Application of Fuzzy Self-tuning PID Controller in Soccer Robot Yuzhi Wu Haihua Faculty of Information Engineering Jiaozuo University Jiaozuo, Henan, 454003, China Abstract-Moving and turning of robots quickly and accurately should be ensured in games of robot soccer. However conventional PID control usually uses fixed parameters in its control processing, so it is hard to achieve satisfactory control effect. Fuzzy control technique is applied to process of PID parameters self-tuning, and control parameters are self-tuned on-line according to different conditions in this proposed paper. Compared with conventional PID controller, fuzzy self-tuning PID controller can have more advantages, such as higher flexibility ˈ control adaptability, better dynamic and static performance. Its effectiveness and practicability are tested and verified in MiroSot soccer robots designˊ Keywords ˖ fuzzy control; PID control; PWM; MiroSot; self-tuning I.INTRODUCTION Robot soccer has been an important experiment platform of artificial intelligence study. Its system usually combines environment perception, dynamic decision-making, communications subsystems and control subsystem, and the last one is of particular importance [1]. Control subsystem aims at controlling the motion and arbitrary turning of robots quickly and accurately [2]. At present, conventional PID controller uses fixed control parameters and has been applied in industrial and soccer robot control field widely [3]. However it is hard to get satisfactory control effect for using fixed parameters in its control processing. Fuzzy control is an method to realize auto-control based on summarized operation experience using inference rules similar to mankind thought[4]. In this paper, fuzzy control technique is used in Wang Faculty of Information Engineering Jiaozuo University Jiaozuo, Henan, 454003, China the process of PID parameters self-tuning and control parameters are self-tuned on-line according to different conditions. The experimental results indicate fuzzy control can achieve better control effect compared with conventional methods. The organization of this paper is as follows: robot soccer PID principle of control is presented in Section II and design of fuzzy PID controller is described in Section III; in section IV, application on MiroSot robot and the results analysis are introduced; Section V contains the conclusion. II. PID CONTROL PRINCIPLE OF ROBOT SOCCER At present, soccer robots usually use conventional PID controller to control its motion and turning. As described above, for using fixed parameters conventional PID controller may result in unexpected effects, such as more overshoot, slow system response speed and lager static error. Fuzzy PID controller improves those, which is developed on the basis of the conventional PID controller and realized by fuzzy inference. The purpose of fuzzy PID control is to identify the fuzzy relationship between PID parameters and system deviation. Decision-making is done according to deviation E and its change rate Ec correspondingly using fuzzy inference. So PID parameters ratio coefficient Kp, integral coefficient Ki and differential coefficient Kd are self-tuned on-line and sent to PID controller, to get satisfactory control effect by PWM mode[4], [6]. Its principle is shown in figure 1. has been formed after years' research. Designing process is as follows: A. Fuzzy PID controller structure The fuzzy controller is of two inputs and three outputs. Inputs are deviation E and its change rate Ec, and outputs are increment of PID parameters: ƸKp, ƸKi and ƸKd used for setting PID parameters Kp, Ki and Kd on-line respectively according to the fuzzy inference rules. B. Decision of the membership function Figure 1. fuzzy PID control III. DESIGN OF FUZZY PID CONTROLLER Fuzzy controller is designed on the basis of operation experiences. A set of fixed steps designing fuzzy controller üüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüü 978-1-4244-3531-9/08/$25.00©2008 IEEE Both deviation E and its change rate Ec are divided into seven fuzzy subset: {NB, NM, NS, ZR, PS, PM, PB} (NB=Negative Big, NM=Negative Middle, NS=Negative Small, ZR=Zero, PS=Positive Small, PM=Positive Middle, PB= Positive Big) from the domain [-6,+6] ,quantized graded into{-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1,0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Fuzzy outputs: ƸKp ƸKd and ƸKi are also defined seven fuzzy subsets: {NB, NM, NS, ZR, PS, PM, PB}, from the domain [3, +3], quantized graded into {-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3}. And membership functions of each fuzzy subset are determined by operating experience. In this paper, normal functions are used as membership functions of each fuzzy subset of fuzzy variable E and Ec, is given in figure 2(a). And outputs: ƸKp, ƸKd and ƸKi also use normal functions as membership functions, which are shown in figure 2(b). C. Fuzzy control rules According to the impact of Kp, Ki and Kd on characteristics of system outputs, following inference rules are gotten [4]. When deviation E is high, take larger ƸKp and smaller ƸKd to improve response speed and avoid differential supersaturation resulted from transient increasement deviation at the beginning. Differential supersaturation may cause the control effect beyond the range of allowable control. And integral effect should be restricted to avoid larger overshoot. When deviation E is low, ƸKp and ƸKi should take a little larger to improve control precision, reduce static error and make system with better steady performance. When deviation E is in middle values, ƸKp, ƸKi and ƸKd should not take too large for a smaller overshoot and keep the stability of robot, and in this case, ƸKd impacts on the response speed mostly. Considering the antijamming performance of system,ƸKd should take larger or lower as Ec is larger or lower accordingly to avoid system oscillation occurring around the predetermined values. In summary, self-tuning control rules of PID parameters ƸKp, ƸKi and ƸKd can be gotten as shown in following tables [6]. b. ƸKp, ƸKi and ƸKd membership function curve a. E, Ec membership function curve Fig. 2. Membership functions curve TABLE I INFERENCE RULES MATRIX USED TO UPDATE THE PROPORTIONAL GAIN ƸKp OF THE PID CONTROLLER EC E NB NM NS ZR PS PM PB NB NM NS ZR PS PM PB PB PB PM PM PS PS ZR PB PB PM PM PS ZR ZR PM PM PM PM ZR NS NM PM PS PS ZR NS NM NM PS PS ZR NM NM NM NM ZR ZR NS NB NB NM NB ZR ZR NM NB NB NB NB TABLE II INFERENCE RULES MATRIX USED TO UPDATE THE INTEGRAL GAIN ƸKi OF THE PID CONTROLLER EC E NB NM NS ZR PS PM PB NB NM NS ZR PS PM PB NB NB NB NB NS ZR ZR NB NB NS NS NS ZR ZR NS NS NS NS ZR PS PS NS NS NS ZR PS PS PS NS NS ZR PS PS PS PB ZR ZR PS PB PB PB PB ZR ZR PS PB PB PB PB TABLE III INFERENCE RULES MATRIX USED TO UPDATE THE DIFFERENTIAL GAIN ƸKd OF THE PID CONTROLLER EC E NB NM NB PS NS NM PS NS NS ZR PS PM PB NB NB NB NS PS NB NB NS NS ZR NS ZR NS NB NB NS NS ZR ZR ZR NS NS NS NS NS ZR PS ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR PM PB PS PS PS PS PS PB PB PB PB PS PS PS PS PB Total of fuzzy control rules is 49 and fuzzy control rulers can be got from tables. Kp0, Ki0 and Kd0 can be obtained by using formula Z-N [5]. Outputs of fuzzy controller: ƸKp, ƸKi and ƸKd are gotten correspondingly to self-tuning PID parameters on-line. PID parameters are adjusted by using the following algorithm [7], [8]: Kp = Kp0 + a ×ƸKp (1) Ki = Ki0 + b ×ƸKi (2) Kd = Kd0 + c ×ƸKd (3) a, b and c are adjustment coefficients in formula (1) to (3), and select different values according to different objects. In the process of soccer robots matching, control system accomplishes PID parameters self-tuning on-line by processing the results of fuzzy logic inference rules, checking tables and calculating corresponding PID parameters Kp, Ki and Kd. ,9 APPLICATION ON MIROSOT ROBOT AND ANALYSIS THE RESULTS MiroSot soccer robot is driven by two 4.6W DC motors; its rated speed and work voltage are 8200rpm and 6V respectively. The motor output connects driving wheel by a reducer of 7:1, and soccer robot weights 500 grams. The above algorithm is applied in MiroSot soccer robot control system and programmed by c language. System deviation E and its change rate Ec represent the change of wheel speed and its acceleration respectively. The lE and lEc express the change of left wheel speed and its acceleration. The rE and rEc express right wheel’s. Unit-step response curve of system shows in figure 3. In testing, PC sends robot speed values (15, 25, 35, 0) through a wireless transmitting chip, and gets feedback speed. Compared with target speed of upper PC, E and Ec can be gotten. So controller of soccer robot can control its moving and turning correctly using PID parameters Kp, Ki and Kd obtained by the proposed algorithm. Figure 3. Step System response curve The results show that the system overshoot are reduced significantly and its static and dynamic performance are improved by using fuzzy parameters self-tuning PID control. Response speed and control accuracy of target values also exceed those using conventional PID control. In a word, this method can meet the requirements of competition. Control effect is shown in Table IV. Table IV Control Comparison Table Type Control Adjustment time (ms) Overshoot Amount (%) static error (m / s) Convention al PID 30.38 40 0.016 Fuzzy PID 13.2 6.7 0.01 In this paper, fuzzy inference is applied to robot soccer tuning PID parameters, and the controller has the merits of both fuzzy controller and conventional PID controller. This method makes use of expert experience in real-time PID parameters tuning efficiently and retains advantage of simple structure of conventional PID controller. Experimental results show that the system adjustment time and overshoot decrease significantly, and control performance is gotten much improved after the method of fuzzy self-tuning parameters is applied in conventional PID controller. ACKNOWLEDGMENT In addition, fuzzy PID control is applied in the soccer robot motion control, avoiding artificial tuning of complicated PID parameters for different friction coefficients and all kinds of interference factors of competition fields. Adjusting PID parameters on-line can achieve fast and accurate PID control effects and reduce work of PID parameters optimization greatly through fuzzy control procedures. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Gregor Novak, Richard Springer. "An Introduction to a Vision System used for a MiroSot Robot Soccer System". IEEE, pp. 101-108, 2004. Ching-Chang Wong, Hoi-Yi Wang, Shih-An Li e.g. Fuzzy Controller Designed by GA for Two-wheeled Mobile Robots[J].International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 22-30, March 2007. Gou-Jen Wang, C.T.Fong and Kang J.Chang, "Neural network-based self-tuning PI controller for precise motion control of PMAC motors". 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