Sourin Das Dept. of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi HRI, 10 Oct 2011 Plan of the talk • Introduc;on to spin transistor • Spin transistor as quantum bit – Quantum Dot • Introduc;on to Quantum Dot • Quantum dot as a spin qubit in the non-­‐transport regime: – Theore;cal proposals – Experimental realiza;on • Quantum dot in the transport regime: Spin manipula;on via spin blockade • Conclusion Transistors 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics John Bardeen William Shockley Walter BraQain ,-*.(()/01*2 Field Effect Transistors (FET) Current through device can be switched on or off by the gate, hence it can be used as a classical bit Spin Transistor Two Dimensional Electron Gas !"#$%&'()*&#)+,-.,(/01#)-2+* asymmetric ! 301+&)(4 GaInAs/InP heterostructure: Ga0.47In0.53As _\_ . n+ 2+5)7* 5)6 5)6 grown by MOVPE z 2DEG Ga0.23In0.77As high mobility: 200000 - 450000 cm2/Vs large indium content (77%) low band gap InP Ec Rashba E ffect !"#$%&'(#)%*+,"-#$./#$/0/1%2#34$5#+$0!"#$%&'(#)%*+,"-#$./#$/0/1%2#34$5#+$0Asymmetric potential electric field Asymmetric potential 6-47)'+$/80545/9:05;(0/6<<47)= 6-47)'+$/80545/9:05;(0/6<<47)= Rashba Hamiltonian: electric field E Rashba Hamiltonian: : Rashba couplingparameter Energy splitting: Asymmetric potential electric field electric Asymmetric potential field Energy splitting: E : Rashba parame E. I. Rashba E. D can be controlled by applying gate voltage by applying a gate v D canabe controlled Rashba Hamiltonian: Rashba Hamiltonian: E !"#$%&'($)#)*+',%!"#$%-'./.))#+$ E : Rashba coupling: Rashba couplingStarting condition: parameter parameter §1· ¨¨ ¸¸ ©1¹ ( x pol ) § 1· § 0· ¨¨ ¸¸ ¨¨ ¸¸ © 0 ¹ ( z pol ) © 1 ¹ ( z pol ) § 1 · ik x 2 x § 0 · ik x1x Bad § 1 · 2010 ¸¸ e ¨¨ ¸¸ e ¨¨ i'k x Honnef, ¸ e ik x1x ¨¨ Nano-Spintronic x¸ 0 1 © ¹ © ¹ ©e ¹ Institut für Bio- und Nanosysteme (IBN-1) Nano-Spintronic Bad Honnef, 2010 Datta-Das Transistor Gate Energy Energy splitting: FM FM splitting: D can be controlled a by gate voltagea gate voltage D can by be applying controlled applying x 0 §1· ¨ ¸ S S 2'k x 'k x §1· e iI ¨ ¸ i 2I 3S 2 'k x § 1 · i 3I § 1 · ¨ ¸e ¨ ¸ EF k I 13. M. Wegener, S. Linden, Physics 2, 3 (2009). 14. E. Hecht, Optics (Addison-Wesley, San Francisco, ed. 4, 2002), chap. 8. 15. M. S. Rill et al., Nat. Mater. 7, 543 (2008). 16. N. Liu, H. Liu, S. Zhu, H. Giessen, Nat. Photon. 3, 157 (2009). 17. M. G. Silveirinha, IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. 56, 390 (2008). 18. Materials and methods are available as supporting material on Science Online. 19. J. B. Pendry, A. J. Holden, D. J. Robbins, W. J. Steward, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 47, 2075 (1999). J.K.G., M.T., M.S.R., and M.D. is embedded in the Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics (KSOP). Supporting Online Material Materials and Methods Experimental Status Control of Spin Precession in a Spin-Injected Field Effect Transistor M Hyun Cheol Koo,1 Jae Hyun Kwon,1 Jonghwa Eom,1,2 Joonyeon Chang,1* Suk Hee Han,1 Mark Johnson3 Spintronics increases the functionality of information processing while seeking to overcome some REPORTS of the limitations of conventional electronics. The spin-injected field effect transistor, a lateral semiconducting channel with two ferromagnetic electrodes, lies at the foundation of spintronics magnetization states along the y axis, TMy. A research. We demonstrated a spin-injected field effect transistor in a high-mobility InAs small external magnetic field applied along the y heterostructure with empirically calibrated electrical injection andcreate detection of ballistic spinaxis (Ba) can conditions with the injector polarized electrons. We observed and fit to theory an (source) oscillatory channel conductance as a function and detector (drain) magnetizations parof monotonically increasing gate voltage. allel or antiparallel, resulting in relatively high 29 May 2009; accepted 4 August 2009 Published online 20 August 2009; 10.1126/science.1177031 Include this information when citing this paper. materials with relatively small spin-orbit interaction such as GaAs and Si (3–5). However, modulating the channel conductance by using an electric field to induce spin precession has remained elusive. A material with large spin-orbit interaction will not permit the observation of the Hanle effect, yet this type of material is necessary for gate voltage–induced spin precession. These two phenomena are mutually exclusive within any single material. We used a high-mobility InAs heterostructure with strong intrinsic spinorbit interaction a, and we measured the nonlocal channel conductance (5, 6) rather than the direct source-drain conductance suggested by Datta and Das. Conventional lateral spin valve techniques measured the population of ballistic spins. Shubnikov–de Haas (SdH) experiments provided an independent measurement of the dependence of the spin-orbit interaction on gate voltage. Apart from a small phase shift, the oscillatory conductance that we measured fits to theory (1) with no adjustable parameters. The temperature dependence indicates that the modulation is only observed when the injected electrons have ballistic trajectories to the detector. A conventional lateral spin valve device (Fig. 1A) is a convenient structure to investigate spin injection and detection for several reasons. First, the ferromagnetic (FM) electrodes have a uniaxial shape anisotropy that can create binary Downloaded from on Oct tinuously increases along the helix axis—rather than for the constant helix diameter discussed here—antenna theory (28, 29) promises bandwidths considerably exceeding one octave. This approach could lead to a further increase of the circular-polarizer operation bandwidth. Metallic wire-grid linear polarizers (“onedimensional metamaterials”) have been known since the pioneering experiments on electromag- or low spin-dependent voltages at the detector (2, 7, 8). Second, a small channel length, L, Dattaand anddetector Das (1), any types of spintronic devices have Proposed between by injector canthe be demondefined lithographically. in the “nonlocal” configof a spinThird, FET involves spin injection been proposed, investigated, and de- stration (5–12), theabias current is grounded at detection using ferromagnetic source and veloped. However, the spin-injected anduration one However, end of the asample, is no current specialthere feature ofcharge the spin FET field effect transistor (spin FET), which lies at drain. vicinitymodulation of the spin of detector, background thethe periodic source-drain conthe heart of spintronics, has yet to be realized. is in effects are minimized, and the signal-to-noise ductance as controlled by gate voltage–induced ratio is maximized. Spin-polarized carriers with 1 precession of the injected spin Center for Spintronics Research, Korea Institute of Science ballistic trajectories along spins. the +xElectrical and −x direcand Technology (KIST), 39-1 Hawolgok-dong, Seongbukinjection and detection have been demonstrated tions are injected with equal probability. gu, Seoul, 136-791, Korea. 2Department of Physics, Sejong in a variety of semiconductors (2–6). gas Carrier spin In a two-dimensional electron (2DEG) University, 98 Gunja-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 143-747, 3 precession has been induced by using an external channel with strong spin-orbit interaction, the Korea. Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Overlook Avenue structural asymmetry provides intrinsic elec-a magnetic field and detecting theanHanle effect, SW, Washington, DC 20375, USA. tric field along the z axis, Ez,0, where the Lorentzian-shaped magnetoresistance caused *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: subscripts denote the z direction and zero gate by precessional dephasing of diffusing spins, in voltage. In the rest frame of a carrier moving with a weakly relativistic Fermi velocity, vFx ~ c/300, with c the SCIENCE speed of light,VOL electric field E transz,0 SEPTEMBER 325 18 2009 1515 forms as an effective magnetic field BRy,0, which is called the Rashba field (13). The Rashba field is perpendicular to the directions of the carrier Fig. 1. Lateral gated spin valve device with an external magnetic field (Ba = 0.5 T) applied along velocity and the electric field. In Fig. 1, BRy,0 is the y axis (A) and x axis (B). In (A), the magnetizations of the FM electrodes are shown oriented along the y axis and has no effect on carriers that along the y axis. The injected spin-polarized electrons are oriented along the y axis and do not precess under the influence of the Rashba field BRy. (B) shows the electrons injected with spin Koo et al., Science 325, 1515-1518 (2009) Spin-­‐Transistor as Quantum Bit • Can we use this kind of spin-­‐transistor as a quantum bit ? • Not possible with an open quantum system like the DaQa-­‐Das transistor • Fundamental need : two level system with long decoherence ;me One possibility could be -­‐ a single electron Quantum Dot -­‐I Quantum Dot : The Constant Interac;on Model Assumption • Inter-­‐dot Coulomb interac;on + Interac;on of dot electron with environment : can be parameterized in terms of a single capacitance “C” • Single parity energy spectrum is independent of these interac;ons 2 ! e N + C V + C V + C V ( S S D D g g ) E(N) = 2C C = CS + C D + Cg Quantum Dot: A leaky capacitor Electrochemical poten;al of the dot: 1 µ N = E(N ) ! E(N !1) = U(N + ) ! " !i e Vi 2 i=L,R,g Where: !i = ci / C < 1, i = L, R, g µ N ! µ N !1 = U = e 2 / C Linear response: Liaing of coulomb blockade It is not a quantum level Quantum Dot: A leaky capacitor Nonlinear response: Quantum Dot: A leaky capacitor Nonlinear response: Quantum Dot: A leakey capacitor Few electron quantum dot (account for Pauli principle): µN = $ N free + E ( N ) " E ( N " 1) 1 = $ N free + U ( N + ) " ! # i eVi 2 i= L,R, g Odd – Even diamonds δ = ε1 − ε 2 Quantum Dot: A leaky capacitor Few electron quantum dot (account for Pauli principle): µN = $ N free + E ( N ) " E ( N " 1) 1 = $ N free + U ( N + ) " ! # i eVi 2 i= L,R, g Odd – Even diamonds δ = ε1 − ε 2 Excita'on Spectra of Circular, Few-­‐Electron Quantum Dots Kouwenhoven et al Quantum Dot -­‐II through a tunnel barrier represented by a tunnel resistor &# are negligible, the double dot electrostatic energy reads by Theaelectrochemical potential ( 1(2) (N of dot a capacit resented tunnel resistor R 1 ,N 2 ) and m U " N 1 ,N 2 # ! full derivation is given in the Appendix) Rtransport a(acapacitor Cdots connected in1(2)parallel. is defined 3as theThe energy needed to add the N 1(2) th L(R) and L(R) el et al.: Electron through double quantum parallel. The bias voltage iselectrons applied on dot to the so electron to dot 1(2), while havingV N 2(1) 1 2 1 2 dots areet coupled to each other by a tunnel barrier rep3 van der Wiel al.: Electron transport through double quantum dots U " N 1 ,N 2 # ! N 1 E C1 " N "N 1tact Net 2(1). Using the expression for the total energy Eq. (1),(asymme 2 E Cm 2 E C2Wiel van al.with : Electron transport through double quantum dots drain contact grounded 2 2 der van derthe Wiel et al.C : Electron transport through double quan 2 resented by a tunnel resistor R and a capacitor in the electrochemical potentials of the two dots are m m 1 e In thisto we consider the# linear transpor "f " V g1 (1)section E C2 ! g2 # , ,is applied 2 ,VV (source N 1 ,N 2 # #U " N 1 #1,N 2 parallel. The bias the " N 1 ,N 2 # )U "conThis is the energy 1 C 2 voltage Cm 1 e 2 2 1 e i.e., V!0. If cross capacitances (such as 2 betw 1 3bias). l et al.: Electron transport double 1# quantum dots Egrounded ! "N E # (asymmetric , e tact withthrough the drain 1 C2 2 E ! , ! C 1$C C g1 V N E f " V g1 ,V g2 #contact " "N and a capacit 2 C m2), other !voltage 2 and N 1 # EC2 2 2 Cm dot # ! e ! 2 g1 1 C1Cand C1 "N 2E2 Cm EC !stray cap C sources, C2 2 m In this section we consider the linear 1# transport regime, 2 #C1# theCcapacit 2 m is C 1C 2 e "C1g2 V g2 " N 1 E Cm "N 2 Eare # % 2 C2 C C negligible, the double dot electrostatic ene 1# 1 2 1 e i.e., V!0.E Cm If !cross capacitances (such as between# 1V" Cg1 . Thus a large interd V E "C V E , (5) # g1 g1 C1 g2 g2 Cm 3 E ! Ctransport , van der Wiel et al.: Electron dots 2quantum C 1 Cthrough 12 21 2 2double 1e(a ! is ! egiven ine 2the Appendix) 2 full 2 1derivation C 2m voltage and dot 2), C2 other capacitances Csources, "2 C V g2 E C2 stray m 2 #1 g1 V g1 E C1 " C g2and one big 1dot. e 2. 2 .2" N 1 ,N 2 # )U " N 1 ,N apacitors represent! E C me 2 E Cm ! C 1# ( #U N ,N #1 # # " Cm 2 1 2 C 1C 2 are negligible, the double energy1 reads C1m The C 1E Celectrochem m C 1 C 2 dot 2electrostatic 2 ! e different elements Cm #1 1 e 2 2 #1C m C 1 2 1 2 Here C 1(2) is2 the sum attached to dot! N tunnel resistors represent"C g1 of V g1 Call Vcapacitances E Cmcapacitors , Appendix) FIG. 1. capacitors Network of tunnel resistors and representbarriers are characg2! g2the U N N ,N ! " E "N (aand full derivation is given in Cm # " C N 2 #1 EEC1 "N E1(2) E , 1 2 C2 1 Nas 2 EtC 2 C2 1 Cm m is defined C2 2 ecoupled 1Cseries. 2 2 2 !C "C "C . Note 1(2) including C m : in CThe C sas coupled in series. The different elements ing two quantum dots different elements indicated in the FIG. 1. Network of tunnel resistors and capacitors represent1(2) L(R) g1(2) m 2 m C 3 ! E C1(2) is the charging E Cm vanenergy der.Wiel etthe al.:individual Electron transport double quantum dots where ofas dot ofthrough 1# Here C is the sum all capacitances attached to dot electron to dot 1(2) Here C is the sum of all capac can be interpreted the charging energy of that in E C1(2) 1(2) text. Note that barriers are charac1(2) C C C aretunnel explained the text. Note that tunnel barriers are charac1 1 1 ingEtwo dots coupled in series. The different elements m quantum C#!e! coupling energy, and 1(2), 21 2 #1 2 1 Cis2 Cm is the electrostatic # V g1,V E Cm "C g2 V g2 E C2 # .:C(6) " C g1including C 1(2) C : C !C "C Note 1(2) including C the single, uncoupled dot 1(2) multiplied by a correction U N N N ,N ! E " E "N N E "f # is!C theexp su " 2 terized by a tunnel resistor and a capacitor, as indicated in esistor and a capacitor, as indicated in the m 1(2) L(R 2(1). Using the m 1(2) g1(2) m .# ,Here ! e"! V 1(2) 2 L(R) 1 2 electron C1the 1 2 the Cm are explained in text. barriers are characg1 "C g2 pacitors represent1 The 2Note is thetunnel the charge. coupling energy EC2 Cmthat C 1 e m that E 2 2 can be interpreted as the 2 can be asm that charging ofinterpreted factor that accounts for theresistor coupling. When !0, inset. E C2 ! asand ,Eif,C1(2) e anand change in the of one dot when electron is CThe 1(2) including C m C1(2) different elements terized byenergy a tunnel a1 capacitor, atthe fixedenergy gate voltages, N change in ( 1 (N the electrochemica 1 is C 2 indicated C m2 1 ,N32 ) in ! . E van der Wiel et al. : Electron transport through double quantum dots added to the other dot. These energies can be expressed uncoupled dot 1(2) mu Cm Eq. (1) to henceCE1(2) Here is the sum ofreduces all capacitances dot the single, uncoupled dotchanged 1(2)toby multiplied by2 )#a (correction ( 1(Nsingle, is 1, the 1# Cm !0, can be that E, C1(2) barriers are charac1 "1,N 1 (N 1 ,N 2 )!E C1 inset. C C 1 C 2 attached m C 1 C1 2 (1) in terms of"f the capacitances as follows: V ,V , # " called addition energy dotg1 1 and equals the1" chargaccounts for the coupl ,Vmg2 ! factor C V N EN "N EC #2Note "V "( $ofthat C 1(2)g2 !C "C "C .the 1(2) including C m : g1 #1 factor thatL(R) accounts for the coupling. When C and 2 fg1(2) g1 g1the C1 as indicated in the m !0, uncouple A. Linear transport regime 1single, 1 ,N 2 #2)U regime nel resistors and capacitors represent2g1 # C 2 2 " #N 1 ! e ! "C g1 V # ! e ! ing energy of dot in this classical regime. Similarly, the 1 e e 1 e 1 hence E as!0, m (1) reduces Eq. (1) reduces to where, can charging that U Eelements toofhence E Cm !0,factor N 1 E,N "C1(2) 2 # !be interpreted E C2Cm ! theEq. Eenergy that accounts ,2C upled in series. The different ( (N ,N Cm ! energy of dot .2 equals E C2 , and 2 (2), ; addition ; C1 ! 2 cription in which 1 1 2 1 C C C C A. Linear transport regime Cm C1 C mdot 1(2) 1 multiplied 2 m 1 2 1. Classical the theory single, uncoupled byall a"1)# correction Here C 1(2) is" the sum of capacitances attached ( 1 (N ( 2 (N (Nhence ,N "2 )!E 1# 1#,N 22)!2#1 1 "1,N 2 )# ( 2to 1dot Cm tunnel are charac1# #N ! e ! "C !0, Eq. E1. Cm ,V ! C V N E "N E f" V s. Note is notthat taken intobarriers # $ FIG. 1. Network of tunnel resistors and capacitors representg1 #N ! e ! "C V # "C V N E "N E C2 " #V% g " g1 g2 g1 g1 1 C1 2 Cm C C C C C 1 g1 g1 2 g2 g2 1 Cm 2 m 1 2 1for 2 including In the next section we will discuss the addition energy in ! U N ,N ! factor that accounts the coupling. When C !0, and # " # ! e ! : C !C "C "C . Note 1(2) C ! e !""C " #N 1m 2 or andetaal., capacitor, inquantum the dots coupled ing two in series. The elements 1(2) m L(R) g1(2) 2U g2 V#g2 N different ,N !m# uzin 1992; as indicated Double quantum dot: An ar;ficial molecule $ % $ % $ "% $ % # $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % " $ $ %$ %$ $ Wedescription start with1. purely classical inHere which 1 22 Classical theory description 2C 1 " # purely classical ina which " (3) C 1(2) is the sumcharging of all capacitances attached to dot 2C eto be 1. areEexplained in the text. Note that tunnel barriers are charac1 !0, Eq. (1) reduces hence can interpreted as the energy of that E Cm C1(2) 2C led as a network the states influence discrete quantum states is not taken into C m : C 1(2) ! indicated . 1(2) including E !C L(R) "C g1(2) "C m . Note 1a correction 1by 1 2 # 2! Cm2as U " N 1 ,N terized a tunnel resistor a capacitor, Rev. by Mod. Phys., Vol. 75, No.and 1, January 2003 screte quantum is notof taken into C m Cclassical Cin2 thedotE 2 2energy "C V N E "N # 1 " % the single, uncoupled 1(2) multiplied We start with a purely description in 2 which #N ! eC ! "CV " 2 g2 g2 1 Cm 2 C2 . 1). The number 2 g2 can be interpreted as the charging of that E inset. account yet (Pothier et al., 1992; Ruzin et al., 1992; #1 C " V E " ! "C " #N 2 ! eC1(2) V g1 #C 2 independent " #N g2 V g2 # 2 C1 This is the sum ofrepresentthe energies two dots. g1 g1 g2 1 ! e ! "C g1of FIG. 1.1992; Network of tunnel resistors and capacitors hier et al., Ruzin et al., 1992; " m factor that accounts for the coupling. When C !0, and the single, uncoupled dot 1(2) multiplied by a correction e 2 2 influence ofisdiscrete quantum states is not taken . ; into (3) m dot is capacitively U Nthe ,N "The 2C 2 # Dixon, double dot modeled as" a network 1The 2#! C ime ing two quantum dots1998). coupled in series. different elements becomes the dominant capacitance In the case when cription in which 2C double dot is modeled as a network 2C m factor that accounts for the coupling. When C !0, and 1 1 1 2 1 m Here C is the sum of all capacitances attached to dot !0, Eq. (1) reduces to hence E A. Linear transport regime 1(2)2 et1). are explained in the text. resistors Note that tunnel barriers are charac- (Pothier account yet al.,The 1992; 1992; ough a capacitor 2Cm 2Ruzin 2, ofinto tunnel and capacitors (Fig. number !0, reduces to hence EV /C →1), the electrostatic energy is!C given by (C " is notcapacitors taken Cm This is the sum of the energies of C C " V E " E and (Fig. 1). number mThe 1(2) : C "C "C . Note 1(2) including C terized by a tunnel resistor and a capacitor, as indicated in the m 1(2) L(R) g1(2) m C1 C2 2 g1the g1 g2 g2ofas2two 2capacitively rain (D) contact This is sum of the energies independent dots. Dixon, 1998). The double dot is modeled a network of electrons on dot 1(2) is N . Each dot is #N ! e ! "C V # " 1. Classical theory e 2 2 2 1(2) 2that E C1(2) g2 V2g1 #"energy "g2#N can be interpreted as the g1 charging of inset. 1992; uzin et 1 ! e ! "C #N ! "C g1V V g1 # C the In1! ethe case when CE is al., N . Each dot is capacitively&" " Nbecomes "C , 2 # )U 1(2) y 1(2) a tunnel resistor . (3) 1 ,N g1 g1 g2 V( g22m Cm # N "N ! e ! "C V "C V # " ' U N ,N ! # " becomes the dominant capacitance In the case when C U N ,N ! # " of tunnel resistors and capacitors (Fig. 1). The number through a capacitor coupled to a gate voltage V the single, uncoupled dot 1(2) multiplied by a correction 1 2 g1 g1 g2 g2 1 2 1 2 m g1(2) We start with a purely classical description in which 2C rely classical description in which 2C/C led a network theiselectrostatic (Cand This the sum of t 2C 1 When .C ; !0, 1 throughUa" Ncapacitor ed voltage V g1(2) 2 accounts for the coupling. #! m 1(2) →1), 1 ,N 2source inas parallel. The factor that menergy /C →1), the electrostatic is given by (C and to the (S) or drain (D) contact C of electrons on dot 1(2) is N . Each dot is capacitively the influence of discrete quantum states is not taken into A. Linear transport regime m 1(2) g1(2) 1(2) 2 te states not taken into The number C̃ "C̃ #reduces to "of In the case when C e1).quantum source (S) or is drain (D) contact !0, Eq. (1) hence E2Cm " #N 1two 2independent unnel barrier rep2 2 ! e ! "C g2 V g2 # account yet (Pothier etaV al., 1992; Ruzin et al., 1992; This is the sum ofrepresented the energies dots. "C C V E , through a tunnel barrier by a tunnel resistor #N ! e ! "C V N 1 "N !e!" # #! " " of through a capacitor coupled to gate voltage V g1 g1 g2 g2 Cm where E is the charging energy the " . (3) 2 g2 g2 2indiv g1(2)C1(2) 2& #/C etisal., Ruzin al., 1992; (4) dot capacitively 1.1992; Classical theoryby aet 2 2C →1), th (C represented resistor Dixon, 1998). The C doublebecomes dot is modeled as adominant network # N "N ! e ! "C V V aarrier capacitor C in # 2"C & " ' #N ! e ! "C V # " m 1(2) U N ,N ! " . (3) # " the capacitance In tunnel the case when mL(R) 1 g1 g1 1 2 g1 g1 g2 g2 1 2 R and a capacitor C connected in parallel. The m to the L(R) and source (S) or drain (D) contact C U N ,N ! # " 2C uble dot is modeled as a network of tunnel resistors and capacitors (Fig. 1). The number g1(2) is the electrostatic coupling energy, a 1(2), E U N ,N ! . 1 2 # " ough a capacitor 1 dot 2energy itor in classical parallel. Theinthe Cm Weconnected start with a purely description which o theCsource con2 " C̃ isrepthe2by sumN of1the energies of two independent dots. 2C This iselectrons the energy of a by single with a1 This charge L(R) /C →1), electrostatic is given (C dots are coupled to each other a tunnel barrier m 1(2) of on dot 1(2) is N . Each dot is capacitively through a tunnel represented by awhen resistor where EThe is the charging energy of the individual dot d (Fig. 1). number 2 "tunnel C̃C1m"C̃ &# # the dominant thecontact influence quantum states isrepnot taken into 1(2) barrier ain (D)other becomes capacitance energy E In the case 2The C1(2) asymmetric bias). o capacitors each by ofa discrete tunnel barrier electron charge. coupling 2 of This isofthe of the energies two independent dots. C "N and a capacitance C̃ sum "C̃the , where C̃ !C " # # $ when electrons tunnel through both dots. This conwell-defined electron number can on each dot. For double wheneverresonance three charge states become dedots coupled indition series,isa met conductance is found i.e., whenever when electronsgenerate, can tunnel through boththree dots.boundaries This con- in the honey4 van der Wiel et al. : Electron through double q comb diagram indouble one quantum point. In Fig.transport 2(d) two kinds isWiel met whenever three meet charge states become 4 tic stability diagram of the doubledition dotder system van et al. : Electron transport through dots deof such triple points are distinguished, (!) and ("), corgenerate, three boundaries in the honey) intermediate, and (c) large interdot coupling.i.e., whenever responding different charge processes. At the comb diagram meet in onetopoint. In Fig. 2(d)transfer two kinds charge on double each dotdot in system each domain is denoted am of the Here V is the electrostatic potential of node through j ("), and triple are point (!), the dots cycle of suchwith triple points distinguished, (!) and cor-the sequence e two kinds interdot of triple coupling. points corresponding ground is defined to be at zero potential, V !0. The nd (c) large We write the total charge Q on the dot as the sum of charges on transfer the nodes are linearprocesses. functions of the poten- At the charges responding to different charge theon all the capacitors connected to the dot of the nodes so this can be expressed more comnsferinprocess (!) and the hole transfer process (see Fig. 29) dot each domain is denoted → N "1,N → N ,N "1 4 $ $ $→ # N 1 ,N 2tials # # # N 1 ,N van der Wiel et al. : Electron transport through double 1 2 1 2 2$, pactly in matrix form triple point dotstransport cycle through the quantum sequence Q !C V "V #C V "V #C V "V 4 corresponding van der Wiel et al.: the Electron through double dots ple points ed in (d). The region in with the dotted square in (!), ! !CV !, Q (A2) ⇒Q #C V #C V #C V !C V , which shuttles the system. This (A7) where C isone called the electron capacitance matrix. Athrough diagonal and the hole transfer process where C is the total capacitance coupled to the dot, n more detail in Fig. 5. → #ofNthe1capacitance ,N 2 "1 → N ,N , $ $ # N 1 ,N 2 $ → # N 1 "1,N 2 $element # C is the total capaci1 2C !C #C #C . The capacitance matrix C only has process is illustrated bymatrix the counterclockwise e and tance of node j, one element. Using path Eq. (A4) and substituting Q egion in the dotted square in !"(N "N ) # e # , we find which shuttles one electron through the system. This the diagram Cof! !anc electron sequentially tunneling from . (A3) Fig. 5. " N "N # e # #C V #C V #C V U N ! , What a bout t he S pin ? 2C process is illustrated by the counterclockwise path e and off-diagonal element of the capacitance matrix 2(d). is mithe left leadAn to the right in Fig. At the other triple regime, where also the spacing between (A8) nus the capacitance between node j and node k, C where N is the number of electrons on the dot when all the diagram ofpoint an electron from !C sequentially !"c . The electrostatic energy of this system of ("), the sequence istunneling voltage sources are zero, which compensates the positive y levels plays a role. conductors is the sum of the electrostatic energy stored background charge originating from donors in the hetthe N(N#1)/2 capacitors and can be conveniently the left lead to the right inonexpressed Fig. 2(d). At the other triple also the spacing betweenin Eqs. erostructure. using the capacitance matrix lectrochemical potentials (5) and N 1 "1,N → "1,N N 1 ,N 2 "1 $stability # 3. #N Schematic diagram the$ Coulomb point ("), the FIG. sequence is U!2 "1 2 $ → #showing 1 1 1 1 role. ! •CV !! V ! •Q !! Q ! •C Q !. (A4) V 2 2 uct a charge stability diagram, giving the peak spacingsVoltage given in2 Eqs. (8) and (10). These spacings can be potentials in Eqs. (5) and sources can be included in the network by write the total charge Q $ on as the sum N "1,N "1 → N "1,N → N "1to ground $ $ $ → #ofNWe # # # "1,N ,connected FIG. 1(2) Schemat 1 2determined1 experimentally 2 as nodes with large 1 ,N 2connecting treating them capacitances 2 "1 ectron numbers N 1 and N 2 as a function the1the charges on all the capacitors to dot 1(2) by triple points. and large charges on them such that V!Q/C. In this Fig. 30), FIG. 3. Schematic stability(seediagram showing the Coul ability diagram, giving the peak spacings give case, it is numerically difficult to compute the inverse of . We define the electrochemical potenQ !C VFig. "V #C2(d). V "V This #C V "V , the capacitance matrix since it "1,N contains largein elements. g2 corresponding to the clockwise path h in → N "1 , $ # peak spacings given Eqs. (8) and (10). These spacings ca determined exper 1 invert the entire 2 capacis N 1 and N 2 as a function However, it is not necessary to Q !C V "V #C V "V #C V "V . well-defined electron number on each dot. For double tance determined matrix since the voltages on the voltage sources ft right leads to be zero if no bias experimentally connectingof thea triple (A9) can be interpreted as the sequentialbytunneling holepoints are already known. Only the voltages on the other nodes he and electrochemical potencorresponding to the clockwise path h in Fig. 2(d). WeThis can write this as need to be determined. These voltages can be deterdots coupled in series, a conductance resonance isC found well-defined lied,to! Lbe !! in the direction opposite to the electron. The energy dif-V ele R !0. mined by writing the relation between the charges and "C Q #C V #C V ads zero if Hence no biasthe equilibrium can be interpreted as the sequential tunneling of a hole ! ! dot. For the voltages as ! " " ! V " , dou well-defined electron number on each in Q #C dots. V #C Vdots "Ccoupled C when electrons can tunnel through both This conanddirection N2 e0.dots are the values of in N 1the ference between ! ! processes determines the separa- (A10) C both C Q V Hence thelargest equilibrium FIG. 3. Schema opposite to the electron. The energy difdots coupled in series, a conductance resonance is fo ! . (A5) when electrons " ! ! Schematic " points ! " !C dition is met ! Qwhenever three (!) charge become de. The above expression in the wherestates C !C #C #C C 3. V FIG. stability diagram showing the Co ! (N ,N ) and ! (N ,N ) are less than tion between the triple and ("), and is given 1 1 2 2 1 2 form of Eq. (A6) reads peak spacings giv rgest values of N 1 and N 2 when electrons can tunnel through both dots. This ference between both processes the dition is met whc ! and V ! determines are the charges and the voltages on theseparaHere Q generate, i.e., whenever three boundaries the peak spacings given in Eqs. (8) and (10). spacings C These C honey1in V ! and ! met charge nodes, Q V areEq. the charges and the volt- three determined expe by E , as defined in (2). is larger than zero, electrons escape to the dition is whenever charge states become ! ! V " connecting !generate, " triple i.e., w Cm points d ! 2 (N 1 ,N 2 ) are less than tion between the triple (!) andand ("), and is given C C "C C C ages on the voltage sources, the capacitance matrix determined experimentally by thekinds poi comb diagram meet one point. Fig. 2(d) two has been expressed inin terms of honeycomb fourwhenever submatrices. The In generate, i.e., three boundaries in the hon The dimensions of the cell (see Fig. 3) can comb diagram m c stability diagram of the double dotN nstraint, plus the fact that N 1 and must Q #C V #C V by Esystem , as defined in Eq. (2). ero, electrons escape to the 2Cm voltages on the charge nodes are then FIG. 2. Schematic stabilitypoints diagramare of the double dot system $! . (A11) Q #C V #C V " of such triple distinguished, (!) and ("), corwell-defined el diagram meet in one point. InofFig. 2(d) twopo k such triple ! "C ! !C Q V (A6) and (c) large interdot coupling. be related toV! comb the capacitances using Eqs. on (5) (6). FIG. Schematic stability diagram the double dot creates hexagonal domains inof dimensions the for (a) small, (b) intermediate, and (c)cell large interdot coupling. The can electrostatic energy of and the double dot system can d The ofsystem the honeycomb (see Fig. 3) entermediate, fact that 2.N well-defined electron number each dot. For 1 and N 2 must dots coupled in now be processes. calculated using Eq. (A4). For the case V of such triple are (!) and ("), and the electrostatic energy can be points calculated with Eq. distinguished, responding to different charge transfer At the responding to di for (a) intermediate, (c) large interdot coupling. harge on domains each dot(b) in in each domainand is denoted The equilibrium charge (A4). on each dot in each domain is adenoted !Vconductance !0 and Q !"N # e #resonance this becomes dots coupled in series, is From ase space insmall, which the the charge configurabe related to triple the capacitances using Eqs. (5) and (6). gonal when electrons responding to different charge transfer processes. At triple point (!), point (!), the dots cycle through the sequence The equilibrium charge on each dot in each domain is denoted by (N 1 ,N 2 ). The two kinds of tripleelectrons points corresponding with when candots tunnel through both Thiw two kinds of tripleconfigurapoints corresponding with dition is met From hich the charge triple point (!), the cycle through thedots. sequenc by (N ,N ). The two kinds of triple points corresponding with the electron transfer process (!) and the hole transfer process ! N ,N ;V ,V ! ! N "1,N ;V "%V ,V $ $ # # 1(!)2 and the hole transfer process is met whenever charge states #N 1 #N 1 ,N 2 $→ g1 #dition g2"1,N 1 $→ 1 # N ,N 2 three g1 $ → g2$1,,Nbecom fer process 2 $ → #w Nregion ,N # Ng11generate, tely decoupled (Cprocess the diagram 1 in (d). 2 The 1N ,Nin$2→ 1 square 2$"1 2 N i.e., the electrondots transfer and the hole transfer process m !0) (!) (") are illustrated the dotted in N "1,N → N ,N "1 → ,N 2h$ $ # # # # generate, i.e., whenever three boundaries in (7)1the ! 1square # N 1 ,Nin2 ;V g1 ,V g2 $ ! ! 1 # N 1 "1,N 21 ;V2g1 "%V 1 g1 ,V g2 2 $ 1 2 comb diagram ddots in (d). The region in inthe dotted which shuttles o FIG. 2. Schematic stability diagram of the double dot system (C !0) the diagram (") are illustrated (d). The region in the dotted square in theis depicted . 2(a). The in more detailcomb in Fig. 5. m gate voltage V g1(2) changes(b) diagram meet in one point. In Fig. 2(d) two which shuttles one electron through the system. This (7) of such triple p FIG. 2. stability diagram the (a) double whichand shuttles one electron through the system. process is illustrT more detail in Schematic Fig. 5. more for small, (b)system intermediate, large interdot wedot obtain is g1(2) depicted in detail in Fig. on 5.of the changes the voltage V of such (c) triple points arecoupling. distinguished, (!) and (" 1(2), (b) without affecting the charge 20 van der Wiel et al.: Electron transport through double quantum dots Linear Response Stability Diagram FIG. 29. Network of capacitors and voltage nodes used to calculate the electrostatic energy of a single quantum dot. FIG. 30. Network of capacitors and voltage nodes used to calculate the electrostatic energy of a double quantum dot. 2. Single quantum dot j 0 1 L# 1 L L g# g g$ 1 g R R R# 1 R$ 1 1 1 jj 1 L g 1 0 R cc 1 N jj L$ 1 1 jk k!0,k"j % 1$ # # 0$ 1 L L g g R R& 2 1 jk kj 0 jk "1 3. Double quantum dot 1(2) c cc cv c v vc vv v c c v 1 L# 2 R# c c g1 # 2 R$ g2 # L L g1 g1 2 R R g2 g2 2 R g2 v$ 1 2 1 g1 $ m# 1 2$ 2 g2 $ m# 2 1$ 1 m m 2 1 2 m 2 1 v cv L$ 1 2 "1 cc # 1 2 m m 1 m 1 L L g1 g1 2 R R g2 g2 L R Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 1, January 2003 1(2) 1(2) Experiments on Carbon nanotube quantum dot Churchill et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 1066802 (2009) Two level system: Quantum Bit The Bloch Sphere Mixed states are sta;s;cal mixtures of pure states and can be inside the Bloch sphere. Ref: Lecture by H. Bluhm Universal control of single Qubit � � 1 ωz ωx + iωy H= ωi σ̂i = ωx − iωy ωz 2 i=x,y,z ωx � ωz Ref: Lecture by H. Bluhm Realizing a single qubit with universal control Difficult to obtain “all electrical” control for a single electron spin in quantum dot i.e. universal control of qubit is not possible Idea is to choose a electrically controllable two level system from a larger Hilbert space: Use Double quantum dot -­‐ Choose a two level system out of four States (possible basis : Singlet + 3 triplets ) Gate Opera;ons !Ͳ"# $%&'( %)'*+(,-).'*) Opera;onal Subspace !Ͳ" $%&'( %)'*+(,-).'*) 1 /01234*5-016-+'526$%&'( '*(,-).'*) !Ͳ" $%&'( %)'*+(,-).'*) # S # !Ͳ"# $%&'( %)'*+(,-).'*) 2 pn np 8 1 234*5-016-+'526$%&'( '*(,-).'*) 6-+ S pn 1 np 766 ' ( ( 766).'*)(2(1)3 1 1 89# /01234*5-016-+'526$%&'( '*(,-).'*) /01234*5-016-+'526$%&'( '*(,-).'*) pn 2pn S S np np /01234*5-016-+'526$%&'( '*(,-).'*) .'*)(2(1)3 ' np ( ( pn 766 766).'*)(2(1)3 766 ' ' ( (( ( 766).'*)(2(1)3 766).'*)(2(1)3 766 ' ( ( pn np np pn pn nnnn nn np pn nn nn pp pp pppp pp )% pn 89# np 1 T0 89# 2 S 2 pn np2 6-+'526 6-+'526 89# 6-+'526 6-+'526 1 6-+'526 6-+'526 2 1 1 )%&).251 pn )%&).251 np6-+'526 6-+'526 T0 T0T0 1pnT pn np )%&).251 np 8 8 nn , T pp 2 2 )%&).251 T0 2 pn np 2T 8 9pp r: r: 8 9r: r: T T Tnn , 8 9r: 8 r:8 , T pp8 nn nn , Tpp 8 9r: 8 r: T nn , T pp !"#$%"&"'#" ()&""*+,-+./#"0!123 !"#$%"&"'#" ()&""*+,-+./#"0!123 !"#$%"&"'#" ()&""*+,-+./#"0!123 89#;-<&-(=6-+'526)(2(1) #$%"&"'#" ()&""*+,-+./#"0!123 !"#$%"&"'#" ()&""*+,-+./#"0!123 89#;-<&-(=6-+'526)(2(1) 89#;-<&-(=6-+'526)(2(1) *-5-%.6'*+(-=-8-+1*1-%)82+*1('5;'160 *-5-%.6'*+(-=-8-+1*1-%)82+*1('5;'160 9#;-<&-(=6-+'526)(2(1) 89#;-<&-(=6-+'526)(2(1) *-5-%.6'*+(-=-8-+1*1-%)82+*1('5;'160 ' '(' '('( ;6 ( ( ;6(' ( (' '*)1*)'('>1(-;6%5(%2('-*) *-5-%.6'*+(-=-8-+1*1-%)82+*1('5;'160 ' '*)1*)'('>1(-;6%5(%2('-*) *-5-%.6'*+(-=-8-+1*1-%)82+*1('5;'160 '*)1*)'('>1(-;6%5(%2('-*) ' '(' ( ;6 ( (' ' '*)1*)'('>1(-;6%5(%2('-*) '(' (;6 ;6 ( ( ('(' ' 245.64)4"7$."&/84$' '*)1*)'('>1(-;6%5(%2('-*) '(' ( .. . . 245.64)4"7$."&/84$' 245.64)4"7$."&/84$' . . ?)11@5=2*+15-%.6'*+&1(,11*(,-).'*) 245.64)4"7$."&/84$' . . ?)11@5=2*+15-%.6'*+&1(,11*(,-).'*) ?)11@5=2*+15-%.6'*+&1(,11*(,-).'*) 5.64)4"7$."&/84$' .9A*-*110;-<)'*+61).'*<-(2('-*)B . ?)11@5=2*+15-%.6'*+&1(,11*(,-).'*) 9A*-*110;-<)'*+61).'*<-(2('-*)B 9A*-*110;-<)'*+61).'*<-(2('-*)B 11@5=2*+15-%.6'*+&1(,11*(,-).'*) 9A*-*110;-<)'*+61).'*<-(2('-*)B "=1-<1('526.<-.-)263CBD1>EFGHD9:F:IJK#LML##LN *-*110;-<)'*+61).'*<-(2('-*)B • -%*.(% "=1-<1('526.<-.-)263CBD1>EFGHD9:F:IJK#LML##LN Ref: Lecture by H. Bluhm "=1-<1('526.<-.-)263CBD1>EFGHD9:F:IJK#LML##LN "=1-<1('526.<-.-)263CBD1>EFGHD9:F:IJK#LML# !"#$%&$'"#(%)* Unitary Gate Opera;ons !"#$%&$'"#(%)* !"#$%&$'"#(%)* gP B'BggzPP ''BB !"#$%&$'"#(%)* 1'"0($)#2 VBB z z zV H +,-).($/01'"0($)#2 H ,-).($/01'"0($)#2 3+3 Vz z H 2 22 #$%&$'"#(%)* !"#$%&$'"#(%)* !"#$%&$'"#(%)* gP B 'Bz 34 3+ ")0"789('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ 56")0"789('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ np np H 56")0"789('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ npnpV z np gP B 'Bz2 gP B 'Bz 3+ gP B 'VBz z $/01'"0($)#2 V z 3+ 3 34 34 H + V H 2 2 z "789('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ 2 JJ JJ '3< 53+ = 34 ")0"789('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ 9('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ np np J J ,>?7;")1$2 H "789('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ ss1 ss1 VVx ,>?7;")1$2 H s1 s1 22 1 V 1x 2 J 2 J s1J V x 2J J np np 56@(?()1A$#B$$)")0 J ")1$2 s1 s1 Vx J H V56@(?()1A$#B$$)")0 np np x2 J s V np 2 2 2 np 1 x ()1A$#B$$)")0 2 np $2 H ")0 np np @(?()1A$#B$$)")0 ")0 np np np )")0 np np !BZ 'Bz T0 T0 J T0 pn 'Bz J pnpn np np 'Bz ST0 JJ T0 S T0 J pn np np 'Bz 'Bz 'Bz 'Bz T0 S J J J J np np 434 =3 < 53 '3'3 53 < 53 < '3 + += +3=44434 34 '3< 53+ = 34 '3 x+ = 34 2 < 53 '3< 53+ = 34 +3+ 3344 S J pn pn J S J S S Ref: Lecture by H. 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H / 2,-3/31 ,-./01 0 0 · §!-3/31 H . ¨§¨ H / 2 0 0 ·¸ ¸ H H ¨¨ 0 0 H / 2 H /t 2¸ tc !"##$%&'"(%)#* !"##$%&'"(%)#* ¸ ¨ 0 ¸ 45')6$6 &7'88)#* 9'7 8)#*%$: 45')6$6&7'88)#*9'78)#*%$: t H / 2 ¹ ¨© 0 coupling ¸ 45')6$6 &7'88)#* 9'7 8)#*%$: 45')6$6&7'88)#*9'78)#*%$: Tunnel tc H /!7)(%$:&7'88)#*;:%;7*$7H&;#<$)*#'7$6= 2¹ © H c c 3 H EE v VͲ 0 1 -V Ͳ 0 1 ! +V ͲA ͲA 2256544 H 22.6744 0 · §H / 2 ¨¨ ¸¸ H / 2¹ © 0 1234 !-3/31 , ( ) 0· § J (t ¨¨ 0 ! 0 ¸¸ © ¹ , ,-3/31 ,-./01 0 · §H / 2 0 tc ¸ ¨ 0 H /2 ¨ 2.674 tc H / 2 ¸¹ © 0 !7)(%$:&7'88)#*;:%;7*$7H&;#<$)*#'7$6= >'#5$#)$#:%?6$8&7)<$6)#:$7@8'9!-H1 ( ) 0· § J (t ¨¨ ¸¸H 0 0 © ¹ 25654 . >'#5$#)$#:%?6$8&7)<$6)#:$7@8'9!-H1 ¨ H! H ¸ H ! 3 H EE v V ͲA -V , ( ) 0· § J (t ¨¨ ¸¸ +V © 0 0¹ Zeeman Splihng !""#$%&'()**)%+ np np 2 ,-./01 m 3. m 36 Ez = g P4 4"5* m 3Ͳ6 . ˆ H !"#$%&' Spin-­‐Charge Conversion . ()*+,- H * A ( 4* B B Petta et al., Science 309, 2180 (2005) Spin decoherence ;me Spin dephasing ;me Role of Nuclear spins Hyperfine interac;on Overhauser field operator H HF = S1.h1 + S2 .h2 !"#$%&$'"#(%)* gP B 'Bz Vz H 2 ")0"789('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ np "0($)#2 J H s1 s1 2 hi = ! Ai! Ii! ! 34 3+ '3< 53+ = 34 J Vx 2 np 1A$#B$$)")0 J np ~ 106 nuclear spins np ")0"789('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ p$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ np '3< 53+ = 34 89('$'$/"#(:$&;"*$ '3 53 = 3 oscilla;ons '3 53 =a3nd coherent Spin swap '3 53 = 3 < J Vx J 1$2 s1 s1 V x2J H J Vx 2 Vx 2 2 p")0 np J np np ?()1A$#B$$)")0 ")0 p np ")0 4 + < J J J ! BZ np np 'Bz T0 J T0 pn np 'Bz 'Bz J pnpn SJ T0 J 'Bz S + 4 np np T0 + < S J pn S 4 After initializing into (0,2)S, detuning ε is swept adiabatically with respect to tunnel coupling through the S-T+ resonance (quickly relative to S-T+ mixing) , followed by a slow ramp (τA~1 µs) to large detuning, loading the system in the ground Spin swap and coherent oscilla;ons state of the nuclear fields ↑↓ . An exchange pulse of duration τE rotates the system about the z axis in the Bloch sphere from ↑↓ to ↓↑ . Reversing the slow adiabatic passage allows the projection onto (0,2)S to distinguish states ↑↓ and ↓↑ after time τE. Typically, τS = τSƍ = 50 ns. (B) PS as a function of detuning and τE. The z-axis rotation angle φ = J(ε)τE/ƫ results in oscillations in PS as a function of both ε and= τ2n E.!Inset: Model of PS using J(ε) extracted from S-T+ resonance condition assuming g* = -0.44 and ideal measurement contrast (from 0 to 1). (C) Rabi oscillations measured in PS at four values of detuning indicated by the dashed lines in (B). Fits to exponentially damped cosine function with amplitude, phase, and decay time as free parameters (solid curves). Curves are offset by 0.3 for clarity. (D) Faster Rabi oscillations are obtained by increasing tunnel coupling and by increasing detuning to positive values, resulting in π-pulse time of ~350 ps. Hahn Echo: Undoing dephasing due to random nuclear field Spreads out ! Pulse Focus in Pumping the nuclear field polariza;on !"#$% &'()*$+,-$%./$01&23)&$0(%, : 456789 ;3)(,$%$<(,#0%-00( 4)(&;> &3$?0(#' '@AA =5H9 6 H CC6DE300F30+0,,$<( @0H%r'@ ' IB8 B np H H ~C6DG<.030(%0H+.)(20 Foletti et 'Bz al., Nature Physics (2009) T0 The S-­‐T+ transi;on transfers net angular momentum into the nuclear bath hence polarizing it ! pn Hence the final step of controlling the ! B Z achieved J S Conclusion-­‐1 • Desired ini;aliza;on of quibit • Universal gate opera;ons • Spin-­‐to-­‐Charge read outs Introduc;on: magne;c tunnel junc;ons: Spin Valve Effect Spin-­‐dipole-­‐tronics → polariza;on Spin-­‐dipole-­‐tronics → polariza;on Out of n L , n R Plane !! Proximity induce exchange field Single channel ballistic conductor ! #" #" Non-interacting scattering picture ! ferromagnet h ferromagnet Resonance condition : 2! + 2# " = 2'n with ! = kh Linearized quadratic band dispersion : k = k F + eff Effective exchange field: Eex = E & EF !v F !vF (#% & #$ ) 2h A. Cottet et al.,Europhysics Letters 74, 320 (2006) Proximity induce exchange field Single channel ballistic conductor ! #" #" Non-interacting scattering picture ! ferromagnet h ferromagnet Resonance condition : 2! + 2# " = 2'n with ! = kh Linearized quadratic band dispersion : k = k F + eff Effective exchange field: Eex = E & EF !v F !vF (#% & #$ ) 2h A. 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