TT (bit 14) the rung goes false and the accumulated value is less than the preset • • • • Timer Done Bit .DN (bit 13) the rung goes true • the accumulated value is equal to the preset value the rung goes true the .DN bit is set (.ACC = .PRE) a reset instruction resets the timer the associated SFC step goes inactive 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-8 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset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ondition: Result: If the rung is true: .EN bit is set .TT bit is reset .DN bit remains set .ACC value is cleared If the rung is false: .EN bit is reset .TT bit is reset .DN bit is reset .ACC value equals PRE value (the timer does not start timing) $77(17,21 %HFDXVHWKH5(6LQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWVWKH DFFXPXODWHGYDOXHGRQHELWDQGWLPLQJELWVRIDWLPLQJ LQVWUXFWLRQGRQRWXVHWKH5(6LQVWUXFWLRQWRUHVHWD72) WLPHU 'XULQJSUHVFDQWKHIROORZLQJKDSSHQV 1785-6.1 November 1998 WLPHUWLPLQJ77ELWLVFOHDUHG DFFXPXODWHG$&&YDOXHLVHTXDOWRWKHSUHVHWYDOXH Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES 2-9 Figure 2.3 Example TOF Ladder Diagram TOF I:012 TIMER OFF DELAY 10 T4:0 EN Timer When the input goes false, the processor starts incrementing the accumulated value in T4:0 in 1-second increments until the input goes true. T4:0 Time base 1.0 Preset 180 Accum 0 Sets the output while the timer is timing O:013 01 TT T4:0 DN Resets the output when the timer is done timing O:013 DN 02 When bit I:012/10 is reset, the processor starts timer T4:0. The accumulated value increments by 1-second intervals as long as the rung remains false. T4:0.TT is set and output bit O:013/01 is set (the associated output device is energized) while the timer is timing. When the timer is finished (.ACC = .PRE), T4:0.TT is reset (so O:013/01 is reset and the associated output device is de-energized) and T4:0.DN is reset (so O:013/02 is reset and the associated output device is de-energized). When the accumulated value reaches 180 or when the rung conditions go true, the timer stops. Figure 2.4 Example TOF Timing Diagram ON Rung Condition Timer Enable Bit OFF ON OFF ON Timer Timing Bit Timer Done Bit OFF ON OFF Output Device (Controlled by Done Bit) ON OFF OFF Delay 3 minutes 2 minutes 180 Time 120 Timer Accumulated Value (Accumulator) 0 Timer Preset = 180 16650 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-10 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Retentive Timer On (RTO) Description: RTO RETENTIVE TIMER ON EN Timer Time base DN Preset Accum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¶VDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHDQG VWDWXVELWVDIWHUWKH572UXQJJRHVIDOVH\RXPXVW SURJUDPDUHVHWLQVWUXFWLRQ5(6ZLWKWKHVDPHDGGUHVV LQDQRWKHUUXQJ Using Status Bits ([DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKHODGGHUSURJUDPWRWULJJHUVRPHHYHQW7KH SURFHVVRUFKDQJHVWKHVWDWHVRIVWDWXVELWVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUUXQV WKLVLQVWUXFWLRQ<RXDGGUHVVWKHVWDWXVELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set When: Indicates: And Remains Set Until One of the Following Occurs: Timer Enable Bit .EN (bit 15) the rung goes true that a timing operation is in progress • the rung goes false • a reset instruction resets the timer Timer Timing Bit .TT (bit 14) the rung goes true that a timing operation is in progress • the rung goes false • the .DN bit is set • the accumulated value is equal to the preset value (.ACC=.PRE) • a reset instruction resets the timer Timer Done Bit .DN (bit 13) the accumulated value is equal to the preset value that a timing operation is complete • the .DN bit is reset with the RES instruction. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES 2-11 ,I\RXVHWWKHGRQHELW'1XVLQJDQ27(LQVWUXFWLRQIRUH[DPSOH \RXFDQSDXVHWKHWLPHU7KH(1DQG77ELWVUHPDLQVHWEXWWKH DFFXPXODWHGYDOXHGRHVQRWLQFUHPHQW7LPLQJUHVXPHVZKHQ\RX FOHDUWKH'1ELW,IWKHUXQJJRHVIDOVHZKLOHWKHWLPHULVSDXVHGWKH WLPHUUHVHWVDVQRUPDO ,I\RXFKDQJHWR3URJUDPPRGHRUWKHSURFHVVRUORVHVSRZHURU DSURFHVVRUIDXOWLQWHUUXSWVWKH572LQVWUXFWLRQWKHIROORZLQJ RFFXUV WLPHUHQDEOH(1ELWUHPDLQVVHW WLPHUWLPLQJ77ELWUHPDLQVVHW DFFXPXODWHG$&&YDOXHUHPDLQVWKHVDPH :KHQ\RXVZLWFKEDFNWR5XQPRGHRU7HVWPRGHWKHIROORZLQJ KDSSHQV Condition: Result: If the rung is true: .EN bit remains set .TT bit remains set .ACC value continues timing If the rung is false: .EN bit is reset .TT bit is reset .DN bit remains the same .ACC value remains the same Figure 2.5 Example RTO Ladder Diagram RTO I:012 RETENTIVE TIMER ON 10 I:017 When the input is true, the processor starts incrementing the accumulated value of T4:10 in 1-second increments. The timer values remain when the input goes false. Resets the timer Timer Time base Preset Accum EN T4:10 1.0 180 0 DN T4:10 RES 12 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-12 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Figure 2.6 Retentive Timer Timing Diagram ON Rung Condition Timer Enable Bit OFF ON OFF Reset Pulse ON OFF Timer Timing Bit ON OFF Timer Done Bit ON OFF ON Output Device (Controlled by Done Bit) OFF 180 120 100 Timer Accumulated Value (Accumulator) 0 40 Timer Preset = 180 1785-6.1 November 1998 16651 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES %HIRUHXVLQJFRXQWHULQVWUXFWLRQV\RXQHHGWRXQGHUVWDQGWKH SDUDPHWHUVWKDW\RXHQWHU Using Counters CTU COUNT UP CU Counter Preset Accum 2-13 DN Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPDFRXQWHULQVWUXFWLRQSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWKWKHIROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ &RXQWHULVWKHFRXQWHUFRQWURODGGUHVVLQWKHFRXQWHU&DUHDRI GDWDVWRUDJH8VHWKHIROORZLQJDGGUHVVIRUPDW f C : s counter structure number (0-999) counter file number (3-999) counter (file type) ,PSRUWDQW <RXFDQXVHDQ\FRXQWHUILOHQXPEHUIURPWR KRZHYHUWKHGHIDXOWFRXQWHUILOHQXPEHULV,I\RX ZDQWWRVSHFLI\DFRXQWHUILOHQXPEHUDVDQ\ILOH EHWZHHQDQGRWKHUWKDQWKHGHIDXOW\RXPXVW ILUVWGHOHWHWKHHQWLUHGHIDXOWILOHIRUWKDWQXPEHUDQG WKHQFUHDWHWKHFRXQWHUILOH)RUH[DPSOHLI\RXZDQWD FRXQWHUILOHQXPEHUDVILOH\RXPXVWILUVWGHOHWHWKH HQWLUHGHIDXOWELQDU\ILOHDQGWKHQFUHDWHWKHFRXQWHUILOH DVILOH 7RDFFHVVDFRXQWHUVWDWXVELWSUHVHWYDOXHRUDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHXVH WKHIROORZLQJDGGUHVVIRUPDW Status Bit Preset Accumulated Value Cf:s.PRE Cf:s.ACC 7KHEELVDVWDWXVELWPQHPRQLFVXFKDV'1 ,PSRUWDQW 7KHSURFHVVRUVWRUHVFRXQWHUVWDWXVELWVDQGWKHSUHVHW DQGDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHVLQDVWRUDJHVWUXFWXUHELWV± WKUHHELWZRUGVLQDFRXQWHUILOH&LQWKHGDWDWDEOH 15 14 13 12 C5:0 CU 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 CD DN OV UN internal use only preset (16 bits) Control word for C5:0 accumulated value (16 bits) C5:1 CU CD DN OV UN internal use only Control word for C5:1 preset (16 bits) C5:2 accumulated value (16 bits) .. . 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-14 1785-6.1 November 1998 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES 3UHVHWVSHFLILHVWKHYDOXHZKLFKWKHFRXQWHUPXVWUHDFKEHIRUHLW VHWVWKHGRQHELW'1(QWHUDSUHVHWYDOXHIURP±XSWR 7KHSUHVHWYDOXHLVVWRUHGDVDELWLQWHJHUYDOXH 1HJDWLYHYDOXHVDUHVWRUHGLQWZRVFRPSOHPHQWIRUP $FFXPXODWHG9DOXHLVWKHFXUUHQWFRXQWEDVHGRQWKHQXPEHURI WLPHVWKHUXQJJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXH7KHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHLV VWRUHGDVDELWLQWHJHUYDOXH1HJDWLYHYDOXHVDUHVWRUHGLQ WZRVFRPSOHPHQWIRUP7KHUDQJHRIWKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHLV± WR7\SLFDOO\\RXHQWHUD]HURYDOXHZKHQ SURJUDPPLQJFRXQWHULQVWUXFWLRQV,I\RXHQWHUDQRQ]HURYDOXH WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVWDUWVFRXQWLQJIURPWKDWYDOXH,IWKHFRXQWHULV UHVHWWKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHLVVHWWR]HUR Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES 2-15 Count Up (CTU) Description: CTU COUNT UP CU Counter Preset DN Accum 7KH&78LQVWUXFWLRQFRXQWVXSZDUGRYHUDUDQJHRI±WR (DFKWLPHWKHUXQJJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXHWKH&78 LQVWUXFWLRQLQFUHPHQWVWKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHE\RQHFRXQW:KHQ WKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHHTXDOVRUH[FHHGVWKHSUHVHWYDOXHWKH &78LQVWUXFWLRQVHWVDGRQHELW'1ZKLFK\RXUODGGHUSURJUDPFDQ XVHWRLQLWLDWHVRPHDFWLRQVXFKDVFRQWUROOLQJDVWRUDJHELWRUDQ RXWSXWGHYLFH 7KHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHRIDFRXQWHULVUHWHQWLYH7KHFRXQWLVUHWDLQHG XQWLOUHVHWE\DUHVHWLQVWUXFWLRQ5(6WKDWKDVWKHVDPHDGGUHVVDV WKHFRXQWHU Using Status Bits ([DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKHODGGHUSURJUDPWRWULJJHUVRPHHYHQW7KH SURFHVVRUFKDQJHVWKHVWDWHVRIVWDWXVELWVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUUXQVWKH &78LQVWUXFWLRQ<RXDGGUHVVWKHVWDWXVELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set: And Remains Set Until One of the Following Occurs: Count Up Enable Bit .CU (bit 15) when the rung goes true to indicate the instruction has increased its count Note: During prescan, this bit is set to prevent a false count when the program scan begins. • the rung goes false • a RES instruction resets the .DN bit Count Up Done Bit .DN (bit 13) when the accumulated value is greater than or equal to the preset value • the accumulated value counts below the preset, either by using a CTD instruction to count down or changing the accumulated value • a RES instruction resets the .DN bit Count Up Overflow Bit .OV (bit 12) when the up counter has exceeded the upper limit of +32,767 and has wrapped around to – 32,768. The CTU counts up from there. • a RES instruction resets the .DN bit • counting back down to 32,767 with a CTD instruction with the same address $77(17,21 3ODFHFULWLFDOFRXQWHUVRXWVLGHDQ0&5 ]RQHRUMXPSHGVHFWLRQVRIODGGHUSURJUDPWRJXDUG DJDLQVWLQYDOLGUHVXOWVWKDWFRXOGOHDGWRGDPDJHG HTXLSPHQWRUSHUVRQQHOLQMXU\ 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-16 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Figure 2.7 Example CTU Ladder Diagram CTU I:012 COUNT UP Each time the input goes false to true, the processor increments the counter by 1. 10 C5:0 CU Counter C5:0 Preset 4 Accum 0 Tells when the count is reached (ACC > or = PRE) O:020 01 DN C5:0 Tells when the counter overflows +32,767 O:021 02 OV Reset the counter I:017 C5:0 RES 12 Figure 2.8 Example CTU Timing Diagram Counter preset = 4 counts Rung condition that controls counter Count-up enable bit ON OFF ON OFF Rung condition that controls reset instruction Done Bit ON OFF ON OFF Output instruction on rung controlled by counter ON OFF 4 3 2 1 Counter Accumulated Value 1785-6.1 November 1998 0 0 16636 DN Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES 2-17 Count Down (CTD) Description: CTD COUNT DOWN CD Counter Preset DN Accum 7KH&7'LQVWUXFWLRQFRXQWVGRZQZDUGRYHUDUDQJHRIWR ±(DFKWLPHWKHUXQJJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXHWKH&7' LQVWUXFWLRQGHFUHPHQWVWKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHE\RQHFRXQW7KH GRQHELW'1LVVHWDVORQJDVWKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHLVJUHDWHUWKDQRU HTXDOWRWKHSUHVHWYDOXH:KHQWKHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHLVOHVVWKDQWKH SUHVHWYDOXHWKHGRQHELW'1LVUHVHWZKLFK\RXUODGGHUSURJUDPFDQ XVHWRLQLWLDWHVRPHDFWLRQVXFKDVFRQWUROOLQJDVWRUDJHELWRUDQ RXWSXWGHYLFH 7KHDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHRIDFRXQWHULVUHWHQWLYH7KHFRXQWLVUHWDLQHG XQWLOUHVHWE\DUHVHWLQVWUXFWLRQ5(6WKDWKDVWKHVDPHDGGUHVVDV WKH&7'LQVWUXFWLRQ Using Status Bits ([DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKHODGGHUSURJUDPWRWULJJHUVRPHHYHQW7KH SURFHVVRUFKDQJHVWKHVWDWHVRIVWDWXVELWVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUUXQV WKLVLQVWUXFWLRQ<RXDGGUHVVWKHVWDWXVELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set: And Remains Set Until One of the Following Occurs: Count Down Enable Bit .CD (bit 14) when the rung goes true to indicate that the counter is enabled as a down-counter. Note: During prescan, this bit is set to prevent a false count when the program scan begins. • the rung goes false • a RES instruction resets the .DN bit Count Down Done Bit .DN (bit 13) when the accumulated value is greater than or equal to the preset value. • the accumulated value counts below the preset • another instruction changes the accumulated value • a RES instruction resets the .DN bit Count Down Underflow Bit (.UN) (Bit 11) by the processor to show that the down counter went below the lower limit of –32,768 and has wrapped around to +32,767. The CTD instruction counts down from there. • a RES instruction resets the .DN bit • count back up to -32,768 with a CTU instruction $77(17,21 3ODFHFULWLFDOFRXQWHUVRXWVLGHDQ0&5 ]RQHRUMXPSHGVHFWLRQVRIODGGHUSURJUDPWRJXDUG DJDLQVWLQYDOLGUHVXOWVWKDWFRXOGOHDGWRGDPDJHG HTXLSPHQWRUSHUVRQQHOLQMXU\ 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-18 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Figure 2.9 Example CTD Ladder Diagram CTD I:012 CD COUNT DOWN 10 Each time the input goes from false to true, the processor decrements the counter by 1. C5:0 Counter C5:0 Preset 4 Accum 8 Tells when the count is reached (ACC > or = PRE) O:020 01 DN C5:0 Tells when the counter underflows -32,768 O:021 02 UN I:017 Resets the counter C5:0 RES 12 Figure 2.10 Example CTD Timing Diagram Rung condition that controls counter Counter preset = 4 counts Counter accumulated = 8 ON OFF Count-up enable bit Rung condition that controls reset instruction Done Bit Output instruction on rung controlled by counter 8 Counter Accumulated Value 7 6 5 4 3 0 16637 1785-6.1 November 1998 DN Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES 2-19 Figure 2.11 Example CTU and CTD Logic Diagram I:012 CTU Count up pushbutton COUNT UP 10 I:012 CU Counter Preset Accum C5:0 4 0 DN CTD Count down pushbutton COUNT DOWN 11 CD Counter Preset Accum C5:0 C5:0 4 0 DN Tells when the count is reached (ACC > or = PRE) O:013 Tells when the counter overflows +32,767 O:013 01 DN C5:0 02 OV C5:0 Tells when the counter underflows -32,768 O:013 UN I:017 Resets the counter C5:0 03 RES 12 Figure 2.12 Example CTU and CTD Timing Diagram ON Count Up Pushbutton OFF ON Count Down Pushbutton OFF ON Reset Pulse OFF ON Done Bit OFF 1 Counter Accumulated Value 0 2 3 4 3 2 1 Count Up Preset = 4 Count Down Preset = 4 1 2 3 4 5 0 16652 1785-6.1 November 1998 2-20 Timer Instructions TON, TOF, RTO Counter Instructions CTU, CTD Reset RES Timer and Counter Reset (RES) Description: RES 7KH5(6LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWUHVHWVDWLPHURU FRXQWHU7KH5(6LQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWHVZKHQLWVUXQJLVWUXH When Using a RES Instruction for a: The Processor Resets the: Timer (Do not use a RES instruction for a TOF.) .ACC value .EN bit .TT bit .DN bit Counter .ACC value .EN bit .OV or .UN bit .DN bit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igure 2.13 Example RES Ladder Diagram CTD I:012 COUNT DOWN 10 C5:0 Each time the input goes from false to true, the processor decrements the counter by 1. CD C5:0 Preset 4 Accum 8 Tells when the count is reached (ACC > or = PRE) O:020 01 DN I:017 Counter Resets the counter C5:0 RES 12 1785-6.1 November 1998 DN 3 Chapter Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ Using Compare Instructions 7KHFRPSDULVRQLQVWUXFWLRQVOHW\RXFRPSDUHYDOXHVXVLQJDQ H[SUHVVLRQRUDVSHFLILFFRPSDULVRQLQVWUXFWLRQ7DEOH$OLVWVWKH DYDLODEOHFRPSDUHLQVWUXFWLRQV Table 3.A Available Compare Instructions If You Want to: Use the Instruction: On Page: Compare values based on an expression CMP 3-2 Test whether two values are equal EQU 3-5 Test whether one value is greater than or equal to a second value GEQ 3-5 Test whether one value is greater than a second value GRT 3-6 Test whether one value is less than or equal to a second value LEQ 3-6 Test whether one value is less than a second value LES 3-7 Test whether one value is between two other values LIM 3-7 Pass two values through a mask and test whether they are equal MEQ 3-9 Test whether one value is not equal to a second value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ovember 1998 3-2 Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ Using Arithmetic Status Flags 7KHDULWKPHWLFVWDWXVIODJVDUHLQZRUGELWVLQWKHSURFHVVRU VWDWXVILOH60RQLWRUWKHVHELWVLI\RXSHUIRUPDQDULWKPHWLF IXQFWLRQZLWKLQWKH&03LQVWUXFWLRQ7DEOH%OLVWVWKHVWDWXVELWV Table 3.B Arithmetic Status Bits This Bit: Description: S:0/0 Carry (C) S:0/1 Overflow (V) S:0/2 Zero (Z) S:0/3 Sign (S) 7KH&03LQVWUXFWLRQFRPSDUHVYDOXHVDQGSHUIRUPVORJLFDO FRPSDULVRQV Compare (CMP) Description: CMP COMPARE Expression 7KH&03LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQLQSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWSHUIRUPVD FRPSDULVRQRQDULWKPHWLFRSHUDWLRQV\RXVSHFLI\LQWKHH[SUHVVLRQ :KHQWKHSURFHVVRUILQGVWKHH[SUHVVLRQLVWUXHWKHUXQJJRHVWUXH 2WKHUZLVHWKHUXQJLVIDOVH:LWK(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUV\RX FDQHQWHUPXOWLSOHRSHUDQGVFRPSOH[H[SUHVVLRQ 7KHH[HFXWLRQWLPHRID&03LQVWUXFWLRQLVORQJHUWKDQWKHH[HFXWLRQ WLPHRIRQHRIWKHRWKHUFRPSDULVRQLQVWUXFWLRQVHJ*57/(4 HWF$&03LQVWUXFWLRQDOVRXVHVPRUHZRUGVLQ\RXUSURJUDPILOH WKDQWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJFRPSDULVRQLQVWUXFWLRQ Entering the CMP Expression 7KHH[SUHVVLRQGHILQHVWKHRSHUDWLRQV\RXZDQWWRSHUIRUP'HILQH WKHH[SUHVVLRQZLWKRSHUDWRUVDQGDGGUHVVHVRUSURJUDPFRQVWDQWV :LWK(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUV\RXFDQHQWHUFRPSOH[ H[SUHVVLRQV7DEOH&OLVWVYDOLGRSHUDWLRQVIRUDQH[SUHVVLRQWKH IROORZLQJOLVWSURYLGHVJXLGHOLQHVIRUZULWLQJH[SUHVVLRQV 1785-6.1 November 1998 2SHUDWRUVV\PEROVGHILQHWKHRSHUDWLRQV $GGUHVVHVFDQEHGLUHFWLQGLUHFWRULQGH[HGDGGUHVVHVPXVWEH ZRUGOHYHO :LWK(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVSURJUDPFRQVWDQWVFDQEH LQWHJHURUIORDWLQJSRLQWQXPEHUVLI\RXHQWHURFWDOYDOXHVXVHD OHDGLQJ2LI\RXHQWHUKH[DGHFLPDOYDOXHVXVHDOHDGLQJ+ LI\RXHQWHUELQDU\YDOXHVXVHDOHDGLQJ% Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ 3-3 Table 3.C Valid Operations for Use in a CMP Expression Type Operator Description Example Operation Comparison = equal to if A = B, then ... <> not equal to if A <> B, then ... < less than if A < B, then ... <= less than or equal to if A <= B, then ... > greater than if A > B, then ... >= greater than or equal to if A >= B, then ... + add 2 + 3 Enhanced PLC-5 processor: 2+3+7 – subtract 12 – 5 * multiply 5 * 2 PLC-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80: 6 * (5 * 2) | (vertical bar) divide 24 | 6 – negate – N7:0 SQR square root SQR N7:0 ** exponential (x to the power of y) 10**3 (Enhanced PLC-5 processors only) FRD convert from BCD to binary FRD N7:0 TOD convert from binary to BCD TOD N7:0 Arithmetic Conversion Determining the Length of an Expression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ovember 1998 3-4 Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ :LWKWKH&03LQVWUXFWLRQDPD[LPXPRIFKDUDFWHUVRIWKH H[SUHVVLRQFDQEHGLVSOD\HG,IWKHH[SUHVVLRQ\RXHQWHULVQHDUWKLV FKDUDFWHUPD[LPXPZKHQ\RXDFFHSWWKHUXQJFRQWDLQLQJWKH LQVWUXFWLRQWKHSURFHVVRUPD\H[SDQGLWEH\RQGFKDUDFWHUV:KHQ \RXWU\WRHGLWWKHH[SUHVVLRQRQO\WKHILUVWFKDUDFWHUVDUH GLVSOD\HGDQGWKHUXQJLVGLVSOD\HGDVDQHUURUUXQJ7KHSURFHVVRU GRHVFRQWDLQWKHFRPSOHWHH[SUHVVLRQKRZHYHUDQGWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ UXQVSURSHUO\ 7RDYRLGWKLVGLVSOD\SUREOHPH[SRUWWKHSURFHVVRUPHPRU\ILOHDQG PDNH\RXUHGLWVLQWKH3&WH[WILOH7KHQLPSRUWWKLVWH[WILOH)RU PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQLPSRUWLQJH[SRUWLQJSURFHVVRUPHPRU\ILOHVVHH \RXUSURJUDPPLQJPDQXDO Table 3.D Character Lengths for Operators This Operation: Using this Operator: Uses this Number of Characters: math binary +, –, *, | 3 OR, ** 4 AND, XOR 5 – (negate) 2 LN 3 FRD, TOD, DEG, RAD, SQR, NOT, LOG, SIN, COS, TAN, ASN, ACS, ATN 4 =, <, > 3 <>, <=, >= 4 math unary comparative Example: CMP O:013 COMPARE 01 Expression (N7:0 + N7:1) > (N7:2 + N7:3) The CMP instruction tells an Enhanced PLC-5 processor: if the sum of the values in N7:0 and N7:1 is greater than the sum of the values in N7:2 and N7:3, set output bit O:013/01. (The total number of characters used in this expressions is 3.) )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQHQWHULQJFRPSOH[H[SUHVVLRQVVHHFKDSWHU 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ 3-5 Equal to (EQU) Description: EQU EQUAL Source A Source B 8VHWKH(48LQVWUXFWLRQWRWHVWZKHWKHUWZRYDOXHVDUHHTXDO 6RXUFH $DQG6RXUFH%FDQHLWKHUEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHVWKDWFRQWDLQ YDOXHV Example: EQU O:013 EQUAL Source A Source B N7:5 N7:10 01 If the value in N7:5 is equal to the value in N7:10, set output bit O:013/01. )ORDWLQJSRLQWYDOXHVDUHUDUHO\DEVROXWHO\HTXDO,I\RXQHHGWR GHWHUPLQHWKHHTXDOLW\RIIORDWLQJSRLQWYDOXHVXVHWKH/,0 LQVWUXFWLRQLQVWHDGRIWKH(48)RULQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH/,0 LQVWUXFWLRQVHHSDJH Greater than or Equal to (GEQ) Description: GEQ GREATER THAN OR EQUAL 8VHWKH*(4LQVWUXFWLRQWRWHVWZKHWKHURQHYDOXH6RXUFH$LV JUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWRDQRWKHUYDOXH6RXUFH%6RXUFH$DQG 6RXUFH%FDQEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHVWKDWFRQWDLQYDOXHV Source A Source B Example: GEQ O:013 GREATER THAN OR EQUAL Source A N7:5 Source B N7:10 01 If the value in N7:5 is greater than or equal to the value in N7:10, set output bit O:013/01. 1785-6.1 November 1998 3-6 Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ Greater than (GRT) Description: GRT GREATER THAN OR EQUAL 8VHWKH*57LQVWUXFWLRQWRWHVWZKHWKHURQHYDOXH6RXUFH$LV JUHDWHUWKDQDQRWKHUYDOXH6RXUFH%6RXUFH$DQG6RXUFH%FDQ HLWKHUEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHVWKDWFRQWDLQYDOXHV Source A Source B Example: GRT O:013 GREATER THAN Source A N7:5 Source B N7:10 01 If the value in N7:5 is greater than the value in N7:10, set output bit O:013/01. Less than or Equal to (LEQ) Description: LEQ LESS THAN OR EQUAL 8VHWKH/(4LQVWUXFWLRQWRWHVWZKHWKHURQHYDOXH6RXUFH$LVOHVV WKDQRUHTXDOWRDQRWKHUYDOXH6RXUFH%6RXUFH$DQG6RXUFH%FDQ HLWKHUEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHVWKDWFRQWDLQYDOXHV Source A Source B Example: LEQ O:013 LESS THAN OR EQUAL Source A N7:5 Source B N7:10 If the value in N7:5 is less than or equal to the value in N7:10, set output bit O:013/01. 1785-6.1 November 1998 01 Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ 3-7 Less than (LES) Description: LES LESS THAN 8VHWKH/(6LQVWUXFWLRQWRWHVWZKHWKHURQHYDOXH6RXUFH$LVOHVV WKDQDQRWKHUYDOXH6RXUFH%6RXUFH$DQG6RXUFH%FDQEHYDOXHV RUDGGUHVVHVWKDWFRQWDLQYDOXHV Source A Source B Example: LES O:013 LESS THAN Source A N7:5 Source B N7:10 01 If the value in N7:5 is less than the value in N7:10, set output bit O:013/01. Limit Test (LIM) Description: LIM LIMIT TEST (CIRC) Low limit Test High limit 7KH/,0LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQLQSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWWHVWVIRUYDOXHVLQVLGH RIRURXWVLGHRIDVSHFLILHGUDQJH7KHLQVWUXFWLRQLVIDOVHXQWLOLW GHWHFWVWKDWWKHWHVWYDOXHLVZLWKLQFHUWDLQOLPLWV7KHQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ JRHVWUXH:KHQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQGHWHFWVWKDWWKHWHVWYDOXHJRHVRXWVLGH FHUWDLQOLPLWVLWJRHVIDOVH <RXFDQXVHWKH/,0LQVWUXFWLRQWRWHVWLIDQDQDORJLQSXWYDOXHLV ZLWKLQVSHFLILHGOLPLWV Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH/,0LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJ Parameter: Definition: Low Limit a constant or an address from which the instruction reads the lower range of the specified limit range. The address contains an integer or floating-point value. Test Value the address that contains the integer or floating-point value you examine to see whether the value is inside or outside the specified limit range. High Limit a constant or an address from which the instruction reads the upper range of the specified limit range. The address contains an integer or floating-point value. 1785-6.1 November 1998 3-8 Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ LIM Example Using Integer: ,IYDOXH/RZ/LPLW≤YDOXH+LJK/LPLW:KHQWKHSURFHVVRU GHWHFWVWKDWWKHYDOXHRI%7HVWLVHTXDOWRRUEHWZHHQOLPLWVWKH LQVWUXFWLRQLVWUXHLIYDOXH7HVWLVRXWVLGHWKHOLPLWVWKH LQVWUXFWLRQLVIDOVH false < from -32,768 . . . . . . . . . . . . -------true-----A ................C < value B > > false .......... to +32,767 ,IYDOXH/RZ/LPLW≥YDOXH+LJK/LPLW:KHQWKHSURFHVVRU GHWHFWVWKDWWKHYDOXHRI7HVWLVHTXDOWRRURXWVLGHWKHOLPLWVWKH LQVWUXFWLRQLVWUXHLIYDOXH7HVWLVEHWZHHQEXWQRWHTXDOWRHLWKHU OLPLWWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVIDOVH true < from -32,768 . . . . . . . . . . . . C value B < ------false------ > true A . . . . . . . . . . . . to +32,767 < value B Example (when the Low Limit is less than the High Limit): LIM O:013 LIMIT TEST (CIRC) Low lim N7:10 Test N7:15 High lim N7:20 01 If the value in N7:15 is greater than or equal to the value in N7:10 and less than or equal to the value in N7:20, set output bit O:013/01. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ 3-9 Mask Compare Equal to (MEQ) Description: MEQ MASKED EQUAL Source Mask Compare 7KH0(4LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQLQSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWFRPSDUHVDYDOXH IURPDVRXUFHDGGUHVVZLWKGDWDDWDFRPSDUHDGGUHVVDQGDOORZV SRUWLRQVRIWKHGDWDWREHPDVNHG,IWKHGDWDDWWKHVRXUFHDGGUHVV PDWFKHVWKHGDWDDWWKHFRPSDUHDGGUHVVELWE\ELWOHVVPDVNHGELWV WKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVWUXH7KHLQVWUXFWLRQJRHVIDOVHDVVRRQDVLWGHWHFWVD PLVPDWFK <RXFDQXVHWKH0(4LQVWUXFWLRQWRH[WUDFWIRUFRPSDULVRQELWGDWD VXFKDVVWDWXVRUFRQWUROELWVIURPDQHOHPHQWWKDWFRQWDLQVELWDQG ZRUGGDWD Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH0(4LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRU ZLWKWKH IROORZLQJ Example: Parameter: Definition: Source a program constant or data address from which the instruction reads an image of the value. The source remains unchanged. Mask specifies which bits to pass or block. A mask passes data when the mask bits are set (1); a mask blocks data when the mask bits are reset (0). The mask must be the same element size (16-bits) as the source and compare address. In order for bits to be compared, you must set (1) mask bits; bits in the compare address that correspond to zeros (0) in the mask are not compared. If you want the ladder program to change the mask value, store the mask at a data address. Otherwise, enter a hexadecimal value for a constant mask value. If you enter a hexadecimal value that starts with a letter (such a F800), enter the value with a leading zero. For example, type 0F800 Compare specifies whether you want the ladder program to vary the compare value, or a program constant for a fixed reference. Use 16-bit elements, the same as the source. Source Mask Compare Result 01010101 01011111 11111111 11110000 01010101 0101xxxx The instruction is true because reference bits xxxx are not compared. MEQ O:013 MASKED EQUAL Source Mask Compare N7:5 N7:6 N7:10 01 The processor passes the value in N7:5 through the mask in N7:6. It then passes the value in N7:10 through the mask in N7:6. If the two masked values are equal, set output bit O:013/01 1785-6.1 November 1998 3-10 Compare Instructions CMP, EQU, GEQ, GRT, LEQ, LES, LIM, MEQ, NEQ Not Equal to (NEQ) 8VHWKH1(4LQVWUXFWLRQWRWHVWZKHWKHUWZRYDOXHVDUHQRWHTXDO 6RXUFH$DQG6RXUFH%FDQEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHV Description: NEQ NOT EQUAL Source A Source B Example: NEQ O:013 NOT EQUAL Source A N7:5 Source B N7:10 If the value in N7:5 is not equal to the value in N7:10, set output bit O:013/01. 1785-6.1 November 1998 01 Chapter 4 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Using Compute Instructions 7KHFRPSXWHLQVWUXFWLRQVHYDOXDWHDULWKPHWLFRSHUDWLRQVXVLQJDQ H[SUHVVLRQRUDVSHFLILFDULWKPHWLFLQVWUXFWLRQ7DEOH$OLVWVWKH DYDLODEOHFRPSXWHLQVWUXFWLRQV Table 4.A Available Compute Instructions If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Evaluate an expression CPT 4-5 Take the arc cosine of a number ACS* 4-11 Add two values ADD 4-12 Take the arc sine of a number ASN* 4-13 Take the arc tangent of a number ATN* 4-14 Calculate the average for a set of values AVE* 4-15 Clear an address word (set all bits to zero) CLR 4-17 Take the cosine of a number COS* 4-18 Divide two values DIV 4-19 Take the natural log of a number LN* 4-20 Take the log of a number LOG* 4-21 * Only Enhanced PLC-5 processors support this instruction. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-2 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Multiply two values MUL 4-22 Take the opposite sign of a value NEG 4-23 Take the sine of a number SIN* 4-24 Take the square root of a value SQR 4-25 Sort a set of values into ascending order SRT* 4-26 Calculate the standard deviation for a set of values STD* 4-28 Subtract two values SUB 4-31 Take the tangent of a number TAN* 4-32 Raise a number to a power XPY* 4-33 * Only Enhanced PLC-5 processors support this instruction. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& Using Arithmetic Status Flags 7KHDULWKPHWLFVWDWXVIODJVDUHLQZRUGELWVLQWKHSURFHVVRU VWDWXVILOH67DEOH%OLVWVWKHVWDWXVELWV Table 4.B Arithmetic Status Bits 1785-6.1 November 1998 This Bit: Description: S:0/0 Carry (C) S:0/1 Overflow (V) S:0/2 Zero (Z) S:0/3 Sign (S) Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Data Types and the Compute Instruction 4-3 <RXFDQFRPSXWHYDOXHVRIGLIIHUHQWGDWDW\SHVVXFKDVIORDWLQJSRLQW DQGLQWHJHU,I\RXXVHDIORDWLQJSRLQWDVWKHVRXUFHXVHD IORDWLQJSRLQWDVWKHGHVWLQDWLRQRWKHUZLVHWKHGHVWLQDWLRQYDOXHZLOO EHURXQGHG <RXVKRXOGXVH%&'DQG$6&,,YDOXHVIRUGLVSOD\SXUSRVHV,I\RX HQWHU%&'RU$6&,,YDOXHVWKHSURFHVVRUWUHDWVWKRVHYDOXHVDV LQWHJHUV 7KHSDUDPHWHUV\RXHQWHUDUHSURJUDPFRQVWDQWVRUORJLFDODGGUHVVHV RIWKHYDOXHV\RXZDQW If You are Using this Processor: The Processor Rounds: Classic PLC-5 the final value of a mathematical operation before storing the final result. The processor rounds to the nearest whole number: The processor rounds values of 0.5-0.9 up to the next whole number; the processor rounds values of 0.1- 0.4 down to the closest whole number. If this value is greater than 32,767 or less than –32,768, the overflow status bit is set. Enhanced PLC-5 down if the value is < 0.5, up if the value is > 0.5, and to the nearest even number if the value is = 0.5. If this value is greater than 32,767 or less than –32,768, the processor “wraps” negative (32,767, –32,768, –32,767, –32,766, etc.). For example, if you have an ADD instruction with a result greater than 32,767, the overflow bit is set, the sign bit is set, and the result is negative: 32,767 + 5 = –32,764. ,PSRUWDQW ,I\RXDUHXVLQJDQ(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUDQGDQ DULWKPHWLFRSHUDWLRQJHQHUDWHVDQRYHUIORZWKHXSSHU ELWVDUHORVWEXWWKHORZHUELWVDUHFRUUHFW,I\RXWKHQ SHUIRUPDORJLFDORSHUDWLRQRQWKHORZHUZRUG$1'RU 25\RXFDQJHWWKHSURSHUUHVXOW$OVRXVLQJWKHFDUU\ ELW\RXFDQGRPXOWLZRUGDULWKPHWLFLHDGGWZR ELWZRUGV 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-4 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY )RUH[DPSOHLI YDOXH 1DQG1 YDOXH 1DQG1 UHVXOW 1DQG1 DQG\RXZDQWWRDGGYDOXHWRYDOXH\RXUODGGHUSURJUDPZRXOGEH ADD I:012 ] ] 10 ADD Add the lower words of value1 and value2. ] BITWISE AND Capture the carry bit. 10 Source A Source B Dest ] ADD Add the high word of value1 to the carry bit. 10 S:0 1 N7:4 ADD I:012 ] Source A Source B Dest I:012 ADD ] ADD ] 10 N7:1 N7:3 N7:5 ADD AND I:012 ] Source A Source B Dest Add the high word of value2 to this sum. Using Floating Point Data Types Source A Source B Dest N7:0 N7:4 N7:4 N7:2 N7:4 N7:4 )RUDQ(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRULI\RXXVHIORDWLQJSRLQWGDWD W\SHVDQGWKHUHVXOWLVWRRODUJHRULILWLVXQGHILQHGLHQDWXUDOORJRI WKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKHRYHUIORZELW ,IWKHUHVXOWLWWRRODUJHD!+INF!LVGLVSOD\HGLIWKHUHVXOWWRWRR VPDOOD!-INF!LVGLVSOD\HG,IWKHYDOXHLVQRWDQXPEHU!NAN! LV GLVSOD\HG ,PSRUWDQW ,I\RXDUHXVLQJIORDWLQJSRLQWDQGWKHQXPEHULVJUHDWHU WKDQRUOHVVWKDQ±\RXPXVWXVHD GHFLPDOSRLQW,I\RXGRQRWXVHDGHFLPDOSRLQWWKH HUURUINVALID OPERAND DSSHDUV :KHQ\RXXVHFRPSOH[H[SUHVVLRQVLIDQ\RSHUDQGLVIORDWLQJ SRLQWWKHHQWLUHH[SUHVVLRQLVHYDOXDWHGDVIORDWLQJSRLQW6HHWKH H[DPSOHLQWKH³([SUHVVLRQ([DPSOHV´VHFWLRQRQSDJHIRU PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-5 7KH&37LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVFRS\DULWKPHWLFORJLFDODQG FRQYHUVLRQRSHUDWLRQV Compute (CPT) Description: CPT COMPUTE Destination Expression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ntering the CPT Expression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ovember 1998 4-6 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Table 4.C Valid Operations for Use in a CPT Expression Type Operator Description Example Operation Copy none copy from A to B enter source address in the expression enter destination address in destination Clear none set a value to zero 0 (enter 0 for the expression) Arithmetic + add 2+3 2+3+7 (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) 12 – 5 (12 – 5) – 7 (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) 5*2 6 * (5 * 2) (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) 24 | 6 (24 | 6) *2 (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) – * | (vertical bar) Trigonometric Bitwise Conversion subtract multiply divide – negate – N7:0 SQR square root SQR N7:0 ** exponential * (x to the power of y) 10**3 LN natural log * LN F8:20 LOG log to the base 10* LOG F8:3 ACS arc cosine* ACS F8:18 ASN arc sine* ASN F8:20 ATN arc tangent * ATN F8:22 COS cosine* COS F8:14 SIN sine* SIN F8:12 TAN tangent* TAN F8:16 AND bitwise AND D9:3 AND D10:4 OR bitwise OR D10:4 OR D10:5 XOR bitwise exclusive OR D9:5 XOR D10:4 NOT bitwise complement NOT D9:3 FRD convert from BCD to binary FRD N7:0 TOD convert from binary to BCD TOD N7:0 DEG convert radians to degrees* DEG F8:8 RAD convert degrees to radians* RAD F8:10 * Available in Enhanced PLC-5 processors only. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-7 Determining the Length of an Expression :LWK(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUV\RXFDQHQWHUFRPSOH[LQVWUXFWLRQV XSWRDWRWDORIFKDUDFWHUVLQFOXGLQJVSDFHVDQGSDUHQWKHVHV 'HSHQGLQJRQWKHRSHUDWRUWKHSURFHVVRULQVHUWVFKDUDFWHUV EHIRUHDIWHUWKHRSHUDWRULQ\RXUH[SUHVVLRQWRIRUPDWWKHH[SUHVVLRQ IRUHDVLHULQWHUSUHWDWLRQ8VH7DEOH'EHORZWRGHWHUPLQHWKH QXPEHURIFKDUDFWHUVHDFKRSHUDWRUXVHVLQDQH[SUHVVLRQ :LWKWKH&37LQVWUXFWLRQDPD[LPXPRIFKDUDFWHUVRIWKH H[SUHVVLRQDUHGLVSOD\DEOH,IWKHH[SUHVVLRQ\RXHQWHULVQHDUWKLV FKDUDFWHUPD[LPXPZKHQ\RXDFFHSWWKHUXQJFRQWDLQLQJWKH LQVWUXFWLRQWKHSURFHVVRUPD\H[SDQGLWEH\RQGFKDUDFWHUV:KHQ \RXWU\WRHGLWWKHH[SUHVVLRQRQO\WKHILUVWFKDUDFWHUVDUH GLVSOD\HGDQGWKHUXQJLVGLVSOD\HGDVDQHUURUUXQJ7KHSURFHVVRU GRHVFRQWDLQWKHFRPSOHWHH[SUHVVLRQKRZHYHUDQGWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ UXQVSURSHUO\ 7RZRUNDURXQGWKLVGLVSOD\SUREOHPH[SRUWWKHSURFHVVRUPHPRU\ ILOHDQGPDNH\RXUHGLWVLQWKH3&WH[WILOH7KHQLPSRUWWKLV WH[W ILOH ,PSRUWDQW <RXFDQQRWHQWHUIORDWLQJSRLQWQXPEHUVLQVFLHQWLILF QRWDWLRQZLWKQHJDWLYHH[SRQHQWVLQFRPSOH[ H[SUHVVLRQV,QVWHDGXVHWKHGHFLPDOHTXLYDOHQWRUSXW WKHQXPEHULQDIORDWLQJSRLQWILOHDQGXVHWKHGDWD DGGUHVVLQWKHFRPSOH[H[SUHVVLRQ Table 4.D Character Lengths for Operators This Operation: Using this Operator: Uses this Number of Characters: math binary +, –, *, | 3 OR, ** 4 AND, XOR 5 – (negate) 2 LN * 3 FRD, TOD, DEG*, RAD*, SQR, NOT, LOG*, SIN*, COS*, TAN*, ASN*, ACS*, ATN* 4 =, <, > 3 <>, <=, >= 4 math unary comparative * Available in Enhanced PLC-5 processors only. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-8 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Determining the Order of Operation 7KHRSHUDWLRQV\RXZULWHLQWRWKHH[SUHVVLRQDUHSHUIRUPHGE\WKH SURFHVVRULQDSUHVFULEHGRUGHUQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRUGHU\RXZULWH WKHP<RXFDQRYHUULGHWKHRUGHURIRSHUDWLRQE\JURXSLQJWHUPV ZLWKLQSDUHQWKHVHVIRUFLQJWKHSURFHVVRUWRSHUIRUPWKHRSHUDWLRQ ZLWKLQWKHSDUHQWKHVHVDKHDGRIRWKHURSHUDWLRQV 2SHUDWLRQVRIHTXDORUGHUDUHSHUIRUPHGOHIWWRULJKW7KHH[SUHVVLRQ \RXXVHPXVWLQFOXGHDQRSHUDWRU7DEOH(VKRZVWKHRUGHURI RSHUDWLRQ Table 4.E Order of Operation for CPT Expressions Order Operation Description 1 ** exponential (XY) Enhanced PLC-5 processors only 2 – negate NOT bitwise complement * multiply | divide + add – subtract 5 AND bitwise AND 6 XOR bitwise exclusive OR 7 OR bitwise OR 3 4 Expression Examples 6LQJOH9DOXH7KHH[SUHVVLRQ6451ZLWKGHVWLQDWLRQ1 WHOOVWKHSURFHVVRUWRWDNHWKHVTXDUHURRWRIWKHYDOXHVWRUHGDW1 DQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWDW1 0XOWLSOH9DOXHV:LWK(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUV\RXFDQDOVRXVH IXQFWLRQVWRRSHUDWHRQRQHRUPRUHYDOXHVLQWKHH[SUHVVLRQ FRPSOH[H[SUHVVLRQVIRUFRPSXWHDQGFRPSDUHRSHUDWLRQV &RPSOH[H[SUHVVLRQVFDQEHXSWRFKDUDFWHUVORQJVSDFHVDQG SDUHQWKHVHVDUHFRQVLGHUHGFKDUDFWHUV)RUH[DPSOH\RXFRXOGHQWHU DQH[SUHVVLRQVXFKDV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-9 Example: CPT I:012 ] 10 ] COMPUTE Destination N7:20 Expression (N7:1 * 5) | (N7:2 | 7) If the input word 12, bit 10 is set, multiply the value of N7:1 by 5. Divide this result by the quotient of N7:2 divided by 7. If N7:1=5 and N7:2=9, the result is 25. (The result is rounded to the nearest whole number because the constants 5 and 7 were specified as whole numbers.) :KHQ\RXXVHFRPSOH[H[SUHVVLRQVLIDQ\RSHUDQGLVIORDWLQJSRLQW WKHHQWLUHH[SUHVVLRQLVHYDOXDWHGDVIORDWLQJSRLQW Example: I:012 CPT ] ] COMPUTE 10 Destination N7:20 Expression (N7:1 * 5.0) | (N7:2 | 7.0) If the input word 12, bit 10 is set, multiply the value of N7:1 by 5. Divide this result by the quotient of N7:2 divided by 7. If N7:1=5 and N7:2=9, the result is 19. (The result is rounded differently because the constants 5.0 and 7.0 were specified to 1 decimal place. Entering the Destination (QWHUDGLUHFWRULQGLUHFWORJLFDODGGUHVVIRUWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ7KH LQVWUXFWLRQVWRUHVWKHUHVXOWRIWKHRSHUDWLRQLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQDGGUHVV ,PSRUWDQW 7KHSURFHVVRUDXWRPDWLFDOO\FRQYHUWVWKHGDWDW\SH VSHFLILHGE\WKHVRXUFHDGGUHVVWRWKDWVSHFLILHGE\WKH GHVWLQDWLRQDGGUHVV7KHSURFHVVRUXVHV%&'IRUGLVSOD\ RUFRPSDWLELOLW\ZLWK3/&IDPLO\SURFHVVRUV<RX PXVWSURJUDPDQ\%&'FRQYHUVLRQV Using CPT Functions 8VHIXQFWLRQVWRRSHUDWHRQRQHRUPRUHYDOXHVLQWKHH[SUHVVLRQRID &37LQVWUXFWLRQWRSHUIRUPWKHVHW\SHVRIRSHUDWLRQV FRQYHUWIURPRQHQXPEHUIRUPDWWRDQRWKHU PDQLSXODWHQXPEHUV SHUIRUPWULJRQRPHWULFIXQFWLRQV 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-10 Compute Instructions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able 4.F CPT Functions for Number Conversion Mnemonic Title Description RAD * radians Converts from degrees to radians DEG * degrees Converts from radians to degrees TOD to BCD Converts from integer to BCD (supports 4-digit BCD numbers) FRD from BCD Converts from BCD to integer (supports 4-digit BCD numbers) SQR square root Takes the square root of the number; accurate to 6 significant digits LOG * – Log to the base 10; accurate to 6 significant digits LN * – Natural log; accurate to 6 significant digits SIN * sine; manipulated in radians, accurate to 6 significant digits COS * cosine; manipulated in radians, accurate to 6 significant digits TAN * tangent; manipulated in radians, accurate to 6 significant digits ASN * inverse sine; manipulated in radians, accurate to 6 significant digits ACS * inverse cosine; manipulated in radians, accurate to 6 significant digits ATN * inverse tangent; manipulated in radians, accurate to 6 significant digits * Available in Enhanced PLC-5 processors only. <RXFDQXVHWKHDERYH&37DULWKPHWLFIXQFWLRQVZLWKLQH[SUHVVLRQV RUDVVWDQGDORQHLQVWUXFWLRQVVHHWKHLQGLYLGXDOLQVWUXFWLRQV GHVFULEHGLQWKLVFKDSWHU 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-11 Arc Cosine (ACS) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH$&6LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHDUFFRVLQHRIWKHVRXUFHLQ UDGLDQVDQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQUDGLDQVLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6HH7DEOH *IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRUWKH$&6LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: ACS ARCCOSINE 7KH6RXUFHPXVWEHJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±DQGOHVVWKDQRU HTXDOWR,ILWLVQRWLQWKLVUDQJHWKHSURFHVVRUUHWXUQVD!NAN! UHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ7KHUHVXOWLQJYDOXHLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQLV DOZD\VJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWRDQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRπ ZKHUHπ Source Destination Table 4.G Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an ACS Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) always resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 ACS ARCCOSINE Source Destination F8:19 0.7853982 F8:20 0.6674572 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the arc cosine of the value in F8:19 and store the result in F8:20. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-12 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Addition (ADD) 8VHWKH$''LQVWUXFWLRQWRDGGRQHYDOXH6RXUFH$WRDQRWKHU YDOXH6RXUFH%DQGSODFHWKHUHVXOWLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ6RXUFH$DQG 6RXUFH%FDQHLWKHUEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHVWKDWFRQWDLQYDOXHV6HH 7DEOH+IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRUWKH$''LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: ADD ADD Source A ,PSRUWDQW 7KH$''LQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWHVRQFHHDFKVFDQDVORQJDV WKHUXQJLVWUXHLI\RXRQO\ZDQWYDOXHVDGGHGRQFH LQFOXGHWKH216FRPPDQGVHHFKDSWHU Source B Destination Table 4.H Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an ADD Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) sets if carry generated; otherwise resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ADD ] ADD ] 10 Source A N7:3 Source B N7:4 Destination N7:20 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, add the value in N7:3 to the value in N7:4 and store the result in N7:20. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-13 Arc Sine (ASN) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH$61LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHDUFVLQHWKHVRXUFHLQUDGLDQV DQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQUDGLDQVLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6HH7DEOH,IRU VWDWXVIODJVIRU$61LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: ASN ARCSINE Source 7KH6RXUFHPXVWEHJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±DQGOHVVWKDQRU HTXDOWR,ILWLVQRWLQWKLVUDQJHWKHSURFHVVRUUHWXUQVD!NAN! UHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ7KHUHVXOWLQJYDOXHLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQLV DOZD\VJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±πDQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRπ/2 ZKHUHπ Destination Table 4.I Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an ASN Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) always resets Example: I:012 ASN ] ARCSINE Source ] 10 F8:17 0.7853982 Dest F8:18 0.9033391 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the arc sine of the value in F8:17 and store the result in F8:18. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-14 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Arc Tangent (ATN) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH$71LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHDUFWDQJHQWRIWKHVRXUFHLQ UDGLDQVDQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQUDGLDQVLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ7KH UHVXOWLQJYDOXHLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQLVDOZD\VJUHDWHUWKDQRU HTXDOWR±πDQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRπ/2ZKHUHπ 6HH7DEOH-IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRU$71LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: ATN ARCTANGENT Source Destination Table 4.J Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an ATN Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 ATN ARCTANGENT Source Destination F8:21 0.7853982 F8:22 0.6657737 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the arc tangent of the value in F8:21 and store the result in F8:22. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-15 Average File (AVE) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description: AVE AVERAGE FILE File Destination Control Length Position EN DN 7KH$9(LQVWUXFWLRQFDOFXODWHVWKHDYHUDJHRIDVHWRIYDOXHV:KHQ WKHUXQJJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXHWKHYDOXHDWWKHFXUUHQWSRVLWLRQLV DGGHGWRWKHQH[WYDOXHZKLFKLVDGGHGWRWKHQH[WYDOXHDQGVRRQ 6HH7DEOH.IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRU$9(LQVWUXFWLRQ (DFKWLPHDQRWKHUYDOXHLVDGGHGWKHSRVLWLRQILHOGDQGWKHVWDWXV ZRUG6LVLQFUHPHQWHG7KHILQDOVXPLVGLYLGHGE\WKHQXPEHU RIYDOXHVDGGHGDQGWKHUHVXOWLVVWRUHGLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ Table 4.K Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an AVE Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets $QRYHUIORZFDQRFFXULI WKHLQWHUPHGLDWHVXPH[FHHGVWKHPD[LPXPIORDWLQJSRLQWYDOXH WKHGHVWLQDWLRQLVDQLQWHJHUDGGUHVVDQGWKHILQDOYDOXHLVJUHDWHU WKDQRUOHVVWKDQ± ,IDQRYHUIORZRFFXUVWKHSURFHVVRUVWRSVWKHFDOFXODWLRQVHWVWKH(5 ELWDQGWKH'HVWLQDWLRQUHPDLQVXQFKDQJHG7KHSRVLWLRQLGHQWLILHV WKHHOHPHQWWKDWFDXVHGWKHRYHUIORZ:KHQ\RXFOHDUWKH(5ELWWKH SRVLWLRQUHVHWVWRDQGWKHDYHUDJHLVUHFDOFXODWHG ,PSRUWDQW 8VHWKH5(6LQVWUXFWLRQWRFOHDUWKHVWDWXVIODJV Entering Parameters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ovember 1998 4-16 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Using Status Bits 7RXVHWKH$9(LQVWUXFWLRQFRUUHFWO\H[DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKH FRQWUROVWUXFWXUH$GGUHVVWKHVHELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) on a false-to-true rung transition to indicate that the instruction is enabled. The instruction follows the rung condition. Done .DN (bit 13) after the instruction finishes operating. After the rung goes false, the processor resets the .DN bit on the next false-to-true rung transition. Error .ER (bit 11) when the operation generates an overflow. The instruction stops until the ladder program resets the .ER bit. ,PSRUWDQW 7KH$9(LQVWUXFWLRQFDOFXODWHVWKHDYHUDJHXVLQJ IORDWLQJSRLQWUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHW\SHVSHFLILHGIRUWKHILOH RUGHVWLQDWLRQSDUDPHWHUV $77(17,21 7KH$9(LQVWUXFWLRQLQFUHPHQWVWKH RIIVHWYDOXHVWRUHGDW60DNHVXUH\RXPRQLWRURU ORDGWKHRIIVHWYDOXH\RXZDQWSULRUWRXVLQJDQLQGH[HG DGGUHVV2WKHUZLVHXQSUHGLFWDEOHPDFKLQHRSHUDWLRQ FRXOGRFFXUZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQWDQGRU LQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO Example: AVE I:012 ] ] 10 File Dest R6:0 EN AVERAGE FILE #N7:1 N7:0 Control R6:0 Length Position 4 0 DN O:010 ] ] EN 5 R6:0 O:010 ] ] DN 7 R6:0 RES If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the AVE instruction is enabled. The values in N7:1, N7:2, N7:3, and N7:4 are added together and divided by 4. The result is stored in N7:0. When the calculation is complete, output word 10, bit 7 is set. Then the RES instruction resets the status bits of the control file R6:0. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-17 Clear (CLR) Description: CLR CLEAR Destination 8VHWKH&/5LQVWUXFWLRQWRVHWDOOWKHELWVRIDZRUGWR]HUR7KH GHVWLQDWLRQPXVWEHDZRUGDGGUHVV6HH7DEOH/IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRU &/5LQVWUXFWLRQ Table 4.L Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a CLR Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) always resets Zero (Z) always sets Sign (S) always resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 CLR CLEAR Destination N7:3 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, clear all of the bits in N7:3 to zero. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-18 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Cosine (COS) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH&26LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHFRVLQHRIDQXPEHU6RXUFHLQ UDGLDQVDQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6HH7DEOH0IRU VWDWXVIODJVIRU&26LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: COS COSINE 7KH6RXUFHPXVWEHJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±DQGOHVVWKDQ RUHTXDOWR,ILWLVQRWLQWKLVUDQJHWKHSURFHVVRUUHWXUQVD !INF!UHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ7KHUHVXOWLQJYDOXHLQWKH 'HVWLQDWLRQLVDOZD\VJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±DQGOHVVWKDQRU HTXDOWR Source Destination ,PSRUWDQW )RUJUHDWHVWDFFXUDF\WKHVRXUFHGDWDVKRXOGEHJUHDWHU WKDQRUHTXDOWR±πDQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRπ Table 4.M Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an COS Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 COS COSINE Source F8:13 0.7853982 Destination F8:14 0.7071068 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the cosine of the value in F8:13 and store the result in F8:14. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-19 Divide (DIV) 8VHWKH',9LQVWUXFWLRQWRGLYLGHRQHYDOXH6RXUFH$E\DQRWKHU YDOXH6RXUFH%DQGSODFHWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6RXUFH$DQG 6RXUFH%FDQHLWKHUEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHVWKDWFRQWDLQYDOXHV6HH 7DEOH1IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRU',9LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: DIV DIVIDE Source A ,PSRUWDQW 7KHFRPSXWHLQVWUXFWLRQVH[HFXWHIRUHDFKVFDQDVORQJ DVWKHUXQJLVWUXHLI\RXRQO\ZDQWYDOXHVFRPSXWHG RQFHLQFOXGHWKH216FRPPDQGVHHFKDSWHU Source B Destination Table 4.N Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a DIV Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if division by zero or if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets; undefined if overflow is set Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets; undefined if overflow is set Example: I:012 ] ] 10 DIV DIVIDE Source A N7:3 Source B N7:4 Destination N7:20 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, divide the value in N7:3 by the value in N7:4 and store the result in N7:20. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-20 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Natural Log (LN) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH/1LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHQDWXUDOORJRIWKHYDOXHLQWKH 6RXUFHDQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6HH7DEOH2IRUVWDWXV IODJVIRU/1LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: LN NATURAL LOG Source ,IWKH6RXUFHLVHTXDOWRWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQZLOOEH !-INF!LIWKHYDOXHLQWKH6RXUFHLVOHVVWKDQWKHUHVXOWLQWKH 'HVWLQDWLRQZLOOEH!NAN!7KHUHVXOWLQJYDOXHLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQLV DOZD\VJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±DQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR Destination Table 4.O Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an LN Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 LN NATURAL LOG Source N7:0 5 Destination F8:20 1.609438 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the natural log of the value in N7:0 and store the result in F8:20. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-21 Log to the Base 10 (LOG) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH/2*LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHORJEDVHRIWKHYDOXHLQWKH 6RXUFHDQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6HH7DEOH3IRUVWDWXV IODJVIRU/2*LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: LOG LOG BASE 10 ,IWKH6RXUFHLVHTXDOWRWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQZLOOEH !-INF!LIWKHYDOXHLQWKH6RXUFHLVOHVVWKDQWKHUHVXOWLQWKH 'HVWLQDWLRQZLOOEH!NAN!7KHUHVXOWLQJYDOXHLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQLV DOZD\VJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±DQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR Source Destination Table 4.P Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an LOG Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 LOG LOG BASE 10 Source N7:2 5 Destination F8:3 0.6989700 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the log base 10 of the value in N7:2 and store the result in F8:3. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-22 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Multiply (MUL) Description: MUL MULTIPLY Source A 8VHWKH08/LQVWUXFWLRQWRPXOWLSO\RQHYDOXH6RXUFH$E\DQRWKHU YDOXH6RXUFH%DQGSODFHWKHUHVXOWLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ6RXUFH$DQG 6RXUFH%FDQEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHV6HH7DEOH4IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRU 08/LQVWUXFWLRQ Table 4.Q Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a MUL Instruction Source B Destination With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 MUL MULTIPLY Source A N7:3 Source B N7:4 Destination N7:20 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, multiply the value in N7:3 by the value in N7:4 and store the result in N7:20. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-23 Negate (NEG) 8VHWKH1(*LQVWUXFWLRQWRFKDQJHWKHVLJQRIDYDOXH,I\RXQHJDWHD QHJDWLYHYDOXHWKHUHVXOWLVSRVLWLYHLI\RXQHJDWHDSRVLWLYHYDOXH WKHUHVXOWLVQHJDWLYH6HH7DEOH5IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRU1(* LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: NEG NEGATE Source ,PSRUWDQW 7KHFRPSXWHLQVWUXFWLRQVH[HFXWHIRUHDFKVFDQDVORQJ DVWKHUXQJLVWUXHLI\RXRQO\ZDQWYDOXHVFRPSXWHG RQFHLQFOXGHWKH216FRPPDQGVHHFKDSWHU Destination Table 4.R Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a NEG Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) sets if the operation generates a carry Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 NEG NEGATE Source Destination N7:3 N7:20 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the opposite sign of the value in N7:3 and store the result in N7:20. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-24 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Sine (SIN) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH6,1LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHVLQHRIDQXPEHU6RXUFHLQ UDGLDQVDQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6HH7DEOH6IRU VWDWXVIODJVIRU6,1LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: SIN SINE 7KH6RXUFHPXVWEHJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±DQGOHVVWKDQ RUHTXDOWR,ILWLVQRWLQWKLVUDQJHWKHSURFHVVRUUHWXUQVD !INF!UHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ7KHUHVXOWLQJYDOXHLQWKH 'HVWLQDWLRQLVDOZD\VJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR±DQGOHVVWKDQRU HTXDOWR Source Destination ,PSRUWDQW )RUJUHDWHVWDFFXUDF\WKHVRXUFHGDWDVKRXOGEHJUHDWHU WKDQRUHTXDOWR±πDQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR π Table 4.S Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an SIN Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 SIN SINE Source Destination If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the sine of F8:11 and store the result in F8:12. 1785-6.1 November 1998 F8:11 0.7853982 F8:12 0.7071068 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-25 Square Root (SQR) 8VHWKH645LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHVTXDUHURRWRIDYDOXHDQGVWRUH WKHUHVXOWLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ7KHVRXUFHFDQEHDYDOXHRUDQDGGUHVV ,IWKHVRXUFHYDOXHLVQHJDWLYHWKHSURFHVVRUWDNHVLWVDEVROXWHYDOXH DQGSHUIRUPVWKHVTXDUHURRWIXQFWLRQ6HH7DEOH7IRUVWDWXVIODJV IRU645LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: SQR SQUARE ROOT Source Destination ,PSRUWDQW 7KH645LQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWHVRQFHIRUHDFKVFDQDV ORQJDVWKHUXQJLVWUXHLI\RXRQO\ZDQWYDOXHV FRPSXWHGRQFHLQFOXGHWKH216FRPPDQGVHH FKDSWHU Table 4.T Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a SQR Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated during floating-point to integer conversion; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) always resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 SQR SQUARE ROOT Source Destination N7:3 N7:20 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the square root of the value in N7:3 and store the result in N7:20. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-26 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Sort File (SRT) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description: SRT SORT FILE File Control Length Position EN DN 7KH657LQVWUXFWLRQVRUWVDVHWRIYDOXHVLQWRDVFHQGLQJRUGHU7KLV LQVWUXFWLRQLVH[HFXWHGRQDIDOVHWRWUXHWUDQVLWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW 0DNHVXUHWKHILOHOHQJWKYDOXH\RXVSHFLI\LQWKH LQVWUXFWLRQGRHVQRWFDXVHWKHLQGH[HGDGGUHVVWRH[FHHG WKHILOHERXQGV7KHSURFHVVRUGRHVQRWFKHFNWKLV XQOHVV\RXH[FHHGWKHGDWDILOHDUHDRIPHPRU\ ,IWKHLQGH[HGDGGUHVVH[FHHGVWKHGDWDILOHDUHDWKH SURFHVVRULQLWLDWHVDUXQWLPHHUURUDQGVHWVDPDMRU IDXOW7KHSURFHVVRUGRHVQRWFKHFNWRVHHZKHWKHUWKH LQGH[HGDGGUHVVFURVVHVILOHW\SHVVXFKDV1WR) Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH657LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Parameter: Definition: file the address that contains the first value to be sorted. This address can be floating point or integer. control the address of the control structure in the control area (R) of processor memory. The processor stores information such as the length, position and status, and uses this information to execute the instruction. length the number of words in the file (1-1000). position points to the element that the instruction is currently using. Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-27 Using Status Bits 7RXVHWKH657LQVWUXFWLRQFRUUHFWO\WKHODGGHUSURJUDPPXVW H[DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUH<RXDGGUHVVWKHVHELWV E\ PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) on a false-to-true rung transition to indicate that the instruction is enabled. The instruction follows the rung condition. Done .DN (bit 13) after the instruction finishes operating. After the rung goes false, the processor resets the .DN bit on the next false-to-true rung transition. Error .ER (bit 11) when the length value is less than or equal to zero or when the position value is less than zero. $77(17,21 7KH657LQVWUXFWLRQPDQLSXODWHVWKH RIIVHWYDOXHVWRUHGDW60DNHVXUH\RXPRQLWRURU ORDGWKHRIIVHWYDOXH\RXZDQWSULRUWRXVLQJDQLQGH[HG DGGUHVV2WKHUZLVHXQSUHGLFWDEOHPDFKLQHRSHUDWLRQ FRXOGRFFXUZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQWDQGRU LQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO Example: I:012 ] ] 10 SRT SORT FILE File Control Length Position EN #N7:1 R6:0 4 0 DN R6:0 ] EN O:010 R6:0 ] DN O:010 ] 5 ] 7 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the SRT instruction is enabled. The elements N7:1, N7:2, N7:3, and N7:4 are sorted into ascending order. When the sort operation is complete, output word 10, bit 7 is set. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-28 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Standard Deviation (STD) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description: STD STANDARD DEVIATION File Destination Control Length Position EN DN 7KH67'LQVWUXFWLRQFDOFXODWHVWKHVWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQRIDVHWRI YDOXHVDQGVWRUHVWKHUHVXOWLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ7KLVLQVWUXFWLRQLV H[HFXWHGRQDIDOVHWRWUXHWUDQVLWLRQ6HH7DEOH8IRUVWDWXVIODJV IRU67'LQVWUXFWLRQ 7KHVWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQLVFDOFXODWHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHIROORZLQJ IRUPXOD Standard Deviation 2 = :KHUH – AVE(xi)) SUM((xi (N – 1) 680 ±VXPPDWLRQIXQFWLRQRIWKHHQFORVHGYDULDEOHV $9( ±DYHUDJHIXQFWLRQRIWKHHQFORVHGYDULDEOHV [L±YDULDEOHHOHPHQWVRIWKHGDWDILOH 1±QXPEHURIHOHPHQWVLQWKHGDWDILOH ,PSRUWDQW 0DNHVXUHWKHILOHOHQJWKYDOXH\RXVSHFLI\LQWKH LQVWUXFWLRQGRHVQRWFDXVHWKHLQGH[HGDGGUHVVWRH[FHHG WKHILOHERXQGV7KHSURFHVVRUGRHVQRWFKHFNWKLV XQOHVV\RXXVHDQLQGH[HGLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVRUH[FHHGWKH GDWDILOHDUHDRIPHPRU\,IWKHLQGH[HGDGGUHVVH[FHHGV WKHGDWDILOHDUHDWKHSURFHVVRULQLWLDWHVDUXQWLPHHUURU DQGVHWVDPDMRUIDXOW7KHSURFHVVRUGRHVQRWFKHFNWR VHHZKHWKHUWKHLQGH[HGDGGUHVVFURVVHVILOHW\SHVVXFK DV1WR) Table 4.U Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an STD Instruction 1785-6.1 November 1998 With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) always resets Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-29 7KHUHDUHWZRZD\VDQRYHUIORZFDQRFFXU WKHLQWHUPHGLDWHVXPH[FHHGVWKHPD[LPXPIORDWLQJSRLQWYDOXH WR± IORDWLQJSRLQWYDOXHVDUH± WKHGHVWLQDWLRQLVDQLQWHJHUDGGUHVVDQGWKHILQDOYDOXHLVJUHDWHU WKDQ H± H ,IDQRYHUIORZRFFXUVWKHSURFHVVRUVWRSVWKHFDOFXODWLRQVHWVWKH(5 ELWDQGOHDYHVWKHGHVWLQDWLRQXQFKDQJHG7KHSRVLWLRQLGHQWLILHVWKH HOHPHQWWKDWFDXVHGWKHRYHUIORZ:KHQ\RXFOHDUWKH(5ELWWKH SRVLWLRQUHVHWVWRDQGWKHVWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQLVUHFDOFXODWHG ,PSRUWDQW 8VHWKH5(6LQVWUXFWLRQWRFOHDUWKHVWDWXVELWV Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH67'LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJ Parameter: Defines: file the address that contains the first value to be calculated. This address can be floating point or integer. destination the address where the result of the instruction is stored. This address can be floating point or integer. control the address of the control structure in the control area (R) of processor memory. The processor stores information such as the length, position and status, and uses this information to execute the instruction. length the number of words in the file (1-1000). position points to the element that the instruction is currently using. Using Status Bits 7RXVHWKH67'LQVWUXFWLRQFRUUHFWO\H[DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKH FRQWUROVWUXFWXUH<RXDGGUHVVWKHVHELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) on a false-to-true rung transition to indicate that the instruction is enabled. The instruction follows the rung condition. Done .DN (bit 13) after the instruction finishes operating. After the rung goes false, the processor resets the .DN bit on the next false-to-true rung transition. Error .ER (bit 11) when the operation generates an overflow. The instruction stops until the ladder program resets the .ER bit. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-30 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY ,PSRUWDQW 7KH67'LQVWUXFWLRQFDOFXODWHVWKHVWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQ XVLQJIORDWLQJSRLQWUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHW\SHVSHFLILHGIRU WKHILOHRUGHVWLQDWLRQSDUDPHWHUV $77(17,21 7KH67'LQVWUXFWLRQPDQLSXODWHVWKH RIIVHWYDOXHVWRUHGDW60DNHVXUH\RXPRQLWRURU ORDGWKHRIIVHWYDOXH\RXZDQWSULRUWRXVLQJDQLQGH[HG DGGUHVV2WKHUZLVHXQSUHGLFWDEOHPDFKLQHRSHUDWLRQ FRXOGRFFXUZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQWDQGRU LQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO Example: I:012 ] ] 10 STD STANDARD DEVIATION File Destination Control Length Position EN #N7:1 N7:0 R6:0 4 DN 0 R6:0 ] EN O:010 R6:0 ] DN O:010 ] 5 ] 7 R6:0 RES If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the STD instruction is enabled. The elements N7:1, N7:2, N7:3, and N7:4 are used to calculate the standard deviation. When the calculation is complete, output word 10, bit 7 is set. Then the RES instruction resets the status bits of the control file R6:0. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-31 Subtract (SUB) 8VHWKH68%LQVWUXFWLRQWRVXEWUDFWRQHYDOXH6RXUFH%IURP DQRWKHUYDOXH6RXUFH$DQGSODFHWKHUHVXOWLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ 6RXUFH$DQG6RXUFH%FDQEHYDOXHVRUDGGUHVVHVWKDWFRQWDLQ YDOXHV6HH7DEOH9IRUVWDWXVIODJVIRU68%LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: SUB SUBTRACT Source A Source B ,PSRUWDQW 7KH68%LQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWHVRQFHIRUHDFKVFDQDV ORQJDVWKHUXQJLVWUXHLI\RXRQO\ZDQWYDOXHV VXEWUDFWHGRQFHLQFOXGHWKH216FRPPDQGVHH FKDSWHU Destination Table 4.V Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a SUB Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) sets if borrow generated; otherwise resets Overflow (V) sets if underflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 SUB SUBTRACT Source A N7:3 Source B N7:4 Destination N7:20 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, subtract the value in N7:4 from the value in N7:3 and store the result in N7:20. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-32 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY Tangent (TAN) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH7$1LQVWUXFWLRQWRWDNHWKHWDQJHQWRIDQXPEHU6RXUFHLQ UDGLDQVDQGVWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6HH7DEOH:IRU VWDWXVIODJVIRU7$1LQVWUXFWLRQ Description: TAN TANGENT 7KHYDOXHLQWKH6RXUFHPXVWEHJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR± DQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWR,ILWLVQRWLQWKLVUDQJHWKH SURFHVVRUUHWXUQVD!INF!UHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ7KHUHVXOWLQJ YDOXHLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQLVDOZD\VDUHDOQXPEHU Source Destination ,PSRUWDQW )RUJUHDWHVWDFFXUDF\WKHVRXUFHGDWDVKRXOGEHJUHDWHU WKDQRUHTXDOWR±πDQGOHVVWKDQRUHTXDOWRπ Table 4.W Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an TAN Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 TAN TANGENT Source F8:15 0.7853982 Destination F8:16 1.000000 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the tangent of the value in F8:15 and store the result in F8:16. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 4-33 X to the Power of Y (XPY) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description: XPY X TO POWER OF Y Source A Source B Destination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±. Table 4.X Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an XPY Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 XPY X TO POWER OF Y Source A Source B Destination N7:4 5 N7:5 2 N7:6 25 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, take the value in N7:4, raise it to the power of the value in N7:5, and stores the result in N7:6. 1785-6.1 November 1998 4-34 Compute Instructions CPT, ACS, ADD, ASN, ATN, AVE, CLR, COS, DIV, LN, LOG, MUL, NEG, SIN, SRT, SQR, STD, SUB, TAN, XPY 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Chapter 5 Logical Instructions AND, NOT, OR, XOR Using Logical Instructions 7KHVHLQVWUXFWLRQV7DEOH$SHUIRUPORJLFDORSHUDWLRQV Table 5.A Available Logical Instructions If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Perform an AND operation AND 5-2 Perform a NOT operation NOT 5-3 Perform an OR operation OR 5-4 Perform an XOR operation XOR 5-5 7KHSDUDPHWHUV\RXHQWHUDUHSURJUDPFRQVWDQWVRUGLUHFWORJLFDO DGGUHVVHV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& Using Arithmetic Status Flags 7KHDULWKPHWLFVWDWXVELWVDUHLQZRUGELWVLQWKHSURFHVVRUVWDWXV ILOH67DEOH%OLVWVWKHVWDWXVIODJV Table 5.B Arithmetic Status Flags This Bit: Description: S:0/0 Carry (C) S:0/1 Overflow (V) S:0/2 Zero (Z) S:0/3 Sign (S) 1785-6.1 November 1998 5-2 Logical Instructions AND, NOT, OR, XOR AND Operation (AND) 8VHWKH$1'LQVWUXFWLRQWRSHUIRUPDQ$1'RSHUDWLRQXVLQJWKHELWV LQWKHWZRVRXUFHDGGUHVVHV Description: AND Table 5.C Truth Table for an AND Operation BITWISE AND Source A Source B Destination Source A Source B Result 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Table 5.D Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an AND Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) always resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if most-significant bit is set; otherwise resets Example: I:012 AND [ AND [ 10 Source A Source B Destination If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the processor performs an AND operation on N9:3 and N10:4 and stores the result in N12:3. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Source A N9:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Source B N10:4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Destination N12:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 N9:3 N10:4 N12:3 Logical Instructions AND, NOT, OR, XOR 5-3 NOT Operation (NOT) 8VHWKH127LQVWUXFWLRQWRSHUIRUPD127RSHUDWLRQXVLQJWKHELWVLQ WKHVRXUFHDGGUHVV7KLVRSHUDWLRQLVDOVRNQRZDVDELWLQYHUVLRQ Description: NOT ,PSRUWDQW 7KH127LQVWUXFWLRQLVQRWDYDLODEOHRQ3/& VHULHV$SURFHVVRUV NOT Source Destination Table 5.E Truth Table for a NOT Operation Source Result 0 1 1 0 Table 5.F Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a NOT Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) always resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if most-significant bit is set; otherwise resets Example: NOT I:012 [ NOT [ 10 Source Destination N9:3 N10:4 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the processor performs a NOT operation on N9:3 and stores the result in N10:4 Source N9:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Destination N10:4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1785-6.1 November 1998 5-4 Logical Instructions AND, NOT, OR, XOR OR Operation (OR) 8VHWKH25LQVWUXFWLRQWRSHUIRUPDQ25RSHUDWLRQXVLQJWKHELWVLQ WKHWZRVRXUFHVFRQVWDQWVRUDGGUHVVHV Description: OR Table 5.G Truth Table for an OR Operation BITWISE INCLUSIVE OR Source A Source B Destination Source A Source B Result 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Table 5.H Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an OR Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) always resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if most-significant bit is set; otherwise resets Example: OR I:012 [ [ INCLUSIVE OR 10 Source A Source B Destination If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the processor performs an OR operation on N9:3 and N10:4 and stores the result in N12:3. Source A N9:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Source B N10:4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Destination 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 N12:3 1785-6.1 November 1998 N9:3 N10:4 N12:3 Logical Instructions AND, NOT, OR, XOR 5-5 Exclusive OR Operation (XOR) 8VHWKH;25LQVWUXFWLRQWRSHUIRUPDQH[FOXVLYH25RSHUDWLRQXVLQJ WKHELWVLQWKHWZRVRXUFHVFRQVWDQWVRUDGGUHVVHV Description: XOR Table 5.I Truth Table for an XOR Operation BITWISE EXCLUSIVE OR Source A Source B Destination Source A Source B Result 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Table 5.J Updating Arithmetic Status Bits for an XOR Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) always resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if most-significant bit is set; otherwise resets Example: XOR I:012 EXCLUSIVE OR [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the processor performs an XOR operation on N9:3 and N10:4 and stores the result in N12:3. Source A Source B N9:3 N10:4 Destination N12:3 Source A N9:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Source B N10:4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Destination N12:3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1785-6.1 November 1998 5-6 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Logical Instructions AND, NOT, OR, XOR Chapter 6 Conversion Instructions FRD and TOD, DEG and RAD Using the Conversion Instructions 7KHFRQYHUVLRQLQVWUXFWLRQVFRQYHUWLQWHJHUWR%&'DQGFRQYHUW%&' WRLQWHJHUXVLQJ72'DQG)5')RUH[DPSOHXVH72'DQG)5'IRU VLJQDOVWRIURP%&',2GHYLFHVIRUGLVSOD\SXUSRVHVRUIRUQXPEHU FRPSDWLELOLW\ZLWK3/&IDPLO\SURFHVVRUV<RXFDQDOVRFRQYHUW UDGLDQVWRGHJUHHVDQGGHJUHHVWRUDGLDQVXVLQJ'(*DQG5$')RU H[DPSOH\RXFDQXVH'(*DQG5$'ZLWKWKHWULJRQRPHWULF LQVWUXFWLRQVVHHFKDSWHU 7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOHFRQYHUVLRQLQVWUXFWLRQV Table 6.A Available Conversion Instructions If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Convert from integer to BCD TOD 6-2 Convert from BCD to integer FRD 6-2 Convert radians to degrees DEG* 6-3 Convert degrees to radians RAD* 6-4 * These instructions are only supported by Enhanced PLC-5 processors. 7KHSDUDPHWHUV\RXHQWHUDUHSURJUDPFRQVWDQWVRUORJLFDODGGUHVVHV RIWKHYDOXHV\RXZDQW )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& Using Arithmetic Status Flags 7KHDULWKPHWLFVWDWXVIODJVDUHLQZRUGELWVLQWKHSURFHVVRU VWDWXVILOH67DEOH%OLVWVWKHVWDWXVIODJV Table 6.B Arithmetic Status Flags This Bit: Description: S:0/0 Carry (C) S:0/1 Overflow (V) S:0/2 Zero (Z) S:0/3 Sign (S) 1785-6.1 November 1998 6-2 Conversion Instructions FRD and TOD, DEG and RAD Convert to BCD (TOD) 8VHWKH72'LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRQYHUWDQLQWHJHUYDOXHWRD%&'YDOXH ,IWKHLQWHJHUYDOXHLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHSURFHVVRUVWRUHVDQG VHWVWKHRYHUIORZELW,IWKHLQWHJHUYDOXHLVQHJDWLYHWKHSURFHVVRU VWRUHVLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQDQGVHWVWKHRYHUIORZDQG]HURVWDWXVELWV Description: TOD TO BCD Source Table 6.C Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a TOD Instruction Destination With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if integer value is outside the range 0-9999; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if destination value is negative or zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) always resets Example: TOD I:012 ] ] TO BCD 10 Source N7:3 Destination D9:3 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, convert the value in N7:3 to a BCD value and store the result in D9:3. Convert from BCD (FRD) Description: FRD FROM BCD Source Destination 1785-6.1 November 1998 8VHWKH)5'LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRQYHUWD%&'YDOXHWRDQLQWHJHUYDOXH &RQYHUW%&'YDOXHVWRLQWHJHUYDOXHVEHIRUH\RXPDQLSXODWHWKRVH YDOXHVZLWKODGGHUORJLFEHFDXVHWKHSURFHVVRUWUHDWV%&'YDOXHVDV LQWHJHUYDOXHV7KHDFWXDO%&'YDOXHPD\EHORVWRUGLVWRUWHG Table 6.D Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a TOD Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) always resets Zero (Z) sets if destination value is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) always resets Conversion Instructions FRD and TOD, DEG and RAD 6-3 7KH)5'LQVWUXFWLRQZLOOFRQYHUWDQRQGHFLPDOQXPEHUZLWKRXWDQ\ HUURUFRQGLWLRQ)RUH[DPSOHLID³&´LVLQWKHVRXUFHLWLVFRQYHUWHG WR³´HYHQWKRXJK³&´LVQRWDYDOLGGHFLPDOQXPEHU Example: FRD I:012 ] ] FROM BCD 10 Source D9:3 Destination N7:3 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, convert the value in D9:3 to an integer value and store the result in N7:3. Degree (DEG) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH'(*LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRQYHUWUDGLDQV6RXUFHWRGHJUHHVDQG VWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6RXUFHWLPHVπ Description: DEG Table 6.E Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an DEG Instruction RADIANS TO DEGREE Source Destination With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 DEG RADIANS TO DEGREE Source F8:7 0.7853982 Destination F8:8 45 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, convert the value in F8:7 to degrees and store the result on F8:8. 1785-6.1 November 1998 6-4 Conversion Instructions FRD and TOD, DEG and RAD Radian (RAD) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) 8VHWKH5$'LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRQYHUWGHJUHHV6RXUFHWRUDGLDQVDQG VWRUHWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ6RXUFHWLPHVπ Description: RAD DEGREES TO RADIANS Table 6.F Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for an RAD Instruction Source Destination With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Example: I:012 ] ] 10 RAD DEGREES TO RADIANS Source N7:9 45 Destination F8:10 0.7853982 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, convert the value in N7:9 to radians and store the result on F8:10. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Chapter 7 Bit Modify and Move Instructions BTD, MOV, MVM Using Bit Modify and Move Instructions 7KHELWPRGLI\DQGPRYHLQVWUXFWLRQVOHW\RXPRGLI\DQGPRYHELWV 7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOHPRYHLQVWUXFWLRQV Table 7.A Available Bit Modify and Move Instructions If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Move bits within a word or between words BTD 7-2 Copy the value in one word to another word MOV 7-3 Copy the desired part of a 16-bit value by masking the rest of the value with a mask MVM 7-4 7KHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVRSHUDWHRQELWLQWHJHUELQDU\RUIORDWLQJSRLQW QXPEHUVWRPRYHRUFRS\ELWVEHWZHHQZRUGV7KH090LQVWUXFWLRQ XVHVDPDVNWRHLWKHUSDVVRUEORFNVRXUFHGDWDELWV$PDVNSDVVHV GDWDZKHQWKHPDVNELWVDUHVHWDPDVNEORFNVGDWDZKHQWKH PDVNELWVDUHUHVHW7KHPDVNPXVWEHWKHVDPHZRUGVL]HDVWKH VRXUFHDQGGHVWLQDWLRQ :KHQURXQGLQJIORDWLQJSRLQWQXPEHUVGXULQJDPRYHWRDQLQWHJHU ZRUGWKHSURFHVVRUGRHVQRWFRUUHFWO\URXQGQXPEHUVOHVVWKDQ± )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& 1785-6.1 November 1998 7-2 Bit Modify and Move Instructions BTD, MOV, MVM Bit Distribute (BTD) Description: BTD BIT FIELD DISTRIB Source Source bit Destination Destination bit Length 7KH%7'LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWPRYHVXSWRELWV RIGDWDZLWKLQDZRUGRUEHWZHHQZRUGV7KH6RXUFHUHPDLQV XQFKDQJHG7KHLQVWUXFWLRQZULWHVRYHUWKH'HVWLQDWLRQZLWKWKH VSHFLILHGELWV,IWKHOHQJWKRIWKHELWILHOGH[WHQGVEH\RQGWKH 'HVWLQDWLRQZRUGWKHSURFHVVRUGRHVQRWVDYHWKHRYHUIORZELWV 7KHVHRYHUIORZELWVDUHORVWWKH\GRQRWZUDSLQWRWKHQH[WZRUG 2QHDFKVFDQZKHQWKHUXQJWKDWFRQWDLQVWKH%7'LQVWUXFWLRQLVWUXH WKHSURFHVVRUPRYHVWKHELWILHOGIURPWKHVRXUFHZRUGWRWKH GHVWLQDWLRQZRUG7RPRYHGDWDZLWKLQDZRUGHQWHUWKHVDPHDGGUHVV IRUWKHVRXUFHDQGGHVWLQDWLRQ Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH%7'LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJ Parameter: Definition: Source the address of the source word in binary or integer. The source remains unchanged. Source bit the number of the bit (lowest bit number) in the source word from which to start the move. Destination the address of the destination word in a binary or integer file. The instruction writes over any data already stored at the destination. Destination bit the number of the bit (lowest bit number) in the destination word where the processor starts copying the bits from the source word. Length the number of bits to be moved. Example: Moving Bits Within a Word BTD Destination Bit N70:22/10 BIT FIELD DISTRIB Source Source bit Destination Destination bit Length N70:22 3 N70:22 10 6 15 1 0 1 1 0 1 Source Bit N70:22/3 08 07 1 0 1 1 0 1 00 N70:22 13384 1785-6.1 November 1998 Bit Modify and Move Instructions BTD, MOV, MVM 7-3 Example: Moving Bits Between Words Source Bit N7:020/3 BTD BIT FIELD DISTRIB Source Source bit Destination Destination bit Length 15 08 07 N7:20 3 N7:22 5 10 00 N7:20 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 Destination Bit N7:022/5 15 08 07 00 N7:22 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 13384 ,PSRUWDQW %LWVDUHORVWLIWKH\H[WHQGEH\RQGWKHHQGRIWKH GHVWLQDWLRQZRUGWKHELWVDUHQRWZUDSSHGWRWKHQH[W KLJKHUZRUG Move (MOV) Description: MOV MOVE 7KH029LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWFRSLHVWKH6RXUFH DGGUHVVWRD'HVWLQDWLRQ$VORQJDVWKHUXQJUHPDLQVWUXHWKH LQVWUXFWLRQPRYHVWKHGDWDHDFKVFDQ 7DEOH%GHVFULEHVKRZWKHSURFHVVRUXSGDWHVWKHDULWKPHWLFVWDWXV IODJV Source Destination Table 7.B Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a MOV Instruction Example: MOV With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) sets if overflow generated during floating point-to-integer conversion; otherwise resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets 7RSURJUDPWKLVLQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWKWKH IROORZLQJ MOVE Source Destination N7:0 N7:2 Parameter: Definition: source is a program constant or data address from which the instruction reads an image of the value. You can also use a symbol, as long as the symbol name is more than 1 character. The source remains unchanged. destination the data address to which the instruction writes the result of the operation. The instruction writes over any data stored at the destination. 1785-6.1 November 1998 7-4 Bit Modify and Move Instructions BTD, MOV, MVM Masked Move (MVM) Description: MVM MASKED MOVE 7KH090LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWFRSLHVWKH6RXUFH WRD'HVWLQDWLRQDQGDOORZVSRUWLRQVRIWKHGDWDWREHPDVNHG$V ORQJDVWKHUXQJUHPDLQVWUXHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQPRYHVGDWDHDFKVFDQ <RXFDQXVHWKH090LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRS\,2LPDJHELQDU\RU LQWHJHUYDOXHV)RUH[DPSOHXVH090WRH[WUDFWELWGDWDVXFKDV VWDWXVRUFRQWUROELWVIURPDQHOHPHQWWKDWFRQWDLQVELWDQGZRUGGDWD Source Mask Destination 7DEOH&GHVFULEHVKRZWKHSURFHVVRUXSGDWHVWKHDULWKPHWLF VWDWXV IODJV Table 7.C Updating Arithmetic Status Flags for a MVM Instruction With this Bit: The Processor: Carry (C) always resets Overflow (V) always resets Zero (Z) sets if result is zero; otherwise resets Sign (S) sets if result is negative; otherwise resets Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKLVLQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKH IROORZLQJ Example: 1785-6.1 November 1998 Parameter: Definition: Source a program constant or data address from which the instruction reads an image of the value. The source remains unchanged. Mask an address or hexadecimal value that specifies which bits to pass or block. You must set (1) mask bits to move data. Moved data overwrites destination data. Bits at the destination that correspond to zeros in the mask are not altered. If you want the ladder program to change the mask value, store the mask at a data address. When you enter a value in this field, make sure that you include the data type, file number and word number. For example, type B100:0. Otherwise, enter a hexadecimal value for a constant mask value. For example, type F800. Destination the data address to which the instruction writes the result of the operation. The instruction writes over any data stored at the destination. Bit Modify and Move Instructions BTD, MOV, MVM 7-5 Destination N7:2 Before Move MVM MASKED MOVE Source Mask Destination N7:0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111000011110000 N7:2 Mask F0F0 Source N7:0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Destination N7:2 After Move 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 13360 1785-6.1 November 1998 7-6 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Bit Modify and Move Instructions BTD, MOV, MVM Chapter 8 File Instruction Concepts 7KLVFKDSWHUSUHVHQWVFRQFHSWVRIEORFNRSHUDWLRQIRUWKH)LOH $ULWKPHWLFDQG/RJLFDO)$/DQG)LOH6HDUFKDQG&RPSDUH)6& LQVWUXFWLRQV Concepts of File Operation 7KH)$/LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVDULWKPHWLFDQGORJLFDORSHUDWLRQVRQ EORFNVRIZRUGV7KH)6&LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVFRPSDULVRQ RSHUDWLRQVRQEORFNVRIZRUGV)RUVSHFLILFLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH )$/RU)6&LQVWUXFWLRQVHHFKDSWHU )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& <RXQHHGWRSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWKWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ ZKHQ\RXHQWHUDILOHLQVWUXFWLRQ Entering Parameters FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Destination Expression EN DN ER Parameter: Definition: Control the address of the control structure in a control type (R) file. The processor uses this information to run the instruction. See “Using the Control Structure” on page 8-2. Length the number of words in the data block on which the file instruction operates. Enter any decimal number 1-1000. Position the current word within the data block that the processor is accessing. You generally enter a zero to start at the beginning of a block. Mode the number of file words operated on each time the rung is scanned in the program. The mode lets you distribute operation on the complete block of words. Specify one of the following: • for All mode, type an A • for Numerical mode, type a decimal number (1-1000) • for Incremental mode, type an I For more information about the different modes, see “Choosing Modes of Block Operation” on page 8-5. Destination the address where the processor stores the result of the operation. The instruction converts to the data type specified by the destination address. Expression contains addresses, program constants, and operators that specify the source of data and the operations to be performed. If you enter the index prefix (#) for a destination or expression address, the processor accepts it as the address of the first word of a block to be operated upon. The processor assigns and uses the offset value in module status to process the block address. If you omit the # prefix, the processor accepts this as the address of a single work to be operated upon. 1785-6.1 November 1998 8-2 File Instruction Concepts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sing the Control Structure 7KHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUHILOHW\SH5FRQWUROVWKHRSHUDWLRQRIWKHILOH LQVWUXFWLRQ6LPLODUWRDFRXQWHULWFRQWUROVWKHILOHE\OHQJWKSRVLWLRQ DQGVWDWXVDQGFRQWUROELWV)LJXUH<RXHQWHUWKHFRQWURO VWUXFWXUHDGGUHVVIRUH[DPSOH5LQWKH&RQWUROILHOGZKHQ\RX SURJUDPD)$/RU)6&LQVWUXFWLRQ Figure 8.1 Example Control File R6:0 Memory Control Structure Address Status Length R6:0 Position Status Length R6:1 Position Status Length R6:2 Position 13370 1785-6.1 November 1998 $77(17,21 'RQRWXVHWKHVDPHFRQWURODGGUHVVIRU PRUHWKDQRQHLQVWUXFWLRQ'XSOLFDWLRQRIDFRQWURO DGGUHVVFRXOGUHVXOWLQXQSUHGLFWDEOHRSHUDWLRQSRVVLEO\ FDXVLQJGDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQWDQGRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO File Instruction Concepts 8-3 7KHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUHVWRUHVWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ 6WDWXVELWV /HQJWK/(1RIWKHEORFNZRUGV 3RVLWLRQ326RIWKHZRUGVWKDWWKHSURFHVVRULVRSHUDWLQJRQ 7KH)$/LQVWUXFWLRQDQG)6&LQVWUXFWLRQHDFKKDVLWVRZQVHWRI VWDWXVELWV6HHFKDSWHUIRUWKH)$/RU)6&LQVWUXFWLRQIRUD GHVFULSWLRQRIWKHVHVWDWXVELWV 7\SLFDOGDWDPDQLSXODWLRQVZLWKILOHLQVWUXFWLRQVLQFOXGH Manipulating File Data &RS\LQJGDWDIURPD VRXUFHZRUGWRDGHVWLQDWLRQEORFN VRXUFHEORFNWRDGHVWLQDWLRQEORFN VRXUFHEORFNWRDGHVWLQDWLRQZRUG 2SHUDWLQJRQGDWDIURPPXOWLSOHVRXUFHVVXFKDV VRXUFHZRUGV VRXUFHEORFNV 6WRULQJWKHUHVXOWLQD GHVWLQDWLRQEORFN GHVWLQDWLRQZRUG 7KHSUHIL[IRUDGHVWLQDWLRQRUH[SUHVVLRQDGGUHVVHVWDEOLVKHVLWDV WKHDGGUHVVRIWKHILUVWZRUGRIDEORFNWREHRSHUDWHGXSRQ7KH DEVHQFHRIWKHSUHIL[HVWDEOLVKHVLWDVWKHDGGUHVVRIDVLQJOHZRUGWR EHRSHUDWHGXSRQ FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Dest Expression EN R6:5 4 0 ALL #N28:0 N27:3 FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Dest Expression ER The # prefix for the destination address and the absence of a # prefix for the expression address establish this as a word-to-block operation. EN R6:5 4 0 ALL N28:0 #N27:3 FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Dest Expression DN DN ER The absence of a # prefix for the destination address and the # prefix for the expression address establish this as a block-to-word operation. EN R6:5 4 0 ALL #N28:0 #N27:3 DN ER The # prefix for the destination address and the # prefix for the expression address establish this as a block-to-block operation. 1785-6.1 November 1998 8-4 File Instruction Concepts 7KHIROORZLQJH[DPSOHVKRZVJHQHULFGDWDPDQLSXODWLRQVXVHGZLWK ILOHLQVWUXFWLRQV( H[SUHVVLRQ' GHVWLQDWLRQ[ RSHUDWLRQ Moving Data E D E D Word to Block E Block to Block D Block to Word Operating on Data E Block x D = Result Word E Word x x Word D Word Block Block x = Result Block E = Result D Block E D Block x D E = Result E Word E = Result D x Word = Result D 16617a Block 1785-6.1 November 1998 x Block = Result File Instruction Concepts Choosing Modes of Block Operation 8-5 7KHEORFNPRGHWHOOVWKHSURFHVVRUKRZWRGLVWULEXWHWKHEORFN RSHUDWLRQRYHURQHRUPRUHSURJUDPVFDQV6HOHFWRQHRIWKH IROORZLQJPRGHV All Mode ,QWKH$OOPRGHWKHHQWLUHILOHLVRSHUDWHGRQEHIRUHFRQWLQXLQJRQWR WKHQH[WUXQJRIWKHSURJUDP7\SHDQ$IRUWKHPRGHSDUDPHWHU ZKHQ\RXHQWHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ Word Data File 512 One Scan 14 Word File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ne program scan Condition of rung that controls file/block instruction Enable (bit 15) Done (bit 13) The processor turns off status bits and zeroes position value. Execution of the instruction Operation complete 16640 1785-6.1 November 1998 8-6 File Instruction Concepts Numerical Mode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ile Word Scan #1 512 5 words Scan #1 516 517 Scan #2 521 522 Scan #3 5 words 14-Word Block Scan #2 Scan #3 Remaining 4 words 525 16641 ,PSRUWDQW $YRLGXVLQJWKHUHVXOWVRIDILOHLQVWUXFWLRQRSHUDWLQJLQ QXPHULFPRGHXQWLOWKHGRQHELWLVVHWEHFDXVHWKHGDWD ZLOOEHLQFRPSOHWH 7KHIROORZLQJWLPLQJGLDJUDPVKRZVWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQVWDWXV ELWVDQGLQVWUXFWLRQRSHUDWLRQ Rung is true at completion Rung is not true at completion Multiple program scans Multiple program scans Condition of rung that controls file instruction Enable (bit 15) Done (bit 13) Execution of instruction Operation complete The processor turns off enable and done bit and zeroes position value. Operation complete The processor turns off done bit and zeroes position value. 16642 1785-6.1 November 1998 File Instruction Concepts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ncremental Mode ,QFUHPHQWDOPRGHPDQLSXODWHVRQHZRUGRIWKHILOHHDFKWLPHWKH UXQJJRHVIURPQRWWUXHWRWUXH7\SHDQ,IRUWKHPRGHSDUDPHWHU ZKHQ\RXHQWHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ 1-Word Operation 1-Word Operation 1-Word Operation File Word File Word Word #0 512 Word #1 513 Word #2 514 Word #3 515 Word #12 524 Word #13 (last word) 525 1st Rung Enable 2nd Rung Enable 3rd Rung Enable Word File 1-Word Operation 14th Rung Enable 16 7KHIROORZLQJWLPLQJGLDJUDPVKRZVWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQVWDWXV ELWVDQGLQVWUXFWLRQRSHUDWLRQ One or more program scans Condition of rung that controls file instruction Enable (bit 15) Done (bit 13) Execution of instruction The processor turns off enable bit. Operation complete The processor turns off status bits and zeroes position value. 16644 1785-6.1 November 1998 8-8 File Instruction Concepts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pecial Case, Numerical Mode with Words Per Scan = 1 7KHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQQXPHULFDOPRGHZLWKDUDWHRIZRUGSHU VFDQDQGLQFUHPHQWDOPRGHLV 1785-6.1 November 1998 1XPHULFDOPRGHZLWKDQ\QXPEHURIZRUGVSHUVFDQRQO\RQH QRWWUXHWRWUXHUXQJWUDQVLWLRQLVUHTXLUHGIRUFRQWLQXDOH[HFXWLRQ RIWKHLQVWUXFWLRQXQWLORSHUDWLRQLVFRPSOHWHRQWKHHQWLUHILOH ,QFUHPHQWDOPRGHUHTXLUHVDQRWWUXHWRWUXHUXQJWUDQVLWLRQIRU HDFKZRUGLQWKHILOH Chapter 9 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL Using File Instructions 7KHILOHLQVWUXFWLRQVSHUIRUPRSHUDWLRQVRQILOHGDWDDQGFRPSDUHILOH GDWD7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOHILOHLQVWUXFWLRQV Table 9.A Available File Instructions If You Want to: Use this Operation: Found on Page: Perform arithmetic, logic, shift, and function operations on file data FAL 9-2 Perform search and compare operations on file data FSC 9-14 Copy the contents of a file into another file COP 9-19 Fill a file with specific values FLL 9-20 ,I\RXKDYHQRWDOUHDG\GRQHVRUHYLHZWKHEDVLFFRQFHSWVRIILOH RSHUDWLRQLQWKHSUHYLRXVFKDSWHU)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQXVLQJ LQGH[HGDGGUHVVHVVHH\RXUVRIWZDUHXVHUPDQXDO )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-2 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 7KH)$/LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVFRS\DULWKPHWLFORJLFDQGIXQFWLRQ RSHUDWLRQVRQWKHGDWDVWRUHGLQILOHV7KH)$/LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPV WKHVDPHRSHUDWLRQVDVWKH&37LQVWUXFWLRQ7KHGLIIHUHQFHLVWKDWWKH )$/LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVRSHUDWLRQVRQPXOWLSOHZRUGVZKLOHWKH &37LQVWUXFWLRQKDQGOHVVLQJOHZRUGV File Arithmetic and Logic (FAL) Description: FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Destination Expression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ovember 1998 $77(17,21 ,QVWUXFWLRQVZLWKDVLJQLQDQDGGUHVV PDQLSXODWHWKHRIIVHWYDOXHVWRUHGDW60DNHVXUH \RXPRQLWRURUORDGWKHRIIVHWYDOXH\RXZDQWSULRUWR XVLQJDQLQGH[HGDGGUHVV2WKHUZLVHXQSUHGLFWDEOH PDFKLQHRSHUDWLRQFRXOGRFFXUZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWR HTXLSPHQWDQGRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 9-3 Table 9.B FAL Operations Type Operator Description Example Operation Copy none copy from A to B enter source address in the expression enter destination address in destination Clear none set a value to zero 0 (enter 0 for the expression) Arithmetic + add 2+3 2+3+7 (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) 12 – 5 (12 – 5) – 1 (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) 5*2 6 * (5 * 2) (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) 24 | 6 (24 | 6) * 2 (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) – * | Bitwise Conversion subtract multiply divide – negate – N7:0 SQR square root SQR N7:0 ** exponential (x to the power of y) 10**3 (Enhanced PLC-5 processors only) AND bitwise AND D9:3 AND D10:4 OR bitwise OR D9:4 OR D9:5 XOR bitwise exclusive OR D10:10 XOR D10:11 NOT bitwise complement NOT D9:4 FRD convert from BCD to binary FRD D14:0 TOD convert from binary to BCD TOD N7:0 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-4 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL Using Status Bits 7RXVHWKH)$/LQVWUXFWLRQFRUUHFWO\H[DPLQHDQGFRQWUROVWDWXVELWV LQWKHFRQWUROHOHPHQW<RXDGGUHVVWKHVHELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) by a false-to-true rung transition and indicates the instruction is enabled. In incremental mode, the .EN bit follows the rung condition. In numerical and ALL modes, the .EN bit remains set until the instruction completes its operation, regardless of the rung condition. The .EN bit is reset when the rung goes false and the instruction completes its operation. Done .DN (bit 13) after the instruction has operated on the last set of words. In numerical mode if the instruction is false at completion, it resets the .DN bit one program scan after the operation is complete. If the instruction is true at completion, the .DN bit is reset when the instruction goes false. Error .ER (bit 11) when the operation generates an overflow. The instruction stops until the ladder program resets the .ER bit. When the processor detects an error, the position value stores the number of the word that faulted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ovember 1998 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 9-5 7KH)$/FRS\RSHUDWLRQFRSLHVGDWD FAL Copy Operations EHWZHHQILOHV IURPDZRUGWRDILOH IURPDILOHWRDZRUG 7RFRS\GDWDZLWKWKH)$/FRS\RSHUDWLRQHQWHUWKHVRXUFHDGGUHVV RUSURJUDPFRQVWDQWLQWKHH[SUHVVLRQDQGWKHGHVWLQDWLRQDGGUHVVLQ WKHGHVWLQDWLRQ File-to-File Copy Example: FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Destination Expression EN R6:5 4 0 ALL #N28:0 #N27:3 Element 3 DN 4 ER File #N27 File #N28 9732 9732 0 Element 1015 1015 1 2000 2000 19000 19000 5 6 2 3 13366 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:5) What control structure controls the operation. This parameter is controlled by the rung condition, the state of the .EN and .DN bits, and by the mode (incremental, numeric, or all). It contains the location of the last value written to by the FAL instruction. For example, if, in incremental mode, position = 0 and length = 4, the last word written to by the FAL instruction would be word 3 since the instruction starts at location 0. Length (4) To move four words Position (0) To start at the source address Mode (ALL) To execute the length in one program scan Destination (#N28:0) Where to write the data (the # indicates that the operation is to be performed on a file) Expression (#N27:3) Where to read the data (the # indicates that the operation is to be performed on a file) :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUUHDGVIRXUHOHPHQWVRILQWHJHU ILOH1ZRUGE\ZRUGVWDUWLQJDWHOHPHQWDQGZULWHVWKHLPDJHWR LQWHJHUILOH1VWDUWLQJDWHOHPHQW,WZULWHVRYHUDQ\GDWDLQWKH GHVWLQDWLRQILOH 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-6 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL File-to-Word Copy Example: 1st move FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL EN Control Length Position Mode Destination R6:6 5 0 INC N29:5 Expression #N29:0 Word 29:5 2nd move File # N29:0 Word 0 Word DN 1 ER 2 5th move 3 4th move 4 3rd move 13372 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:6) What control structure controls the operation Length (5) To copy five words Position (0) To start at the source address Mode (incremental) To copy one word each time the rung goes true Destination (N29:5) Where to write the data (word address) Expression (#N29:0) Where to read the data (the # indicates that the operation is to be performed on a file) :LWKHDFKIDOVHWRWUXHUXQJWUDQVLWLRQWKHSURFHVVRUUHDGVRQH HOHPHQWRILQWHJHUILOH1VWDUWLQJDWHOHPHQWDQGZULWHVWKHLPDJH LQWRHOHPHQWRILQWHJHUILOH17KHLQVWUXFWLRQZULWHVRYHUDQ\ GDWDLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ $ZRUGWRILOHPRYHLVVLPLODUH[FHSWWKDWWKHLQVWUXFWLRQFRSLHVGDWD IURPDZRUGDGGUHVVLQWRDILOH7KHZRUGDGGUHVVFDQEHLQWKHVDPH RUDGLIIHUHQWILOH 1785-6.1 November 1998 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL FAL Arithmetic Operations 9-7 <RXFDQSHUIRUPPXOWLSOHDULWKPHWLFRSHUDWLRQVRQILOHGDWDLQWHJHU RUIORDWLQJSRLQWZLWKWKHIROORZLQJRSHUDWRUV Operator: Meaning: Operator: Meaning: + add | divide – subtract – negate * multiply 0 clear )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWRUGHURIRSHUDWLRQVHHFKDSWHU Upper and Lower Limits 7KHOLPLWVRIGDWDEHLQJPDWKHPDWLFDOO\PDQLSXODWHGGHSHQG RQWKHW\SHRIILOHLQZKLFKWKHGDWDLVVWRUHG7KHIROORZLQJ JXLGHOLQHVDSSO\ DOOGDWDH[FHSWIORDWLQJSRLQWLVVLJQHGLQWHJHU QHJDWLYHYDOXHVDUHVWRUHGLQWZR¶VFRPSOHPHQW IORDWLQJSRLQWQXPEHUVDUHIRUPDWWHGDVDVXEVHWRI,((( VLQJOHSUHFLVLRQIORDWLQJSRLQW Type of File: Range Stored in Word: bit –32,768 to +32,767 for integers integer –32,768 to +32,767 timer 0 to +32,767 counter –32,768 to +32,767 control 0 to +32,767 floating point ±1.1754944e–38 to ±3.4028237e+38 $QHUURURFFXUVZKHQWKHUHVXOWRIDQRSHUDWLRQH[FHHGVHLWKHUWKH ORZHURUXSSHUOLPLWRIWKHGHVWLQDWLRQZRUGLQZKLFKLWLVVWRUHG7KH RYHUIORZELWLVVHWLQWKHSURFHVVRU¶VVWDWXVILOH67KH LQVWUXFWLRQDOVRVHWVWKHHUURUELWLQWKHVWDWXVE\WHRILWVFRQWUROZRUG 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-8 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUDGGVYDOXHVLQILOH1 WRWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJYDOXHVLQILOH1XVLQJWKHQXPHULFDOPRGH RIZRUGVSHUVFDQ7KHRSHUDWLRQLVSHUIRUPHGLQVFDQVDQGWKH LQVWUXFWLRQVHTXHQWLDOO\DGGVWKHYDOXHVLQWKHH[SUHVVLRQVWRULQJWKH UHVXOWLQILOH1 Addition Example: FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL R6:0 Control 100 Length 0 Position 10 Mode Dest #N13:0 Expression #N11:0 + #N12:0 EN DN ER + File # N11:0 File # N13:0 10 0 338 0 32 1 182 1 2 1 2 11 2 3 147 3 179 3 0 4 99 4 99 4 45 5 572 5 617 5 1579 6 300 6 1879 6 620 7 42 7 662 7 800 8 19 8 819 8 1243 9 1000 9 2243 9 328 0 150 1 10 32 First Scan Second Scan next 10 words Third Scan next 10 words Fourth Scan next 10 words // 99 // last 10 elements // // // // Tenth Scan = File # N12:0 99 99 13386 1785-6.1 November 1998 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:0) What control structure controls operation Length (100) To operate on one hundred elements Position (0) To start at the source address Mode (10) To execute the data in 10 words per scan Destination (#N13:0) Where to write the result data Expression (#N11:0 + #N12:0) The operators, program constants, and source addresses File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 9-9 Subtraction Example: File #N14 FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Dest Expression EN R6:1 8 0 ALL #N15:10 -256 = File #N14 328 0 72 10 DN 150 1 -106 11 ER 10 2 -246 12 32 3 -224 13 0 4 -256 14 45 5 -211 15 1579 6 1323 16 620 7 364 17 One Scan Required #N14:0 - 256 16655a This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:1) What control structure controls operation Length (8) To operate on eight words Position (0) To start at the source address Mode (ALL) To execute the data in one program scan Destination (#N15:10) Where to write the result data Expression (#N14:0 – 256) The operators, program constants, and source addresses :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUUHDGVHLJKWHOHPHQWVRI LQWHJHUILOH1ZRUGE\ZRUGVWDUWLQJDWHOHPHQWVXEWUDFWVD SURJUDPFRQVWDQWIURPHDFKDQGZULWHVWKHUHVXOWLQWR GHVWLQDWLRQILOH1VWDUWLQJDWHOHPHQWDOOLQRQHVFDQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-10 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL Multiplication Example: FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL EN R6:2 16 0 INC #F8:16 Control Length Position Mode Dest Expression DN ER #F8:0 * #N17:0 File #F8:0 File #N17:0 * File #F8:16 = 0.01 0 314 0 3.14 16 0.1 1 315 1 31.5 17 Third Transition 1.0 2 316 2 316 18 Fourth Transition 10.0 3 317 3 3170 19 First Transition Second Transition 4 4 20 5 5 21 6 6 22 7 7 23 8 8 24 9 9 25 // // // // // // 15 15 31 15290 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:2) What control structure controls operation Length (16) To operate on sixteen words Position (0) To start at the source address Mode (incremental) To execute using incremental mode Destination (#F8:16) Where to write the result data Expression (#F8:0 * #N17:0) The operators, program constants, and source addresses :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUPXOWLSOLHVYDOXHVLQILOH )E\WKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJYDOXHVLQILOH1XVLQJLQFUHPHQWDO PRGH2QHPXOWLSOLFDWLRQLVSHUIRUPHGIRUHDFKIDOVHWRWUXH WUDQVLWLRQ7KHRSHUDWLRQUHTXLUHVWUDQVLWLRQVVWRULQJWKHUHVXOWLQ ILOH) 1785-6.1 November 1998 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 9-11 Division Example: FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Destination Expression EN R6:2 16 0 INC #N13:0 DN ER #N11:0 | #N12:0 | File N11:0 First Transition 60 = File N12:0 Word 0 File N13:0 Word 0 12 Word 0 5 Second Transition 175 1 5 1 35 1 Third Transition 1128 2 8 2 141 2 45 3 9 3 5 3 Fourth Transition 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 15 // // // // // // 15 15 17955 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:2) What control structure controls operation Length (16) To operate on sixteen words Position (0) To start at the source address Mode (incremental) To execute using incremental mode Destination (#N13:0) Where to write the result data Expression (#N11:0 | #N12:0) The operators and source addresses :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUVWDUWVWRGLYLGHYDOXHV VWDUWLQJDW1E\WKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJYDOXHVLQILOH1XVLQJ LQFUHPHQWDOPRGH2QHGLYLVLRQLVSHUIRUPHGIRUHDFKWUDQVLWLRQWR WUXH7KHRSHUDWLRQUHTXLUHVWUDQVLWLRQVVWRULQJWKHUHVXOWLQD ZRUGILOHVWDUWLQJDW1 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-12 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL File Square Root Example: FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control R6:4 Length 64 Position 0 Mode 4 #N23:4 Destination Expression SQR #N22:25 EN DN ER :KHQUXQJFRQGLWLRQVJRWUXHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQREWDLQVWKHSRVLWLYH VTXDUHURRWRIWKHYDOXHDWWKHVRXUFH7KHUDWHLVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKH PRGH\RXVHOHFW7KHUHVXOWRIHDFKVTXDUHURRWRSHUDWLRQLVVWRUHGLQ WKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJZRUGLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQRQHZRUGDWDWLPH 7KHSURFHVVRUWDNHVWKHVTXDUHURRWRIWKHDEVROXWHYDOXHLIWKHVLJQ LVQHJDWLYHWKHSURFHVVRUGLVUHJDUGVWKHVLJQ This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:4) What control structure controls the operation Length (64) To take the square root of 64 words Position (0) To start at the source address Mode (4) To operate on 4 words each scan Destination (#N23:4) Where to write the result data Expression (SQR #N22:25) The operator and source address $IWHUUXQJJRHVWUXHWKHVTXDUHURRWRIWKHILUVWZRUGVLQWKHILOH EHJLQQLQJDW1LVFDOFXODWHGDQGWKHUHVXOWLVZULWWHQLQWKH GHVWLQDWLRQILOHEHJLQQLQJDW1(YHU\WLPHWKHUXQJLVVFDQQHG WKHUHDIWHUWKHQH[WIRXUZRUGVDUHFDOFXODWHGDQGWKHUHVXOWZULWWHQ WRWKHGHVWLQDWLRQILOH7KHSURFHVVRUUHTXLUHVDWRWDORIVFDQV OHQJWK PRGH WRFRPSOHWHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ FAL Logic Operations 3HUIRUPPXOWLSOHORJLFRSHUDWLRQVRQELQDU\ILOHGDWDZLWKWKH IROORZLQJELWZLVHORJLFRSHUDWRUV $1' 25 ;25 127 7RSHUIRUPPXOWLSOHORJLFRSHUDWLRQV\RXHQWHUWKHRSHUDWRUVVRXUFH DGGUHVVHVRUSURJUDPFRQVWDQWVLQWKHH[SUHVVLRQDQGWKHUHVXOW DGGUHVVLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 9-13 Logical OR Example: FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Destination Expression #I:000 OR #B3:6 EN R6:4 6 0 2 #B5:24 DN ER Word File I:000 First Scan Second Scan or File B3 Word = Word File B5 0000000000000000 0 1010101010101010 6 1010101010101010 24 1111111111111111 1 1111111100000000 7 1111111111111111 25 1111000011110000 2 0000000000000000 8 1111000011110000 26 1010101010101010 3 1100110011001100 9 1110111011101110 27 Third Scan 4 10 5 11 28 29 16618a This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:4) What control structure controls the operation Length (6) To OR 6 words Position (0) To start at the source address Mode (2) To move 2 words each scan Destination (#B5:24) Where to write the result data Expression (#I:000 OR #B3:6) The operator(s) and source addresses $IWHUUXQJJRHVWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUSHUIRUPVDORJLFDORURSHUDWLRQRQ WZRZRUGVEHJLQQLQJDW,DQG%7KHUHVXOWLVZULWWHQLQWKH GHVWLQDWLRQILOHEHJLQQLQJDW%(YHU\WLPHWKHUXQJLVVFDQQHG WKHUHDIWHUWKHQH[WWZRZRUGVDUHFDOFXODWHGDQGWKHUHVXOWZULWWHQWR WKHGHVWLQDWLRQILOH7KHSURFHVVRUUHTXLUHVDWRWDORIVFDQV OHQJWK PRGH WRFRPSOHWHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ 7KHSURFHVVRUH[HFXWHVORJLFRSHUDWRUVLQDSUHGHWHUPLQHGRUGHU)RU PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWRUGHURIRSHUDWLRQVVHHFKDSWHU 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-14 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 7KH)$/LQVWUXFWLRQFDQSHUIRUPWKHVHFRQYHUWRSHUDWLRQV FAL Convert Operations Example: Convert to BCD FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Destination Expression TOD #N7:0 R6:2 12 0 ALL #N14:0 EN DN FRQYHUWIURPLQWHJHUWR%&'72' FRQYHUWIURP%&'WRLQWHJHU)5' :KHQUXQJFRQGLWLRQVJRWRWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUFRQYHUWVWKHYDOXHLQ WKHVRXUFHIURPLQWHJHUWR%&'7KHUDWHLVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHPRGH WKDW\RXVHOHFW7KHUHVXOWRIWKHRSHUDWLRQLVVWRUHGLQWKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJZRUGLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ ER Example: Convert from BCD :KHQUXQJFRQGLWLRQVJRWRWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUFRQYHUWVWKHYDOXHLQ WKHVRXUFHIURP%&'WRLQWHJHU7KHUDWHLVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHPRGH WKDW\RXVHOHFW7KHUHVXOWRIWKHRSHUDWLRQLVVWRUHGLQWKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJZRUGLQWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW &RQYHUW%&'YDOXHVWRLQWHJHUEHIRUHPDQLSXODWLQJ WKHPLI\RXGRQRWFRQYHUWWKHYDOXHVWKHSURFHVVRU PDQLSXODWHVWKHPDVLQWHJHUDQGWKHLU%&'YDOXHLVORVW File Search and Compare (FSC) Description: FSC FILE SEARCH/COMPAR Control Length Position Mode Expression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ovember 1998 VHWKLJKDQGORZSURFHVVDODUPVIRUPXOWLSOHDQDORJLQSXWV FRPSDUHEDWFKYDULDEOHVDJDLQVWDUHIHUHQFHILOHEHIRUHVWDUWLQJD EDWFKRSHUDWLRQ File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 9-15 Using Status Bits 7RXVHWKH)6&LQVWUXFWLRQFRUUHFWO\\RXUODGGHUSURJUDPPXVW H[DPLQHDQGFRQWUROVWDWXVELWVLQWKHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUH<RXPXVW DGGUHVVWKHVHELWVE\PQHPRQLF This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) by a false-to-true rung transition and indicates the instruction is enabled. In incremental mode this bit follows the rung condition. In Numerical and All modes, this bit remains set until the instruction completes its operation, regardless of the rung condition. The .EN bit is reset when rung conditions go false, but only after the instruction has set the .DN bit. Done .DN (bit 13) after the instruction has operated on the last set of words. In numerical mode if the instruction is false at completion, it resets the .DN bit one program scan after the operation is complete. If the instruction is true at completion, the .DN bit is reset when the instruction goes false. Error .ER (bit 11) when the operation generates an overflow. The instruction stops until the ladder program resets this bit. When the processor detects an error, the position value stores the number of the element that faulted. Inhibit .IN (bit 9) when the processor detects a true comparison. Your ladder program must reset this bit to continue the search after taking an action initiated by examining the .FD bit. The ladder program must reset this bit to continue operation. Found .FD (bit 8) when the processor detects a true comparison. The processor stops the search and also sets the inhibit .IN bit. The .FD bit is the output of the FSC instruction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ovember 1998 9-16 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 7KHIROORZLQJWLPLQJGLDJUDPIRU$OOPRGHVKRZVUHODWLRQVKLSV EHWZHHQVWDWXVELWVDQGLQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWLRQZKHQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ ILQGVWZRWUXHFRQGLWLRQV Scan Markers Only 1 Scan Rung Condition Enable Bit (.EN) Done Bit (.DN) Instruction Execution Inhibit (.IN) and Found (.FD) Bit Comparison Found Ladder Program Resets Inhibit (.IN) Bit 16656 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWKRZWKH)6&LQVWUXFWLRQUHVSRQGVZKHQ LWILQGVQRWUXHFRPSDULVRQVVHHWKHWLPLQJGLDJUDPVLQFKDSWHU 1785-6.1 November 1998 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL FSC Search and Compare Operations 9-17 7KH)6&LQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVWKHVHFRPSDULVRQVRQILOHGDWD DFFRUGLQJWRKRZ\RXVSHFLI\WKHPLQWKH([SUHVVLRQ&RPSOH[ H[SUHVVLRQVDUHYDOLGLQ(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVRQO\ Comparison: Example Expression: Search Equal #N50:0 = #N51:0 Search Not Equal #N52:0 <> N52:11 Search Less Than #B3:100 < #N53:0 Search Less Than or Equal #F60:0 <= F60:12 Search Greater Than #N54:0 > 256 Search Greater Than or Equal F60:10 >= #N61:0 Data Conversion 7KHSURFHVVRUFRPSDUHVILOHVRIGLIIHUHQWGDWDW\SHVE\LQWHUQDOO\ FRQYHUWLQJGDWDLQWRLWVELQDU\HTXLYDOHQWEHIRUHSHUIRUPLQJWKH FRPSDULVRQ7KHSURFHVVRUWUHDWVWKHIROORZLQJGDWDW\SHVDVLQWHJHU WLPHUVWDWXVELWFRXQWHULQSXW$6&,,FRQWURORXWSXW%&' ,PSRUWDQW :KHQ\RXFRPSDUHIORDWLQJSRLQWDQGLQWHJHUYDOXHVLQ WKH)6&LQVWUXFWLRQOLPLWWKHFRPSDULVRQVWR³OHVVWKDQ RUHTXDO´DQG³JUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDO´ ,PSRUWDQW 8VH$6&,,DQG%&'IRUGLVSOD\RQO\DQGQRWDVYDOXHV 6LQFHWKHSURFHVVRULQWHUSUHWVWKHPDVLQWHJHUWKH\PD\ ORVHWKHLUPHDQLQJLI\RXHQWHUWKHPDVYDOXHV )RUWKHRUGHULQZKLFKWKHLQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPVORJLFDORSHUDWLRQVVHH WKHVHFWLRQ³'HWHUPLQLQJWKH2UGHURI2SHUDWLRQ´LQFKDSWHU File Search Operation :KHQWKHUXQJFRQGLWLRQJRHVWRWUXHWKHGHVLUHGFRPSDULVRQLV SHUIRUPHGRQGDWDDGGUHVVHGLQWKHH[SUHVVLRQ:RUGVDUHFRPSDUHG LQDVFHQGLQJRUGHUVWDUWLQJDWWKHEHJLQQLQJ7KHUDWHLVGHWHUPLQHG E\WKHPRGHRIRSHUDWLRQWKDW\RXVSHFLI\ 7KH'1ELWELWLVVHWDIWHUWKHSURFHVVRUKDVFRPSDUHGWKHODVW SDLU,IWKHUXQJLVWUXHDWFRPSOHWLRQWKH'1ELWLVWXUQHGRIIZKHQ WKHUXQJLVQRORQJHUWUXH,QQXPHULFDOPRGHKRZHYHULIWKHUXQJLV QRWWUXHDWFRPSOHWLRQWKH'1ELWVWD\VRQRQHSURJUDPVFDQDIWHU WKHRSHUDWLRQLVFRPSOHWH 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-18 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL Example of Search Not Equal: FSC FILE SEARCH/COMPARE Control Length Position Mode Expression #B4:0 <> #B5:0 EN R6:0 90 0 10 DN ER Word File B4 First scan File B5 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 0 0 ) 0 0000000000000001(1) 1 0000000000000001(1) 1 0000000000000010(2) 2 0000000000000010(2) 2 0000000000000110(6) 3 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (6 ) 3 4 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (6 ) 4 0000000000000111(7) 10 10 Second scan Ninth scan Word 0000000100000000(100) Next 10 words Next 10 words Last 10 words Processor stops and sets the found and inhibit bits. To continue, the program must reset the inhibit bit. Next 10 words Next 10 words 89 Last 10 words 89 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Control (R6:0) What control structure controls the operation Length (90) To search through 90 words Position (0) To start at source addresses Mode (10) To search 10 words per program scan Expression (#B4:0 <> #B5:0) The comparison to perform and the source addresses 16620a :KHQDUXQJFRQWDLQLQJWKH)6&LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVWRWUXHWKH SURFHVVRUSHUIRUPVWKHQRWHTXDOWRFRPSDULVRQEHWZHHQZRUGV VWDUWLQJDW%DQG%7KHQXPEHURIZRUGVFRPSDUHGSHU SURJUDPVFDQLQWKLVH[DPSOHLVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHPRGH \RXVHOHFW :KHQWKHSURFHVVRUILQGVWKDWFRUUHVSRQGLQJVRXUFHZRUGVDUHQRW HTXDOZRUGV%DQG%LQWKLVH[DPSOHWKHSURFHVVRUVWRSVWKH VHDUFKDQGWXUQVRQWKHIRXQG)'DQGLQKLELW,1ELWVVR\RXUODGGHU SURJUDPFDQWDNHDSSURSULDWHDFWLRQ7RFRQWLQXHWKHVHDUFK FRPSDULVRQ\RXPXVWWXUQRIIWKH,1ELW 1785-6.1 November 1998 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 9-19 File Copy (COP) Description: COP COPY FILE Source Destination Length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ntering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH&23LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJ Parameter: Definition: Source the starting address of the source file. The source remains unchanged. Destination address of the destination file. The instruction writes over any data already stored at the destination. Length the number of the words/structures to overwrite in the destination file. $77(17,21 ,I\RXXVHWKH&23LQVWUXFWLRQZLWKDQ (QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVHULHV$'ILOHERXQGDULHV PLJKWEHFRPHFURVVHGLIWKHGHVWLQDWLRQSDUDPHWHULV LQGLUHFWO\DGGUHVVHG ,IWKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVZULWWHQWRWKHSURJUDPDUHD WKH(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVHULHV$'GLVSOD\V PDMRUIDXOWFRGHEDGXVHUSURJUDPFKHFNVXP,I WKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVZULWWHQRXWVLGHRIWKHSURJUDP DUHDXQH[SHFWHGUHVXOWVFRXOGRFFXU ,I\RXXVHWKH&23LQVWUXFWLRQZLWKDQ(QKDQFHG 3/&SURFHVVRUVVHULHV(DQGKLJKHUWKLVFRQGLWLRQLV FRUUHFWO\LGHQWLILHGE\HLWKHUPDMRUIDXOWFRGH LQGLUHFWDGGUHVVRXWRIUDQJHKLJKRUPDMRUIDXOW FRGH LQGLUHFWDGGUHVVRXWRIUDQJHORZ 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-20 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL Example: COP I:012 [ [ COPY FILE 10 Source Destination Length #N7:0 #N12:0 5 If input word 12, bit 10 is on, copy the values of the first five words starting at N7:0 into the first five words of N12:0. File Fill (FLL) Description: FLL FILL FILE Source Destination Length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ntering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH)//LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Parameter: Definition: Source the address of the source word or a program constant. The source remains unchanged. Destination the starting address of the destination file. The instruction writes over any data already stored at the destination. Length the number of the words/structures to fill in the destination file File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL 9-21 $77(17,21 ,I\RXXVHWKH)//LQVWUXFWLRQZLWKDQ (QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVHULHV$'ILOHERXQGDULHV PLJKWEHFRPHFURVVHGLIWKHGHVWLQDWLRQSDUDPHWHULV LQGLUHFWO\DGGUHVVHG ,IWKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVZULWWHQWRWKHSURJUDPDUHD WKH(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVHULHV$'GLVSOD\V PDMRUIDXOWFRGHEDGXVHUSURJUDPFKHFNVXP,I WKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVZULWWHQRXWVLGHRIWKHSURJUDP DUHDXQH[SHFWHGUHVXOWVFRXOGRFFXU ,I\RXXVHWKH)//LQVWUXFWLRQZLWKDQ(QKDQFHG 3/&SURFHVVRUVVHULHV(DQGKLJKHUWKLVFRQGLWLRQLV FRUUHFWO\LGHQWLILHGE\HLWKHUPDMRUIDXOWFRGH LQGLUHFWDGGUHVVRXWRIUDQJHKLJKRUPDMRUIDXOW FRGH LQGLUHFWDGGUHVVRXWRIUDQJHORZ Example: FLL I:012 [ [ FILL FILE 10 Source Destination Length N7:0 #N12:0 5 If input word 12, bit 10 is on, copy the value of word N7:0 into the first five words starting at N12:0 :RUGVDUHFRSLHGIURPWKHVSHFLILHGVRXUFHILOHLQWRWKHVSHFLILHG GHVWLQDWLRQILOHHYHU\VFDQWKDWWKHUXQJLVWUXH7KH\DUHFRSLHGLQ DVFHQGLQJRUGHUZLWKQRWUDQVIRUPDWLRQRIGDWDXSWRWKHVSHFLILHG QXPEHURUXQWLOWKHODVWZRUGRIWKHGHVWLQDWLRQILOHLVUHDFKHG ZKLFKHYHURFFXUVILUVW $FFXUDWHO\VSHFLI\WKHVWDUWLQJDGGUHVVDQGOHQJWKRIWKHGDWDEORFN \RXDUHILOOLQJ7KHLQVWUXFWLRQZLOOQRWZULWHRYHUDILOHERXQGDU\ VXFKDVEHWZHHQILOHV1DQG1DWWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ7KHRYHUIORZ ZRXOGEHORVW 1785-6.1 November 1998 9-22 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 File Instructions FAL, FSC, COP, FLL Chapter 10 Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR Using Diagnostic Instructions 7KHGLDJQRVWLFLQVWUXFWLRQVOHW\RXGHWHFWSUREOHPVZLWKGDWDLQ\RXU SURJUDPV7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOHGLDJQRVWLFLQVWUXFWLRQV Table 10.A Available Diagnostic Instructions If You Want to: Use this Operation: Found on Page: Compare I/O data against a known, good reference and record any mismatches FBC 10-2 Compare I/O data against a known, good reference, record any mismatches, and update the reference file to match the source file DDT 10-2 Pass source data through a mask and compare the result to reference data, and then write the source word into the reference address of the next comparison. DTR 10-8 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& 1785-6.1 November 1998 10-2 Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR 7KH)%&DQG''7GLDJQRVWLFLQVWUXFWLRQVDUHRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQV WKDW\RXXVHWRPRQLWRUPDFKLQHRUSURFHVVRSHUDWLRQVWR GHWHFWPDOIXQFWLRQV File Bit Comparison (FBC) and Diagnostic Detect (DDT) Table 10.B Available Diagnostic Instructions Description: FBC FILE BIT COMPARE EN Source Reference Result Compare Control Length Position Result control Length Position DN FD IN ER If You Want to Detect Malfunctions By: Use this Instruction: Comparing bits in a file of real-time inputs with a reference bit file that represents correct operation FBC Change-of-state diagnostics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electing the Search Mode 6HOHFWZKHWKHUWKHGLDJQRVWLFLQVWUXFWLRQVHDUFKHVIRURQHPLVPDWFK DWDWLPHRUZKHWKHULWVHDUFKHVIRUDOOPLVPDWFKHVGXULQJRQH SURJUDPVFDQ One Mismatch at a Time :LWKHDFKIDOVHWRWUXHUXQJWUDQVLWLRQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVHDUFKHVIRU WKHQH[WPLVPDWFKEHWZHHQWKHLQSXWDQGUHIHUHQFHILOHV8SRQ ILQGLQJDPLVPDWFKWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVWRSVDQGVHWVWKHIRXQG)'ELW 7KHQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQHQWHUVWKHSRVLWLRQQXPEHURIWKHPLVPDWFKLQWR WKHUHVXOWILOH 7KH''7LQVWUXFWLRQDOVRFKDQJHVWKHVWDWXVRIWKHUHIHUHQFHELWWR PDWFKWKHVWDWXVRIWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJLQSXWELW7KHLQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWV WKHIRXQGELWZKHQWKHUXQJJRHVIDOVH 1785-6.1 November 1998 Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR 10-3 :KHQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQUHDFKHVWKHHQGRIWKHILOHWKHGRQHELWELW '1RIWKHFRPSDUHFRQWUROHOHPHQWLVVHW7KHQZKHQWKHUXQJJRHV IDOVHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWV HQDEOHELW IRXQGELWLIVHW FRPSDUHGRQHELW UHVXOWGRQHELWLIVHW ERWKFRQWUROFRXQWHUV 7RHQDEOHWKLVPRGHRIRSHUDWLRQVHWWKHLQKLELWELW,1 HLWKHUE\ ODGGHUSURJUDPRUPDQXDOO\EHIRUHSURJUDPH[HFXWLRQ All Per Scan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ovember 1998 10-4 Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQV\RXQHHGWRSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Description: Source the indexed address of your input file. Reference the indexed address of the file that contains the data with which you compare your input file. Result the indexed address of the file where the instruction stores the position (bit) number of each detected mismatch. Cmp Control the address of the comparison control structure (R) that stores status bits, the length of the source and reference files (both should be the same), and the current position during operation. Use the compare control address with mnemonic when you address these parameters: Length (.LEN) is the decimal number of bits to be compared in the source and reference files. Remember that bits in I/O files are numbered in octal 00-17, but that bits in all other files are numbered in decimal 0-15. Position (.POS) is the current position of the bit to which the instruction points. Enter a value only if you want the instruction to start at an offset concurrent with a control file offset for one scan. Result Control the address of the result control structure (R) that stores the bit position number each time the instruction finds a mismatch between source and reference files. 8VHWKHUHVXOWFRQWURODGGUHVVZLWKPQHPRQLFZKHQ\RXDGGUHVV WKHVH SDUDPHWHUV /HQJWK/(1LVWKHGHFLPDOQXPEHURIHOHPHQWVLQWKHUHVXOW ILOH0DNHWKHOHQJWKORQJHQRXJKWRUHFRUGWKHPD[LPXP QXPEHURIH[SHFWHGPLVPDWFKHV 3RVLWLRQ326LVWKHFXUUHQWSRVLWLRQLQWKHUHVXOWILOH(QWHUD YDOXHRQO\LI\RXZDQWWKHLQVWUXFWLRQWRVWDUWDWDQRIIVHW FRQFXUUHQWZLWKDFRQWUROILOHRIIVHWIRURQHVFDQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 $77(17,21 'RQRWXVHWKHVDPHDGGUHVVIRUPRUH WKDQRQHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUH'XSOLFDWLRQRIWKHVH DGGUHVVHVFRXOGUHVXOWLQXQSUHGLFWDEOHRSHUDWLRQ SRVVLEO\FDXVLQJHTXLSPHQWGDPDJHDQGRULQMXU\WR SHUVRQQHO Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR 10-5 Using Status Bits 7RXVHWKH)%&RU''7LQVWUXFWLRQFRUUHFWO\H[DPLQHDQGFRQWURO ELWVLQERWKWKHFRPSDULVRQDQGUHVXOWFRQWUROHOHPHQWV<RXDGGUHVV WKHVHELWVE\PQHPRQLF Bit: Comparison Control Bits Result Control Bits Function: Enable .EN (bit 15) starts operation on a false-to-true rung transition If the .IN bit is set for one-at-a-time operation, the ladder program must toggle the .EN bit after the instruction detects each mismatch. Done .DN (bit 13) is set when the processor reaches the end of the source and reference files Error .ER (bit 11) is set when the processor detects an error and stops operation of the instruction For example, an error occurs if the length (.LEN) is less than or equal to zero or if the position (.POS) is less than zero. The ladder program must reset the .ER bit if the instruction detects an error. Inhibit .IN (bit 09) determines the mode of operation When this bit is reset, the processor detects all mismatches in one scan. When this bit is set, the processor stops the search at each mismatch and waits for the ladder program to re-enable the instruction before continuing the search. Found .FD (bit 08) is set each time the processor records a mismatch bit number in the result file (one-at-a-time operation) or after recording all mismatches (all per scan). Done .DN (bit 13) is set when the result file fills The instruction stops and requires another false-to-true rung transition to reset the result .DN bit and then continue. If the instruction finds another mismatch, it wraps the new position number around to the beginning of the file, writing over previous position numbers. $IWHUWKH)%&RU''7LQVWUXFWLRQVHWVWKHFRPSDUH'1ELWWKH LQVWUXFWLRQLVUHVHWZKHQWKHUXQJ¶VLQSXWFRQGLWLRQVJRIDOVH7KH LQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWVLWVVWDWXVELWVDQGERWKFRQWUROHOHPHQWV 1785-6.1 November 1998 10-6 Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR Example: DDT DIAGNOSTIC DETECT #I:030 Source #B3:0 Reference #N10:0 Result R6:0 Compare control Length 48 Position 0 Result control R6:1 Length 10 Position 0 EN DN FD IN ER Input File #I:030 17 bit 31 10 7KH''7LQVWUXFWLRQDERYHFRPSDUHVWKHELWVLQWKHVRXUFHILOH ,ZLWKWKHELWVLQWKHUHIHUHQFHILOH%UHFRUGLQJWKH PLVPDWFKHGELWSRVLWLRQVLQWKHUHVXOWILOH1 07 Result File 2 (mismatched bit #s) #N10 Reference File 1 #B3 bit 3 00 15 08 07 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 bit 40 bit32 0 3 1 31 2 32 3 40 9 The FBC and DDT instructions detect mismatches and record their locations by bit number in a result file. 1 The DDT instruction changes the status of the corresponding bit in the reference file to match the input file when it detects a mismatch. 2 The length of the result file is the length that you enter for RESULT CONTROL. 16657a 1785-6.1 November 1998 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Source (#I:030) Where to find input data for comparison Reference (#B3:0) Where to find the reference file Result (#N10:0) Where to store mismatched bit numbers CMP Control (R6:0) What control structure controls the comparison Length (48) The number of bits to be compared Position (0) To start at the beginning of the file Result Control (R6:1) What control structure controls the result Length (10) The number of words reserved for mismatches Position (0) To start at the beginning of the file Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR 10-7 ,PSRUWDQW 7KH)%&DQG''7LQVWUXFWLRQVPD\FDXVHDQ\ (QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUWRIDXOWLIWKHLQGH[HG DGGUHVVLQJRIIVHWFRQWDLQVDYDOXHWKDWH[FHHGVGDWD WDEOHERXQGDULHV7RZRUNDURXQGWKLVDGGDODGGHU UXQJWKDWFOHDUV6LQGH[HGDGGUHVVLQJRIIVHW LPPHGLDWHO\EHIRUHDQ)%&RU''7LQVWUXFWLRQ CLR Clear Destination S:24 FBC EN or Source Reference Result Compare Control Length Position Result Control Length Position #I0:30 #B3:0 #N10:0 R6:0 48 0 R6:1 10 0 DN FD IN ER DDT EN Source Reference Result Compare Control Length Position Result Control Length Position #I0:30 #B3:0 #N10:0 R6:0 48 0 R6:1 10 0 DN FD IN ER 1785-6.1 November 1998 10-8 Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR 7KH'75LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQLQSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWSDVVHVDVRXUFHYDOXH WKURXJKDPDVNDQGFRPSDUHVWKHUHVXOWWRDUHIHUHQFHYDOXH8VHWKLV LQVWUXFWLRQWRGHWHFWDQGLGHQWLI\LQYDOLGLQSXWVDQGWRSUHYHQWLQYDOLG LQSXWVIURPVKXWWLQJGRZQDEDWFKSURFHVVRURUPDFKLQHRSHUDWLRQ Data Transitional (DTR) Description: DTR DATA TRANSITION Source Mask Reference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ntering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH'75LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXQHHGWRSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRU ZLWKWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Example: DTR DATA TRANSITION Source Mask Reference 1785-6.1 November 1998 I:002 0FFF N63:11 Parameter: Definition: Source the address of the input word, typically real inputs. Mask the hexadecimal value or address that contains the mask value Reference the address of the reference word The reference contains the source data from the last DTR scan 7KH'75LQVWUXFWLRQDERYHSDVVHVWKHVRXUFH,WKURXJKDPDVN RIOFFFDQGFRPSDUHVWKHUHVXOWWRWKHUHIHUHQFHZRUG17KH VRXUFHZRUGLVWKHQZULWWHQLQWRWKHUHIHUHQFHDGGUHVVIRUWKHQH[W FRPSDULVRQWKHVRXUFHUHPDLQVXQFKDQJHG Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR 15 10-9 08 07 1 15 00 8 3 08 07 00 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 Source Word I:002 08 07 1 8 3 Previous Scan 1 8 3 Rung remains false as long as input value does not change 08 07 1 15 Mask Value 0FFF Reference Word N63:11 00 8 7 08 07 00 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 00 Current Scan 15 08 07 00 1 8 7 Current Scan 1 8 3 Previous Scan Rung goes true for one scan when change is detected 13385 1785-6.1 November 1998 10-10 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Diagnostic Instructions FBC, DDT, DTR Chapter 11 Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU Applying Shift Registers 8VHWKHVKLIWUHJLVWHULQVWUXFWLRQWRVLPXODWHWKHPRYHPHQWRUIORZRI SDUWVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ If You Use a Shift Register for: Data in the Shift Register Could Represent: Tracking parts through an assembly line Part types, quality, size, and status Controlling machine or process operations The order in which events occur Inventory control Identification numbers or locations System diagnostics A fault condition that caused a shutdown 7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOHVKLIWLQVWUXFWLRQV Table 11.A Available Shift Instructions If You Want to: Use these Instructions: Found on Page: Load bits into, shift bits through, and unload bits from a bit array one bit at a time, such as for tracking bottles through a bottling line where each bit represents a bottle BSL, BSR 11-2 Load and unload values in the same order, such as for tracking parts through an assembly line where parts are represented by values that have a part number and assembly code FFL, FFU 11-5 Load and unload values in reverse order, such as tracking stacked inventory in a warehouse, where goods are represented by serial number and inventory codes LFL, LFU * 11-8 * These instructions are only supported by Enhanced PLC-5 processors. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& 1785-6.1 November 1998 11-2 Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU Using Bit Shift Instructions EN %LWVKLIWLQVWUXFWLRQVVKLIWDOOELWVZLWKLQWKHVSHFLILHGDGGUHVV RQHELWSRVLWLRQZLWKHDFKIDOVHWRWUXHUXQJWUDQVLWLRQ7KHVH LQVWUXFWLRQVDUH DN %LW6KLIW/HIW%6/ %LW6KLIW5LJKW%65 Description: BSL BIT SHIFT LEFT File Control Bit address Length Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPDELWVKLIWLQVWUXFWLRQ\RXQHHGWRSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRU ZLWKWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: File the address of the bit array you want to manipulate. You must start the array at a 16-bit word boundary. For example, use bit 0 of word number 1, 2, 3, etc. You can end the array at any bit number up to 15,999. However, you cannot use the remaining bits in that particular element because the instruction invalidates them. Control The address of the control structure (48 bits – three 16-bit words) in the control area (R) of memory that stores the instruction’s status bits, the size of the array (number of bits), and the bit pointer. Position the current position of the bit to which the instruction points. Enter a value only if you want the instruction to start at an offset concurrent with a control file offset for one scan. Use the control address with mnemonic when you address this parameter. Bit Address the address of the source bit. The instruction inserts the status of this bit in either the first (lowest) bit position (for the BSL instruction) or the last (highest) bit position (for the BSR instruction) in the array. Length the decimal number of bits to be shifted. Remember that bits in I/O files are numbered in octal 00-17, but that bits in all other files are numbered in decimal 0-15. Use the control address with mnemonic when you address this parameter. 1785-6.1 November 1998 $77(17,21 'RQRWXVHWKHVDPHFRQWURODGGUHVVIRU PRUHWKDQRQHLQVWUXFWLRQ8QH[SHFWHGRSHUDWLRQFRXOG UHVXOWLQSRVVLEOHHTXLSPHQWGDPDJHDQGRUSHUVRQDO LQMXU\ Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU 11-3 Using Status Bits 7RXVHWKH%6/RU%65LQVWUXFWLRQFRUUHFWO\H[DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQ WKHFRQWUROHOHPHQW<RXDGGUHVVWKHVHELWVE\PQHPRQLF Bit: Definition: Enable .EN (bit 15) is set when the rung makes a false-to-true rung transition to indicate the instruction is enabled. Done .DN (bit 13) is set to indicate that the bit array shifted one bit position Error .ER (bit 11) is set to indicate that the instruction detected an error, such as if you entered a negative file length Unload .UL (bit 10) is the instruction’s output. The .UL bit stores the status of the bit removed from the array each time the instruction is enabled. Avoid using the .UL bit when the .ER bit is set. ,PSRUWDQW :KHQHQDEOHGWKHELWSRLQWHULVVHWWRWKHYDOXHRIWKH OHQJWKWKHELWDUUD\LVVKLIWHG$IWHUDOORIWKHELWVDUH VKLIWHGWKHLQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWVWKH(1(5DQG'1ELWV DQGWKHELWSRLQWHUZKHQLQSXWFRQGLWLRQVJRIDOVH Bit Shift Left (BSL) Example: BSL 15 14 13 12 11 10 BIT SHIFT LEFT File Control Bit address Length 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Source I:022/12 EN #B3:1 R6:53 I:022/12 58 31 16 L DN 47 32 L 48 63 58-Bit #B3/16 (B3:1) L invalid Unload Bit 64 73 L 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 16658 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: File (#B3:1) The location of the bit array Control (R6:53) The instruction’s address and control element Bit Address (I:022/12) The location of the source bit (bit 12 of input word 22) Length (58) The number of bits in the bit array 1785-6.1 November 1998 11-4 Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU :KHQDUXQJFRQWDLQLQJWKH%6/LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXH WKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(1ELW7KHQWKHSURFHVVRUVKLIWVELWVLQELW ILOH%VWDUWLQJZLWKELWWRWKHOHIWKLJKHUELWQXPEHURQHELW SRVLWLRQ7KHODVWELWVKLIWVRXWDWELWSRVLWLRQLQWRWKH8/ELW7KH VSHFLILHGVRXUFHELWELWRILQSXWZRUGVKLIWVLQWRWKHILUVWELW SRVLWLRQELWRIELWILOH% $IWHUWKHSURFHVVRUFRPSOHWHVWKHVKLIWRSHUDWLRQLQRQHSURJUDP VFDQZKHQWKHUXQJJRHVIDOVHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWVWKH(1(5LI VHWDQG'1ELWVDQGUHVHWVWKHSRLQWHU )RUZUDSDURXQGRSHUDWLRQPDNHWKHVRXUFHDGGUHVVWKHVDPHDVWKH KLJKHVWRXWJRLQJELWDGGUHVV<RXFDQRPLWXVLQJWKH8/ELWLQ ZUDSDURXQGRSHUDWLRQ Bit Shift Right (BSR) Example: BSR BIT SHIFT RIGHT File Control Bit address Length #B3:2 R6:54 I:023/06 38 EN 15 14 13 12 11 10 DN 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Unload Bit 47 32 R 48 Bit Address I:023/06 R invalid 69 38-Bit Array #B3/32 (#B3:2) 64 R 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 16659 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: File (#B3:2) The location of the bit array Control (R6:54) The instruction’s address and control element Bit Address (I:023/06) The source bit address (bit 06 in input word 23) Length (38) The number of bits in the bit array :KHQDUXQJFRQWDLQLQJWKH%65LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXH WKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(1ELW7KHQWKHSURFHVVRUVKLIWVELWVLQELW ILOH%WRWKHULJKWWRDORZHUELWQXPEHURQHELWSRVLWLRQVWDUWLQJ ZLWKWKHKLJKHVWELWSRVLWLRQ7KHORZHVWELWELWVKLIWVRXWRI WKHELWDUUD\LQWRWKH8/ELW7KHVSHFLILHGVRXUFHELWRILQSXW ZRUGVKLIWVLQWRWKHKLJKHVWELWSRVLWLRQ $IWHUWKHSURFHVVRUFRPSOHWHVWKHVKLIWRSHUDWLRQLQRQHSURJUDP VFDQZKHQWKHUXQJJRHVIDOVHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWVWKH(1(5 LI VHWDQG'1ELWVDQGUHVHWVWKHSRLQWHU )RUZUDSDURXQGRSHUDWLRQPDNHWKHVRXUFHDGGUHVVWKHVDPHDVWKH ORZHVWRXWJRLQJELWDGGUHVV<RXFDQRPLWXVLQJWKH8/ELWLQ ZUDSDURXQGRSHUDWLRQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU 11-5 Using FIFO and LIFO Instructions Description: FFL FIFO LOAD Source FIFO Control Length Position EN 8VH),)2LQVWUXFWLRQV)LUVW,Q±)LUVW2XW))/DQG))8DQG/,)2 LQVWUXFWLRQV/DVW,Q±)LUVW2XW/)/DQG/)8LQSDLUVWRVWRUHDQG UHWULHYHGDWDLQDSUHVFULEHGRUGHU DN EM FFU FIFO UNLOAD These Instructions: Retrieve Data: FFL and FFU In the order stored (first in, first out) LFL and LFU * In reverse of the order stored (last in, first out) EU * Available in Enhanced PLC-5 processors only FIFO Destination Control Length Position DN EM :KHQXVHGLQSDLUVWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVHVWDEOLVKDQDV\QFKURQRXVVKLIW UHJLVWHUVWDFN Entering Parameters :KHQ\RXSURJUDPD),)2RU/,)2VWDFNXVHWKHVDPHILOHDQG FRQWURODGGUHVVHVOHQJWKDQGSRVLWLRQYDOXHVIRUERWKLQVWUXFWLRQVLQ WKHSDLU<RXQHHGWRSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWKWKHIROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ 6RXUFHLVWKHDGGUHVVWKDWVWRUHVWKH³QH[WLQ´YDOXHWRWKH VWDFN7KH),)2RU/,)2ORDGLQVWUXFWLRQ))/RU/)/UHWULHYHV WKHYDOXHIURPWKLVDGGUHVVDQGORDGVLWLQWRWKHQH[WZRUGLQ WKHVWDFN 'HVWLQDWLRQLVWKHDGGUHVVWKDWVWRUHVWKHYDOXHWKDWH[LWVIURP WKHVWDFN This Instruction: Unloads the Value from: FIFO’s FFU Word zero LIFO’s LFU The last word entered ),)2RU/,)2LVDQLQGH[HGDGGUHVVRIWKHVWDFN8VHWKH VDPH),)2DGGUHVVIRUWKHDVVRFLDWHG))/DQG))8 LQVWUXFWLRQVXVHWKHVDPH/,)2DGGUHVVIRUWKHDVVRFLDWHG /)/DQG/)8LQVWUXFWLRQV &RQWUROLVWKHDGGUHVVRIWKHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUHELWV±WKUHH ELWZRUGVLQWKHFRQWURODUHD5RIPHPRU\7KHFRQWURO VWUXFWXUHVWRUHVWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ¶VVWDWXVELWVVWDFNOHQJWKDQG QH[WDYDLODEOHSRVLWLRQSRLQWHULQWKHVWDFN 8VHWKHFRQWURODGGUHVVZLWKPQHPRQLFZKHQ\RXDGGUHVVWKH IROORZLQJSDUDPHWHUV /HQJWK/(1LVWKHPD[LPXPQXPEHURIHOHPHQWVLQ WKH VWDFN 3RVLWLRQ326LQGLFDWHVWKHQH[WDYDLODEOHORFDWLRQZKHUH WKHLQVWUXFWLRQORDGVGDWDLQWRWKHVWDFN 1785-6.1 November 1998 11-6 Shift Register Instructions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sing Status Bits 7RXVHWKH),)2DQG/,)2LQVWUXFWLRQVFRUUHFWO\H[DPLQHVWDWXVELWV LQWKHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUH<RXDGGUHVVWKHVHELWVE\PQHPRQLF 1785-6.1 November 1998 This Bit: Is Set: Enable Load .EN (bit 15) when the rung makes a false-to-true rung transition to indicate the instruction is enabled (used in FFL and LFL instructions). Note: During prescan, this bit is set to prevent a false load when the program scan begins. Enable Unload .EU (bit 14) when rung conditions are true to indicate the instruction is enabled (used in FFU and LFU instructions). Note: During prescan, this bit is set to prevent a false unload when the program scan begins. Done .DN (bit 13) by the processor to indicate that the stack is full. The .DN bit inhibits loading the stack until there is room. Empty .EM (bit 12) by the processor to indicate that the stack is empty. Do not enable the FIFO or LIFO unload commands if the .EM bit is set. Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU 11-7 FIFO Load (FFL) and FIFO Unload (FFU) Example: DESTINATION FFL FIFO LOAD Source FIFO Control Length Position EN N60:1 #N60:3 R6:51 64 0 DN File #N60:3 N60:2 FIFO Unload removes data from stack EM FFU FIFO UNLOAD FIFO Destination Control Length Position SOURCE EU N60:1 #N60:3 N60:2 R6:51 64 0 Word 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DN 64 words allocated for FIFO stack at #N60:3 FIFO Load enters data into stack at next position EM 66 16660a FIFO Load Description: This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Source (N60:1) The location of the “next in” source word FIFO (#N60:3) The location of the stack (FIFO file) Destination (N60:2) The location of the “exit” word Control (R6:51) The instruction’s address and control structure Length (64) The maximum number of words you can load Position (0) To start at the FIFO file address :KHQWKHUXQJWKDWFRQWDLQVWKH))/LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVIURPIDOVHWR WUXHWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(1ELWDQGORDGVWKHVRXUFHHOHPHQW 1LQWRWKHQH[WDYDLODEOHHOHPHQWLQWKHVWDFNDVSRLQWHGWRE\ WKHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUH¶VSRVLWLRQ7KHSURFHVVRUORDGVDQHOHPHQWHDFK WLPHWKHUXQJJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXHXQWLOLWILOOVWKHVWDFN:KHQWKH VWDFNEHFRPHVIXOOWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH'1ELW7KHODGGHU SURJUDPVKRXOGGHWHFWWKDWWKHVWDFNLVIXOODQGLQKLELWIXUWKHUORDGLQJ RIGDWDIURPWKHVRXUFH <RXPD\ZDQWWRORDGWKHVWDFNLQDGYDQFHRUHQDEOHWKHORDG LQVWUXFWLRQZKLOHLQKLELWLQJWKHXQORDGLQVWUXFWLRQXQWLOWKHVWDFN FRQWDLQVWKHGHVLUHGGDWD FIFO Unload Description: :KHQWKHUXQJWKDWFRQWDLQVWKH))8LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVIURPIDOVHWR WUXHWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(8ELWDQGXQORDGVGDWDIURPWKHILUVW HOHPHQWVWRUHGLQWKH),)2VWDFNLQWRWKHGHVWLQDWLRQZRUG1$W WKHVDPHWLPHWKHSURFHVVRUVKLIWVDOOGDWDLQWKHVWDFNRQHSRVLWLRQ WRZDUGWKHILUVWZRUG7KHSURFHVVRUXQORDGVRQHZRUGHDFKWLPHWKH UXQJJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXHXQWLOLWHPSWLHVWKH),)2VWDFN 1785-6.1 November 1998 11-8 Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU :KHQWKHVWDFNEHFRPHVHPSW\WKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(0ELW 7KHUHDIWHUWKHSURFHVVRUWUDQVIHUVD]HURYDOXHIRUHDFKIDOVHWRWUXH UXQJWUDQVLWLRQXQWLOWKH))/LQVWUXFWLRQORDGVQHZYDOXHV<RXU ODGGHUSURJUDPVKRXOGGHWHFWWKDWWKHVWDFNLVHPSW\DQGLQKLELWRWKHU LQVWUXFWLRQVIURPXVLQJ]HURYDOXHVVWRUHGDWWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ :LWKD))8LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXFDQXQORDGGDWDIURPDZRUGRWKHUWKDQ WKHILUVWZRUGRIWKHVWDFNE\FKDQJLQJWKH),)2DGGUHVVWRWKH DGGUHVVRIWKHGHVLUHGZRUGDQGFKDQJLQJWKHOHQJWKDFFRUGLQJO\ LIFO Load (LFL) and LIFO Unload (LFU) Example: (Enhanced PLC-5 processors only) File #N70:3 LFL LIFO LOAD Source LIFO Control Length Position EN N70:1 #N70:3 R6:61 64 0 DN EM LFU LIFO UNLOAD LIFO Destination Control Length Position EU #N70:3 N70:2 R6:61 64 0 DN SOURCE N70:1 Word 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 64 words allocated for LIFO stack at #N70:3 DESTINATION N70:2 EM LIFO Load enters data into stack at next position 63 LIFO Unload removes data from stack in reverse order 16621 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: Source (N70:1) the location of the “next in” source word LIFO (#N70:3) the location of the stack (LIFO file) Destination (N70:2) the location of the “exit” word Control (R6:61) the instruction’s control structure Length (64) the maximum number of words you can load Position (0) to start at the LIFO file address ,PSRUWDQW 7KHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQ),)2DQG/,)2VWDFNRSHUDWLRQ LVWKDWWKH/)8LQVWUXFWLRQUHPRYHVGDWDLQWKHUHYHUVH RUGHUWRWKHRUGHULWLVORDGHGODVWLQILUVWRXW 2WKHUZLVH/,)2LQVWUXFWLRQVRSHUDWHLGHQWLFDOWR ),)2 LQVWUXFWLRQV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU LIFO Load Description: 11-9 :KHQWKHUXQJWKDWFRQWDLQVWKH/)/LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVIURPIDOVHWR WUXHWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(1ELWDQGORDGVWKHVRXUFHZRUG1 LQWRWKHQH[WDYDLODEOHZRUGLQWKHVWDFNDVSRLQWHGWRE\WKHFRQWURO VWUXFWXUH¶VSRVLWLRQ7KHSURFHVVRUORDGVDQHOHPHQWHDFKWLPHWKH UXQJJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXHXQWLOLWILOOVWKHVWDFN:KHQWKHVWDFN EHFRPHVIXOOWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH'1ELW7KHODGGHUSURJUDP VKRXOGGHWHFWWKDWWKHVWDFNLVIXOODQGLQKLELWIXUWKHUORDGLQJRIGDWD IURPWKHVRXUFH <RXPD\ZDQWWRORDGWKHVWDFNLQDGYDQFHRUHQDEOHWKHORDG LQVWUXFWLRQZKLOHLQKLELWLQJWKHXQORDGLQVWUXFWLRQXQWLOWKHVWDFN FRQWDLQVWKHGHVLUHGGDWD LIFO Unload Description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ovember 1998 11-10 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Shift Register Instructions BSL, BSR, FFL, FFU, LFL, LFU Chapter 12 Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL Applying Sequencers 6HTXHQFHULQVWUXFWLRQVDUHW\SLFDOO\XVHGWRFRQWURODXWRPDWLF DVVHPEO\PDFKLQHVWKDWKDYHDFRQVLVWHQWDQGUHSHDWDEOHRSHUDWLRQ 8VHWKHVHTXHQFHULQSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWRGHWHFWZKHQDVWHSLVFRPSOHWH XVHWKHVHTXHQFHURXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWRVHWRXWSXWFRQGLWLRQVIRUWKH QH[WVWHS8VHWKHVHTXHQFHUORDGLQVWUXFWLRQWRORDGUHIHUHQFH FRQGLWLRQVLQWRWKHVHTXHQFHULQSXWDQGRXWSXWILOH 7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOHVHTXHQFHULQVWUXFWLRQV Table 12.A Available Sequencer Instructions If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Control sequential machine operations by transferring 16-bit data through a mask to output image addresses SQO 12-5 Monitor machine operating conditions for diagnostic purposes by comparing 16-bit image data (through a mask) with data in a reference file SQI 12-7 Capture reference conditions by manually stepping the machine through its operating sequences and loading I/O or storage data into destination files SQL 12-8 6HTXHQFHULQVWUXFWLRQVFDQFRQVHUYHSURJUDPPHPRU\7KHVH LQVWUXFWLRQVPRQLWRUDQGFRQWUROPXOWLSOHVRIGLVFUHWHRXWSXWVDWD WLPHLQDVLQJOHUXQJ )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& 1785-6.1 November 1998 12-2 Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL Using Sequencer Instructions Description: 8VHWKH64,DQG642LQVWUXFWLRQVLQSDLUVWRUHVSHFWLYHO\PRQLWRU DQGFRQWURODVHTXHQWLDORSHUDWLRQ8VHWKH64/LQVWUXFWLRQWRORDG GDWDLQWKHVHTXHQFHUILOH SQI SQO SEQUENCER INPUT SEQUENCER OUTPUT File Mask Source Control Length Position File Mask Destination Control Length Position EN SQL SEQUENCER LOAD DN File Source Control Length Position EN DN 7KHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVRSHUDWHRQPXOWLSOHVRIELWVDWDWLPH3ODFH64, LQVWUXFWLRQVLQVHULHVDQG642LQVWUXFWLRQVLQSDUDOOHOLQWKHVDPH UXQJIRURURWKHUELWRSHUDWLRQV ,PSRUWDQW (DFK642LQVWUXFWLRQLQFUHPHQWVWKHFRQWUROVWUXFWXUH VRFRUUHVSRQGLQJ64,LQVWUXFWLRQVPD\PLVVSDUWVRIWKH VRXUFHILOH Entering Parameters :KHQSURJUDPPLQJ64,DQG642LQVWUXFWLRQVLQSDLUVXVHWKHVDPH FRQWURODGGUHVVOHQJWKYDOXHDQGSRVLWLRQYDOXHLQHDFKLQVWUXFWLRQ 7KHVDPHDSSOLHVZKHQXVLQJPXOWLSOHLQVWUXFWLRQVLQWKHVDPHUXQJ WRGRXEOHWULSOHRUIXUWKHULQFUHDVHWKHQXPEHURIELWV 7RSURJUDPVHTXHQFHULQVWUXFWLRQV\RXQHHGWRSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRU ZLWKWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 )LOHLVWKHLQGH[HGDGGUHVVRIWKHVHTXHQFHUILOHWRRUIURPZKLFK WKHLQVWUXFWLRQWUDQVIHUVGDWD,WVSXUSRVHGHSHQGVRQWKH LQVWUXFWLRQ In this Instruction: The Sequencer File Stores Data for: SQO Controlling outputs SQI Reference to detect completion of a step or a fault condition SQL Creating the SQO or SQI file Sequencer Instructions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±WKUHHELWZRUGVWKDWVWRUHVWKH LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VVWDWXVELWVWKHOHQJWKRIWKHVHTXHQFHUILOHDQGWKH LQVWDQWDQHRXVSRVLWLRQLQWKHILOH 8VHWKHFRQWURODGGUHVVZLWKPQHPRQLFZKHQ\RXDGGUHVVWKH IROORZLQJSDUDPHWHUV /HQJWK/(1LVWKHOHQJWKRIWKHVHTXHQFHUILOH 3RVLWLRQ326LVWKHFXUUHQWSRVLWLRQRIWKHZRUGLQWKH VHTXHQFHUILOHWKDWWKHSURFHVVRULVXVLQJ For this Instruction: The Control Structure Is Incremented: SQO and SQL By the instruction itself SQI Externally, either by the paired SQO with the same control address, or by another instruction $77(17,21 ([FHSWIRUSDLUHGLQVWUXFWLRQVGRQRW XVHWKHVDPHFRQWURODGGUHVVIRUDQ\RWKHUSXUSRVH 'XSOLFDWLRQRIDFRQWUROHOHPHQWFRXOGUHVXOWLQ XQSUHGLFWDEOHRSHUDWLRQSRVVLEO\FDXVLQJHTXLSPHQW GDPDJHDQGRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO 1785-6.1 November 1998 12-4 Sequencer Instructions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sing Status Bits 7RXVHWKHVHTXHQFHULQVWUXFWLRQVFRUUHFWO\WKHODGGHUSURJUDPPXVW H[DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKHFRQWUROHOHPHQW<RXDGGUHVVWKHVHELWV E\ PQHPRQLF 1785-6.1 November 1998 This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) (SQO or SQL) is set on a false-to-true rung transition to indicate that the instruction is enabled. The instruction follows the rung condition. Note: During prescan, this bit is set to prevent a false increment of the table pointer when the program scan begins. Done .DN (bit 13) (SQO or SQL) is set after the instruction finishes operating on the last word in the sequencer file. After the rung goes false, the processor resets the .DN bit on the next false-to-true rung transition. Error .ER (bit 11) when the length value is less than or equal to zero or when the position value is less than zero Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL 12-5 Sequencer Output (SQO) Example: File #N7:1 SQO SEQUENCER OUTPUT File Mask Destination Control EN #N7:1 0F0F O:014 R6:20 Length 4 Position 2 DN N7:1 17 N7:2 10 10 00 10 11 11 01 01 0 1 N7:3 11 11 01 01 01 00 10 10 2 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 0 0 1 3 Current Step 00 10 01 00 10 01 00 10 4 N7:4 N7:5 17 10 10 07 07 00 00 00 00 11 11 00 00 11 11 17 Destination O:014 10 07 Sequencer Output File Mask Value 0F0F 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 10 10 Output Module (s) 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Rack 1 I/O group 4 = No Change = Off = On 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SQO instruction moves the data of the current step through a mask to an output word for controlling multiple outputs. 16645a 1785-6.1 November 1998 12-6 Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL This Parameter: Tells the Processor: File (#N7:1) The location of the sequencer file Mask (0F0F) The fixed hexadecimal value of the mask Destination (O:014) The output image address to be changed Control (R6:20) The structure that controls the operation Length (4) The number of words to step through Position (2) The current position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esetting the Position of SQO (DFKWLPHWKHSURFHVVRUJRHVIURP3URJUDPWR5XQPRGH\RXVKRXOG UHVHWWKHSRVLWLRQRIDQ\642LQVWUXFWLRQ7RGRWKLVXVHWKH IROORZLQJODGGHUORJLF S1 MOV MOVE 15 The bit S:1/15 is the "first pass" bit. This bit is set when the processor first scans a program. When this rung goes true, the processor moves the value of 0 to the position word of the SQO instruction. After the position is set to 0, the next false to true transition will cause the processor to run step 1. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Source Dest 0 R6:20.POS Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL 12-7 Sequencer Input (SQI) Example: SQI SEQUENCER INPUT File Mask Source Control Length Position Sequencer Reference File #N7:11 #N7:11 FFF0 I:031 R6:21 4 2 Word Input Word (Source) 10 07 00 17 00 10 01 00 10 01 11 01 15 08 N 7 :11 Mask Value FFFO 08 07 15 00 11 11 11 11 11 11 00 00 1 00 Step 0 12 1 13 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 14 3 15 4 Mask bits are reset SQI instruction is true when it detects that an input word matches (through a mask) its corresponding reference word. 1 07 16646a These bits are not compared. Therefore, the instruction is true in this example. This Parameter: Tells the Processor: File (#N7:11) The location of the reference file Mask (FFF0) The fixed hexadecimal value of the mask Source (#I:031) The input image address to be compared Control (R6:21) The element that controls the operation Length (4) The number of elements to step through Position (2) The current position 7KH64,LQVWUXFWLRQFRPSDUHVDILOHRILQSXWLPDJHGDWD, WKURXJKDPDVN)))WRDILOHRIUHIHUHQFHGDWD1IRU HTXDOLW\:KHQWKHVWDWXVRIDOOQRQPDVNHGELWVRIWKHZRUGDWWKDW SDUWLFXODUVWHSPDWFKWKRVHRIWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJUHIHUHQFHZRUGWKH LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVWUXH2WKHUZLVHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVIDOVH ,PSRUWDQW <RXFDQXVHWKH64,LQVWUXFWLRQZLWKWKHFRQWURO VWUXFWXUHRIWKH642LQVWUXFWLRQ3URJUDPWKH64,DVWKH FRQGLWLRQLQVWUXFWLRQLQWKHVDPHUXQJZLWKWKH642 $VVLJQWKHVDPHFRQWURODGGUHVVDQGOHQJWKWRERWK LQVWUXFWLRQVVRWKH\WUDFNWRJHWKHU Using SQI Without SQO $QRWKHUDSSOLFDWLRQRIWKH64,LQVWUXFWLRQLVPDFKLQHGLDJQRVWLFV ZKHUH\RXORDGWKHUHIHUHQFHILOHZLWKGDWDUHSUHVHQWLQJWKHGHVLUHG VHTXHQFHRIPDFKLQHRSHUDWLRQ:KHQRSHUDWLQJLIWKHUHDOWLPH VHTXHQFHRIRSHUDWLRQGRHVQRWPDWFKWKHGHVLUHGVHTXHQFHRI RSHUDWLRQVWRUHGLQWKHUHIHUHQFHILOHHQDEOHDIDXOWVLJQDO,QWKLV FDVHWKHODGGHUSURJUDPH[WHUQDOO\LQFUHPHQWVWKH64,LQVWUXFWLRQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 12-8 Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL 7RH[WHUQDOO\LQFUHPHQWWKHVHTXHQFHUILOHXVHD&37LQVWUXFWLRQWR PRYHDQHZSRVLWLRQYDOXHLQWRWKH64,LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VFRQWUROHOHPHQW 'RWKLVWRLQFUHPHQWHDFKVWHSLQWKH64,LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VILOH5XQJ LQFUHPHQWVWKH64,LQVWUXFWLRQ5XQJUHVHWVWKHSRVLWLRQYDOXHDIWHU VWHSSLQJWKURXJKWKHILOH SQI Rung 0 ADD SEQUENCER INPUT ADD #N7:0 F0FF I:005 R6:0 20 0 File Mask Source Control Length Position Rung 1 Source A Source B Destination GTR MOV GREATER THAN MOVE Source A Source B R6:0.POS R6:0.LEN R6:0.POS 1 R6:0.POS 0 Source Destination 0 R6:0.POS 0 Sequencer Load (SQL) Example: SQL SEQUENCER LOAD EN File Source Control Length #N7:20 I:002 R6:22 5 Position 3 DN 17 00 00 00 10 10 11 00 11 01 Input Module (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Source Word I:002 10 0 7 Source I:002 Destination File #N7:20 Word N70:20 15 08 07 00 0 1 Sequencer Destination 2 File #N7:20 21 22 23 00 00 10 10 11 00 11 01 24 25 3 4 Current Step 5 Rack 0 I/O Group 2 SQL instruction loads data from the input word into a destination file from where it can be moved to other sequencer files. 1785-6.1 November 1998 16661a Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL 12-9 This Parameter: Tells the Processor: File (#N7:20) The location of the destination file Source (I:002) The input image address to be read Control (R6:22) The structure that controls the operation Length (5) The number of words to step through Position (3) The current step :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVIURPIDOVHWRWUXHWKH64/LQVWUXFWLRQ LQFUHPHQWVWRWKHQH[WVWHSLQWKHVHTXHQFHUILOHDQGORDGVGDWDLQWRLW RQHVWHSIRUHDFKUXQJWUDQVLWLRQ7KH64/LQVWUXFWLRQORDGVFXUUHQW GDWDHDFKVFDQWKDWWKHUXQJUHPDLQVWUXH$PDVNLVQRWXVHG $WVWDUWXSZKHQ\RXVZLWFKWKHSURFHVVRUIURP3URJUDPWR5XQ PRGHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQRSHUDWLRQGHSHQGVRQZKHWKHUWKHUXQJLVWUXHRU IDOVHRQWKHILUVWVFDQ ,IWKHUXQJLVWUXHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQORDGVGDWDLQWRVWHS ,IWKHUXQJLVIDOVHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQZDLWVIRUWKHILUVWIDOVHWRWUXH UXQJWUDQVLWLRQDQGORDGVGDWDLQWRVWHS $IWHUORDGLQJWKHODVWVWHSWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH'1ELW2QWKHQH[W IDOVHWRWUXHWUDQVLWLRQWKHSURFHVVRUUHVHWVLWV'1ELWUHVHWVWKH SRVLWLRQWRVWHSDQGORDGVGDWDLQWRWKDWZRUG 1785-6.1 November 1998 12-10 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Sequencer Instructions SQO, SQI, SQL Chapter 13 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID Selecting Program Flow Instructions 3URJUDPIORZLQVWUXFWLRQVFKDQJHWKHIORZRIODGGHUSURJUDP H[HFXWLRQ8VH7DEOH$WRVHOHFWWKHSURJUDPFRQWUROLQVWUXFWLRQRU JURXSRILQVWUXFWLRQVWKDWILW\RXUSURJUDPPLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV Table 13.A Available Program Control Instructions Then Use these Instructions: Found on Page: Turn off all non-retentive outputs in a section of ladder program MCR 13-2 Jump over a section of a program that does not always need to be executed JMP, LBL 13-3 Loop through a set of rungs for a preset number of times FOR, NXT, BRK 13-5 Jump to a separate subroutine file, pass data to the subroutine, perform an operation, and return the results JSR, SBR, RET 13-8 Mark a temporary end that halts program execution beyond it TND 13-13 Disable a rung AFI 13-13 Trigger a one-shot event based on a change in rung condition ONS, OSR,* OSF* 13-14 (ONS), 13-15 (OSR), 13-16 (OSF) Reset a sequential function chart SFR* 13-17 End a transition file EOT 13-18 Enable or disable user interrupts UIE,* UID* 13-19 (UID), 13-20 (UIE) If You Want to: *These instructions are only supported by Enhanced PLC-5 processors. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-2 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID Master Control Reset (MCR) Description: MCR 8VH0&5LQVWUXFWLRQVLQSDLUVWRFUHDWHSURJUDP]RQHVWKDWWXUQRII DOOWKHQRQUHWHQWLYHRXWSXWVLQWKH]RQH5XQJVZLWKLQWKH0&5]RQH DUHVWLOOVFDQQHGEXWVFDQWLPHLVUHGXFHGGXHWRWKHIDOVHVWDWHRI QRQUHWHQWLYHRXWSXWV1RQUHWHQWLYHRXWSXWVDUHUHVHWZKHQWKHLUUXQJ JRHVIDOVH If the MCR Rung that Starts the Zone Is: Then the Processor: True Executes the rungs in the MCR zone based on each rung’s individual input conditions (as if the zone did not exist). False Resets all non-retentive output instructions in the MCR zone regardless of each rung’s individual input conditions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ovember 1998 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID :KHQWKHUXQJFRQWDLQLQJWKHILUVW0&5LQVWUXFWLRQLVWUXHWKH SURFHVVRUH[HFXWHVWKHUXQJVLQWKH0&5]RQHEDVHGRQWKHUXQJ LQSXWFRQGLWLRQV2WKHUZLVHWKHSURFHVVRUUHVHWVWKHQRQUHWHQWLYH RXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQVZLWKLQWKH0&5]RQH Example: I:012 I:012 I:012 MCR 01 02 13-3 Beginning of zone 03 I:012 O:013 04 01 I:012 I:012 O:013 11 12 02 I:012 03 I:012 I:012 O:013 13 10 03 MCR When the first MCR instruction is true, the processor executes the rungs in the zone. When the first MCR instruction is false, the processor resets all non-retentive outputs in the zone. End of zone Jump (JMP) and Label (LBL) Description: JMP ] LBL [ 8VH-03DQG/%/LQVWUXFWLRQVLQSDLUVWRVNLSSRUWLRQVRIWKHODGGHU SURJUDP If the Jump Rung Is: Then the Processor: True Skips from the JMP rung to the LBL rung and continues executing the program. You can jump forward or backward. False Ignores the JMP instruction -XPSLQJIRUZDUGWRDODEHOVDYHVSURJUDPVFDQWLPHE\RPLWWLQJD SURJUDPVHJPHQWXQWLOQHHGHG-XPSLQJEDFNZDUGOHWVWKHSURFHVVRU UHSHDWLWHUDWLRQVWKURXJKDSURJUDPVHJPHQWXQWLOLWVORJLF LV FRPSOHWH ,PSRUWDQW %HFDUHIXOQRWWRMXPSEDFNZDUGVDQH[FHVVLYHQXPEHU RIWLPHV7KHZDWFKGRJWLPHUFRXOGWLPHRXWZKLFK ZRXOGIDXOWWKHSURFHVVRU 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-4 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID Using JMP 7KH-03LQVWUXFWLRQOHWVWKHSURFHVVRUVNLSUXQJV<RXFDQMXPSWR WKHVDPHODEHOIURPRQHRUPRUH-03LQVWUXFWLRQV $77(17,21 -XPSHGWLPHUVDQGFRXQWHUVDUHQRW VFDQQHG5HSURJUDPFULWLFDORSHUDWLRQVRXWVLGHWKH MXPSHG]RQH Using LBL 7KH/%/LQVWUXFWLRQLVWKHWDUJHWRIWKH-03LQVWUXFWLRQWKDWKDVWKH VDPHODEHOQXPEHU3ODFHWKH/%/LQVWUXFWLRQILUVWRQWKHUXQJWR ZKHUH\RXZDQWWKHSURFHVVRUWRMXPS ,PSRUWDQW 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKH/%/LQVWUXFWLRQLVWKHILUVW LQVWUXFWLRQRQWKHUXQJ7KHVRIWZDUHFXUUHQWO\OHWV\RX WRFUHDWHDEUDQFKDURXQGDQ/%/LQVWUXFWLRQWKLVZLOO FDXVHWKHSURFHVVRUWRRSHUDWHLQFRUUHFWO\ If You Have this Processor: Valid LBL Numbers: Valid Amount Per Program File: Enhanced PLC-5 000-255 256 Classic PLC-5 0-31 32 ,I\RXPRGLI\DQGDFFHSWDUXQJFRQWDLQLQJDODEHOZKLOHRQOLQHZLWK WKHSURFHVVRULQ5XQPRGHWKHVRIWZDUHFUHDWHVDQ,5SDLU,I\RX PRGLI\WKH,UXQJEHIRUHDVVHPEOLQJWKHHGLWVWKHSURFHVVRUZLOOIDXOW ZLWKDGXSOLFDWHODEHOHUURU 7KHUHDUHIRXUZD\VWRDYRLGWKLVSUREOHP 1785-6.1 November 1998 (GLWWKHUXQJZLWKWKHSURFHVVRULQ3URJUDPPRGH &DQFHOWKHHGLWVDQGUHHGLWWKHUXQJ /HWWKHIDXOWRFFXUWKHQFOHDUWKHIDXOWDIWHUDVVHPEOLQJWKHHGLWV $VVHPEOHWKHILUVWHGLWWKHQPRGLI\WKHUXQJDJDLQWRPDNHWKH VHFRQGFKDQJH,I\RXDUHHGLWLQJRQOLQHWKHSURFHVVRUPD\ H[HFXWHWKHUXQJZLWKWKHILUVWHGLWDQGPD\FDXVHWKHSURFHVVRUWR IDXOWRUUXQLPSURSHUO\ Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID JMP and LBL Example: 13-5 :KHQWKHUXQJFRQWDLQLQJWKH-03LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVWUXHWKH SURFHVVRUMXPSVRYHUVXFFHVVLYHUXQJVXQWLOLWUHDFKHVWKHUXQJWKDW FRQWDLQVWKH/%/LQVWUXFWLRQZLWKWKHVDPHQXPEHU7KHSURFHVVRU UHVXPHVH[HFXWLQJDWWKH/%/UXQJ I:012 I:012 O:013 10 11 01 I:012 20 JMP 13 When input I:012/13 is set, the processor jumps to label 20 and continues program execution. It does not execute the rungs between these two points. TON T4:0 TIMER ON DELAY DN Timer Time base Preset Accum EN T4:0 1.0 100 0 I:012 O:013 10 13 20 I:012 O:013 17 02 DN LBL 7KHWLPHU721ZLOOQRWXSGDWHDVORQJDV,LVWUXH For Next Loop (FOR, NXT), Break (BRK) Description: FOR FOR Label number Index Initial value Terminal value Step size NXT NEXT Label Number 8VH)25%5.DQG1;7LQVWUXFWLRQVWRFUHDWH\RXURZQ SURJUDPPLQJURXWLQHVZKHUH\RXFRQWUROWKHQXPEHURIWLPHVWKH ORRSLVH[HFXWHG ,PSRUWDQW 'XULQJSUHVFDQODGGHULQVWUXFWLRQVZLWKLQWKH )251;7ORRSDUHSUHVFDQQHGQRWVNLSSHG $77(17,21 8VLQJ)25DQG1;7LQVWUXFWLRQV ZLWKLQDQRXWSXWEUDQFKFDQFDXVHXQSUHGLFWDEOH PDFKLQHRSHUDWLRQ :KHQXVLQJWKH)25DQG1;7LQVWUXFWLRQVZLWKLQD EUDQFKLQDODGGHUSURJUDPWKHH[HFXWLRQRIWKH )251;7ORRSPD\QRWRFFXUDVH[SHFWHG'RQRW XVHWKH)25RU1;7LQVWUXFWLRQVZKHQ SURJUDPPLQJZLWKLQDEUDQFKLQDODGGHUSURJUDP 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-6 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKH)25LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Label number the unique label number that marks the location of the FOR instruction. Enter a unique number. Classic PLC-5 processors support label numbers 0-31; Enhanced PLC-5 processors support label numbers 0-255. Index the logical address where the instruction stores the index value it computes. The index value is the sum of the initial value plus the accumulating step values. The FOR instruction uses the index value to determine the number of times the loop is executed. When you enable the FOR instruction, the processor sets the index value equal to the initial value. Then, if the index values is less than or equal to the terminal value, the processor loops through the following instructions. If the index is greater than the terminal value, the processor jumps to the NXT instruction. When the processor encounters a NXT instruction, it returns to the corresponding FOR instruction, then it compares the index with the terminal value. If the index is less than or equal to the terminal value, the processor jumps back to the FOR instruction. Otherwise it steps to the following instruction. If the processor encounters a BRK on a true rung, the processor skips to the instruction following the NXT. Initial value (index value) is an integer value or integer address that represents the starting value for the loop. Terminal value (reference value) is an integer value or integer address that represents the ending value for the loop. Step size (constant) is an integer value that specifies the amount to increment the index value. You can change the step value from the ladder program. Using FOR :KHQWKHUXQJLVWUXHWKH)25LQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWHVWKHUXQJV EHWZHHQWKH)25DQG1;7UHSHDWHGO\LQRQHSURJUDPVFDQXQWLOLW UHDFKHVWKHSUHVHWQXPEHURIORRSVRUD%5.LQVWUXFWLRQDERUWVWKH RSHUDWLRQ7KH)25LQVWUXFWLRQUHSHDWVWKLVRSHUDWLRQHDFKVFDQLWV UXQJLVWUXH7KH)25LQVWUXFWLRQGRHVQRWUHTXLUHDUXQJWUDQVLWLRQWR EHJLQRSHUDWLRQ :KHQWKHUXQJLVIDOVHWKHSURFHVVRUMXPSVWRWKHUXQJIROORZLQJWKH 1;7LQVWUXFWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW %HFDUHIXOQRWWRORRSWRRPDQ\WLPHVLQWKHVLQJOH SURJUDPVFDQ$QH[FHVVLYHQXPEHURIFDOOVFDXVHVWKH ZDWFKGRJWLPHUWRWLPHRXWZKLFKIDXOWVWKHSURFHVVRU <RXFDQFKDQJHWKHLQLWLDODQGWHUPLQDOYDOXHVIURPWKHPDLQ SURJUDPEHIRUHH[HFXWLQJWKH)25LQVWUXFWLRQ<RXVKRXOGQRW FKDQJHWKHLQGH[YDOXH 1785-6.1 November 1998 $77(17,21 &KDQJLQJWKHLQGH[YDOXHFRXOGFDXVH WKHLQVWUXFWLRQWRH[HFXWHWKHORRSDQXQH[SHFWHGQXPEHU RIWLPHVZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQWDQGRU LQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID 13-7 $OVRLI\RXHGLWD)251;7LQVWUXFWLRQLQ5HPRWH581PRGH PDNHVXUHWKDW\RXPDNHWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJFKDQJHVWRERWKUXQJV EHIRUHDVVHPEOLQJHGLWV)RUH[DPSOHLI\RXZDQWWRFKDQJHWKHODEHO QXPEHUIRUWKH)251;7SDLUFKDQJHWKHODEHOLQWKH)25 LQVWUXFWLRQDQGLQWKH1;7LQVWUXFWLRQWKHQDVVHPEOHWKHHGLWV,I \RXDVVHPEOHHGLWVDIWHUFKDQJLQJRQO\RQHRIWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVLQ WKH)251;7SDLUWKHSURFHVVRUFDXVHVDUXQWLPHHUURURU ZDWFKGRJWLPHRXW Using BRK 7KH%5.LQVWUXFWLRQVWRSVWKH)25LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VRSHUDWLRQ3ODFHWKH %5.UXQJDQ\ZKHUHEHWZHHQWKH)25DQG1;7UXQJV:KHQWKH UXQJJRHVWUXHLWUHWXUQVWKHSURFHVVRUWRWKHQH[WKLJKHVWORRSLI\RX DUHXVLQJQHVWHGORRSVRUWRWKHIROORZLQJLQVWUXFWLRQDIWHUWKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ1;7LQVWUXFWLRQLQWKHPDLQSURJUDP 8VH%5.WRH[LWWKHORRSZKHQHYHUWKHSURFHVVRUGHWHFWVDQHUURURU WRDYRLGSURORQJHGORRSVWKDWFRXOGFDXVHWKHZDWFKGRJWLPHUWRWLPH RXWZKLFKZRXOGIDXOWWKHSURFHVVRU Using NXT 7KH1;7LQVWUXFWLRQPXVWEHSURJUDPPHGRQDQXQFRQGLWLRQDOUXQJ WKDWLVWKHODVWUXQJWREHUHSHDWHGE\WKH)RU1H[WORRS7KH1;7 LQVWUXFWLRQUHWXUQVWKHSURFHVVRUWRWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJ)25 LQVWUXFWLRQLGHQWLILHGE\WKHODEHOQXPEHUVSHFLILHGLQWKH 1;7 LQVWUXFWLRQ FOR, BRK, and NXT Example: If integer file 7, word 10, bit 5 is false, skip to the rung following the NXT instruction. N7:10 If integer file 7, word 10, bit 5 is true, initialize N7:0 to zero and execute the rungs until the NXT. When the processor encounters the NXT, increment N7:0 and jump back to the FOR instruction. As long as N7:0 is less than or equal to 10, keep executing the loop. When N7:0 is greater than 10, jump to the rung following the NXT. 5 rung rung rung FOR FOR Label number Index Initial value Terminal value Step size 0 N7:0 0 10 1 N7:10 / BRK 5 rung rung rung rung rung rung If integer file 7, word 10, bit 5 ever goes true, break out of the loop and jump to the rung following the NXT instruction. NXT NEXT Label Number 0 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-8 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID Jump to Subroutine (JSR), Subroutine (SBR), and Return (RET) Description: JSR JUMP TO SUBROUTINE Prog file number Input parameter Return parameter SBR SUBROUTINE Input parameter RET RETURN ( ) Return parameter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assing Parameters 3DVVVHOHFWHGYDOXHVWRDVXEURXWLQHEHIRUHH[HFXWLRQVRWKH VXEURXWLQHFDQSHUIRUPPDWKHPDWLFDORUORJLFDORSHUDWLRQVRQWKH GDWDDQGUHWXUQWKHUHVXOWVWRWKHPDLQSURJUDP )RUH[DPSOH\RXFDQZULWHDJHQHULFVXEURXWLQHIRUPXOWLSOHUHFLSH RSHUDWLRQV7KHQSDVVSUHVHWYDOXHVIRUHDFKUHFLSHWRWKHVXEURXWLQH LQDGYDQFHRUKDYHWKHPDLQSURJUDPVSHFLI\DQGSDVVSUHVHWV DFFRUGLQJWRDSSOLFDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID 13-9 <RXFDQSDVVWKHIROORZLQJW\SHVRISDUDPHWHUV Type: Example: Program constant (integer) 256 Program constant (floating point) 23.467 Logical element address N7:0 Logical structure address C5:0.ACC ,I\RXSDVVIORDWLQJSRLQWGDWDWRDQLQWHJHUDGGUHVVWKHIUDFWLRQDOSDUW RIWKHYDOXHLVWUXQFDWHGORVW ,PSRUWDQW 'RQRWPL[IORDWLQJSRLQWDQGLQWHJHUGDWDDQGDGGUHVVHV ZKHQSDVVLQJGDWDRU\RXZLOOORVHDFFXUDF\ Example of Passing Parameters: 7KHIROORZLQJGLDJUDPVKRZVWKHSDVVLQJRISDUDPHWHUVEHWZHHQD PDLQSURJUDPILOHDQGDVXEURXWLQHILOH Main Ladder Program JSR JUMP TO SUBROUTINE Values are returned Prog file number Input parameter Input parameter Input parameter Return parameter Return parameter 90 N16:23 N16:24 231 N19:11 N19:12 Program constants and values stored at logical addresses are passed to the SBR instruction when execution jumps to the subroutine file. Execution resumes Subroutine File 090 SBR SUBROUTINE Values and program constants are stored at logical addresses in the subroutine as subroutine execution begins. Input parameter Input parameter Input parameter N43:0 N43:1 N10:3 RET Values stored at logical addresses are returned to the addresses that you specified in the JSR instruction when execution returns to the main ladder program. RETURN ( ) Return parameter Return parameter N43:5 N43:4 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-10 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWKWKH IROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Program file number the program file number of the file that contains the subroutine Input parameter (JSR) a program constant or an address of a parameter to be sent to the subroutine (optional) Input parameter (SBR) an address where the subroutine stores the incoming data (optional) Return parameter (JSR) an address that stores the data received from the subroutine (optional) Return parameter (RET) a program constant or an address of a parameter to be returned to the JSR instruction in the main program (optional) :KHQHQWHULQJLQSXWDQGUHWXUQSDUDPHWHUV :KHQ\RXHQWHUWKH-65LQVWUXFWLRQWKHSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUH SURPSWV\RXIRULQSXWSDUDPHWHUV$IWHU\RXHQWHUDQLQSXW SDUDPHWHUSUHVV[Enter]7KHVRIWZDUHSURPSWV\RXIRUDQRWKHU LQSXWSDUDPHWHU:KHQ\RXGRQRWKDYHDQ\PRUHLQSXW SDUDPHWHUVWRHQWHUSUHVV[Enter] DJDLQ7KHQWKHSURJUDPPLQJ VRIWZDUHSURPSWV\RXIRUUHWXUQSDUDPHWHUVLQWKHVDPHPDQQHU DVLWGLGIRUWKHLQSXWSDUDPHWHUV<RXFDQQRWHQWHUPRUHWKDQ HLJKWLQSXWDQGUHWXUQSDUDPHWHUVFRPELQHG 0DNHWKHQXPEHURI-65LQSXWVWR\RXUVXEURXWLQHJUHDWHUWKDQRU HTXDOWRWKHQXPEHURILQSXWSDUDPHWHUDGGUHVVHVLQWKH6%5 LQVWUXFWLRQ)HZHULQSXWVWKDQDGGUHVVHVWRUHFHLYHWKHPFDXVHVD UXQWLPHHUURU 0DNHWKHQXPEHURI5(7UHWXUQSDUDPHWHUVJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDO WRWKHQXPEHURI-65UHWXUQDGGUHVVHVWRUHFHLYHWKHP)HZHU RXWSXWVWKDQDGGUHVVHVWRUHFHLYHWKHPFDXVHVDUXQWLPHHUURU Nesting Subroutine Files <RXFDQQHVWXSWRHLJKWVXEURXWLQHVZLWKLQDSURJUDPILOH7KLV PHDQV\RXFDQGLUHFWSURJUDPIORZIURPWKHPDLQSURJUDPWRD VXEURXWLQHDQGRQWRDQRWKHUVXEURXWLQHDVORQJWKHUHDUHQRPRUH WKDQOHYHOVRIVXEURXWLQHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID 13-11 7KHSDWKEDFNLVWKHUHYHUVH$W5(7WKHSURFHVVRUDXWRPDWLFDOO\ UHWXUQVWRWKHQH[WLQVWUXFWLRQDIWHUWKHSUHYLRXV-65LQVWUXFWLRQ7KH SURFHVVRUIROORZVWKLVSURFHGXUHXQWLOLWUHWXUQVWRWKHPDLQSURJUDP Level 1 Subroutine File 90 Main Program 90 SBR Level 2 Subroutine File 91 SBR Level 3 Subroutine File 92 SBR JS R 91 92 JS R JS R RET RET RET 15294 Using JSR 7KH-65LQVWUXFWLRQGLUHFWVWKHSURFHVVRUWRWKHVSHFLILHGVXEURXWLQH ILOHDQGLIUHTXLUHGGHILQHVWKHSDUDPHWHUVSDVVHGWRDQGUHFHLYHG IURPWKHVXEURXWLQH :KHQSURJUDPPLQJWKH-65NHHSWKHIROORZLQJLQPLQG (DFKVXEURXWLQHWKDWLVH[WHUQDOWRWKHPDLQSURJUDPILOHPXVW KDYHLWVRZQILOHLGHQWLILHGE\DXQLTXHILOHGHVFULSWRU <RXFDQQRWMXPSLQWRDQ\SDUWRIWKHVXEURXWLQHILOHH[FHSWIRU WKHILUVW6%5LQVWUXFWLRQLQWKDWILOH <RXFDQQHVWXSWRHLJKWVXEURXWLQHILOHV Using SBR 7KHRSWLRQDO6%5LQVWUXFWLRQLVWKHKHDGHULQVWUXFWLRQWKDWVWRUHV LQFRPLQJSDUDPHWHUV8VH6%5RQO\LI\RXZDQWWRSDVVSDUDPHWHUV :KHQ\RXSDVVSDUDPHWHUVWKH6%5LQVWUXFWLRQPXVWEHWKHILUVW LQVWUXFWLRQLQWKHILUVWUXQJRIWKHVXEURXWLQH7KLVUXQJPXVWDOVR KDYHDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQ7KH6%5LQVWUXFWLRQVWRUHVWKHSURJUDP FRQVWDQWVDQGGDWDWDEOHYDOXHVSDVVHGIURPWKH-65LQVWUXFWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW ,I\RXXVHWKH6%5LQVWUXFWLRQWKH6%5LQVWUXFWLRQ PXVWEHWKHILUVWLQVWUXFWLRQRQWKHILUVWUXQJLQWKH SURJUDPILOHWKDWFRQWDLQVWKHVXEURXWLQH 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-12 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID Using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and RET Example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rog file number Input par Input par Input par Return par Return par Balance of Main Program Subroutine 90 N16:23 N16:24 231 N19:11 N19:12 SBR SUBROUTINE Input par Input par Input par N43:0 N43:1 N43:2 (Enter your own logic operation) RET RETURN ( ) Return par Return par 1785-6.1 November 1998 N43:3 N43:4 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID 13-13 Temporary End (TND) Description: TND Example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lways False (AFI) Description: Example: 7KH$),LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQLQSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWPDNHVWKHUXQJIDOVH ZKHQLQVHUWHGLQWKHFRQGLWLRQVLGHRIWKHUXQJ<RXFDQXVHWKH$), LQVWUXFWLRQWRWHPSRUDULO\GLVDEOHDUXQJZKHQ\RXGHEXJDSURJUDP AFI 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-14 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID One Shot (ONS) Description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xample: I:011 N7:10 B3 ONS 04 10 5 When the input condition goes from false to true, the ONS conditions the rung so that the output turns on for one scan. The output turns off for successive scans until the input goes from false to true again. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID 13-15 One Shot Rising (OSR) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description: OSR ONE SHOT RISING OB Storage BIt Output Bit Output Word SB 7KH265LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWWULJJHUVDQHYHQWWR RFFXURQHWLPH7KH265LQVWUXFWLRQVHWVWKHIROORZLQJELWV This Bit: Changes State as Follows: Output .OB Is set for one program scan when the rung goes from false to true Note: During prescan, this bit is cleared to inhibit false triggering when the program scan begins. Storage .SB Follows the rung status Note: During prescan, this bit is cleared to inhibit false triggering when the program scan begins. 8VHWKH265LQVWUXFWLRQZKHQHYHUDQHYHQWPXVWVWDUWEDVHGRQWKH FKDQJHRIVWDWHRIWKHUXQJIURPIDOVHWRWUXHQRWFRQWLQXRXVO\ZKHQ WKHUXQJLVWUXH<RXPXVWHQWHUDELWDGGUHVVIRUWKHRXWSXWELWDQG VWRUDJHELW8VHHLWKHUDELQDU\ILOHRULQWHJHUILOHDGGUHVV Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQV\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Storage bit the address where you want the storage bit status stored. For example, B3/17 Output bit the bit position in the output word where you want the output bit status stored. For example 5 Output word the word address where you want the output bit status stored. For example, N7:0 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-16 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID One Shot Falling (OSF) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description: OSF ONE SHOT FALLING OB Storage BIt Output Bit Output Word SB 7KH26)LQVWUXFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWLQVWUXFWLRQWKDWWULJJHUVDQHYHQWWR RFFXURQHWLPHZKHQWKHUXQJWUDQVLWLRQVIURPWUXHWRIDOVH7KH26) LQVWUXFWLRQVHWVWKHIROORZLQJELWV This Bit: Changes State as Follows: Output .OB Is set for one program scan when the rung goes from true to false Storage .SB Follows the rung status 8VHWKH26)LQVWUXFWLRQZKHQHYHUDQHYHQWPXVWVWDUWEDVHGRQWKH FKDQJHRIVWDWHRIWKHUXQJIURPWUXHWRIDOVHQRWRQWKHUHVXOWLQJUXQJ VWDWXV<RXPXVWHQWHUDELWDGGUHVVIRUWKHRXWSXWELWDQGVWRUDJHELW 8VHHLWKHUDELQDU\ILOHRULQWHJHUILOHDGGUHVV Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQV\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWK WKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Parameter: Definition: Storage bit the address where you want the storage bit status stored. For example, B3/17 Output bit the bit position of the output word where you want the output bit status stored. For example 5 Output word the word address where you want the output bit status stored. For example, N7:0 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID 13-17 Sequential Function Chart Reset (SFR) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description: SFR SFC Reset Prog file number Restart step at 7KH6)5LQVWUXFWLRQUHVHWVWKHORJLFLQDVHTXHQWLDOIXQFWLRQFKDUW :KHQDQ6)5LQVWUXFWLRQJRHVWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUSHUIRUPVD SRVWVFDQODVWVFDQRQDOODFWLYHVWHSVDQGDFWLRQVLQWKHVHOHFWHG ILOHDQGWKHQUHVHWVWKHORJLFLQWKH6)&RQWKHQH[WSURJUDPVFDQ 7KHFKDUWUHPDLQVLQWKLVUHVHWVWDWHXQWLOWKH6)5LQVWUXFWLRQJRHV IDOVH7KH6)5LQVWUXFWLRQDOVRUHVHWVDOOUHWHQWLYHDFWLRQVWKDWDUH FXUUHQWO\DFWLYH Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPWKLVLQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUZLWKWKH IROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Example: SFR SFC Reset Prog file number Restart step at 2 N7:5 Parameter: Definition: Program File Number a valid SFC program file number Restart Step at enter one of the following: • a valid step reference number, 0 to 32767 (entering a 0 defaults to restarting at the initial step) • a valid step name • an integer address (that stores a step reference number) • an address symbol (of an integer address that stores a step reference number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ovember 1998 13-18 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID ,PSRUWDQW 8VHRQO\RQH6)5LQVWUXFWLRQWRDVLQJOHFKDUW0XOWLSOH 6)5¶VLQWKHVDPHFKDUWFDQSURGXFHXQGHVLUHGUHVXOWV VLQFHWUXHDQGIDOVHVFDQVRIWKH6)5FDXVHGLIIHUHQW SURJUDPEHKDYLRU $QDQDORJ\ZRXOGEHXVLQJPXOWLSOH721WLPHULQVWUXFWLRQVXVLQJWKH VDPHFRQWUROILOH,I\RXZDQWWRUHVHWDFKDUWWRGLIIHUHQWSRVLWLRQVLQ WKHFKDUWEDVHGRQGLIIHUHQWFRQGLWLRQVWKHQORDGWKHµVWHSWRUHVHWWR¶ LQWRDQLQWHJHUGDWDWDEOHORFDWLRQEDVHGRIWKHFRQGLWLRQDQGWKHQ WULJJHUWKH6)5 End of Transition (EOT) Description: Example: [ EOT ] 1785-6.1 November 1998 7KH(27LQVWUXFWLRQVKRXOGEHODVWLQVWUXFWLRQLQDWUDQVLWLRQILOH,I \RXGRQRWSODFHDQ(27LQVWUXFWLRQLQDWUDQVLWLRQILOHWKHSURFHVVRU DOZD\VHYDOXDWHVWKHWUDQVLWLRQILOHDVWUXH ,PSRUWDQW 'XULQJSUHVFDQWKH(27LQVWUXFWLRQLVVNLSSHGVRWKDW DOOODGGHULQVWUXFWLRQVFDQEHSUHVFDQQHG Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID 13-19 User Interrupt Disable (UID) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description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¶VUHVSRQVHWLPHWRDQ67, RU3,,HYHQWPD\EHDIIHFWHG7KH8,'8,(VHFWLRQRI \RXUSURJUDPVKRXOGEHDVVKRUWDVSRVVLEOH/HDYLQJ 67,VDQG3,,VGLVDEOHGIRUH[WHQGHGSHULRGVRIWLPH HYHQWXDOO\OHDGVWR67,DQG3,,RYHUODSHUURUV ,PSRUWDQW ,I\RXKDYHDQ\EORFNWUDQVIHULQDQ67,RU3,,DQGWKDW EORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQLVZLWKLQD8,'8,(VHFWLRQRI \RXUSURJUDPWKHPDLQSURJUDPVFDQVWRSVXQWLOWKH EORFNWUDQVIHUFRPSOHWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 13-20 Program Control Instructions MCR, JMP, LBL, FOR, NXT, BRK, JSR, SBR, RET, TND, AFI, ONS, OSR, OSF, SFR, EOT, UIE, UID User Interrupt Enable (UIE) (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Description: 7KH8,(LQVWUXFWLRQUHHQDEOHV67,RU3,,LQWHUUXSWSURJUDPV :KHQWKHUXQJLVWUXHDQGWKHLQWHUQDOLQWHUUXSWGLVDEOHFRXQWHULV JUHDWHUWKDQ]HURWKHLQWHUUXSWGLVDEOHFRXQWHULVGHFUHPHQWHG UIE :KHQWKHFRXQWHUHTXDOV]HURWKHSURJUDPFXUUHQWO\H[HFXWLQJLV WKHQDEOHWREHLQWHUUXSWHGDJDLQ,IWKHUHDUHDQ\LQWHUUXSWSURJUDPV SHQGLQJWKH\DUHH[HFXWHGDWWKLVWLPH Example: I:012 I:012 I:012 O:013 Program can be interrupted 01 02 03 02 UID I:012 I:012 O:013 01 04 02 I:012 I:012 O:013 04 02 03 Program cannot be interrupted I:012 03 UIE 1785-6.1 November 1998 Program can be interrupted Chapter 14 Process Control Instruction PID Using PID 3,'FORVHGORRSFRQWUROKROGVDSURFHVVYDULDEOHDWDGHVLUHGVHW SRLQW)LJXUHVKRZVDIORZUDWHIOXLGOHYHOH[DPSOH Figure 14.1 PID Control Example FFWD or Bias Set Point Flow Rate Error R PID Equation Process Variable R Control Output Level Detector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ovember 1998 14-2 Process Control Instruction PID PID Features 7KH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQOHWVWKHSURFHVVPRQLWRUDQGFRQWUROSURFHVV ORRSVIRUVXFKTXDQWLWLHVDVSUHVVXUHWHPSHUDWXUHIORZUDWHDQGIOXLG OHYHO)HDWXUHVRIWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQLQFOXGH Using PID Equations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µLQGHSHQGHQW¶RUµGHSHQGHQW¶7KHODWWHURSWLRQLVUHFRJQL]HGDV ,6$VWDQGDUGIRUPDW 7KHSURFHVVRUJLYHV\RXVL[FKRLFHVRI3,'DOJRULWKPVDVIROORZV 6WDQGDUGHTXDWLRQZLWKGHSHQGHQWJDLQV,6$VWDQGDUG 'HULYDWLYHRI(UURU 1 t d(E) CV = K c ( E ) + ∫ ( E ) dt + T d + Bias Ti 0 dt 'HULYDWLYHRI39 1 t d(PV) CV = K c ( E ) + ∫ ( E ) dt + T d + Bias ( E = SP – PV ) 0 Ti dt 1 t d(PV) CV = K c ( E ) + ∫ ( E ) dt + T d + Bias ( E = PV – SP ) Ti 0 dt 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-3 ,QGHSHQGHQWJDLQVHTXDWLRQ 'HULYDWLYHRI(UURU t d(E) CV = K P ( E ) + K i ∫ ( E ) dt + K d + Bias 0 dt 'HULYDWLYHRI39 t d(PV) CV = K P ( E ) + K i ∫ ( E ) dt – K d + Bias ( E = SP – PV ) 0 dt t d(PV) CV = K P ( E ) + K i ∫ ( E ) dt + K d + Bias ( E = PV – SP ) 0 dt :KHUH Kp = Proportional Gain (Unitless) SP = Set Point Ki = Integral Gain (Seconds–1) PV = Process Variable Kd = Derivative Gain (Seconds) Error = (SP – PV) or (PV – SP) 1 T1 Bias = Feed-Forward or External Bias = Reset Gain (Repeats/Minute) CV = Output Control Variable Td = Rate Gain (Repeats/Minute) ∆t = Loop Update Time Conversion of Gain Constants &RQYHUWIURPVWDQGDUGWRLQGHSHQGHQWJDLQVFRQVWDQWVE\VXEVWLWXWLQJ FRQWUROOHUJDLQ.FUHVHW7LDQGUDWH7GYDOXHVLQWKH IROORZLQJ IRUPXODV Kp = Kc unitless Kc Ki = inverse seconds 60Ti Kd = Kc(Td)60 seconds Integral Term Implementation 3HUIRUPLQWHJUDWLRQE\PDLQWDLQLQJDQDFFXPXODWHGVXP6N ,QWKHFDVHRI,QGHSHQGHQW*DLQV6N .L(N∆W6N ± 1 Ti :LWK'HSHQGHQW*DLQVVHOHFWHG S k = ( E k )∆ t + S k – 1 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-4 Process Control Instruction PID ,IWKH,QWHJUDORU5HVHW*DLQLV]HURWKHDFFXPXODWHGVXPFRQWLQXDOO\ VHWVWR]HURLQ$XWRPRGH $YRLGµ,QWHJUDO:LQGXS¶E\SUHYHQWLQJWKHUXQQLQJVXPIURP DFFXPXODWLQJZKHQHYHUWKHRXWSXW&9UHDFKHVLWVPD[LPXPRU PLQLPXPYDOXHV7KHVHYDOXHVDUHHLWKHUDQGRUWKHXVHU VSHFLILHGOLPLWVLQRXWSXWOLPLWLQJ,QWKLVFDVH6N 6N± 7KHDFFXPXODWHGVXPUHPDLQVµIUR]HQ¶XQWLOWKHRXWSXWGURSVEHORZ LWVPD[LPXPYDOXHRUULVHVDERYHLWVPLQLPXPYDOXHWKHQQRUPDO DFFXPXODWLRQUHVXPHV :KHQH[HFXWLQJWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQLQPDQXDOPRGHDµEXPSOHVV¶ WUDQVIHUEDFNWR$XWRPRGHFDQEHDFKLHYHGE\XVLQJWKHDFFXPXODWHG VXPWRFRPSXWDWLRQDOO\WUDFNWKHPDQXDORXWSXW k d(E = CVManual – Bias – K p ( E ) – K d dt :KHQ\RXVZLWFKEDFNWRDXWRPRGHWKH3,'FRPSXWDWLRQ\LHOGVWKLV 0DQXDO2XWSXWYDOXHDQGQRµMXPS¶LQRXWSXWRFFXUVDVDUHVXOWRIWKH PRGHFKDQJH Derivative Term 7KHIROORZLQJDSSUR[LPDWLRQLVXVHGWRFDOFXODWHWKHGHULYDWLYHWHUP d ( Q ) Q k – Qk – 1 = dt ∆t Where Q represents either Error or PV, depending upon your settings. 7KHFDOFXODWLRQLVIXUWKHUHQKDQFHGE\XVLQJDµGHULYDWLYHVPRRWKLQJ ILOWHU¶7KLVILUVWRUGHUORZSDVVGLJLWDOILOWHUHOLPLQDWHVODUJH GHULYDWLYHWHUPµVSLNHV¶FDXVHGE\QRLVHLQWKH39 $GGLQJWKLVILOWHUWRWKHRYHUDOOGHULYDWLYHWHUP\LHOGV Qk – Qk – 1 D k = ( 1 – α ) K d + αD k – 1 ∆t Where: 1785-6.1 November 1998 Kd Dk Dk–1 Qk = the derivative gain = the current derivative term = the previous derivative term = (as previously defined) α = ∆t = Loop Update Time 1 ∆t 16 + 1 Kd Process Control Instruction PID Setting Input/Output Ranges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mplementing Scaling to Engineering Units – Integer File Type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±39 WR39 HQWHU±IRU6 DQG IRU6 PLQ PD[ ,IWKHDQDORJLQSXWPRGXOHLVQRWFRQILJXUHGWRUHWXUQDYDOXH LQWKHUDQJHVHH³'HVFDOLQJ,QSXWV´RQSDJHLQ WKLVFKDSWHU 5HVHWELWRIZRUGLQWKH3,'FRQWUROEORFNLQWHJHUILOHW\SH RQO\6HWWKLVELWRQO\LI\RXZDQWWRLQKLELWVFDOLQJWKHVHWSRLQW <RXPXVWLQKLELWVHWSRLQWVFDOLQJRIDFDVFDGHGLQQHUORRSZKLOH VFDQQLQJRWKHUORRSYDULDEOHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-6 Process Control Instruction PID (QWHUWKHVHWSRLQWZRUGDQGGHDGEDQGZRUGLQWHJHUILOH W\SHRQO\YDOXHVLQWKHVDPHVFDOHGHQJLQHHULQJXQLWV7KH FRQWURORXWSXWZRUGGLVSOD\VDVDSHUFHQWDJHRIWKH UDQJH7KHRXWSXWWKHSURFHVVRUWUDQVIHUVWRWKHRXWSXWPRGXOHLV DOZD\VXQVFDOHG $77(17,21 'RQRWFKDQJHVFDOLQJZKHQWKH SURFHVVRULVLQ5XQPRGH7KHSURFHVVRU FRXOGIDXOWDQGFDXVHDQXQGHVLUDEOHSURFHVVUHVSRQVH SRVVLEOHHTXLSPHQWGDPDJHDQG SHUVRQDOLQMXU\ Setting the Dead Band 7KHDGMXVWDEOHGHDGEDQGOHWV\RXVHOHFWDQHUURUUDQJHDERYHDQG EHORZWKHVHWSRLQWZKHUHRXWSXWGRHVQRWFKDQJHDVORQJDVWKHHUURU UHPDLQVZLWKLQWKLVUDQJH 7KLVGHDGEDQGOHWV\RXFRQWUROKRZFORVHO\WKHSURFHVVYDULDEOH PDWFKHVWKHVHWSRLQWZLWKRXWFKDQJLQJWKHRXWSXW high alarm +DB process variable error within dead band range SP -DB low alarm time Using Zero-Crossing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ovember 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-7 Using No Zero Crossing 7KHVHULHV(SURFHVVRUDGGHGDQR]HURFURVVLQJIHDWXUHZKLFKLV XVHIXOIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVWKDWUXQKLJKLQHUWLDSURFHVVHVWKDWVORZO\ PRYHDKLJKPDVVZKLFKLVKDUGWRVWRS7KHQR]HURFURVVLQJIHDWXUH FDXVHVWKH&9RXWSXWQRWWRFKDQJHYDOXHDVORQJDVWKH39LVLQVLGH WKHGHDGEDQGUDQJHLQVWHDGRIRQO\DIWHUUHDFKLQJWKHVHWSRLQWYDOXH :LWKWKHSURSHUWXQLQJLWLVWKHQSRVVLEOHWRKDYHWKH39GULIWWRWKH VHWSRLQWYDOXH Selecting the Derivative Term (Acts on PV or Error) 'HULYDWLYHLVDFKDQJHRIVWDWHYDULDEOH<RXFDQVHOHFWZKHWKHUWKH GHULYDWLYHWHUPLQHLWKHU3,'HTXDWLRQDFWVRQFKDQJHVLQWKH SURFHVVRUYDULDEOHRUHUURUYDOXH8VHELWRIZRUGLQWKHFRQWURO EORFN'2ZRUGRID3'GDWDILOHW\SHWRVHOHFWWKHW\SHRI GHULYDWLYHDFWLRQ\RXZDQW Setting Output Alarms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sing Output Limiting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ovember 1998 14-8 Process Control Instruction PID Anti-Reset Windup $QWLUHVHWZLQGXSLVDIHDWXUHWKDWSUHYHQWVWKHLQWHJUDOWHUPIURP EHFRPLQJH[FHVVLYHZKHQRXWSXWVUHDFKDOLPLW:KHQWKHVXPRI WKH3,'DQGELDVWHUPVLQWKHRXWSXWUHDFKHVDOLPLWWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ VWRSVFDOFXODWLQJWKHLQWHJUDORXWSXWWHUPXQWLOWKHRXWSXWFRPHVEDFN LQWRUDQJH Using a Manual Mode Operation (with Bumpless Transfer) 0DQXDORSHUDWLRQOHWVDQRXWSXWIURPDPDQXDOFRQWUROVWDWLRQRUIURP \RXUODGGHUSURJUDPRYHUULGHWKHFDOFXODWHGRXWSXWRIWKH 3,' LQVWUXFWLRQ :LWKDPDQXDOFRQWUROVWDWLRQ\RXFRQWUROWKHRXWSXWGHYLFHGLUHFWO\ DQGRYHUULGHWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VRXWSXW<RXPXVWIHHGWKHRXWSXW YDOXHLQWRWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VWLHEDFNLQSXW)LJXUH7KH3,' LQVWUXFWLRQXVHVWKLVYDOXHWRFDOFXODWHWKHLQWHJUDOWHUPYDOXHUHTXLUHG WRDFKLHYHDEXPSOHVVWUDQVIHUZKHQ\RXVZLWFKIURPPDQXDOWR DXWRPDWLFFRQWURO Figure 14.2 Example Diagram for Moving Analog Inputs to a PID Instruction Ladder Program BTR 12-bit Analog Input Module Main Control Station Output Tracking (Tieback Input) PV Input 1st channel (word 1) Block Transfer BLOCK TRANSFER READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data File Length Continuous 0 0 0 N7:0 N7:109 6 N EN DN ER 2nd channel (word 2) Output Module located in rack 0, I/O group 0, module slot 0 PID PID Control block Process Variable Tieback Control variable N7:20 N7:109 N7:110 N7:120 15297 Set Output <RXFDQUHSODFHDPDQXDOFRQWUROVWDWLRQZLWKDWKXPEZKHHODQG SXVKEXWWRQVZLWFKHVDQGVLPXODWHWKH3,'IXQFWLRQZLWKODGGHUORJLF 8VHWKH6HW2XWSXWPRGHWRHQWHUDYDOXHUHSUHVHQWLQJDSHUFHQWDJHRI WKH&RQWURO9DULDEOHRXWSXW7\SLFDOO\LWLVGHVLUHGWRHQWHUDYDOXH IURPDQRSHUDWRULQWHUIDFH7KHWDEOHEHORZLOOXVWUDWHVWKHSURFHGXUH WRIROORZZKHQ6HW2XWSXWPRGHLVGHVLUHG 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-9 Table 14.A Set Output Mode Procedure Integer Control Block (N7:0) PD Control Block (PD10:0) Select Automatic Mode Mode:0 (0:auto/1:manual) (bit N7:0/1 = 0) A/M Station Mode = Auto (bit PD10:0.MO = 0) Select Set Output Mode SET OUTPUT MODE: 1 (0:no/1:yes) (bit N7:0/4 = 1) Software A/M Mode = Manual (bit PD10:0.SWM = 1) Note: In data monitor, MODE=AUTO changes to MODE=SW MANUAL. Enter % in Set Output Value (0-100%) SET OUTPUT VALUE % (word N7:10 = %value) SET OUTPUT % (word PD10:0.SO = % value) ,IWKHVHWRXWSXWYDOXHLVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHXSSHU&9OLPLWRUORZHUWKDQ WKHORZHU&9OLPLWDQGRXWSXWOLPLWLQJLVHQDEOHGDQGWKH3,' LQVWUXFWLRQLVLQ6HW2XWSXWPRGHWKHSURFHVVRUXVHVWKHDFWXDORXWSXW QRWWKHVHWRXWSXWYDOXHWRFDOFXODWHWKHLQWHJUDODFFXPXODWRUWHUP IRUFDOFXODWLQJEXPSOHVVWUDQVIHU Feedforward or Output Biasing <RXFDQIHHGIRUZDUGDGLVWXUEDQFHIURPWKHV\VWHPRUELDVRXWSXWE\ IHHGLQJHLWKHURIWKHVHYDOXHVLQWRWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ¶V IHHGIRUZDUGELDVZRUGZRUG3'%,$6RIWKHFRQWUROEORFN(LWKHU YDOXHPXVWKDYHDUDQJHRI±WRLQWHJHURU±WR IORDWLQJSRLQW 7KHIHHGIRUZDUGYDOXHUHSUHVHQWVDGLVWXUEDQFHIHGLQWRWKH3,' LQVWUXFWLRQEHIRUHWKHGLVWXUEDQFHKDVDFKDQFHWRFKDQJHWKHSURFHVV YDULDEOH)HHGIRUZDUGLVRIWHQXVHGWRFRQWUROSURFHVVHVZLWKD WUDQVSRUWDWLRQODJ)RUH[DPSOHDIHHGIRUZDUGYDOXHUHSUHVHQWLQJ ³FROGZDWHUSRXUHGLQWRDZDUPPL[´FRXOGERRVWWKHRXWSXWIDVWHU WKDQZDLWLQJIRUWKHSURFHVVYDULDEOHWRFKDQJHDVDUHVXOWRIPL[LQJ $ELDVYDOXHFDQEHXVHGWRFRPSHQVDWHIRUDVWHDG\VWDWHORVVRI HQHUJ\IURPWKHFRQWUROOHGSURFHVV Resume Last State :LWKWKHUHVXPHODVWVWDWHIXQFWLRQ\RXFDQPDNHIXOOXVHRIWKH DQDORJRXWSXWPRGXOH¶VKROGODVWVWDWHIXQFWLRQ7KH UHVXPHODVWVWDWHIXQFWLRQOHWVWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQUHVXPHFDOFXODWLQJ WKHLQWHJUDOWHUPRIWKH3,'DOJRULWKPIURPLWVODVWRXWSXWYDOXH LQVWHDGRI]HURZKHQUHWXUQLQJWR5XQPRGH ,I\RXDUHXVLQJDQLQWHJHUGDWDILOHIRUWKHFRQWUROEORFNVHWWKHELWV DFFRUGLQJWRWKHJXLGHOLQHVEHORZ,I\RXDUHXVLQJD3'GDWDILOHW\SH IRUWKHFRQWUROEORFNWKHSURFHVVRUVDYHVWKHLQWHJUDODFFXPXODWRUDQG XVHVLWZKHQJRLQJIURP3URJUDPWR5XQPRGH 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-10 Process Control Instruction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nstruction Description: PID PID Control Block Process variable Tieback Control variable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±3WHUP±'WHUP ,I\RXVHOHFWPDQXDOPRGHZLWKVHWRXWSXW %,$6 6(7287387PRGH±3WHUP±'WHUP 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction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sing No Back Calculation 7KHQREDFNFDOFXODWLRQIHDWXUHLVIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUH\RXGRQRW ZDQWWKHELDVYDOXHIRUWKH&9RXWSXWWREHRYHUZULWWHQZKHQLQ PDQXDORUVHWRXWSXWVRIWZDUHPDQXDOPRGH:KHQ\RXVHOHFWQR EDFNFDOFXODWLRQDQGWKHPRGHLVHLWKHURIWKHPDQXDOPRGHVDQGWKH LQWHJUDOJDLQLV]HURWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQGRHVQRWSHUIRUPWKHEDFN FDOFXODWLRQLQWRWKHELDVWHUP,QWKLVFRQGLWLRQDEXPSFRXOGRFFXULQ WKH&9RXWSXW Operational Status Bits Integer Block 7KH,QWHJHU%ORFN3,'LQVWUXFWLRQXVHVDQHQDEOHELW(1WRLQGLFDWH LWVTXDOLI\LQJUXQJFRQGLWLRQVPDGHDIDOVHWRWUXHWUDQVLWLRQ7KH UXQJFRQGLWLRQVKDYHUHPDLQHGWUXHLQGLFDWLQJWKHHQDEOHELWLVWUXH 7KHRQO\ZD\WKDWWKHHQDEOHELWEHFRPHVIDOVHDJDLQLVLIWKRVHVDPH TXDOLI\LQJFRQGLWLRQVEHFRPHIDOVHRUWKHHQDEOHELWLVSXUSRVHO\ ³XQODWFKHG´WKURXJKODGGHUORJLF7KH,QWHJHU%ORFNGRQHELW'1 EHFRPHVWUXHZKHQWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQVXFFHVVIXOO\FRPSOHWHV H[HFXWLRQDQGUHPDLQVWUXHXQWLOWKHTXDOLI\LQJUXQJFRQGLWLRQV EHFRPHIDOVH Rung State True False True .EN .DN False Actual Execution of the PID Instruction True False 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-12 Process Control Instruction PID PD Block 7KH3'%ORFN3,'LQVWUXFWLRQKDVRQO\DQHQDEOHELW(1WRLQGLFDWH RSHUDWLRQDOVWDWXV7KLVELWLQGLFDWHVWKDWLWVTXDOLI\LQJUXQJ FRQGLWLRQVDUHWUXHLQZKLFKFDVHWKHHQDEOHELWLVWUXHDIDOVHWRWUXH WUDQVLWLRQLVQRWQHHGHG7KHRQO\ZD\WKHHQDEOHELWEHFRPHVIDOVH DJDLQLVLIWKHVHVDPHTXDOLI\LQJFRQGLWLRQVEHFRPHIDOVH7KH3' EORFNGRHVQRWXVHDGRQHELW Rung State True False True .EN False Actual Execution of the PID Instruction ,PSRUWDQW 8QOLNHWKH,QWHJHU%ORFNYHUVLRQWKH3'%ORFN3,' H[HFXWHVDJDLQLIWKHSURJUDPVFDQHQFRXQWHUVWKLVUXQJ DJDLQZKLOHWKHUXQJVWDWHLVVWLOOWUXH Entering Parameters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±ELWYHUVXVELW 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-13 7KHDGGUHVVHVWKDW\RXHQWHUDUH Parameter: Definition: Control Block a file that stores PID status and control bits, constants, variables, and internally used parameters. Based on the data type you use, a different configuration screen appears for you to enter PID information (see the next sections for more information). If you have an Enhanced PLC-5 processor, you can use an integer control block or a PD control block. Using a PD file, words 0, 1 are the status words; words 2-80 store the PID values. If you use an Integer control block, the PID calculations are performed using integer values. If you use a PD control block, the PID calculations are performed using floating point values. If you have a Classic PLC-5 processor, you must use an integer file (N) for your control block. Using an integer file, word 0 is the status word; words 1-22 store the PID values. Process Variable a word address that stores the process input value. Tieback a word address used to implement bumpless transfer when using a manual control station. The tieback is an output of a BTR instruction from the station. Control Variable a word address to which the PID instruction sends its calculated PID output value. Note: If a value greater than 4095 is written to the “control variable” location of the Integer Type PID instruction, the output of the PID instruction obtains a permanent offset which can only be removed by writing to the “control variable” with a value between 0 and 4095. This happens whether you write to this location via rung logic or directly to the data table location. Note: The file PD type PID instruction does not exhibit this behavior. 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-14 Process Control Instruction PID Using an Integer Data File Type for the Control Block :KHQXVLQJDQLQWHJHUGDWDILOHW\SHIRUWKHFRQWUROEORFNWKHGDWD PRQLWRUVFUHHQIRUWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQVKRZVWKHIROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQVRPHRIZKLFKLVGLVSOD\RQO\VRPHRIZKLFK\RX VSHFLI\WKHYDOXHV7DEOH% Table 14.B PID Parameter Descriptions (Integer Control Block) Parameter: Description: Equation Enter whether you want to use independent (0) or dependent (1) gains. Displays one of the following: INDEPENDENT (0) – for independent gains DEPENDENT (1) – for dependent gains (ISA) Use dependent gains when you want to use standard loop tuning methods. Use independent gains when you want the three gain constants (P, I, and D) to operate independently. Mode Displays operating mode: AUTO (0) – automatic PID control MANUAL (1) – control from a manual control station Sets the use of the tieback parameter for manual operation Error Displays one of the following error value: Reverse acting: 0 = SP-PV Direct acting: 1 = PV-SP Output Limiting Displays whether or not the instruction clamps the output at the high and low limiting values. Displays one of the following: NO (0) – output not clamped YES (1) – output clamped The PID algorithm has an anti-reset windup feature that prevents the integral term from becoming too large when the output reaches the high or low alarm limits. If the limits are reached, the algorithm stops calculating the integral term until the output comes back into range. Set output mode Selects the use of set output value % for manual operation Setpoint scaling Selects if the setpoint is to be interpreted as a value in the engineering units or an unscaled (0 to 4095) value Derivative input Selects if derivative term is based on changes in PV or on changes in error Last state resume Selects if you want to resume last state or hold last state (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-15 Parameter: Description: Deadband status Set if the PV is inside the selected deadband range; reset if it is not Upper CV limit alarm Set if calculated CV is greater than the CV upper limit word % Lower CV limit alarm Set if calculated CV is less than the CV lower limit word % Setpoint out of range Displays whether or not the setpoint is out of the range of engineering units you selected on the PID Configuration screen. Displays one of the following: NO (0) – SP within range YES (1) – SP out of range Note: A major processor fault occurs if the SP is out of range when the instruction is first enabled. PID done Displays whether the PID instruction has completed (1 = done; 0 = not done). PID enabled Displays whether the PID instruction is enabled (1 = enabled; 0 = not enabled). Feed forward Enter a value between –4095 and 4095 for the amount of feed forward. The ladder program can enter a feedforward value to bump the output in anticipation of a disturbance. This value is often used to control a process with transportation lag. Max scaled input Enter the integer number (–32,768 - 32,767) that is the maximum value available from the analog module. For example, use 4095 for a module whose range is 0-4095. Min scaled input Enter the number that is the minimum value available from the analog module. For example, use 0 for a module whose range is 0 to 4095. Dead band For an unscaled deadband, enter a value in the engineering units you selected on the PID Configuration screen. Valid range is 0 to 4095 unscaled, –32,768 to +32,767 scaled. Note: The deadband is zero crossing. Set output value % Enter a percent (0-100%) to use as the CV Output when ‘set output mode’ is selected. Upper CV limit % Enter a percent (0-100) above which the algorithm clamps the output. Lower CV limit % Enter a percent (0-100) below which the algorithm clamps the output. Scaled PV value Displays data from the analog input module that the instruction scales to the same engineering units that you selected for the setpoint. Scaled error Displays the current error in scaled engineering units Current CV % Displays current controlled variable output value as a percent Setpoint Enter an integer. Valid range is 0 to 4095 (unscaled) or Smin- Smax (scaled engineering units). Proportional gain (Kc) Enter an integer. Valid entry range is 0-32,767 (unitless) or Kp 0-32,767. The processor divides the entry value by 100 for calculations. Reset time (Ti) minutes/repeat Enter an integer. Valid entry range for Ti is 0-32,767 (minutes times 100). The processor automatically divides the entry value by 100 for calculations. Valid entry range for Ki is 0-32,767 (inverse seconds times 1000). The processor automatically divides the entry by 1000 for calculations. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-16 Process Control Instruction PID Parameter: Description: Derivative rate (Td) Enter an integer. Valid entry range is 0-32,767 or KD 0-32,767. The processor divides the entry value by 100 for calculations. Loop update time Enter an update time (greater than or equal to 0.01 seconds) at 1/5 to 1/10 times the natural period of the load (load time constant). Valid entry range is 1-32,767 seconds. The processor divides the entry value by 100 for calculations. The load time constant should be greater than: 1ms(algorithm) + block transfer time (ms) Periodically enable the PID instruction at a constant interval equal to the update time. For update times of less than 100 msec, use an STI. When update times are greater than 100 msec, use a timer or a real-time sampling. Note: If you omit an update time or enter a negative update time, a major fault occurs the first time the processor runs the PID instruction. Using Control Block Values :RUGRIWKHFRQWUROEORFNFRQWDLQVVWDWXVDQGFRQWUROELWV7DEOH &VKRZVWKHYDOXHVVWRUHGLQHDFKZRUGRIWKHFRQWUROEORFN Table 14.C PID Control Block (Integer Control Block) Word: Contains: 0 Bit 15 Enabled (EN) Bit 13 Done (DN) Bit 11 Set point out of range Bit 10 Output alarm, lower limit Bit 9 Output alarm, upper limit Bit 8 DB, set when error is in deadband Bit 7 Resume last state (0=yes; 1=hold last state) Bit 6 Derivative action (0=PV, 1=error) Bit 5 Setpoint descaling (0=no, 1=yes) Bit 4 Set output (0=no, 1=yes) Bit 3 Output limiting (0=no, 1=yes) Bit 2 Control (0=reverse, 1=direct) Bit 1 Mode (0=automatic, 1=manual) Bit 0 Equation (0=independent, 1=ISA) Note: During prescan, bits 8, 9, 10, in addition to the Integral Accumulator and Derivative Error values, are cleared and the error register value of previous scans is set to 32,767. 1 reserved 2 Setpoint Term: Entry Range: SP 0-4095 (unscaled) Smin–Smax (scaled) Note: Terms marked with an asterisk (*) are entered as Yy × 100. The term itself is Yy. The term marked with a double asterisk (**) is entered as Yy × 1000. The term itself is Yy. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-17 Word: Contains: 3 Independent: 4 5 Term: Entry Range: Proportional gain x 100 (unitless) Kp * 0-32,767 ISA: Controller gain x 100 (unitless) Kc* 0-32,767 Independent: Integral gain x 1000 (1/sec) Ki** 0-32,767 ISA: Reset term x 100 (minutes per repeat) Ti* 0-32,767 Independent: Derivative gain x 100 (seconds) Kd* 0-32,767 ISA: Rate term x100 (minutes) Td* 0-32,767 6 Feedforward or bias FF/Bias –4095-+4095 7 Maximum scaling Smax –32,768-+32,767 8 Minimum scaling Smin –32,768-+32,767 9 Dead band DB 0-4095 (unscaled) Smin–Smax (scaled) 10 Set output SETOUT 0-100% 11 Maximum output limit (% of output) Lmax 0-100% 12 Minimum output limit (% of output) Lmin 0-100% 13 Loop update time x 100 (seconds) dt 0-32,767 14 Scaled PV value (displayed) Smin–Smax 15 Scaled error value (displayed) Smin–Smax 16 Output (% of 4095) 17-22 internal storage; do not use CV 0-100% Note: Terms marked with an asterisk (*) are entered as Yy × 100. The term itself is Yy. The term marked with a double asterisk (**) is entered as Yy × 1000. The term itself is Yy. 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-18 Process Control Instruction PID :KHQXVLQJD3'ILOHW\SHIRUWKHFRQWUROEORFNWKHGDWDPRQLWRU VFUHHQIRUWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQVKRZVWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQVRPH RIZKLFKLVGLVSOD\RQO\VRPHRIZKLFK\RXVSHFLI\WKHYDOXHV 7DEOH' Using a PD File Type for the Control Block (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only) Table 14.D PID Parameter Descriptions (PD Control Block) Parameter Address Mnemonic: Description: Setpoint .SP Enter a floating-point number in the same engineering units that are on the PID Configuration screen. Valid range is –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38. Process Variable .PV Displays data from the analog input module that the instruction scales to the same engineering units that you selected for the setpoint. Error .ERR Displays one of the following error values: Reverse acting: Error = PV-SP Direct acting: Error = SP-PV Output % .OUT Displays the PID algorithm control output value (0-100%). Mode .MO .MO=0 .MO=1 .SWM=1 Displays operating mode: AUTO – automatic PID control MANUAL – control from a manual control station SW MANUAL – simulated manual control from the data monitor or ladder program PV Alarm .PVHA=1 .PVLA=1 Deviation Alarm .DVPA=1 .DVNA=1 Output Limiting .OLH=1 .OLL=1 Displays whether the PV is within or exceeds the high or low alarm limits you selected on the PID Configuration screen. Displays one of the following: NONE – PV within alarm limits HIGH – PV exceeds high alarm limit (used with deadband) LOW – PV exceeds low alarm limit (used with deadband) Displays whether the error is within or exceeds the high or low deviation alarms you selected on the PID Configuration screen. Displays one of the following: NONE – error within deviation alarm limits POSITIVE – error exceeds high alarm (used with deadband) NEGATIVE – error exceeds low alarm (used with deadband) Displays whether or not the instruction clamps the output at the high and low limiting values (.MAXO and .MINO) you selected on the PID Configuration screen. Displays one of the following: NONE – output not clamped HIGH – output clamped at the high end (.MAXO) LOW – output clamped at the low end (.MINO) The PID algorithm has a anti-reset-windup feature that prevents the integral term from becoming too large when the output reaches the high or low alarm limits. If the limits are reached, the algorithm stops calculating the integral term until the output comes back into range. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-19 Parameter Address Mnemonic: Description: SP Out of Range .SPOR=0 .SPOR=1 Displays whether or not the setpoint is out of the range of engineering units you selected on the PID Configuration screen. Displays one of the following: NO – SP within range YES – SP out of range Note: A major processor fault occurs if the SP is out of range when the instruction is first enabled. Error Within DB .EWD=0 .EWD=1 Displays whether the error is within or exceeds the deadband value you enter on this screen. The deadband is zero crossing. Displays one of the following: RESET – Error exits the deadband zone SET – Error crosses the deadband centerline PID Initialized .INI=0 .INI=1 Each time you change a value in the control block, the PID instruction takes over twice as long to execute (until initialized) on the first scan. Displays one of the following: NO – PID instruction not initialized after you changed control block values YES – PID instruction remains initialized because you did not change any control block values Attention: Do not change the range of input or engineering units when running. If you must do this, then you must reset this bit to re-initialize. Otherwise, the instruction will malfunction with possible damage to equipment and injury to personnel. A/M Station Mode .MO=0 .MO=1 Enter whether you want automatic (0) or manual (1) PID control. Displays one of the following: AUTO (0) – automatic PID control MANUAL (1) – manual PID control Manual control specified that an output from a manual control station overrides the calculated output of the PID algorithm. Note: Manual overrides Set Output Mode. Software A/M Mode .SWM=0 .SWM=1 Enter whether you want automatic PID (0) control or Set Output Mode (1), for software-simulated control. Displays one of the following: AUTO (0) – automatic PID control SW MANUAL (1) – software-simulated PID control You can simulate a manual control station with the data monitor when you program a single loop. To do this, set .SWM to SW MANUAL and enter a Set Output Percent value. You can simulate a manual control station with ladder logic, pushwheels, and pushbutton switches when you program several loops. To do this, set .SWM to SW MANUAL and move a value into the set output element .SO. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-20 Process Control Instruction PID Parameter Address Mnemonic: Description: Status Enable .EN=0 .EN=1 Enter whether to use (1) or inhibit (0) this bit which displays the rung condition so you can see whether the PID instruction is operating. Displays one of the following: 0 – instruction not executing 1 – instruction executing Proportional Gain .KP Enter a floating-point value. Valid range for independent or standard gains is 0 to 3.4 E+38 (unitless). Integral Gain .KI Enter a floating-point value. Valid range for independent gains is 0 to 3.4 E+38 inverse seconds; valid range for standard gains is 0 to 3.4 E+38 minutes per repeat. Derivative Gain .KD Enter a floating-point value. Valid range for independent gains is 0 to 3.4 E+38 seconds; valid range for standard gains is 0 to 3.4E+38 minutes. Output Bias % .BIAS Enter a value (–100 to +100) to represent the percentage of output you want to feed forward or use as a bias to the output. The bias value can compensate for steady-loss of energy from the system. The ladder program can enter a feedforward value to bump the output in anticipation of a disturbance. This value is often used to control a process with transportation lag. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Tieback % .TIE Displays a number (0 to 100) representing the percent of raw tieback (0 – 4095) from the manual control station. The PID algorithm uses this number to achieve bumpless transfer when switching from manual to auto mode. Set Output % .SO Enter a percent (0 to 100), from this screen or a ladder program, to represent the software-manually controlled output. When you select software-simulated control (.SWM=1), the PID instruction overrides the algorithm with the set output value (0 - 4095) for transfer to the output module, and copies it to .OUT for display as a percent. The transfer to software-simulated control is bumpless because .SO (under your control) starts with the last automatic algorithm output. Do not vary .SO until after the transfer. To achieve bumpless transfer when changing from software-simulated control to automatic control, the PID algorithm changes the integral term so that the output is equal to the set output value. Process Control Instruction PID 14-21 :KHQXVLQJD3'ILOHW\SHIRUWKHFRQWUROEORFNWKHGDWDPRQLWRU VFUHHQIRUWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQSURYLGHVDFFHVVWRD3,'FRQILJXUDWLRQ VFUHHQ)URPWKH3,'FRQILJXUDWLRQVFUHHQ\RXFDQGHILQHWKH IROORZLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ7DEOH( Table 14.E PID Configuration Descriptions (PD Control Block) Parameter: Address Mnemonic: Description: PID Equation .PE=0 .PE=1 Enter whether you want to use independent (0) or dependent (1) gains. Displays one of the following: INDEPENDENT (0) – for independent gains DEPENDENT (1) – for dependent gains Use dependent gains when you want to use standard loop tuning methods. Use independent gains when you want the three gain constants (P, I, and D) to operate independently. Derivative of .DO=0 .DO=1 Enter whether you want the derivative of the PV (0) or the error (1). Displays one of the following: PV (0) – for PV derivative ERROR (1) – for error derivative Select the PV derivative for more stable control when you do not change the setpoint often. Select the error derivative for fast responses to setpoint changes when the algorithm can tolerate overshoots. Control Action .CA=0 .CA=1 Enter whether you want reverse (0) or direct acting (1). Displays one of the following: REVERSE (0) – for reverse acting (E = SP-PV) DIRECT (1) – for direct acting (E = PV-SP) PV Tracking .PVT=0 .PVT=1 Enter whether you do not (0) or do (1) want PV tracking. Displays one of the following: NO (0) – for no tracking YES (1) – for PV tracking Select no tracking if the algorithm can tolerate a bump when switching from manual to automatic control. Select PV tracking if you want the setpoint to track the PV in manual control for bumpless transfer to automatic control. Update Time .UPD Enter an update time (greater than or equal to .01 seconds) at 1/5 to 1/10 the natural period of the load (load time constant). The load time constant should be greater than: 3ms(algorithm) + block transfer time (ms) Periodically enable the PID instruction at a constant interval equal to the update time. When the program scan time is close to the required update time, use an STI to ensure a constant update interval. When the program scan is several times faster than the required update time, use a timer. Attention: If you omit an update time or enter a negative update time, a major fault occurs the first time the processor runs the PID instruction. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-22 Process Control Instruction PID Parameter: Address Mnemonic: Description: Cascade Loop .CL=0 .CL=1 Enter whether this loop is not (0) or is (1) used in a cascade of loops. Displays one of the following: NO (0) – not used in a cascade YES (1) – used in a cascade Cascade Type .CT=0 .CT=1 If this loop is part of a cascade of loops, enter whether this loop is the master (1) or a slave (0). Displays one of the following: SLAVE (0) – for a slave loop MASTER (1) – for a master loop Master to this Slave .ADDR If this loop is a slave loop in a cascade, enter the control block address of the master. Tieback is ignored in the master loop of a cascade. When you change cascaded loops to manual control, the slave forces the master into manual control. When PV tracking is enabled, the order of events is: Slave.SP > Master.TIE > Master.OUT > Slave.SP When you return to automatic control, change the slave first, then the master. Engineering Unit Max .MAXS Enter the floating-point value in engineering units that corresponds to the analog module’s full scale output. Valid range is –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38. Attention: Do not change this value during operation because a processor fault might occur. Engineering Unit Min .MINS Enter the floating-point value in engineering units that corresponds to the analog module’s zero output. Valid range is –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38 (post-scaled number). Attention: Do not change the maximum scaled value during operation because a processor fault might occur. Input Range Max .MAXI Enter the floating-point number (–3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38) that is the unscaled maximum value available from the analog module. For example, use 4095 for a module whose range is 0-4095. Input Range Min .MINI Enter the floating-point number (–3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38) that is the minimum unscaled value available from the analog module. For example, use 0 for a module whose range is 0-4095. Output Limit High % .MAXO Enter a percent (0-100) above which the algorithm clamps the output. Output Limit Low % .MINO Enter a percent (0-100) below which the algorithm clamps the output. PV Alarm High .PVH Enter a floating-point number (–3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38) that represents the highest PV value that the system can tolerate. PV Alarm Low .PVL Enter a floating-point number (–3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+388) that represents the lowest PV value that the system can tolerate. PV Alarm Deadband .PVDB Enter a floating-point number (0-3.4 E+38) that is sufficient to minimize nuisance alarms. This is a one-sided deadband. The alarm bit (.PVH or .PVL) is not set until the PV crosses the deadband and reaches the alarm limit (DB zero point). The alarm bit remains set until the PV passes back through and exits from the deadband. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-23 Parameter: Address Mnemonic: Description: Deviation Alarm (+) .DVP Enter a floating-point number (0-3.4 E+38) that specifies the greatest error deviation above the setpoint that the system can tolerate. Deviation Alarm (–) .DVN Enter a floating-point number (–3.4 E+38-0) that specifies the greatest error deviation below the setpoint that the system can tolerate. Deviation Alarm Deadband .DVDB Enter a floating-point number (0-3.4 E+38) that is sufficient to minimize nuisance alarms. This is a one-sided deadband. The alarm bit (.DVP or .DVN) is not set until the error crosses the deadband and reaches the alarm limit (DB zero point). The alarm bit remains set until the error passes back through and exits from the deadband. No Zero Crossing .NOZC=0 .NOZC=1 Enter whether to use (1) or inhibit (0) the no zero crossing feature: 0 – no zero crossing disabled 1 – no zero crossing enabled No Back Calculation .NOBC=0 .NOBC=1 Enter whether to use (1) or inhibit (0) the no back calculation feature: 0 – no back calculation disabled 1 – no back calculation enabled No Derivative Filter .NDF=0 .NDF=1 Enter whether to use (1) or inhibit (0) the filter in the derivative calculation. 0 – no filter used in derivative calculation 1 – filter used in derivative calculation Using Control Block Values :RUGVDQGRIWKHFRQWUROEORFNFRQWDLQVVWDWXVDQGFRQWUROELWV 7DEOH)VKRZVWKHYDOXHVVWRUHGLQHDFKZRUGRIWKHFRQWUROEORFN Table 14.F PID Control Block Word: Contains: 0 Control/Status Bits Bit 15 Enabled (EN) Bit 11 No back calculation (0=disabled, 1=enabled) Bit 10 No zero crossing (0=disabled, 1=enabled) Bit 9 Cascade selection (master, slave) Bit 8 Cascade loop (0=no, 1=yes) Bit 7 Process variable tracking (0=no, 1=yes) Bit 6 Derivative action (0=PV, 1=error) Bit 5 No derivative filter (0=disabled, 1=enabled) Bit 4 Set output (0=no, 1=yes) Bit 2 Control action (0=SP-PV, 1=PV-SP) Bit 1 Mode (0=automatic, 1=manual) Bit 0 Equation (0=independent, 1=ISA) Range: (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-24 Process Control Instruction PID Word: Contains: 1 Status Bits Bit 12 PID initialized (0=no, 1=yes) Bit 11 Set point out of range Bit 10 Output alarm, lower limit Bit 9 Output alarm, upper limit Bit 8 DB, set when error is in DB Bit 3 Error is alarmed low Bit 2 Error is alarmed high Bit 1 Process variable (PV) is alarmed low Bit 0 Process variable (PV) is alarmed high Note: During prescan, bit 12 is cleared. 2, 3 Setpoint 4, 5 Independent: Proportional gain (unitless) 0 to +3.4 E+38 ISA: Controller gain (unitless) 0 to +3.4 E+38 Independent: Integral gain (1/sec) 0 to +3.4 E+38 ISA: Reset term (minutes per repeat) 0 to +3.4 E+38 Independent: Derivative gain (seconds) 0 to +3.4 E+38 ISA: Rate term (minutes) 0 to +3.4 E+38 6, 7 8, 9 Range: –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38 10, 11 Feedforward or bias –100 to +100% 12, 13 Maximum scaling –3.4E+38 to +3.4 E+38 14, 15 Minimum scaling –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38 16, 17 Dead band 0 to +3.4 E+38 18, 19 Set output 0-100% 20, 21 Maximum output limit (% of output) 0-100% 22, 23 Minimum output limit (% of output) 0-100% 24, 25 Loop update time (seconds) 26, 27 Scaled PV value (displayed) 28, 29 Scaled error value (displayed) 30, 31 Output (% of 4095) 0-100% 32, 33 Process variable high alarm value –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38 34, 35 Process variable low alarm value –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38 36, 37 Error high alarm value 0 to +3.4 E+38 38, 39 Error low alarm value –3.4 E+38 to 0 40, 41 Process variable alarm deadband 0 to +3.4 E+38 42, 43 Error alarm deadband 0 to +3.4 E+38 (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID Programming Considerations 14-25 Word: Contains: Range: 44, 45 Maximum input value –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38 46, 47 Minimum input value –3.4 E+38 to +3.4 E+38 48, 49 Tieback value for manual control (0-4095) 0-100% 51 Master PID file number 0-999; 0-9999 for Enhanced PLC-5 processors only 52 Master PID element number 0-999; 0-9999 for Enhanced PLC-5 processors only 54-80 internal storage; do not use :KHQ\RXSURJUDPD3,'LQVWUXFWLRQGRQRWFKDQJHWKHIROORZLQJ YDOXHVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRULVLQ5XQPRGH FKRLFHRI,6$RULQGHSHQGHQWJDLQVHTXDWLRQEHFDXVHWKH3,' JDLQVFRQVWDQWVDUHQRWGLUHFWO\LQWHUFKDQJHDEOH VFDOLQJYDOXHV6 DQG6 EHFDXVHDFKDQJHFRXOGSODFHWKH VHWSRLQWRXWRIUDQJHDQGFRXOGFKDQJHWKHGHDGEDQGUDQJH FKRLFHRIGHULYDWLYHDFWLRQEDVHGRQFKDQJHLQ39RUFKDQJHLQ HUURUEHFDXVHLQWHUQDOYDOXHVZLOOFKDQJH PLQ PD[ Run Time Errors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ransferring Data to the PID Instruction 8VHEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQVWRWUDQVIHUGDWDEHWZHHQDQDORJ,2 PRGXOHVDQGWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ8VHD%75LQVWUXFWLRQIRULQSXW YDOXHVSURFHVVYDULDEOHDQGWLHEDFNXVHD%7:LQVWUXFWLRQIRUWKH FRQWURORXWSXW 0DNHHDFKEORFNWUDQVIHUILOHDGGUHVVGDWDILOHHQWU\WKHVDPH DGGUHVVLQWKH3,'IRUWKHSURFHVVYDULDEOHWLHEDFNDQGFRQWURO RXWSXWUHVSHFWLYHO\ 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-26 Process Control Instruction PID 1RWDOO$OOHQ%UDGOH\DQDORJLQSXWPRGXOHVHQWHUGDWDLQWKHVDPH IRUPDW<RXPXVWGHWHUPLQHZKHUHWRVWRUHFKDQQHOGDWD)RU H[DPSOHWHPSHUDWXUHVHQVLQJPRGXOHVVXFKDVWKH,5DQG ,;(SODFHVWDWXVZRUGVLQIURQWRIWKHZRUGVWKDWFRQWDLQ FKDQQHOGDWD)RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWZKHUHDQDQDORJPRGXOHVWRUHV FKDQQHOGDWDVHHWKHGRFXPHQWDWLRQIRUWKHPRGXOH Loop Considerations 7KHQXPEHURI3,'ORRSVORRSXSGDWHWLPHDQGORFDWLRQRIELW DQDORJLQSXWPRGXOHVDUHLPSRUWDQWFRQVLGHUDWLRQVIRUXVLQJWKH 3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ Number of PID Loops 7KHQXPEHURI3,'ORRSVWKDWWKHSURFHVVRUFDQKDQGOHGHSHQGVRQ WKHXSGDWHWLPHUHTXLUHGE\WKHORRSV7KHORQJHUWKHXSGDWHWLPHDQG WKHOHVVVRSKLVWLFDWHGWKHORRSFRQWUROWKHPRUHORRSVWKHSURFHVVRU FDQFRQWURO 7KHVXPRIWKHZRUVWFDVHEORFNWUDQVIHUWLPHDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKH DQDORJLQSXWVSOXVWKHWLPHUHTXLUHGIRURQHSURJUDPVFDQVKRXOGEH OHVVWKDQWKHXSGDWHWLPHUHTXLUHGE\WKHORRSV Loop Update Time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ovember 1998 Process Control Instruction PID Descaling Inputs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– S min1 ) ( S max1 – S min1 ) Variable Description M2 calculated output M1 measured value from the module in scaled units Smax1 scaled maximum value from the module Smin1 scaled minimum value from the module Smax1 – Smin1 scaled range from the module )RUH[DPSOHWKHUHDGLQJIURPD,;(PRGXOHIRUW\SH- WKHUPRFRXSOHLV7RFRQYHUWWKLVWRDQXQVFDOHGYDOXHXVH WKHVHYDOXHV 4095 M 2 = [ 170 – ( – 200 ) ] [ 1200 – ( – 200 ) ] M 2 = 1082 unscaled 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-28 Process Control Instruction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igure 14.3 Descaling PID Values Example FAL FILE ARITHMETIC/LOGIC Control Length Position Mode Destination R6:2 6 0 ALL #N19:0 EN DN ER Expression #N17:0 - #N18:0 FAL FILE ARITHMETIC/LOGIC Control Length Position Mode Destination Expression #N19:0 * #N20:0 1785-6.1 November 1998 R6:5 6 0 ALL #N21:0 EN DN ER Process Control Instruction PID 14-29 Table 14.G Variables for the Descaling PID Values Example Variable Description Smax maximum scaling value Smin minimum scaling value 4095 K = S max – S min constant for each channel #N17:0 contains M1 values for each channel #N18:0 contains Smin constants for each channel #N19:0 contains the result of M1-Smin for each channel #N20:0 location where you store K for each channel #N21:0 contains the resulting unscaled value for each channel PID Examples 7KHIROORZLQJH[DPSOHVDVVXPHWKDWWKHFKDQQHOGDWDLVVWRUHG VWDUWLQJDWWKHEHJLQQLQJILUVWZRUGRIWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUILOH Integer Block (N) Examples Main Program File :KHQ\RXSODFHWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQLQWKHPDLQSURJUDPILOH FRQWUROWKHVDPSOHWLPHZLWKDWLPHUZKHUHWKH3,'/RRS8SGDWH 7LPH WLPHUSUHVHW 7LPHUEDVHGH[HFXWLRQXVHVDIUHHUXQQLQJWLPHUIRUHYHQW FRRUGLQDWLRQ:KHQWKHWLPHU¶VDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHUHDFKHVLWVSUHVHW YDOXHLWWULJJHUVWKHORRSXSGDWHVHTXHQFH7KHWLPHULPPHGLDWHO\ UHVHWVDQGUHVWDUWVWRPDLQWDLQDFRQVLVWHQWXSGDWHLQWHUYDO8VHWLPHU EDVHGH[HFXWLRQLQ³VORZHU´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ovember 1998 14-30 Process Control Instruction PID Figure 14.4 Example PID Programming Conditioned by a Timer in the Main Program TON TIMER ON DELAY Timer Time base Preset Accum T10:0 DN T10:0 0.01 10 0 BTR BLOCK TRANSFER READ 0 Rack 1 Group 0 Module Control Block BT9:0 Data file N7:104 Length 5 Continuous N T10:0 DN BT9:0 EN DN EN DN ER B3 0 DN PID PID Control Block Process variable Tieback Control variable B3 0 N7:20 N7:104 0 N7:200 BTW BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE 0 Rack 0 Group 0 Module Control Block BT9:1 Data file N7:200 Length 13 Continuous N N7:20 13 EN DN ER STI Program File :KHQ\RXSODFHWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQLQDVHOHFWDEOHWLPHGLQWHUUXSWILOH 67,WKH67,FRQWUROVWKHORRSXSGDWHVDPSOLQJWLPHZKHUHWKH 3,'/RRS8SGDWH7LPH 67,LQWHUYDO ,QWKH67,DVHSDUDWHSURJUDPILOHFRQWDLQVDOORIWKHQHFHVVDU\ORJLF WRDFFRPSOLVKWKHORRSXSGDWH7KH3/&SURFHVVRULVFRQILJXUHG ZLWKDQ67,WRH[HFXWHWKDWILOHDWWKHXVHU¶VXSGDWHLQWHUYDO67,ORRS FRRUGLQDWLRQLVGHVLUDEOHZLWK³IDVWHU´ORRSVRUZKHQPRUHORRS SURFHVVLQJLVUHTXLUHGDWWKHVSHFLILHGXSGDWHLQWHUYDO6HH)LJXUH IRUSURJUDPPLQJH[DPSOHV 7KH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQRSHUDWHVRQWKHPRVWUHFHQWGDWDZKHQEORFN WUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQVDUHLQFOXGHGLQWKH67,ILOH<RXPXVWSODFHEORFN WUDQVIHUPRGXOHVLQWKHORFDOFKDVVLVIRUWKLV3,'DSSOLFDWLRQ 8QODWFKLQJWKH3,'DQG%7HQDEOHELWVIRUFHVWKHSURFHVVRUWRUXQWKH 3,'DQGEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQVHYHU\WLPHWKH67,LVHQDEOHG 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-31 ,PSRUWDQW 7KHSURJUDPVFDQZDLWVIRUEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQV LQWKH67,ILOHWRFRPSOHWHWKHLUWUDQVIHUV Figure 14.5 Example PID Programming in an STI File BTR BT9:0 BLOCK TRANSFER READ 0 Rack 1 Group 0 Module Control Block BT9:0 N7:104 Data file Length 5 N Continuous EN DN ER U EN PID N7:20 PID Control block Process Variable Tieback Control variable N7:20 N7:104 0 N7:200 U 15 BTW BT9:1 BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE 0 Rack 0 Group 0 Module BT9:1 Control Block N7:200 Data file 13 Length N Continuous EN DN ER U EN 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-32 Process Control Instruction PID RTS Program File :LWKWKH5HDO7LPH6DPSOH%DVHG576WKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ¶V H[HFXWLRQLVWULJJHUHGE\WKHDYDLODELOLW\RIQHZDQDORJGDWDIURPDQ DQDORJLQSXWVRXUFHFRQILJXUHGIRUUHDOWLPHVDPSOLQJ6LQFHWKH576 FRQILJXUDWLRQRIDQDQDORJPRGXOHZLOOQRWLQLWLDWHRUDOORZD%75 XQWLOQHZGDWDLVDYDLODEOHWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VUXQJFDQEH FRQGLWLRQHGE\WKH%75¶VGRQHELW7KLVDVVXUHVWKDWWKH3,' LQVWUXFWLRQLVH[HFXWHGRQO\ZKHQQHZDQDORJGDWDLVDYDLODEOHDWWKH 576LQWHUYDO6HH)LJXUHIRUSURJUDPPLQJH[DPSOHVZKHUHWKH 3,'/RRS8SGDWH7LPH 576LQWHUYDO Figure 14.6 Example PID Programming in an RTS File BTR BT9:0 EN BLOCK TRANSFER READ 0 Rack 1 Group 0 Module Control Block BT9:0 Data file N7:104 Length 5 Continuous N EN DN ER PID BT9:0 DN PID Control Block Process variable Tieback Control variable N7:20 N7:104 0 N7:200 BTW N7:20 13 1785-6.1 November 1998 BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE Rack 0 Group 0 Module 0 Control Block BT9:1 Data file N7:200 Length 13 Continuous N EN DN ER Process Control Instruction PID PD Block Examples 14-33 Main Program File :KHQ\RXSODFHWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQLQWKHPDLQSURJUDPILOH FRQWUROWKHVDPSOHWLPHZLWKDWLPHUZKHUHWKH3,'/RRS8SGDWH 7LPH WLPHUSUHVHW 7LPHUEDVHGH[HFXWLRQXVHVDIUHHUXQQLQJWLPHUIRUHYHQW FRRUGLQDWLRQ:KHQWKHWLPHU¶VDFFXPXODWHGYDOXHUHDFKHVLWVSUHVHW YDOXHLWWULJJHUVWKHORRSXSGDWHVHTXHQFH7KHWLPHULPPHGLDWHO\ UHVHWVDQGUHVWDUWVWRPDLQWDLQDFRQVLVWHQWXSGDWHLQWHUYDO8VHWLPHU EDVHGH[HFXWLRQLQ³VORZHU´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ovember 1998 14-34 Process Control Instruction PID Figure 14.7 Example PID Programming Conditioned by a Timer in the Main Program TON T11:0 TIMER ON DELAY Timer Time base Preset Accum DN EN T11:0 0.01 10 0 DN BTR T11:0 BLOCK TRANSFER READ 0 Rack 1 Group 0 Module Control Block BT9:0 Data file N7:104 Length 5 Continuous N DN BT9:0 EN DN ER B3 DN 0 PID B3 B3 PID Control Block Process variable Tieback Control variable ONS 0 1 PD10:0 N7:104 0 N7:200 BTW BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE Rack 0 Group 0 Module 0 Control Block BT9:1 Data file N7:200 Length 13 Continuous N B3 0 EN DN ER STI Program File :KHQ\RXSODFHWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQLQDVHOHFWDEOHWLPHGLQWHUUXSWILOH 67,WKH67,FRQWUROVWKHORRSXSGDWHVDPSOLQJWLPHZKHUHWKH 3,'/RRS8SGDWH7LPH 67,LQWHUYDO ,QWKH67,DVHSDUDWHSURJUDPILOHFRQWDLQVDOORIWKHQHFHVVDU\ORJLF WRDFFRPSOLVKWKHORRSXSGDWH7KH3/&SURFHVVRULVFRQILJXUHG ZLWKDQ67,WRH[HFXWHWKDWILOHDWWKHXVHU¶VXSGDWHLQWHUYDO67,ORRS FRRUGLQDWLRQLVGHVLUDEOHZLWK³IDVWHU´ORRSVRUZKHQPRUHORRS SURFHVVLQJLVUHTXLUHGDWWKHVSHFLILHGXSGDWHLQWHUYDO6HH)LJXUH IRUSURJUDPPLQJH[DPSOHV 7KH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQRSHUDWHVRQWKHPRVWUHFHQWGDWDZKHQEORFN WUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQVDUHLQFOXGHGLQWKH67,ILOH<RXPXVWSODFHEORFN WUDQVIHUPRGXOHVLQWKHORFDOFKDVVLVIRUWKLV3,'DSSOLFDWLRQ 8QODWFKLQJWKH3,'DQG%7HQDEOHELWVIRUFHVWKHSURFHVVRUWRUXQWKH 3,'DQGEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQVHYHU\WLPHWKH67,LVHQDEOHG 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-35 ,PSRUWDQW 7KHSURJUDPVFDQZDLWVIRUEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQV LQWKH67,ILOHWRFRPSOHWHWKHLUWUDQVIHUV Figure 14.8 Example PID Programming in an STI File BTR BT9:0 BLOCK TRANSFER READ 0 Rack Group 1 0 Module Control Block BT9:0 Data file N7:104 Length 5 Continuous N EN DN ER U EN PID PID Control block Process Variable Tieback Control variable PD10:0 N7:104 0 N7:200 BTW BT9:1 BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE Rack 0 Group 0 Module 0 Control Block BT9:1 Data file N7:200 Length 13 Continuous N EN DN ER U EN 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-36 Process Control Instruction PID RTS Program File :LWKWKH5HDO7LPH6DPSOH%DVHG576WKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ¶V H[HFXWLRQLVWULJJHUHGE\WKHDYDLODELOLW\RIQHZDQDORJGDWDIURPDQ DQDORJLQSXWVRXUFHFRQILJXUHGIRUUHDOWLPHVDPSOLQJ6LQFHWKH576 FRQILJXUDWLRQRIDQDQDORJPRGXOHZLOOQRWLQLWLDWHRUDOORZD%75 XQWLOQHZGDWDLVDYDLODEOHWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VUXQJFDQEH FRQGLWLRQHGE\WKH%75¶VGRQHELW7KLVDVVXUHVWKDWWKH3,' LQVWUXFWLRQLVH[HFXWHGRQO\ZKHQQHZDQDORJGDWDLVDYDLODEOHDWWKH 576LQWHUYDO6HH)LJXUHIRUSURJUDPPLQJH[DPSOHVZKHUHWKH 3,'/RRS8SGDWH7LPH 576LQWHUYDO Figure 14.9 Example PID Programming in an RTS File BTR BT9:0 BLOCK TRANSFER READ 0 Rack 1 Group 0 Module Control Block BT9:0 Data file N7:104 Length 5 Continuous N EN BT9:0 EN DN ER B3 0 DN PID B3 B3 ONS 0 1 PID Control Block Process variable Tieback Control variable PD10:0 N7:104 0 N7:200 BTW B3 0 1785-6.1 November 1998 BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE Rack 0 Group 0 Module 0 Control Block BT9:1 Data file N7:200 Length 13 Continuous N EN DN ER Process Control Instruction PID 14-37 Ladder Logic Simulation of a Manual Control Station :KHQ\RXSURJUDPWKHVLPXODWLRQRIDPDQXDOFRQWUROVWDWLRQPDNH VXUHWKDWDKDUGZDUHPDQXDOFRQWUROVWDWLRQLVQRWFRQQHFWHGZKHQWKH SURJUDPLVHQDEOHG$GGWKHUXQJVLQ)LJXUHWRWKH3,' SURJUDPLQ)LJXUH)LJXUH)LJXUHRU)LJXUH Figure 14.10 Example Program for Simulating a Manual Control Station I:001 N7:20 L 00 4 I:001 N7:20 U 01 4 MOV N7:20 I:001 4 002 MOVE Source Destination I:011 N7:30 MOV N7:20 MOVE Source Destination 4 N7:36 N7:30 7KHODVWUXQJLQWKHDERYHH[DPSOHLVIRURXWSXWWUDFNLQJIRU EXPSOHVVWUDQVIHUIURPDXWRPDWLFWRPDQXDOPRGH Address: Description: I:001/00 Manual pushbutton switch I:001/01 Automatic pushbutton switch I:001/02 Enter pushbutton switch I:011 Manual output value N7:20/4 PID set output bit N7:30 PID set output value N7:36 Current control output 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-38 Process Control Instruction PID Cascading Loops <RXFDQFDVFDGHWZRORRSVE\DVVLJQLQJWKHFRQWURORXWSXWRIWKH RXWHUORRSWRWKHVHWSRLQWRIWKHLQQHUORRS7KHVHWSRLQWRIWKHLQQHU ORRSLVWKHWKLUGZRUGZRUGRIWKHLQWHJHUFRQWUROEORFN,IWKH FRQWUROEORFNRIWKHLQQHUORRSLV1DGGUHVVWKHRXWHUORRS FRQWURORXWSXWDW15HSODFHWKH3,'UXQJVLQ)LJXUHRU )LJXUHZLWKWKRVHLQ)LJXUH <RXPXVWQRWVFDOHWKHVHWSRLQWRIWKHLQQHUORRS6HWWKHVFDOLQJELW ZRUGELWWRWRLQKLELWVHWSRLQWVFDOLQJ Figure 14.11 Cascaded Loops PID PID Control Block Process variable Tieback Control variable N7:20 N7:105 N7:106 N7:52 PID PID Control Block Process variable Tieback Control variable N7:50 N7:107 N7:108 N7:121 Ratio Control <RXFDQPDLQWDLQWZRYDOXHVLQDUDWLRE\XVLQJD08/LQVWUXFWLRQ 7KUHHSDUDPHWHUVDUHLQYROYHG WKHZLOGRUXQFRQWUROOHGYDOXH WKHFRQWUROOHGYDOXH WKHUDWLREHWZHHQWKHVHWZRYDOXHV (QWHUWKHDGGUHVVRIWKHFRQWUROOHGYDOXHDVWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ(QWHUWKH DGGUHVVRIWKHZLOGRUXQFRQWUROOHGYDOXHDV6RXUFH$(QWHUHLWKHU WKHDGGUHVVRIWKHUDWLRYDOXHRUDSURJUDPFRQVWDQWIRUWKHUDWLRDV 6RXUFH%)RUH[DPSOHDGGWKHUXQJVLQ)LJXUHWRWKH3,' SURJUDPLQ)LJXUHRU)LJXUH 1785-6.1 November 1998 Process Control Instruction PID 14-39 Figure 14.12 Ratio Control with a PID Instruction PID PID Control block Process Variable Tieback Control variable MUL MUL Source A Source B Destination PID PID Control block Process Variable Tieback Control variable N7:20 N7:105 N7:106 N7:120 N7:105 0.350000 N7:52 N7:50 N7:107 N7:108 N7:121 Process Variable Tracking :KHQLQPDQXDOFRQWURO\RXUSURJUDPFDQIRUFHWKHVHWSRLQWWREH HTXDOWRWKHSURFHVVYDULDEOH39E\PRYLQJWKH39LQWRWKHVHWSRLQW ZRUGZRUGRIWKHLQWHJHUFRQWUROEORFNWRDFKLHYHDVPRRWK PDQXDOWRDXWRPDWLFWUDQVIHU,IWKHVHWSRLQWLVVFDOHGPRYHWKH VFDOHG39IURPWKH3,'FRQWUROEORFNGLUHFWO\LQWRWKHVHWSRLQW ZRUG,IWKHVHWSRLQWLVQRWVFDOHGPRYHWKHXQVFDOHGYDOXHIURP WKH39DGGUHVVLQWKH3,'LQVWUXFWLRQWRWKHVHWSRLQW)RUDQH[DPSOH DGGWKHUXQJVLQ)LJXUHWRWKH3,'SURJUDPLQ)LJXUHRU )LJXUH Figure 14.13 Process Variable Tracking PID PID Control Block Process variable Tieback Control variable MOV MOVE Source Destination N7:20 N7:105 N7:106 N7:120 N7:34 N7:22 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-40 Process Control Instruction PID )LJXUHDQG)LJXUHVKRZWKH3/&3,',QWHJHUDQG3' %ORFNSURFHVVIORZ)LJXUHDQG)LJXUHVKRZWKH3' %ORFNPDVWHUVODYHUHODWLRQVKLS PID Theory Figure 14.14 PLC-5 PID (Integer Block) Error Displayed as EUs Convert Binary % to EU Smax - Smin 4095 Error x SetPoint Scaling No 12 Bit Truncation Error FeedForward Set Output Mode + Off Mode Output Limiting Auto No SP-PV SP + Yes Convert Eng. Units To Binary (Error) - PID Calculation -1 (Out) PV-SP SP-Smin x 4095 Smax-Smin On Set Output % Yes Manual CV Output Limiting Tieback Convert Binary to EU SP Displayed as user entry 12 Bit Truncation Yes No PV Convert Binary to % Binary Smax - Smin + Smin PV x 4095 CV x SetPoint Scaling 100 4095 Output (CV) displayed as % Binary PV Displayed as EUs Smin - Minimum Scaled Input Smax - Maximum Scaled Input Figure 14.15 PLC-5 PID (PD Block) Error Displayed as EUs SP Displayed as EUs Software A/M -orA/M Station Mode Auto SP-PV + SP (Error) - Man Output Bias % Control Action -1 PV-SP Convert Eng. Units To % Error x 100 maxs-mins Software A/M Mode PID Calculation (Out%) + Auto Auto PVT Output Limiting Manual Set Output % No PV Displayed as EUs Yes Manual Tieback % Convert Binary To Eng. Units (PV-mini)(maxs-mins) + mins maxi-mini PV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Set Output % A/M Station Mode PVT mini maxi mins maxs - Process Variable Tracking Input Range Minimum Input Range Maximum Engineering Unit Minimum Engineering Unit Maximum Output (CV) Displayed as % of EU Scale Convert % To Binary Out% x 40.95 CV Process Control Instruction PID 14-41 Figure 14.16 PLC-5 PID (PD Block) as Master/Slave Loops Master Loop Software A/M -orA/M Station Mode Auto SP-PV (Error) + SP Output Bias % Control Action Convert Eng. Units To % Error x 100 maxs-mins -1 Man PV-SP PVT No Software A/M Mode PID Calculation (Out%) Auto + Set Output % Convert Binary To Eng. Units (PV-mini)(maxs-mins) maxi-mini SP + mins PV No Yes (Master.Out) Output Limiting Manual Manual Software A/M Mode PVT Yes Set Output % A/M Station Mode Auto Convert Eng. Units To % x 100 maxs-mins Auto Items referenced in this box are parameters, units, and modes as they pertain to the designated Slave loop. Manual Manual Auto A/M Station Mode PV (Master.Out) Output Bias % Control Action Slave Loop Convert % (SP) To Eng. Units + x (maxs-mins) + mins 100 SP-PV -1 PV-SP Convert Eng. Units To % Error x 100 maxs-mins Software A/M Mode PID Calculation + Auto Auto Output Limiting Manual Set Output % Convert Binary To Eng. Units (PV-mini)(maxs-mins) maxi-mini + mins Set Output % A/M Station Mode Convert % To Binary Out% x 40.95 CV Manual Tieback % PV 1785-6.1 November 1998 14-42 Process Control Instruction PID Figure 14.17 PD Block Master/Slave Interlocking State Transitions Slave Loop Transitions Auto Auto Auto Auto S-M an S-Man S-Auto Auto Man M Man ( Man SWM SWM S-Auto ) SWM Man (on ) SWM S-Auto M- f) (of ) (on Auto S- M M- SW M- SW M SWM Man ( SWM ) (of M f) SW ) (on MM (of M n Ma f) SW ) SWM Man ( SWM ) is in Manual with SWM also on". Designates Master Loop Mode Stable State (Composite Mode) * M S Man Auto SWM 1785-6.1 November 1998 Slave Loop Mode Mode transition Designated Master Slave Manual Automatic Software Manual S-Auto S-Man Man Note: ( SWM ) indicates that this loop Man ( SWM ) SWM n Ma ( S- ) Man SWM Man ( SWM ) S-SWM (off) ( Man SWM S-SWM (off) ) (on Man S-SWM (on) M- SW Man ( SWM ) Man ( SWM ) * S- n S-Man Man S-Auto ) Auto to Man ( SWM ) M-Au ( Man SWM M-Ma Man SWM Auto (on S-SWM (on) Man S-SWM (off) M M SW Ma n SW Au to MM- M- SW ) Man ( SWM ) Man S- ) Auto (on SWM WM S-S Auto Man S-SWM (on) Ma n to Au M- Man ) (on M- M- M Au to SW M- Master Loop Transitions Chapter 15 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Using Block Transfer and ControlNet I/O Transfer Instructions %ORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQVOHW\RXWUDQVIHUZRUGVWRRUIURPDEORFN WUDQVIHUPRGXOH&RQWURO1HW,2WUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQVOHW\RXSHUIRUP XQVFKHGXOHGWUDQVIHUVWR,2PRGXOHVRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN 7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOHEORFNWUDQVIHUDQG&RQWURO1HW,2 WUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQV Table 15.A Available Block Transfer and ControlNet I/O Transfer Instructions If You Want to: Use this Instruction: Found on Page: Transfer words to a block transfer module BTW 15-3 Transfer words from a block transfer module BTR 15-3 Perform unscheduled transfers to I/O modules on a ControlNet network CIO 15-22 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& Using Block Transfer Instructions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ovember 1998 15-2 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Table 15.B Block Transfer Instructions for Local or Remote Racks in Scanner Mode If You Want to Transfer Data: Use: To the BT I/O module BTW (block-transfer write) From the BT I/O module BTR (block-transfer read) Figure 15.1 Block Transfer Operation in Scanner Mode One of Several Remote I/O Chassis w/ 1771-ASB Adapter (processor) PLC-5 (supervisor) BTD File B T 1 7 7 1 A S B BTW BTR M o d u l e 7DEOH&GHVFULEHVKRZWREORFNWUDQVIHUGDWDZKHQWKHSURFHVVRU LVFRQILJXUHGIRUDGDSWHUPRGH)LJXUHLOOXVWUDWHVKRZWKH WUDQVIHURFFXUV Table 15.C Block Transfer Instructions for Adapter Mode If You Want to Transfer Data: Use: From the supervisory processor BTR (block-transfer read) To the supervisory processor BTW (block-transfer write) Figure 15.2 Block Transfer Operation in Adapter Mode Adapter PLC-5 Supervisor Processor Scanner BTW BTR BTR BTW BTD File Both processors simultaneously execute the opposite block transfer instruction. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-3 Block-Transfer Read (BTR) and Block-Transfer Write (BTW) Description: BTR BLOCK TRNSFR READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous EN :KHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXHWKH%7:LQVWUXFWLRQWHOOVWKHSURFHVVRUWR ZULWHGDWDVWRUHGLQWKHGDWDILOHWRWKHVSHFLILHGUDFNJURXSPRGXOH DGGUHVVWKH%75LQVWUXFWLRQWHOOVWKHSURFHVVRUWRUHDGGDWDIURPWKH UDFNJURXSPRGXOHDGGUHVVDQGVWRUHLWLQWKHGDWDILOH DN ER Block-Transfer Request Queue :KHQDIDOVHWRWUXHUXQJWUDQVLWLRQHQDEOHVD%7:RU%75 LQVWUXFWLRQWKHWUDQVIHUUHTXHVWLVTXHXHG For this Processor: The Queue Holds Up to: Classic PLC-5 17 block transfer requests per logical rack PLC-5/11, 5/20, -5/30 64 block transfer requests to remote racks (maximum 64 per channel pair – 1A/1B); no limit for requests to local racks PLC-5/40, -5/60, -5/80 128 block transfer requests to remote racks (maximum 64 per channel pair – 1A/1B, 2A/2B); no limit for requests to local racks 7KHSURFHVVRUUXQVHDFKEORFNWUDQVIHUUHTXHVWLQWKHRUGHULWLV UHTXHVWHG:KHQWKHSURFHVVRUFKDQJHVWR3URJUDPPRGHDQ\EORFN WUDQVIHUVDUHFDQFHOOHG )RU&ODVVLF3/&SURFHVVRUVHDFKUDFNQXPEHUKDVDEORFNWUDQVIHU TXHXHZLWKDFRUUHVSRQGLQJTXHXHIXOOELW7DEOH'OLVWVWKH TXHXHIXOOELWV2QFHWKHVHELWVDUHVHW\RXUODGGHUSURJUDPPXVW FOHDUWKHP<RXUSURJUDPVKRXOGFRQWLQXDOO\PRQLWRUWKHVH TXHXHIXOOELWVIRXQGLQWKHVWDWXVILOHZRUGELWV(QKDQFHG 3/&SURFHVVRUVFDQKDYHXQOLPLWHGEORFNWUDQVIHUVLQORFDOUDFNV VRWKHUHDUHQRTXHXHIXOOELWV 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-4 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Table 15.D Queue-Full Bits for Block Transfer Requests (Word 7) – Classic PLC-5 Processors Bit Description S:7/8 Block-transfer queue for rack 0 is full S:7/9 Block-transfer queue for rack 1 is full S:7/10 Block-transfer queue for rack 2 is full S:7/11 Block-transfer queue for rack 3 is full S:7/12 Block-transfer queue for rack 4 is full S:7/13 Block-transfer queue for rack 5 is full S:7/14 Block-transfer queue for rack 6 is full S:7/15 Block-transfer queue for rack 7 is full 7KHQXPEHURIUDFNVLQ\RXUV\VWHPGHSHQGVRQWKHSURFHVVRU \RXXVH $%75RU%7:LQVWUXFWLRQZULWHVYDOXHVLQWRLWVFRQWUROEORFN DGGUHVVDILYHZRUGLQWHJHUILOHZKHQWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVHQWHUHG7KH SURFHVVRUXVHVWKHVHYDOXHVWRH[HFXWHWKHWUDQVIHU 7KH(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVDOVRKDYHDEORFNWUDQVIHUILOHW\SH %7<RXFDQVWLOOXVHH[LVWLQJSURJUDPVZLWKLQWHJHUILOHW\SHVEXW WKHQHZ%7ILOHW\SHPDNHVDGGUHVVLQJHDVLHU)RUH[DPSOHLI\RX QHHGWZRFRQWUROILOHV\RXFDQXVH%7DQG%7XVLQJLQWHJHU ILOHV\RXZRXOGKDYHWRXVHIRUH[DPSOH1DQG1 Entering Parameters 7RSURJUDPD%7:RU%75LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKH SURFHVVRUZLWKWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQWKDWLWVWRUHVLQLWV FRQWUROEORFN 5DFNLVWKH,2UDFNQXPEHURFWDORIWKH,2FKDVVLVLQ ZKLFK\RXSODFHGWKHWDUJHW,2PRGXOH7DEOH(OLVWVWKHYDOLG UDQJHVIRUUDFNQXPEHUV Table 15.E Valid Ranges for Rack Number in Block Transfer Instructions 1785-6.1 November 1998 Processor Maximum Racks Valid Range for Rack Numbers (octal) PLC-5/10, -5/11, -5/12, -5/15, -5/20, -5/VME 4 00-03 PLC-5/25, -5/30 8 00-07 PLC-5/40, -5/40L 16 00-17 PLC-5/60, -5/60L, -5/80 24 00-27 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-5 *URXSLVWKH,2JURXSQXPEHUZKLFKVSHFLILHVWKHSRVLWLRQ RIWKHWDUJHW,2PRGXOHLQWKH,2FKDVVLV 0RGXOHLVWKHVORWQXPEHUZLWKLQWKHJURXS:KHQXVLQJ VORWDGGUHVVLQJWKHVORWLVWKHORZVORWWKHVORWLVWKHKLJK VORW<RXVKRXOGXVHIRUWKHPRGXOHZKHQXVLQJRUVORW DGGUHVVLQJ &RQWURO%ORFNLVDVL[ZRUGEORFNWUDQVIHUFRQWUROILOH%7RUD ILYHZRUGLQWHJHUILOH1WKDWFRQWUROVWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ¶VRSHUDWLRQ (QWHUWKLVILOHDGGUHVVZLWKRXWWKHV\PERO7KLVLVQRWDFRQWURO ILOHW\SH5 ,PSRUWDQW <RXFDQXVHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVHVIRUWKHFRQWUROEORFN DGGUHVVLQD%75RU%7:LQVWUXFWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW ,QD3/&RUSURFHVVRUWKHEORFN WUDQVIHUGDWDW\SH%7PXVWEHXVHGIRUUDFNDGGUHVVHV JUHDWHUWKDQ 7KHILYHZRUGLQWHJHU1FRQWUROILOHKDVWKHIROORZLQJVWUXFWXUH 15 14 13 12 word 0 EN ST DN ER 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 CO EW NR TO RW rack word 1 requested word count word 2 transmitted word count word 3 file-type number word 4 element number group slot )RULQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHVWDWXVELWVLQZRUGVHHSDJHIRU LQIRUPDWLRQRQZRUGVWKURXJKVHHSDJH 'DWD)LOHLVWKHDGGUHVVRIWKHLQSXWRXWSXWVWDWXVLQWHJHU1 IORDWELQDU\%&'RU$6&,,GDWDILOHIURPZKLFKZULWHRULQWR ZKLFKUHDGWKHSURFHVVRUWUDQVIHUVGDWD(QWHUWKLVILOHDGGUHVV ZLWKRXWWKHV\PERO ,PSRUWDQW <RXFDQQRWXVHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVHVIRUWKHGDWDILOH DGGUHVVLQD%75RU%7:LQVWUXFWLRQ /HQJWKLVWKHQXPEHURIGDWDILOHZRUGVWRUHDGZULWH If You Set the Length to: The Processor: 0 Reserves 64 words for block transfer data. The block transfer module transfers the maximum words it can handle. 1 to 64 Transfers the number of words specified. 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-6 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO ,PSRUWDQW $IORDWLQJSRLQWHOHPHQWFRQVLVWVRIWZRZRUGVZKHQ \RXVSHFLI\DYDOXHLQWKH/HQJWKILHOGIRUDIORDWLQJ SRLQWGDWDILOHRQO\KDOIRIWKRVHIORDWLQJSRLQWHOHPHQWV DUHUHDGZULWWHQ)RUH[DPSOHLI\RXVSHFLI\IRUWKH OHQJWKIORDWLQJSRLQWHOHPHQWVZLOODFWXDOO\EH UHDGZULWWHQ ,PSRUWDQW )ORDWLQJSRLQWGDWDILOHOHQJWKVPXVWEHDQHYHQQXPEHU Using Status Bits &RQWLQXRXVGHWHUPLQHVWKHPRGHRIRSHUDWLRQ If You Specify: The Instruction Uses This Mode: Yes Continuous – once the rung goes true, the instruction continues to transfer data until the continuous (.CO) bit is reset and the rung is false or you edit the instruction and specify NO for continuous mode. No Non-continuous – the instruction is enabled each time the rung goes true and performs only one data transfer per rung transition. 7RXVHWKH%75DQG%7:LQVWUXFWLRQVFRUUHFWO\H[DPLQHWKH LQVWUXFWLRQ¶VVWDWXVELWVVWRUHGLQWKHFRQWUROEORFN7KHVHELWVDUHLQ ZRUGRIWKHFRQWUROEORFN $77(17,21 ([FHSWIRUWKHFRQWLQXRXVELW&2ELW DQGWKHWLPHRXWELW72ELWGRQRWPRGLI\DQ\ VWDWXVELWZKLOHWKHEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQLVHQDEOHG 8QSUHGLFWDEOHRSHUDWLRQFRXOGRFFXUZLWKSRVVLEOH GDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQWDQGRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO ,PSRUWDQW 7KHELWODEHOV(167&2HWFFDQRQO\EHXVHG ZLWKWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUILOHW\SH%7 1785-6.1 November 1998 This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) when the rung goes true. This bit shows that the instruction is enabled (that the block transfer is in progress). In non-continuous mode, the .EN bit remains set until the block transfer finishes or fails and the rung goes false. In continuous mode, once the .EN bit is set, it remains set regardless of the rung condition. Start .ST (bit 14) when the processor begins transferring data. The .ST bit is reset at the false-to-true transition after the .DN bit or .ER bit is set. Done .DN (bit 13) at completion of the block transfer, if the data is valid. The .DN bit is set asynchronous to the program scan so the .DN bit may go true any time after the block transfer is initiated. The .DN bit is reset the next time the associated rung goes from false to true. Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-7 This Bit: Is Set: Error .ER (bit 12) when the processor detects that the block transfer failed. The .ER bit is reset the next time the associated rung goes from false to true. Continue .CO (bit 11) when you edit the instruction for repeated operation of the block transfer after the first scan, independent of whether the processor continues to scan the rung. Reset the .CO bit if you want the rung condition to initiate block transfers (return to non-continuous mode). If you are using continuous block transfers in a sequential function chart, see Appendix B, “SFC Reference,” in this manual. Enable-waiting .EW (bit 10) when the block transfer request enters the queue. If the queue is full, this bit remains reset until there is room in the queue. The .EW bit is reset when the associated rung goes from false to true. In continuous mode, once the .EW bit it set, it remains set. Use the .EW bit to verify that a BTW or BTR instruction is queued before leaving an SFC step. No Response .NR (bit 09) if the block transfer module does not respond to the first local block transfer request. The .NR bit is reset when the associated rung goes from false to true (not used with remote block transfer). Time Out .TO (bit 08) if you reset the time out bit through ladder logic or data monitor, the processor repeatedly tries to send a block transfer request to an unresponsive module for four seconds before setting the .ER bit. If you set the .TO bit through ladder logic or data monitor, the processor disables the four-second timer and requests a block transfer one more time before setting the .ER bit. Read-Write .RW (bit 07) controlled by the instruction. A 0 indicates a write operation; a 1 indicates a read operation. $77(17,21 7KHSURFHVVRUUXQVEORFNWUDQVIHU LQVWUXFWLRQVDV\QFKURQRXVO\WRSURJUDPVFDQ7KHVWDWXV RIWKHVHELWVFRXOGFKDQJHDWDQ\SRLQWLQWKHSURJUDP VFDQ,I\RXH[DPLQHWKHVHELWVLQODGGHUORJLFFRS\WKH VWDWXVRQFHWRDVWRUDJHELWZKRVHVWDWXVLVV\QFKURQL]HG ZLWKWKHSURJUDPVFDQ2WKHUZLVHWLPLQJSUREOHPVPD\ LQYDOLGDWH\RXUSURJUDPZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWR HTXLSPHQWRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO ,PSRUWDQW :KHQXVLQJLQWHJHU1DQGEORFNWUDQVIHU%7ILOH W\SHVWKH(167'1(5(:DQG15ELWVDUH FOHDUHGGXULQJSUHVFDQ <RXUODGGHUSURJUDPVKRXOGFRQGLWLRQWKHXVHRIEORFNWUDQVIHUGDWD RQWKHVWDWHRIWKH'1ELW 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-8 Using the Control Block Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHVWDWXVELWVWKHFRQWUROEORFNFRQWDLQVRWKHU SDUDPHWHUVWKHSURFHVVRUXVHVWRFRQWUROEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQV 7DEOH)OLVWVWKHVHYDOXHV Table 15.F Values in the Block Transfer Control Block Word – Integer Control Bock BT Control Block Description 0 .EN through .RW Status bits 1 .RLEN Requested word count 2 .DLEN Transmitted word count / error code (Enhanced PLC-5 processors) 3 .FILE File type / number 4 .ELEM Element number Requested Word Count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ransmitted Word Count (.DLEN) 7KLVLVWKHQXPEHURIZRUGVWKHPRGXOHDFWXDOO\WUDQVIHUUHGDIWHUWKH LQVWUXFWLRQFRPSOHWHVH[HFXWLRQ7KHSURFHVVRUXVHVWKLVQXPEHUWR YHULI\WKHWUDQVIHU7KLVQXPEHUVKRXOGPDWFKWKHUHTXHVWHGZRUG FRXQWXQOHVVWKHWUDQVPLWWHGZRUGFRXQWLV]HUR,IWKHVHQXPEHUVGR QRWPDWFKWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(5ELWELW 7KH(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVDOVRKDYHHUURUFRGHVZRUGRIWKH LQWHJHUILOHFRQWUROEORFNRUVWRUHGLQWKH'/(1ZRUGRIWKH%7 FRQWUROEORFNWKDWWKHSURFHVVRUFDQVHWGXULQJWKHWUDQVIHU,IDEORFN WUDQVIHUHUURURFFXUVLQDQ(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUWKHHUURUFRGH LVVWRUHGLQWKHWUDQVPLWWHGZRUGFRXQW7KLVHUURUFDQEHLGHQWLILHGE\ LWVQHJDWLYHQXPEHU2QO\RQHHUURUFRGHLVVWRUHGDWDWLPHDQHZ HUURUFRGHRYHUZULWHVDQ\SUHYLRXVHUURUFRGH7DEOH*OLVWVWKHVH HUURUFRGHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-9 Table 15.G Enhanced PLC-5 Processor Block Transfer Error Codes Error Number: Description: –1 not used –2 not used –3 The size of the block transfer plus the size of the index in the block transfer data table was greater than the size of the block transfer data table file. –4 There was an invalid transfer of block transfer write data between the adapter and the block transfer module. –5 The checksum of the block transfer read data was wrong. –6 The block transfer module requested a different length than the associated block transfer instruction. This could happen if a 64-word block transfer instruction was executed and the block transfer module’s default length was not 64 words. –7 Block transfer data was lost due to a bad communication channel. Possible reasons are noise, bad connections, and loose wires. Check resistors. –8 Error in block transfer protocol – unsolicited block transfer. –9 The block transfer timeout, set in the instruction, timed out before completion. –10 No communication channels are configured for remote I/O or rack number does not appear in rack list. –11 No communication channels are configured for the requested rack or slot. –12 The adapter is faulted or not present for the BT command. –13 Queues for remote block transfers are full. File Number (.FILE) 7KLVQXPEHULGHQWLILHVWKHILOHQXPEHURIWKHLQWHJHUILOHIURPZKLFK WKHGDWDLVZULWWHQRUWRZKLFKWKHGDWDLVUHDG)RUH[DPSOHWKHILOH QXPEHURI1LV Element Number (.ELEM) 7KLVQXPEHULGHQWLILHVWKHVWDUWLQJZRUGLQWKHGDWDILOHDGGUHVV)RU H[DPSOHLQ1WKHZRUGQXPEHULV 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-10 Selecting Continuous Operation Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction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ovember 1998 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-11 Figure 15.3 Timing Diagram for Status Bits in Continuous BTR and BTW Instructions stage 3 EN EW ST stage 2 stage 1 CO DN ER Rung true Request enters the queue Instruction begins execution Instruction finishes Rung false Rung true Stage 1 - If .CO set, return to stage 2; if .CO reset, go to stage 3 Stage 2 - Return here for continuous operation Stage 3 - Go here if .CO is reset $FRQWLQXRXVEORFNWUDQVIHUFRQWLQXHVDVORQJDVWKHSURFHVVRUVWD\V LQ5XQRU7HVWPRGHDQGWKHWUDQVIHUGRHVQRWHUURU,I\RXVZLWFKWR 3URJUDPPRGHRUWKHSURFHVVRUIDXOWVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUVWRSVDQG ZLOOQRWVWDUWDJDLQXQWLOWKHSURFHVVRUVFDQVWKHUXQJWKDWFRQWDLQVWKH EORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQ,IUXQQLQJFRQWLQXRXVEORFNWUDQVIHUVIURP ZLWKLQVHTXHQWLDOIXQFWLRQFKDUWVVHHDSSHQGL[% 7RVWRSFRQWLQXRXVRSHUDWLRQHLWKHUPRGLI\WKHEORFNWUDQVIHU LQVWUXFWLRQDQGVHOHFWQRQFRQWLQXRXVRUUHVHWWKH&2ELW 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-12 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Selecting Non-Continuous Operation 1RQFRQWLQXRXVEORFNWUDQVIHUXSGDWHVEORFNWUDQVIHU,2RQHWLPH ZKHQWKHUXQJJRHVWUXH$QRQFRQWLQXRXVEORFNWUDQVIHUPDLQWDLQV EORFNLQWHJULW\7KHHQWLUHEORFNRIGDWDLVXSGDWHGHDFKWLPHWKH SURFHVVRUUXQVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQ8VHQRQFRQWLQXRXV PRGHZKHQ\RXZDQWWRFRQWUROZKHQWKHEORFNWUDQVIHURFFXUVRUWKH QXPEHURIWLPHVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHURFFXUV 1RQFRQWLQXRXVPRGHZRUNVDVIROORZV)LJXUH :KHQWKHUXQJWKDWFRQWDLQVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQJRHV WUXHWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(1ELW7KHSURFHVVRUDOVRUHVHWVWKH '1(567(:DQG15ELWV 7KHSURFHVVRUWKHQTXHXHVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUUHTXHVW:KHQWKH EORFNWUDQVIHUUHTXHVWHQWHUVWKHTXHXHWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH (:ELW :KHQWKHSURFHVVRUVWDUWVWRSURFHVVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUUHTXHVW WKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH67ELW ,IQRHUURURFFXUVGXULQJWUDQVPLVVLRQWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH'1 ELWDIWHUWKHEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQILQLVKHV,IDQHUURURFFXUV WKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(5ELW 7KLVVLJQLILHVWKDWRQHEORFNWUDQVIHUILQLVKHG7KHQH[WWLPHWKH UXQJJRHVIDOVHWKHSURFHVVRUUHVHWVWKH(1ELW Figure 15.4 Timing Diagram for Status Bits in Non-Continuous BTR and BTW Instructions EN EW ST CO DN ER Rung true 1785-6.1 November 1998 Request enters the queue Instruction begins execution Instruction finishes Rung false Rung true Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Block Transfer Timing – Classic PLC-5 Processors 15-13 7KHWLPHWRFRPSOHWHDEORFNWUDQVIHULQD&ODVVLF3/&SURFHVVRU GHSHQGVRQ LQVWUXFWLRQUXQWLPH ZDLWLQJWLPHLQWKHTXHXH WUDQVIHUWLPH Instruction Run Time 7KHWLPHLQPLFURVHFRQGVLWWDNHVWKHSURFHVVRUWRH[HFXWHDEORFN WUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQLVGHILQHGE\WKHVHIRUPXODV Write: Read: 310 + 11.2Q + 5.4W 250 + 11.2Q Where: Represents: Q number of queued block transfer requests to the same I/O chassis with the continuous bit set W number of words to transfer Waiting Time in the Queue 7KHZDLWLQJWLPHLQWKHTXHXHLVWKHVXPRIWKHWUDQVIHUWLPHV\HWWR RFFXUEHIRUHWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUUHTXHVWIRUZKLFK\RXDUHFDOFXODWLQJ WLPHWRWKHVDPH,2FKDVVLV Transfer Time 7KHWUDQVIHUWLPHLQPLOOLVHFRQGVEHWZHHQWKHDFWLYHEXIIHUDQGWKH PRGXOHVWDUWVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKHVWDUWELWDQGHQGVZKHQ WKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKHGRQHELW7KHWUDQVIHUWLPHLVGHILQHGE\ WKHVHIRUPXODV Write: local Read: local 0.9 + 0.1W remote (57.6K baud) 13 + 30C + 0.3W 0.9 + 0.1W remote (57.6K baud) Where: Represents: C number of full remote logical racks W number of words to transfer 9 + 21.3C + 0.3W 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-14 Block Transfer Timing – Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 7KHWLPHWRFRPSOHWHDEORFNWUDQVIHULQ(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUV GHSHQGVRQ LQVWUXFWLRQUXQWLPH ZDLWLQJWLPHLQWKHKROGLQJDUHDTXHXH WUDQVIHUWLPH Instruction Run Time 7KHWLPHLWWDNHVWKHSURFHVVRUWRH[HFXWHDEORFNWUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQ LVWKHVDPHIRUDUHDGRUDZULWHPLFURVHFRQGV Waiting Time in the Holding Area 7KHZDLWLQJWLPHLQWKHKROGLQJDUHDLVWKHVXPRIWKHWUDQVIHUWLPHV \HWWRRFFXUEHIRUHWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUUHTXHVWIRUZKLFK\RXDUH FDOFXODWLQJWLPHWRWKHVDPH,2FKDVVLV Transfer Time 7KHWUDQVIHUWLPHLQPLOOLVHFRQGVEHWZHHQWKHDFWLYHEXIIHUDQGWKH PRGXOHVWDUWVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKHVWDUWELWDQGHQGVZKHQWKH SURFHVVRUVHWVWKHGRQHELW7KHWUDQVIHUWLPHLVGHILQHGE\WKLV IRUPXODVDPHIRUDUHDGRUZULWH local 1785-6.1 November 1998 600 µsec + x(w) remote (57.6K baud) 4 + 8C + 0.3W remote (115K baud) 4 + 4.6C + 0.15W remote (230K baud) 4 + 3.2C + 0.075W Where this: Represents: x • 8 or less block transfers queued in local rack = 86 µsec • more than 8 block transfers queued in local rack = 300 µsec Note: This timing assumes that no other block transfers are queued to the same slot and that successive block transfers to the same slot are executed every 1000 µsec. C number of full remote logical racks W number of words to transfer Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Programming Examples 15-15 3URJUDP\RXUSURFHVVRUIRUEORFNWUDQVIHUXVLQJRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJ PHWKRGVEDVHGRQ\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV7DEOH+ Table 15.H Block Transfer Programming Methods If You Want to: Use this Method: Program block transfers to and from the same module when you want the order of execution to follow the same order scanned in the program Bidirectional alternating Continuously repeat bidirectional alternating block transfers and the step will be scanned Bidirectional alternating repeating Program block transfers to and from the same module when you want the transfers to continue regardless of which SFC steps are active Bidirectional continuous* Program a BTR from, or a BTW to a module when you want the block transfer to execute based on an event Directional non-continuous Continuously repeat a block transfer and the step will be scanned Directional repeating Program a BTR from or BTW to a module when you want the transfer to continue regardless of which SFC steps are active Directional continuous* Ensure block integrity Buffering block transfer data * Only use continuous mode when you want a block transfer to continue executing even when the logic which controls it is not being scanned. ,PSRUWDQW 7KHVHH[DPSOHVVKRZDQ(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRU XVLQJWKH%7ILOHW\SH,I\RXDUHXVLQJD&ODVVLF3/& SURFHVVRUVXEVWLWXWHDQDSSURSULDWHLQWHJHUILOH 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-16 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Example Bidirectional Alternating Block-Transfer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igure 15.5 Example Bidirectional Alternating Block Transfer BTR Precondition BT10:0 EN BTR enable bit BTW enable bit Precondition BT10:1 EN BT10:1 EN BTW enable bit BTR enable bit BT10:0 EN Block-transfer rungs must be scanned for the transfers to occur. The preconditions allow time-driven or event-driven transfers. 1785-6.1 November 1998 BLOCK TRANSFER READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous EN 3 2 0 BT10:0 N11:0 10 N0 DN ER BTW BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous EN 3 2 0 BT10:1 N11:10 11 NO DN ER Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-17 Example Bidirectional Alternating Repeating Block-Transfer )LJXUHVKRZVDELGLUHFWLRQDODOWHUQDWLQJUHSHDWLQJEORFNWUDQVIHU H[DPSOH8VLQJUXQJVOLNHWKLVH[DPSOHPDNHVVXUHWKHEORFNWUDQVIHU UHTXHVWVDUHH[HFXWHGLQWKHRUGHULQZKLFKWKH\ZHUHVHQWWRWKH TXHXH7KHSURFHVVRUDOWHUQDWHVEHWZHHQWKH%75VDQG%7:VLQWKH RUGHULQZKLFKWKH\DUHVFDQQHGE\YLUWXHRIWKH;,2FRQGLWLRQV7KH ;,2FRQGLWLRQVSUHYHQWVWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUUHDGDQGEORFNWUDQVIHU ZULWHIURPTXHXHLQJVLPXOWDQHRXVO\7KHEORFNWUDQVIHUVFRQWLQXHDV ORQJDVWKHVWHSLVVFDQQHG Figure 15.6 Example Bidirectional Alternating Repeating Block Transfer BTR BT10:0 EN BTR enable bit BTW enable bit BT10:1 EN BT10:1 EN BTW enable bit BTR enable bit BT10:0 EN BLOCK TRANSFER READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous EN 3 2 0 BT10:0 N11:0 10 N0 DN ER BTW BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous EN 3 2 0 BT10:1 N11:10 11 NO DN ER Block-transfer rungs must be scanned for the transfers to occur. 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-18 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Example Bidirectional Continuous Block-Transfer )LJXUHVKRZVDELGLUHFWLRQDOFRQWLQXRXVEORFNWUDQVIHUH[DPSOH Figure 15.7 Example Bidirectional Continuous Block Transfer Preconditions Preconditions Scan the rung once to start continuous block transfers. The continuous operation starts on a false-to-true rung transition and continues, whether or not the rungs are scanned again. To stop continuous operation, use the Data Monitor to reset the continuous bit (.CO or bit 11), or change the Continuous field in the instruction to NO. BTR BLOCK TRANSFER READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous 3 6 1 BT10:0 N7:100 0 YES BTW BLOCK TRANSFER WRITE Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous 3 6 1 BT10:1 N7:200 0 YES BT10:0 BT10:1 BT10:1 U EN ER These rungs will reset block transfers and should be placed in logic where rungs are being scanned for error recovery. Your logic must rescan the block transfers with preconditions true in order to restart continuous block transfers. DN ER EN BT10:0 U EN ER 1785-6.1 November 1998 EN DN ER Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-19 Example Directional Non-Continuous Block-Transfer )LJXUHVKRZVDGLUHFWLRQDOQRQFRQWLQXRXVEORFNWUDQVIHU H[DPSOH7KHEORFNWUDQVIHUH[HFXWHVRQFHIRUHYHU\IDOVHWRWUXH WUDQVLWLRQRIWKHSUHFRQGLWLRQ Figure 15.8 Example Directional Non-Continuous Block Transfer BTR Precondition Use the same method for a BTW. The rung must go from false to true for the transfer to occur. BLOCK TRANSFER READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous EN 2 5 1 BT10:0 N7:500 0 NO DN ER Example Directional Repeating Block Transfer )LJXUHVKRZVDGLUHFWLRQDOUHSHDWLQJEORFNWUDQVIHUH[DPSOH Figure 15.9 Example Directional Repeating Block Transfer BTR BT10:0 EN Use the same method for a BTW. The block transfer will continue as long as the step is scanned. BLOCK TRANSFER READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous EN 2 5 1 BT10:0 N7:500 0 NO DN ER 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-20 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Example Directional Continuous Block-Transfer )LJXUHVKRZVDGLUHFWLRQDOFRQWLQXRXVEORFNWUDQVIHUH[DPSOH Figure 15.10 Example Directional Continuous Block Transfer Precondition Use the same method for a BTW. Scan the rung once to start continuous block transfers. The continuous operation starts on a false-to-true rung transition and continues, whether or not the rungs are scanned again. To stop continuous operation, use the Data Monitor to reset the continuous bit (.CO or bit 11), or change the Continuous field in the instruction to NO. BTR error bit BT10:0 BTR BLOCK TRANSFER READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data file Length Continuous 2 5 1 BT10:0 N7:500 0 YES DN ER BTR BT10:0 enable bit U ER This rung will reset block transfers and should be placed in logic where rungs are being scanned for error recovery. Your logic must rescan the block transfers with preconditions true in order to restart continuous block transfers. 1785-6.1 November 1998 EN EN Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-21 Example Buffering Block Transfer-Data ,I\RXEORFNWUDQVIHUGDWDUHSHDWHGO\EXIIHUWKHILOHE\H[DPLQLQJWKH %75GRQHELWDQGH[HFXWLQJDILOHWRILOHPRYHRUFRS\ZKHQWKH GRQHELWLVWUXH7KLVHQVXUHVILOHLQWHJULW\RIWKHEORFNWUDQVIHUUHDG GDWDILOH BT10:0 EN BTR enable bit BT10:0 DN BTR done bit BTR BLOCK TRANSFER READ Rack Group Module Control Block Data File Length Continuous FAL FILE ARITH/LOGICAL Control Length Position Mode Destination Expression EN 2 2 1 BT10:0 N7:400 4 NO DN ER EN R6:4 4 0 ALL #N7:500 #N7:400 DN ER 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-22 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO) Instruction CIO CNET I/O TRANSFER Control Block CT21:50 EN DN ER 8VLQJWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXFDQSHUIRUPODGGHULQLWLDWHG XQVFKHGXOHGWUDQVIHUVXSWRHOHPHQWVWR,2PRGXOHVW\SLFDOO\ DQDORJRULQWHOOLJHQWRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ RQ&RQWURO1HW,2RSHUDWLRQVVHHWKH&RQWURO1HW3/& 3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU0DQXDO :KHQWKHLQSXWFRQGLWLRQVJRIURPIDOVHWRWUXHGDWDLVWUDQVIHUUHG DFFRUGLQJWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQSDUDPHWHUV\RXVHWZKHQHQWHULQJWKH &,2LQVWUXFWLRQ 7RSURJUDPD&,2LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKH&RQWURO1HW 3/&SURFHVVRUZLWKDFRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVVZKLFKFRQWDLQVWKH VWDWXVDQGLQVWUXFWLRQSDUDPHWHUV$IWHU\RXHQWHUWKHFRQWUROEORFN SDUDPHWHUVWKHSURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDOGLVSOD\VDQLQVWUXFWLRQHQWU\ VFUHHQIURPZKLFK\RXHQWHULQVWUXFWLRQSDUDPHWHUVVWRUHGLQWKH FRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVV Control Block Address :LWK&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRUVXVHD&RQWURO1HWWUDQVIHU&7 ILOHW\SHIRUWKHFRQWUROEORFN)RUH[DPSOH&7LVDYDOLG&,2 FRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVV ,PSRUWDQW <RXFDQQRWXVHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVHVIRUWKHFRQWUROEORFN DGGUHVVLQD&,2LQVWUXFWLRQ $IWHU\RXHQWHUWKHFRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVVIRUWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQWKH SURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDOGLVSOD\VDQLQVWUXFWLRQHQWU\VFUHHQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Using the CIO Instruction 15-23 <RXFDQXVHWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQWRWUDQVIHUXSWRHOHPHQWVRIGDWD SHU&,2LQVWUXFWLRQRYHUD&RQWURO1HWOLQN7KHLQVWUXFWLRQHQWU\ VFUHHQIRUWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQOHWV\RXFRQILJXUHWKHIROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ7DEOH, ,PSRUWDQW 7KH3/&VWUXFWXUHGWH[WSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHGRHV QRWVXSSRUWWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQ Table 15.I CIO Instruction Entry Screen Configuration If You Want to: Press this Key: Change the command type. Toggle among the following: • 1771 Read selects a block transfer read. • 1771 Write selects a block transfer write. • 1794 Fault Action selects the action the module takes when the adapter faults and the connection is terminated. • 1794 Idle Action selects the action the module takes when the connection is idle. • 1794 Config Data changes the configuration for the 1794 module. • 1794 Safe State Data changes the value of the safe state data for the 1794 module. [F1] – Command Type Enter a PLC-5 data table address of the ControlNet processor. [F2] – PLC-5 Address Enter the size in elements. Type the number of elements and press [Enter]. • 1 (1794 Fault Action and 1794 Idle Action) • 1-15 (1794 Config Data and 1794 Safe State Data) • 0-64 (1771 Read and 1771 Write) Note: If you enter 0 for 1771 Read and/or 1771 Write, 64 words are reserved for block transfer. [F3] – Size in Elements Enter the destination network address. Type a number (1-99) and press [Enter]. [F8] – Local Node Enter the destination slot number. Type a number and press [Enter]. • 0-7 (1794 command types) • 0-15 (1771 command types) Note: The slot number represents the physical slot in the chassis occupied by the module. To find your slot number, count from the left I/O slot starting with 0. [F9] – Slot Number 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-24 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO $IWHUHQWHULQJDQGDFFHSWLQJWKHUXQJFRQWDLQLQJWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQ WKHGDWDPRQLWRUVFUHHQIRUWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQOHWV\RXGLVSOD\WKH SDUDPHWHUVIRUWKHFRQWUROEORFNRIWKHFXUUHQW&,2LQVWUXFWLRQ)URP WKHGDWDPRQLWRUVFUHHQ\RXFDQGHILQHWKHIROORZLQJSDUDPHWHUV 7DEOH- Table 15.J CIO Instruction Control Block Parameters If You Want to: Press this Key: Toggle the control bit that the cursor is on. You can toggle among the TO, EW, CO, ER, DN, ST, and EN bits. [F2] – Toggle Bit Change the size of the block of data to send or receive. [F3] – Size in Elements Change the address for which the data is displayed. [F5] – Specify Address Display the data table values for the next file. [F7] – Next File Display the data table values for the previous file. [F8] – Previous File Display the data table values for the next element. [F9] – Next Element Display the data table values for the previous element. [F10] – Previous Element 7KH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQXVHVWKHIROORZLQJVWDWXVELWV Using Status Bits This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) when the rung goes true. The .EN bit is reset when the .DN bit or .ER bit is set. This bit shows that the instruction is enabled. Start .ST (bit 14) when the processor begins executing the CIO instruction. The .ST bit is reset when the .DN bit or .ER bit is set. Done .DN (bit 13) when the last word of the CIO instruction transferred. The .DN bit is reset the next time the associated rung goes from false to true. The .DN bit is only active in non-continuous mode. Error .ER (bit 12) when the processor detects that the message transfer failed. The .ER bit is reset the next time the associated rung goes from false to true. Continue .CO (bit 11) manually for repeated operation of the CIO instruction after the first scan, independent of whether the processor continues to scan the rung. Enable-Waiting .EW (bit 10) when the processor detects that a message request entered the queue. The processor resets the .EW bit when the .ST bit is set. Time Out .TO (bit 08) through ladder logic to stop processing the message. The processor sets the .ER bit. 1785-6.1 November 1998 $77(17,21 7KHSURFHVVRUFRQWUROVVWDWXVELWV67 DQG(:DV\QFKURQRXVO\WRWKHSURJUDPVFDQ,I\RX H[DPLQHWKHVHELWVLQODGGHUORJLFFRS\WKHVWDWXVWRD VWRUDJHELWZKRVHVWDWXVLVV\QFKURQL]HGZLWKWKH SURJUDPVFDQ2WKHUZLVHWLPLQJSUREOHPVPD\ LQYDOLGDWH\RXUSURJUDPZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWR HTXLSPHQWRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO 15-25 $77(17,21 )RUFRQWLQXRXVPRGHWRRSHUDWH FRUUHFWO\\RXPXVWVHWWKH&2ELWHLWKHURQWKH FRQILJXUDWLRQVFUHHQRUWKURXJKODGGHUORJLFEHIRUH\RX HQDEOHWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQ Using the CT Control Block ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHVWDWXVELWVWKH&7FRQWUROEORFNFRQWDLQVWKHVH SDUDPHWHUVWKDWWKH&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRUXVHVWRFRQWURO &,2 LQVWUXFWLRQV Word: CT Control Block: Description: 0 .EN through .TO Status bits See “Using Status Bits” above. 1 .ERR Error code This is where the processor stores the error code if a problem occurs during message transmission. 2 .RLEN Requested length This is the requested number of elements you wish to transfer with the message instruction. 3 .DLEN Done length This is the number of elements the module actually transferred after the instruction completes execution. This number should match the requested length (unless the requested length is 0). 4 .FILE File number This number identifies the file number of the file from which the data is written or to which the data is read. For example, the file number of N12:1 is 12. 5 .ELEM Element number This number identifies the starting word in the data file address. For example, in N12:1, the word number is 1. 1785-6.1 November 1998 15-26 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Block-Transfer Instructions BTR and BTW ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction CIO Chapter 16 Message Instruction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sing the Message Instruction 7KH06*LQVWUXFWLRQRYHU'+FDQFRPPXQLFDWHZLWK3/& 3/& 3/& 3/& DQG6/& DQG6/& SURFHVVRUVRQORFDORUUHPRWHOLQNV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQVHH$SSHQGL[& Message (MSG) Description: MSG SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGE EN Control Block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ovember 1998 16-2 Message Instruction MSG 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHOLVWVZKLFK(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUVVHULHV DQGUHYLVLRQ\RXFDQXVHZLWKWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQWRWUDQVIHUGDWD IURPWRD3/&SURFHVVRURUWRIURPDQ6/&RUSURFHVVRU LQ6/&QDWLYHPRGH Entering Parameters Processor Series/Revision: Processors: Series A / revision M PLC-5/40, -5/40L, -5/60, -5/60L Series A / revision J PLC-5/30 Series A / revision H PLC-5/11, -5/20 Series B / revision J PLC-5/40, -5/40L, -5/60, -5/60L Series C / revision G Enhanced, Ethernet, and VME PLC-5 processors Series C / revision H ControlNet PLC-5 Series D / revision A Enhanced, Ethernet, ControlNet, and VME PLC-5 processors 6SHFLI\DFRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVVZKHQ\RXILUVWHQWHUWKH06* LQVWUXFWLRQ7KHFRQWUROEORFNLVZKHUHDOORIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQUHODWLQJ WRWKHPHVVDJHZLOOEHVWRUHG$IWHUHQWHULQJWKHFRQWUROEORFNWKH SURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDODXWRPDWLFDOO\GLVSOD\VDGDWDHQWU\VFUHHQ IURPZKLFK\RXHQWHULQVWUXFWLRQSDUDPHWHUVWKDWDUHVWRUHGDWWKH FRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVV<RXFDQDOVRXVHWKHGDWDPRQLWRUVFUHHQIRU WKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQWRHGLWVHOHFWHGSDUDPHWHUV Control Block Address :LWK&ODVVLF3/&SURFHVVRUVXVHDQLQWHJHUILOH1ZLWKRXWWKH V\PEROIRUWKHPHVVDJHFRQWUROEORFN)RUH[DPSOH1LVDYDOLG 06*FRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVV If You Have this Processor: Use this Control Block Address: Classic PLC-5 an integer file (N) without the # symbol for the message control block. Example: N7:0 Enhanced PLC-5, Ethernet PLC-5, or VME PLC-5 an integer file (N) or the message (MG) file type to access the message control block for DH+ transfers. Example: MG10:0 Using the MG control block, the control block size is fixed at 56 words. This size is displayed on the screen in the BLOCK SIZE field. You must use the MG control block if you are sending messages to an SLC 500 processor using the SLC read and write commands, or if you are sending message out any port other than channel 1A. Ethernet PLC-5, ControlNet PLC-5, VME PLC-5 1785-6.1 November 1998 a message (MG) file type to access the VMEbus, Ethernet, or ControlNet network Message Instruction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ata Entry Screen $IWHU\RXHQWHUWKHFRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVVIRUD06*LQVWUXFWLRQWKH SURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHDXWRPDWLFDOO\GLVSOD\VDGDWDHQWU\VFUHHQIRU WKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQXVLQJWKHDSSURSULDWHGDWDW\SHLQWHJHURU PHVVDJH3UHVVWKHIXQFWLRQNH\IRUWKHGDWD\RXZDQWWRPRGLI\<RX FDQVSHFLI\WKHIROORZLQJ06*SDUDPHWHUVIURPWKHGDWD HQWU\ VFUHHQ This Function Key: Specifies this Information: [F1] – Command Type Whether the MSG instruction performs a read or write operation and to what type of processor the message is going to. [F2] – PLC-5 Address The data file address of the processor containing the message instruction. If the MSG operation is write, this address is the starting word of the source file. If the MSG operation is read, this address is the starting word of the destination file. [F3] – Size in Elements The number of elements (1-1000) to be transferred. 1785-6.1 November 1998 16-4 Message Instruction MSG This Function Key: Specifies this Information: [F4] – Local/Remote LOCAL: the message is sent to a device on the local DH+ link. REMOTE: the message is sent through a bridge (DH, DH II, etc.) to another DH+ link. If you select REMOTE, the function keys [F5] – Remote Station, [F6] – Link ID, and [F7] – Remote Link are active. [F5] – Remote Station The DH or DH II address (1-376 octal) of the target station. PLC-2 and PLC-3 processors require communication adapter modules (1771-KA2 and 1775-KA, respectively) when they operate as stations on data highway. In these configurations, the remote station address is the address of the communication adapter module. [F6] – Link ID The remote link where the processor you want to communicate with resides. The default is 0. [F7] – Remote Link Toggles through DH, DH II, and other choices for what connects the remote link to the local DH+. [F8] – Local Node The local station address on the DH+ (0-77 octal). If you communicate with another processor on the local link, this address is the address of the target station on the local link. If you communicate with a target station on a remote link, this address is the station number of the communication adapter module that bridges the data highway. [F9] – Destination Address The starting address of the source or destination file in the target processor. [F10] – Port Number The channel for message communications. Valid options are: 0, 1A (default), 1B, 2A, 2B, and 3A for the ASCII command. ,I\RXVHOHFWWKH$6&,,RSWLRQXVLQJWKH[F1] – Command TypeNH\ IRUXVHZLWK3/&9GRLQJUHDGZULWHVWRWKH90(EXVWKH VRIWZDUHGLVSOD\VDQHZVFUHHQIRU\RXWRHQWHUWKHWH[WIRU\RXU $6&,,FRPPXQLFDWLRQV5HIHUWRWKH3/&90(90(EXV 3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU0DQXDOIRUWKHV\QWD[RIFRPPDQG WH[WWRGR90(EXVWUDQVIHUV )RU&RQWURO&RSURFHVVRUGDWDWUDQVIHUVXVLQJWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQ XVHWKHIROORZLQJFKRLFHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 FRPPXQLFDWLRQFRPPDQG±VHOHFW3/&ZRUGUDQJHUHDGRU 3/&ZRUGUDQJHZULWH GHVWLQDWLRQGDWDWDEOHDGGUHVV±WKURXJKPDWFKHV FRUUHVSRQGLQJUHDGZULWHKDQGOHULQFRSURFHVVRUV DSSOLFDWLRQSURJUDP 3RUWQXPEHU±$ Message Instruction MSG Using the Message Instruction for Ethernet Communications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ntering Parameters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ovember 1998 16-6 Message Instruction MSG This Field: Specifies this Information: Command Type Whether the MSG instruction performs a read or write operation. The software toggles between: • PLC-5 Typed Read • PLC-5 Typed Write • PLC-5 Typed Write to SLC • PLC-5 Typed Read from SLC • SLC Typed Logical Read • SLC Typed Logical Write • PLC-2 Unprotected Read • PLC-2 Unprotected Write • PLC-3 Word Range Read • PLC-3 Word Range Write • ASCII PLC-5 Address The data file address of the processor containing the message instruction. If the MSG operation is write, this address is the starting word of the source file. If the MSG operation is read, this address is the starting word of the destination file. Size in Elements The number of elements (1-1000) to be transferred. IP Address The MSG instruction’s destination node. • If the destination is another PLC-5/20E, -5/40E, or -5/80E, the destination must be a full Internet address • If the destination is an INTERCHANGE™ client program, enter the word “CLIENT” as the destination node. Do not enter an IP address. Note: You must set [F10] – Port Number to 2 in order to access this function. Destination Address The starting address of the source or destination file in the target processor. Port Number The channel for message communications. Ethernet communications use channel 2. Multihop Select yes if you want to send the MSG instruction to a ControlLogix device. Then use the Multihop tab to specify the path of the MSG instruction. For more information, see “Configuring an Ethernet Multihop MSG Instruction” on page 16-9. 7KH(WKHUQHW3/&SURFHVVRUVGRQRWVXSSRUWKRVWQDPHVDVDPHDQV RIDGGUHVVLQJPHVVDJHV+RZHYHU\RXFDQXVHKRVWQDPHVZLWK 3/&SURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHIRUFRQQHFWLQJWR(WKHUQHW3/& SURFHVVRUVLIDQDPHVHUYHULVRQWKHQHWZRUNRUDKRVWILOHLV PDLQWDLQHGRQ\RXUZRUNVWDWLRQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Message Instruction MSG Using the Message Instruction for PLC-5 Ethernet Interface Module Communications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ntering Parameters 7KHFRQWUROEORFNLVZKHUHDOORIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQUHODWLQJWRWKH PHVVDJHLVVWRUHG(WKHUQHWPHVVDJHLQVWUXFWLRQVXVHWZRFRQVHFXWLYH 06*HOHPHQWVWKHILUVWRQHFRQWDLQVWKHPHVVDJHLQIRUPDWLRQWKH VHFRQGRQHFRQWDLQVWKHGHVWLQDWLRQDGGUHVV ,PSRUWDQW 6LQFHWKH(WKHUQHWPHVVDJHVQHHGWZRFRQVHFXWLYH FRQWUROEORFNVWKHPHVVDJHFRQWUROEORFNWKDW\RX VSHFLI\PXVWVWDUWRQDQHYHQQXPEHU $IWHUHQWHULQJWKHFRQWUROEORFNWKH3/&SURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUH DXWRPDWLFDOO\GLVSOD\VDGDWDHQWU\VFUHHQIURPZKLFK\RXHQWHU LQVWUXFWLRQSDUDPHWHUVWKDWDUHVWRUHGDWWKHFRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVV 1785-6.1 November 1998 16-8 Message Instruction MSG <RXPXVWHQWHUDSRUWQXPEHURI$WRHQDEOHDVSHFLDOVFUHHQIRU WUDQVIHUVRYHU(WKHUQHWZLWKWKH3/&(WKHUQHW,QWHUIDFH0RGXOH This Field: Specifies this Information: Command Type Whether the MSG instruction performs a read or write operation. The software toggles between: • PLC-5 Typed Read • PLC-5 Typed Write • PLC-5 Typed Write to SLC • PLC-5 Typed Read from SLC • SLC Typed Logical Read • SLC Typed Logical Write • PLC-2 Unprotected Read • PLC-2 Unprotected Write • PLC-3 Word Range Read • PLC-3 Word Range Write • ASCII PLC-5 Address The data file address of the processor containing the message instruction. If the MSG operation is write, this address is the starting word of the source file. If the MSG operation is read, this address is the starting word of the destination file. Size in Elements The number of elements (1-1000) to be transferred. Host/IP Address The MSG instruction’s destination node. •If the destination is an Enhanced PLC-5 processor, the destination must be a full Internet address •If the destination is an INTERCHANGE client program, enter the word “CLIENT” as the destination node. Do not enter an IP address. Note: You must set [F10] – Port Number to 2 in order to access this function. Destination Address The starting address of the source or destination file in the target processor. Port Number The channel for message communications. The PLC-5 Ethernet Interface Module communications use channel 3A. 5HPRYDORIWKH3/&(WKHUQHW,QWHUIDFH0RGXOHZLOOQRWFKDQJHWKH IRUPDWRIWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQVGHILQHGIRUWKHPRGXOH 1785-6.1 November 1998 Message Instruction MSG 16-9 Configuring an Ethernet Multihop MSG Instruction 7KHVHULHV(UHYLVLRQ'DQGODWHU3/&SURFHVVRUVFDQFRPPXQLFDWH RYHU(WKHUQHWZLWK&RQWURO/RJL[GHYLFHVRUWKURXJKD&RQWURO/RJL[ (WKHUQHW(1(7PRGXOHWRRWKHU3/&SURFHVVRUV<RXQHHG HLWKHUDQ(WKHUQHW3/&SURFHVVRURUDQ\3/&SURFHVVRUZLWKD VHULHV$UHYLVLRQ((1(7VLGHFDUPRGXOH7KHIROORZLQJ GLDJUDPVKRZVDQ(WKHUQHW3/&SURFHVVRUDQGWKHRWKHU3/&DQG 6/&SURFHVVRUVLWFDQFRPPXQLFDWHZLWKXVLQJDPXOWLKRS 06* LQVWUXFWLRQ Ethernet PLC-5 processor or PLC-5 processor with 1785-ENET sidecar Ethernet ControlLogix chassis SLC 5/05 Processor PLC-5 processor with DH+ ControlNet 1785-ENET sidecar ControlNet PLC-5 processor PLC-5 Processor 7RFRPPXQLFDWHWKURXJKD&RQWURO/RJL[(1(7PRGXOH\RX FRQILJXUHWKHPXOWLKRSIHDWXUHRID06*LQVWUXFWLRQIURPWKH (WKHUQHW3/&SURFHVVRURU3/&SURFHVVRUZLWK(1(7 VLGHFDUPRGXOHWRWKHWDUJHWGHYLFH<RXQHHG56/RJL[ SURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUH(QDEOHWKHPXOWLKRSRSWLRQZKHQ\RXVSHFLI\ WKHWDUJHWGHYLFH7KHQXVHWKH0XOWLKRSWDEWRVSHFLI\WKHSDWKRIWKH 06*LQVWUXFWLRQ ,I\RXZDQWWRJRWKURXJKWKH&RQWURO/RJL[(1(7PRGXOHDQG RXWWKH'+5,2PRGXOHWRWKHWDUJHWGHYLFH\RX XVH*DWHZD\FRQILJXUDWLRQVRIWZDUHWRFRQILJXUHWKH '+5,2PRGXOHURXWLQJWDEOHLQWKH&RQWURO/RJL[V\VWHP VSHFLI\D/LQN,'QXPEHURQFKDQQHOSURSHUWLHVIRUFKDQQHO$ RIWKH(WKHUQHW3/&SURFHVVRURU3/&SURFHVVRUZLWKD (1(7VLGHFDUPRGXOH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFRQILJXULQJD3/&FKDQQHODQG VSHFLI\LQJWKHSDWKRIWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQVHHWKHGRFXPHQWDWLRQIRU \RXUSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUH 1785-6.1 November 1998 16-10 Message Instruction MSG Using the Message Instruction for ControlNet Communications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ontrol Block Address :LWK&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRUVXVHDPHVVDJHGDWDILOH0*IRU WKHPHVVDJHFRQWUROEORFN)RUH[DPSOH0*LVDYDOLG06* FRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVV <RXFDQXVHWKH0HVVDJH0*ILOHW\SHDQGWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQ WRVHQGWZRFRPPDQGVRYHU&RQWURO1HWZLWKLQWKHORFDO &RQWURO1HWOLQN 3/&7\SHG:ULWH 3/&7\SHG5HDG $IWHU\RXHQWHUWKHFRQWUROEORFNDGGUHVVIRUWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQWKH SURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDOGLVSOD\VDQLQVWUXFWLRQHQWU\VFUHHQ3UHVVWKH IXQFWLRQNH\IRUWKHGDWD\RXZDQWWRPRGLI\<RXFDQVSHFLI\WKH IROORZLQJIURPWKHLQVWUXFWLRQHQWU\VFUHHQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 This Field: Specifies this Information: Command Type Change the command type. Toggle between the following: • PLC-5 Typed Write selects a write operation to a ControlNet PLC-5 processor • PLC-5 Typed Read selects a read operation from another ControlNet PLC-5 processor PLC-5 Address The PLC-5 data table address of the ControlNet processor. If the MSG operation is write, this address is the starting word of the source file. If the MSG operation is read, this address is the starting word of the destination file. Size in Elements The number of elements (1-1000) to be transferred. Local Node The destination node address (1-99). Destination Address The starting address of the source or destination file in the target processor. Port Number The channel for message communications. The port number must be 2 for ControlNet. Multihop Select yes if you want to send the MSG instruction to a ControlLogix device. Then use the Multihop tab to specify the path of the MSG instruction. For more information, see “Configuring an ControlNet Multihop MSG Instruction” on page 16-11. Message Instruction MSG 16-11 Configuring a ControlNet Multihop MSG Instruction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ontrolNet PLC-5 processor ControlNet ControlLogix chassis SLC 5/05 Processor ControlNet PLC-5 processor DH+ ControlNet ControlNet PLC-5 processor PLC-5 Processor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ovember 1998 16-12 Message Instruction MSG 7KH06*LQVWUXFWLRQXVHVWKHIROORZLQJVWDWXVELWV Using Status Bits $77(17,21 'RQRWPRGLI\DQ\VWDWXVELWZKLOHWKH ,QVWUXFWLRQLVHQDEOHG 8QSUHGLFWDEOHPDFKLQHRSHUDWLRQFRXOGRFFXUZLWK SRVVLEOHGDPDJHWRHTXLSPHQW DQGRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO ,PSRUWDQW 7KHELWODEHOV(167&2HWFFDQRQO\EHXVHG ZLWKWKHPHVVDJHILOHW\SH0* This Bit: Is Set: Enable .EN (bit 15) when the rung goes true. This bit shows that the instruction is enabled (that the instruction is being executed). In non-continuous mode, .EN bit remains set until the message is completed and the rung goes false. In continuous mode, once .EN bit is set, it remains set regardless of the rung condition. Start .ST (bit 14) when the processor begins executing the MSG instruction. The .ST bit is reset when the .DN bit or .ER bit is set. Done .DN (bit 13) when the last packet of the MSG instruction transferred. The .DN bit is reset the next time the associated rung goes from false to true. The .DN bit is only active in non-continuous mode. Error .ER (bit 12) when the processor detects that the message transfer failed. The .ER bit is reset the next time the associated rung goes from false to true. Continue .CO (bit 11) manually for repeated operation of the MSG instruction after the first scan, independent of whether the processor continues to scan the rung. Reset the .CO bit if you want the rung condition to initiate messages (return to non-continuous mode). Enable-Waiting .EW (bit 10) when the processor detects that a message request entered the queue. The processor resets the .EW bit when the .ST bit is set. No Response .NR (bit 09) if the target processor does not respond to the first MSG request. The .NR bit is reset when the associated rung goes from false to true. Time Out .TO (bit 08) if you set the .TO bit through ladder logic, the processor stops processing the message and sets the .ER bit (timeout error 55). A DH+ message time out in 30-60 seconds. A ControlNet message will time out in 4 seconds No Cache .NC (ControlNet processors only) if you set the .NC bit, the open connection is closed when the MSG is done. If this bit remains reset, the connection remains open even when the MSG is complete. $77(17,21 7KHSURFHVVRUFRQWUROVVWDWXVELWV67 DQG(:DV\QFKURQRXVO\WRWKHSURJUDPVFDQ,I\RX H[DPLQHWKHVHELWVLQODGGHUORJLFFRS\WKHVWDWXVWRD VWRUDJHELWZKRVHVWDWXVLVV\QFKURQL]HGZLWKWKH SURJUDPVFDQ2WKHUZLVHWLPLQJSUREOHPVPD\ LQYDOLGDWH\RXUSURJUDPZLWKSRVVLEOHGDPDJHWR HTXLSPHQWRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQQHO ,PSRUWDQW ,IWKH6)&VWDUWRYHUDQG&2ELWVDUHFOHDUHGWKH(1 67'1(5(:DQG15ELWVDUHFOHDUHG GXULQJ SUHVFDQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Message Instruction MSG Using the Control Block 16-13 ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHVWDWXVELWVWKHFRQWUROEORFNFRQWDLQVRWKHU SDUDPHWHUVWKHSURFHVVRUXVHVWRFRQWUROPHVVDJHLQVWUXFWLRQV 7DEOH$OLVWVWKHVHYDOXHV Table 16.A Values in the Control Block Word – Integer Control Block Message Control Block Description 0 .EN thru .RW Control bits 0 - low byte .ERR Error code 2 - high byte .RLEN Requested length 2 - low byte .DLEN Done length 3 Internal data Error Code (.ERR) 7KLVLVZKHUHWKHSURFHVVRUVWRUHVWKHHUURUFRGHLIDSUREOHPRFFXUV GXULQJPHVVDJHWUDQVPLVVLRQ(UURUFRGHVDUHOLVWHGLQ7DEOH( Requested Length (.RLEN) 7KLVLVWKHUHTXHVWHGDPRXQWRIHOHPHQWVWKHXVHUZLVKHVWRWUDQVIHU ZLWKWKHPHVVDJHLQVWUXFWLRQ Transmitted Length (.DLEN) 7KLVLVWKHQXPEHURIHOHPHQWVWKHPRGXOHDFWXDOO\WUDQVIHUUHGDIWHU WKHLQVWUXFWLRQFRPSOHWHVH[HFXWLRQ7KLVQXPEHUVKRXOGPDWFKWKH UHTXHVWHGOHQJWK 1785-6.1 November 1998 16-14 Message Instruction MSG Entering Parameters Communication Command 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHGHVFULEHVWKHFRPPXQLFDWLRQFRPPDQGV If You Want the Instruction to: Select the Command: Read data identified by a type code. This command reads data structures without you specifying the actual word length. For example, if you choose a typed read of the PLC-5 timer data section with a requested data size of 5 elements, the MSG instruction reads 15 words (5 timer structures of 3 words each). PLC-5 Typed Read Write data identified by a type code. This command writes data structures without you specifying the actual word length. PLC-5 Typed Write Read 16-bit words from any area of the PLC-2 data table or PLC-2 compatibility file. PLC-2 Unprotected Read Write 16-bit words to any area of the PLC-2 data table or PLC-2 compatibility file. PLC-2 Unprotected Write Read data identified by a type code. This command reads data structures without specifying the actual word length. This command provides additional data verification for communications between a PLC-5 and SLC 500 processor.1 PLC-5 Typed Read from SLC2, 3 Write data identified by a type code. This command writes data structures without specifying the actual word length. This command provides additional data verification for communications between a PLC-5 and SLC 500 processor.1 PLC-5 Typed Write to SLC2, 3 Read a range of words, starting at the address specified for the external address in the MSG control file and reading sequentially the number of words specified for the requested size field in the MSG control file. The data that is read is stored, starting at the address specified fro the internal address in the MSG control file. This is used for communicating between a PLC-5 and SLC 500 processor.1 SLC Typed Logical Read3 Write a range of words, starting at the address specified for the internal address in the MSG control file and writing sequentially the number of words specified for the requested size field in the MSG control file. The data from the internal address is written, starting at the address specified for the external address in the MSG control file. This is used for communicating between a PLC-5 and SLC 500 processor.1 SLC Typed Logical Write3 Read a range of words, starting at the address specified for the external address in the MSG control file and reading sequentially the number of words specified for the requested size field in the MSG control file. The data that is read is stored, starting at the address specified for the internal address in the MSG control file. PLC-3 Word Range Read Write a range of words, starting at the address specified for the internal address in the MSG control file and writing sequentially the number of words specified for the requested size field in the MSG control file. The data from the internal address is written, starting at the address specified for the external address in the MSG control file. PLC-3 Word Range Write 1The PLC-5 is limited to a maximum message of 103 words (206 bytes). The maximum message size for SLC 5/03™ and SLC 5/04™ processors is 103 words (206 bytes). The maximum message size capability of all other SLC 500 processors is 41 words (82 bytes). 2 These commands are valid only with any SLC 5/04 and SLC 5/03 series C and later processors. 3 These commands are only valid with processors listed in the table on page 16-2. <RXFDQXVHWKH7\SHG5HDGDQG7\SHG:ULWHFRPPDQGVWRWUDQVIHU GDWDWDEOHVHFWLRQVZLWKRXWFRXQWLQJWKHDFWXDOZRUGVSHUGDWDWDEOH HOHPHQW<RXRQO\KDYHWRVSHFLI\WKHQXPEHURIHOHPHQWV\RXZDQW WRWUDQVIHU)RUH[DPSOHLQWKHGDWDWDEOHWLPHUVHFWLRQRQHHOHPHQW FRQWDLQVZRUGVEXWLQWKHELQDU\GDWDWDEOHVHFWLRQRQHHOHPHQW FRQWDLQVRQHZRUG 1785-6.1 November 1998 Message Instruction MSG 16-15 External Data Table Addresses 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHOLVWVWKHYDOLGH[WHUQDOGDWDWDEOHDGGUHVVHV This Communication Command: To this Device: Requires that You Enter: Example Address: PLC-5 Typed Read PLC-5/250 the address in double quotes “1N0:0” PLC-5 Typed Write PLC-5 the address N7:0 1775-S5 the address in double quotes, precede with a $ character “$N7:0” 1775-SR5 PLC-2 Unprotected Read PLC-2 Unprotected Write PLC-2 PLC-2 compatibles octal number of 16-bit word offset 025 PLC-3 Word Range Read PLC-3 Word Range Write PLC-5/250 the address in double quotes “1N7:0” PLC-5 the address in double quotes, precede with a $ character “$N7:0” 1775-S5 1775-SR5 the address in double quotes, precede with a $ character, or just the address (which will be slightly faster) “$N7:0” N7:0 1771-DMC Control Coprocessors the address in double quotes “00’ to “31” to match C program “01” SLC Typed Logical Read SLC Typed Logical Write SLC 500 processors the address N7:0 PLC-5 Typed Read to SLC PLC-5 Typed Write from SLC SLC 5/03 and 5/04 processors the address N7:0 PLC-2 to PLC-5 Compatibility Files ,QRUGHUWRVHQGDPHVVDJHEHWZHHQD3/&DQGD3/&\RXPXVW XVHD3/&FRPSDWLELOLW\ILOHZLWKLQWKH3/&SURFHVVRU7KLVILOH QXPEHUPXVWEHWKHGHFLPDOHTXLYDOHQWRIWKHRFWDODGGUHVVRIWKH 3/&:HUHFRPPHQGWKDWWKHRFWDODGGUHVVRIWKH3/&EHJUHDWHU WKDQVRWKDWLWGRHVQRWLQWHUIHUHZLWKWKHGHIDXOW3/&GDWDILOHV )RUH[DPSOHLID3/&LVDWVWDWLRQDQ\PHVVDJHLWVHQGVWRD 3/&GHIDXOWVWRILOHLQWKH3/&GHFLPDOHTXLYDOHQWWRRFWDO $OVRQRWHWKDWVLQFHWKH3/&DGGUHVVHVLVRFWDOLI\RXKDYHD 3/&DGGUHVVDVLQDZULWHFRPPDQGWKHZULWHDFWXDOO\RFFXUV LQWKH3/&¶VZRUGGHFLPDOHTXLYDOHQWWRRFWDO 1785-6.1 November 1998 16-16 Message Instruction MSG Sending SLC Typed Logical Read and Typed Logical Write Commands )ROORZWKHVHJXLGHOLQHVZKHQSURJUDPPLQJ6/&7\SHG/RJLFDO5HDG DQG6/&7\SHG/RJLFDO:ULWHFRPPDQGV <RXPXVWXVHWKH0*GDWDW\SHIRUWKH06*FRQWUROEORFN 3/&'DWD7DEOH$GGUHVVDQGWKH'HVWLQDWLRQDGGUHVVW\SHV VKRXOGPDWFKZKHQWKHGDWDW\SHLVVXSSRUWHGE\WKH3/&DQG 6/&DQGSURFHVVRUV,I\RXZDQWWRVHQGDGDWDW\SH WKDWWKH6/&RUSURFHVVRUVGRQRWVXSSRUWWKH6/& SURFHVVRUVLQWHUSUHWWKDWGDWDDVLQWHJHU7KLVWDEOHPDSVWKHGDWD W\SHVIURPWKH3/&SURFHVVRUVWRWKH6/&DQG SURFHVVRUV 1785-6.1 November 1998 This PLC-5 Data Type: Is Interpreted by the SLC 5/03 and 5/04 Processors as: Binary (B) Bit Integer (N) Integer Output (O) Integer Input (I) Integer Status (S) Integer ASCII (A) ASCII BCD (D) Integer SFC status (SC) Integer String (ST) String BT control (BT) Integer ControlNet transfer (CT) Integer Timer (T) Timer Counter (C) Counter Control (R) Control Float (F) Float MSG control (MG) Integer PID control (PD) Integer 7RUHDGZULWHIURPWKH6/&LQSXWRXWSXWUHDGRQO\RUVWDWXV ILOHVSHFLI\DQLQWHJHU3/&'DWD7DEOH$GGUHVVDQGVSHFLI\WKH DGGUHVVRIWKH6/&LQSXWRXWSXWRUVWDWXVILOH)RUH[DPSOH6 IRUZRUGRIWKH6/&VWDWXVILOH6SHFLI\6/&LQSXWRXWSXW DGGUHVVHVE\ORJLFDOIRUPDWLH2UHIHUHQFHVVORW Message Instruction MSG Monitoring a Message Instruction 16-17 3/&$6&,,GDWDLVE\WHGDWDZRUGZKHUHDVDQ6/& $6&,,GDWDHOHPHQWLVRQHZRUG7KHUHIRUHLI\RXUHTXHVWDQ 3/&7\SHG5HDGRIHOHPHQWVWKH6/&SURFHVVRUVHQGV DSDFNHWFRQWDLQLQJE\WHVZRUGV 3/&SURFHVVRUVDOORZVHOHPHQWVIRUPRVWGDWDW\SHV ZKHUHDV6/&SURFHVVRUVRQO\DOORZHOHPHQWV 7RPRQLWRURUHGLW06*LQVWUXFWLRQSDUDPHWHUVDQGVWDWXVELWVDIWHU \RXHQWHUWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQGLVSOD\WKHGDWDPRQLWRUVFUHHQIRUWKH 06*LQVWUXFWLRQDQGILOHW\SH\RXDUHXVLQJ If You Are Using this File Type: See: integer (N) Table 16.B message (MG) Table 16.C ,I\RXDUHXVLQJDQLQWHJHU1ILOHW\SH\RXFDQGRWKHIROORZLQJ IURPWKHGDWDPRQLWRUVFUHHQ7DEOH% Table 16.B Data Monitor Screen for the MSG Instruction – N File Type If You Want to: Press this Key: specify the number of elements (1-1000) you want to read from or write to the network station [F3} – Size in Elements set and reset status bits [F9] – Toggle Bit ,I\RXDUHXVLQJDQPHVVDJH0*ILOHW\SH\RXFDQGRWKHIROORZLQJ IURPWKHGDWDPRQLWRUVFUHHQ7DEOH& Table 16.C Data Monitor Screen for the MSG Instruction – MG File Type If You Want to: Press this Key: Toggle the control bit that the cursor is on. You can toggle among the TO, NR, EW, CO, ER, DN, ST, and EN bits [F2] – Toggle Bit Change the size of the block of data to send or receive. [F3] – Size in Elements Change the address for which the data is displayed. [F5] – Specify Address Display the data table values for the next file. [F7] – Next File Display the data table values for the previous file. [F8] – Previous File Display the data table values for the next element. [F9] – Next Element Display the data table values for the previous element. [F10] – Previous Element 1785-6.1 November 1998 16-18 Selecting Continuous Operation Message Instruction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ovember 1998 Message Instruction MSG 16-19 Figure 16.1 Timing Diagram for Status Bits in Continuous MSG Instructions EN EW A ST CO DN ER Rung true Data sent by instruction and received in the queue MSG begins transmission on network MSG transmission completes Rung false Rung true these events are asynchronous to ladder program scan A When the MSG transmission completes, the cycle starts over here without rung transitions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electing Non-Continuous Operation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ovember 1998 16-20 Message Instruction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igure 16.2 Timing Diagram for Status Bits in Non-Continuous MSG Instructions EN EW ST CO DN ER Rung true Data sent by instruction and received in the queue MSG begins transmission on network MSG transmission completes Rung false Rung true these events are asynchronous to ladder program scan MSG Timing 7KHWLPHUHTXLUHGIRURQH3/&SURFHVVRUWRVHQGRUUHFHLYHD PHVVDJHWRIURPDQRWKHUSURFHVVRURQWKH'+OLQNGHSHQGVRQWKH QXPEHURI VWDWLRQVRQWKH'+OLQN PHVVDJHVWUDQVPLWWHGIURPDFWLYHVWDWLRQV E\WHVRIGDWDRIDOOWUDQVPLWWHGPHVVDJHV PHVVDJHUHTXHVWVDOUHDG\LQWKHTXHXH 7LPLQJVWDUWVZLWKVHWWLQJWKHHQDEOHELWDQGHQGVZLWKVHWWLQJWKH GRQHELWLQWKHODGGHUSURJUDPRIWKHVWDWLRQLQLWLDWLQJWKHPHVVDJH 7KHRUGHURIRSHUDWLRQLVVKRZQLQ7DEOH' 1785-6.1 November 1998 Message Instruction MSG 16-21 Table 16.D Message Instruction Operation Receiving MSG (Station A reading/receiving from Station B) Sending MSG (Station A writing/sending to Station B) station A enables the message instruction in the ladder program station A enables the message instruction in the ladder program station A obtains the token and transmits the read command (station B acknowledges immediately) station A obtains the token and transmits data (station B acknowledges immediately) station B obtains the token and transmits requested data station B stores the data in memory station A receives the data and acknowledges immediately station B obtains the token to respond that the write is complete station A sets the done bit station A sets the done bit when it receives a response <RXFDQHVWLPDWHWKHWLPHLQPLOOLVHFRQGVIRUWUDQVPLWWLQJRQH SDFNHWRYHU'+XVLQJWKHIROORZLQJIRUPXODV Processor Type: Formula: Classic PLC-5 Message time = TP + TT + OH + P + 8 (number of messages) Enhanced PLC-5 Message time = TP + TT + OH + 8 (number of messages) ZKHUH TP = TT OH P WRNHQSDVV QXPEHURIVWDWLRQVRQ'+OLQN WUDQVPLVVLRQWLPH QXPEHURIGDWDZRUGV 1XPEHURIGDWDZRUGVLQDOOWUDQVPLWWHGPHVVDJHV IRURQHWRNHQSDVVDURXQGWKH'+OLQN '+RYHUKHDG PV ORQJHVWSURJUDPVFDQIRUDQ\SURFHVVRURQWKH'+OLQN DSSOLFDWLRQYDOXHLQPLOOLVHFRQGV 6HHWKH3/&90(EXV3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU0DQXDODQG WKH(WKHUQHW3/&3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUVPDQXDOIRU SHUIRUPDQFHQXPEHUVDQGEHQFKPDUNV 1785-6.1 November 1998 16-22 Message Instruction MSG :KHQWKHSURFHVVRUGHWHFWVDQHUURUGXULQJWKHWUDQVIHURIPHVVDJH GDWDWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(5ELWDQGHQWHUVDQHUURUFRGHWKDW\RX FDQPRQLWRUIURP\RXUSURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDO,IWKHPHVVDJHLV QRQFRQWLQXRXVWKHSURFHVVRUVHWVWKH(5ELWWKHILUVWWLPHWKH SURFHVVRUVFDQVWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQ Error Codes Table 16.E Errors Detected By the Processor Code: Enhanced PLC-51 MG data type Classic PLC-52 N data type Ethernet Only Description (Displayed on the Data Monitor screen): 0037 55 0037 message timed out in local processor 0083 131 0083 processor is disconnected 0089 137 0089 message buffer is full If the MSG is going out channel 0, there are not enough internal buffers available. Decrease the number of MSG instructions to this port. Otherwise, the destination node sent back a MSG indicating that its buffers are full. Decrease the number of MSG instructions going to the destination node. 0092 146 0092 no response (regardless of station type) 00D3 211 00D3 you formatted the control block incorrectly 00D5 213 00D5 incorrect address for the local data table 0200 2 link layer timed out or received a NAK 0300 3 duplicate token holder detected by link layer 0400 4 local port is disconnected 0500 5 application layer timed out waiting for a response 0600 6 duplicate node detected 0700 7 station is off line 0800 8 hardware fault 1000 129 1000 illegal command from local processor 2000 130 2000 communication module not working 3000 131 4000 132 4000 processor connected but faulted (hardware) 5000 133 5000 you used the wrong station number 6000 134 6000 requested function is not available 7000 135 7000 processor is in program node 1 2 remote node is missing, disconnected, or shut down Hexadecimal – word 1 of the control block Decimal – low byte of word 0 of the control block 1785-6.1 November 1998 Message Instruction MSG 16-23 Code: Enhanced PLC-51 MG data type Classic PLC-52 N data type Ethernet Only Description (Displayed on the Data Monitor screen): 8000 136 8000 processor’s compatibility file does not exist 9000 137 9000 remote node cannot buffer command B000 139 B000 processor is downloading so it is inaccessible F001 231 F001 processor incorrectly converted the address F002 232 F002 incomplete address F003 233 F003 incorrect address F006 236 F006 addressed file does not exist in target processor F007 237 F007 destination file is too small for number of words requested F00A 240 F00A target processor cannot put requested information in packets F00B 241 F00B privilege error, access denied F00C 242 F00C requested function is not available F00D 243 F00D request is redundant F011 247 F011 data type requested does not match data available F012 248 F012 incorrect command parameters 00103 0010 no IP address configured for the network 00113 0011 already at maximum number of connections 00123 0012 invalid Internet address or host name 3 0013 no such host 00143 0014 cannot communicate with the name server 00153 0015 connection not completed before user-specified timeout 00163 0016 connection timed out by the network 3 0017 connection refused by destination host 00183 0018 connection was broken 00193 0019 reply not received before user-specified timeout 001A3 001A no network buffer space available F01A file owner active – the file is being used F01B program owner active – someone is downloading, online editing, or set the program owner with APS in the WHO Active screen 0013 0017 1Hexadecimal – word 1 of the control block Decimal – low byte of word 0 of the control block 3Errors detected by a Enhanced PLC-5 processor attached to a PLC-5 Ethernet Interface Module only. 2 1785-6.1 November 1998 16-24 Message Instruction MSG Table 16.F Errors Detected By the VME Processor 1785-6.1 November 1998 PLC-5/40V (hexadecimal – word 1 of the control block) Description (Displayed on the Data Monitor screen): 0000 success 0001 invalid ASCII message format 0002 invalid file type 0003 invalid file number 0004 invalid file element 0005 invalid VME address 0006 invalid VME transfer width 0007 invalid number of elements requested for transfer 0008 invalid VME interrupt level 0009 invalid VME interrupt status-id value 000A VMEbus transfer error (bus error) 000B unable to assert requested interrupt (already pending) 000C raw data transfer setup error 000D raw data transfer crash (PLC switched out of run mode) 000E unknown message type (message type not ASCII) Chapter 17 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT Using ASCII Instructions Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Only 7KH$6&,,LQVWUXFWLRQVUHDGZULWHFRPSDUHDQGFRQYHUW$6&,, VWULQJV7KHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVDUHRQO\VXSSRUWHGE\(QKDQFHG3/& SURFHVVRUV7DEOH$OLVWVWKHDYDLODEOH$6&,,LQVWUXFWLRQV Table 17.A Available ASCII Instructions If You Want to: Use this Instruction: On Page: See how many characters are in the buffer, up to and including the end of line character ABL 17-4 See how many total characters are in the buffer ACB 17-5 Convert a string to an integer value ACI 17-6 Concatenate two strings into one ACN 17-7 Extract a portion of a string to create a new string AEX 17-7 Configure your modem handshake lines AHL 17-8 Convert an integer value to a string AIC 17-9 Read characters from the buffer and put into a string ARD 17-10 Read one line of characters from the buffer and put into a string ARL 17-12 Search a string for another string ASC 17-14 Compare two strings ASR 17-15 Write a string with user-configured characters appended AWA 17-15 Write a string AWT 17-17 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-2 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 7KHUHDUHWZRW\SHVRI$6&,,LQVWUXFWLRQV Type of ASCII Instruction: Description: ASCII port control read, write, set/reset handshake lines, examine the length of the buffer (ARD, ARL, AWT, AWA, AHL, ACB, ABL) ASCII string manipulate string data, such as compare, search, extract, concatenate, convert to/from integer (ASR, ASC, AEX, ACN, ACI, AIC) $6&,,LQVWUXFWLRQVDUHGHSHQGHQWXSRQRQHDQRWKHU)RUH[DPSOHLI \RXKDYHDQ$5'$6&,,UHDGLQVWUXFWLRQDQGWKHQDQ$:7$6&,, ZULWHWKHGRQHELWRQWKH$5'PXVWEHVHWEHIRUHWKH$:7FDQ EHJLQH[HFXWLQJHYHQLIWKH$:7ZDVHQDEOHGZKLOHWKHSURFHVVRU ZDVH[HFXWLQJWKH$5'$VHFRQG$6&,,LQVWUXFWLRQFDQQRWEHJLQ XQWLOWKHILUVWKDVFRPSOHWHG+RZHYHUWKHSURFHVVRUGRHVQRWZDLW IRUDQ$6&,,LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRPSOHWHEHIRUHFRQWLQXLQJWRH[HFXWH \RXUODGGHUSURJUDPQRQ$6&,,LQVWUXFWLRQV Using Status Bits <RXFDQH[DPLQHVWDWXVELWVLQWKHODGGHUSURJUDPWRH[DPLQHVRPH HYHQW7KHSURFHVVRUFKDQJHVWKHVWDWHVRIVWDWXVELWVDVWKHSURFHVVRU H[HFXWHVWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ<RXDGGUHVVWKHVWDWXVELWVE\PQHPRQLFRU ELWQXPEHULQWKHFRQWUROHOHPHQWDGGUHVV 7KH$6&,,LQVWUXFWLRQVXVHWKHOHQJWK/(1DQGSRVLWLRQ326 ILHOGVLQVRPHLQVWUXFWLRQVDVZHOODVWKHIROORZLQJVWDWXVELWV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Description: Explanation of Status Bit: Found.FD (08) Reserved Unload.UL (10) This bit may be used by the user to cancel an ASCII read or write in progress. The time out may occur immediately or up to 6 seconds later. Error.ER (11) The instruction did not complete successfully. Note: If this bit is set, the .EN bit is cleared and the .DN bit is set during prescan. Synchronous Done.EM (12) The bit is set on the first scan of the instruction after it is completed. Asynchronous Done.DN (13) The bit is set immediately upon successful completion of the instruction, asynchronous to program scan. Note: If this bit is set , the .EN bit is cleared and the .DN bit is set during prescan. Queue.EU (14) The bit is set when the instruction is successfully queued. Enable.EN (15) The bit is set when the rung goes true and is reset after completion of the instruction and the rung goes false. Note: If this bit is set and the .DN and .ER bits are cleared, the control word is cleared during prescan. ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 17-3 Using the Control Block ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHVWDWXVELWVWKHFRQWUROEORFNFRQWDLQVRWKHU SDUDPHWHUVWKHSURFHVVRUXVHVWRFRQWURO$6&,,WUDQVIHULQVWUXFWLRQV 7DEOH%OLVWVWKHVHYDOXHV Table 17.B Values in the Control Word Word – Integer Control Block ASCII Control Block Description 0 .EN, .DN, etc Status Bits 1 .LEN Word Length 2 .POS Character Position Length (.LEN) 7KLVLVWKHQXPEHURIFKDUDFWHUVWKHRSHUDWLRQLVWREHSHUIRUPHGRQ Position (.POS) 7KLVLVWKHFXUUHQWFKDUDFWHUQXPEHUZKLFKWKHRSHUDWLRQ KDVH[HFXWHG Using Strings <RXFDQDGGUHVVVWULQJOHQJWKVE\DGGLQJD/(1WRDQ\VWULQJDGGUHVV IRUH[DPSOH67/(1 6WULQJOHQJWKVPXVWEHEHWZHHQDQGE\WHV,QJHQHUDOOHQJWKV WKDWDUHRXWVLGHRIWKLVUDQJHFDXVHWKHSURFHVVRUWRVHWDPLQRUIDXOW 6DQGWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVQRWH[HFXWHG ,PSRUWDQW <RXFRQILJXUHDSSHQGRUHQGRIOLQHFKDUDFWHUVRQWKH &KDQQHO&RQILJXUDWLRQVFUHHQ7KHGHIDXOWDSSHQG FKDUDFWHUVDUHFDUULDJHUHWXUQDQGOLQHIHHGWKHGHIDXOW HQGRIOLQHWHUPLQDWLRQFKDUDFWHULVFDUULDJHUHWXUQ )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQVHH\RXUVRIWZDUHXVHUPDQXDO 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-4 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT Test Buffer for Line (ABL) 8VHWKH$%/LQVWUXFWLRQWRVHHKRZPDQ\FKDUDFWHUVDUHLQWKHEXIIHU XSWRDQGLQFOXGLQJWKHHQGRIOLQHFKDUDFWHUVWHUPLQDWLRQ2QD IDOVHWRWUXHWUDQVLWLRQWKHV\VWHPUHSRUWVWKHQXPEHURIFKDUDFWHUVLQ WKH3RVLWLRQILHOGDQGVHWVWKHGRQHELW7KHVHULDOSRUWPXVWEHLQ 8VHUPRGH Description: ABL ASCII TEST FOR LINE Channel Control Characters EN DN ER Entering Parameters 7RXVHWKH$%/LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWVXSSO\WKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Channel the number of the RS-232 port. (The only valid value is 0). Control the address of a control file element used for the control status bits. Characters the number of characters in the buffer (including the end-of-line/termination characters) that the processor finds (0-256). This field is display only. Example: ABL I:012 [ EN ASCII TEST FOR LINE [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the processor performs an ABL operation for channel 0. Channel Control Characters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ovember 1998 WKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVDERUWHG±VHULDOSRUWQRWLQ8VHUPRGH WKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVDERUWHGGXHWRSURFHVVRUPRGHFKDQJH ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 17-5 Number of Characters in Buffer (ACB) Description: EN DN ER Entering Parameters 7RXVHWKH$&%LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUWKH IROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Channel the number of the RS-232 port (The only valid value in this field is 0). Control the address of a control file element used for control status bits. Characters the number of the characters in the buffer that the processor finds (0-256). This field is display only. Example: ACB I:012 [ [ ACB ASCII CHARS IN BUFFER Channel Control Characters 8VHWKH$&%LQVWUXFWLRQWRVHHKRZPDQ\WRWDOFKDUDFWHUVDUHLQWKH EXIIHU2QDIDOVHWRWUXHWUDQVLWLRQWKHV\VWHPGHWHUPLQHVWKHWRWDO QXPEHURIFKDUDFWHUVDQGUHSRUWVLWLQWKH&KDUDFWHUVILHOG7KHVHULDO SRUWPXVWEHLQ8VHUPRGH EN ASCII CHARS IN BUFFER 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, the processor performs an ACB operation for channel 0. Channel Control Characters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±VHULDOSRUWQRWLQ8VHUPRGH WKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVDERUWHGGXHWRSURFHVVRUPRGHFKDQJH 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-6 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT ASCII String to Integer (ACI) 8VHWKH$&,LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRQYHUWDQ$6&,,VWULQJWRDQLQWHJHUYDOXH EHWZHHQ±DQG Description: ACI 7KHSURFHVVRUVHDUFKHVWKHVRXUFHILOHW\SH67IRUWKHILUVWFKDUDFWHU WKDWLVEHWZHHQDQG$OOQXPHULFFKDUDFWHUVDUHH[WUDFWHGXQWLOD QRQQXPHULFFKDUDFWHURUWKHHQGRIWKHVWULQJLVUHDFKHG&RPPDV DQGVLJQV±DUHDOORZHGLQWKHVWULQJ STRING TO INTEGER CONVERSION Source Destination 7KHH[WUDFWHGQXPHULFVWULQJLVWKHQFRQYHUWHGWRDQLQWHJHUEHWZHHQ ±DQG ,IQRQXPHULFFKDUDFWHUVDUHIRXQGQRDFWLRQLVWDNHQ$OVRLIWKH VWULQJKDVDQLQYDOLGOHQJWKOHVVWKDQ]HURRUJUHDWHUWKDQWKH IDXOWELWLVVHW6DQGWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVQRWH[HFXWHG 7KLVLQVWUXFWLRQDOVRVHWVWKHDULWKPHWLFIODJVIRXQGLQZRUGELWV LQWKHSURFHVVRUVWDWXVILOH6 Bit: Description: Indicating: S:0/0 Carry (C) the carry was generated while converting the string to an integer S:0/1 Overflow (V) the integer value was outside of the valid range S:0/2 Zero (Z) the integer value is zero S:0/3 Sign (S) the integer value is negative Example: ACI I:012 [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, convert the string in ST38:90 to an integer and store the result in N7:123. 1785-6.1 November 1998 STRING TO INTEGER Source Destination ST38:90 N7:123 75 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 17-7 ASCII String Concatenate (ACN) 7KH$&1LQVWUXFWLRQDSSHQGV6RXUFH%WRWKHHQGRI6RXUFH$DQG VWRUHVWKHUHVXOWLQWKH'HVWLQDWLRQ Description: ACN ,IWKHUHVXOWLVORQJHUWKDQFKDUDFWHUVRQO\WKHILUVWDUHZULWWHQ WRWKHGHVWLQDWLRQILOHDQGWKHHUURUELW6LVVHW$OVRLIWKH OHQJWKRIHLWKHUVWULQJLVLQYDOLGOHVVWKDQ]HURRUJUHDWHUWKDQWKH IDXOWELWLVVHWDQGWKHVWULQJDWWKHGHVWLQDWLRQDGGUHVVLVQRWFKDQJHG STRING CONCATENATE Source A Source B Destination Example: I:012 ACN [ STRING CONCATENATE [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, concatenate the string in ST37:42 with the string in ST38:91 and store the result in ST52:76 Source A Source B ST37:42 ST38:91 Destination ST52:76 ASCII String Extract (AEX) 8VHWKH$(;LQVWUXFWLRQWRFUHDWHDQHZVWULQJE\WDNLQJDSRUWLRQRI DQH[LVWLQJVWULQJ Description: AEX STRING EXTRACT Entering Parameters Source Index Number Destination 7RXVHWKH$(;LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKHSURFHVVRUWKH IROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Source the existing string. Index the starting position (from 1 to 82) of the portion of the string you want to extract. (An index of 1 indicates the left-most character of the string.) Number the number of characters (from 0 to 82) you want to extract, starting at the indexed position. If the Index plus the Number is greater than the total characters in the source string, the destination string will be the characters from the index to the end of the source string. If you enter 0 for the number, the destination string length is set to zero. Destination the string element (ST) where you want the extracted string stored. Example: I:012 [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, extract 10 characters starting at the 42nd character of ST38:40 and store the result in ST52:75. AEX STRING EXTRACT Source Index Number Destination ST38:40 42 10 ST52:75 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-8 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 7KHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVFDXVHWKHSURFHVVRUWRVHWWKHIDXOW ELW 6 LQYDOLGVWULQJOHQJWKRUVWULQJOHQJWKRI]HUR LQGH[RUQXPEHUYDOXHVRXWVLGHRIUDQJH LQGH[YDOXHJUHDWHUWKDQWKHOHQJWKRIWKHVRXUFHVWULQJ 7KHGHVWLQDWLRQVWULQJZLOOQRWFKDQJHLQDQ\RIWKHDERYHLQVWDQFHV ASCII Set or Reset Handshake Lines (AHL) Description: AHL ASCII HANDSHAKE LINE Channel AND Mask OR Mask Control Channel Status EN DN ER 8VHWKH$+/LQVWUXFWLRQWRVHWRUUHVHWWKH56'75DQG576 KDQGVKDNHFRQWUROOLQHVIRU\RXUPRGHP2QDIDOVHWRWUXHWUDQVLWLRQ WKHV\VWHPXVHVWKHWZRPDVNVWRGHWHUPLQHZKHWKHUWRVHWRUUHVHWWKH '75DQG576OLQHVRUOHDYHWKHPXQFKDQJHG ,PSRUWDQW %HIRUH\RXXVHWKLVLQVWUXFWLRQPDNHVXUHWKDW\RXGR QRWFRQIOLFWZLWKWKHDXWRPDWLFFRQWUROOLQHVRQ \RXU PRGHP Entering Parameters 7RXVHWKH$+/LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ 1785-6.1 November 1998 Parameter: Definition: Channel the number of the RS-232 port that you want to use. Currently, only channel 0 can be set or reset. AND Mask the mask to reset the DTR and RTS control lines. Bit 0 corresponds to the DTR line and bit 1 corresponds to the RTS line. A 1 at the mask bit causes the line to be reset; a 0 leaves the line unchanged. OR Mask the mask to set the DTR and RTS control lines. Bit 0 corresponds to the DTR line and bit 1 corresponds to the RTS line. A 1 at the mask bit causes the line to be set; a 0 leaves the line unchanged. Control the address of the result control structure in the control area of memory for the result. Channel Status displays the current status (0000 to FFFF) of the handshake lines for the channel specified above. This field is display only; convert the hexadecimal status to binary and refer to the table below: Bit 1 0 Line RTS DTR ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 17-9 Example: (Reset DTR and RTS Lines) AHL I:012 [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, bit 0 and bit 1 of the AND mask is set to RESET (OFF) the DTR and RTS lines. Channel status will display a 000D. ASCII HANDSHAKE LINES Channel AND Mask OR Mask Control Channel Status EN 0 0003 0000 R6:23 DN ER Example: (Set DTR and RTS Lines) AHL I:012 [ [ 11 If input word 12, bit 11 is set, bit 0 and bit 1 of the OR mask is set to SET (ON) the DTR and RTS lines. Channel status will display a 001F. ASCII HANDSHAKE LINES Channel AND Mask OR Mask Control Channel Status EN 0 0000 0003 R6:22 DN ER 7KHHUURUELW(5LVVHWGXULQJWKHH[HFXWLRQRIWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLIWKH LQVWUXFWLRQLVDERUWHGGXHWRSURFHVVRUPRGHFKDQJH ASCII Integer to String (AIC) 8VHWKH$,&LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRQYHUWDQLQWHJHUYDOXHEHWZHHQ± DQGWRDQ$6&,,VWULQJ7KHVRXUFHFDQEHDFRQVWDQWRUDQ LQWHJHUDGGUHVV Description: AIC INTEGER TO STRING Source Destination Example: I:012 [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, convert the value 867 to a string and store the result in ST38:42. AIC INTEGER TO STRING Source Destination 867 ST38:42 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-10 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT ASCII Read Characters (ARD) Description: ARD ASCII READ Channel Destination Control String Length Characters Read EN DN ER 8VHWKH$5'LQVWUXFWLRQWRUHDGFKDUDFWHUVIURPWKHEXIIHUDQGVWRUH WKHPLQDVWULQJ7RUHSHDWWKHRSHUDWLRQWKHUXQJPXVWJRIURPIDOVH WRWUXH7KHVHULDOSRUWPXVWEHLQ8VHUPRGH Entering Parameters 7RXVHWKH$5'LQVWUXFWLRQSURYLGHWKHIROORZLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Channel the number of the RS-232 port. (The only valid value is 0). Control the control file element used for the control status bits. Destination the string element where you want the characters stored. String Length the number of characters you want to read from the buffer. The maximum is 82 characters. If you specify a length larger than 82, only 82 characters will be read. (If you specify 0, the string length defaults to 82.) Characters Read the number of characters that the processor moved from the buffer to the string (0 to 82). This field is display only. Example: ARD ASCII READ I:012 [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, read 50 characters from the buffer and move them to ST52:76. Channel Destination Control String Length Characters Read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ovember 1998 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 17-11 ,PSRUWDQW :KHQ\RXVHWWKH8/ELWWKHLQVWUXFWLRQGRHVQRW WHUPLQDWHLPPHGLDWHO\LWPD\WDNHVHYHUDOVHFRQGV ,IDQ$5'LQVWUXFWLRQVWDUWVH[HFXWLQJZLWKWKH8/ELWDOUHDG\VHWDQG WKHUHDUHQRFKDUDFWHUVLQWKHEXIIHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQWHUPLQDWHV,IDQ $5'LQVWUXFWLRQVWDUWVH[HFXWLQJZLWKWKH8/ELWDOUHDG\VHWDQG WKHUHDUHFKDUDFWHUVLQWKHEXIIHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQSURFHHGVWR QRUPDO FRPSOHWLRQ 7KHHUURUELW(5LVVHWGXULQJWKHH[HFXWLRQRIWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLI WKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVDERUWHG±VHULDOSRUWQRWLQ8VHUPRGH WKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVDERUWHGGXHWRSURFHVVRUPRGHFKDQJH ZKHQXVLQJDPRGHPWKHPRGHPLVGLVFRQQHFWHG Figure 17.1 Example ARD Timing Diagram Rung Condition ON OFF Enable Bit (.EN) ON OFF Queue Bit (.EU) ON OFF Done Bit Error Bit (.DN or. ER) Synchronous Done Bit (.EM) ON OFF ON OFF 1 2 3 4 1 - rung goes true 2 - instruction successfully queued 3 - instruction execution complete 4 - instruction scanned for the first time after execution is complete 5 - rung goes false 5 1 5 2 3 4 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-12 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT ASCII Read Line (ARL) Description: ARL ASCII READ LINE Channel Destination Control String Length Characters Read EN DN ER 8VHWKH$5/LQVWUXFWLRQWRUHDGFKDUDFWHUVIURPWKHEXIIHUXSWRDQG LQFOXGLQJWKHHQGRIOLQHWHUPLQDWLRQFKDUDFWHUVDQGVWRUHWKHPLQD VWULQJ7KHHQGRIOLQHFKDUDFWHUVDUHVSHFLILHGRQWKH&KDQQHO &RQILJXUDWLRQVFUHHQWKHGHIDXOWLVDFDUULDJHUHWXUQ)RUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQRQFKDQQHOFRQILJXUDWLRQVHH\RXUVRIWZDUHXVHUPDQXDO 7KHVHULDOSRUWPXVWEHLQ8VHUPRGH Entering Parameters 7RXVHWKH$5/LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Channel the number of the RS-232 port. (The only valid value is 0). Control the address of the control file element used for the control status bits. Destination the string element where you want the string stored. String Length the number of characters (maximum 82) you want to read from the buffer. If the processor finds the end-of-line characters before reading the number of characters you specified, only those characters read and the end-of-line are moved to the destination. Characters Read the number of characters that the processor moved from the buffer to the string (0 to 82). This field is display only. Example: I:012 [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, read 18 characters (or until end-of-line) from the buffer and move them to ST52:72. ARL ASCII READ LINE Channel Destination Control String Length Characters Read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ovember 1998 ASCII Instructions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igure 17.2 Example ARL Timing Diagram Rung Condition ON OFF Enable Bit (.EN) ON OFF Queue Bit (.EU) ON OFF Done Bit Error Bit (.DN or. ER) ON OFF Empty Bit (.EM) ON OFF 1 2 3 4 5 1 - rung goes true 2 - instruction successfully queued 3 - instruction execution complete 4 - instruction scanned for the first time after execution is complete 5 - rung goes false 1 5 2 3 4 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-14 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT ASCII String Search (ASC) Description: ASC 8VHWKH$6&LQVWUXFWLRQWRVHDUFKDQH[LVWLQJVWULQJVHDUFKVWULQJ IRUDQRFFXUUHQFHRIWKHVRXUFHVWULQJ STRING SEARCH Entering Parameters Source Index Search Result 7RXVHWKH$6&LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Search the string you want to examine. Source the string you want to find when examining the search string. Index the starting position (from 1 to 82) of the portion of the search string you want to search. An index of 1 indicates the left-most character. Result an integer address where the processor stores the position of the search string where the source string begins. If no match is found, 0 is stored in the result. Example: ASC I:012 [ STRING SEARCH [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, search the string in ST52:80 starring at the 35th character, for the string found in ST38:40. In this example, the result is stored in N10:0. Source Index Search Result ST38:40 35 ST52:80 N10:0 7KHIROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQVFDXVHWKHSURFHVVRUWRVHWWKHIDXOW ELW6 LQYDOLGVWULQJOHQJWKRUVWULQJOHQJWKRI]HUR LQGH[YDOXHVRXWVLGHRIUDQJH LQGH[YDOXHJUHDWHUWKDQWKHOHQJWKRIWKHVRXUFHVWULQJ 7KHUHVXOWLVVHWWR]HURLQDQ\RIWKHDERYHLQVWDQFHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 17-15 ASCII String Compare (ASR) Description: 8VHWKH$65LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRPSDUHWZR$6&,,VWULQJV7KHV\VWHP ORRNVIRUDPDWFKLQOHQJWKDQGXSSHUORZHUFDVH,IWKHWZRVWULQJV DUHLGHQWLFDOWKHUXQJLVWUXHLIWKHUHDUHDQ\GLIIHUHQFHVWKHUXQJ LVIDOVH Example: ASR O:013 ASCII STRING COMPARE Source A Source B 01 ST37:42 ST38:90 If the string in ST37:42 is identical to the string in ST38:90, set output bit O:013/01. $QLQYDOLGVWULQJOHQJWKFDXVHVWKHSURFHVVRUWRVHWWKHIDXOWELW 6DQGWKHUXQJLVIDOVH ASCII Write with Append (AWA) Description: AWA ASCII WRITE APPEND Channel Source Control String Length Characters Sent EN DN 8VHWKH$:$LQVWUXFWLRQWRZULWHFKDUDFWHUVIURPWKHVRXUFHWRD GLVSOD\GHYLFH7KLVDSSHQGLQVWUXFWLRQDGGVRUFKDUDFWHUVZKLFK \RXFRQILJXUHLQWKH&KDQQHO&RQILJXUDWLRQ7KHGHIDXOWLVDFDUULDJH UHWXUQDQGOLQHIHHGDSSHQGHGWRWKHHQGRIWKHVWULQJ<RXFDQXVH WKLVLQVWUXFWLRQZLWKWKHVHULDOSRUWLQ8VHURU6\VWHPPRGH ER Entering Parameters 7RXVHWKH$:$LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameter: Definition: Channel the number of the RS-232 port. (The only valid value is 0). Source the string you want to write. Control the address of the control file element used for the control status bits. String Length the maximum number of characters you want to write from the source string (0 to 82). If you enter 0, the entire string will be written. Characters Sent the number of characters that the processor sent to the display area (0 to 82). Only after the entire string is sent is this field updated (no running total for each character sent is stored). This field is display only. 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-16 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT Example: AWA ASCII WRITE APPEND I:012 [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, read 25 characters from ST37:42 and write it to the display device. Then write a carriage return and line feed (default). Channel Source Control String Length Characters Sent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ovember 1998 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 17-17 Figure 17.3 Example AWA Timing Diagram Rung Condition ON OFF Enable Bit (.EN) ON OFF Queue Bit (.EU) ON OFF Done Bit Error Bit (.DN or. ER) ON OFF Empty Bit (.EM) ON OFF 1 2 3 4 5 1 - rung goes true 2 - instruction successfully queued 3 - instruction execution complete 4 - instruction scanned for the first time after execution is complete 5 - rung goes false 1 5 2 3 4 ASCII Write (AWT) Description: AWT ASCII WRITE Channel Source Control String Length Characters Sent EN 8VHWKH$:7LQVWUXFWLRQWRZULWHFKDUDFWHUVIURPWKHVRXUFHWRD GLVSOD\GHYLFH7RUHSHDWWKHLQVWUXFWLRQWKHUXQJPXVWJRIURP IDOVHWRWUXH<RXFDQXVHWKLVLQVWUXFWLRQZLWKWKHSRUWLQ6\VWHPRU 8VHUPRGH DN ER Entering Parameters 7RXVHWKH$:7LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXPXVWSURYLGHWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ Parameters: Definition: Channel the number of the RS-232 port. (The only valid value is 0). Source the string you want to write. Control the address of the control file element used for the control status file. String Length the maximum number of characters you want to write from the source string (0 to 82). If you enter 0, the entire string will be written. Characters Sent the number of characters that the processor sent to the display area (0 to 82). Only after the entire string is sent is this field updated (no running total for each character sent is stored). This field is display only. 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-18 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT Example: AWT I:012 [ [ 10 If input word 12, bit 10 is set, write 40 characters from ST37:20 and write it to the display device. ASCII WRITE Channel Source Control String Length Characters Sent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ovember 1998 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT 17-19 Figure 17.4 Example AWT Timing Diagram Rung Condition ON OFF Enable Bit (.EN) ON OFF Queue Bit (.EU) ON OFF Done Bit Error Bit (.DN or. ER) ON OFF Empty Bit (.EM) ON OFF 1 2 3 4 5 1 - rung goes true 2 - instruction successfully queued 3 - instruction execution complete 4 - instruction scanned for the first time after execution is complete 5 - rung goes false 1 5 2 3 4 1785-6.1 November 1998 17-20 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 ASCII Instructions ABL, ACB, ACI, ACN, AEX, AIC, AHL, ARD, ARL, ASC, ASR, AWA, AWT Chapter 18 Custom Application Routine Instructions SDS, DFA Chapter Objectives 7KLVFKDSWHULQWURGXFHVWKH&XVWRP$SSOLFDWLRQ5RXWLQH&$5 LQVWUXFWLRQV6'6DQG')$IRU3/&SURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUH<RX QHHGWKH&XVWRP$SSOLFDWLRQ5RXWLQH&$5VRIWZDUHLQRUGHUWRXVH WKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQV For Information About: See: SDS or DFA CAR utilities Distributed Diagnostic and Machine Control User Manual AGA3 PLC-5 AGA Mass Flow Custom Application Routine Programming Manual AGA7 PLC-5 Volumetric Flow CARs for Turbine and Displacement Metering User Manual NX19 PLC-5 Volumetric Flow CARs for Orifice Metering User Manual API PLC-5 Volumetric Flow CARs for Turbine and Displacement Metering User Manual )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHRSHUDQGVDQGYDOLGGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVRI HDFKRSHUDQGXVHGE\WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVGLVFXVVHGLQWKLVFKDSWHUVHH $SSHQGL[& 1785-6.1 November 1998 18-2 Custom Application Routine Instructions SDS, DFA Smart Directed Sequencer (SDS) Overview SDS SMART DIRECTED SEQUENCER Control File Step Desc. File Length No. of Steps Position/Step: No. of I/O Prog file number EN ST 7KH6PDUW'LUHFWHG6HTXHQFHU6'6LQVWUXFWLRQSURYLGHVVWDWH FRQWUROWKDWFDQEHXVHGWRFKDUDFWHUL]HQRUPDODQGDEQRUPDO FRQGLWLRQV 7KH6'6LQVWUXFWLRQDOORZVWZREDVLFW\SHVRIORJLFHTXDWLRQV ER WUDQVLWLRQDO ES FRPELQDWRULDO This Type of Logic Equation: Does this: Transitional provides traditional state-based control. This type of SDS instruction is built around the state transition concept, where each input transition directs the instruction to a unique next state using a logical OR structure. One input change directs the instruction to step A, another to step B, etc. Combinatorial provides for the ANDing of inputs in addition to the OR function used in transition equations. This allows complex combinations to be accommodated more easily within the SDS framework with a minimum number of steps. Programming the SDS Instruction 7RSURJUDPWKH6'6LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXKDYHWR GRZQORDGWKH6'6&$5 HQWHUWKH6'6LQVWUXFWLRQ HQWHUWKHFRQILJXUDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQ HQWHU,2LQIRUPDWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW <RXFDQQRWXVHWKH%73'0*67RU6&GDWDW\SHV ZLWKLQWKH,2OLVWRIWKH6'6LQVWUXFWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW :KHQ\RXHQWHUWKHControl FileDQGStep Desc. FileRSHUDQGVPDNHFHUWDLQWKHILOHQXPEHUVLH DUHQRWWKHVDPH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH6'6LQVWUXFWLRQVHHWKH'LVWULEXWHG 'LDJQRVWLFDQG0DFKLQH&RQWURO8VHU0DQXDO 1785-6.1 November 1998 Custom Application Routine Instructions SDS, DFA Diagnostic Fault Annunciator (DFA) Overview DFA EN DIAGNOSTIC FAULT ANNUNCIATOR Control File No. of I/O Program file number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rogramming the DFA Instruction 7RSURJUDPWKH')$LQVWUXFWLRQ\RXKDYHWR GRZQORDGWKH')$&$5 HQWHUWKH')$LQVWUXFWLRQ HQWHUWKHFRQILJXUDWLRQLQIRUPDWLRQ HQWHU,2LQIRUPDWLRQ )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH')$LQVWUXFWLRQVHHWKH'LVWULEXWHG 'LDJQRVWLFDQG0DFKLQH&RQWURO8VHU0DQXDO 1785-6.1 November 1998 18-4 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Custom Application Routine Instructions SDS, DFA Appendix A Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements 7KHWLPHLWWDNHVIRUDSURFHVVRUWRVFDQDQLQVWUXFWLRQGHSHQGVRQWKH W\SHRILQVWUXFWLRQWKHW\SHRIDGGUHVVLQJWKHW\SHRIGDWDZKHWKHU WKHLQVWUXFWLRQKDVWRFRQYHUWGDWDDQGZKHWKHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQLVWUXH RUIDOVH 7KHWLPLQJDQGPHPRU\UHTXLUHPHQWVHVWLPDWHVLQWKLVFKDSWHUKDYH WKHIROORZLQJDVVXPSWLRQV GLUHFWDGGUHVVLQJ LQWHJHUGDWDH[FHSWZKHUHQRWHG QRGDWDW\SHFRQYHUVLRQV DGGUHVVHVZLWKLQILUVWZRUGVRIWKHGDWDWDEOHIRU&ODVVLF 3/&SURFHVVRUVDGGUHVVHVZLWKLQILUVWZRUGVIRU (QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUV H[HFXWLRQWLPHVVKRZQLQµV 0HPRU\UHTXLUHPHQWVUHIHUWRWKHQXPEHURIZRUGVWKHLQVWUXFWLRQ XVHV,QVRPHFDVHVDQLQVWUXFWLRQPD\KDYHDUDQJHRIPHPRU\ UHTXLUHPHQWV7KHUDQJHRIZRUGVH[LVWVEHFDXVHWKHLQVWUXFWLRQFDQ XVHGLIIHUHQWW\SHVRIGDWDDQGDGGUHVVLQJPRGHV 7KHWDEOHVDUHGLYLGHGLQWRLQVWUXFWLRQWLPHVDQGPHPRU\ UHTXLUHPHQWVWKDWDUHVSHFLILFWRHDFKSURFHVVRU If You Are Using this Processor: See Page: Enhanced PLC-5, series C Bit and Word Instructions File Instructions A-2 A-5 Classic PLC-5 (all series): Bit and Word Instructions File Instructions A-10 A-13 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-2 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Timing for Enhanced PLC-5 Processors Bit and Word Instructions 7DEOH$$VKRZVWLPLQJDQGPHPRU\UHTXLUHPHQWVIRUELWDQGZRUG LQVWUXFWLRQVIRU(QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUV Table A.A Timing and Memory Requirements for Bit and Word Instructions (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors) Category Relay Code Execution Time (µs) floating point True False True Words of Memory1 False XIC examine if closed .32 .16 12 XIO examine if open .32 .16 12 OTL output latch .48 .16 12 OTU output unlatch .48 .16 12 OTE output energize .48 .48 12 branch end .16 .16 1 next branch .16 .16 1 branch start .16 .16 1 TON timer on (0.01 base) (1.0 base) 3.8 4.1 2.6 2.5 2-3 TOF timer off (0.01 base) (1.0 base) 2.6 2.6 3.2 3.2 2-3 RTO retentive timer on (0.01 base) (1.0 base) 3.8 4.1 2.4 2.3 CTU count up 3.4 3.4 2-3 CTD count down 3.3 3.4 2-3 RES reset 2.2 1.0 2-3 Branch Timer and Counter Title Execution Time (µs) integer 2-3 (Continued) Use the larger number for addresses beyond 2048 words in the processor’s data table. )or every bit address above the first 256 words of memory in the data table, add 0.16 ms and 1 word of memory. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Arithmetic Code Title A-3 Execution Time (µs) integer Execution Time (µs) floating point True False True False Words of Memory1 ADD add 6.1 1.4 14.9 1.4 4-7 SUB subtract 6.2 1.4 15.6 1.4 4-7 MUL multiply 9.9 1.4 18.2 1.4 4-7 DIV divides 12.2 1.4 23.4 1.4 4-7 SQR square root 9.9 1.3 35.6 1.3 3-5 NEG negate 4.8 1.3 6.0 1.3 3-5 CLR clear 3.4 1.1 3.9 1.1 2-3 AVE average file 152+E25.8 30 162+E22.9 36 4-7 STD standard deviation 321+E84.3 34 329+E77.5 34 4-7 TOD convert to BCD 7.8 1.3 3-5 FRD convert from BCD 8.1 1.3 3-5 RAD radian 57.4 1.4 50.1 1.4 3-5 DEG degree 55.9 1.4 50.7 1.4 3-5 SIN sine 414 1.4 3-5 COS cosine 404 1.4 3-5 TAN tangent 504 1.4 3-5 ASN inverse sine 426 1.4 3-5 ACS inverse cosine 436 1.4 3-5 ATN inverse tangent 375 1.4 3-5 LN natural log 409 1.4 403 1.4 3-5 LOG log 411 1.4 403 1.4 3-5 XPY X to the power of Y 897 1.5 897 1.5 4-7 SRT sort file (5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 276 + 12[E**1.34] 227 224 + 25[E**1.34] 189 3-5 278 + 16[E**1.35] 227 230 + 33[E**1.35] 189 (Continued) 1.Use the larger number for addresses beyond 2048 words in the processor’s data table. E = number of elements acted on per scan SRT true is only an approximation. Actual time depends on the randomness of the numbers. 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-4 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Logic Code Title Execution Time (µs) integer Execution Time (µs) floating point True False True Words of Memory1 False AND and 5.9 1.4 4-7 OR or 5.9 1.4 4-7 XOR exclusive or 5.9 1.4 4-7 NOT not 4.6 1.3 3-5 MOV move 4.5 1.3 MVM masked move 6.2 1.4 4-7 BTD bit distributor 10.0 1.7 6-9 EQU equal 3.8 1.0 4.6 1.0 3-5 NEQ not equal 3.8 1.0 4.5 1.0 3-5 LES less than 4.0 1.0 5.1 1.0 3-5 LEQ less than or equal 4.0 1.0 5.1 1.0 3-5 GRT greater than 4.0 1.0 5.1 1.0 3-5 GEQ greater than or equal 4.0 1.0 5.1 1.0 3-5 LIM limit test 6.1 1.1 8.4 1.1 4-7 MEQ mask compare if equal 5.1 1.1 Compare CMP all 2.48 + (Σ[0.8 + i]) 2.16 + Wi[0.56] 2.48 + (Σ[0.8 + i]) 2.16 + Wi[0.56] 2+Wi Compute CPT all 2.48.+ (Σ[0.8 + i]) 2.16 + Wi[0.56] 2.48.+ (Σ[0.8 + i]) 2.16 + Wi[0.56] 2+Wi Move Comparison 5.6 1.3 4-7 1.Use the larger number for addresses beyond 2048 words in the processor’s data table. i = execution time of each instruction (operation, e.g. ADD, SUB, etc.) used within the CMP or the CPT expression Wi = number of words of memory used by the instruction (operation, e.g. ADD, SUB, etc) within the CMP or CPT expression CMP or CPT instructions are calculated with short direct addressing 1785-6.1 November 1998 3-5 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements A-5 File Instructions 5HIHUWR7DEOH$%IRUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQWLPLQJIRUILOHLQVWUXFWLRQV Table A.B Timing and Memory Requirements for File, Program Control, and ASCII Instructions (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors) Category Code Title Time (µs) integer True False Time (µs) floating point True Words of Memory1 False File Arithmetic and Logic FAL all 11 + (Σ[2.3 + i])E 6.16 + Wi[0.16] 11 + (Σ[2.3 + i])E 6.16 + Wi[0.16] 3-5 +Wi File Search and Compare FSC all 11 + (Σ[2.3 + i])E 6.16 + Wi[0.16] 11 + (Σ[2.3 + i])E 6.16 + Wi[0.16] 3-5 +Wi File COP copy 16.2+E[0.72] 1.4 17.8+E[1.44] 1.4 4-6 counter, timer, and control 15.7+E[2.16] 1.4 fill 15.7+E[0.64] 1.5 18.1+E[0.80] 1.5 4-6 counter, timer, and control 15.1+E[1.60] 1.5 BSL bit shift left 10.6+B[0.025] 5.2 4-7 BSR bit shift right 11.1 + B[0.025] 5.2 4-7 FFL FIFO load 8.9 3.8 4-7 FFU FIFO unload 10.0+E[0.43] 3.8 4-7 LFL LIFO load 9.1 3.7 4-7 LFU LIFO unload 10.6 3.8 4-7 FBC 0 mismatch 15.4 + B[0.055] 2.9 6-11 1 mismatch 22.4 + B[0.055] 2.9 2 mismatches 29.9+ B[0.055] 2.9 0 mismatch 15.4 + B[0.055] 2.9 1 mismatch 24.5 + B[0.055] 2.9 2 mismatches 34.2 + B[0.055] 2.9 data transitional 5.3 5.3 FLL Shift Register Diagnostic DDT DTR 6-11 4-7 (Continued) 1.Use the larger number for addresses beyond 2048 words in the processor’s data table. i = execution time of each instruction (operation, e.g. ADD, SUB, etc.) used within the FAL or the FSC expression E = number of elements acted on per scan B = number of bits acted on per scan Wi = number of words of memory used by the instruction (operation, e.g. ADD, SUB, etc.) within the FAL or FSC expression FAL or FSC instructions are calculated with short direct addressing 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-6 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Sequencer Immediate I/O2 Code Title Time (µs) integer True False Time (µs) floating point True False Words of Memory1 SQI sequencer input 7.9 1.3 5-9 SQL sequencer load 7.9 3.5 4-7 SQO sequencer output 9.7 3.7 5-9 IIN immediate input (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 1.1 2 357 307 immediate output (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 1.1 2 361 301 1.1 4-7 1.1 4-7 IOT IDI IDO immediate data input (-5/20C) (-5/40C, -5/60C, and -5/80C) 200 + 1.4 (for each word) 200 + 1.4 (for each word) immediate data output (-5/20C) – (-5/40C, -5/60C, and -5/80C) 230 + 1.4 (for each word) 250 + 1.7 (for each word) Zone Control MCR master control 0.16 0.16 1 Program Control JMP jump 8.9 + (file number − 2) ∗ 0.96 1.4 + (file number − 2) ∗ 0.96 2 LBL label 0.32 0.32 2+position in label table JSR3/ RET jump to subroutine/ return PLC-5/11, -5/20, -5/30, -5/40, -5/40L, -5/60, -5/60L, -5/20E, -5/40E – 0 parameters – 1 parameter – increase/parameter PLC-5/80 – 0 parameters – 1 parameter – increase/parameter 3+ parameters/ JSR 1+ parameters/ RET 12.3 16.1 3.8 1.0 1.0 n/a n/a 17.3 5.0 n/a 1.0 n/a 315 340 31 1.0 1.0 n/a 349 33 1.0 (Continued) 1.Use the larger number for addresses beyond 2048 words in the processor’s data table. 2.Timing for immediate I/O instructions is the time for the instruction to queue-up for processing 3.Calculate execution times as follows: (time) + (quantity of additional parameters)(time/parameter). For example, if you are passing 3 integer parameters in a JSR within a PLC-5/11 processor, the execution time =16.1 + (2)(3.8)=23.7µs. B = number of bits acted on per scan 1785-6.1 November 1998 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Program Control Code SBR Title A-7 Time (µs) integer True False Time (µs) floating point True False Words of Memory1 0 parameters 12.3 1.0 1 parameter 16.1 1.0 increase/ parameter 3.8 END end negligible TND temporary end 1 EOT end of transition 1 AFI always false 0.16 0.16 1 ONS one shot 3.0 3.0 2-3 OSR one shot rising 6.2 6.0 4-6 OSF one shot falling 6.2 5.8 4-6 FOR/ NXT for next loop (PLC-5/80) 8.1+ L[15.9] (151+L[277]) 5.3 + N[0.75] (152+N[6.1]) FOR 5-9 NXT 2 BRK break 11.3 + N[0.75] 0.9 1 UID user interrupt disable (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 1.0 1 175 119 user interrupt enable (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 1.0 1 170 100 UIE 1+ parameters 17.3 1.0 5.0 1 (Continued) 1.Use the larger number for addresses beyond 2048 words in the processor’s data table. L = number of FOR/NXT loops N = number of words in memory between FOR/NXT or BRK/NXT 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-8 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Process Control Code PID Gains Time (µs) integer True Cascade ABL2 ACB 2 ACI False Time (µs) floating point True False PID loop control 3.0 882 ISA (-5/11, -5/20, -5/20E, 560 -5/20C) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/40E, 895 -5/40C, -5/40L, -5/60, -5/60C, -5/60L, -5/80, -5/80E, -5/80C) 1142 Manual (-5/11, -5/20, -5/20E, 372 -5/20C) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/40E, 420 -5/40C, -5/40L, -5/60, -5/60C, -5/60L, -5/80, -5/80E, -5/80C) 900 Set Output (-5/11, -5/20, -5/20E, 380 -5/20C) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/40E, 440 -5/40C, -5/40L, -5/60, -5/60C, -5/60L, -5/80, -5/80E, -5/80C) 882 Slave 1286 Master 840 test buffer for line (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) no. of characters in buffer (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) string to integer (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) Words of Memory1 5-9 Independent (-5/11, -5/20, -5/20E, 462 -5/20C) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/40E, 655 -5/40C, -5/40L, -5/60, -5/60C, -5/60L, -5/80, -5/80E, -5/80C) Modes ASCII2 Title 58 3-5 316 388 214 150 3-5 316 389 214 150 1.4 3-5 220 + C[11] 140 + C[21.4] (Continued) 1.Use the larger number for addresses beyond 2048 words in the processor’s data table. 2.Timing for ASCII instructions is the time for the instruction to queue-up for processing in channel 0. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category ASCII2 Code ACN AEX AHL2 AIC ARD2 ARL2 ASC ASR AWA2 AWT2 Title A-9 Time (µs) integer True False Time (µs) floating point True False Words of Memory1 1.9 4-7 1.9 5-9 string concatenate (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 237 + C[2.6] 179 + C[5.5] string extract (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 226 + C[1.1] 159 + C[2.2] set or reset lines (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 318 526 integer to string (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 260 270 read characters (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 315 380 214 149 read line (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 316 388 214 151 string search (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 222 + C[1.7] 151 + C[3.0] string compare (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 234 + C[1.3] 169 + C[2.4] 202 119 write with append (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 319 345 215 154 write (-5/11, -5/20) (-5/30, -5/40, -5/60, -5/80) 318 344 215 151 5-9 213 157 1.4 3-5 4-7 4-7 1.9 5-9 3-5 4-7 4-7 1.Use the larger number for addresses beyond 2048 words in the processor’s data table. 2.Timing for ASCII instructions is the time for the instruction to queue-up for processing in channel 0. C = number of ASCII characters 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-10 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Timing for Classic PLC-5 Processors Bit and Word Instructions 7DEOH$&VKRZVWLPLQJDQGPHPRU\UHTXLUHPHQWVIRUELWDQGZRUG LQVWUXFWLRQVIRU&ODVVLF3/&SURFHVVRUV Table A.C Timing and Memory Requirements for Bit and Word Instructions (Classic PLC-5 Processors) Category Relay Code 1 2 Execution Time (µs) floating point True False True Words of Memory1 False XIC examine if closed 1.3 0.8 12 XIO examine if open 1.3 0.8 12 OTL output latch 1.6 0.8 12 OTU output unlatch 1.6 0.8 11 OTE output energize 1.6 1.6 12 branch end 0.8 0.8 1 next branch 0.8 0.8 1 branch start 0.8 0.8 1 TON timer on (0.01 base) (1.0 base) 39 44 27 28 2-3 TOF timer off (0.01 base) (1.0 base) 30 30 43 51 2-3 RTO retentive timer on (0.01 base) (1.0 base) 39 44 24 24 CTU count up 32 34 2-3 CTD count down 34 34 2-3 RES reset 30 14 2-3 Branch Timer and Counter Title Execution Time (µs) integer 2-3 Use the smaller number if all addresses are below word 4096; use the larger number if all addresses are above 4096. For every bit address above the first 256 words of memory in the data table, add 0.8 µs to the execution time and 1 word of memory to the requirements. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Arithmetic Logic Move Comparison 1 Code Title A-11 Execution Time (µs) integer Execution Time (µs) floating point True False True False Words of Memory1 ADD add 36 14 92 14 4-7 SUB subtract 36 14 92 14 4-7 MUL multiply 41 14 98 14 4-7 DIV divide 49 14 172 14 4-7 SQR square root 82 14 212 14 3-5 NEG negate 28 14 36 14 3-5 CLE clear 18 14 23 14 2-3 TOD convert to BCD 52 14 3-5 FRD convert from BCD 44 14 3-5 AND and 36 14 4-7 OR or 36 14 4-7 XOR exclusive or 36 14 4-7 NOT not 27 14 3-5 MOV move 26 14 MVM masked move 55 14 EQU equal 32 14 42 14 3-5 NEQ not equal 32 14 42 14 3-5 LES less than 32 14 42 14 3-5 LEQ less than or equal 32 14 42 14 3-5 GRT greater than 32 14 42 14 3-5 GEQ greater than or equal 32 14 42 14 3-5 LIM limit test 42 14 60 14 4-7 MEQ mask compare if equal 41 14 35 14 3-5 6-9 4-7 Use the smaller number if all addresses are below word 4096; use the larger number if all addresses are above 4096. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-12 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Compute Compare 1 Code CPT CMP Execution Time (µs) integer Execution Time (µs) floating point True False True False add 67 34 124 34 6-9 subtract 67 34 124 34 6-9 multiply 73 34 130 34 6-9 divide 80 34 204 34 6-9 square root 113 33 244 34 5-7 negate 59 33 68 34 5-7 clear 49 30 55 34 4-5 move 58 33 5-7 convert to BCD 84 33 5-7 convert from BCD 75 33 5-7 AND 68 34 6-9 OR 68 34 6-9 XOR 68 34 6-9 NOT 59 34 5-7 equal 63 34 73 34 5-7 not equal 63 34 73 34 5-7 less than 63 34 73 34 5-7 less than or equal 63 34 73 34 5-7 greater than 63 34 73 34 5-7 greater than or equal 63 34 73 34 5-7 Title Use the smaller number if all addresses are below word 4096; use the larger number if all addresses are above 4096. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Words of Memory1 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements A-13 File Instructions 7KHLQVWUXFWLRQWLPLQJIRUILOHLQVWUXFWLRQVGHSHQGVRQWKHGDWDW\SH QXPEHURIILOHVDFWHGRQSHUVFDQQXPEHURIHOHPHQWVDFWHGRQSHU VFDQDQGZKHWKHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQFRQYHUWVGDWDEHWZHHQLQWHJHUDQG IORDWLQJSRLQWIRUPDWV IRULQWHJHUWRIORDWLQJSRLQWFRQYHUVLRQDGG µVIRUHDFKHOHPHQWDGGUHVV µVIRUHDFKILOHDGGUHVVSUHIL[ IRUIORDWLQJSRLQWWRLQWHJHUFRQYHUVLRQDGG µVIRUHDFKHOHPHQWDGGUHVV µVIRUHDFKILOHDGGUHVVSUHIL[ Table A.D Timing and Memory Requirements for File Instructions (Classic PLC-5 Processors) Category File Arithmetic and Logic Code FAL Time (µs) integer Time (µs) floating point Time (µs) integer or floating point True True False add 98 + W[36.7 + N] 98 + W[95.1 + N] 54 7-12 subtract 98 + W[36.7 + N] 98 + W[95.1 + N] 54 7-12 multiply 98 + W[42.5 + N] 98 + W[101.2 + N] 54 7-12 divide 98 + W[51.1 + N] 98 + W[180.3 + N] 54 7-12 square root 98 + W[84.7 + N] 98 + W[220.5 + N] 54 6-10 negate 98 + W[29.2 + N] 98 + W[37.2 + N] 54 6-10 clear 98 + W[18.4 + N] 98 + W[24.0 + N] 54 5-8 move 98 + W[27.3 + N] 98 + W[36.2 + N] 54 6-10 convert to BCD 98 + W[54.3 + N] 54 6-10 convert from BCD 98 + W[45.4 + N] 54 6-10 Title Words of Memory1 1 Use the smaller number if all addresses are below word 4096; use the larger number if all addresses are above 4096. W = number of elements acted on per scan N = 2 × (number of integer file addresses) + 8 × (number of floating-point file addresses) + 6 × (number of timer, counter, or control file addresses) + ( number of conversions between integer and floating point formats) (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-14 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Code File Arithmetic and Logic Title Time (µs) integer Time (µs) floating point Time (µs) integer or floating point True True False Words of Memory1 AND 98 + W[37.2 + N] 54 7-12 OR 98 + W[37.2 + N] 54 7-12 XOR 98 + W[37.2 + N] 54 7-12 NOT 98 + W[28.2 + N] 54 6-10 File Search and Compare FSC all comparisons 93 + W[32.7 +N] 93 + W[43.3 +N] 54 6-10 File COP copy 88 + 2.7W 104 + 3.8W 20 4-7 counter, timer, and control 98 + 5.8W fill 81 + 2/.1 W 100 + 3.1W 15 4-7 counter, timer, and control 97 + 4.4W BSL bit shift left 74 + 3.4W 57 4-7 BSR bit shift right 78 + 3.0W 57 4-7 FFL FIFO load 54 44 4-7 FFU FIFO unload 68 + 3.2W 46 4-7 FBC file bit compare FLL Shift Register Diagnostic DDT 6-11 0 mismatch 75 + 6W 31 1 mismatch 130 + 6W 31 2 mismatches 151 + 6W 31 diagnostic detect 6-11 0 mismatch 71 + 6W 31 1 mismatch 150 + 6W 31 2 mismatches 161 + 6W 1 Use the smaller number if all addresses are below word 4096; use the larger number if all addresses are above 4096. W = number of elements acted on per scan N = 2 × (number of integer file addresses) + 8 × (number of floating-point file addresses) + 6 × (number of timer, counter, or control file addresses) + ( number of conversions between integer and floating point formats) (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Code Title Zone Control MCR master control Immediate I/O IIN immediate input IOT Sequencer Jump and Subroutine Time (µs) integer Time (µs) floating point Time (µs) integer or floating point True True False 12 18 Words of Memory1 1 2-3 local 196 16 remote 204 16 immediate output 2-3 local 202 16 remote 166 16 SQI sequencer input 57 14 5-9 SQL sequencer load 55 42 4-7 SQO sequencer output 77 42 5-9 JMP jump 45 15 2-3 JSR jump to subroutine SBR 0 parameters 56 15 2-3 1 parameter 91 15 3-5 add per parameter 21 RET LBL 1 A-15 return from sub. 0 parameters 48 13 1 1 parameter 70 13 2-3 add per parameter 21 label 12 12 3 Use the smaller number if all addresses are below word 4096; use the larger number if all addresses are above 4096. (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-16 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Code Miscellaneous 1Use Title Time (µs) integer Time (µs) floating point Time (µs) integer or floating point True True False END end negligible negligible 1 TND temporary end negligible 15 1 AFI always false 15 13 1 ONS one shot 28 30 2-3 DTR data transitional 41 41 4-7 BTD bit distributor 77 14 6-11 PID PID loop control 608 34 5-9 BTR block transfer read BTW block transfer write MSG message See chapter 15 See chapter 16 the smaller number if all addresses are below word 4096; use the larger number if all addresses are above 4096. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Words of Memory1 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements A-17 Program Constants 8VHSURJUDPFRQVWDQWVLQFRPSDUHFRPSXWHDQGILOHLQVWUXFWLRQVWR LPSURYHLQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWLRQWLPHV,QWHJHUFRQVWDQWVDQG IORDWLQJSRLQWFRQVWDQWVH[HFXWHLQOHVVWKDQµV Direct and Indirect Elements – Enhanced PLC-5 Processors $GGLWLRQDOH[HFXWLRQWLPHIRUGLUHFWO\DQGLQGLUHFWO\DGGUHVVHG HOHPHQWVGHSHQGVRQORFDWLRQLQPHPRU\UHIHUHQFHWRWKHEHJLQQLQJ RIDOOGDWDILOHVRXWSXWILOHZRUGZKHWKHUGDWDLVVWRUHGDWWKH VRXUFHRUGHVWLQDWLRQDGGUHVVDQGZKHWKHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQFRQYHUWV GDWD7DEOH$(OLVWVWLPHVWRDGGWRLQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWLRQWLPHV Table A.E Additional Execution Time (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors) Addressing Mode Data Type Modifier in µsec (add for each operand) Direct Integer Float 0 0 Index Integer Float Counter-Timer-Control 1.1 1.8 2.4 Immediate Integer Float 0.24 1.0 Indirect 6.6 + W[0.09] Float-to-integer 5.6 Integer-to-float 8.4 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-18 Direct and Indirect Elements – Classic PLC-5 Processors Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements $GGLWLRQDOH[HFXWLRQWLPHIRUGLUHFWO\DGGUHVVHGHOHPHQWVGHSHQGVRQ ORFDWLRQLQPHPRU\UHIHUHQFHWRWKHEHJLQQLQJRIDOOGDWDILOHVRXWSXW ILOHZRUGZKHWKHUGDWDLVVWRUHGDWWKHVRXUFHRUGHVWLQDWLRQ DGGUHVVDQGZKHWKHUWKHLQVWUXFWLRQFRQYHUWVGDWD7DEOH$)OLVWV WLPHVWRDGGWRLQVWUXFWLRQH[HFXWLRQWLPHV Table A.F Additional Execution Time Based on Source and Destination Addresses (Classic PLC-5 Processors) Source (integer to floating point) Destination (floating point to integer) 0-2K 2-4K 4K+ 0-2K 2-4K 4K+ integer 0 1 2 0 1 2 floating point 0 3 4 0 3 4 data conversion 8 9 10 33 34 35 Data Type :KHQILOHDGGUHVVHVSUHIL[LQWKHH[SUHVVLRQRUGHVWLQDWLRQ DGGUHVVFRQWDLQLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVHVIRUILOHQXPEHUVDGG µV ZKHQWKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVLQWHJHUW\SH µV ZKHQWKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVIORDWLQJSRLQWW\SH µV ZKHQWKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVWLPHUFRXQWHURU FRQWUROW\SH :KHQILOHDGGUHVVHVLQWKHH[SUHVVLRQRUGHVWLQDWLRQFRQWDLQLQGLUHFW DGGUHVVHVIRUHOHPHQWQXPEHUVDGG µV ZKHQWKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVLQWHJHUW\SH µV ZKHQWKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVIORDWLQJSRLQWW\SH µV ZKHQWKHLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLVWLPHUFRXQWHURU FRQWUROW\SH ,IWKHILOHDGGUHVVFRQWDLQVWZRLQGLUHFWDGGUHVVHVDGGRQO\RQHYDOXH WKHODUJHVW)RUH[DPSOHIRU)>1@>1@DGGµVLQGLUHFW IORDWLQJSRLQWILOHDGGUHVV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements A-19 0XOWLSO\WKHDGGLWLRQDOWLPHE\WKHQXPEHURIHOHPHQWVLQWKHILOHIRU DQ\W\SHRIILOHRUILOHDGGUHVV)RUH[DPSOH ([SUHVVLRQ1>1@) DGGIRUFRQYHUWLQJWRIORDWLQJSRLQW DGGIRULQGLUHFWDGGUHVV 'HVWLQDWLRQ1 DGGIRUFRQYHUWLQJWRLQWHJHU )$/PXOWLSO\:>1LQGLUHFWDGGUHVVLQJ@ 1 : ([HFXWLRQWLPHLQ$//PRGH >@ µV Indirect Bit or Elements Addresses – Classic PLC-5 Processors $GGLWLRQDOH[HFXWLRQWLPHVIRULQGLUHFWO\DGGUHVVHGELWVDQGHOHPHQWV GHSHQGVRQWKHQXPEHURILQGLUHFWDGGUHVVHVLQWKHRYHUDOODGGUHVV 7DEOH$*OLVWVWKHDGGLWLRQDOWLPHV Table A.G Additional Execution Times for Indirectly Addressed Bits and Elements Classic PLC-5 Processors Data Type Time (µs) for Variable File or Element Time (µs) for Variable File and Element Bit in binary file 57 60 Bit in integer file 60 63 Bit in timer, counter, or control file 64 66 Integer (N) 42 42 Timer (T), counter (C), or control (R) file 43 44 Floating point (F) 61 64 Converting integer to floating point 71 77 Converting timer, counter, or control to floating point 85 81 1785-6.1 November 1998 A-20 Additional Timing Considerations – Classic PLC-5 Processors 1785-6.1 November 1998 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements 7DEOH$+OLVWVDGGLWLRQDOWLPLQJFRQVLGHUDWLRQV Table A.H Additional Timing Considerations (Classic PLC-5 Processors) Tasks Time (milliseconds) Housekeeping 4.5 max Resident Local I/O scan 1 per assigned rack number Remote I/O scan 10 per assigned rack number at 57.6 Kb Appendix B SFC Reference Appendix Objectives SFC Status Information in the Processor Status File 8VHWKLVDSSHQGL[WRPDNHVXUH\RXU6)&PHHWV\RXUSURFHVVRU¶V UHTXLUHPHQWVDQGWRPDNHVXUH\RXU6)&UXQVWKHZD\\RXH[SHFW 7KLVDSSHQGL[GLVFXVVHV 6)&VWDWXVLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKH3URFHVVRU6WDWXVILOH PHPRU\DOORFDWLRQ G\QDPLFFRQVWUDLQWV VFDQQLQJVHTXHQFHV UXQWLPHV 7DEOH%$OLVWVWKHZRUGVDQGELWVLQWKHSURFHVVRUVWDWXVILOH6WKDW FRQWDLQ6)&LQIRUPDWLRQ Table B.A SFC Status Words Word: Title: Description: S:1/15 First pass Set: Reset: S:8 Current program scan time Processor began first program scan of the next active step in the SFC Processor completed scanning the currently active step The time for the processor to scan through all active steps one time If you are using multiple main control programs on a Enhanced PLC-5 processor, this time is the current total of one scan of all main control programs. S:9 Maximum program scan time The maximum time for the processor to scan through all active steps one time (word S:8) If you are using multiple main control programs on an Enhanced PLC-5 processor, this time is the maximum of all previous totals. This value is maintained until user resets it. S:11/3 SFC fault Set: Reset: S:11/5 Start up fault Set: Reset: Processor detected an SFC fault and stored a fault code in word 12 No SFC fault Processor detected a start-up protection fault (see word 26 bit 1) No fault, start up allowed (Continued) 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-2 SFC Reference Word: Title: Description: S:12 Fault codes 74 75 77 78 79 Fault in SFC file SFC has more than 24 active steps Missing file or file of wrong type for step, action or transition SFC execution cannot continue after interruption Cannot run SFC because PLC-5 is incompatible S:13 Faulted File Number Contains the file number if an SFC fault occurred S:14 Faulted Rung Number Contains the faulted rung number S:26/0 * Restart/continue Set: Reset: S:26/1 * Start-up protection after power loss Set: Reset: S:28 * Program watchdog setpoint Processor restarts SFC at the active steps where it left off due to power loss or processor mode change Processor restarts SFC at first step Protection enabled; processor goes to fault routine at power up and processor sets word 11, bit 5 Protection disabled; processor powers up in run mode Maximum time (milliseconds) for scanning a single pass through all active steps If you are using multiple main control programs on an Enhanced PLC-5 processor this time is the total of one scan of all main control programs. S:79 * (except for scan time) – S:127 MCP inhibit, file number and scan time Information on the individual multiple main control programs. Enhanced PLC-5 processors only. * You enter values for these words/bits 1785-6.1 November 1998 SFC Reference B-3 7KHPHPRU\UHTXLUHPHQWVIRU\RXU6)&GHSHQGRQWKHVWUXFWXUHV\RX XVH7DEOH%%VKRZVHVWLPDWHGZRUGXVDJHIRU6)&VWUXFWXUHV Memory Allocation Table B.B SFC Memory Usage Uses this Amount of Memory: This Structure: Classic PLC-5 Processor Enhanced PLC-5 Processor start and end of program 2 words 19 words each step /transition pair 8 words 16 + 6a words a = number of actions in step 6 words each action each selection branch 5n + 5 words n = number of branches 11 + 6a + 7n a = number of actions in step n = number of paths each simultaneous branch, diverging n + 1 word n = number of branches 3n + 1 each simultaneous branch, converging n2 + 6n + 3 words n = number of branches 5 + 11n + 6a a = number of actions in all converging steps for that simultaneous branch n = number of paths each label or GOTO statement 1 word 1 word each chart compression 3 words 3 words n = number of paths )LJXUH%VKRZVDVDPSOH6)&DQGWKHHVWLPDWHGPHPRU\ UHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKH6)& 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-4 SFC Reference Figure B.1 Sample SFC and Memory Requirements 1785-6.1 November 1998 Classic PLC-5 Processors Enhanced PLC-5 Processors step/transition pair 8 words one action/step a=1 16 + 6a=22 words simultaneous diverge n=2 n +1 = 3 words simultaneous diverge n=2 3n +1 = 7 words selection branch n=3 5n + 5 = 20 selection branch n=3 a=1 11 + 6a + 7n = 38 words 3 step/transition pairs 3 x 8 = 24 words 3 step/transition pairs a =1 3 (16 + 6a) = 66 words simultaneous converge n=2 n2 + 6n + 3 = 19 words simultaneous converge n=2 a=2 5 + 11n + 6a = 39 words step/transition 8 words one action/step a = 1 16 + 6a = 22 words 82 words (sub total) + 2 words (start and end of program) 194 words (sub total) + 18 words (start and end of program) (8 actions * 6 words – assumes 1 unique action per step) 84 words total for SFC 260 words total for SFC SFC Reference Dynamic Constraints – Classic PLC-5 Processors Only B-5 ,I\RXDUHXVLQJD&ODVVLF3/&SURFHVVRUDQG\RXU6)&KDVPRUH WKDQSDUDOOHOSDWKV\RXQHHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHQXPEHURISDUDOOHO SDWKVWKDWFRXOGEHDFWLYHDWRQHWLPH7KHG\QDPLFOLPLWLVSDUDOOHO SDWKVDFWLYHDWWKHVDPHWLPHIRUD&ODVVLF3/&SURFHVVRU :KHQDWUDQVLWLRQJRHVWUXHPRPHQWDULO\ERWKWKHSUHYLRXVO\DFWLYH VWHSVQRZZDLWLQJIRUSRVWVFDQDQGWKHQHZO\DFWLYHVWHSVDUHRQ WKHH[HFXWLRQTXHXHWRJHWKHU<RXFDQKDYHXSWRSDUDOOHODFWLYH VWHSVDVORQJDV\RXFDQJXDUDQWHHWKDWQRPRUHWKDQRQHWUDQVLWLRQ JRHVWUXHDWRQHWLPH 'HWHUPLQHWKHQXPEHURIDFWLYHVWHSVE\FRXQWLQJWKHVWHSVRQHDFK VLGHRIWKHWUDQVLWLRQVWKDWFRQWUROWKHZLGHVWDUHDRIWKH6)&)RU H[DPSOHWUDQVLWLRQVWKDWDUHWUXHDWWKHVDPHWLPHDFFRXQWIRUDW OHDVWVLPXOWDQHRXVDFWLYHVWHSV,IDQ\QHZVLPXOWDQHRXV GLYHUJHQFHVIROORZRQHRIWKHVHWUDQVLWLRQVWKHPD[LPXPRI DFWLYHSDWKVLVH[FHHGHG ,IWKHIXQFWLRQFKDUWLQ)LJXUH%LVDWWKHSRLQWZKHUHDOOVKDGHG VWHSVDUHDFWLYHDQGDOORIWKHWUDQVLWLRQVIROORZLQJWKRVHVWHSV EHFRPHWUXHDWWKHVDPHWLPHWKHV\VWHPDWWHPSWVWRKDYHDFWLYH VWHSVIRUSRVWVFDQIRUILUVWVFDQDQGWKHSURFHVVRUZLOOIDXOW 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-6 SFC Reference Figure B.2 Dynamic Limit of Active Steps Could Be Exceeded (Classic PLC-5 Processors) 1785-6.1 November 1998 SFC Reference Scanning Sequences B-7 7KHSURFHVVRUVFDQVWKH6)&IURPWRSWRERWWRPOHIWWRULJKW:KHQ WKHVFDQHQFRXQWHUVDFWLYHSDUDOOHOVWHSVWKHSURFHVVRUUXQVWKHODGGHU ORJLFLQWKHOHIWPRVWVWHSILUVWWKHQPRYHVWRWKHODGGHUORJLFLQWKH QH[WSDUDOOHOVWHSXQWLODOODFWLYHVWHSVDUHUXQ7KHSURFHVVRU UHFRJQL]HVSDUDOOHOVWHSVE\WKHLUSRVLWLRQZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKHLU FRPPRQGLYHUJHQFHQRWQHFHVVDULO\E\WKHLUSRVLWLRQRQWKHVFUHHQ Step and Transition Scanning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igure B.3 Scan Sequence for a Step, Transition, and Postscan A A pA postcan of step A X0 I/O I/O scan hk housekeeping B Xn transition scan F false T true X1 F A I/O hk X0 T scan of step A hk pA B I/O F hk T hk X1 pB 15556 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-8 SFC Reference Selected Branch Scanning 7KHSURFHVVRUVHOHFWVRQHSDWKRIPXOWLSOHSDUDOOHOSDWKVLQDVHOHFWHG EUDQFK)LJXUH%7KHSURFHVVRUWHVWVWUDQVLWLRQV;WKURXJK;Q IURPOHIWWRULJKWXQWLORQHRIWKHWUDQVLWLRQVEHFRPHWUXH7KHSDWK ZLWKWKHILUVWWUXHWUDQVLWLRQLVWKHDFWLYHSDWK Figure B.4 Selected Branch – Divergence // X0 X1 X2 X7 %HFDXVHRQO\RQHSDWKLVDFWLYHWKHVFDQVHTXHQFHIRUWKH FRQYHUJHQFHLVWKHVDPHDVIRUDVWHSDQGWUDQVLWLRQ)LJXUH% VKRZVWKHVFDQVHTXHQFHIRUWKHGLYHUJHQFHDQGFRQYHUJHQFHRID VHOHFWHGEUDQFK 1785-6.1 November 1998 SFC Reference B-9 Figure B.5 Scan Sequence for a Selected Branch - Divergence and Convergence A A scan of step A pA postcan of step A X0 I/O I/O scan hk housekeeping X1 B C n oh overhead X2 Xn transition scan F false T true n transition number X3 Classic PLC-5 Processors: maximum of 7 selections Enhanced PLC-5 Processors: maximum of 16 selections F F hk oh X1 hk T A I/O pA C I/O F hk T hk X3 pC X0 T hk pA B I/O F hk T hk X2 pB 15557 Simultaneous Branch Scanning 7KHSURFHVVRUVFDQVDOOSDUDOOHOSDWKVLQDVLPXOWDQHRXVEUDQFK )LJXUH%2QWKHILUVWVFDQWKHSURFHVVRUVFDQVVWHS%WKHQVWHS &XQWLOWKHSURFHVVRUVFDQVDOOWKHVWHSVRQWKHGLYHUJHQFH Figure B.6 Simultaneous Branch – Divergence // B C D N 2QVXEVHTXHQWVFDQVWKHSURFHVVRUVFDQVLQWKHRUGHURIVWHS,2DQG WUDQVLWLRQIRUHDFKSDWKVWDUWLQJIURPWKHOHIW 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-10 SFC Reference 7KHYHUWLFDOSURJUHVVLRQIURPVWHSWRVWHSLVLQGHSHQGHQWRIWKHDFWLYH VWHSVRQWKHRWKHUSDUDOOHOSDWKV)LJXUH% Figure B.7 Simultaneous Branch - Convergence // 7KHFRPPRQWUDQVLWLRQFDQQRWJRWUXHXQWLOWKHSURFHVVRUVFDQVDOOWKH VWHSVLQWKHVLPXOWDQHRXVEUDQFKDWOHDVWRQFH2QFHWKHWUDQVLWLRQ JRHVWUXHWKHSURFHVVRUGRHVQRWVFDQWKHUHPDLQLQJSDWKVLQWKH EUDQFKWKHSURFHVVRUSRVWVFDQVHDFKVWHSLQWKHEUDQFK)LJXUH% VKRZVWKHVFDQVHTXHQFHIRUWKHGLYHUJHQFHDQGFRQYHUJHQFHRID VHOHFWHGEUDQFK Figure B.8 Scan Sequence for a Simultaneous Branch – Divergence and Convergence A A X0 scan of step A pA postcan of step A I/O I/O scan B C hk housekeeping** n Xn transition scan F false T true X1 Classic Processors: maximum of 7 selections oc convergence overhead od divergence overhead Enhanced PLC-5 Processors: maximum of 16 selections F hk X1 F F C I/O hk T hk pB oc pC X1 A I/O F X0 T hk pA B od C I/O hk B I/O T * X1 T hk pB oc hk pB oc pC pC 15558 * In an Enhanced PLC-5 Processors, these states do not occur if scan configuration is set to ADVANCED mode. ** Any subcharts tied to this MCP execute now, followed by execution of subsequent MCPs. If this chart is MCP B and has active subchart actions while MCP A and C have ladder programs the sequence is: MCP A, Chart in MCP B, MCP B's subcharts, MCP C 1785-6.1 November 1998 SFC Reference B-11 SFC Example and Scan Sequence )LJXUH%VKRZVDQH[DPSOH6)&)LJXUH%VKRZVWKHVFDQ VHTXHQFHIRUWKHH[DPSOH6)&8VHWKLVH[DPSOH6)&DQGVFDQ VHTXHQFHDVDJXLGH7KHVHILJXUHVPD\QRWDSSO\WR\RXUV\VWHP Figure B.9 Example SFC for Scan Sequence Example start A X1 X0 B C X3 X2 D X4 X5 F E X6 G H J X7 X9 I X8 K X10 end 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-12 SFC Reference Figure B.10 Scan Sequence Example for the Example SFC F hk F oh X2 F hk T h k p A D I /O F hk X5 T h k p D J I /O F oh X1 X9 T hk pJ F hk T hk p A C I/O F hk X4 T hk p C A I /O K I/O X 10 T hk pK X0 F hk F hk T h k p A B I/O X3 T hk pB E F G I /O F F o d G I /O h k E I /O F I /O od F F X6 T F h k E I/O * X6 A = pA = I/O = XN = oh oc od hk step scan (A - K) post scan (A - K) I/O scan transition (1 - 10) T=true F=false = overhead = convergence overhead = divergence overhead = housekeeping Run Times – Classic PLC-5 Processors 1785-6.1 November 1998 T o d G I /O h k E I /O p F H I /O G I /O H I /O X7 * X7 T X7 T T X7 F T hk pE oc pH oc pG I I /O hk X8 T hk pI * In an Enhanced PLC-5 Processor, these states do not occur if scan configuration is set to ADVANCED mode. 15303 7RGHWHUPLQHWKHUXQWLPHRI\RXUSURFHVVRUPHPRU\ILOHRQD&ODVVLF 3/&SURFHVVRU\RXDGGWKHUXQWLPHIRUODGGHUORJLFDQGWKHUXQ WLPHIRUWKH6)&)RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWUXQWLPHVIRUODGGHUORJLF VHHDSSHQGL[$7RGHWHUPLQHWKHUXQWLPHIRUDQ6)&XVHHLWKHU VHTXHQFHGLDJUDPVRUHTXDWLRQV SFC Reference B-13 Using Sequence Diagrams to Determine Run Time 7DEOH%&OLVWVWKHUXQWLPHVWRDGGEDVHGRQWKHVHTXHQFHGLDJUDP IRU\RXU6)& Table B.C Run Times for Sequence Diagram Sections – Classic PLC-5 Processors This Event: Takes this Amount of Time (in milliseconds): A time to execute logic of step A + 0.1 ms pA time to scan logic of step A with rungs false + 0.1 ms XN transition N false (F): time to scan logic + 0.1 ms transition N true (T): time to scan logic + .25 ms I/O (I/O scan) 0.6 ms hk (housekeeping) 0.7 ms (increases with increasing DH+ traffic) oh (overhead) 0.02 ms od (divergence overhead) 0.3 ms oc (convergence overhead) 0.2 ms 7RGHWHUPLQHWKHZRUVWFDVHUXQWLPHDVVXPHWKDWDWUDQVLWLRQJRHV WUXHMXVWDIWHUDQ,2VFDQRUMXVWDIWHUDWUDQVLWLRQLVVFDQQHG7KLV DVVXPSWLRQUHTXLUHVDQH[WUDVFDQVHTXHQFHEHIRUHWKHWUDQVLWLRQ JRHVWUXH 7KHVFDQWLPHRIDVWHSDQGWUDQVLWLRQLVSURSRUWLRQDOWRWKHQXPEHURI UXQJVIRUWKHVWHSDQGWUDQVLWLRQ)LJXUH%VKRZVWKHPLQLPXP VFDQWLPHIRUDVWHSWKDWFRQWDLQVDVLQJOH27(DQGDQ(1'VWDWHPHQW DQGDWUDQVLWLRQWKDWFRQWDLQVDVLQJOH;,&DQGDQ(27VWDWHPHQW 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-14 SFC Reference Figure B.11 Minimum Scan Time for a Step and Transition Pair A X0 B X1 1.6 ms F A I/O 1.6 ms hk X0 F hk T pA B I/O X1 T 1.9 ms hk hk pB 1.9 ms 14271 Using Equations to Determine Run Time 7KHHTXDWLRQV\RXXVHGHSHQGRQZKHWKHUWKHVFDQLVVWHDG\VWDWH VLPSOHVWHSDQGWUDQVLWLRQRUGLYHUJHQWDQGFRQYHUJHQW 6WHDG\VWDWH6FDQ7LPHLVZKHQDOOWUDQVLWLRQVIROORZLQJDFWLYHVWHSV DUHIDOVH8VHWKLVHTXDWLRQ7DEOH%' Tmilliseconds = 0.8a + 0.7 + Tscan Table B.D Variables for Steady-State Scan Time Where: Is: Tmilliseconds steady-state scan time in milliseconds a number of active steps Tscan total time to scan logic in all active steps and associated false transitions 'LYHUJHQW6FDQ7LPHVWDUWVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUWHVWVDWUDQVLWLRQDQG HQGVZKHQWKHSURFHVVRUVFDQVWKHQH[WVWHS¶V,2'LYHUJHQWVFDQ WLPHLQFOXGHVWUDQVLWLRQVFDQWLPHSRVWVFDQWLPHRIWKHSUHYLRXVVWHS VFDQWLPHRIWKHQHZVWHSRYHUKHDGDQGVFDQWLPHRIHDFKSDUDOOHO DFWLYHVWHSRXWVLGHRIWKHGLYHUJHQFH 1785-6.1 November 1998 SFC Reference B-15 )RUDVHOHFWHGSDWKGLYHUJHQFHWKHEHVWFDVHLVZKHQWKHWUDQVLWLRQ JRHVWUXHMXVWEHIRUHWKH,2VFDQ8VHWKLVHTXDWLRQ7DEOH%( A // X0 X1 B X2 C Xn D N Tmilliseconds = TX + pA + TS + 0.02(n±1) + 1.55 + 0.8a + T0 Table B.E Variables for Selected-Path Divergent Scan Time Where: Is: Tmilliseconds transition scan time in milliseconds from step A to the first step in selected path N TX sum of scan times of logic of transitions X0, X1, . . . , Xn in the divergence, up to and including the selected transition pA postscan time for the step (step A) preceding the divergence TS scan time for logic in the new step (step N) n path number selected (1-7, from left to right) a number of active steps outside the divergence T0 sum of scan times of logic in all other active steps and transitions parallel to the divergence, but outside of the divergence 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-16 SFC Reference )RUDVLPXOWDQHRXVGLYHUJHQFHWKHEHVWFDVHLVZKHQWKHWUDQVLWLRQ JRHVWUXHMXVWEHIRUHWKH,2VFDQ8VHWKLVHTXDWLRQ7DEOH%) A X0 // B C D N Tmilliseconds = TX0 + pA + TS + 0.3(n±1) + 1.97 + 0.8a + T0 Table B.F Variables for Simultaneous-Path Divergent Scan Time Where: Is: Tmilliseconds transition time in milliseconds from when transition X0 goes true until the processor finishes scanning the last simultaneous step (step N) in the divergence TX0 scan time of logic in transition X0 pA time to do a post-scan of step A TS sum of scan times of logic in new steps (step B, step C, . . . , step N) n number of simultaneous active steps in the divergence a number of parallel active steps outside the divergence T0 sum of scan times of logic in all other active steps and transitions parallel to the divergence, but outside of the divergence )RUWKHZRUVWFDVHDVVXPHWKDWDWUDQVLWLRQJRHVWUXHMXVWDIWHUWKH,2 VFDQRUMXVWDIWHUDWUDQVLWLRQLVVFDQQHG7KLVDVVXPSWLRQUHTXLUHVDQ H[WUDVFDQVHTXHQFHEHIRUHWKHWUDQVLWLRQJRHVWUXH 1785-6.1 November 1998 SFC Reference B-17 &RQYHUJHQW6FDQ7LPHLVZKHQDVLPXOWDQHRXVEUDQFKHQGV7KH EHVWFDVHLVZKHQWKHWUDQVLWLRQJRHVWUXHMXVWEHIRUHWKH,2VFDQ8VH WKLVHTXDWLRQ7DEOH%* F G H N // X1 Z Tmilliseconds = TX1 + Tp + TZ + 0.2(n±1) + 1.5 + 0.8a + T0 Table B.G Variables for Simultaneous-Path Convergent Scan Time Where: Is: Tmilliseconds transition time in milliseconds from when transition X1 goes true until the processor finishes scanning step Z TX1 scan time of logic in transition X1 Tp sum of postscan times of steps F, G, . . . , N TZ scan time of logic in step Z n number of simultaneous active steps in the convergence a number of parallel active steps outside of the convergence T0 sum of scan times of logic in all other active steps and transitions parallel to the convergence, but outside of the convergence )RUWKHZRUVWFDVHDVVXPHWKDWDWUDQVLWLRQJRHVWUXHMXVWDIWHUWKH,2 VFDQRUMXVWDIWHUDWUDQVLWLRQLVVFDQQHG7KLVDVVXPSWLRQUHTXLUHVDQ H[WUDVFDQVHTXHQFHEHIRUHWKHWUDQVLWLRQJRHVWUXH 1785-6.1 November 1998 B-18 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 SFC Reference Appendix C Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Appendix Objectives 7KLVDSSHQGL[OLVWVDOORIWKHDYDLODEOHLQVWUXFWLRQVDQGWKHLURSHUDQGV DQGWKHGDWDW\SHVYDOXHVWKDWDUHYDOLGIRUHDFKRSHUDQG 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHH[SODLQVHDFKYDOLGGDWDW\SHYDOXH This Data Type/Value: Instruction Operands and Valid Data Types Accepts: immediate (program constant) any value between –32,768 and 32,767 integer any integer data type: integer, timer, counter, status, bit, input, output, ASCII, BCD, control (e.g., N7:0, C4:0, etc.) float any floating point data type with 7-digit precision (valid range is ±1.1754944e–38 to ±3.4028237e+38). block transfer any block transfer data type (e.g., BT14:0) ControlNet transfer any CT data type (e.g., CT14:0) message any message data type (e.g., MG15:0) PID any PID data type (e.g., PD16:0) or integer data type (e.g., N7:0) string any string data type (e.g., ST12:0) SFC status any SFC status data type (e.g., SC17:0) 7DEOH&$VKRZVWKHSURJUDPPLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV\RXFDQXVHDQGWKH RSHUDQGVIRUWKRVHLQVWUXFWLRQV<RXFDQDOVRXVHWKLVWDEOHWRIRUPDW LQVWUXFWLRQVLQ$6&,,IRULPSRUWLQJ)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ LPSRUWLQJVHH\RXUSURJUDPPLQJPDQXDO ,QVWUXFWLRQVPDUNHGZLWKDQDVWHULVNDUHRQO\VXSSRUWHGE\ (QKDQFHG3/&SURFHVVRUV 7RHQWHUWKHLPSRUWV\QWD[IRUDQ\RIWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVOLVWHGLQ 7DEOH&$ HQFORVHDOORIWKHRSHUDQGVLQSDUHQWKHVHV VHSDUDWHHDFKRIWKHRSHUDQGVE\FRPPDV )RUH[DPSOHWKHIROORZLQJLVWKHLPSRUWV\QWD[IRUWKH )$/ LQVWUXFWLRQ )$/5$//111 1785-6.1 November 1998 C-2 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Table C.A Programming Instructions and Operands Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition ABL * ASCII Test Buffer for Line channel immediate, 0-4 integer yes control control channel immediate, integer control control source string destination integer source A string source B string destination string source immediate, float (in radians), integer destination float (in radians), integer action number immediate file number 0 - 999 destination string source A immediate, integer, float source B immediate, integer, float destination integer, float source string index immediate, 0-82 integer number immediate, 0-82 integer destination string ACB * ACI * ACN * ACS * ACT * ADD AEX * ASCII Number of Characters in Buffer ASCII String to Integer ASCII String Concatenate Arc Cosine SFC action (only for ASCII import/export) ADD String Extract yes no no no N/A no no AFI Always False none AHL * ASCII Set/Reset Handshake Lines channel immediate, 0-4 integer yes handshake AND mask immediate, Hex integer yes handshake OR mask immediate, Hex integer control control source immediate, integer destination string AIC * 1785-6.1 November 1998 ASCII Integer to String no no Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands C-3 Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition AND Logical AND source A integer no source B integer destination integer channel immediate, 0-4 integer destination string control control string length 0 - 82 channel immediate, 0-4 integer destination string control control string length 0 - 82 source string index immediate, 0-4 integer search string result integer source immediate, float (in radians) destination float (in radians) source A string source B string source immediate, float (in radians) destination float (in radians) file integer, float destination integer, float control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 channel immediate, 0-4 integer source string control control string length 0 - 82 ARD * ARL * ASC * ASN * ASR * ATN * AVE * AWA * ASCII Read Characters ASCII Read Line ASCII String Search Arc Sine ASCII String Compare Arc Tangent Average File ASCII Write with Append yes yes no no no no yes yes 1785-6.1 November 1998 C-4 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition AWT * ASCII Write channel immediate, integer yes source string control control length 0 - 82 BRK Break none BSL Bit Shift Left file binary control control bit address bit length 1 - 16000 (length in bits) file binary control control bit address bit length 1 - 16000 (length in bits) source immediate, integer source bit immediate, (0 - 15) integer destination integer destination bit immediate (0 - 15) length immediate (1 - 16) BSR BTD 1785-6.1 November 1998 Bit Shift Right Bit Distribute yes no yes yes no Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands C-5 Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition BTR1 Block Transfer Read rack 00-277 octal yes group 0-7 module 0-1 control block block, integer data file integer length 0, 1-64 continuous YES, NO rack 00-277 octal group 0-7 module 0-1 control block block, integer data file integer length 0, 1-64 continuous YES, NO BTW 1 Block Transfer Write yes CIO ControlNet I/O Transfer control block ControlNet transfer (1 - 64) yes CIR Custom Input Routine program file number immediate (2 - 999) for all processors N/A input parameter list immediate, integer, float return parameter list integer, float (for use with CAR applications only) CLR Clear destination integer, float no CMP Compare expression, relative expression, expression expression using values or addresses with evaluators (for a list, see chapter 3 in this manual) no EXE mnemonic (end of expression) EXE only for ASCII import COP File Copy source array destination array length immediate (1 - 1000) no 1 In non-continuous mode, BTR and BTW ladder functions requires a false-to-true transition to execute. In continuous mode, once the rung goes true, BTR and BTW functions continue to execute regardless of rung condition. See page 15-8 for more information. 1785-6.1 November 1998 C-6 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Instruction Description Operand Valid Value COR Custom Output Routine program file number immediate (2 - 999) for all processors input parameter list immediate, integer, float return parameter list integer, float (for use with CAR applications only) Require False-to-True Transition no COS * Cosine source immediate, float (in radians) no CPT Compute math expression expression using values or immediate integer float addresses with evaluators (for a list, see chapter 4 in this manual) no EXE mnemonic only for ASCII import EXE relative expression addresses with evaluators (for a list, see chapter 4 in this manual) destination integer, float counter counter PRE –32,768 - +32,767 ACC –32,768 - +32,767 counter counter PRE –32,768 - +32,767 ACC –32,768 - +32.767 yes source array binary yes reference array binary result array integer compare control control length 1 - 16000 (length in bits) position 0 - 15999 result control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 source immediate, float (in radians) destination immediate, float (in degrees) CTD CTU DDT DEG * 1785-6.1 November 1998 Count Down Count Up Diagnostic Detect Degree (convert radians to degrees) yes yes no Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands C-7 Instruction Description Operand Valid Value DFA Diagnostic Fault Annunciator control file integer number of I/O immediate (8, 16, 32) program file number immediate (3-999) source A immediate, integer, float source B immediate, integer, float destination integer, float source immediate, integer mask immediate, integer reference integer DIV DTR Divide Data Transitional Require False-to-True Transition no no EOC end of SFC compression (see SOC) only for ASCII import/export N/A EOR end of rung only for ASCII import/export N/A EOT end of transition none no ESE end SFC selection branch (see SEL) only for ASCII import/export N/A EQU Equal source A immediate, integer, float source B immediate, integer, float no EOP end of SFC program only for ASCII import/export N/A ERI error on an input instruction only in ASCII export files N/A ERO error on an output instruction only in ASCII export files N/A ESI end SFC simultaneous branch (see SIM) only for ASCII import/export N/A FAL File Arithmetic/Logical control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 mode (INC, 1-1000, ALL) destination integer, float math expression indexed math instruction yes 1785-6.1 November 1998 C-8 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition FBC File Bit Compare source array binary yes reference array binary result array integer compare control control length 1 - 16000 (length in bits) position 0 - 15999 result control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 source operand immediate, indexed, integer FIFO array indexed, integer FIFO control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 FIFO array indexed, integer destination indexed, integer FIFO control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 source operand immediate, integer, float no destination array array no length immediate (1 - 1000) LBL number integer index integer initial value immediate, integer terminal value immediate, integer step size immediate, integer source immediate, integer destination integer FFL FFU FLL FOR FRD 1785-6.1 November 1998 FIFO Load FIFO Unload Fill File For Loop From BCD yes yes no no Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands C-9 Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition FSC File Search and Compare control control yes length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 mode immediate, integer (0, INC, 1-1000, ALL) math expression indexed math instruction source A immediate, integer, float source B immediate, integer, float source A immediate, integer, float source B immediate, integer, float data file offset immediate (0-999), integer length immediate (1-64), integer destination integer data file offset immediate (0-999), integer length immediate (1-64), integer source integer GEQ GRT IDI IDO Greater Than or Equal To Greater Than Immediate Data Input Immediate Data Output no no yes yes IIN Immediate Input I (input) word immediate, integer PLC-5/10, 11, 12 15, 20, 25, 30: 000-077 PLC-5/40, 40L: 000-157 PLC-5/60, 60L, 80, :000-237 no IOT Immediate Output O (output) word immediate, integer PLC-5/10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30: 000-077 PLC-5/40, 40L: 000-157 PLC-5/60, 60L, 80: 000-237 no JMP Jump label number immediate Classic PLC-5 processors: 0-31 Enhanced PLC-5 processors: 0-255 no JSR Jump to Subroutine ladder program number immediate (2 - 999) no input parameter list immediate, integer, float return parameter list integer float no file number immediate Classic PLC-5 processors: 0-31 Enhanced PLC-5 processors: 0-255 N/A LAB SFC label (import/export only) 1785-6.1 November 1998 C-10 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Require False-to-True Transition Instruction Description Operand Valid Value LBL LBL (ladder program label) label number immediate Classic PLC-5 processors: 0-31 Enhanced PLC-5 processors: 0-255 no LEQ Less Than or Equal To source A immediate, integer, float no source B immediate, integer, float source A immediate, integer, float source B immediate, integer, float source operand immediate, indexed, integer LIFO array indexed, integer LIFO control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 LIFO array indexed, integer destination indexed, integer LIFO control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 low limit immediate, integer, float test immediate, integer, float high limit immediate, integer, float source immediate, integer, float destination float source immediate, integer, float no destination float no LES LFL * LFU * LIM LN * LOG * Less Than LIFO Load LIFO Unload Limit Natural Log Log to the Base 10 MCR Master Control Relay MEQ Mask Compare Equal To MOV MSG 1785-6.1 November 1998 Move Message no yes yes no no no source operand immediate, integer source mask immediate, integer compare operand immediate, integer source immediate, integer, float destination integer, float control block message, integer no no yes Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands C-11 Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition MUL Multiply source A immediate, integer, float no source B immediate, integer, float destination integer, float source operand immediate, integer source mask immediate, Hex integer destination integer source immediate, integer, float destination integer, float source A immediate, integer, float source B immediate, integer, float source immediate, integer destination integer MVM NEG NEQ NOT Masked Move Negate Not Equal To Logical NOT no no no no NSE SFC next selection branch only for ASCII import/export N/A NSI SFC next simultaneous branch only for ASCII import/export N/A NXT Next (FOR Loop) for label number immediate Classic PLC-5 processors: 0-31 Enhanced PLC-5 processors: 0-255 no OR Logical OR source A immediate, bits integer yes source B immediate, bits integer destination integer storage bit bit output bit immediate (0 - 15) output word integer OSF * One Shot Falling yes; requires a true-to-false transition to execute ONS One Shot source bit bit yes OSR * One Shot Rising storage bit bit yes output bit immediate (0 - 15) output word integer OTE Output Energize destination bit bit no OTL Output Latch destination bit bit no OTU Output Unlatch destination bit bit no 1785-6.1 November 1998 C-12 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition PID PID control block PD no control block integer yes pv value integer tieback value immediate, integer cv value integer source immediate, float (in degrees) destination float (in radians) label number immediate (0 - 255) N/A timer, counter, control no RAD * Radian (convert degrees to radians) no REF SFC reference (see LAB) (ASCII import/export only) RES Timer/Counter Reset RET Return return parameter list immediate, integer, float no RTO2 Retentive Timer On timer timer yes time base immediate (0.01, 1.0) PRE 0 - 32767 ACC 0 - 32767 SBR Subroutine input parameter list integer, float no SDS Smart Directed Sequencer control file integer no number of I/O immediate (8, 16, 32) program file number immediate (3-999) SDZ start of delete zone, unassembled edits only in ASCII export files N/A SEL SFC selection branch only for ASCII import/export N/A SFR* SFC reset SFC file number immediate (1 - 999) restart at step immediate, integer SIM SFC simultaneous branch 2 only for ASCII import no N/A This instruction requires periodic scans to be updated. See page 2-13 in this manual or your Structured Text User Manual for more information. 1785-6.1 November 1998 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands C-13 Instruction Description Operand Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition SIN * Sine source immediate, float (in radians) no destination float (in radians) SIZ start of insert zone, unassembled edits only in ASCII export files N/A SOC start of compression only for ASCII import/export N/A SOP SFC start of program only for ASCII import/export N/A SOR start of rung only for ASCII import/export N/A SQI Sequencer Input file integer, indexed mask immediate, Hex indexed, integer source immediate, indexed, integer control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 file integer, indexed source immediate, indexed, integer control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 file integer, indexed destination mask immediate, indexed, integer destination indexed, integer control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 source immediate, integer, float destination integer, float sort file integer, float file control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 SQL SQO SQR SRT * Sequencer Load Sequencer Output Square Root Sort no yes yes no yes 1785-6.1 November 1998 C-14 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Description Operand SRZ start of replace zone, unassembled edits only in ASCII export files STP SFC step (Classic PLC-5 Processors) (ASCII import/export only) file number 2 - 999 N/A STP * SFC step (Enhanced PLC-5 Processors) (ASCII import/export only) step timer file number 2 - 9999 N/A time base immediate (0.01, 1.0) qualifier N, S, R, L, D, P1, P0, SL, SD, DS action number (from ACT) immediate timer file number timer time base immediate (0.01, 1.0) standard deviation file integer, float destination integer, float file control control length 1 - 1000 position 0 - 999 source A immediate, integer, float source B immediate, integer, float destination integer, float source immediate, float (in radians) destination float (in radians) token ID number (must be unique per SFC file) immediate STD * SUB TAN * Standard Deviation Subtract Tangent TID * Token ID (ASCII import/export only) TND Temporary End TOD To BCD 1785-6.1 November 1998 Valid Value Require False-to-True Transition Instruction N/A yes no no N/A no source immediate, integer destination integer no Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands C-15 Require False-to-True Transition Instruction Description Operand Valid Value TOF 2 Timer Off Delay timer timer yes: requires true-to-false transition to execute TOF 2 Timer Off Delay time base immediate (0.01, 1.0) PRE 0 - 32767 yes: requires true-to-false transition to execute ACC 0 - 32767 timer timer time base immediate (0.01, 1.0) PRE 0 - 32767 ACC 0 - 32767 file number 2 - 999 for all processors TON 3 Timer On Delay yes TRC SFC transition (ASCII import/export only) UID * User Interrupt Disable no UIE * User Interrupt Enable no XIC Examine On source bit bit no XIO Examine Off source bit bit no XOR Exclusive Or source A immediate, bits integer no source B immediate, bits integer destination integer source A immediate, integer source B immediate, integer destination integer XPY * X to the Power of Y N/A no 2 This instruction requires periodic scans to be updated. See page 2-9 in this manual or page 2-10 in the Structured Text User Manual for more information. 3 This instruction requires periodic scans to be updated. See page 1-14 in this manual or your Structured Text User Manual for more information. 1785-6.1 November 1998 C-16 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Valid Data Types for Instruction Operands Index A ABL instruction 17-4 ACB instruction 17-5 ACI instruction 17-6 ACN instruction 17-7 ACS instruction 4-11 ADD instruction 4-12 Addition instruction ADD 4-12 AEX instruction 17-7 AFI instruction 13-13 AHL instruction 17-8 AIC instruction 17-9 Always False instruction 13-13 AND instruction 5-2 AND Operation instruction AND 5-2 ASCII ABL 17-4 ACB 17-5 ACI 17-6 ACN 17-7 AEX 17-7 AHL 17-8 AIC 17-9 ARD 17-10 ARL 17-12 ASC 17-14 ASR 17-15 AWA 17-15 AWT 17-17 ASCII instructions, strings 17-3 ASCII Integer to String instruction 17-9 ASCII Read Characters instruction 17-10 ASCII Read Line instruction 17-12 ASCII Set Handshake Lines instruction 17-8 Arc Cosine instruction ACS 4-11 ASCII String Compare instruction 17-15 Arc Sine instruction ASN 4-13 ASCII String Extract instruction 17-7 Arc Tangent instruction ATN 4-14 ASCII String to Integer instruction 17-6 ARD instruction 17-10 ARL instruction 17-12 ASC instruction 17-14 ASCII String Concatenate instruction 17-7 ASCII String Search instruction 17-14 ASCII Write Append instruction 17-15 ASCII Write instruction 17-17 ASN instruction 4-13 ASR instruction 17-15 ATN instruction 4-14 1785-6.1 November 1998 I–2 Index Attention 32- to 16-bit conversion 4-10 AVE indexed address 4-16 change index value 13-6 control structure addressing 10-4 DTR online programming 10-8 entering input addresses 1-6 entering output addresses 1-7 FAL indexed address 9-2 FOR and NXT with output branches 13-5 FOR and NXT within branches 13-5 indexed addressing 8-2 jumped timers and counters 13-4 MCR zones overlapping or nesting 13-2 timers and counters 13-2 modify status bits of BTR/BTW 15-6 MSG status bits .ST and .EW 15-24 online programming with ONS 13-14 pairing stack instructions 11-6 PID change engineering unit max 14-22 change engineering unit min 14-22 change inputs or units 14-19 changing scaling 14-6 resume last state 14-10 setting temperature limits 14-28 update time 14-21 placement of critical counters 2-15, 2-17 resetting TON and TOF 2-8, 2-20 SRT indexed address 4-27 status of BTR/BTW bits 15-7 STD indexed address 4-30 use of control address 12-3 using control addresses 8-2 using control addresses for instructions 11-2 B Bit Distribute instruction BTD 7-2 Bit Shift Left (BSL) instruction 11-2 Bit Shift Right (BSR) instruction 11-2 block transfer BTR instruction 15-3 BTW instruction 15-3 direct communication mode 15-2 I/O scan mode 15-1 instructions 15-1 programming examples 15-15 timing 15-13, 15-14 Block Transfer Read instruction BTR 15-3 Block Transfer Write instruction BTW 15-3 Break (BRK) instruction 13-5 BRK instruction 13-5 BSL instruction 11-2 BSR instruction 11-2 BTD instruction 7-2 BTR instruction 15-3 BTW instruction 15-3 C CAR utility 18-1 CIO instruction 15-22 monitoring 15-24 status bits 15-24 using 15-23 Classic PLC5 processors 1 AVE instruction 4-15 Clear instruction CLR 4-17 Average File instruction AVE 4-15 CLR instruction 4-17 AWA instruction 17-15 AWT instruction 17-17 1785-6.1 November 1998 CMP instruction 3-2 Index I–3 compare EQU 3-5 expression 3-2 GEQ 3-5, 3-6 instructions 3-2 length of expressions 3-3 LEQ 3-6 LES 3-7 NEQ 3-10 compute ACS 4-11 ADD 4-12 ASN 4-13 ATN 4-14 AVE 4-15 CLR 4-17 COS 4-18 CPT 4-5 DEG 6-3 DIV 4-19 EOT 13-18 expression 4-5 FSC 9-14 functions 4-9 IOT 1-7 length of expressions 4-7 LN 4-20 LOG 4-21 MUL 4-22 NEG 4-23 ONS 13-14 order of operation 4-8 RAD 6-4 SIN 4-24 SQR 4-25 SRT 4-26 STD 4-28 SUB 4-31 TAN 4-32 XPY 4-33 Compute instruction CPT 4-5 connecting to Ethernet PLC5 processors using hostnames 16-6 control file example 8-2 ControlNet I/O transfer instruction 15-22 ControlNet PLC5 processors 1 convergent scan time B-14 conversion BCD 6-2 FRD 6-2 Convert from BCD instruction FRD 6-2 Convert to BCD instruction TOD 6-2 COP instruction 9-19 COS instruction 4-18 Cosine instruction COS 4-18 Count Down instruction 2-17 Count Up instruction 2-15 counter CTD 2-17 CTU 2-15 RES 2-20 counters instructions 2-13 CPT instruction 4-5 CTD instruction 2-17 CTU instruction 2-15 custom application routine 18-1 D data files manipulating 8-3 range of values C-1 data storage I/O image files 1-2 Data Transitional instruction DTR 10-8 1785-6.1 November 1998 I–4 Index DDT instruction 10-2 Equal To instruction 3-5 DEG instruction 6-3 Ethernet PLC5 processors 1 Degree instruction DEG 6-3 Examine Off instruction 1-3 derivative smoothing 14-4 expression determining the length of 3-3, 4-7 DFA instruction 18-1 diagnostic DDT 10-2 DTR 10-8 FBC 10-2 parameters 10-4, 10-8 search mode 10-2 status 10-5 Examine On instruction 1-3 F FAL logical instruction 9-12 FBC instruction 10-2 FFL instruction 11-5 FFU instruction 11-5 Diagnostic Detect instruction DDT 10-2 FIFO Load (FFL) instruction 11-5 Diagnostic Fault Annunciator Instruction 18-1 file diagnostic instructions 10-1 FIFO Unload (FFU) instruction 11-5 search and compare operations 9-17 direct communication block transfer 15-2 File Arithmetic and Logic instruction FAL 9-2 DIV instruction 4-19 File Bit Comparison instruction FBC 10-2 divergent scan time B-14 Divide instruction DIV 4-19 DTR instruction 10-8 E element manipulation LIM 3-7 MEQ 3-9 MOV 7-3 MVM 7-4 End of Transmission instruction EOT 13-18 engineering units scaling 14-5 Enhanced PLC5 processors 1 EOT instruction 13-18 EQU instruction 3-5 1785-6.1 November 1998 file concepts control structure 8-2 manipulating data 8-3 modes of operation 8-5 File Copy instruction COP 9-19 File Fill instruction FLL 9-20 file instructions logical 9-12 File Search and Compare instruction FSC 9-14 Index I–5 files arithmetic operations 9-7 copy operations 9-5 functions 9-14 instruction COP 9-19 FLL 9-20 logical operations 9-12 operation modes 8-5 FLL instruction 9-20 floating point valid value range C-1 For (FOR) instruction 13-5 FOR instruction 13-5 FRD instruction 6-2 FSC instruction 9-14 G gain constants 14-3 instruction ControlNet I/O transfer 15-22 immediate data input 1-8 immediate data output 1-8 instructions ASCII 17-1 block transfer 15-1 CIO monitoring 15-24 compare 3-2 diagnostic 10-1 memory requirements A-1 message 16-1 operands C-1 program flow 13-1 relay-type 1-1, 2-1 sequencer 12-1 shift register 11-1 timer 2-1 timing A-1 GEQ instruction 3-5, 3-6 INVALID OPERAND error message 4-4 Greater Than or Equal To instruction 3-5, 3-6 IOT instruction 1-7 I J I/O image files 1-2 JMP instruction 13-3 I/O scan mode block transfer 15-1 JSR instruction 13-8 IDI instruction 1-8 using 1-9 Jump to Subroutine instruction 13-8 IDO instruction 1-8 using 1-9 IIN instruction 1-6 Immediate Data Input instruction 1-8 Jump instruction 13-3 L Label (LBL) instruction 13-5 Label instruction 13-3 LBL instruction 13-3, 13-5 Immediate Data Output instruction 1-8 LEQ instruction 3-6 Immediate Input instruction 1-6 Less Than instruction 3-7 Immediate Output instruction IOT 1-7 Less Than or Equal To instruction 3-6 incremental mode 8-7 LFU instruction 11-5 LES instruction 3-7 LFL instruction 11-5 1785-6.1 November 1998 I–6 Index LIFO Load (LFL) instruction 11-5 MUL instruction 4-22 LIFO Unload (LFU) instruction 11-5 LIM instruction 3-7 Multiply instruction MUL 4-22 Limit Test instruction 3-7 MVM instruction 7-4 LN instruction 4-20 LOG instruction 4-21 Log to the base 10 instruction LOG 4-21 logical AND 5-2 NOT 5-3 OR 5-4 XOR 5-5 M manipulating file data 8-3 Masked Comparison for Equal instruction 3-9 Masked Move instruction 7-4 Master Control Reset instruction 13-2 MCR instruction 13-2 memory instruction requirements A-1 SFC requirements B-3 N Natural Log instruction LN 4-20 NEG instruction 4-23 Negate instruction NEG 4-23 NEQ instruction 3-10 Next (NXT) instruction 13-5 Not Equal To instruction 3-10 NOT instruction 5-3 NOT Operation instruction NOT 5-3 Number of Char in Buffer instruction 17-5 NXT instruction 13-5 O One Shot Falling (OSF) instruction 13-16 One Shot instruction ONS 13-14 MEQ instruction 3-9 One Shot Rising (OSR) instruction 13-15 message instruction 16-1 ONS instruction 13-14 modes file operation 8-5 operands instructions C-1 OR instruction 5-4 monitoring CIO instructions 15-24 OR Operation instruction OR 5-4 MOV instruction 7-3 order of operation 4-8 Move instruction MOV 7-3 OSF instruction 13-16 MSG instruction entry 16-10 OTE instruction 1-4 MSG instruction 16-1 using 16-10 OTU instruction 1-5 1785-6.1 November 1998 OSR instruction 13-15 OTL instruction 1-4 Index I–7 Output Energize instruction 1-4 Output Latch instruction 1-4 Output Unlatch instruction 1-5 P PID biasing 14-9 equations 14-2 examples 14-29 instruction 14-10 integer examples 14-29 PD examples 14-33 selecting derivative term 14-7 setting output alarms 14-7 using manual mode 14-8 using output limiting 14-7 PID instruction 14-1 PLC2 compatibility file 16-15 process control biasing 14-9 derivative smoothing 14-4 equations 14-2 gain constants 14-3 integer PID examples 14-29 PD PID examples 14-33 PID 14-10 PID examples 14-29 PID instruction 14-1 selecting derivative term 14-7 setting output alarms 14-7 using manual mode 14-8 using output limiting 14-7 program constant valid value range C-1 program constants 3-2, 4-5 program flow instruction FOR, BRK, LBL, and RET 13-5 OSF 13-16 OSR 13-15 SFR 13-17 program flow instructions 13-1 Programming SDS instruction 18-2 programming instructions operands C-1 Proportional, Integral, and Derivative instruction 14-10 R RAD instruction 6-4 Radian instruction RAD 6-4 relay-type IIN 1-6 OTE 1-4 OTL 1-4 OTU 1-5 XIC 1-3 XIO 1-3 RES instruction 2-20 Reset instruction 2-20 RET instruction 13-8 Retentive Timer On instruction 2-10 Return instruction 13-8 RTO instruction 2-10 run times determining B-12 program flow AFI 13-13 JMP and LBL 13-3 JSR, SBR, and RET 13-8 MCR 13-2 UID 13-19 UIE 13-20 1785-6.1 November 1998 I–8 Index S SBR instruction 13-8 scaling to engineering units 14-5 scan sequence SFC B-7 scan time convergent B-14 divergent B-14 steady–state B-14 scanner mode configuring 15-13, 15-14 SDS instruction 18-1 selection branch scanning sequence B-8 sequencer applying 12-1 instructions 12-1 SQI 12-2 SQL 12-2 SQO 12-2 Sequencer Input instruction 12-2 Sequencer Load instruction 12-2 Sequencer Output instruction 12-2 Sequential Function Chart Reset instruction 13-17 SFC constraints B-5 example scanning sequence B-11 memory requirements B-3 scanning sequence example B-11 selection branch B-8 simultaneous branch B-9 scanning sequences step/transition B-7 status information B-1 SFR instruction 13-17 1785-6.1 November 1998 shift register instruction applying 11-1 BSL and BSR 11-2 FFL and FFU 11-5 LFL and LFU 11-5 simultaneous branch scanning sequence B-9 SIN instruction 4-24 Sine instruction SIN 4-24 Smart Directed Sequencer (SDS) Instruction overview 18-2 programming 18-2 Smart Directed Sequencer Instruction 18-1 Sort File instruction SRT 4-26 SQI instruction 12-2 SQL instruction 12-2 SQO instruction 12-2 SQR instruction 4-25 Square Root instruction SQR 4-25 SRT instruction 4-26 Standard Deviation instruction STD 4-28 status bits CIO instruction 15-24 status information SFC B-1 STD instruction 4-28 steady-state scan time B-14 step scanning sequence B-7 SUB instruction 4-31 Subroutine Header instruction 13-8 Subtract instruction SUB 4-31 Index I–9 T TAN instruction 4-32 Tangent instruction TAN 4-32 Temporary End instruction 13-13 Temporary End instruction 13-20 Test Buffer For Line instruction 17-4 timer accuracy 2-3 instruction parameters 2-2, 2-13 RES 2-20 RTO 2-10 TOF 2-7 TON instruction 2-4 U units, engineering scaling 14-5 User Interrupt Disable UID 13-19 User Interrupt Enable UIE 13-20 using CIO instruction 15-23 IDI instruction 1-9 IDO instruction 1-9 MSG instruction 16-10 X Timer Off Delay instruction 2-7 X to the Power of Y instruction XPY 4-33 Timer On Delay instruction 2-4 XIC instruction 1-3 timers 2-1 XIO instruction 1-3 timing block transfer 15-13, 15-14 instructions A-1 XOR instruction 5-5 tip XPY instruction 4-33 XOR Operation instruction XOR 5-5 connecting to Ethernet PLC5 processors using hostnames 16-6 TND instruction 13-13 TND instruction 13-19, 13-20 TOD instruction 6-2 TOF instruction 2-7 TON instruction 2-4 transition scanning sequence B-7 1785-6.1 November 1998 I–10 1RWHV 1785-6.1 November 1998 Index Allen-Bradley Publication Problem Report If you find a problem with our documentation, please complete and return this form Pub. 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