Metro Railway - Bid Document

Firm's letter No. M0526/Metro-Kol/TPWS/002 dated 20.05.10 & 003 dated 22.5.10
Sl # Clause#
Firm's Remark
Railway Response
Completion period of project.
12 months from the date of
award of contract
This period is practically impossible as the type of trains
and their associated control systems are different from the
types we have been dealing with SR and IRPMU
contracts. We need to measure the train dynamics in sort
of survey and trials runs before proceeding the design.
This process itself may take 3 to 4 months and the proto
trials shall be other critical process which would take
another 3 months. Therefore, we request Metro Railway
to extend the completion period of contract to 24 month
instead of 12 months.
Issue discussed during the meeting. Metro railway is
committed to meet the target set for the completion of
the project.The completion period is not proposed to
be extended.
SCC 26
We understand that RDSO/SPN/183/2004 version 0
Amendment 2 is the latest.We request your confirmation
in this regard.
The latest RDSO spec upto the date of opening of the
tender will be applicable.
RDSO specification
RDSO/SPN/183/2004 version
0 Amendment 2 with latest
SCC 26(b) Train stopping for 1 minute to
pass the Red Signal
Whether the signal shall be Manual or Auto Signal? Under In all cases, driver has to stop for 1 min at Red signal
what condition this feature is needed like On-sight mode
as per G & SR. If the driver starts after stopping the
or signal failure (paper clearance etc). Kindly clarify
train, the TPWS system need not intervene and only
record the duration of stoppage.
Details required about track and train profile
Index plan showing the gradient will be handed over to
successful tenderer on demand after issue of LOA.
Anything else required has to be clearly asked.
SCC 26(c Track and Train profile
& d)
SCC 26(e) TPWS must be upgradable to The future architecturre for the CBTC-TPWS interface and The purpose is to upgrade the system to cab signalling
communication based train
inputs required to/from TPWS shall be required to confirm (ERTMS/ETCS level 2 or equivalent) at a future date
control system
using Railway's GSM-R network (to be installed
shortly). The inputs required to/from TPWS will depend
on the type of system being offered through this
SCC 26(g) ELRS/SPEC/SI/0015 test for copy of latest version of ELRS/SPEC/SI/0015 requested
This is RDSO electrical directorate specification and
reliability of electronics used
can be purchased from RDSO electrical directorate.
in rolling stock
Train to be stopped in
platform irrespective of signal
aspect.The tolerance for
stopping trains should be ?5
When signal is green and on
26(h)(viii) board TPWS equipment
passes over balise, it will be
informed to the driver by
audio visual indication and
this indication will be
available to the driver for 5
When signal displays yellow
26(h)(xi) and onboard equipment
passes over the respective
balise, the yellow lamp on the
panel is lit steady. The driver
must acknowledge this within
10 seconds.Failing which
emergency brakes are
applied to halt the train. After
the driver acknowledges, the
TPWS system will permit the
train to go upto the normal
braking distance fromt he
next signal with maximum
permissible speed subject to
permanent speed restrictions
at that stretch. Thereafter if
the driver fails to regulate
speed as per braking curve
the system will apply brake
and bring the speed to
This is not an ATP function.The requirement to be
Movement authority will be given upto the end of the
platform irrespective of the aspect of the signal
Why there is "?" mark?
Read within 5 instead of ? 5
These requirements are under study and if any
clarifications needed, kindly clarify
Discussed during meeting. These are part of functional
requirement specifications for the metro railway,
kolkata. No change is proposed.
Discussed during meeting. These are part of functional
requirement specifications for the metro railway,
kolkata. No change is proposed.
TPWS shall permit to release
its brake application if speed
of the train is 15Kmph. Driver
then can drive the train to
stop point without
unnecessary emergency
brake being initiated, except
when the driver tries to pass
the signal displaying red or no
aspect without stopping or
without acknowledging the
danger aspect, when the
system will apply emergency
brake and bring the train to
Ready for operation lamp
26(h)(xiia) shall extinguish when fault is
detected by the TPWS and
immediately "TPWS faulty"
lamp should be lit and horn
shall sound to attract the
attention of the driver. The
system will restrict the speed
of the train to 30 Kmph(safe
Discussed during meeting. These are part of functional
requirement specifications for the metro railway,
kolkata. No change is proposed.
In case of system failure of TPWS on board equipment,
system will apply Emergency brake and bring the train to
standstill. Thereafter the driver has to isolate the system in
order to release the Emergency Brake.In case of Track
side failure of the TPWS system, the on board system of
TPWS will apply the brake and then the train may
proceed with restricted speed.
Suggestion for applying emergency brake in case of
failure of on Board equipments is acceptable . In case
of track side failure the On Board system will act as per
information given by last working switchable balise till
it passes over another working switchable balise as per
Para 26(h) (XII)(b).
SCC 26(l) Cross acceptance of TPWS
This will be governed by the prevailing guidelines of
RDSO for Cross Accpetance and as mentioned in
RDSO/SPN/13/2010. Clause 9.9 Kindly clarify
In case of discrepency
FRS of Metro Railway is required.
between FRS as mentioned
in RDSO specification & FRS
of Metro Railway. FRS
(Functional Requirement
Specification) of Metro
Railway will prevail
The criteria for cross acceptance has already been
given in detail under Para 26(l). RDSO/SPN/183/2010
is not yet authenticated . This can become applicable if
it is authenticated before or on the date of tender
opening .During discussion it is agreed that the
tenderers will submit valid safety certificates alongwith
the bid. The detailed docuements (safety case etc as
stipulated in the cross acceptnce criteria), will be
submitted immediately subsequent to the issue of letter
of intent to the successful bidder.
FRS of Metro Rly is given at Para 26(h).
M/s Invensys Rail
Firm's letter No. IRSI/Metro Railway/ETCS/0133 dated 21.05.2010.
Sl # Clause#
Firm's Question
Railway Response
Is the Doppler radar need to be considered as part of onboard system for Kolkata Metro?
Clarity is required whether a fixed balise and switchable
balise to be considered for all signal?
The specific equipment/instrument used for deriving
the requirement as specified in the tender, should
meet the criteria for cross acceptance.
One switchable balise per signal is definitely required.
Metro Railway has uni-directional movement of trains.
As such the requirement of fixed balises have to be
worked out in this context by the tenderer.
SCC 31
The power supply provided by railways will be 110 Volt
AC or 230 Volt AC for the track side equipments.
The power supply provided by Metro Railway will be
110 Volt AC by stepping down 230 Volt AC.
Please clarify whether the on-board equipment need to
transmit the data between onboard and wayside station?
Clarification required for Item: Distance recorder- Is this
the speed sensor? Recording Unit - Is this the in built
event logger on the vital computer on board
" It shall be capable of transmitting data request and
data to wayside station" - the quoted line is to be
Distance recorder to be read as speed and distance
measurement unit and anything else required for the
purpose. The answer of second query is 'yes' , the
recording unit is in built event logger.
SCC 26(h) Ready for Operation' lamp
shall extinguish when fault is
detected by the TPWS and
immediately "TPWS faulty"
lamp shall be lit and horn
shall sound to attract the
attention of the driver. The
system will restrict the speed
of the train to 30 Kmph.
When the system has failed, the system cannot control
the train. The safer operation would be to apply
emergency brake and stop the train. The driver needs to
isolate the system to release the emergency brake and
move the train.
The suggestion of application of Emergency brake in
case of On Board system failure, is acceptable.
SCC 31
Additional information suggested in the column of 'Supply
of the materials by the railways' - brake, acceleration,
wheel dia, space in cab etc
The information required will be made available to the
successful bidder after issue of LOA. Before that the
tenderer can conduct survey as per Para 14 of SCC.
SCC 31
Signalling cable will be provided from where to where the firm assumed between signal aspect checking contact
location to LEU location
Please suggest it is essential to propose SDMI or else we
can propose the standard DMI instead SDMI?
Signalling cable as required by the tenderer will be
supplied by the railway. The cost will be loaded against
the offer.
The tenderers can quote with deviation . However they
need to specify the additional cost involved(in
commercial bid i.e. packet II) in case no deviation is
Tenderers can quote with deviations as per the
configuration available, it will be evaluated on merit
Suggestion seems to be acceptable.To be added with
suitably rewording as clause 3.1.5 in the tender notice.
Signalling cable will be
provided by the railways
Requested to change "LEU shall be capable of 8 signal
inputs instead of 10 signal inputs"
The clause no. 3.1.4 of tender notice should be modified
accordingly "Non Indian Firm quoting through their Indian
Representative who is direct subsidiary/sister concern
(having common parent) should meet the eligibility criteria
as laid down in para 3.1.2 & 3.1.3"
M/s Thales
Sl # Clause#
Firm's letter No. Nil dated 24.05.2010.
Firm's Remark
Railway Response
The purpose is to upgrade the system to cab signalling
(ERTMS/ETCS level 2 or equivalent) at a future date
using Railway's GSM-R network (to be installed
shortly). The inputs required to/from TPWS will depend
on the type of system being offered through this
it means that it should either be balise or any other
thing as required by the system to take the signal
aspect and other information
" It shall be capable of transmitting data request and
data to wayside station" - the quoted line is proposed
to be deleted.
The simplified MMI will be exact equivalent of MMI
conforming to UIC/UNISIG specification or equivalent
except that instead of touch screen, it will have high
glow LED indication with robust push buttons for
The clause is reworded as "Application software of the
data preparation tool shall have user-friendly interface
and shall be able to generate station/section specific
application data to carry out future modifications"
SCC 26(e)
What is ment by 'Communication based train control
system through GSM-R'
SCC 26(h) Functional Requirement
what is meant by 'other sources'
A system according to TPWS specification cannot sent
information from the on-board to the wayside system.
Please specify in detail this request.
The specs of Simplified MMI is unclear. Please specify in
more details.
What exactly is meant by application software. Please
specify in more detail
SCC 26(k)
Please specify - train headway
Please specify - the existing braking power of trains.
SCC 26(I)
p 80
Please indicate how these checksums are calculated and
provide the quoted standard RDSO/SPN/144
3 min. headway should be practically acheivable.
Obviously the design headway should be less than 3
the worst braking distance from 90Kmph to 0 Kmph is
300 mtr.
The clause is reworded as " Software checksum of
EPROM(s)/any other software storage device shall be
provided as per RDSO/SPN/144."
M/s Siemens
Sl # Clause#
Firm's letter No. Nil dated 24.05.2010.
Firm's Remark
Railway Response
Please provide additional information regarding operation
on Metro Railway network, especially in terms of:
timetable and operational headway,
signaling scheme, especially the signaling sequence
mixture of traffic (freight trains, metro trains, interregional
trains etc.)
Please provide additional information concerning the
vehicles to be equipped:
Train type (manufacturer, date of manufacture)
Braking system (specification, blueprints)
Installation conditions on vehicles, especially in Cab
(photos, measurements or blueprints)
number of non-powered axles available (for installation of
number of non-braked axles (for installation of
temperature on Cabs (air conditioning available?)
A “simplified MMI” is requested [Packet I, p.77, II]. Please
provide additional information about the desired
properties and functions.
The train service is available from 6.30am to 10.30pm
on headway basis. The proposed operational headway
is 3 minutes. Obviously the design headway has to be
better than that.
Drawing requested is already attached with the tender
Only metro train (8 coach multiple unit) runs.
The firm's representative was adviced to have a survey
of the Metro railway system, to have a better
understanding of the items asked for.
The simplified MMI will be exact equivalent of MMI
conforming to UIC/UNISIG specification or equivalent
except that instead of touch screen, it will have high
glow LED indication with robust push buttons for
Interoperability between trackside and onboard
No specific standard is proposed. Any standard which
equipment is requested [Packet I, p.76, (a)]. In order to
is widely prevalent elsewhere in the world and as per
fulfill this requirement, not only the hardware but also the requirement of Metro Railway, will be acceptable.
engineered software and data (onboard and trackside)
needs to be interoperable. Please specify the
corresponding interoperability standards which need to be
adhered to (e.g. a specific UNISIG version).
The system shall comply with the “RDSO Specification
The latest RDSO specification can be purchased from
No. RDSO/SPN/183/2004 Ver 0 Amendment 2 for TPWS” the Signalling directorate of RDSO.
[Packet I, p.75, 26)]. Please provide this specification.
Please provide additional information about the signals to
be equipped:
Type (manufacturer)
Lamp types (LED / filament, voltage for day and night)
Only in the tunnel, SL21 type double filament bulbs are
used, all other signals are fitted with LED signals.Same
voltage for day and night.
Climate requirement as per RDSO specification
RDSO/SPN/183/2004 ver 0 amendment 2 (or latest).
There is no cases of water logging in Metro Railway.
Please provide additional information concerning the
climate conditions, especially:
temperature (maximum, minimum)
height of water to be expected during monsoon period
M/s Larsen & Toubro Limited
Firm's mail copy dated 24.05.2010.
Sl # Clause#
Firm's Remark
Railway Response
Interoperability between Japanese manufacturer shall be
Already covered under item no. 4 of M/s Siemens
questionaire above.
As per BOQ item No. A1, A1a), A2(page 8 of packet II),
A2, A3 instead of RDSO specification No.
"RDSO/SPN/183/2004 ver 0 with amendment 2(or latest)"
please mention as "RDSO/SPN/183/2004 ver 0 with
amendment 2(or latest) or equivelent
Metro Railway intends to install a system as per RDSO
specification. However tenderer are advised to quote
their system with minor deviation which will be
evaluated as per requirement of Metro Railway.
IN BOQ item A1, a) "Equipment with MMI conforming to
UIC/UNISIG specification." Instead of that please mention
"Equipment with MMI conforming to UIC/UNISIG
specification or equivalent."
In item no. A2 of the system description "Mainly consist of
LEU". In kyosan system LEU is not required hence amend
suitably. This is one of the merit of the Kyosan System.
Since Kyosan is not RDSO approved vender the
feasibility of getting material inspected by RDSO may
relook in that case it can be inspected by KM Rly
Tenderers can quote with deviations as per the
configuration available. It will be evaluated as per
requirements of Metro Railway.
On date, there is no approved list of venders for supply
of TPWS system. The inspection will be arranged
through RDSO/Metro Railway Kolkata.