SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS Laboratory exercises Róbert Riedlmajer TRNAVA 2007 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS Laboratory exercise 10 - Transformer measurements. Introduction Figure 1 shows the transformer schematic symbol and the corresponding commonly used Steinmetz model is shown in Figure 2. Therein, the model voltage and current phasors are defined as: Vˆ1 Iˆ 1 I2 N1 N2 + + Primary side voltage (V) V1 V2 Primary side current (A) - - Vˆ2' Iˆ ' Referred secondary side current (A) Iˆφ Magnetizing current (A) 2 I1 Referred secondary side voltage (V) Figure 1. Transformer symbol. The model parameters are: R1 Xl1 Rc Xm R2' Xl2' N1/N2 Primary coil resistance (Ω) Primary coil leakage reactance (H) Core loss resistance (Ω) Core magnetizing reactance (Ω) Referred secondary coil resistance (Ω) Referred secondary coil leakage reactance (H) Transformer turns ratio I1 + V1 R1 Xl1 X'l2 R'2 I'2 + Iφ Xm V2 - - Figure 2. Steinmetz model of a transformer. Note that this Steinmetz model utilizes the referred secondary quantities related to the physical quantities by N Vˆ2' = 1 Vˆ2 N2 (1) N Iˆ2' = 2 Iˆ2 N1 (2) 2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS 2 N R2' = 1 R2 N2 (3) 2 N X l 2' = 1 X l 2 N2 (4) Furthermore, this Steinmetz model can be augmented with a core loss term Rc in parallel with Xm that approximately accounts for the hysteresis and eddy current losses. Determining resistance The resistance parameters R1 and R2 can be found by applying DC voltage to the respective windings. For example, if a DC voltage is applied to the primary winding, the Steinmetz model predicts the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 3. The primary resistance can then be determined by R1 = VDC I DC (5) The same procedure can be used to find the secondary resistance R2. Note that the turns ratio is needed to refer this resistance to the primary. This is usually given by the transformer manufacturer. R1 Idc + Vdc Figure 3. Steinmetz model DC test. Reactances If the secondary of the transformer is short-circuited, the equivalent circuit can be approximated as shown in Figure 4. In this case, the magnetizing impedance is assumed to be much larger than the secondary resistance and leakage impedance. This is typically a good assumption for practical transformer designs. From the voltage, current, and power measurements, the magnitude and angle of the short-circuit impedance can be determined as VAsc = Vˆsc Iˆsc (6) 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS Z sc = Vˆsc (7) Iˆsc P ∠Z sc = cos −1 sc VAsc R1 Isc Xl1 X'l2 (8) R'2 + Vsc Zsc Figure 4. Approximated Steinmetz model for short-circuti test. From the imaginary part of this impedance, the sum of the primary and secondary leakage reactances can be found. In particular, X l1 + X l 2' = Im{Z sc } (9) The individual leakage reactances can be determined if it is assumed that X l1 = X l 2' (10) Although it is possible to perform other tests on the transformer to determine a more exact relationship between Xl1 and Xl2', (10) is a good approximation. An alternate method of determining the leakage reactances is to set (7) equal to the short-circuit impedance magnitude which can be written as Z sc = (Rl1 + Rl 2' ) 2 + ( X l1 + X l 2' ) 2 (11) Using (11) along with the resistances, the sum of Xl1 and Xl2' can be determined. This method is convenient when watt-meters are not accessible. The next test involves open-circuiting the secondary winding and applying rated voltage to the primary winding. Under this condition, the Steinmetz equivalent circuit, including the core loss term, reduces to that shown in Figure 5. As can be seen, the open-circuit impedance is VAoc = Vˆoc Iˆoc (12) 4 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS Z oc = Vˆoc (13) Iˆoc P ∠Z oc = cos −1 oc S oc Ioc R1 (14) Xl1 + Voc Rc Xm Figure 5. Steinmetz model for open-circuit test. Using the measured open-circuit impedance as well as R1 and Xl1, the core admittance can be determined by Yc = 1 Z oc − (R1 + jX l1 ) (15) Using this admittance, the magnetizing reactance and core loss resistance can be found from Xm = −1 Im{Yc } (16) Rc = 1 Re{Yc } (17) An alternate method for determining Xm is to set the magnitude of the measured opencircuit impedance equal to Z oc = R12 + ( X l1 + X m ) 2 (18) This method does not require measurement of power. However, there is not enough information to calculate the core loss resistance. Activity: Experimental determination of all elements in the transformer equivalent circuit involves three tests: • measurement of the primary resistance 5 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS • open-circuit test • short circuit test The laboratory transformer has the ratings listed in Table I. From the voltage ratings, it can be seen that the turns ratio is N1/N2 = 2. Table I. Transformer parameters: S=1kVA Vˆ1 = 240 V Vˆ2 = 120 V Iˆ1 = 4.54 A Iˆ2 = 9.08 A DC Resistance Test Connect the transformer as shown in Figure 6. In this case, a DC power supply with a current limit is used to supply the primary winding. Increase the DC voltage until the primary current is equal to the rated RMS current (2A). Record values of VDC and IDC for calculation of R1. Perform the same DC test on the secondary coil to find R2. H1 DC Supply Power Supply (Set to 2A) X1 + Vdc V - Single Phase Transformer H4 X2 Figure 6. Laboratory setup for transformer DC test. Short-Circuit Test The short-circuit test is used to determine the total winding resistance and leakage inductance losses in the windings at full-load current. In this test, one pair of terminals is short-circuited while the voltage of the other winding is raised until full load current flows in the short-circuited, and the voltage, current, and power input are recorded. The voltage that is required for the full-load current in the short-circuit test is determined by the low impedance of the windings and should be equal to 5% of the rated voltage of the winding. Using two phases of the AC source panel and a resistance from the load panel, connect the transformer as shown in Figure 7. Increase the voltage applied to the primary until the primary current reaches its rated value. Record the primary voltage and current. In this case, the power is too low to be measured by the laboratory watt-meters so (7) and (10-11) can be used to calculate Xl1 and Xl2'. 6 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS 50 Ω (from load panel) Isc = 2A H1 X1 + AC/DC Source Panel Vsc V - Single Phase Transformer H4 Short circuit wire X2 Figure 7. Transformer short circuit test. Open-Circuit Test The open-circuit test gives information regarding the losses in the core, the parameters Rm, Xm, and the turns ratio. Rated voltage is applied at the terminals of one winding while the other winding terminals are open-circuited. Voltage, current and power is measured. The current that flows in the primary winding during this test is called the excitation current. The excitation current component of the primary current is needed to produce the resultant mutual flux. This current has two components: the magnetizing current and the core loss current. Remove the resistor and short-circuit wire from the transformer so that the setup is that shown in Figure 8. Apply rated voltage to the transformer and determine the magnitude of the open-circuit impedance. Since the power is not measurable, use the impedance magnitude and (18) for determining Xm. Ioc = 2A H1 X1 + AC/DC Source Panel Voc V - Single Phase Transformer H4 X2 Figure 8. Transformer open circuit test. Transformer Load Test Connect the transformer to the three-phase source and load as shown in Figure 9. Apply rated voltage to the primary winding and record the primary and secondary voltages and currents. Perform this test for all combinations as shown in Table II. Lower the voltage to zero before switching from one load configuration to another. 7 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS I2 I1 H1 + AC/DC V V Source 1 Panel - Three-Phase Load Penal X1 + Single Phase V Transformer 2 V - H4 X2 Figure 9. Transformer load test. L C R 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Table II. Load test measurements. Vˆ Iˆ Vˆ 1 1 2 Iˆ2 Calculations 1. Using the above measurements, calculate the parameters of the Steinmetz model for the laboratory transformer. 2. Using the Steinmetz model, calculate the transformer primary current, secondary voltage, and secondary current for all configurations of the transformer load tests. Estimate the load parameters from the data of Experiment 1. Compare these calculations to the measurements of the load test. 8