DR. THOMAS NANYINGI NAMWAMBAH B.Ed (Hons), M.A (Philosophy), PhD, Post Doc Philosopher, Critical Thinker & Decision Analyst IBC Fellow & Consultant in Education, Strategic Planning, Decision Making, Conflict Management CURRICULUM VITAE & TESTIMONIALS SUMMARY PROFILE 1 Dr. Thomas Nanyingi Namwambah was born on Sunday, the 7th day of July 1963 in Bumadeya Village of Port Victoria Township, Budalang’i Constituency Busia County Western Province Kenya. He attended Port Victoria primary school, Kisumu High School and Agoro Sare High School in South Nyanza for his high school education. He was then admitted at Kenyatta University for a Bachelor of Education (Arts) degree. In 1988 he was awarded a B.Ed (Hon)) degree of Kenyatta University. He taught at Alliance Boys High School for a while then rejoined Kenyatta University in June 1989 as a Graduate Assistant on the then Staff Development program. He graduated with a Master of Arts (Philosophy) in 1993. In June 1997, Dr. Namwambah won a highly competitive and prestigious scholarship awarded by the Government of Spain through the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation - AECI to pursue his Ph.D. in Philosophy with bias to Critical Thinking and Decision Analysis at the University of Madrid - Complutense. On the 22nd day of March 2001 Dr. Namwambah was awarded a Ph.D. degree with distinction in Philosophy and Education Sciences by the University of Madrid (Complutense). In July 2002, he went for his postdoctoral studies at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. USA where he majored in Leadership and Conflict management in a Global world. His project entitled Reason and Globalisation has so far been published by the Council for Research and Values in Philosophy (CRVP) at the same University. During his stay in Washington D.C. Dr. Namwambah presented papers to the Philosophical Society of Cleveland, Ohio- Dynamics of Leadership and Handling Conflicts in Africa and at the Institute for Gender Studies at George Mason UniversityGender Bias in Education: A Case Study of Kenya. Dr. Namwambah has given various public lectures in various universities both in Kenya and abroad. He has also been involved in various community service activities such as the revival of Bunyala Rice Scheme in Budalang’i Constituency of Bunyala 2 District Busia County and the founding of the Kasarani Youth development Initiative (Nairobi) in 2005. In September 2006 Dr. Namwambah launched the Kenyan Universities Needy Students Association whose aim is to source for funds and help those Kenyan students from economically disadvantaged families complete their education, and In 2010 with other likeminded Kenyans founded the Simama Kenya Youth Trust Fund as a vehicle to youth empowerment in Kenya. . He has served on a number of international research teams besides having been recognised as a Distinguished Research Board of Advisors Member of ABI (American Biographical Institute, Inc. - USA) As a committed researcher and scholar, he has authored various books, academic modules and chapters in edited works and refereed journals Besides being an Educator, Philosopher, Critical thinker and Decision Analyst, Dr. Namwambah is also a reputable Researcher, Political analyst and a consultant in Strategic Planning, Pedagogy, Youth Empowerment and Training, Capacity Building, Resource Mapping, Peace Building and Conflict Resolution. He has served in various senior capacities. In November 2005, Dr. Namwambah was honoured by the International Biographical Centre (IBC) - Cambridge as one of the Lead Thinkers and Philosopher. Dr. Namwambah is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Kenyatta University. He is married with children . CURRICULUM VITAE 3 PERSONAL DATA NAME: Thomas Nanyingi Namwambah PhD DATE OF BIRTH: 07-07-1963 NATIONALITY: Kenyan RELIGION: Christian. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: English SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Luganda and Kiswahili CURRENT EMPLOYER: Kenyatta University CURRENT DESIGNATION: Senior Lecturer CONTACT ADRESS: Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies Kenyatta University P.O BOX 43844 - 00100 Nairobi (Kenya). TEL: Mobile: 0726 118 874, 0731388739 E-Mail: namwambah@yahoo.com or Namwambah.Thomas@ku.ac.ke ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1) Post-Doctoral Fellowship:- Catholic University of America Washington DC: 2) PhD (Philosophy and Educational Sciences) with bias to Critical Thinking and Decision Making:- University of Madrid (Complutense), Spain. 3) Master of Arts (Philosophy):- Kenyatta University Kenya 4) Bachelor of Education (Arts):- Kenyatta University Kenya 5) Certifícate (Spanish Language):- La Escuela Oficiale de Idiomas, Madrid, 6) Pre-University Training – National Youth Service Kenya. 7) Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education. (K.A.C.E):– Agoro Sare High School 8) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. (K.C.E): - Kisumu High School 9) Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE):- Port Victoria Primary School Kenya. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 4 - B.Ed (Education) - M.A (Philosophy) - Higher Certificate – (Spanish Language) - PhD (Philosophy and Education Sciences). - Postdoctoral Studies (Globalisation, Leadership and Conflict Management) CAREER OBJECTIVE(S) To work under minimum supervision in a challenging environment that demands creativity, innovation and maximised productivity. ____________________________________________________________________________________ INSPIRATIONAL PHILOSOPHY a) Self-motivating b) High level professionalism c) Team work d) High moral standing and uprightness e) Innovativeness and creative prowess SENIOR POSITIONS HELD 1) Chief Executive Officer - Hand of Hope Charitable Organisation, 2) Director – Kenyatta University-Directorate of Alumni & Outreach programs, 3) Senior Lecturer – Kenyatta University 4) CEO/Lead Consultant : Focus Management Consultancies (FMC) 5) Distinguished Member – Research Board of Advisors – American Biographic Institute - ABI 6) Chairman –KUNSA 7) Chairman - PTA Wankan Academy. 8) Co-Chair – LitPost Team of Scholars 9) Principal Coordinator – IEBC TOT Voter Education- Nyanza and Western Region (November 2012). 5 10) External Examiner (Post Graduates) – University of Nairobi, Department of Philosophy. 2014- Present. 11) Chairperson – School of Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum Committee. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION AND INTEREST a) Philosophy b) Critical and Creative Thinking c) Decision Making and Strategic Planning d) Globalisation and Crime e) Communication and Decision Making f) Research Design, Management and Implementation g) Peace Building and Conflict Resolution h) Pedagogy. PUBLICATIONS (10 Titles-Books) 1. Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking; Student Companion – 2003 :-KenPak Book Nairobi. 2. Essentials of Critical and Creative Thinking – 2005:-Didaxis-Nairobi 3. A Study Guide to Critical and Creative Thinking – 2005:- Didaxis Nairobi 4. Elements and Pedagogy of Critical and Creative Thinking- 2007 :- Dale Nairobi 5. Leadership and How to Handle Conflict in Leadership -2007 :- Didaxis Nairobi 6. Think Critically and Creatively “a thinkers’ Companion” 2010 :- Dale-Nairobi 7. Essentials of Critical and Creative Thinking 2011 (revised edition):- Njigua Books – Nairobi. 8. Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking “A self teaching Module” 1st Edition.2011:- Daruson Books Nairobi. 9. Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking “A self teaching Module” 2st Edition.2013:- Daruson Books Nairobi. 6 10. Critical and Creative Thinking Students Companion-(In Press):- Njigua Books – Nairobi) 11. Understanding Philosophy (In Press):- Njigua Books – Nairobi ARTICLES IN REFEREED JOURNALS (3) 1. Reason and Globalization In Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change Series VII, Volume 25. General Editor George F. McLean. Washington D.C. 2004 2. Politics of Ethnicity: A Subjective Approach to Conflict in Kenya In African Conflicts: Management, Resolution and Post-Conflict Recovery and Development. OSSREA Journal. Editor: Prof. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza. 2006 3. Culture Mutation: Identity Value at a Crossroad In Culture, Persons and Society. A Journal of the International Society for Metaphysics Vol. II. RVP Editors: George Mclean, Hugo Maynell, Raul Molina, Tomothy Ready. 2008 4. Globalization: Logical Annihilation or Economic Neo-Colonialism In Global Trends. A Philosophical Journal of Contemporary Issue. Editors. Carlos Gonzalez, Steve McDoff & Pattel Clouden. 2012 TEACHING MODULES 1. UCU 103: Introduction to Critical and Creative Thinking Module. 2015. Kenyatta University Press 2. KPS031: Communication and Decision Making. 2015. Kenyatta University Press 3. KPS201: Social Change, Globalization and Crime. 2015. Kenyatta University Press FUNDED & COMPLETED PROJECTS (7) 1. Budalangi Constituency 5 year Strategic Plan – 2008 2. Eldoret North Constituency 10 Year Strategic Plan – 2009 3. Konoin Constituency Bomet County 10 Year Strategic Plan – 2012 4. IIEC Voter Education Curriculum (2011 5. IEBC Voter Education Manual – 2012 6. Kamukunji Constituency 5 Year Strategic Plan – 2012 7 7. South Sudan Local Government Administrative Officers(LGAO) Induction Training Modules – 11 Module Units (2012) 8. Bungoma County Strategic Plan – 2014 9. Nambale Constituency Strategic Plan – 2014 10. Mumias east Strategic Plan – 2015 11. Galole Constituency Strategic Plan – 2015 12. Budalangi Constituency Strategic Plan - 2015 ON GOING/FUNDED PROJECTS 4. Establishment Of Kenya Transporters Association Training Institute: Development of Programmes for the Training of Transport Operators: A collaborative Initiative between KIE and Kenya Transporters Association (KTA). MEMBERSHIP WITH REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS (8) 1. Member- World Phenomenological Association (WPA) 2. Member-International Iberic Association (IIA) 3. Member- Philosophical Association of Kenya (PAK) 4. Member- Café Philo-Washington D.C (CP-W) 5. Member- OSSREA 6. Member – LITPOST Scholars POSTGRADUATE SUPERVISION & EXAMINATION (12) CANDIDATE’S NAME YEAR. LEVEL TITLE OF THESIS a) PhDs 1. Edward Kisiangani 2 . Jacob Magero 2003 2007 PhD - Non Supervisor Examiner PhD - External Examiner 3. Francis Wokabi 2010 PhD - Non-Supervisor Examiner 8 4. Patrick W. Ndirangu 2012 PhD - Internal Supervisor 5. Mongeri O. Lukas PhD - Internal Supervisor 2014 b) Masters (MAs,) 1. Michael Kariuki Wangari 2002 2. Samuel G. N. Muciri 2002 3. Simon B. Gomerep 2003 4. Wenceslaus Kwindingwi 2003 6. Hassan Kulundu 2004 M.A. A Kenyan University Teacher Education: A Socratic Critical Model or Sophistic Model? (CUEA) M.A. M.A The Theory of Education in Plato’s Republic. (CUEA) The Moral Justification of Abortion: A Philosophical Justification. (CUEA) M.A M.A Reason and Sense: A Comparative Study of Platonic and Cartesian Theories of Knowledge. (CUEA) The Moral basis of Kenya’s Legal System. 7. Mercy Muthoni Mwaniki 2006-Present Dilemma of Ethno-Politics: A Phenomenological Approach to the Study of Conflict Resolution and Management Strategies in Independent Kenya. 8. Msee Fredrick Munini 2012-Present - MA Attitudes and Social Change: A Philosophical Response to Contemporary Environmental Challenges 9 9. Ochieng Gervase Ojwang 2012- 2015 - MA A Philosophical Analysis of Affirmative Action Policy in Kenya 10. Patrick Wachira Ndirangu 2012-Present - PhD Ethical Expositions for Medical Practitioners INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL CONFERENCES ATTENDED A. Participation: JANUARY 1998: Attended a two-day seminar at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain: Theme: Gender or Sex Discrimination APRIL 1999: A seminar at the Complutense University of Madrid. Theme: Pensamiento Britanico Moderno 9 y 10. AUGUST 1999 A Conference at Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain; Gender and Humanitarian Assistance to the Black Immigrants in Spain DECEMBER 1999: Participated in a conference organised by the British Council in Madrid, Spain. Theme: International Co-operation and Elevation of Poverty in the Third World. B) Presentation of Papers MARCH 1990: Attended a seminar at Busia Teachers Hotel of which theme was: Improving the status of the woman in the rural areas. I presented a paper entitled: Abortion and its Moral Implication. APRIL 1991: At a seminar organised by Kenyatta university philosophical association, I presented a paper entitled: Induction and science. JUNE 1992: At the symposium organised by the Kenya Human 10 Rights Commission, I presented a paper: Correlates of Gender gap in Politics: Fear of men’s femininity, male gender role conflict, and homophobia MARCH 1993: At a conference organised by the historical society of Kenya I submitted a talk on: Theories of Causal Judgement in history. SEPT. 1994: Attended a seminar for the Kenya Law Students Association. Talked about: Why Women Aren't Executed: Gender Bias and the Death Penalty JUNE 1995: At the Kenya Professional women association's conference: Psycho-Cultural bases of Conflicts in Africa: A case study of Kenya’s Ethnic groups. SEPTEMBER 1995 A workshop by the Kenya Head teachers Association: Epistemic basis of Corruption in Kenya MARCH 1999: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid: Poverty Eradication Through Peaceful Co-existence in North-Eastern Kenya. SEPT 2001 Silver Spring Hotel, Nairobi, the Kenya Head Teachers Association Workshop. Paper: Education for sustainable development in a Globalised World. JULY 2003 Conference organised by the Centre for gender Studies, Makerere University, Uganda: Situating the Woman: Analysis of Gender Placement in Public Universities in Kenya. JUNE 13TH-16TH 2004: A workshop at Western University College of Science and Technology (WUCST) on KIPS Project and Proposed Graduate Diploma program and the teaching of Critical and Creative Thinking. OCT. 7TH – 9TH 2004: 10TH Iberic international Conference in Burgos- Spain: Culture and Society in the Age of Globalisation. Paper: Culture Mutation: Identity Value at a Crossroad. NOV. 29TH – DEC. 3. 2004. OSSREA International conference on African 11 Conflicts Management: Resolution, Post-conflict recovery and Development, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Presented a paper entitled: Politics of Ethnicity in Kenya: A Subjective Approach to Conflict Resolution Strategies. MAY 17TH-19TH 2006: In an International conference on Africa, Globalisation and Justice organised by the Centre for Social Justice and Ethics Catholic University (E.A) I presented a paper entitled: Globalisation: Logical Annihilation or economic Neo-Colonialism JUNE 13: Nakumatt Junction: Launch of Hon Raila Odinga’s Book: ODINGA: An Enigma in Kenyan Politics. Keynote address. MARCH 2008: Presented a paper to the Kenya School of Law Students entitled: Ethics: A Philosophical Inquiry. MARCH 2011: Simoti Secondary Education and Prize Giving Day: Academic Rewards – Team working To Success JUNE 2011: KIE: IIEC: Voter Education Stakeholders Workshop: Validation Of The Voter Education Curriculum DECEMBER 5TH-6TH: Nuru Paradise Hotel – Nakuru: The Kenya Red Cross Regional Governace Team Workshop: Project Planning and Resources Mobilization APRIL 12TH 2012: Garden Hotel Machakos: IEBC Voter Education Manual Induction Workshop: Introduction to Voter Education Training Manual C) Convened/ Coordinated and Managed Conferences/ Workshops APRIL 2000: Organized and coordinated a workshop sponsored by European University, Madrid campus, I presented a paper on Enhanced Decision Making in Business Management: The Place of Critical Thinking. NOVEMBER 2000: Convened and coordinated a seminar organised by KARIBU, PUEBLO AFRICANA; humanitarian organization that assist immigrants in Spain I presented a paper entitled: One world, One family: The plight of black people in Spain. 12 AUGUST 29 – SEPT. 3RD. 2002 Attended and participated in a workshop in Cleveland, Ohio USA at Cleveland State University. Theme: Philosophy and Society. Presented a paper entitled: Dynamics of Leadership and Conflict Resolution in Africa JUNE 2009. The National Assembly Members - Dynamics of Decision Making. At the Great Rift Valley Lodge (Naivasha). MARCH 2014. Amani Coalition Retreat – Reflections on the 2013 Elections. At Sentrim Elementaita Lodge APRIL 2015. Amani National Congress (ANC) Retreat. ANC Policy and Manifesto for 2017. Maanzoni Lodge Mombasa Road. NOV 2015 IEBC Retreat On Review of Voter Education Curriculum and Manual – Continental Hotel- Mombasa FEB 2016 EISA Workshop on The Role of Women and Youth in Politics – MAANZONI Hotel Mombasa Road Athi River. APRIL 2016 NDI Workshop On Role of Political Parties in National Reconciliation – Hill Court Hotel - Nakuru HOBBIES a) Reading b) Researching c) Writing d) Discoursing e) Travelling REFEREES 1. Dr. Casper Masiga Dept of Gender and Devt 3. Dr. Lt. Col. Steve Handa Kenyatta University P.O. Box 6970-00100 GPO Nairobi P. O. Box 43844-00100 Tel : 0725678469 Cell Phone: 0724513406 Email: stevehanda@yahoo.com 13 Nairobi- Kenya Nairobi- Kenya Email: mopero.operee@gmail.com 2. Dr. Margaret Gecaga 4. Prof. Chris Sisanya Chair – PRS Dept Dean- SHSS Kenyatta University Kenyatta University P.O. Box 43844-00100 P.O. Box 43844- 00100 NAIROBI Cell. +254 722312767 Cel:+254 722243181 Nairobi- Kenya Email: Chairman-philosophy@ku.ac.ke Email: cshisanya@yahoo.com Last Updated: April 2016 14