ﺟﺎﻣﻌـﺔ اﻟﻘﺻﯾـم ﮐﻟﯾﮫ اﻟﮭﻧدﺳﮫ Program Specification

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Program Specification Institution:
Mechanical Engineering Department - College of Engineering, Qassim University
A. Program Identification and General Information
1. Program title and code:
Mechanical Engineering, ME
2. Total credit hours needed for completion of the program:
139 credit hours + Foundation year (34 credit hours )
3. Award granted on completion of the program:
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering
4. Major tracks/pathways or specializations within the program:
Mechanical Engineering
5. Intermediate Exit Points and Awards (if any) :
Not applicable (NA)
6. Professions or occupations for which students are prepared. (If there is an early exit point from the
program :
7. (a) New Program
(b) Continuing Program
Planned starting date
Year of most recent major program review
Organization involved in recent major review:
College of Engineering, ME Department
Accreditation reviewed by:
ABET and Qassim University Plans and Curriculums Committee
8. Name and position of faculty member managing or coordinating the program.
Dr. Al-Badrawy A. Abo El-Nasr, Director of the ME Program.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
9. Location if not on main campus or locations if program is offered in more than one location.
Main Campus
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
B. Program Context
1. Why the ME Program is needed?
a. Summarize economic reasons, social or cultural reasons, technological developments, national
policy developments or other reasons.
1- To compensate the shortage in Mechanical Engineers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2- To reduce the level of dependency on the foreign engineers.
3- To graduate engineers qualified for higher ME studies (M.Sc., Ph.D., … etc)
4- To be able to carry out technological development plans of the Kingdom.
5- As a part of the national policy development plan.
b. Explain the relevance of the program to the mission of the institution.
1- The mission of the ME Program is consistent with the mission of the College of Engineering and
the University, as the university aims at meeting the needs of the Saudi society through programs in
education and scientific research.
2- ME Program makes a significant contribution to the mission of the university in the mechanical
engineering field.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
2. Relationship (if any) to other programs offered by the institution/college/department.
a. Does this program offer courses that students in other programs are required to take? Yes
The ME Program offers number of courses that students in other programs in the college are
required to take. All required actions which are normally taken by the department to assure that
these courses meet the needs of students. These actions include the preparation of courses plans,
strictly adhered to these plans, monitoring performances and continues and regular evaluations. In
addition to this:
1- Carrying out questionnaires for the other departments' staff and students regarding their
satisfaction, benefits and impacts of those courses on their graduates.
2- Self assessment
3- Comparing these courses with those offered in other similar institutions.
4- Continuous updating of those courses taking into consideration the requirements of the work
fields needs.
5- Continuous development of skills and knowledge of program staffs.
b. Does the program require students to take courses taught by other departments? Yes
If yes, what should be done to make sure those courses in other departments meet the needs of students
in this program?
1- Making sure that the courses topics are strongly related to the field of specialization.
2- Evaluation of the course effects on students knowledge and skills.
3- Developing and continuously improve these courses to include recent development in their subjects.
4- Periodic review to assess the course benefits and their instructor skills
3. Do the students who are likely to be enrolled in the program have any special needs or characteristics
that should be considered in planning the program? (e.g. Part time evening students, limited IT or
language skills) Yes
If yes, what are they?
5. What should be done in the program to respond to these special characteristics?
C. Mission and Goals of the Program
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
1. Department Mission Statement
The mechanical engineering department seeks to meet the needs of the Saudi society and the region with
outstanding mechanical engineering programs in education, research, and community service.
2. List any major changes or strategic new developments planned for the program within the next three to
five years to help achieve its mission. For each change or development describe the major strategies to
be followed and list the indicators that will be used to measure achievement.
Major Changes or
1- More recent and
advanced courses.
2- Developing the
education techniques.
3- Increase of the students'
ability in the design,
research and intellectual
4- Long cooperative
training, a period of 7
5- Increase of the
cooperation of the
department and the
mechanical engineering
field and the industry
fields aiming at serving
the program.
6- Enhancing the basic
necessary knowledge of
the program students.
• Periodic review of ME curriculum to
meet market requirements.
• Having more experienced staff.
• Continuous development of staff skills
through advanced training, holding
educational conferences and
• Using recent text books and more
advanced technical educational tools.
• Having new and specialized Labs.
• Using new computing facilities
• Participation of the students in staff
research projects.
• Term projects of
• Feedback comments from
industry and mechanical
engineering authorities.
• Feedback comments from
faculty members.
• Feedback comments from
• Arranging with local mechanical
engineering plants and industry firms
to offer field training for a longer
duration than one semester.
• Feedback comments from
industry and mechanical
engineering authorities.
• Feedback comments from
academic advisors.
• Feedback comments from
• Feedback comments from
industry and mechanical
engineering authorities.
• Feedback comments from
faculty staff
• Feedback comments from
• Arranging with local mechanical
engineering companies and industry
firms to offer at least one scientific
visit per semester.
• Offering some preliminary engineering
courses during the foundation year.
• Feedback comments from
faculty members.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
7- Improving
communication and IT
8- Improving English
language skills
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
• Giving more weight to computer and
wide world web –based assignments.
• Offering 9 credit hours English
language courses in the foundation
D. Program Structure and Organization
1. Program Description.
A program or department manual is available for students or other stakeholders and a copy of the
information relating the ME program is attached to the program specification.
2. Development of Special Student Characteristics or Attributes
Special Attributes
Programming skills
Strategies or Student Activities to be used throughout the Program to Develop
These Special Attributes
1- Getting more advanced computer labs and installing up-to-date soft-ware
2- Running competitive contests between the students leading to considerable
3- Giving the students program-based assignments through out the courses.
Evidence: Watching the average marks of the computer-based assignments.
Intellectual and
creativity skills
Problem solving skills
1- Developing students intellectual and creativity skills by encouraging the
students' ideas related to the courses subjects.
2- Developing students' information sources.
3- Arranging awarded contests in some selected technological areas.
3- Stressing on the mini-projects (Term Projects) aiming at developing the
creativity skills.
Evidence: Watching the rate of increase of the number of suggested ideas by the
1- Encouraging the problem solving methods by giving the students bonus
marks for these methods.
2- Involving the students in solving real engineering problems.
Evidence: Watching the rate of bonus marks given to the students.
3. Required Field Experience Component (if any) (e.g. internship, cooperative program, work
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
The student starts the Cooperation Training during the summer that precedes his final year of study and
continues to the end of the next semester in either the Governmental or Private sectors. At the end of
training, student must prepare a Portfolio and detailed Final Report which will be orally examined by a
special committee of faculty professors. Moreover, the ME department regularly mange field visits to
industrial and engineering locations during the courses of the program and these are reported by the
a. Brief description of field experience activity
1- Recognition of the actual engineering field requirements and problems.
2- Living in the actual practical environment.
3- Facing real engineering problems and get trained how to generate the solutions.
4- Working in a team to acquire the character of cooperation and self-integration.
5- Linking the theoretical learnt background with the practical circumstances.
b. the major intended learning outcomes for the program to be developed through the field
* Knowledge Skills
1- Learning the main principles, concepts, theories and applications of mechanical engineering.
2- Ability to identify the different mechanical engineering equipment and systems.
3- Learning operation characteristics of the mechanical equipment and systems.
4- Learning testing methods and maintenance procedures of different mechanical equipment and
* Intellectual Skills
3- Ability to solve real engineering problems.
4- Ability to read and interpret different mechanical designs, charts and graphs.
5- Ability to operate mechanical systems, equipment and devices.
* Interpersonal and Responsibility Skills
6- Learning the work-team bases and group participation.
7- Learning to act responsibly towards personal and professional situations.
8- Learning to behave in ethical standards.
* Communication IT and Numerical Skills
9- Ability to communicate effectively orally and by writing.
10- Ability to use the IT facilities.
11- Ability to use basics of mathematics and statistics.
c. Stage or stages in the program the field experience occurs.
- The cooperation program occurs during the 9th semester in addition to the summer semester prior or
after the 9th semester.
- For the educational trips, they are normally planned for senior students.
d. Time allocation and scheduling arrangement.
Full time for two semesters (summer and normal semester)
e. Number of credit hours
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
9 hours
4. Project or Research Requirements:
- It is a compulsory requirement for student to successfully complete the ME Program to perform an
accepted and successfully judged graduation project, call Senior Design Project (SDP), coded as ME
- The SDP should be done in the last semester.
- The cooperation training program is a prerequisite for the SDP.
a. Brief description:
- The student is assigned, among a team of students and one or more faculty professors, the design of
an applied project which simulates the real working condition to which the student will be exposed
after graduation. The project should be comprehensive and includes all the necessary preliminary
field studies, feasibility studies, final design drawings, bill of materials, and the total operating cost
of the project. The SDP shall continue for one semester.
- At the end of the semester, the students will submit a project final report. Also, there will be a
seminar held for the project team of students to present their achievements. The working team will
be orally examined and evaluated based on their semester work, report, presentation as well as the
oral discussion.
b. Major intended learning outcomes of the project
1. To train the students to use all the engineering concepts and skills gained during the under-graduate
stage to perform a comprehensive study and analysis for a selected subject, or to design an electric
system, experiment or process.
2. To acquaint the students the ability to join the different course subjects for the purpose of studying
and solving a certain engineering problem
3. To develop the ability of the students to work as a team, and to give them the chance of self-learning
and fetching the information from the different available sources.
4. To train the students in the field how to define and describe the engineering problems, and to
acquaint them the skill of data collection.
5. To give the student the chance to express himself and to show his own abilities and skills.
6. To develop the skill of communication through the reports and seminars.
7. To acquaint the student the ability of demonstration and scientific justification
c. At what stage or stages in the program is the project or research undertaken?
During the last semester
d. Number of credit hours
3 credit hours
e. Summary description of provisions for student academic advising and support.
- One supervisor (or two) per project
- One meeting a week (or more if there is a need)
- Aiding the students to suggest a plan for the project steps including a time schedule
- Provision of IT facilities, Computers, related software programs, Labs and hardware components and
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
f. Description of assessment procedures
1- A committee is assigned for each field of specialization
2- Projects are categorized according to its field of specialization
3- Each project team is required to submit a report
4- Each project team is asked to present their project to the specialized committee
5- Each specialized committee is asked to assess each member in the project team
6- A part of the assessment is done by the supervisor(s) of the project.
This procedure is checked to comply with the NQF for Higher Education in KSA
5. Development of Learning Outcomes in Domains of Learning
a. Knowledge
(i) Summary description of the knowledge to be acquired
1- Principles, concepts and theories of science, mathematics and mechanical engineering.
2- Operation and performance characteristics of mechanical equipment and systems.
3- Theoretical and practical design concepts of mechanical engineering systems.
4- Concepts of performing experiments and field tests of mechanical equipment and systems, and how to
present and interpret the results.
5- How to maintain the mechanical equipment and systems.
6- Basic concepts in searching of information resources and how to be self learning.
7- Basic concepts in presenting ideas, communicate with others and work in a team.
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop that knowledge
1- Having experts in the different fields of specialization in the mechanical engineering.
2- Using recent text books and teaching techniques.
3- Cooperative training and field scientific visits to mechanical engineering related industrial firms.
4- Installing recent labs with advanced equipment.
5- Continuous updating of the contents in all fields of mechanical engineering.
6- Applying new computing facilities.
7- Encouraging students to participate with staff members in the research work.
8- Conducting Combination of lectures, tutorials and individual and group student assignments.
9- Updating the IT facilities.
(iii) Methods of assessment of knowledge acquired
1- Written, oral and experimental exams (at least 2 midterms and one final per semester)
2- Quizzes
3- Group discussions
4- Case study reports and presentations
5- Group mini-projects
6- Training assessment
b. Cognitive Skills
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
(i) Cognitive skills to be developed and level of performance expected
1- Ability to apply skills when asked.
2- Ability to think creatively.
3- Ability to solve problems and take technical and scientific decisions.
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these cognitive skills
1- Assignments and laboratory
2- Open discussions in classes tasks
3- Case study analysis
4- Mini project design and analysis
(iii) Methods of assessment of students cognitive skills
1. Quizzes: to assess problem solving skills.
2. Assess case study creative thinking ability.
3. Assess group discussions capability to apply skills.
4. Final and Midterm Exams: to assess creative thinking and problem solving skills.
5. Assess group mini project capability to apply skills, creative thinking and problem solving skills.
c. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility
(i) Description of the level of interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility to be
1- Communication ability and ethical standards of behavior with others
2- Presenting the student his own ideas and defending them
3- Effective, responsible and professional discussion skills
4- Team work and group participation skills
5- Decision making skills
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills and abilities
1- Group case study, for discussions, reporting and presenting
2- Cooperative training for 6 months duration
3- Group mini-project
4- Graduation project for a duration of semester
5- Offering two courses in engineering design which learn the students the principles of group working
and the ability of expressing themselves, beside the techniques of engineering modeling.
(iii) Methods of assessment of students interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility
1- In courses, part of the assessment is based on group presentation, discussion and the team work
2- In projects, assessment is performed by specialized committee and the supervisor.
3- In cooperative training, assessment is evaluated by the training firm and the supervisor.
d. Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills
(i) Description of the communication, IT and numerical skills to be developed
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
1- Oral and written communication skills
2- Information and communication technology skills
3- Mathematics and numerical skills
4- Computing language skills
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills
1- The program contains courses to improve the soft skills specially oral and written communication
skills such as GE 211, GE 213, in which active learning strategy is applied.
2- The students are asked to give presentations in some topics in many courses.
3- The program contains many courses to improve mathematics and numerical skills.
4- The program contains courses to improve computing and programming language skills.
5- Giving some assignments to the students which necessitate use of the net as a source of information to
improve IT skills.
6- The students are asked to give presentations during performing the SDP at student graduation.
7- Updating the computing and IT facilities
(iii) Methods of assessment of students numerical and communication skills
1- Final and midterm exams for the assessment of mathematics and numerical, communication language,
and computing skills
2- Network-Search-based reports for IT assessment skills
3- Mini-project for assessment of all skills
6. Admission Requirements for the program
Attach handbook or bulletin description of admission requirements including any course or experience
7. Attendance and Completion Requirements
Attach handbook or bulletin description of requirements for:
a. Attendance.
b. Progression from Level to Level.
c. Program completion
E. Regulations for Student Assessment and Verification of Standards
1. Regulations or policies for allocation and distribution of grades
- According to the policy of ministry of higher education in Saudi Arabia
2. Processes used for verifying standards of achievement:
1- Evaluation of a sample of student achievements by an independent faculty member.
2- Periodic exchange of evaluation of a sample of student achievements with a faculty member in
another highly regarded institution.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
3- Marking of sample of final exams by faculty from another institution.
F Student Administration and Support
1. Student Academic Counselling
1- Each student has an academic advisor.
2- At least 6 office hours a week are scheduled by each faculty member.
3- Faculty member is assigned to advise group of students selecting their courses in a semester.
4- Faculty member explain to students how to choose the appropriate elective courses.
5- Faculty member help students solving problems.
6- Faculty member advise students planning their career.
2. Student Appeals
- Regulations for academic appeals are according to the policy of ministry of higher education in Saudi
G. Text and Reference Material
1. Process followed by faculty in the program for planning and acquisition of text, reference and
electronic and web based resources:
To the library administration, program faculty are submitting:
1- A list of text books and appropriate references
2- A list of important electronic database
3- A list of specialized periodicals
4- A list of specialized software packages
5- A list of new text books to get a sample for verification
2. Processes followed by faculty in the program for evaluating the adequacy of book, reference and
other resource provision:
1- Updating the resource centre with the new relevant text books.
2- Continuous students' feedback on adequacy of the available used textbooks.
3- Faculty continuous updating to the list of used textbooks
4- Continuous updating to the specialized software packages
H. Faculty
1. Appointments
The process of employment of new faculty to ensure that faculty are appropriately qualified and
experienced for their teaching responsibilities:
1- The specializations which need more faculty members are identified by the head of the department.
2- Announcement for faculty members are published in many newspapers inside and outside the
Kingdom, and on the university website.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
3- Complete regulations for employment are provided with full position descriptions and conditions of
employment, together with general information about the institution and its mission and programs,
and full details about the particular program for which they are being considered are given on the
university and college web sites.
4- The interested persons are asked to send their CV's which are investigated carefully by a committee
consisting of the head of the department and two of the most expert faculty members.
5- The committee checks the adequacy of the applicants to the required jobs by:
i) Identifying the field of specialization of the M.Sc. & Ph.D. degrees,
ii) Identifying the field of research interest from the published work,
iii) Investigating the teaching experience and courses' list that have been taught
iv) Investigating the student graduation projects list which has been supervised by the faculty
v) Investigating the research theses which have been supervised by the faculty
vi) Investigating the publications list that have been done by the faculty
vii) Identifying the books that have been written or translated by the faculty
6- The initially chosen faculty member is, then, interviewed by a committee consisting of the dean and
a managing staff.
7- Qualification certificates and documents are checked by the university faculty affairs office. The
certificates should have been endorsed and certified by the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs
through the Saudi Arabia Culture Office in the certificate awarding countries.
8- References are checked, and claims of experience are verified before appointments are made.
9- All the new faculty members are given an effective orientation to the institution to ensure familiarity
with the institution and its operating procedures, services and priorities for development through a
meeting with the head of the department.
10- New teaching staff is given a thorough orientation to the program to ensure they have a thorough
understanding of the program as a whole, of the contributions to be made to it through the courses
they teach, and of the expectations for coordinated planning and delivery of courses and evaluation
and reporting requirements through meeting with the head of the department.
2. Participation in Program Planning, Monitoring and Review
Process for consultation with and involvement of faculty in monitoring program quality, annual
review and planning for improvement.
1- A high experienced faculty committee is constituted for the program continuous assessment and
2- Other faculty committees are constituted for other activities according to their experience.
3- Addition or removal of a topic material must be approved by the department through the continuous
improvement process.
4- The text book can be changed after the department approval through the continuous improvement
3. Professional; Development
Arrangements made for professional development of faculty for:
(a) Improvement of skills in teaching:
1- Faculty staff are asked to attend training courses, conferences and workshops to improve their
teaching skills
2- All teaching facilities (Data show, Lab-top, ... etc) are provided and updated continuously
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
3- Ensuring good communication with other staff in other high graded institution
4- Taking into consideration the department and students teaching feedback comments
(b) Other professional development including knowledge of research and developments in their
field of teaching:
1- Faculty staff are asked to attend training courses, conferences and workshops to improve their
research skills
2- Faculty staff are encouraged to participate in faculty supported & industry related research projects
3- Faculty staff have access to highly specialized research database (Journals, Periodicals, Confs.,..etc)
4- Faculty staff are encouraged to have a joint research work with others in another institution
4. Preparation of New Faculty
The process used for orientation and/or induction of new, visiting or part time faculty to ensure full
understanding of the program and the role of the course(s) they teach as components within it.
1- The new faculty is given an orientation course and provided with the handbooks.
2- A new faculty will be in contact with the course coordinator
3- Coordinator will help new faculty to assign the course time schedule, text book, writing exam rules,
assessment procedure, ... etc
4- New faculty has to recognize and understand the department program
5. Part Time and Visiting Faculty
Provide a summary of Program/Department/ College/institution policy on appointment of part
time and visiting faculty:
1- Part time and visiting faculty are allowed to participate in the teaching process according to the
institution rules
2- All part time or visiting faculty should be specialized and with a high contribution in their field
3- An approval is required from the university administration
4- All part time or visiting faculty should be carefully selected
I. Program Evaluation and Improvement Processes
1. Effectiveness of Teaching
a. Processes used to evaluate and improve the strategies planned for developing learning in the
different domains of learning:
1- Having feedback comments and suggestions from the faculty who have completed the teaching with
the plan strategies.
2- Having consultation advice and comments from teaching methodology specialist.
3- Having careful analysis of student course evaluations on the teaching plan and faculty teaching skills.
4- Having faculty feedback comments and suggestions on the assessment of learning achieved.
5- Periodic evaluation to the teaching plan to be adapted to the technical and market requirements.
b. Processes used for evaluating the skills of faculty in using the planned strategies:
1- Student course evaluation to the faculty teaching skills.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
Qassim University
College of Engineering
‫جامعـة القصيـم‬
‫كليه الھندسه‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
2- Department head observations on the faculty teaching skills in using the planned strategies.
3- Course coordinator comments and observations on the faculty teaching skills in the planned strategies.
4- Analysis of graduating students' ratings of the most and least effective courses in the program.
2. Overall Program Evaluation
a. Strategies used in the program for obtaining assessments of the overall quality of the program and
achievement of its intended learning outcomes:
(i) from current students and graduates of the program:
1- Having students responses on a well prepared questionnaire related to the program evaluation
2- Having graduated student responses on the program evaluation using a standard form.
3- Having open discussions with a randomly selected group of graduate students
4- Having feedbacks from the student advisory committee
(ii) from independent advisors and/or external evaluator(s):
1- Evaluation by independent reviewers
2- Getting comments and advice from a Professional Advisory Committee
3- Getting evaluation and feedback from external senior professors as regarding the quality of our exams
and marking process.
3- Getting advice and comments from an international accreditation specialist
(iii) from employers and/or other stakeholders:
1- Survey from employers of graduates
2- Group discussions with employers of graduates
b. Key performance indicators will be used to monitor and report annually on the quality of the
1- Students completion rate in the first year of the program
2- Employment rates of the program graduates
3- Student evaluation ratings of the value of the program
4- On time overall program completion rates
c. Processes followed for reviewing these assessments and planning action to improve the program:
1- Faculty comments on responses to course and program evaluations are collected
2- A program report at end of each semester is prepared by the program developmental study committee
3- A department approval is required for any planning actions and advised comments recommended by
the program evaluation committee