K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8. Basic RL and RC Circuits This chapter deals with the solutions of the responses of RL and RC circuits The analysis of RC and RL circuits leads to a linear differential equation This chapter covers the following topics The Source-Free RL Circuit The Source-Free RC Circuit The Unit-Step Function Driven RL Circuit Driven RC Circuit 1 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen First Order Linear Differential Equations A first order homogeneous linear differential equation is one of the form dy py=0 dt where "First Order'' indicates that both dy/dt and y occur to the first power and "homogeneous'' refers to the zero on the right hand side of the equation In circuit analysis, y can either be the voltage v or the current i of the circuit The solution of a homogeneous linear differential equation is called a complementary function ● In circuit analysis, we refer to the solution of the circuit as a natural response or a transient response K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen A Direct Approach Since the variables can be separated, the differential equation can be rewritten as dy =−p dt y We integrate both sides as dy ∫ y =−p∫ d t Then, we have ln yt=−p tA The constant of integration must be selected to satisfy the initial condition y(0)=Y0 ln Y 0 =A Thus, we obtain ln yt=−p tln Y 0 −p t y t=Y 0 e for t0 ln yt−ln Y 0 =−p t ln y t =−p t Y0 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen A General Solution Approach We assume a general solution of y(t) in exponential form y t=Aest where A and s are constant to be determined Substitute the exponential solution into the differential equation dy py=0 dt st st As e p Ae =0 where (s +p) is the characteristic equation Determine the value of s sp =0 s=−p st sp Ae =0 The characteristic equation dy py=0 dt sypy=sp y=0 Invoke the initial condition to determine the remaining constant A The final form is y 0=Y 0 =Aes0 y t=Y 0 e−p t A=Y 0 for t0 5 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8.1 The Source-Free RL Circuit We assume a series RL circuit for which i(t) to be determined Apply KVL R ivL =0 di R i=0 dt L - We will solve the natural response + it=Aest The characteristic equation s R i=0 L s=− R L Using the initial condition i(0)=I0, we have i0=I 0 =Aes 0 A=I 0 The natural response is given as it=I 0 e −R t L for t0 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Example: RL with a switch We have two different circuits: one with the switch closed and one with the switch open We are asked to find v(0.2) for the circuit shown in Figure (c) From Figure (b), we compute the current iL 24 iL = =2.4 A 10 this current is used as initial conditions when the iL switch is opened Write the differential equation of the circuit (c) di 40 iL 10 iL5 L =0 dt diL 10 iL =0 dt The general solution of i(t) in exponential form it=Aest Since iL(0)=2.4 A, the solution is it=2.4e−10 t for t0 6 7 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen The Exponential Response The expression for the current in an RL series circuit describes the natural response of the inductor − it=I 0 e R t L + The current decreases exponentially with time The L/R term in the above equation is known commonly as the time constant, τ, of the RL series circuit − it=I 0 e t Power in The RL Series Circuit The power being dissipated in the resistor is 2 −2 2 0 p R=vR it=R i t=RI e t The total energy is found as ∞ wR=∫0 pR dt=RI 1 = LI 20 2 2 0 ∞ −2 ∫0 e t dt The time constant is τ=L/R 8 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8.2 The Source-Free RC Circuit We assume a series RL circuit for which i(t) to be determined Apply KCL dv −v = dt R dv v =0 dt RC iC C We will solve the natural response vt=Aest The characteristic equation 1 s v=0 RC s=− 1 RC Using the initial condition v(0)=V0, we have v0=V 0 =Aes 0 A=V 0 The natural response is given as vt=V 0 e −1 t RC for t0 9 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen The Exponential Response The expression for the current in an RC series circuit describes the natural response of the inductor − vt=V 0 e 1 t RC The voltage decreases exponentially with time The 1/RC term in the above equation is known commonly as the time constant, τ, of the RC series circuit − vt=V 0 e t Power in The RC Series Circuit The power being dissipated in the resistor is 2 t v2 t V 0 −2 RC p R=viR t= = e R R The total energy is found as t ∞ V 20 ∞ −2 RC wR=∫0 pR dt= ∫0 e dt R 1 = CV 20 2 The time constant is τ=RC K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Determine the inductor voltage v in the circuit for t > 0. For t<0, l0 V appears across the 4 Ω resistor, so a dc current of iL= l0/4 = 2.5 A flows through the inductor (which acts as a short circuit) For t>0, the battery is removed so we write the simple KVL equation: diL diL 6 iL4 iL5 =0 2 iL =0 dt dt Thus, we can represent the circuit with the equation it=iL 0e−2 t =2.5 e−2 t A Finally, the voltage is vt=L d it =52.5−2e−2 t =−25 e−2 t V dt 10 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Noting carefully how the circuit changes once the switch in the circuit is thrown, determine v(t) at t = 0 and at t = 160 μs Before the switch is thrown, the 80Ω resistor is connected only by one of its terminals and therefore may be ignored (i=0) With no current flow permitted through the capacitor, we know v(0)=50 V since the capacitor voltage cannot change in zero time After the switch is thrown, the only remaining circuit is a simple source-free RC circuit. With τ = RC =160 μs vt=v 0e −t =50e−6250 t V Finally, the voltage is v160 s=50 e−1 =18.39 V 11 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8.3 A More General Perspective General RL Circuits The time constant of a single-inductor circuit will be τ=L/Req where Req is the resistance seen by the inductor Example: Req=R3+R4+R1R2/ (R1+R2) General RC Circuits The time constant of a single-capacitor circuit will be τ=ReqC, where Req is the resistance seen by the capacitor Example: Req=R2+R1R3/ (R1+R3) 12 13 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen At t=0.15 s in the circuit, find the value of (a) iL; (b) i1; (c) i2 For t< 0, (the switch is open) − i2 0 =0 2 =0.4 A 28 8 iL 0−=2 =1.6 A 28 For t>0, 100% of the 2-A source contributes to i2, The 8-Ω resistor is shorted out so i1=0 i1 0−=2 Thus i2 t=2−iL t where iL t=iL 0e −t Finally, the currents are , = L 0.4 − = =0.2 s , and iL 0=iL 0 =iL 0 =1.6 A R eq 2 −0.15 0.2 iL 0.15=1.6 e =755.6 mA i2 0.15=2−iL 0.15=1.244 A K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 1st Order Response Observations The voltage on a capacitor or the current through an inductor is the same prior to and after a switch at t=0 Resistor current (or voltage) prior to the switch i(0-) can be different from the voltage after the switch i(0+) All voltages and currents in an RC or RL circuit follow the same natural response e-t/τ 14 15 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8.4 The Unit-Step Function So far, we have been studying the natural response of RL and RC circuits (when no sources or forcing functions were present) In other words, we have been solving problems in which energy sources are suddenly removed from the circuit We shall consider that type of response which results when energy sources are suddenly applied to a circuit The unit-step function u(t) is a convenient notation to represent change: { ut= 0 t0 1 t0 { ut−t0 = 0 1 tt0 tt0 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Switches and Steps In order to obtain an exact equivalent for the voltage-step forcing function, we may provide a single-pole double-throw switch The exact equivalent for the current-step forcing function, we may replace this circuit by a dc source in series with a switch 16 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Modeling Pulses Using u(t) By manipulating the unit-step forcing function, we can generate many useful forcing functions A rectangular voltage pulse { 0 vt= V 0 0 tt0 t0 tt1 tt1 The two unit steps u(t−t0) and −u(t−t1) are needed to obtain the rectangular voltage pulse A pulsed sinewave vt=V m ut−t0 −u t−t1 sin 2 f t 17 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8.5 Driven RL Circuit Now, we consider the behavior of a simple RL network to the sudden application of a dc source The shown circuits represent an RL circuit subjects to a voltage-step forcing function V0u(t) Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law di iRL =V 0 ut dt Since i(t)=0 for t<0, we study the solution for t>0 iRL di =V 0 dt Then, we have di L =dt V 0 −iR t0 t0 Integrating both sides −L ln V 0−Ri =tK R 18 19 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen invoke the initial condition to find K (i(t)=0 for t<0) −L ln V 0 =K R and hence L − ln V 0 −Ri−ln V 0 =t R Rearranging −R t L Which can be rewritten as ln V 0 −Ri−ln V 0 = or t V 0 V 0 −R L it= − e R R −R t V0 it= 1−e L u t R ln V 0 −Ri −R = t V0 L t0 20 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen The expression for the voltage in an RL series circuit describes the energizing characteristics of the inductor Forced response it= V 0 R Natural response −V e 0 −R t L R The Natural response: The exponential term has the functional form of the natural response of the RL circuit; it is a negative exponential, it approaches zero as time increases, and it is characterized by the time constant L/R The Forced response: It is the response that is present a long time after the switch is closed 21 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen A General Solution Approach The solution of any linear differential equation may be expressed as the sum of two parts: the complementary solution (natural response) and the particular solution (forced response) The inhomogeneous linear differential equation has the form of V dy di R p y=f t i= 0 ut dt dt L L or dyp y dt=f tdt Forced response The solution is given as particular solution y=e ∫ f te dt − pt pt complementary solution Ae −pt it= V 0 R Natural response −V e 0 R We note that, when f(t) is zero (a source-free circuit), the solution is the natural response −pt y n t=Ae Since f(t)=F, the particular solution leads to the following forced response F y f t=e−pt∫ F e pt dt = p −R t L 22 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Example: RL with a forcing function Applying KVL yields V0 di R i= ut dt L L First, we evaluate the natural response by solving di R i=0 dt L s t We assume in t=Ae , where A and s1 are constant to be determined 1 The characteristic equation R R s i=0 s1 =− L L −R Then, we have in t=Ae L t Next, we determine the forced response if t= Finally, the complete solution is i(t)=in(t)+if(t) −R V0 t it= Ae L R where V0 V0 i0=0= A A=− R R V0 R K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Determine i(t) for all values of time in the circuit We note that the circuit contains a dc voltage source as well as a step-voltage source Using superposition, we solve the circuit for each source alone We compute the current due to only a dc voltage source idc t= 50 =25 A 2 23 24 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen We compute the current due to only a a step-voltage source istep voltage t=if tin t −2 t =25−25 e The complete response −2 t it=idc tistep voltage t=50−25e 25 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Find the current response in a simple series RL circuit when the forcing function is a rectangular voltage pulse of amplitude V0 and duration t0 We represent the forcing function as the sum of two stepvoltage sources V0u(t) and -V0u(t-t0) Using superposition, assume i1(t) designate the part of i(t) due to V0u(t) acting alone, and i2(t) represents that part due to -V0u(t-t0) acting alone it=i1 ti2 t We solve the response i1(t) as −R V0 L t i1 t= 1−e R We solve the response i2(t) as t0 −R −V 0 t−t i2 t= 1−e L t 00 R We now add the two solutions, but do so carefully, since each is valid over a different interval of time 0 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen { it= i1 t i1 ti2 t 0tt0 tt0 26 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen 8.6 Driven RC Circuit Similar to RL circuits, the complete response of an RC circuit consists of the natural and the forced response Since the procedure is virtually identical to what we have already discussed in detail for RL circuits, we consider a relevant example for a driven RC circuit Find the capacitor voltage vC(t) and the current i(t) in the 200 Ω resistor for all time 27 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen For t<0, the circuit has two separate loops The capacitor acts as open circuits 50 − vC 0 =120 =100 V 1050 The current in the 200 Ω resistor 1 i0− =50 =192 mA 60200 For t>0 The complete response of the capacitor is vC t=vCf tvCn t The natural response vCn(t) vCn t=Ae −t R eq C where Req =50∣∣200∣∣60=24 The forced response is 50∣∣200 vCf t=50 =20 V 6050∣∣200 28 29 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen The complete response is vC t=20Ae −t 1.2 We use vC 0 =vC 0=vC 0 =100 V , then − 100=20A A=80 Thus, we have vC t=2080 e −t 1.2 t0 and vC t=100 t0 The current in the 200 Ω resistor −t vC t it= =100400 e 1.2 mA 200 it=192 mA t0 t0 K. A. Saaifan, Jacobs University, Bremen Homework Assignment 7 P8.7, P8.10, P8.20, P8.22, P8.24, P8.27, P8.29, P8.35, P8.38, P8.40, P8.44, P8.46, P8.48, P8.52, P8.54, P8.57, P8.61 and 8.65 30