AndSoft developments exclusively presents during the SIL
2016 of Barcelona:
• AndSoft innovates with a new slots management
Solutions for loading and unloading, for loaders and
transport operators: This is an intuitive tool that enables
collaborators and suppliers to block a slot for loading
and unloading. The platform manages the slots and once
the collaborator has selected a slot the request is validated and we send the information in order to enter the logistics facility. An SMS is sent to the driver’s Smartphone
with the following information: Control of access hours, of
arrival, loading time and exit of the facility.
• New tool to forecast
possible deviations
or possible delays
in the agreed delivery times. Control
of the “Estimated Time of Arrival” (ETA): AndSoft gives the
following information to determine the estimated time of arrival,
integrating the tachometer with: Kilometres remaining to arrive to destination, average speed, projected stop over places,
also integrated is the time spent driving by the drivers and the
compulsory rest time. With all this data the e-TMS can control
possible delays in deliveries and be proactive with clients.
• AndSoft will market a new system to forecast the demand
of vehicles for collaborators and certify their availability:
This is an interactive system to manage possible future needs. Thanks to this tool the collaborator can
inform the transport or logistics operator of available
trucks (including number plates) that they can use,
and in turn the transport or logistics operator can input the available trucks in their e-TMS as their own
• During the SIL 2016 AndSoft will launch its new module to send invoices directly to the
Tax Agency: The Tax Agency has projected to demand, as from January 1st 2017, that all invoices, be they for sales or purchases should be informed to the Tax Agency in a delay of 4 days after
the transaction is done. AndSoft will launch during the next SIL 2016 at Barcelona a new module
that will meet this new reality. Although for the moment this measure is on standby, sooner or
later this reality will change the relationship between
companies and the State. This means that all companies will have to send the detail of the entries (not
the invoices) of their accounting books. Therefor the
entries of VAT in the accounting books will be done
directly threw the Tax Agency’s website, where the
books will be updated with the data of each new
Information // AndSoft
Alcatherm Roll, an alternative
to standard refrigeration of
Iflex range of A-SAFE
When A-SAFE invented the world’s
first flexible, polymer-based barrier in
2001 we transformed barrier protection in
the industrial workplace. The core properties
of A-SAFE barriers then, remain in place today.
The barriers flex on impact from a workplace
vehicle, absorb the impact forces, then reform.
They also do not rust, scratch, require repainting or rip up the substrate following impacts.
Now, with the new iFlex range, A-SAFE have
taken industrial barrier protection to the next
level of excellence with a host of never-beforeseen innovations.
• A built-in modularity gives customers ultimate
flexibility, allowing easy upgrades and repairs.
• Hygiene seals and an absence of joints and
ingress points are revolutionary for sensitive industries such as food and drink or pharmaceutical environments.
• A multi-directional capability allows the barriers to fit better and more economically in to
any facility, while removing the hard angles that
can often be the causes of accidents
Information: A-SAFE
Coldway is the inventor of an innovative technology
which involves a sustainable thermo-chemical process based on a chemical reaction
which induces an instant, autonomous and
powerful refrigeration. Coldway has now extended its range of mobile containers to the
Alcatherm Roll range which includes cabinets from 350L to 1 300 L in order to meet
the growing demand from the logistics market in terms of controlled temperature management, workflow optimization and costs
The Alcatherm Roll generates cold on a fully
stand alone basis (up to 48 hours) without
any power supply and produces regulated
and temperature controlled cooling, regardless of the outside conditions and any extended loading time. The integrated temperature traceability system allows the user to
download the recorded temperature curves.
Easily integrated in a standard logistic flow,
the Alcatherm Roll is dedicated to every decision maker in temperature sensitive cargo
supplies, distribution, logistics and transport
who needs to comply with a strict cold chain
management while keeping control of its operating costs.
IInformation // Coldway
ARCESE announces several important novelties in the forthcoming edition of SIL.
• Arcese España launches its new daily
transportation service to Italy: as a result of the
entrepreneurial spirit of the Group and the objective
of constant improves in competitiveness, since
February Arcese España strengthens and increases
connections with Italy, offering to its clients and
collaborators a new daily transportation service
Export/Import from its delegation in Barcelona. Both
consolidated or full container load, the service has
daily arrivals and departures from Monday to Friday
that connect the Barcelona delegation with the main
industrial destinations of North and South- Italy (this one by multimodal transportation Road & Sea).
It allows a constant flow, decreases traffic time between both countries and renders a high quality
and reliability service, besides maintaining the commitment of respect for the environment.
• Arcese launches the intermodal Bettembourg – Le
Boulou route and expands its network in Europe: from
April 2016, Arcese expands its intermodal services with
a rail connection between Luxembourg and the South of
France.The route Bettembourg – Le Boulou is an important
connection which has been added to Arcese’s European
network. The Group has introduced from April on the
intermodal service with three daily departures (34 departures
per week) connecting Benelux, Ruhr and Saarland with the
South of France, Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia. Morover,
Bettembourg will be the intermodal hub, ensuring railway
continuation with Scandinavia and the United Kingdom.
Last but not least, the 15-hour railway transit time allows
a 72-hour door to door service (AxD). This new connection
falls within Arcese’s growth and development strategy,
which consists in creating a European network and a new
highly-integrated road/railway distribution structure.
• Arcese España consolidates the import export services with Mexico: according to the
expansion plan, the Air & Sea Division consolidates the sea and air traffic with Mexico and bets for the
business growth in this area. The turnover with Mexico has undergone a significant growth in this first
trimester of 2016 and Arcese España has chosen to bet for the services improvement by increasing
the import/export flows, both by air transportation, ensuring the maximum flexibility of the service,
and by sea, with regular consolidated services from the Mediterranean (Barcelona) to the Altamira and
Veracruz ports. One of the key factors for the
growth in this market has been, with no doubt,
the fact of having consolidated the collaboration
with Ventana Serra Mexico, company that
belongs to Gruppo Arcese, present in this
country since 2006 when it established its first
subsidiary company in Mexico City, followed by
three other in Monterrey, Leon and Querétaro,
the last one opened at the beginning of this year.
For this 2016, moreover, Ventana Serra plans
the opening of a new subsidiary in Guadalajara
accomplishing an ambitious growth strategy.
• The renovation of the Arcese fleet: new
tractor units and trailers:
From February 2016, the new Euro 6 tractor
units have increased the Arcese fleet. In
order to increase its efficiency and reduce
the emissions related to road transportation
services, Arcese has always been committed
to its vehicles fleet modernization. The
company has recently invested in 20
Mercedes New Actros that will be used
for international routes throughout Europe,
making the Group’s fleet even ‘greener’. Before the end of the year, 400 MEGA Huckepack XLS
trailers will be acquired. This model, which is an important novelty in the market, has in the sailcloth
side boards and is especially recommended for the transport of goods that exceed the side profiles,
such as, for instance, tires and, in general, the automotive and food&beverage industries.
• Lincoln Electric Iberia bets for ARCESE España:
the worldwide leader in the welding industry bets for
Arcese España logistic solutions. The new activity
considers the logistics integral management from the
center of Madrid to the Iberian peninsula increasing
the already existing collaboration with the Group.
Arcese España manages in a reserved area of 2,500
sq m the entrance flow of finished product, storage,
shipping preparation picking and packaging and
exit flow to the final destination. This management
reaches a high thoroughness level, allowing that
dispatches prepared the same day have a cut off
at 1 pm. This provides a maximum flexibility to the client and, far from ruining distribution, it allows
a 24 hour delivery service for over a 98% of shippings prepared in the Iberian peninsula. Arcese
España has been chosen by Lincoln Electric thanks to its capacity to offer efficient solutions with
a high added value. The project analysis, carried out by the Logistics Division, has stood out for its
precision and for the guarantee of a significant improvement of the short and mid term performances
and a high commitment level between both operative organizations.
• Arcese España: new facilities in Madrid:
Arcese rents a 5,200 sq m warehouse in Alcalá
de Henares. Arcese España opens a new site
in Alcalá de Henares accomplishing another
stage of its expansion plan in the Iberian
peninsula. “This new warehouse, thanks to its
characteristics and location –says José Luis
Iranzo, CEO of Arcese España S.A.U. – will
allow us to improve connections and improve
services to our clients in the center area,
offering efficient solutions and with a high
added value for any of their products. In the
current economic framework, the choice of a
reliable logistics operator has become a more important factor every day. This is the reason why
we have decided to support our clients as partners, analyzing the best operative solution and
trying to be a step further of their needs.
Information // ARCESE
Blas de Lezo law firm will introduce its new Flat Legal Assistance Monthly Rate SIL. This new Flat Monthly Rate allows all
companies in the logistic and transport industries to make an
unlimited number of legal queries related to its daily business
life. It offers the necessary peace of mind to our clients when
relying on a team of commercial lawyers to deal with all their legal queries and claims from clients,
providers and contractors.
Information: Blas de Lezo
Convector’s Eyes will present two important innovations at SIL 2016:
• Docks’ Module: A technological solution to the saturation of loadings during a certain time zone, the absence of arrival pre-notices, and having untapped
resources during off-peak hours. An innovative tool that uses the new
technologies with the aim of providing a better warehouse organization
and day-to-day management. There is no cost involved for carriers or
suppliers, it is accessible 24/7, user friendly and very intuitive. The users
of this module configure the number of warehouses that they have and
the amount of docks in each one of them, and establish the working
days, schedules and the estimated time to carry out the operations; so
that it is the carriers, suppliers and customers themselves who reserve
their slots, depending on the availability of each dock. The administrator can
make as many changes as needed, in order to respond to any matter of urgency
or incident ocurred during the day-to-day of the warehouse.
• Shipments’ Module: An innovative solution that makes the most of the gps
technology, the internet and the widespread use of smart phones, to allow a
complete visibility of the supply chain. A tool that anticipates the future of
the logistics management by simplifying the day-to-day of producers and
carriers and improving the service that they provide to their customers.
The Shipments’ Module users receive many pieces of precious real time
information on their computer screens, such as for example:
+ Geolocation and tracking of the entire shipment
+ Real loading and unloading times
+ Image of the delivery paperwork
+ Information on any incident occurred during the loading, route or unloading.
This module has been designed to be used by all kinds of users, such as producers, shippers and
carriers. The spirit of the software is to give visibility to all the supply chain players, with a focus
on the security of the information exchanged with the system, for a strict confidentiality within the
whole platform.
Information // CONVECTOR’S EYES
CorreosPaq is Correos’ new service which
allows you to receive and dispatch packaging wherever you want, 24 hours a day.
There are two types of devices distinguished by the spheres (public/private) where
you can find them. HomePaq: of private
usage, located on restricted access areas and which permits dispatching and receiving packaging; and CityPaq: of
public usage, installed on crowded places as petrol, train
or railway stations… and would allow you to receive packaging. By the end of the year Correos will have 5400 devices installed due to a massive deployment around Spain
to offer the best possible service. To use this service you
must be registered with where you
will find the instructions to receive every one of your on-line purchases and dispatch packaging to
CorreosPaq es el nuevo servicio de Correos que te permite enviar y recoger tus
the destination
paquetes donde
quieras, las 24 you
horas wish.
del día. Existen dos tipos de dispositivo
diferenciados por el entorno en el que se encuentran. HomePaq: de uso privado,
situados en áreas de acceso restringido y que permiten el envío y la recepción de
paquetería; y CityPaq: de uso público, instalados en lugares concurridos como
gasolineras, estaciones de metro o tren,… y habilitados para la recepción de
paquetería. A final de año contaremos con un despliegue de 5400 dispositivos
repartidos por toda España con la intención de ofrecer el mejor servicio posible. Para
hacer uso del servicio debe estar registrado en donde encontrará
las instrucciones para la recepción de cualquiera de sus compras on-line y el envío de
paquetes al destinatario que desee.
Information // Correos
Crown Lift Trucks
CorreosPaq is Correos’ new service which allows you to receive and dispatch
packaging wherever you want, 24 hours a day. There are two types of devices
distinguished by the spheres (public/private) where you ®
can find them. HomePaq: of
private usage, located on restricted access areas and which permits dispatching and
receiving packaging; and CityPaq: of public usage, installed on crowded places as
petrol, train or railway stations… and would allow you to receive packaging. By the end
of the year we will have 5400 devices installed due to a massive deployment around
Spain to offer the best possible service. To use this service you must be registered with where you will find the instructions to receive every one of your online purchases and dispatch packaging to the destination you wish.
WAV 60 Work Assist Vehicle: The Mobility Revolution
Crown’s Work Assist Vehicle , the Wave, is a revolutionary mobile
productivity tool that enables one person to efficiently and safely do
the work of two. It dramatically
changes the way work is accomplished: eliminating time-consuming ups and downs,
and minimising the risks of using rolling ladders. Plus, it
provides the unmatched ability to elevate and travel simultaneously in one smooth motion. Beyond easing work and
boosting productivity, the Wave delivers significant savings
opportunity through greater efficiency, task flexibility, improved safety and lower total costs.
The Wave cuts labour in half for many routine activities by
enabling a single employee to accomplish tasks that typically
require two. Beyond tremendous efficiency gains, enhanced
safety can lower costs associated with lost time and product
damage. The Wave’s compact footprint, zero emissions and
simple operation make it a perfect solution for work environments that requires lifting or moving loads. In many applications, the Wave can operate for days without recharging.
When recharging is needed, the Wave simply plugs into any
standard power outlet.
WT 3000 Pallet Truck with Stand-On Platform: One tough
truck. One smooth ride
Crown WT 3000 pallet trucks are designed for intensive on-ramp
work and high throughput. They are characterised by high performance, reliability, durability and exceptional operator ergonomics. The series includes models with capacities of up to 2,500
kilogrammes. Customers can also choose between mechanical
or electronic steering systems, as well as three different operator platform configurations. Crown’s WT 3000 Series earned numerous awards, including the universal design award 2012 and
the Design 4 Safety Award, which was presented at IMHX 2013,
the United Kingdom’s leading logistics trade fair. Crown has recently increased the energy efficiency of the WT 3000 Series
pallet trucks. By making more efficient use of battery capacity,
the forklifts now operate for up to 28 percent longer per battery
GPC 3000 Order Picker with QuickPick® Remote Order Picking
Technology: Making low-level order picking more productive QuickPick Remote is a technology that can be employed with Crown’s
GPC 3000 Series order pickers. Wireless control means operators
no longer have to return to the truck’s operator platform as they
can move the order picker forward at the touch of a button while
keeping both hands free. Scanning lasers built into the truck identify
potential obstacles in front or to either side of the vehicle to help
prevent collisions. The Automatic Steering Correction ensures that
the order picker travels along aisles in a straight line and at a consistent distance from the racks.
When picking orders from the lowest racking level, operators normally spend an average of 75 per cent of their time on foot, much
of it backtracking. The new solution offers major opportunities to
reduce time, effort and costs. The system drastically reduces how often operators must return to the
truck’s platform. It also means operators no longer have to walk as far or in as many different directions. This significantly reduces the amount of time required to fulfil each pick order and increases
productivity over the entire order picking process.
ESR 5200 Reach Truck: Crown reach trucks meet the toughest material handling expectations
The ESR 5200 reach truck series from Crown offers exceptional versatility, performance and efficiency. Available in configurations optimised for almost every application, the new trucks have been
designed for maximum performance in the most confined storage environments. To enhance operator
confidence and achieve greater productivity, all models in the series feature OCS – Crown’s intelligent
Optimised Cornering Speed system which detects whether the truck is driving into or out of a curve
and adjusts speed and acceleration accordingly.
All reach trucks are designed to be as comfortable and userfriendly as possible. The laterally-offset clear-view mast for
example – a patented invention unique to Crown – gives operators a broad field of vision unmatched by any competitor. The
driving seat has features normally associated with luxury cars,
such as the FlexBack seat back. Thanks to its highly ergonomic design and easily adjustable lumbar support, operators can
work through lengthy shifts without fatigue or discomfort.
SC 6000 Four-Wheel Electric Counterbalance Truck: More Value
and Versatility
The SC 6000 Series incorporates Crown’s proven ergonomics for operator comfort and control. For example, the low step height of 375
mm and head clearance make it easier to get on or off the truck. Furthermore, the truck design gives operators unobstructed views in all
directions – even when fitted with one of many of the available cab
options. The partial cabin includes windshield, rear panel and roof with
an optional reading light. The soft cabin features flexible doors with
integrated magnets for weatherproof side protection. Even the hard
cabin for outdoor use offers unobstructed sight lines in all directions
including upwards. For the ultimate in all-weather protection, the hard
cabin also comes with clear-view doors, two-way sliding windows and
a heater option. Regardless of the cabin option chosen, operators’
freedom of movement remains unimpaired. Thanks to a wide variety
of other options – for controls, lighting, accessories and more – the lift
trucks can be precisely configured to each customer’s specific needs.
RT 4000 Rider Pallet Truck: Delivering pace and power – safely
The new Crown RT 4000 rider pallet trucks are available as stand-up or sit-down models, both designed to help optimise operator performance and safety. Capable of travelling at up to 12.5 km/h, they
have a load capacity of up to 2,000 kilograms. As in all Crown lift trucks, ergonomics that optimise
operator productivity are a key feature of the new RT 4000 Series. It combines agile and robust truck
technology with innovative safety features, such as the patented and proven Entry Bar Safety Switch that deactivates travel
when the operator places a foot outside the truck perimeter.
The new rider pallet trucks were engineered to meet the high
demands of tough and busy logistics applications in terms of
agility, responsiveness, reliability and safety. Both stand-up and
sit-down models are ideal for fast-paced dock work, offering
outstanding transporter performance and exceptional manoeuvrability even in confined spaces. At the same time, both models offer the level of ride comfort that operators need to stay
fresh throughout a hardworking day.
Information // Crown Lift Trucks
Part Load & Warehousing of Dupessey Iberica
Dupessey Iberica has consolided his activity in
Spain & Portugal after a 4 years presence with
the development of groupage & warehouse services. Dupessey Iberica has an own warehouse
with 4.000 m2 capacity in St Andreu de la Barca
We can offrer distribution service on all Spain with
very short Transit time as a warehouising services
for all your needs (picking). We also can offer transport from 1 palet to complete load from all Spain to France, North Italy & Benelux. We controle all
your transports with a strict respect to all our liabilities.
Information // Dupessey Iberica
We have plenty to celebrate this year 2016 at DSV, please find here after the latest news in our company.
4th largest global freight forwarder
With the acquisition of UTi Worlwide Inc. announced early this
year, DSV becomes the 4th largest global freight forwarder.
10 years in Spain
Since DSV was introduced in Spain in 2016 with the
acquisition of Frans Maas, there are more than 10 years of
growth and success with our customers.
New Road domestic distribution network
We have launched a new, reinforced service for domestic
distribution, full coverage mainland and islands with our
own network. We offer fast handling of your shipments
and short transit times and cargo insurance coverage with
DSV Protect at competitive rates. Traffic with Canary Islands, with own offices in Las Palmas and Tenerife.
We invest in the growth of our local FTL department
With more than 20,000 trucks on the road every day, we
are the forwarder with capacity and flexibility for your full
loads. We have invested in our local fleet in Spain with
more than 250 units of frigo, mega and tilt.
DSV Railway Solutions China
Long distance rail transport for your goods between China
and Europe within our DSV network offers short transit times (15-20 days), a fast, intermodal alternative for your imports from China/Taiwan to Europe by train instead of ship.
Registered IFS Logistics in our Headquarters in Rubí, Barcelona
IFS Logistics marks the joint objective of trade and industry to create transparency
and trust across the entire supply chain.
IFS certification can offer a number of key benefits to companies striving for excellence in quality and customer satisfaction, and seeking a competitive advantage in their marketplace.
Information// DSV
Eurobalear de Transportes
Eurobalear de Transportes, daily transport of goods to Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, celebrates its 30th
anniversary. This transport company is only and exclusively
specialized in maritime transport and urgent Balearic Islands.
Headquartered in Palma de Mallorca and regional offices in
Barcelona, Menorca and Ibiza, has a fleet of over 45 trucks to transit and capillary distribution by
95% with 24 hour service. In Eurobalear de Transportes are specialists in distribution of flowers and
plants alive and hanging press. Have express service with delivery in Mallorca 8:00 am the next day
of shipment and Menorca and Ibiza before 9:30 am. Feature parcel service, groupage and full loads.
They Make easy what seems difficult and this year celebrated its 30th anniversary. 30 years fulfilling
its customers with the best quality service.
Information // Eurobalear de Transportes
Linerless labels
FERCAM will present 4 important
novelties at the18th edition of the Logistics and
Material Handling Exhibition (SIL 2016).
We at Hummel are looking forward to participating at SIL in Barcelona. At this year’s show
we will be presenting our linerless solutions
for different logistical applications.
Linerless labels are highly interesting for users
of big volumes. The advantages of more labels per roll, waste-free and easy handling
speak for themselves. They result in reduced
labor costs, higher availability of equipment,
less transport volume and warehouse space
taken up by consumables, as well as lower
waste removal costs.
More and more customers see the financial
and operational benefits and change to linerless solutions. We are happy to advise you on
your particular needs.
Information // Hummel GmbH u. Co. KG
• Opening of a new delegation in Zaragoza:
With the opening, last February, of the Zaragoza delegation, Fercam transports already has
6 delegations all along the Iberian peninsula:
Barcelona, where the headquarters are located, Irún, Sevilla, Gijón, La Coruña and Zaragoza. Initially, the Zaragoza delegation will devote itself to the FTL Transports management
in agencies but it will soon have its own fleet.
• Grupage Morocco: After FTL’s long trajectory and experience in transports with Morocco, FERCAM has decided to start a new line
from and to Morocco. With a high market potential, it is already achieving great results.
• Tunisia FTL Traffic: Among FERCAM’s resolutions in the development through the Mediterranean watershed, a new FTL Tunisia line
is included. Thanks to its great experience in
the Moroccan market and its implementation
in Tunisia for the Transports with Italy, it has
achieved a great network of collaborators and
clients with a high quality and security service..
• Susequent investment in Short Sea Shipping: At the FTL division, there is an interest in
boosting the use of Short Sea Shipping.
Information // FERCAM
GRUOMICROS presents at the 18th edition of the International Logistics and Material Handling
Exhibition (SIL 2016) five important innovations:
• Color Label Printer Epson C7500: The Epson TM-C7500
printer defines the concepts of reliability, high speed and highquality color label printing to meet the manufacturers´needs
labelling in their own facilities. This printer supports predefined
images and color label templates, and also it´s compatible with
color graphics. It allows to create color text and barcodes from
monochrome printing data. Thanks to all this, do not keep a
stock of pre-printed labels. Suitable for printing on different
• New version of software E-Portes SGA: Software upgrade E-Portes
SGA. This management system optimizes all operations carried out in the
warehouse: materials receipt, locations, expeditions, adjustments, transfers and inventories.
provides real-time information through terminals and Wireless networks.
Especially suitable for the needs of small and médium enterprises stores.
• INKJET System - Marking of Boxes: This is the solution for labelling
and identification of boxes. It consists of a conveyor belt and an inkjet
printer. Modular design with adjustable stand height and depth, adaptable to any product. Use
the termal inkjet system with instant drying of printed message, thanks to the exclusive LED curing. High resolution and
speeds up to 100 m/min. Suitable for printing barcodes, texts
and images on any porous or non porous surface. With a low
maintenance, this is the tool of saving and cost reduction in
the more effective and efficient production line.
• Palet Labels Applicator: This applicator is ready for the labels application on pallets of all types of industrial environments with máximum security and high speed, one, two or three sides. Standard and modular
dimensions. It has multiple accessories and a versatile configuration for
the online printing on continuous processes or standing elements. It uses
a fully flexible software, and also has the quality, reading control and the
barcode checking. The solution in the pallets identification at a low cost.
• New Toshiba Printer EX6: The new
Toshiba printer EX6 is designed for the
printing of large format labels, it can print
up to 200mm wide. The EX6 is modern
and industrial, easy to use and very practical, it has a large display window of the supply, with hinged lid,
a practical panel on the main face and very easy start up and
maintenance. It has internal standard codes GS1-128. This new
printer is available in different models, with a flat or near edge
Information // GRUPMICROS
J. Hernando
J. Hernando will present several novelties at SIL 2016:
A. Loading and Unloading Systems
1. CALJAN telescopic transporters: It reduces the unloading
time a 50%, it’s even two times faster than manually. It shortens
the investment return usually to less than 2 years. It requires
less workforce to load/unload material with no pallets. The installation experiences show that the investment returns takes
place in less than two years.
Its ergonomics are outstanding: with minimum raising since the
worker may extend and raise and lower the transporter to its
adequate working position. They are tailor-made with a wide variety of functions including raising
control, powerful lightning, platform for the worker, help for the raising, transporter of the head/tail
and automatic parceling indexing. It may even be moved to different doors/docks.
2. Vans loading and unloading transporters for LU-01
installations without docks: easily moved. Zero installation
and construction costs. Strong design and manufacturing. It
adapts to the height of each truck or van. Valid for loading
and unloading. Ideal for installations that lack a loading dock.
3. Extendible transporters: High quality, durability and reliability modular extendible transporters, with exceptional outputs to carry out all kinds of loading and unloading operations of single parcels. They help increase productivity, since
they increase the loading and unloading capacity. They have
been designed to give an answer to the strictest demands
at the parcels distribution
and handling centers all
around the world. These
transporters offer efficient
and profitable solutions,
not only for the great distribution centers, but also for the smaller companies that need simple transport units. The extendible transporter may be folded and thus become one third of its full measurement. This means that they can be stored in very small spaces.
4. Telescopic roller transporters LU02: Extendible transporter with
very strong gravity. Transfer between sections ensures a smooth passing of the parcels. With a solid welded construction to manipulate
parcels with different weights and measurements. It is possible to extend it up to 15 meters of length. Since it is very easily moved, it can
be easily stored when not in use. Adjustable height and slope with a
mechanical jack.
5. Telescopic roller transporters LU-03:
Transfer between sections ensures a smooth
passing of the parcels. It is possible to extend
it up to 10 meters of length inside the trailer or container. Adjustable height and
slope with a mechanical jack.
With parcel stopping and handles for easy storage. Since it is very easily
moved, it can be easily stored when not in use.
6. In-line unloading and pallet systems: unloading and placing in pallets from containers. With
these unique and innovating systems, containers may be unloaded with no physical effort at all. The
merchandise may be automatically places in pallets or automatically sent for storage. They can be
hitched to any Storage Management System. They can be unloaded and products placed in different
locations. A mobile solution has been designed for this purpose.
7. Pallet loading and unloading system through a chain: Truck loading and unloading has a key
function in the field of the loading and picking areas. Through a combined use of our automatic truck and stationary transport systems, a
much more efficient flow is achieved without problems with materials
in that area. Also, it has an
automatic hitching system that ensures a larger
reliability in the process
and enables to reach the
optimum loading timings.
They have a load binding
system specially designed for product to go in
trailers sliding floors.
B. AGV Robots
AGV Systems are conceived for material transport, especially for
repetitive tasks with a high cadence level. This system guarantees
material transport with the aim of saving time, energy and space in
the company logistics. It has an optimum adaptation to the new company needs, apart from providing warmth, strength and reliability with
a high quality, since its components are standardized. It is specially
recommended for white rooms, laboratories and industries in general.
C. Classification systems (Sorters)
Sorters or automatic classification elements are used in companies
that have reduced time to carry out a classification through a route or
destination, as the express courier services, distribution centers and
storing in general do. The J. Hernando teams enable to classify a wide variety of parcels, keeping a
high level of productivity, Also, its solutions may be easily including in already existing lines..
Information // J. Hernando
Legro Systems, a company specialized in the design and construction of table systems and complete
packing areas, as well as industrial packing dispensers, will present several novelties at SIL 2016.
• Table systems: Legro adapts itself to your
needs with the creation of three flexible and
completely modular tables, to create your
working or packing area tailor-made: Red
line, Blue Line and Silver Line.
All lines may be completed with a great variety of accessories, including our ranges of
packing dispensers LEGRO-CUTTER and
• LEGRO-CUTTER: The LEGROCUTTER patented dispensers are
short packaging systems designed
for industrial use. The three line products - BASIC-LINE, MULTI-LINE and
VERTICAL-LINE – include a cutting
cassette with wheels that hold the
material, getting a clean cut in all kinds
of materials. The dispensers may cut
manually or automatically.
• Manual label sticker dispensers: Legro label sticker dispensers are
very easy to use. When pulling the end of the roll, its ingenious design
separates the sticker from the paper, making the labeling easier. Thanks
to the adjustable markers, several label rolls with different measurements may be placed. Labels are always visible and ready to be used.
• Speedman dispenser: SpeedMan® is a device to get a high volume
of filling from a recycled paper roll. The special shape of the tube enables SpeedMan® to generate an
approximate volume of around 70 times the initial volume, saving storage space and money. SpeedMan® protects the environment: the machine is filled exclusively with 100% recycled paper.
Information: LEGRO Systems
M.SOFT WORLDWIDE presents its new product “Movilidad”.
Tools designed to capture and use on field, storage, processing and distribution of information associated with the different processes in which the LSP participates along the supply
chain, become the differentiator that allows anticipating from
the rest as to improving their competitive advantage. The tools
available today, based mainly on developments on Smartphones or industrial PDA’s, working off-line and replicating with
central management systems as coverage (3G or WIFI) is available, allow management different processes movably from the capillary distribution, management
of long-distance transport or warehouse control processes, to commercial or management control
processes by the Directorate.
Information // M.SOFT WORLDWIDE
The complexity of the composition of the orders makes that, for preparing them, you have to inv
that penalizes directly to the cost of production.
To achieve an optimum operation of the intralogistic facilities, we have developed a mathematic
determine the best settings for particular universe of references and orders, depending on a set
parameters set by the customer, based on their current facilities.
MBE ADVISER of Mail Boxes ETC.
Optimization for
– El Prat / Alcobendas
of orders of
Similarly, the studypreparation
adapts for future installations.
The target of this study is to increase the performance of the facilities and, thereby, reduce the c
them, seeking the efficiency and functionality of them.
The study is based on any kind of coincidence that may exist between Lots, Orders, Productio
This year Mail Boxes ETC. El Prat/Alcobendas,
is introducing a new service, MBE ADVISER,
in wich we provide our customers with
-What’s the best transport option?
-What taxes have to be paid?
-What are the product requirements for
-Wich countries are interested in exporting?
La complejidad de la composición de los pedidos hace que, para la preparación de los mismos, se invierta un tiempo que nos
penaliza directamente al coste de Producción.
Para conseguir un funcionamiento óptimo de las instalaciones de intralogística, hemos desarrollado un modelo matemático que
permite determinar cuál es la mejor configuración para determinado universo de referencias y pedidos, dependiendo de un
conjunto de parámetros estipulados por el cliente, basados en sus instalaciones actuales.
Igualmente, se adapta el estudio para las instalaciones futuras.
El objetivo de este estudio, es aumentar el rendimiento de las instalaciones y por tanto reducir el coste de éstas, buscando la
eficacia y la funcionalidad de las mismas.
El estudio se basa en cualquier tipo de coincidencia que pueda existir entre los Pedidos los Lotes, la Producción, y el Tiempo de
With the use of this platform, APPSESOR, and
the help of our professionals and experts to
such as Albert García, CEO of APPSESOR, we
provide tools and resources to address all issues
and assist in the growth and improvement of
their business internationalization.
Information // Mail Boxes ETC.
El Prat de Llobregat / Alcobendas
Para más información: , al teléfono 93 580 90 95 o visítanos en el SIL'16
More information:
, Siempre
93 580 90 95 or visit us at SIL'16
¡MIM always on innovation!
The complexity of the composition of the orders makes that, for preparing them, you have
to invest a time that penalizes directly to the
cost of production. To achieve an optimum
operation of the intralogistic facilities, we have
developed a mathematical model to determine
the best settings for particular universe of references and orders, depending on a set of parameters set by the customer, based on their
current facilities.
Similarly, the study adapts for future installations. The target of this study is to increase
the performance of the facilities and, thereby,
reduce the cost of them, seeking the efficiency
and functionality of them. The study is based
on any kind of coincidence that may exist between Lots, Orders, Production, and OperationTime.
• New Marketing Strategy
We are the N. The N from NOU TRANSPORT. We present a
renewed corporate image. New logo, new style, new claim.
Moreover, we launch an innovative website and our social networks will be more active than ever. This
transformation looks for positioning ourselves in a market becoming less and less differentiated, where
brand awareness is a key point. We know that everything starts with a satisfied customer, that is why
NOU TRANSPORT focuses its efforts on identifying its target group and studying in detail its insights.
• Fleet increase: MEGA trailers and car transporters
NOU TRANSPORT expands. The financial solidity of NOU TRANSPORT allows the development of the
team and the fleet at the same time. Currently we passed the number of 140 trucks of our own fleet.
More than 100 trucks are MEGA trailers and more than 40 are car transporters. In 2016 our fleet will
increase by 20 new trucks. All new trucks are equipped with GPS, and what is more important, they are
driven by our own drivers. As all the drivers are in-house, we have an absolute end-to-end control and
we can manage incidents efficiently.
• Photosynthesis on the highway
We are close to the natural environment. That is why NOU TRANSPORT renews its fleet every 3 years
in order to acquire the latest generation of trucks with lower emission of CO2 and better efficiency. Currently we fulfill EURO 6 norms with all our trucks. Moreover, every Scania truck we buy, one new tree
is seeded. We are looking forward to grow a forest. In this pipeline of projects we prioritize those that
have the natural environment consciousness as an objective. We are launching campaigns through our
social media in terms of spreading this pro ecologic attitude.
• LTL and Groupage Department
Since 2016 NOU TRANSPORT offers a new service: partial loads and groupage in national and international dimension. This service was released as a result of the demands of our satisfied clients, who
extended their trust in NOU TRANSPORT. The key of success comes from the customization based on
rates and absolute adaptation to the work schedule of our clients. This is a real added value!
• Partnership relation
The strategic plan defined for this year marks an inflexion point in our history of more than 30 years. A
strong commitment to the Sales Area along with executive professionals new incorporation leads to
increase the market share on national and international level. NOU TRANSPORT will continue its policy
of establishing partnership relations with its clients based on transparent and efficient communication
and personalized attention. NOU TRANSPORT and you: together further.
Information // NOU TRANSPORT
Set expiration dates for access to Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides files
We know that businesses today don’t operate in isolation; employees work not only with one another, but
with third-party vendors, clients, customers, and other businesses as well—and often on a temporary basis.
To keep your organization’s information safe in these situations, we introduced the ability to set an “expiration
date” for specific user access to files in Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides. For instance, imagine your
business hires an outside contractor for a project lasting three months. To complete the job, that contractor
needs to view a spreadsheet containing the contact information of your employees. Following this launch,
you are now able to share your employee list in Sheets with the contractor, give them view access only, and
set that access to expire when their contract does (in three months). If the contractor attempts to open the
spreadsheet after the expiration date has passed, they’ll be denied access.
This functionality, coupled with the Information Rights Management (IRM) features we launched last July, should significantly increase the security of your
organization’s documents and information. Please note that you’ll only be able
to set expiration dates for users with comment or view access; you will not be
able to set expiration dates for file owners or users with edit access.
Information // Nubalia Cloud Computing
PALLETWAYS IBERIA Celebrates its Tenth Anniversary
The Palletways Group is Europe’s leader in express distribution of palletized goods. Currently the network, with a
presence in over 20 countries throughout Europe, manages over 35,000 pallets a day through its 400 members
and 14 operations centers. In Spain, it began operation
in May 2006 and its 60 members are distributed throughout the Peninsula.
In this edition of the International Logistics Exhibition, Palletways Iberia celebrate its tenth anniversary in company
of some of its members, customers and guests.
In addition, Palletways Iberia will take advantage of this exhibition to introduce its latest members incorporations and the recent internationalization of the Zaragoza Hub.
Information // Palletways Iberia
New Peugeot Expert
Peugeot presents the new Peugeot Expert range of vehicles. They will be available in Spain in three lengths
(Compact, Standard and Long), and with 2 or 3 positions in the front row. In order to fill the diverse needs,
companies and professionals have the possibility to
choose among the types Van, Double Cabin, Combi
and Platform Cabin. The new Peugeot Experts offers up
to 6.6 cubic meters of usable volume and 1,400 Kg of
usable load, with a length of 4 m in the long version with
Moduwork. The versions Standard and Long, with 4.95
m and 5.30 m, respectively, are located in the center of
the sector. The Compact version, with 4.60 m, is unique
in its rank. It allows to load up to 5.1 m3 and 1,400 Kg, with a usable length of 3.32 m. Its height,
limited to 1.90 m, is not frequent in the sector and guarantees the access of the Peugeot Expert to all
the parking lots.
The Peugeot Expert vehicles add BlueHDi Euro 6 motors, modern and efficient, ranging from 95 to
150 HP. They provide a pleasant driving and the consumption and CO2 emission mean a record in the
sector. In order to get a comfortable and easy daily use, the new Peugeot Expert includes the newest
features, such as hands-free motorized side doors.
The space exploitation, modularity and driving improvements, with exclusive solutions such as the
Moduwork, the head-up display or the traffic signs reading with speed limit have been worked in
depth. Features such as the Active Safety Brake and the automatic low- and high-beam lights are as
well integrated.
As a novelty in the Peugeot range, the new batch of Expert incorporates a voice-operated new 3D
connected browser, with traffic information in real time, backwards gear camera with 180º vision and
the VisioPark 1 rear vision zoom, as well as alert in case of drivers fatigue.
Information: Peugeot
Port Corpus Christi, Texas (US)
Port Corpus Christi (Texas) is the fifth
largest US port tonnage with more
than 100,000,000 tons of cargo in
2014 and 2015. Port Corpus Christi is
planning an investment in infrastructure of $ 1 Billion over the next 10 years.
There are 66,000 jobs related to the
port and in the last decade has increased operating income from 28 to 90
million dollars.
In this period of time it has made ​​an investment in environmental resources of 20 million dollars and in port
infrastructure of 261 millions of dollars.
Information // Port Corpus Christi, Texas (US)
Leixões Logistics Platform
APDL intends to bring to SIL 2016 the latest investment
project that is in progress in the area surrounding the
Port of the seaport of Leixões, located in Matosinhos
near the city of Porto in the north of Portugal. This is the
Port of Leixões Logistics Platform - PLPL. The PLPL
project consists of two logistics hubs with a total of
29 plots that enable the construction of 190.000 m2
of logistics warehouses. The PLPL intends to be an
additional support to the seaport regarding the logistics
chains passing through Leixões and, considering its exceptional location, it will surely constitute an important
logistics´s infrastructure in the north of Portugal, Galicia
and Iberian Peninsula.
Information // PLPL-Plataforma Logística do Porto de Leixões
The RCR CONDUCTIL SFRC (Steel Fibres Reinforced
Concrete) system provides a high abrasion resistant
flooring with a low maintenance, due to a last generation hardener, special construction joints and the lack of
shrinkage control joints. Its is designed with large surface slabs (large-bay method) using the most advanced
mechanical methods for reinforcement and leveling and
applying a hardener wet on wet, trowelling and surface
curing. This high performance system is developed specially for those solutions required for any application where low maintenance of the floor is essential: distribution
warehouses and logistic centres, warehouses with high product rotation, industries with high traffic
volumes, heavy industries…
RCR has created exclusive systems which offer optimized solutions for various building uses or industries.
The systems provide a framework to help find the right solutions for the client’s needs – yet within each system there is flexibility and choice. Even if a project has a unique, purpose-built specification, it will still benefit
from the technology transfer of the proven systems used by RCR Applications companies around the world.
SCM Logística y Trazabilidad
de stock
Gestión de
en 2 etapas
Preparación de salidas:
1 operario 1 pedido / 1 operario N pedidos
/ N operarios 1 pedido
en 2 etapas
/ Oleadas
vertical u
de stock
Gestión de
Entradas de
y Logística
SCM Logística y Trazabilidad will show at SIL 2016 two innovations:
Movimientos Inventarios
SCM WMS: Sistema de Gestión de Almacén
IDX: Interface Data Exchange
• TWO (Warehouse ManagementSoftware): TWO created by SCM is the result of the over 20 years’ experience
in the logistics and warehouse. It is designed to meet the
current and future capabilities of logistics management of
your distribution center. Designed and intended to ease the
work, with a pleasant and friendly environment to minimize the impact on your organization and have a quick ROI.
Allows connectivity with any ERP software (SAP, Microsoft
Dynamics NAV, Dynamics AX, SAGE…) and any automatism (sorter, carousels, pater noster, miniloads…). Allows
controlling all the movements and tasks and all resources
in real time, to optimize productivity and minimize errors.
TWO allows you to manage your store movements. It is the
tool that the manager needs to be able to monetize the daily
operations: access, replenishment to picking, preparation
of orders, internal movements, truck loads, queries ratios...
• Consultancy: We are specialized in developing simple,
practical and cost effective for the problems of current distribution solutions. We help improve work efficiency, streamline processes, reduce costs, save space and maximize
profitability. We offer fast and flexible advice to offer immediate results. SCM evaluates all elements of the operation,
and advises on the most appropriate supply chain, business
processes, equipment maintenance, upgrades and software solutions. Studies focusing on logistics: Audit logistics
processes, analyzing data available and alternatives to the
project, and the revision of the supply chain with which your
company works.
Information // SCM Logística y Trazabilidad, S.L.
Shuttlewise is an intermodal operator with containertrains throughout whole Europe. We offer daily services
from Rotterdam (Holland) to Dourges (France) with ongoing connection to 7 destinations in France (Perpignan, Lyon, Mouguerre, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Miramas).
We also want to connect Dourges with Spain (Barcelona). Next to these services we have a complete network
to Italy. We have daily connections between Rotterdam
and Mortara (Italy) and between Krefeld (Gerrmany) and
Mortra and between Gent (Belgium) and Mortara.
Information // Shuttlewise
Founded in 1993, Slimstock has become the market leader in inventory optimisation in Europe, with
more than 650 customers. Our complete software
package, Slim4, contains forecasting, demand
planning and inventory management, helping you
to get the right inventory to the right place at the
right time.
Slim4, leader integral solution for forecasting,
demand planning and inventory control
We only offer Slim4 to companies
when the ROI will be achieved
within 1 year.
• 50% less stockouts
• 1 – 5% Billing increase
• 20 – 40% less overstock
• 100% more efficient
• Operational < 3 months
• No like; No pay
New Inventory Optimisation Group:
Slimstock ES
This group is for specialists working in the field of demand planning, S&OP, forecasting, and/or inventory
• The purpose of the group is to share experience
and information in demand planning and inventory
Free Events
Visit our Stand and we will inform you about our:
• Breakfast Seminars
• Knowledge Sessions
• National Inventory Test
• Supply Chan Game
• Slim4 Demos
SLIMSTOCK – Your Knowledge partner
Your knowledge partner in forecasting and inventory
Do not miss our speakers in the SIL Smart &
Visit our Stand and we will give you for free our
Inventory Management Mindmap.
Linkedin Company Page: Slimstock ES
We regularly share:
• Whitepapers,
• eBooks
• Industry articles & Research
• Helpful How-To Content
• Case Studies
• Events Invitations
• Webinars
• Mindmaps
Information // SLIMSTOCK
The most innovative systems in “deep freeze” of Swisslog
Swisslog’s automated logistics solutions for the frozen food industry
act as a seamless link in the cold chain storage and distribution
In the frozen food industry, distributors need efficient logistics in
order to replenish retailers’ shelves rapidly, while maintaining a suitable environment for the storage and handling of products.
The increasing demand for frozen food products in recent years
require the optimization of the supply chain, by improving time and
order in the delivery. As a solution, food distributors and retailers
are shifting from manually operated sub-zero facilities to high-bay
freezer warehouses that are equipped with efficient logistics processes.
Swisslog is a leading global provider of automated intralogistics solutions, working for companies
such as Unilever, Coca Cola, Walmart and Pfizer, among others. With a well established international
presence, Swisslog wants to expand its business in the Spanish market, which in recent years has
experienced significant growth in international distribution and in the logistics chain involved.
Swisslog designs, develops and delivers best-in-class automation solutions for forward-thinking
warehouses and distribution centres. The company offers integrated systems and services from
a single source – from consulting to design, implementation and lifetime customer service. Behind
the company’s success are 2,500 employees worldwide, supporting customers in more than 50
Information // Swisslog
SYNCHRO –NET, a project funded by the European Commission under
the Horizon 2020 scheme, will exploit the basis of connected information
network at the European level to allow development of an innovative set
of IT tools to manage intermodal chains in an agile, effective and environmentally friendly way.
This platform will synchronize several modes of transport: road, rail and maritime, providing new
alternatives and solutions that are much more efficient and less polluting.
The key innovation is the ability to simultaneously balance speed, cost savings and risk to reduce fuel
costs and emissions while adopting strategies to avoid delays and reduce risk in the supply chain.
The development of SYNCHRO-NET platform will be driven by three high-impact demonstrators,
involving leading logistics providers and key industry players. One of them involves shipping of goods
from the Far East to the ports of Valencia, Algeciras and Barcelona, and subsequent movement by
rail inland and final short truck movement. The second demonstrator focuses on regional logistics
movements through the Port of Cork. The third demonstrator will address multimodal container movements in major European routes.
All stakeholders will benefit from:
• 20-25% reduction in fuel costs & emissions for ships (over and above existing slow steaming
• 25-30% increase in modal shift to rail, resulting in a 12-15% reduction in truck km
• 5-10% reduction in finished goods inventory holdings for importers and manufacturers
• 12-20% overall reduction in hinterland transport costs
• increased resilience, security and flexibility along the entire supply chain
• increased safety and quality of life for employees in the synchro-modal logistics chain
• a profound and lasting benefit in terms of global supply chain sustainability.
Information // SYNCHRO-NET
System Logistics Spain
System Logistics Spain will show at SIL 2016 its innovations MODULA Sintes 1.7 and the WIFI PICKING
- MODULA. Make a Big Investment For Less Money: It is the ideal product for storage and small
parts warehouse and light. Modula picking system Sintes1.7 fits perfectly into any workplace,
warehouse, production line maintenance, showroom, etc. The Modula Sintes 1.7 as its bigger
brothers is designed to meet the requirements of maximum savings:
• Recover space in every environment
• Save time and increase your operating speed
• Reduce operator risk
• Make sure your stocked products are safe
• Better efficiency with minimum investment
• Get to control your inventory with a customized WMS
- WIFI PICKING TROLLEY, the ideal complement: The Wifi Picking Trolley are designed
to meet the needs of picking in manual and automatic areas
warehouses. It is a table with several shelves, on each shelf
there are several picking positions. Each position of picking has an alphanumeric display with illuminated
button, the display information on the operation shown to be performed and the light switch is used to
validate the operation has been performed. The operator can remove items from automated warehouses
(MODULA) and / or manual and place in the order item the corresponding Wife Picking Trolley. Management
and information control orders containing the Trolley was done through a PC in which the Modula WMS
Modula and EMS applications are.
Information // System Logistics Spain
• TDua customs management: TDua solution, the most
used in our country software for declarations, has incorporated novelties in its design and functions with the aim of
facing this new industry’s phase with warranties, considering
that all operators are subject to the changes introduced by
the new law. This way and thanks to the updating and redesigning processes, TDua is prepared to admit the new messages and processes previewed by the customs authorities,
such as the Pre-DUA, the previous declaration associated
to the single-window system. This software is included with
the Taric tariff database and the tool for law information LegisTaric, that include the full texts of the Union’s Customs
Code and its application laws. TDua also offers the possibility to include and automate a great number of
its functions with the TDocs Documents File and the TNote
system for the activities control, specially designed for OEA
• TNote control of the OEA activity: Specifically designed to
ease the compliance of the OEA requirements, TNote simplifies the control and follow-up of the activity of a foreign trade
operator, automating the follow-up of deadlines through alerts
and easing the control in real time of any incidence.
This application’s latest version is adapted to the new legal frame standards. Thus, apart from providing improvements in the
follow-up and control of the company’s activity, this tool has an important value at the AEAT audits, that require,
among other security measurements, a record of incidences. Even though it may be integrated with other systems, TNote has been developed to be integrated with the Taric customs management products, automating
in all possible cases the follow up and registration of the activity. Also, since it is a web service, it doesn’t require
maintenance for the user and demands the minimum steps for its start-up.
• TDocs document archive: TDocs presents itself
as the solution for the filing and distribution of documents for any operator, regardless of its size and specialization. Developed to require the minimum effort
to integrate it with other systems, this web service
automates the document classification with a working
common sense where the center of the organization
is the user himself. Its innovating design means that
there are different ways to access and use the documentations without duplicating it, automating the
predefined documents, including the digital signature
or send information with different formats.
The integration of this system with the TDua customs
declarations’ software eases the data and documents
importation, simplifying the documents file and its distribution among the different players that take part in
each operation.
• TaricTrans ERP logistics operators: The TaricTrans
ERP integrattes all the operators’ needs in a flexible software. Its constant evolution has made it a leading solution
with respect to the cloud services (SaaS), a formula that
offers all the efficiency and security of the ERP minimizing
costs and risks. This group of integrated tools has been
designed to adapt itself to the specific needs of the logistic operators, custom representatives, by offering different
modules that cover from the operation management to the
financing area. At present time, more than one thousand
logistics professionals from all around the country work
with this solution with the warranty of being able to control
all the aspects related to its activity thanks to the tracing
established in all its modules: Air, Maritime, Land, Customs, Fiscal and Custom Deposits, Logistic Storage,
Distribution, Invoicing, Document File, Web Tracking, and so on.
• OEA Services: The team of consultants and operational experts in Foreign Trade that are part of the Taric OEA Services has
worked with close to a hundred companies with different profiles,
going with them through the complex Certification process and,
in many cases continuing its collaboration through the Maintenance Service, a methodology that implies the continuous follow
up of the compliance of the requirements and the adaptation of
the OEA system of each company to the Customs re-auditing.
The Union Customs Code, the new industry’s legislation, applicable since last May, has introduced important changes in the
OEA requirements, a series of measurements that will also be
demanded to the companies already certified. In order to carry
out this adaptation to the new legal frame, Customs has put into practice a re-audit program that will affect all
the OEA operators. At present time, from the Taric OEA Services, we work in different Certification and Maintenance authorization projects, adjusting each process to the new requirements of the Union Customs Code.
Information // Taric
TATOMA presents many important novelties in this edition of SIL:
• AGV Tatoma: New AGV Tatoma Group is a vehicle
moving automatically without driver, designed to carry
loads. This system ensures transportation (usually heavy
containers) in a circuit, obeying the orders previously assigned continuously without direct human intervention.
The installation of the circuit is performed by placing an
adhesive tape on the floor of the plant. Communication
with the AGV is by internet, wireless, GPRS and RFID.
Advantages of our AGV: fast and simple, excellent integration in store installation, Very easy to use, easy to
program and manage shares, Maintenance is very simple, circulates through the same channels of
their workers, equipped with the latest security systems, Greater autonomy, Easy recharge batteries.
• Automotive Containers: Our technical department
is able to design and project a comprehensive range of
solutions using 3D design tools. Or cargo containers
offer automatic download that can be manufactured
combining metal structures with plastic supports, thermoformed trays, multibags, wood, columns, etc. Our
factory is equipped with the best technological means.
We work for automotive leading companies worldwide.
We adapt to your needs. Should you need a custom
design please contact us.
• Packing
Fast, firm and secure grip for roll container or pallet. Completely
reusable. Reduces costs, energy and material costs compared
to traditional packaging systems, as may be the stretchable film.
Made of laminated polyethylene, a durable and resistant material that ensures optimum support throughout the logistic process. 100% customizable in size and design and corporate image. Their placement is quick and simple, the operator only has
to go around once the merchandise in its perimeter, and overlap
slings made of Velcro. This new packaging system reduced by
more than 50% the time needed for placement. The belt helps
in reducing costs because it is reusable and less time to apply
it. Committed to the
environment, the use of the Packing Belt instead of the
traditional packaging, eliminating the massive generation
of waste and CO2 emissions resulting from the manufacture and destruction.
• Isopalet 1100L Tatoma: Tatoma Group launches its
new isothermal container identical to that of a European
pallet base. ATP certificate has manufacturing individually
and overall thermal transmission coefficient K = 0.4 W /
m2K. IR is also category, which makes it suitable for the
transport of fresh and frozen perishables. Equipped with
RFID technology through integrated TAG series. Optimize
the most of the space in his truck with our new isopalet
• Insulated Container 450L VAN: Isothermal container specially designed for the transport of fresh and frozen goods van.
Ensures conservation Cold Chain keeping intact all the qualities and properties of products transported. It is equipped with
an internal structure and distribution that promotes proper air
circulation. Designed for maximum restraint inside your vehicle
thanks to its feet with silentblock a new superior design and
equipped with wider handles for a webbing. FRÍO 450L VAN
container manufacturing is certified ATP individually and overall
heat transfer coefficient K = 0.4 W / m2K. IR is also category,
which makes it suitable for the transport of fresh and frozen
perishable goods. Equipped with RFID technology through integrated TAG. The structure is reinforced with galvanized steel. Certified Tunnel Cold, Ministry of Industry and accredited organization.
Information // TATOMA
1. DUT-E fuel level sensor is designed for precise fuel level
measurement in tanks
• to obtain reliable information about current fuel volume in vehicle
• to define the vehicle fueling volume
• to detect fuel theft from the tank
• to carry out the remote tank monitoring
• to determine fuel consumption
2. DFM fuel flow meter is designed for measuring engine fuel
consumption in the fuel line of vehicles and fixed installations.
• fuel consumption measurement
• engine time measurement
• fuel consumption rationing;
• fuel theft detecting and preventing;
• fuel comsumption optimization and real-time monitoring;
3. MasterCAN vehicle data interface - full range of vehicle
operational data in a friendly format. Purpose:
• CAN bus (SAE J1939) and J1708 bus (SAE J1587) data reading
• Selection of parameters and arranging them into messages easy
to read and process on telematics terminals
• CAN, RS-232, and RS-485 output messages
• Reading and totalizing data of several DUT-E CAN fuel level
sensors and sending corresponding output message.
4. Crododile contactless readers allow to read the data about
vehicle operation without any interruption into the vehicle electronical
systems integrity.
• safe data reading from the CAN bus (CANCrocodile)
• safe data reading from the J1708 bus (1708Crocodile)
• petrol and gas consumption control via engine injectors
impulses reading and converting (NozzleCrocodile)
Information // TECHNOTON
TECSIDEL will show at SIL 2016 two innovations:
• TECSIDEL SEGA SIM: Tecsidel presents SEGA SIM, the
new simulator for logistics operations. The traditional process
of operations design proposes solutions based on numerical
analysis, highly dependent on designer experience in sizing,
processes and layouts. This phase tries to determine a lot of
aspects like mechanization, operators, workstations, actual
system productivity, etc. To reduce uncertainty in this process,
Tecsidel has created SEGA SIM, the essential operations simulator for decision making. This reduces
the risk of making excessive investments or investments in which changing the amount of resources is
complicated and expensive. SEGA SIM helps to validate the layout and processes with actual orders,
in tests with different orders scenarios, restrictions and sequencing. It presents detailed results to be
able to make adjustments in the design, with full assurance that it will work according to expectations.
• Integral Solution for container Storage Management: Tecsidel and Solport partner to offer a perfectly
integrated modular system that lets you manage all processes of container storage through PC fixed stations
and Android portable terminals. ERP / CRM management takes into account doors management, machine
and box inspections, inner workings, container bookings, budget management and materials storage. It
integrates the customers’ shipping lines by using EDI
messaging. Communication with customers through the
Solution Website simplifies budgets management, Bookings or Stocks. Tecsidel module, SEGA Depot Operations, covers the physical management of container storage. It is based on a map where there are locations of various storage areas and inner workings, on which the planning movements are graphically
performed. The system optimizes the reach stackers activities and other internal cargo vehicles, and it
updates the containers handled location in real-time. The work done by each vehicle and operator are
registered to provide full traceability.
Information // TECSIDEL
Container QP HC in TM2
TM2, a company dedicated to industrial packaging, will be
exhibiting their products and services to SIL 2016 visitors
(Stand A-153). TM2 will present the new version of Quick
Packaging Container suitable for optimized transportation
with High Cube container.
- ¡New! With auto-lock.
- Folding packaging. Stackable.
- Easy to self-assembly. Easy to dismantle.
- Reusable.
- No tools or additional parts needed
- Reduces space, time, energy consumption, waste, risks
of accidents and Costs
Information // TM2
the innovation of Transics
Transics’ high-end trailer telematics unit, TXTRAILERGUARD, can be connected to electronic Trans-Safety ® door lock systems. This
connection enables the dispatcher to receive
the real-time security status (open, unlock,
arm) in the back office. Moreover, the dispatcher can remotely lock and unlock the cargo doors via the telematics unit and he can
even “secure” the locking system to prevent
anyone (including the driver) from opening the
cargo doors.
Information // Transics
Transkal will present its latest
novelties at SIL 2016
Transkal, business management ERP specialized in the logistics industry and the transport of goods, will participate next June in the
International Logistics Exhibition, SIL 2016,at
the stand C340, where it will present its latest
novelties dealing with Land Transport, Transit/
Forwarding; Consignee: Port, Train and Storing Terminals.
The new CTOS/MPOS module for port and
train terminals must be highlighted. It unifies
management solutions for containers, bulks,
Ro-RO and multipurpose solutions. The web
page gives access at real time of stocks and
movements of the clients from the web page.
The new WorkFlow of trips and allocations.
The integration with cargo bags, a new process for calculations for confirmations and
visas of the trips made, improvements in the
Spot Offers module, new developments related to the digital signature, a new planning
and assignation process of means and cargo,
the integration of communications with floating tracking systems, a new supplier invoice
viewer. The unassisted mailing by declaration
fax of the payment to the driver is adjusted
to the German minimum salary law, improvements in the control system for sea terminals,
the new environment of the documentary data
base, the review of the implementation process of projects or the WorkFlow module of
states and assignments.
Information // Transkal
Tracking Cargo of WTRANSNET
Wtransnet presents Tracking Cargo, the application that permits to make the follow-up of
the loading orders and their delivery confirmation at real time. The goal of Tracking Cargo is
to provide updated information about the state of a shipment in each of its stages, giving
visibility to each of the parties involved in the
transport chain.
Easily integrable with the ERP and TMS of the
company, it has been designed as a management tool for the traffic department. The
driver provides updated information through
the mobile App about each stage of the shipment and by doing so, the traffic department
is informed of any incidence that requires an
immediate action.
2. Own consol box (LCL) Export service to Asia,
Middle East, Africa and Mexico.
Information // WTRANSNET
3. Dangerous goods: Warehousing, manipulation, refill, repacking and distribution.
4. Customs warehouse: ADT, DAP, DDA, LAME
X-Tract Logistics S.L.U. introduce to you its latest services and news:
1. Own offices in Spain, Mexico and Italy.
Information // X-TRACT LOGISTICS
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