lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . US005245698A United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Matsunaga [45] 5,245,698 Date of Patent: Sep. 14, 1993 [54] APPARATUS FOR AND METHOD OF [57] CORRECTING MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS [75] Inventor: Nobutomo Mataunaga, Hirakata, An apparatus for and a method of creating membership functions for use with fuzzy inference rules in a control~ Japan - ler. A control error, which is a difference between a : C ,I - ’ J [73] Asslgnee 0mm“ PM’ Kyoto apan [21] APPL N05 745,433 [22] Fikd; All‘ 14’ 1991 5 [52] Us‘ Cl‘ """" " 58] F, M fswch ‘e controlled variable obtained from a control object and a target value, is received as an input to the controller and then a fuzzy reasoning operation is executed in confor mity with a predetermined fuzzy reasoning rule such that a manipulated variable resulting from the reasoning [51] Int. Cl. ....................................... [ ABSTRACT o (20?!’ 15/“? operation is supplied ‘0 the con‘rol object. Thereby 5/59$’3369://156l§ 395/61 3’ 51 900 achieving a fuzzy control on the control object. Basic membership functions are loaded in a memory. In re """"""""""" " ’ ’ 364/163: sponse to input data which represents a desired charac teristic for a predetermined range of a control error in a [56] References Cited U_S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS response characteristic of the control object, the appa ratus adjusts the width, height, and/or position of the basic membership functions associated with the prede termined range to produce new membership functions Egggawa """"""""""""" 5:049:796 9/1991 Seraji ............................ . 395/34 Primary Examiner—-Allen R. MacDonald Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Dickstein, Shapiro & Morin ‘ START which d‘W210!’ the desired chmmhshc 10 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets ’ é 8 NM NS ZR Ps PM PM ZR NM NB NB NB PS PM ZR NM NB NB ZR PB PM ZR NM N8 N8 PB PB PM ZR NM NM P8 PB PB PM ZR READ PRESET DATA 1 READ DATA OF BASIC MB‘BERSHIP FUI‘CTICNS ~32 I ACHIEVE COMPUTATION ~33 34 CHANGE-OVER SWITCH? CHANGE HEIGHT CHANGE WIDTH I CORRECT AND OUTPUT MDBERS-IIP FUbCTIClB END US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 1 of 14 5,245,698 Fig.1 y/r 4 I00% / TARGET VALUE 1' w 80% 1 cl 0% \ 7 TIME t Fig.2 TARGET VALUE (e=0, i=0) as INITIAL VALUE US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 2 of 14 Fig.3 Fig.4u NM NS ZR PS PM NS ZR PS PM Fig.4b NM 5,245,698 US. Patent Sep.14, 1993 Sheet 4 of 14 Fig.6 9 NM NS ZR PS PM PM ZR NM NB NB NB PS PM ZR NM NB NB ZR PB PM ZR NM NB NS PB PB PM ZR NM NM PB PB PB PM ZR 0 8 Fig.7o 50% I007 PM PB 50% D024 W3 , Wy Fig.7b NB NM -IOO% —50% ZR 5,245,698 US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 5 of 14 5,245,698 US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 6 of 14 5,245,698 Fig.9 Del 13 wynew " wxnew W xnew 'wynew US. Patent Sep.14,1993 Sheet 8 of 14 5,245,698 Fig.l'l ‘ START ’ READ PRESET DATA r“3| i l READ DATA OF BASIC ~ 32 MEmERsHIP PUNcTIoNs ACHIEVE COMPUTATION CHANGE-OVER SW I TCH ? HEIGHT 35 K“, CHANGE HEIGHT ] _ L CHANGE WIDTH I CORRECT AND OUTPUT MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS m END 37 J U.S. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Fig.l2o Sheet 9 of 14 5,245,698 Fig.l2c Mx/4 3Mx/4 o \Mi/Z/a I00 -IOO Fig.l2b -|OO Fig.l2d I I US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 10 of 14 Fig.13o 5,245,698 Fig.l3c I00 Y \M " IOO -|OO , u I I I I I US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 11 of 14 Fig.14c 5,245,698 Fig.l4c Ng e(%)0 -IOO Fig.l4b iwoo . - I00 U I I I I I US. Patent Sep.14, 1993 ‘ Hm Sheet 12 of 14 @ Q x Fig.l5c é? * 5,245,698 US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Fig.l6a Sheet 13 of 14 5,245,698 é) \a Fig.l6b I K e i \\ ° E5 Fig.l6c 6: " : US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 14 of 14 Fig. I70 @ Fig. l7b NR bl0v.>9k Fig.l7c a 5,245,698 e 1 5,245,698 2 locus of a point is drawn from the initial point to follow APPARATUS FOR AND METHOD OF a straight line of u=0 so as to reach the target point. As described above and as can been seen from the CORRECTING MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS I graph of FIG. 1, the quickness in the starting phase and BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention 5 of the convergence in a linear lag system are determined depending on the values K and a. In addition, as shown The present invention relates to an apparatus and a method of generating membership functions for use in a fuzzy control operation employing predetermined fuzzy inference rules related to the membership func tions, wherein a difference between a controlled vari able attained from a control object and a target value, in FIG. 2, according to the conventional PD control system, since the control operation is accomplished in the overall region of the phase plane based on the ex pression (1) and K; and Kare constant, the behavior of the control object is uniquely decided by the values K and a in the overall region, which disadvantageously leads to a problem of a degree of freedom in the control operation. duct a fuzzy inference operation based on a predeter mined fuzzy inference rule associated with the member 15 When different control operations are desired to be achieved for respective regions according to the con ship functions, and a manipulated variable resultantly ventional PD control method, a plurality of PD control obtained is supplied to the control object, thereby ac apparatuses are required to be disposed such that a complishing a fuzzy control on the control object. change-over operation is appropriately conducted be 2. Description of Related Art i.e. a control difference, is received as an input to con In a common practice, a PD (proportion and differen tiation) control method has been used in this ?eld. Ac cording to the PD control method, a manipulated vari able u to be fed to a control object is de?ned as follows. a=Kp-e+Kv~é where, KP: Position gain Ky: Velocity gain example, depending on membership functions and fuzzy e: Velocity error Let us assume here that the control object is repre sented as a linear lag (?rst-order lag) system and the target value to be supplied thereto is expressed as r. In this situation, the controlled value outputted as y (re sponse characteristic) from the control object is repre sented by (2) where, 5 indicates a Laplace’s operator or Laplacian. In a region of time, Expression (2) is reduced to N)=(i K/T)-[¢XP(—'/7)]~'(I) ture of the control apparatuses and hence increases the cost thereof. On the other hand, a fuzzy control apparatus which (1) 25 has been recently highlighted and which has been in creasingly put to practical uses is relatively simple in the con?guration thereof and has an advantageous feature of developing arbitrary control characteristics. For e: Position error J($)=[K/(1+ TS)]'P(S) tween these apparatuses depending on a state of the control object. This resultantly complicates the struc (3) inference rules, a discontinuous control and a nonlinear control can be accomplished. The fuzzy inference or reasoning rules represent knowledge, experiences, and know-how of experts of an objective control ?eld and hence can be determined in 35 a relatively easy manner. However, in many cases, the contours and positions of the membership functions utilized in association with the fuzzy inference rules cannot be extracted from the knowledge of the experts. Moreover, there has not been de?ntely established a method of determining the mem bership functions. Heretofore, consequently, these func tions are required to be obtained through a trial-and~ error procedure. FIG. 3 shows a membership function having a quite 45 simple form i.e. a triangular shape. Also for a member herebelow). ship function having such a simple contour, it is neces sary to determine a width (WL and WR and WL+WR), a height (H), and a center position (distance L from the The position error e and the velocity error e is ex pressed as origin 0). A membership function needs be de?ned for each of the input/output variables and for each linguis where, K stands for a gain constant and T denotes a time constant (to be utilized in the form of l/T=a (4) tic information or label (to be simply referred to as a label herebelow) related to each of the variables. In consequence, the total number of the membership func tions is represented by a value which is attained by 55 multiplying the number of the kinds of input and output The expressions (4) and (5) indicate that the position variables by the number of the kinds of labels. For ex error e and the velocity error e, namely, the response ample, let us assume that the number of the labels and characteristic of the control object can be uniquely the number of the kinds of input variables are five and determined by the value of the gain constant K and the two, respectively. Under this condition, for the input (5) value of a. In this connection, FIG. 1 shows a response charac variables (the antecedents of rules), ten (5 X2) kinds of membership functions are required to be established. teristic of a linear lag system. In the control operation, FIG. 4a shows an example of typical membership a gradient a (quickness) in the starting phase and an functions. Each function is drawn in the form of an inclination m (quickness of convergence) at a position isosceles triangle of which a vertex has a grade of one. where the output y takes a value in the vicinity (eg 65 In this graph, adjacent triangles intersect each other at 80%) of the target value r serve primary roles. positions where the grade value is 0.5. FIG. 2 shows a graph of a phase plane in the PD This graph includes ?ve kinds of labels (or linguistic control. The control operation is carried out such that a information) as follows. 3 5,245,698 PM: Positive Medium. PS: Positive Small. ZR: Almost Zero. According to the present invention, there is also pro vided a method of generating membership functions for use with fuzzy inference rules in a fuzzy inference sys NS: Negative Small. NM: Negative Medium. In addition to the labels above, for example, the fol lowing labels may also be employed in relation to the membership functions, which will be described later. PB: Positive Big. NB: Negative Big. 4 selected membership functions so as to develop the desired characteristic. tem wherein a value related to a controlled variable attained from a control object is received as an input thereto and then a fuzzy inference operation is executed in conformity with a preset fuzzy inference rule such 10 that a manipulated variable resultant from the inference FIG. 4b shows another example of membership func tions each having a triangular shape. operation is fed to the control object, thereby achieving a fuzzy control on the control object. Let us assume in this speci?cation that for a triangle The membership function generating method com constituted with three points and three edges or sides therebetween, a point having a grade other than zero is prises the steps of setting basic membership functions, receiving an input of data which represents a desired called a vertex and each of two other points having a characteristic for a predetermined range of a value related to a controlled variable in a response character istic of a control object, and accessing in response to grade equal to zero is called an end point. Moreover, an edge between the vertex and an end point and an edge between the end points are to be called a hypotenuse or input data the basic membership functions to select an oblique side and a base, respectively. 20 those associated with the predetermined range and cor In the graph of FIG. 4b, all membership functions recting the selected membership function so as to de excepting one associated with the label ZR, namely, four membership functions respectively denoted with the labels PM, PS, NS, and NM each have an end point located at a center position. velop the desired characteristic. The value related to the controlled variable is, for example, a control error. For example, a position error 25 and a velocity error may be used as control errors. In the cases respectively utilizing the membership In a mode of carrying out the present invention, rela functions of FIGS. 40 and 4b, even when the fuzzy control is accomplished depending on the same fuzzy tionships between a position gain and a velocity gain in > a PD control, and a width of a membership function rules, the behavior resulting from the control operation varies between the control objects respectively associ related to a position error and a width of a membership 30 function related to a velocity error are employed to ated with the cases. Namely, the kinds and the contours correct a width of the selected basic membership func tion. and/0r modi?ed in various manners; moreover, the In another mode of carrying out the present inven response characteristic of the control object alters de tion, the height or the position is corrected for particu pending on the kinds and the shapes of the membership 35 lar ones of the basic membership functions. functions. In consequence, it takes a considerably large The data representing the basic membership func amount of labor and a long period of time for the user to tions will be stored, for example, in a memory. set and/or to adjust the membership functions in order In accordance with the present invention, there are of the membership functions may be arbitrarily changed to establish a desired control. automatically prepared membership functions which enable a desired response characteristic to be obtained SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION in a desired region of the response characteristic of the It is therefore an object of the present invention to control object. In consequence, using a fuzzy control provide an apparatus for and a method of automatically unit, there can be developed a control operation to generating membership function which enables a de attain a desired characteristic in a desired region of a sired response characteristic of a control object to be 45 control error (a position error and/or a velocity error). attained in a desired region of the response characteris This accordingly makes unnecessary the change-over tic. operation which has been required between a-plurality There is provided, according to the present inven of control units in the prior art. Thereby simplifying the tion, an apparatus for creating membership functions for con?guration of the control unit. Moreover, an appro use with fuzzy inference rules in a fuzzy inference sys 50 priate control operation can be accomplished depend tem wherein a value related to a controlled variable ing on a characteristic of the control object. obtained from a control object is received as an input The foregoing and other objects, advantages, manner and then a fuzzy inference operation is executed in of operation, and novel features of the present invention conformity with a predetermined fuzzy inference rule will be understood from the following detailed descrip such that a manipulated variable resulting from the 55 tion when read in connection with the accompanying inference operation is supplied to the control object. drawings. Thereby achieving a fuzzy control on the control ob ject. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The membership function generating apparatus in FIG. 1 is a graph illustratively‘showing a response cludes membership function preset means for setting 60 characteristic of a control object; therein basic membership functions, data input means FIG. 2 is a diagram schematically showing a phase for inputting therefrom data representing a desired plane; characteristic for a predetermined range of a value related to a controlled variable in a response character istic of a control object, and membership function cor 65 ship functions; recting means responsive to input data for accessing the groups of membership functions, respectively; basic membership functions to select those associated with the predetermined range and for correcting the con?guration of a control system; FIG. 3 is a diagram showing an example of member FIGS. 40 and 4b are diagrams showing examples of FIG. 5 is a block diagram schematically showing the 5 5,245,698 FIG. 6 is a table useful to explain fuzzy inference 6 Spectively compute a difference (a position error) a between an angle 0 (corresponds to the controlled variabel y above) measured in the servomotor 26 and the target value r thereof and a discrepancy (a velocity error) e between an angular velocity 0 also obtained rules; FIGS. 7a and 7b are diagrams showing examples of membership functions related to antecedents and conse quents of fuzzy rules, respectively; FIG. 8 is a graph illustratively showing a phase plane and membership functions preset for a subdivision of from the servomotor 26 and a target value i' thereof. These errors e and e are respectively normalized by normalizer circuits 21 and 22 so as to take values respec the phase plane; FIG. 9 is a graph showing another case of the subdi tively within the overall value range of the input vari ables to be processed in the fuzzy inference unit 20. Receiving the normalized position and velocity errors e and e as inputs thereto, the fuzzy inference unit 20 achieves a reasoning operation based on fuzzy inference FIG. 11 is a ?owchart showing an operation proce rules, which will be described later, thereby ?nally dure of a membership function generation; 15 producing a manipulated (voltage or current) variable u FIGS. 12a and 12b are graphs showing an example of in a defuzzi?ed form. The resultant variable u is ampli response characteristics associated position and velocity ?ed by an amplifier 25 so as to be used to drive the errors, respectively; servomotor 26. FIG. 120 is a graph showing a phase plane related to The fuzzy reasoning unit 20 may be implemented as FIGS. 12a and 12b; 20 an apparatus having an architecture (of an analog type FIG. 12d is a graph showing membership functions or a digital type) dedicated to the fuzzy reasoning oper vision of the phase plane in which the subdivision is effected in a region different from that of FIG. 8; FIG. 10 is a block diagram showing the constitution of a membership function generating unit; related to FIGS. 12a and 12b; FIGS. 13a and 13b are graphs showing another exam ation or by use of a binary computer programmed to execute the fuzzy reasoning operation. ple of response characteristics associated with position FIG. 6 is a table showing an example of fuzzy infer and velocity errors, respectively; 25 ence rules to be processed by the fuzzy inference unit FIG. 13c is a graph showing a phase plane related to 20. The upper-most row includes labels assigned to FIGS. 13a and 13b; membership functions related to the position error e, FIG. 13d is a graph showing membership functions whereas the left-most column denotes labels for mem related to FIGS. 13a and 13b; bership functions associated with the velocity error e. FIGS. 14a and 14b are graphs showing still another These labels are employed in antecedents of fuzzy rules. example of response characteristics associated with A matrix constituted with five rows and ?ve columns in position and velocity errors, respectively; the remaining portion of the table of FIG. 6 includes FIG. 14c is a graph showing a phase plane related to symbols designating labels of membership functions for FIGS. 14a and 14b; the manipulated variable u, which are used to express FIG. 14d is a graph showing membership functions 35 consequents of fuzzy rules. In consequence, this table related to FIGS. 14a and 14b; comprises 25 fuzzy inference rules. For example, for FIG. 15a is a diagram schematically showing an ex labels e=NM and é=PM, there is attained a fuzzy rule ample of a preset control position of a volume control; as follows. FIG. 15b is a graph showing a phase plane related to FIG. 15a; FIG. 150 is a graph showing membership functions associated with FIG. 150; FIG. 16a is a diagram schematically showing another If e=NM and E=PM, then u=ZR FIG. 7a shows membership functions commonly adopted for the position and velocity errors e and e in example of a preset control position of a volume con trol; the fuzzy rule above. In this graph, each of the member 45 ship functions is drawn in the form of a triangle. FIG. 16b is a graph showing a phase plane related to FIG. 160; FIG. 160 is a graph showing membership functions associated with FIG. 164; FIG. 17a is a diagram schematically showing further another example of a preset control position of a vol Let us assume here that the membership functions respectively associated with the position and velocity errors e and e have widths Wx and Wy, respectively. The width of a membership function having a triangular shape is denoted by a length which is half that of a base of the triangle. In general, the width of a membership function is represented by a length equal to half that ume control; FIG. 17b is a graph showing a phase plane related to FIG. 17a; and associated with a domain represented by a support or a universe of discourse of the membership function. The graph of FIG. 7b shows membership functions of associated with FIG. 170. the manipulated variable u to be used in the fuzzy rule above. Each of the membership functions for the conse DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED quents is expressed here in the form of a singleton. EMBODIMENTS Subsequently, the fuzzy control system of FIG. 5 will FIG. 5 shows a control system of a servomotor in 60 be compared with the PD control system described cluding a fuzzy control unit. Although a servomotor is above. a control object of a quadratic (second order) lag sys FIG. 8 shows a graph including a phase plane identi tem, the behavior thereof is substantially associated cal to that of the PD control system of FIG. 2. Member FIG. 170 is a graph showing membership functions 55 with the linear lag system; consequently, the description ship functions related to the position error e and the above also applies to this case. 65 velocity error e are respectively established along an First, a target value r of an angle and a target value i' axis of the phase error e and an axis of the velocity error of an angular velocity are supplied to the control sys e on the phase plane. As a result, the phase plane is tem. Subtractors 23 and 24 disposed in the system re subdivided according to regions of these membership 5,245,698 7 functions. In this example, the adjacent membership functions intersect each other at a point where the grade takes a value of 0.5. (7) _ The controlled variables (0 and 0) respectively con verge onto the target values (r and i) within a range 5 From expressions (6) and (7), it can be seen that the denoted by a dotted-line circle A and in the proximity following condition is satis?ed between the gains KP thereof. In consequence, the range denoted by the dot and K, in the PD control and the widths W, and Wy of the membership functions in the fuzzy control. ted-line circle A and the proximity thereof are areas contributing to the convergence of the control variables onto the respective target values. In these domains, for the position and velocity errors e and e, the membership function assigned with the label ZR develops a domi K (8) "r? = “W: nant in?uence. More strictly, expression (8) holds on a straight line u=0 and in ranges —Wx<e<W,, and Wy<e<Wy. As shown in FIG. 9', let us assume that the width W, of the membership function ZR related to the velocity However, also in the vicinity thereof, expression (8) is substantially satis?ed, namely, equal signs (=) need only ‘be replaced with nearly equal signs (i-—-.). More error e is increased to a new width Wyngw. In accor dance with the change in the width of the membership function ZR, the other membership functions PM, PS, over, also on a polygonal line u=0 as shown in FIG. 9, NS, and NM are also varied in the widths thereof under 20 expression (8) may possibly be considered to hold. Let us assume that the basic membership functions of _ a condition that the adjacent membership functions FIG. 8 are beforehand established and expression (8) is intersect each other at a position where the grate takes to be represented as follows. a value of 0.5. Namely, when the width of the member ship function ZR related to the velocity error e is in creased in the neighborhood of the target value, the 25 convergence velocity onto the target value becomes greater. In FIG. 9, although the membership function for the A1 = M1 (9) In a case where the basic membership functions are adopted to produce new membership functions, expres sion (8) is modi?ed to position error e is not subjected to the change in the width, the similar operation may also be executed to vary the width of the membership function related to Wynew the position error e. (10) Conversely, when the widths of the membership functions in the periphery of the phase plane, such as Based on expressions (9) and (10), the following ex these designated by labels PM, NM and so on, are ex pression is attained. panded, the rising or starting characteristic becomes steeper or improved. As above, under the condition that the adjacent mem bership functions intersect each other at a point where the grade is 0.5, when either one of the membership functions is changed in the width thereof, the widths of the other membership functions are determined in a unique manner. It may also be possible to remove the condition above such that the widths of the respective membership functions are altered independently of each other. In the PD control, as described above, the response characteristic in the overall region of the phase plane is decided depending on the expressions (1), (4), and (5) WWW A2 M1 WXIIEW M2 Al (11) In general, the membership functions are adjusted to obtain Kp/Kv=wy/wx. Consequently, assuming M1 to be equal to M2, expression (1 l) is reduced to 45 Wynew _ A2 A1 -— 50 (12) . Wx For example, for A1 = 50 and A2=25, expression (12) is transformed as follows. and hence can be uniquely determined by the values of K and a. As contrast thereto, in the fuzzy control, the width of each membership function can be changed with respect 55 That is, expression (12) or (13) decides a ratio Wy. to each region thereof, which enables the rising and new/WM” between the widths of new membership converging characteristics to be separately established. functions to be generated. This is a quite advantageous feature of the fuzzy con Based on expression (12) or (13), the user can specify trol. the parameter A2 (and the parameter A1 if necessary) to Expression (1) is reduced as follows through a substi prepare a membership function developing a desired tuted of u=0. e' = — égL e response characteristic. In place of the parameter A2, the parameter KP, Ky, wynew, or Wxnew may be desig (6) nated for the purpose above. Moreover, the system may 65 be con?gured so that the gain K and the height of a On the other hand, in the graph of FIG. 8, the following relationship holds. membership function are speci?ed as parameters. The description above has been given of an operation in which a membership function is generated (or modi 9 5,245,698 tied) in a domain where the membership function ZR is dominant, namely, for the membership function con cerning the convergence to the target values. In a simi lar manner, for other membership functions having a considerable influence on the rising phase of the re sponse characteristic such as the membership functions PM and NM, the shapes thereof may be determined to attain desired characteristics, respectively. In this case, employing the condition that the adjacent membership functions intersect each other at a position where the u grade is 0.5, when the membership functions PM, NM, etc. are thus decided, the other membership functions ZR and the like exisiting in the proximity of the center are determined in an automatic fashion. If the condition above is removed, the membership function ZR con tributing to the convergence characteristic and the membership functions contributing to the rising charac teristic can be determined independently of each other. FIG. 10 shows a con?guration example of a member ship function generator unit operating as described above. The generator includes two volume controls 14 and 15 and a change-over switch 16 employed as input 10 ing a vertex and end points) necessary for specifying a triangle. This is also the case of membership functions each having another shape (e.g. a form of a normal distribution). The operation unit 13 is used to receive data from the volume controls 14 and 15 so as to convert the data into signals (of data denoting the widths Wyn“ and wxnew or the height, for example) necessary for the correction of the basic membership functions. For example, when angles a and w are received, the arithmetic unit 13 achieves a computation to obtain the gains K, and K, and then produces widths of the membership functions based on the relationship represented by expression (8). On the other hand, on receiving data designating de grees respectively of the rising and converging charac teristics, the operating unit 13 executes a computation to create widths or a height associated therewith. More over, in a case where the ratio A2 or the widths Wyn“, and wmare directly supplied to the system, the oper ation unit 13 may possibly be omitted. The controls 14 and 15 may deliver data representing a height of a mem bership function to the apparatus. In this situation, the operation unit 13 need not be disposed or the con?gura means. Each of the controls 14 and 15 is constituted tion thereof will be modi?ed to achieve a simple compu with a variable resistor and a rotary regulator knob to 25 tation. be rotated for a regulation of a voltage, which is devel The membership function correcting unit 12 is em oped in association with a position indicated by the ployed to receive data from the operation unit 13 or rotary regulator knob. The controls 14 and 15 produce directly from the controls 14 and 15 so as to modify data output voltages to be converted respectively by con representing basic membership functions stored in the verters 17 and 18 into signals suitable for an operation of 30 basic membership function preset unit 11 based on the an operation unit 13 for a membership function correct ing or modifying unit 12). The resultant signals are fed to the operation unit 13 (or directly to the membership function modifying unit 12). The membership function generating unit is imple mented, for example, by a computer. In such as case, the operation unit 13 and the membership function correct ing unit 12 are realized as portion of the computer ap propriately programmed. Moreover, analog-to-digital received data. With the change-over switch 16 set to a position for selecting a width or a height, the member ship function correcting unit 12 modi?es the width or the height of the basic membership functions, respec tively. FIG. 11 shows an overall processing procedure adopted in the membership function generating unit. First, data prepared by the controls 14 and 15 and a selection signal of the change-over switch 16 are fed to converters are adopted for the converters 17 and 18. 40 the operation unit 13 (step 31). Subsequently, data of the The volume controls 14 and 15 may be used to input, basic membership functions loaded in the preset unit 11 for example, a rising inclination angle a related to the are delivered to the membership function correcting rising characteristic and a convergence angle a) (FIG. unit 12 (step 32). Concurrently, the operation unit 13 1) associated with the convergence characteristic. Fur achieves operations required to create data representing thermore, the ratio A2 and the widths Wyn“. and WM", 45 the new widths Wyn“. and Wm,“ or the height (step 33). may be supplied from the controls 14 and 15 directly to With the change-over switch 16 set to a position the system. In addition, the user may input from the requesting a correction of the height or the width, the controls 14 and 15 data (information) denoting a degree system accomplishes a modi?cation of the height or the indicating a steep or a flat rising gradient or a rapid or width of the basic membership function, respectively slow convergence. In either cases, the controls 14 and 50 (steps 34, 35, and 36). The data representing the modi 15 are utilized to input data related to the rising charac ?ed basic membership functions are then supplied to the teristic and data associated with the convergence char acteristic, respectively. The change-over switch 16 is disposed to modify a fuzzy reasoning unit 20 (step 37). FIGS. 12a to 120. 13a to 13d. and 14a to 14d respec tively show membership functions undergone with the width or a height of a basic membership function, and a 55 width modi?cation and response characteristics devel selection signal therefrom is delivered to the member oped as a result of fuzzy control operations executed ship function correcting unit 12. A basic membership function preset unit 11 is dis depending on the membership functions. In the graphs of FIGS. 12a to 12d, as representatively posed to store therein such basic membership functions shown in FIG. 124'. the positions of the membership PM, PS, ZR, NS, and NM as shown in the graph of 60 functions (each in the form of a singleton) associated FIG. 8. These membership functions may be commonly with the manipulated variable u of the consequent are utilized for the position and velocity errors e and e. The shift toward the center point (u=0). However, the basic membership function preset unit 11 may be con?g membership functions respectively related to the posi ured, for example, with a memory. When the basic tion error e and the velocity error e are not modi?ed, membership functions each have a triangle contour, all 65 namely, the contours of the basic membership functions data items need not be established to represent the con are kept unchanged. tours thereof. Namely, the unit 11 need only be loaded FIG. 120 shows a phase plane including control con with the minimum data (e.g. data of coordinates denot tour lines representing u=0u=Mx/4, u=MX/2, and