Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2013/14 Progress

Corporate Social
Report 2013/14
Progress together
Leading business advisers
Welcome from the Managing Partner . . . . 3
What CSR means to Deloitte . . . . . . . . 4
Our Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Our People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Welcome from the
Managing Partner
Welcome to the fifth
Corporate Social Responsibility
Report for the year ended
31 May 2014
I am very pleased to introduce to you our Corporate Social Responsibility Report for the year ended 31
May 2014.
I hope that by reading this Report you will come to appreciate, as I have as Managing Partner, the
importance of behaving responsibly, in the very broadest sense of the term, in all our business practices.
As major providers of Assurance and Advisory services to businesses and individuals in Ireland we play
a key role in creating and maintaining confidence in financial information and in supporting business
activity. Clients rely on the assurance and advice that we provide when making key decisions for their
I trust that you will appreciate from this Report how our responsibilities are not just confined to how we
deliver our services to our clients, Our Business, but also include how we engage with Our People, how
we engage with The Community and how we support The Environment. This Report deals in turn with
each of these areas.
This year we decided to submit our Corporate Social Responsibility practices to external review and
evaluation through the Business Working Responsibility Mark. The Mark is operated by Business in the
Community Ireland in conjunction with the National Standards Association of Ireland. I was delighted, on
behalf of everyone in the firm, to accept the award from Minister Richard Bruton TD in October 2013.
Behaving responsibly and doing the right thing is not the preserve of any one individual or group nor is
confined to one particular part of our business. It is only by all of us behaving responsibly in everything we
do that will earn and retain the respect of the business and the wider community.
Kind regards,
Brendan Jennings
Managing Partner
December 2014
What CSR means
to Deloitte
What Corporate Social Responsibility means to Deloitte
In Ireland the National Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility 2014-2016 was launched in 2014.
The plan emerged from the 2013 Action Plan for Jobs and is informed by the EU Strategy for
Corporate Social Responsibility, the UN initiatives on Global Compact and Human Rights and
National Standards. The Plan also recognises the increased level of consumer awareness and
the long tradition of responsible practices in the Irish business community.
The National Plan sets out to:
• Increase awareness of CSR
• Encourage business to develop CSR policies and practices
• Encourage SMEs to build CSR capacity
• Increase transparency in CSR reporting and
• Anchor CSR in public bodies.
Progress under the Plan is to be monitored by a Corporate Social
Responsibility Stakeholder Forum which has been set up by Minister
Richard Bruton TD. The Minister has asked Brendan Jennings our
Managing Partner to chair that Forum.
Corporate Social Responsibility is universally defined into central pillars as
Marketplace (Business)
Incorporating relationships with suppliers, quality, customer engagement
and satisfaction.
Workplace (People)
Incorporating communication and consultation, health and safety, training
and development, diversity and equality, remuneration criteria, change
management and work-life balance.
Incorporating community engagement, volunteering, philanthropy and
co-operation with public authorities.
Incorporating awareness, recycling, waste management, resource
management, pollution control and energy efficiency.
The above pillars became in 2013 the basis of the firm’s application
for the Business Working Responsibly Mark which is Ireland’s only
certification for responsible and sustainable business practices.
Following a detailed submission and audit by the National Standards of
Ireland based on ISO 26000, Deloitte became the first accountancy firm
to receive the award and one of only sixteen organisations in all to hold
the award.
Corporate Responsibility Policy
As leading professional services organizations, the Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu
(DTTL) member firms have much to contribute to public policy, business, and
society throughout the world.
As such, we respect human dignity and expand our capabilities through
inclusion and cultural diversity. We promote the highest levels of ethical
behaviour, advance education and culture, and advocate sustainable use of
natural resources and respect for the environment.
We demonstrate this through:
• Increased awareness of CSR
• Investments in our people
• The advice and services we provide to clients
• Environmentally sustainable operations
• Commitment to our local communities and the wider society
The Irish firm collaborates with DTTL and its member firms in the
production of 2014 Global Report, which is an integrated annual
report for the global firm. The active Global CSR community shares best
practice and coordinates a global response to disaster relief.
Corporate Social Responsibility also comes under the remit of the firm’s
Public Interest Oversight Committee and is therefore covered under the
annual Transparency Report.
Our Business
Our Business
Ethics and Professional Conduct
Culture is about behaviour. It is our day to day actions and decisions that
define the way things are done in Deloitte. Our behaviour has a direct
impact on our reputation in the marketplace and is also the embodiment
of our brand.
We never take for granted the trust place in us by our clients, our
colleagues and the capital markets, which has been built through our
people’s conduct – in accordance with the highest ethical standards – and
our quality services.
Although ethical dilemmas can and do happen – it’s important to note
that if they do happen – the people of Deloitte stand together on the
foundation of our Shared Value, “integrity”, and choose to do the right
thing – regardless of the circumstances.
Deloitte has a common framework that drives the actions and decisions
of more than 210,000 people that work for Deloitte around the world.
The framework is made up of Deloitte’s Ethical Principles and Shared
Values. Developed more than a decade ago through a global process
of consultation and discussion, our Values and Principles have been
adopted by all member firms. They allow everyone (clients, colleagues,
etc.) to know what to expect when dealing with us – acting seamlessly
within member firms and across borders. These are the glue that hold us
Ethical principles
Honesty and Integrity
Responsibility to Society
Professional Behaviour
Respect and Fair Treatment
Fair Business Practices
Accountability and Decision Making
Our Share Values
Outstanding value to markets and clients
Commitment to each other and
Strength from cultural diversity
Our values and principles are not just words or theory – they are in fact
valuable practical tools- helping us make the best decisions every day.
We all make decisions every day and we all face dilemmas in our work.
There is rarely one right answer in these situations, the important thing to
remember is where to get more information or help. You don’t have to
make a decision alone. Speak up. Consult. Make the problem ‘ours’ not
At Deloitte, we encourage consultation and we want you to raise your
voice if something doesn’t feel right. Retaliation against anyone who
reports in good faith is never tolerated.
The Ethics and Professional Conduct culture in Deloitte is sustained and
renewed through a combination of policies, guidance, information,
learning and support.
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the Deloitte Policy
Manual provide comprehensive guidance in carrying out duties with
upmost professionalism.
New joiners must complete the course “Global Ethics – The Power of
One”. Other courses focus on individual topics such as Independence,
Insider Trading, Privacy and Data Protection etc.
Shortly after the year end a Speak-Up Line was launched to facilitate
reporting of ethical concerns in confidence. In addition a series of ethical
case studies is being rolled out in order to raise awareness in relation to
Ethics Survey
Ethics Survey took place in May 2014.
Total number of survey participants: 1308 (2013: 1332). Survey response
rate: 62%.
Results from the survey were compared to the prior year results for
Deloitte Ireland and also benchmarked against the global survey results.
Action plans were identified based on the results of the survey.
Survey results clearly demonstrate a belief that Deloitte is an ethical place
to work and a belief that the firm would take action to address unethical
conduct when reported.
Our Public Interest Oversight Committee (PIOC) has a very keen interest
in the area of ethics and has encouraged us to continue our emphasis in
this area. The Clair of our PIOC spoke to all the partners at the partners
meeting last December emphasising the importance of this matter.
Business Awards
Deloitte run two of the most prestigious business awards programmes in
Ireland, The Deloitte Best Managed Companies Awards and the Deloitte
Technology Fast 50 Awards.
The Best Managed Companies Awards which are now entering their eight
year in Ireland, seek to recognise Irish-owned and managed companies
achieving remarkable and sustained success. It was created to recognise
the overall success of a company, including management strength, ability
to innovate, strategic initiatives and financial performance.
Through th eprogramme we have assisted on a Pro Bono basis many
organisations to improve their sustainability with a focus on people and
marketplace issues amongst other issues.
The Technology Fast 50 Awards programme ranks the 50 fastest growing
technology companies and recognises business growth, innovation
and entrepreneurial spirit in the Technology sector. It covers both
public and private companies in all areas of technology, from internet
specialists to life sciences, computers to semiconductors, software to
telecommunications. The programme in Ireland began in 1999, making
2013 its 14th year.
In keeping with our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, the
firm includes an environmental dimension to the submission process for
the Best Managed Companies and Technology Fast 50 Awards.
Deloitte actively supports and participates in a wide range of business and
professional bodies related to our business activities.
Ronan Nolan – appointed as President of Chartered Accountants
On 15 May 2014, Chartered Accountants Ireland elected Ronan Nolan as
its 87th president, who has been a Partner in Deloitte since 1982. In this
role, Ronan represents over 23,000 members of the Institute in more than
93 countries.
Ronan continues the long tradition of Deloitte Partners in the role of
Our involvements also include:
Business Association Members/Contacts
American Ireland Fund – Declan Butler
Irish Society of Insolvency Practitioners
– Warren Baxter
Barretstown Serious Fun Camp – Colm
Mc Donnell
Irish Tax Institute – Lorraine Griffin,
Karen Frawley
Brothers of Charity Ireland – Ger Lyons
Irish Youth Foundation – Marguerite
Business to Arts – Mary Fulton Leinster Society of Chartered
Accountants – Oliver Holt
Chambers of Commerce – Colm
McDonnell, Cathal Treacy
Limerick Enterprise Development
Partnership – John Gilmartin
Chartered Accountants Ireland – Ronan
Nolan (President) Gerry Fitzpatrick,
Daniel Gaffney, Glenn Gillard, Oliver
Holt, Gerry Keating, Louise Kelly,
Sinead Mc Hugh, Niall Walsh, Padraic
Meath Economic Forum – Brendan
Cork Society of Chartered Accountants
– Kevin Butler
Mid-West Society of Chartered
Accountants – Gerard Casey
Debra Ireland – Harry Goddard
Paralympics Ireland – Brendan Jennings
Diabetes Ireland – Pat Cullen
Pensions Board – Niall Walsh
Hedge Funds Care (Ireland) – Christian
Scouting Ireland – Niall Walsh
IMI Board – Brendan Jennings
St Patrick’s Hospice Foundation – Colm
Irish Funds Industry Association – Alan
Cuddihy, Darren Griffin, Deirdre Power
Trinity Student Managed Fund – Brian
Irish Hockey Association – Eimear
Our People
Our People
Engaging with our people
– Deloitte People Survey
Engaging with our people, last year we asked everyone to participate
in the Deloitte People Survey conducted by Kenexa. The questionnaire
comprising 62 questions was designed to focus on engagement levels
across the firm and to allow for benchmarking against professional
services organisations and other Deloitte member firms. The participation
rate was at 92%.
An engagement score can be described as being ‘on the mark’ with
both professional services and Deloitte global norm. However, we are
committed to focusing our efforts on differentiating ourselves from other
professional services and member firms. Our performance enablement
score is strong and is primarily driven by our people’s belief that senior
management is committed to providing high quality service.
A lot of work was carried out across the firm to address engagement
priorities raised by the survey feedback. Some examples of actions taken
1. Our people said that being appreciated and valued by your
line manager is important.
Leadership is vital and it is important that we as role models ‘walk the
talk’ and understand the impact of our behaviour on individuals and on
our teams. To assist this we launched a pilot of a process called ‘Upward’
feedback or ‘180° feedback’, for the partner group. The purpose of this
feedback is to enhance self-awareness about working as a team, being
role models and inspiring people. We plan to roll this out to directors and
senior managers so we can all better understand our impact.
2. Our people asked for a vision that is clear, motivates and
differentiates Deloitte.
We enlisted the help of Rothco, an external branding company who are
experts in this area. Our people’s input to the Discovery Phase – through
the completion of the online poll, the one-to-one meetings, focus groups
and workshops has been invaluable. Rothco have helped us to define our
internal and external “Deloitte story”. This will help us and the external
market better understand our vision and unique culture.
3. Our people want their performance to be recognised in ways
that are meaningful to them.
We assume that people know what constitutes reward however
recent feedback showed that there was little awareness of the various
components that make up the reward package. Reward presentations
took place with the trainee group to highlight the total reward package,
including transparency around salary scales.
Timely feedback & recognition is a fundamental component of
engagement. Since November 2013, over 2,500 Deloitte dots have been
awarded. The dots are awarded to people who have gone that ‘extra
Following the feedback it was clear that we needed a way to recognise
the management group. Last year we introduced a Management
recognition programme for Assistant Managers up to Director level. To
date, 250 vouchers have been issued to members of the management
team and 140 people have attended quarterly recognition lunches with
Brendan Jennings.
4. Our people have asked for greater opportunities for growth
and development.
Developing our leadership capability is a key priority for the firm. Over
the past 12 months we have launched a new Partner Development
Programme and a Director Development Curriculum to build the capability
of our leadership teams, particularly in the area of people development,
coaching and business development. We will continue to invest in the
development of our people.
Feedback from our new managers told us that you would like more
support in transitioning into the Assistant Manager and Manager
role. ‘The Empowerment Programme’ focuses on developing people
management skills that empower new managers to fully understand their
new role and be successful in this transition. This programme has been
offered to all newly promoted / newly hired Assistant Managers.
As a firm we are committed to providing our people with a distinctive
talent experience. ‘Looking Ahead’ workshops have been developed
for the trainee and senior group to assist in having meaningful year-end
conversations with their Appraisers focusing on what matters most in
career development
Alongside the firm-wide updates above, there has been significant work
done at department level, with approximately 200 people involved with
the GPS committees (both firm-wide and departmental), focus groups and
project teams.
The Deloitte People Survey will be rolled out again in 2015 and we look
forward to engaging with you next year and continuing on our journey of
continuous improvement.
Long Service Awards
We have reviewed our length of service recognition awards and have
made a number of enhancements for FY14, in recognition of long
service. We have improved our communication on awards already in
place (such as additional annual leave after 3 years’ service for the below
management groups and additional annual leave after 10 years’ service
for the manager group).We have also introduced celebratory events for
those who reach their 5, 10 & 25 year milestones with the firm, along
with introducing a gift at the 10 year milestone. These enhancements are
aimed at celebrating key milestones in people’s careers and recognising
and appreciating long service with the firm.
Deloitte Working Parents Forum
We re-launched our working parent’s forum this year. The forum’s mission
is to connect working parents, prospective parents and those interested
in topics relating to parenting with each other to share resources, ideas,
information, and sometimes just stories to provide peer support.
The goals of the Parents Forum are to:
• Support working parents by providing a resource and support group
• Facilitate the creation of best practice and tools for Deloitte’s
working parents
• Educate parents on the firm’s benefit’s and policies
• Create an awareness of the firms effort to support work/life balance
• Maintain and enhance Deloitte’s reputation as a family-friendly firm
Monthly talks will take place on a range of topics and these will be
communicated firm wide. If you would like to offer suggestions or
feedback please do so by e-mailing:
There is a wide range of useful resources available on Deloitte
Resources, ranging from our policies and forms, parenting information
leaflets to information on our emergency childcare and adult care
offering with Bright Horizons -
Awareness Week (mental health champions)
The firm launched the first ‘Awareness Week’ in May 2013 to raise
awareness and reduce stigma associated with mental health and disability
in the workplace and to highlight the supports available in Deloitte.
Following on from its success, we launched an ‘Awareness Month’ in May
2014, with a view to making this an annual initiative.
What did we do?
See Change Mental
Health Workshops
Kanchi Disability
Awareness Workshops
Dignity at
Work Training
Daily Information E-mails Profiling
The Deloitte Employee Assistance
Programme, etc.
Dignity at Work Training
These sessions discuss dignity at work and reiterate the
importance of treating people with respect and dignity and
creating an envionment free from harassment or bullying.
Kanchi Disability Awareness Workshops
This 1 hour 15 minutes workshop focused on addressing
disability in the workplace and addressing the skills you
need to interact more confidently and competently with
colleagues/clients with disabilities.
Deloitte ROI People Facts - 31 May 2014
North American
Average Age
Promotion figures for 1 June 2013 – 31 May 2014
Senior Manager
Assistant Manager
The Community
We aim to provide a valuable and
sustainable contribution to the community.
We do this in close co-operation with our
people. By agreeing common objectives
and by providing and supporting
volunteering opportunities, both inside and
outside working hours, we seek to gain
maximum impact from our joint efforts.
Pro Bono Client
Partners and Staff
Firm Donations
IMPACT Day continues to be the mainstay of our volunteering effort
in the community. The exceptionally positive feedback from both
volunteers and benefitting charities and not-for-profits is re-assuring.
For the first time in 2013 we were affected by adverse weather
conditions resulting in the cancellation of some outdoor projects.
For 2014 we aspire to expand our range of projects to include
‘Professional Skills Volunteering’ projects. This will allow us to use our
professional skillset in a volunteering context and thereby enhance our
contribution to the Community.
Ongoing volunteering opportunities continue to be available through
Junior Achievement, Early Learning Initiative, Bridge 21 and others.
The highlight of the year was the trip to Uganda by 17 Deloitte
volunteers as part of a Nurture Africa placement. The group used their
Professional Skills to empower local community development projects.
This initiative was shortlisted for the Chambers Ireland “Excellence in
International CSR” Award.
For details on the Firm’s Volunteering Policy including information on
Volunteering Leave see the Corporate Social Responsibility Page on
Deloitte Resources.
We continued our Pro Bono support for Ashoka Social Entrepreneurs
and The Irish Youth Foundation. The Deloitte Endowment Fund
continues to provide scholarship support under the Dublin City
University Access Programme.
The amounts raised through Charitable Fundraising reflect the long
tradition of generous giving in the firm. The aggregate amount raised
for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has now exceeded €150,000
over ten years. If you would like to get involved in fundraising the
CSR Team would like to hear from you. Firm-wide fundraisers must
be vetted in the first by CSR. For details of the Firm’s Charitable
Donations Policy including information on Fundraising see Deloitte
Ireland Community Policies.
Deloitte shares information on its Community support on the Business
in the community Ireland Impact Map, see the map here. The Map is
a measure of corporate support for the community across the whole
of Ireland.
Our Projections for 2014/15 under all headings reflect our intention
to strengthen and expand our commitment to supporting the
IMPACT Day 2013
On 3 October 2013 over 400 Deloitte staff from the Dublin, Cork and
Limerick offices took part in a day of volunteering on fourteen community
Business in the Community Ireland assisted in sourcing projects for the
day. Jen Casey (Consulting) took on the demanding lead role for the
second time and was duly supported by Claire Bergin from the CSR Team.
The wider IMPACT Day team was made up of 16 leaders from across all
departments in the Dublin office helping 13 different organisations in
Dublin and Kildare and a further two projects with St Vincent De Paul
homeless shelters in Cork which were coordinated by an organising
committee made up of representatives from the Cork and Limerick office.
Please see further detail in the attached appendix on all projects for
IMPACT Day 2013.
Pro Bono
During the year, Deloitte provided 392 hours of service on a Pro Bono
basis as follows:
Ashoka is a leading global forum for social entrepreneurs around the
world. Ashoka seeks out individuals with creative new ideas that have an
internationally scalable social impact to elect and support them as Ashoka
Fellows. In 2009 Deloitte committed to providing a level of professional
services free of charge to Ashoka Fellows in Ireland. Over this time period,
Deloitte has provided 880 hours of service in aggregate to three Ashoka
Fellows. The Fellows supported include:
• Third Age Foundation and Senior Citizens Helpline, both of which
are founded by Mary Nally the Ashoka Fellow. Their objective is the
inclusion of older people in the community.
• Genio, which was founded by Madeline Clarke to promote and
support the development of personalised services to meeting the
needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable people.
• Grow it Yourself which was set up by Michael Kelly and which aims
to inspire people to grow their own food and give them the skills
they need to do so successfully
Children’s Jack & Jill Foundation
The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation provides nursing care and support for
children with severe neurological development issues as well as offering
some respite to the parents and friends.
Irish Youth Foundation
Irish Youth Foundation is a charitable trust which seeks to provide
opportunities for children and young people facing adverse and extreme
Nurture Africa
Founder and CEO of Nurture Africa, Brian Iredale first volunteered in
Africa in 1997. During his volunteer work in an orphanage home, school,
and work camp, Brian witnessed first-hand the high level of poverty and
illness in Uganda. He decided to return to Ireland to study paediatric
nursing, which would allow him to return to Uganda and offer better
assistance. When he returned to Uganda in 2002, he realised that he
could try to do something small in Ireland to help the many orphans and
vulnerable children who were constantly unwell, but more importantly not
getting access to any services from government institutions or NGOs. In
2003, Brian founded A-Z Children’s Charity; focusing the organisation on
providing healthcare and education to the most vulnerable children within
the communities that the organisation would operate in Uganda. He
continued with this work on a voluntary basis until 2009, when he gave
up paediatric nursing and started working full time for the organisation.
In 2011, what was once known as A-Z Children’s Charity rebranded
to Nurture Africa; a name which embodies the ethos and vision of the
organistion into the future. Today in Uganda, Nurture Africa is sustaining
the employment of 57 Ugandan staff members across all departments.
Deloitte’s CSR programme in 2013 included a two week volunteering
placement with Nurture Africa in Nansana, Uganda where 17 of our
people travelled as part of a 44 member volunteer group.
During the two week volunteering project the team put their professional
skills to use with community based organisations in Uganda through
capacity building and empowering the local organisations by providing
accounting, finance and consultancy advice. The organisations’ main aim
is to help those affected by HIV but sometimes the background work such
as the accounts which ensure the work on the ground gets done, actually
gets left behind but these operations are vital for the organisations to run
efficiently and to deliver their programmes to those in the community. The volunteers were able to give strategic advice, help out in drawing
up plans for grant applications, form policies as well help out with some
organisational matters for the offices.
The team’s skills were not just limited to the professional arena and this
volunteering opportunity allowed the energetic workforce to put their
enthusiasm, energy and other skills into various projects on the placement
including library and sports classes with local schools.
As part of the volunteer placement, volunteers also get to visit families &
businesses in the community and see the real life impact of where their
fundraised money goes. Volunteers got to visit those who are on the HIV
programme and see how they are living with this condition, but at the
same time meet people who have set up sustainable businesses from
which they can earn a living.
2013 Deloitte Volunteers
Audit - Financial Services
Jen Costello
Jennifer Casey
Cathy Gilmartin
Susan Forest
Liam Gleeson
Michael Mc Mahon
Audit - CTB
Kate Duffy
Nicole Carroll
Rachel Henry
Sarah Caulfield
Claire McNamara
Elizabeth O’Farrell
Kelly O’Brien
Alanna White
Kate O’ Keefe
Audit - ERS
Corporate Social Responsibility
Anna Treanor
Claire Bergin
“Working with Nurture Africa was an amazing
experience which I can highly recommend to
anyone who has an interest in volunteering
abroad. Uganda is a fascinating country where
many people have very little in terms of material
items, yet they are both proud and happy.”
Susan Forest Manager, Consulting (EA), Dublin Office
Volunteering at home
Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement Ireland is an organisation that works towards
encouraging young people to remain in education and teaches them
the skills they need to succeed in a changing world. It is a worldwide
organisation that helps 9.3 million young people each year and in Ireland,
Deloitte helped Junior Achievement reach over 70,000 students in
2013/14 through participation in the School Partnership Programme and
Mock Interview Sessions.
Eamonn Coates, Director in Tax presenting a Junior Achievement
certificate to a student from O’Connell’s School whom he
delivered a six week Success Skills course to, which included
mock interviews that were held in the Deloitte offices.
Laura Tynan
1st Class
Ellen O’Leary
3rd Class
Ann-Marie Derham
5th Class
Ellen Mackessy
1st Class
Alan Cuddihy
3rd Class
Maria Down
5th Class
Michaela Costales
1st Class
Eoin O’Sullivan
4th Class
Clodagh Rooney
6th Class
Lindsay Andrews
2nd Class
Niamh Geraghty
4th Class
Katie McNamara
6th Class
Anita Ray
2nd Class
Alan McAndrew
4th Class
Brendan Kelly
6th Class
Carol Dignam
2nd Class
Shauna Bonner
5th Class
Dermot Breen
6th Class
Maeve Fleming
3rd Class
Jane Steward
5th Class
Lorna Hurley
6th Class
“The Junior Achievement Volunteering
Programme has been one of the most enjoyable
and fulfilling experiences I have had to date.
The kids’ smiling faces, the funny questions and
playing teacher for an hour - it is an opportunity
I would highly recommend to anyone!”
Laura Tynan, Financial Advisory.
Picture above with Laura in St. Louis Infant School, Rathmines
Junior Achievement (contd.)
Eight Deloitte volunteers helped with the mock interview process for CBS
Secondary School James’s Street, Dublin 8 which were held in the Deloitte
offices in collaboration with Junior Achievement Ireland.
Rose Mary Hogan
Adrienne Daly
Jenny Walsh
Grainne Ahern
Brendan Kelly
Sheena Murray
Zoe Green
Andrew McDermott
“Once again I would like to thank Deloitte
for inviting our students to take part in mock
interviews. The skills the students learn from
this experience is so beneficial and it really
helps build their confidence. Each year Deloitte
volunteers are welcoming, kind and really put
the students at ease during their interviews.
We really appreciate all the time and effort
that goes into organising this event.”
Ashlinn Cremer, Teacher, CBS Secondary School St James’s Street, Dublin 8
Early Learning Initiative
The Early Learning Initiative (ELI) which is based at the National College
of Ireland (NCI) was developed to address the problem of educational
underachievement in marginalised communities such as the Docklands
community. Building upon tried and tested models of early years’
intervention, it is their mission to work with communities in areas of
greatest need, to provide world-class parent and child learning support
programmes. Deloitte volunteers continue to support career mentoring
and school project judging throughout the year.
“I was excited to start this volunteer work
and was very impressed with the children’s
ability to master the game of Rummikub (a
numeric game, similar to dominoes) as well
as questioning the numeric rules and thinking
up innovative ways to “bend the rules”. It was
extremely rewarding to act as their supervisor.
I especially loved the way the families attended
the practice sessions and were a terrific
support. This helped make it more fun for
the children and develop their numeric skills
without them even realising it!!”
Katie McNamara - Audit, FS
ELI Volunteers
Aedin Murray
David Finn
Lucy Harrington
Aidan Lawless
David McCaffrey
Martha Davey
Aislinn Brennan
Gillian O’Mahony
Mary O’Riordan
Aoife Quinn
Hannah Campbell
Nicola Glover
Barry Murphy
Jim Meegan
Paul O’Neill
Brian Donnelly
Katie McNamara
Paula Rowan
Brian Jackson
Katie O’Sullivan
Taragh O’Connor
Caoimhe Murphy
Lauren O’Donovan
Ciaran Kenny
Liam Duffy
Other Support:
The Deloitte Endowment Fund at DCU
The Dublin City University Access Programme is one of the largest and
most successful programmes of its kind in Ireland. Its objectives are to
develop positive attitudes to education, to encourage more students to
consider third level education and to support those students who do
make it to third level to complete their course of study.
Through sustained investment over a number of years, the Deloitte
Endowment Fund at DCU has now matured to €280,000. This will provide
scholarship support to at least seven DCU students participating in the
DCU Access Programme each year in perpetuity.
In recognition of the firm’s leadership in establishing the fund, The DCU
Educational Trust awarded Deloitte the DCU Leadership Circle Award.
Kanchi is a not-for-profit organisation that works to change mind-sets and
behaviours around disability. Kanchi focuses on the value of difference
and the ability of people with disabilities. Deloitte is a founding member
of The Kanchi Network, the business membership network of Kanchi.
Deirdre Power leads our effort.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a direct service non-profit
organisation whose work primarily involves person-to-person contact
with people who have a variety of needs. In addition to direct assistance,
the Society tries to promote self-sufficiency, enabling people to help
themselves. Any assistance offered by the Society is given in a nonjudgmental spirit of compassion, based on the need of the individual or
family. A key strength of SVP is in the personalised delivery of help which
makes it unique in its role as a charitable organisation.
The origin of the Christmas Society of St Vincent de Paul fundraiser in
Deloitte dates back to 2004. In the ten years since then an aggregate of
€150,000 has been raised.
In November 2013 a Team of Deloitte men led by Mark Kerr decided
to partake in the Movember campaign in aid of the Irish Cancer society
with the funds going specifically towards the research of men’s prostate
cancer. The women of Deloitte also got involved by hosting a Movember
themed bake sale. With all fundraising activities in house and personal
request from the guys, a grand total of €14,411 was raised by everyone
involved with the Deloitte team placing 4th overall in the country with
Colm Mc Donnell raising a phenomenal €4,847 personally which saw
him coming in 4th on the individual leaders board in Ireland. An award
was presented to the team for the successful efforts, which is on display
in the trophy cabinet in the academy! Globally Deloitte’s 1337 members
raised an outstanding €286,400 in 2013 which saw them place 1st on the
multinational leader board.
Irish Cancer Society Daffodil Day
Daffodil Day 2014 saw plenty of activity around the Dublin office with
Daffodils on sale by the Director group, a bake sale in all departments and
Jenga competition for a fun element to the day of fundraising. The HR
Team were the winners of the Deloitte Jenga Competition which was an
intense and exciting tournament, but most importantly €4,867 was raised
on the day!
Emergency appeal – Typhoon Haiyan
Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), reported as one of the strongest tropical
cyclones ever, made landfall in the Philippines on Friday, 8 November
2013. High winds and floodwaters displaced hundreds of thousands of
people and some areas have suffered massive destruction and loss of life.
Deloitte Philippines coordinated Deloitte donations which were
distributed between Philippine Red Cross, Philippine Business for Social
Progress and World Vision Foundation (Philippines), all of whom are
supporting local on-the-ground relief efforts, so Deloitte Ireland joined in
the Deloitte Philippines relief effort and raised €3,500.
Focus Ireland
Focus Ireland works to end homelessness by providing over 60 services
including access to information, housing, childcare and a range of
education services throughout Dublin, Cork, Kilkenny, Kildare, Limerick,
Sligo, Waterford and Wexford. There are over 5,000 people homeless
in Ireland today, with one in seven of those being a child. In support of
Focus Ireland and Brendan’s sleep out efforts, a denim day and numerous
bake sales were held throughout all offices.
Fundraising efforts in Deloitte both online and on the day contributed
€5,860. A further €5,600 was raised from business and personal contacts
bringing the total to €11,460.
Other fundraisers:
ISPCC Table Quiz
The Mater Foundation Go Red Day!
Oesophageal Lollipop Day
Walk in my Shoes - St Patrick’s Hospital
Bring a Book Buy a Book -St Michael’s House
The Environment
Deloitte’s objective is to minimise the impact of
our operations on the environment by means
of our Green Agenda initiative. We seek to
promote environmental sustainability to all
our stakeholders including client, supply chain
partners, employees and the communities within
which we operate.
IS014001 – Continuing the Journey
One of the main reasons ISO management standards are so highly
regarded is that to claim ongoing certification, an organisation must
be audited on a continuous basis to ensure they continue to meet the
requirements of their chosen standard. This independent verification gives
clients and wider stakeholders the assurance that the organisation really
does ‘walk the talk’.
After achieving certification to ISO 14001 in 2010, Deloitte was granted
certification for a three year period. During this timeframe we have
had a series of surveillance audits conducted which have assessed our
commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance.
Over this period we have had no major non-conformances against
our management system which is a result of the continued focus and
commitment of our management and staff.
“Based on the recertification process,
the management system continues to
demonstrate the ability to support the
achievement of statutory, regulatory and
contractual requirements. The interaction
of the system elements is effective; this
is a mature well established system”
Stacey Galway, Environmental Specialist Auditor, BSi Management Systems
The final part of the certification cycle is the more comprehensive recertification audit at the conclusion of the third surveillance year. In 2013
we successfully passed the intensive re-certification audit and are pleased
to report that BSi Management System granted Deloitte certification for
another 3 year period, ending 2016.
Carbon Footprint
The universally recognised Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology is
used to measure our footprint using regionally available emission factors
in line with relevant guidance.
Annually our carbon footprint is submitted to the Global firm for
inclusion into the DTTL Global CR report and DTTL Carbon Disclosure
Project submission. Sources of carbon from our operations which are
not included on global reports are scope 3 emissions from Water use
and Waste generation.
Fy14 vs Fy13
Included within scope
Direct emissions – gas used to heat all buildings.
Indirect emissions – Electricity used in all buildings
Indirect emissions – business travel
(train/plane/taxi/car/contractor), hotel nights,
paper procured, waste, water
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Included in Scope 3 is Business Travel; Waste and Paper. Deloitte
continue to implement technologies and promote awareness to help
reduce the areas within Scope 3. Below outlines the FY13/FY14 analysis
of these areas, calculated by FTE.
Paper Procured
Ongoing initatives such as follow-meprinting and printing duplex continue to
assist us decrease our consumption.
Some volumes are down slightly however
reporting methodologies utilised by new
waste contractors across the portfolio
have affected figures positively.
Business Travel
An increase in medium haul flight
destinations which has a higher
footprint than short haul flights has
led to this increase, which was necessary.
2020 Objectives
Since inception of our Green Agenda programme, several initiatives
have been implemented which have helped reduce our Carbon
Footprint. A decision was made this year to adjust our baseline year
forward to FY13 from a previous baseline year of 2010.
Below are the key objectives for 2020:
Objective 1
Reduce scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions by
10% per FTE
Objective 2
Reduce waste by 10% per FTE
Objective 3
Reduce water use by 5% per FTE in buildings
where consumption available
Objective 4
Reduce business travel by 10% per FTE
Objective 5
Reduce paper consumption by 10% per FTE
Objective 6
Reduce commuting footprint
Objective 7
Environmental Sustainability embedded into
procurement and supply chain
Objective 8
Engage stakeholders on biodiversity
Ongoing Initiatives
Following refurbishments to our Limerick office
in 2012 and Cork office in 2013, we have rolled
out refillable water bottles to both offices,
replacing the need to purchase plastic water
Follow-me-printing was implemented in our
Dublin offices in 2007.
This initiative was rolled out in our Dublin offices
in 2011.
Following the life-cycle replacement program of
the multi-function printers, follow-me-printing
is to be introduced to our Cork and Limerick
Business Travel
Rail Policy
Staff are encouraged to use rail wherever
possible. Since 2012, our staff do not fly within
Deloitte are on a green tariff with their energy
Energy efficiency is a pre-requisite for
replacement of all plant & equipment.
LED and PIR lighting is used when appropriate.
Air Travel
Business Travel and in particular air travel,
continues to be an area that contributes
significantly to our carbon footprint.
With the continued investment in and promotion
of technologies that facilitate a change to how
we work (video conferencing and telephony
etc.), it is hoped that in the coming years we will
see a reduction in our Business Travel per FTE.
Deloitte continue to be participants of the
Taxsaver Travel and Cycle to Work schemes,
which assist in providing tax incentives for
employees to cycle or use public transport to get
to/from work.
Mobile Strategy
Deloitte continue to invest in telephony and
video conferencing solutions: MS Lync Unified
Communication and Polycom Real Presence.
We are currently in the process of rolling out MS
Lync 2013.
We encourage separating waste streams at
Communal bins are installed in all offices and
individual desk bins have been removed.
What’s happening in the year ahead!
Refurbishment Projects in our Dublin office
Deloitte will undertake a number of refurbishment projects in its Dublin
office. Innovation and Sustainability are embedded into the tender
process and will be considered at every stage of the projects.
Changes to the ISO14001 Standard
In 2015, the new ISO 14001:2015 standard will be published. It is
currently in final consultation stages but the widely anticipated changes
• A greater understanding of the organisation’s strategic context and
engagement with interested parties
• Greater focus on environmental performance improvement across
the value chain
• Evaluating organisational risks and opportunities in the context
of external environmental conditions (e.g. adapting to climate
change, resource availability)
• Strengthening requirements on the involvement of top
management and integration of environmental management into
core business processes and alignment with business strategy
• Greater clarity on external communication, including emphasis on
data quality and assurance
These changes will require us to adapt our approach for example:
• Increased understanding and measurement of the environmental
impact from our supply chain and our services
• Formal external verification of our reported environmental data
We have already started to address the forthcoming changes and are
well positioned to meet the new requirements over the coming years.
While all staff members have a responsibility to adhere to our
environmental policy, there are a number of key staff members who
actively manage the Green Agenda supported by the leadership of the
John Gray – Director Technology & Operations
Gemma Osaseyi – Environmental, Health & Safety Officer
Pauline Scott – EMS administration
Gary Bartley – Manager Serco Property Services
Jeanette Champion – Regional Representative Cork
Ruth O’Neill – Regional Representative Limerick
CSR Management and Operation
CSR is a separate function in Deloitte under the leadership of Ronan
Nolan, Partner who is supported by:
• Gerry Keating - Director, Human Resources,
• Claire Bergin - CSR Administrator
We have worked closely with Business in the Community Ireland in
developing our CSR activities. We have also worked closely with other
Deloitte offices worldwide with whom we share many of our CSR
aspirations and challenges.
Lastly, we seek to make CSR as inclusive a process as possible. We do
this by inviting participation in organising and delivering events such as
IMPACT Day and by welcoming ideas and suggestions. We do this in
the knowledge that, by involving as many people as possible, we will be
best able to maximise our contribution to society.
DTTL Global Corporate Responsibility Policy
As leading professional services organisations, the Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu (DTTL) member firms have much to contribute to public
policy, business, and society throughout the world.
As such, we respect human dignity and expand our capabilities through
inclusion and cultural diversity. We promote the highest levels of ethical
behaviour, advance education and culture, and advocate sustainable use
of natural resources and respect for the environment.
We demonstrate this through:
• Investments in our people
• The advice and services we provide to clients
• Environmentally sustainable operations
• Commitment to our local communities and the wider society
For more details please contact:
Gerry Keating
T: +353 1 417 2655
Deloitte & Touche
Deloitte & Touche House
Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
T: +353 1 417 2200
F: +353 1 417 2300
Deloitte & Touche
No.6 Lapp’s Quay
T: +353 21 490 7000
F: +353 21 490 7001
Deloitte & Touche
Deloitte & Touche House
Charlotte Quay
T: +353 61 435500
F: +353 61 418310
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a private company limited by
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Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche
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Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients
spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150
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they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte has in the region of 200,000
professionals, all committed to becoming the standard of excellence.
This publication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited,
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are, by means of this publication, rendering accounting, business, financial, investment, legal, tax, or
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you should consult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte Network shall be responsible
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© 2014 Deloitte & Touche. All rights reserved
Impact day 2013
ALONE is an independent charity that works with the 1 in 5 older people
who are homeless, socially isolated, living in poverty or in crisis. They
provide supportive housing, befriending, community response and
campaigning services to hundreds of older people every week.
Location: Kilmainham
Project Lead: Jane O’Sullivan (Tax)
Number of Volunteers: 43
Type of work carried out: Windows washed, gates and doors painted,
gardening work, water feature prepared ready for planting by the
“Deloitte provided all the paint and tools
which really made this activity worthwhile
for Alone. Some of the work would never
have been done without their support as the
ALONE budget doesn’t stretch to what is
considered cosmetic but in reality is important
for the residents and their homes.”
“The volunteers were working on people’s
homes so the work made a huge difference
to the residents. They enjoyed the banter and
the interaction in the common room. The
volunteers were ‘really amazing’ and ‘full of
enthusiasm’. In terms of organisation they
were ‘phenomenal’. They brought everything
with them - all the kit, paint, lunches, even
‘wet paint’ signs. No hesitation in having
Deloitte volunteers again!”
Response from charity
Alzheimer’s Society
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is a national non-profit organisation that
works across the country in the heart of local communities providing
dementia specific services and supports as well as advocating for the
rights and needs of all people living with dementia and their carers.
Project location: Crumlin
Project Leads: Aidan Lawless, David McCaffery (Audit, FS)
Number of Volunteers: 22
Work carried out: Railings painted at the Kilmainham location where the
volunteers also dug out foundations for a sensory garden and pathway
and moved many wheel barrows of soil.
“Without the Deloitte volunteers the sensory
garden would not have been started
this year. It will now be finished by midNovember and will raise the quality of
service offered to Alzheimer sufferers in
the centre. They will now have somewhere
nice to sit that is calming and relaxing.”
Response from charity
Barretstown - Serious Fun Camp
Barretstown is a specially-designed camp that provides Therapeutic
Recreation programmes for children with serious illnesses and their
Location: Co Kildare
Project Lead: Graham Murphy (Audit, ERS)
Number of Volunteers: 42
Work carried out: Laid paths for the pet farm – most of the labour was
digging out the paths and laying the gravel, built a shed for the pet farm
as well as painting the Equestrian centre and all animal store sheds –
inside and out!
“I wanted to express our most heartfelt
thanks and appreciation to you and your
colleagues for the amount of work you did
at Barretstown. It was a significant task and
your colleagues made a huge difference. I
hope they enjoyed it and got a good feel
for the place and the difference they were
making. The Deloitte volunteer day really
is a great example of a company putting
significant time and resources in to a
volunteering experience for the benefit of
staff and the charity. Barretstown was very
proud to be part of it this year. We really
hope this is not the last time we will see a
team from Deloitte at Barretstown.”
Liz Denieffe, Fundraising Account Manager, Barretstown
The Finglas Addiction Support Team (FAST) was originally set up by a
group of volunteers from the Finglas community who realised that there
were limited services for drug users and family members in the area.
Since 2004 the service has grown and continues to develop into a diverse
service widely used by people within the Finglas community.
Location: Finglas
Project Lead: Oliver Holt (Audit, FS)
Number of Volunteers: 18
Work carried out: Built a hen/duck coop, dug ponds for the fowl, dug
pond for the water feature and laid plants.
“Deloitte provided a budget which was
very useful to complete this project. The
main benefit is the social/community
inclusion, which rids some of the myths
about addiction and for the volunteers
to see the impact of having this garden
in the local community. The volunteers
had no hesitation in getting stuck in
and they came prepared. An awful lot
of work was done by the volunteers
despite the weather. It was amazing!”
Response from charity
Fledglings is An Cosán’s not-for-profit social franchise providing high
quality, affordable early year’s education for the children of Tallaght
West. Fledglings also provides FETAC-accredited training and High Scope
training for early years educators, as well as courses in parenting and even
a course for grandparents.
Location: Tallaght
Project Lead: Sarah Geoghegan (Corporate Finance)
Number of Volunteers: 28
Work carried out: The side garden of the Fledglings site was cleared of
weeds, new planting areas dug out and plants were laid.
“Lovely people! Weather was awful
but nobody shirked the work”
Response from charity
Headway’s clients are people who are affected by brain injury-both the
person with acquired brain injury and their support network of family and
Location: Clondalkin
Project Lead: Liam Walsh (I.T)
Number of Volunteers: 12
Work carried out: 2 training rooms painted
“Biggest impact is on clients. The centre
was very grubby and the painting has
cheered up the room. We’re delighted
with the results. The volunteers were
great and even cleaned up afterwards!”
Response from charity
Heritage Garden
The Heritage Community Garden is a community project at Avila
Carmelite Centre in Donnybrook. The 200 year old walled garden
was restored to its original existence, recreating a place for the entire
community to come together and get involved.
Location: Donnybrook
Project Leads: Dermot Breen (Consulting), Jim Nolan (Tax)
Number of Volunteers: 36
Work carried out: 14 people were assigned to painting of the 2 sheds
on site, a further 13 people were assigned to painting the railings and
another 9 were assigned to work in the garden and filling a skip.
“Huge benefit to get so much work done.
Volunteers asked a lot of questions and
learned a lot about bees and food growing.
The work by the Deloitte team was a great
acknowledgement for the other volunteers
and community, some of whom have issues
such as isolation and mental health problems.
Down to Jim and Dermot who were very
thorough, they knew the plan for the
day and encouraged and supervised
the team. They were excellent! We
were delighted that Deloitte chose us!”
Response from charity
Irish Deaf Society Shop
The Irish Deaf Society seeks to achieve and promote the Equality and
Rights of Deaf people in Ireland. Proceeds from the IDS shop helps to
fund the much needed services to communities throughout Ireland.
Location: Phibsboro
Project Lead: Sinead Ovenden (Audit, ERS)
Number of Volunteers: 18
Work carried out: Painted the whole inside of the shop, painted the
backroom/storeroom including shelves, toilet, and dressing room. Put
letters over the security door and on the staff room. Hung wall-paper
in the dressing room and painted the ceiling with special paint in the
backroom that was previously ruined by the steamer. Placed frames
around all the signs behind the till and organised them to look tidier.
Painted funky signage for all the sections of the shop, ladies, kids wear
etc. Also helped with the window display and painted materials for it!
“The biggest benefit will be seeing the shop
generate future revenue as customers enjoy
coming into the shop now as the place looks
and feels nicer, repeat business is expected as
a result of the work. Customers are inclined
to try on clothing now as the dressing room is
more enticing. This will help sales as previously
clothes were often returned as they didn’t fit.
The staff feel that it’s a nicer environment to
work in. The staff themselves are volunteers
so it’s nice to be able to provide them with
a pleasant working environment. Customers
have been paying compliments about the new
appearance of the shop. Some asked had
the shop been extended as it appeared
bigger and longer. Also with new signage,
customers know what charity they are
supporting which is vitally important for
awareness of the Deaf Society. The volunteers
did a brilliant job and were so friendly - would
have them back again in a heartbeat!”
Response from charity
Matt Talbot
The Matt Talbot Trust is a community based organisation founded nearly
30 years ago who support adults involved in the criminal justice system
and those in recovery from drug addiction. The IMPACT Day volunteers
carried out work at the Ballinascorney site in the Dublin Mountains
which has been used as a rural retreat for residents of Ballyfermot and
surrounding areas for the last 20 years! Each summer, 25 or so families
take part in the Family Summer Programme, where families are invited to
stay in the house at Ballinascorney for a few days. From there excursions
and activities are run throughout the month of July.
Location: Ballinascorney
Project Lead: John Stewart (Tax)
Number of Volunteers: 13
Work carried out: 5 bedrooms painted- the rooms were prepared for
painting by the volunteers who sanded surfaces and put down masking
and dust sheets. The bedroom walls and ceilings were painted as well as
the hallways throughout the building.
“Matt Talbot has no budget or time for the
maintenance work of the centre so the work
would never have been done. Decorating and
painting with the bright colours chosen for the
rooms helps make staff feel they are providing
the families with the ‘nicest place as possible
to stay’. The work done gives a ‘wonderful
feeling for the staff that things are moving
along’ and improving in the centre. The work
makes the families feel genuinely valued as
their environment is improved for them to
make their stay more enjoyable. It will give a
‘wonderful boost’ to the families who use it in
the summer and the women’s group who use it
for respite throughout the year.
In the time the volunteers had on the
day, they did ‘tremendous work’ as
they were ‘eager and willing’.”
Response from charity
Scoil Chiarain
Scoil Chiarain is a DEIS school based in Donnycarney. DEIS schools provide
for a standardised system identifying levels of disadvantage and an
integrated School Support Programme.
Location: Donnycarney
Project Lead: Mark Spelman (Tax)
Number of Volunteers: 28
Work carried out: Painted sheds, trimmed hedges, made a compost
area near the playground safer (removed nettles etc.). Resurfaced the
playground area.
“Ciara, the principal, had no time to
investigate solutions to the playground
surface. Mark found a company who could do
it. This company, influenced by what Deloitte
were doing, agreed to do the resurfacing at
an affordable cost, approximately half of what
had estimated. The saving of time in finding
the solution is a huge benefit to Ciara. The
staff are delighted with the revamp and the
cheery yellow walls. The whole place has
been given a lift. What was previously an
eyesore is now vibrant and cheery.
The volunteers were ‘all great’. Despite the
appalling weather and being mucky and
drenched to the skin they saw everything
through. The standard of work was high and
their attitude was great. Ciara particularly
praised Mark’s drive and enthusiasm.
Deloitte’s work will have a ‘lasting impact’.
Ciara said she “can’t thank them enough.”
Response from charity
SVP Ozanam House
SVP is a voluntary organisations working directly with people in need
through an action-orientated programme attempting to effect positive
change through social justice. Ozanam House has been used by the
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul for a variety of purposes over the past 80
Location: Mountjoy Square
Project Lead: Marguarita Martin (Audit, SME)
Number of Volunteers: 30
Work carried out: Team painted nearly half the building (10,000 sq. ft.), 2
coats in 4 hours!
“Up to €3,000 costs avoided. The work
done improves quality of service offered to
the clients and an unexpected huge benefit
for staff – there was high energy on the
Friday after Impact Day, they were ‘blown
away’ that a company would come in and
do this for them. The place is so fresh it
lifted the staff. 500 people a week use
the centre so huge impact on them.
The volunteers were a lovely group - did
extra work above and beyond what had been
scoped. The standard of work was great.”
Response from charity
The City of Dublin YMCA has been helping vulnerable young people in
Dublin’s Inner City for over 160 years through Youth work, education,
family support programmes, community childcare and community
Location: Aungier Street
Project Lead: Dave Richardson (Audit, SME)
Number of Volunteers: 32
Work carried out: Painted corridors, doors and skirting boards on ground
and first floor, the gym and crèche. Painted over the old mural in the
corridor with 4 coats of paint to brighten and freshen up the area!
“There will be an ability to generate future
revenue as the cleaner, more professional look
of the place will help encourage more people
to join the gym and crèche (social enterprise).
The volunteers kept their spirits up for the day
as the work was tough with people constantly
passing them in the corridor. They did a great
job. The volunteers looked great in their t-shirts
and they asked for very little from the staff.
The staff feel more proud to show people
around as they used to have to make excuses
for the shabby look of the centre. The staff
said ‘Oh really, they want to volunteer for us’
making them feel like the work they do is a
worthy cause and recognised.
The users of the centre and services feel
prouder of the place knowing that the work
was done for their benefit. Anyone who comes
through the doors will notice the work done
and it is good for potential customers.”
Response from charity
Youth Work Ireland
Youth Work Ireland is a federation of 22 local Member Youth Services
with a national office that operates an integrated Youth Services Model
that delivers a range of targeted projects, services, youth clubs and
programmes to young people. The aim of Youth Work Ireland and
its Member Youth Services is to provide every young person with the
opportunities to get the right tools for life and to change communities.
Location: Lower Dominick Street
Project Leads: Cathal O’Shea (Audit FS), David Hannan (Consulting)
Number of Volunteers: 12
Work carried out: Rooms painted - an office and meeting room.
“The work done will allow us to re-purpose
a room as an office and then rent out to
generate income. The income generated will
help secure the services they offer to youth.”
Response from charity
The Region
The region supported two St Vincent De Paul homeless shelters in Cork. A
big thank you to the 75 staff members from both offices that supported
this great cause by painting, scrubbing and working flat out for the day!
The event was a big success for both the charity and Deloitte. A special
thank you to the organising committee: Wendy Howell, Ruth O’Neill,
Jennifer Gallivan, Noel Vaughan, Ciaran Treacy, Fiona Duffy, Jean
O’Callaghan, Maria Down and Jemma Scannell.