ISRN KTH/EKT/FR-2001/2-SE DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors Martin Linder KTH, Royal Institute of Technology Department of Microelectronics and Information Technology Device Technology Laboratory Stockholm 2001 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors Martin Linder KTH, Royal Institute of Technology Department of Microelectronics and Information Technology Device Technology Laboratory Stockholm 2001 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors A dissertation submitted to Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm, Sweden, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Teknisk Doktor. 2001 Martin Linder KTH, Royal Institute of Technology Department of Microelectronics and Information Technology Electrum 229 S-164 40 Kista SWEDEN ISRN KTH/EKT/FR-2001/2-SE ISSN 0284-0545 TRITA - EKT Forskningsrapport 2001:2 Printed in 250 copies by Kista Snabbtryck AB, Kista 2001. Linder, Martin: DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors, ISRN KTH/EKT/FR-2001/2-SE, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Microelectronics and Information Technology, Stockholm 2001. Abstract This thesis deals with DC parameter extraction and modeling of bipolar transistors (BJTs). Parameter extraction is performed using the dual base terminal BJT test structure. Extraction procedures for compact model parameters such as the emitter resistance RE and the intrinsic and the extrinsic base resistance (RBInt and RBExt respectively) are presented. The dual base terminal test structure is also utilized for DC extraction of the bias dependent Early voltages VEF and VER. From the extracted Early voltage parameters, it is shown that the built-in potential of the base-emitter and the base-collector junctions together with the grading coefficients of the junctions can be extracted from DC measurements. Normally, extraction of these parameters requires capacitance-voltage measurements. Further on, extraction of the zero bias intrinsic base sheet resistance RS00 is demonstrated by considering the Early effect. The concept of the dual base terminal test structure is also applied to the collector region and a new type of test structure is proposed. The test structure uses two terminals for the base and two terminals for the collector. It is shown that using the new test structure, it is possible to directly measure the constant part of the collector resistance RCC and to monitor the onset of the base push-out effect (Kirk effect). Finally, a general model formulation for the distributed nature of the base-emitter junction is presented. The proposed model includes both the Early effect and the effect of charge storage in the base. Therefore, accurate calculation of the base resistance and the potential, current and base charge distribution along the intrinsic base region is enabled. Keywords: bipolar transistors, parameter extraction, test structure, modeling, distributed model, base resistance, emitter resistance, collector resistance, Early effect, base push-out, current crowding, base conductivity modulation. Acknowledgements First of all I would like to thank Prof. Mikael Östling for giving me the opportunity to pursue my Ph.D. degree at the department. He is always encouraging and optimistic. I have had a good time working with you. I am also grateful to Dr. Jan V. Grahn who, with his excellent lecturing, got me interested in the subject. Dr. Jan V. Grahn also supervised my Master of Science thesis and I am glad that it worked out so well that he offered me a Ph.D. student position in the bipolar group, regardless of my background in material physics. One of the strongest impressions from the beginning of my studies was the time when Dr. Shili Zhang and myself sat down to design test structures to be manufactured in our in - house process BIP#2. I remember we thought something may come out of it but I could never imagine that it would turnout to be so rewarding. Maybe he did. During the years we have had many discussions around device physics and mathematics. In short, he taught me a lot, thanks. During my second year I attended a summer school in France called MIGAS. There I met Prof. Kjell Jeppson and Fredrik Ingvarson. We started a discussion regarding the extraction of parasitic resistances. It turned into a long and fruitful collaboration. Without them, I am sure that the scope of this thesis would have been totally different. Many thanks to both of you! Dr. Ping-Xi Ma, who spent a post doc year in our group, is acknowledged for encouraging discussions and that he always was there to help out. Of course, the rest of the Bipolar group are acknowledged: Martin Sandén (many thanks for Fig. 1 in Paper 2, Fig. 3 in Paper 3 and Fig. 1 in Paper 4), Johan Pejnefors, Gunnar Malm, Dr. Wlodek Kaplan, Erdal Suvar and Dr. Tord Karlin. It has been stimulating and fun working with you. I think all the people that work within the EKT and FTE departments deserve my sincere gratitude. It has been five very stimulating years, thank you all! Finally, I would also like to take the opportunity to thank my family for encouraging me to pursue the Ph.D. degree. Most of all, I would like to thank my fiancée Jessica and our daughter Cajsa. Their inspiration, patience and support have been invaluable during my time as a Ph.D. Student. Martin Linder, Kista 2001 Appended Papers 1. M. Linder, B. G. Malm, P. Ma, J. V. Grahn, S.-L. Zhang and M. Östling, “The Effect of Emitter Overetch and Base Implantation Tilt on the Performance of Double Polysilicon Bipolar Transistors,” Physica Scripta, T79, p.246-249, 1999. 2. M. Linder, F. Ingvarson, K.O. Jeppson, J.V. Grahn, S.-L. Zhang and M.Östling, “Extraction of Emitter and Base Series Resistances of Bipolar Transistors from a Single DC Measurement,” IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manufact., 13, p.119-126, 2000. 3. M. Linder, F. Ingvarson, K.O. Jeppson, J.V. Grahn, S.-L. Zhang and M.Östling, “On DC Modeling of the Base Resistance in Bipolar Transistors,” Solid-State Electronics, 44, p.1411-1418, 2000. 4. F. Ingvarson, M. Linder, K.O. Jeppson, S.-L. Zhang and M.Östling, “Extraction of the Intrinsic Base Region Sheet Resistance in Bipolar Transistors,” In Proc. Bipolar and BiCMOS Tech. Meeting, p.184-186, 2000. 5. M. Linder, F. Ingvarson, K.O. Jeppson, S.-L. Zhang, J.V. Grahn and M. Östling., “A New Test Structure for Parasitic Resistance Extraction of Bipolar Transistors,” In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Microelectronic Test Structures, p.25-30, 2001. 6. F. Ingvarson, M. Linder, K.O. Jeppson, S.-L. Zhang, J.V. Grahn and M. Östling, “A Procedure for Characterizing the BJT Base Resistance and Early Voltages Utilizing a Dual Base Transistor Test Structure,” In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Microelectronic Test Structures, p.31-36, 2001. 7. M. Linder and F. Ingvarson, “A Distributed Model of the Base-Emitter Junction in Bipolar Transistors Including the Early Effect,” In manuscript. Related Papers Not Included in the Thesis 8. M. Linder, M. Sandén, J. Pejnefors, P. Ma, T. E. Karlin, W. Kaplan, J. V. Grahn, S.-L. Zhang and M. Östling, “Extraction of Parasitic Resistances for Silicon High Frequency Bipolar Transistors,” In Proc. 1997 Gigahertz Meeting, Oct 1997. 9. M. Sandén, T. E. Karlin, J. Pejnefors, M. Linder, W. Kaplan, J. V. Grahn, S.-L. Zhang and M. Östling, “Enhanced High Frequency Performance of IDP-Emitter Bipolar Junction Transistors by Hydrogen Passivation,” In Proc. 1997 Gigahertz Meeting, Oct 1997. 10. J. V. Grahn, M. Linder and E. Fredriksson, “In Situ Growth of Evaporated TiO2 Thin Films using Oxygen Radicals: Effect of Deposition Temperature,” Journal of Vac. Sc. and Tech., 16, p.2495-2500, 1998. 11. W. Kaplan, J. Pejnefors, M. Linder, M. Sandén, T. E. Karlin, B. G. Malm, S.-L. Zhang, J. V. Grahn and M. Östling, ”A Simplified High-Speed Bipolar Process with Ti Salicide Metallization: Implementation of In Situ p-Doped Polysilicon Emitter,” Physica Scripta, T79, p.318-321, 1999. 12. B. G. Malm, O. Tornblad, M. Linder and M. Östling, “Modelling of Highly Doped Launcher Layer in SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors,” In Proc. RadioVetenskap och Kommunikation, 1999. 13. J. V. Grahn, B. G. Malm, B. Mohadjeri, J. Pejnefors, M. Sandén, Y. B. Wang, H. H. Radamson, P. Jönsson, M. Jargelius, H. Fosshaug, M. Linder, G. Landgren and M. Östling, “A High Speed SiGe HBT Process using Non-Selective Epitaxy and In Situ Phosphorus Doped Emitter,” In Proc. European Solid-St. Dev. Research Conf., p.728-731, 1999. 14. M. Linder, F. Ingvarson, K.O. Jeppson, J.V. Grahn, S.-L. Zhang and M.Östling, “A New Procedure for Extraction of Series Resistances for Bipolar Transistors from DC Measurements,” In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Microelectronic Test Structures, p.147-151, 1999. 15. J. V. Grahn, H. Fosshaug, M. Jargelius, P. Jönsson, M. Linder, B. G. Malm, B. Mohadjeri, J. Pejnefors, H. H. Radamson, M. Sandén, Y. B. Wang, G. Landgren and M. Östling, “A Low-Complexity 62-GHz fT SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Process using Differential Epitaxy and In Situ Phosphorus-Doped Poly-Si Emitter at Very Low Thermal Budget,” Solid-State Electronics, 44, p.549-554, 2000. 16. J. V. Grahn, B. G. Malm, B. Mohadjeri, J. Pejnefors, M. Sandén, Y.-B. Wang, H. H. Radamson, P. Jönsson, M. Jargelius, H. Fosshaug, M. Linder, G. Landgren and M. Östling, "A 62-Ghz fT SiGe HBT Process," In Proc. 5th Symposium on Gigahertz Electronics, p.11-14, 2000. 17. P. Ma, M. Linder, M. Sandén, S.-L. Zhang and M. Östling, “An Analytical Model for Space-Charge Region Capacitance Based on Practical Doping Profiles under Any Bias Conditions,” Solid-State Electronics, 45, p.159-167, 2001. 18. M. Linder, P. Ma, M. Sandén, S.-L. Zhang and M. Östling, “Extraction and Modeling of the Planar and Peripheral Parts of the Base–Emitter Capacitance,” In manuscript, 2001. 19. F. Ingvarson and M. Linder, “A Method for Extracting the Bias Dependent Early Effect in Bipolar Transistors from DC Measurements”, In manuscript, 2001. Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................1 2. THE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR .............................................3 2.1. Fabrication of BJTs .............................................................. 3 2.2. Bipolar Transistor Operation ................................................ 7 2.3. Compact BJT Modeling...................................................... 14 3. MODELING OF THE BASE RESISTANCE ...........................19 3.1. Basic Concepts .................................................................. 20 3.2. Distributed Transistor Modeling.......................................... 22 3.3. Compact Models of the Base Resistance .......................... 25 3.4. Small Signal Modeling of the Base Resistance .................. 26 4. DC EXTRACTION OF COMPACT MODEL PARAMETERS .....29 4.1. Intrinsic Parameters ........................................................... 30 4.2. Parasitic Resistances......................................................... 33 4.3. Dual Base Terminal Test Structure .................................... 38 4.4. Dual Collector Terminal Test Structure .............................. 39 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS ...............................................43 6. REFERENCES ...............................................................45 7. SUMMARY OF THE APPENDED PAPERS ...........................51 Chapter 1. Introduction 1. Introduction The tremendous market growth for the electronic industry in the past years is predicted to continue [1]. Even though most of the microelectronic applications are digital systems manufactured in CMOS technology (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor), properties such as low noise performance, high frequency operation and high linearity renders state-of-the-art Si and SiGe bipolar transistors an attractive technology choice for high frequency analog and high-speed digital applications [2]. Typical circuit elements utilizing bipolar transistors are Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs), Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) and mixers for high-speed circuit operation. During the last decade, the market for wireless applications and high-speed integrated digital circuits has switched from purely military and space applications to the consumer market. The low cost issue has therefore become more important and silicon technology is the most costeffective choice. However, the competition from CMOS and III-V technologies necessitates a continuous development of Si and SiGe bipolar transistor technologies. As the technology is improved and the device dimensions are scaled down, improved accuracy of the compact modeling of the device behavior is required by the circuit designers [3-7]. This 1 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors requirement comprises both more accurate compact models with a clear coupling to the device physics and accurate determination of model parameters. Further on, the increased complexity of the manufacturing process inherently translates to increased production costs. Fast and simple characterization techniques for automated wafer mapping are thus required in order to enable yield control during manufacturing. As the title suggests, this thesis deals with parameter extraction and modeling of high performance bipolar transistors. In Chapter 2, general aspects of bipolar transistor operation and compact modeling are discussed. Models of the bias-dependent base resistance are reviewed in Chapter 3, both regarding compact models and more complex model formulations. Chapter 4 discusses parameter extraction for compact bipolar transistor models, focusing on DC measurements. Finally, in Chapter 5, concluding remarks are given together with suggestions for future work. 2 Chapter 2. The Bipolar Transistor 2. The Bipolar Transistor In this chapter, the different fabrication technologies of bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are explained with emphasis on the double poly-Si technology. Second order effects that occur in the BJT, especially at high current levels, are discussed. Finally, a brief presentation of the different compact models of the BJT is given. 2.1. Fabrication of BJTs Bipolar transistor process technologies are under constant development. It can be noticed that the process schemes are not as unified as for CMOS technology, where every company seems to follow the same path of development. For bipolar transistors, a variety of different process schemes exists, all showing both strengths and weaknesses. Single Polysilicon Technology The first technology reviewed here is the single polysilicon process. One of the main advantages of this technology is the 3 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors a) LOCOS n+ n- p+ n+ p+ p b) Intrinsic base implant Resist LOCOS n+ n- p+ n+ p+ p c) n+ poly-Si LOCOS p n- + p n+ n+ p+ p d) E LOCOS p+ C B B p+ p+ n+ nn+ p+ p Figure 1. Schematic process flow for a single poly-Si bipolar transistor. straightforward implementation in a CMOS process. This so-called BiCMOS process offers the advantages of having both bipolar, NMOSFETs and PMOSFETs in the same process. The process flow of the bipolar transistors is not very different from that of the MOSFET transistors. A simplified process flow is described in Fig. 1. Double Polysilicon Technology The double poly-Si bipolar technology not only uses an n+ doped poly-Si emitter but also allows the extrinsic base to be contacted with a p+ doped poly-Si layer. This feature enables full self-alignment of the active 4 Chapter 2. The Bipolar Transistor a) LOCOS n- p+ p+ n+ p b) n+ Collector plugg implant Resist LOCOS n- p+ p+ n+ p c) Intrinsic base implant Si02 p+-poly-Si LOCOS + p p+ n p+ n+ n+ p+ p d) E B B C + p -poly-Si LOCOS p+ p+ n p+ n+ n+ p+ p Figure 2. Schematic process flow for a double poly-Si bipolar transistor. layers of the transistor [8, 9]. A schematic process flow for a double polySi technology is shown in Fig. 2. In order to minimize the fabrication time required to complete the whole process, a simplified double poly-Si process was developed [10]. The process was simplified by omitting both trench isolation (as well as junction isolation) and metallization. Consequently, the process is completed using only four lithographic mask steps. The transistor is electrically probed directly on the silicide that is formed on the emitter and base poly-Si. However, the design of the intrinsic BJT is identical to the 5 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors full-scale process. As can be seen in Fig. 2(a), the first lithography step of the process is the LOCOS mask, which defines the active areas and the collector contacts. The second mask is the collector plug implantation mask, Fig. 2(b). After deposition and boron implantation of the base polySi, an oxide is deposited which serves as an isolating layer between the emitter and base poly-Si. Then the base poly-Si mask is exposed and both the oxide layer and the base poly-Si layer are etched. Figure 2(c) shows the structure after removal of the resist followed by a drive in anneal for forming the extrinsic base regions. The intrinsic base is then implanted through the emitter window. After spacer formation the emitter poly-Si is deposited and implanted. The emitter poly-Si also serves as contact to the collector window. The emitter poly-Si and the underlying oxide are then etched after exposure and development of the last mask. Finally, the uncovered areas of both the base and the emitter poly-Si are silicided. The simplified process was used as a test vehicle for implementing new process segments, e.g. in-situ phosphorous doped poly-Si emitter [11]. Further on, the effect of the emitter window opening and the intrinsic base implantation was investigated. As can be seen in Fig. 2, the emitter window is opened by etching through the p+ poly-Si. Ideally, the etching should stop at the interface between the p+ poly-Si and the n- epiSi. Since there is no possibility to detect this interface during etching, an overetch is performed to guarantee that the n- epi-Si is reached. In addition to this effect the intrinsic base implantation is usually tilted 5°-7° in order to avoid channeling of the implanted species. The relatively high sidewalls of the emitter window can then shadow parts of the window from the implantation. Together with the overetch, the shadowing may cause the formation of a potential barrier between the extrinsic and the intrinsic base at the shadowed side of the window. Naturally, this causes an increase in the base resistance and consequently a decrease in the maximum frequency of oscillation, fMAX. However, near the potential barrier between the extrinsic and the intrinsic base regions, the intrinsic base will be thinner than below the emitter. This raises the maximum cut-off frequency fT,MAX since the base transit time is reduced. The effect of the overetch on 6 Chapter 2. The Bipolar Transistor the high frequency performance and the breakdown characteristics of the transistor is investigated in detail in Paper 1. In order to avoid the overetch effects on the process stability, a thin oxide layer between the p+ poly-Si and the n- epi-Si may be introduced [12]. This oxide is used as an etch stop for the emitter window etch and the overetch is thus avoided. However, formation of a low resistance base link between the extrinsic and the intrinsic base regions becomes more elaborate. 2.2. Bipolar Transistor Operation The BJT is essentially two pn diodes connected back to back, see Fig. 3. From basic pn diode theory it is well known that the current passing through the diode is given by: V ηVT I = IS × e − 1 (1) where V is the voltage over the diode, η is the ideality factor, VT (= kT/q ≈ 0.026 V) is the thermal voltage and IS is the saturation current. Ideally, the base and collector currents should be similarly dependent upon the applied voltages. However, in reality a large number of effects occur which causes a deviation from the ideal theory. This is clearly illustrated in Fig. 4, where the base and collector currents are plotted versus the base-emitter voltage. The dotted lines are the ideal behavior according to the simple theory and the solid lines represents a real transistor. 7 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors E E n+ B p B n- n+ C C Figure 3. The one dimensional representation of the BJT, together with the equivalent circuit of the ideal case. The deviation of the measurements from the ideal behavior in the high current regime, shown in Fig. 4, is due to various second order effects. These second order effects will be described in the following paragraphs. -2 Currents, IB and IC (A) 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 IC -7 10 -8 IB 10 -9 10 -10 10 -11 10 -12 10 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Base - Emitter Voltage, VBE (V) Figure 4. A typical Gummel plot for a BJT. The solid lines are real transistor data and the dotted lines represent the ideal case. 8 Chapter 2. The Bipolar Transistor The Early Effect When changing the bias of the transistor, the width of the depletion layers of the base-emitter and base-collector junctions will change. This modulates the thickness of the quasi-neutral base region, and thus affects the current transport of the transistor. This effect is called the Early effect [13] or base width modulation and is observed as a non-zero output conductance. Typical output characteristics are shown in Fig. 5. The extrapolated intercept of the collector current IC data with the collector-emitter voltage VCE axis is often referred to as the forward Early voltage VAF. Similarly, in reverse mode of operation the intercept of the emitter current IE(VEC) plot is called the reverse Early voltage (or Late voltage) VAR. VAF is an important figure of merit for the BJT, and should be as high as possible. A simple way to increase VAF is to increase the base Gummel number, i.e. to increase the doping and/or the base width which unfortunately reduces the DC current gain β. Therefore, the β×VAF product is often referred to, as a more relevant figure of merit for a bipolar technology. The Early voltages are also important parameters for compact Collector Current, IC (mA) BJT models and will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.4. 0.7 0.5 IB = 5.0 µA IB = 4.0 µA 0.4 IB = 3.0 µA 0.3 IB = 2.0 µA 0.6 0.2 IB = 1.0 µA 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Collector - Emitter Voltage, VCE (V) Figure 5. Output characteristics of a BJT. The reason for the VCE dependence of IC is the Early effect. 9 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors E B C Intrinsic transistor REPoly RBPoly RBpoly-Epi LOCOS p+ Rn-epi RCPlug n- p+ RBuriedC n+ n+ p Figure 6. Schematic cross section of a double poly-Si transistor showing different parasitic resistances. Resistive Voltage Drops The intrinsic transistor only constitutes a small part of the layout as can be seen in Fig. 6. The extrinsic parts, such as the extrinsic base and the buried collector, contribute to parasitic resistances that the terminal currents must pass through. Figure 6 depicts the different resistances present in the double poly-Si BJT. For large terminal current densities, typically above 1-10×105 A/cm2, the voltage drop over the parasitic resistances must be considered. Base Current, IB (A) 10 The effects of these resistances are shown -1 ∆VBE 10 10 10 10 -3 -5 -7 -9 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 Emitter-Base Voltage, VBE (V) Figure 7. IB plotted against VBE. The dotted line represents IBIdeal and the straight line is the measured IB. 10 p+ Chapter 2. The Bipolar Transistor in Fig. 7, where the base current IB is plotted vs. the base-emitter voltage VBE. The deviation from the ideal behavior of IB is ∆VBE = IB×RBTot + IE×RE, where RBTot is the total base resistance and RE is the emitter resistance. As will be discussed later, the voltage drop over the collector resistance may force the transistor into quasi saturation. Emitter Current Crowding The distributed nature of the base-emitter junction causes the potential of the intrinsic base region to vary laterally. This is due to the lateral voltage drop over the intrinsic base resistance, caused by the base current. Since the base current is injected from the sides of the intrinsic base, the base-emitter junction is more forward biased near the edges of the emitter window and more electrons will be injected there as compared to the center region of the emitter. Figure 8 shows the potential distribution along the intrinsic base region. The base current is injected from the right hand side in Fig. 8. In the transistor behavior, this effect appears as a lowering of the intrinsic base resistance and will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3. 1.06 Voltage, V(x) (V) 1.04 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Distance, x (µm) Figure 8. Schematic potential distribution along the intrinsic base region in forward mode of operation. 11 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors Further on, the current crowding effect causes other high injection effects to appear locally for smaller currents than can be expected when assuming uniform current distribution. Base Conductivity Modulation When the concentration of the injected minority carriers in the base region is comparable with the background doping, the conductivity is modulated according to: σ = q = p p 0 1 = q (µ p p + µ n n ) = b ≈ qµ p p 0 qb . ρ p >> n (2) For low currents, qb = 1 and σ = qµpp0. However, when the base current increases, the hole concentration in the base increases and p > p0. Therefore the conductivity in the base is increased. Since the intrinsic base resistance is reduced by this effect, the voltage drop that causes the emitter current crowding is reduced. Consequently, the base conductivity modulation effect and the current crowding effect counteract each other. In Paper 3, the current dependence of the base resistance reduction is investigated for both of these effects. It is shown that the two effects cause different current dependence of the base resistance, this will be discussed further in Chapter 3. The Kirk Effect The Kirk effect [5, 14, 15], also called base push-out, occurs when the concentration of the injected electrons from the base-emitter junction into the collector region is comparable with the doping level in the lowdoped collector region. As IC increases, the electron concentration in the epitaxial collector exceeds NC,EPI. Thus the positive space charge in the collector side of the base-collector depletion region is overcompensated by electrons injected from the emitter. The electrical base-collector junction is then pushed to the n- - n+ junction in the collector. Holes are injected into the n- collector region to fulfill quasi neutrality, resulting in an increased IB due to recombination currents. Therefore, the current gain is degraded. The Kirk effect is demonstrated in Fig. 9, 12 Potential (V) Chapter 2. The Bipolar Transistor 0.4 0.70 V 0.2 0.80 V 0.85 V 0.0 -0.2 0.90 V -0.4 1.00 V -0.6 Emitter Base 0.00 0.25 0.50 Collector 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Distance (µm) Figure 9. The potential through the transistor for VBE = 0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9 and 1 V. showing the electrostatic potential for different VBE, simulated using the Silvaco software [16]. The collector current density when the Kirk effect starts (JC,KIRK) may be defined as when the electron concentration in the epitaxial collector (nC,EPI) becomes 10% of NC,EPI, implying that: JC,KIRK ≡ 0.1 × q vs NC,EPI (3) where vs is the saturation velocity for electrons in the base-collector depletion region. From Fig. 9, it is clear that the Kirk effect causes the internal base-collector junction to become forward biased for 0.85 V < VBE < 0.9 V. This behavior is similar to what is observed when the transistor is operated under quasi saturation conditions. Quasi Saturation This effect occurs when the voltage drop over the collector resistance (IC × RC) is large enough to cause the base – collector junction to be forward biased, even though it is externally reverse biased. Consequently, holes are injected into the collector region, IB increases and β decreases. The effect of quasi saturation is indeed similar to the Kirk effect and no physical difference can be found in the intrinsic transistor [5]. However, the quasi saturation effect is clearly evident in the output 13 Collector Current, IC (mA) DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors 0.20 IB = 1.0 µA 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Collector - Emitter Voltage, VCE (V) Figure 10. IC(VCE) characteristics at IB = 1 µA for three different ncollector thicknesses, wn-. Squares represent wn- = 0.5 µm, circles wn- = 1.0 µm and triangles wn- = 1.5 µm. characteristics of the transistor. In Fig. 10, simulated output characteristics is shown for three cases. The simulated structures are similar except for the thickness of the n- epitaxial collector layer, wn-. A larger wn- results in a higher collector resistance RC. Thus, the quasi saturation effect becomes more pronounced as wn- is increased. The slower increase in IC for larger wn- that can be observed in Fig. 10 is typical for the quasi saturation effect. 2.3. Compact BJT Modeling For efficient circuit design, accurate transistor models are crucial. The history of compact bipolar transistor models starts with the EbersMoll model [17]. It is a simple model of two back-to-back diodes. This model is still the basis of all the modern bipolar models. The evolution continued with the development of the Gummel-Poon [18] model. The normalized majority base charge qb was introduced and consequently the 14 Chapter 2. The Bipolar Transistor base width modulation effects (Early effect) [13] are included in the model. Most of the following models are based on the qb concept. More recent models, such as the VBIC95 [3] and the MEXTRAM [4] model also includes quasi saturation effect [15], Kirk effect [14] and base conductivity modulation. The models for describing the non-linearity in the different parasitic capacitances and resistances have also been further improved. In addition, careful modeling of the parasitic pnp transistor (base-collector-substrate) is included. The resulting transistor models are complex, consisting of a large number of model parameters. However, the ability to predict transistor performance is greatly improved compared to earlier models. This chapter briefly reviews the different compact BJT models that can be found in the literature and that has been used or referred to in the appended papers. The Gummel – Poon Model Gummel and Poon [18] improved the Ebers-Moll model by introducing the integral charge control concept. By using the normalized majority base charge qb, the model inherently considers the base width modulation (Early effect). Further on, a current-dependent base resistance RB(IB) was introduced. A detailed discussion about modeling of the base resistance is given in Chapter 3. Later, the model was extended to include quasi-saturation or the Kirk effect [14, 15]. However, the model of these effects is not very smooth which may cause problems with convergence. Further on, the modeling of the cut-off frequency and output conductance is not very accurate since they are given by the derivatives of the currents. Figure 11 shows the equivalent circuit of the Gummel-Poon model. 15 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors C RC VB´C´ nCLVT C4 I S e −1 RB B CSUB C´ IEC βR CjC CDC B´ ICT=ICC-IEC V B´ E´ n V C 2 I S e EL T −1 ICC βF CjE CDE E´ RE E Figure 11. Equivalent circuit of the Gummel – Poon model. The transport current ICT is given by: V B 'C ' V B 'E ' I SS VT − e VT I CT = e qb (4) where ISS is a fundamental device parameter given by I SS = qADn ni2 (5) xC ∫ N A (x )dx xE with xC and xE given at zero bias. The normalized base charge qb is defined as 2 q q qb = 1 + 1 + q 2 2 2 (6) where q1 models the base width modulation effect (Early effect) and q2 the high injection effects. By assuming constant junction capacitances, i.e. that the depletion charges are linearly dependent upon voltage, q1 is given by 16 Chapter 2. The Bipolar Transistor V V q1 = 1 − B ' E ' − B ' C ' V AR V AF −1 . (7) Equation (7) is actually not the correct formulation of q1. A more correct formulation is [20] V V q1 = 1 + B ' E ' + B 'C ' . V AR V AF (8) The reason that Eq. (7) was used in the Gummel-Poon model is that the resulting current expression then was consistent with the Ebers-Moll model [20]. In the more recent versions of the Gummel-Poon model Eq. (8) is used for calculating q1. The high injection base charge q2 is modeled according to V B 'E ' I SS N F VT − 1 + q2 = e I KF V B 'C ' I SS N RVT − 1 , e I KR (9) where IKF and IKR are the forward and reverse knee currents, respectively. The VBIC95 Model The VBIC model (Vertical Bipolar Inter Company) was developed in a joint project including many of the largest bipolar manufacturers in the world [3]. It is based on the Gummel-Poon model [18]. However, some major improvements are presented. The q1 formulation is not the one based on the linearized depletion charges used in the Gummel-Poon model. In VBIC95, q1 is given by: q1 = 1 + q je VER + q jc VEF (10) where qje and qjc are functions describing the voltage dependence of the base-emitter and the base-collector depletion charges, respectively. The parameters VER and VEF are referred to as the bias-dependent reverse and forward Early voltages, respectively, in contrast to VAR and VAF which are constant model parameters. It is notable that qje, qjc, VER and VEF are dimensionless parameters. By using functions for describing the depletion charges the prediction of output conductance and cut-off frequency is 17 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors greatly improved compared to the Gummel-Poon model [20]. Further on, the modeling of the quasi saturation effect is improved. The MEXTRAM 504 Model The MEXTRAM model (Most EXquisite TRAnsistor Model) is a very complex compact model [4]. The model was developed by Philips and is a subject of continuous development [e.g. 21]. The latest version, MEXTRAM 504, requires close to 90 model parameters. In its formulation, this model is much similar to the VBIC95 model. However, major improvements are made in the smoothing functions used for describing the high injection effects in the collector epilayer [5]. These improvements serve to both increase the model accuracy and the convergence of the model since the derivatives are continuous functions. As in VBIC95, the MEXTRAM 504 model for the intrinsic base resistance considers only base conductivity modulation. However, the model uses an additional base – emitter diode, connecting to the base between the extrinsic and the intrinsic part of the base resistance. Thus, one could argue that MEXTRAM 504 is a first order distributed model and therefore current crowding effects are included in the model. Further on, the MEXTRAM 504 model for the intrinsic base resistance includes both current crowding and base conductivity modulation effects. 18 Chapter 3. Modeling of the Base Resistance 3. Modeling of the Base Resistance The base resistance has a large impact on device performance, both for DC and high frequency operation. Therefore, the accuracy of a compact transistor model is much determined by its ability to predict the base resistance of the device. Modeling of the non-linear current dependence of the base resistance has drawn much attention in the literature [e.g. 19, 22-26]. In this chapter, the different definitions of the base resistance are first reviewed. Then, the distributed models found in the literature are discussed and the model presented in Paper 7 is described. In compact BJT models, the base resistance models should preferably be direct functions of the current and/or voltages of the device. Therefore, the distributed models are not suitable for implementation in circuit simulators. The last section of this chapter deals with the different compact base resistance models that are used in BJT models. Also, a brief description of the compact base resistance model presented in Paper 3 will be given. 19 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors Total Base Resistance, RBTot(IB) (Ω) 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 -6 10 -5 10 10 -4 -3 10 10 -2 Base Current, IB (A) Figure 12. Schematic IB dependence of RBTot. 3.1. Basic Concepts The total base resistance RBTot, consists of two parts, one extrinsic part RBExt and one intrinsic part RBInt. A typical RBTot vs. IB plot is shown in Fig. 12. The decrease in RBTot is due to the decrease of the intrinsic part RBInt. As discussed earlier, the reason for the current dependence of RBInt is mainly due to current crowding and base conductivity modulation. In the literature, many different definitions of the intrinsic base resistance can be found [19, 26, 27]. One way of defining RBInt(IB) is to state that the power dissipation in the intrinsic base region PBase should be the same as the power dissipated in RBInt(IB) by IB. Thus, RBInt is given by PBase ( I B ) = 2 Power I B × RBInt (I B ) = WE ∫ 0 I 2 ( x) × R B 0 dx qb ( x ) W E (11) where RB0 = RSq.×WE/LE is the physical resistance of the intrinsic base region for small IB and RSq. is the intrinsic base region sheet resistance. Historically, the power dissipation definition has been the most widely used, due to the fact that it was used in the derivation of the Gummel-Poon model of RBTot(IB) [19, 28]. However, as is mentioned in [29] and shown in Paper 7, this definition is not compatible with the definition used when 20 Chapter 3. Modeling of the Base Resistance formulating compact BJT models. In the compact models RBInt is defined according to Fig. 13. Consequently, RBInt is given by Compact RBInt (I B ) Eff VBE − VBE = IB I VBE − VT × ln B IS = IB (12) Eff where VBE is the effective base-emitter voltage. A third definition that is useful for extraction of the base resistance parameters is the dual base terminal definition. This definition is convenient when measuring the base resistance using the dual base terminal test structure and will be discussed in detail in Chapter 4.3. RBInt(IB) is defined as the voltage drop over the whole intrinsic base region divided by IB. Thus, it reads Dual − Base RBInt (I B ) = V (WE ) − V (0) IB (13) where V(WE) is the applied voltage at one side of the base region and V(0) is the resulting voltage at the other side. E IB B RBInt(IB) Figure 13. The base-emitter branch of a compact BJT model. The emitter resistance RE and the extrinsic base resistance RBExt are left out for clarity. 21 Intrinsic Base Resistance, RBInt(IB) (Ω) DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors 200 150 100 50 0 -6 10 Dual Base def. Compact Model def. Power Dissipation def. 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 Base Current, IB (A) Figure 14. Three different definitions of RBInt, simulated with the distributed model presented in Paper 7. In Fig. 14, the three definitions of RBInt are plotted versus IB. Data are calculated using the distributed model presented in Paper 7. The physical resistance RB0 in the calculations is 400 Ω. The low current value for the dual base terminal definition (Eq. (13)) corresponds to 1/2×RB0. For the other definitions this value is 1/3×RB0 which is known from textbooks [e.g. 30]. This difference has to be corrected for when using the dual base terminal test structure for extracting the base resistance model parameters. It is also clear that the power dissipation definition is not compatible with the compact model definition. 3.2. Distributed Transistor Modeling In compact models, two-dimensional effects (such as current crowding) are not always easy to implement with a clear coupling to the physical layout. In order to model these effects accurately, the distributed nature of e.g. the base – emitter junction must be considered. The equivalent circuit of a distributed model is shown in Fig. 15. 22 Chapter 3. Modeling of the Base Resistance IT RE C E VBEi(x) B x RBInt dx WE RBExt x=WE Figure 15. Equivalent circuit of a distributed transistor model. In Fig. 15, the potential drop dV over a segment dx is given by dV ( x) = R BInt RB 0 × I ( x) × dx = × I ( x) × dx . WE W E × qb ( x ) (14) Further on, the change in current dI in that segment is [19, 25-27] dI ( x) = V ( x) IS × dx × exp WE VT (15) The resulting differential equation when combining Eqs.(14) and (15) is RB 0 I S V ( x) dq b ( x) dV ( x) 1 d 2V ( x) . − exp = × × × qb ( x) WE2 V dx dx dx 2 T (16) The boundary conditions for Eq. (16) are [19, 25-27] dV ( x) dx =0 (17) x =0 V (0) = V0 . (18) If the complete formulation of qb(x) is used in Eq. (16), numerical solution is required. Earlier studies have either neglected the base conductivity modulation, i.e. qb = 1 [19, 26, 27], or used a simplified formulation of qb that is not very correct for large voltages [25]. No distributed model that includes the Early effect has previously been presented. In Paper 7, such a model is presented and analysed in detail. By including the Early effect in the qb formulation of the model, the VCE dependence of qb(x) and RBInt(IB) is described, see Fig. 16. 23 Normalized Base Charge, qb(x) DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors 2.00 VCE = 1 V VCE = 3 V VCE = 5 V 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.0 qb = 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Normalized Distance, x Figure 16. The VCE dependence of the qb distribution along the intrinsic base region. The calculations are for VAF = 10 V and VAR = 5 V, the other parameters are those presented in Paper 7. By neglecting qb, i.e. qb(x)=1, both the Early effect and base conductivity modulation are neglected. Equation (16) then corresponds to the model presented in [19]. The solution of Eq. (16) is then [19] cos[Z (1 − x WE )] V ( x ) = V (WE ) − 2VT × ln . cos( Z ) (19) where Z is an intermediate parameter given by Z × tan( Z ) = RB0 × I B . 2VT (20) Adopting the power dissipation definition (Eq. (11)), RBInt(IB) may be written tan( Z ) − Z . RBInt ( I B ) = RBInt (0) × Z × tan 2 ( Z ) (21) The RBTot model used in the SPICE version of the Gummel-Poon model is based on Eq. (21). However, a simplified expression for Z(IB) is used, which will be treated in the following section. 24 Chapter 3. Modeling of the Base Resistance 3.3. Compact Models of the Base Resistance In the Ebers-Moll model, the base resistance, RBInt was modeled as a constant resistance. The current dependence of RBInt was first included in the Gummel-Poon model. The RBInt(IB) model was a simplified formulation of the distributed model derived by Hauser [19], shown in Eq. (21). However, in order to make the RBInt(IB) expression an explicit function of IB, Z(IB) is simplified compared to the formulation in [19] (Eq. (20)) and reads: Z (I B ) = − 1 + 1 + 144 I B / π 2 I rB (24 / π ) 2 (22) I B / I rB where IrB is defined as the base current at which RBInt(IB) = 1/2 RBInt(0). Since the model is based on a distributed transistor model it accounts for current crowding effects. However, the effect of base conductivity modulation is neglected. Further on, the derivation of Eq.(21) is based on the power dissipation definition of RBInt [19] which was shown earlier and in Paper 7 to not be compatible with the compact model definition. In the base resistance models included in MEXTRAM and VBIC95, the current dependence of RBInt is solely due to the base conductivity modulation. RBInt(IB) is then given by: RBInt ( I B ) = RBInt 0 , qb ( I B ) (23) where RBInt0 is the low current value of the base resistance. In [3], the need for a compact model of RBInt(IB) that considers both current crowding and base conductivity modulation was pointed out. Such a model is presented in Paper 3. By adding a new parameter α to the qb formulation used in Eq.(23), the model for RBInt(IB) in VBIC95 is modified to also include the effects of current crowding. The new qb(VBE), qb,α(VBE) for large currents, including the new parameter, may be written as V I 1 qb,α (VBE ) = 1 + 1 + 4 S exp BE 2 I KF N F VT α (24) 25 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors where α = 0.5 is the usual qb formulation. If α instead is used as a fitting parameter, allowed to vary between 0.5 and 1, it is shown in Paper 3 that Eq. (24) also covers the case of current crowding. 3.4. Small Signal Modeling of the Base Resistance The intrinsic base resistance in the linearized small signal transistor model (from now on rB) is given by the differential resistance rB which is defined as [19, 26, 27, 31, 32]: rB = RBInt + dRBInt × IB dI B (25) Inserting the large signal model of RBInt(IB) presented in Paper 3 into Eq. (25), the resulting small signal model of rB is: rB = 2 x × α × (1 + 2 x )α −1 2 RBInt 0 1 − × 1 + (1 + 2 x )α 1 + (1 + 2 x )α (26) where x = IB / IRB. Equation (26) can be rewritten as: 2 x × α × (1 + 2 x )α −1 rB = RBInt × 1 − α 1 + (1 + 2 x ) (27) This small signal model considers both emitter current crowding (α close to 1) and base conductivity modulation (α close to 0.5) as causing the decrease in RBInt at high currents, as shown in Paper 3. In Fig. 17, the small signal model is compared to the large signal model for three different values of α. Since dR BInt dI B in Eq. (25) always is negative, rB is smaller than RBInt. 26 Chapter 3. Modeling of the Base Resistance Normalized RB, rB 1.0 (a) 0.8 0.6 α = 0.5 0.4 0.2 Normalized RB, rB 0.0 1.0 (b) 0.8 0.6 α = 0.75 0.4 0.2 Normalized RB, rB 0.0 1.0 (c) 0.8 0.6 α = 1.00 0.4 0.2 Large Signal RB Small Signal rB 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 10 10 10 10 10 IB / IRB 1 10 2 10 3 10 Figure 17. Comparison between the small signal model (dashed lines) and the large signal model (solid lines) of the intrinsic base resistance for (a) α = 0.50, (b) α = 0.75 and (c) α = 1.00. 27 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors 28 Chapter 4. DC Extraction of Compact Model Parameters 4. DC Extraction of Compact Model Parameters For a transistor model to be accurate it is important that the model parameters are correct. First we have to define what is meant by correct. It is not always true that the correct value of a physical parameter gives the best accuracy of the transistor model. This is due to two reasons. First, the model formulation is based on some assumptions and simplifications that make the parameters difficult to interpret physically. Second, many parameters are coupled to each other, meaning that a small error in one parameter may require another parameter to take non-physical proportions. However, since the modern parameter extraction routines [33] utilize a global optimization scheme, it is extremely important that the initial model parameters are close to the correct ones. Otherwise, the optimization routine may be trapped in a local minimum. In the following section, extraction of the intrinsic model parameters is described. Extraction of the parasitic resistances is presented in section 4.2. The dual base terminal test structure is presented in section 4.3. As shown in Paper 2, Paper 3, Paper 4 and Paper 6, this test structure enables extraction of both resistances and Early voltage parameters. In the final section of this chapter, the dual collector terminal test structure, presented in Paper 5, is discussed. 29 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors 4.1. Intrinsic Parameters The intrinsic model parameters e.g. the Early voltages VAF, VAR, the saturation currents IS and the ideality factors NF and NR, are of crucial importance for accurate BJT modeling. Different extraction schemes have been proposed in the literature [18, 20, 34, 35]. For an extraction procedure to be accurate it is important that it is based on the physics of the model. For example, VAF and VAR extraction must be coupled since both the emitter-base and the base-collector depletion widths are modulated simultaneously. Typically, the extraction procedure is based on forward and reverse output and Gummel characteristics. Early Voltages Historically, the forward Early voltage VAF has been extracted from the intercept with the VCE axis of the extrapolated IC(VCE) plot for constant IB or VBE, as shown in Fig. 18. The reverse Early voltage VAR has similarly been extracted as the intercept with the VEC axis of the extrapolated IE(VEC) plot for constant IB or VBC [35]. This extraction technique decouples the two effects (forward and reverse Early effect). This means that when extracting VAF the reverse Early effect is neglected and vice versa. In [34], a technique for extracting both VAF and VAR in a coupled manner was presented. It is based on a procedure where normalized data are used. As discussed previously, when modeling the Early effect with constant Early voltages, the output conductance is assumed to be constant. In the more recent compact models like VBIC95 and MEXTRAM, the Early voltages are modeled as bias-dependent quantities and the prediction of the output conductance is much improved. A technique for extracting the bias-dependent Early voltage parameters are presented in [20]. Base – emitter and base – collector capacitance data are used to extract the builtin potential Pe and Pc and the grading coefficient mje and mjc for 30 Chapter 4. DC Extraction of Compact Model Parameters Collector Current, IC (nA) 5 4 3 2 1 0 VAF = 28 V -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Collector - Emitter Voltage, VCE (V) Figure 18. Traditional extraction of VAF. the respective junction. These parameters are used in the models for the junction charges qje(VBE) and qjc(VBC). The bias-dependent Early voltage parameters VEF and VER are then calculated from forward and reverse output data for low biases. In Paper 6, an alternative extraction procedure for the bias-dependent Early voltage parameters is presented. The procedure is based on DC measurements on the dual base terminal test structure. Since the capacitance parameters are extracted from DC measurements, no C-V measurements are required. This extraction procedure is discussed further in section 4.3. Current Parameters When the Early effect parameters are known, the current parameters ISS, IKF, IKR, βF and βR are extracted. Typically, forward and reverse Gummel characteristics are used, see Fig. 19. Since qb is known, ISS and the forward ideality factor NF can be extracted by fitting IC = VBE VT I SS × e q b (VBE )VBC =0 (28) 31 Collector Current, IC (A) DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors -3 10 -5 10 -7 10 -9 10 Extraction of IS -11 10 -13 10 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Base - Emitter Voltage, VBE (V) Figure 19. Region used for extraction of the saturation current IS by fitting Eq. (28) to measurement data. Measurement is performed for VBC = 0 V. at VBC = 0 V. Typically, the curve fitting is performed in the voltage range 0.4 V < VBE < 0.8 V [36], see Fig. 19. The forward knee current IKF is extracted from the βF (= IC / IB) versus log(IC) plot as the value of IC when βF has dropped to half its peak value, see Fig. 20. The reverse knee current IKR is extracted in the same way for data in reverse mode of operation. In modern extraction software [e.g. 33], these parameters are then optimized after the resistances are extracted in the high current operation regime. 32 Forward Current Gain, βF Chapter 4. DC Extraction of Compact Model Parameters 250 200 150 100 Forward Knee Current, IKF 50 0 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 Collector Current, IC (A) Figure 20. Extraction of the forward knee current, IKF. 4.2. Parasitic Resistances For large currents, the parasitic resistances of the model are important since the voltage drops over these resistances are significant. High frequency transistors are usually operated in this regime, making these parameters very important for accurate prediction of transistor behavior. It is possible to calculate the resistances out of the doping levels and geometry. However, current distribution and small geometries makes it difficult to achieve satisfactory agreement between measurements and simulations using the calculated resistances. Extraction of these parameters may be performed from e.g. S-parameter [37], AC [22], noise [38] and DC measurements [e.g. 39-41]. DC extraction techniques are generally preferred due to the fact that they are both time and cost effective. This in turn enables automated statistical wafer mapping to be performed for increased accuracy of the model parameters as well as increased process control. In this section, the most widely used DC extraction techniques will be reviewed. 33 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors Ning-Tang method The Ning-Tang method allows extraction of RE, RBExt and RBInt [39]. From IB(VBE) data at large voltages, the deviation from the ideal behavior ∆VBE is written as ∆VBE = RE × I E + RBTot × I B (29) where ∆VBE is extracted from the Gummel characteristics. Equation (29) can be rewritten to read ∆VBE = RE + (RE + RBTot ) × β −1 IC (30) where IE = IC + IB and IB = β × IC has been used. By assuming that RBInt is proportional to β, the plot of ∆VBE / IC versus β-1 will be a straight line with a slope equal to RE + RBExt and the intercept with the y-axis equal to RE + RBInt / β. In Fig. 21, extraction according to this method is demonstrated. The slope (≈ 300 Ω) roughly corresponds to RBExt since RE is normally much smaller then RBExt. The intercept with the y-axis (≈ 30 Ω) is more difficult to interpret due to the RBInt / β term. However, by using different emitter geometries separation of RE and RBInt / β is enabled. It is worth to mention that the assumption that RBInt is proportional to β is only valid when current crowding effects are negligible. 500 40 30 300 20 200 10 0 0.010 100 0.015 0.020 0 0.025 Reciprocal Current Gain, 1/β Figure 21. Resistance extraction according to the Ning-Tang method [39]. 34 Slope (Ω) ∆VB1E / IC (Ω) 400 Chapter 4. DC Extraction of Compact Model Parameters Otherwise, the current dependence of RBInt will be different and not directly proportional to β. In that case, as is shown in Paper 2, the ∆VBE / IC versus β -1 plot will not be linear and thus the parameter extraction ambiguous. Weng method Weng et al. proposed a method for extraction of RBExt and RBInt [23]. The method is based on a test structure consisting of a transistor with two separated base terminals, B1 and B2, respectively. This test structure will be discussed in detail in Chapter 4.3. In [23], the extraction procedure included measurements of forward operation data while the additional base terminal senses the voltage. The sense voltage VB2 is assumed to be that of the intrinsic base. The total base resistance RBTot (= RBExt + RBInt) is then calculated according to: V −V RBTot ( I B ) = B1 B 2 I B1 (31) where VB1 is the biasing voltage and IB1 is the current supplied by terminal B1. RBInt(IB) is formulated to read RBInt ( I B ) = W − 2d 1 × RSq. E 3 LE (32) where RSq. is the sheet resistance of the intrinsic base, WE and LE is the drawn emitter width and length, respectively and d is the deviation of the real WE from the drawn. By plotting the extracted RBTot vs. WE for various VB1E the point where the lines intercept corresponds to WE = 2d and RBTot = RBExt. However, measurement data reveals that this intercept is bias-dependent, implying that RBExt varies with bias, which is nonphysical. The reason for this is that when assuming Eq. (32) to be valid, current crowding is neglected. All of the current dependence of RBInt is then included in RSq.. Consequently, base conductivity modulation is assumed to be the only cause for the decrease in RBInt(IB). If current crowding is present, RBInt should be formulated to read RBInt ( I B ) = f CC ( I B ) × RSq. WE LE (33) 35 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors where fCC(IB) is a function that describes the current crowding effect. The fact that current crowding is neglected results in a bias dependence of the intercept observed in Fig. 22. Further on, the factor of 1/3 in Eq. (32), although accurate for compact models, should not be used when RBInt is measured according to Eq. (31). As is pointed out in Paper 4, a prefactor of 1/2 should be used instead. Fly-back method This method was first proposed by Kulke and Miller in [40]. Later, Giacoletto [41] proposed a similar procedure. The method allows for extraction of either RE or RC. For extraction of RE, VCE is measured as a function of IB with the collector terminal left open, i.e. IC = 0 A. This means that the transistor is operating in saturation. The saturation voltage VCE,sat can be expressed as VCE , sat = VC ' E ' + I C × RC + I E × R E (34) where VC'E' is the internal voltage between the collector and emitter node. Base Resistance, RBTot (kΩ) By using the Ebers-Moll model formulation for VC'E' , Eq. (34) can be 14 VBE = 0.80 V 12 10 VBE = 0.85 V 8 VBE = 0.90 V 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Emitter Width, WE (µm) 6 Figure 22. Measured RBTot as a function of drawn WE for VBE = 0.8, 0.85 and 0.9 V. 36 Chapter 4. DC Extraction of Compact Model Parameters written as I 1− C βI B VCE , sat = −VT × ln α R 1 + (1 − α ) I C R IB + I C × RC + I E × RE (35) where αR is the reverse common base current gain. Since IC = 0 A and IE = IB, Eq. (35) is reduced to VCE , sat = C + I B × RE (36) where C is a constant. Therefore, RE can be extracted as the slope of the VCE,sat(IB) plot, as is shown in Fig. 23. RC can be extracted in a similar manner by leaving the emitter terminal open during measurements. However, it is worth to mention that the measured RC only corresponds to the part of the collector resistance originating from the buried collector and contact resistance, i.e. the constant part RCC. The variable part RCV may not be measured using this method. Recently, improvements of this extraction method were proposed which also includes the substrate effects [42]. Base Current, IB (µA) 10 8 6 1/RE 4 2 0 5.20 5.25 5.30 Collector - Emitter Voltage, VCE (mV) Figure 23. Extraction of RE using the fly-back method. Data are from Silvaco simulations [16]. 37 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors 4.3. Dual Base Terminal Test Structure The different trade-offs regarding the design of the dual base terminal test structure is presented in Paper 5. A schematic layout of the test structure is shown in Fig. 24. Parameter extraction is done by using one of the base contacts as a voltage tap, i.e. setting the current to zero and measuring the voltage [23, 27]. RBTot(IB) is given directly according to V − VB 2 RBTot ( I B ) = B1 . I B1 (37) However, as is shown in Chapter 3, this base resistance is measured according to the dual base terminal definition of RBInt. Therefore, a conversion is required if the compact model parameters are searched for. A conversion scheme is presented in Paper 3. The dual base terminal test structure also allows for extraction of RE from the same measurement data. The voltage difference between the sense terminal B2 and the emitter can be written as Eff VB 2 E = VBE + RE × I E . (38) Eff where VBE is the effective base emitter voltage. If current crowding Eff dominates, VBE becomes pinned to a certain value, even though VB1E is further increased [27]. RE may then be extracted from the slope of the VB2E versus IE plot. However, if base conductivity modulation occurs, the VB2E E B1 Contact holes LOCOS C B2 Emitter Poly-Si Figure 24. Simplified layout of a single poly-Si dual base terminal test structure. 38 Chapter 4. DC Extraction of Compact Model Parameters versus IE plot will not be linear, rendering the extraction of RE more elaborate. In Paper 2, a procedure for extracting RE under these Eff circumstances is proposed. Using a simple diode model, VBE in Eq. (38) is calculated from I I B1 = S βF Eff exp VBE N F VT − 1 . (39) The sheet resistance of the intrinsic base region RSq. can also be extracted using the dual base terminal test structure. A procedure for extraction of RSq. is presented in Paper 4. The measurement procedure is the same as for the pinched base measurements. However, by considering the Early effect, the zero bias sheet resistance is extracted with large accuracy. Further on, in Paper 6 extraction of the bias-dependent Early voltage parameters is demonstrated using only DC measurements on the dual base terminal test structure. By measuring the current between terminals B1 and B2 for different collector and emitter biases, the Early voltage can be calculated for each bias point. Thus, the bias-dependent Early voltages are extracted. This in turn allows for calculation of the built-in potentials and grading coefficients for both the emitter-base and the base-collector junctions. Consequently, the capacitance measurements, otherwise needed for extraction of these parameters, are not necessary. The measurement effort is thus considerably reduced. 4.4. Dual Collector Terminal Test Structure In Paper 5, a new type of test structure is proposed which adopts the basic ideas from the dual base terminal test structure. A second collector terminal C2 is added on the adjacent side of the emitter to C1. Figure 25 shows a schematic layout of the proposed test structure. The C2 terminal is used for sensing the voltage in the buried collector. RCC is given directly under forward biasing conditions from RCC = VC1 − VC 2 . I C1 (40) 39 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors E C1 B1 C2 B2 Figure 25. A simplified layout of the dual collector terminal test structure. All measurements and extraction procedures developed for the dual base terminal test structure are possible to transfer to the dual collector terminal test structure. However, since the collector region is not modeled in the same way as the base region, only extraction of RCC is directly applicable to compact BJT modeling. In Fig. 26, RCC extracted according to Eq. (40) is plotted for three different emitter widths as a function of the collector current. As shown in Paper 5, the dramatic drop that occurs for high currents is due to the Kirk effect [14]. It was observed in SILVACO simulations [16] that the collector current takes a “shortcut” along the field oxide and thus never passing through the n+-epi layer. Similar to the pinched base measurements, the additional collector terminal allows for pinched collector measurements. In such a way, the sheet resistance of the buried collector layer can be determined. However, knowledge of the drawn dimensions of the buried collector layer is required. 40 Collector Resistance, RCC (Ω) Chapter 4. DC Extraction of Compact Model Parameters 28 26 WE = 3 µm 24 WE = 1.2 µm 22 WE = 0.6 µm 20 18 -4 10 -3 10 10 -2 10 -1 Collector Current, IC1 (A) Figure 26. RCC extracted according to Eq. (40) for WE = 0.6, 1.2 and 3.0 µm. 41 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors 42 Chapter 5. Concluding Remarks 5. Concluding Remarks In this thesis, different aspects of DC parameter extraction and modeling of bipolar transistors have been treated. Emphasis is given to the dual base terminal BJT test structure which is shown to enable extraction of the emitter resistance RE, the extrinsic and intrinsic base resistance RBExt and RBInt and the sheet resistance of the intrinsic base region RS00 from DC measurements. DC extraction of parameters traditionally requiring capacitance measurements is also shown. These parameters are the biasdependent Early voltages VER and VEF, the built-in potentials Pe and Pc and the grading coefficients mje and mjc of the base-emitter and the basecollector junctions, respectively. A compact model of the currentdependent base resistance is proposed. The formulation is compatible with state-of-the-art compact BJT models. Further on, a new test structure is proposed which uses two separated base terminals and two separated collector terminals. Measurements on this test structure enable direct extraction of the constant part of the collector resistance and monitoring of the base push-out effect. Finally, a general formulation of a distributed model of the base-emitter junction is presented. By including the Early effect in the model formulation, more accurate calculations of the base resistance and the current, voltage and base charge distributions along the intrinsic base region is enabled, compared to earlier formulations. 43 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors During my time working with test structures, I have learned that the industry is relatively conservative regarding the use of test structures for extraction of compact model parameters. This is mostly due to the fact that there is always a physical difference between the test structure and the actual transistor. Even though this thesis has shown that accurate parameter determination is feasible using the dual base and dual collector terminal test structure, I doubt that the method will extensively be utilized by industry for extraction of parameters for compact BJT modeling. However, the fact that DC measurements on the test structure yields information about the collector layer, the extrinsic and intrinsic base regions, the emitter region, the built-in potentials and the grading coefficient of the pn-junctions renders it very suitable for process control in an industrial environment where automated wafer mapping measurements are extensively used. Looking into the future, an interesting continuation of Paper 7 would be to include the distributed b-e capacitance in the model. Thus, the AC debiasing of the base-emitter junction may be calculated as a function of frequency. The same effect is also a serious concern for RF applications of deep submicron CMOS circuits, where the distributed gate resistance and capacitance debias the gate electrode. Regarding the test structure, the separation of the extrinsic and the intrinsic base resistance could be improved. One idea would be to extract the intrinsic part using the method proposed in [43] and then subtract this resistance from the measured total base resistance. The result is then the extrinsic base resistance. This would however require additional measurements. Further on, only one method has been proposed for DC extraction of the bias-dependent collector resistance RCV [44]. The result from this method is difficult to interpret. The physical location of RCV (the quasi-neutral part of the epitaxial collector) makes it difficult to assess directly from measurements. Therefore, further work is required since determination of RCV is highly needed for accurate modeling of future high frequency BJTs. 44 Chapter 6. References 6. References 1. SIA Roadmap, "", 2001. 2. P. R. Gray and R. G. Meyer, "Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993. 3. C. C. McAndrew, J. A. Seitchik, D. F. Bowers, M. Dunn, M. Foisy, I. Getreu, M. McSwain, S. Moinian, J. Parker, D. 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The Effect of Emitter Overetch and Base Implantation Tilt on the Performance of Double Polysilicon Bipolar Transistors The effect of the emitter window overetch in a double poly-Si BJT process is investigated. The results indicate that an increased overetch raises the maximum cut-off frequency fT,max on the expense of a reduced maximum frequency of oscillation fMAX. The effect of the overetch is increased when using a tilted geometry when performing the intrinsic base implantation. Contributions: The author participated in process development and processing of the devices, performed the simulations and wrote the manuscript. 51 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors Paper 2. Extraction of Emitter and Base Series Resistances of Bipolar Transistors from a Single DC Measurement A new procedure for extraction of the base and emitter resistances of a BJT is presented. The procedure only requires one measurement in forward mode of operation on a dual base terminal test structure. Contributions: The author designed and measured the double poly-Si test structures. In addition, most of the writing of the manuscript was performed by the author. Paper 3. On DC modeling of the base resistance in bipolar transistors A compact model of the intrinsic base resistance is presented. By introducing a new model parameter, the existing model in e.g. the VBIC95 BJT model is improved so that both current crowding and base conductivity modulation are considered. A scheme for extraction of the base resistance parameters is also presented. Contributions: The author came up with the idea, performed some of the measurements and most of the writing of the manuscript. Paper 4. Extraction of the Intrinsic Base Region Sheet Resistance in Bipolar Transistors This paper presents a procedure that allows for extraction of the zero bias intrinsic base sheet resistance, RS00 from pinched base measurements. The extraction procedure considers base conductivity modulation, current crowding and base width modulation (Early effect). Contributions: The author performed some measurements, contributed in the development of the method and assisted in writing the manuscript. 52 Chapter 7. Summary of the Appended Papers Paper 5. A New Test Structure for Parasitic Resistance Extraction of Bipolar Transistors By using an additional collector terminal, direct extraction of the constant part of the collector resistance is enabled. Also, monitoring of the Kirk effect using the additional collector terminal is demonstrated. Contributions: The author came up with the idea, performed the design of the double poly-Si test structures, all the simulations, some of the measurements and wrote the manuscript. Paper 6. A Procedure for Characterizing the BJT Base Resistance and Early Voltages Utilizing a Dual Base Transistor Test Structure A simple way of extracting the bias-dependent Early voltage parameters from pinched base measurements is presented. Separation of the intrinsic and extrinsic parts of the base resistance is discussed. Contributions: The author performed some measurements, contributed in the development of the method and assisted in writing the manuscript. Paper 7. A Distributed Model of the Base - Emitter Junction in Bipolar Transistors Including the Early Effect A distributed model of the base-emitter junction is presented. The model accounts for current crowding, base conductivity modulation and base width modulation (the Early effect). In addition, a complete review of previous work on distributed transistor models are presented. Contributions: The author came up with the idea, performed all the calculations and measurements. Further on, the author wrote the manuscript. 53 DC Parameter Extraction and Modeling of Bipolar Transistors 54