GENTRAAL LABORATORIUM COMMUNICATION NO. 26O CHANGES OF HUMIDITY INSIDE PACKAGES DUE TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS by W. HAZEU and H. J. HUECK Reprinted Jrom Soc. chemical lndustry. Monograph Series 23 (19661 224 - 23t Proc. Symposium microbiological Det6rioration in the Tropics. London 1965. ^qil?NAIL 43 LABORATORIUM TNO, P.O. BOX 217, DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS CHANGES OF HUMIDITY INSIDE PACKAGES DUE TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS By W. HAZEU and H. J. HUECK (Central, Laboratory TNO, Delft, The Netherland.s) Laboratory experiments were carried out on the influence of exterior conditions on the relative humidity inside closed packages. In a first series of experiments, plastics packages containing wool or cotton were stored at constant, high humidity and temperature. The relative humidity inside the packages showed a gradual increase with time; this seems to be a rather long-term effect. In a second series of experiments, the influence of temperature fluctuations was studied. To prevent any loss of moisture, cotton and wool were packed in glass containers. Only limited variations in relative humidity, occurring within one day, were found. In a third series o{ experiients, a tempeiature gradient of 5-15" was maintained between the top and bottom of the contents. Under these conditions, considerable differences in relative humidity for several parts of the package could be observed within a few days. A practical consequence of these findings is that, when goods are packaged with water-impermeable materials, a rather large safety margin must be maintained with respect to the critical relative humidity level at which mildewing may occur. Introduction IN the last 20 years or so a great number of new packaging materials of low water-vapour permeability have been developed. These developments have offered a solution for many packaging problems, but have created new problems in a number of instances. In the following, some observations and experiments concerning the behaviour of the relative humidity inside packages under influence of exterior conditions will be discussed from the point of view of the microbiologist interested in the conditions under which biodeterioration of materials may occur. It is not the authors' intention to give a thorough treatise on the packaging aspects of the problem. From previous studies on biodeterioration of materials, the following practical cases of microbial damage, in which packaging aspects may have been of importance, were known: (1) fungal damage of documents packed in polyethylene bags during transport by sea to the tropics; 224 w. HAZEU AND H. J. HUECK 225 (2) deterioration of an inflatable life-raft on a ship during service in tropical regions. The raft had been packed in a bag made of canvas; (3) heavy mildewing during storage of raw wool packed in polyethylene bags; (4) spoilage of bloodmeal packed in polyethylene-lined jute bags during transport by sea from South America to Rotterdam. Other cases of minor importance could be added to this list. From these observations the impression was gained that in a number of cases the water-impermeable packaging material might have accelerated biodeterioration. The problem of psychrometric behaviour in closed packages has been studied by Mueller,l who showed that the type of goods packed had an overriding efiect on the changes of relative humidity in the package due to changes of outside temperature. The air seems to act only as a moisture carrier. The water contained by the air can in general be neglected in comparison with the total amount of water present in the goods. A mathematical model for the calculation of the storage-life of packed goods is given by Heiss.2 He states that impermeable packaging materials are not always advantageous, e.g., when the critical relative humidity value of the goods may be exceeded through an increase in environmental temperature. On the other hand, an impermeable packaging material is of importance for the protection of goods against high exterior relative humidity. Therefore, it will depend on the type of goods, and on the storage conditions, what type of packaging material has to be chosen. Because of our interest in biodeterioration of materials, a number of preliminary investigations was carried out, aiming at the study of: (1) changes of relative humidity inside packages during storage at constant temperature and hwmidity; (2) changes of relative humidity inside packages due p er atur e f,uctuati o lo tem- ns; (3) behaviour of relative humidity inside packages under the influence of an outside ternPeratule grad.ient. Experimental (1) Changes of relatiae humidity ,inside packages during storage at constant temperature and humidity Storage experiments at 30o and 90% R.H. were carried out with cotton and woollen fabrics, packed in 0.1 mm thick polyethylene w. HAZEU AND H. J. HUECK or PVC film. The dimensions of the packages were approximately 15 x 20 cm, the polyethylene being heat-sealed, the PVC high226 frequency sealed. The packages contained 120 g of cotton or 100 g of wool, and inside each was attached a moisture-sensitive element (El-tronics). These elements consisted of a specially prepared sheet of polystyrene, with an electrode printed on the surface. Two insulated wires, connected with the element and sealed in the seams, protruded from the package. The electrical resistance of the elements (which is a function of temperature and humidity) was measured and the corresponding value of the relative humidity was read from a calibration curve. This value was corrected for temperature, if necessary. No control experiments as to the impermeability of the sealing were performed. (2) Changes oJ relatiue humidity inside packages due to temperature fl,uctuations The experiments were carried out in 2-l measuring glasses, filled with cotton wool or wool of different moisture contents (regains). The glasses were closed with a paraffin-coated cork to prevent loss of moisture. Each glass was equipped with a thermometer and two moisture-sensitive elements. The temperature range from 20 to 40' was studied. The glasses were incubated at constant temperature until the equilibrium relative humidity was reached. This took usually less than 24h. (3) The behaaiour of relatiae humid,ity inside packages under the infl.wence of an owlside temt'erature grad.ient The experiments were carried out in measuring glasses as described above. Each glass contained two moisture-sensitive elements and two thermometers, one near the bottom and one near the top. The glasses were filled with 115g of cotton or 1009 of wool of different regains, and closed. They were placed with their lower half in a constant-temperature water-bath, the upper half protruding above the water surface, in air of a constant temperature of 23". The temperature of the water-bath was adjusted so as to maintain a constant temperature-difference inside the package between the lower and the upper parts of the contents of approximately 5, l0 or 15'. The relative humidity in both parts of the glasses was determined daily until equilibrium was reached. w. HAZETI AND H. J. HtTECK 227 Results Storage experiments at constant temperatwre and relatite hwmid.ity. The results of the storage experiments are given in Table I. The variation in the relative humidity values is*3o/o R.H. or less. The impression was gained that the elements showed some change with time, so that periodic calibration appeared to be necessary. Hence the results obtained should be considered on only a comparative basis. R e t at i a e hu midit Packaging material y (%) *' Table I ;32 ll:: gt Xi"#, ;, 0'l mm polyethylene film Packed goods d i ff e r e n t sto r ag e p e ri o ds 0.1 mm polyvinyl chloride film 1[roollen fabric AIter 0 days 20 days 43 days 99 days l2l days Infl,uence of packages 4t 5I 42 47 56 65 57 59 66 47 54 68 74 50 60 74 79 86 temperature fl.uctuations aq 8l on relatiae hucnidity inside The results of the experiments with cotton and wool are given in Figs. 1 (a) and (b). 2 s '-{-ar<<.26 >5 F o l u F U G r<'*'e"" t,[ TEMPERATURE,.C Fte . l. Relation belween relatiue humidity and, teruperature al constant rega'in for (a) cotton, (b\ uool Numerals on curves are o/o moisture w. HAZEU AND H. J. HUECK 228 Behauiowr of relatiue loumid.ity inside packages under the inf.uencc of an outside temperatwre gradient The results of the experiments with cotton and wool are summarised in Figs. 2 (a) and (b), where the relative humidity at the beginning of the experiment is shown on the abscissa and the equilibrium relative humidity, at a constant temperature difference between top and bottom of the package, on the ordinate. Discussion Storage experiments at constant temperatwre and humidity The results of the storage experiments, given in Table I, show that the relative humidity inside the packages increases gradually with time. This change will depend on the storage conditions, on the type of goods packed and on the water-vapour permeability of the packaging material.2, 3 It is concluded that the relative humidity inside packages during long-term storage under humid conditions can increase to a level at which mildewing may occur. When the goods are packed at a sufficiently low water content, this will take a rather long time, depending on the type of packaging material used. Influence of temperatwre fluctuation on relatiae humid.ity The influence of temperature on the equilibrium relative humidity of wool and cotton at constant regain has been discussed by many authors, among others by Hearle & Petersa and in the book entitled 'Wool Research'.5 From these publications it appears that the relative humidity in equilibrium with wool or cotton at s '*'*'t"W o = l I u k u G z T,^, T ,---{ '% b'- High r.9lon L Erc 2. Relatiue humid,ity .inside pachages at a consl@Mt tetnperature difference betaeen top and, bottom for (a\ cotton, (b) waol Numerals on curvgs are temperatqla difipteaces w. HAZEU AND H. j. HUECr{ 229 constant regain increases with temperature. This is caused by the liberation of physically bound water, which phenomenon has been considered thermodynamically by the authors mentioned above. As can be seen from Fig. 1 this effect is only moderate. It is established within 24 h. Therefore, fungal damage can be expected only when the initial relative humidity is only slightly below the critical level. The values observed show fairly good agreement with those reported in the literature, allowing for experimental error. The inf.uence of a temperature grad,ient In these experiments, the temperature in a part of the package was raised, causing an increase in the water vapour pressure. fn this situation, water vapour will migrate to the part at lower temperature to cause a local increase in the moisture content of the packed goods. This will go on until equilibrium is reached, when the partial water vapour pressure is equalised over the whole package, a process which only took a few days. The result is an increase in relative humidity at the lower temperature region, and a decrease at the higher temperature. As can be seen from the experimental results (Fig. Z), the local increase in relative humidity is considerable at a rather low temperature difference. The results obtained can be compared with some expected values given in Fig. 3. These graphs have been s tr o f, I U t z L 30609003060 tNt-ilAL RELATtvE HUMiDtTy, yo I're . 3. Expected, relatiue humid.iti,es i.nside pachages a.l a constant temperature difference betueen top and bottom Jor (a) cotton, (b) u.tool Numerals on curves are temperature differences W. IIAZDU AND H. J. HUECK constructed from a theoretical model in which the contents of the package are divided into two equal parts, each having a constant, but different, temperature. The overall mean regain of the contents has been considered to be constant, the water content of the air being neglected. The equilibrium water-vapour pressure at a constant temperature difference has been estimated from graphs, representing the relation between water-vapour pressure and regain at constant temperature, derived from data given in the literature.a-G These graphs can be constructed for a number of initial temperatures. Clearly, the changes observed show reasonably good correlation with those expected, albeit somewlrat smaller. The differences can be explained by the actual situation in the package, in which the temperature gradient was not as ideal .s wus aisumed for the model. The efiects observed are expected to be more pronounced when a relatively smaller part of the contents of the package is at the lower temperature, whereas a less serious situation exists when the reverse is true. As shown by the Figures, the relative humidity may reach the critical region at which fungal growth is possible. A value of 70o/o has bcen reported to be the lowest value at which fungal growth can be expected, although this will seldom occur in practice.T-s It should be realised, however, that the probability of fungal growth increases with the relative humidity, dependent on the type of material. At a temperature difference of 15", e.g., an 80o/o R.H. value is reached for both cotton and wool packed at around 60% R.H. Situations under which temperature fluctuations and differences of the order studied above occur, may actually exist in practice. In this respect, reference is made to the studies by Mielke,lo who reported considerable fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity in a cargo during a voyage to and from tropical areas; the maximum temperature fluctuations could be as great as 30o or more, while the relative humidity often exceeded 90o/o. Therefore, it must be concluded that a rather large safety margin has to be maintained with respect to the critical relative humidity of cotton and wool at which mildewing may occur. This is especially true for situations that may exist during storage of these materials in, or sea-transport to, tropical areas. Conclusions (1) The relative humidity inside plastics packages changes 231 J. HUECK gradually during storage, dependent on the conditions, type of w. HAZEU AND H. packaging material, type of goods packed, etc. These changes may be long-term effects, however. (2) Rises in temperature cause a moderate increase in relative humidity through the liberation of bound water from the packed goods, within a relatively short time. (3) A temperature gradient within the contents of the package, on the contrary, may cause a considerable local rise in relative humidity within a few days. (4) A rather large safety margin should be maintained with respect to the moisture content of wool or cotton, at which mildewing may occur during sea-transport or storage. References 1 Nlueller, M. F., Mod,. Pachag., 1949, 22, (11), 163 2 Heiss, R., Verpach.-Rdsch., Franhf .,1957, 8, (3), 17 3 Hannan, R. S., J. appl. Bact., 1962,25r248 a Hearle, J. W. S., & Peters, R. H., 'Moisture in Textiles', 1960, p. l4 (London: Butterworths) 5 'WooI Research', I955, Vol. 2, p.20 (Leeds: Wool Industries Research Ass.) 6 Jeffries, R., J. Text. Inst., 196O, 51, T 339 7 lllman, W. I., & -Weatherburn, M. W., Am. Dyestulf Reptr, 7947, 36,343 8 Snow, D., Ann. appl. Biol.,1949, 36, I e Block, S. 5., APpl. Microbi.ol., 1953, 1,287 r0Mielke, H., Verpach.-Ildsch., Franhf., 1962, 13, (12), 93; 1963, 14, (10), 75; Neue Verpach., 1962,75,1239; 1963, 16, 1107